#Trisha Wants To Get Married
shanastoryteller · 5 months
Happy birthday!!!! More FMA!
He’s fucking tired.
In Xerxes, he’s Van Edris. In Xerxes, he’s the son of a former slave, having narrowly escaped being born into his father’s fate by virtue of him being awarded freedom by the time of his birth. In Xerxes, he’s an uncommon commodity, an alchemist with a skill that hasn’t been seen since his father fucked off to who knows where.
In Amestris, he’s Edward Elric. In Amestris, he’s the son of Trisha Elric who was born free and died free because while there are lots of different forms of freedom, in Amestris there’s one that everyone shares. In Amestris, he’s unknown and unremarkable and no one gives a fuck about what he does.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he says flatly.
This is what he gets for visiting his father’s country. It’s just fucking unfortunate that the really good alchemical texts are here.
He should have let Al (Van Altun, as they know him, even though the two of them having been using their Amestrian names almost their whole lives, regardless of what country they were in) do it. They’re not nearly as weird about him.
Pakor is alright, as far as kings go. He’s freed a lot of people, is poking at the laws of ownership that has governed his country for centuries to see if he can do anything about them without getting beheaded for it. He’s also known Ed since he was a barely able to walk, back when his father still made court appearances and brought the family along with him. Former slave against most talented alchemist in the country, and people tended to politely ignore the former. Hell, Ed’s been counting on the same thing since he was twelve.
Of course, now it’s coming back to bite him. People say he’s a genius, but if he was really smart he would have stayed far, far away from court. Like in Amestris, perhaps.
“You’re fluent in both languages,” Pakor says, coaxing.
“So are you,” he says accusingly. “We’re speaking Amestrian right now!”
Pakor sighs and switches to Xerxian. “You also speak Xingese and Drachman. You’re a difficult man to keep secrets from.”
“I’m also Amestrian!” he shouts. “And free, might I add! You can’t sell me off to slavery just to get some intel!”
“It’s not like we’ll brand you,” he says, affronted, and Ed is reminded that alright for a king is still pretty shitty. “We just need someone to do a little – double checking. To ensure the situation in Amestris is as it’s advertised.”
“You want to gift me to the Fuhrer to spy on him and you’re, what, just hoping he doesn’t notice that I understand everything and know everything and am, oh yeah, one of his citizens? I’ve been to Central before! With my luck, I’ll get recognized the first day here and then run out of Amestris! And, again, Amestris doesn’t have slaves! The leader of the country really can’t have one.”
Pakor sighs. “You’re very dramatic, Edris. It won’t be so bad. Here, I’ll say you’re my personal slave and that you’re on loan. It’ll be for cultural exchange purposes. He speaks Xingese, so you can communicate in that language without letting on you know Amestrian.”
Ed pinches the bridge of his nose. “This is a stupid fucking idea.”
“If you do this,” Pakor says, “I’ll give you the key to the royal library.”
Ed slowly lowers his hand, eyes narrowing. “I’ve been asking you to let me in there for years.”
“I figured I’d need to bargain it away eventually,” he says. “I was hoping you’d marry one of my daughters for it.” Having even light court obligations is bad enough, he’s in no way stupid enough to marry in. “You’re very difficult, you know. I’m your king. I shouldn’t have to bargain with you.”
“Tough shit,” Ed says, because Pakor may have known him for nearly twenty years, but that knowing goes both ways. Besides, he can’t piss him off because then he and Al will stop reparing all their shit bridges and infrastructure. “Fine. But if I lose my Amestrian citizenship over this, I’m going to be pissed.”
“Noted,” Pakor says brightly.
It doesn’t help that everything he’s heard about Fuhrer Mustang makes the man sound insufferable.
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mossyboy69 · 3 months
FMAB Post Canon Headcanons that no one asked for:
Ed sometimes still uses his left hand for fine motor tasks or to feel the texture of things despite having his right arm back
his right shoulder acts up during bad weather
He never goes through surgery to remove the leftover bits of automail from his shoulder
he says he doesn't want someone to mess with his body to cover up the fact that his previous surgeries were really traumatic and he's afraid of having to go through recovery again
Winry is the only person that is allowed to touch his automail leg
when she's too pregnant to work Ed has to go to another mechanic and all he does is gush about her amazing work
Ed goes through physical therapy to get his strength back in his right arm
He secretly keeps his state alchemist watch (he makes up some lie about how he lost it to Roy)
And proceeds to make his and Winry's wedding rings out of
Al gets a small pendant made out of Ed's pocket watch (is there enough metal for all that? I don't really know or care /lh)
While traveling after the promised day Ed realizes that he gets nightmares when he sleeps alone (which leads to some awkward talks with Al)
Ed & Al make sure that Hohenheim gets a headstone next to Trisha's
Ed becomes a stay-at-home dad because he doesn't know what job to take and he's seen everything he wants to see (at least most of it)
(also, he doesn't want to repeat his father's mistake by staying away)
when Winry's and his children are a bit older and things have settled he becomes a counselor to Roy and the parliament
(aka he gets paid to call Roy a bastard and have a good idea once in a while)
Winry has to force him to take that job because he's become annoying now that the children don't need to be looked after at all times
Ed secretly wishes that their children had Winry's blue eyes (and he'll tell everyone but her)
when they get married it was originally supposed to be a small celebration in Resembool
however Armstrong got wind of it and suddenly it turned into a public affair that ends up in the newspaper
even Ling shows up as official guest
Maybe I should just write a fanfic at this point lol
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lokisprettygirl · 10 months
Close Ties (Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Modern AU) (Non canon) (18+)
Read Chapter 10 // Series Masterlist
Chapter 11
Summary : Your relationship with Daemon grows but how long will the secret remain a secret?
Warning: 18+, smut, dad's best friend trope, canon (we don't know her..don't like don't read), feeling of hopelessness, uncle Daemon kink (you don't have to squint), familial uncle niece sort of relationship but he's not really her uncle, there will be more smut later, significant age gap but reader is in her mid twenties, mention of infidelity, divorce, smoking and alcohol drinking, physical violence implied
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“Okay this one or this one?” You asked Rhaenyra, she was currently lounging on your bed as you had invited her to your dad's barbecue eve.
You really wanted to look hot tonight because first of all you wanted to rile up Daemon so he'd at least put you aside to spank you for your insolent behaviour, it's been two weeks now and as much as you enjoyed and respected his gentlemanly approach to dating you also needed him close and physical not just in sexual ways but you craved his touch, he had such warm big hands and you needed them to be all over yourself.
The other reason was that your actual uncle and his family had been here for more than a week now and last night at the dinner table you saw Trisha, the older cousin, giggling at everything he said and giving him eyes.
Okay Daemon was hot, he was an incredibly attractive man. But what frustrated you was the fact that your friends and cousins all seemed to be drawn to him as well.
“That red dress is beautiful but damn that black one is going to look super sexy on you”
Rhaenyra said to you with a warm smile so you looked at both the dresses again, the black one was indeed sexy, it was a basic but elegant thin strapped fit and flare sort of dress.
She wasn't like Cassandra at all, she wasn't self obsessed to the point where she didn't care about anyone else. Luckily since the Japan trip you hadn't heard from Cassandra but via your stalking skills you found out that she has been talking shit about you to your mutual friends, however that didn't really matter to you for now.
“Black it is then” you mumbled as you walked towards the dresser to put your makeup on.
“You know red is uncle Daemon's favorite color?” she smirked as she said that and you began to blend your foundation even more aggressively.
“Soooo?” You asked her in a nonchalant manner as you tried to keep your voice casual to not give away your feelings for your sweet sweet uncle.
“Just saying..you know”
“Rhae I don't have a crush on him still..i'm a grown up now”
Big lie but also not exactly a complete lie because you were way past the point where you just had a crush on him.
“Mm hmm so you don't want him to marry you now?” her voice had a teasing tone as she spoke,
“Shut up..it's not funny” you turned around to look at her before you pretended to shake your head in disbelief and went back to fiddling with your beauty blender.
“I feel bad for him at times” she sighed as she spoke again,
“Ummm why?”
“You know…Stella n all, I'm glad he's back home but he's just so lonely..it hurts to look at him sometimes” her voice turned serious and the look on your face changed as well. He wasn't lonely anymore, you won't make him feel that way.
“He will find someone I'm sure, he's a good man” she noticed how zoned out you seemed as you said that as if you were lost in his thoughts “One of the best..the best” you mumbled in your mouth and it made her smile.
“Mhmmm he deserves a good woman”
You and Rhaenyra made your way downstairs and towards the room where your father had set up an indoor barbecue for the winter. As soon as you entered the room, your eyes scanned the area for Daemon. You spotted him by the grill, laughing and chatting with your dad, and it brought back memories of the old days. It was clear that they were getting along well now and the old bond they shared had resurfaced, and it made you feel hopeful that this truce would last longer this time and maybe forever.
However, you couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty, wondering if this time would be different or if it would all fall apart again considering there was this forbidden relationship flourishing between you two now.
As Daemon looked at you, his eyes nearly gave away his feelings for you, the dress fitted you perfectly and his mind filled with the images of you in several obscene positions with the dress still on your body and then on the floor.
He quietly excused himself and walked towards you to greet you but most of all Rhaneyra because he didn't really get to see her much because of his busy schedule.
“Pixie” he said so you nodded,
You both started at each other and Rhaneyra cleared her throat so he smiled and pulled her closer for a hug.
“Princess…you owe me a conversation” he kissed her forehead as he said that, hus voice sounded low and serious. You watched her go pale as a ghost as she realized what he wanted to discuss. You probably should have given her a heads up that he knew about Harwin.
“Sure uncle..uhhh I'll go get…get a drink” she excused herself and hurried out of there before he could say anything else.
“Remember to not go all Dadd on her, she really looks up to you” you told him so he chuckled in response.
“You think you're old enough to give me such advice?” He asked you, there was a smug smile on his face but his voice sounded as if he was offended by the very notion of you giving him an advice.
“Mmmm no?” you mumbled meekly, making him sigh in response.
“Never let a man talk to you like that Pixie, especially not me”
That habit of him teaching you to stick up for yourself was creeping in your personal life, while at work he'd often put you in situations where men would try to dominate your viewpoints and make you crumble in front of them and he'd teach you how to deal with them without coming across as too emotional or overworked.
It was as if he was preparing for you to take over the business but you weren't really sure if you wanted that but you did feel grateful for his guidance . You never had much confidence in yourself, you could have gone your whole life without it because you were served everything without asking and you never had to impress anyone before.
“Well that goes for other men but I'll let you do anything to me..uncle”
You smiled a little as the little flirtatious tone you held turned him on immediately,
“Anything Sweet Pixie?” he challenged you equally,
“Things you won't dream of doing to any other woman”
“Bloody hell pixie ..you can't speak to me like that in public” he lowered his voice even though there was no one around you two.
For a moment you thought he was upset because he cursed and his jaw clenched in anger but he wasn't upset, he was just hard and truly uncomfortable.
“Hey don't talk to me like that”
You pretended to be upset by his comment and walked away, your heart racing as you made your way towards your parents, trying to act nonchalant. Daemon watched you go, his smile curving as he realized it would be challenging to find alone time with you in your parents' house.
You couldn't keep your eyes off him, he had a black t-shirt on that snuggled against his thick body, hair was a curly mess and he smelled divine like always.
“This dress isn't appropriate for a barbecue don't you think?”
Your aunt Polly said to you right in front of your parents while her own daughters were in tank tops and shorts.
“It's fine, it's just a dress” your dad chimed in so you hugged him before you pressed a kiss on his cheek, you were always thankful to your parents for never putting you down in front of others.
Speaking of the cousins, you saw Trisha striking a conversation with Daemon and it made you jealous so you took your phone out and texted him.
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He put his phone inside his pocket after that, he was turned on and he was definitely thinking about you in obscene positions underneath him, he had been trying to take this thing as slow as possible but it wasn't easy, especially because you loved to rile him up at the most inopportune times.
As you all sat down to eat, you chose the seat in front of him on purpose. Throughout the dinner, he watched you lean forward on purpose so he could have the perfect view of your cleavage, then you took your sweet time sucking on the dessert spoon.
To be fair he didn't really think you had it in you and it wouldn't really have mattered to him if you were pure vanilla in the bedroom, he'd have wanted you just the same. Since he came back he found himself digging a deeper hole for himself, the more he got to know you, the more it made sense, despite the age difference and the familial relationship he shared with you he felt so connected to you on a deeper level that went beyond just physical attraction.
He did wonder how deeply you were into him though because at your age he was mindlessly hooking up with women until he found Stella, at times he had a fear that you were just infatuated by him and would get bored of him as soon as you'd realise that he wasn't an angel sent from heaven.
He snapped out of his thoughts as he felt your bare toes rubbing against his shin, eyes pierced into you as he glared at you but you just gave him a sly smile.
Rhaenyra wanted to make a phone call so you excused yourself as well and made your way upstairs, he looked around carefully and everyone seemed a bit tipsy, especially your parents so without saying anything he went upstairs as well and knocked on your door.
The moment you opened he walked towards you so you took a step behind as his strong stride intimidated you in all the good ways. He then slammed the door shut, pulled you closer to him and then flipped you around on your front to press you up against the door, only a gasp escaped your throat as you felt the heat of his body and his lips on your neck.
“Daemon” you moaned his name as his hands wandered under your dress and fingers looped around the waistband of the underwear,
“Not going to call me uncle anymore hmm?”
No words came out of your throat as one of his hands cupped your mound, a part of you suddenly felt so shy and all the boldness you had showed him just now dissipated slowly.
He could feel the warmth radiating from your core, fingers rubbed over the drenched fabric and he pressed his thumb over your clothed clit.
You pressed your hips against his bulge and he groaned in response
“That's what you wanted hmm?” he whispered in your ear, his voice was low and tone husky,
“Mmm did I upset you uncle?” Your head lulled backwards on his shoulder and as the sensation grew with every flick of his thumb only the constant whisper of his name spilled out.
“Wouldn't treat you so sweet if I was upset”
“Daemon pleasseee”
“Keep whining babygirl ..love the sound of that”
“Am i your good girl still?” You asked him softly and it made him smile, even amidst the throes of pleasure you wanted to be his good girl.
“You're my best girl sweetheart”
“Mmmm are you sure..we have been dating for like two weeks”
“And it has been good two weeks love..don't ever doubt how much I care about you, you can be an insufferable brat as long as you're being that way solely for me”
You suddenly turned around and your arms flung around him as you kissed him passionately, your hips rolled back and forth over his palm. If he wasn't holding you so tightly with his other arm your knees would have given out.
Your hands trailed down and as you cupped his bulge he pressed you against the door again with your arms next to your head where he held them in place while his other hand continued to fondle your soaked cunt,
“You won't let me please you?” you asked him with heavy breaths,
“Oh you're going to please me. Don't fret darling, I'll take the double of what I'm giving you”
Godd now you understood Cassandra's obsession with him, sure you had been touched this way but you had never been pleased with words like this before and his touch was like no other, in that moment you knew no man would be able to please you the way he would,
"Look at you.. so dripping wet and for whom hmm? Your own fucking uncle"
Damn he really enjoyed the uncle-niece play.
“Go on..cum for me darling, soak my fingers my sweet little niece”
Your body convulsed almost instantly as he whispered filthy words in your ear. He couldn't keep his eyes off you, fingers continued to rub over the soaked fabric as you rode your high.
Beautiful was the only word that came to his mind at that moment, you looked so beautiful to him.
As you finally opened your eyes he pulled his hand out from under your dress and grabbed you by the waist as he kissed you deeply and ever so lovingly. This is what you needed, you were getting addicted to the way he touched you and how he seemed to be so into you, you had never had that from a guy before, never had a man's whole attention on you because their eyes always wandered and they seemed to only like you because of your father.
“You alright Pixie pie?” he asked you as pleased his index finger under your chin and made you look at him, your face was warm and flushed and he knew he'd have to relieve himself in the privacy of his bedroom later, you had given him enough to work his imagination with.
“Mmmm has anyone ever told you how good you are at this stuff?” you asked him so he chuckled
“Mmhmmm.. but would love to hear it from you, keep my ego intact if you will” you chuckled as he said that.
“You ruined my underwear” you mumbled against his mouth
“There's a lot more I want to ruin then just your clothes darling”
After changing into fresh underwear, you made your way downstairs ahead of Daemon to avoid appearing suspicious. As you entered the room, you noticed that Rhaenyra had returned as well and she was wearing an amused expression. Your father had turned on the projector and was playing an old video from a trip to Morocco.
You remembered the trip, you were thirteen, that's where Daemon had proposed Stella, your uncle and his family was also on the trip, you looked so little in those pictures and Daemon still looked the same, just younger, he had Stella hanging on his arm in every picture but there was one picture of just you and Daemon taken in front of a monument.
Daemon stepped downstairs soon after and as soon as he saw the old pictures his whole demeanor changed.
“I should put something else on” your dad mumbled under his breath as he seemed to realize that it must have been difficult for Daemon to watch himself looking so happy in the photos with Stella. As you looked at him he averted his gaze, you noticed that he didn't seem to be doing fine.
“I never understood why he was so sure about Stella, he has always been a sensible guy and it never made sense” Rhaenyra said to you, her voice held a tinge of frustration,
“Mmmm people can be deceiving .. sometimes they pretend to be something they're not and we are only able to figure them out with time”
“Makes sense”
“That reminds me..he knows about you and Harwin”
“I figured” she chuckled nervously,
“He'll keep your secret don't worry"
“Yeah I just don't want him to judge Harwin”
“Even if he does initially once they get to know each other he'll understand..like you said he is a sensible man”
You put your arm around her so she smiled and hugged you. As the night grew, everyone got more and more drunk and then people started to leave for bed. Rhaenyra wanted to go home so Daemon decided to drive her himself since he didn't have a drink all night.
You knew he'd have the conversation with her on the way, he also seemed a bit sullen, you understood really well Stella bothered him still but you didn't like seeing him that way. After showering and changing late at night you decided to go see Daemon to make sure he was fine, you wanted to knock on the door but standing outside his room for so long didn't seem like the smartest thing to do so you turned the knob and the door wasn't locked so you entered in and he was already in the bed,
“Daemon ?” You called out his name as you closed the door but you didn't lock it.
“I'm up pixie” he propped himself on his elbows as he looked at you, he seemed tired. He had a white loose t-shirt with a pair of sweatpants.
You crawled on the bed and he tilted his head to watch your movement, the lace night dress you had on was tantalizing, you shouldn't be in his bed looking like that.
“How was the talk with your niece?” You asked him so he tilted his head backwards as he sighed,
“It was alright, I'll meet him soon”
“Good.. and how's your mood?”
“Alright ..why” he smiled a little as he noticed the concern in your voice.
“You just seemed sad after those pictures –Dad can be a bit dense at times”
He chuckled as you said that.
“You think I'm sullen because of Stella?”
“You are not?”
“No it wasn't her that bothered me”
You looked at him confused so he sighed before he laid down on his back with a thud,
“It was you..us..our photo together and you were just a child back then”
You crawled up on him as he said that, his voice sounded meak and defeated. When you saw those pictures you saw yourself with your uncle/ man you had a stupid unrequited crush on but when he looked in the past he saw a little girl he had treated like his own child, all of this just seemed fucked up to him at times.
“It's weird, when I'm with you, i don't think about that little girl..it's like she was just a child I used to know and care for” he cupped your cheeks for a moment before his fingers brushed through your hair "But you..are different, not the girl i remembered or looked forward to meet when I had planned to return” he mumbled so you placed your hands on his shoulders and made him sit back up,
“I am different, i have grown and changed”
“Mhhm but eventually I'll have to acknowledge that you're the same precious girl I called my niece once but wish to have in my bed now” he said to you so you nodded before you grabbed his hands and placed it on your chest, his breathed hitched as he cupped your bosom, they fit perfectly in his hands.
“You are all good daemon i promise” you leaned in to kiss him softly “Like i said I'm all grown up now” he kissed you back as you murmured against his mouth “I know you want me now..you want this" you moaned as he gave them a squeeze, your body felt so soft and natural to him unlike Stella or Cassandra "I know your intentions, i always did, even when mine were not so innocent for you i know yours were absolutely pure when I was a child”
“When did you get so wise?” He smiled as he laid down with you on top of him, he kissed your forehead and then your lips.
“Cuddle with me please” you mumbled against his mouth and his brows furrowed, as much as he wanted to have you sleep in his bed, it was a risk he wasn't willing to take just yet, your relationship had just began with him and getting caught by someone was not in his agenda especially considering your relatives were here too at the moment..
“i can't Pixie pie..we can get caught”
“I'll set an alarm..pleaseee” you mumbled as you snuggled against him, every inch of your skin felt tingly as your body pressed into him, he felt so thick and cushiony, you wanted to stay in his arms forever.
“Let me make you feel better you sad sad boy” he chuckled as you said that,
“Well I do enjoy the thought of you warming my bed in more ways than one”
“Says the girl who has been in love with me since she was twelve” you gasped as you looked at him.
You weren't in love with him, well that was a lie, you were completely and hopelessly in love with him but you weren't going to admit that so soon
But before you could snap back in response you both heard the sound of his door knob twisting.
You had left the door unlocked.
@serving-targaryen-realness @annoyingsweetsstranger @anukulee @mcufan72 @insertsomethingsillyhereple-blog @silentf @ajthefujoshi @stupidthoughtsinwriting @ammo23 @shuichiakainx @daddylokisqueen @ipostwhtifeel @anehkael @madlyinlovewmattmurd0ck @dixie-elocin
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polypolyanna · 5 months
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The early years of my Xerxes AU 
Trisha is born in Xerxes as Patricia, the daughter of the alchemist that created the Homunculus. Growing up she befriended one of the manor slaves, Number Twenty-Three (and thought he was cute as well). She tried to get her father to let him go free but wasn’t able to convince him, luckily Twenty-Three earned his freedom due to help from the Homunculus.
Trisha as Patricia isn’t the only big change that occurs. Hohenheim ends up developing a closer relationship with the Homunculus and the two deem each other brothers. Eventually Hohenheim gives him the name of Thaddeus who graciously accepts.
Thaddeus did not like Patricia at first because Hohenheim wouldn’t stop staring longingly at her or rambling about how pretty she was instead of focusing on their very important alchemy lessons. Thaddeus eventually warmed up to Patricia since Hohenheim brought him along to hang out with her once Hohenheim became free and Patricia treated him like a person which he liked.
At some point Patricia decided she wanted to marry Hohenheim but her father wasn’t very keen on having a former slave as a son-in-law so she recruited Thaddeus to help her out. Thaddeus told the alchemist that he will never give him knowledge ever again unless he allows Patricia to marry Hohenheim. It worked and the two could finally marry.
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
Part two to this
"How would you feel about meeting up with Trisha?" Steve asked one night, completely casual. Like he didn't just send Eddie in to a tailspin, "We were talking this morning and-"
"You talked to her this morning?" Eddie interrupted, nerves coloring his voice, "I thought you already talked to her on Monday?"
Steve leaned back onto Eddie chest with a sigh, tilting his head to stare up at him from their spot in bed, "Sweetheart, we've talked about this. You don't really get to be jealous considering I left her for you. On our wedding day. I think it's safe to say you won babe."
"I'm not jealous," Eddie mumbled into his hair, a complete fucking lie, "Just...concerned."
"Concerned that I'm going to leave you for the girl I left for you? You don't think that's a little counter-intuitive?"
Eddie knew he was right, of course he was right. He was being stupid, but that didn't stop the fact that he was scared. And okay yeah, technically he had no reason to doubt their relationship. It had over a year since he crashed Steve's wedding and stole him away. And it had been a great fucking year.
The first few months had been a little rough, jumping from not speaking for years to suddenly living together was bound to have some complications. But they got over them quickly enough, mostly because Eddie hadn't been fucking around when he said he'd do anything to keep Steve around.
If anything, it was all too easy. Suspiciously easy. It made him feel a little paranoid, that he was just allowed to be this happy with a guy he didn't deserve, after getting him back in one of the most dramatic, inconsiderate way possible.
He just...got away with everything a little too cleanly. And Eddie would be lying if he said he wasn't scared shitless at the chance that he could lose him. Even if that chance may just be in his head.
Eddie sighed, breaking eye contact as Steve stared him down, "I'm sorry."
"You should be," Steve said, leaning up to press a comforting kiss to his mouth before continuing, "But I love you anyway. And for the hundredth time, we're just friends. She's not even mad anymore. Sending that check over to her dad definitely smoothed things over. She even has a new boyfriend already."
Eddie may not have liked his ex-finance, on the selfish basis that she had gotten way to close to marrying the love of his life, but paying for their wedding was the least he could do after stealing the best part of it. Being rich and famous had to come in handy sometime right?
But that didn't mean he wanted to meet the girl.
"Come on," Steve tried, turning his body to make them face each other. He wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck, shamelessly ready to pull out the puppy dog eyes, "There's nothing to be worried about. I love you, obviously. And no one else. Besides, she deserves the chance to chew us out a little, considering what we did. Don't you think?"
He had a point, Eddie knew that he had a point. But just because it was the right thing to do didn't mean that Eddie wanted to deal with it. But it's not like he had a choice, not when Steve decided to pull that disgustingly adorable face.
And that's how Eddie found himself sitting across from the girl whose husband he stole, just two days later. It was awkward, or maybe Eddie was just awkward, because she and Steve were talking like they were old friends, instead of the bitter exes that they should be.
Trisha Rogers was a pretty girl, unfortunately. Tall, blonde, and put together. Like she could have just hopped right off the set of Baywatch. Her attractiveness was definitely not helping with Eddie's growing paranoia, but it wasn't exactly a shocker that Steve almost married a Farrah Fawcett clone.
But the pleasant smile on her face when she turned the conversation to him kind of was, "So you're the guy who ruined my wedding, huh?"
She turned back to Steve, a perfect brow raised, "He's cuter than you said he was."
Eddie blinked, glancing over at Steve, "You talked to her about me?"
"Since the start of our relationship," Trisha answered for him with a nostalgic sigh, "Actually, I think his exact words were, 'He's like if sexy fucked adorable and gave birth to a man who would ruin your life.' Something like that. He was surprisingly upfront about the whole 'I'm in love with someone who doesn't want me' since the get go."
"I wasn't that bad!" Steve whined, "And you're the one who kept asking questions about him!"
"And you're the one who failed to mention that he might pop up a year later to steal you away," Trisha said with a warm smile, "And if you had I would have gotten someone else to have a sham marriage with."
"Sham is kind of a strong word there Trish," Steve laughed, "I always thought of it as a marriage of convenience. Besides, it was your idea in the first place."
Sham? Convenience? What the hell were they talking about? Eddie looked between the two of them, brow furrowed at the words and the weird way they were smiling at each other, "Am I missing something here?"
"Well long story short, I met this really hot guy right?" Trisha started, winking at Steve, "And he was a great boyfriend for like, a solid two months. Then I find out he's still in love with an ex I'm still not 100 percent deserves him. And the romantic side of the relationship kind of died there. The sex kept being great though."
Trisha laughed at the way that made Eddie grimace, the shit head. He was starting to understand why these two got along in the first place.
"Anyway," She continued, "He made it pretty clear that he wasn't going to be an ideal life partner. But a friend with benefits was still on the table. And as a friend, he was set to do me the biggest solid imaginable, before you came along."
"She wasn't going to get her trust fund until she got married, her Dad's a massive traditionalist," Steve finished for her, "That's where I came in."
Eddie could feel his eye twitch as he looked over at Steve, "And you didn't think to mention that?"
Steve shrugged, "You're the one who looked constipated every time I said her name. Do you blame me for not bringing that up before?"
"Oh he is cute when he's mad," Trisha giggled, "You hadn't been kidding about that."
Steve grinned, snaking a hand under the table to lace their fingers together, "Isn't he? And I am sorry about not following through. We both are. I just...got a little bit caught up in the moment."
Trisha shrugged, "It's okay. I mean, I'm still kind of pissed because of the humiliation factor, but everyone felt so bad for me I got to keep all the gifts. And my Dad gave me the trust fund anyway. He has some pretty choice words for you by the way."
She turned to Eddie, a tiny smile on her face, "But he's a big fan of you for sending the money over. He wanted me to mention that if you ever want to leave Steve at the altar you already have his permission for my hand in marriage-Hey!"
Eddie held back a laugh, watching as Steve lazily lied, "Oh whoops? Did I kick you on accident? Sorry about that."
She laughed, "Okay, okay! No flirting with the soulmate! Got it. So what's been new with you? Besides the whole life partnership thing?"
They talked for a little while longer, with more than a few more jokes being made at both of their expenses. But they definitely deserved it, even if the circumstances of their relationship weren't as serious as Eddie originally thought. It helped, especially since it was becoming crystal clear that this girl had every intention of staying Steve's friend. Though...he was still a little pissy that they slept together, as irrational as it was.
He kept that insane thought rightfully to himself.
But either way, by the time they made it home, Eddie's paranoia about the girl who almost married his soulmate was functionally dead.
"I still wish you had told me about the sham part," Eddie groaned as they stepped through the front door, "Could have saved me some serious heartache there Stevie."
Steve grinned. He wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck, stopping them in the hallway to give him a quick kiss, "Consider it payback for ignoring me for three years."
He knew he was joking, but that didn't stop Eddie from flinching. He was 100 percent right, if anything Eddie deserved a much worse punishment for putting Steve through all of his bullshit.
"Oh, don't pout," Steve said at the look on Eddie's face. He leaned in, pressing kisses all over his face, comforting him despite the fact that he didn't deserve it, "I already forgave you, remember? Now you can consider us even."
Eddie shook his head. He refused to let himself off the hook for this, not when he came so close to losing Steve forever because he had to go and be an idiot. He wrapped his arms around Steve's waist, pulling him in until they were flush against each other, "Don't let me off the hook yet. I got a lot more groveling to do. Preferably for the rest of our lives."
Steve grinned, hiding the smile in the crook of Eddie's neck, "I can live with that."
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stray-cat-21 · 1 year
The Pariah and the Freak
Chapter One: how it all began
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Summary: After a long time obsession Eddie Munson finds a way to make the queen of Hawkins High all his and only his.
Part summary: Eddie putting his plan into action and getting together with the girl of his many dreams.
Warning: This is a DARK fic involving forced pregnancy / Eddie baby trapping reader without her knowing. do not keep reading if that makes you uncomfortable or if you’re under 18! It’s definitely soft but still dark Eddie
Sweet, beautiful, caring, compassionate were all words that could be used to describe (Y/n) (y/l/n). She was head cheerleader as well as the somewhat queen of Hawkins high. However unlike most of the cheer squad and jocks she was wasn’t cruel to those not in her social group. Even the nerds, geeks, dorks, losers, and freaks adored her. Eddie Munson was no exception to her beauty and charm.
They definitely weren’t friends she didn’t really know anything about him. They’ve never hung out, and they haven’t exchanged more than ten words but she never insulted him or anyone else in Hellfire. In fact on multiple occasions she stopped one of the jocks from harassing the club. Those things alone lead to Eddie having quite the heavy crush on her.
Now just because she wasn’t cruel to him or his friends doesn’t mean they spoke often. The pair had three classes together and sat on opposite ends of the cafeteria. She just simply didn’t really take much notice of him when he wasn’t putting on some sort of show. For all six years of knowing her he had struggled with ways of getting her attention. If he couldn’t get her to fully notice him how could he get her to be his?
The idea came to Eddie one day while smoking a cigarette in the trailer park on a picnic table. Two of the park moms were sat out front one of their homes smoking and drinking boxed wine while loudly complaining about their lives and how they ended up there. The one with dyed red hair lets out a long exhausted sigh. “I should’ve never listened to him about not usin a condom Cathy, I could’ve been married to Phil Blake he’s a doctor now” she exhales with a puff of smoke. “He baby trapped ya Trisha that’s exactly what he did no good bastard” the other agrees.
Eddie sat up straight listening a little closer. He had heard rumors of women ‘baby trapping’ men but never the other way around. Could it be the answer to his prayers? The solution to his life’s struggle? Now he just had to figure out how to get the most popular girl in town to not only sleep with him but do it unsafely.
Thankfully that comes to him pretty easily too. He’s in his last period class not focusing on the assignment at hand instead listening to the two girls in front of him conversing. The class was doing busy work while the teacher got caught up on things. As long as things didn’t get too loud he allowed them to talk. The two cheerleaders were discussing the party of the week hosted courtesy of the basketball team.
“Jason says Josh’s parents are out of town all weekend”
“Lucky Josh”
“You’re coming right? I was hoping we could get ready together”
“Yes I desperately need to get out of my house especially if it involves drinking and dancing”
“There should be plenty of that knowing the guys. Do you wanna sleep over?”
“Sounds great Chrissy as long as your mom doesn’t make us those granola cookies or jog laps again”
The girls quietly erupt into laughter recalling a prior sleepover and just like that Eddie has a plan. All he has to do is score an invitation to this party and everything he’s ever wanted will be his. (Y/n) will be his and only his.
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The party is crowded with way too many drunk teenagers. The music is loud and shitty. This is not how Eddie Munson wants to spend a Friday night but for her he decides it’s worth it. For her and for his baby Eddie will suffer through this meathead’s party.
He makes his way through the living room pushing past his peers until he spots one of the hosts of the party Josh, aka number 20 of the basketball team. Josh could be the face of the dumb jock stereotype. He’s only cruel when he’s joining in with his peers. Basically the human equivalent of a dog who does whatever you say. Eddie waves a ringed hand holding up the paper bag he had brought.
“Munson fuck yeah man!” Josh laughs with a slur making his way over. In the bag is an assortment of ziplock bags filled with different drugs. Some of the pot is definitely weak since Eddie had to give Josh way too good of a deal to convince him to let him come to the party. Josh pulls out a wad of cash shoving it forward which Eddie accepts handing him the bag. “Good shit, stick around dude have a drink might make you loosen up or somethin” the drunk high schooler says wondering back to his friends.
Eddie rolls his eyes and wonders back into the main part of the party. It’s a sea of faces made up of cheerleaders, preps, partiers, and everything between. He can see a few party goers giving him dirty looks and mutterings of wondering why the freak is in their territory. When he finally spots (Y/n) she’s dancing with Chrissy. Both girls are clearly tipsy already their movements much sloppier than they normally were during their cheers.
They’re giggling and taking turns spinning each other even though it doesn’t match the music at all. Eddie can’t help but think he can’t wait to dance with her. Slow dancing in the kitchen the only thing between them her baby bump. Eddie can’t help but smile at the thought. Their dancing is interrupted by Jason coming up to borrow Chrissy which (y/n) allows despite her disappointment.
(Y/n) let’s out a breath looking around and their eyes meet. A small smile blossoms on her face as she casually walks over to him. “Eddie Munson at a party, well now I’ve seen everything” she teases with a kind smile. She isn’t making fun of him or being rude she’s genuinely surprised he’s here and he’d go as far to say she looks pleased. “Must be a sign of the impending apocalypse or something” he teases back.
She laughs face lighting up with amusement. “Did you come to protest our conformist ways?” She asks curiously. “No just to make googly eyes at Carver, he’s playing hard to get” Eddie jokes. (Y/n) laughs again and Eddie can’t help but think he’d talk forever if she kept making that sound. “I was just here to make a sale” Eddie shrugs.
“So you’re not staying?” She asks. Eddie can’t help but revel in the small bit of disappointment evident on her features. She wants him to stay, she wants him around. “Not really my scene” Eddie shrugs.
“Oh come on stick around you never come to these things” she begs placing a hand on his forearm. Eddie looks from her to the door as if he’s honestly thinking it over. “I guess one drink wouldn’t hurt” he sighs smiling. (Y/n) lights up smiling a little wider.
“Yay that’s great!” The way she cheers for Eddie in the way that’s normally reserved for the schools star athletes makes his heart swell. “Here I’ll get you a refill sweetheart while I get one” Eddie offers out his hand to take her cup. He doesn’t miss the way the nickname makes her a bit bashful as she hands him the empty cup. “Don’t go running off on me now Munson” she calls after him when he begins heading back to the kitchen.
Thankfully the table covered in an assortment of beverages is temporarily unoccupied since the bartender is . Eddie pours them both a drink before slipping out the small two ziplock bag containing only two pills. They were much harder to get than his other substances but thankfully there was a guy the next town over. Once (y/n)’s drink is mixed he returns to find her saving him a spot on a two person love seat.
The small chair doesn’t allow for too much space between them so his leg presses against her own. “Thank you” she grins when he passes her the red solo cup. “Anytime princess” Eddie responds. It was usually a nickname reserved for DnD or for making fun of spoiled rich popular girls but for her he’d make an exception. Again Eddie isn’t oblivious to the effect the nickname has on her.
“You’re quite charming you know that?”
“Am I?”
“Yeah I didn’t know you were so sweet, guess I always thought you were kinda…”
“Mean and scary?”
“I’m sorry”
“It’s okay I kinda thought you were mean and scary too”
“Really me scary?”
“Careful Munson I’ll get you with my pompoms”
“See what did I tell ya scary. You give Kruger and Voorhees a run for their money” 
“I guess you know my terrible secret, I’m really the evil cheerleader of doom”
“Oh of doom?”
“Yea of doom! I’ll slay you down all while wearing a cheer skirt”
By the end the two are laughing hysterically coming up with her evil villain origin story. He had no idea she’d be so easy to talk to let alone kind of a dork. Maybe she’s only so open because of the alcohol or maybe it’s just who she is he can’t quite figure that part out. However it doesn’t really matter so long as she keeps laughing and touching his arm like that.
“You’d make a great comic book villain sweetheart” Eddie says taking a sip from his drink. Her smile brightens and he watches the way she ducks her a head little as if trying to cover up such a beautiful sight. Eddie reaches his hand out gently tilting her chin so she’s looking up at him again. “Nuh uh if I have to stay at this party you can’t go hiding from me” he teases. The act clearly catches her off guard but she doesn’t move away or push his hand away.
Eddie almost thinks he could get away with kissing her but he doesn’t push his luck moving his hand away. “There you go being all sweet again” she muses. “Shh don’t say that too loud you’ll ruin my reputation” Eddie says in a mock whisper. “Oh and what makes me worthy of knowing the real Eddie Munson?” (Y/n) teases. “Well it must be reserved for only the prettiest girl in school” Eddie shrugs looking down at his cup.
“You think I’m pretty?” She asks. Eddie’s a little surprised by the question. (Y/n) isn’t fishing for compliments or trying to get him to spill his guts, she’s really asking if he’s telling the truth. “Beautiful” Eddie scoffs. The admission makes her bite her lip looking off again.
“You’re not like most guys you know. I don’t think I’ve ever been complimented so much”
“That’s a shame sweetheart.”
“Maybe it’s the age difference, you’re older, wiser than the guys on the team”
“And now I’m old?”
(Y/n) opens her mouth to say something else but is cut off by someone yelling. “What the hell are you doing here freak?” Jason spits. (Y/n) winces while Eddie just lets out a sigh. “Carver so lovely to see you” Eddie says with a mocking grin. One of Jason’s goons grab Eddie by the collar yanking him up from the chair.
Most of the room is looking on at the scene. (Y/n) jumps up from her spot. “Come on guys knock it off we’re just trying to enjoy the party” she says glaring at Jason. “She’s right Jason let’s just go” Chrissy pleads tugging on the sleeve of Jason’s jacket. Jason shrugs his girlfriend off stepping closer to Eddie despite being shorter and far less intimidating.
“Party’s invitation only freak, get lost before I make you” Jason threatens shoving him. Josh looks worried as he keeps his eyes on the ground waiting to be ratted out to his team mates. “I invited him Jason he’s my date” (y/n) snaps quickly grabbing Eddie’s hand. Jason and the rest of the guys look over at her shocked so do Eddie and Chrissy. “And why the hell would you do that?” The blonde asks.
“Jason dude what’s it matter let’s just go back to partying” Josh finally speaks up. “Yeah man who gives a shit he’s here?” Patrick agrees. Jason finally gives up his stare down storming away. Chrissy mouths an apology to her friend scurrying off after them. (Y/n) takes a deep breath looking back towards Eddie.
“You okay?” She asks worriedly. “Yeah sweetheart nothing I’m not used to. Besides this time I had the cheerleader of doom here to protect me” Eddie winks. (Y/n) breathes out a laugh shaking her head a little. She still hasn’t let go of his hand and Eddie can’t help but move his thumb against her skin.
“You might wanna be careful though going around saying you’re on a date with me wouldn’t want to tarnish your reputation” Eddie explains. (Y/n) shrugs smiling nonchalantly. “Not the worst rumor I’ve ever heard about myself” (y/n) laughs. Eddie nods understandably. “Gotta be a new high point for mine.”
The two talk for a while more about whatever crosses their minds. They get to know each other at least on a basic level, joke around, and tease each other. Hell she even convinces him to dance with her for a bit since it is a date after all. He’s having so much fun Eddie almost wants to consider changing his mind on the whole plan but but kidding by how (y/n) seems to get more tired by the minute he thinks it too late for that. She’s in his arms slightly swaying to the music when Eddie notices she’s leaning on him a lot more and slurring her words.
“You alright sweetheart?” Eddie asks tucking his chin down to look at her. (Y/n) nods her eyebrows furrowed and she closes her eyes for a second. “Um yeah I uh I think I need to sit down” she answers slowly. “Shit here sit back down, I’ll get Chrissy okay don’t move a muscle” Eddie orders helping her back into the chair. (Y/n) nods leaning back into the cushions.
Eddie speeds off back towards the kitchen. Thankfully Chrissy is without her guard dog talking to someone from student council who gives Eddie a dirty look. From what he could hear from the conversation the other student was concerned why the (Y/n) (y/l/n) was on a date with the freak show. “Sorry to interrupt but I think (y/n) needs you Chrissy she’s not lookin too good” Eddie says worriedly. Chrissy frowns immediately following Eddie without a word to their classmate.
(Y/n) was just barely staying awake eyes fluttering shut before snapping open again. “Hey hon it’s me you feeling alright?” She asks pressing a hand to her friends forehead. “I don’t know what happened, we were talking and she got really dizzy and tired” Eddie explains. “Maybe she’s just drunk I don’t know will you help me get her upstairs?” She frets looking up at Eddie desperately. Eddie quickly nods leaning down to gently pull (y/n) up hoisting her up bridal style.
“Come on sweetheart I’ve got ya” he breathes carefully upstairs following Chrissy. She leads the pair to an empty bedroom that was off limits. Eddie is gentle when he lays (y/n) down helping her fully into the bed. Chrissy is anxiously biting her thumb nail looking down at her best friend. (Y/n) is softly breathing but hasn’t moved a muscle or spoken since they started heading upstairs.
“She ever gotten drunk like this before?”
“Drunk sure but she’s never been like this before oh god do you think it’s alcohol poisoning? She’ll freak if she has to have her stomach pumped”
“I doubt it did she do anything but drink maybe smoke something?”
“No she couldn’t have I was with her till you got there all she had was two drinks I thought. Oh god Eddie do you think someone drugged her or something? Like one of those tapes they make us watch in school?”
“If so they’re about to learn how much of a freak I can be”
Eddie practically growls the sentence out low and angry as if someone had really hurt his girl. Chrissy looks at him stunned taken back by his concern. “Thank god you were here what if some creep had found her” the blonde frets. Eddie is about to respond but the door slams open making them both turn around. Jason enters the room looking pissed off.
The angry, tipsy athlete storms towards his girlfriend. “Chrissy what the hell are you doing with this freak” Jason spits never taking his eyes of Eddie. “Jason something’s wrong with (y/n) I think we need to take her to the hospital” Chrissy answers. “She’s a big girl she shouldn’t have gotten wasted if she couldn’t handle it” Jason demands. “Not her fault one of your pervert friends drugged her” Eddie says.
“What the hell did you just say?” Jason growls stepping towards Eddie. Chrissy pushes herself between the two as much as she can. “Jason stop it please (y/n) really needs help, he was just helping” Chrissy promises. “Helping, he’s probably the one who did it fucking freak” Jason accuses. Eddie narrows his eyes down at him.
“Eddie will you please grab (y/n) some water?” Chrissy pleads facing the metal head. “Sure thing Chrissy” Eddie nods making sure his shoulder bumps Jason on his way out of the room. Even just outside the door he can hear the couple fighting. As much as he hates it for Chrissy’s sake since she’s always been nice to him it’s a good sign for his plan.
When Eddie returns to the room Chrissy and Jason are long gone just as he expected. Eddie peaks around the empty hallway before shutting the door making sure it’s locked tight. His breathing is shaky and his body is trembling in excitement as he approaches the foot of the bed. This is it finally his shot.
Laid out across the bed peaceful and unmoving (Y/n) looks straight out of a fairy tale. His very own sleeping princess that can only be saved by his love. Her eyes are shut just slightly fluttering every so often. Painted red lips parted just slightly allowing her slow breaths to escape.
The mattress dips under his weight as Eddie kneels down onto the bed. He lowers himself down till he’s hovering just above her. His ring covered hand reaches up to move a stray hair from her face before sliding it down to her cheek. “So beautiful” he whispers. Slowly Eddie leans down till his lips are ghosting over her own.
His head is clouded with anticipation, anxiety, nervousness, and even a little guilt deep deep down. Swallowing back the conflicting emotions Eddie takes the plunge connecting their lips together. Just like he’d always daydreamed her lips are pillowy soft. They melt against his anxiety bitten lips like cotton candy.
When his tongue finds its way into her mouth Eddie sucks in a sharp breath through his nose. Cherry coke mixed with cheep vodka lingers on her tongue flooding Eddie’s tastebuds. It’s a flavor he will now cherish forever because it’s hers. Her gentle slow breaths hit his skin and his fans against her resting face.
When Eddie finally pulls himself away from her now glossy barely swollen lips he doesn’t go far. Instead his wet searing kisses move across her cheekbone, down to her chin and up her neck all the way to her ear. “I’m gonna love you so good sweetheart I promise. Gonna make you and our baby so god damn happy” he breathes.
He lifts away from her face looking over her body. So badly does Eddie want to take his time. He wants to cherish every square inch of her skin, slowly pull her clothes off and tell her why he loves every part of her body, enter slowly with his fingers warming her up and stretching her out, eating her out till she begs him to just stuff her full, making love to her the way she deserves. Only he’s already painfully hard, this is his first time, and he has to hurry. Still though it would be rude not to warm her up.
His hands move down to her skirt and Eddie pushes it up to her waist. (Y/n) chose some see through black panties for the evening that Eddie can tell are already wet. A moan escapes his throat knowing he’s turning her on even in her unconscious state. He’s quick but careful as he pulls them off picketing them in his back pocket for later. There’s not much light in the room just the soft moonlight coming in from the window revealing her wet lips to him.
Eddie reaches up two ringed fingers spreading her pussy open to him. “Fuck you’ve even got a pretty pussy baby can’t wait to see it drooling my cum” Eddie groans. He moves a thumb to her clit slowly circling it. (Y/n)’s body makes a small movement and in her sleep she lets a a soft moan like sound. Eddie continues the motion in varying speeds and pressures seeing which ones make her the most wet.
“That’s it pretty girl need you nice and wet gonna make you cum then fuck you full alright” Eddie breathes moving his other hand to push two fingers into her. She’s tight around even his fingers clenching around them. Once he’s got the rhythm and technique down it’s not hard to make her come undone.
“Fuck” Eddie groans pulling his now soaking wet fingers out of her. He’s quick to shove them into his mouth moaning aloud at the taste. Once their licked clean he moves his hands to his belt fumbling with the buckle till it’s undone and he can properly shove his jeans down his legs. His cock springs free slapping his stomach head red and dripping with precum. Eddie gives it a few strokes looking over her again.
Even just the feeling of the head of his cock lining up with her entrance has Eddie ready to lose it but he holds back. With a slow but hard thrust he’s bottomed out completely balls deep buried in her pussy. “Fucking christ” he moans voice high pitched with pleasure. He thought she was right wrapped around his fingers but this? This is next level.
Another rock of his hips rolls his cock sweetly into her lurching her body against the bed. Lifting her legs up Eddie carefully placing them over his shoulders. Each time his cock comes out even more wet in her own pleasure. She’s completely unaware she’s soaking the ‘freaks’ cock so much.
The thrusts get harder shaking the bed while Eddie fucks into her sleeping form. He has to bite hard into his lip to keep his moans down. “Holy shit sweetheart this pussy is made for my fucking cock, gonna ruin you for any of those assholes” Eddie whispers. His hand moves up to her blouse bunching it up around her neck. Now each time he thrusts into her he can watch her tits bounce.
“When we do this next time gonna make you really enjoy it sweetheart I swear. You’ll be awake and screaming my name.”
“Maybe I’ll bend you over in your cheer skirt and fuck you behind the bleachers let you go back to practice stuffed full of the freak’s cum.”
“Oh shit so fucking tight sweetheart taking me so well”
“Fuck fuck fuck” Eddie groans louder with each obscenity. His cum floods her walls. Once his balls have completely emptied into her pussy he slowly pulls out watching some of his cum ooze from her abused cunt. His fingers are quick to catch it and push it right back in. Eddie takes a minute to catch his breath while getting his clothes fixed.
Big brown eyes are transfixed at her used up pussy. He wonders if once he gets her back to the trailer if she’ll still be asleep enough to go another round. Eddie does his best to get her cleaned up straightening up her clothes before throwing one of her arms over his shoulder. Part of him hates how easy it is to get her unconscious body out of the party but for now he’s slightly grateful for everyone’s lack of care for anyone but themselves.
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(Y/n) groans opening her eyes sunlight filling most of her vision. Her head is throbbing, she feels nauseous, and she knows something doesn’t feel right. She sits up opening her eyes again. Her surroundings are unfamiliar, this isn’t her room or Chrissy’s or any of the other cheerleaders. Looking down she also sees the clothes on her body aren’t her own.
Panic fills her chest and for a moment she worries the vomit might spill from her throat. (Y/n) pushes the blanket away from her legs looking at the oversized shirt with the words Iron Maiden scribbled in a peeling font across the fabric along with a pair of plaid pajama pants. Her eyes dart up scanning her surroundings. Thankfully they land on at least something, or someone familiar. Eddie Munson slumped in a small white chair using his jacket as a blanket.
Small snores leave his opened mouth and his hair is sticking all over the place. This was Eddie Munson’s room. It makes sense given the posters on the walls, the music equipment and the ash tray. Even if things are still a blur at least she knows where she is.
As if sensing her presence Eddie begins to wake up. The snoring stops and his brown eyes slowly blink open. With a deep yawn his eyes finally meet hers and it seems to wake him up instantly. “Shit you’re awake, how are you feeling?” He questioned jumping up from his chair. His jacket falls to the floor with a loud thud as Eddie makes his way over to the bed side.
“Um not great” she answers truthfully. Eddie winces nodding his head. “I’ll uh grab you some water and then we can talk alright?” He suggests. (Y/n) nods watching him hurry out of the room. When he returns Eddie not only has a glass of water but some Tylenol.
“Thanks Eddie” (y/n) sighs gratefully taking a large sip. “Better?” He asks voice still quiet and careful. (Y/n) hums setting the half empty cup back down. “Can I sit?” Eddie asks gesturing towards his own bed. (Y/n) nods pulling her legs towards her body allowing him room in front of her.
“So what do you remember?”
“Not much I remember meeting up with you at the party, arguing with Jason and then it gets fuzzy.”
“After we talked to Jason we were sitting in the living room and you started getting dizzy and slurring your words. I got Chrissy and we helped you upstairs. Jason found us and started arguing with Chrissy yelling at me you know his normal shit.”
“I do kinda remember yelling.”
“She begged me to just go get you some water and when I got back they were both gone and I found you alone in the room.”
“So you brought me to your home?”
“I swear I looked for Chrissy again sweetheart or at least someone who could tell me where you live but I couldn’t find her and no one would trust me with your address.”
“And my clothes?”
“Well you kinda threw up and some got on your shirt. And since you were in a skirt I just pulled the pajama pants up I swear I didn’t look at anything!”
“It’s okay I believe you”
“I just got you here and then realized that might look really bad when you woke up but fuck I couldn’t leave you there”
He looks genuinely worried that she might not believe him or that he’s worried that she’s accusing him of something. Eddie Munson school ‘freak’ slept on a far too small chair in order to make her comfortable in his bed. She had gotten too drunk at a party and passed out and he spent his entire night taking care of her. (Y/n) placed her hand over his giving it a gentle squeeze. “Thank you Eddie” she says softly with a small smile.
“There is more” he says quietly. (Y/n) just looks at him to continue. Eddie takes a deep breath running his hand through his hair. “When I found you your um your clothes were messed up like your skirt was crooked, your shirt was mostly pushed up, and your uh- your urm panties were gone” Eddie explains clearing his throat. “Oh god” (y/n) whispers.
The nauseous feeling returns all too quickly and (y/n) physically pales. “I’m gonna be sick” she mumbles. Eddie is quick to grab the small metal waste basket handing it to her. Not more than a minute later she’s puking up the water since it was the only thing in her stomach. She expects Eddie to turn around but instead he sits at her side pulling her hair out of the way with one hand and stroking her back with the other.
When she’s done he pulls the basket away offering her the water again. Tears prick in her eyes and blur her vision she can’t even make out the glass. Eddie scrambles to set the glass down wrapping his arms around her. She isn’t exactly sobbing but tears are streaking down her cheeks breathing broken and coming in harsh inhales. Eddie hold her tightly to his chest soothing her to the best of his ability.
“Need you to breathe for me sweetheart can you do that? Follow me okay just take a deep breath” he instructs. Eddie shows her by breathing like that himself his chest rising and falling against her. It takes a couple minutes but she starts to mimic his movements. He’s able to calm her down finally.
“I’m okay I’m okay” she sniffles wiping her face. It’s not true she’s definitely still freaked out but she manages to hold back the tears for now. “I looked but uh there was no one close so I settled with getting you out of there but if you want me to go with you to the cops or anything just say the word. Whatever you need from me I’m here” Eddie explains. (Y/n) nods quietly knowing that even if they both went to the cops nothing could be done but it was nice he would be there for whatever came next.
“Are you um hungry?” Eddie asks changing the subject. “Yeah actually starving” (y/n) admits recalling the fact that she barely had five chips and a bunch of alcohol for dinner the night prior. “Let’s get you some food sweetheart” Eddie grins helping her out of his bed. Even through the haziness of the second part of the evening she remembers having a lot of fun with Eddie before the fact. (Y/n) recalls how sweet and charming he had been with her.
“We do have to be kinda quiet my uncle is asleep in the living room”
“You live with your uncle?”
“Yeah he took me in when I was in eighth grade. But he works the graveyard shift”
She quietly follows Eddie to the kitchen leaning against one of the counters while he raids the fridge. “So we don’t have a lot and I’m uh not the most experienced chef but I can make some killer scrambled eggs and toast” Eddie says peaking at her over the fridge door. “Sounds great Eddie” (y/n) laughs. “Perfect my kinda girl” Eddie says grabbing the egg carton and milk. (Y/n) watches him while he collects the supplies with a thoughtful look on his face.
“You know what I do remember last night?”
“What’s that?”
“Having a really good time with you”
“It was a lot of fun princess”
Before the conversation can continue Eddie accidentally knocked over a pan causing it to clatter. “Shit” he mumbled scrambling to pick it up. There’s a groan from the living room and not two minutes later a tired looking older man shuffles into the kitchen. “Fuck I’m sorry Wayne” Eddie frowns. “It’s alright son nice to see you eating somethin before noon” Wayne says with a yawn.
“I’ll get coffee started” Eddie says heading to the pot. Wayne catches notice of the girl standing in the kitchen. He eyes his nephew for a moment before looking back to (Y/n). “You plannin on introducing me to your friend here” Wayne teases. “Oh uh Wayne this is (Y/n), (y/n) this is my uncle Wayne” Eddie says.
Wayne’s eyes widen and he smirks. “Oh this is (Y/n), the (Y/n) I’ve been told so much about?” He asks. (Y/n) looks towards Eddie with a teasing smile. Eddie’s face reddened and he sent his uncle a look. “Wayne man come on” he groaned focusing back on the coffee.
(Y/n) laughed offering out her hand to Wayne. “Nice to meet you Wayne, I haven’t heard much but it’s all been great” she smiles. “You too darlin” he chuckled shaking his head. Wayne grabbed his coffee before excusing himself to the bathroom. “That was humiliating” Eddie sighs going back to his cooking.
“So you talk about me to your uncle?” (Y/n) asks curiously. “I’ve probably mentioned you once or twice” Eddie shrugs. (Y/n) suppresses a laugh offering a kind hand on his shoulder. “Small school not many new faces and names right?” She offers him a way out of his torment. “Right yeah exactly” Eddie smirks.
Eddie thinks he could used to this, cooking her breakfast while she’s dressed in his clothes. Laughing with Wayne, drinking coffee, laughing over burnt toast, he wants the whole nine yards. Now he just needs to hope his plan worked. Little does he know she’s thinking something pretty similar. (Y/n) can’t remember the last time she’s had a better time then the last day she’s spent with Eddie.
(Y/n) spends breakfast getting to know both Munson men. She hears stories of little Eddie, learns about Corroded Coffin, and about why his uncle has so many coffee cups. It’s a nice way to spend a Sunday morning. Even though it’s small the trailer feels like a real home, somewhere happy memories are made. After the fact Wayne begins to clean up while Eddie changes and (y/n) decides to help.
“I promise darlin it’s not a problem I may look old but I can handle it”
“No please really I’d like to help, earn my keep you know”
Wayne shakes his head with a small smile. Once upon a time Eddie had used that very phrase over and over again. “Well alright I’d like the company anyway” Wayne shrugs. The two are quiet grabbing up the dishes they had used.
“You know, Mr. Munson”
“Wayne is just fine”
“Wayne, Eddie is a really good guy you should be proud of him”
“Oh really now?”
“Yeah, I mean obviously you already knew that but knowing Eddie even just a little I imagine that’s not something either of you hear a lot”
“No I reckon it’s not”
“I just don’t know many guys that would have done what he did for me last night”
Wayne doesn’t ask what happened but he does put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Well thank you for sayin so darlin” he says quietly. (Y/n) nods giving him a kind smile. The two go back to cleaning up while Wayne tells her another funny story from when Eddie was younger.
A little while later Eddie and (y/n) are sat in the front seat of Eddie’s van. An Iron Maiden tape plays quietly on the radio when the van pulls into her parent’s driveway. It was definitely the slowest Eddie has ever driven in his entire life, hell he thinks he might have broken a law by going so slow. But he was in no rush to get her home.
“So can I walk you to the door or do we need to sneak you in a window?” Eddie muses. (Y/n) laughs shaking her head. “You can walk me to the door if you’d like” she answers. Eddie grins exiting the van with her. The two make the short trip to the door in silence until she’s stood in front of him.
“Well here you are princess” Eddie says gesturing to her house. Not wanting him to leave just yet (y/n) doesn’t turn to leave or enter her house. “Thank you again Eddie, for everything” she says. “It was fun, I’m sorry again about the uh circumstances” Eddie shrugs. (Y/n) nods looking away from him.
Eddie’s fingers fidget at his sides wanting to tilt her chin up and kiss her. Treat this like he was just a normal guy bringing her home from a great date and giving her a goodbye kiss. Only that’s not what this is yet. In her own mind (y/n) is desperate to come up with something else to say. She just wants five more minutes with him.
Suddenly she lights up gently grabbing Eddie’s forearm which startled him just a little. “Your number um can I have your phone number?” She blurts. The second the question leaves her mouth she’s humiliated. (Y/n) was used to being the one being begged for her number and it was usually at the end of a date. “How about a trade?” Eddie grins.
(Y/n) nods with a smile feeling relieved. Eddie jogs back towards his van fumbling around in the front seat for a couple minutes. “Goch ya” he exclaims exiting the vehicle marker in hand. Eddie is triumphant as he hands her the black marker. Uncapping it (y/n) gently scrawls her name against the back of his palm.
Watching her write down each number Eddie feels more and more joyful. Forget the bats and the puppet master, screw the spider or his wyvern. The ink now covering his hand is by far his new favorite. The black inky numbers are made even better when she finishes it with a small heart. For just a brief moment he considers buying a bunch of gloves so he could get away with tattooing it for real.
“There you go” she breathes reaching to hand him back the sharpie. “Looks great sweetheart hurt a lot less than my other ones” he teases capturing his hand in his own. (Y/n) has to look down again staring at the pavement beneath their shoes while he writes down his own digits. She wonders if he’s consciously making the decision to run his thumb against her fingers or not. Instead of a heart Eddie adds a tiny devil head for his own little touch.
When he’s done Eddie uses his teeth to recap the marker while not letting go of her hand. He admires his work for a second before bringing her hand to his lips gently kissing her knuckles. “All done” he says quietly as he lowers their hands. “What do you think do I look metal?” She jokes. “Oh so metal” Eddie teases back.
“I uh guess I should go”
“Yeah me too”
“Thank you again Eddie”
“Don’t mention it”
“I’ll bring your clothes on Monday”
“Sure, yeah sure”
Eddie’s a little surprised when she stands up straight enough to kiss him right on the cheekbone. His eyes go wide, cheeks redden and he’s definitely smiling like an idiot. “I’ll see you Monday Eds” (y/n) breathes before hurrying inside. Eddie’s ringed fingers reach up grazing over the spot she had just kissed. The nickname mixed with the kiss swarm his head and make up for the money he lose out on for the pot well worth it.
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The following Monday Eddie is a little shocked to see (Y/n) waiting for him at his locker. The minute she spots him approaching (y/n) waves with a bright smile. “Well shit if I got welcomed like this every day I just might show up on time” he teases. “Maybe there’s hope for your education yet Munson” she laughs. (Y/n) surprises Eddie again by stopping to give him a hug.
“What’s this for sweetheart?” He questions softly while still holding her close. “I don’t know just feel like I should thank you” she sighs resting her head against his shoulder. “You’ve done that already a few times now, besides it’s not necessary” he promises her as they separate. (Y/n) nods but still looks unsure. Before either can say anything else there’s a yell of her name and Chrissy is rushing over.
The blonde pulls her best friend into a tight hug. “Oh gosh you’re okay! I’m so sorry I abandoned you!” Chrissy frets her eyes glossy. “Chrissy it’s okay I’m alright” (y/n) assures her. “I was so worried about you but Jason got so mad and made us leave and wouldn’t take no as an answer” Chrissy said with a sniffle.
“I’m okay I promise, Eddie made sure I was taken care of” (y/n) explained looking over at him. Chrissy pulled away from (y/n) quickly hugging Eddie. The metal head is taken back too shocked to react to the fact that he got hugged by the two most popular girls in school. “Thank you thank you so much for looking after her” Chrissy rambles breathlessly. “Uh no problem Chrissy” Eddie shrugs.
By lunch time Eddie and (Y/n) have hung out most of the day. Walking together between classes and only separating to sit in their assigned seats, she’d give him a hug before the classes they didn’t have together, and were even partners for a project in second period. Not having fourth period together Eddie is sat at his usual table when (y/n) arrives to the cafeteria making their way over to the Hellfire Club table. The guys take notice of her approaching before Eddie does.
“Holy shit is (Y/n) (y/l/n) coming over to our table?” Gareth Gawks. “Yeah haven’t you heard her and Eddie are real close lately” Jeff teases nudging Eddie’s arm. “Lucas said the whole basket ball team can’t stop taking about it” Mike adds while Dustin is amazed at what’s happening. “Be nice fuckers, and Gareth move over” Eddie growls under his breath. Gareth huffs out an annoyed breath and everyone groans and complains but moves down.
Eddie puts on a bright charming smile as (y/n) steps up to the table. “Hey Eddie, I was wondering if you’d mind if I sat here with you guys?” (Y/n) asks. “Course we don’t mind do we guys?” Eddie asks looking to the others. The others shake their heads still looking shocked or fearful of their club’s leader. “Thanks guys I appreciate it” she smiles graciously taking a seat next to Eddie.
“No problem sweetheart glad to have you join us” he grins. There’s a heavy awkward silence across the table while the group share surprised confused looks. “Is all that cheer stuff hard? It looks really complicated” Dustin finally speaks up just curious and friendly as he always was. The other guys stare over at him in disbelief.
“Oh not really anymore, it’s a lot more physically straining then people think though” (y/n) answers. Eddie sends Dustin an approving smile and nod. “But I think that Dungeons and Dragons you guys play looks crazy hard with all the math and stuff, seriously I respect it” (y/n) continues. The group quickly falls into comfortable easy conversation about cheer and DnD and anything that comes up. Laughter, and joy fills the table, Dustin even snorts some milk from his nose.
At the end of the day Eddie is heading out to his van when he hears (y/n) calling out to him. “Hey sweetheart I was hoping I’d see you before I left” Eddie greets with a smile. “Hey Eds I uh have your clothes” she says offering out the neatly folded bundle of clothes. Eddie accepts the garments and his fingers graze hers. “Oh sweet, the shirt is actually one of my favorites to sleep in” he explains.
The revelation isn’t lost on her that he allowed her to sleep in his favorite pajama shirt and she can’t help but smile a little. “Hey look I’m sorry if I was like all over you today I swear. I didn’t even realize I was until someone pointed it out last period” she admits a look of guilt blossoming on her features. “You didn’t annoy me sweetheart. We might’ve started a few new rumors but what else is new around here” he jokes back.
“That’s probably true, I don’t know I just-” (y/n) trails off with a sigh looking down at their feet. Eddie frowns tilting her chin up with his hand. “Hey it’s alright you can talk to me, I promise. I’m all ears here” he assures her. (Y/n) looked away unable to look him in the eye.
“Ever since what happened at the party I don’t feel safe around the guys on the team. Like I don’t even know who did it or if they were all involved. I just got to school and I didn’t feel safe with my normal crowd and I remembered how safe you made me feel during the weekend so I just kind of clung to you all day without trying to” she rambles nearly out of breath by the end. Eddie’s face softens as he pulls her into a tight hug.
“You’ve got nothin to worry about alright? I’ll take care of you” he whispers kissing the top of her head. Eddie can feel the way she relaxes letting out a breath and relaxing into his touch. “Thanks Eds” she sighs tightening her hold on him. “Anytime sweetheart anytime” he whispers.
She’s smiling a little when they separate. “So how do you usually get home” he asks despite knowing the answer. “Oh uh usually I ride with Jason and Chrissy but I think I’m gonna walk today” she shrugs. “Nonsense, follow me princess your chariot awaits” Eddie grins offering out his arm. (Y/n) now with a much bigger smile happily accepts following him into the parking lot.
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It wasn’t until 6 and half weeks later that Eddie has confirmation that his plan was successful. They were in the middle of first period doing another partner project when all of a sudden (y/n) stopped an explanation short taking off out of the classroom. Both worry and hope fill Eddie’s chest. Somehow he manages to contain himself for about five minutes before getting permission to leave for the bathroom so he can check on her.
As Eddie steps into the girls bathroom he hears the toilet flush followed by broken sobs. He doesn’t say anything as he makes his way over to the stall but he’s sure the chain attached to his pants alerted her of his presence since it sounds like she’s trying to conceal her cries.“Sweetheart it’s me are you alright?” He asks softly tapping against the door. “E-Eddie?” She calls with her voice cracking. “Yeah you rushed out of class pretty quickly so I came to check on you, can I come in?” He asks.
She didn’t answer but Eddie hears the door unlock so he lightly pushed it open. (Y/n) was sat with her knees against the cracking tile floor. Cheer skirt crumpled, hair disheveled, eyes red and puffy, tears streaking down her cheeks. “Oh Eddie my life is over it’s ruined” she chokes out. Eddie sits down next to her on the floor stretching his legs out ahead of him.
“Why do you say that?” He asks voice soft and gentle. Her lip trembles and she has to look away from his gaze. “Because it is, everything is ruined! Everything I’ve worked for is ruined! Cheerleading, school, my friends, everything!” She shouts.
The sobs start fresh again, her eyes squeeze shut in a poor attempt of keeping the tears locked away. (Y/n)’s shoulders shakes and she can hardly breathe between her cries. “C’mere sweetheart” he offers pulling her into his lap carefully. He allows her to do most of the moving and she does leaning into his touch. She turns her head to fall in between his shoulder and neck.
Eddie holds her close, his right hand rests against her back while the other caresses the back of her head. (Y/n)’s hand clutches into his shirt balling the white fabric up in her first. He doesn’t mind the wrinkling shirt or the tears falling onto his skin. “It’s okay let it out I’ve goch ya” he whispers.
Once she’s calmed down her breathing steady and the tears have temporarily stopped she pulls away from the safety of his shoulder. Eddie’s left hand moves from her head to her face and he uses his knuckle to wipe away her tears. “What’s goin on pretty girl?” He asks pushing back a stray hair stuck to her face. “I’m pregnant” she answers almost in a whisper. Thankfully Eddie manages to to bite back a triumphant smile, for once in his usually miserable existence things are working out for him.
“Oh shit that’s big” he breathes. “What am I gonna do Eds” she asks with a sniffle. “Do you uh do you wanna keep it?” He answers her question with another question. ‘Please say yes, please say yes, please please please say yes’ he begs in his head. He’s worked too hard for this.
She swallows thickly nodding her head. “I do yeah I know that’s crazy and stupid-” she starts to answer. “Hey you are not stupid this is a really tough decision but it’s your decision” he answers confidently. She smiles, it’s weak and her eyes are still shiny with tears but it’s there.
“Who’s the father if you don’t mind me asking?” He asks. She sniffles and another tear spills from her eyes. “I don’t know.” The answer is quiet and shameful embarrassed even. “What do you mean?” He continues eyebrows furrowed “Remember how you found me at the party?”
“Are you saying you think someone…?” His sentence trails off like he’s unable to say the word even though he knows the answer. She nods and sobs again. Eddie pulls her back to his chest hushing her and rubbing her arm in comfort. “Fuck I’m so sorry sweetheart, I don’t even know what to say but I’m sorry” he says.
“It’s not your fault” she mumbles pulling away from his chest. “Maybe if I had gotten there sooner this wouldn’t have happened” Eddie frowns guiltily. (Y/n) shakes her head quickly grabbing his hand.“Don’t do that Eddie it’s not your fault. You did so much for me that night and it’s not even your responsibility to take care of me” she assures him.
“I like taking care of you whether it’s my responsibility or not” Eddie promised her. There’s a beat of silence between them and he wishes he could get a photo of the way she’s looking at him right now.
“I don’t know what to do. How am even supposed to tell people?”
“You could tell them the truth”
“No one would believe and I can’t prove anything I don’t even know who did it”
She’s looking away from him staring at her hands in her lap. This is Eddie’s chance he has to do this right otherwise it was all for nothing. “Okay well what if you tell people it’s mine?” He asks. (Y/n)’s head snaps up and her eyes are wider than he’s ever seen them. “Excuse me?” She gawks.
“Well people are already gossiping about us hanging out recently so we’ll just pretend it’s mine, we got drunk at the party and you ended up pregnant” he shrugs like it’s the obvious solution. Like he just added two and two and got five and she was the crazy one for not getting the same. “Eddie that’s insane it would completely derail your life” she argues. Eddie let’s out a snort at her comment. “Sweetheart I’m a super senior who lives in a trailer with his uncle and plays DND and guitar in his free time you’re not derailing anything.”
She seems to search his face for any clue he’s lying or joking. “Why on earth would you do something like that?” She asks genuinely. Eddie smiles at her charming, sweet, loving, innocent.“I uh I care about you (y/n). I’m serious about this but I understand if you don’t want people thinking it’s the freak’s baby either.”
Her hand comes up to cup his face delicately. From the look she’s giving him Eddie knows he’s got her hook line and sinker. “Eddie honey I don’t care if people think it’s yours but won’t you? I mean you have enough issues with people here do you really want to be associated with this too?” She’s practically acting like he’s sacrificing himself for her.
“Y’know I don’t think people thinking I not only slept with the most beautiful girl in town, but got her pregnant would be the worst thing for my reputation” Eddie teases. This earns a small wet laugh from (y/n). “I can’t believe you would do that for me Eds” (y/n) says softly. “I told you I care about you I want to do this, let me do this for you” he whispers. Their faces are mere inches apart he can feel her breath against his lips.
Now or never Eddie takes the risk leaning forward. She doesn’t stop him so he pressed his lips against her own. By book definition it’s probably not technically a perfect kiss. He can taste the salty tears on her lips and they’re sitting on a dirty bathroom floor. But the smile on her face when they pull apart makes it all worth it.
“I’m all in here sweetheart I don’t just mean some guy for you to point at when people ask who knocked you up. Diaper changing, late feedings, baths, all that dad shit. We’ll be a family alright? Together you, me, and this baby we’ll be in this together. This is what I want, you are what I want both of you” Eddie insists.
“You’re my hero you know that right?” She gushes smiling sweetly. “Anything for you princess” he smiles. She’s the one who connects their lips this time hurriedly kissing him. “Now let’s get you off the floor yeah? Can’t have my girl and my baby sitting on the dirty ground can we” he teases.
Eddie lifts her up allowing them both to stand and helps her straighten her cheer skirt. He grabs her bag from the floor tossing it over his shoulder. “Wanna ditch last period? I don’t think I can handle another class today” (y/n) asks. “Now you’re speakin my language, how’s a date to Benny’s sound?” Eddie suggests.
“Sounds amazing I love their milkshakes!” (Y/n) exclaims excitedly. Of course he already knew that along with which one’s her favorite. Eddie grins a content Cheshire grin offering his arm out for to hold onto as they make their way out of the school.
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seenoversundown · 1 year
Spooks & Cider
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Daniel X Melody (OC)
Warnings : just fluff! Subtle nods to anxiety. Word count : 2.1k
She’s In Love With The Boy - Trisha Yearwood “She’s in love with the boy, And even if they have to run away, she’s gonna marry that boy someday”
Melody POV
I sit with my face pressed to the window that faces our family driveway, my hot breath fogging up the glass every time I take a breath. 
“Be careful tonight, mi amor!” My mom yells from the kitchen, the sounds of pots clanging together following behind her soft voice. “Remember, eleven thirty! No later, Melody.” 
“Yes, Mamà.” I replied, continuing to stare out the window for his headlights.
My best friend, Daniel, was on his way to get me for a haunted house. We’ve been close since grade school, but this past year there’s been a shift with us. I’ve always thought that Daniel was cute, I couldn’t have imagined he felt the same way. So tonight was a first for us, a date you could call it. The first outing since we’ve told each other how we feel. 
I really like you, Melody. More than anything else in the world, I think. Daniel’s words ran in my head like they were practicing for a marathon. I welcomed every round. 
My heart pounded against my chest as I watched his headlights turn into the driveway. Grabbing the sweater my mom is forcing me to take, I shout a quick bye! as I'm running out the door towards Daniel’s truck. Hopping into his passenger seat I can’t help but grin back at his soft, lazy smile. 
“Hi, Ducky,” he says as I buckle my seatbelt in. “I hope you’re ready for tonight.” 
“So ready!” I responded. 
I was not ready. I knew this, Daniel knew this. For our entire friendship I’ve never been one for scary things, I jumped when a piece of fuzz I was unaware of invaded my vision. 
So, a haunted house? Not great. 
Spending time one on one with Daniel? My favorite thing in the whole world. 
I watch as his hand reaches across the console to the radio, putting on one of our favorite songs. 
“Are you sure you’re ready, Ducky?” His eyes shot over to me, “you don’t have to lie.” 
“Scouts honor,” I reply as I try to put on a brave face. The car fills with the echoes of Daniel’s laughter. Guess I didn't look as brave as I thought. 
Daniel takes a couple more turns through our foggy neighborhood until we reach a parking lot filled with other victims for tonight’s festivities. We hop out of our respective sides of the car and I immediately pull my arms around me. The sinister music and screams from the house are wafting in the air.
Before I can think twice I untie the sweater from around my waist, mamà knows best, and ruin my outfit by putting it on. My eyes are wide as I look around while we wait in line. I can’t see much, but I don’t trust that they didn’t put actors in line with us for a little pre show scare. A large, warm hand grabs onto mine and gives it a firm squeeze. A yelp escapes my lips. 
“It’s not too late to go and do something else, Melody.” Daniel says while giving my hand a couple more reassuring squeezes. Standing in line our height differences are much more noticeable, I practically have to throw my head back to make eye contact. 
“No. We’re here and we said we wanted to do some spooky shit this season, so we’re doing it.” 
He locks our fingers together sending shockwaves throughout my body. 
“Alright then, Ducky. Let’s do this.”
Past the entrance gates, we enter an open field. The main attraction, The Killer Barber, sits on our right. To the left of us are some small vendors filled with hot chocolate and apple crisp to warm us on this chilly New England night. 
“What do you want to do first?” Daniel asks. “Get spooked first, then hot chocolate as a reward for making it through? Apple crisp is happening no matter what.” 
I grin at him, “I swear you can read my mind.”
Hand in hand we start walking towards the house. 
“I can’t believe we’re in our senior year,” he says. “Wait, we’re still doing matching halloween costumes right?” 
I can’t contain my laughter, he’s always been a bit scatterbrained. 
“As if anyone else could be the Gomez to my Morticia.” I give his hand a squeeze and watch as a small smile flashes across his lips. “If anything, senior year is about to be our bitch.” 
We haven’t struggled with finding other friends at school, but it’s clear we always move as one. Since we were young it’s always been Daniel and Melody. Our parents accepted we were attached at the hip, and I think mamà has always secretly hoped we’d end up together. She’s liked Daniel since the start, but when he started to learn Spanish she was downright sold on him. 
When will you bring Daniel around? 
Call Daniel for dinner, I’m making his favorite. 
Can you just marry Daniel? 
Okay, maybe she didn’t ask me the last question- but a girl can dream. The thought of being Mrs. Daniel Wagner had always set off a horde of bees in my stomach. Not butterflies, those seem too tame. Full blown bees. 
“Earth to Ducky?” We’re next.” Daniel’s fingers are snapping in front of me, effectively bringing me back to reality. 
The Killer Barber. Yaaaaay.
The attendant smiles weakly at us before waving us in. 
As soon as we pass the threshold a door slams and a voice shouts “Come for a shave, have ye?” 
Daniel laughs, fully enthralled. I, on the other hand, find his arm and grip it tightly with my freehand close to my body. 
“I’ve got you, Melody.” He says reassuringly. 
“Let’s ju-just get th-through this,” I stutter. I can feel my anxiety peaking. Looking at Daniel I know he knows this too. He moves me so that I'm directly behind him, my tall shield to whatever lies ahead. 
My eyes are screwed shut, trusting Daniel won’t walk me into any walls. I don’t know how anyone walks through these, the sounds are enough to send me running. 
“I promise, it’ll be the closest shave you’ll ever have.” A voice says a few moments later. I swear I feel the hot breath on my ear which causes me to scream. 
“Ducky, you gotta not look so scared, they look for that.” Daniel says. 
“What do you mean not look so scared?” I shout. “Next time we’re apple picking and making a goddamned pie. None of this haunted house shit!” 
I feel the laugh rumble through him before I hear it, and I can’t help but laugh along too. Before I know it we’re hitting the final room. I peek out from behind him and am amazed at the scene unfolding in front of me. It’s gory, of course, but seeing how someone had changed this into a super scary scene is astounding. A face pops up at me while wielding a straight razor. I can’t help but gasp and tuck myself into Daniel’s laugh.
“A couple more steps.” His voice vibrates his whole chest, I can’t help but snuggle in closer. 
Relief floods my veins when I realize he wasn’t lying, I feel the cool night breeze on my ears. I’m still gripping the back of his shirt when I feel him laughing.
“You can let go, Ducky. We’ve made it.” I feel his hands reach back and try to loosen my grip. He spins around to look at me once he’s finally free, a giant grin stretched across his face. Daniel quickly pulls me in, the scent of his fresh laundry and incense he burns in his room  surrounds me. I bury my face into his chest, the smell seemingly stronger here. I feel his hand rest on the back of my head, tangling with my curls.
“I knew you could do it.” He says as he rests his head on mine. “You’re a strong girl, y’know.” I swear I feel his lips press to my forehead for a moment before moving back into place. We stay like this for a moment longer in the chaos of everything. 
Finally parting, I can’t help the smile on my face even though I just got scared shitless. Pulling on his hand, I started dragging him towards our reward.
“Let’s go, Daniel! Hot chocolate and crisp is calling our name!” 
Our laughter echoes behind us as we break off into a sprint towards the concession stands. He intertwines our fingers, and somehow takes over leading us. 
“Those long legs are so unfair!” I laugh-shout. 
“Grow taller then, Ducky!” 
Reaching the concessions stand the smell of chocolate and warm apples fill the air. I can’t help but get excited for our little treat. 
“Pick a seat, I’ll grab our treats.” 
A quick squeeze back and forth of our hands before we part. Finding an empty picnic table turned out to be quite easy. I take a seat on the opposite side so I can watch Daniel in line. His tall lanky stature is illuminated by the small surrounding lights. His long curly hair almost looked like a halo around his head, so wild and free.
It’s a quick moment before he turns around with his hands full. Long legs taking long strides until they finally reach me. Placing our goodies on the table he takes the seat opposite mine. Placing a small white cup in front of me, I almost tear it out of his hands. I'm so excited for this.
Taking the top off of my cup, I’m delighted to find a mound of whip cream. 
“What’d you think, I’d forget how you take your hot chocolate?” He says from across the table. “Oh, I’m sorry. I meant whipped cream with a side of hot chocolate.” 
“Now we’re judging my hot chocolate order?” I cross my arms and throw a pout his way.
“Never would I ever,” he says. “It’s cute like you.” Daniel moves quickly and sticks a single finger into my whipped cream and then sets it on my nose.
“Hey! That’s a waste of the goods!” 
Daniel says nothing, just stands in his seat, leans over, and quickly licks the whipped cream from my nose. 
“Not wasted,” he says with a wink. 
My face immediately gets hot. I break into the apple crisp. The gooey cinnamon apple oatmeal mixture steams from the container and makes my stomach rumble. The smell is otherworldly. I quickly hand a spoon to Daniel.
Holding my spoon out I wait for him to do the same. 
“Cheers!” We say in unison.
It’s quiet for the next few minutes as we devour our treat. As we finish up Daniel collects our trash and I look at my phone, 11:00 shines back on my screen. 
“You ready to go, Ducky?” He comes up from behind me and startles me a little bit. 
Our hands clasp and our walk back to the car is quiet. Daniel comes to my side and opens my door for me, and my face runs hot again. I watch as he walks over to his side and climbs into the driver's side. 
It takes us a few moments, but once we finally get out onto the road, he settles his hand onto my thigh. 
“This okay?” He asks while taking quick glances at me. I rest my hand on top of his, a silent yes. His hand gets tighter on my thigh and the bees in my chest become frantic. 
My porch light slowly comes into view and my heart constricts at the fact that this night is coming to an end. Daniel pulls into my driveway and shuts off his lights. He hops out of his side and quickly rounds to mine.
“I had a really good time tonight, Ducky.” He says while helping me out of the truck. “Next time, nothing scary. Just us, I promise.” 
Daniel’s hand invades my vision and pushes back my curly hair. Suddenly I can only focus on the scorching heat coming from his palm while it rests on my chin. Looking up at him, I can’t help but lean in. I’ve been dreaming of this moment for years, but now that it’s finally here it feels surreal. 
When our lips finally touch I swear I hear fireworks going off. People cheering. A whole ass explosion. 
I wrap my arms around his waist as he cradles my head in both of his hands. His soft lips are even more plush than they were in my dreams. 
He pulls back too soon, peppering my lips with small kisses before finally ceasing. 
“Melody, you are everything. Get inside so you don’t get grounded. I’ll text you when I’m home.” A final kiss is pressed to my lips before we separate. The walk to my front door is hazy. I turn and watch as he pulls out of the driveway, waving before he gets out of view. 
“Mi amor, how was your date?” My mamà asks when I enter the door.
“Oh, mamà, it was everything.” 
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shut-up-rabert · 2 years
I want to shout this BAD.
Indian. Serials. Or Soap-Dramas. Are. Not. That. Bad.
I mean- I saw people arguing how being a Nagin makes no sense and I was like- so being turned into a shapeshifter vampire with bloody fangs makes sense? Hypocrisy smh.
I can name quite a few Indian shows (the Tv ones, Web series are already appreciated) that actually are amazing! They just fall short when creators choose quantity over quality.
Of course, classics like Sarabhai vs Sarabhai, Office Office, Byomkesh Bakshi, Malgudi days, Mahabharata and Ramayana get the praise they truly deserve! But here some relatively modern shows that get looked over due to same old Saas-Bahu genre.
Yeh unn dino ki baat hai (90s romantic drama), Har yug mein aayega ek arjun (my favourite criminal thriller), Adaalat (law-crime thriller), Beyhadh (the first season is one the best psychic-romance thrills ever), Ek Hasina thi (romantic thriller + also contains Vatshal Sheth from Tarzan the wonder car and is- chef's kiss).
Also can I say Naagin 1, no matter how much everyone bashes it today, was actually a dhasu show?
Honestly, I can add quite a few to the mix myself. Saraswatichandra? Best Romance I’ve seen till date. Ishqbaaz? Laughing out loud since episode 2. Qubool hai? The one time I like Karan Singh Grover. Laut Aao Trisha. Saubhagyavati Bhava. Bepanah. Starplus Mahabharat. Madhubala. On and on and on. Heck, even Anupama wouldn’t be so bad if it stuck to the plot and not for duniya bhar ka drama. But that’s exactly where the problem arises. All these serials start very VERY promising. They deliver well at the beginning aswell. The starting is what gets you hooked, you hope for something entertaining and they seem rather fit for that role. Sure, the overdramatism is there, but this is India, we can digest that much dhum tananananananana tere na tere na tin.
Things start going south when shows start pulling TRP. All the money hungry producers think that “hmmmm, this looks nice, I can milk it. What can possibly go wrong?” Hint: possibly everything can go wrong.
Lets look at Ishqbaaz for example. Three brother, three different perceptions of love, three distinct love stories. A shining new concept with four rather attractive leads to have the young adult population flocking, isn’t it?
It starts really great aswell. The first few episodes stick to the point very well, excessive delay like 3-4 days for like one person to turn around and shit aren’t there. It’s funny, it’s cute, it shows character arcs brilliantly. You’d expect the main leads to all fall in love, learn something and the show to end , right?
Wrong. It starts going off hinges really fast as soon as Starplus realises that the money making cow should stay. The main lead is suddenly super toxic. Shit like ghar ke bahu bete suddenly staging Agatha Christie level conspiracies and having the same intellect as Batman on shrooms becomes the norm. Drama like chhat se girkar yadaasht chale jaana, sautan ka plan samjhna, aur end m pta chlna ki bhencho sab kiya dhara heroine ki saas ka tha. Yep.
I stopped watching here but the thing is there was a look alike adla badli arc after this, so you can see how bad it went.
Next I watched, Saraswatichandra. I kid you not, it had the BEST setting one could ask for. A emotionally stinted guy coming all the way from Dubai to reject this girl, staying in her house. When everyone thinks they are getting married but they resent each other and secretly start falling in love, no? What more can one ask for? They admit their love and do actually get married while none in the families is wiser.
BUT, they had to add faltu ka natak, so add faltugiri they did. Bina baat ka action, stereotypical portrayal, heroine ki kahi aur shaadi, waha se uska talak, heroine ki sister falling in love with hero, whole family conspiring, kidnapping, yada yada yada, y’all get the jist.
The thing is, this wouldn’t be as bad if the characters still acted wisely in the bizzare situations. Or if the situations made sense. Who THE FUCK breaks their engagement a day before the wedding because they got disowned by their dad? Why did he immediately forget that he’s still entitled to his mother’s stuff? Akal kaha hai teri madarchod?
Producers butcher good storylines for paisa. People with no motivation are trying to kill bahu because they are bad. Police is not doing its job, not because its corrupt but because saas bahu ko khud detective khelna hai. Family drama mein randomly kahi se bhi chudail aa jaati hai even if the show not fantasy based. Vamp mast 16 khoon kar deti hai but still is legally allowed in the house. (Konsa law hai ye bc?) Why is everyone so out of character suddenly? WHY IS EVERYONE STUPID?
So, here’s the issue with indian serials: they don’t stick to the story, nor do they develope the story according to the characters, instead they alter the characters, premise and genre of the soap according to whatever story they think will fetch more views. This makes the whole thing bizzare.
Of course, some norms are always relaxed in dramas and a lot more in fantasy/supernatural dramas, but there’s a limit to how much there should be based on characters/ premise of what you offered in the first place.
Bhabhiji and Happu work as well as they do despite overlooking all the points I mentioned because they refresh their storyline every week and aren’t a continous saga, plus they never took themselves seriously as and always promised to be whacky. This is not true for Ganga, Saath nibhana saathiya, Sasural Simar ka, Kumkum bhagya etc., Prachi suffering by the hands of her stepsister cum co-wife even though she can easily turn the tables by making a police report for bigamy becomes frustrating to witness at one point.
Didi ye kya bakwaas likha hai, seedhey bolo na: Indian serials are indeed good and full of potential, but the producers and writers refuse to see that potential and make us flock to other dramas by diminishing our energies.
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lady-harrowhark · 10 months
I do a Fullmetal alchemist rewatch every two years or so when I need background noise for a big project and every rewatch I get mildly obsessed with some new little detail and this time it's Trisha Elric and Mrs. Bradley, women that two exceptionally unavailable and not entirely human men looked at and went.... Actually yes. I want their biographies. I want several chapters of Mrs. Bradley's early dating life. She slapped Wrath in the face the first time they met and he immediately decided to marry her. Even the most off screen women in this series are so fascinating.
Anyway I don't have anywhere to yell about this so I did it here hope you don't mind
WHYYYYYY have i never noticed this parallel before???? you're SO RIGHT.
i've always had a soft spot for Trisha, just like, we really see her filtered through others' perspectives but look how LOVED she was. by hohenheim, and by the boys. and she was so young??? i'm just. emotional.
and then Mrs. Bradley is SO interesting???? what i would give to see what that dynamic is like behind closed doors. absolutely incredible.
(also OF COURSE i don't mind!!! i am DELIGHTED to yell about this with you!!!!!)
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bibxrbie · 1 year
The Batman [2022]
Set in the Battinson universe, a series of one-shots featuring the introduction of Dick Grayson.
in desolation, we find each other
Bruce Wayne is bullied into going to a circus. The Graysons fall.
not family yet
Dick Grayson finds the cave. Sorry, the Batcave.
Jim Gordon goes to Batman with a case when the cape giggles.
With these broken bones I'll build our home
The multiverse has proven that when there is a Gotham, a Batman will rise from its shadows. Bruce Wayne is Batman. Thomas Wayne is Batman. Terry McGinnis is Batman.
In this universe, Rachel Wayne is Batman.
The Cruelest Gift
Rachel Wayne is seventeen when she leaves Gotham. She is twenty-two when her entire world breaks once more.
Blue Eyed Birdy, Flying
Rachel relearns the lesson the world had taught her at the tender age of eight: life moves on, and the only thing you could do is to try and keep up.
Batman meets the Justice League. Rachel Wayne goes to a circus.
mother's love, mother's rage
Batman can't kill. Rachel Wayne can and will.
Sometimes, to keep your kids safe, you have the get rid of the people who endanger them.
this is me trying
Most people divide their life into the before and after, the action and its consequence. Significant change was at the centre of these divisions, like how they lived before they had the baby and the things that changed after the baby. The relationship dynamic before they got married, what happened after they got married.
Before and After. Good and Bad. Day and Night.
Rachel Wayne divides her life into periods of love and mourning, an endless cycle of trying.
Broken Hearts Cause Birds
holding hands with loss and victory
Tim Drake loses in life just as much as he wins. For everything he gains, there is something he must lose.
heart beats differently for the same eyes
Tim Drake's heart stops beating on the operating table. When it starts up again, it beats with fear at the thought of Red Hood.
Superman and Lois
Conner wakes up in a world that differs greatly from his own.
There’s a boy on the bleachers, a leather jacket straining against his broad shoulders, and Jonathan can’t help but think he’s familiar.
anywhere i want (just not home)
Kon wakes up. Sadly, he doesn't exist.
the heartbeat I long to hear
Sometimes, when he flies, Clark finds himself smiling to his right, expecting someone to smile back only to end up disappointed.
Jon invites his new friend over for breakfast.
worlds apart
Natalie Irons wasn’t stupid, but she was beginning to think the Kent family were.
It had taken her one introduction with Conner Drake to know who he was.
my daughter, i know you not
Natalie Lara Kent wakes up in a crater with no memory of how she got there.
Now she's stuck in a world that resembles her own, yet is so different. With parents who aren't her parents, brothers who weren't her brothers, Lara has to find her way home before her father brings done the wrath of the Justice League onto this Earth.
Also, where the hell is Conner?
How To Train Your Dragon
On The Backs of Dragons
Learning to Fly
Hela Horrendous Haddock was the strange daughter of the Chief of Hairy Hooligan Tribe and had the misfortune of being the most un-Viking-like Viking to be born on Berk. Small, weak, and clumsy, Hela doesn't fit in with what the tribe thinks a future Chief would be.
During one of many dragon attacks, Hela, determined to prove herself to her father, manages to sneak out and shoot down a dragon. However, due to the many, many, many instances in the past, no one believes her. Left to her own devices, she goes searching for it and finds herself unable to kill it, leading her down the most un-Viking-like path a Viking had ever walked before.
How To Train Your Dragon but Hiccup is Hela, Astrid is Aron, Toothless is adorable, and Stoick is just trying to connect to his daughter while running a village.
Fullmetal Alchemist
The Life of Eden
Simplicity of Life
Trisha Elric is a simple woman. She knows her daughter won't be.
her (father's) golden eyes
The world keeps spinning, Al grows, and Ed learns new things.
It is during the year of her fourth birthday that she learns a valuable lesson. It gets etched upon her heart with never-healing scars and tear tracks on her cheeks; out of sight but never out of mind. Of course, this lesson is taught by her father when he leaves in the middle of the night.
Star Wars
Luke Jade Skywalker
sun of the son
"She had always loved Anakin Skywalker. When he was the mirage of the desert dunes, sands of lies set to keep her safe. When he was a collection of war stories harshly sewn together by bloodied hands. When he had a heart singing the song of hatred, composed in the name of her death, metal hands bruising her skin, tearing her apart. She had loved him as a monster and man.
She had held him as he died a free man, alive once again. She saved him once, and now she's going to do it again."
The problem Luke Skywalker was currently facing was the fact that she didn't know she was Luke Skywalker. Instead, her mind is a mess of memories she doesn't remember living, and, unbeknownst to her, she is as far from home as one could get.
There are few things does know: she is a Jedi, and she would do anything to get back to where she was from, but as time goes by, Luke remembers and is faced with a mess of problems to solve that might save the galaxy.
Emphasis on might.
Luckily, she gets picked up by the Jedi Order. They, in turn, throw her into the front lines of war. The Clone Wars, to be precise.
Luke Skywalker in the Clone Wars as Obi-Wan's padawan.
meeting the parents [one-shot]
Luke Skywalker introduces Mara to her dads.
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browngurl99 · 1 year
Day 7 - Faith/Rituals of love
"Come on! Say it, Nikita. It's a ritual."
"But I don't know how to make one on the spot. You just happen to be good at that, Aai."
Nikita and Trisha held a post-wedding get-together exclusive to certain relatives and close friends. They had come a long way since their first meeting at a jogging park 5 years ago.
Although Trisha was a couple years older than her, they got along very well. Trisha loved to make others laugh and sometimes Nikita laughed at her unfunny jokes just to see her proud smile. She was also a great friend. She always looked out for others, including Nikita. She always checked up on Nikita when she did not come to the park. One time, when Nikita came down with a fever, she came to her place by herself and then took drove her to a doctor.
It took them a six months-long friendship for Trisha to confess that she is bisexual is to Nikita. Nikita could not help but immediately come out to her at the very moment. Ever since then, they started slipping their presence into each other's lives more often. Then the obvious happened. They slowly realised what they felt for each other from a long time, was not one-sided at all. The confession was kind of a mess as it happened due to a playful flirting session between them that ended up with them kissing. But they worked it out in the end. Nikita could not even believe how quickly the time passed since their confession. And now, they were married.
"Ukhana doesn't have to be perfect. Just try it. It's the ritual that matters." Aai said.
It took some time for Aai and Baba to accept her fully. She came out a couple years ago. That time, they were shocked and worried. But later on, their daughter's happiness became the top priority for them. They still seemed hesitant some of the times as they were still not very used to the whole concept. But they were still learning. They were trying their best and that was enough for Nikita.
Surprisingly, Ashish was present at the gathering too. When Nikita came out to him, his reaction was positive. He stated that he forgave her 'betrayal' because he completely understood her situation. They got divorced for the better. But ironically their friendship got stronger after the divorce. He had been one of the few people who wholeheartedly supported Nikita's identity.
"Okay. I will try to say it." Nikita said nervously but also with a hint of excitement. Trisha winked at her ; To motivate her or to wish her luck? No one knows.
Nikita took a deep breath. It had been a long time since she said an ukhana. The last time was during the Satyanarayn Puja after her marriage with Ashish.
This time Nikita had to say ukhana for her the person she truly loved, Trisha. It was a little confusing. "How could I describe my wife in just some little poem?". She thought. Trisha deserved a thousand poems written about her. And Nikita would write those thousand poems but she would not want the world to know a single word of it, as if it was only reserved for Trisha.
Nikita pushed her too-many thoughts away and started reciting the poem
"Tujhya premachi challi ashi jaado
Prem geet aiktana tu lagli disu
Kontyahi phula peksha jaast sundar
Aahe Trishacha hasu"
[Translation: Your love had such magic on me
I started seeing you everytime I listen to a love song
No flower in the world can compete
The beauty of your (Trisha's) laughter]
"Waah! Waah! Kya baat hai!" Yelled Nikita's friends enthusiastically, as if they were attending a poetry recital.
Nikita gasped "You guys are trolling me. That was cringe. "
Then, Nikita heard a laughter to her side. Her wife was laughing. Her usual stern voice sounded very light. Her cheeks were brushed with a shade of pink.
"Oh my god!" Trisha said between laughs "That's the cutest thing I have ever heard. I loved it, Nikita."
Nikita's ukhana was completely true. In fact, not only flowers, but the beauty of the entire nature could be seen Trisha's laugh. She was truly lucky to have this woman as her wife.
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Lora Learns Everything (A Prim And Proper Problems fic)
This is another Prim And Proper Problems fic! But Lora is going to make her debut appearance in it! Anyways, enjoy! This takes place after Prim is arrested. Lora also learns of my oc's history.
"Yikes," Lora said as she sat with Aria, Kaylo, Trisha Jane, Rebecca, and Mei at the Sweet Shoppe. She had recently learned about the existence of Madame Prim as well as all of the things that she had done. "I honestly had no idea that such a horrible woman exists! Brainwashing a bunch of innocent girls and even go so far as to brainwash her own daughter!?"
"She wasn't just going to brainwash girls into becoming perfect," Trisha Jane said. "She planned on turning everyone perfect."
"She used her students to frame me and Yuri so that way, she would take us to her school," Kaylo said, scowling at the memory. "It was terrible. The rules were so strict as well the dress code. A month later, we were released. But we no longer acted the same."
"When I heard that Kaylo and Yuri had been sent to a boarding school that nobody knew about, it brought back…terrible memories," Aria said, looking at her vanilla milkshake with a frown.
"What happened?" Lora asked.
Aria sighed. "I wasn't always a resident in Timeville. I was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. My parents met Madame Prim when they were both in high school as she and her family had moved from Paris. Prim immediately became obsessed with my father to the point that she wanted to marry him. She would even view any girl that developed a crush on him as "pests" that were in the way of hers and my father's "fated love", according to my mother."
"And I thought she couldn't get anymore creepy than she is," Rebecca said, upon hearing this.
"Well, one Friday afternoon, Prim discovered that my father had entered a committed relationship with my mother after accepting her confession," Aria continued. "She did not take this well at all and became so enraged that she went too far. One of the drastic measures that Prim took involved kidnapping my parents and holding them hostage into her basement. They both managed to escape from that madwoman, despite how terrified they were. And on the day they got married, Prim crashed their wedding."
"That's awful," Mei said. "How…How did Prim find out about your existence?" She looked at Aria with genuine concern.
"I-I think I'm better off not knowing." Aria shivered. "What I do know was that, three days after I was born, my parents came home with me from the hospital only to discover that their mailbox was stuffed with lots of mail. Inside were love letters addressed to my father, nasty threats addressed to my mother, and flyers that advertised a boarding school that was dedicated for girls to learn how to be perfect."
"That woman is nothing but a psycho who can't take no for answer!" Lora declared.
"Psycho is an understatement," Aria agreed. "Once I entered childhood, I took notice of how my mother would stiffen whenever the mailman came to deliver mail. I would even take notice of my father ripping up papers and discarding them. But back then, I had no clue on what was actually going on."
"Considering that Prim was constantly sending those flyers and letters to your parents, can you blame them?" Kaylo asked. "She was basically harassing them!"
Aria sipped her vanilla milkshake. "It doesn't stop there. When I turned twelve years old, my mother and I were welcoming our father home after he returned from Afghanistan. The reunion was interrupted by loud banging on the door. When my mother answered it, that was when I first met her; Madame Prim. She allowed herself into the house I grew up in and then revealed what her intentions were. It turned out that she wanted me to go to her school. My parents immediately refused to send me there as they did not trust Prim one bit. But when she tried to bribe my parents a large sum of money, they kicked her out."
"She's also tracked down "imperfect" girls around the world," Trisha Jane explained to Lora. "We even found a bunch of restraining orders into her office."
"Did your parents file a restraining order, Aria?" Lora asked. "I hope they did…"
"Thankfully, they did," Aria said. "The day after Prim was kicked out of our home, my mother pulled me aside to tell me that I must avoid Prim at all costs. If I were to see her and neither of my parents were home, I'd have to get inside the house immediately, lock the doors, and hide out of sight from Prim. For one whole year, that was what I did. I would stay absolutely silent whenever I heard loud knocking and Prim's voice in a faux-polite tone trying to lure me out. After I graduated from Edinburgh Junior Academy, my parents and I left the house and never returned. For a while, we stayed at a hotel until my parents could find another house for us to live in. A month later, my parents bought a nice house in Timeville, got a restraining order against Prim, and we soon moved in. Up until what had happened to Kaylo and Yuri, we were finally safe and sound."
"Wow, thank god that you and your parents were able to get out of there," Mei said. "Just out of curiosity, did you happen to know what happened to Prim after you moved here?"
"Up until the day that Prim came here? Not much, I'm afraid." Aria said. "The most I've ever heard was that she either went back to France or moved to Ireland. According to my father, none of his friends that he went to high school with ever heard from her again." She sipped the last bit of her milkshake. "I've faced such tragedy in my life such as losing my husband. But nobody has ever made me look over my shoulder constantly the same way that Prim did…"
Lora remained silent, taking this all in. Odds are, Prim either went back to France or moved to Ireland in order to search for "imperfect" girls…
…But what did Prim plan to do to Aria if she had succeeded in taking her to that boarding school?
Kaylo belongs to @kayssweetdreams
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Lora belongs to @alex-frostwalker
Aria belongs to me.
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enelea · 1 year
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All about Tristan Lewis and Jessica White:
Jessica is the only daughter of Jessi and Victor White. She is beautiful, a bit spoiled and used to getting her way. Even though she is a family SIM, she does have a shrewd, manipulative streak in her and she knows exactly what she wants. She wants to have the family she always dreamt of and she will go to any lengths to ensure that no one stands in her way. She grew up, happily and adored and plans to live out her days being well taken care of with nannies watching her kids, while she enjoys being the perfect wife and mother. Her parents always worked hard to give her and her brothers the nice things they had and she appreciated it but if she didn't have to work as hard, why would she not take the opportunity. She really loves Tristan and she really loves the added bonus of his money too.
Tristan is the older son of Rick and Trisha Lewis. He is a bit of a shallow but kind pleasure seeker. As a teen, he had a thing for Jessica White but never taking anything seriously, she had a wild fling with someone else at university, thinking that Tristan was in the past.
Once he moved dorms, Tristan ran into Jessica again and it didn't take long for them to rekindle their relationship. Jessica broke of her whirlwind romance with the other guy and explored her feelings for Tristan.
Eventually Tristan proposed to her and they started speaking about the type of wedding they would have.
Over at Richard Lewis' birthday party, Tristan and Jessica snuck off and it wasn't long after, before Jessica realised that she was pregnant. She needed to make sure Tristan married her and fast. What if his mother convinced him that she only got pregnant to ensure a hefty amount of child support. His parents always viewed anyone from a less wealthy family as a potential gold digger. Her own parents weren't poor, but it was well known that the Lewis family were rolling in cash. She had to move fast...
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benkills · 2 years
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Good evening.
Tonight's story is about a murder. ummm, tasty cup of coffee. Oh my, there a coffin in the room. While your solving the murder pay attention to the cup of coffee and who winds of in the coffin, again I say very tasty cup of coffee.
Tommy was in a rush to get out the door; his wife Dianna was asking for him to cut back on his hours but always had to go. But Tommy wasn't at work. Tommy was having a affair with another woman, Trisha was her name. And before going home Trisha served Tommy coffee the way he liked it, just one spoon of sugar. One day Dianna found out about Tommy and Trisha's affair and the way she fixed his coffee. Dianna sneaked into her apartment and poisoned the sugar. On Tommy and Trisha's dinner night of Tommy promising he would leave his wife and marry her, Tommy confessed that he wanted go back to wife and stay with her. Before Tommy left Trisha offered him a cup of coffee he drank it Trisha said sadly "one for the road". The next day both women where reading in the newspaper about Tommys death in a car accident on the way home from work, both women where at his funeral but his wife wasn't sad, but Trisha was.
Now you know to drink black and go straight to work. This is Alfred Hitchcock until next saying good night.
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what-if-nct · 1 year
hellooo today's reminder is i watched one too many reels and now I have no choice but to file for full custody of Felix in his little pigtails counting up to three on his fingers. I'm sure I'll face a lot of resistance along the way but i will not stop until he is my Son
Hiii! Seriously he was the absolute cutest patootie!! Him and Chan played children so well. They were just so precious. But Felix was so cute I wanted to hold him. He'd be the best son. Oh speaking of kinda? I had a dream last night, my friend had bought me a boat and people were building a cabin on top of it but they built a princess bed inside the boat instead. Anyway the boat was in front of a house and I was on the phone with Chan and I don't know what we were talking about but we were arguing. I think he was upset I didn't tell him where I was going cause it was a sad worried arguing. Anyway I was invited into the house my boathouse was on. And Trisha Paytas and Mitchell from modern family were married and had a bunch of children. And I was suddenly in the backyard picking up stones and crystals and I watched Trish feed their youngest son on the patio. And in the moment I put my hand on my stomach and looked at them and was really excited to have a baby. And I'm 98% sure I was pregnant with chan's baby in the dream. Also their house was haunted and the ghost was singing highschool sweethearts by Melanie Martinez on the baby monitor. I woke up and that song was playing on my tv. I really recommend playing music while you sleep it's fascinating. I woke up at like 4am so by the time I woke up again this was all I remembered cause gosh there was more and your ask made me remember it. Also I don't think I'm actually pregnant in real life, it's not impossible but unlikely but did you know you can get your period every month and still be pregnant. Like there is no peace of mind.
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Before i go into part 29 small update: took a decision, it was a hard one but i have to do it, i will post till part 35 and then the missing panels, then it goes into hiatus the Nightmare comic... I kinda lost my motivation again...
Sorry if the story and action is a bit slow eh, i'm trying my best 😓😓
Nightmare AU part 29
Panel 1
Sky Coeur the detective:"You look different Donut from the last time we saw each other."
Donut:"Yes, this is my human form, i have ıearned in all these years of hiding, it's so much fun!"
Red the fortune teller:" You missed so much, Donut,we have a new friend, some crimes are going on, we fought some loyal subjects of the fake Nightmare king, my little sister got married..."
Melinoë the princess of nightmares:"Oh hello, i see new faces around here, you must be Donut... They told me so much about you! Someone sure is happy to have you back."
Staran the galaxy man:"Donut, we are planning to go to the local book store... Would you like to join us?"
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Donut:"It's time to change back, I'll show you all how to do it."
Staran the galaxy man:"That was amazing, something new everyday, hope one day i can do that too..."
Hester the photo marksmen:"Yes, it's much easier this way. You need to have at least 2 different forms!"
Hester the photo marksmen:" Are we ready? We have a long day ahead us, let's go!"
Luna the moon demon:"Come on Amstran the moon dancer you are with me, can't wait to see more of this town!"
Panel 3
Faith the head rabbit:"Finally we are leaving that old, dirty and smelly motel, i need to stretch my ears..."
Amstran the moon dancer:"That odd, we have a month and four days since we arrive here and i don't see any light...Hm..."
Luna the moon demon:"Maybe you aren't looking in the right direction..."
Le souris bonbon neige:"So how will we find the place?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"We will use our intuition, remember this is just like a detective game."
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Staran the galaxy man:"Just knock on the door..."
Le souris bonbon neige:"Are you sure this is the right door, what if some strange creature comes and eat us."
Polestar the star sprite:"Don't be such a baby, i will knock it myself!"
Trisha the hour glass:"Welcome! Finally you arrive, Amstran the moon dancer and your friends... Come in we must not waste any time now."
Donut:"Wow, this place is much bigger than it looks from outside! Thank you for inviting me here."
Panel 5
Polestar the star sprite :"Your place is beautiful and so many books... Can i touch them?"
Trisha the hour glass:"Sure, read what ever you like, dear... Come on Amstran the moon dancer come here, this is the cave of revelation, please step on the rock in the middle under the waterfall..."
Nishya the dream cat:"The books are so detailed and interesting, i never seen so many pictures!"
Luna the moon demon:"Look at the bright part at least we can have some peace and quiet before the storm."
Donut:"Are those about unrequited love drama books? Oh, i love that author, i might as well borrow a book."
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Polestar the star sprite: "This cave is HUGE, i can't believe that this is under your bookstore... It's amazing."
Le souris bonbon neige:"I have a strong dislike for caves and rivers or any deep water i may see..."
Amstran the moon dancer:"We are here, so we better be quick about it, too much to do today."
Trisha the hour glass:"Now focus, close your eyes and let your mind free, try not to think while listen to the water falls, feel the energy, connect with it..."
Amstran the moon dancer:" I... See..."
Panel 7
Trisha the hour glass:"Shush, do not speak, let's leave him alone for a few minutes, he must be alone, so who is next?"
Sky Coeur the detective:"What is he seeing?"
Trisha the hour glass:"He can find out everything he want to descover, he can find out his fate for example..."
Staran the galaxy man:"That is interesting, i hope that me and Polestar the star sprite will get married someday."
Hester the photo marksmen:"There are some bpoks i wish to take with us, they might help us...Hope that is alright with you, Trisha the hour glass."
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Staran the galaxy man:"So, what did you saw Amstran the moon dancer?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"A lot, i don't know what to say...!
Trisha the hour glass:"You don't have to, write on a piece of paper and than i will tell you where to look for answers, so... Who is next?"
Hester the photo marksmen:"I will... Wish me luck Lunica!"
Luna the moon demon:"Hope you stay there Hester the photo marksmen,hmph, such a child!"
Red the fortune teller:"Trisha the hour glass may you have a minute, i need to tell you something, it's about those symbols, i saw them somewhere...I saw them in flames..."
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Amstran the moon dancer:" Trisha the hour glass, can i see the book named "Ossylium cerevia"?
Staran the galaxy man:" What kinda book that is? How it will help us?"
Trisha the hour glass:"It will help you understand the Nightmare world better, we can't speak about it but there is this book that will guide you better."
Red the fortune teller:"According to this, the Nightmare world exist as a reality, it's the source of every nightmare we have, that's why in some parts is foggy all the time, the multiple moons and the distortion of our faces and "citizens"."
Polestar the star sprite:"It's been a while since i heard about it, i read something about it when i was young, my mother had a jurnal, though it was just a silly story! Our citizens see the real world as a dream we have sometimes."
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Amstran the moon dancer:"Imvoktis grenara symboli vertitis!"
Luna the moon demon:"What are you doing? Don't read any of that, it might be dangerous!"
Le souris bonbon neige:"Guys, that is a little too late! Look flying books, watch out!"
Trisha the hour glass:"Please, don't make a mess, they are books, not toys!"
Nishya the dream cat:"Sorry everyone!"
Part 1 till part 28
Donut belongs to @ caprin-fishie
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