#Lion-O x Reader
thundercatsxreader · 8 months
Mumble & Mock
Summary: You [A human] love to mumble and mock people [usually the gang] under your breath, not realizing that they have incredible hearing [I got an inbox that offhandly mentioned Lion-o have incredible hearing & it gave me this idea. Forgot they were cats & cats have great hearing]
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The topic of hearing abilities had never came up, so there was never any talk of who could hear what and such. There was just a misconception that you all heard at the same frequency. You were, surprisingly, never aware that they could hear much farther and quieter things than you.
"I don't know what that means... Like what?" You shrug.
Panthro looked up at you, dumbfounded, "You're still talking about that? It happened weeks ago."
"So?" You roll your eyes, turning away from him before mumbling about how didn't understand.
"You know I can hear you right?"
"Whatever. I'm going to go bother Lion-o."
At the mention of your voice saying his name, Lion-o's ears perked up and looked around for you, but he didn't see you. He was sure he had heard you, but were where you? He heard something walking towards him and he was sure it was you.
He quickly stood up, instinctively putting his sword behind him before you showed up behind some trees. You froze when seeing him stare at you. You then looked to the side, just to make sure he was looking at you and not someone else.
"hI," He awkwardly waves and you give him a confused look.
"Were you waiting for me? Am I predictable?"
"I heard you-"
"You heard me? How?"
Now it was his turn to give you a confused look, "What?" He chuckles, "What do you mean how?"
"What did you hear?"
"I heard you talking to Panthro. You said you were going to come bother me-"
"How did you hear that?" You cocked your head to the side, still confused.
"I don't know? I just did."
"Hmm... Okay, so what are you doing?"
Ever since the incident, you slowly became more conscious about how well they all could hear, even Kit & Kat. It had never really occurred to you before. Speaking of the twins, they hung over your shoulder, looking at what you were doing. You were used to them hanging over your shoulder, because they had this strange obsession and adoration for you.
"Whatcha doing, Y/n?"
"Yeah, what are you doing Y/n?"
They repeated their questions multiple times, until you finally answered.
"I'm not doing anything."
"That's boring." Wilykat sighs, before messing with your hair.
"Yeah, that's boring," Wilykit is quick to agree, tightening her grip on your hair as she braids the side she was on.
"You could always leave-"
"No, that would be more boring."
"Yeah. Oh, Y/n, let's go do something!" Wilykit begs, but you just shake your head.
"No way, I'm content sitting here. Why don't you both do something and leave me alone?"
"But we want to do something with you."
"Wow, that sucks... For you," You chuckle at your remark, before laying down on the grass and closing your eyes.
They were going to respond when they stopped, their ears perking up at a high pitch ringing sound. They looked at each other, before looking down at you.
"Did you hear that, Y/n?" Wilykat asks, which causes you to groan thinking they were messing with you.
"Oh, please, I'm not falling for that."
Suddenly, the ringing echos again, yet you still didn't hear it.
"Do you really not hear it, Y/n? It's a loud ringing sound."
"Uhuh... Sure."
You hear massive footsteps, which causes you to slightly open your eyes and see Panthro. You quickly sit up and stretch.
"What are you troublemakers doing?"
The twins click their tongues, before Wilykit speaks, "Nothing, because Y/n's being boring."
"Well, as long as you aren't causing trouble."
"Hey, Panthro, did you hear that loud ringing?"
He looks confused for a split second, before his eyes widen in realization, "Oh, Cheetara found a whistle that Addicus dropped."
"Y/n thought we were crazy when we said there was a loud ringing sound." Wilykit was quick to throw you under the bus.
"Y/n can't hear as well as us," Panthro tells the twins, causing you to whip around to him.
"I heard that."
"Yeah, well, it's not like I was being quiet about it," He quickly throws back, causing you to roll your eyes and shake your head.
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To celebrate the people who have been sending in requests for ThunderCats had this idea to start with before I started working on those requests because why not! Hope you enjoy!
How They React To You Falling Asleep On Them
lion-o x fem!reader & tygra x fem!reader
fandom: ThunderCats
A/n: can be interpreted as 1980s Cats or the reboot
he jumps, startled a bit when your head lightly fell onto his shoulder. Lion-O was hesitant mostly because he didn’t know what to do at first when he glanced over at you
stiff af, didn’t want to wake you as you slept on his shoulder
so he sat there, his face was a bit flushed as you slept: 1.) because you looked cute and 2.) you were touching him well unintentionally
The other ThunderCats would come in and tease him; mostly chuckling and snickering quietly
Lion-O would glare at them but not harshly just warning. Because he didn’t want them to wake you
But one thing lend to another and he was needed, he gently nudged you to wake you
Once you woke up, you apologized to him and Lion-O laughed
“It’s fine, Y/n. Since I’m needed right now. How about you hand to bed, you look like you need it.”
“Right, o-okay, Lion-O.”
it was Tygra’s turn on watch and you decided to join him; you couldn’t sleep (and because you wanted company from your favorite cat, but you’d never tell Tygra that)
you both said your greetings and you took a seat next to him
an hour or so later, Tygra felt something hit his shoulder and looked over and saw you fast asleep
he stifled a laugh, mostly because it was cute
you looked so sweet, sleeping on him, he’s happy that you trust him enough to do so
after his watch was over, he carried you to your room
the next morning, you have know idea how you got to your room and Tygra wouldn’t spill
“I have no idea how you got to your room, Y/n.”
You: 😑
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the-doctor-3000 · 9 months
…. I love thundercats 2011.. can I request a “fatherly Panthro x Adopted daughter reader? All fluffy one shot. (maybe with a little angst on Panthro’s side, implying a very bad breakup between him and Grune.. they kinda gave me “lovers to enemies” vibes, you don’t have to I just thought it be cool) Panthro finding this small human child, covered in mud and no family left as her family’s farm was in ashes behind her, this happening during his time traveling Third Earth after just being betrayed by Grune.. the little girl completely helpless and alone, Panthro then impulsively decides to take her in.
she turns out to be a complete Chaotic bundle of energy.. who can apparently communicate with the wildlife like a classic Disney princess, before she even learns to actually talk.. he’s gradually becomes more attached and protective of HIS little Cub, Watching her grow into a headstrong and beautiful young woman.. and now he’s got horny Tomcats to worry about.. maybe ending when he finds The other Thundercats, and basically Growls in Lion-O’s face in a “Don’t even THINK of touching MY DAUGHTER” kinda way when the two of them started talking.. (meaning reader was actually flirting with the young King.. and he had the audacity to flirt back while Panthro was standing right there..)
The moment Panthro found her, he swore to protect her with his own life. He knew the pain of being betrayed and left for dead. He knew the feeling of loneliness. He could not imagine how that child could be feeling.
He could see a farm being burned to ashes in the background, and he could easily put two and two together. She looked so fragile, like glass. To him, she was far more precious than gold and the kingdom. More valuable than his loyalty to the king.
Panthro did not want her to be left alone, to die, to have no one. So, he quickly decided to take her under his wing. At first... he didn't know why he did that, but now he knew he made the right choice.
He was, of course, curious about her species since he had never seen humans before but did not pressure her with questions.
She was so quiet when they met. If it weren't for the times he caught her talking to the animals, he would have assumed that she was mute. She warmed up to him eventually, seeing him like her actual father. 
Years went by quickly, and y/n became quite a beautiful and charming young woman.  Panthro taught her how to defend herself and fight, if needed, and he could not help but feel extremely proud whenever she would show off her skills while fighting the lizards whenever they would come across them during their travels.
Oh, how he wished she could be a cub again. How he wished these moments would last forever. Just the two of them.
The Thundercats came along and Panthro was not quite happy about it. Not after what he had been through. When he met the Thundercats, y/n was in the forest and was collecting berries for dinner.
He and the so-called King of Thundera went on to find her. She was singing and doing pirouettes, a wooden basket in her hands filled with berries. The animals of the region made their presence known, and she would talk to them and pet them.
She stopped when she noticed her father and Lion-O. She ignored Lion-O as she ran to her father's arms and hugged him tightly. "Father!" She beamed.
He hugged her back. "Hello there, cub." They pulled away. "Did you find anything?"
She grinned and nodded. "A lot, actually! They all seem to be safe, too!"
He chuckled as he raffled her hair playfully. "What would I do without you, cub?"
She smiled and then noticed Lion-O, she blushed a little. "Uhm... Hello! I am y/n!" She put out her hand for a handshake.
"Pleased to meet you! I am Lion-O." He said with a charming smile as he shook her hand before planting a kiss on the back of it.
The two of them then began talking as they made their way to the others. Panthro watched the exchange with a low growl and glared daggers at the young king. After their adventure that day, while they were camping, Panthro decided to scare the king away. 
He walked up to him, his back straight and his head high. Not that he needed any of those since he was taller than all of them. "Listen, kid." He growled as he pointed at him. "I don't care if you are the king. Y/n is what matters the most to me."
"Where are you getting at, Panthro?" Lion-O asked him, he tried to keep his tone and expressions firm and stern.
"Don't even think of touching my daughter." Panthro told him coldly. "If you do anything, I won't hesitate to betray the crown." He turned around, but he added. "Better not forget it, Your Highness."
But despite his threat, y/n could not help but get close to Lion-O. She even started having feelings about him, which did not go unnoticed by Panthro.
"What is it like to be the most gorgeous person in this room?" Y/n said with a small flirty smile as she spoke to Lion-O.
Panthro stopped what he was doing and snapped his head toward their direction. He didn't have time to run toward them to stop this when Lion-O responded in an equally flirtatious tone. "I don't know. What is it like?" Y/n blushed. The red hue on her cheeks made her eyes shine, and Lion-O then added. "The sparkle in your eye is so bright, the sun and stars must be jealous."
Panthro was about to storm up to the young king, but Cheetara stopped him. "Hey, relax. She is a big girl and can make decisions on her own. Besides, Lion-O is not a bad cat. I am sure he will treat her like a queen."
Tygra then chimed in. "Debatable on Lion-O not being a bad cat to date." Cheetara glared at him. "What? I'm just stating the obvious."
Wilykit and Wilykat were laughing at Panthro's expressions as they started singing 'Y/n and Lion-O, sitting on a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!'
Panthro groaned in annoyance as he watched his daughter and Lion-O. This was going to be difficult and would certainly take lots of time to get used to.
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bones4thecats · 28 days
LMK Characters When Their Kid Is Born
Characters: Ao Lie, Azure Lion, Nine-Headed Demon (Xiangliu), and Sun Wukong Inspired By: My love for these characters A/N: I loved writing this so much. Took some time, but I loved it so much. I literally fell asleep writing this like three times, so I've been taking longer to actually get it done, I apologize for that! But still, enjoy! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of being delivering a baby, maybe hints of generational issues(??), slight angst, fluff, and the character's friends being just too much😂 ⚠️
Disclaimer: The Reader is female in this (cause y'know... pregnancy)
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╚═════ Ao Lie ════════════════════════════════╝
🐲 You were there when the Samadhi Fire was sealed away. And you would be lying if you said you weren't terrified for the life of your husband, Ao Lie, when he blocked an oncoming blast with his draconian form
🐲 Ao Lie still acted the same, but he did seem to have a slightly different aura. It wasn't a huge change, but it wasn't very small either. Despite the changes, you were so happy he was okay, so much so that you cried in front of the other Pilgrims, Ne Zha, Demon Bull King, and his infant son
🐲 It was years later that you two decided to finally start a family, and that happened with the blessing of your twins, one named Tang after your friend, Tang Sanzang, much to his joy. And slightly later your daughter you had named by the Pilgrims group's decision. They all, after a couple hours of debating, decided you name her Xuelian, after the same lotus that you had put on her hat after birth
🐲 You looked down at your second-born with a gentle smile before drifting off to sleep, leaving Ao Lie wide-awake and lightly tickling his son's stomach, causing the tiny being to giggle at his actions
"Who's a cute little baby dragon? Who's a cute baby Tangy?" He cooed at the newborn.
🐲 It was after Ao Lie began to check the surrounding area for any off-putting aura, as he was protective over his children and now unconscious wife, to a degree that nobody else saw but you three
🐲 Ao Lie's eyes burst open as he looked down at his son in his arms. He felt something wrong with his aura... like there was something blazing inside of him that shouldn't be. Because there was
🐲 Your husband shivered before he started to cry. The fourth ring of the Samadhi Fire was now not inside of him, but now inside his oldest child. In his baby boy...
"No... no..."
🐲 As the young boy laughed and the sound of you and your daughter's snoozing breaths echoed in the room, Ao Lie sat there, his face above Tang's as he cried. Why did this have to happen... why couldn't he suffer with the ring inside of him. Why was this world to twisted...
🐲 How was he going to explain this to you...?
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╚═════ Azure Lion ═════════════════════════════╝
💠 You and Azure smiled at one another as he held his son. He looked almost exactly like his father, minus the fact that his father had extremely long hair while his was like tiny stalks of vegetables
💠 Azure was excited to become a father ever since you had told him, and he was even more stoked when you guys found out you were having a son. It was only a few hours afterwards that Azure and you finally picked his name; Wangshu, after the hope that you both held during your battles together
💠 Yellow Tusk, Peng, Sun Wukong, Demon Bull King, and Macaque were all sitting outside of your room. They had been ever since you went into labor, but, as your two midwives' orders when the painful-yet-happily-ending process started
💠 The midwives, Yinghua and Yulan, looked at you two and smiled. Yulan asked if you wanted to see the rest of the Sworn Brothers or if you guys wanted more time alone with your baby
💠 Azure looked up at you and said it was your call. He knew he wasn't the only one who could make these decisions, so he left some up to you. Here, he could care less, he just wanted his son in his arms and his wife next to him
"Go ahead and bring those stinkers in..." you said lowly.
💠 Your husband played with Wangshu's tiny hands when the two women left the room to tell the others they could come in and see you. Thankfully, your doorways were all modified so that the rest of the boys didn't destroy them when walking into a room due to heights and wingspan's
💠 Funnily enough, it was Macaque and Demon Bull King who ran into the room first, with Yellow Tusk and Wukong next and Peng being the last, and calmest one out of the group
💠 Wukong smiled happily as Azure held his son out for the others to look at, and he just laughed when the others began to make their comments on the matter
"He looks just like you, Azure!" -> Yellow Tusk
"Yeah, if I had a say in it, I would've guessed he was purely yours." -> Peng
"Why is he so small... is this what babies are all like?" -> Wukong
"Yes, Wukong. That's what all babies are like at first." -> Demon Bull King
"Yeah, they don't come out all grown up. Do you know how much that would hurt a woman when pushing the thing out? It's like a bean versus a watermelon." -> Macaque
💠 As they continued their conversations, you reached over and grabbed Azure's arm, causing him to look at you. He knew what you wanted, you wanted to hold your son again. And he obliged that request
💠 Azure handed your son to you and kissed your forehead before saying;
"You did amazing, my love. Thank you for giving me the best gift I could ever ask for."
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╚═════ Xiangliu ═══════════════════════════════╝
🐍 Xiangliu and you always shared the same wish in life; the wish to be back where you belong and not stuck in the Underworld surrounded by the idiots who called themselves a 'court'
🐍 You both played your parts in your plan perfectly. But it all went awry when you found out you were pregnant, and let me just say this for you; it was a hard one due to your differentiating parts that the baby got from your lover
🐍 He was nervous when you went into labor. Oh who am I kidding, he was beyond scared. He may portray himself as heartless, but this guy does have a heart deep down in his scaly chest
🐍 Xiangliu looked around as he played with his hands and snake-headed hair. The snake acted the same as him, scared, but as they had no actual form out of his, they shivered whilst he heard the screams coming from you
🐍 Yes, he knew it was pathetic to be waiting outside of the delivery room in this scenario, since it was your first child, but he just couldn't stand seeing you in pain. So, while he sat there, he waited to be called in my either the Underworld's doctor or one of their nurses
"Tenth King, sir. Your wife's delivery-"
"How are they?!"
"-was fine. There were hardly any complications, just a hint more bleeding than normal, but nothing we couldn't fix easily. If you want, we are about to get your daughter back in here, the nurse is just cleaning and wrapping her up."
"Y-yes. Thank you."
"It is of no problem."
🐍 As he practically ran inside the room, he saw you sitting there asleep. No doubt you were extremely wore out from the ordeal, which was understandable. If he went through that pain, he'd probably pass out too
🐍 You rested while the Nine-Headed Demon sat in a nearby chair, which he pushed up next to your bed, and laid his head down on your upper thigh, rubbing in it a comforting motion while he waited on your daughter to be brought to you both
🐍 The nurse walked in just a couple minutes after you awoke, much to Xiangliu's joy. The woman handed you the baby and the snake-haired demon smiled gently as you laid there holding her
🐍 It was only when the nurse left the room and he knew that nobody else could see you guys that he pulled down his hood, revealing the handsome man that he was in your eyes. You smiled gently as he kneeled slightly and allowed his own serpents to coo around the tinier ones that made up your child's hair
🐍 Hopefully, your wish would come true soon so you could get your daughter the experience you wished that you had all of your life. So that not only she and you could be free, but so that Xiangliu could be free too. Free to teach your daughter everything she wanted to know without any limits
"What should we name her?" You asked, lightly rubbing your fingers around her blanket.
"Hm. How about Yong? It means eternal."
"Our eternal ball of chaos... I love it."
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Xiangliu."
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╚═════ Sun Wukong ════════════════════════════╝
☀️ He was pleased when you announced your pregnancy. Wukong really wanted his own family growing up, and while the monkeys on Flower Fruit Mountain did suffice for a bit, he just wanted a real family
☀️ And as the nine months passed, he studied as much as he could and tried listening to the others (Li Jing) as best as he could to gain some knowledge on fathering
☀️ When your baby began their journey of bringing you pain, Wukong had gotten a surprise door-knock-down from Ne Zha, whom was panting and just grabbed his arm before pulling him up to your home on the mountain. It was a mere half-hour or so later when the Monkie Kids arrived
☀️ As you screamed in pain, Wukong held your hand, falling to his knees at the grip you held on him. He knew you were strong, but sweet Heavens!
☀️ Wukong fell to the ground when you finally let him go as when he heard the baby's cries, he snapped up and looked at his child with widened eyes and a couple tears forming in said eyes
☀️ You smiled at him and leaned your forehead against his, and while your baby was getting cleaned up by the nurses, Wukong stayed with you in the same position, occasionally moving to kiss your head in comfort
"You did good, baby."
☀️ Staying there until the nurse came back in with your baby, she told you the gender, that being a little boy, and asked you what you guys wanted to name the little Monkey Prince
☀️ Looking up at your husband with a quizzical face, you asked him what he wanted to name him
"How about... hmm... Chan-Juan? It means moon... I think."
"No, that doesn't sound right..."
"Uhm, Huojin? Means fire and metal."
"No! Damn why is it so hard to name a kid?"
"MK? How did you get here?"
☀️ Monkie Kid smiled and lightly scratched the back of his neck nervously before walking up to you and awing at your son that laid in your arms sleeping. Like father like son...
"Tang used his staff to get us here. Apparently he can do that, weird right? Anyways, what's this little guy's name?"
"Not sure... Wukong's recommendations just don't sound right."
"Hey, I tried."
"Yes, honey, you did. Remember that Bull King's first name choice for Red Son was Prince Burnson."
"What about Hong? It means rainbow! It sounds cute 'cause, y'know... Sun Wukong and Y/N, the Goddess of Rainbows and Color?"
"Hong Wukong... I like it."
"Heh, nice job, kid!"
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
good morning
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It was a bright and early Sunday morning. The sun had just started to peek through the curtains of the house. A warm domesticity was the perfect setting for such a day. Until the tiny thumps throughout the house started to rouse
Gabriella: Dad, dad! Wake up! DAD!! Dad…😠!
Y/n: your daughter is awake….
Miguel: before sunrise she’s your daughter…
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tshihiro · 2 years
filo robaire x short tempered reader ✅✅
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gender neutral ⛥ hcs
I'm quite short tempered myself so this is gonna be easy heheh
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Hidalgo knew exactly what he was getting into even before he started courting you
he's the type to observe ALOT, so he knows what he's doing
Robaire tries not to trigger you too much. He makes sure to be early or in time for everything you two attend in, takes hints easily, and sinusuyo ko regularly
Robaire's a very "communication is the key" person so there's no doubt na magaling siya manuyo
can't say there haven't been times you've been mad at him
Nathalie yeaa her again
You just can't help but want to push her off from the 4th floor each time you catch her acting like a child, clinging onto your boyfriend like lint
and no matter how much you deny it, Robaire will always see right through you
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hoonharem · 6 months
📓 all sunghoon, 18+.
tags: smut, fave (★)
❕ all are smut and sunghoon x reader (afab).
🔍 full warnings on original posts; read at your own risk.
📓 no to minimal plot
» we can’t be friends ★ (421, ex bf!hoon)
» guilty as charged (486, somnophilia)
» now he knows (943, jealous!hoon)
» good guys could never (1.3k, brother’s friend!hoon)
» bratty baby (1.4k, tamer!hoon)
» fuck me like a slut (1.4k, bf!hoon)
» you're on my mind and i want you as mine (1.4k, fwb!hoon)
» insatiable (1.5k, fingering)
» only you (1.6k, jealous!reader)
» you get me so high all the time (1.6k, smoking)
» what are friends for? (1.8k, bff!hoon)
» dangerously (1.8k, bf!hoon, angry sex)
» agora hills (1.9k, idol bf!hoon, somnophilia)
» missed you (1.9k, sub!hoon)
» bestfriend's older brother (1.9k, bff!taesan)
» sample session (2.1k, doctors)
» drip, drip, drip (2.1k, cunnilingus)
» i hate valentine's day (2.1k, bf!hoon)
» pretty boy in glasses, please save me ★ (2.2k, idol!hoon)
» heaven (2.2k, infidelity)
» carnal (2.3k, stepcest, dubcon)
» fuck boy next door (2.7k, tutor!hoon) 1/2
» fuck boy next door (3.3k, tutor!hoon) 2/2
» mine (2.4k, jealous!hoon, ex bf!jake)
» into it (2.6k, frat boy!hoon, fwb)
» all of you (2.7k, bf!hoon)
» subscriber benefits (2.8k, camboy!hoon)
» vacation (2.9k, bf!hoon)
» the lion and the lamb (3k, vampire!hoon)
» pent up (3.2k, idol!hoon, threesome with hee) 1/2
» first and last (3.4k, past love)
» tease (3.5k, possessive!hoon)
» six feet under (3.5k, cheating!hoon)
» okay (3.6k, fwb!hoon, hurt/comfort)
» drawn to you ★ (3.7k, cheating!hoon)
» always and forever (4k, makeup sex)
» cabin fever (4k, bf!hoon)
» conceal (4k, popular!hoon)
» look closely (4k, jealous!hoon)
» car sex (4.3k, street racer!hoon)
» picturesque (4.6k, bf!hoon)
» hard (4.9k, neighbor!hoon, threesome with jay) 1/3
» sweat (5k, neighbor!hoon) 2/3
» mark me yours (5k, idol!hoon, jealousy)
» scream (5k, bf!hoon, horror movie reference) 2/2
» liar, sweetheart (5.1k, twins!hoon, rivals to lovers)
» own little porn star (5.1k, professor!hoon)
» cool with you (5.6k, pervert!hoon)
» little bit of affection (5.7k, manager!hoon)
» bed (7.8k, fiance!hoon)
📓 with plot
» night shift (4.5k, camboy and boss!hoon)
» teach me, please (5.3k, student!hoon) 1/1
» teach me, please (5.1k, student!hoon) 2/2
» are you? (5.7k, bf!hee, reader cheats with hoon) 1/1
» are you mine? (2.5k, ex bf!hee, cheating with hoon) 2/2
» nudes i can't send ★ (6.4k, ex bf!hoon)
» blessed cursed (6.6k, demons, threesome with hee)
» say my name ★ (6.9k, neighbour!hoon, enemies to lovers)
» young, dumb, and full of (8k, pornstars, hyungline!fivesome)
» meddle about ★ (9k, fwb!hoon, threesome with hee) 1/2
» meddle about (with me) ★ (11.9k, fwb!hoon, ex bf!hee) 2/2
» first date etiquette ★ (9.3k, neighbor!hoon)
» forbidden attraction (9.3k, ravenclaw!hoon)
» cross the line (10k, a/b/o, threesome with hee)
» cherry pits (12.9k, dilf!hoon)
» get you better (13.6k, bf!jake, reader cheats with hoon)
» release me, embrace me ★ (15k, a/b/o, bff’s brother!hoon)
» pink whitney ★ (19k, brother's friend!hoon)
» one of the damned girls (20.4k, vampire!hoon)
» i’ll love you forever ★ (21.8k, bff!hoon, fake dating)
» gods and monsters ★ (23k, stepcest, love triangle) 1/3
» heaven and back ★ (24k, stepcest, love triangle) 2.1/3
» serial sweetheart ★ (23.6k, bf!hoon, reader cheats with jake)
» the boy next door trope ★ (26.5k, figure skater!hoon)
» deep end (36.6k, summer fling)
📓 hard thoughts, drabbles, etc.
» 24/7 thinking about you
» dirty girl (phone sex)
» jealous sex
» riding sunghoon's nose
» riding sunghoon's abs
» tired!sunghoon
» sweet bf!sunghoon
» ceo!sunghoon
» husband!sunghoon ★
» exboyfriend!sunghoon
» pussy drunk!sunghoon
» ravenclaw!sunghoon
» ovulating!reader ★
» cheating!reader
» high sex drive!reader
» favorite places to lick
— 📔 hyung line
» shared girlfriend (1.6k, gangbang, bf!hee)
» first time blowjob
» favorite positions
» member guessing by having sex
» cam boys
❕ part 2 will be out soon.
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squiddy-god · 1 month
Hello!! I just read your twst x chubby S/O and I thought it was amazing! Could I request Third Years x S/O who's into crocheting and crochets them plushies or keychains as random gifts? Plus a bonus when they admit that after they graduation Night raven they want to start a small business on it after hiding it if you want >w<
Hehehehe i love this so much because i crochet! It is one of my many house husband skills, personally my favorite things to make is these little octopuses but i should really branch out lol, this reminds me of those manhwas where the mc starts a business that booms 
Cw : tooth rotting fluff, mc has a successful side hustle to make that bag, gn reader, bonus grim because i love my cat so much, my son, grims is obvi platonic, rsa mention because vil is petty
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Oh hes bragging 
His human henchman is the best because they make him cute gifts 
The skrungly
I wanna make him little kitty outfits for every occasion
Making grim cat toys and he acts like he doesn't like them at first but he literally wont sleep without the crochet tuna fish you made him 
I think he needs a little kitty bag to wear and put his stuff in (mostly tuna) 
He would taunt the others because clearly he is the most special kitty with his very cool bad and fish 
He is and i won't stand for anyone telling me otherwise, i love our bastard cat son
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Hes obsessed 
If you make him a keychain then he is adding it to his growing collection on his phone right away
I hc that hes a big fan of stuffed animals so he adores anny that you make him and they sit on his bed 
He names all of them
He helps you start the small business during school actually! At first its his suggestion to run a magicam page for all your creations 
Soon the comments are flooded with people asking if you sell, one thing leads to another and boom you now have a successful side hustle 
Rsa is honestly a big seller they love this kind of stuff
He loves everything you make him and never stops posting about his love for it
Very supportive of your small business ventures 
His favorite thing you've made him is a little bag for pens and pencils that is shaped like a playing card because he thinks its just the cutest thing in the world 
And the keychains that he gets to show off whenever he whips his phone out (often)
Some of his favorite candid photos of you are when you’re crocheting peacefully 
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Dometic bliss pt.1
Trey is,,,such an old man- he like baking and the simple domestic little things like making you coffee/tea in the morning 
He loves to watch you crochet because he thinks its very cute and wholesome to spend time when you are doing activities together that are calm 
He adores the set of frilly doilies you made him and the cute potholders are always in use
He is 100% in support of your dreams of making that bag, honestly he really thinks you should get a start now to make extra cash on the side since 7 forbid crowley pay you for the work you do
He smiles every time he sees a tart cooling on one of the doilies you made him, seeing the little pattern always makes him happy
He trades you baked good for the things you make him so i hope you enjoy sweet treats
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Cat…big kitty…
Oddly captivated by any balls or skeins of yarn that are out and about but hes fighting the urge to play with them 
He is not beating the house cat allegations 
At first hes pretty neutral on it honestly, he likes the gifts you give him because they are just his but hes not a big keychain guy, or stuffies
Then you make him a blanket and hes gone 
He claims to be neutral about it, saying he likes the gift but dont be fooled by his aloof act he sleeps with that blanket everywhere 
He is bringing it to class if he doesn't just skip the class 
It is his favorite blanket and he almost lost his shit when ruggie took it to wash it- he's kinda territorial about the blanket 
Gives 0 fucks that its some cutesy blanket with little lions on it
Also a big fan of pillows/pillow covers 
If you make him multiple blankets he loves them too but the first one is extra special to him 
Hes neutral about you starting a business during or after school/graduation because well,,,he's a whole prince,,,
You make cheka a matching blanket and leona gets a very happy letter from his brother on how much the mini lion loves it, leona rolls his eyes but is secretly very proud of you 
Regardless if you want to start the small business he is happy to support you making that bread 
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Vil in crochet clothes my beloved 
Hes charmed by your little hobby and the adorable stuffed animal you made him, a little crochet owl that sits on his vanity so he sees it when he does his makeup and night routine 
Vil does not post a lot of personal stuff on his magicam/socials, but he does wear anything you make him, he has a folder in his gallery dedicated to photos of the two of you, dates or candid photos either he took or rook took and sent to him. 
Most of these pics he's in something you crochet for him even if it's just a simple keychain it's a staple of his 
He is very supportive of your dreams of starting a business for your crochet, he admires the drive and discipline and encourages you to pursue this work 
Ironically if you start a side hustle soon to be full business, neige of all people is a big customer as he's fond of cute stuff like this 
This is where vil gets petty 
He sees a photo post of neige’s where he’s in a new outfit, not odd at all, what catches vils attention is that the cardigan and hat he's wearing is oddly similar to a piece he saw you working on for an order- anyone watching can see the twitch in vil’s eye when he sees the shoutout to you in the caption
The next 5-8 posts of vil’s are a mix of his regular posts and pictures of him in your clothes or with the keychains, all with captions along the lines of “my beautiful s/o @[your name here]”
He even posts the owl
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If you were to make him a keychain he calls it his lucky charm for hunting and always had it on him. 
Really he's just fond of anything you make him
a lot of his photos are of you when you are deep in a project and not paying attending, candid photos like this are his favorites and he looks at them often 
He really likes any little animal stuffies you make because he thinks they are just the cutest 
“Hunts” your plushies aka he will sneak up on you making them or sorting them out and act like he caught them 
He is very supportive of your business ventures, he loves to see you so passionate about wanting to eventually start a small business and be able to sell your creations 
He definitely encourages you to sell a few things in sams shop, afterall he sells anything and everything anyone could ever need
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The outfits you make grim are his faves 
He is a cat man at heart and cant help but coo over every new thing you make grim because it makes the kitty so so so cute and as a cat he was already uber SS+ cute levels 
He is also a big fan of any keychains you make him or even stuffies
The stuffies either are on his bed so he can cuddle them or they are with the rest of his game/anime figures on his shelves so its a horrific mix of like neon genesis mechs and crochet 
I think it would be funny to make him doilies to put the figures on because when hes gaming and people are like “dude why is your [super cool limited edition game figure] on a doily???” hes like “haha L+loser+lonely+my super cool s/o made them for me lvl10 affection” and is it cringe as hell? Yes. can those normies suck it because hes no longer forever alone? Also yes
They are demanding proof or it didn't happen 
Ortho is also a big fan and has a lil keychain you made hooked on him <3
idia would actually combust if you made anything themed after a game or show he watches/plays because that is SS+ max lvl affection with full hearts right there 
You have unlocked the super secret route and that is unlimited discord nitro and a new pc because he is so happy 
He also would support your business during and after school 
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Domestic bliss pt 2
Genuinely you are breaking this guy. Like he cannot take it anymore 
I feel we all can agree malleus is prone to casual proposals because hes just,,,kinda like that
He pictures a future with you by his side and you aren't making it any better by being so endearing 
When he sees you doing something as simple as sitting down and crocheting his draconic heart is filled with sweet domestic love, makes him feel like an old married couple and he can't take it lmao 
At first he's a bit weird about accepting gifts as it's a big deal in fae culture to just,,,get a gift out of nowhere
But he does accept them, he simply gives you something he sees as equal value (this is how you end up with several big ass gems)
He considers all of your gifts his most precious items, his favorites however are the following 4 gifts he has received 
A keychain that looks like his gaogao-drakon-kun tamagotchi witch he keeps on the same keychain as said virtual pet
A gargoyle plushy that he considers to be one of his most treasured gifts, in a similar light he has a plushie of your fave animal and you have a dragon plushie that match (this almost killed him)
And a little crochet bracelet that you match (he never takes it off unless he has to) 
Your desire to start a business throws him for a loop at first because in his mind you are happily by his side in the briar valley, (he is very male lead coded) but he quickly re-adjusts to account for your business plans and he is the most supportive dragon you could ever hope for 
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Old man (affectionate) 
 I like to think lilia knits and is simply overjoyed when he finds out you crochet 
You exchange little gifts 
It makes his very old fae heart happy to sit around the ramshackle fireplace and crochet/knit with you while chatting about your day/week, simple things like this make him feel like hes back in the old days with a baby silver 
He loves anything you make him and happily wears any keychains or items he is gifted
Stuffies are named and placed around his room without a hint of shame 
And he loves that you have such good goals and dreams like a business 
I like the idea of meeting general lilia and also making him something 
At first he is confused, almost indignant that you would have the gaul to give him a gift- of all people he would never accept such a token
Maybe its something simple, a granny square on the lacy side that resembles something akin to a handkerchief, something small you explain as a favor, something youd give a knight 
He claims he is disgusted by such human customs but his grip on the crochet piece is unmistakable, and the way you wake up the next morning to a small green gem-the same that adorns his armor, tells you all you need to
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thundercatsxreader · 29 days
How would Lion O accidentally fall on top on human reader who is in the middle of looking at cute animals that natives to the land
The rest you can do whatever
Okay- Bet
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Your hands twirled into the fur of the little creature. You weren't sure what the creature was, but it sure was adorable. You were so caught up in the creatures, that you didn't notice a pair of eyes watching you.
That was until you felt a large, fluffy weight being pressed against your back. You squealed as your face smoshes against the ground and you hear apologies from behind you.
"Oh- God, I'm so sorry!"
You groan as you finally get him off you and he stutters over his words. You push your hair out of your face and sigh. You look back to the animal, only to frown when seeing it was gone.
"Oh, Y/n- I swear I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine Lion-o." You push yourself off the ground avoiding his hand.
🦁 He was stalking you before he had fallen on top of you. He thought you looked some cute as you played with the animal. Kind of wants you to run your fingers though his hair like you did the pet
🦁 He finds it hard to talk to you- So when it appears he was stalking you, which he was, he becomes even more tongue twisted
🦁 He feels like such an idiot. You were having such a beautiful moment and he ruined it
🦁 He avoids you after that, because he's worried that you know that he was watching you
🦁 Can't stand his feelings for you because they make him feel so many feelings- Will probably try and initiate to hang out with you if he sees you with another animal- Maybe you can bond over that?
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Alternative Responses to “I love you”
Feat. ThunderCats {1985 & 2011}
Reader: I love you
Lion-O: Thanks
Tygra: *laughs nervously*
Panthro: *finger guns*
Cheetara: I know
Reader: I love you
Lion-O: *finger guns*
Tygra: Who doesn’t
Panthro: Why?
Cheetara: Thanks
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starr666 · 2 months
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Steamy Springs in the Savanna
Hehehe guess who got the Sunset Savannah event in English and can’t stop thinking of Leona’s slutty ass waist??
Leona Kingscholar x gn!reader
minors dni
by scrolling below this line, you are consenting to reading nsfw content
It was hours after the Bead Brawl. Leona called for another feast to be had to bring in their victory…despite how it had been achieved. Everyone was absolutely exhausted after everything leading up to and during the brawl and went to bed quite early. All except for the lion himself. He sat in the common area of the hotel after having been fussed out by Neji for the stunt he pulled and you hid behind the wall, listening in. After Neji had left the area and gave you a solemn nod, you stood there…conflicted on whether or not to go back to your room or talk to the obviously irritated beastman. Before you get the chance to make the decision for yourself…
“I smell you, herbivore. C’mere.”
Startled but obedient, you walk over to the couch where the lion was sprawled out on. You stood at the armrest where his feet lay and he leans his head down to get a look at you
“If ya can’t sleep, I’m goin’ to the springs again. Wanna be able to enjoy it without the rowdy children before we go back.”
You simply nod, thinking he was just informing you of where he would be and he rolls his eyes at your simple response
“That was an invitation, herbie. S’long as you’re quiet, I won’t mind the company. Better make a quick decision before one of those idiots wake up or I retract the invitation.”
“O-oh…” You quickly change into attire more suitable for the springs and hop in his truck. The ride was silent and you caught him occasionally looking over the area of the kingdom , a reminiscent look in his eye that you took note of but kept quiet about.
He leads you through a secret entrance to be used by royalty and their guests when the rest of Ivory Springs is closed for the night. You find yourself in awe of the glimmering fairy like lights that light the bath of the springs. By the time you finish silently admiring the area, Leona is already in the water, his head leaning back and eyes closed…”Did he fall asleep already?”you begin to wonder before his eyes shoot open.
“You comin’ in or what? Promise I won’t bite, little mouse~.” His usual bored expression is replaced with a sly smirk as he calls you by the nickname.
You cannot deny the feeling of blood rushing to your cheeks at the nickname and the knowledge that the very muscular and good looking beast man was in that spring with nothing on but a short pair of swim trunks. You turn around so your back is facing him to relieve the pressure of taking off your cover up off in front of him. But as soon as the coverup drops to the ground, you can feel his intense gaze looking your body up and down. You ignore it and get in the spring with him…well across from him, not wanting to intrude on his space or give him a reason to regret him offering the opportunity to you. He rests his head on the ground behind him once again, staring at the night stars as he did the night before the tournament
“Y-you did a good job out there. Didn’t expect my name to be said at all but…if that’s what people think of when they hear my name, I guess I don’t mind.”You slouch a bit in the water, not being sure if you should’ve broke the silence
“Heh,s’that so or were you just excited to hear your name leaving my lips with confidence?” he grins as he smells the shift in your hormones from the comment made. He stands from his spot in the water and walks towards you and you find yourself distracted by the water cascading down his chest and eventually his abs and back into the water again. Soon you feel his tail around your waist and your body flush against his
You feel his fingers dancing on your skin comfortably, occasionally using his nail to provide a little stimulation until his hands reach down to your ass, a cocky smirk appearing when he hears the slight moan and gasp that followed after.
“Thought so, now, y’want me to make you scream mine in exchange?”
“H-huh? What do you mea-“ before you can say anything else to talk yourself out of what you oh so desperately desired, you are pulled into a sloppy kiss with him. His tongue skillfully traveling your mouth and in the heat of it, you find yourself wrapping your legs around his slutty but strong torso. Causing him to chuckle into the kiss and briefly pause
“There ya go, so needy for me already. Can’t say I’m surprised with the way you were staring me down in my rightful throne.” He whispers into your ear before giving your lobe a suck and nibble and continuing down to your sensitive jaw, relishing in the sound of your moans blending beautifully with the sound of the waterfall. His trained hands easily rid you of your bottoms, savoring the smell and he aligns himself with your entrance and to say that the tip itself was overwhelming would be an understatement. He uses the heated water to his advantage and begins stretching you beautifully while continuing to mark up your neck and chest
“That’s a little too quiet for me, Let me fix that~” Before you can process what was said, you feel a stinging stretch that makes you feel full. A deep growl escapes his lips as the veins and spines of his dick acquaint itself with your warmth. He lets it sit there for a moment as you get adjusted before he begins moving into you, starting with slow and hard thrusts, which allow a string of curses to escape your lips, which isn’t exactly what he was looking for…so he picks up the pace and also starts slamming you onto himself with his own hands.
The sound of his hips slapping against your ass fill the air with a slight echoing off the walls of the spring and the water continues to ripple in sync. His growls get deeper and louder as you begin clenching around him, your scent getting stronger as you’re about to release and the incoherent babbling of uncontrollable sounds as he ravages you only serve as more fuel.
“I know you’re close, I better hear my name loud and clear when you finish, if not, I’m edging you till the sun comes up, got it little mouse~?” his tone was commanding, raspy and sexy.You nod at him, still barely able to form coherent words, an occasional “daddy” and “my king” falling from your lips between moans until you finally unravel and your legs begin to shake around his waist.
“LEONAAAAAA~ fuck fuck fuuuuck”
“What a slutty little pet you are, at least y’know how to listen.” he pounds up into you after hearing his name be screamed with such pleasure rather than the usual fussing that follows afterwards. He lets out a roar of his own while he finishes inside of you, watching with pride as the liquids drip into the hot spring and dissipate.
After a few more rounds, Leona finds himself aiding a stumbling you back to the truck and you fall asleep on the way back to the hotel. Everyone is still asleep when you arrive and he makes sure to feed you before letting you rest in your room for the night…with one of his luxury blankets.
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starless-nightz · 5 months
omg lingyang is such a cutie 😭😭 I love him already,,
Also feeding into the arlecchino x lioness!reader, lionesses are known to leave the pride to have cubs and not show them until six weeks in fear of intruding male lions. I imagine arle having to watch her s/o and kid from afar bc she knows that if she comes closer, reader is going to try and attack her.
On the other side, before their kid is born arle would probably reason w reader to stay at the house of hearth,,
Arlecchino with a lioness! fem! S/O not letting her see their child
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note -> Pookie wookie is sad cause she cant kiss her wife for weeks :[ Also should I make this into a silly au searies for this blog? :3
warnings -> none.
content includes -> fluff, sad pookie bear, the doctor isnt Dottore.
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Arlecchino was warned beforehand by both you and the doctor that while you are part human, you are still part lion, which means once you have your child your lion instics would be much stronger
She would prepear a room for both you and your child so you dont have to leave the house, she will lock you in there if she has to, she wouldnt risk anything happening to you two
The moment your child is born she knows she has to stay away from you, she makes sure to inform the children not to go near your room for the next few weeks
She would get sad because she cant kiss you or spend time with you and her child, tho she doesnt mind getting a bit hurt if it means she can see you both
Even the children would notice the gloomy mood around Arlecchino, to some of the younger children she looked like a kicked puppy
Arlecchino is prepeared to spoil both you and your child the moment you two get out of the room and you own her a lot of kisses
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slutspinks · 2 days
NOTHING HOLDIN’ ME BACK ! — ★ logan howlett.
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・˳ . ⋆ sum. you’ve seen him fight, move around his cage like a wild animal, made of hard muscle and thirsty for blood. but you’ve grown tired of him holding back— you’re finally letting him out.
pairing cagefighter!logan x fem!reader
warnings fem!reader, praising, begging, fingering, nipple play, p in v, creampie, unprotected, no use of y/n but I used pet names (precious, babe…). so much use of the word slick, sorry not sorry.
wc 3.9K
★ an ★ omg, corn w/o plot? my speciality, please enjoy this piece of work I wrote at four am during insomnia 😃 forgive any mistakes, they just slip past my eyes sometimes and I don’t proofread my works, lol. So I don’t know if I made it justice, I just kind of wrote what was in my head, hope you enjoy it anyways :)
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Just like every other time you watched him from a distance, your heart would stop whenever one of his opponents managed to land a punch. But it didn’t matter—he remained standing. Steady.
As steady as his steps, pacing around the cage, eyeing his prey the way a lion eyes a gazelle, ready to pounce, sink its fangs in, spilling blood everywhere as it reveled in watching its victim fall.
Nothing was staged, though there were always rumors that someone helped him win, that it was simply impossible for him to take down his opponents so easily with just one punch to the jaw. You’d heard it all before, and you’d laughed every time. You knew who Logan was: a wild animal that couldn’t be tamed, thirsty for blood and victory—and maybe a few free shots of whiskey you managed to get him from the bar.
The place looked the same as always—smelled of cigarettes and aged whiskey, even the occasional hint of weed. But none of that could pull your attention away from the fight, from him.
There were nights were you had to make sure everything went as it should—no dirty moves, no corruption. Every corner of this dark, pretentious place was under your watchful eye. Besides, when you sometimes played as the timekeeper, you had the task of looking after him. And it’s not like it was a job you were paid to do—he just sought it out himself.
Before you got into all this fight business, you were just a normal woman working at a coffee shop in the city, taking orders left and right, spending your energy on a job that rarely compensated you fairly. But that’s just how things were... Or so you thought until you found this place: a basement of what used to be an apartment building, transformed into a run-down bar and the main entertainment hub for the slums. Cage fights seemed more interesting than a football match to these people.
At the start, you were hesitant about the idea, but you convinced yourself you’d enjoy it more and the pay was good.
When you first stepped into this place, your initial thought was that the floors were too sticky, filthy, and reeked of alcohol. But somehow, you got used to it, and the smell became a part of you—you could hardly notice it anymore, unlike those first few days you spent here.
Everything seemed monotonous at first; men fighting each other, trying to prove who had the bigger ego— maybe bigger dick.
You watched it all from a distance, serving drinks to drunken men who were just as thirsty for a fight, until everything changed.
He arrived.
Logan. The mysterious man nobody liked because everyone already had their favorite fighters, and when he showed up, everything went to hell. Literally.
Every time he stepped into that cage, he managed to knock out every single one of those idiots, leaving them with swollen eyes and dislocated jaws—some he even left unconscious.
Tonight was one of those many nights, where you lingered close and watched the fight, trying not to bite your lip every time, by pure luck and chance, one of his opponents managed to land a hit on his cheek. But they never had the upper hand—Logan always found a way to beat them, again and again.
Just as he always found a way to cage you inside his room after, keeping you to himself even though you tried to not get to involved, but you knew you were too far gone. You were too into him to care about the outcome, even worse when he made you enjoy it too much.
“Ah- Fuck”. You tremble on Logan’s lap, sweaty back resting on his broad chest while your hands hold the back of your thighs, keeping you open for him. He was the only one holding you up while he was knuckles deep inside your pulsating cunt. You tried not to bite too hard on your lip, but you already saw the way a clear sheet of slick coats down a single finger, and it has you clenching down harder, tighter.
“It’s just one finger, princess- you can take it”, he rasps, head leveled to your ear, while his other hand holds a glass of whiskey you managed to steal away for him; your hazy eyes looked around, noticing the small details your gaze always attached to when coming to his room: his leather jacket, his wife beater perched on the couch armrest, and the countless mags you left on the battered desk. But nothing was able to steal your attention for too long when the excitement from having him fingering you in his room had you curling your toes, along with the non-stopping motion of them.
“It’s so t-thick, I-I don’t think you’ll fit”, you babble out in broken words, referring to his dick. It’s been a few days since he’s been repeating the same cycle, eating you out then fingering you, preparing you to take his length— and even though you’ve had his dick in your mouth, he says is not the same.
It was your fault, really. You insisted you could take his fingers without him needing to eat you out, but you were already failing in the task. You felt your tummy churn in a line of zig zags as you sense him slowly sink another finger inside, leaving a burning trail behind. Your hand shot out to take his arm, curling around it to have something to ground yourself. “It f-feels weird”.
A breathy chortle leaves his lips, glass of whiskey lifting up, your gaze following the movement until it wasn’t in your line of sight anymore. His head goes back to his previous spot, stopping just a few inches from your ear, “I told ya, you wouldn’t be able to take them…”.
A frown etched on your features, sweaty brows knitting together at his words. Of course you could take them, he was just making fun of you because you weren’t thoroughly prepared like all those other times.
“I-I can take them”. You said, hand moving back to hold your leg, opening up even more for him. You could watch it in this position, and it made more slick gush out of your cunt, his covered finger kept pushing in and out slowly, patiently.
A tiny gasp leaves your lips when his index finger slides through your labia, scooping up more of your juices, teasing you. “You’re a big girl now? You think you can take it? Let’s see…”.
You hummed excitedly, your head moving up and down. You managed to get your ass a bit lower on his lap, your back sliding down just the right amount until it seemed you were going to sleep on his abdomen, chasing his fingers with your cunt.
You heard his low chuckle from behind, glass lifting up again to take a sip from his drink, “You’re so greedy, precious… but I’m holding back, just for you”.
You didn’t want that, you didn’t want him to hold back, you wanted his everything. Every finger he wanted to give you you’d accept it happily, didn’t matter if it hurt at first— you’d take the pain.
“Don’t hold back, I’ll be okay”, you assured, looking back at him. His hazel eyes were glued to you, lust and excitement swirling around in the depths of them, lips glistening from the whiskey he was nursing, you wanted to kiss him. “Gimme a kiss”, you plead, lips forming a pout when he shakes his head.
“Be patient, I’m busy fucking your cunt now, let me focus, mhm?”. Logan arched one brow, looking at you expectantly.
“Alright”, you mumbled, disappointment laced in your voice at him denying your request. He’d always kiss you afterwards, but you hoped he’d changed that when he noticed you were struggling.
“Don’t be sad, pretty girl, you’ll get your reward soon”, he promises, not stopping for a moment the sweet and slow pacing of his fingers, smiling at the way your cunt clenched when you heard the nickname. Your walls were more clingy than they were in a daily basis, sticking against them like glue. You gasped when you feel his index finger teasing your entrance, “Pleaseplease, I can take one more…”.
Logan keeps his gaze fixed on yours, finally putting it in. You felt a delicious sting, one that managed to scratch that itch in your foggy brain. You squirmed on his lap, hips lifting up just the right amount to ease the small discomfort. A grunt left his throat, fingers slipping out of your dripping walls to spank at your cunt, followed by your whine at the sting, so different from the one his finger caused.
“I thought you could take it”.
His hand rested next to your cunt, fondling your inner thigh affectionately— but he did nothing else. Logan acted nonchalant, drinking from his glass as if he wasn’t finger fucking you just seconds ago. Your thighs were still wide open, arms growing weary from how long you’ve been holding them.
“Logan?”. you call once, eyes glassy with unshed tears. He ignored you, gaze fixed on the old TV perched on the coffee table feet away from you and the boring news channel he was ‘watching’.
He hummed, not looking your way. You frowned once more, but this it was not caused by the delicious pace of his fingers, but for his peculiar way of ignoring you.
You were there, laid open for him, perky nipples and sopping wet cunt waiting to get fucked- be it his fingers or dick. But he was ignoring you, holding back.
You didn’t want him to hold back, you wanted his everything, one, two or four fingers— whatever he wanted to give you you’d accept it with open hands. But he didn’t want to hurt you, you knew the change in his demeanor the moment you lifted your hips, trying to ease the stinging pain, and though it was momentary, he stopped everything.
“Logan?”. you called once again, hand moving from your leg to hold his, trying to move him to your cunt so he can continue his ministrations, but he didn’t bulge. He held your thigh with more strength, slick covered fingers digging on your skin.
“If you want my fingers to fuck you, you’ve got to let me eat you out, if not then I can’t-”
“B-but I don’t want you to eat me out, you won’t fuck me with your dick if I’m too sore…”, you whined, lips pouting once more, watching his stoic face twitch just for a second and then a smirk finally appeared on his lips.
His fingers twitched too, caressing your outer labia with the tips— his other arm under your armpit, forearm glued to your ribs. You could see the condensation in the glass, drink almost finished, you were thirsty.
“Want some?”, he asked and you glanced back at him in thought, then nodding slowly. A grin spread across his mouth, pearly white teeth showing from between his pink lips. He moved the glass to drink from it, a disappointment feeling sinking deep into your chest when you noticed the drink was finished.
He noticed it in your features, the way you looked so disappointed thinking he was punishing you.
That’s why didn’t think he’d lower his head, lips attaching to your parted ones, liquid slipping to your mouth, a satisfied moan leaving your throat when the bitter liquid covered your tongue— mixed with his own saliva. It was utterly erotic to you, the way you shared everything, from his dog tags to his fluids.
All the time you were kissing, you felt his fingers move once more to your entrance, two of them breaching in at once— a gasp leaving your mouth the moment they bottomed out. Logan took the opportunity to shove his tongue inside, twirling it with your own, stroking the warm muscle. Saliva dripped from the corner of your mouth, slipping down to your chin.
His fingers hid inside your cunt walls, initiating a slow pace just like before, brushing that spongy spot with them. Your hand curled around his arm once more, feeling the hot skin beneath your fingers. Your back was sweaty, his chest and abdomen hair sticking to your skin.
“You’ve been so good, letting me do what I want, always”. He praised, a string of saliva formed after your heated kiss, keeping you somehow together even after he leaned back to plant a kiss on your head.
His digits moved at a faster pace now, the squelching sound your pussy made provoked his bulge to grow, a tent appearing in his pants beneath your lower back. The pain was too far gone, now you could only feel the pleasure.
“I think you can take a third, uh? You’re a big girl after all”, he asked teasingly, you could only nod effusively, pushing your hips further into his hand. As you still make a cute attempt at rocking your hips against his lap. He slowly inserts another thick finger inside. tightening around each one, you whine before your entire body jitters.
Logan chuckles deeply against your ear, feeling the claws of your nails seep into the flesh of his arm. "So three is the limit. I see…" and within three seconds, his digits pull out of your cunt. A slimey string of your wetness sticks against his fingers. as he looks down with an utmost hungry gaze, he brings his fingers up to his mouth before sniffing them.
He pops the three of them inside his mouth, his tongue devours your honeyed slick, brows furrowing in arousal before he takes them out, pressing them to your own lips. “C’mon pretty girl, taste yourself”.
Your lips happily part, and he puts two fingers inside, groaning when he noticed you greedily suck on them— thinking it was his dick you were sucking, not his fingers.
With a groan he takes them out, glass forgotten on the couch armrest and lifts you up, turning you around so you’re lying face down on his chest, dog tags digging into your cheek.
He takes the back of your neck and kisses you, a moan leaving your throat the moment your saliva mingling together. His slick covered fingers parted your ass cheek, scooping up more of your slick before putting his fingers back inside, fucking you faster, rougher.
Your head hid in the crook of his neck, arms enveloping his broad back tightly, as if it was the only thing that could keep your feet on the ground.
“We need to stretch it out, get it ready to take my dick, don’t wanna hurt this little girl”, he speaks, voice dripping with lust and it made heat pool beneath your cheeks.
“Logan? I-I don’t want you to hold back…”, you mumble, ass lifting higher, knees digging in the battered couch. “Want you to be rough, I- if that’s what you want…” your voice lowered with each word, shame finally settling in your brain.
With a final thrust of his fingers, he pulled them out, taking your waist and positioning you above the couch, the leather dampening with your sweet and juices.
His hands gripped your thighs, forcing them open once again after you closed them in shame, “Don’t hide from me”.
Your arms hugged your chest, trying to cover your breasts from his sight, you were growing shy on him and he didn’t like that. Not even a bit.
“Stop that”, he said, tugging your hands off your chest, pinning them above your head. Your eyes avoided his, not wanting to meet his gaze, “Look at me”. He demanded, meaty thighs accommodating between yours, preventing you from closing them.
You look at him after a few seconds from looking at the humidity spot in the wall, “Need ya to tell me if it’s hurts, if you want to stop”.
Your head shakes up and down, “Okay”.
He nods in agreement and releases your hands, trailing his own down your body, stopping on your breasts, twirling the nipples between his index and forefinger, fondling the soft mounds in his much bigger hands. Then continued on his way, touching your ribs, waist and halting on your hip bone, thumb caressing the bone protruding from the skin.
He still had his jeans on, a wet spot staining them on the front, your juices. It made your pussy clench around nothing, skin heating up once again.
His hands hastily pulled his belt off, zipping his pants down, lowering them just the right amount to take his cock out through the front.
A gasp left your lips, mouth hanging open at the sight of his hard shaft, the angry tip leaked precum, the pearly white droplets making your mouth water. You’ve had him in your mouth before, you’ve tasted his skin and cum, the saltiness of his skin equals the one from his fluid and it makes your tongue tingle with anticipation. He watches the look you give him, the need for it you showed but he quickly denied you.
“Not tonight babe, I’m gonna fuck you now and nothing’s gonna stop me”.
Logan fisted it in his palm, giving it a few tugs before bringing it closer to your pussy, head rubbing up and down on it, covering it in your slick, wetting it to perfection.
He swirled it around your clit, covering it in his cum, mixing his fluids with your own. Finally, his angry tip hooked on your entrance, making his way until you felt it was completely in.
It was a tight fit, your cunt felt like a big pole tried to enter you, but it was just the tip.
“Relax, you’re doing it good”, Logan mumbled, head thrown back and eyes closed. You tried to relax, to listen to him and loosen up a bit but the pressure was too much— you didn’t felt that way with his fingers.
“It’s not going to fit”, you repeat the same words from the start, thinking how dumb it was of yourself to think you could take that huge thing in between your legs. You tried to move back, forearms planted on the couch wanting to get away from his dick, but he stopped you.
“You told me to not hold back, and you’re doing the opposite thing… be good yeah? I really wanna fuck you”, he admitted, halting your movements.
You were going to try, just for him.
You both stayed still for a moment, he rejoiced in the way your spongy walls clenched around his hard shaft, and the way your chest heaved up and down, making your breasts jiggle slightly.
He tried not to cum, really tried. And he also tried not go all the way inside you, he didn’t want to hurt you.
“I’m gonna put it all in, yeah?”.
He finally asked and you could only nod, watching and feeling the way his dick leisurely entered. After a few seconds of trying, he finally bottomed out, balls pressed against your ass. It was a tight fit, of course, the stinging feeling from before was present too, but it was even worse than his fingers.
A small cry left your lips, eyes glassy and teeth biting down on your lips. Logan’s eyes softened, hand moving from your thighs to rest on your cheek, wiping the tear off with the pad of his digit. “Shh, it’ll be alright”. He assured.
He waited a few minutes, watching the way a few tears slid down your cheeks, wiping them off like before and whispering sweet things to you, to soothe you.
Logan realized you were ready the moment you started to squirm, tears stopping and heat returning to your cheeks, traveling down to your neck and chest.
“I’m gonna move now, is that okay?”, he asked, waiting for a verbal confirmation that everything was alright.
“Yeah, ‘m okay”.
When he heard those words, he finally let himself move. In and out, a steady and slow pace at first, then he started to fuck you harder. His dick hit your cervix, head stroking your vulva with greediness.
You knew he was holding back, you felt it. It didn’t hurt anymore, at least for now, but he was still holding back— you noticed it in his features, his frown and tight jaw gave him away. You wanted him to be him, to do what he wanted with your body. You wanted him to act the same way he acts in the cage.
You elevated a bit from your spot, reaching to his cheek with your hand, he was so tall you didn’t touch it at first, but he hunched over so you could.
“I-I told you to not hold b-back”, a whimper left your mouth when he hit that spot, a euphoric sensation spreading through your lower abdomen and legs. He noticed it, and he began to thrust faster.
He gripped the leg dangling from the side of the couch and made it lift to your chest, it felt completely different from moments before. You felt his dick hitting deeper, and you didn’t know if it was your imagination that made you sense the veins in his dick rubbing against your walls.
You looked down, trying to watch the way he slipped in and out of you, you only managed to catch a small glance, but it was the most erotic scene you’ve witnessed. Nothing you’ve ever done compares to this, not even when you’d finger yourself in front of the wall mirror at your apartment.
“Fuuck”, he groaned, hips snapping rapidly, the smacking sound being the only thing you heard in the small, deteriorated room, along with his grunts and your moans, that got higher and higher every time he bottomed out. “Are you good?”.
You’re too fucked dumb to reply, and Logan’s pace grows more and more erotic. The couch creaks again and again, your head spinning. You could sort of feel the rough fabric of his halfway pulled down jeans against your ass each time he hits himself against you,
He smiles and keeps the pace, hand traveling down to rub on your clit gently, he didn’t want to overstimulate you— for now.
“Yes yes there”, you chant, your smaller hand holding his wrist, tugging it forward to press harder on your bundle of nerves.
And without further notice, the thread snaps. Your tummy churns and your legs spread even wider, if that was even possible, your body trembles as it contracts and gives Logan everything you have left to offer. You squeeze his dick, moaning wildly as his pace never falters, urging you to stay in the state of euphoria a bit longer.
Then you feel it too, his cum leaking from inside your cunt dripping down onto the couch, seeing the way his dick slips out from you and glistens with your mixed arousal. His eyes fixed on his cum gushing out from your pussy, doing his best to hold back.
You watched it too, and It made your pussy clench again, he obviously noticed it but he just chuckled and shook his head, putting a stray hair behind your ear.
“Easy there, we just fucked, we’ve got plenty of time to do it again”.
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lesbojournals · 4 months
Poly!Marauders x Slytherin!Reader
part one here three here four here five
Your head pounded harder than it ever has before. You groaned at the light from your squinted eyes and covered your face with your hands.
“Feeling alright, princess?” You heard a voice ask, and your eyes snapped open at the realization that light doesn’t shine in the Slytherin dungeons and the voice of Sirius Black doesn’t come from your safe dormitory either.
You sat up and glared at him, realizing you were, in fact, in James Potter’s bed (given the Quidditch jersey hanging off of the side embroidered with POTTER). 
“I…we…I didn’t…” You stuttered out, looking at a particularly cheeky Sirius Black.
He nodded solemnly. “You most certainly did.” 
You gasped, bringing your hands to cover your mouth. “In front of-”
Before SIrius could continue, Remus interrupted you. “Enough, Siri. Don’t torture the babe.”
The babe. You felt your cheeks heat at the nickname. Sirius, on the other hand, took note of this and his smile grew bigger.
“Something wrong, dolly?”
Dolly. Great, again with the nicknames. You opened your mouth to answer, words stuck in your throat at the sight of a shirtless James exiting the bathroom from a shower.
“Are you feeling alright, love?” James asked, in genuine concern.
You groaned and fell back into the bed, only to realize you were still in James’ bed, leading you to scramble to get out of it. 
Sirius cackled while Remus gave him a light shove.
James approached you. “You feeling okay? I got a potion for hangovers for you–well actually Rem got two of them for both of us. If you’re feeling anything like I did last night you must be feeling absolutely dreadful.”
You glared at his kind words and huffed. “I don’t need anything, unlike you lions I can handle my liquor.”
With that you stood, feeling a wave of nausea overcome you. You clutched your stomach and James gripped your wrist to run you to the bathroom, where you threw up violently. 
He rubbed your back gentle with one hand, holding your hair up and away from the bile with another.
“So much for handling your liquor.” Sirius quipped from the bathroom doorway, earning another shove from Remus, this time a bit harder.
Remus scolded him. “Don’t be rude to her.”
When you finished James gave you a pat on the back and guided you to stand, helping you over to the sink to get some mouthwash.
Sirius scrunched his nose and opened his mouth to make a comment. Remus then promptly dragged Sirius away, to, what you could only guess, scold him again. 
But why did Remus even care?
James raised an eyebrow at the situation and decided to leave you, unknowingly leaving the bathroom door open a crack.
“You can’t expect her to like you back if all you’re going to do is relentlessly tease, Sirius!” You heard Remus whisper shout.
You could hear James slap his own forehead. “Why are we talking about this now?”
Sirius chimed in. “It’s not my fault the opportunity to poke fun keeps presenting itself! That’s how I express my love!”
You stared at yourself in the mirror in shock. Love?! The Sirius Black, was in love with you? But he had two boyfriends, in a very committed relationship. That could only mean…
The cogs were turning in your head and the realization hit you like a semi-truck. They all liked you.
“I’m leaving!” You loudly announced from the bathroom, making sure your entrance into the room would be known. 
The boys stared at you as you exited the bathroom, Sirius with an eyebrow raised. “And you’re taking mine and Rem’s clothes with you?”
You looked down.
Oh my GOD.
Don’t blush, don’t blush, don’t blush. You told yourself. Come up with something. You definitely knew you had changed into the clothes of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin last night. Sure. 
“Well I don’t suppose I’m supposed to change into the liquor-soaked clothes of mine from last night now am I?” You sarcastically remarked, earning an ‘o’ face from James. 
Oh no. Was that too mean?
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Whatever, pretend you don’t like us. Doesn’t matter to me. Your clothes are in a baggie by the door. I expect my shirt back by next week!”
You stuck your tongue out at him and grabbed the clothes, turning to James and Remus. “Thank you both for letting me stay here. It won’t be happening again.”
You closed the door behind you, immediately sprinting out of the common room to the dungeons as fast as you could. 
God, why can’t you apparate in Hogwarts?
When you entered your common room you promptly ignored the teases of the other Slytherins awake in the morning. The words of Barty Crouch Jr. stuck with you as you raced to your dorm.
“Enjoy the night with your new boyfriends?”
It wasn’t even mean. Or harsh. It was just–wow, your boyfriends? Could you imagine? You shut the thought down as fast as you could and ignored Narcissa’s questioning glance from her bed as you screamed into your pillow.
This feeling would go away, right?
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authorhjk1 · 6 months
Can we get a new taeyeon smut. She’s crazy hot lately
Lion Heart
(Kim Taeyeon X Male Reader)
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"Where the fuck is it?"
You mumble to yourself as you go through your kitchen drawers. Your vision becomes blurry as you lose more and more blood. After emptying the fourth one, you open the next drawer. There it is. Why did she have to hide it like that? You pick up the needle, before heading towards the bathroom.
You stumble through your living room, pushing yourself from wall to furniture and back to the wall, unable to stand without support. Grabbing a bottle of whiskey from the liquor cabinet, you finally reach the bathroom.
"Bloody hell."
You groan as you lean against the tiles of the shower wall. Sliding down slowly, you eventually sit on the floor. Opening the bottle, you take two big gulps, before putting it back down again. Using the scissors you brought, you cut your shirt open, unable to get it off properly.
"That bastard."
You grumble as you see the knife wound in your stomach. A big cut from left to right, blood spilling out of it. After taking another shot of the whiskey, you tilt the bottle slowly. Groaning in agony, you let the brown liquid fall onto your wound. The pain makes your head spin.
The needle you just held in your hand, slips through your fingers. Cursing, you let your fingertips roam the floor, trying to find it. Once you do, you try to put the string through the eye. Your fingers are shaking and you need a couple of tries, until you finally make it.
You feel more and more strength leaving your body. More and more blood paints the white tiles red. You try to align the needle with your wound, but it slips out of your hand again. Too weak to curse, you search for it in silence. It feels like it takes hours, until you're holding it again.
You hear the front door open in the far distance.
You hear her voice. She sounds happy. Why wouldn't she be?
Obviously too weak to answer, you hope she doesn't find you. Just a couple of minutes, you think to yourself, aligning the needle with your wound again.
"Oh my god!"
Seems like she saw the mess you made in the kitchen.
With a low grunt, you pierce your skin right above your wound. Taking heavy breaths, you look down, trying to stay awake.
Her voice makes you smile, even in this situation.
You guide the needle through your wound, before pushing it through your skin again. One stitch done, around five hundred more to go.
Hurried footsteps come closer. Not yet. You take another gulp of whiskey, the pain is starting to become unbearable. The bottle slips out of your hand and hits the tiles with a loud thud.
A second stitch follows the first. You are just about to pierce your skin for the third time, when you hear the bathroom door swing open. Your head hurts as if someone is hammering a needle into your scull as you look up. By now, you can only see black and white shapes.
But you know it's Taeyeon, who is standing in front of you. It almost feels like her presence is making you calmer.
She hasn't seen you in this kind of state before. Her wide eyes look down on her fiance, who is sitting in the shower, red tiles covering the floor. Taeyeon sees the needle, which you losely hold in your right hand. Your eyes look like they are made of glass, looking into the distance. If she wouldn't have seen you lifting your head a moment ago, she wouldn't be able to tell if you are alive or not.
Your name leaves her beautiful lips once more. This time her tone is sad and full of worry.
You manage to point at your wound, before slightly lifting the needle. Taeyeon gets the hint, dropping her purse. That's the last thing you remember.
When you finally wake up, you can't tell how long you've slept. An hour? A day? A week? Opening your eyes, you still find yourself inside the shower. But you are not sitting anymore. Taeyeon must have lied you down on your side. You feel a soft blanket underneath your body, your head resting on a pillow. Slowly opening your eyes, you realize that the shower has been cleaned.
With a loud groan, you try to move. The pain in your abdomen increases drastically. Realizing you are only covert by another blanket, you lift it off of you. Your wound has been neatly stitched up and a roll of gauze bandage is wrapped around your stomach. You spot the bottle of whiskey in the corner of the shower.
"Thank you, Taengoo."
You whisper to yourself with a grin on your face.
Taking far more than just a sip of the brown liquid, you feel your body heating up. Energy seems to start flowing through your veins again. It still feels like it takes you hours to stand up. But once you finally do, you stumble towards the door. You are slightly bend over, trying not to use your abs at all.
Taeyeon is standing in the kitchen, with her back to you, preparing some vegetables. You are surprised she doesn't hear you, once you finally stand right behind her. Sneaking your arms around her waist, you make her jump.
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Already wrapped in your embrace, Taeyeon is unable to go anywhere.
"What you making?"
Your voice sounds raspy and dry.
"You just woke up from that terrible wound and you ask this?"
Her bewildered look makes you chuckle.
"Sorry. Thank you for taking care of me, Taengoo. What are you making?"
You know she can't resist you, when you call her that. A smile creeps onto her face.
You groan in disbelief.
"Yah! Don't complain. You should tell me what happened. I was worried sick."
Taeyeon tries to turn around, but you hold her in place.
You rest your chin on the top of her head.
"Shouldn't you make something with way more energy? Stake for example."
"I can't with you. Why don't you make it yourself?"
"I'm a patient, Taeyeon."
When she scoffs, complaining about you, not even telling her what happened, you hug her tight, moving your mouth to her ear.
"I'm YOUR patient."
You can see the goosebumps form on Taeyeon's skin.
"Alright. I make you meat and you tell me what happened."
You set Taeyeon free for just a moment, enabling her to gather all the ingredients she needs. Once she comes back, you sling your arms around her small frame once more. You don't want to admit it, but it's hard to keep standing. Even while holding onto her.
"You know what I do for a living. There is not much more to tell. Just got unlucky."
Taeyeon's voice slightly rises.
"I told you not to do this kind of stuff. I don't want to see you hurt. And I don't want you to hurt anyone."
"I didn't choose this life, Taeyeon. It chose me."
She glares up at you, before putting the meat into the pan.
"Why can't you have a normal job? A normal life?"
"I used to be a soldier. This is in my blood."
"Walking around and stabbing people and getting stabbed yourself?"
"I've been through worse. This was just a flesh wound."
You groan as Taeyeon accidentally hits you with her elbow. You almost fold in half, but you manage to keep to standing.
"I-I'm so sorry."
She turned around, a concerned look on her face.
"Don't worry about it."
You reach for the whiskey you put on the counter, before you snuck up on her.
"Fighting and drinking. Why am I even in love with you?"
Her question was ment for the both of you. She looks at you with a mixture of love and disappointment in her eyes, before she goes back to cooking.
To be honest, you do try to stay safe most of the time. Not necessarily for yourself, but for Taeyeon. You wouldn't be able to break her heart by dying. This was just a rare accident. A stupid one at that.
"That's not all I'm good for, you know."
Your hands slowly wander from her midriff towards her center.
"Yah! I'm being serious. And I'm cooking. And you are hurt!"
"Stop talking and keep cooking."
You whisper into her ear, before slowly unbuttoning the button on her jeans.
Your hand slips into her pants, searching for the waistband of her panties. Once you found it, you reach underneath it. A small gasp escapes her lips.
"Seriously, stop. You are hurt."
"I don't care about my body. I care about yours. A small cut won't kill me."
Taeyeon wants to answer, but your finger inside of her makes it hard for her to focus. She can feel you curl it, rubbing against her inner walls. She can't keep cooking and talk. But she tries.
"S-Small? You almost died."
"Shit happens."
As your body starts to heat up with desire for your fiance, you want to cut the talking.
"I was so worried. You can't just say it's nothing, when I bawled my eyes out for hours."
Your heart stings. You knew it was a bad idea to go straight home. But it was closer than your "work" place.
"I'm making up for it now."
"That's not how-"
The second finger makes Taeyeon shake. She needs to bite her lip, not wanting to show you how much her body needs you.
"I could really go for some dessert before the steak."
To underline your point, you start to suck on her neck.
"Oh god."
Taeyeon's head leans back, exposing her neck even more to you. Her eyes are closed, while she still holds the tongs in one hand.
"Y-You can't eat something sweet, b-before your actual meal."
"That's where you got it all wrong, Taengoo."
You leave a trail of kisses on her neck.
"Your body is my meal."
Her body shivers at your words.
Your fingers leaving her snatch make her whine in disappointment. You turn off the stove and take the tongs out of her hand.
"Would you mind hopping on the table? I can't pick you up right now."
Too flustered, Taeyeon does what you tell her to do. You sit in a chair in front of her, while she sits on the table. Pulling her jeans off, you are greeted by her already wet panties. Once her lower half is completely naked, you rest your arms on her thighs, your hands on her waist.
"You are worth dying for."
You grin up at her, before you dive in.
Taeyeon's head tilts back as you draw circles with your tongue around her clit. You start big, before making them smaller and smaller. Right before you lick her clit, you back away, kissing her thigh.
"Oh god..."
Taeyeon can barely take your teasing, her hips buck towards you as you pepper her thighs with kisses.
"Not fair."
She breathlessly says, now looking down on you. Busy with enjoying her body, you don't answer. You lick both of her thighs one last time, before you head towards her core once more. This time, you pay attention to her pussy. You kiss her lips first, enjoying the slightly salty taste. Then, you let your tongue circle around her, before you lick her pussy from the bottom to the top in one slow strike.
"Omo! Omo!"
Instinctively, Taeyeon's hand pushes your head further into her.
You lick your lips.
"What a delicious woman you are."
Taeyeon blushes heavily at your never ending string of occasional compliments here and there.
Soon, you have her whimpering and mewling. Unable to sit up straight, she is now lying on the wooden surface. You feast on her pussy like it's your last meal on earth. Not even trying to stay silent, the lewd sounds of you, eating her out, fill the kitchen.
Taeyeon's needy whine tells you you are doing it right. How could you not? You have more than enough experience. You know her body as well as your own.
A couple of moments later, Taeyeon's moans and cries have gone silent. Not a single sound escapes her slightly parted lips. Because you are between her legs, you can't see how her eyes grow wider. How she stares up at the ceiling, but still sees nothing. Her whole body seems frozen for just a second.
And then, Taeyeon's thighs almost crush your head. Her abs flex and her body shakes. Desperate whines escape her mouth.
"Omo! S-s-s-so goooood!"
You hold her trembling body in place, making sure she doesn't kill you, or falls off the table. Taeyeon cums the hardest when you eat her out. She loses control of her body and trusts you to keep her safe, whenever her mind enters another dimension.
Just as she is about to calm down, you wrap your lips around her clit. It almost looks like it's begging for your touch. Your tongue flicks against it once as you start your work.
It's the only word she can force off her lips as you indulge further into Kim Taeyeon's body. Her warmth wraps around you, her juices starting to leak onto the table. You reward her for taking care of you, while you were out of it. You reward her for stitching up your wound. You reward her for being such a good girl.
With a last flick of your tongue, Taeyeon's body goes into its frozen state for a second time. A moment later, she shakes and squirms on the table once more.
"Oh god!"
Her soft cry makes you want to eat her out more. But the pain in your stomach is starting to become too much. You lean back in the chair as you watch your fiance ride out her orgasm.
When she finally raises her head, you see her flushed cheeks. For someone reason, she is always embarrassed when you turn her into a cuming mess. You think she looks beautiful like this.
"Y-You're bleeding."
You look down on yourself, while you hear her catching her breath.
"I'm fine."
Taeyeon peels herself off the wooden surface, before she stumbles towards the door. You don't stop her, knowing that you can wait a moment.
Once she is back, Taeyeon starts to redo your bandage. She doesn't look shy or nervous at all now. You watch her, catching a small smile on her face as she takes care of you. Knowing that she is still naked from the waist down, you can't help but look at her body. It makes you hard, knowing how beautiful your fiance looks. You never thought you would meet someone so caring and beautiful like her.
"Almost done."
She whispers to herself. At the same time, lust takes over your body once more. You sneak your hand towards her loose shirt.
You shut her up by running your hand over her toned midriff. Realizing that she isn't wearing a bra, you start to play with her tits.
"Can't you wait one more minute? You're so greedy."
"Can't help it."
You mumble, now pushing up her shirt to bunch it up above her chest. Her tits fit perfectly into your hands. You squeeze them slightly, making it hard for Taeyeon to concentrate once more.
"Just one second. Please."
She almost sounds annoyed, but you don't care. You don't know a man on earth, who would be able to hold himself back either.
"Just finish it like this."
You pull her onto your lap.
She raises her hand, threatening to hit you.
Instead, you lean forward, capturing one of her nipples with your mouth.
"Oh god."
A deep sigh escapes her mouth.
"No, stop."
As if she just changed her mind, Taeyeon tries to push you away.
"Can't you see I'm busy fixing you."
"I'm busy too."
You reply as you switch to her other breast.
"You're such an idiot."
You feel your cock resting against her ass cheeks as you have your way with Taeyeon's chest. At the same time, she tries to finish putting on the new bandage. But your head is blocking her vision. She has to tilt her head, while you keep enjoying all the benefits her body has to offer.
Taeyeon puts the stuff she used back into the first aid kit on the table.
"If you would've just waited a minute, I would've been done earlier. I should teach you a lesson or two about patience some time."
"No time for that."
Your argument is good, since Taeyeon now moans, when you push your face a little further into her chest. It makes her back arch, and you put your hand on the lower half of her back, supporting her weight.
"Your greed for my body is starting to become concerning, you know?"
You can almost hear her smile as she says that.
"Why should I not enjoy what belongs to me?"
You look up at her, seeing her raising her eyebrow.
"Time for me to enjoy what's mine too, then."
Taeyeon raises herself off your lap, leans back a little bit, before she rests her pussy right above your tip. Without any guidance, your cock parts her walls as she sinks herself onto you.
The two of you moan in union. You sling your arms around her waist, while Taeyeon puts hers around your neck.
You share a lot of these moments. Just happy with being in each other's company. The lust both of you feel for each other's bodies isn't purely animalistic. It's fueled by love and passion. It's held together by an invisible bond.
She slowly glides down your shaft, before she lifts herself off of you again. Her parted lips silently tell you how much she loves this. How much she loves riding you like this. Slow. With no feeling for time at all. As if the rest of the universe stands still. Only the two of you exist. Looking at each other, while Taeyeon slowly rides you.
Taeyeon's walls hug you tight as she smoothly glides up and down. You lean forward a little again, focusing your attention back to her chest.
"Good boy."
She sighs, closing her eyes to focus on the pleasure you send through her system.
The roles the two of you have during sex are fluid. It can change from you, railing Taeyeon against the wall of her dressing room at a music show, to her, riding you like she wants to, complimenting you on being a good toy.
It goes both ways. But right now, the two of you are on the same level. You start to make Taeyeon ride you a little faster. Taeyeon lovingly strokes your cheek with her hand, feeling you hit her as deep as possible.
But eventually as always, the two of you lose control. You can never pinpoint the exact moment. In a heartbeat, it changes from sensitive love making to raw barbaric sex.
Now, Taeyeon is suddenly riding you faster. Way faster than before. You can't even tell who started it.
"Oh god yes!"
She mouns loudly, throwing her head back, exposing her sensitive throat to you. You dive in, kissing and licking her skin, enjoying the feeling of her pussy tightly squeezing your cock.
Glad you don't have to do all the work this time, you just lean back and watch your fiance. Her graceful, naked body bouncing on top of you. Only her shirt is still bunched up above her chest.
"Fuck, Taengoo."
You know you can't keep up with the pace she is now setting. Sooner rather than later, you are bound to finish.
In that moment, Taeyeon turns around. You let go of her, just watching as she gets into position. She puts her hands onto the table and starts to ride you like that. Her beautiful back is slightly curved, ending in her ass. Her skin looks flawless. You run your hands all over her backside as she keeps riding you in this new position.
It feels different on the inside too. Before, your cock and her pussy seemed to align perfectly. Now, it feels a little different.
"That's so good."
Taeyeon feels more pressure on her g-spot like that. She sinks her head onto the table, rocking her body back and forth.
You finally grab both of her cheeks with both hands, squeezing them. It earns you another moan from her. Placing your lips between her shoulder blades, you start your mission to kiss every inch of her backside.
Meanwhile, Taeyeon slowly starts to lose it. The unfamiliar feeling of your cock entering her like that makes her arch her back a little. The claps of her ass onto your lap makes her moan. Your lips on her skin, your hands on her ass eventually prove to be too much.
"Oh god, (y/n)!"
Her body freezes once more. Only Taeyeon's pussy moves. Her walls contract around you as she cums. You reach around her, using her vulnerability to place your hand over her core. You start rubbing her clit as she still calms down.
"N-Not yet."
Taeyeon tries to push your hand away, but she is too late. Another wave of pleasure washes through her with lethal silence.
She doesn't move, sitting on your lap, her pussy warming your cock. You wait for her to recover.
"You are so mean."
She finally manages to sigh, before slowly lifting herself off of you.
You are about answer, when she drops to her knees and licks your cock.
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The words are stuck in your throat. Taeyeon starts to use her mouth to bring you towards the edge as well. She fell over it four times already. It's your turn now.
You moan her name, knowing that you are close. Her head bobs up and down as she sucks you off. Her tongue swirls around your head, whenever she moves upwards. Her right hand strokes the lower part of your cock, which she isn't reaching with her mouth.
You reach out and take a fistful of her hair.
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You force her deeper onto your cock, her hand suddenly in the way. She removes it, enabling you to fuck her face onto your cock. Her lips glide along your shaft as you slightly thrust upwards, whenever you push her down.
Quickly, Kim Taeyeon has become a beautiful mess. Saliva is now stuck to her chin and her hair is disheveled.
"Gonna cum, Taengoo."
She glances up at you, begging you to paint her throat.
When she gags on your cock again, her throat contracts around you. It's the final push over the edge for you. Holding her head in place, you unload inside your fiance's mouth. You feel her gulping down your cum, trying to not spill a drop.
Your head spins a little. The mixture of pleasure and pain feels weird.
"Do you now know why you love me?"
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lxvsiick · 10 days
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PAIRING: childhood best friend! kim leehan x childhood best friend! fem! reader
SUMMARY: Moving into a new neighborhood, 8 year old Y/n meets a boy who really likes fish on her way to the park.
GENRE: childhood best friends, fish, fluff
A/N: a little leehan short story/imagine because i was thinking about fishes and found this picture of leehan -- he looks so cute showing off his fish charms ,, also -- i'm so tempted to publish part 1 of O U R ,, i have 15 parts in my drafts . . .
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The sun was bright and warm in Busan as the eight-year-old Y/n skipped along the sidewalk of her new neighborhood. Her family had just moved in the week before, and today, she was finally free to explore. A park sat just down the street, and she could already imagine the swings and slides waiting for her. But as she approached the park, something else caught her attention.
By a small pond near the edge of the park, a boy around her age was sitting cross-legged, staring intently at the water. His messy hair fell into his eyes, but he didn’t seem to care. Curious, she wandered over, crouching down next to him.
“What’re you looking at?” she asked, her voice light with interest.
Without turning his head, the boy pointed at the water. “Fishes,” he said simply, as if that explained everything.
Y/n tilted her head. “Fishes? What about them?”
“They’re cool,” he replied. “This one’s a bluegill, and that one over there is a pumpkinseed. See the way they swim? And if you watch them long enough, you can see how they’re different from the others. Fishes are smart. Way smarter than people think.”
Y/n stared at him, her eyebrows furrowing. “You’re kinda weird.”
“Thanks,” he said, still not looking at her. “I like fishes.”
She blinked at him, unsure what to make of the boy who would rather talk about pond creatures than, well, anything else. “Do you wanna be friends?”
He finally turned his head to look at her, his expression blank. “I’d rather be friends with fishes.”
Y/n crossed her arms. “Well, you can’t be friends with fishes. They can’t talk, and they don’t have legs. So you’re stuck with me.”
The boy paused, considering her words before giving a small shrug. “Okay, I guess.”
“Good!” she said with a grin. “Now, come on. Let’s—”
Before she could finish, she shifted her weight to stand up, but her foot slipped on the muddy bank. With a yelp, she tumbled forward and splashed right into the pond, sending ripples across the water. In her panic, she grabbed onto the boy’s shirt, pulling him in after her.
There was a brief moment of chaos, water sloshing everywhere as they scrambled to their feet in the shallow water. Soaked and stunned, Y/n looked over at the boy, who wiped pond muck off his face with an exasperated sigh.
“You just became my friend, and you’re already trying to murder me,” he said, his face deadpan. “That’s why I’d rather be friends with fishes.”
She burst into laughter, even as water dripped down her face. “Sorry about that. I’m Jung Y/n, by the way.”
He shook his head, but there was a small smile tugging at his lips. “I’m Kim Donghyun. And... it’s okay.”
And just like that, with wet shoes and muddy clothes, a new friendship was born.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The soft blue glow of the tanks lit up the dim hallways of the aquarium, making everything feel like it was underwater. The sound of bubbling water and the occasional splashing filled the air as Leehan and Y/n wandered from tank to tank, their parents chatting behind them.
Leehan walked a few steps ahead, eyes wide with excitement. “Look, that one’s a lionfish!” he exclaimed, pointing at a spiny, colorful fish that floated lazily in one of the tanks.
Y/n leaned closer, her face nearly pressed against the glass. “Why’s it called a lionfish? It doesn’t look like a lion.”
“It’s because of its fins. See? They look like a lion’s mane,” Leehan explained, puffing his chest out a little. “And they’re super poisonous, so don’t touch one if you ever see it.”
She gave him a side-eye. “Why would I ever touch a fish?”
He shrugged. “I dunno, some people are weird.”
They moved to the next tank, which was filled with tiny fish darting around a coral reef. Leehan tapped the glass gently. “These are clownfish. They live in sea anemones because they’re immune to the sting.”
Y/n squinted, her nose scrunching up. “Clownfish? They don’t look like clowns.”
“They have stripes like clown costumes!” he said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “And did you know that if the female clownfish dies, the male turns into a female?”
She blinked at him, frowning. “Wait—what?”
“Yeah, it’s true. They can change from boy to girl if they need to. Isn’t that cool?” he said, his voice full of excitement.
Y/n stared at the fish for a moment, then looked at him with a mischievous smile. “Are you gonna turn into a girl someday, Donghyunnie?”
He gave her a look, his face turning a little red. “No! I’m not a clownfish!”
She laughed, clearly enjoying teasing him. “Sure, sure.”
They continued on to the next exhibit, a massive tank filled with all kinds of fish. A shark glided by the glass, and Leehan practically jumped in place, pointing at it with wide eyes. “That’s a blacktip reef shark! They’re not dangerous to people, but they’re really fast. And sometimes they swim in really shallow water!”
Y/n watched the shark swim in lazy circles. “It’s kinda cute,” she said.
“Cute?” Leehan repeated, his face scrunched up in disbelief. “It’s a shark.”
“Yeah, but look at its little face,” she said, leaning closer to the glass. “It looks like it’s smiling.”
He shook his head. “You’re weird.”
“You like fish,” she shot back, giving him a smug grin. “That’s way weirder.”
He opened his mouth to argue but then closed it, knowing she had a point. Instead, he turned to the next tank, full of colorful jellyfish that pulsed and floated like little ghosts. His eyes widened again. “Jellyfish! These ones are called moon jellies. They don’t have brains or hearts, but they can still sting.”
Y/n tilted her head, clearly unimpressed. “No brains? Sounds like some kids in our class.”
He snorted, trying not to laugh, and moved to the next display. “Look, a blue tang! That’s what Dory from Finding Nemo is.”
“Ohh,” she said, her eyes lighting up with recognition. “I like that one! It’s pretty.”
For a moment, they both just stood there, staring at the fish as it swam through the water. The light from the tank reflected in their eyes, and Y/n leaned a little closer to Leehan.
“You really like fish, huh?” she asked, her voice quieter than before.
He nodded, his eyes still glued to the tank. “Yeah. They’re cool. They’re… peaceful.”
She smiled softly, watching him for a moment before turning back to the fish. “I think they’re pretty cool too.”
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The park was quiet under the soft glow of the streetlights. The swings swayed gently in the cool night breeze, their creaking the only sound breaking the silence. Y/n and Leehan sat side by side on the swings, their legs almost touching.
Y/n looked down at her feet, tracing patterns in the gravel with her sneakers. Her usually bright eyes were dim, and her shoulders slumped as she swung back and forth slowly. “I can’t believe we’re going to different high schools,” she said quietly, her voice tinged with sadness.
Leehan kept his gaze straight ahead, his own heart heavy despite his calm exterior. “Yeah, it’s... hard to believe.”
The words hung in the air, a shared understanding between them. The reality of their separation was sinking in, making the night feel colder.
“I’m going to miss you so much,” she said, her voice cracking slightly. “We won’t be in the same classes or see each other every day. It’s just... not going to be the same.”
He turned his head to glance at her, his expression softening. “I know. I’ll miss you too.”
She looked up, catching his eyes. “You’re not very good at showing it, you know. But I can tell you’re sad too.”
He gave a small, almost imperceptible smile. “I guess I’m just trying to stay positive. It doesn’t change the fact that we’ll still be friends.”
Her face brightened slightly at his words, though the sadness didn’t entirely fade. “We will stay friends, right? We promised.”
“Of course,” he said, nodding firmly. “We’ll talk after school, text, video call, and hang out at each other’s houses. Nothing’s going to change that.”
She reached over and lightly bumped his swing with hers, a gesture of reassurance. “Yeah. We’ll make it work. No matter what.”
He nodded, his voice steady but his eyes reflecting the same sadness she felt. “We will. And besides, it’s just high school. We’ll still see each other a lot.”
She took a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. “I guess you’re right. It’s not the end of the world.”
“Nope,” he said, giving her a small, encouraging smile. “It’s just a new chapter. We’re still us.”
They fell into a comfortable silence, the swings moving rhythmically as they each reflected on the changes ahead. The night felt less daunting with the reassurance of their friendship, their shared promises warming the chilly air.
“Hey,” Y/n said after a moment, her voice more hopeful. “Promise me you’ll keep being you, no matter what.”
He chuckled softly, the sound almost lost in the night breeze. “I promise. And you keep being you. That’s what makes us work.”
She laughed quietly, the sound mingling with the creak of the swings. “Deal.”
As they continued to swing in companionable silence, the weight of their separation felt a little lighter, buoyed by the strength of their bond and the certainty that their friendship would endure, no matter the distance.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
It was late afternoon at the small café where Leehan worked, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries filling the air. The café was always busy around this time, but for now, he was on break, lounging at a table with his five closest friends.
They had been friends since high school, ever since Leehan had somehow charmed his way into their group despite his reputation for being quiet and a little… odd. Even now, sitting with them, he was half-listening to their conversation, more focused on stirring the iced coffee in front of him than joining in.
“Man, you seriously never hung out with any girls in high school,” one of his friends, Jaehyun, teased, kicking his chair lightly. “You were like, a ghost when it came to that stuff. But you expect us to believe you have this mythical childhood best friend that you keep mentioning who’s a girl?”
“Yeah, right,” another friend, Riwoo, chimed in, rolling his eyes. “If she existed, we’d have met her by now.”
The others nodded in agreement, all of them laughing as Leehan shook his head, not even bothering to defend himself. He’d told them a hundred times about Y/n, his best friend from when they were kids, but they never believed him. It didn’t help that they’d gone to different high schools and now different colleges. To his friends, she was some made-up figure—part of his weirdness.
Just as Jaehyun was about to make another joke, the bell above the café door jingled.
Leehan glanced up and his heart did a little flip. There she was—Y/n. She spotted him almost immediately, her eyes lighting up as she hurried toward him, her bag bouncing against her side. Without any hesitation, she threw her arms around him in a tight hug.
“Kim Donghyun! I’ve missed you so much!” she exclaimed, her voice warm with excitement.
For a moment, he was too stunned to react. He hadn’t seen her in person for so long—after she transferred schools, they’d only texted or called, always busy with their separate lives. But now she was here, right in front of him.
He awkwardly returned the hug, a small smile tugging at his lips. “I, uh… missed you too.”
When they finally pulled apart, Y/n turned to his friends, giving them a polite nod. But her smile faded when she noticed the looks on their faces—five pairs of eyes wide, mouths open in utter disbelief.
“Wha—” Woonhak stammered. “No way.”
Jaehyun leaned closer to Leehan, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. “Dude… did you hire her to act like your childhood best friend?”
The other guys burst into laughter, nudging each other, clearly convinced they were onto something.
Y/n blinked at them, raising an eyebrow. “Hired me? To do what?”
“They think you’re, uh…” Leehan rubbed the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed. “They don’t believe you’re real.”
“Real?” she repeated, her expression shifting from confusion to mild annoyance. “I’ve known him since we were, like, eight. What’s wrong with you guys?”
Jaehyun snorted. “It’s just—you know, he’s never mentioned you before—”
“He never hangs out with girls,” Riwoo added with a smirk.
“Except his fishes,” Taesan quipped, earning laughs from the group.
Y/n crossed her arms, her lips curling into a smirk of her own. “Oh, right. You guys are the weird ones.”
Leehan looked up at her, deadpan. “Told you.”
She laughed softly, playfully ruffling his hair. “You haven’t changed at all.”
His friends exchanged stunned glances, clearly still trying to process the fact that this girl—the one they thought was made up—was real, standing right in front of them. And even more confusing, she seemed to be completely normal. Not weird at all, like they had assumed anyone associated with Leehan would be.
“Okay, okay,” Jaehyun finally said, raising his hands in surrender. “We believe you. She’s real.”
“But we still need proof,” Sungho added. “Like embarrassing childhood stories. Got any?”
Y/n grinned, her eyes gleaming mischievously as she looked at Leehan. “Oh, I’ve got stories.”
Leehan groaned, covering his face with his hands. “Please don’t.”
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
After many embarrassing stories and saying goodbye to his friends, Leehan walks Y/n home.
The night was calm as Leehan and Y/n walked side by side, their footsteps muted on the quiet sidewalk. The soft glow of streetlights illuminated their path, casting gentle shadows as they caught up after his shift at work.
Y/n glanced at him with a warm, reflective smile. “You know, I really missed seeing you like this. It’s been too long.”
​​He looked over at her, his expression serious but soft. “I miss it too. It’s been a while.”
She smiled faintly, then turned her gaze forward, her fingers brushing against the cool evening air. “It’s strange. Even after all these years, you haven’t changed one bit. You’re still the same old Kim Donghyun I remember. But your name is different. Leehan?”
He chuckled softly, the sound almost shy. “It’s just a nickname the guys gave me. I’m still Kim Donghyun to you.”
She looked at him, a small, understanding smile on her lips. “It’s a good thing, though. You’ve made great friends and it means you’ve stayed true to yourself.”
They walked in comfortable silence for a moment, their shoulders brushing occasionally. Y/n broke the silence, her voice laced with nostalgia. “Remember when we first met at the pond, by the park? You were so focused on those fish, and I came over and, well... I dragged you right into the water after.”
He chuckled, the memory bringing a smile to his face. “How could I forget? I was so surprised. After agreeing to become friends with you, you decide to drown me.”
She laughed softly, smacking him on the arm. “Hey, I slipped. Besides, you were always the better swimmer between the two of us.”
As they approached their houses, which were still next to each other, Leehan hesitated for a moment, his face showing a hint of awkwardness. “Hey, um, there’s something I wanted to tell you.”
She looked at him curiously, her eyes sparkling with interest. “What is it?”
“Well,” he began, scratching the back of his neck nervously, “I’ve been keeping a fish in my room. I named it after you.”
Her eyes widened in surprise and amusement. “Really? That’s... actually really sweet.”
He nodded, his cheeks slightly flushed. “Yeah. I guess I’ve been missing you a lot, and naming the fish after you seemed like a good way to keep you close.”
Y/n puts a teasing smile on. “Awww, you missed me that much, Kim Donghyun.”
Leehan rolls his eyes with a small smile on his lips. They reached her front door, they stood for a moment. Y/n opened her front door, and as she stepped inside, she looked back at him with a playful smile. “Goodnight, Leehan. See you on campus tomorrow.”
“Goodnight-wait, what?”
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© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, lxvsiick, 2024
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