#Twitter be dying so I've been thinking about Tumblr again
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Posting my Hatterene from 2020! I love my witches hairy and temperamental.
#Hatterene#Pokemon#Galar Region#Galar#Twitter be dying so I've been thinking about Tumblr again#Kinda missed this place#I hear that some no no things are allowed again maybe#Pokemon Sword and Shield#Pokemon Fanart
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And I'm back once again.
I don't know who will read this but I need everyone to know what's going on in my country and Tumblr is quite a nice place for it.
The elections ended with Nicolas Maduro doing fraud. The actual president should be Edmundo.
Since the night of the elections millions of Venezuelans have gone to the streets to protest, there's already some dead people, majority of them are young people; kids, teenagers and young adults; I'm begging here for anyone that read us to please so speak about it! To spread awareness of our situation.
I still have hope that it will end this year. Almost 26 years of dictatorship.
I still have family there, friends, acquaintances, people I've gone to school with, those that I know because of another friend or cuz of a family member, the one lady that used to sell Empanadas close to my mom's small shop, people that would go to my granddad's business to buy bread and juice, so many people there.
I'm anxious, trying to be on Twitter, Tik Tok, any place that will keep me update. Feeling crazy cuz the world around is going like nothing while my country is once again seeing their youngest dying by the ones that promised to protect us.
Is crazy how time works.
In 2017 I was only 18 to 19, seeing how my generation was fighting for our freedom.
Now 2024 and it's me, in my 20s seeing kids of 13 to 18 fighting as well.
I think, with how social media has evolved, there will be a change, because now people can see what's happening because we can share in less than a second a lot of information. That's why I'm here, in Tumblr to ask for people here to talk about Venezuela.
Maduro and Diosdado are asking for blood, the armed forces of the country are with them and they are shooting on sights. My people don't have weapons, only hope and faith.
Maria Corina has been doing everything in the most legal way she can, saying it this way because Maduro has been trying really hard to stop her, creating new stupid laws for it.
In fact, there's a fear they may arrest Maria Corina and Edmundo and probably even killed them.
So once again, please spread awareness of our situation, please don't let anyone tell you those elections weren't a fraud.
Be with and for us, please.
I don't want more kids and people to die in my country
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i want a second opinion on a user I think might be asking for donations for fraudulent reasons. katakurisboobymilk posts pretty constant donation posts asking for help with rent, medical bills, and vet bills, and childcare. I think they may have asked for help with insulin on occasion but I can't get blog search to work. I'm sympathetic that when someone has no funds things tend to go wrong more often, but their blog has also completely devolved into talks of rumors and emergency vet visits and it's hard for me to tell. What do you think?
Note: I am not calling this person a scammer. I am tagging it with what I am due to the content mentioned throughout the post. And as always do not harass anybody mentioned here. If you do then that's kinda shitty of you. Don't do that, seriously.
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask. :)
I would be extremely cautious with cases like these.
I had to go back and look because I was pretty sure I had encountered a similar situation like this from 3 months ago. I did find it! But, again, sadly I couldn't call it a scam without proper evidence.
Just note I can't (nor will) call this person a scammer either, but this type if situation is one that definitely deserves caution.
If a person posts normally then suddenly starts begging for money or items because x happened or y happened, or 'I've got cancer' or 'my cat is dying', ect ect ect until the cows come home every single day with a different but more concerning story...?
It's definitely not right.
Here are some notable examples from the other case I was looking into below the read more. It's gonna be a lot of images, be warned lol.
This is the account someone told me about previously. If you look at the search linked under the first one, you may find similarities between what this user is saying, and what this other user has said in the past.
It was under a different username then and has since changed.
And with that in mind let's keep the paypal.me in mind for this next bit. (it's what I searched on tumblr too btw. if you need to see just how much this person asks for every. single. day. I feel bad calling it begging/grifting but.. y'know...)
What caught my eye with this all.. is that this paypal was being used... By other accounts. That were older, sure, but they were also using this for similar 'I need help with x y z' type spam scenario. These posts get dozens if not hundreds of notes, so I'm not sure if they use alts or if they're real people or what.
But let's move on to the next bit.
That paypal.me address was also being used by this tumblr account:
and this one:
and this one which deactivated:
and yet another deactivated tumblr account:
and they'reon twitter now too:
There's also another account that's been doing similar e-begging in ask/DM and is suspected to be a hybrid person/bot account called laumi-narry. I won't link to the account, but here's the link to one of the searches for evidence of similar begging. They have an alt account too they're doing this on as well. Link here.
Not to this degree, but very similar.
All I can say anon, is that if a person on tumblr doesn't seem genuine, let alone human other than them asking for things all the time... Trust your gut. If it doesn't sit well with you, don't donate. I know doing research can be tedious sometimes but in the end, just trust your gut. If the signs of what they do don't sit right, then I'd block and ignore.
If they were acting normal and then suddenly they started asking for money and all that constantly? It's possible they a) got hacked, or b) they were pretending to be normal and it was all a ruse just to then straight up try and scam people.
Just like those accounts that get super popular and then turn into dropshipping advertisements to peddle their scam/knock off websites by editing their posts. Yeah.. they do that.
Again, I can't outright call this person you mentioned a scammer.
But I do find that type of behavior extremely concerning, if not scummy. Because it prays on peoples hearts and minds and some people on tumblr aren't bright enough to realize they're being taken for a ride.
Plus I noticed they tag the same people for 'reach' in every comment section of their post.. which feels.. odd... if not weird.
And- oh look they reblogged from the account I mentioned too. So maybe they're connected? Again not sure, just a thought.
Plus if someone's really that down and out and needs x y z, I'm sure there's food banks and other such things in their area they could go to. You could try seeing where they live and then send them links to sources for food banks and such.
But that might piss them off and get you blocked lol.
(Which.. again.. resources are something a genuine person in need would usually be thankful for that...just saying...)
Also: Never send someone money via friends and family via PayPal.
If you're being asked or told to do that by someone who's doing this kind of thing, they are 100% trying to scam you.
You can't get refunds with gifts to friends/family if you discover later it was in fact a scam. And no matter how much they try to say it, there is no 'holds' or 'wait time' on money sent normally (that I know of). Those who say that are lying and are just trying to convince you otherwise.
Hope that helps :)
#scam#scams#scam alert#scam warning#donation scam#donations#scammer#scammers#online scam#online scams
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Yk with the added context of the Matty-Taylor relationship timeline, I was compelled to go back and reconsider certain songs from her discography and see them differently. Obviously we have The 1, Cardigan, Question..?, Glitch etc but what about the 1989 vault?
I have a strong belief that Taylor re-touches, if not fully edits the vault tracks before the album releases (as evidenced by the punchline lyric on ATW10MV).
Ofc, we don't know for sure, but in Now That We Don't Talk there's that line about the muse "growing his hair long" and Harry hadn't done that till late 2014 (atleast to a noticeable extent) so I felt that maybe that song was written later on.
Anyways, listening to TTPD got me thinking some thoughts. Like Taylor is very deliberate with her word usage on the songs. In Down Bad, the lyric "How dare you say that it's..." is supposed to be auto-filled with the word "over". This instantly made me think of Is It Over Now?
Was "Slut!" about Matty too? I mean if the rumours of a 1975 feature on that song were true, then obviously it has a connection to them? Also, I've always felt it was weird to have that song be about Harry for so many reasons, but whatever.
I mean ofc there's glaring references to Harry on the album, but by now we know that Taylor likes to merge her muses for a single song. She even liked a Tumblr post back in 2015 that related STYLE of all songs to Matty. Not a joke. Twitter recently rediscovered it and went nuts over it.
I feel like many songs we attributed to Harry over the years was just about Matty. I mean it always bothered me how much Taylor seemed to be affected by a 2 month situationship with an 18 year old all the way back in 2012. I mean she never brought up Kennedy or Lautner or Tom like she did with Harry in her later works....now we know that it was most likely Matty.
One part of me believes that So It Goes was also bout him. I mean "you did a number on me" means to mess someone up in a bad way, and I have no idea why she would put that lyric in there otherwise.
Also Ivy and Illicit Affairs were widely regarded to be about the Calvin-Tom-Joe situation...but in retrospect they might've been about Matty. These might sound like mindless rumours to most, but keep in mind that Guilty As Sin and Fresh Out The Slammer exist. Both Ivy and Illicit Affairs were fictional songs, but they expressed her inner feelings (swirled you into all my poems). Again, just theorizing here.
i guess he could be ~swirled~ into a few songs from 1989 tv (anything is possible! we didn't know the full story until the red vault! disclaimer!), but mostly i think what you are picking up on is that... taylor has a pattern in her relationships. and she has stories she tells herself about relationships, or herself, just like we all do, which create songs that share many themes.
like, obviously i don't know taylor, and i could be wrong about anything i write about her lyrics. but while ivy could be about matty (anything is possible!), i think it makes more sense that she has, on a few different occasions, left a dying relationships only after another person she liked came into her orbit. and this isn't even uncommon. lots of people only leave relationships when they have someone in the wings, or they've met someone who makes them realize the grass might be greener.
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Searching For Former Clarity (Against Me!)
And in the journal you kept by the side of your bed/You wrote nightly an aspiration of developing as an author/Confessing childhood secrets of dressing up in women's clothes/Compulsions you never knew the reasons to/Will everyone you ever meet or love/Be just a relationship based on a false presumption?/Despite everyone you ever meet or ever love/In the end, will you be all alone?
"Searching for a Former Clarity is about the process of dying. It's the closing track to the album, and it shares a theme with the opening track, but while Miami uses disease and dying as a way to talk about the city metaphorically, Searching for a Former Clarity is much more personal. It's also partly autobiographical. Laura Jane Grace wouldn't come out for another seven years, although if I'm remembering right she was convinced that this song would immediately out her to everyone. (I could be thinking of a different song from the same era. It's kind of a running theme in her music.) A while back I saw an old video of her performing this song, when it was still new and she still wasn't out. It felt wrong to see that version of her, honestly (I'm old enough that I should have been a fan in the 2000s but I'd never heard of Against Me until a couple years ago), but it also amazes me just how much *better* she looks now. She looked so much older then, and unbelievably more miserable, than she does now. I hate that she had to live like that for so long, but I think about that contrast every time I hear the song now. Honestly, with that in mind, I never want to hear anyone saying shit about how they are glad someone suffered so that they could Make Art(TM) about it. Fuck that. Don't get me wrong, I love this song and most of Against Me's discography, but I'd willingly give all of it up if it could somehow retroactively mean that Laura Jane Grace didn't have to have the shitty life experiences that led to it. Yes, a lot of art comes from suffering, but people shouldn't have to fucking suffer for art. I've had some experiences lately that forced me to think about my mortality a bit more seriously than usual. If I died today, there would be an extensive record of my gender, and my complex feelings about gender, on various mostly anonymous twitter and tumblr and reddit accounts. If I died today, nobody who knows me would know the name I chose for myself. Not that I'm a historical figure (I'd probably be entirely forgotten in a decade tbh) but speculation about my gender would be *at most* someone's conspiracy theory based on poorly-sourced and badly-interpreted speculation. I'd be buried as a man, I'd be remembered as a man, I'd be forgotten as a man. That was my choice. I have my reasons for making it. I don't know if it is right or wrong or even if the concepts of "right" and "wrong" are the right ones to use when thinking about it. I'm still going to have feelings about it every chance I get. Searching for a Former Clarity is a pretty good way to get them. Emma. That is the name that I chose."
Am I Awake (They Might Be Giants)
When I get through this part/Will the next one be the same/Will I be wondering/If I'm awake?/These are not the clothes I had on when I went to bed/And something else besides my hair is growing from my head/And when I close my eyes it looks the same as when I open them again/Am I awake?
"Man I don't know what exactly about this song gets me so hard but it just makes me wanna get up and stim and think about my blorbos and their trauma. it also just speaks to me as a person with memory and identity issues, it really outlines the dissociation and confusion i feel when i don't remember something and/or can't grasp what i'm feeling. it also has a sort of inception vibe to it? or maybe groundhog day? The strange vocal samples and frantic drums and fast bpm with the really slow vocals on top is just soooo good. really really good song"
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I still didn’t see the complete episode because of European time, but I’ve been scrolling through twitter and tumblr and I know pretty much what happened…
Not happy about it, ngl… but in my mind, it was pretty close to what I was thinking, so not surprised in my case, I was expecting something like that…
At this time, I’m exactly like you, I give up. I will probably still see the show, but not under the same light… that’s what fics are for…
Yeah, I wasn't surprised either, just disappointed, I guess.
I would have preferred it if they focused on the team and Madney in this episode, to wrap the season in the best way possible.
Rather than shove a last-minute, put together hetero-normative relationships they could have introduced next season if they insist on lighting the guys as straight men who suddenly found their thirst for women after five years of lusting for each other.
If they wanted this episode to speak to ppl, they should have focused on Chimney's injury and his relationship with Maddie, about Buck delivering his own child then relinquishing him for other ppl to raise.
On Bobby nearly dying and Athena, who would have rathered be buried with him than lose him. (*cough* 3x15 and 4x14 and 6x10, buddie, anyone?👀)
So many impactful things to focus on, there would have been a much more impact to the episode if it had an emotional impact, I didn't feel it, not to the same level I've felt Station 19's and Chicago fire's season finales over the years.
I really hope moving to ABC would improve the writing for this show because I feel like a puppy chasing its own tail by now.
I'm dizzy and tired and have to sit down.
It's not even about buddie, it would have been better if they had done a 2h finale and made the actual act of storytelling, then bounced us from one half assed plot to another.
So yeah, out of curiosity sake, I'll peek in every now and again, but I'm done hoping for some kind of emotional payout.
Sending lots of hugs. 💜💜
#911 ask#buddie#911 spoilers#911 on fox#would have preferred it focused on the 118 family rather than the last minute so called romances#deluweil answers
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Some thoughts on fandom, burnout, process of creation and never feeling good enough.
(it is now 4am and I've given up on sleep)
So I've avoided ever talking about this on twt because? The platform is such a mess, people use it to liveblog their feelings but it's also got that usual socmed feel to it - only show the good, funny, relatable or glamorous stuff.
I like art, obviously. Love it even, it's been the one constant in a life of switching hobbies and obsessions on the weekly. But it's also been so, SO difficult at times. I draw, so gotta share it on social media, right? The first time I shared my art online was when I was 9, on a ratty, now defunct forum.
I don't recall many responses aside from "I don't think she's ever been to the hair dresser". Instagram was released in 2010, and I made the switch, continued to post my drawings in earnest, participating in art contests that were super popular at the time. Obviously I never won any, I was just learning, starting out. Winning wasn't my goal, my goal was to get a spot in the honourable mentions or likes and attention from the bigger artists hosting these. When that didn't work I tried to game the algorithm before I even know what an algorithm was. I also made some friends this way, most of which had a higher follower count despite our (in my mind) fairly evenly matched skill. I entered more contests, I begged friends for collars, I drew things I dislikes because I saw them being popular. Nothing worked, I became obsessed over numbers, a drawing was only worth something if it got enough likes, which it never did. I tried for a while longer, then didn't pick up a pen for almost 2 years.
Eventually, because I just couldn't leave art behind I started again, focusing on original works and punching myself for losing 2 years of practice time. Things were fine, I stayed away from social media aside from Tumblr but never really posted anymore, stayed quiet. Of course, I still resented those artist friends a bit for their ever growing following, but what right had I? I'd given up and spent 2 years moping.
Eventually I got really into Love Live and with it finally a new ship I could sink my teeth into and draw - ChikaRiko. Inevitably, I wanted to feel part of communities again, I didn't have anyone in real life to share my obsessions with. I was very much the weird quiet kid, and as much as I craved being around people, being deaf with my hearing steadily dying away even further without anyone noticing, talking to people was just Hard, so so very hard. But online, where I could read, didn't need to be able to listen? It was easy, besides, my only friends so far had all been online. What's the harm in dipping my toes back into fandom?
So, I created a twitter account, discord, found people to chat and share my art, pretty much exclusively ChikaRiko, with. And things were fine again! People were reacting to what I posted, engaging, asking questions, providing advice. Then... I opened twitter back up, looked at numbers, compared them, and became angry at myself again. Comparison is the thief of joy indeed. Several years ahead, fire emblem three houses comes out and with it dimilix hits me like a sack of bricks (affectionately). Another new ship! And the fandom was active, I could fit in here, maybe! And I'd like to believe I did, if only because the fandom is just so truly relaxed, given my unfortunate decline of my mental health it was probably the only sort of fandom environment I could exist in. Still, I kept comparing myself, kept being dissatisfied with the direction my art was taking. I had all these symbolic ideas, things I wanted to try, wanted to be more like the artists I looked up. Wanted to do my own stuff, original art, instead of confining myself. But any time I did do so the reception was lukewarm at best, nonexistent at worst, so I stuck to fanart that became increasingly removed from the canon. Which, still super fun and honestly we were all just screaming into the void of time between the two years until three hopes came out, delusional fanon felt very much encouraged. Again, loved and still love the general vibe of the dmlx community (stares lovingly at DTF and For Years). But still, I wasn't satisfied with what I was doing, and my motivation to draw at all regularly died off for months at a time, which really isn't ideal when you're trying to feed the all-devouring behemoth that is the algorithm.
This October I tried something I hadn't done since 2018 - inktober. Back when I did it it was just 31 days of increasingly delusional ChikaRiko (are we seeing a pattern here), this time around I wanted to be "self indulgent" and draw only original art, loosely oriented on two lists of prompts. Of course, I didn't finish, still haven't, but I'm only missing a few prompts now. But!!! I've drawn!!! More in these 3 months than I have in recent years, and my ideas aren't slowing down yet, I keep coming up with new ones on the daily. It just feels so, so Good to find joy in art again. Best of all, I felt no need at all to share this stuff anywhere but the small discord server I've been nodding for years, with friends who at this point weren't really expecting art from me that matched their interests. I was finally drawing for me and me alone, so the response was of no importance to me, and the moment I dropped a finished piece I started the line art of the next one. Of course, I'm slowly unleashing everything into the void that is Tumblr and while any notes delight me, the number really doesn't concern me much anymore.
Not that all my fanart didn't spark joy to me! I just have too many things I wanna get out of my head that aren't very fanart compatible at all.
Fandom is weird and wonderful and I don't really remember a time in my life where I wasn't in any fandom at all, but frankly, my mental health and self image is a mess, and most social media actively does more harm than good to me, despite the friends I made.
Either way, I'm finally, finally for the first time in years excited to see what the future brings for me and art, how I'll improve, what I'll draw over the next year.
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OK tumblr apparently hates me because twice now I've wrote out a relatively long slightly ramble post and it's let me click post and then just not posted, and as far as I can see there not in my drafts so, instead of that post, I will be watching all the episodes of bsd 5 tomorrow and just noting down any thoughts I have, probably mostly appreciating Ranpo and making fun of Fukuchi, because that's fun to me. However there are 2 thoughts that won't leave my head and so tumblr gets to have them.
So first of all I've seen manga panels of Dazai getting shot and presumably dying, which I guess is a spoiler but has also been all over tumblr and it looked like it was on twitter too. Quite frankly, I'm not buying it, and not just because I love Dazai and am living in denial. I've already been burned by BSD in this department of being convinced a character is dead and then bringing them back. I am, of course, talking about Margaret. I thought Akutagawa had killed her and then, a season later, she was brought back, albeit in a coma, to further a plot. Also this is Dazai, if anyone could come back from being shot in to head it's him. For all that he's suicidal and has no will to live, hes really bad at dying, which is good for those of us who like Dazai and I won't complain about that. The only people that have died and stayed so far are Oda and his orphans and Rando (I only watch anime). There may be others but I can't remember them. There were a couple characters who appeared in one episode and were killed off in the episode but everyone else has simply said no to death, which I can respect. Honestly they could get his body out of the prison and have a whole like funeral/memorial scene with all of the characters mourning him and I still wouldn't be fully convinced he's dead. So maybe it is slight denial but I stand by what I said.
My second thought was that I still feel sorry for Bram stoker. I dont care what terrible things he's done, he doesn't deserve the fate he's been given. I can just imagine Fukuchi going on and on about his plan, sounding so confident since he always has turn back time as a backup plan, and he just can't escape it. He's stuck forced to listen. That's the true evil right there.
Also I have a lot of thoughts about how Fukuchi is actually not a good villain, as in I'm not intimidated by him and don't truly see him as a threat. Like his sword is a threat, moreso when he weilds it, since he makes it more effective, but the guy himself? He should be more of a threat than he is. I'll address that tomorrow as I rewatch the episodes because its a big part of my mental commentary and making fun of Fukuchi hours. He might actually be one of the worst villains in the show. I'll address that on a later date. Another thought I'll be addressing tomorrow is my theory that Fyodor is the true leader of the Decay of Angels. Like if they had to listen to one of them regarding a plan they'd listen to Fyodor over Fukuchi. They just can't be bothered with Fukuchis attempts to murder or control them with the sword. Also, bing is my search engine and when I looked up who is the leader of the decay of angels? You know to double check it was Fukuchi, it had his name but the picture next to his name was Fyodor so do with that what you will. Anyway no more thoughts head empty.
Also if anyone has asks regarding anything to do with the BSD anime, I'd be happy to answer them because thinking about/discussing BSD is fun and I do have opinions on a lot of things
edit: change of plans. while i do still plan to do this it's gonna take a little longer. I have a blog, not a tumblr one, though, that I basically never use, so I'm gonna use that to note down any thoughts, opinions and just things in general that I feel like noting down. After I've done that, I'll share it here. Again, asks will be open and this will probably take me a while so, if anyone wants to discuss the BSD anime, feel free to send asks or messages or comment or whatever
#bsd#bungou stray dogs s5#bungou stray dogs#bsd 5 spoilers#bsd manga#bsd manga spoilers#dazai osamu#fukuchi ouchi#bram stoker
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You were SO quick on the draw with the tweet I was genuinely caught by surprise when the first notif came up and it was you lol. Again, thanks so much for the support! I was very much already insane when I started working on the wiki, so no worries there <3
Exactly! I won't expect too much either, but it really does feel as though we're living in the Mine Renaissance (The Mineissance, if you will). Also, you draw INCREDIBLY fast even if you're not going in prepared, so could've fooled me! It really is such an honor to inspire some of your works in some way though, because you're 1000% one of my favorite RGG artists and my favorite Mine artist.
Annnd yeah, that's why I feel bad about bringing the drama to you, though it does feel a little better knowing you and Anon noticed there's a certain pattern to the QRTs. Something I've been thinking about again too is just how much of a missed opportunity it was to kill him off directly after having Kiryu go "As long as you live, […] it's never too late to change."
And then he goes on to live for literally five more minutes? It's true he had a change of heart in that time, but the decision he made was the worst possible decision for everyone. Of course, I hear dying is pretty bad for your health, but there's the Hakuho Clan and the Tojo Clan directly; a lot of people lost their livelihoods and were displaced, and it resulted in the severe financial strain that led to the events of Y4.
But it was more than just that, right? He never had a chance to even attempt to make amends for things like the orphanage fiasco. And I completely agree on how it would've affected Daigo, too. Like, that was his best friend, not even speculating, and not only did he lose him but also nearly every pillar in his life; even Kiryu's stabbing was Mine's fault because of the way he radicalized Hamazaki.
Mine and Kashiwagi "died," Majima checked out mentally, and Kiryu went back to his old life without so much as putting rest to Daigo's worries that Mine wasn't the man he thought he was. So when we finally got that closure for how Daigo reacted to the aftermath of Mine's death in RGGO and Daigo said "u were 😠😢 such a fucking dumbass, man 😡😭" I felt that.
So I think bringing Mine back is not only NOT a disservice to the themes and narrative, I think his death was more of a disservice and bringing him back would be the perfect way to begin to address those mistakes. Because a man has no choice but to change in (at minimum) 15 years.
And if he's working at Survive or the security company or whatever else, well, that's perfect, right? It's his "next life," and this time he is worthy of being with the people he cares about.
It opens a lot of doors for other characters too. Of course I'm 100% in favor of having Ryuji in as takoyaki salesman, but we're also starting to get a lot of "shadow-realmed" characters back, aren't we? Kuze in RGGO, the Joon-gi Han Dynasty, even having the lieutenants and many, many one-off characters in Ishin, not to mention the possibility of Jo and Arakawa in Y8 or even the fact Judgment got a sequel. All these characters that in the past would have been almost guaranteed never to come back in any form.
With Ishin Kiwami, too, actually, that's one more reason it'd be really sweet to have Mine back. Because the specific way in which the casting for the core Miburoshigumi group has changed has made it so all of them have met each other in the present except for Mine. Adachi's met everyone (and is still close with Kashiwagi), Majima's met everyone, Saejima's met everyone, Kiryu's met everyone, Kashiwagi's met everyone, and Zhao's met everyone. But Mine only got to meet Majima, Kiryu, and Kashiwagi. Not totally sure when I'll be done with this piece working off that idea, but…
But yeah! I'm definitely posting about the Mystery Man later today. Probably a Tumblr-exclusive though, there's no way I can get nuance across on Twitter and I don't want people running with it lol
I get told a lot that I draw pretty fast, so I'm glad I haven't made an exception when it came to the Mine announcement LMAO. And even if I said I won't expect anything major from RGG, it really is nice that Mine's starting to show up more in RGG discussions (lest I forget about merch either. I wish that Mine hoodie wasn't a raffle prize, I want it SO bad....), so even if there's nothing immense for him in the main games it's nice to see RGG acknowledge him again!
And I'm sure I've said it more than necessary, but I still can't say thank you enough for enjoying my work! It's just as much of an honor for you as it is for me for you to enjoy the things I make- definitely helps me feel better whenever I'm doubtful in the work I produce, that's for sure ^^
Back to Mine dying though- that's what I've been saying for months! It's not just an issue with RGG and their tendency to kill off characters despite preaching that people should be able to have second chances, but Mine's 'sacrifice' specifically has SO many ramifications that that follow it due to his status in the Tojo, and the Tojo Clan chairman's most genuine companion.
To go on a mini tangent on Daigo since it's related, I don't have to stress any more that Mine really was his only actual equal in the franchise. It's as you said: Kiryu would 'die' (get stabbed in actuality of course) not long after Mine and would resume life at the orphanage, Kashiwagi's out of commission, Yayoi just seems to be perpetually MIA, and Majima's only really here due to the request of Kiryu (and let's be honest, Majima would much rather be doing his own thing than being stuck in the Tojo). Daigo doesn't have anyone to just be human around- and on top of having to take care of THOUSANDS of men and especially wanting to live up to Kiryu's expectations, it's honestly surprising Daigo didn't commit to dissolving the clan sooner.
The Kirin's Dream RGGO story is one of my favorites because it did show us how Mine's death affected Daigo. Like it really helped heighten that no, Mine wasn't JUST another member of the Tojo Clan to Daigo. It really helped seal the deal that Daigo cared for Mine just as much as Mine did for him- just the amount of doubt Daigo had in himself in being a good friend to him (by word of the bartender to Mine) makes me want to scream. If Mine really were to ever show up in the mainline series again, my only major dream is for him and Daigo to finally share that bottle together- it MUST be crazy good by now if it's been shelved for 15 years... UGH I could talk about them forever (as I'm sure we can all tell at least a year into my postings LMAOO) like I could practically see and hear Daigo on the verge of tears as he realized what Mine did for their bar. Point is, the depth in which Mine's death affected the people around him cannot be understated, and we're definitely allowed to say his 'sacrifice' was more out of what Mine thought everyone wanted than what everyone actually wanted (dare I say Mine might have wanted to avoid the possibility of Daigo hating him, but I'll save that for another insane post).
For Mine to come back, it would be a nice way of Mine getting that 'second chance', even if it is just living quietly as a Survive Bar employee or some other low-key occupation. Again, the Tojo Clan and virtually everyone a part of Mine's old life has gone away and/or moved on, him coming back would do nothing aside from give him a total restart on life, and this time he can 'prove' that he's worthy of the respect of the people around him like he wanted.
In regards to more 'shelved' characters coming back, I really don't have any opposition to it. I already take RGG half seriously (and I'd hope RGG themselves are more inclined to have fun with their games than be super-serious about it), so to see old, dead characters come back is always more funny to me than anything worth getting mad about and I'm happy to see more of it (especially if they aren't brought back in glamorous ways and are just slapped into the setting LMAO)!
And you're totally right about the re-cast decisions made in Ishin! I'd love to see the finished version of this drawing: it looks so sweet so far, so I'd love to see it fully done when you get around to it !
#long post#snap chats#and no complaints about making it tumblr-exclusive: twitter scares me sometimes too so LMAOOO#buuut i'll definitely be on the lookout on posts from your blog this week :]]
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Okay it's time, here's my gtfo of Tumblr post
Since Tumblr was previously my most active social media website I figure I will make a proper post to pin about my move off-site. By Jan 1 this blog will be deleted entirely. If you want to find me elsewhere now is the time. Here's the list of places to find me and how often I'll be around them!
My new website! - This is hands down the easiest place to find me. I am creating my website from the ground up so it's a mess but in an endearing way. I've even made my first blog post here. This website will essentially function how my Tumblr previously did. I will post blogs about random things, add updates on projects, create and publish free educational resources, and more! I do not have an RSS (yet?) so the easiest way to follow me is via a neocities account.
Cohost - Of the many twitter alts out there I like cohost the best. I have fun with it, I'm slowly finding my feet there, and I think the vibes are generally good. I do not follow nearly enough folks yet so if you follow me here please let's be mutuals there! I plan to use it much like twitter with lots of one-off thoughts. I am only still on twitter to stay up to date with activism stuff so it's really not worth plugging my twitter now.
Instagram - This is one of the only "big" socials I am active on. It's best to follow me here for activism stuff, cooking, and art as those are basically the only things I post there. If you want to follow me on IG please DM me because I am selective with who I trust to follow me there as I post more IRL things there.
...and that's it! Unless another weird niche semi-old-internet vibe type thing comes out I will only be in those three places from now on. I have been a tumblr user with few breaks since 2008 across a variety of accounts and niches. I don't know that I ever thought I would leave tumblr "for good" but it's way past time. My work in activism will continue offline largely or in ways I'm not talking about here.
Since I won't have time or space to post it in the new year (and like only 2 IRLs follow me here) we are relocating to Oregon next year for probably our last major move ever unless we end up needing (and having the means lol) to leave the country. I am also leaving 4-year institution work which is very exciting for me. Our journey in moving, my journey in finding my place in alternative educational lenses, and more will be covered largely on my blog and in other places I'm sure. So if any of that interests you feel free to follow me off this website. I also have heard something about tumblr dying (again) which lol, lmao even. I truly don't care how true or not that is, please know my intention in leaving has nothing to do with that and has everything to do with being a marketable number for them.
In closing, fuck tumblr, fuck staff, fuck specifically the bitch who runs emporium and tricked all these kids into dumping funds into a website that hates them. Fuck zionists, fuck transphobes, fuck racists, fuck neoliberal apologists, and fuck anyone who is trying to shame you into shutting up about the lives of people who deserve to live. Also organize within your communities and find ways to disengage from the economy and create a better future.
My wish is that every oppressed nation of beautiful people will be free now and forever, that land goes back to who it belongs to, and that some day capitalism will not ruin art, community, and love the way it has on this website and across the world.
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You're very right in the tags of that one post. Toxic positivity is just as bad as toxic negativity, sometimes worse due to the handling of constructive criticism because of can-do-no-wrong attitude that stifles growth and creativity.
That ever-growing toxicity combined with this weird form of puritanism that has people harassing and dogpiling on others if they dare have an independent thought outside the hivemind is what's forcing me away from the Sonic fandom and never returning again, despite how much I love Eggman. I've already stopped reblogging Sonic art on my main blog and interacting with the fandom at large outside of a close circle of trusted friends across social media, they're the only thing even keeping that dying flame for this series stoked. I'm almost ready to delete it all and revamp my main blog theme to distance myself further. It hurts to know I'm no longer welcome in something that has been a major part of my life since I started gaming, something I've seen grow from literally nothing as I grew.
I still enjoy so many things about this series, and I had so much fun with everything up until this point, but being pushed out and treated like you're worse than trash for disagreeing with one thing feels like a knife being twisted in my heart. I don't want to go, but at this point I feel I have no choice to leave it all behind.
I'm sorry to sound whiny with this all, but I guess I just needed somewhere to vent. Should I consider this my goodbye letter to the Sonic series? Maybe so.
Thanks, Julian. Again, sorry for the vent.
Nah don't apologize, that's exactly how I've been feeling too. There's a big problem with both toxic positivity and negativity in this fandom and I'd say the former has been a much bigger one lately. I wouldn't say any of my criticisms of the latest media I'm not a fan of has been that harsh, aside from the occasional rants where I've been especially worked up and upset.
Most of the time it was just calm criticism that I was being asked to talk about in my inbox, it's not like I was going onto other people's posts and inboxes trying to be negative. But it's just blown up out of proportion because people take offense merely being something they don't want to see, because I see it as anything less than perfect and amazing. And that's where the toxic positivity comes in.
What I do always comes from a place of deep passion and my boldness in expressing true feelings is dismissed as nothing but hatred. Just because again, it's not highly positive endless praise without question or criticism. There's a lot of toxic positivity and also puritanism especially when it comes to my views and creations of Eggman compared to what people would prefer I think and do instead.
I've stepped away from fandom massively too because there isn't much out there that appeals to me anymore. It's a hivemind where you're not allowed to voice different opinions or even state facts as it's immediately taken as an attack. It's full of high praise of everything and intolerance towards people that don't feel the same, they accuse me of being horrible and hateful and trying to attack specific people with things I make on my own blog.
I don't think I'm ever really going to come back either beyond interaction with the small amount of people I still follow that aren't with that crowd and their mindset and either feel the same or accept I feel differently, like I can with them as long as they respect me too. I don't seek out content from anywhere else aside from heavily filtered Tumblr search. I'll never search Eggman on Twitter again for the sake of my sanity lol
While it does help me feel better to not surround myself with things that make me uncomfortable and avoid it as well as I can, it does hurt to leave almost everything behind and not feel welcome amongst the masses just because we can't agree on everything and are open with criticism, no matter how sensible and calm we are about it. I'm going to miss out on the small amount of stuff out there I would like as a result which is sad too.
But then when I'm at my worst after all recent events, I've contemplated deleting everything and leaving because even though there are a few reasons I have to stick around and it's not all bad, it still feels like I don't belong and do everything wrong in some people's eyes and am hated by many and it just makes me miserable with all the constant reminders. It hurts that something that's been so special and important to me almost all my life is now attached to this pain.
It was fun up until this point for me too but now I feel pushed out because of how many places I've been kicked out of and how many I've been blocked by. It really does hurt a lot, how it feels like everything can go wrong just for being yourself and being open and honest about how you feel. It does stifle growth and creativity a lot when different perspectives and ideas are immediately shunned and looked down upon and responded to aggressively.
I don't really want to go either but I've accepted I need to take a step back, as big of a part of my life it was for so long. And I've been considering that I might have to leave official media behind soon as it just feels like there might not be anything for me anymore. Even before shit really hit the fan fandom wise, I started pondering it. Leaving that will hurt even more but I'm trying not to hold on to what hurts or discomforts me and just doesn't bring me the happiness it did before.
If I do have to leave both fandom and official media behind entirely, it will hurt a lot but I still appreciate for the people I still follow, old official content, and sharing my analysis, headcanons, fics, gushing, etc. I'm still passionate as ever about Eggman and love to create from it and share it, that's why I care so much and have such strong opinions and bold ways of expressing it in the first place. It's sad that it had to come to this but I appreciate the good times and memories and I won't let all this stop me from doing what I love.
But yeah you're not alone in this, I feel exactly the same way and I'm saying my goodbye to most of the fandom too and possibly the entire series itself soon with the way things might be going from here.
You're welcome and no need to be sorry 💜
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I've been thinking about this again and I don't really think that the solution to "where could i post all of my art" has been fixed by a silly ol tag. Yea, posting my really old art is solved like this i guess but ehh
I just want a social media account where I could grow in, but which one is the problem. Tumblr is the one that I'm using the most recently but eh it does kinda feels like an echo chamber... Twitter, just no. I turned my twitter account into a gimmick account where I occasionally post silly drawings of Hop. Mostly because I know more Hop fans in twitter than any other social media, and it's also just where most of my Hop fanart is, so I just deleted the tweets that didn't really fit how I want the twitter account to be known for, and boom a place where I post Hop Pokémon ◉‿◉ Threads, I can't rn because I'm europeaon and that app is blocked for us, woo... Instagram, my art isn't so asthenicly pleasing it's mostly fanart of not that popular characters. BUT most of the people I know from real life— I have their insta... yeah no, I don't want to get bullied for the rest of my high school days because Jessica saw my shipart and thought it was really wierd, nah. Pinterest nope, it barely even counts as social media, people don't really connect and start friendships through Pinterest pins. It mostly used for artist to get inspo or get robbed because there's stolen art EVERYWHERe. Deviant art, I missed the train with that one. Youtube, you don't really get fame from posting on the community tab unless you also upload art-related videos, but videos are a whoole different thing from just drawing one thing and that's it,, so nope. Amino is dead rip... Sketchers United is actually good and you can also post your art uncompressed, but it's dying aswell.........
god I can't find a social media for me
and why am I even trying, I can't be social fo shit from how neo i am. I really do need a media place

i want to post most of my old art so I would have a place to look at them again.. erm so i hope nothing bad happens uhhnbdv
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The "I Can 'Pin' Posts on Tumblr Now? Since When?" Intro/Masterpost
Greetings and welcome to the "Who The Fuck Am I?" post written by yours truly, whoever the fuck I am. Now that I'm back on my Fandom bullshit again in at least 2 blogs, I thought I'd re-introduce myself.
I am 2nd gen Korean-American on the Best West Coast. I ID as she/they/shiro, and ace/demi. I'm in the millennial bracket (aka, I am a Legal Adult) so be mindful when interacting with me. I do what I can to be antiracist and am always learning to be better.
I am some iteration of "shirozora" on: LiveJournal, Dreamwidth, AO3, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Discord. My first Fandom 2.0 was political/pundit RPF and my first fandom fallout was Racefail '09, so you could say I've Seen Some Shit. Been 5+ years since I last engaged in actual Fandom, yet here the fuck I am.
Fandoms I have written/drawn for (FFN years do not count, I purged that account): political/pundit RPF, Supernatural, Tron: Legacy, MCU, Star Trek (AOS), Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy XIV, Star Wars/The Mandalorian
A Short List Of Things I Wrote in No Particular Order:
Lost Symphony (T): SPN; Dean/Cassie, Sam/Jessica, pre-Dean/Castiel; for the Racebending Revenge challenge - "Mary Ahn Winchester died on the ceiling of the nursery on November 2, 1983."
We Are Pilots (T+): Tron: Legacy; Sam/Tron; for the Tron Kink Meme - "Six months and Sam still can't shake off his father's ghost, so Quorra suggests returning to the Grid to find the answers he needs to move on."
Wishing Well (T): Captain America: The First Avenger; Steve/Howard, Steve/Peggy, unfulfilled Howard/Peggy/Steve; for the Cap Kink Meme - "And you just wanna feel like a coin that's been tossed / In a wishing well, a wishing well."
A Thousand Eyes Staring Back (T+): Mass Effect 2; Kaiden/m!Shep - "His problems start at Horizon, aka that time Kaidan Alenko was having a really bad day and his former CO was supposed to be dead."
Waking Ghosts (T+): Dragon Age; Dorian Pavus/Male Trevelyan Inquisitor; the Mummy (1999) AU nobody asked for - "Dorian Pavus, formerly of Qarinus, is an archivist at the Magisterium research outpost in Hightown."
Seasons Change (T): Black Panther/MCU; M'Baku/T'Challa - "A fisherman finds a dying king in his nets and Hanuman offers M'Baku an opportunity to repay T'Challa for sparing his life at Warrior Falls."
born in a thunderstorm (T+): Star Trek: AOS, Captain Marvel, Thor: Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy; Kirk/McCoy; the worst AU I ever wrote - "Kevin Riley insists that James Kirk didn't die on Tarsus IV. Nobody believes him."
Dangerous Dreams series (T) - The Storm; The Suns; Between Planets: Star Wars/The Mandalorian; Din/Luke; the reason why I'm writing this post - "To want something for yourself, that is a dangerous dream."
I cross-post and occasionally write about writing at @shirozora-writes. But I bet a bunch of y'all stumbled into my little sandbox through @shirozora-draws, so let's talk about that!
I suffered from artist's block for almost 4 years. That ended when I became utterly fixated on "So Grogu has two dads now - oh no." I fucking ragequit Star Wars after the fucking world lied to me about The Last Jedi* and now I'm doing the most insane and involved fanworks because of Star Wars. The fuck???
To end this unapologetically long-ass Intro Post, here are my 3 favorite recent doodles:
The original post is here. First time animating with Clip Studio Paint and I had a two-day meltdown over it.
The original post is here. Fun fact: the file name is "homoerotic chin tilt yolo". Also, 6.4k notes? You guys are wild.
The original post is here. The final illustration from The Suns.
*I hate The Last Jedi the most not just because it's racist sexist garbage that trashed everyone except Kylo Ren whoever the fuck he thinks he is, and jumpstarted some of the most toxic fandom behavior I had the displeasure of witnessing, but also because I read so much praise for it before walking into the theater, paying for a ticket with my own money, and realizing 5 minutes into the film that I was gonna have the worst time of my life. I can't and probably will never watch Knives Out because I still haven't forgiven the director for the psychological damage. This is 100% a TLJ Hate Zone.
#trashquisitor-shirozora#shirozora draws#shirozora writes#intro post#dinluke#skydalorian#star wars#the mandalorian#i could tag the other fandoms featured here but dinluke and the mando show are the reasons why I even made this post#this is gonna be so dated in several years and Idgaf#I'm grateful for what this ship and this fandom has done for me#all the discourse in the world cannot take that away from me#speaking of discourse - some of y'all need to Do Better#yes there are plenty of issues with what people are actually writing#but so much of that could be resolved WITH PROPER FUCKING TAGGING#BECAUSE I WOULD LIKE TO GO INTO THE DINLUKE TAG ONCE IN A BLUE MOON AND NOT BE SCARED SHITLESS#I'VE ALREADY BEEN THERE WITH THE DRAGON AGE TAG AND THE NIGHTMARISH DISCOURSE#MAKE YOUR OWN GODDAMN DISCORD SERVERS OR SOMETHING. GODDAMN I FUCKING MISS LJ/DWJ COMMS SO MUCH SOMETIMES
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Hi friends 👋
This is mostly a message for people on/from Twitter, and for me to repost as a link over there. Tumblr does long-form better and I can't think of any other way to communicate this effectively without a lot of writing, so here's the deal.
I'm getting close to finished compiling the various things I need to send for my pre-2023 mail people (yes, I am still doing this because I collect first and send when everything is perfect) and tying up a lot of loose projects. There's still a lot of work to do but with the time I've been not tweeting, I've been painting, soldering, building, videoing and editing my busy little hands away in preparation for surprises to come. BUT—
I need to get even more serious now. Or at least as serious as someone like myself can muster.
Right now, for me that means laying out my Grand Plan for this year on this post and then getting right to it. I'm addressing the Twitter fam directly because for you, dear friends, that will kinda mean I won't be on Twitter that much anymore. Really this time.
Yeah yeah, I know. We all threw up our arms and threatened to leave umpteen times, and then we all settled to stick around to watch it all burn, and for a while I was satisfied with that pace. It was fun watching the fire.
But the fire has already been reduced to embers.
Now it just feels like standing in front of a smouldering pile of garbage and gleefully inhaling its toxic fumes.
For the last few months, Twitter has slowly but very steadily been silencing the people I want to talk to—in a number of different ways—or outright making them disappear from me. Or worse still, replacing them. With what?
Elon Musk
Climate change denier
Literal nazi
Elon Musk
Everything I see everywhere in this place and now in my life is telling me in no uncertain terms: "mobilize now".
Bad actors are already mobile. The pandemic created an opportunity for our collective horseshit to fester, and now it is very commonplace to see people who publicly—and often violently—act out their racist, phobic, misogynist agendas in the real world. Stuff that nobody would dream of saying out loud 10 years ago for fear of getting punched are now everywhere I look. Nazis used be a Not Cool thing.
But people are literally dying.
I've been trying my level best to stick around and keep up morale on behalf of those who are being actively targeted, but then the shooting at start of the Lunar New Year gave me a shake. Once again, the target is people who look like the person I love most in the world. Her whole family. All of the people in my life that I hold dear, in fact, are targets in one way or another.
The funny thing is, violent extremism isn't even the worst threat we're facing. The walls are closing in from every direction: unfettered spread of deadly viruses is past the point of fixing, and ecological collapse the likes of which our civilization has not ever seen will happen in the next 10 years.
Does that mean I'm giving up the fight to go take care of myself and mine?
Don't be absurd. I'm just angrier.
Lucky for me and nobody else, the coping mechanism I developed for my anger in my 20s is doing everything faster. Like, way faster. More aggressively too.
But I need to focus and organize my efforts a bit better so I can start doing things out in the Real World™. The good news is that I already started preparing for this months ago and have a headstart now.
Basically, I think what I need to do is integrate all my various battles into one ongoing project/series/lifestyle, so I can just always be working towards those various goals while still creating content that can use any platform available to spread reach and find new ways to fix things.
Here's the plan:
Tour de'Brief is happening for real. I will be touching more grass this year, in different cities, to visit the various dispensaries I've become close with and talk with locals about local issues (keeping myself and others as safe from disease as possible naturally). Why?
Well for starters, it's the disposable thing again! I will be personally trying to make storeowners commit to getting rid of theirs, in exchange for an LD-exclusive battery recycling bin (to be sent to me for collection) and a bunch of assorted creations for all their employees. Yeah, I made stuff. Lots of it.
Twitter presence will ramp down to a mostly communicative one: announce things posted on other platforms, coordinate things with people, answer questions, and probably Spaces. Maybe the odd shitpost here and there, but I'll be draining my drafts folder for the foreseeable future. Does that mean... no more content??
Actually, no, it means NEW content—I'm going back into the YouTubes! Going full production mode, even more content hopefully. Big ambitious videos with all our friends, collaborations with musicians.. and Twitter hanging around in my back pocket to connect with those collaborators. I am turning into a television set.
Tumblr will still work for long-form writing, but also with more focus on showcasing finished works (paintings, trays, electronics, etc). There's lots of stuff to show now since I've been saving it up.
The podcast! (Wait, what??) That's right, I'm booting it back up! The format will be more guest-based since I have all you great pals to talk to now.
That mailing list! Once I'm done with friendmail, I'm going to just start randomly sending you shit, as was my original plan. #FreeDrugs is forever!!!
What I need most right now is a way to cover more ground. The way I've decided to achieve that is by being a pest, so.. the usual really, but much more personal this time around. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar though, so I'll be needing lots of time to make bad creations that will hopefully entice a store of people to temporarily tolerate my presence.
If this sounds like a bad plan, it might very well be. But stick with me here—
My thought is that I can use the opportunity presented by fighting my climate battle to shoehorn in whatever other missions need attention depending on the geographical area. Different places have different problems; I need to learn about how each community tackles them, if at all, and gather context.. read the vibes... then break shit!
Figuratively that is.
Of course there will be plenty of literal breakages, and that's part of the fun!
I am preparing for the world to look very different, and very Not Good, in the coming 5-10 years—the extent to which is not clear to me yet. I would be narcissistic and delusional to think I am going to save the world by collecting batteries from pot shops and arguing with the locals, but I need to do everything.. anything.. that I can, all at once preferably, while trying to expand my reach organically by essentially docu-series-ing the next year as it happens.
It's gonna be wild itellyouwhat.
This Friday we'll have a good bash before I quiet down the Twitter presence indefinitely, but I want to still be reachable and connect with the people I met there. It's a hard line to draw. There will be lots of mail goes back and forth though, so I'll still be retweeting and replying whenever possible.
If Spaces disappears, I have an entire mailing list of friends—digitally now!—and the means to operate outside of Twitter in a variety of different ways. We will continue to connect digitally until I make it to your hometown, and until then I will continue to mail things to anyone on that list... you're helping to make my video content, see?
We always make the greatest team.

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ngl kinda glad I hadn't nuked my twitter accounts yet bc I wanted to make sure I could chase up contact info for everyone I care about, and now I get to see how quickly it's imploding holy fuck.
I am actually sad to see it die this quickly. I've been on there since 2009 when a bunch of my lj friends decided to join and follow each other. Those people are still the people I want to keep in touch with the most now that twitter is dying.
I've seen some ppl be like, you're overreacting! It's not gonna die! Well, maybe not tomorrow, or next week, but like, at a certain point, there just literally won't be enough staff with enough knowledge or skills to keep the business operating at any capacity. It's just a numbers game at that point. Maybe it'll be a week or two before something crashes and it can't be restored properly. But you can't gut like potentially 90% of the workforce and expect things to still function normally. There just aren't enough people left, and the implosion has been SO PUBLIC that they'll have a hard time recruiting for replacements. They're fucked.
Twitter was the only social media platform where it just worked for my brain in way facebook or insta or anywhere else never really did. tho I will say, tumblr didn't work for me the first time round bc I tried to do Religion on there and it's really, really not the platform for that at all. So I won't be doing any religious posting here. I'll save that for dreamwidth. Follow me over there if that's your kinda scene.
The weird thing is, I ended up following such a diverse range of people on twitter that deciding who I wanted to keep in touch with outside of twitter has proved an interesting decision. I'm surprising myself with who I care about enough to follow, and who I'm prepared to let go.
There are things I'm definitely not going to miss about twitter though, and even a few days off the site has freed my brain for so many other things. I think, much as I will miss it, that ultimately twitter had become bad for my brain and I needed to kick it to stop myself incessantly checking it every five minutes.
There is a lot I will miss though. It was a good place, when it wanted to be, in the right corners. There were so many people I found that I wouldn't have otherwise. It had a great sense of community for marginalised folks that's not really easy to replicate anywhere else, because it was such a central meeting place. Everyone is scattering now, and so are those communities.
Also one of the primary reasons I came here and not mastodon was the shitposting lmao. This place is just more me. And I don't feel anywhere near as much pressure to market and brand myself as I did on twitter. I can just be a feral fucko over here and that's perfectly fine. And I think coming back for fandom rather than religion has been a much better decision. I feel the culture and how I fit into it a lot better and it doesn't feel weird. It feels comfy, like I should have been here the whole time, but came for the wrong reasons and gave up on it.
Is tumblr perfect? No. Am I gonna disconnect myself from a bunch of ppl I got news from and kept up to date on important stuff? Yeah. But I realise now I don't actually need a constant flood of information into my head, and much as I'll miss twitter, it's much more peaceful in my head without it.
Besides, I've been through this kinda site migration so many times already that I'm not THAT sad about it, even though it does suck to lose contact with so many ppl. Ahh well. Time to rebuild communities again and enjoy going back to smaller niche spaces again where I don't feel so Publicly Perceived as I did on twitter.
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mangasstuffcomics and few of their cult of rebloggers are Overly Sensitive Crybaby Dweebs. Y'all pathetic excuses now wanna be incapable of handling joke(s) and looking beyond the cover.
Talk about nearly confirming. Shall I say the same for you? But youwasbored, not me LOL.
Since you or other zoebody wish to call him a like a wanker for chloe and lila.
Allow me to talk about imagining how horny Lila was or the lore of Tomoe and Gabriel's breeding times because iwasbored.
777 and your deluded friend(s) at certain times chat berserk whenever an episode arrives. Maybe you two and friends like role playing. IDK. Though really seem to have a shipping of thirst for Lila and Chloe or more likely a fetish of Tomoe and Gabriel breeding sessions at the expense of Natalie or his wife. Well I guess the least bizarre one is the canon ship. What now? you think Lila is possibly older than she claims?
Nearly 5000 people are likely amused at that Barbie Marinette Post cause it was a J O K E. If they don't get it or care ordecide to think like y'all, that's their problem or desired take.
Something you do, that your homeslices enjoy of you but now ya want to suck at it but now you SEETHE despite that the waifu thing is a joke
Congrats tho
Malding much lol?
Oh no, he's a defender of chloe and lila (in their heads) that means you should assume he'll go watch nsfw of either or wants lila to have a onlyfans and do things imaginatively.
Hmm do y'all feel y'all selves with your lovelustsquare or ships or things y'all try defending too according to that logic?
Now you say he has a love hate relationship towards Lila. Now you think he's responsible for Ms Bustier being pregnant. YOU ATE MARINETTE'S HAIR? That might be why you're so confusing and unconfusing.
Do you realize OnlyFans is not a nsfw only thing. Kind of like ya know TWITTER, REDDIT, or Formally Tumblr aka the other site besides YouTube you use.
GGs ya Marinette emulation.
Aye this is like when deluded beings thinks others are deluded and should be targeted.
Another of you though however, said you weren't gonna take him serious. Now you wanna or think what you said is true now faust?
*Shrugs* So quick to switch up lanes eh?
Aw filthy rat wanna gag and claim he's the worse. WA WA WA.
Poor horn-headed filly, why you mad again? She's not the only one on the hit list. It's just Marinette exists in I think every single episode. It's like asking to be thrown darts at when she has been doing a lot of crap. Yeah things are I guess dying down in S4-5 but that's like saying Lila is the ultimate evil when Hawk Moth done torment for 5 seasons. Would this change if this was the science teacher or both andres being on the main hit list instead?
Joke turns y'alls thoughts obsessive. Ah that sounds familiar to a character we watch. Look, your projectium.
Why does he think? It was a joke. Why don't you think?

People do that. And too far for the most part is relative. Certain ones just wanna claim the line was crossed of a sudden. Make a line then later you make a line at a lower point when still inside the previous line and then whine at them because you changed without their knowledge. Entertained that you say someone's has broccoli diarrhea feet but then you say they smell like SPAM and it's too much.
You could also ignore.
Not all jokes are funny to everyone or one day may be viewed as stale.
I'll just end it with this.
Spoiler he actually doesn't like Lila at all and thinks she's garbage like Marinette and irrelevant. Disappointing hype. I don't agree but hey, you can say a lot of things regarding Lila that even I won't be able to defend or respond against or towards. Hands at characters but mostly master (FUhq) o Zoe Su Lee or NINO are E for Everyone I've been seeing from his videos. He says frozen 2 is Garbage I don't think so. People think Elsa of both movies is garbage, I think considering everything that goes on, she is not. People think Angry Birds 2 Movie is better than 1. I think Angry Birds Movie 2 is lame unlike 1.
Can people change on what they like or dislike in time?
Oh yeah he pulled a Lila on you people but be disbelievers like Marinette with Lila in the Sphinx Game. I might take a clip to confirm he was bsing with y'all.
If you are undeterred after viewing the truth or still think that's who he truly is what ya or others claim,
Oh well.
Conclusion jumping has devastating effects. Memes and context ignoring, makes a fandom turn against a character or mark them for mockery forever. Diego Armando, Uchiha Clan (mostly Sasuke outside of Boruto or any that aren't for the malicious state (will of fire)), Princess Elise, Wallflower Blush, Shadow 2005 or The Legendary Super Saiyan in a nutshell and more.
Wait a minute, y'all some complain about Alya Cesaire's failure in the Lila Marinette situation for so long but y'all apparently not seeking too. You say Marinette or Alya should do this but look at you. Even Kagami managed to view both sides. Fictional beings ahead of you :)
Talk about what you wish character to do but viewers of the show can't step forward and find the truth themselves and avoid it or take what one says or sees at face value? You're not suppose to be badly written in this world as you claim ML Characters Are.
Guess what he's right Caline Bustier is a delicious
#Cyrus The Great#Anti Miraculous Ladybug#Anti Miraculous Ladybug Fandom#Anti MLB Fandom#Anti ML Fandom#Anti Miraculous Fandom#plumsaffron#Chloe Bourgeois#Tomoe Tsurugi#Gabriel Agreste#Lila Rossi#Clown University#Overly Sensitive Crybaby Dweebs#Project Arms#Adrien Agreste#Marinette Dupain Cheng#Barbie Malibu#Miles Edgeworth#Alya Cesaire#Miss Bustier#COPE
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