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九十九丸 ✏️
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Ken ga Kimi Part 6 - Kuroba Saneaki Route

Yayy Saneaki! I liked how Saneaki took into account Kayo's feelings of fear towards wolves howling because of her unfamiliarity with it and having never encountered it before. It was really sweet how he held her hand and helped her feel more comfortable with hearing it beside him so she could fall asleep properly, that was very kind. I wonder what Saneaki did that he feels like nothing can cleanse him of his sins and that he doesn't deserve to be able to be like Kayo and smile happily. I felt so bad for Kayo when she tried to think of topics to talk about with Saneaki and ended up bringing up swordsmanship and he totally cut her off. He probably has his reasons, but even I felt the strong rejection enough that I lost any will to even think about wanting to continue the conversation lol. Saneaki is very much a sad boy but it's nice that he went along with Kayo to get a charm for her father and gave her the fancy cloth he received. I was surprised when she gave him her mother's charm though! Like yeah, she has the naginata to remember her with but this charm is also precious and she barely knows Saneaki that well! I guess she had nothing else and she really wanted to give him something but still!

Saneaki is truly beautiful but also a tragic man. I don't know how long he's been seeking forgiveness and fervently living a life dedicated to not killing but it must be quite a while since it seems like he prays daily and has his life revolved around making up for his sins. Crazy that Kayo fell down a cliff running away from youkai and met Saneaki, like how random is that haha! Munenori losing to Saneaki because he strained his back was pretty funny haha. I mean I understand why he would want Saneaki to join the Bakufu considering his skills but Saneaki wouldn't be of much use in his current state anyway considering his utter distaste towards killing. I knew Saneaki was impressive and a big deal but I didn't realise that he won that sword tournament three times! I've always wondered why Saneaki would join the tournament again but I guess it's understandable that he would want to show the sword/Ootenta that there's someone more worthy to be chosen to wield it than himself. I'm glad Tsuzuramaru was able to convince the hard-headed Saneaki to help Kayo. It was really frustrating to have to watch Kayo, her teacher and her friend be bullied and kicked out of their own dojo by ruffians who have no respect and can only play dirty. Considering how regal and well put Saneaki is, it's surprising that he did laborious and tough jobs since he was 12 because he lost his parents and was all alone. But I guess it's to be expected because his ethereal beauty stands out and he's obviously "different". I'm happy Tsuzuramaru was able to convince Saneaki to help Kayo and the dojo, but it seems like Omatsu actually knows Saneaki and is probably somehow related to his reasons for giving up on killing. I'm glad Kayo stood her ground against Munenori trying to ask her to get Saneaki to join the Bakufu because it's really not her place considering she knows nothing about Saneaki's reasons and she doesn't know enough about working with the Bakufu itself. But yes, I agree with her that even though he likes her, this is not something he would do just because she asked and it would be silly to think that Saneaki would change his mind so easily.

I felt bad for Kayo that she was basically threatened by Enishi to lead him to Saneaki's place. Even though what Enishi did was distasteful, after doing his route, you can understand how "incapable" he thinks he is, so he feels like it's his responsibility to find someone worthy to protect Edo since he can't do it. I think it was cute how Kayo was able to stop the both of them from fighting with her level-headed reason that Saneaki said he didn't want to hurt people with his sword anymore. It was very thoughtful of Kayo to be more concerned about Saneaki possibly breaking his oath to not hurt people than her being caught up in this and getting threatened when it's got nothing to do with her. I see..so Saneaki gave up on the sword because he accidentally killed an innocent woman when he couldn't stop his sword trying to kill a criminal who was her lover. As someone so righteous and strong, it must have been a great hit to everything he believed in to have done something he could never take back to an innocent person, which in turn made him question all the people he had killed before even if they were criminals. Saneaki liking flowers and growing them is a very him thing, I could imagine him as a florist, he has that care and kindness. It's sad that he regards himself as a murderer but it is understandable because he's probably killed so many people in his life that he's lost count. To others, he would probably be viewed as a murderer, but to Kayo, she will always see him as the one who fought to protect her and only used his sword to protect and not to kill.

My heart felt so warm when Saneaki got Kayo some sweet glutinous rice balls for her to eat because he knew she was down and wanted to cheer her up somehow since she wasn't saying anything. Kayo was soo cutee when she brought leftover tofu from the restaurant to Saneaki and then became so happy when he agreed to her cooking for him as thanks for caring for her and guiding her on the naginata the other day. Lmaoo I love how Kayo calls Saneaki's sword spirit ting Habaki-chan after finding out her existence🤣🤣 I assumed the girl Saneaki killed would be Omatsu's sister, and I knew Saneaki would give his life to her if she wants it considering his guilt, but I didn't think Omatsu practised the naginata all this time to kill him. My heart broke when Omatsu and Kayo hugged each other crying, with Kayo telling her that she loves Saneaki and can't support her friend killing him, and Omatsu unable to let go of her hatred and desire for revenge. Omatsu's sister was really strong and really loved this man, enough to run away from home back to Sunpu to find him. Even though Omatsu let go of it kinda easily, I think in a sense I can believe that she will truly try to let this go, because just as her sister gave her life to protect the one she loved, I think she can recognise that Kayo loves Saneaki enough that she would risk her life for him, or at least I hope she really does understand anyway. Saneaki's life was very tough... In order to live, he chose this way of life and followed orders to cut down people he thought deserved to be killed. I think it's sad that he was forcefully separated from his father who was Spanish because a law was passed that forced foreigners to go back to their country, and then he lost his mother not long after because she was Christian and at the time, Japan didn't accept Christianity and killed those who refused to abandon it. Ohh, his father's friend took care of him until he was 12 and then this friend who was a trader from the Netherlands was also forced to go back to his country. I think the saddest thing is that he wanted to take Saneaki with him and tried his best to do it but failed. I'm sure his father probably wanted to do the same for his mother and him...

I think what we can be glad for in terms of Omatsu is that she has Taichi to help her get through her pain just as Kayo will be there to carry the burden of Saneaki's sins. I support Habakitsuki pushing Saneaki on to Kayo haha! Kayo already took the biggest step by confessing to him, so it's about time he also admitted to his feelings for her. The way Saneaki so shyly but sweetly told her he was also in love with her was cute! I never thought about the idea of Kayo's father remarrying so I was just as taken aback as Kayo tbh. Saneaki and Kayo reading a book that was left by his father was sweet. Just seeing him more open to Kayo knowing about him is nice. I'm glad that through spending time with Saneaki, Kayo was able to come to terms with the fact that just as she loves and wants to spend time with Saneaki, her father has also found someone he cherishes very much too. I loved how Kayo was able to use the naginata training she did with Saneaki to help Nanae and Choushichirou escape. Naturally, she wasn't able to fend off real soldiers who were alerted to her now, but I think she was really cool and I liked that she got a moment to see her training come to fruition. Knowing that Tsuzumi and Nanae have a relatively peaceful life with a good ending in the fortune ending makes me happy. Even though I understand that there's not much time for her to explain to her father properly that she needs to leave Edo, but I still feel bad for him that he'll come back to a letter basically saying she's leaving with a man he's never seen. I would be so worried and sad. I'm happy for them though, because Saneaki can finally leave without being burdened by his sword and the responsibility since Tsuzumi is here. I didn't think I needed it but I'm glad we could get proper closure with Omatsu and Saneaki, especially him finally deciding that he does want to live for Kayo now. Omatsu is such a great friend though😭 and since Omatsu got to see them, we can rest assured that she will tell Kayo's father about them and to not worry and happily be with her aunt. I didn't think they'd end up at a place where they can practise Christianity safely and live their lives in peace but I'm glad they found somewhere Saneaki could finally find solace in and pray for the future rather than for repentance. Even though they're still very polite with each other, it's nice to see them slowly get used to each other.

I like how in the harmony ending, Tsuzumi and Nanae are still able to find a place for themselves in Edo, and Saneaki can live a peaceful life working at Kayo's restaurant! Ohh, I didn't think Kayo's father actually asked Saneaki to marry into their family and then gave the restaurant to Kayo and Saneaki while he went to open a new restaurant somewhere else. Saneaki being the chef is quite fitting! Kayo and Saneaki watching over the sunset as he asks Kayo to call him Saneaki is so touching and heartwarming. They've come a long way and I'm happy to see them both get to live in peace. I think I personally prefer the harmony ending the most because I like them getting to stay with the people Kayo loves and not feeling like they have to move so far away in order to be accepted. I loved the epilogue. Saneaki thinking about Kayo and always thinking about her smile when cooking food makes me so happy for them. I like how the reason his food is so good is because he wants Kayo to enjoy his food. It was so sweet seeing Kayo enjoy his food so much, and so very sweet to see Saneaki smile so happily watching over her eat. It truly is the ending I love!

I think it's sad to think about Omatsu's older sister's lover who didn't resist Saneaki killing him after she died to protect him. What I like about this Wild (Blue) ending is that you get to see more of Saneaki's thoughts that once he watched over their bodies, he finally came to the realisation that maybe not all the people he's killed really deserved it or were as guilty as others had told him, because even his mother who was innocent was killed. I'm actually so sad that because Saneaki has picked up his sword again to fulfil his promise with Omatsu to serve the Bakufu, he doesn't feel like he can pray anymore after killing so many more people like Asakura and them. It's so heartbreaking to see Saneaki only able to grip on to his sanity by believing that he is killing people and monsters with his sword to protect Kayo. He's living his life sinfully and probably feels like dying everyday but is forced to live with his crimes because of his promise to Omatsu and because he doesn't want Kayo to be sad. The most terrible thing is that he only sees Kayo once a month, and even though Habakitsuki is cute, she just encourages Saneaki to kill people and just takes away more and more of his sanity, enough that seeing Kayo might not be enough to save him anymore. Honestly, this was a very cruel ending and Saneaki didn't deserve to be condemned to live a life where he all he does is kill, to the point that he can't even be with Kayo anymore because it's too dangerous. It was so painful to read knowing that he would literally have to live like that for the rest of his life with no one beside him and no one to care for him no matter how much pain he's going through, and since he's so capable, it's unlikely he'll die and be "relieved" that way, not that he would let that easily happen because wants Edo to be safe for Kayo to live in, but it's just so so sad.. Asakura is so despicable in the Strange (Green) ending. Him pushing Nanae in between Saneaki and Tsuzumi's fight was disgusting. I felt so bad for Saneaki nearly having to relive his trauma, and I felt so bad for Tsuzumi nearly killing the one he loves with his own hands. Saneaki kissing Kayo knowing that he won't live to see her again as he sacrifices himself to push back the marebito and close the door to the underworld just makes me so sad. Kayo saved him from pain but in the end, his death will cause her so much grief. It was heartbreaking to watch Kayo reach out to an illusion. I'm not sure how I feel about Kayo praying and waiting for him knowing that he's most likely gone, that's just heartwrenching.

Overall, Saneaki is a tragically beautiful man. I quite enjoyed his route because it really shows the atmosphere surrounding Saneaki's life very well in that you can feel that every living moment torments him as he lives the life of a sinner and basically lives to repent or die, whichever is required of him. I like his and Kayo's relationship because it's as elegant as it is respectful and it is as beautiful as it is passionate in that Kayo is ready to accept his pain and to live a life of redemption alongside him. She cares for him, and he learns through her that he does have a reason to want to live and I think that's sweet for someone who thinks his life is disposable for his crimes. Considering his elegance, it's crazy to know the childhood he had lol. I also liked Omatsu because initially, I wasn't sure what kind of character she would be after knowing her reasons for hating him, but I actually really liked how her story was handled. I felt that it was very mature, understandable and kind. I'm just sad that Taichi doesn't get much of a role haha! Otherwise, I think Saneaki's route may lack romance in the sense of physical interactions but I think that's because of Saneaki's nature and it's understandable haha so I liked the traditional kind of relationship they had where it was very polite, but still very sweet because you could see how much they loved each other through their actions rather than their words.
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okay so i like to look at otome games that do not have and aren’t getting english translations cause pretty art and pain and i’ve found this one called ken ga kimi and it’s poster boy (Tsuzuramaru i think) is a women well not like actually but i saw this cover art.

and my brain went ‘lesbians’ so now i cant stop seeing him as a women. i know nothing about this other then it’s an otome game set in edo period. i sound absolutely crazy i know
#otomegame#ken ga kimi#ken ga kimi tsuzuramaru#tsuzuramaru#why is this otome games cover art so gay looking?#vampillar
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Ken ga Kimi | Goods
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剣が君 特典ドラマCD 若葉風奇譚 ~江戸花嫁騒動の巻~
Ken ga Kimi Tokuten Drama CD - Strange Tales of the Early Summer Breeze ~Edo Bride Scandal Volume~
Nine track hour or so long drama. No spoilers. As usual, Chinese source with light Japanese referencing.
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Track 1 - Prologue
Everyone: M-Marriage?!
Enishi: Shh! You’re too loud!
Tsuzuramaru: S-Sorry… but, Miss is getting married…?
Enishi: Well, who wouldn’t be surprised? That one day our princess would actually become a bride… Ugh, those pink cheeks, that silky skin— I can't believe it’s all going to another guy…Gaaah! Princess!!
Saneaki: No, wait, are you sure? It’s so sudden it’s a bit hard to believe.
Suzukake: S-Saneaki’s right! What if you got it wrong? If… if… she got married, I’d get lonely…
Sakyo: You two need to calm down. No matter how much you panic, the problem won’t solve itself. First, let’s listen to what Enishi-dono has to say.
Sakyo: Now then, Enishi-dono. Quickly, tell us what is happening. Hurry and tell us everything you know…!
Kei: You’re the one who needs to calm down! You’re gonna kill him! Let go!
Sakyo: Ah, my deepest apologies. I got a little too… very well, please explain.
Enishi: *gasp* *gasp*...I saw heaven for a second there…
Saneaki: You were really hanging on by a thread there, Enishi-dono.
Enishi: As if you cared about me at all!
Enishi: Anyway, I understand how Sakyo feels. I don’t want to accept this just as much as you guys. The princess getting married to some man…
Tsuzuramaru: I don’t want to think about it!
Enishi: Exactly, to not think about it is to not believe it.
Kei: You’re the one who said it, how could you not believe it?!
Enishi: It’s true I don’t believe it, but I heard it myself.
Suzukake: Heard it? From where?
Enishi: I went to a cloth dealer I knew, and he was talking to me about how his son was getting married soon. Was bragging about how amazing his partner was. I was listening pretty intently, but the more he spoke, the more I thought he was talking about our princess. Eventually I figured out that he *was* talking about our princess, so I ran without even finishing my sake!
Sakyo: And then you summoned us here, yes? I will not say anything about you drinking in broad daylight, I understand the situation well enough.
Enishi. That’s right. That’s why I had to gather all my friends from our journey together from the bridal procession. This is the most serious of emergencies, right? It looked like the cloth dealer’s wedding gift was almost done being prepared, so I thought it would be better to tell you guys as soon as possible.
Kei: Ha. This is stupid. I thought something had happened, but that’s it?
Saneaki: Kei-dono? What’s wrong?
Kei: What do you mean what’s wrong? Cut it out! I was wondering why we had to be called here when it’s just about a girl getting married.
Enishi: You say that, but weren’t you the quickest here?
Kei: Shut up! I… just happened to be nearby!
Tsuzuramaru: Hm? But on my way here a man that looked just like you sped right past me. Did they just happen to look alike? I was walking pretty quickly but he still managed to pass me and disappeared. What a truly extraordinary person…
Kei: *punches Tsuzuramaru* S-S-S-S-Shut up! Stop yabbering! Besides! Enishi, I don’t believe what you’re saying at all. You must have made a mistake when you were all smashed.
Saneaki: Kei-dono is right. If she really were to be married to someone, she would have no reason to hide it from us—
Suzukake: Aaaaah!!
Kei: W-What is it now?
Suzukake: I-I just remembered… when I was delivering medicine earlier, I passed by Princess’ storefront. I think I saw some congratulatory gifts from a dowry being brought there...
Saneaki: What? If that’s true, then what Enishi said might have some weight…
Tsuzuramaru: Ah… it seems that way…
Enishi: Why don’t you guys trust me but trust Suzukake?!
Tsuzuramaru: If this is really happening then… Miss is really being married to some man… Aaaaagh…
Kei: Argh! You’re so loud! Don’t hold your head and start screaming! Oi, Sakyo, don’t just sit there, say something!
Sakyo: Unforgivable.
Kei: Hah? Why’d you stand up for?
Kei: ...Why’d you take your sword? …What are you planning on doing?
Sakyo: What, you ask?
Sakyo: Is it not obvious? I will cut that man.
Suzukake: Cut?! C-Calm down, Sakyo-san!
Tsuzuramaru: Y-You can’t do that!
Saneaki: That’s right, Sagihara-dono. You shouldn’t cut people.
Sakyo: But…!
Saneaki: Even if you injured him, that would change nothing.
Tsuzuramaru: Exactly!
Saneaki: It should be enough to exile him to a deserted island—
Tsuzuramaru: Saneaki!! You can’t do that either!
Kei: Saying some real scary stuff like that… are you forgetting there’s a patrolman here listening?
Enishi: In any case we’re not accepting this marriage. Everybody agree?
Sakyo: I have no complaints. This situation must be stopped, no matter the means.
Kei: You’re scaring us, you need to cool off!
Suzukake: I… I’ve always wished for the Princess’ happiness…so if she really wants to get married, I won’t stop her. But… but, if she’s hesitating even a little… then I hope I’ll be able to convince her to think about it again.
Tsuzuramaru: I’m the same. No matter what, I have to show her my feelings first!
Sakyo: Indeed. I may have been a bit rash...
Kei: A *bit*? A bit my ass. I don’t care what you guys do as long as you’re not cutting down people. And no exiling either!
Saneaki: I will think about it.
Kei: Don’t ‘think about it’, don’t even think about it at all!
Saneaki: No matter the case, I cannot pretend I didn’t hear about this. If this marriage is real, then I am concerned about why she didn’t talk to us about it. This needs to be investigated.
Enishi: Right! For the princess, let’s break this marriage!
Everyone except Kei: Right!
Kei: We’re not breaking anything, didn’t we *just say* we’re investigating? Geez… nothing bad’s gonna happen… right?
Track 2 - Kei
Ah, geez, what’s all this fuss about? Those guys got together and made so much noise over nothing, what an eyesore. It’s just her getting married to someone, what’s the problem?
W-Well, it’s worrying that she didn’t mention it to any of us. But just a bit. Just a bit, that’s all!
Hm? That guy ahead of me… isn’t he the young master of the cloth dealers’ Enishi talked about? But who’s the girl next to him?
(Looks like they’re pretty close… they’re walking so close, and they look happy together.
Don’t tell me, this guy’s about to get married, but he’s going on dates with girls in broad daylight?!
Don’t mess around. So he’s not planning on properly taking care of her after all?
That girl’s always working hard no matter where she is, she’s strong-willed but gentle at heart, and she’s an unimaginably good woman. But here you are… Dammit… how could someone like you snatch her up?)
Oi, you over there--
Who’s there?! Don’t bother me--
Huh? Ah, i-it’s you?! Wh-What are you doing here… d-don’t you have to watch the store?
Eh? Ah… you were just coming back from the dojo? Ah, well, there’s nothing wrong with that.
(Nothing wrong with that, my ass! It’ll get ugly if she stays here! If she sees that young master walking around with another woman, she’ll get hurt for sure! I need to think of a way to get her out of here fast. Agh! Why do I have to do something like this? But I can’t just leave it...)
Uh… *ahem* ah, um.. that’s… um… ah, that’s right! You look like you’re getting hungry.
You’re not? Just say you are, idiot!
Anyway, there’s a good teahouse over there. Let’s go! Right now!
(*sigh* Speak of the devil and they’ll appear, huh… but looking at her, it doesn’t look like she saw the young master. But now that I’ve seen that, to let a guy who hangs out with women like that become her husband-- I’m definitely not going to allow it. But… how am I gonna tell her that? …*sigh*)
‘What’s wrong’? What a sleazy guy! It’s because I’ve been thinking about you that I have this headache!
Huh? N-No, it’s nothing… Anyway, hurry up and eat it. Look, all those fresh beans in this anmitsu is definitely going to taste good-- ah, BEANS?! Ugh, I almost ate them…
Hah? I’m not being weird at all! I’m the same as always! Just hurry up and eat it! Here, you can have my portion too.
(What the hell am I doing? I’m getting way too distracted… Anyway, all I have to say is: “Hurry up and turn down the marriage”. A sleaze like him is going to bring her nothing but unhappiness. The time to stop it is now. No, I *have* to say it! “You gotta give up a guy like that”!)
Hey, you. Just give it up.
Idiot, why are you so dazed for? Did you think I wouldn’t know? I was going to find out why you didn’t tell me. But, I have to say this.
If you keep going like this, then you’re just going to get hurt. I won’t say more on what bad things could happen. So think about it again.
That’s true. You wouldn’t understand what I’m talking about. Because you didn’t see what I saw. But I saw it myself, with my own eyes.
I always thought that as long as you were happy, it would be enough. But I realised this wasn’t right. From now on, I don’t want to see you in pain either. That’s why, just believe in me, and think about it!
Ah! I see, you were already planning on giving it up?
--Why are you giving the anmitsu I gave you back?
Hah? I was trying so hard to get you to give up the anmitsu that you decided you won’t eat anymore?
N-No! I wasn’t talking about the anmitsu!
W-Well, it’s true that I don’t like beans, but I don’t care if someone else eats them! Besides! Being this serious over a bowl of anmitsu, that doesn’t even make sense! I wasn’t talking about that at all!
Anyway! Isn’t there something more important?!
That… you know… what I’m trying to say is-- argh, dammit! What I’ve been trying to say is that I want your future to be happy!
(Huh… huh? What… did I just say?)
A-ah, no! Wanting you to be happy… that… that wasn’t what I meant! I-- aghhh!!
T-The money… I’m leaving it here! Bye!!
(What am I doing…? I was supposed to have her give up on the marriage completely… in the end I said so many unnecessary things… I’ll… never be able to face her again… Guh…)
Track 3 - Suzukake
Suzukake: (There she is… it’s the princess. She’s always sweeping the storefront at this time. If she’s really getting married… I won’t be able to meet up with her casually anymore.
I’ll get lonely.
Hey, Princess, are you really going to get married? Did you really want to get married?
I want to ask her, but I’m scared…
Ah! She spotted me… I… have to go. Even though I don’t know what to say… I-I’ll just talk like I normally do!)
H-Hey, Princess! The weather’s good today, isn’t it?
Eh? Why was I hiding behind the wagon? So I could come and see you— no, hide and seek! I was playing hide and seek!
Mhm! Y-Yep… I was playing by myself! Ah, no… a person can’t play by themselves… uh… um…
(Ugh… she’s going to think I’m weird…)
Eh? U-Uh huh, yeah, I came to see you. Because I have something I wanted to say to you.
(If I say that then there’s no way I’m gonna run away. I don’t want to either! I’m gonna listen to what she has to say.)
Hey… you haven’t been thinking about wanting to get married before, right?
I’m sorry for asking out of the blue… but I really have to know. You might not remember what happened during the bridal procession clearly anymore, but I still do.
I thought you looked really pretty in your bridal kimono then.
You were just a fake bride then but… but, did the princess really have someone you wanted to get married to one day? Was there... a place you wanted to go with someone?
(Why am I asking these kinds of questions? It’s because… I don’t want to let you go. If you go away with that person… I’ll get lonely. My heart will start hurting, and I’ll feel like I want to cry. Hey… don’t go off to another man’s side! Don’t go, Princess!)
Please, tell me. Do you want to get married?
...One day…?
(That’s a lie… you’re about to get married soon, aren’t you? And then we won’t be able to play, we won't be able to laugh together like this anymore.)
*sobs* Princess! You can’t! Don’t go anywhere! I don’t want that!! *cries*
I won’t be able to hug you like this anymore! I don’t want that! Hey, don’t go, alright?
I’ll do whatever I have to to make you smile! If you ever get hurt, I’ll be able to heal you quickly! No… I’d never let you get hurt! That’s why, Princess, stay with me forever!
Enishi: What the hell are you guys doing in public?
Suzukake: Aaah! Enishi?! Let me go! Princess is— Princess is—!
Enishi: How could I let you cry out on the streets? Can’t you see you’re worrying the princess?
Suzukake: How could you be so calm? Separating us is so mean!
Enishi: Hah?
Suzukake: The princess is disappearing soon! She’s gonna get taken away by a man I don’t even know!!!
Enishi: W-Wait! If you say it like that then you’re gonna make me sound like a human trafficker! Look! The people around us are staring! Do you want the police to come too?!
Suzukake: *wailing*
Enishi: O-Oi! Don’t move around so much! A-Ah, you’ll hit the wagon! Aaaagh!!
Track 4 - Enishi
*sigh* That got pretty bad… Thanks for letting me rest inside the restaurant, Princess. Suzukake kept coming back too, I wonder what happened?
Ah… you don’t know either. I see.
(Well, he’s probably coming back to listen to any rumours about the marriage… Even though he beat me to it, it looks like no one will bother us for the time being. Plus it’s just the two of us in the restaurant… I guess even the heavens are helping me.)
Ah, no, it’s nothing. Anyway, do you have some time now, Princess?
I see. It’s started to get calmer. That’s good. Hey, Princess, how about we talk for a bit? Here, come sit over here.
(Alright, alright! Everything’s going smoothly. Even though I want to look at Princess like this a bit more, the marriage thing is the most important thing at hand right now. I even made some special preparations for this. I have to change her mind no matter what.)
Hey, Princess. There’s actually something I want to give you.
Here, isn’t it beautiful? This kanzashi.
When I saw it I thought it would suit you so well I decided to buy it. It’s my present for you.
Don’t say that you can’t accept it, you’ll make the kanzashi cry! Besides, there’s nobody else aside from you I want to give it to, so you should take it.
Don’t move, let me put it on.
Come on, if you keep moving around I won’t be able to put it on properly, right?
Yep! I knew it’d suit you! As expected of someone like me, not bad! It’s made out of wood like the ones used for scabbards. Don’t you think that’s nice? You can say it matches the accessories I’m wearing.
Eh? You’re saying this is the first time you know what a scabbard is made out of?
Haha, I’m not *that* knowledgeable yet! Ahaha…
(Uuh… Even though I’m happy she just complimented me, we’re not here to talk about what it’s made out of… I thought it would remind her about the marriage… As expected of the princess, I can’t just use any plain old method… in that case…)
Buuuuut I’m a bit worried…
Why, you ask? Because the princess is just so cute, I’m worried that another man will steal you away.
Maybe that kanzashi can be proof that you should be by my side forever.
Hey… if I said that to you, how would you react? I don’t want to give a princess this cute to someone else.
I’m not playing around, this is how I really feel.
Princess, don’t run away. I want you to listen to me properly. The man you love the most… what’s he like?
You must have thought of someone. Even if you tried to hide it, I can see it clearly. Princess, please think about it carefully.
The man that you’re thinking of right now, is he better than me?
I don’t plan to lose to him. If you doubt my feelings, I’ll prove it to you. I’ll fight him if I have to.
Don’t stop me, there are times where men have to get into battles like this one.
I plan to bring that man here, and have a fight with him fair and square right in front of you.
What? He’s in the house? That’s perfect. Could you do me a favour and bring him out?
(The fact that this guy can just come in and out of her house in broad daylight… I’m so jealous!!— No, he’s about a hundred years too early staying here! Who is this outstanding guy? I’ll personally challenge you! If I win, she’ll definitely change her mind about the marriage!)
He’s out. I’ve been waiting for you. Now, it’s time to duel—!
Ah, huh? Um… I’m pretty sure you’re the princess’ father…?
(Why did her father come out? Hah? I just realised I didn’t specify that I was looking for her marriage partner. Haha, that’s true, if it’s not about love then of course the person she loves the most would be her father. Uh-huh… I see. So… my super serious confession didn’t get through to her at all? P-Princess… I can feel sad too, you know…)
Eh, ah… no, father… fighting fair and square… it was just a figure of speech! F-Father? Why are you grabbing my shoulder smiling like that?
Eh? A cooking battle?
You’re happy because there hasn’t been any youngsters with a backbone to challenge you lately…?? D-Don’t joke, how could a ronin like me challenge the owner of a restaurant?
N-No… y-you made a mistake— this is all just a misunderstanding!!
W-Wait!! Don’t pull me! I know I’m carrying a sword but I’ve never used a knife before!
AAH!! Princess, help me!! Princessss!!!!
Track 5 - Interlude
Kei, Suzukake, Enishi: *sigh*
Saneaki: What’s wrong, you three? Why do you look so worn out?
Kei: Why did I… in front of so many people…
Suzukake: *sobs* No… Princess….
Enishi: J-Julienning… no more…
Sakyo: This time it’s Enishi-dono? What a predicament...
Tsuzuramaru: W-What exactly happened…?
Saneaki: Enishi-dono, don’t you have anything to say?
Enishi: I… I’ll never give up! Princesss!!
Saneaki: It’s no use. I can’t get through to him.
Tsuzuramaru: What about you, Kei? What happened?
Kei: I have nothing to say… except… except. That cloth dealer bastard was getting real chummy with another woman!
Tsuzuramaru: What?!
Sakyo: He is already going to be wed soon… and he was with another woman? Unbelievable…
Saneaki: Even if we ignored Enishi-dono for now, if Kei-dono said so then it must be true.
Enishi: Why do you always have to say things that wound my heart?
Suzukake: *sobs* Princess… *cries*
Saneaki: Suzukake-dono…
Tsuzuramaru: I can’t let this go on! I’m going to go find Miss now!
Saneaki: Wait! Tsuzuramaru-dono!
Tsuzuramaru: Don’t stop me! There’s nothing to say about a guy like him!
Saneaki: Ah, he’s gone…It looks like he went without a plan… will he be alright?
Saneaki: Now then, Sagihara-dono, what should we do?
Sakyo: You… To hand her over to a person like that…
Saneaki: …It looks like there isn’t a plan here either. *sigh*
Track 6 - Tsuzuramaru
Tsuzuramaru: *panting* I made it…
(Miss… she’s inside. Calm down, Tsuzuramaru. She’s just the same as usual, helping out at home, she hasn’t left the house yet. I can still make it. I should still make it! Now’s the time to be a man, as if I’m staking my life on this!)
*stomach grumbles*
(For my stomach to growl even at a time like this… it makes me hate myself. No… but… ah… that smells so good. It looks like they’re cooking something right now. Are these dried sweet potatoes?
That smell… Miss’ food always whets the appetite. My stomach’s been completely captured. Even if it’s the same dish, if you look carefully, you can tell she put a lot of effort into it. A woman who meticulously works no matter what it is… that’s Miss… I… I…)
*stomach grumbles*
(Ugh… I want to yell out how I feel about Miss, but I’m so hungry I can’t even summon the energy…)
M-Miss? Why did you come outside?
Is that so? Because you saw me? H-How embarrassing. I seem to have gotten in the way of your cooking.
(No, this is a good opportunity. If I want Miss to cancel the marriage now’s the moment!)
Miss… actually, I’ve been wanting to tell you—
Ugh… this… Actually, I haven't eaten properly since morning because of my worries…
I came at a good time?
T-Taste testing? Are you saying I can help taste what you’re making right now?
(What? N-No… why did I come here in the first place? But to decline her offer would be a shame… and I’m hungry anyway…)
T-Then if it’s alright with you, I’ll try a little.
Y-Yes! Excuse me…
Usually the master does all the food preparations. It’s strange to see Miss doing that today.
Hm? A lot of customers came and there weren't enough ingredients? So he went to get some?
Ahaha, these customers can really eat a lot, don't they?
Eh? They weren’t eaten? He just did a lot of cooking? And made a lot of food?
Hm… I don’t really understand, but that’s unfortunate, isn’t it?
(Wait… doesn’t that mean it’s just the two of us here right now? W-What…? My heart suddenly won’t calm down… Anyway, I need to calm down first…)
Sorry, Miss! I was just thinking about something. Ah... did you need me to taste that sweet potato?
Then I’ll help myself.
Delicious! It’s so good! I could taste the flavour of the hot sweet potato as soon as it hit my mouth!
I’m not just being polite! Miss will definitely be a good wife one day.
(Hm? Wife? That’s right… I seem to have forgotten something important. What was it?)
Oh, did you need me to taste that too?
I’m very grateful. Then, if you’ll allow me…
As expected, delicious!
(Ah… I’m so lucky... If I were to marry Miss… would it be like this everyday? Marry? ...Marry? Huh… Something doesn’t seem right. I’ve forgotten something… but I can’t remember.
No, I should be focusing on helping taste test the dishes Miss made herself! If I don’t do it properly there’ll be retribution!)
The flavour of this fried fish is endless! I can’t stop my chopsticks! It’s so good I want to eat it with rice! Eh? Can I? Then I’ll help myself. I’ll eat this rice ball, then!
Ah! So satisfying!
Miss’ future husband is going to be so lucky! Hahahaha….
Kei: So. Why did you come back so casually after going out to eat food?!!
Tsuzuramaru: I-I’m ashamed of myself…
Kei: A samurai should stick to his word! Where did all that energy you had when you rushed out this morning go?!!
Tsuzuramaru: Ah… it’s because Miss’ food was so good, I accidentally forgot my original objective…
Suzukake: How lucky, you got to eat the princess’ homemade cooking.
Enishi: Good grief. Let’s not even talk about the food I made, all I got was severe criticism. Huu...
Tsuzuramaru: I-I’m sorry. Hey, where’s Saneaki?
Kei: He just went out. If he can’t do it either, then there’s nothing we’ll be able to do.
Track 7 - Saneaki
(The sun is about to set, and the number of pedestrians passing the bridges has fallen. If the information obtained is correct, the cloth dealer’s young master should pass by here around this time. To get to the truth about these marriage rumours, and the fact that he’s been close to other women, I’ll get to the bottom of this here. If there are any surprises…
No… of course, I don’t plan to cut him down. But if it’s just... the back of the blade, then there should be no problem.
W-What was I just thinking? I’m just going to talk to him.
But… contaminating her beautiful and flawless heart, this is a very serious crime.
Hm? That figure… It’s her? Why? At this time?
I can’t believe I’d see her while waiting for the young master… if she asks me what I’m doing, I’ll have no way to answer her.
Ugh, did she notice me?)
What a coincidence.
To meet in a place like this. Although… where were you going at a time like this?
Tsuzuramaru-dono forgot something at the restaurant?
(What was he doing? That Tsuzuramaru-dono…)
Ah, if that’s the case, I can return it to him. No, it’s fine. I have plans to see him again soon, so it’s no trouble.
Hm? Is something wrong?
Are you that surprised that he and I made plans to meet?
(Ah! No, if you think about it, it is strange! I usually live in the mountains far away from Edo, it’s already unusual for me to be on the streets. Not only that, but to also say I’m meeting with Tsuzuramaru-dono, she’ll definitely think something happened.)
Ah, no, Tsuzuramaru-dono and I were… I know, we promised to train together.
Yes, it was a favour he asked of me. I planned to meet up with him for a few duels.
(Looks like she believes me. So the princess's heart is this pure and flawless.
Plus, my heart is hurting as well.)
Hm? N-No, you don’t have to join us. Although I’m aware you're very passionate about the naginata, it is not appropriate to meet men at night.
Even if you ask me… I can’t…
(Oh no… hearing me mention practice… her eyes are sparkling… If I say it was just a lie, then she’ll know I deceived her. But, I can’t bear to refuse her like this.
Is there something I could say that wouldn’t hurt her but make her give up…?)
M-My apologies, but wouldn’t it be too difficult for you? This will be very intense training. It’s not something someone should go into without being fully aware of what it is.
What kind of training is it? Well… that…
(F-For me to lie to a pure-hearted girl… please forgive me for my sins!)
We will cross blades at Mount Nabebuta. With a single slice, we will be able to cleave through rocks and trees, split even the earth and ocean, make mountains erupt flames, to raise gales on flat ground, this atypical power passed under the heavens, the true swordsmanship that governs the universe and all living things! That! Is that we will be training for.
(Is what I said, but what sort of samurai like that would exist?! Even someone like her would notice…!)
I-I see… you think that’s impressive.
No… that… isn’t much.
(S-She believed me? E-Even though I was the one who said it… but to believe even those words is really… Ah… Her trusting eyes… seeing them now pains me!)
What? You want to watch us despite all that? No! E-Even watching us will be difficult.
The reason? The reason is…
(I’ve reached my limit… if I keep betraying her trust in me and continuing saying nonsense… I… I…—)
There’s no possible way I could do that!!
(Oh, God! Please forgive this most sinful servant of yours!)
Track 8 - Sakyo
Everyone: *sigh*
Enishi: Look, even Saneaki looks like he’s gone through a tough battle.
Suzukake: It seems so… Tsuzuramaru aside, Saneaki-san looks so defeated…
Enishi: It looks like the sun is setting soon, I can’t believe the mood got even heavier.
Suzukake: *sigh* We’ve really at the end of our ropes, what do we do now?
Enishi: Oi, Kei, don’t you have any good ideas?
Kei: Don’t ask me, go ask Sagihara. ...Huh? Where did he go?
Enishi: Huh? Now that you say it I haven’t seen him for a while.
Suzukake: Sakyo-san had a really scary face all day, is he going to be alright? When he first heard what Enishi told us, he almost lost his head…
Kei: That was the first time I’ve seen Sagihara make a face that scary before. Don’t tell me… something happened…?
Enishi: No… is what I’d like to say, but I’ve been having a bad feeling about this…
Suzukake: A bad feeling?
Kei: Don’t you remember? When we first met up…
Sakyo: What, you ask?
Sakyo: Is it not obvious? I will cut that man.
Enishi: You don’t think he really took his sword and…?
Suzukake: Eh?! Then we have to go stop him!
Kei: I don’t want to believe it but, with a face like that he really might have gone and done it.
Enishi: In any case, we have to hurry…!
Suzukake: Yep! Come on, Tsuzuramaru, Saneaki-san! You have to pull yourself together for the princess!
Tsuzuramaru: A-Ah, sorry. Now’s not the time to be all down!
Saneaki: Even I had been… Let’s hurry and find Sagihara-dono!
Sakyo: Without knowing it I came to the storefront…
(Just thinking about her marriage partner gives me goose bumps all over my body in disgust. To cheat and marry a girl who doesn’t know any better, what a despicable man! Absolutely unforgivable.
Princess. I will definitely rescue you from the claws of this demon!
For that sake… yes, I have no choice but to draw support from the power of my blade!
Oh? It seems I have been discovered.)
Good evening, Princess.
Are you alright? To step outside at night like this is dangerous. You stepped out because you saw me?
Thank you very much.
Truthfully, I came to find you because I had something I wished to talk to you about.
Eh? Everyone has been saying they were looking for you?
(That’s true… everyone has been very worried about this issue. You did not change your mind no matter who came to you… That is why, I will use this sword…!
But I cannot do that in a place with so many people. I must find a place much darker, more quiet, somewhere where nobody can disturb me…)
Princess, are you willing to experience the night breeze with me for a while?
Kei: Oi! Is he over there?
Suzukake: He’s not! Where did Sakyo-san take the princess off to?
Kei: Sagihara!! Where are you? Come out!!
Suzukake: Sakyo-san!! Don’t hide anymore!
Tsuzuramaru: He really did go to the store, but I didn’t think we’d be a step too late… I didn’t think he’d take Miss, and not the young master…
Enishi: Sakyo wouldn’t get violent towards the princess, would he?!
Suzukake: N-No way! That wouldn’t happen, right?!
Tsuzuramaru: How could this have happened? Miss!! Where are you?
Saneaki: Isn’t he nearby? We should search the opposite side next…
Sakyo: Oh…?
Everyone: W-We found you!!
Sakyo: W-What is it? Staring at me like I am some exotic creature… and being so loud.
Kei: You have the gall to look that indifferent. We’ve been looking for you!
Sakyo: I do not know what happened, but can you step aside? The princess and I have a place we must go, please do not disturb us.
Suzukake: A place you have to go… w-where?
Enishi: Don’t tell me it’s the Underworld…?
Sakyo: The Underworld? Hm…
Sakyo: Haha. Well, if I am with the Princess, then that place does not sound bad…
Tsuzuramaru: Wh—
Saneaki: I knew it… it’s like that…
Sakyo: I was just teasing, your faces are all so pale. I was simply playing—
Tsuzuramaru: Even if you’re Sakyo, I won’t let you get away with it!
Sakyo: Excuse me—?
Tsuzuramaru: Miss! You can’t lose your life here! Come over here, run!
Sakyo: Where do you think you’re going? Wait!
Enishi: Tsuzuramaru, that guy’s getting the spotlight! As if I’ll let him! Just you wait—
Saneaki: …There’s no choice.
Suzukake: W-Wait! Everybody!
Kei: That idiot! Dammit…
Sakyo: I… I finally caught you… Princess… come, this time… you and I will… together… go…
Tsuzuramaru: I… I won’t let you! Sakyo! Think about it again properly!
Sakyo: No matter how many times I think, my feelings will not change!
Kei: You finally drew your sword, huh, you blockhead!
Saneaki: Sagihara-dono! Do you really think doing this will make the princess happy?
Suzukake: Exactly, Sakyo-san! Come on, put the sword down!
Sakyo: I politely decline the offer. No matter how many times my hand must grasp this sword, I must tell the princess how I feel!
Tsuzuramaru: I won’t let you! Miss, please hide behind me!
Sakyo: You’re naive, Tsuzuramaru-dono.
Sakyo: Oh? There’s a flying riceball in the sky!
Tsuzuramaru: What? Where?
Sakyo: An opening!
Tsuzuramaru: Dammit! Miss!
Enishi: What the hell are you doing, Tsuzuramaru? How could you fall for that?
Sakyo: Hehe. For Tsuzuramaru-dono to think he would win against me, he is a hundred years early for that!
Sakyo: Princess. I truly want to bring you to a very beautiful place. But please, allow me to use this blade to… to blade to…
Everyone: STOP!!
Sakyo: ...give to you! From now on, my family treasures and myself will belong to you!
Everyone: WHAT???
Sakyo: Even after these five’s persuasion, you haven't changed your mind. Since you still want to be paired with someone, then you will have no reason to be paired with that person! Allow me to take you as my bride! So, Princess, you no longer need to be by another person’s side!
Kei: Can you not make it about that?!
Enishi: Right! Right! If you can propose to her can I propose too?!
Kei: That’s not the point either!!
Suzukake: You can be with the princess when you become the groom, right? Then I want to become the groom!
Tsuzuramaru: W-What?! Then me too!! I want to eat Miss’ delicious food every day!
Saneaki: No, no, a groom is a man who can manage the family. If that’s the case then I am the best choice, when it comes to cooking I have some confidence in myself.
Kei: Did any of you guys even listen to me?!!!!
Sakyo: Princess, you do not have to listen to the others. Throw away the cloth dealer’s young master. All you have to do is choose me. Come, Princess!
Tsuzuramaru: M-Miss? Miss? Are you alright?
Enishi: She must be overwhelmed with how she couldn’t even cut in…
Saneaki: You’re asking what this is all about?
Sakyo: What do you mean? We…
Suzukake: We heard you were getting married… so…
Enishi: Right, and it’s the young master from the cloth dealer, right? But I don’t think that guy will make you happy.
Kei: Sorry, but I saw that guy go out with another girl.
Tsuzuramaru: That’s why we’ve been coming to you, so you can think about this marriage more carefully!
Tsuzuramaru: Eh? You haven’t been thinking about getting married?
Sakyo: But your house seems to have a dowry…
Saneaki: The dowry is your neighbour’s?
Suzukake: Eh? You’re just minding it because they’re not home?
Tsuzuramaru: W-Wait, but there’s been rumours that Miss and the young master were getting married?
Kei: O-Oi, Enishi! What’s going on? Didn’t you say the young master’s getting married to her?
Enishi: Yeah, that’s what I heard! And I was listening properly! The young master’s marriage partner is energetic, is good at cooking, her voice is as clear as a bell, and even flowers will bloom on the road where she walks. She’s so slender she looks like she would break at a touch, but her willpower is stronger than most people. And the most important thing: I heard she has a cute smile!
Enishi: It’s definitely the princess! Even now I think I’m right! That’s how it is! What do you think, you lot?
Tsuzuramaru: …I agree.
Suzukake: That’s true…
Saneaki: I see… Well, it’s not like I don’t understand how Enishi-dono feels.
Kei: WHERE?! You got it completely wrong!!
Sakyo: Wait a second… so what you are saying… is that this is all… a misunderstanding?
Enishi: Ah… It… seems… so. Hehe, but knowing the princess isn’t getting married is good news!
Kei: It’s. Not. Good. News. At. ALLLL!!!
Track 9 - Ending
Sakyo: Apologies for intruding.
Tsuzuramaru: Oh, if it isn’t Sakyo.
Sakyo: Tsuzuramaru-dono? And everyone else seems to have gathered here...
Enishi: Yep, and with you we’ll all be present. Can you sit with everyone? Sit here.
Sakyo: To visit the princess again… it seems everyone had the same idea.
Suzukake: Mhm, I caused trouble for the princess, so I bought some tea sweets as a gift for her.
Saneaki: Everyone all came here for the same reason.
Enishi: Anyway, it doesn’t need to be said, doesn’t matter which one of us it is, we all want to see the princess, right? Right, Kei?
Kei: D-Don’t touch me! You’re the one who needs to reflect on himself the most!
Tsuzuramaru: But, even though we brought trouble to Miss, to know that this time it was all just a misunderstanding was good. After reflecting my stomach couldn’t help but grumble, what can you do?
Enishi: Well… can’t you see Sakyo’s dripping in cold sweat?
Sakyo: T-That is not because I am here to apologise… please do not talk about it. You are being spiteful.
Suzukake: Let’s calm down, the both of you. Enishi, don’t make Sakyo angry.
Enishi: Alright, alright. Well… why isn’t the princess here yet?
Sakyo: Oh? That is strange… did she leave the restaurant today?
Saneaki: Yes, her father was the one who seated us.
Kei: That’s unusual. Usually she’ll rush back to welcome us. What is she doing…?
Tsuzuramaru: Don’t tell me… she’s been mad at us these past few days, so she doesn’t want to see us anymore?
Suzukake: Eh?! We didn’t make the princess hate us, did we?
Enishi: N-No way… we’re talking about the kind-hearted princess here! There’s no way that’s it…
Saneaki: But if it is… we should prepare ourselves just in case.
Kei: Don’t say something like that so seriously.
Sakyo: It does not look like we need to do that kind of preparation.
Suzukake: Ah! Princess! You came! That’s good!
Suzukake: Eh? The kimono you’re wearing today isn’t the same as the one you normally wear.
Tsuzuramaru: It… it suits you well!
Saneaki: I see… you got your other one wet, so you changed your clothes…
Enishi: Oh, it was just that? Buuuut… hmhm! Not bad! It’s more mature than your usual look, it adds to your womanliness!
Kei: Why’re you saying stuff like that? She hasn’t changed from how she normally is, or whatever.
Sakyo: It is good if that is the case. Kei-dono, why can’t you look at her?
Kei: Shut up!
Sakyo: Heh. Well, I cannot say I do not understand that kind of feeling too. That said, Princess, this is a gift to make up for that day. Please accept it.
Sakyo: No, please do. If you cannot, then my feelings will not be able to recover.
Sakyo: Phew… now I will be able to breathe in relief.
Tsuzuramaru: I’m really sorry, Miss. I got you involved in all that… Haha, seeing you able to laugh like that, it’s already something I can appreciate.
Suzukake: Ah, a customer is calling for you. Sorry for disturbing your work.
Saneaki: Don’t mind us, you should go back to work.
Kei: We’ll call you after we decide what to order.
Tsuzuramaru: Even though we caused nothing but trouble for her… she’s still… such a kind-hearted girl!
Sakyo: Yes, I agree.
Enishi: That’s because she's that kind of princess. That’s why we can’t stop watching her. Ignoring the whole thing with the cloth dealer’s young master, a wonderful woman like her, even if it was someone else we wouldn’t let her go easily.
Saneaki: The so-called fusion of reality and rumors. The customers watch over her too.
Suzukake: You’re right… they’re looking at her and talking about something.
Tsuzuramaru: Shh. Don’t talk…
Suzukake: What’s wrong? All of a sudden...
Tsuzuramaru: Those men over there, just now, they were talking about the rumours about Miss…
Tsuzuramaru: WHAAAAT!!
Tsuzuramaru: This time… he wants to get married to Miss???
Everyone: WHAT?!
Sakyo: I have had enough of this!!
#otome game#rejet#mytranslations#ken ga kimi#tsuzuramaru#kuroba saneaki#sagihara sakyou#suzukake#ken ga kimi kei#enishi#drama cd
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Guys if something happens to Tsuzura I swear I’ll shift and I’ll beat up whoever did something to her
#kakegurui#I’m gonna beat them up#Tsuzura#mary saotome#tsuzuramaru#kakegurui twin#yumeko jamabi#kirari momobami#juraku
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Congrats A3!’s 3rd anniversary~ From twitter nmk_miso, I found the website listing total sales for games towards women in Japan in Dec 19 - Jan 20, and A3 ranks #1
1) A3!
2) Touken Ranbu
3) Idolish7
4) Ensemble Stars
5) Stand my heroes
6) Utapri
7) Ikemen Sengoku
8) Ken ga Toki
19) Voltage Love365
20) Ikemen Vampire
21) SLBP
24) MLQC
36) Ikemen Revolution
44) Destined to love
48) Midnight Cinderella
I’m glad Cybird is doing okay though woa, A3! is doing very very well OvO I really like Masumi but I’m a slow sloth so I can only drool and reblog people’s screenshots of him :'<

I started playing Ken ga Toki (the mobile spin off of Ken ga Kimi and it ranks 8th on the sale ranking). Again, slow sloth so it took me a while to grind enough to get Tanyuu and Bashou's yukata 🤤

The KgT guys (I only include a few examples: Tanyuu, Ransetsu, Bashou, Futsunomitama, Mitsukuni) are so beautiful, though KgK Sakyou is still the most beautiful to me 😚

Ken ga Toki x Ken ga Kimi collab event in Jan: Sakyou 💙💙💙 and Tsuzuramaru.
Sadly the event already finished so I didn't get any chance to try pulling for Sakyou's card. I see people posting screenshots/video of chibiSakyou doing chores/talking with other chara or players wiping rice on Sakyou's lip/drying his hair after onsen and I can only mob in despair (( ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ ))
Ah well, Happy Lunar New Year 🐭 i'm really glad to have a second ny to start ny resolutions again 😂
#a3!#ken ga toki#ken ga kimi#sagihara sakyou#tsuzuramaru#kouei116 myroom#ikemen sengoku#ikemen vampire#ikemen revolution#midnight cinderella
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Ken ga Kimi: Mahoroba no Sora (まほろばの空) Lyrics
Kanji, romaji and English translation for Mahoroba no Sora by Tsuzuramaru and Kei

(kanji source)
時に流されぬ君は ふとした笑みを寄せ 花衣のなか 秘めた決意だけ 抑え切れないよ この想い 迷う度 積み重なるのさ 頁を 捲れば 色鮮やかに、ふたり 愛してるとは、うまく綴れず 言葉にならない 言葉たち 抱き締め、見つめ 感じた吐息 まほろばの君へと 還るべき 空よ 風に薫る茜色 切なくて、掴めないとしても 僕の鼓動は覚えてる 震えてた 剣��先 信じてた 笑い合えるよ、どんな時でも 涙にならない 涙たち 冷たい雨に 飲み込まれずに 掌の温もり、此処で 愛してるとは、うまく綴れず 言葉にならない 言葉たち 抱き締め、見つめ 感じた吐息 まほろばの君へと 還るべき 空よ
toki ni nagasarenu kimi wa futoshita emi wo yose hanagoromo no naka himeta ketsui dake
osaekirenai yo kono omoi mayou tabi tsumikasanaru no sa peeji wo makureba iroaayaka ni, futari
aishiteru to wa umaku tsuzurezu kotoba ni naranai kotobatachi dakishime mitsume kanjita toiki mahoroba no kimi e to
kaeru beki sora yo
kaze ni kaoru akaneiro setsunakute, tsukamenai to shitemo boku no kodou wa oboeteru furueteta ken no saki shinjiteta
waraiaeru yo, donna toki demo namida ni naranai namidatachi tsumetai ame ni nomikomarezu ni tenohira no nukumori, koko de
aishiteru to wa umaku tsuzurezu kotoba ni naranai kotobatachi dakishime mitsume kanjita toiki mahoroba no kimi e to
kaeru beki sora yo
You, who doesn't go away with time, come close to me with a casual smile With only determination hidden inside that flower garment
I can't control these feelings, every time I lose my way They only accumulate more... When I turn the page, the two of us are vividly there
I can't say "I love you" very well, my words don't come out as words Embracing, looking at you, and feeling your breath - To you, who's my wonderful home,
I must go back, dear sky
The madder red that smells sweet in the wind Even if it's too painful for me to grab it My palpitations still remember it I believed in the tip of my trembling sword
We can laugh together at all times, my tears don't come out as tears Without being swallowed by the cold rain, the warmth of your hands is right here
I can't say "I love you" very well, my words don't come out as words Embracing, looking at you, and feeling your breath - To you, who's my wonderful home,
I must go back, dear sky
#ken ga kimi#kgk#mahoroba no sora#momoro tsuzuri#tsuzuramaru#minegishi kei#kenn#ono yuki#yuki ono#rejet#request
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Ken ga Kimi Momoyo Tsuzuri Character Song CD covers
(Order is in reverse: 3 - 2 - 1)
CD 1 I CD 2 I CD 3
These came out earlier this year, but I didn’t even know!!! TT^TT Still, the cover art is beautiful, as always, and the song samples are great as well~!
#rejet#ken ga kimi#ken ga kimi momoyo tsuzuri#character song#cd#art#yomi#tsuzuramaru#kei#enishi#kuroba saneaki#sagihara sakyou#suzukake
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#SixFanarts Otome edition! Thanks for the requests ❤️
-Arsene Lupin #coderealize
-Len Tsukimori #LaCordaDOro
- Kyrie #Ozmafia
-Tsuzuramaru #Kengakimi
-Adage #SteamPrison
-Kei Okazaki #collarxmalice
I avoided mobile otoge this time because I usually draw that haha I had fun with these! (*´∇`*) These are requests from my twitter!
#sixfanarts#code realize#la corda d'oro#ozmafia#otome#ken ga kimi#steam prison#collar x malice#arsene lupin#len tsukimori#ozmafia kyrie#tsuzuramaru#adage#okazaki kei#for once i didnt draw ikemen series
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Ken ga Kimi Part 4 - Suzukake Route

Suzukake is such a funny boy, I loved how he waved goodbye to the youkai after convincing it to not cause anymore trouble lol. I like the way Suzukake fights, very flighty and swift. Suzukake is very soothing though, I can see why Kayo would want him to stay with her, it was also really nice to hear him talk about animals and youkai and how they're easily misunderstood and actually don't really like attacking people most of the time. It was cute to see Suzukake and Kayo name the horse and spend time together talking about what Suzukake hears from the animals. LOL I love how Suzukake is the one that calls Kayo weird for saying she can change herself instead of asking him to help her change out of her clothes🤣🤣 Like yeah, it's easier with two people but Suzukake really knows no delicacy at all! Tree spirits appearing to help Suzukake and Kayo was so cute!! Suzukake is naive but his kindness and trust towards everyone probably makes spirits and such really trust him because of how real he is.

Suzukake hugging Kayo saying that they will definitely see each other again is really sweet. Lmao when Hachimoku transformed into a human but left his tail haha. Kayo is too kind to chase after something suspicious like Hachimoku just to give back his wallet, at least he was super grateful haha. On another note, Kamui is a hottie! I was wondering why Hachimoku didn't realise it was Kayo, nice to know that it was just because he was silly hahaha. Suzukake is really just as kind as Kayo thinks he is. He rented a place near all the poor sick people who can't afford to go to a doctor just so he can help them, such a nice boy. Wow, I didn't think Suzukake would go to Edo Castle and directly speak with Tokugawa Iemitsu just to tell him that the poor people should be able to have access to doctors as well, that's so cool and brave of him. I didn't think this would be the reason why he ended up joining the tournament though, I always thought he had his own reasons that were more related to why he left his home. But it seems like he left because they wanted him to learn to live as a human since "that's what he is", so I guess whatever he does in Edo is basically what he promised to do.

I'm so glad Kamui got put in his place by his master when he referred to Suzukake as a "fake doctor" or basically a quack, like yeah there's many of those and he might be one, but it's super rude to just assume he is one. His insecurities and lashing out at Suzukake for them is so annoying, thought he'd be better than this. Sakyou is pretty crazy to just attack Kei like that when he's got no proof that Kei is affiliated with Zantetsu. Wow, Kamui is even more of a shit than I expected. He's so low trying to win the sword tournament by using dirty tricks. For a doctor, he really has no care for anyone except himself, no wonder why his master doesn't praise him, he has no heart at all. Anyway, Suzukake is naive when it comes to the youkai and humans conflict but it's nice to see him so passionately feel that youkai shouldn't be treated as monsters. I'm so glad Kamui's shitty plan didn't work on Tsuzuramaru and he defeated Kamui in one hit, it was soo satisfying lol. The CG of Suzukake happily laughing with Karura, Madara and Hachimoku is so heartwarming. As for Suzukake's past, it was basically what I expected. I didn't expect Suzukake to be bullied by youkai when he was young though!

I knew Tsuzuramaru going to work at Kayo's restaurant would make Suzukake jealous and think about why he's feeling sad about it lol, but seeing Suzukake so depressed thinking he doesn't matter makes my heart hurt. Tsuzuramaru is such a good guy to tell Kayo to go and talk to Suzukake knowing how down she is over him not visiting her. I actually find it quite amusing that Suzukake's heart became "pure" again after confessing to Kayo and having his feelings accepted so he didn't need to feel jealous anymore, and that allowed him to see the kodama again, like is that really how it works?? It just feels rather fickle I guess haha. Are his feelings truly pure if they're dependent on whether Kayo liked Tsuzuramaru or not? I was so worried for Kayo and Suzukake when they saved Choushichirou, but I felt so bad for the kid. I honestly thought Asakura would at least never hurt him but apparently he's too far gone to even care. The poor kid was held hostage by both Tsuzumi and the grandpa he trusted, I can't imagine how terrible that is. Kayo getting injured, forcing Suzukake to forfeit the final match was expected but I think it's very understandable, and honestly I don't mind it because Kayo will always be Suzukake's first priority. Wow, I can't believe the Tokugawa soldiers hurt Suzukake so badly just because he wanted to forfeit. I'm glad Kamui and his master helped him out but why is Kamui nice? Oh, he finally realised what kind of person Suzukake truly is, I guess that's nice. Doesn't make the dodgy stuff he did before okay but at least he understands his inadequacies I guess?

Well, I feel like the fortune ending was very rushed! I mean, it's nice that Suzukake has found a place for himself beside Kayo but it was definitely rushed haha, Kamui just suddenly turned nice after we forgot about him and then we didn't even get to see her dad worried about her lol. The epilogue was also disappointing, mainly because it was obvious what their life would be like, and because Kayo was sick again, it didn't feel like they did much nor did they get to share a even happier or sweet ending like they should have. I didn't expect the consequences of the ending where them taking in Choushichirou would be so bad, like I guess it's understandable but I didn't realise that Suzukake would be on the run with the kid. It was so sad to hear that Suzukake would be going back to live on the mountain with Choushichirou because there's no place for them in Edo anymore. Kayo going to live with Suzukake was nice in its' own way since it really felt like they were all a family, and seeing Choushichirou get to be a little kid playing with everyone was cute. I love Kayo and Suzukake's new clothes! It was so cute when Hachimoku said he didn't want to be separated from Choushichirou when Tokugawa samurai came, they've all really become attached to each other. I loved how they all teamed up and scared the samurai away haha. Honestly, even though it sucks that Kayo can't go back to Edo, I do like this ending because it really feels like a sweet alternate ending where Suzukake doesn't need to force himself to live with humans, but yeah his dream of humans and youkai living together might be a bit far off in this ending.

It's really sad to hear how devastated Suzukake is to feel so helpless towards humans thinking that killing youkai is natural, especially because it really is something difficult for humans to understand when they have never lived with youkai or understood their thoughts like Suzukake has. Personally, even though I understand Kamui's feelings, I can't sympathise with him after he basically tortured Kayo, he literally slashed her face to make her comply! Pathetic and disgusting. The only positive is that Kamui really does seem remorseful and is going back to his hometown to hopefully regain himself and his heart that sincerely wanted to heal people rather than hurt people for his own benefit. Considering how kind Suzukake is usually, it is probably pretty scary for him to realise how ruthless and violent he can be after attacking Kamui for hurting Kayo. It's supposed to be an understandable reaction but because it's Suzukake, it's difficult for him to accept that as a doctor as well he would actually want to hurt a person when his job is to heal people. Even though I'm worried about Suzukake pushing himself so much and losing his reason for wanting to win by becoming lost and then trying to focus on just having to win, it was cute to see Kayo and him train together and relax together.

Wow, the marebito is so hot, like excuse me??😱 I think it's quite interesting of an ending to have Suzukake work beside Iemitsu, it is definitely a great opportunity to have a chance to change things with humans and youkai, but at the same time he won't really be a doctor anymore so that's kinda sad. The good thing is that Iemitsu and everyone else seems to respect him and treat him well. Seeing Kayo so sad to have to part with Suzukake all the time because he can't always leave the castle to see her was bittersweet. Okay, the strange ending is going to be super sad. I honestly didn't expect to see Suzukake kill a youkai in self-defence. I don't think he can ever forgive himself after that. Yeah that was terrible, seeing Suzukake die protecting the youkai because he didn't want them to die and also because he felt guilty for killing one of their friends was the worst. Suzukake is so young and full of dreams. How would Hachimoku and them react knowing he died? The only good thing that came from it was that it seems the humans and the youkai really stopped fighting after this and are at peace with each other, even though it meant sacrificing Suzukake's life. Madara crying so loudly made my heart break, I couldn't help but tear up. I'm glad Kayo got to see Suzukake properly one last time but thinking that she'll need to live happily without him from now on still hurts.

Overall, Suzukake isn't my type (mainly the looks), but I really admire him even with his naivety. His naivety is understandable and his sincere desire for humans and youkai to live in peace together is in a sense similar to Kei's story, but I guess Suzukake's story has a more gentle approach to it? Suzukake not only tried his best to make both youkai and humans understand their differences and try to not come into conflict, but Suzukake himself also needed to learn a lot of things about humans. I also really enjoyed how kind Suzukake was as a doctor towards everyone and everything. He rushes straight forward taking action at all times never letting himself be complacent because he recognises that his dreams require hard work and he doesn't want to give up on both humans and youkai. He's so sweet, so silly but has the most sincere and beautiful heart. You can see why everyone loves him. Kamui's existence was a bit of a hit and miss for me because of how crazy he got but he was bearable. I mainly enjoyed seeing how much effort Suzukake put into achieving peace with youkai and humans, and his relationship with Kayo was very innocent and sweet.
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Ken ga Kimi for S
#Ken ga Kimi#Tsuzuramaru#Kei#Kuroba Saneaki#Enishi#Sagihara Sakyou#Suzukake#otome game#otome#otoge#Rejet
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剣が君 スキット限定版特典ドラマCD 「旅の宴は無礼講で」
Ken ga Kimi Tokuten Drama CD - Free Talk at the Trip’s Banquet
Fluffy 30 minute or so drama. No spoilers. From Chinese source, expect some errors.
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Track 1
Kei: Aah… that was a good bath. Hm? Why are you guys sitting in a circle?
Enishi: Ah, Kei, you’re just in time.
Kei: What does that mean? Oi, what’s with the sake bottle? And why five of them?
Tsuzuramaru: Enishi brought it back from a sake dealer! We also have dishes to go with it too. Oh! These pickles are pretty good!
Suzukake: Ah! Enishi said we’re not allowed to eat before the banquet starts! You’re so sly, Tsuzuramaru!
Kei: Huh? A banquet?
Enishi: That's right! I’ve prepared for us to drink from now on! We should all try to improve our relationship together, so I, the unrivaled and considerate Enishi, have put together this banquet!
Tsuzuramaru: But what about the guards in the princess' room?
Enishi: They said Yagyu-dono and Hanzo-dono will guard for us tonight. Yagyu-dono even said that we should get to know each other better. Besides, if we drink in here, if anything happened to the princess we’d be able to rush over there quickly, right?
Tsuzuramaru: Oh~ as expected of Yagyu-dono! He’s such a reasonable person.
Suzukake: Yep! I also want to get closer to everyone!
Sakyo: Ha…. I have opposed this from the start. But they were insistent on drinking and would not listen to me. Kei-dono, say something to persuade them.
Kei: Hmph. Ridiculous, we’re just guards, what’s the point of knowing each other better?
Tsuzuramaru: Well… you can’t say that… compared to being suspicious of each other… of course… it would be better to be honest with each other… and it’ll also prevent any unnecessary conflicts in the future…
Kei: If you’re gonna continue, either stick to eating or talking!
Saneaki: It is as Tsuzuramaru-dono said. We were always so cautious on the road, and whenever we arrived at an inn, we would eat and then go to sleep. There was no time for us to get familiar with each other.
Enishi: Exactly! This is an important banquet for our cooperation in the future~
Kei: Right, as if that’s not a glorified excuse for you to just drink.
Enishi: All right, all right, Kei, come and sit down. The night is long, but still young~ First, let’s fill up the cups… Sakyo, come and get yours.
Sakyo: Good grief… then I will accompany you for one drink. But I hope you will allow me to go and rest early.
Enishi: What are you saying? Sakyo… don’t tell me you can’t drink at all? If you’re that weak you can go to bed after a cup.
Sakyo: Who said I cannot drink?
Enishi: Oh? You sound like you’re a good drinker?
Sakyo: Of course. I have never gotten drunk before any others.
Enishi: Impressive… then you should be able to drink more than anyone tonight, right? You said it yourself, you’re not lying, are you?
Sakyo: That is a given. If you wish, I will drink with you until you are satisfied.
Tsuzuramaru: Oh~ Sakyo isn’t one to admit defeat.
Enishi: See, we’ve been together for a while but we don’t know much about each other. Let’s open our hearts to each other tonight! All right, everyone’s got their sake? Come on, a toast for our first drinks!
Kei: Tch… even Sakyo’s joining. Fine, then I’ll just drink a few with you guys. ...Oh? This isn’t bad.
Enishi: Fufu, I asked about the best sake brewer who makes some cheap but good stuff. As expected of someone as great as me!
Kei: If only you were as motivated about being a bodyguard.
Suzukake: Ah! He’s right! It’s sweet and goes down the throat easy!
Tsuzuramaru: Ah, this sake goes well with this spicy pickle! Feels like you can drink as much as you like!
Sakyo: This is good quality sake. Hm? Kuroba-dono, you do not appear to have drank yours…
Saneaki: I don’t like drinking much, and I don’t like to get drunk. I will just wet my lips with it.
Enishi: Now then, now that we can, shall we speak our minds freely?
Kei: Getting yourself all warmed up? What do we even talk about?
Enishi: Let’s see… since this is a rare opportunity, let’s talk about things we don’t usually talk about. Things we can’t say without the power of alcohol~
Tsuzuramaru: Oh? For example?
Enishi: For example? Like… talking about the women we like!
Sakyo: *Sigh*
Enishi: You over there, you, Sakyo, I know you sighed that loud just so I could hear.
Kei: Anyone would sigh, not just Sakyo. How stupid, I’m not gonna talk about that with someone like you.
Sakyo: I as well. I am not interested in discussing such boorish things.
Enishi: Well, I also expected you’d react like this. Then let’s talk about that after you’re all drunk. How about talking about what your favourite food is first? Alright, let’s start with that grump over there first.
Saneaki: Grump…? Do you mean me? ...Let’s see, when it comes to food, I like tofu and bamboo shoots. Tofu is luxurious, so I’m happy when I have the opportunity to eat some. Bamboo shoots are delicious whether they’re cooked in soup or served fresh with sashimi.
Enishi: Hm… just as I thought, that was pretty boring.
Saneaki: Bo...ring...
Enishi: Next! That foodie over there!
Tsuzuramaru: Yeah… as long as it’s food, I’ll eat anything. There’s nothing I’d say I particularly like.
Enishi: You could probably grab a handful of grass or a rock and eat it if you were hungry enough.
Tsuzuramaru: Haha… I wouldn’t go that far, but I got to the point of taking food offerings from a Jizo before...
Sakyo: I already think that is quite unbelievable...
Enishi: Next up is you, you cheeky country kid. What about you?
Suzukake: Me? I like salt-grilled sweetfish, and mushrooms too! Freshly-caught fish are the best! When I was in Mount Takao, I always fished from the rivers and grilled them.
Enishi: Suzukake really does look like he’s some kid from the mountains. Kinda makes me think he climbs trees like a monkey.
Suzukake: Yeah! I’m good at climbing trees! It's so nice looking at the distant scenery.
Enishi: You really do know how to climb, huh?!
Suzukake: You should try and climb some with me next time!
Enishi: Ahaha… if I’m free next time… maybe when I’m just about to die… ahaha… next… that wolf in sheep’s clothing over there.
Sakyo: Wolf in sheep’s clothing? You must not be referring to me with such a strange nickname, are you?
Enishi: But, you know, Sakyo, I think you’re kinda secretive. You’re always smiling, but you always seem like you’re plotting something.
Sakyo: I am not plotting anything. My favorite food is carp boiled with nectar and pickles, that is all.
Enishi: Wow, a real snore. Come on, everyone, relax a little! Oi, you over there, the angry one, what do *you* like?
Kei: Hey! Who you calling angry?
Enishi: See? You’re angry right now! Temper tantrums, temper tantrums!
Kei: Damn, you’re annoying… you’ve been calling us a bunch of weird names for a while now. Getting to know each other my ass, you sound more like you’re trying to pick a fight!
Enishi: How could you say that? I’m calling you those with deep affection.
Kei: Pff, how about I call you the bastard who just knows how to chase after a woman’s backside?
Enishi: HEY! That’s slander!
Kei: Says you! All you’ve been saying sounds like slander! Look at Kuroba, he’s splitting hairs!
Saneaki: A boring guy… should I have said something more interesting in that situation…?
Sakyo: Kuroba-dono, I do wish you did not pay that much attention to Enishi-dono’s jokes.
Saneaki: Ah… you’re right. Enishi-dono said it, after all. I accidentally took him seriously. Thank you, Sagihara-dono.
Sakyo: No, I should be expressing my gratitude towards you instead. To have someone as dignified as Kuroba-dono by my side on this trip, I feel incredibly relieved.
Enishi: Oi! You two over there, don’t start getting all close by yourselves!
Suzukake: Huh? Aren’t we having a banquet so we can do that?
Enishi: We are, but this wasn’t what I meant. I wanted everyone to open up their hearts like baam! Or something like that.
Tsuzuramaru: Ah! That reminds me, Kei, what kind of food do you like?
Kei: Hah? You really want to know what I like eating?
Tsuzuramaru: Well, I could say I do… but I can also say I don’t...
Kei: Do you or do you not?!
Tsuzuramaru:Uh... even if you ask me, it's hard to answer. I don’t think it makes any difference if I don’t know. But even if I did, it wouldn’t be useful in the future...
Kei: Then doesn’t that mean you’re not really interested? I don’t really want to say it anyway.
Suzukake: No! Everyone already said theirs, so you have to too!
Kei: Tch. I like tempura and eel. Is that good enough?
Tsuzuramaru: What kind of tempura do you like?
Kei: Why’re you even still asking if you’re obviously not interested?! Taranome tempura, is *that* good enough?!
Enishi: Good! Everyone is done, ah, I like adzuki bean soup and soba noodles, and girls~
Suzukake: Huh? Enishi, we’re talking about our favorite foods, isn’t it weird to say girls?
Enishi: You don’t get it, Suzukake~ Girls are sweeter than adzuki bean soup, and more delicious than soba noodles~
Kei: Don’t say something like that so seriously!
Suzukake: Oh~ I didn’t know girls were sweet and delicious. So does the princess taste sweet too?
Enishi: Aaaah~ she’d definitely be sweet~ I really wanna have a taste the princess's delicate lips, and…~
Saneaki: If you keep talking like that, Suzukake-dono’s going to take it seriously. … Enishi-dono?
Enishi: Aah… Princess~
Tsuzuramaru: Looks like he’s gotten lost in his fantasies.
Sakyo: Good grief, what exactly is this person doing?
Tsuzuramaru: Enishi… Enishi, hey, are you alright?
Enishi: Oops, that’s not good, I accidentally fell back into some old habits.
Sakyo: Fantasizing about women is your old habit?
Enishi: Ah… rather than say it’s an old habit, maybe I should say it’s more like an interest, or something? ...Doesn’t your heart feel all fluttery when you think about girls? And since I’ve been drinking today, my brain’s already gone all peachy~
Sakyo: I really do not comprehend.
Saneaki: Neither do I.
Suzukake: Haha, should I try and taste the princess’ cheek next time?
Enishi: No!! I had my eye on the princess first!
Suzukake: Hmph! You’re being unfair, Enishi!
Enishi: But, you know, Sakyo, Saneaki, you’re real boring people. You should learn from me, and enjoy your lives a little.
Sakyo: Learn from you, Enishi-dono? So you are saying I should plaster on a stupid-looking smile to chase after women’s behinds? If I must be like that, then I would rather die.
Enishi: You… your tone is really polite, but what you’re saying is really ruthless…
Suzukake: Hey, hey, Saneaki. How sweet do you think the princess is? I know a bit about medicine, but today’s the first time I’ve heard that girls are sweet!
Saneaki: Suzukake-dono, you can’t take what Enishi-dono says seriously.
Tsuzuramaru: I see. I also look that dreamy when I think about eating something… so this is what you meant, Enishi.
Saneaki: Tsuzuramaru-dono, you cannot take him seriously!
Enishi: Aah~ The princess’ soft face… just thinking about it is like stepping into a pure land of bliss…
Kei: Is this really supposed to help us get to know each other?
Track 2
Enishi: Now then, the first bottle’s already empty! Time for the second one~ *drinks* Aha~ Feels so nice! I feel so much better.
Suzukake: Aah… me too~ I feel so fluttery and nice… hehehe… ah, Kei, your face is all red.
Kei: Tch. I’m feeling a little dizzy.
Enishi: Huh? Don’t tell me you can’t really drink?
Kei: Shut up, you think I can’t hold this much?!
Suzukake: Hehehe, Kei, drink some more~
Kei: W-What are you doing? Oi! Don’t just start pouring me more!
Suzukake: Ehhh? Don’t talk like that, drink more! I’ll get lonely if Kei won’t drink… come on, drink!
Kei: Tch, this stuff burns…
Tsuzuramaru: Haha, if Kei won’t take it then let me. I can drink no matter how much you give me.
Kei: You’re such a drunkard… you’re treating it like it’s water.
Enishi: Huh? Not drinking anymore? You can’t drink anymore after only having two bottles? There really are people who can’t hold their drinks, huh...
Kei: Don’t you dare look down on me. Just this little bit of sake! *drink*
Enishi: Woohoo! Nice one!
Suzukake: Saneaki-sama didn’t drink any at all… if you drink a little you’ll definitely feel a lot happier…
Saneaki: No, I can’t really hold my alcohol. I’d rather not.
Suzukake: Don’t be like that, you’ll feel more comfortable if you drink~ I’ll drink with you all gurgle gurgle, like that!
Saneaki: Even if you say it like that, if I can’t drink then I can’t drink…
Sakyo: Suzukake, forcing people who do not want to drink is not appropriate.
Suzukake: *Sob sob*
Sakyo: Su-Suzukake?
Suzukake: *Sob* E-Even though I’ve been trying to get you to drink, you still won’t… *Sob* Saneaki, do you hate me?
Enishi: Hey, hey, why’re you crying about something like this? Such an emotional guy.
Suzukake: *Sob sob* Why won’t anyone drink with me?! Why?! I hate that people won’t drink with me!! *Throws a tantrum*
Enishi: Heyheyhey! Hurry up and do something before he knocks over a table!
Saneaki: Fine, then I’ll drink to settle him down.
Suzukake: Yay! You finally drank some!
Saneaki: Ugh… so uncomfortable…
Sakyo: A-Are you feeling all right?
Saneaki: I’m fine… But it really is foolish to make so much noise like just then just because you’re drunk. I find it hard to understand people who like drinking this sort of stuff.
Suzukake: Huh, why? That light-headed feeling is so nice. Sake really is such a good thing.
Saneaki: Suzukake-dono, you’re wrong. Please sit down here… People who easily drift along with the crowd will find themselves gradually becoming depraved. Of course, as long as one is alive, they’ll experience many painful things, but it’s ridiculous to live only by drinking. Suzukake-dono, are you still listening?
Suzukake: Saneaki-sani, I’m over here~
Sakyo: Kuroba-dono, you are speaking to a wall.
Sakyo: Goodness. Kuroba-dono is quite bad at drinking, I see.
Tsuzuramaru: Looks like you’re not drunk at all though. Ah, even though I am too.
Sakyo: Did I not say it before, I will not get drunk before others.
Enishi: You did, so it wasn’t a bluff, eh? Looks like everyone’s getting tipsy, it’s almost time to talk about the girls we like~?
Kei: Hah? You’re still on about that?
Enishi: What’s wrong with it? If we talk about that then we can all get a little closer with each other~
Suzukake: Girls… I don’t know much about girls.
Tsuzuramaru: I don’t know much either…
Enishi: Even if you don’t know anything, you must have a type you like, right? For example, girls who are all “I want to be with you forever!” are cuteeee, or something like that?
Suzukake: Hm… then… then I like gentle girls, and girls who can get along with animals, hehe.
Enishi: Oh? You like gentle girls? That’s true, when you’re being treated by a girl with a kind heart, you’ll feel better no matter how tired you are. Tsuzuramaru, what about you?
Tsuzuramaru: Hm… I don’t think about it a lot, but since I like eating, I’d like someone who’s good at cooking.
Enishi: A girl who’s good at cooking~ When you think about all the delicious food they’ve prepared when I get home, then you’ll feel motivated to work all day.
Tsuzuramaru: What about you, Sakyo?
Sakyo: What I like about women? I think an attentive woman is more attractive.
Enishi: Yupyup, a girl who’s careful and thoughtful. If she can take care of even the smallest things, it’s hard for men to resist that~
Tsuzuramaru: I see, so in this situation, it would be a girl who suddenly brings out a rice ball.
Kei: You really can’t stop thinking about eating, huh…
Suzukake: Heyhey, what does Saneaki think?
Saneaki: Nn… I can’t… fall over…
Sakyo: Kuroba-dono seems to have fallen asleep against the wall. We should let him sleep like that for now.
Enishi: Tch, he’s still so boring even after he’s gotten drunk! If only he let loose a little more~ Kei, what about you?
Kei: Hah? I don’t think about women.
Enishi: Huh? You liar!
Kei: Am not! Don’t compare us!
Enishi: Then… if you give it a bit of thinking now, do you have a type?
Kei: Tch… a type, huh? Someone who’s gentle and straightforward… I don’t know why but I don’t know how to deal with them. And I’d rather a woman who can use her own head. I hate idiots like you.
Tsuzuramaru: Even though you haven’t thought about it, you’re actually kind of picky about women…
Kei: S-Shut up!
Enishi: So someone who’s straightforward and neat, and someone you can trust?
Suzukake: Ah, so someone like the princess, right, Kei?
Kei: *spits out his sake* W-Why are we bringing her up?
Suzukake: Because you’re describing someone like her.
Kei: I’m definitely not interested in her! O-Oi, Enishi, what’s your type then?
Enishi: Ehehehehehehe, all right, listen real close.
Kei: Why’d you stand up?
Tsuzuramaru: He’s been excited about this from the start.
Enishi: The girl I like… is… is in fact, the princess!
Tsuzuramaru: So you’re saying your ideal girl is the princess?
Enishi: Well, something like that. My heart was moved to tears when I saw her for the first time. To be honest, the reason why I decided to be a guard was so I could talk to the princess.
Kei: You don’t even hesitate to tell her you want to be by her side anyway.
Suzukake: Hehe, but I like the princess too. The princess is so gentle to everyone, and she’s kind to animals… So that means…. Huh? That means my ideal girl is the princess too.
Tsuzuramaru: The princess should be good at cooking too, since she’s the daughter of a teahouse owner. So my ideal type of girl is probably someone like the princess.
Sakyo: Yes. If you do business from your home, you must be attentive as well. Although she is a bit slow with things…
Kei: No way… she’s my ideal woman? I don’t hate that but… n-no way! There’s definitely no way that’s it.
Enishi: What’s wrong with you guys? Just noticing her charm for the first time today? It’s too late, I had my eyes on her first!
Tsuzuramaru: It hasn’t been decided that the princess belongs to *you*. I want to eat rice balls made by the princess too.
Sakyo: Besides, Enishi-dono, it is not just the princess, but any woman would do for you, no?
Enishi: Sakyo, is that how you think of me? It can’t just be anyone, only the princess is good enough.
Kei: You’ve only known her for a few days, what do you even know about her?
Enishi: But the princess is so cute! And sometimes she’s so amusing~
Kei: Is that it?
Enishi: Is that not good enough? I don’t needa reason to joke around! As long as I get to see that smile, my heart feels all ti~ght.
Tsuzuramaru: Ah, I get that! When I’m hungry, my heart also feels ti~ght when I go to sleep.
Enishi: Don’t lump your stomach and my love together!
Suzukake: Hehe~ So my ideal girl is the princess~ Then I’ll make the princess be my future bride~
Tsuzuramaru: Oh, that wouldn’t be bad at all! Suzukake’s so kind, and he knows medicine too, so you won’t need to worry about food. If the two of you will definitely be happy if you get together. But if that happens the princess won’t be able to make rice balls for me...
Suzukake: No problem! When the princess becomes my bride, I’ll make Tsuzurumaru a portion for dinner too!
Tsuzuramaru: That’ll be great! But I feel like something’s not right about this…
Enishi: I can’t even pretend that I didn’t hear that conversation. Suzukake, don’t think that knowing medicine is all that. A childish man like you, no matter how hard you try, will always be like a ‘cute little brother’ to the princess.
Suzukake: Little brother?
Enishi: Yup, so you wouldn’t even be considered a man anyway.
Suzukake: *Sob… sob* How could you say it like that… Enishi’s so mean!!
Sakyo: Enishi-dono, if you say those things then Suzukake will act up again.
Enishi: Even though it’s a little unbearable for my heart, the enemy will soon be defeated! Today’s party was for this purpose!
Sakyo: Could it be that… you got everyone drunk so that no man other than yourself can look at the princess?
Enishi: How’s that even possible. Sakyo, I think you’re a bit too suspicious there.
Sakyo: Compared to Enishi-dono, I have a lot of important things to do, instead of time to think about women.
Enishi: Is that so? Usually, a man who looks like they have no interest in women is the biggest pervert~
Sakyo: P-Pervert? That would be you. Were you not the one who has been having unpleasant delusions about the princess just then?
Enishi: That’s just how it is~ Who let the princess be so cute? Ah, that adorable smile, her beautiful flowing hair… Aaaaaah~ Princess~ So wonderful~
Tsuzuramaru: Oi, Enishi, oi! … Ah, he’s gone back into his fantasies again… Speaking of, is Saneaki still sleeping?
Sakyo: Yes, he has been sleeping sitting like that. It seems he has been sleeptalking a little as well.
Saneaki: No more… drinking sake… ah… did I fall asleep?
Kei: Looks like he’s awake.
Sakyo: You have been sleeping the entire time.
Saneaki: My apologies for sleeping during such a rare occasion. What did everybody talk about while I was asleep?
Sakyo: That… it was nothing important.
Kei: Yep.
Enishi: Aaaah~ Princess… your lovely lips… mmm~
Suzukake: Ah! I’m not the princess! Don’t hold me!
Enishi: Princess~
Saneaki: This is… quite an uncomfortable situation… as expected, sake is such a terrifying thing. Ah, I still feel horrible, I’ll fetch some water.
Saneaki: For some reason I can’t proceed any further. Is this the work of a yokai?! I’m being tricked by a yokai’s magic… there must be a way forward.
Sakyo: Kuroba-dono, that is a wall. If it is water you want then I will get it for you.
Saneaki: Why… Why has the path…
Enishi: Aaaah~ Princess~ Your soft skin…
Suzukake: E-Enishi… you should let go of me now… it’s painful… and gross!
Tsuzuramaru: Enishi, Suzukake’s having a hard time, let him go.
Enishi: Noooo… I don’t want to let go of the princess~ Aaaaaah…
Tsuzuramaru: Ah… ha, he’s really holding onto you tightly… it’s taking a lot of effort to pull him off.
Sakyo: Here, Kuroba-dono, I brought water. Come quickly drink some.
Saneaki: Ah… Sagihara-dono, your body is radiating with light…
Sakyo: That said, everyone, I met the princess on the way to get water.
Enishi: The princess?
Kei: She probably heard us and then decided to turn right back around.
Suzukake: *Cough cough* Ah… that was too much…
Sakyo: The princess asked me to pass along her words...
Enishi: Whatwhat? Don’t tell me she said “Enishi is so handsome and amazing~”?!
Sakyo: … No. She said that our voices were too loud, and she feels embarrassed hearing what was being said. And incidentally, especially those of Enishi-san.
Kei: Ah, yeah, all that screaming about the princess and everything.
Tsuzuramaru: So you’re saying she heard… that I wanted to eat riceballs she makes… I should have said I wanted to eat her dango too.
Kei: That’s what you’re worried about?
Enishi: Ah~ So what you’re saying is~ You’re embarrassed about my passionate emotions for the princess?
Kei: No, I’m embarrassed about your existence. Haven’t you had enough? Even in Edo this is already a nuisance, we should pack it up soon.
Tsuzuramaru: But there’s still sake left. Leftover sake is too wasteful, it’s part of samurai etiquette to drink all the sake at a banquet.
Kei: Hah? First time I’m hearing about something like that.
Tsuzuramaru: That’s because I just made it up. Come on, let’s have one more cup.
Kei: Just let me go…
Enishi: Especially… Enishi, huh…? So the princess paid special attention to me… Oh, Tsuzuramaru, let the party go on!!
Tsuzuramaru: All right, let’s drink!
Sakyo: Then allow me to join you.
Suzukake: Ah, I wanna drink too! Come on, Kei, let’s drink together!
Kei: Goddamn... at this point it’s just whatever!
Track 3
Kei: Oi, is there more sake?
Tsuzuramaru: Oh, it looks like we’re about to finish our fourth… but there’s one more bottle left. Come on, Kei, you can keep going~
Kei: Ugh…. no… already… reached… my limit…
Tsuzuramaru: Ah, huh? He’s fallen over all sprawled out.
Sakyo: Kei-dono, you will catch a cold if you sleep like that. Goodness, let me get you a futon.
Tsuzuramaru: Sakyo, you can still keep drinking?
Sakyo: Yes, I am good to continue.
Tsuzuramaru: That’s good. Let’s keep going then~ Is it really all right to put those two together? Enishi’s been holding onto Saneaki really tightly.
Enishi: Ah, it’s so comfortable…
Saneaki: Nn… please save me…
Sakyo: Although I pity Kuroba-dono, I would rather not be in Enishi-dono’s arms, so I will have to leave it like this.
Tsuzuramaru: Enishi’ll hold onto anything he can get his hands on, so we have to sacrifice Saneaki for now, unfortunately.
Sakyo: Kei-dono, Kuroba-dono, and Enishi-dono have all fallen asleep. There are not many of us who can drink left.
Tsuzuramaru: What’s wrong, Suzukake? You haven’t been talking for a while.
Suzukake: *Sob* Why… why….?
Sakyo: Suzukake? What is the matter? You have been staring at the tatami…
Suzukake: I… I just wanna eat some pickles…. Why do they keep falling off?
Sakyo: This… Pardon?
Suzukake: This is the second time it’s fallen off… so mean! Even if the way I hope chopsticks is weird, why?! Why won’t it stay on? *cries*
Sakyo: Amazing… This is the first time I have seen someone cry over pickles.
Tsuzuramaru: Aren’t you going to stop him?
Sakyo: Then I will find myself quite tired. To be honest, I think it is too much trouble.
Tsuzuramaru: Hehe, so your weakness is this kind of thing…. Forget it, one more cup.
Sakyo: Ha… I am so tired…
Track 4
Tsuzuramaru: Come on, everyone, get up! It’s morning!
Enishi: Huh? Huh?? Huh??? W-Why was I holding onto Saneaki? Disgusting!
Saneaki: That is my line, how nasty! Why was I sleeping with Enishi?
Kei: It’s morning already…? Ah, did I drink too much? Damn, my head hurts.
Suzukake: I wanna sleep more… I feel so tired… what did I even do?
Tsuzuramaru: Looks like everyone’s awake. We have good weather again today!
Sakyo: Good morning.
Enishi: What? Tsuzuramaru and Sakyo were awake the whole time?
Sakyo: No, we got a little rest after everyone went to sleep.
Tsuzuramaru: There was some sake and fish left, so we finished it off. We stayed up pretty late.
Suzukake: Ah, they’re right! The bottles are all empty…
Sakyo: I lost to Tsuzuramaru-dono when it came to our limits. I am feeling a little tired but he is still full of energy.
Tsuzuramaru: The sake really was delicious, wasn’t it? I kind of want to drink more.
Kei: You two really are amazing… Ah… I feel sick...
Saneaki: Hm? I don’t know how but I seem to have a bump on my head? Sagihara-dono, last night, what did I--
Sakyo: It is better to not ask.
Kei: I don’t remember anything from yesterday either… except how annoying Enishi was...
Enishi: Me too… everything is a little hazy… I remember… the princess said that she liked me… and then hugged me tightly...
Sakyo: Enishi-dono, you are mistaking your dreams with reality.
Suzukake: I… why am I holding onto pickles?
Sakyo: That is also… better not inquired about. Well, it is almost time for breakfast, we should put away out futon prepare for that.
Saneaki: Before that… I will go find some water… I still feel uncomfortable...
Enishi: Oh… I’ll go too, my throat is so dry…
Kei: I’m gonna go… wash my face…
Suzukake: I’ll come too, to take a look at the horse.
Sakyo: Good grief… what a hopeless bunch. I will put away the futon then.
Tsuzuramaru: By the way, Sakyo?
Sakyo: Yes?
Tsuzuramaru: At the end of the night, did we get to know each other better?
Sakyo: Who knows? I suppose you could say that, since I now know a side of you that the others do not.
Tsuzuramaru: Well, that means the banquet last night wasn’t enough. All right! I’ll prepare the banquet tonight!
Sakyo: Huh? D-Do you still want to drink tonight?
Tsuzuramaru: And since we’ve decided that, I have to properly ask Enishi which store he got his sake from! Yep! There’ll be plenty of sake and fish!
Sakyo: T-Tsuzuramaru-dono! Please wait--
Tsuzuramaru: Hehe! I feel like I’ll be looking forward to it for the whole day! I didn’t drink enough last night, so tonight I definitely will! Hey! Enishi!!
#otome game#rejet#drama cd#mytranslations#ken ga kimi#tsuzuramaru#ken ga kimi kei#kuroba saneaki#sagihara sakyou#enishi#suzukake
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[Announcement] 舞台「剣が君-残桜の舞-」再演 (butai ken ga kimi -zanka no mai- saien)
the show will be running from June 2nd, 2021 to June 6th, 2021 (Tokyo) @ こくみん共済 coop ホール / スペース・ゼロ (Kokumin Kyousai coop Hall / Space zero)
Tanaka Reina as Kayo (香夜) Sakurai Keito as Tsuzuramaru (九十九丸) Sorihashi Souichirou as Hotaru (螢) Akisawa Kentarou as Kuroba Saneaki (黒羽実彰) Tani Yoshiki as Yukari ? (縁) Tanaka Toshihiko as Sagihara Sakyou (鷺原左京) Sugie Taishi as Suzukake (鈴懸) Arai Yuuya as Mitsuyoshi Yagyuu (柳生三厳) Ayaki Sakura as Hattori Hanzou (服部半蔵) Yonehara Kousuke as Matsudaira Tatsukage (松平辰影) Tokuyama Hidenori as Tokugawa Iemitsu (徳川家光) Kosaka Ryoutarou as Zantetsu (斬鉄) Fukuda Yuusuke as Shiguragi (シグラギ) Satake Uki as Habaki Tsuki (ハバキ憑き) Negishi Karen as Madara (マダラ) Yamanaka Shouta as Hachimoku (ハチモク) Suzuki Yuuta as Tsuzumi Hougen (鼓法眼) Haruna Mai as Nanae (七重) Maruyama Shougo as Asakura Nobumasa (朝倉宣正)
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#剣が君#ken ga kimi#田中れいな#tanaka reina#櫻井圭登#sakurai keito#反橋宗一郎#sorihashi souichirou#秋沢健太朗#akisawa kentarou#谷佳樹#tani yoshiki#田中稔彦#tanaka toshihiko#杉江大志#sugie taishi#新井雄也#arai yuuya#彩木咲良#ayaki sakura#米原幸佑#yonehara kousuke#徳山秀典#tokuyama hidenori#小坂涼太郎#kosaka ryoutarou#福田佑亮#fukuda yuusuke#佐武宇綺#satake uki
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Rejet will release otome visual novel Ken ga Kimi for S for Switch on June 24 in Japan for 7,480 yen, the developer announced. A 13,200 yen limited edition will also be available.
The game includes both Ken ga Kimi for V and Ken ga Kimi: Momoyo Tsuzuri, which originally released for PS Vita in March 2015 and December 2016, respectively.
As a new element of the Switch version, Ken ga Kimi for S features a new opening movie with the theme song “Yokan,” sung by in-game characters Tsuzuramaru (voiced by Yuuki Ono) and Kei (voiced by KENN).
Here is an overview of the tory, via VNDB:
In the early stages of the Edo period, Kayo lives with her father in a food & tea house. One day, she was asked by the Princess of Sunpu Castellan for an odd favor. Because they are splitting images of each other, she was asked to take her place in a marriage promenade…
Bewildered, but with her mind set, Kayo departs on a journey from Tokaido region with six samurai for bodyguards on a marriage promenade to Edo, Hakone, Mishima, up till the destination in Sunpu.
On the way towards Edo, she becomes caught up in youkai with destructive abilities, as well as the ‘Sword Retrieving Imperial Match’ that concerns the legendary five great swords, which is really a cover for a sickening ritual being performed…
Through the crisscrossing and intertwining of paths, finally the road splits into two: One, living with the sword in the path of war. Two, living with you in the path of peace.
The destiny they find their way through to is…?
Watch the opening movie below. Visit the official website here.
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