#Tumblr tag limit is annoying
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cadybear420 · 2 years ago
Choices book covers/loading screens that need to be Hawkeye-Initiative'd.
Because my GNC female ass is tired of the over-reliance of heteronormative gender stereotypey dynamics in a lot of these covers.
Keep in mind that even though not all of these covers are irritating and some of them do make sense to the book, it'd still be nice to see a gender-swapped version of them.
Bold = especially important to Hawkeye-Initiative. Colors are just there to match the theme of the book and make the list pretty.
All the Rules of Engagement covers (most especially Books 1 and 2)
High School Story: Class Act Book 1 cover
All BloodBound covers (most especially Books 1 and 3 + Dark Solstice)
America's Most Eligible Books 2 and 3 covers
All Desire and Decorum covers
Big Sky Country Book 2 cover
A Courtesan of Rome cover
Ride or Die cover and loading screen
Baby Bump Book 1 cover
Hot Couture cover
A Very Scandalous Proposal cover
Witness cover and loading/title screen
Distant Shores cover
All The Nanny Affair covers (this includes both versions of the Book 1 cover)
Wolf Bride cover
Shipwrecked cover
Untameable loading screen
The Cursed Heart covers (especially Book 2)
Immortal Desires covers
Roommates With Benefits cover
The Duchess Affair cover
Dirty Little Secrets cover
The Billionaire's Baby Cover
Alpha cover
Ship of Dreams Cover
I will update as new books are released.
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huldrabitch · 24 days ago
a blowjob between friends would fix this tbh
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part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8
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cresneta · 1 year ago
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If we don't get a direct follow-up to this chapter, I'm just going to go ahead and assume that Yor insisted that Loid get some rest once they get home. She did say that she wanted to take care of him towards the end of the mole arc, and she probably knows that he didn't get to sleep last night, so this seems like the perfect opportunity to follow through on that desire once again. Perhaps my assumption will eventually be proven wrong, but I'm going to run with it for now.
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Also, I think it would be pretty sweet if she tried to do something nice for him to celebrate the fact that he saved someone's life, but I'm not going to assume that happened if we don't see it happen.
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gryficowa · 6 months ago
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It would be easier if it weren't for the link limit, because it creates more posts than it should, which becomes an example of an avalanche…
Now that I have your attention:
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ksoleil7 · 7 months ago
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osaemu · 1 year ago
nobody asked about my love life but here it is anyways
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hellpopgroove · 8 months ago
was tagged by @wise1rabbity a couple weeks ago and am just now getting around to it lol
rules: list your top 5 albums from 5 different artists on a poll, so your followers can vote which album they think captures your vibe best
tagging @secretceremonies @maryblackwood @prozac-shaped-urn @itslacroixsweetiedarling @camillepreakercain @houndsofluv @lesleymanville @yentling @evermoving @corvus-pictor @ballion @dandyvampydyke @royalarmyofoz @stlamb (apologies if you've already done it)
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neverendingford · 2 days ago
#tag talk#BY THE WAY: I'm not necessarily anti-meds or anti-psychiatry. or at least not generally as a worldview#it's one of those “my truth is not necessarily your truth” things. I fucking hate being dependent on anything from meds to medical help#and I'm constantly determined to do everything myself (yes I'm learning how to temper this with asking for help when I need it)#funnily enough the only place I've really found on reddit where this attitude is accepted/agreed with is the schizoid sub because it's a#a bunch of people with like little to no drive to reach out to others or to ever get help and toxic independence traits#which honestly feels very comfortable to me. the bipolar sub is very against anyone being anti-treatment (which makes sense I guess since#since severe bipolar will absolutely fuck your life up without treatment so pushing an anti-psychiatry view there could have harm)#and the bodymod sub doesn't allow diy work at all (yada yada safety concerns) which I understand on a moderation level but is still annoyin#idk. if I were serious enough to genuinely need meds or more therapy I would stay on it. but I can do it myself so I will do it myself.#people are like “but you don't have to struggle on your own uwu” I'm not. I have a 3 friends and I'm happy with that. I know how to ask for#for help now. it's a skill I deliberately learned and now I'm not so isolated. but I also don't want to deal with bullshit with#with limited efficacy. I'm going to do it my way or not at all. is that needlessly stubborn of me? probably. will that knowledge change#change how I do anything? absolutely not. I don't care. I can and have sabotaged myself in resistance to being told what to do.#and I will do it again. I don't give a fuck. I'm not caving to anyone or anything.#my work denied my time-off request for an upcoming family wedding and I was seriously considering going in and threatening to quit over it#but I thought it through and realized I didn't Really wanna go to the wedding anyway? it's just performative family bonding. there's only#only like two people there I would want to see anyway so I decided it wasn't really worth fighting over.#but next time I actually give a shit about the time off I'm going in and sitting down and fighting for real. because I'm not#not about to be told what I can and can't do by my fucking job. especially when I put in the time off well ahead of when I needed to#I'm just rambling now. anyway. I'm annoyed cause my phone didn't charge last night cause I put the charger wrong so it was on 15% this morn#so i"m stuck using tumblr desktop version yeuck#tragic: local girl forced to get dressed and sit up straight to check tumblr instead of lying in bed cozily on his phone.
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talkshowboyluvr · 11 months ago
i have beef w mutuals on tiktok who dm u their posts and one's who tag u in their edits WITHOUT asking or interacting w u properly beforehand
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daisi3ds · 11 months ago
Send a character(s) and a colour (via photo, or hexidecimal, or even just by name) and i will draw that character using a colour palette that’s predominantly that colour :D
all fandoms i will accept characters for are in tags<3
reblog if you’d also like to participate
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year ago
A post in honor of General Jarod Fire Emblem my precious.
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#DCB RD Run#Jarod Fire Emblem#idk if he has a tag but he has one now if not#also i had to put some pics together and make them one bc tumblr stops letting me arrange pics after 16 pics it's so fckn annoying#now pls if you would take a seat while i go on a small tangent (small bc i am limited to thirty tags per post!)#now so you see aside from him being a total hoot with awesome resolution/determination#smth i love about general jarod fire emblem my precious is his relationship with alder#bc you see jarod is clearly scum like fuck him yeah??? and then you get whacked with this emotional scene with alder#i love how they wrote two total scum villains as being just... human. i feel bad for them in that moment#as a human being even knowing everything they did i feel bad for them and respect them both#it doesn't change that they're scum and doesn't erase what they've done but it still elicits an emotional response from me#it makes me wish jarod was better and not an enemy. it makes me wish in a way that that could've been his atonement arc beginning#but i know that can't happen and wouldn't - he's too far gone. but as a human that's just the emotion i get seeing that scene#and then RIGHT as jarod is going back to his batshit villainy he dumps THAT fuckin' speech on us#MIND YOU with this really badass music playing. all his soldiers get into position#and you watch them move to the spots you'll start off with them in on the map when the battle starts#also man was hilarious right to his grave and i love all the shade he threw at bk that's among my love languages#and yes i did actually in fact start this file the same day i beat part one#anyway enjoy your general jarod fire emblem bc fe heroes sure isn't
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rjshope · 1 year ago
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desertfangs · 11 months ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers! ✨
Tagged by @nothing-but-paisley - Thank you so much! 💖
1. How many works do you have on A03? 68! One more and I can never post again 😂 (66 of those are VC.)
2. What’s your total A03 word count? 315,352
3. What fandoms do you write for? The Vampire Chronicles. I have a couple of Merlin fics on my profile though, one I'm really proud of and one I lost steam on and never got far.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Best Kept Secrets (Merlin), Night Out (my first Lestat/Daniel fic on Ao3), The Mundanity of Mortality, The Vampire Bar, and Series of Birthdays. Basically my oldest fics 😂
5. Do you respond to comments? Always!! Sometimes it takes me a while but I love replying to people who took the time to leave a comment. Every comment is a gift and so very appreciated! 💖
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Turn Me to Dust, which is probably the angiest Devil's Minion fic I've ever written. I struggle with leaving things too angsty at the end though. 🤧 Or maybe In the Midst of Madness.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics have a happy ending so that's really hard to pick. I hate leaving them sad okay! It makes me sad.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No, not on AO3 at least and not to my knowledge.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do write smut! I enjoy writing how eroticism and intimacy can affect a relationship or how it's used to maybe put off other issues or even be a method of communication between two characters.
Armand and Daniel in particular really fascinate me with their intimate habits because they're so experimental in all ways, and at first it's a mortal and vampire, which is fun to play with. And once Daniel's a vampire, it's fun to explore how that changes how they engage with physical intimacy.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I do not! Or at least, I haven't yet.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I'm aware. I sure hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! A long time ago. It's something I'd love to do again, it can be really fun!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Devil's Minion! OTP baby.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I don't have one published currently that's unfinished (except that Merlin one and I'm probably never getting back to that). I have a few that I've started over the last year or so that may never get completed though.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue! I don't always nail it but it's definitely a skill I'm proud of.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I'd like to get better at writing evocative descriptions, it's not something I'm great at.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I could manage some basic back and forth en français but I'm never really comfortable enough to do more than that.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Vampire Chronicles, baby! I wrote my first fic in math class in high school. I was not good at math.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Oh gosh, I don't know how to choose. One that I'm exceptionally happy with is Five Times Daniel and Armand Almost Kissed During the Chase Years & One Time They Did.
tagging: @rebel-revenant, @leslutdepointedulac, @aunteat, @kaelio, @cinnamonclove @calipsan, @faerywhimsy and anyone else who wants to do it! And sorry for double tags or if you already posted this and I missed it while I was stuck grinding for capitalism all day.
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bad-wolf-circe · 1 year ago
hello!!! i've just deleted my twitter. life is good and free and i am finally at peace :)
if you're a mutual from twitter: HELLO!!! welcome to tumblr! (or not, i know some of you guys have visited hell before). this is my blog where i sometimes post my thoughts -- but mostly reblog the thoughts of others. for the newcomers: reblogging is fun, and you should do it right now with this post by clicking the two arrows sign! it's easy and free and you can always unsubscribe later (sorry for that reference...). once you've reblogged something, the two arrows sign will turn green.
tumblr is not driven by likes the way twitter is, so liking a post really won't do anything. instead, it's what you reblog that makes the real difference. so if you like a post on here, your tumblr mutuals will not be able to see it on their dash! they'll only get it on their dash if you reblog it.
for added effect, you can use the tags option at the bottom of a post! (it'll say something along the lines of: 'add tags to help people find your post'). you can add popular tumblr hashtags here so that more people can see your post... OR you can adopt some of the local tumblr etiquette of rambling and spilling your thoughts there too! (1)
BY THE WAY: you can format text differently on tumblr! so you can italicize, bold, underline, etc. on here. And there's a huge character limit! (according to the tumblr help center, you can fit one third of Moby Dick in one tumblr post! pretty nifty!)
be sure to use tumblr etiquette! the phrase 'tumblr etiquette' might sound gatekeepy, but rest assured! tumblr etiquette is used by many bloggers here to help make the blogging experience as "pleasant" as possible. (i put pleasant in quotes because sometimes people say things on here that deal you irreversible emotional damage. truly, you don't get this anywhere else). the general rule of thumb here is: IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T INTERACT!!! Block and move on. you'll find that tumblr drama really isn't a thing here because of this principle. live by it, die by it, blog by it!
for me personally, I'm trying to keep this blog as impersonal as possible for privacy reasons (since this is a public blog), so if you want to chat, say hi, or talk about life i suggest you use the messages feature! i'm always down to chat over messages! :)
other than that, nothing else comes to mind. have fun on this atrocious hellsite and happy blogging! love you guys <3
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kaiowut99 · 2 years ago
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 91 and 92 Subbed (Finalized)
(Previously: Episodes 89 and 90 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-91: The Grim Reaper’s One-Turn Kill
Rumors have spread of a duelist taking part in GeneX who defeats his opponents in one turn.  This turns out to be Tachibana, who gained his drawing power through a pact with a Grim Reaper card.  Judai ends up dueling Tachibana, who’s sold his soul to the Grim Reaper, and with the start of their duel, Tachibana draws his “One-Hit Knockout! Slash Draw” Magic Card and comes at Judai with his One-Turn Kill. Can Judai possibly...
TURN-92: The Triangle Duel
As word goes around that rank-and-file Instructor Chronos and Vice-Principal Napoleon are being “fired,” Principal Samejima shouts “Get out of here!” at them.  They were both disheartened, but they happen to catch Chairman Pegasus of Industrial Illusions, Inc., on his way to visit Principal Samejima, and they ask for employment with I2.  Pegasus says he will approve their employment if they somehow defeat him in a duel, and so starts a Triangle Duel between Pegasus, Chronos, and Napoleon.  Can Chronos and Napoleon hope to...
*Pegasus voice* I give you finalized!91 and 92! deeeesu
Slight delay in finalizing these aside, these episodes aren’t too bad; some continuity with the Duel Academia’s North Campus in Tachibana and his struggle to make the decks he cares about work, making him turn to a Grim Reaper spirit promising to improve his drawing ability--at the cost of his soul. Works well enough for a one-shot episode in GX, nice seeing another One-Turn Kill strategy after Ojin’s in 84, plus the animation looks really good throughout, along with “Impossible Victory” being used as Tachibana switches arms with his Disk to reject the Grim Reaper’s influence.  92′s fun with Pegasus making another cameo--this time, actually dueling--and the premise being that Chronos and Napoleon thought Samejima fired them when he was just frustrated was up GX’s humor alley--though it is interesting Toon Kingdom didn’t come out in the card game until long after GX (I liked the shot of it as we see Toon Red Archery Girl, Toon Summoned Daemon, and the other Toons he used in DM as a nice homage).  Pegasus’ll still have some time in S2 and S3, related to the plot Samejima thought about early in the episode, so he’ll be back.  Kind of a shame they didn’t make a GX remix for his Toon World theme from DM though, lol; points to the dub for using theirs.  (Tachibana’s voice in the dub was also really good.)
Edit-wise, both episodes had a fair amount of fixes I applied, mostly on the card error and quality-of-watching end (including some interesting split-screen issues), but there were 2-3 bigger ones I was able to make work; due to Tumblr’s dumb link limit in posts yeeting them out of the tags used for them and limiting their reach, and since I still wanted a visual element to it, I’ve made a separate post with my usual fix/edit breakdown for the interested!
Anywho, enjoy! These make for a little breather as we get into Judai vs White Asuka next time and some changes to Saiou’s SOLA plans.  Been looking forward to revisiting the next stretch of eps for a while as Season 2 closes on some of its best episodes; should be fun.
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pseudomonacarriea · 2 years ago
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Floaty space pout!
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