#Trafalgar Law's love life
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l-in-the-light · 6 months ago
This is a silly ask i know but do you think Law is secretly in love with Luffy? Or does Luffy just remind him of his little sister or Cora? 😉
This is a fun question :D to be completely honest, I think it sometimes does feel suspiciously romantic. But do I think Oda will actually go this way? Make his main character officially gay for another pirate captain? I would love to see that, so many casual readers would get their worlds turned upside down as the result. Something like that would be unprecedensed, especially from a number 1 bestselling shonen manga known all around the world. But I just don't think Oda has the guts to do that. I would love to be proven wrong though.
Despite that, I do think think Law and Luffy actually love each other. It just doesn't have to be romantic to be love. We live in a world that constantly pushes the idea that romantic love IS the ultimate goal for everyone. But does it have to be this way? Why can't the ultimate goal for someone be an adventure or some other passion instead? Or finding that one Best Friend? And what if that someone who decided their biggest love in life is adventure suddenly is ready to throw it away for their most beloved person? Does it have to be romantic to have a deeper meaning? I don't think so.
Sometimes you just find that One Special Thing or Person in your life, that ends up being your most favourite person or thing in the world. It can be your friend, it can be your family or found family even, it can be something you're super passionate about. You would do anything for it. Kisses, hand holding, dates and sex pale in comparison. That's the level of passion I'm talking about here. And I sincerely believe that's what Law and Luffy are for each other. Something even more meaningful than romantic love. Blasphemy!
Now let's look at the second part of the question: do I think Law likes Luffy only because Luffy reminds him of Cora-san and Lammy. Well, that's a tough one. Definitely Luffy is important to Law because of that resemblance. But it's not like Luffy is that similar to Cora-san or Lammy, there are some hints here and there, but ultimately he's just Luffy. He's not clumsy like Rosinante, for starters. He's a terrible liar, contrary to Cora. And he's extremely carefree and doesn't do what he's told. We don't know much about Lammy, but we can assume it's the same, they just happen to share a few things in common. That helped Law to open up a bit and want to protect Luffy, it's kinda thanks to that older brother's instinct in him.
What Law ultimately cherishes in Luffy is the fact he could save his life and that matters to him more than anything else. Finally, he managed to save someone and he can keep on doing it. And sure, we can assume he already saved Bepo, Penguin, Shachi and Wolf before, but here's the thing: they would survive even if he didn't interfere (some of them were gravely injured but should have been able to survive before help arrives). Meanwhile Luffy would 100% die there if it wasn't Law saving him, because only he could have done it.
For Luffy, Law's the reason that Ace's wish got fullfilled (saving Luffy's life). He's the person that allowed himself to be saved, unlike Ace. There's no way that alone wouldn't make Law Luffy's most favourite person in the world. And I think they will only keep on growing more important for each other from now on.
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cup-o-stars · 8 months ago
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Happy B-Day to the Corasante!! ❤🕯🎂🕯❤
(Featuring way too many drawings)
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newdruid · 7 months ago
I understand the controversies around the change in Robin and her animation style, however,
Have we considered - her face softly rounds out as the show progresses. Have we considered this may be because the strawhats made her comfortable enough to eat more? Maybe the personalities and the friendships and the food Sanji makes are all so good for her that she allows herself to have a better relationship with food?
I don't know, I'm imagining her sitting across from Franky, who is CHOWING on a burger, kay? And Robin has been munching gently on the fries, her burger has one bite out of it. It was such a good bite. Until tonight she honestly couldn't tell you the last time she had a burger. Crocodile didn't like burgers.
So she reaches down and picks up the burger, and then she takes a big ol' chomp outta that burger. Franky looks at Robin over his sun glasses as she picks up a napkin to dab the ketchup on the side of her mouth.
"that was a decent bite lil lady."
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apparently-artless · 6 months ago
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karikarasuno · 6 days ago
you're law's neighbor. well you and your boyfriend. who is currently stuffing the clothes you're throwing outside of your open door and into the lawn into his car. law pauses in his driveway. he's tired after a long shift at the hospital. he's been standing for the last twelve hours. he just wants to shower, stuff his face with whatever he has meal prepped in his fridge, and knock out in his bed for the next sixteen hours.
he's exhausted. but it seems like the only person having a more tiresome day than him is you. now you're throwing shoes out the door. expensive ones at that.
"i never wanna see you again, you disgusting fucking pig!" the last shoe you throw bounces off your boyfriend's open car door and knocks him straight in the head.
"i don't see why you have to act so crazy right now! it's not like i fucked the girl!" law winces. he's scared to get out of his car. he has one foot on the pavement, but he's seriously considering placing it back in his car and driving away.
except he wants to go home. he could always make a run for it, but the rage that's emanating off of you is enough to send shivers down his own spine. he stays put.
"oh, right, but sending her videos of you jacking off is so much better?!"
law inhales sharply and averts his eyes. yikes.
"it wasn't even that serious, i swear, babe. it meant nothing!"
law pinches the bridge of his nose. if only he could have been home an hour earlier like he was supposed to be. instead he was meant to sit here and suffer. while witnessing your suffering as well.
"to you, kid! it meant nothing to you," your voice cracks. law's chest twinges at the sound. he feels bad. "but obviously it meant something to me."
"can we just talk about this?" he pleads. it's a pitiful sight, really.
"no. clearly you're resourceful enough to find a new bitch, now why don't you find a therapist too if you wanna talk so fucking bad."
"don't be like that," said boyfriend, probably ex now, responds. "this isn't you."
you laugh. the sound is bone chilling. law is so close to being inside his home, he yearns for it so badly, but he cannot bring himself to move.
"you're right," you throw your hands up, defeated. annoyed. "this isn't me. but maybe if you weren't a cheating asshole the me you supposedly 'loved' would still be here. unfortunately for you, this is who you get and if you don't leave in the next five seconds i will absolutely take a fucking bat to your windshield!"
both your ex-boyfriend and law know you're being serious. the threat has so much anger within it that only a fool would think it's empty. so law isn't surprised when he hops into his car and speeds off. he's relieved actually.
you're still standing in your front yard when law finally exits his car. he sees the heavy rise and fall of your breaths. your hands are shaking. he's trying to make himself as small as possible. as not to disturb this already very awkward and delicate situation, but when you hear the closing of his car door, your head whips around to look at him.
he's frozen in place. your eyes are red and puffy. clearly, you've been crying. and you look as exhausted as he feels.
"men suck," you say, catching him completely off guard, before turning and slamming your front door behind you.
the next time law sees you, you're carrying boxes outside of your house. his stomach turns at the sight. purely because he hates the idea of getting used to a new neighbor. law enjoys familiarity. and you're familiar.
but as he's walking towards his car to head to work for the night, he sees someone else exit your home. law hates that he's so nosey because his steps slow enough to eye the man discreetly. he's got long blonde hair and is wearing a black medical mask. odd.
"thanks for picking up his shit, killer," you say with a huff as you toss the boxes into the back of the pick up truck that's parked diagonally across your driveway. really odd.
"for what its worth, kid hates that he hurt you," killer says, voice showing real sincerity. but you let out a sardonic laugh, hand dismissing the statement as you roll your eyes.
"trust me, the fifty phone calls makes that clear. but i'm done. you can't come back from that type of shit with me. there's no point if i can't trust him again."
killer (the name is scarily fitting) merely shrugs, "yeah, you've got a point. see you around, i guess."
"doubt it, but thanks again," you wave as you walk back up your driveway. you don't seem as devastated. it's been a few weeks. and the depth of sadness he would've expected to be hovering around you isn't as evident.
law unlocks his car. it beeps catching your attention. he can tell you want to say something, but he doesn't know if he should break the ice first. so instead the two of you stare at each other for a second longer than feels comfortable.
"sorry about the other day," you ending up saying in a hurry. just as he was about to turn away from you.
"what?" he asks, more so surprised by the fact that you're apologizing. to him.
"you know, the screaming and the throwing and the general bad vibes i'm sure i was putting out," you explain, awkwardly, but in a weirdly cute way.
"it's fine, really," he fumbles with his car keys, not really mentally prepared to be having a conversation. "no need to apologize."
"yeah, but i'm still sorry," you smile sheepishly, your hands running down the seam of your jeans.
"well, i forgive you?" his own face scrunches at his words. icky embarrassment filling his cheeks with heat.
you laugh though, not the same one as earlier. this one is mostly breath, barely a hum of amusement, as you give him the smallest of smiles. "i appreciate it."
you got a dog. he doesn't know when since his schedule has been a nightmare. but you got a dog, and a large one at that.
he's working in his garage on his blessed day off trying to change his oil before the sunsets when he hears your voice before he sees you.
"woah, your garage is so clean," you say in awe, your voice dreamy and slowed. when he turns to see you he doesn't expect to see the large brown dog wagging its tail enthusiastically at him.
"yeah, i'm not a fan of mess," he says, unsure of what else to even say.
"most people aren't, but this is like impressively clean. and of course you have a home gym," you respond, pointing at his tidy workout corner. "i mean you don't even wanna see the state of mine."
"it can't be that bad," he says to placate you, offering some type of reassurance.
"no, it's probably worse than you can imagine," you shake your head, the apples of your cheeks rounding as you smile at him.
"now you're scaring me," he teases, using a rag to clean oil off his hands. and you laugh again. this one different than any he's seen from you. it's bright and giggly as you drop your head and cover your mouth with a hand.
"you should be scared," you nod, your smile growing. but before he can respond your dog barks, perhaps for attention.
"oh, this is chopper," you introduce, " he looks scarier than he is, but he's the biggest baby."
he walks towards you, directly into the orange glow of the setting sun. he holds out a hand for chopper to sniff, "nice to meet you, chopper."
chopper licks him. "chopper says its nice to meet you too."
that makes a corner of law's lips lift. you're silly. he would've never guessed.
"and you are?" he asks, realizing rather belatedly that he doesn't know your name.
your head tilts with the same realization, "oh, you're right. i don't know your name either."
"i'm law," he says, holding out a hand before seeing that it's still stained black with oil and retracting it.
you say your name in return. the syllables running off your tongue familiarly. and he repeats it. he likes your name. it's pretty. it's fitting.
part two
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unhonestlymirror · 3 months ago
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If you are a doctor, you will always have a piece of bread on your table. (c)
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buff-muffin · 5 months ago
Dear, Lawlu shippers.
I am not that big into shipping, in general. But nothing will stop fanfiction and curiosity. I am writing to you all today to ask if any of you have any recommendations for good slow burn Lawlu fics. I’m looking the most leg kicking, pillow hugging, soul squealing fluff of watching idiots fall in love I want to see HOW people see them falling. I don’t want to be told they’re in love I want to see it. So please give me recommendations I beg of you.
Kindest regards.
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artioprotection · 1 year ago
"haha Bepo is the weakest co captain!! He's a big baby that cries!" ya, and that's why Law has him as co captain. Law has lived such a violent life of seeing people that care for him dying and being used for others personal gain that having his most trusted man be a person that hates to hurt others, is a bleeding heart of care, that seems to really respect Law's choices and orders is perfect for Law. The others in his crew are like this, but not to the level of Bepo which we need to realise is why Law wants around him
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szfiction · 1 year ago
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This parallel makes me insane actually (and there is something incredibly Lawlu about it to me)
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mandiemegatron · 7 months ago
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ʟᴀᴡ x ɢ/ɴ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ. ꜱᴏꜰᴛ, ᴛᴇɴᴅᴇʀ, ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ꜱᴇʟꜰ-ɪɴᴅᴜʟɢᴇɴᴛ. ᴠᴇʀʏ ꜱᴍᴀʟʟ ʙʟᴜʀʙ, ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ɴᴇᴇᴅᴇᴅ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ʟᴏᴠɪɴɢ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴍʏ ᴍᴀɴꜱ 🥺
ᴍᴅɴɪ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʟᴀʙᴇʟᴇᴅ 18+, ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ʙʟᴏᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ꜱɪɢʜᴛ.
"You're freezing."
The words meet your ears before two warm palms even touch your chilled arms. Leaning back into a lean, tattooed chest, your eyes slip shut as a soft, content sigh leaves your lips.
"It doesn't feel that cold," you murmur with a slight grin, letting your eyes open to glance up at the not-so-disappointed look on Law's face. You tilt your head a little more, letting the bridge and tip of your nose brush against his goatee before you ask, "What time is it?"
Law hums softly, moving his chin after your gentle nuzzle to press a warm kiss to your just as chilled forehead. "Late," he replies, moving his hands from your arms to wrap his own around your now slightly shivering form. "...Come to bed?" He asks after a moment, looking down at you with a hopeful look in his eyes.
You tease back, "only if you're actually going to be in bed with me," as you let your eyes shut again, the tips of your fingers brushing over the tattoos on his forearms, tracing his skin with little I love you's. He squeezes you gently with a low chuckle before nuzzling his nose into the side of your face.
"Of course I will. Just you and me tonight."
Your eyes open as you turn in his arms, your own wrapping around his waist as your cheek meets his chest just over his heart. "Promise?" You ask softly. He hums again, a small, loving smile washing over his lips as he presses a handful of quick kisses to the top of your head.
"I promise."
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frozenfrogz · 1 month ago
Missing him 😔
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l-in-the-light · 6 months ago
Does Law consider himself as sexy?👀 How does he react to being complimented or so having a crush on him? Embarrassed, afraid or maybe proud? 🤔
How would he react when someone calls him sexy or says he's handsome? His first reaction would be probably this: disbelief. Next step would be: ignoring. Then, if that person still persists, Law would observe and if he thinks the other person is actually truly smitten with him, he would probably start to show off a bit, because why wouldn't he? Whenever his crew swoons all over him he does the same after all. Which is why I believe he actually would want to be pampered with attention and adoration, just not to the point that it would overwhelm him. Unlucky for him, that's exactly what seems to happen most of the time: when people fall for him, they create a fanclub dedicated to him and worship him. Would he be proud though? I don't think that's the right word here... more like amused and a tiny bit attention-starving.
Would it make him embarrassed? Yes, if that person is very dramatic about their crush and declares love to him at every possible occassion. He might start to avoid them and he would cringe and flinch a lot. He doesn't like huge displays of emotions and feelings, after all. Same with flirting, he just wouldn't even know how to respond to that. But if it would happen often he would try to find answers that could be interpreted in multiple ways and leave the person guessing, because he can be an asshole like that. It's an added bonus that it also acts like a defense wall as well.
After the first enjoyment and novelty of it passes, Law would then try to take a step back. Because he would start to feel afraid, maybe because he doesn't actually return the feelings (and he is considerate!), or maybe he doesn't want that person to know him better (he has bad experience with people knowing about his past, especially about the disease, and then rejecting him, after all).
Now, does he think of himself as sexy? I guess he would think he doesn't look half bad, objectively, but I think it would be more about himself enjoying his own manly look, than trying to swoon anyone. Like: yeah, he's a guy, he has a six pack, he might as well show it so other guys don't see him as a weakling and instead accept him as one of the tough guys. That kinda thing. Personally, I call it male ego/herd fever.
Admittedly, if it happens often enough, he might actually start to believe that either he's kinda sexy or the whole world went suddenly bonkers, or both. If it's the first option, I can imagine him being absolutely insufferable about it, but not in a narcisstic way: smirking knowingly and acting more confident about himself and maybe even showing off more than usual, just for the fun of it.
It would definitely help his poor self-esteem significantly, but at the end of the day it probably wouldn't matter that much. After all Trafalgar Law is a thinker, an overthinker even. He would quickly figure out that being seen as "sexy" doesn't mean much and sometimes isn't even that far away from being objectified as some sort of sexual fantasy, and it's not really about people liking him for who he actually is. That's why he would quickly stop paying it much attention and wouldn't let it get to his head. But he would definitely notice the interest people show him and store it somewhere in the back of his mind as potentially useful information. For what though? No one knows, because it's not like Trafalgar Law would act on it in any way, heh.
He might act differently though if it's someone he likes (and trusts already) that swoons over him, as long as it's not done in overly dramatic fashion, with huge displays of emotions. I think he would actually truly appreciate and enjoy it. Maybe one day, when they're alone and he feels slightly out of his mind, he would dare to ask the question: Why? Why is his significant other so swooned by someone like him? And he would listen and remember every single word he hears as the answer and keep it safely tucked in his heart from now on, even if he would find it difficult to believe in the answer.
And if it's Luffy and Luffy just answers something stupid and random, like "You're so cool, like a hercules beetle!", Law would be sour about it. But later he would realize that whatever bullshit Luffy said was actually honest and precious, once he finally understands the context of it (in this example: he would understand that hercules beetle is the coolest creature to ever exist in the world and it's Luffy's biggest trophy, treasure and pride). Law's world would never be the same anymore after that.
...I feel like I again wrote a meta fanfic, haha. Hope you had fun reading your answer <3
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biscuitboba · 9 months ago
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Idk but i love how everyone seems to be looking straight ahead, but zoro? he is looking at his captain like, alright-
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deimosatellite · 1 year ago
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captain of the heart pirates more like captain of my heart pirates what
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moonchild-nissa · 5 months ago
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Bad things always come in threes.
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biohazard-inevitable · 1 year ago
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