#Tw mushroom
clownrecess · 1 year
hihi!!! your stim boards are really pretty! and i was wondering if you would make a wolf / forest one? if you want to of course!!
Wolf and forest stimboard for anon!
tw for mushrooms and wolves!
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mushroom-for-art · 7 months
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First image transcript: Welcome to my blog! I'm Mush! I'm an adult artist currently hyperfixated on Pokémon (specifically mewtwo) I have Autism & Anxiety & I'm doing my best! He/She/They
Second image transcript: Currently I'm (Slowly) working on:
Art and story for my PKMN blog
Crackship babies (Requests still open)
I.Pokemon (Requests still open)
Inbox invasion asks
Espetwo comic
Free to use bases
Au art & stories
& Other side projects & designs
Third image transcript: If you like my stuff please [Heart/like] + [Reblog symbol]! Tags + comments make this all the more worth it! My inbox/Asks are open (with anon on!) But please be nice, rude/out of context remarks are seen and they hurt. Please don't steal or use my designs/ideas or concepts! Cause that really sucks!!
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thinking about beefsteak fungus. imagine you're walking through the forest. and one of these reaches out. and (tenderly, sensually) licks you
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zyxwvutbackwards · 1 month
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Having sad hours and listening to music when this pops up! I can’t believe it’s the first time I noticed they use the word firefly in the lyrics as a pet name - anyways, it got me thinking about what ifs. More specifically, what if the moment Mycheal finally became attached to someone, when he loves them as much as he can, when they don’t want to leave and everything is right, his person dies? The creator has said that when he reaches this point on his “affection scale” that his yandere tendencies would only be triggered if you tried to leave. If you left by dying, one way those tendencies could manifest is him being unwilling to bury or stray far from your body and feeling a deep, soul-wrenching upset every time he notices a new aspect of rot set in. In the hours following your death, as a yandere, he’d probably be in shambles - would he be disoriented enough to forget about rigor mortis? Would he reach for your warmth after stepping away for a moment to collect himself, only to return and find you devoid of it?
So many possibilities
Mycheal and Mushroom Oasis by @/deerspherestudios
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pepperpepi · 6 months
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hi guys trying out a different style what do you guys think
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sweet1hxney · 2 months
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˖ ࣪ ⊹ ( 🍓 )The idea stays in my mind, thinking a little and drawing MR!Mychael, I thought about his role as a yandere.
I have the idea that by already having affection for MC, just like Mychael, he will develop attachment to MC, but with the difference that he could be a little more possessive.
He is somewhat reluctant to even think of another way other than defense, but MC makes him feel warm, too much... Maybe he doesn't want you to go away from him, he is very suspicious of this new feeling, to the point that he becomes a little more violent in keeping you by his side, after all, he can no longer manipulate you, he must opt for other methods, perhaps not as effective.
˖ ࣪ ⊹ ( 🍓 ) La idea se queda en mi mente, un poco pensando y dibujando a MR!Mychael, pensé en su rol como yandere.
Tengo la idea que al ya tener cariño a MC, igual a Mychael, desarrollará apego a MC, pero con la diferencia de que podría ser un poco más posesivo.
Es algo reacio ya en siquiera pensar en otra manera que no sea en defensa, pero MC lo hace sentir cálido, demasiado... Quizás no quiera que se aleje de él, sospecha mucho de ese nuevo sentimiento, al punto de que se vuelva un poco más violento en mantenerte a su lado, después de todo, ya no puede manipularte, debe optar por otros métodos, quizás no tan eficaces
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sporeclan · 8 months
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Another one joins the club!
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oceantoyz · 2 years
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murkshade · 2 months
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woodlnds · 1 year
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Vermilion Waxcap // Hygrocybe miniata
Scarlet Waxcap // Hygrocybe coccinea
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gallusrostromegalus · 9 months
I lost the post but a few months ago, @japhgura and a few other people were asking what my OC Tama Nikuya's Zanpaktou abilities were like. So like a normal person, I spent the last few months drawing out a mini-comic about Tama meeting Izuru after the invading Quincies put some major holes in him!
Under the cut for Bleach-Manga-Typical Gore and Body Horror, but it has a happy ending and here's a safe preview:
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(Please Embiggen, Tumblr really eats image quality and I worked hard on this!)
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I've really only just started writing/posting An Elephant Is Warm And Mushy, but you can read the first few chapters here on Ao3!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
Bowser retired from kidnapping the princess and devoted his time to raising Bowser Jr with love and care. They moved to a quaint house in the Mushroom Kingdom where they shared a lot of quality time and learning experiences. Bowser's sister even came to visit.
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itsyapeepkiri · 3 months
Hey @deerspherestudios!!! I finally finished the drawing!!!!! It only took 20 hours... but I hope you like it!!
This is based on Day 1, ending 1 of Mushroom Oasis, so spoilers if you don't know about it.
I'll add tags, but TW for death, bone, decomposition, decay (both human and animal), blood if you squint, body horror (???). Also, this will break your heart, so sorry, but the art gods demand tears today.
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Some tid bits about this project in no particularly order:
- I started this cause I thought about what it would look like if Mychael had found MC a little bit sooner (than the few weeks that it took for the body to decompose). Plus, I wanted to brush up on my anatomy skills.
- The trees were based on the image of in deerspherestudios's answer to an ask about Mychael's vision, specifically the 'bottom eyes closed' one.
- The cat is an orange tabby cause I thought it goes nice with canon green collar. The MC is based on deerspherestudios actual MC ref sheet. Mychael is deerspherestudios whole-heartedly, but I did use the outdoor outfit we see him in in the 2nd day.
- I would image that MC's and Mychael's bags are just off the page, but I just forgot to add them.
- The tree 2nd from the right was not supposed to be there. Or at least I don't think it was. I don't know how that tree got there, I swear. 😅
- My 1st hour, which ended up being a failed attempt, was based on my sleeping sibling. Then, when they woke up and took a look at my work, they mentioned that the hand was as big as the entire chest somehow. That's when I said screw it, tried to find some reference images, and ended up spending the next 1 and a half hours on a 3-D model website trying to force the pre-made models to bend to my will. After that, it went pretty smoothly. *cries in hating perspective*
- I used BiC Mark it permanent markers, an ultra fine point red Sharpie, a Sakura Pigma Micron 005 pen, some Prismacolor Premier colored pencils for details, and a random school issued yellow pencil and pink eraser to make this.
- You can't really see it, but the flowers that Mychael is holding are forget-me-nots, as a reference to the field he would have taken MC to on the 2nd day. They are also in the rough shape of a broken heart. 💔
- On that note, the mushrooms coming out of MC's eye are also shaped like a heart.
- And yes, our soft boi is crying... 😢
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lirulua · 5 months
I hate money <3
So we're just in a perpetually tight spot, apparently and my mental health is shit and this is making this worse. And no we cannot get financial help from the government because my dads boss is a cunt and puts his tips as part of his pay check rather than tips so we make "too much" for assistance.
Anyway, we need help covering rent, getting food, my dad needs new glasses cause his broke and we need gas in the car. And I need some shorts for summer since I need to start walking for the sake of my health but we genuinely cannot stand the heat, it makes our depression worse we can't move, hell our bladder doesn't even work right when we get too hot. (We cannot afford to thrift right now either, but that is what we will be doing if this post actually works)
I'm trying to get some booths for craft fairs but they're either $300-$1,000 (I'm not exaggerating) or expect you to sign your soul over to them and almost all require you to have insurance which I also can't afford.
Our Ko-Fi is open for commissions. Currently, we have
Mushroom Boys - $20
Mushroom pops - $12
Mini Octopi - $5
Gummy Bear Plush - $10
Giant Heart Pillow - $200
Mystery Boxes - $25 $50 $100 $200 $500
Please if you can help, just please. If not Please spread it around. More stuff will be added once a week, next up are mini whales.
I don't know what to do man. This shit isn't worth it but my girlfriend is moving in in july which is the only thing keeping me going at this point.
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deerspherestudios · 8 months
Hellooooo💜💜 I have another question I'd like to ask you. Does Mychael brew alcohol or enjoy a little wine occasionally? How is his alcohol tolerance? What kind of behavior would Mychael exhibit if he were drunk? (I'm really curious about this question.) Also, I saw the new scene you announced, and it looks incredibly detailed!😭😭 I'm very excited and looking forward to it. Please make sure to take breaks and remember to stay well-hydrated.💗💗
Considering he's different than humans, he wouldn't be affected by substances the way humans are! Alcohol and such would most likely just pass through him. At the very least it'd make him queasy (just because he doesn't like it) for a while but that's about it.
The same goes for (hypothetical) drugs; if you wanna knock him out you'd have to use something real potent. Close enough to potentially kill a human.
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sweet1hxney · 2 months
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˖ ࣪ ⊹ ( 🍓 )My MC doesn't like being locked up, she needs to get out in some other way, but Mychael won't let her leave her home anyway (Fact: Chiyoko necessarily eats too much to keep from losing her energy, otherwise she'll faint)
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