#Tyner Rushing
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yourdailyqueer · 10 months ago
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Tyner Rushing
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Queer
DOB: 6 June 1992
Ethnicity: White - American
Occupation: Actress
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thefrakkintrinity15 · 1 year ago
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Some of “For All Mankind” girls in the Apple TV+ Primetime Emmy Party. 🎉
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lasaraconor · 1 year ago
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moocowmoocow · 11 months ago
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For All Mankind rewatch
Samantha Massey in 4x04 "House Divided"
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cinemaslife · 6 months ago
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#156 Por mandato del cielo
Brenda Wright (Daisy Edgar-Jones) conoce a Allen Lafferty (Billy Howle) en la iglesia de los mormones, ella es hija de un obispo moderno de la iglesia que piensa que sus hijas deben estudiar y no estar a las órdenes, ni ser las sumisas de ningún hombre.
Brenda y Allen se enamoraron rápidamente y él la presentó en seguida a su familia, a sus padres y a sus hermanos: Ron, Dan, Sam, Jacob, y sus hijos...
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Brenda dejó prendados en seguida a todos con su belleza e inteligencia, pero pronto empezaron a desconfiar de ella y sus actitudes, tachándola de poco creyente por no mostrarse sumisa y obediente como el resto de las esposas de los hermanos. Por ejemplo, Matilda (Chloe Pirrie) conoció a Dan, pero sus caminos se separaron, ella se casó con un católico y tuvo dos hijas, pero se acabó separando, después volvió con Dan, casándose y entregándose a él.
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Los Lafferty son muy famosos en la comunidad por ser entregados y estar presentes tanto para sí mismos como para los demás, pero ocurre que los hijos de los Lafferty suelen descarriarse, buscando ser los elegidos para poder llevar una vida plena.
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Los detectives Jeb Pyre (Andrew Garfield) y Bill Taba (Gil Birmingham) llegan a la casa de Allen y Brenda Lafferty, en la cocina alguien ha asesinado a la joven madre, y en el cuarto del bebé encontramos a Erica, de 15 meses, asesinada igual que su madre. Allen llega a casa cubierto de sangre y los detectives lo detienen como principal acusado del asesinato de Brenda y Erica.
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Jep Pyre también es mormón y conoce a los Lafferty y a Allen y Brenda de la iglesia, él también es un buen mormón, entregado, respetado y que entiende al padre celestial como la imagen representada del señor en la tierra.
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A lo largo de 7 capítulos, los detectives Pyre y Taba desgranan el crimen ocurrido, todo es cruel y desagradable y está más cerca de una visión distorsionada del señor que de la realidad.
Lo cierto es que cuando los padres de los Lafferty se van de misiones y dejan a su hijo Dan al cargo, no son conscientes de la mala decisión. Dan viendo señor y dueño de todo, intenta montar su clínica de quiropráctico, pero los pagos al estado hacen que sus beneficios sean reducidos, por lo que deciden que ninguno de los Lafferty va a pagar impuestos, vengan de donde venga, ya sean multas, o pagos mensuales. Solo se van a preocupar de pagar agua, luz y teléfono.
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Empiezan con esa pequeña cosa y deciden volverse mormones más clásicos y obviar las evoluciones de la religión para desempolvar viejos libros y creerse los elegidos del señor. Asegurando que el espíritu santo les habla y les dice que es el momento de leer el Pacificador. Dan y Ron se consideran los elegidos por el señor y como tal quieren poner de manifiesto la poligamia, golpear con violencia a sus mujeres y casarse con niñas de 14 años.
Todo esto crispa a las mujeres de los Lafferty que sufren la injusticia de los hermanos y sus ansias de poder, y Matilda descubre que Dan pretende casarse con las hijas que tuvo con su anterior marido, y que tienen 12 y 14 años. Por otro lado, la mujer de Ron, Dianna (Denise Gough) es golpeada tan duramente, que la iglesia le permite divorciase de Ron y huir de él con sus hijos.
Cuando la situación se sale de control y Dan y Ron manipulan al resto de sus hermanos para que sean infieles y golpeen a sus esposas. Allen, influenciado por ellos, deja de pagar las multas y acaba en la cárcel. Esto hace que su relación con Brenda se tense y que este le diga que no es una mujer entregada si no se casan y empiezan a tener hijos. Que ella debe revisar sus prioridades y asumir que para los mormones la familia va primero. Así Brenda deja su trabajo como periodista y se queda embarazada de Erica.
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Jep no puede creer que la iglesia tenga hermanos tan podridos, y pese a que su religión es firme y que la devoción y la fe son el único camino y los hermanos Dan y Ron han retorcido tanto la creencia que ahora se creen por encima de todo, tanto que redactan una lista de personas que hay que asesinar y en ella se encuentran muchos nombres, pero también el de Brenda y su hija de 15 meses, Erica.
Así, ambos asesinan a la joven madre y a su hija y huyen a por su siguiente objetivo, los que ayudaron a huir a Dianna, otros miembros de la congregación. Pero no los encuentra y comienza su huida buscando cazar a Dianna y a sus hijos.
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Todo lo unidos que estaban en la boda o el bautizo de la niña, es todo lo contrario cuando llegan a casa de su hermano para asesinar a su mujer y a su hija, solo porque desde un punto de vista más modernista, pidió a todos los que su propia iglesia les dice que acuda para buscar resolución les da la espalda. Por los movimientos de Brenda, y sus propias revelaciones en contra de su iglesia, ambos son sacados de la iglesia, por lo que solo siguen sus propios designos y lo que creen firmemente que el espíritu santo les dice como elegidos de Dios.
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Esta historia está basada en el crimen real de Brenda Wright Lafferty que fue asesinada por sus cuñados en su casa junto a su hija Erica, por una religión que aceptaron y adaptaron a sus necesidades. A día de hoy, uno ha fallecido, el otro sigue en el corredor de la muerte. Ninguno se arrepiente del asesinato de Brenda y Erica, ni lo hicieron nunca. Siguen convencidos de que fue un mandato de Dios.
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milliondollarbaby87 · 9 months ago
The Contractor (2022) Review
James Harper was a discharged US Special Forces sergeant and he risks everything for his families future when he joins a private contracting orgaisation and finds out that if things sound too good to be true then they probably are! ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading The Contractor (2022) Review
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helmstone · 2 years ago
For All Mankind season 4 trailer
For All Mankind season 4 trailer
Apple TV+ has released a trailer for season 4 of For All Mankind (note to self — get on with season 2 already!) focussed on Helios recruitment. Here’s the summary text accompanying it: Why shoot for the moon when you can shoot for Mars? Start your future at Helios. For All Mankind returns November 10 Rocketing into the new millennium in the eight years since Season 3, Happy Valley has rapidly…
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henrysglock · 16 days ago
nobody told me tyner rushing is a queer woman. nobody told me virginia creel is played by a queer woman!!!!!!
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oregontennis · 10 months ago
2023-24 Oregon All-State Tennis Teams
4A/3A/2A/1A Boys Singles All-State Team First Team EJ Roedl, Marist Catholic Zareh Gonzalvo, Catlin Gabel Reid Ravassipour, St. Mary's, Medford Mason Do, Oregon Episcopal Rand Freres, Oregon Episcopal
Second Team Aston Selley, Catlin Gabel Dawson Richards, Nyssa Alexander Ricketts, Marist Catholic Dominic Pulver, Sisters Jack Hally, Ontario
Honorable Mention Trysten Burns, Weston-McEwen/Griswold Cyrus Oliva, St. Mary's Medford
4A/3A/2A/1A Boys Doubles All-State Team First Team L. Olander / R. Li, Oregon Episcopal P. Tyner / A. Forsyth, Marist Catholic N. Chen / R. Nordhoff, Catlin Gabel B. Knight-Sheen / W. Barsotti, Marist Catholic S. Dinesh/ T. Stark-Seymour, St. Mary's Medford
Second Team C. Aguero / E. Mildren, Marist Catholic I. Bhardwaj / T. Freres, Oregon Episcopal B. Bair / L. McGourty, Vale C. Grover / E. Yoo, Oregon Episcopal L. Peterson/ L. Ho, St. Mary's Medford
Honorable Mention L. Norton / W. Jensen, Klamath Union A. Pelligrini/G. Scoble, Marist Catholic
4A/3A/2A/1A Girls Singles All-State Team First Team Patricia Dougherty, Klamath Union Raegan Farm, North Bend Whitney Hedden, Marist Catholic Bailey Bell, Philomath Ryan Lomber, Valley Catholic
Second Team Sami Shivakumar, Valley Catholic Ella Li, Oregon Episcopal Amanda Perez, Catlin Gabel Juhree Kizziar, Sisters Adele Beckstead, Philomath
Honorable Mention Callie Winebarger, Crook County Laken Herrera, Ontario
4A/3A/2A/1A Girls Doubles All-State Team First Team E. Seals / E. Seals, Vale C. Chamberland / P. Weerakoon, St. Mary's Medford P. Larson / S. Larson, Marist Catholic H. Ross / T. Tyner, Marist Catholic J. Mehta/E. Kim, Catlin Gabel
Second Team M. Roseman / A. Do, Oregon Episcopal H. Housely / D. Engstron, Crook County L. Mueller / C. Mueller, Irrigon B. Wagstaff/H. Wagstaff, Nyssa O. Jacoby/K. Schwin, Baker
Honorable Mention C. Nguyen/T. Murphy, Marist Catholic S. Rush/S. Wyland, Sisters
6A Boys Singles All-State Team First Team Will Semler, Lincoln Vitomir Petcov, Southridge Arnav Arora, Mountainside Reif Larsen, Jesuit Cooper Wyngarden, Lakeridge
Second Team Alexander Gurov, South Medford Surya Panyam, Jesuit Mason Men, Lake Oswego Tiger Semler, Lincoln Rowan Morrison, West Linn
Honorable Mention Guillermo Arce, Forest Grove Yehuda Zaretsky, South Eugene Blake Chandler, South Eugene Brayden Lee, Lakeridge Antonio Perez-Cansino, South Medford Wylly Fields, Lincoln Liam Mackura, Glencoe Jonah Black, Central Catholic Pace Crimon, Central Catholic
6A Boys Doubles All-State Team First Team K. Fernando / R. Chiang, Westview G. Hawkins / Z. Steinberg, West Linn A. Yan / T. Hernandez, Jesuit K. Rao / K. Zhou, Sunset L. Basi/ J. Hoda, Sprague
Second Team J. Cui / J. Lee, Lake Oswego S. Potter / M. Potter, Grant H. De La Cruz / T. Stump, Barlow R. Evenson / R. Alavi, Lake Oswego R. Valverde / A. Tadjedin, Grant
Honorable Mention A. Tran / L. Aman, Jesuit T. Hendrickson / O. Kuerbis, Grant J. Rickards / N. Bills, McMinnville C. Pate / J. Moffat, Barlow E. Meditz / L. Naugler, Grant N. Ernst / G. Chandler, Central Catholic C. Patrick / K. Forrar, Barlow J. Ebramsyah / I. Ahluwalia, Jesuit
6A Girls Singles All-State Team First Team Lauren Han, Clackamas Carissa Gerung, Jesuit Nikhitha Suresh, Sunset Alexis Uschold, South Medford Ava Kitchin, Lake Oswego
Second Team Tirzah Tarbox, Sprague Sydney Board, Tigard Sonya Drayton, West Linn Carlyta Barfield, Benson Sariah Plaisted, Century
Honorable Mention Giselli Reschke, Mountainside Rosalyn Cho, South Eugene Sabrina Larsen, Jesuit Ellie Park, South Eugene Sadie Paterson, South Salem Alyssa Piquette, Sheldon Caroline Rickards, McMinnville Sofia Sorokina, Nelson
6A Girls Doubles All-State Team First Team E. Kearney / H. Kearney, Sheldon A. Arora / T. Rao, Mountainside T. Rozendal / M. Rahul, West Linn K. Paine / K. Ayotte, Jesuit R. Beyrouty / E. Nickel, Sprague
Second Team K. Eames / R. Khalili, Lake Oswego A. Ainsworth / D. Fiskum, Sprague M. Mann / M. Regner, Westview E. Newton / R. Hefele, Lincoln K. Wattman / A. Roberts, Roseburg
Honorable Mention G. Molony / L. Weber, Barlow K. Olsson / S. Soman, Lincoln J. Hanson / M. Naugler, Grant R. Murphy / E. Schmitt, Lake Oswego P. Bittner / P. Evans, Sherwood A. Yao / N. Nagaraj, South Salem J. Paulsen / M. Fitzgerald, Lake Oswego J. Pilcher / A. Gladbach, Grants Pass
5A Boys Singles All-State Team First Team Richard Wang, Crescent Valley Kaiden Harris, La Salle Prep Max Himstreet, Summit Aiden Cruz, Caldera Brandon Vu, Centennial
Second Team Youssef Abdelsamad, Wilsonville Parks Vodak, Bend Grae Koller, Corvallis Wyattt Chance, Summit Hannes Zum Felde, Central
5A Boys Doubles All-State Team First Team A. McBride / R. McCoy-Hansen, Churchill E. Nichols / B. Nichols, La Salle Prep A. Lindsay / A. Berg, Summit N. Curtis / A. Tsai, Crescent Valley N. Rife / E. Nguyen, Summit
Second Team D. Vo / R. Lien, Parkrose B. Bloom / N. Wood, Summit V. Castaldo / I. Gains, Churchill L. Anderson / J. Bartlett, Wilsonville A. Ramirez / J. Gamboa, South Albany
5A Girls Singles All-State Team First Team Kennedy Harris, La Salle Prep Emily Gu, Crescent Valley Veronica Miller, Ashland Kate Bonetto, Summit Matilda Morgan, Summit
Second Team Keira Lin, Crescent Valley Trina Dinh, Parkrose Brooklyn Lindsey, Redmond Tiara Yeung, Milwaukie Corinna Lobschied, Corvallis
5A Girls Doubles All-State Team First Team Z. Hughes / A. Li, Crescent Valley J. Tatsumi / K. Scoggins, Wilsonville B. Capps / G. Stott, Redmond S. Cassaro / D. Streater, Ridgeview H. Sullivan/ K. Kelly, Summit
Second Team C. Nguyen / S. Nguyen, Parkrose A. Diliberto / K. Swigert, Summit P. Davisson / A. Davisson, Silverton K. Carter / A. Donnelly, La Salle Prep I. Hanna-Barofsky / E. Li, La Salle Prep
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movienized-com · 1 year ago
The Last Thing He Told Me
The Last Thing He Told Me (Mini-Serie 2023) #JenniferGarner #NikolajCosterWaldau #AngourieRice #AishaTyler #AugustoAguilera #LondonGarcia Mehr auf:
Mini-serie / Beschütze sieJahr: 2023 (April) Genre: Mystery / Drama / Thriller Hauptrollen: Jennifer Garner, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Angourie Rice, Aisha Tyler, Augusto Aguilera, London Garcia, Brielle Angelique, Jackson Kelly, Lisa Cole, Geoff Todd, Frederick Lawrence, Jacob Plank, Lena Avgust, Stephen Shymansky, Geoff Stults, John Kim, Matt Craven, Tyner Rushing, Gary Teague, Brady Tutton,…
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seriesnubiles · 1 year ago
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For All Mankind S04E04 Tyner Rushing as Samantha Massey
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svalleynow · 1 year ago
Football Results from Games Played on September 29
Pictured left to right:Ryan Bumpus, Jacy Gatlin, Parris Eddison, Reese Saylors, Queen, Giannah Tucker, Ayla Flintz, Kayley McLemore andTori Rymer. Photo from Marion County High School EJ Wilson had a 111-yard rushing performance on just two carries and two touchdowns during Marion County’s 28-6 win over Tyner in Jasper on Friday night. The third-ranked Warriors, at 7-0 on the season, will travel…
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lasaraconor · 1 year ago
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moocowmoocow · 11 months ago
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For All Mankind rewatch
Samantha Massey in 4x05 "Goldilocks"
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atozphantomsquadron · 2 years ago
Chapter Fifteen: War Council
August 8th
            I stand proudly at the window of the Ranch house and watch a mini-skirmish taking place in the field outside. Two groups of fighters from the Attack division are facing each other down. One of them is in torn blue t-shirts, given to them by Gabe: this is a strategy session, and they��re supposed to be the SSA, and as such can only use guns and not their powers. The other side is using their powers to the full advantage.
            A few faces I recognize in the crowd. Lydia Dales is using a trick I taught her to take advantage of her power, rushing up behind opponents and covering their faces with her hands, force-feeding them her wine and incapacitating them. Trent Gracin rolls across the field and bowls into a group of “blueshirts,” knocking them all aside. A couple others I remember from their demonstrations, such as Harry Tyner, a sound specialist who vibrates his arms like a cricket’s legs and creates sound wave attacks. By the end of the exercise, the “blueshirt” force is scattered and beaten, and only a couple of the supernatural team have any wear.
            Gabe walks into the center of the field and claps. I can’t exactly hear what he’s telling them, but I’m sure it has something to do with countering the part of the SSA playbook he was showing them.
            My army, now they’re truly becoming one.
            A gentle voice behind me turns my attention away. It’s Mom, looking even better as the days go along. She’s smiling, but I also see she’s holding her uniform I wore through the Inferno, the one that I thought I had destroyed, but now is somehow just as clean as it was the first time I put it on.
            “Kitty tells me you’ve been wearing my uniform for a while.”
            I’m kind of bashful for some reason. “I hope you don’t mind, it was useful for being able to use my wings without ripping holes in shirts.”
            Mom nods kind of sadly. “What about your … other transformations?”
            I sigh deeply. I know it makes her very depressed that I can grow into a dragon now too, but I’m determined to make that curse into a benefit for us all, just like she has. “It works with those too, just like Uncle Cyrus said it worked with yours.”
            She sighs and smiles again. “Good. I’m very glad it still works.” She turns around and starts walking back down the hallway. I can’t resist, I follow her. We wind up at the room that for two years held my comatose father; he’s now sharing it with his wife, which is certainly proper.
            Then I notice Mom taking off her shirt. “Mom, what are you doing?”
            She slips on the uniform top. “Still fits. Amazing.” She turns around toward me. “We need to take a look at your dragon, and see exactly what she’s capable of.”
            I shrug. “I’ve been finding that out myself for a while, actually. I …” I stop myself short because I realize it’s not for my benefit. It’s for hers. “Okay. I’m running out of outfits, though.”
            “Don’t worry.” Mom reaches down by the bed, then tosses me a mass of fabric. “Cyrus has you covered.”
            It’s purple and turquoise blue, and it feels much the same as the uniform. I hold up the top and find that it’s made to the same design as the uniform, but smaller, which means it’ll fit me a bit better than the uniform did.
            Then there’s the final touch. In the same space on the top where Mom’s maiden name is stitched on the uniform is mine. White embroidery forms SHARPE in military block letters.
            “Put that on and meet me outside. We’ll fly.” Mom punctuates her words with a loving smile.
            Oh God, I haven’t flown with Mom in what feels like forever! I rush back down to my room and quickly change into the flight suit. When I emerge, Mom’s already waiting for me at the front door of the house.
            I’m suddenly caught by the way she looks. Sure, she might be in her fifties, but the uniform still fits her, and she still looks as young as ever. If there’s one thing Gerard wasn’t able to do, it was destroy her spirit. I get an image in my mind of Mom and Dad and Uncle Cyrus and Aunt Kitty in their adventuring days, fighting off demons, making life a living hell for anyone who challenged them.
            Now that duty falls to their daughters. Michi and myself.
            “Are you coming?” She sounds giddy, like she’s been wanting to fly with me as much as I have with her.
            “You got it, Mom!” I rush over to her and we both run out the front door. Once we’re at a clearing near the door, Mom waves me aside and closes her eyes, beginning her transformation. This always fascinates me to watch, seeing my mother change from a tall green-skinned woman into a gigantic dragon. Her neck lengthens, her torso bulks up and her limbs become legs with sharp talons. Her wings sprout and grow to immense proportions.
            The dragon stands before me finally, and I can kind of see a smile on her snout.
“Your turn.”
            It is my turn, isn’t it? I do much like Mom did, close my eyes and focus all my concentration on my body. I feel the changes take place, the stretching of sinew and bone and ligament, pulling my proportions out to the extreme that the dragon would display. I feel my tail sprout, pushing its way from my spine; I feel my wings stretching far over me; I feel my neck and my face lengthening. I finally open my eyes when I sense every change is finished.
            I’m eye-to-eye with Mom now. She takes one pacing look-over of my dragon body. I flap my wings, a little bit of showing off on my part. I hear her snuffle as she looks over my dragon’s haunches, my wings, and even my tail, which is a difference from her own body. It would make me self-conscious, but this is Mom we’re talking about. I’d imagine she wants to know what Gerard did to me and how it compares to what he did to her.
            When she seems satisfied, she comes back around to face me. She flaps her wings a couple times, lifts up to her rear haunches, and leaps. A hard downward flap of her wings launches her high into the sky, and she glides over my head.
            Far be it for me to leave her alone up there! I decide I’m going to try her technique for takeoff: I stretch my wings a little bit, then lift up on my rear legs. The tail helps me to stabilize my posture. I might be overthinking it, but I’m trying to coordinate my jump and my flap, as she seemed to do. Finally, I just decide to do it.
            I jump and flap. My body rockets up into the air, just like hers. I begin my swimmer’s stroke wing flaps, and join her in an easy circling glide over the Ranch. At this altitude, we can see the surrounding area where the place is currently parked, such as the Edmonton skyline and the rolling plains of Alberta and Manitoba.
            My gaze winds up fixed on Mom, still gliding in lazy circles. She flaps her wings and ascends, then starts accelerating. I angle myself so that I can pursue her, beginning my regular fast wing pattern. I find that I’m catching up to her very quickly, to the point that I nearly overshoot her, except I slow up at the last minute to fly alongside her. We turn and bank, creating lazy figure-eights in the air, dipping and chasing each other.
            Mom nods toward me, then turns away, opens her maw, and sends a firecast blazing into the afternoon air. Her face turns back toward me.
            She wants to see me do it, too. I flap faster to come alongside her, and then let fly with my own pillar of flames. The range is similar, but mine is a narrower, fine-tuned beam, as opposed to Mom’s, which spreads out and covers a lot of area in a short period of time.
            She seems impressed. She nods at me, then begins a decent down to the ground. I follow her, and together we alight and land in the same clearing from which we started. A moment’s concentration later, we’re both shrinking back down into our human forms, until we’re face-to-face once again, mother and daughter.
            The adrenaline is still high for both of us. We clutch each other tightly.
            “I’m so proud of you, Alanna. It’s a terrible burden, but you’ve done so much and so well …”
            It feels good to receive this praise. “Thanks, Mom.” I snuggle closer into her embrace.
            Our hug is interrupted by a male voice clearing his throat behind us. I turn and see William standing there. “Ladies, Alanna is needed inside. Gabe asked for you.”
            I nod to my fiancé … call me silly, but it’s really nice to think of him that way … but I squeeze Mom’s hand. “We’ll fly again soon, I promise.”
            She smiles kind of sadly. “I know we will, Alanna. When this is over, we’ll glide in skies of glory.”
            That sounds far too ominous. Come on, let’s keep some optimism here!
            I squeeze Mom’s hand one last time before crossing the plain to join William at the door. He takes an arm and wraps it around my waist.
            “So what’s going on?” I ask.
            “I don’t really know. Gabe seems pretty enthused about his strategy session today, and he told us he wants all of us trainers to meet.”
            I nod. “It’s very hard to figure out what he’s thinking most of the time.”
            “Agreed,” William responds with a low voice. “I’ve never met such an enigmatic man in my life.”
            If only you knew the half of it!
            We make our way into the dining room, where all the other trainers are seated around the table. Gabe stands at the head, while Teresa and Aunt Kitty flank him. Michi sits with Teresa while Uncle Cyrus is next to his wife, holding her hand. I don’t think they’ve even let go of them at all when they’re together lately, and considering the stakes I really don’t blame them.
            Gabe motions for me and William to sit down. I take the opposite end of the table from Gabe, and William puts himself to my left side, claiming my hand in his once he sits down.
            “Thank you for joining me here, folks. I’d like an update on your training.” He motions to Teresa. “Let’s start with you.”
            Teresa takes a deep breath. “With the exception of the rescued SSA supernaturals, most of our forces are terribly out of shape. I’m doing my best with them, but I think we’ll be lucky if we don’t have half the force having heart attacks before the SSA even crosses the fence lines.”
            Gabe nods. “Unfortunate, but we need to work with what we’ve got. How much improvement have you seen out of them?”
            “Little victories here and there, but not very much. It’s all about stamina, really, the staying power of our troops leaves something to be desired.”
            “I see.” Gabe turns toward the next trainer. “Michika, what’s the word?”
            “We’ve got a good amount of battle mages, which we can send out for distance attacks and the like, but don’t count on them getting too physical. Most of them can’t take a punch without wilting like one of Mom’s soufflés.”
            “Anyone who’s better in the physical department?”
            “A couple, myself included, but I’d strongly recommend keeping most of them toward the back of the lines.”
            Gabe nods. “I see. Kitty?”
            Aunt Kitty clears her throat. “Most of them are taking well to firearms training. I got a couple real marksmen among the Support team, so I’d like to place them up top as snipers. Small arms is what most of the others are accustomed to, so they’ll stick with the pistols and slingshots.”
            We all get disbelieving looks on our faces. Gabe’s expression barely shivers. “Slingshots? You aren’t serious, are you?”
            “Deadly serious. If it’s good enough for David, it’s for damn sure good enough for our forces.”
            Silence dominates the room, until Gabe breaks it. “Okay then. William, your report please.”
            William squeezes my hand. “Our medics are getting the best that I can give, but too many of them have too little experience with field triage. If we get into an especially brutal fight, they’ll be overwhelmed, and it’ll be a difficult thing to get our side back in fighting shape.”
            “I see.” Gabe presses forward. “Cyrus?”
            “I think the door’s going to be in good hands. I hand-picked the eight highest-skilled members of our force, and gave them the duty of guarding the door. Among the defenders will be myself and Kitty.” Aunt Kitty squeezes his hand as he says this. “I’ve given the other defenders a crash course in Avalon’s importance, and emphasized exactly how vital it is that the SSA not cross through it.”
            “How much of the stakes do they know?”
            “Only as much as I’ve told them, which isn’t very much.”
            Gabe nods. “That brings us to you, Alanna, what have you to report?”
            It’s my turn to clutch to William’s hand tightly. “I’ve been giving some of our forces some alternative means of using their powers, which they’re taking to pretty easily. I think you saw a couple of those options in your scrimmage today, Gabe.”
            “Yes, I did notice some interesting things going on.”
            “Many of the latents are starting to fully realize their powers, so we should have a fully supernatural force by the time we need it.”
            “And that gets us to the point of this meeting,” Gabe announces. I’m dreading this. “Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve done well in the short period of time you’ve had thus far, but now things have to accelerate.”
            Worried murmurs circle the table. “Accelerate by how much?” William asks.
            “By a tremendous amount, and here’s why.” Gabe tosses the file on Operation Glass Jaw on the table. “I’ve finished my review of this report and battle plan. It’s very thorough, indeed, right down to the projected location of the Ranch in October.”
            We lean in eagerly, awaiting Gabe’s continuation.
            “Cyrus, please confirm if this is correct. Glass Jaw is set to commence on October 27th, at which time they’ve forecast the Ranch to appear 50 miles east of Boise, Idaho.”
            Uncle Cyrus closes his eyes, thinking it over in his head. His face drops when he answers. “They’re only off by about half a mile, but yes that’s where the Ranch will be on that date.”
            “Wait a minute,” I interrupt. “How do we know for sure? Why would we even be moving in the first place? We’re in Canada, the New Empire can’t touch us.”
            “Normally, I’d agree,” Gabe intones, “but now with the focus on placing pressure on the UN, Canada can’t afford to be defiant toward its neighbor anymore. I’ve heard from reliable sources that SSA troops are headed into Alberta, looking for us.”
            “Because of this,” Uncle Cyrus continues, “I’m setting up a spell which will send the Ranch to random locations around North America at random intervals. This way, we can stay one step ahead of the SSA. Unfortunately, someone’s managed to calculate the randomness of the spell, and figured out a pattern which is pretty accurate.”
            “That’s right,” Gabe confirms. “And as such, we need to accelerate our preparations.” He leans forward on the dining room table. “Ladies, gentlemen, I propose that we move up the schedule of Operation Glass Jaw, and drop in on the SSA early … say, two months early.”
            He can’t be serious! That’s suicide! Everyone around the table launches into an uproar. We’re all pretty much agreed, there’s no way the supernaturals will be battle-ready on that kind of a timeline.
            Teresa stands up to Gabe. “What you’re asking is impossible!”
            “You might think so,” Gabe cautions, “but I don’t. I saw how they’re working together out there today. They have strategy, when they have an able field commander to give it to them. They have ability. They have powers at their disposal. Most of all, they have the will to fight. They know that the stakes are very high, that their very existence depends on winning this battle. I have every confidence in these people that they will pull it together, that they will work for you, and in the end they will defeat the SSA.”
            Somehow Gabe’s assurance is less than satisfying. “Are you absolutely sure about this?”
            Gabe smirks. “Positive. If we do this, victory is ours.”
            He truly believes in this plan of attack. He wants to bring the battle to them, not wait around for them to come to us.
            I think I’d want to do the same thing.
            “Okay, Gabe. You got me.” I stand up at my end of the table. “I’ll get their powers working to the fullest.”
            William rises next to me. “We’ll have the best field hospital we can muster.”
            Michi stands. “Our mages will be ready to go kick some blueshirt ass.”
            Both Uncle Cyrus and Aunt Kitty rise in unison. Aunt Kitty speaks for them both. “You have my guns and Cy’s defenders.”
            Teresa’s face appears bewildered, but finally she stands with us. “Well, I can’t promise anything, but I’ll do my best to make sure nobody drops dead on us.”
            Gabe smiles. “It’s settled, then. One way or another, in nineteen days this conflict ends.”
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multiprises · 3 years ago
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Disruption, The Terminal List, 1.05
Tucker Gates (D), Olumide Odebunmi & Tolu Awosika (S), 01/07/22
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