#Tyler Buckingham
moviesandmania · 1 year
POLLEN (2023) Reviews of psychological horror
‘The seeds of fear are everywhere’ Pollen is a 2023 American psychological horror film about a young woman who is assaulted and disturbed by visions of a tree monster. Written and directed by D.W. Medoff, making his feature film directorial debut (shorts: Visitants; Yahrzeit; AWOL; I’m Down Here; Utley).Produced by Stephen Beehler and Shannon Morrall. The RoleCall-Bone Broth Films co-production…
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darkmovies · 1 year
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Pollen (2023) Date de sortie : 06/06/2023 Réalisateur : D.W. Medoff Scénario : D.W. Medoff Avec : Ava Rose Kinard, Tyler Buckingham, Bennett Welch
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miracleblog · 1 year
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Miracleman: The Silver Age 4 - Variant Edition (2023) 
Illustration by John Tyler Christopher.
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cjsmalley · 3 months
Wished Away 9
Tylers meet Phantoms:
“Christ, Mum,” Rose said as she took in how Jackie, Pete, and Tony were dressed, “we’re just meetin’—”
“Royalty!” Jackie squeaked. They were all done up like they were meeting the Queen at Buckingham Palace itself!
“Honestly, Mum, they don’t care,” Rose rolled her eyes, grabbing her mother’s wrist and tugging her through the console room and to the wardrobe room, “I told ya ta dress casually. Let’s just hope the Ol’ Girl has clothes fer ya.”
It took about an hour to get everyone redressed, in things much more casual but still nice, before Rose led them back to the console room.
Jackie was clearly anxious, “Are ya—”
“’m sure, Mum. Danny an’ Sam don’t do formal unless they have ta. Unless you’re an annoying subject or someone threatenin’ war, ya don’t even have ta call ‘em by their titles. They’re just Danny an’ Sam ta family.”
“Lookie what I found,” Jenny bounded from the innards of the TARDIS, holding a tiny bike helmet.
She went to her toddler uncle and put it on him, making sure it fit right, “Landings in the Realms are worse than normal ones. The TARDIS does Her best but the Realms give her…nausea? A headache? She just doesn’t do good.”
“Oh, goody,” Jackie said lowly, hugging a strut for dear life already.
“Let me protect Anthony,” Bad Wolf came out, holding out her arms; without hesitation, Pete handed his son over.
Bad Wolf settled Tony in her arms, against her chest and shoulder, and then spread her feet and crouched slightly, clearly bracing for impact; she stayed steady even as the TARDIS began Her flight.
Everyone else was thrown about the console room, the Doctor and Jenny barely holding on to work the console, but Bad Wolf and Tony did not move an inch.
The landing was rough, just as Jenny said it would be, throwing even the Time Lords to the grated floor before the TARDIS stopped quaking.
Jenny recovered first and stood up, rubbing her shoulder, to peek out the doors, “We’re in the Palace. Uncle Danny and Aunt Sam are waiting…”
Slowly, everyone picked themselves up and Rose reemerged, straightening with some popping from her knees.
Jenny led the procession out, racing to hug a man and a woman, “Uncle Danny, Aunt Sam! How’re you?”
Danny and Sam chuckled and hugged her as one, “Good, doing good. You?”
She let go of them to drag Jackie, who was hesitant, forward, “This’s my Gran, Jackie. Mum’s side, duh. Completely human. He’s my step-granddad, Pete, and Mum’s holding my uncle, Tony.”
“Yer Majesties,” Jackie tried to curtsy even though she was in trousers, “an honor ta—”
“Oh, enough,” Sam chuckled, “didn’t they tell you? We don’t do formalities with family.”
“Family?” Jackie’s eyes were wide, “I know Rose said—but—”
“We count Clockwork as family,” Danny explained, “and he’s claimed the Doctor as family. The Doctor and Jenny. Rose’s basically married in by this point. Common-law, you understand. That makes her family our family. Welcome to the Palace, your home in the Infinite Realms.”
“My god,” Pete muttered, somewhat disbelieving.
“Not a god, not yet anyways,” Danny winked.
“Where’s Dani?” Jenny burst out, “Is she still in school?”
Sam grinned, “With Anakin, in the nursery. We let her stay home today.”
“Oh, Gran! Can I introduce Tony to Anakin? Please!” Jenny nearly begged.
“Anakin’s our youngest,” Danny explained kindly, “around Tony’s age, actually. We also have a nanny looking after them, Nanny Clara. He’d be perfectly safe.”
“Well…” Jackie looked to her husband, who nodded, “if you’re sure.”
Jenny cheered and took Tony from Rose, dashing off with him deeper into the Palace.
“Jenny knows the Palace as well as anyone,” Sam assured, “and if she gets lost, she can flag down a servant for help. She’s heading directly for the nursery. It’s the most defensible part of the Palace.
Danny stood up, helping Sam, “C’mon, we can talk over food; stay close, Tylers. Doctor?”
“Rose and I can bring up the rear,” the Doctor agreed, taking Rose’s hand as they began walking.
The Palace was a gothic masterpiece, in a very literal sense, though even Sam had wearied of all the gloom and had sought artists and artwork to fill the halls, soft, plush carpets and tapestries to keep the warmth, glassworks to fill the once barred windows. Statues and busts dotted the hallways, some classical, some avant garde
Masters had given their masterpieces, their magnum opuses; they were paid handsomely of course, in either coin or material.
Oils, watercolors, acrylics, textiles, glass, all created for Her Majesty the Ghost Queen. For His Majesty the Ghost King.
It wasn’t yet a riot of color, nor would it ever be, but it was more alive.
Jackie gasped and the group stopped, turning as one to see what had captured her attention.
“When they said the family was huge…”
Ah, it was the most recent family portrait; all the children were gathered around Danny and Sam, all in formal wear.
“We…sometimes people sell the souls of children to me,” Danny started, causing her and Pete to whip around to him in horror, “I know, it’s horrible, isn’t it? But anyways, we adopt the kids. Only Dani—Danielle—isn’t adopted.”
He pointed out each child and gave their backstory.
“Good Lord, you were young!” Pete said at Damian’s story.
“Old enough to be king,” Danny shrugged helplessly, “it…it wasn’t easy, we had help, so much help, and we made mistakes…”
“All parents do,” Jackie told him softly.
“So we’ve been told,” Sam smiled just as softly, “and we’ve learned and made new ones with each kid.”
Danny coughed and continued to point out kids and tell stories, until all had been covered and then they moved on.
As they neared the dining room, Danielle and Jenny joined them with each holding a toddler.
“Oh my,” Jackie said, taking in the Anakin Skywalker; she knew who he grew up to be, or would have if he had not been adopted.
“We’re hungry, Dad,” Danielle said.
Danny waved them into the dining room where the smaller table was already set for a meal; there were two chairs with booster seats and Jenny and Danielle put Tony and Anakin in them before sitting beside them and helping them get food.
The group chatted over the meal, Jackie and Pete slowly relaxing at how easy going the Royals were, and generally had good cheer.
After the meal was done, Jenny asked, “Do we put their photo up on the family wall now? I know you’ve got me, Dad, and Mum…”
Danny chuckled, “We can, if they’re okay with it.”
“Family wall?” Pete questioned.
“We keep walls of pictures of the extended family,” Sam explained easily, “you know, like Rose, the Doctor, and Jenny. Harry’s and Neville’s parents. Damian’s paternal birth-family. The Royal Portrait is just the immediate royal family. The walls are for everyone and everything else.”
Danny and Sam led the group out of the dining room and down another hallway; the walls were plastered with photographs. Some were professional, most were candid and amateur.
A common camera sat on a small round table; a high-end camera but nothing too expensive or professional.
Danny picked it up, saying, “If Jackie, Pete, and Tony don’t mind—”
Jackie decided it would be a family photograph and dragged the Doctor in; Rose and Jenny came without complaint.
Danny took a set of pictures.
After that was done, it was decided it was time for the Tylers to leave, taking pity on the still disgruntled TARDIS.
They were, however, invited to the next family gathering.
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libraryofgage · 11 months
Ko-Fi Writing Commissions!
Want a fic with your favorite tropes? Got an idea that just won't leave you alone but no energy to write it yourself? Want somebody to write your OC's backstory? Craving a cringe (affectionate) haiku?
Well, I'm your gal!
I will write:
Prose or poetry
Light gore
OC backstories/drabbles
I will not write:
Heavy gore
Intense action scenes
Dead dove (this covers a lot, so I'm happy to discuss potential dead dove content)
500 words = $5 1k = $10 1.5k = $15 2k = $20 Anything more than 2k is eligible for price negotiation
Poetry is eligible for price negotiation *Prices doubled for smut
Fandoms/ships I'll write:
Stranger Things: Steddie, Ronance, Buckingham MXTX: Hualian, BingQiu, Wangxian BNHA: TodoDeku, ShinDeku, ShinKami, DabiHawks, NatShig This list isn't comprehensive. I'll write for almost any fandom and pairing; just let me know what you're interested in seeing!
Commissions may take anywhere between 1 and 3 weeks depending on how busy work makes me, but I will keep you updated on the time and progress of your piece
Payments will be made through Ko-Fi. If you'd like to commission me, please send me a message via Discord (send a friend request to @ hetafe) or Tumblr DM
Special Deal!
Got a favorite series that you wanna see updated sooner? Have it jump to the front of my To-Write line for $15
The following series are eligible for line jumping:
Addams Family B-Side (Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually---Debbie and Fester Addams)
Good Vibrations
SpiderPool Steddie
Mermaid/Pirate Steddie
PJO Steddie
A Place Like Steve in a Boy Like This (Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually--- Rick and Evelyn O'Connell)
Harlequin Prince (Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually--- Harley Quinn)
A Hop, a Skip, and a TARDIS Jump (Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually--- Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler)
A Prince and a Metalhead (Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually--- Queen Clarisse Renaldi)
The Wish Job (Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually--- Leverage Crew)
Any unwritten Parent AU from the Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually series that I've currently got ideas for (Crowley and Aziraphale, The Scooby Gang, etc.)
If you'd like to line jump a series, just send the ko-fi with your desired series as a comment! Series will jump based on the order and number of ko-fi payments received for any given series, and the series will be updated within 1 week
All series listed are drafted/planned. Requesting a series update simply pushes your desired series to the front of that update line so you can read more of it sooner
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redundant2 · 2 years
The "princess" bullshit
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Today I had to be out adulting, and so missed the big announcement. After reading around a bit, here's my take:
Sounds like they may have christened Lilibucks with the name "Princess Lilibet." I could christen my kid Superman Megastud, but it still wouldn't be his LEGAL name. And it still wouldn't make him the real Superman.
This is really cringey, when you think about how vehemently they've rejected the "racist, colonialist monarchy" in all their attack media. So why would they willingly give their kids the titles of such a "terrible" institution? ( $$$) I think she's becoming more unhinged by the second. DES.PER.ATE.
The articles claim Buckingham Palace has confirmed it, but until we see the announcement on the BP letterhead, pretty sure it's just Megnuts Manifesting. Again. Like the Oscars. Or the Met Gala.
Are we sure the christening really happened with a real, live female toddler? Are there pictures and/or video? Because I can't see them letting a crowd of folks into the Olive Garden with its jute Ikea rugs and 85% of the rooms unfurnished. They have never filmed any of their narcumentary scenes there - why? Do they actually live there? They're proven repeated liars. Pics, or the christening didn't happen.
Is Tyler Perry the most gullible sucker ever born? Is he the ILBW's 3rd (4th, 5th) husband? Is he being blackmailed? Is this the humiliation portion of his Ill&min*ti inititation? Make it make sense.
1917 Letters Patent interpretations vary, much like recollections. I have felt that to automatically be entitled to the title Prince or Princess, a child must be born as the direct grandchild of the current monarch. Archewell and Invisibet were born as the great-grandchildren of the monarch, and so are not automatically eligible. That's one reason for the recent speculation that Nutmeg would try to get knocked up now that Charles is King. Feel free to disagree, but that's my take.
It feels like something is coming down the pike in the wake of #Evictus, and I bet the Harkles are putting this out in the world to get in front of it. Is she branding Lilibucks as a princess now before info comes out about her birth?
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Things are getting interesting.
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dykelips · 5 months
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hi, i'm beatrix! (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
or, you can call me bea!
some things about me—i'm a nineteen year old, sapphic enby who goes by he/she. i'm whiter than white and a sucky american. i have adhd + autism, i'm a pisces, i'm an atheist, my mbti is infp, i have depression, and separation/social anxiety.
dni—israel supporters, transphobes, homophobes, sexists, racists, abelists, religious forcers, mean mfs, f4f accounts, spam accounts, basic dni.
byf—keyboard smashing, caps, ranting, random thoughts, i hyperfixate a lot, uhh idk i'm just kinda all over the place pretty much
some fandoms that i'm in—yellowjackets, the goldfinch, the perks of being a wallflower, stranger things, i am not okay with this, the end of the fucking world, fear street trilogy, ready or not, edward scissorhands, barbie, little miss sunshine, lady bird, the breakfast club, pretty in pink, ten things i hate about you, ferris bueller's day off (and like a hundred more)
some bands and artists i listen to are—chappell roan, djo, taylor swift, my bloody valentine, mitski, phoebe bridgers, hozier, bôa, faye webster, lesley gore, deftones, jack stauber, mazzy star, adrianne lenker, paramore, tyler the creator, frank ocean, steve lacy, flyleaf, the wallows, chappell roan, noah kahan, boygenius, alex g, the nbhd, arctic monkeys, the cranberries (and also a million more)
my current hyperfixations are—yellowjackets, stranger things, taylor swift, chappell roan, steddie, jackieshauna, lottienat, taivan, buckingham, and boreo. truly boring, but i don't care atp.
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dm me if you wanna talk or just ramble about things you have in common! i'm very friendly and open to making friends!
xox, bea 💮 🦢
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at-thestillpoint · 6 months
You're stuck on a desert island with one of those tiny mp3 players that were rampant in the pre-iPod days and only held like 64mb worth of data. What are the top 5 tunes from any time that you're putting on there?
[ask me my top 5 anything!]
Five songs from forever to keep me entertained on a desert island?? It is rude how hard this was! I went for five different moods/genres, because who knows when you're going to want to be crooned at vs. contemplative vs. angry vs. in need of a solid banger?
Feathered Indians, Tyler Childers — This has been my on-repeat song lately. I cannot get it out of my head. I think it would eventually drive me crazy on the island, but sometimes you just want to daydream about tussling with a bearded man, you know?
Mr. Brightside, The Killers — Who doesn't need something to belt out at the top of their lungs?
Black Butterflies and Déjà Vu, The Maine — It's a bop! I went to the "Last" Warped Tour to, as they say, heal my inner (emo) child, and The Maine was my unexpected breakaway favorite set. I feel like that joy could be very sustaining.
It's All Coming Back to Me Now, Celine Dion — This song takes you through so many different emotions and it's almost eight minutes long. Cherry pick the emotion you want to feel!
Silver Spring, Fleetwood Mac — Bring Stevie's energy to everything you need to accomplish! Spearing a fish? Done. Climbing the palm tree? No problem. Swimming against the current to reach the turtle life raft that swam away? Just channel her anger and disdain toward Lindsey Buckingham, and nothing could possibly get in your way.
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riotkayla · 2 years
Sometimes The Doctor finds themself in a place that Rose Tyler happens to be at in Pete’s World. The cracks may be sealed off, but for a few seconds, they both can feel each other.
It was the reason they stayed away from modern-day England for so long after the battle of Canary Wharf. They would stroll down the streets and the feeling would overtake them. She was everywhere, all the time. In a bookstore just off the beaten path, they swore her laugh lingered in the air. Another time, they felt her brush past in the middle of the night in front of Buckingham Palace.
In their Eleventh regeneration, The Doctor found themselves laying in the grass of a park. Elbows digging into the soft ground as Amy and Rory stood on the edge of the pond looking at ducks. A shift in the wind caused both hearts to stop. Rose’s perfume filled their senses. They turned their head to the side she would have sat on, always on the Right. She was their right-hand person. And they smiled. A peak into her world would show the same. Rose at the park, her doctor sprawled out like they were in New New York ages ago. Chatting about nothing, eyes lingering on the children as they waddled towards the ducks.
The thirteenth face held a melancholy memory. Anytime their eyes caught the blonde mop they can’t help but think about Rose. One particular evening the TARDIS dropped them off at a random chip shop. No companions, just The Doctor. They sat by the window, eyes flickering towards the ship until they felt it. The seat in front was completely unoccupied but her energy was all around. In Pete’s World, all yellow and pink, Rose Tyler sat with her brother Tony and Tentoo. Her eyes shifted to the spot next to Tony, a small smile tugging on her lips. Her version of The Doctor leaned in, lips pressed against the shell of her ear. 
“I feel them too.” 
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walesinspiration · 2 years
This is from the last episode so spoiler
During the dramatic documentary scene, Meghan is seen talking with her friend Tyler Perry on her mobile phone. She then reads out the statement issued by Buckingham Palace following the couple's interview with Oprah Winfrey.
As Meghan is reading that out, Harry is show deep in thought as he stares at his mobile phone screen.
But then Meghan says: "What am I looking at?", as a snivelling Harry shows her his mobile phone screen, Meghan replies: Wow."
Meghan then goes back to speaking to Perry, and says: "H just got a text from his brother," before she ends the call with her friend.
She stands up in front of Harry, who is visibly upset and has both hands behind his head. A shaken Duke of Sussex tells her: "I wish I knew what to do"
I hope William cussed him t f out
this scene is my problem with this whole circus. we don't and never will know what was in that message. it's framed in such a way that we are being pushed on what to think, but as we have seen time and time again they are Great Masters of Manipulation
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sometimesigif · 1 year
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operation y and shurik's other adventures
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parlor bedroom and bath
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prisoner of the caucasus or shurik's new adventures
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seven chances
sherlock jr
sidewalks of new york
spartacus: blood and sand
spartacus: gods of the arena
speak easily
spite marriage
steamboat bill jr
sweet november
terminator 2: judgement day
the adventures of sherlock holmes and doctor watson
the balloonatic
the beginning
the bell boy
the blacksmith
the boat
the bodyguard
the butcher boy
the cameraman
the cook
the electric house
the fellowhip of the ring
the frozen north
the garage
the general
the girls
the goat
the haunted house
the hayseed
the holiday
the hound of the baskervilles
the incredible hulk
the irony of fate or enjoy your bath!
the kuban cossacks
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the love nest
the navigator
the painted veil
the paleface
the passionate plumber
the rough house
the saphead
the scarecrow
the walking dead
the wild swans
the words
this is your life
three ages
van helsing
watch out for the automobile
what - no beer?
wings of desire
young russia
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froggywritesstuff · 2 years
ship list
just a list of ships i'm willing to write for (idk many ship names). if you don't see a ship listed just ask if i could write it and i'll let you know (cause i might've just forgotten to list it)
Alexander Hamilton x John Laurens (Lams)
Eliza Schuyler x Maria Reynolds (Marliza)
Eliza Schuyler x Alexander Hamilton (Hamliza)
Stranger Things
Will Byers x Mike Wheeler (Byler)
Lucas Sinclair x Max Mayfield (Lumax)
Eleven Hopper x Max Mayfield (Elmax)
Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley (Ronance)
Robin Buckley x Chrissy Cunningham (Buckingham)
Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler x Chrissy Cunningham x Vickie
Nancy Wheeler x Jonathan Byers (Jancy)
Steve Harrington x Jonathan Byers (Stonathan)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington (Steddie)
The Goldfinch
Boris Pavlikovsky x Theodore Decker (Boreo)
Disventure Camp
Aiden x James
Veronica Sawyer x Heather Chandler
Veronica Sawyer x Heather McNamara
Ride The Cyclone
Noel Gruber x Mischa Bachinski (Nischa/Passionfruit)
Ocean O'Connel Rosenburg x Constance Blackwood (Blackrose)
Ocean O'Connel Roseburg x Jane Doe (Perfectdolls)
Ricky Potts x Jane Doe (Spacedolls)
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
Paul x Emma
Troy x Abed
Charlie Spring x Nick Nelson
Tara Jones x Darcy Olsson
Elle Argent x Tao Xu
Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair (Wenclair)
Wednesday Addams x Bianca Barclay
Xavier Thorpe x Tyler Galpin
Xavier Thorpe x Ajax Petropolus
Tomorrow When The War Began
Ellie Linton x Lee Takkam
Ellie Linton x Fiona Maxwell
Amber x Tara
Turning Red
Mei Mei x Miriam
Love Victor
Victor Salazar x Benji
Felix Weston x Pilar Salazar
Lake Meriwether x Lucy
Dash and Lily
Dash x Lily
But I’m a Cheerleader
Megan x Graham
Adventure Time
Princess Bubblegum x Marceline
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artingfiguresk8r · 2 years
Audio from the final performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat February 18, 2023.
Jac Yarrow (Joseph), Vanessa Fisher (Narrator), Matt Gibson (u/s Pharoah)
Ensemble: Erica-Jayne Alden, Shane Antony-Whitely, Natalie Bennyworth, Jabari Braham, Ben Brooker, Gemma Buckingham, Meg Darcy, Tyler Ephraim, Iván Fernández González, Zac Frieze, Will Hawksworth, Samuel John-Humphreys, Amber Kennedy, Abbie Platts, Samantha Shuma, Sam Stones, Holly Willock
Children: Cody Black, Chloe Cheung, Jacob Davidov, Jayd Deroché, Jessica Du, Evelyn Fu, Nendia Lewars, Charlie Zeltzer
Notes: the audio isn't the greatest especially during the applause and part of go go go Joseph. Also this was my first time taking a full audio of a show (I tried on my trip to Joseph the week before and I did fix some things that were wrong with the audio). My phone also is kind of old so the microphone isn't the greatest for picking up audio.
I also didn't take audio of the megamix or closing speech but I will be uploading the video of it soon.
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marvelman901 · 2 years
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Cable vol 1 23 (1995) . Family Secrets . Written by Jeph Loeb Penciled by Ian Churchill and Tim Sale Inked by Scott Hanna and Mark Buckingham Colors by Mike Thomas and Digital Chameleon Lettered by Richard Starkings and Comicraft Edited by Lisa Patrick . Cable was looking for his son, Tyler. Meanwhile, Domino tried to find Grizzly... . See more relevant content here: #marvelman901cable #marvelman901xforce #marvelman901blaquesmith #marvelman901domino #marvelman901grizzly #marvelman901professorx #marvelman901storm #marvelman901xmen . #cable #xforce #xmen #90s #professorx #storm #grizzly #domino #blaquesmith #ianchurchill #timsale https://www.instagram.com/p/CleqZdFs0P0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Five twenty-something friends spend a drug-fueled weekend in Cardiff, Wales. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Jip: John Simm Koop: Shaun Parkes Nina: Nicola Reynolds Lulu: Lorraine Pilkington Moff: Danny Dyer Lee: Dean Davies Felix: Andrew Lincoln Moff’s Father: Terence Beesley Reality (voice): Jo Brand Andy: Richard Coyle Karen Benson: Jan Anderson Pablo Hassan: Carl Cox Fleur: Stephanie Brooks Howard Marks: Howard Marks Jip’s Mother: Helen Griffin Tyrone: Danny Midwinter Ziggy Marlon: Justin Kerrigan Hip Hop Junkie: Tyrone Johnson Koop’s Father: Larrington Walker Jip’s Manager: Philip Rosch Lulu’s Uncle Albert: Peter Albert Lulu’s Auntie Violet: Menna Trussler Jeremy Faxman: Mark Seaman Connie: Lynne Seymour Luke: Patrick Taggart Boomshanka: Anna Wilson Casey: Robert Marable Herbie: Nick Kilroy Matt: Peter Bramhill Moff’s Mother: Carol Harrison Moff’s Grandmother: Anne Bowen Martin: Giles Thomas Jip’s Ex #2: Sarah Blackburn Doctor: Eilian Wyn Asylum Doorman: Neil Bowens Jip’s Ex #3: Nicola Davey Inca: Roger Evans Tyler: Bradley Freegard Trixi: Emma Hall Jip’s Ex #1: Elizabeth Harper Jip’s Secretary: Jennifer Hill TV Interviewer: Nicola Heywood-Thomas Casey: Robert Marrable Cardiff Bad Boy: Louis Marriot Millsy From Roath: Millsy in Nottingham Karen Benson’s Boyfriend: Robbie Newby Tom Tom’s MC: Ninjah Jip’s Mother’s Client: Cadfan Roberts Koop’s Workmate: Mad Doctor X Bad Boy: Jason Samuels Breakdancer / Bodypopper: Tim Hamilton Bodypopper: Alicia Ferraboschi Bodypopper: Sherena Flash Bodypopper: Marat Khairoullin Bodypopper: Adam Pudney Bodypopper: Mark Seymore Bodypopper: Algernon Williams Bodypopper: Colin Williams Bodypopper: Frank Wilson Film Crew: Supervising Sound Editor: Glenn Freemantle Sound Editor: Tom Sayers Dialogue Editor: Gillian Dodders Casting Director: Sue Jones Additional Editing: Stuart Gazzard Associate Producer: Rupert Preston Producer: Allan Niblo Director: Justin Kerrigan Producer: Emer McCourt Co-Executive Producer: Michael Wearing Steadicam Operator: Paul Edwards Second Assistant Director: Marcus Collier Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Craig Irving Editor: Patrick Moore Director of Photography: Dave Bennett Costume Designer: Claire Anderson Original Music Composer: Matthew Herbert Set Dresser: Ed Talfan Sound Recordist: Martyn Stevens Production Coordinator: Andrea Cornwell Post Production Supervisor: Jackie Vance Post Production Coordinator: Claire Mason ADR Recordist: Sandy Buchanan Gaffer: Andrew Taylor Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Nicolas Le Messurier Script Supervisor: Laura Gwynne Assistant Sound Editor: Susan French Music Supervisor: Pete Tong Makeup & Hair: Kerry September First Assistant Director: Charlie Watson Post Production Supervisor: Maria Walker Second Assistant Director: Matthew Penry-Davey Assistant Editor: Amy Adams Foley Editor: Miriam Ludbrook Original Music Composer: Roberto Leite Storyboard Artist: Nick Kilroy Dialogue Editor: Keith Marriner Makeup Designer: Tony Lilley First Assistant Director: Emma Pounds Music Consultant: Arthur Baker Co-Executive Producer: Kevin Menton Electrician: Mark Hutchings Boom Operator: Jeff Welch Costume Assistant: Karen Mason Casting Director: Gary Howe Production Design: David Buckingham Co-Executive Producer: Nigel Warren-Green Executive Producer: Renata S. Aly Art Direction: Sue Ayton First Assistant Director: Hywel Watkins Third Assistant Director: Tivian Zvekan Location Manager: Peter Vidler Location Manager: Frank Coles Assistant Location Manager: Roland Mercer Focus Puller: Mike Chitty Clapper Loader: Ewan O’Brien Key Grip: David Hopkins Construction Manager: Martin Dawes Property Master: John C. Reilly Set Dresser: Riana Griffiths Art Department Assistant: Jacqui Puscher Storyboard Artist: Deena Mathews Costume Supervisor: Anne McManus Makeup & Hair: Hanna Coles Still Photographer: Hector Bermejo Unit Publicist: Jessica Kirsh Movie Reviews: zag: One of my favorite films of all time, its a period movie describing the young party goers of the UK in the 1990’s. It hits the nail on the head, the lov...
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purehot0 · 11 months
Christmas With Jerks 2023 | Leanna Adams , Tyler Buckingham , Steve Coulter
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