#Tygra x Reader
To celebrate the people who have been sending in requests for ThunderCats had this idea to start with before I started working on those requests because why not! Hope you enjoy!
How They React To You Falling Asleep On Them
lion-o x fem!reader & tygra x fem!reader
fandom: ThunderCats
A/n: can be interpreted as 1980s Cats or the reboot
he jumps, startled a bit when your head lightly fell onto his shoulder. Lion-O was hesitant mostly because he didn’t know what to do at first when he glanced over at you
stiff af, didn’t want to wake you as you slept on his shoulder
so he sat there, his face was a bit flushed as you slept: 1.) because you looked cute and 2.) you were touching him well unintentionally
The other ThunderCats would come in and tease him; mostly chuckling and snickering quietly
Lion-O would glare at them but not harshly just warning. Because he didn’t want them to wake you
But one thing lend to another and he was needed, he gently nudged you to wake you
Once you woke up, you apologized to him and Lion-O laughed
“It’s fine, Y/n. Since I’m needed right now. How about you hand to bed, you look like you need it.”
“Right, o-okay, Lion-O.”
it was Tygra’s turn on watch and you decided to join him; you couldn’t sleep (and because you wanted company from your favorite cat, but you’d never tell Tygra that)
you both said your greetings and you took a seat next to him
an hour or so later, Tygra felt something hit his shoulder and looked over and saw you fast asleep
he stifled a laugh, mostly because it was cute
you looked so sweet, sleeping on him, he’s happy that you trust him enough to do so
after his watch was over, he carried you to your room
the next morning, you have know idea how you got to your room and Tygra wouldn’t spill
“I have no idea how you got to your room, Y/n.”
You: 😑
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thundercatsxreader · 2 years
can i request how tygra and lion-o would react to reader getting hurt? headcanons and/or blurbs?
thank you!!
ps. i love your work
Does Blurb mean One shot?
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Lion-O [Lord of Thundercats]
Yeah, it sucks that you got hurt, he sees this as an opportunity
He wants to take care of you
And this is the perfect moment
Sure he's pissed that someone hurt you
But he should thank them
Now he has you all to himself and you can't do anything about it
You have to let him take care of you, whether you like it or not
He won't let anyone else do it
I mean he is your boyfriend
It's his job to care for you
But he couldn't care for you when you get hurt
But don't call him out on it, or you'll have more injuries than you already do
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Tygra [Prince of the Fallen Tiger Clan]
He would be pissed
Whoever hurt you must have a death wish
Whatever wounds you have, he'll make sure to make it worse for your attacker
Even if he was an accident, he really doesn't care
Now if he was the one who did it, he would be devestated
How could he hurt you? What the hell is wrong with him
He'll beat himself up about it
You have to convince him that you're okay, even though he does't believe you
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f0xysthings · 4 months
Lion-o X Reader Headcanons
Language: English - EUA
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Lion-o is a very cute guy, but sometimes he is very stupid, in the beginning you guys got along very well and he was the first to get used to your presence, you talked about the most diverse possible and unimaginable topics.
The other thundercats noticed that there was something going on between you two, Lion-o's passionate gaze on you was noticeable, it didn't take long for Tygra and the twins to start making fun of you two, sometimes they would push you on top of Lion-o and sometimes they would push Lion-o on top of you, these games were quite humiliating, but you soon got used to it, unlike Lion-o, who every time this happened he would turn into a real tomato, with his face the same shade as yours. hair, it was funny to see him so embarrassed.
After a few months, Lion-o decided to declare himself to you, he already expected the worst, after all, in his entire life he was rejected and deceived by women, you are not able to describe the happiness on Lion-o's face when you He accepted, his face was even redder making him look like a walking tomato and he stuttered even more than before, the young king couldn't say "thank you" without stuttering. When you started dating, none of the thundercats were really surprised, for them it was obvious that this was going to happen, sooner or later. The twins stopped making jokes and pushing you on top of the king and vice versa, because now that you're dating these games have lost their fun.
Lion-o is a very loving boyfriend, always kissing and hugging you, obviously in public he doesn't show his love so much, he doesn't like the suspicious looks from others while you are just showing the love you feel for each other. Now that you're dating, Lion-o has become more protective than before, if you get even the slightest scratch, he'll force you to rest, is that a bit silly of him? Yes, but don't blame him, it's not his fault for being too worried and protective. When you are sick, he will be more protective and worried and more worried than normal, he will spend the whole day taking care of you, he is so focused on taking care of you that he forgets to sleep and forgets about the other responsibilities he has as king, and when that happens Tygra Appears to remind him of his responsibilities.
The two of you always sleep together and sometimes Lion-o's grip is suffocating, especially when he is having a nightmare, and when that happens you are forced to wake him up to die without air, sometimes the king forgets how strong he is. In the heat you suffer, because it's very difficult to get Lion-o to stop hugging you, he's a needy guy and sometimes he doesn't even realize he was hugging you while you slept, you've woken up several times sounding because of the heat. In the cold, it's just wonderful to have a walking furball to hug, Lion-o's fur is softer than any bed sheet you've ever used and his hug is like a little flame, so in the cold you don't even need to use bed sheet.
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Alternative Responses to “I love you”
Feat. ThunderCats {1985 & 2011}
Reader: I love you
Lion-O: Thanks
Tygra: *laughs nervously*
Panthro: *finger guns*
Cheetara: I know
Reader: I love you
Lion-O: *finger guns*
Tygra: Who doesn’t
Panthro: Why?
Cheetara: Thanks
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thundercatsxreader · 8 months
Mumble & Mock
Summary: You [A human] love to mumble and mock people [usually the gang] under your breath, not realizing that they have incredible hearing [I got an inbox that offhandly mentioned Lion-o have incredible hearing & it gave me this idea. Forgot they were cats & cats have great hearing]
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The topic of hearing abilities had never came up, so there was never any talk of who could hear what and such. There was just a misconception that you all heard at the same frequency. You were, surprisingly, never aware that they could hear much farther and quieter things than you.
"I don't know what that means... Like what?" You shrug.
Panthro looked up at you, dumbfounded, "You're still talking about that? It happened weeks ago."
"So?" You roll your eyes, turning away from him before mumbling about how didn't understand.
"You know I can hear you right?"
"Whatever. I'm going to go bother Lion-o."
At the mention of your voice saying his name, Lion-o's ears perked up and looked around for you, but he didn't see you. He was sure he had heard you, but were where you? He heard something walking towards him and he was sure it was you.
He quickly stood up, instinctively putting his sword behind him before you showed up behind some trees. You froze when seeing him stare at you. You then looked to the side, just to make sure he was looking at you and not someone else.
"hI," He awkwardly waves and you give him a confused look.
"Were you waiting for me? Am I predictable?"
"I heard you-"
"You heard me? How?"
Now it was his turn to give you a confused look, "What?" He chuckles, "What do you mean how?"
"What did you hear?"
"I heard you talking to Panthro. You said you were going to come bother me-"
"How did you hear that?" You cocked your head to the side, still confused.
"I don't know? I just did."
"Hmm... Okay, so what are you doing?"
Ever since the incident, you slowly became more conscious about how well they all could hear, even Kit & Kat. It had never really occurred to you before. Speaking of the twins, they hung over your shoulder, looking at what you were doing. You were used to them hanging over your shoulder, because they had this strange obsession and adoration for you.
"Whatcha doing, Y/n?"
"Yeah, what are you doing Y/n?"
They repeated their questions multiple times, until you finally answered.
"I'm not doing anything."
"That's boring." Wilykat sighs, before messing with your hair.
"Yeah, that's boring," Wilykit is quick to agree, tightening her grip on your hair as she braids the side she was on.
"You could always leave-"
"No, that would be more boring."
"Yeah. Oh, Y/n, let's go do something!" Wilykit begs, but you just shake your head.
"No way, I'm content sitting here. Why don't you both do something and leave me alone?"
"But we want to do something with you."
"Wow, that sucks... For you," You chuckle at your remark, before laying down on the grass and closing your eyes.
They were going to respond when they stopped, their ears perking up at a high pitch ringing sound. They looked at each other, before looking down at you.
"Did you hear that, Y/n?" Wilykat asks, which causes you to groan thinking they were messing with you.
"Oh, please, I'm not falling for that."
Suddenly, the ringing echos again, yet you still didn't hear it.
"Do you really not hear it, Y/n? It's a loud ringing sound."
"Uhuh... Sure."
You hear massive footsteps, which causes you to slightly open your eyes and see Panthro. You quickly sit up and stretch.
"What are you troublemakers doing?"
The twins click their tongues, before Wilykit speaks, "Nothing, because Y/n's being boring."
"Well, as long as you aren't causing trouble."
"Hey, Panthro, did you hear that loud ringing?"
He looks confused for a split second, before his eyes widen in realization, "Oh, Cheetara found a whistle that Addicus dropped."
"Y/n thought we were crazy when we said there was a loud ringing sound." Wilykit was quick to throw you under the bus.
"Y/n can't hear as well as us," Panthro tells the twins, causing you to whip around to him.
"I heard that."
"Yeah, well, it's not like I was being quiet about it," He quickly throws back, causing you to roll your eyes and shake your head.
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thundercatsxreader · 1 year
Calm Down
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The male sighed, leaning on his hand. He was annoyed with his team, sure, but it's not like he could tell them that. You stretched as you walked towards the red-haired male. You could see him down and you decided to ask him what was wrong.
"Penny for your thoughts, Furboy?" You punch his shoulder, capturing his attention.
He sighs, before looking at his reflection in his sword. "It's nothing."
"Sure doesn't look like nothing. Why are you over here by yourself when everyone else is having fun."
"You do realize that a mummy is trying to kill us?" He glares at you and you laugh.
"That's why you have to live it up whenever you can," You lean back on your hands, "I think you're thinking too much about this."
"I think you're thinking to little. We should always be on our toes."
"Are you listening to me?"
"Of course I am, you're just," You grab his hands, "Overreacting."
"Over reacting? Me?"
You straightened up, looking around to make sure none of the others were watching. "Hey, Lion-o, can you calm down."
He stands up, pointing his sword to your throat, "Calm down?"
You can feel the edge sharp on you. You swipe it away, before standing up and getting closer to the male. "Yeah, calm down. Come on, stop worrying so much."
"No thanks." And then he sits back down to wallow in self-pity.
You roll your eyes, before grabbing him, "Come on, you'll have fun!"
"You'll have fun!"
You roll your eyes, before pushing back on the male. "Yeah, we get it Lion-o."
"No, Y/n. I don't think you got it."
"You're never going to let this go, are you?"
There's a pause as you both watch the plant-like creatures dance around a fire, that they were going to sacrifice you both in.
"No. No, I'm not."
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yourlocaltrashpandaa · 10 months
Look! I did a thing!
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If you want the template here 😊
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Have fun 😂👍🏼
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f0xysthings · 4 months
Lion-o x reader headcanon
Language: Portuguese- Brazil
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Lion-o é um cara muito fofo, porém as vezes ele é muito bobão, desde do começo vocês se davam bem e ele foi o primeiro que se acostumou com sua presença, vocês conversavam dos mais diversos assuntos possíveis e inimagináveis.
Os outros thundercats perceberam que havia um clima rolando entre vocês dois, era notório o olhar apaixonado de Lion-o sobre você, não demorou muito para Tygra e os gêmeos começarem a zoar vocês dois, as vezes eles empurravam você em cima de Lion-o e as vezes eles empurravam Lion-o em cima de você, essas brincadeiras eram bem humilhantes, mas você logo se acostumou, diferente de Lion-o que toda vez que isso acontecia ele virava um verdadeiro tomate, com seu rosto do mesmo tom do seu cabelo, era engraçado ver ele tão envergonhado.
Após alguns meses, Lion-o decidiu se declarar para você, ele já esperava o pior, afinal, em toda sua vida ele foi rejeitado e iludido por mulheres, você não é capaz de descrver a felicidade do rosto de Lion-o quando você o aceitou, seu rosto estava ainda mais vermelho fazendo ele parecer um tomate ambulante e ele gaguejava ainda mais do que antes, o jovem rei não conseguia dizer "obrigado" sem gaguejar.
Quando vocês começaram a namorar, nenhum dos thundercats estava de fato supreso, para eles era óbvio que isso ia acontecer, mais cedo ou mais tarde. Os gêmeos pararam com as piadinhas e as brincadeiras de empurrar você em cima do rei e vice-versa, porquê agora que vocês namoram essas brincadeiras perderam a graça.
Lion-o é um namorado muito amoroso, sempre beijando e abraçando você, obviamente em público ele não desmostra tanto seu amor, ele não gosta dos olhares desconfiados dos outros enquanto vocês estão apenas desmostrando o amor que sentem um pelo outro.
Agora que vocês estão namorando, Lion-o se tornou mais protetor do que antes, se você tiver com um mínino arranhão sequer, ele vai te obrigar a descansar, é um pouco bobo da parte dele? Sim, mas dê um desconto, não é culpa dele ser muito preocupado e protetor. Quando você estiver doente, ele vai ficar mais protetor e preocupado e mais preocupado que o normal, ele vai ficar o dia inteiro cuidando de você, ele fica tão centrado cuidando de você que esquece de dormir e esquece das outras responsabilidades que ele tem como rei, e quando isso acontece Tygra aparece para intervir.
Vocês dois sempre dormem juntos e as vezes o aperto de Lion-o é sufocante, principalmente quando ele está tendo um pesadelo, e quando isso acontece você é obrigado a acordar ele para morrer sem ar, as vezes o rei esquece da força que tem. No calor você sofre, porquê é muito difícil fazer com que Lion-o pare de te abraçar, ele é um cara carente e as vezes nem percebe que estava abraçando você enquanto dormia, você já acordou dirvesas vezes soando por conta do calor. Já no frio, é simplesmente maravilhoso ter uma bola de pelos ambulante para abraçar, os pelos de Lion-o são mais macios do que qualquer lençol que você já usou e o abraço dele é como uma pequena chama, então no frio vocês nem precisam usar cobertas.
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thundercatsxreader · 2 years
Childhood Friends?
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Summary: How you met Tygra
"Y/n, you failed. Again."
You groaned, sitting down, not knowing what to say, just frustrated. "Well of course I can't do it. I'm not like everyone else. This is stupid." You pushed your knees together, holding yourself, looking down at the ground.
Jaga sighed, sitting next to you, rubbing your back, "The only thing holding you is back is your own hesitance, not you being human. You have so much untapped potential."
You groaned, getting up and walking away from Jaga, not wanting to talk to him. You found him unbearable, especially when he went on his spews.
You hopped on some of the steps, bored out of your mind. You should of went back, but you couldn't stand to hear Jaga gripe at you. You sat on one of the walls, watching the people go by, before you hear a voice.
"Hey! Get off there!"
You looked back, towards the voice, to see a young orange cat, a tiger presumably. He was pointing a spear at you, trying to look scary. You chuckled, jumping off the wall and infront of the boy. You got into his face, smiling, when seeing his blushing face. He kept pointing the spear at you, or at least he tried too. He was stuttering and couldn't look at you in the eyes.
"What's- uh, what's your name?" He finally asks, trying to gain his confidence back.
You put your hand out, "I'm Y/n."
He looks at your hand, "That's a nice name."
"What's yours?"
He puts his weapon to the side, "I'm Tygra. What are you even doing here."
You roll your eyes, "Trying to get away from Jaga. He's always getting on me about something," you groan, sitting down by the wall. Tygra sits next to you, super close.
"Jaga? So you're part of the Clerics?"
"Sadly," you laugh. "Are you part of the knights?"
"Huh?" He looks at the spear and his laugh, making an 'OOH' sound, "No. I'm part of the Royal family," he puffs out his chest, causing you to laugh. "Eh, what's so funny?" He was gaining his confidence back, seemingly not effected by you anymore.
"Nothing... Nothing," you grab his shoulder, feeling the muscle under his shirt. "You're just really cute."
"You think I'm cute?"
Before you could respond, you hear Jaga calling your name. You groan, rolling your eyes. "I should go. Hopefully we'll see each other again."
"Yeah." He watches you run towards Jaga who was waiting for you.
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thundercatsxreader · 3 years
I Hate Kids
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WilyKit yanked your hair as WilyKat tried digging through you bag. You tripped Kat, before tossing Kit into a table. Your hair was a mess and coins were tossed on the ground.
"Having fun little human?"
You looked up to the voice to see a smirking Tygra. You glared at him, as he jumped down to you, picking up your coins and handing them to you.
"Kitties really like you, dont they little human?" Tygra chuckled, ruffling your hair.
"I hate kids so much."
Tygra laughed before helping the Wilycats get up. The Wilycats quickly got back up and ran to you, grabbing each of your hands and pulling you each way, as you groaned. You sat on a bench as the kids kept trying to get your attention. You closed your eyes, hearing the cats talk to you, though you went into peace falling asleep.
Tygra found you asleep and the kids playing near you, before grabbing you and putting you in a better place to sleep. The kats watched Tygra take you off and closely followed him. When he put you down, the siblings cuddled up to you, quickly falling asleep. Tygra internally awwed thinking the moment was cute. Whether you wanted to admit it or not, the siblings really liked you and you liked them.
Though you will fight for your life, saying that you don't like kids. Even though, everyone could see that wasn't true. Especially when you defend the Wilycats with their life and vice versa.
Tygra smiled when seeing WilyKat cuddle closer to you and WilyKit huddle to you on your other side. "How adorable."
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thundercatsxreader · 3 years
Fucking Ass
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You and Tygra don’t get along
No one knows why you guys don't like eachother, but all you knew is you didn't like him. He was an ass, arrogant, and just a rounded jerk. He would glare at you and when no one was looking, you would flip him off, as he glared harder.
Maybe it had to do with your 'Down with the Monarchy' attitude or the fact that you didn't believe in the hierarchy that Tygra ruled in. He also doesn't like that you have stolen from him before, and you do it so fucking easily. Like when the fuck did you steal his whip?
Panthro sat between you both a lot, so you wouldn't chew each others neck. Though their were moments were you both knew that fighting was not an option. Like when something bad happened or it a serious moment.
Your enemy relationship with him took a complete 180. You were arguing with Lion-O, and when you almost felt defeated, Tygra jumped in defended you, which took Lion-O by surprise.
"They're right. We need to stay here. They're ahead, looking for us."
Lion-O frowned, but shut up real quick.
"I didn't need your help Tygra."
"You're welcome."
You frowned, looking at him, "I'm sorry. Thank you Tygra. I appreciate it."
He looked at you. Like really looked at you. He smiled, "Any time, Y/n."
Things changed between you and Tygra. You didn't glare at each other as much (Mainly Tygra). You got along fairly well, and you didn't try and kill each other when you were alone.
You sipped the fruity drink as Tygra sat besides you. You were both alone, sitting on a bench in a little hut. Neither of you said anything, just sat in silence. You looked toward him, putting down your drink.
"You know I never hated you."
You laughed, before quickly covering your mouth, "You're serious?"
He glared, but sighed, going to stand up, but sits back down. His fist curled around the stone bench as you continued to stare at him wide eyed.
"I don't know my feelings, but I lo-like you."
"I like you too," You sipped your drink as Tygra sweatdropped.
"Yeah... We're becoming great friends."
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thundercatsxreader · 3 years
A Brother Love Triangle
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You didn't mean for this to happen
I mean, how do people deal with brothers who both like you?
Especially when you don't want to lose the other's friendship
Lion-O likes giving you flowers
Which you find cute
Though, Tygra, teaches you how to defend yourself
Will come up behind you and move your hands and such
Smirks at Lion-O
Tygra knows that he has the advantage of helping you fight over Lion-O
Lion-O tried to help you fight you once, but accidentally hurt with the Sword
You know Lion-o would never do it on purpose, buttttt
The downfall with Tygra is that he treats you like some damsel in distress
Which you are NOT
You've shown multiple times that you can protect yourself, though Tygra just wants to protect you
Lion-o is more than the emotional brother
If you have a problem with the heart, go to him
You can sit and talk to Lion-O for hours
He's just that type of per- I mean cat
Tygra is harder with his feelings
He's more straight to the point
He doesn't want to play any games
NGL Tygra didn't like you at first, cause you were different
And by different I mean human
You being human is what got Lion-o to notice you to begin with
But like you're not a cat?
It's a weird concept to Tygra, but he does eventually get over it and really see YOU
Not to mention you were part of the Celics before-well you know...
You watched as the brothers tussled between each other. Well less watched or more so heard. You were watching the Wily siblings, though you could hear Lion-O shinning and Tygra yelling at Lion-O. Wilykit giggled, running towards you with her brother following close behind. Wilykat jumped into you lap, chuckling, while giving you the look along with his sister.
You rolled your eyes before Wilykit grabbed your hair to pull you down into your lap and whispering into your ear.
"Lion-O wanted to give you this flower and Tygra didn't like that." She giggled as you rolled your eyes. You were then pulled by WilyKat who whispered something else in your ear, causing you to chuckle.
Tygra came over to where you are, sitting close to you. You gave him a side eye as he held up a destroyed flower. You glanced at the flower for giving him a confused look.
"What's that Tygra?"
"A flower!"
You glanced at him, though before you could grab it, Lion-o jumped him, you moving to not get hit. You rolled your eyes before facepalming. They were absolutely ridiculous.
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thundercatsxreader · 3 years
Tygra Headcannons
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Hate to break it to you, but he can be kind of an ass
He’s cocky and arrogant
When he first met you, he knows you’re gonna be together
He’s confident in you both being together
You’re literally meant for him
He can kind of be a little misogynistic
Though if you slap some sense into his dumb self, then he’ll apologize
He can get a little jealous
Well little is being nice
He wallows in self pity if you’re showing attention to others
He needs all your attention
Pay attention to him!
He talks about being king sometimes
You don’t care to much about the king tho, but he gets into it sometimes
And then he gets himself angry and it does get a little annoying
He’s more responsible one in the group tbh
He’s usually level headed though sometimes he bust
Though you can always bring him back to his head space
He likes that about you
No one gets him like you
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thundercatsxreader · 2 years
How would you think when Lion o first meet human reader?
Omg, someone actually sent a request on this blog :O Lol my first and only request on this blog
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"You have a brother?"
Tygra looked at you, before rolling his eyes. "He's not my real brother. Even if he was, he wouldn't be much of a brother."
"That was a little harsh, don't you think? I mean he is technically the future King."
"I thought you hated royalty?"
"I do! But while I hate royalty and that hierarchy, I applaud them for keeping it going this long with how stupid it is."
Tygra laughed, messing with your hand. You blushed, but before he could do anything, his father called for him, which cause Tygra to groan.
"I'll be right back," He hurries off before turning back to you, almost like an afterthought, "Stay right there!"
You chuckled, amused by the young pre-teen Tiger's eagerness to get back to you.
"Who are you?"
You looked to the voice, to see a cat. You didn't know exactly who he was, but by his outfit, you could assume he has some relation to Tygra, cause he had a similar style and even aura around him. Then it clicked in you that this must be the brother Tygra had been talking about earlier. You didn't know what Tygra was complaining about, this kid looked really nice. In fact, he looked nicer than Tygra.
"My names Y/n-"
"You're Tygra's friend. He talks about you all the time," Lion-o comments, sitting next to you. He holds out his hand, "I'm Lion-o."
"Well, Lion-o, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."
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thundercatsxreader · 3 years
Lion-O Headcannons
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He’s really hot headed
Jumps into trying to get into a relationship w/ u
He’s super caring and that’s what you love about him
But sometimes he’s to much
So unlike his brother
You definitely dislike Tygra’s treatment towards Lion-O
You respect Lion-O
You support his beliefs and hopes and dreams
You slowly like Tygra when he becomes nicer to Lion-O
When everyone turned against Lion-O, you were there for him
You see him for the smart lion he is, whether he realizes it or not
This man was a flirt at the beginning
But by golly, if you’re there he can’t focus
Damn look at that nice as-
He needs to focus! FOCUS!
You always stand by Lion-O, even if he’s clearly wrong and vice versa
He’s very protective over you
Always worried if you get slightly hurt
Coddles you sometimes
Though, doesn’t mean to, he just ugh
It’s so hard to love you sometimes
You just mean so much to him-
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