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hellish-cruelty · 8 months ago
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The juxtaposition is uncanny which makes it even funnier. (Fleabag terrified while reading the Bible and Sister Michael laughing while reading The Exorcist)
Fleabag (2016 - 2019) & Derry Girls (2018 - 2022)
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pav-anne · 2 years ago
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movie: high fidelity
year: 2000
dir: stephen frears
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therealcalicali · 6 months ago
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Rory Culkin as Clyde - Electrick Children, 2012
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deargravity · 4 months ago
polybae is so excellent and spectacular. each of them needs 2 people to love them because their parents never did
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tumblingdownthefoxden · 6 months ago
Epic the Musical is based on The Odyssey and Act 2 is getting rather hairy. So for clarification, I decided to search if The Odyssey is a tragedy just to confirm because it never registered to me for having tragic elements when I looked at it in high school since Odysseus still made it home and they never told me that the other men had names.
I looked and...
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nine-frames · 1 year ago
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Tokyo Godfathers (Tôkyô goddofâzâzu), 2003.
Dir. Satoshi Kon | Writ. Keiko Nobumoto & Satoshi Kon | DOP Katsutoshi Sugai | Art Dir. Nobutaka Ike
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gregor-samsung · 6 months ago
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Les Deux Amis [Two Friends] (Louis Garrel, 2015)
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writing-for-life · 9 months ago
Dream’s Therapist
The session notes get longer and longer, so I decide to go over all of them again to decide on today’s topic of conversation.
The client is on time (well, 35 minutes early, but my receptionist tells me he brought a book; she is certain it is “Le Mythe de Sisyphe” by Camus, and he reads it in French). When he comes into my office, he wears a black… robe? despite it being 25 degrees Celsius. Surprisingly, he takes it off though and hangs it on my coatrack. There is still no smalltalk, although he asks, very politely, if I could open the blinds a bit more since today, the room is too dark for his liking.
DT: I’d like to talk about your family today. How do you relate to them? (I notice immediate signs of stress and he looks at my paperweight) Take it, it’s fine.
Dream (He takes the paperweight and begins to fiddle with it, turning it over and over and over again): My family is like… a cosmic jigsaw. We should fit together perfectly, and I reckon we do. In theory. From a distance. To all you mortals. But you should never, ever look too closely.
DT: And why is that? What about your parents?
Dream (Silence ensues. It lasts for 9 minutes. I contemplate several times whether to cut it short but decide to let him sit with his thoughts until he is ready): They like to play a game of charade, I suppose. If we communicate at all, it is in cryptic symbols and metaphors….
DT: You like communicating like that, too, don’t you?
Dream (I notice a glare, quickly followed by a violent shake of his head): My father once gave me an hourglass with a note that read, “Your move.” I still have no idea what he was trying to tell me.
DT: Did you ever ask?
Dream (I notice the familiar eye-roll): No.
DT: Why not?
Dream: You would not understand.
DT: Try me.
(Another bout of silence ensues. This time, it lasts 10 minutes, and I decide to finally intervene—he’s not getting a lot of bang for his buck this way. I notice a moment too late I shouldn’t use the word ‘bang’ when relating to my clients, not even in my mind).
Maybe just explain to me what your parents are like.
Dream (I notice a slightly annoyed exhale through his nose): My father has a particular (he frantically turns the paperweight in his hands) …watch that is a source of contention, and he insists on synchronised cosmic events. Well, not really synchronised as you would define it I suppose but… (he shakes his head again). No matter. My mother has a thing for unravelling galaxies and the ensuing chaos. They are not a great match by any means.
DT: Doesn’t sound like it. Are they still together?
Dream: No. They have not been for a very long time.
DT (Divorced parents. It makes sense): And how did that influence your upbringing?
Dream (He laughs. It sounds… I have no clue what to think and try not to show it on my face. He truly sounds like someone who has forgotten how to laugh. I actually feel sorry for him. I remind myself not to show that on my face either): My father is Time, my mother is Night. Do you expect me to relate to them as my role models?
DT: (I notice bitterness that most certainly covers up some hurt and wonder if he tries to be metaphorical, or if he is diving down into the depths of his delusion again): Do you? Or did you at any point?
Dream (He leans back in his chair and spins the paperweight on his index finger. It keeps on spinning. I’m confused): How could I possibly relate to someone who prunes roses before they are fully in bloom and never even smells them? Or someone who permanently entertains herself with moonlight cocktails and star-shaped canapés? My parents are… unrelatable and exhausting.
DT: And is exhaustion all they make you feel?
Dream (The paperweight stops spinning, and the silence lasts for 6 minutes this time): No, they make me feel conflicted. (He didn’t say he doesn’t feel. Good.) My father… might have taught me something about duty and the weight of eternity. But I suppose I might have preferred warmth (he starts fidgeting with the paperweight again and briefly looks at me) over cosmic-level indifference.
DT (I am surprised at the sudden willingness to share his emotional landscape. I still don’t show it on my face. I hope): And your mother?
Dream (I notice a hard swallow before he gazes out the window. His voice is very quiet): My mother paints the skies with stars. But those… nights are lonely. She revels in the beauty of darkness and starlight but never touches the hearts of her children. She never dreams of us (His voice turns quieter still). Or of me.
DT: You don’t know that.
Dream (He looks at me again): Trust me, I do. Perhaps you should remember who and what I am?
DT (I decide to tread carefully): Yes, you told me you are the embodiment of imagination, dreams and nightmares.
Dream: Correct. And I know she doesn’t dream of me.
DT (That delusion is stubborn. As they are): If your parents never gave you what you needed, did you ever try to seek comfort or solace elsewhere?
Dream (I notice he holds on to the paperweight so tightly that his knuckles turn white. Even whiter than they are): For as long as I remember I longed for nothing more than just a fleeting touch transcending cosmic duty. (He looks at me through his lashes before he focuses on the paperweight again) Make of that what you will.
DT (I wonder what’s gotten into him today. The sudden openness is confusing. Not that I’m complaining): I don’t make anything out of anything. Let’s stay with those desires. (I notice he flinches) What do you truly want?
Dream: I… feel adrift. (He seems to think for a moment): Sometimes I envy you humans (Okay, I can work with the delusion). Your families argue about burnt toast and forgotten anniversaries. My family argues about the curvature of spacetime and the existential implications of your socks disappearing in your laundry. You have no idea how these things affect… (He stops himself) Never mind. You have simpler families—Sunday dinners, awkward Thanksgiving conversations, and no cosmic-level crisis before dessert.
DT (I decide to play): I think you might underestimate the crisis potential of our dinners.
Dream: Do I? (He actually smiles.)
DT: Yes. But let’s stop changing the subject (I notice he looks slightly embarrassed, which is surprising) and get back to your wants. If you had to choose one thing you really wanted right now, what would that be?
Dream (His voice is very quiet again): To escape the endless cycle. But my duty binds me.
DT (That took the wrong direction and definitely requires reframing. Change of tack): It seems to me that you think of yourself as a silent observer at times. Or as being responsible for other people and their dreams. At least that’s what I’m gathering, correct me if I’m wrong. (He just looks at me but doesn’t say anything) What if you dared to dream yourself?
Dream (I notice the deep frown on his face before he puts the paperweight back on my desk): It is not possible to dream beyond one’s destiny. And mine is not to dream.
DT: What if that weren’t true?
Dream (Silence again. Quite brief this time): That seems… like a tome bound in too many shadows.
DT: Did you ever notice you relate to yourself as if you were (I’m fishing for the right words here) a book, written by someone else?
Dream (I notice he shuffles uncomfortably in his seat): That would be assuming I had a story of my own, which I do not.
DT: And why would you believe that?
Dream (I notice he taps his foot. Six times): I trust our time is up?
DT: No, although we’re getting closer.
Dream: Good, I shall leave then. (He makes a move to get up)
DT: I’ve got homework for you.
Dream (I notice the eye-roll, but he actually stays seated): The infernal diary again?
DT: No. I’d just like you to reflect on a thought.
Dream (I notice the raised eyebrow): And what thought would that be?
DT: If it is truly paradoxical to allow yourself to dream while thinking you are responsible for other people’s dreams.
Dream: The former seems… highly improbable.
DT: Are you going to think about it though?
Dream (He gets up and looks around the room for a moment before his eyes finally connect with mine again): I shall, despite the very apparent futility of your… experiment.
DT: I don’t experiment with people’s thoughts or feelings. I just encourage them to step back and have a closer look at them.
Dream: I shall try to… forgive me: I will trust your expertise on the matter.
DT (I notice he actually has internalised our last session. At least to a degree): The delusional one?
Dream (I notice he really wants to suppress a smile, but it’s not working): No, the real one.
DT: Same time next week then?
Dream: Yes. And you may still use ink in your diary. For however long you deem necessary…
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allthebooksandcrannies · 4 months ago
Really loved this video essay, so I thought I'd share!
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calvincell · 5 months ago
I’ve been making my way through my 3rd re-listen of the incredible podcast - Batman: The Audio Adventures & just appreciating once more not only how terrifically written it is by showrunner Dennis McNicholas but also incredibly well acted by all of the amazing cast. For any unaware, the podcast is an audio fiction blend of comedy & superhero drama that was previously only an exclusive for HBO MAX subscribers back in 2021 but now both released seasons are freely available on literally every podcast app including on MAX’s own YT Channel itself, no subscription required.
In particular, I love the Harvey Dent moment we get in Season 1 - Episode 6 - “The Whale of Damocles”:
I have to first off praise the inspired creative choice the series makes to give Two-Face the dynamic that his personas are essentially like constantly bickering twin brothers - arguing, name calling & posturing but still inseparable at the end of the day.
In the scene in question, Harvey’s binary obsession has allowed The Penguin to easily lure Dent to his favorite pier on the Gotham Wharf, Pier 2, to prevent a planted bomb from destroying it. Batman arrives soon after as Dent’s desperate search brings him to the most perilous part of the pier. Batman is so earnestly trying to appeal to Harvey to stop that he almost can’t prevent slipping into his Bruce Wayne voice when we then get an excellent memorable moment (@ ~31:50) where we get a glimpse at the tortorus psychosis Harvey is living through:
Harvey gives this tragic peek into his mind as he extols the awe-inspiring & nightmarish gospel he shares with his violent other half. It’s not only a very well written torrent of mad thoughts but also brilliantly & emotionally performed by Harvey/Two-Face’s VA: Ike Barinholtz. Batinholtz truly makes Harvey sound simultaneously mesmerized, terrified & sorrowful - on the verge of tears as he tells his former friend about the completely fractured way he views the world now & Batman’s actor Jeffrey Wright matches it with his desperate pleas to Harvey’s true self colored by the unflinching compassion he has for Dent.
For how invested the show is in genuinely trying to revive a bit of the Adam West era charm and fun camp & IMO successfully making the show legitimately funny, I believe it’s also equally in touch with the aspects of the franchise exemplified in shows like BTAS ie the darkness of the setting & emotionally resonant tragedy of both Batman himself and the different members within his rogues gallery. The show is not just sharp on a comedic level but also earnestly intriguing & engaging dramatically as well.
I have no doubt sung this show’s praises before but I don’t plan to stop anytime soon because I truly believe that the series is a must listen for every fan of Batman, superheroes & audio fiction/audio dramas generally. From top to bottom, the series is a brilliant production and stands to me personally as amongst the best content within the umbrella of DC Comics at least within the last decade.
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writeouswriter · 2 years ago
I’m at the tragedy.
I’m at the comedy.
I’m at the combination tragicomedy.
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muhammadgiovanni · 1 year ago
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Aki Kaurismäki's "Calamari Union" February 8, 1985.
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would-they-listen-to-that · 3 months ago
a playlist for someone who's f/o is Serial Designation N from Murder Drones?
‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹��� here you go! - mod cupid
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I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters
Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows - Lesley Gore
Turn the Lights Off - Tally Hall
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
A Mask of My Own Face - Lemon Demon
The Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) - My Chemical Romance
Baby Hotline - Jack Stauber's Micropop
thanks for dialing in!
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crimson-and-clover-1717 · 6 months ago
Every song ever written is about Ed and Stede. Fact.
The Northern Irish rock-band, Therapy? were particularly prescient in 1994 when writing ‘Die Laughing’.
Darling Ed. I wish we’d got season 3 to see you truly love and heal every version of your own sweet self.
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akooo · 6 months ago
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Attempting on making a poster for the series ! Thanks so much for all your support ♡
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cinemaobscura · 2 months ago
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The New Year That Never Came | Anul Nou Care N-a Fost (2024) dir. Bogdan Mureșanu
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