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minervafloofdraws · 1 year ago
Something a little different. I happened on these delightful little Ruto comics by Suzukake Nohara published in the Ocarina of Time 4koma collection by Enix (scans by History of Hyrule), decided to try my hand at translating them.
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serandipity · 5 months ago
Me wanting to add ken ga kimi muses knowing full well no one knows what K.en ga k.imi is cause it never got an English translation
But I mean okay I have a reason, look at the men:
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mybeingthere · 1 year ago
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"Takashi Shuji, 35, who had Down syndrome, worked with pastels as a member of a painting club at Mukogawa Suzukake Sagyojo, a facility for disabled people in Nishinomiya, Hyogo Prefecture.
Shuji's work, characterized by bold outlines and filled, at a frenetic pace, with pastel hues, is often completed in a single, unstinting effort of many hours, often leaving his face blackened. One of his pieces was used as part of the promotional poster for the Art Brut Collection Japon exhibition held at the same Lausanne gallery last year."(From The Daily Yomiuri)
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holespoles · 2 years ago
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Katsuzi Matsumoto 'Singing Alone'.
"Distant memories Because I miss them That person who left me I want him so much Today, too, I'm alone Singing the song of Suzukake"
遠い思ひ出が なつかしいから 去ったあのひとが いとほしいから 今日もひとり ���懸の唄をうたふ
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davi-doo · 9 months ago
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Sound Horizon has announced the vocals and narrations for their 20th Anniversary Concert!
✨ On 23rd and 24th November ✨
Revo, JIMANG, Yuko Haino, An Yamazaki, Rika Fukami, Ike Nelson
✨ On 23rd November ✨
Mizuki Isaka, Kurosawa Tomoyo, piko, Yume Suzuki, MIKI, Voces Tokyo Choir
✨ On 24th November ✨
Joelle, Yui Ishikawa, Ceui, Yuuka Nanri, Minami Kubayashi, Suzukake Children's Choir
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atopearth · 2 years ago
Ken ga Kimi Part 3 - Sagihara Sakyou Route
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Sakyou princess carrying Kayo when she fell off the horse was niceee. Definitely much more romantic than Enishi's one but his was funny so..hahaha. I'm still not sure how to feel about Sakyou because his kindness isn't exactly fake I guess but it's more a means to an end for him, he only does it because this is the most convenient way to complete his mission. I don't care that much about Shiguragi compared to others, but it was definitely disconcerting to see Sakyou relish torturing him and slowly killing him. Although Sakyou is terrifying, he's definitely right that the best present to give Kayo's father as a "souvenir" is her returning home safely. There's nothing he wants more than that. It seems like Sakyou is more attached to Kayo than I thought haha, I guess he is a softie at heart. I was quite scared for Sakyou when he got tricked by the oiran and nearly got killed by the oni he hates most, that would be so devastating... It's nice to see Kayo and him bond through her taking care of him and his injuries in her house. Even though he's a distrustful person because of his past, it's nice to see that he understands the kind person Kayo is, and she can also get to learn that despite him always wanting to distance himself from others, Sakyou is also a kind person at heart.
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It's adorable how sweet Sakyou is towards Yanohiko. It was so heartwarming to see him teach Yanohiko how to write and read. I guess spending such a peaceful time with Kayo must remind him of his family. It's nice that Kayo provides a place of solace for him, but I wonder if his heart can be healed. Lmaoo when Kayo's leg was next to Sakyou's face in the futon when they were hiding from her father. Considering how scary it is when a woman physically experiences being physically overpowered by a man, I'd say Sakyou's actions weren't very nice at all even if they were out of goodwill. It was understandable for Sakyou to leave so that Kayo and Yanohiko won't get involved and hurt, but it's still so sad to see Kayo cry since he left without saying anything. Kayo always makes me want to cry seeing how hard she tries to chase after Sakyou. I'm glad he stopped running and took care of her injury and told her more about his reasons for leaving instead of just running away. The reveal that Zantetsu killed Sakyou's family was obvious, but having to see Sakyou lose to him, get injured and then thrown into jail for trying to get revenge and kill someone during this prestigious tournament was saddening. Suzukake and Kayo are so sweet though, they wanted to be thrown into jail as well so they could treat Sakyou's wounds😭 I wasn't really fond of Sakyou initially, but I can't help but choke up thinking about his pain, disgrace, regret and pure hatred for the ones who murdered his family merely because they witnessed oni trafficking humans. He was only 11 years old and he witnessed the bloodied bodies of his family, how could he possibly ever live a normal life after that. How could he not get revenge for them? How could he possibly swallow his defeat against Zantetsu when he murdered Sakyou's family in cold blood? And his sister was pregnant? That's just so cruel... Well, Asakura must be crazy and dumb, because what makes him think Tsuzumi would willingly kill Nanae as a sacrifice to the marebito so that they can revive Tadanaga???
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It was really cute to see Kayo try so hard to invite Sakyou to the festival with her, and her father even overheard it along with the customers. I was also really happy to see Enishi tell her how important she is to Sakyou and how much he cares about her just with him asking her to go watch him at the tournament. I want them to be as happy as they were when they spent time in Kayo's room. I didn't think Hotarumaru (Sakyou's katana) would actually be the same "level" as the other five swords, and I guess I underestimated how esteemed Sakyou's family was. I'm glad Kayo made him realise that Hotarumaru isn't just a sword to him but also represents everything about his lost family. I can see why he left it behind in a cave and didn't think he was qualified to wield it, since the sword actually got damaged. The beauty of the fireflies "healing" the sword and watching over Sakyou was very nice, I wonder if the souls of the people in the Sagihara family watch over it since it's the family heirloom. I'm glad that Sakyou wants to live now and wants to come back to Kayo. I'm also very happy that Kayo was able to tell Kei to help Sakyou since Zantetsu was planning to bring a whole bunch of oni to fight Sakyou. I didn't expect all the guys though! It's kinda anticlimactic how easily Sakyou defeated Zantetsu considering the pain and struggle before this, but I guess Sakyou was always strong as long as he isn't injured and blinded by hatred. Sakyou opening a school and teaching kids for free is very sweet. I love their new clothes!! Very simple and nice. The CG was super pretty but I admit that the confession was quite lacklustre, especially compared to Kei's one haha. His confession for wanting Kayo to be his wife and stay by his side forever was sweet though! I can imagine them living their lives peacefully teaching children haha.
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I love how in the harmony ending, Kayo always asks/says things before Sakyou gets a opportunity to because she doesn't want to leave anything to chance and she wants to be true to her feelings. I admire her. I love how thoughtful Sakyou is to prepare stuff from Edo to decorate her room in his house so that she won't feel lonely. Another thing I love is how the guys are protecting her for her real wedding parade now, that's sweet. Aww their kid Chihaya is so cute! But it's sad that they live separately and don't get to see each other much. Is Nanae really carrying a child? I guess I'm not surprised that she isn't "pure" considering the fact that she seems to have chased after Tsuzumi all alone and a lone woman travelling alone is an easy target... Anyway, the fact that she so readily gave up her life to protect Tsuzumi was very touching but I don't know how he'll take that news. I felt so bad for Kayo when Sakyou ignored her confession and changed the subject. But I guess what's worse is that Sakyou seems to love and hate Kayo. He loves spending time with her, but his conviction for revenge wavers because of her so now he's in the middle, unable to fully commit to revenge but unable to commit to a life for himself, suffering at a standstill. It's kinda sad that this cursed sword seems to have elevated Sakyou's desire for blood... Oh yeah! I find it so cool that Kayo's portrait changes to include the hair ornament Sakyou bought her! That's so cool!! Seeing Sakyou descend into madness and kill innocent people is just so heartbreaking, especially when he killed Yanohiko, the poor child. The only cursed sword I know of is Muramasa, mainly because of Chrono Cross lol, so I am surprised that it is Muramasa. It broke my heart when Sakyou killed Kayo. He regained his sanity because of it, but in the end because Muramasa's curse makes him unable to throw it away, he's forced to kill himself along with the sword using a bomb... 
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The wild(?) ending is really so tragic. Even in the afterlife, Sakyou and Kayo are forced to nearly separate and now have to endure hell together. I have to say, Kayo's resolve to be with Sakyou is so admirable, she doesn't waver at all when it comes to death or even Hell and she doesn't regret anything at all. This was definitely a terrible ending for Kayo and Sakyou all around, but I really enjoyed it. I love how much effort was put into this "bad ending", I really love these tragic ends that break my heart. Even though it was a cruel ending, I loved how it gave us the initial romantic dream of what his life with Kayo could have been like if they were all alive, and then showed how even though they're suffering in Hell, as long as they're together, they'll still be happy. Truly a sad but "happy" ending because at least they can stay together forever. Definitely my favourite ending. The strange ending was quite sad too. Especially since Kayo was willing to die together with Sakyou but in the end, it wasn't time for her to die and she had to part with him. I would feel sorry for her dad though if she really died, he would be so heartbroken. But at least this ending is much more hopeful in that there is the possibility for Sakyou to repent for his sins and one day meet Kayo again. It was actually really difficult to watch Kayo suffer being alone living life without Sakyou, I felt bad for her even though I do think it's pretty crazy how smitten she is haha. I'm not sure how the firefly thing works, not sure if he's a firefly or Hotarumaru helped them meet one more time, but at least she got a bit more strength from it to live on.
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Overall, in terms of romance, Kei is definitely the much sweeter, cuter and adorable route, but considering how Sakyou is as a person, I think this is the sweetest he can get haha. Considering how focused he is on revenge, the time he shared with Kayo in her room was the most peaceful and most memorable for both them and for me. It really makes you want them to just live like that forever because it really was the sweetest time they shared. Even though their relationship isn't as "sweet" as with Kei, I really liked their fair share of troubles in developing their relationship. Sakyou always felt like he was too happy beside her and didn't feel like he deserved it and needed to focus on revenge, but at the same time he really enjoyed his time with Kayo and I liked that dilemma. It's funny but I definitely enjoyed the "wild" ending the most, I guess I just love tragedy haha! The happy endings were nice but I'd say that's the only ending that really evoked strong emotions from me. Sakyou is definitely recommended if you love reading the heartwrenching difficulties between choosing love and choosing revenge, and then suffering from the decisions made. Very unforgettable imo. On to Suzukake!
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opticandmasturbation · 6 months ago
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Shuji Takashi. 《Plant Pot Flowers》, pastels on watercolor paper/790×1092mm/Year unknown Photo provided by Atelier Suzukake
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cdbrainrecords · 6 months ago
Shoji Suzuki And His Rhythm Aces - Suzukake No Michi (LP, Album)
Vinyl(VG++) Sleeve(VG+) Insert(missing) Obi(missing) // missing Obi 帯なし / No scratches on Vinyl, VG+ or better. in great shape / / nice sleeve except for some minor foxing. / missing Insert 解説なし / コンディション 盤 : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディション ジ��ケット : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディションの表記について  ��[ M > M- > VG+ > VG > G+ > G > F > P ] レーベル : RCA – RVJ-6075 フォーマット : Vinyl, LP, Album 生産国 : Japan 発売年 : 1980 With…
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choibyujin · 9 months ago
QuackinLove's BINGO!
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this post is made with love by uca (choibyujin) in order to complete quackinlove's quack-ssion session.
> your first impression of QuackinLove!
jujur aja aku waktu itu lagi gabut pengen nyari oa terus ketemu quackinlove karena diajak buat coba masuk ke sini. konsepnya lucu banget, bebek. it makes me wonder soalnya aku jarang (atau bahkan nggak pernah) ketemu oa dengan konsep bebek, so i just took a shot. dan secara gak terduga aku keterima, padahal itu aku dadakan banget langsung isi form dan pdkt cuma sekali dua kali..? gitu. 😭 and fortunately i had fun! thanks to everyone in this fantastic place that i could call it home. <3
> give your 5 oa mates a song!
• to, naoireii
buat cewek kue yang deserves lagu kue as well! jadi aku mau kasih laguku yang baru ini, yang kataku juga vibenya dd rei banget! ><
• to, anatchayap
buat dd natty paling keren! aku suka keinget covermu yang rush hour waktu di fancon. keren bangetttt pokoknya jadi aku mau kasih lagu ini aja hihi. BORAHE. 💜💜💜
• to, hanyucin
buat dd yucin yang kalau senyum bisa-bisa bikin noona-noona yang ngeliat langsung diabetes soalnya MANIS BANGET! hari ini jangan lupa tetap tebarkan pesona dengan senyum manismu itu, dd. 😎
• to, Yesri
buat dd yeri yang keren, lagunya harus yang cakep juga dong. 😎 biasanya aku dengerin lagu ini langsung semangat rasanya, semoga kalau dd yang dengerin juga ikutan semangat yah. 🥺
• to, roseahpark
kataku ini lagu vibenya roje banget gak sih...? 😍 kalau aku sih iya banget, nggak tau kalau mas anang. soalnya lagunya sama orangnya sama-sama cakep, kayaknya lagunya aja kalah cakep deh. <3
> your biggest happiness!
kep1er and kep1ian! (we're made for each other, if i must say...)
> 5 favorite photo / selca!
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source: official_kep1er on x.
> favorite food!
chicken is for sure!
> reasons that make me happy!
simple things can make me happy. like starting a day with anything kep1er-related, or take a simple walk in fresh air. oh, music and movies too!
> oa mates that i want to get closer!
jujur aja, semuanya. sebenarnya lebih ke... apa ya, pengen lebih banyak lagi ngobrolnya gitu sama semuanya. minat ngobrol sampe obrolan kita bisa dijadiin novel pls.
> impression for quackers!
semua quackers pada ramah-ramah dan baik banget! minat banget ngobrol lebih banyak lagi sama kalian huhuhu yuk? t___t
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utuwatokurashi · 2 years ago
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寒くても、パフェ😊 博多に来る度に寄ってしまう 鈴懸さん。旬のあまおう苺のパフェを見つけて注文😋 こし餡が入っても、甘過ぎなくて美味しい♪ #鈴懸 #鈴懸本店 #suzukake #和菓子  #あまおうパフェ #あまおう #あまおう苺 #いちご #いちごパフェ #いちごスイーツ #strawberry #sweets #instasweet #fruits #parfait #hakata #fukuoka #japan #福岡スイーツ #福岡カフェ https://www.instagram.com/p/CoFXoQdP5Zz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lanlan-der · 4 years ago
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Ken ga Kimi | Goods
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muwi-translates · 5 years ago
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剣が君 特典ドラマCD 若葉風奇譚 ~江戸花嫁騒動の巻~
Ken ga Kimi Tokuten Drama CD - Strange Tales of the Early Summer Breeze ~Edo Bride Scandal Volume~
Nine track hour or so long drama. No spoilers. As usual, Chinese source with light Japanese referencing.
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Track 1 - Prologue
Everyone: M-Marriage?!
Enishi: Shh! You’re too loud!
Tsuzuramaru: S-Sorry… but, Miss is getting married…?
Enishi: Well, who wouldn’t be surprised? That one day our princess would actually become a bride… Ugh, those pink cheeks, that silky skin— I can't believe it’s all going to another guy…Gaaah! Princess!!
Saneaki: No, wait, are you sure? It’s so sudden it’s a bit hard to believe.
Suzukake: S-Saneaki’s right! What if you got it wrong? If… if… she got married, I’d get lonely…
Sakyo: You two need to calm down. No matter how much you panic, the problem won’t solve itself. First, let’s listen to what Enishi-dono has to say.
Sakyo: Now then, Enishi-dono. Quickly, tell us what is happening. Hurry and tell us everything you know…!
Kei: You’re the one who needs to calm down! You’re gonna kill him! Let go!
Sakyo: Ah, my deepest apologies. I got a little too… very well, please explain.
Enishi: *gasp* *gasp*...I saw heaven for a second there…
Saneaki: You were really hanging on by a thread there, Enishi-dono.
Enishi: As if you cared about me at all!
Enishi: Anyway, I understand how Sakyo feels. I don’t want to accept this just as much as you guys. The princess getting married to some man…
Tsuzuramaru: I don’t want to think about it!
Enishi: Exactly, to not think about it is to not believe it.
Kei: You’re the one who said it, how could you not believe it?!
Enishi: It’s true I don’t believe it, but I heard it myself.
Suzukake: Heard it? From where?
Enishi: I went to a cloth dealer I knew, and he was talking to me about how his son was getting married soon. Was bragging about how amazing his partner was. I was listening pretty intently, but the more he spoke, the more I thought he was talking about our princess. Eventually I figured out that he *was* talking about our princess, so I ran without even finishing my sake!
Sakyo: And then you summoned us here, yes? I will not say anything about you drinking in broad daylight, I understand the situation well enough.
Enishi. That’s right. That’s why I had to gather all my friends from our journey together from the bridal procession. This is the most serious of emergencies, right? It looked like the cloth dealer’s wedding gift was almost done being prepared, so I thought it would be better to tell you guys as soon as possible.
Kei: Ha. This is stupid. I thought something had happened, but that’s it?
Saneaki: Kei-dono? What’s wrong?
Kei: What do you mean what’s wrong? Cut it out! I was wondering why we had to be called here when it’s just about a girl getting married.
Enishi: You say that, but weren’t you the quickest here?
Kei: Shut up! I… just happened to be nearby!
Tsuzuramaru: Hm? But on my way here a man that looked just like you sped right past me. Did they just happen to look alike? I was walking pretty quickly but he still managed to pass me and disappeared. What a truly extraordinary person…
Kei: *punches Tsuzuramaru* S-S-S-S-Shut up! Stop yabbering! Besides! Enishi, I don’t believe what you’re saying at all. You must have made a mistake when you were all smashed.
Saneaki: Kei-dono is right. If she really were to be married to someone, she would have no reason to hide it from us—
Suzukake: Aaaaah!!
Kei: W-What is it now?
Suzukake: I-I just remembered… when I was delivering medicine earlier, I passed by Princess’ storefront. I think I saw some congratulatory gifts from a dowry being brought there...
Saneaki: What? If that’s true, then what Enishi said might have some weight…
Tsuzuramaru: Ah… it seems that way…
Enishi: Why don’t you guys trust me but trust Suzukake?!
Tsuzuramaru: If this is really happening then… Miss is really being married to some man… Aaaaagh…
Kei: Argh! You’re so loud! Don’t hold your head and start screaming! Oi, Sakyo, don’t just sit there, say something!
Sakyo: Unforgivable.
Kei: Hah? Why’d you stand up for?
Kei: ...Why’d you take your sword? …What are you planning on doing?
Sakyo: What, you ask?
Sakyo: Is it not obvious? I will cut that man.
Suzukake: Cut?! C-Calm down, Sakyo-san!
Tsuzuramaru: Y-You can’t do that!
Saneaki: That’s right, Sagihara-dono. You shouldn’t cut people.
Sakyo: But…!
Saneaki: Even if you injured him, that would change nothing.
Tsuzuramaru: Exactly!
Saneaki: It should be enough to exile him to a deserted island—
Tsuzuramaru: Saneaki!! You can’t do that either!
Kei: Saying some real scary stuff like that… are you forgetting there’s a patrolman here listening?
Enishi: In any case we’re not accepting this marriage. Everybody agree?
Sakyo: I have no complaints. This situation must be stopped, no matter the means.
Kei: You’re scaring us, you need to cool off!
Suzukake: I… I’ve always wished for the Princess’ happiness…so if she really wants to get married, I won’t stop her. But… but, if she’s hesitating even a little… then I hope I’ll be able to convince her to think about it again.
Tsuzuramaru: I’m the same. No matter what, I have to show her my feelings first!
Sakyo: Indeed. I may have been a bit rash...
Kei: A *bit*? A bit my ass. I don’t care what you guys do as long as you’re not cutting down people. And no exiling either!
Saneaki: I will think about it.
Kei: Don’t ‘think about it’, don’t even think about it at all!
Saneaki: No matter the case, I cannot pretend I didn’t hear about this. If this marriage is real, then I am concerned about why she didn’t talk to us about it. This needs to be investigated.
Enishi: Right! For the princess, let’s break this marriage!
Everyone except Kei: Right!
Kei: We’re not breaking anything, didn’t we *just say* we’re investigating? Geez… nothing bad’s gonna happen… right?
Track 2 - Kei
Ah, geez, what’s all this fuss about? Those guys got together and made so much noise over nothing, what an eyesore. It’s just her getting married to someone, what’s the problem?
W-Well, it’s worrying that she didn’t mention it to any of us. But just a bit. Just a bit, that’s all!
Hm? That guy ahead of me… isn’t he the young master of the cloth dealers’ Enishi talked about? But who’s the girl next to him?
(Looks like they’re pretty close… they’re walking so close, and they look happy together.
Don’t tell me, this guy’s about to get married, but he’s going on dates with girls in broad daylight?! 
Don’t mess around. So he’s not planning on properly taking care of her after all? 
That girl’s always working hard no matter where she is, she’s strong-willed but gentle at heart, and she’s an unimaginably good woman. But here you are… Dammit… how could someone like you snatch her up?)
Oi, you over there--
Who’s there?! Don’t bother me--
Huh? Ah, i-it’s you?! Wh-What are you doing here… d-don’t you have to watch the store?
Eh? Ah��� you were just coming back from the dojo? Ah, well, there’s nothing wrong with that.
(Nothing wrong with that, my ass! It’ll get ugly if she stays here! If she sees that young master walking around with another woman, she’ll get hurt for sure! I need to think of a way to get her out of here fast. Agh! Why do I have to do something like this? But I can’t just leave it...)
Uh… *ahem* ah, um.. that’s… um… ah, that’s right! You look like you’re getting hungry.
You’re not? Just say you are, idiot!
Anyway, there’s a good teahouse over there. Let’s go! Right now!
(*sigh* Speak of the devil and they’ll appear, huh… but looking at her, it doesn’t look like she saw the young master. But now that I’ve seen that, to let a guy who hangs out with women like that become her husband-- I’m definitely not going to allow it. But… how am I gonna tell her that? …*sigh*)
‘What’s wrong’? What a sleazy guy! It’s because I’ve been thinking about you that I have this headache!
Huh? N-No, it’s nothing… Anyway, hurry up and eat it. Look, all those fresh beans in this anmitsu is definitely going to taste good-- ah, BEANS?! Ugh, I almost ate them…
Hah? I’m not being weird at all! I’m the same as always! Just hurry up and eat it! Here, you can have my portion too.
(What the hell am I doing? I’m getting way too distracted… Anyway, all I have to say is: “Hurry up and turn down the marriage”. A sleaze like him is going to bring her nothing but unhappiness. The time to stop it is now. No, I *have* to say it! “You gotta give up a guy like that”!)
Hey, you. Just give it up.
Idiot, why are you so dazed for? Did you think I wouldn’t know? I was going to find out why you didn’t tell me. But, I have to say this.
If you keep going like this, then you’re just going to get hurt. I won’t say more on what bad things could happen. So think about it again.
That’s true. You wouldn’t understand what I’m talking about. Because you didn’t see what I saw. But I saw it myself, with my own eyes.
I always thought that as long as you were happy, it would be enough. But I realised this wasn’t right. From now on, I don’t want to see you in pain either. That’s why, just believe in me, and think about it!
Ah! I see, you were already planning on giving it up?
--Why are you giving the anmitsu I gave you back?
Hah? I was trying so hard to get you to give up the anmitsu that you decided you won’t eat anymore?
N-No! I wasn’t talking about the anmitsu!
W-Well, it’s true that I don’t like beans, but I don’t care if someone else eats them! Besides! Being this serious over a bowl of anmitsu, that doesn’t even make sense! I wasn’t talking about that at all!
Anyway! Isn’t there something more important?!
That… you know… what I’m trying to say is-- argh, dammit! What I’ve been trying to say is that I want your future to be happy!
(Huh… huh? What… did I just say?)
A-ah, no! Wanting you to be happy… that… that wasn’t what I meant! I-- aghhh!!
T-The money… I’m leaving it here! Bye!!
(What am I doing…? I was supposed to have her give up on the marriage completely… in the end I said so many unnecessary things… I’ll… never be able to face her again… Guh…)
Track 3 - Suzukake
Suzukake: (There she is… it’s the princess. She’s always sweeping the storefront at this time. If she’s really getting married… I won’t be able to meet up with her casually anymore. 
I’ll get lonely.
Hey, Princess, are you really going to get married? Did you really want to get married?
I want to ask her, but I’m scared… 
Ah! She spotted me… I… have to go. Even though I don’t know what to say… I-I’ll just talk like I normally do!)
H-Hey, Princess! The weather’s good today, isn’t it?
Eh? Why was I hiding behind the wagon? So I could come and see you— no, hide and seek! I was playing hide and seek!
Mhm! Y-Yep… I was playing by myself! Ah, no… a person can’t play by themselves… uh… um…
(Ugh… she’s going to think I’m weird…)
Eh? U-Uh huh, yeah, I came to see you. Because I have something I wanted to say to you.
(If I say that then there’s no way I’m gonna run away. I don’t want to either! I’m gonna listen to what she has to say.)
Hey… you haven’t been thinking about wanting to get married before, right?
I’m sorry for asking out of the blue… but I really have to know. You might not remember what happened during the bridal procession clearly anymore, but I still do.
I thought you looked really pretty in your bridal kimono then.
You were just a fake bride then but… but, did the princess really have someone you wanted to get married to one day? Was there... a place you wanted to go with someone?
(Why am I asking these kinds of questions? It’s because… I don’t want to let you go. If you go away with that person… I’ll get lonely. My heart will start hurting, and I’ll feel like I want to cry. Hey… don’t go off to another man’s side! Don’t go, Princess!)
Please, tell me. Do you want to get married?
...One day…?
(That’s a lie… you’re about to get married soon, aren’t you? And then we won’t be able to play, we won't be able to laugh together like this anymore.)
*sobs* Princess! You can’t! Don’t go anywhere! I don’t want that!! *cries*
I won’t be able to hug you like this anymore! I don’t want that! Hey, don’t go, alright?
I’ll do whatever I have to to make you smile! If you ever get hurt, I’ll be able to heal you quickly! No… I’d never let you get hurt! That’s why, Princess, stay with me forever!
Enishi: What the hell are you guys doing in public? 
Suzukake: Aaah! Enishi?! Let me go! Princess is— Princess is—!
Enishi: How could I let you cry out on the streets? Can’t you see you’re worrying the princess?
Suzukake: How could you be so calm? Separating us is so mean!
Enishi: Hah?
Suzukake: The princess is disappearing soon! She’s gonna get taken away by a man I don’t even know!!!
Enishi: W-Wait! If you say it like that then you’re gonna make me sound like a human trafficker! Look! The people around us are staring! Do you want the police to come too?!
Suzukake: *wailing*
Enishi: O-Oi! Don’t move around so much! A-Ah, you’ll hit the wagon! Aaaagh!!
Track 4 - Enishi
*sigh* That got pretty bad… Thanks for letting me rest inside the restaurant, Princess. Suzukake kept coming back too, I wonder what happened?
Ah… you don’t know either. I see.
(Well, he’s probably coming back to listen to any rumours about the marriage… Even though he beat me to it, it looks like no one will bother us for the time being. Plus it’s just the two of us in the restaurant… I guess even the heavens are helping me.)
Ah, no, it’s nothing. Anyway, do you have some time now, Princess?
I see. It’s started to get calmer. That’s good. Hey, Princess, how about we talk for a bit? Here, come sit over here.
(Alright, alright! Everything’s going smoothly. Even though I want to look at Princess like this a bit more, the marriage thing is the most important thing at hand right now. I even made some special preparations for this. I have to change her mind no matter what.)
Hey, Princess. There’s actually something I want to give you.
Here, isn’t it beautiful? This kanzashi.
When I saw it I thought it would suit you so well I decided to buy it. It’s my present for you.
Don’t say that you can’t accept it, you’ll make the kanzashi cry! Besides, there’s nobody else aside from you I want to give it to, so you should take it.
Don’t move, let me put it on.
Come on, if you keep moving around I won’t be able to put it on properly, right?
Yep! I knew it’d suit you! As expected of someone like me, not bad! It’s made out of wood like the ones used for scabbards. Don’t you think that’s nice? You can say it matches the accessories I’m wearing.
Eh? You’re saying this is the first time you know what a scabbard is made out of?
Haha, I’m not *that* knowledgeable yet! Ahaha…
(Uuh… Even though I’m happy she just complimented me, we’re not here to talk about what it’s made out of… I thought it would remind her about the marriage… As expected of the princess, I can’t just use any plain old method… in that case…)
Buuuuut I’m a bit worried…
Why, you ask? Because the princess is just so cute, I’m worried that another man will steal you away.
Maybe that kanzashi can be proof that you should be by my side forever.
Hey… if I said that to you, how would you react? I don’t want to give a princess this cute to someone else.
I’m not playing around, this is how I really feel.
Princess, don’t run away. I want you to listen to me properly. The man you love the most… what’s he like?
You must have thought of someone. Even if you tried to hide it, I can see it clearly. Princess, please think about it carefully.
The man that you’re thinking of right now, is he better than me?
I don’t plan to lose to him. If you doubt my feelings, I’ll prove it to you. I’ll fight him if I have to.
Don’t stop me, there are times where men have to get into battles like this one.
I plan to bring that man here, and have a fight with him fair and square right in front of you.
What? He’s in the house? That’s perfect. Could you do me a favour and bring him out?
(The fact that this guy can just come in and out of her house in broad daylight… I’m so jealous!!— No, he’s about a hundred years too early staying here! Who is this outstanding guy? I’ll personally challenge you! If I win, she’ll definitely change her mind about the marriage!)
He’s out. I’ve been waiting for you. Now, it’s time to duel—!
Ah, huh? Um… I’m pretty sure you’re the princess’ father…?
(Why did her father come out? Hah? I just realised I didn’t specify that I was looking for her marriage partner. Haha, that’s true, if it’s not about love then of course the person she loves the most would be her father. Uh-huh… I see. So… my super serious confession didn’t get through to her at all? P-Princess… I can feel sad too, you know…)
Eh, ah… no, father… fighting fair and square… it was just a figure of speech! F-Father? Why are you grabbing my shoulder smiling like that?
Eh? A cooking battle?
You’re happy because there hasn’t been any youngsters with a backbone to challenge you lately…?? D-Don’t joke, how could a ronin like me challenge the owner of a restaurant?
N-No… y-you made a mistake— this is all just a misunderstanding!!
W-Wait!! Don’t pull me! I know I’m carrying a sword but I’ve never used a knife before!
AAH!! Princess, help me!! Princessss!!!!
Track 5 - Interlude
Kei, Suzukake, Enishi: *sigh*
Saneaki: What’s wrong, you three? Why do you look so worn out?
Kei: Why did I… in front of so many people…
Suzukake: *sobs* No… Princess….
Enishi: J-Julienning… no more…
Sakyo: This time it’s Enishi-dono? What a predicament...
Tsuzuramaru: W-What exactly happened…?
Saneaki: Enishi-dono, don’t you have anything to say?
Enishi: I… I’ll never give up! Princesss!!
Saneaki: It’s no use. I can’t get through to him.
Tsuzuramaru: What about you, Kei? What happened?
Kei: I have nothing to say… except… except. That cloth dealer bastard was getting real chummy with another woman!
Tsuzuramaru: What?!
Sakyo: He is already going to be wed soon… and he was with another woman? Unbelievable…
Saneaki: Even if we ignored Enishi-dono for now, if Kei-dono said so then it must be true.
Enishi: Why do you always have to say things that wound my heart?
Suzukake: *sobs* Princess… *cries*
Saneaki: Suzukake-dono…
Tsuzuramaru: I can’t let this go on! I’m going to go find Miss now!
Saneaki: Wait! Tsuzuramaru-dono!
Tsuzuramaru: Don’t stop me! There’s nothing to say about a guy like him!
Saneaki: Ah, he’s gone…It looks like he went without a plan… will he be alright?
Saneaki: Now then, Sagihara-dono, what should we do?
Sakyo: You… To hand her over to a person like that… 
Saneaki: …It looks like there isn’t a plan here either. *sigh*
Track 6 - Tsuzuramaru
Tsuzuramaru: *panting* I made it…
(Miss… she’s inside. Calm down, Tsuzuramaru. She’s just the same as usual, helping out at home, she hasn’t left the house yet. I can still make it. I should still make it! Now’s the time to be a man, as if I’m staking my life on this!)
*stomach grumbles*
(For my stomach to growl even at a time like this… it makes me hate myself. No… but… ah… that smells so good. It looks like they’re cooking something right now. Are these dried sweet potatoes? 
That smell… Miss’ food always whets the appetite. My stomach’s been completely captured. Even if it’s the same dish, if you look carefully, you can tell she put a lot of effort into it. A woman who meticulously works no matter what it is… that’s Miss… I… I…)
*stomach grumbles*
(Ugh… I want to yell out how I feel about Miss, but I’m so hungry I can’t even summon the energy…)
M-Miss? Why did you come outside?
Is that so? Because you saw me? H-How embarrassing. I seem to have gotten in the way of your cooking.
(No, this is a good opportunity. If I want Miss to cancel the marriage now’s the moment!)
Miss… actually, I’ve been wanting to tell you—
Ugh… this… Actually, I haven't eaten properly since morning because of my worries…
I came at a good time?
T-Taste testing? Are you saying I can help  taste what you’re making right now?
(What? N-No… why did I come here in the first place? But to decline her offer would be a shame… and I’m hungry anyway…)
T-Then if it’s alright with you, I’ll try a little.
Y-Yes! Excuse me…
Usually the master does all the food preparations. It’s strange to see Miss doing that today.
Hm? A lot of customers came and there weren't enough ingredients? So he went to get some?
Ahaha, these customers can really eat a lot, don't they?
Eh? They weren’t eaten? He just did a lot of cooking? And made a lot of food? 
Hm… I don’t really understand, but that’s unfortunate, isn’t it?
(Wait… doesn’t that mean it’s just the two of us here right now? W-What…? My heart suddenly won’t calm down… Anyway, I need to calm down first…)
Sorry, Miss! I was just thinking about something. Ah... did you need me to taste that sweet potato?
Then I’ll help myself.
Delicious! It’s so good! I could taste the flavour of the hot sweet potato as soon as it hit my mouth!
I’m not just being polite! Miss will definitely be a good wife one day. 
(Hm? Wife? That’s right… I seem to have forgotten something important. What was it?)
Oh, did you need me to taste that too?
I’m very grateful. Then, if you’ll allow me…
As expected, delicious! 
(Ah… I’m so lucky... If I were to marry Miss… would it be like this everyday? Marry? ...Marry? Huh… Something doesn’t seem right. I’ve forgotten something… but I can’t remember.
No, I should be focusing on helping taste test the dishes Miss made herself! If I don’t do it properly there’ll be retribution!)
The flavour of this fried fish is endless! I can’t stop my chopsticks! It’s so good I want to eat it with rice! Eh? Can I? Then I’ll help myself. I’ll eat this rice ball, then!
Ah! So satisfying!
Miss’ future husband is going to be so lucky! Hahahaha….
Kei: So. Why did you come back so casually after going out to eat food?!!
Tsuzuramaru: I-I’m ashamed of myself…
Kei: A samurai should stick to his word! Where did all that energy you had when you rushed out this morning go?!!
Tsuzuramaru: Ah… it’s because Miss’ food was so good, I accidentally forgot my original objective…
Suzukake: How lucky, you got to eat the princess’ homemade cooking.
Enishi: Good grief. Let’s not even talk about the food I made, all I got was severe criticism. Huu...
Tsuzuramaru: I-I’m sorry. Hey, where’s Saneaki?
Kei: He just went out. If he can’t do it either, then there’s nothing we’ll be able to do.
Track 7 - Saneaki
(The sun is about to set, and the number of pedestrians passing the bridges has fallen. If the information obtained is correct, the cloth dealer’s young master should pass by here around this time. To get to the truth about these marriage rumours, and the fact that he’s been close to other women, I’ll get to the bottom of this here. If there are any surprises…
No… of course, I don’t plan to cut him down. But if it’s just... the back of the blade, then there should be no problem.
W-What was I just thinking? I’m just going to talk to him.
But… contaminating her beautiful and flawless heart, this is a very serious crime.
Hm? That figure… It’s her? Why? At this time?
I can’t believe I’d see her while waiting for the young master… if she asks me what I’m doing, I’ll have no way to answer her. 
Ugh, did she notice me?)
What a coincidence.
To meet in a place like this. Although… where were you going at a time like this?
Tsuzuramaru-dono forgot something at the restaurant? 
(What was he doing? That Tsuzuramaru-dono…)
Ah, if that’s the case, I can return it to him. No, it’s fine. I have plans to see him again soon, so it’s no trouble. 
Hm? Is something wrong?
Are you that surprised that he and I made plans to meet?
(Ah! No, if you think about it, it is strange! I usually live in the mountains far away from Edo, it’s already unusual for me to be on the streets. Not only that, but to also say I’m meeting with Tsuzuramaru-dono, she’ll definitely think something happened.)
Ah, no, Tsuzuramaru-dono and I were… I know, we promised to train together.
Yes, it was a favour he asked of me. I planned to meet up with him for a few duels.
(Looks like she believes me. So the princess's heart is this pure and flawless.
Plus, my heart is hurting as well.)
Hm? N-No, you don’t have to join us. Although I’m aware you're very passionate about the naginata, it is not appropriate to meet men at night.
Even if you ask me… I can’t…
(Oh no… hearing me mention practice… her eyes are sparkling… If I say it was just a lie, then she’ll know I deceived her. But, I can’t bear to refuse her like this. 
Is there something I could say that wouldn’t hurt her but make her give up…?)
M-My apologies, but wouldn’t it be too difficult for you? This will be very intense training. It’s not something someone should go into without being fully aware of what it is.
What kind of training is it? Well… that…
(F-For me to lie to a pure-hearted girl… please forgive me for my sins!)
We will cross blades at Mount Nabebuta. With a single slice, we will be able to cleave through rocks and trees, split even the earth and ocean, make mountains erupt flames, to raise gales on flat ground, this atypical power passed under the heavens, the true swordsmanship that governs the universe and all living things! That! Is that we will be training for. 
(Is what I said, but what sort of samurai like that would exist?! Even someone like her would notice…!)
I-I see… you think that’s impressive.
No… that… isn’t much.
(S-She believed me? E-Even though I was the one who said it… but to believe even those words is really… Ah… Her trusting eyes… seeing them now pains me!)
What? You want to watch us despite all that? No! E-Even watching us will be difficult.
The reason? The reason is…
(I’ve reached my limit… if I keep betraying her trust in me and continuing saying nonsense… I… I…—)
There’s no possible way I could do that!!
(Oh, God! Please forgive this most sinful servant of yours!)
Track 8 - Sakyo
Everyone: *sigh*
Enishi: Look, even Saneaki looks like he’s gone through a tough battle.
Suzukake: It seems so… Tsuzuramaru aside, Saneaki-san looks so defeated…
Enishi: It looks like the sun is setting soon, I can’t believe the mood got even heavier.
Suzukake: *sigh* We’ve really at the end of our ropes, what do we do now?
Enishi: Oi, Kei, don’t you have any good ideas?
Kei: Don’t ask me, go ask Sagihara. ...Huh? Where did he go?
Enishi: Huh? Now that you say it I haven’t seen him for a while.
Suzukake: Sakyo-san had a really scary face all day, is he going to be alright? When he first heard what Enishi told us, he almost lost his head…
Kei: That was the first time I’ve seen Sagihara make a face that scary before. Don’t tell me… something happened…?
Enishi: No… is what I’d like to say, but I’ve been having a bad feeling about this…
Suzukake: A bad feeling?
Kei: Don’t you remember? When we first met up…
Sakyo: What, you ask?
Sakyo: Is it not obvious? I will cut that man.
Enishi: You don’t think he really took his sword and…?
Suzukake: Eh?! Then we have to go stop him!
Kei: I don’t want to believe it but, with a face like that he really might have gone and done it.
Enishi: In any case, we have to hurry…!
Suzukake: Yep! Come on, Tsuzuramaru, Saneaki-san! You have to pull yourself together for the princess!
Tsuzuramaru: A-Ah, sorry. Now’s not the time to be all down!
Saneaki: Even I had been… Let’s hurry and find Sagihara-dono!
Sakyo: Without knowing it I came to the storefront…
(Just thinking about her marriage partner gives me goose bumps all over my body in disgust. To cheat and marry a girl who doesn’t know any better, what a despicable man! Absolutely unforgivable.
Princess. I will definitely rescue you from the claws of this demon!
For that sake… yes, I have no choice but to draw support from the power of my blade!
Oh? It seems I have been discovered.)
Good evening, Princess.
Are you alright? To step outside at night like this is dangerous. You stepped out because you saw me?
Thank you very much.
Truthfully, I came to find you because I had something I wished to talk to you about.
Eh? Everyone has been saying they were looking for you?
(That’s true… everyone has been very worried about this issue. You did not change your mind no matter who came to you… That is why, I will use this sword…! 
But I cannot do that in a place with so many people. I must find a place much darker, more quiet, somewhere where nobody can disturb me…)
Princess, are you willing to experience the night breeze with me for a while?
Kei: Oi! Is he over there?
Suzukake: He’s not! Where did Sakyo-san take the princess off to?
Kei: Sagihara!! Where are you? Come out!!
Suzukake: Sakyo-san!! Don’t hide anymore!
Tsuzuramaru: He really did go to the store, but I didn’t think we’d be a step too late… I didn’t think he’d take Miss, and not the young master…
Enishi: Sakyo wouldn’t get violent towards the princess, would he?!
Suzukake: N-No way! That wouldn’t happen, right?!
Tsuzuramaru: How could this have happened? Miss!! Where are you?
Saneaki: Isn’t he nearby? We should search the opposite side next…
Sakyo: Oh…?
Everyone: W-We found you!!
Sakyo: W-What is it? Staring at me like I am some exotic creature… and being so loud.
Kei: You have the gall to look that indifferent. We’ve been looking for you!
Sakyo: I do not know what happened, but can you step aside? The princess and I have a place we must go, please do not disturb us.
Suzukake: A place you have to go… w-where?
Enishi: Don’t tell me it’s the Underworld…?
Sakyo: The Underworld? Hm…
Sakyo: Haha. Well, if I am with the Princess, then that place does not sound bad…
Tsuzuramaru: Wh—
Saneaki: I knew it… it’s like that…
Sakyo: I was just teasing, your faces are all so pale. I was simply playing—
Tsuzuramaru: Even if you’re Sakyo, I won’t let you get away with it!
Sakyo: Excuse me—?
Tsuzuramaru: Miss! You can’t lose your life here! Come over here, run!
Sakyo: Where do you think you’re going? Wait!
Enishi: Tsuzuramaru, that guy’s getting the spotlight! As if I’ll let him! Just you wait—
Saneaki: …There’s no choice.
Suzukake: W-Wait! Everybody!
Kei: That idiot! Dammit…
Sakyo: I… I finally caught you… Princess… come, this time… you and I will… together… go…
Tsuzuramaru: I… I won’t let you! Sakyo! Think about it again properly!
Sakyo: No matter how many times I think, my feelings will not change!
Kei: You finally drew your sword, huh, you blockhead!
Saneaki: Sagihara-dono! Do you really think doing this will make the princess happy?
Suzukake: Exactly, Sakyo-san! Come on, put the sword down!
Sakyo: I politely decline the offer. No matter how many times my hand must grasp this sword, I must tell the princess how I feel!
Tsuzuramaru: I won’t let you! Miss, please hide behind me!
Sakyo: You’re naive, Tsuzuramaru-dono.
Sakyo: Oh? There’s a flying riceball in the sky!
Tsuzuramaru: What? Where?
Sakyo: An opening!
Tsuzuramaru: Dammit! Miss!
Enishi: What the hell are you doing, Tsuzuramaru? How could you fall for that?
Sakyo: Hehe. For Tsuzuramaru-dono to think he would win against me, he is a hundred years early for that!
Sakyo: Princess. I truly want to bring you to a very beautiful place. But please, allow me to use this blade to… to blade to…
Everyone: STOP!!
Sakyo: ...give to you! From now on, my family treasures and myself will belong to you!
Everyone: WHAT???
Sakyo: Even after these five’s persuasion, you haven't changed your mind. Since you still want to be paired with someone, then you will have no reason to be paired with that person! Allow me to take you as my bride! So, Princess, you no longer need to be by another person’s side!
Kei: Can you not make it about that?!
Enishi: Right! Right! If you can propose to her can I propose too?!
Kei: That’s not the point either!!
Suzukake: You can be with the princess when you become the groom, right? Then I want to become the groom!
Tsuzuramaru: W-What?! Then me too!! I want to eat Miss’ delicious food every day!
Saneaki: No, no, a groom is a man who can manage the family. If that’s the case then I am the best choice, when it comes to cooking I have some confidence in myself.
Kei: Did any of you guys even listen to me?!!!!
Sakyo: Princess, you do not have to listen to the others. Throw away the cloth dealer’s young master. All you have to do is choose me. Come, Princess!
Tsuzuramaru: M-Miss? Miss? Are you alright?
Enishi: She must be overwhelmed with how she couldn’t even cut in…
Saneaki: You’re asking what this is all about?
Sakyo: What do you mean? We…
Suzukake: We heard you were getting married… so… 
Enishi: Right, and it’s the young master from the cloth dealer, right? But I don’t think that guy will make you happy.
Kei: Sorry, but I saw that guy go out with another girl.
Tsuzuramaru: That’s why we’ve been coming to you, so you can think about this marriage more carefully!
Tsuzuramaru: Eh? You haven’t been thinking about getting married?
Sakyo: But your house seems to have a dowry…
Saneaki: The dowry is your neighbour’s?
Suzukake: Eh? You’re just minding it because they’re not home?
Tsuzuramaru: W-Wait, but there’s been rumours that Miss and the young master were getting married?
Kei: O-Oi, Enishi! What’s going on? Didn’t you say the young master’s getting married to her?
Enishi: Yeah, that’s what I heard! And I was listening properly! The young master’s marriage partner is energetic, is good at cooking, her voice is as clear as a bell, and even flowers will bloom on the road where she walks. She’s so slender she looks like she would break at a touch, but her willpower is stronger than most people. And the most important thing: I heard she has a cute smile!
Enishi: It’s definitely the princess! Even now I think I’m right! That’s how it is! What do you think, you lot?
Tsuzuramaru: …I agree.
Suzukake: That’s true…
Saneaki: I see… Well, it’s not like I don’t understand how Enishi-dono feels.
Kei: WHERE?! You got it completely wrong!!
Sakyo: Wait a second… so what you are saying… is that this is all… a misunderstanding?
Enishi: Ah… It… seems… so. Hehe, but knowing the princess isn’t getting married is good news!
Kei: It’s. Not. Good. News. At. ALLLL!!!
Track 9 - Ending
Sakyo: Apologies for intruding.
Tsuzuramaru: Oh, if it isn’t Sakyo.
Sakyo: Tsuzuramaru-dono? And everyone else seems to have gathered here...
Enishi: Yep, and with you we’ll all be present. Can you sit with everyone? Sit here.
Sakyo: To visit the princess again… it seems everyone had the same idea.
Suzukake: Mhm, I caused trouble for the princess, so I bought some tea sweets as a gift for her.
Saneaki: Everyone all came here for the same reason.
Enishi: Anyway, it doesn’t need to be said, doesn’t matter which one of us it is, we all want to see the princess, right? Right, Kei?
Kei: D-Don’t touch me! You’re the one who needs to reflect on himself the most!
Tsuzuramaru: But, even though we brought trouble to Miss, to know that this time it was all just a misunderstanding was good. After reflecting my stomach couldn’t help but grumble, what can you do?
Enishi: Well… can’t you see Sakyo’s dripping in cold sweat?
Sakyo: T-That is not because I am here to apologise… please do not talk about it. You are being spiteful.
Suzukake: Let’s calm down, the both of you. Enishi, don’t make Sakyo angry.
Enishi: Alright, alright. Well… why isn’t the princess here yet?
Sakyo: Oh? That is strange… did she leave the restaurant today?
Saneaki: Yes, her father was the one who seated us.
Kei: That’s unusual. Usually she’ll rush back to welcome us. What is she doing…?
Tsuzuramaru: Don’t tell me… she’s been mad at us these past few days, so she doesn’t want to see us anymore?
Suzukake: Eh?! We didn’t make the princess hate us, did we?
Enishi: N-No way… we’re talking about the kind-hearted princess here! There’s no way that’s it…
Saneaki: But if it is… we should prepare ourselves just in case.
Kei: Don’t say something like that so seriously.
Sakyo: It does not look like we need to do that kind of preparation.
Suzukake: Ah! Princess! You came! That’s good!
Suzukake: Eh? The kimono you’re wearing today isn’t the same as the one you normally wear.
Tsuzuramaru: It… it suits you well!
Saneaki: I see… you got your other one wet, so you changed your clothes… 
Enishi: Oh, it was just that? Buuuut… hmhm! Not bad! It’s more mature than your usual look, it adds to your womanliness!
Kei: Why’re you saying stuff like that? She hasn’t changed from how she normally is, or whatever.
Sakyo: It is good if that is the case. Kei-dono, why can’t you look at her?
Kei: Shut up!
Sakyo: Heh. Well, I cannot say I do not understand that kind of feeling too. That said, Princess, this is a gift to make up for that day. Please accept it.
Sakyo: No, please do. If you cannot, then my feelings will not be able to recover.
Sakyo: Phew… now I will be able to breathe in relief.
Tsuzuramaru: I’m really sorry, Miss. I got you involved in all that… Haha, seeing you able to laugh like that, it’s already something I can appreciate.
Suzukake: Ah, a customer is calling for you. Sorry for disturbing your work.
Saneaki: Don’t mind us, you should go back to work.
Kei: We’ll call you after we decide what to order.
Tsuzuramaru: Even though we caused nothing but trouble for her… she’s still… such a kind-hearted girl!
Sakyo: Yes, I agree.
Enishi: That’s because she's that kind of princess. That’s why we can’t stop watching her. Ignoring the whole thing with the cloth dealer’s young master, a wonderful woman like her, even if it was someone else we wouldn’t let her go easily.
Saneaki: The so-called fusion of reality and rumors. The customers watch over her too.
Suzukake: You’re right… they’re looking at her and talking about something. 
Tsuzuramaru: Shh. Don’t talk…
Suzukake: What’s wrong? All of a sudden...
Tsuzuramaru: Those men over there, just now, they were talking about the rumours about Miss… 
Tsuzuramaru: WHAAAAT!!
Tsuzuramaru: This time… he wants to get married to Miss???
Everyone: WHAT?!
Sakyo: I have had enough of this!!
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naitochu · 6 years ago
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Ken ga Kimi Momoyo Tsuzuri Character Song CD covers
(Order is in reverse: 3 - 2 - 1)
CD 1  I  CD 2  I  CD 3
These came out earlier this year, but I didn’t even know!!! TT^TT Still, the cover art is beautiful, as always, and the song samples are great as well~!
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yosuke-otani · 2 years ago
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鈴懸本店 Suzukake Honten (original store) #suzukake #suzukakehonten #hakata #fukuoka #kyushu #japan (at 鈴懸本店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmyJZNvSWJE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chieru-chi-blog · 6 years ago
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And this work for Suzukake’s Birthday on 30.09.2017. Suzukake is my best oshi ever from Ken ga Kimi (*´艸`*)
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junhonda · 6 years ago
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30過ぎてあんこが食べられるようになりました。 . . [Suzukake / 鈴懸] "Jouyo Manju / 薯蕷饅頭" . . #finesweetsart #instagramjapan #tokyocameraclub #foodart #beautifulcuisines #gloobyfood #lovefood #heresmyfood #f52grams #vsco #foodvsco #sweet #dessert #wagashi #manju #suzukake #スイーツフォトグラファー #デザート #スイーツ #お菓子 #和菓子 #饅頭 #鈴懸 (鈴懸) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo_qZ5eAPle/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13y3uqc8aagsz
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