#I’m fine with modern AU’s or canon
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buff-muffin · 6 months ago
Dear, Lawlu shippers.
I am not that big into shipping, in general. But nothing will stop fanfiction and curiosity. I am writing to you all today to ask if any of you have any recommendations for good slow burn Lawlu fics. I’m looking the most leg kicking, pillow hugging, soul squealing fluff of watching idiots fall in love I want to see HOW people see them falling. I don’t want to be told they’re in love I want to see it. So please give me recommendations I beg of you.
Kindest regards.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 1 year ago
you may have already talked about this so forgive me buuuuut what were Belle and Adam's reactions to each pregnancy? and their baby's reactions as they joined in on the fun of learning they would be getting siblings?
i have been SO excited to answer this all day. i love pregnancy discoveries/announcements SO MUCH i just think they’re so cute. (i mean, they can certainly be Not Great news, but in otp land!!!! CUTE!!!!) so without further ado, let’s get INTO IT!!
okay for their first baby… gosh i’ve probably written and rewritten this scene twenty different ways over the years. this is the BIG ONE!! the moment they go from a married couple to PARENTS!!! it’s HUGE it’s LIFE CHANGING!! i think about it all the time. and i think after all these years i finally have a scenario that i’m most happy with, that i’d really love to write and sort of insert into my canon, but just haven’t finished yet. and the funny part is that i’ve already written The Conversation™️ i just have to set it up and context and story and all that jazz. but anyway, i think it’d be such a big thing for both of them.
for belle, she really never imagined she’d get to be a mother. and i think the idea of motherhood, in a way, sort of scared her. she LOVES children for sure, but i think growing up in the village with no real prospects, no chance of getting out and being free, the idea of becoming someone’s domestic little housewife and homemaker was just such an awful idea to her. she wanted true love, she wanted a family of her own, but she just didn’t want it to be in that little provincial town with no hope of escape. and marrying someone and having their kids would just tether her there forever. and she wanted more for herself!!
so then, when she marries, idk, THE PRINCE? and becomes THE QUEEN? everything just changes. she’s not just some guy’s little wife. adam would rather die than let that happen. adam believes in her and pushes her to be as incredible as he knows she is. she has so many responsibilities in her role, she’s a freakin powerhouse!!! so when she does end up pregnant, almost a year after they get married, she’s actually quite excited by it. because she Knows she’s so much more than a homemaker. she doesn’t have to compromise herself to be a wife and mother, as she had once feared. she gets to have a baby with the love of her life and still fulfill all her own dreams. she can really do it all, your honor! so, in short, realizing she’s pregnant that first time is exciting and a huge relief knowing this isn’t the end of her life, just another chapter.
for adam it’s more like AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH !!!??!! PANIC PANIC PANIC WORRY WORRY WORRY !!!!!! but i can elaborate further. essentially, adam was never really keen on fatherhood. surprise surprise, having an abusive father and growing up suppressed and bullied and then directionless and scared and all that… didn’t really enthuse him on the idea that he’d be a great parent for any kid. despite that, of course, he did know deep down he would have to have an heir at some point. probably with some random woman who was deemed a politically advantageous match, someone he didn’t care about, the way he didn’t care about anything. but he ignored that prospect as often as possible, the same way he ignored all his other royal responsibilities. BUT! NOW? he Loves his wife……… he loves his wife so much and everything is different now. he’s a changed man now. he’s trying so hard to see the goodness in the world now. everything is brighter and it’s scary but he’s strengthened by her and supported by her and loved by her and… and… she’s pregnant 🥺
i’ve written this scene so many different ways mostly because adam’s reaction is just so… complicated. he wouldn’t be angry but i don’t think he’d be overtly happy either. he’s changed, he’s grown, but “fatherhood” is such a Deeply Rooted issue for him that i think when belle tells him, he just doesn’t even react at first. he knows he loves her and knows, logically, this is a good thing, so he holds her and starts worrying about her and starts processing this great big change in his life. and he fears becoming his father, despite the fact that it’s his mother’s kind heart beating inside him. and belle tells him there is no one else on this earth she’d rather have children with, because no one would ever believe in her the way he does. the way she believes in him. so they have lots of reassuring talks over the course of the pregnancy, and of course, that beautiful day when their first little one finally arrives, it’s just magic 🥹
GAH! first baby euphoria consumes my soul. i could talk about it forever, clearly. but i’ll move on to baby number TWO!
i actually HAVE written this fic of belle telling adam!! it’s a couple years old now so i’m tempted to not link it but it’s still how i imagine it happens in canon so it’s okay. i shan’t cringe at my old writing!! anyway, it’s christmas 1743 when belle tells adam they’ll be spending NEXT christmas with one more little angel than this year 🥰 adam is a lot happier on the second round, now that he’s been a father for a bit of time, now that he’s positively fallen in LOVE with his daughter, he’s more excited to keep growing their family. renée, however, is not even two yet when this is happening, so she really doesn’t have any thoughts about it lmao. HOWEVER, once her baby sister arrives, she is Not enthused by the sudden lack of attention. i’ve written a cute one about that so i’ll link that as well <3 i really want to write the moment renée meets juliette, i think it’d be sort of funny considering how young she was, but i just haven’t gotten around to it. my fic about the day juliette was born is already so hectic for other reasons, so it just didn’t work to write renée into it.
LASTLY!!! LE PRINCE!!!! it’s like you’re in my HEAD bro because just Yesterday i got a cute idea for how this pregnancy may be discovered. (and i have considered multiple possibilities, this is just the latest and greatest). i was imagining perhaps juliette (age 4) comes down with a cold of sorts, so belle’s been taking care of her. then belle starts to feel sick, and she just brushes it off thinking she caught juliette’s bug. but then juliette gets better and belle is still feeling like GARBAGE. and eventually it clicks that it’s because she’s pregnant <3 i think this third one catches them both off guard just a bit because the girls came so quickly one after the other and then it’s been almost five years and nothin??? i mean it’s the 18th century it’s not like they were doing anything to prevent it. (i am aware of 18th century contraception methods but these two definitely were not using them lmao). regardless, when it finally clicks, adam and belle are both just sort of like “oh shit!!!! NICE!!!!” lmao. they had gotten settled in life with their two girlies, but they’re certainly not mad about adding to their number 💖
as far as the girls’ reactions, i would also like to write that some time, but haven’t yet. in general, i think renée (who was very nearly 7) just EXPLODES with a million questions. she’s also very adamant that this baby Must be another girl (spoiler alert: it was not💙) and she’s just in general trying to be as obnoxiously involved as possible. she’s always tossing out name ideas (usually characters from the books she’s reading, but also lots of flower names like chrysanthemum and hyacinth). she also loves putting her hand on belle’s growing bump and asking “what’s the baby doing now??” like 20 times a day. (she loses her mind whenever she feels him kick🥹)
juliette, on the other hand, takes a long time to process it (it’s the autism, but also she’s just younger). but it sort of helps that, at the time, lumiere & plumette were already expecting their second child. so adam & belle could be like “you know how auntie plumette is gonna have a baby soon? well now so are WE!” and juliette’s like “oooooohhhhh 🤔 (doesn’t get it at all).” but when that baby arrives (a lil lad named xavier🥰🧡) juliette gathers what’s going on. that is a BABY. she does like feeling the baby in mama’s tummy move as well, it’s very wild to her. she’s much more quietly curious about her future little sibling than renée is, but she’s just as excited when they do finally meet him. which i HAVE written 🥹🥹🥹
AND, juliette gets the credit for giving her little brother his lifelong nickname. when her parents told her they were naming him maurice, she very quietly replied “hi, reece☺️” and he is forever called reece/reecy by his family and friends henceforth 🩵 (it also helps to differentiate from his beloved namesake grandfather!)
renée isn’t super excited about having a brother instead of another sister, (especially when lumiere and plumette already have TWO boys. (ENOUGH WITH THE BOYS IN THIS GOSH DANG CASTLE!!!😒)) but she does come to love him!! even though he’s annoying as hell!!! but it’s his gotdamn right as the little brother💛
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butteronabun · 5 months ago
diluc + EXES EXES EXES PLEASE (HIIII butter on a bun ^_^ i will Enable you because i have a playlist for him dedicated to this shit) + canon/modern au, etc — pick whatever YOU were thinking writing the request post + spin the wheel and pick a genre~ again, this request is an excuse to hear YOUR thoughts (i have some of my own)
extra: pick whether you want it to be she/her or g/n~ i’m fine with both 🫶
sincerely, 🥩 (who missed you and hasn’t caught up with recent posts bc i was busy </3)
wish that i had more of this borrowed time
a diluc ragnvindr x female reader exes au.
overview: diluc’s heart is his greatest foe.
wc: 3.2k
notes: originally this was 5k words but that was so much & i didn’t want to complicate this more so TAKE IT 😙 this is also a bit open-ended so feel free to interpret this however you like!! also, additional notes will be in the end, so better check that out too :)
“You’re going to break that glass, Master Diluc,” remarks Kaeya Alberich himself, who is this close to purchasing popcorn to watch the ‘drama’ that he has been observing for a while now. Weinlesefest truly has its wonders – fresh wine, good company, and a brother who definitely still isn’t over his ex, even if said brother continues to deny it. “You look under the weather. Why not take a breather and enjoy the sights? You have a loyal staff that’s willing to oversee the Angel’s Share stand for a while.”
Diluc’s cold, unwavering glare remains on that face of his. Kaeya’s almost certain that comparing his ice from his cryo vision with Diluc’s expression will have no difference at all. “I am doing fine, Master Kaeya.” He looks down at the glass he has wiped for—Kaeya guesses—the fifth time now, and picks up another one. 
“Really? But it’s becoming a little hot, Master Diluc. I’ve noticed that as the minutes pass by, the temperature of the stand has been concerningly rising as of late. Are you secretly heating up some tasty bar snacks, or is it something else?”
Kaeya suppresses a smirk when the warmth around them subdues momentarily. He has one theory that he’s sure is actually true—a theory where that ‘heat’ is coming from, and it’s definitely not the wind. 
It’s the ninth month of the calendar. Summer’s already over. So it’s safe to say that. . .
“Don’t you have other matters to tend to?” Diluc narrows his eyes at him. Oh, changing the subject now, aren’t we? “Surely, Cavalry Captains still have to scout the area for any potential threats during Weinlesefest, or have the knights really gone incompetent?”
“Oh, you. Everyone deserves to enjoy the festival every once in a while,” Kaeya raises his keg playfully. “And that includes even you.”
Diluc just grumbles at that. Still stubborn as always, but Kaeya remembers the day when the traveler told him a few years ago that Diluc, despite isolating himself during the previous festivals, reveled. (Reveled on his own, was what they clarified.) It’s a comforting thought that even such a busy man as himself can still enjoy these moments.
And Kaeya wishes he’d see it more. 
Diluc willingly taking charge of the Angel Share’s stand instead of Charles? How endearing. Is it really because he’s here for the celebration, or something else? 
(Kaeya—and he’s pretty sure, Diluc is, too—hears nearby footsteps. Familiar voices.)
Or someone else?
Whatever it is, Kaeya is fine with either. 
“Still baffles me that my suggested proposals got rejected— ah, we’re here. Oh, hi, Kaeya!” 
Kaeya sips his beer and smiles at you. “Hey.” And he watches it all unfold again. You smile back at him, before slowly turning to Diluc, who has never taken his eyes off of you ever since your arrival. 
You hide a lock of your hair behind your ear timidly. “Hi, Diluc.”
It’s really fascinating to see his brother still so soft with you. People may not notice this, but Kaeya knows Diluc best. “Good evening. What would you like tonight?”
“Ah – my company here—” you turn to the man beside you, a fellow colleague perhaps, and Kaeya seriously has to control himself from smirking. The area’s heating up again. “—would like to try some of the Fruits of the Festival that we’ve been hearing of. Is it still available?”
Diluc nods. “Yours?”
“I don’t want anything, actually—”
“Please, don’t do that,” The man calls out your name, and steps forward. The warmth’s growing. “If you think that you’re treating me tonight, then I’ll be treating you as well. Bartender, I’ll be ordering Wolfhook Juice for this lovely lady.”
The man winks at you, confident with himself, until Diluc breaks the flair by simply saying, “She’s allergic to that.”
Ah, this is great. Kaeya’s considering if he should bring Rosaria or even Lisa along for the drama. 
“W–wait, really? You’re allergic to Wolfhook?”
“Ah, D–Diluc—” As much as Kaeya relishes in dear Diluc’s jealousy, your expressions are also just as priceless. Speechless that his amazing brother still has one detail about you memorized? Pfft. Such is a man of great talent who has a knack for processing knowledge in such a short time. He’s a businessman, after all. It’s important to know a lot of things. “You still remember that?”
Diluc doesn’t reply to that question. Instead, he goes on preparing the drink with ease and in silence. Kaeya can feel the awkwardness in the air as they watch Diluc swiftly mix the ingredients, and the man accompanying you merely coughs to dissipate the tension.
“So, um,” The man starts, “I’ve heard that Starsnatch Cliff looks beautiful at this time of night. I was wondering if you’d like to stargaze with me?”
You seem sheepish. “Oh, I—”
There’s a loud thud, surprising everyone, except for Kaeya and Diluc themselves. Diluc has placed the glass in front of the man, face emotionless. “It’s late. Dangerous, even. I recommend that you postpone such a journey.” 
Kaeya hides his smile behind his keg. Oh, Diluc. Could you get even more obvious? He wishes to voice out that poor Klee and the other children might get scared because of his ‘grumpy face’ again, but it is late and they’re not here anymore, so it isn’t a valid reason to mention. 
Oh, the area’s hotter now. The man is visibly sweating under the intimidating man’s stare. “A–Ah, I see- t–thank you for that then, good sir—”
“Diluc, don’t scare him,” you scold him lightly, and take the glass. “And we’ll be fine, I have a vision.”
His stupid brother’s about to protest, and Kaeya readies himself for another session of ‘Diluc Facepalming Himself Because He Made A Fool of Himself In Front of his Ex’ when you add on:
“Though, Diluc’s right. It’s dangerous to go out right now since I’ve heard from the outriders that the concentration of hilichurl camps around that area is growing in size again. So we shouldn’t go.” You give the man his drink, and gesture him to an empty table. “And didn’t you tell me you’re tired already? Why not sit down for a while?”
Once you two are seated on a table that’s too far for Diluc’s liking, Kaeya sighs and shakes his head. Diluc glowers at him. “What?”
“Attentive as ever.”
“It’s the least I could do,” Diluc says as he crosses his arms.
“The least thing you could do is be attentive to her well–being, even though you’re not her lover anymore?” The temperature intensifies. Oops. Kaeya stepped on something he shouldn’t. But it’s always so fun to get on Diluc’s nerves. “Admit it, you still haven’t moved on.”
Diluc then retorts, “Is it so bad to care for an old friend?” “So that’s what you call her now?”
“Kaeya,” Diluc warns.
“Diluc~” Kaeya pleasantly sings. Then, his lips part into an ‘o.’ “My, I smell something burning. Are you really cooking something up?”
Kaeya doesn’t bat an eyelash on the slightly scorched bartop.
Diluc’s heart is his greatest foe.
He has too much love in his heart, and oftentimes, it causes him great anguish. 
He wanted to rip his heart out the night his father passed on. He wanted to stomp on it after causing Kaeya harm. 
And he wanted to abandon it, just like how you did.
“Let’s end this,” you told him one dinner, with your head dipped down, not wanting to meet his eyes. You trembled as you anticipated his response, but you didn’t get one. Diluc was left aghast. “This isn’t working for the both of us, Diluc.”
Such was the fate of a Ragnvindr who dedicated his time to protecting the city and thwarting the enemies that threatened his nation. Such is the fate of a Ragnvindr who occupied himself with the winery’s business ventures. 
Such was the fate of a Ragnvindr, who, despite having a big heart, had failed his lover. 
He wanted to say—maybe we could try again. I will be better this time. He knew he could solve this, if he could think of strategies to counterattack the abyss, or even keep his competitors on their toes with his new business plans, surely, he could remedy this. 
“I have too much on my plate. You have too much on yours. Let us end this before we affect each other.”
When your tears cascaded down your cheeks, Diluc wanted to wipe them away. But he couldn’t even move. Not even an inch. How could he, when his heart was being shattered to pieces? 
You had too much on your plate? Why didn’t you say anything? You know he’d always be here for you.
So why?
He wanted to say — then let’s face them together.
But you had other plans.
It was over. 
And he understood.
“How fortunate that our dear cutie decided to visit this year’s Weinlesefest,” Lisa says as she touches the petals of the cecilias. She’s here in Diluc’s garden. Lisa, for some reason, has the tendency to make unannounced visits. She smiles up at Diluc who’s observing her from the gazebo. “Don’t you feel the same way too, Diluc? That she’s here again, after almost two and a half years.”
Diluc crosses his arms. “I fail to understand why I’d have to voice out my opinions on the matter.”
“Ah, but didn’t you say something to Kaeya? Supposedly, shouldn’t you be happy that an ‘old friend’ came back?”
Diluc averts his gaze, and Lisa smiles even wider before tending back to the flowers.
“She favors these, don't they? Cecilia flowers.” Lisa sniffs one. This one smells very fresh. It’s as if all the flowers here are greatly taken care of. “Oh, this takes me back. I still recall how you and her first met. You two were so adorable! She used to chase you around, desperate for your attention. And despite your attempts to push her away, she still managed to win you over. Her blushing face was the absolute best when you gifted her a bouquet of cecilias. Really, who knew that you could get so romantic?”
Lisa lifts her head and fixates on the clouds. “She’s your first love, right? And you treasured her so.” She checks to see if Diluc’s still there, and he is. 
He’s still sulking like the baby he is.
Lisa can hear him murmur, but it’s not too audible for her ears to pick up. “I beg your pardon?”
“. . .her favorite.”
Lisa tilts her head. “Favorite?” 
“Cecilia flowers.” Diluc says. “They’re not her favorite.”
“Oh, my. So what’s her favorite, then?”
Diluc is reluctant. But he answers anyway. “Small lamp grass flowers.”
Oh, Lisa knows.
She just wanted to hear him say it.
No one knows how much Diluc has struggled during the first months of your breakup with him. 
He got moody, at times. Even slept in too much, which was surprising, because he wasn’t the type of person to sleep, not at all, when he had errands to run. He was a business owner by day, and a vigilante by night—he shouldn’t coop himself up inside his quarters all the time just to let his broken heart weep.
So even if those days, those weeks, those months, were nothing but unimaginable suffering – Diluc had to rise. Someone still had to face the darkness for the dawn.
The overseeing of the winery and the scouting of adversaries were great distractions to someone like him.
But he couldn’t deny the fact that whenever he was resting, or even had one moment of leisure, those thoughts canw creeping in. How were you? Where were you? Are you faring well? Do you still yearn for him, as much as he yearns for you?
Are you as ruined as he is?
Diluc didn’t expect that breakups could get this hard. He thought the drunkards in his taverns were over exaggerating it a bit too much because of the alcohol, but now, he could understand.
( He didn’t resort to alcoholism, though. )
He really tried to get over you. He really did. He really tried to forget. 
But how could he, when he cherished you so?
How could he, when his heart continuously ached for you? How could he, when he longed for you desperately after you left Mondstadt.
( ”There are plenty of fish in the sea. There are lots of daughters from various nations wanting to be your wife! Why not choose any of them, to fill that hole in your chest?”
The last time a patron told Master Diluc those exact words, he nearly banished them from his tavern. )
Moving on was not an option here, it seemed, when everything reminded Diluc of you. 
He saw you everywhere. You liked talking a lot, and he liked listening to you, even before you two were dating. Every experience, every anecdote, every musing, and every vent — he remembered it all. 
Diluc knew what type of coffee you liked. At first, you weren’t such a big fan of them, but you found one that suited your taste. ( “Just one cup is enough, though. Two or more will make me palpitate!” ) Pepperoni became your favorite pizza topping when you ate with Jean when she invited you for lunch out of gratitude. ( “Cheesy spinach is a close second!” ) You liked reading books and seemed to get lost in them a lot; you even excitedly discussed your reviews to him of the novels or pieces of information you’ve read. ( “Like can you believe it?! He had a twin brother all along!” or “Now I understand why you have such a big chair in your office! It’s because it signifies your status! ” )
You were so endearing. Diluc really, really loved every bit of you and made sure to give you the love that you deserved. He tried his best as he could to provide you with the affection that you needed.
Yet it still wasn’t enough.
Because if it did, Diluc would still be here at his dining table, reading his documents and sipping coffee with you. If it did, you’d still offer Diluc one slice of pepperoni or cheesy spinach pizza after your lunch with Jean. If it did, you would still bother him underneath the sheets until late hours into the night regarding the mundane and the interesting.
Move on, they said. They were all growing concerned.
Move on, a rational part of him also said. It was for his own good.
But he had always been stubborn.
“Master Diluc’s single?! Again?”
“The most eligible bachelor’s throne is his once more.”
“Back off, even if the Master’s single, he won’t give you no heed. Just give up.”
“Come on, support me a little! I just want to give him a good time. Don’t you think I have a chance?”
“Not one bit, lass. Not one bit.” )
Weinlesefest is in full swing—
“Yet here you are, moping.” A green bard sits on the pier beside Diluc, who’s currently throwing rocks onto the surface of the water. “Master Diluc, shouldn’t you be out there and celebrate? Or did you choose to stay here because you haven’t scored a date?”
Diluc narrows his eyes at him curtly, before throwing another stone into the water. 
“A silent treatment for me, I see,” The bard strings his lyre, “But I have no worry, for you’ll answer me eventually.”
Diluc sighs. “She’s occupied as of the moment.”
“Oh~? I see that the tables have turned, then?”
Diluc scoffs. Of course he also knows about what had happened before. “Really. What’s your purpose for being here? And stop with your rhyming. It’s annoying me.”
The bard snickers. Stroke a chord it seems. “It’s the second to the last day of this festive event, and I’ve yet to see you participate. Minus the fact of taking care of the Angel Share’s stall, but you must at least do something that’s not related to work.”
“It’s in my blood to dedicate myself when it comes to work.” Diluc throws another stone. “I have no other choice, Venti.”
“Yet here you are, skipping stones?”
“Here I am, skipping stones.”
The bard sighs sadly. As he kicks his legs back and forth, he says - “Do you remember the Thousand-Wind Wine Razor made with the Traveler?”
“Of course. The barrel they used belongs to my winery.”
There’s another silence. Then Venti speaks again. “The wind is many things, you know. It can bring back the soul, and especially, preserve memories—you know of the fact that dandelion seeds are added last as a way of capturing the wind at the very moment when the barrel is sealed. Meaning, the memory of that ‘moment’ is stored in the wine, for all eternity.”
“And your point is?”
“Let yourself be happy this once.”
After the citizens of Mondstadt welcomed the Anemo God, they all felt the gentle breeze kissing their skin as he graciously made himself present into the wind. The children cheered, and the adults raised their cups for a toast. Everyone was having a splendid time.
“To the Anemo Archon!”
You, however, have just finished preparing for your departure back to Sumeru. After packing your belongings and making sure you didn’t leave anything in the inn, you had to go find your companion — who’s still probably busy trying out new drinks. 
You sigh at that, a little amused. You also resign to this fate. The journey to Sumeru will have to wait until later. Plus, you haven’t even properly said your goodbyes to the others, so, there’s that. 
A polite cough echoes behind you. You turn around, and your heart flutters at the sight of a familiar man. Diluc.
“May I request a bit of your time?” He asks, always so gently.
You’re pleased and surprised, of course - because it’s Diluc. Diluc, who’s obviously seeking you, even if he’s made clear that he’s occupied with duties of the winery. 
You want to humor him a little bit, so you snicker. “But what if I don’t want to?” You gesture to your satchel. “I’m preparing for my departure, you see.”
Diluc already knows that, doesn’t he? He doesn’t even react. “If that’s the case, then I respect your decision.”
Oh, that’s a bit disappointing. You kind of want to slap yourself for that. You should’ve just accepted Diluc’s request instead of pulling stuff like this. Why play hard to get, when Diluc’s already—
“But I beg of you,” Diluc adds, and you blink. There’s determination in his eyes, and your heart skips a beat when you notice that there’s also something else. “Before you leave. . . please, spend time with me. All it takes is just a short moment with you, and I’ll be content. I won’t ask for anything more.”
—making initiative, huh.
How can you say no to that?
You smile at him—a little bit too tenderly. “Alright then, Diluc.” You lift a hand, gesturing for him to take it. “Lead the way.”
supposedly this was seriously longer, it had more plot ( i indulged on this way too much when i was writing this but had to omit a lot of stuff because i was getting overboard + wanted to more focus on how diluc interacts with his ex / what he feels about his ex / what he felt without his ex asfghjfk also, here's one screenshot before i deleted this part; i wasn't rlly kidding that it had more substance and it was originally angsty:
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anw. shoutout to my bestie who brainstormed with me abt ex diluc hcs it was so fun. lemme share to y'all what we talked abt: 1) we thought that diluc is the type of person who’d date to marry, 2) his heart is so so freaking loyal he'd still pine for his first love, and 3) he falls hard and is stupidly sentimental plus. if he did have an ex, the breakup will def bother / ruin / devastate him, especially when he loved that person sm :(
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peachglazewrites · 2 months ago
Hiiii could you write for hyper fem reader abby? It's totally fine if you don't write for super feminine reader tho
𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚞𝚛𝚐𝚎
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𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: abby/femme!reader 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: none ♡︎ 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚜: established relationship, fluff 𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘: no use of y/n, outfit descriptions, modern au & canon 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 2.4k
𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: Abby helps her overthinking femme with her cute little date outfit + a brain dump on how this dynamic would work in canon!
a/n: thank you so much for the request! this is my first one so i’m suuuper nervy posting it haha but I wanted to do this between writing chapter eleven of dream of us In a year!
i hope you enjoy! ✿
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“Honey, I think you look fine.”
“Fine?” you ask, peeking around your closet door, eyebrow raised. “Just fine?”
Abby stutters from where she sits on your bed. “Not—” Bringing a hand up, she rubs at her forehead. “Fine as in good. Cute. Hot... I don’t know what you’re looking for.”
You laugh, crinkling your nose. “I know what you meant.” You retreat from the closet, stopping in front of your full-length mirror once more. It’s almost a struggle to see past all the stickers and photos pasted along the edges. “And thank you, I just…” you sigh, posing in the mirror, smoothing down your top. “I’m just not feeling the white, I don’t think.”
The two of you are in your bedroom, getting ready to go out for lunch. Well, you’re getting ready to go out— Abby’s been ready since before she got here. She even arrived extra early, early enough to catch you still in your pyjamas, hair curlers hanging on for dear life, smudges of yesterday’s mascara darkening under your eyes. You let her in, obviously, leading her by the hand as you sleepily shuffled back to your room.
She’s been sat there patiently the whole time, watching you pad around as you get ready for the day. It’s mesmerising to her, the way you do yourself up. Expertly brushing and pinning your hair in place, dabbing concealer and blush and a whole bunch of other things Abby doesn’t have the vocabulary to name along the soft planes of your pretty little face.
You’d just finished up, clipping a pair of sparkling earrings to your lobes when you caught your reflection in the mirror by your closet. Abby could tell just from the dip in your brows that you were second-guessing, overthinking the outfit that you had meticulously put together, deciding, ‘no, this wasn’t it.’
So, Abby keeps sitting, looking so out of place your bed, plush pink sheets threatening to swallow her up as she sinks into them, surrounded on all sides by an impressive wall of decorative pillows and plush toys— most of which have been won for you by Abby herself.
Her ripped denim jeans, loaded with too many pockets to be purely functional, are belted at her waist with an impressive buckle-- something that makes her look like she walked right off a ranch. Tucked in to the waist of her jeans is a plain white tee, short sleeves rolled up to show off more of her freckled arms, muscles bulging as she wraps them around a heart-shaped throw pillow. Her usual braid has been passed for a low bun this morning, keeping the hair off her neck in anticipation for today’s sunny weather.
The only accessory she wears is a simple necklace, a locket you got her for your anniversary, a photo of you on the inside. Technically there’s two photos, one hidden behind the other for a very particular reason, meant for her eyes only.
You turn again in the mirror, chewing on your glossy lip as you look over the white tennis skirt peeking out from under your ribbed top. It’s a delightful shade of pink with capped sleeves. You just received it in the mail the other day and haven’t had a chance to wear it, and what better time to debut it than on a lunch date with your love. The buttons along the front are shaped like hearts. It’s perfect.
Just not with this skirt.
The vision was to add something white, try and match the colour of Abby’s top, but it’s simply not working out.
With a sigh, you unzip the skirt, letting it fall off your hips and pool at your bare feet, stepping out of it and walking back into your closet. Your top is longer than usual, but not long enough to completely hide your naked thighs from Abby, let alone the peek of your underwear from her wandering eyes.
“I think I like this outfit the most,” Abby says, a sly smirk playing on her lips as she runs her gaze lazily across your bare legs.
Rolling your eyes, you grab the closest ball-shaped object (a pair of bundled up socks) and throw them at her. You manage to hit her square between the eyes with your impeccable aim. “Keep it in your pants.”
She chuckles, a low sound as she picks up the bundle from her lap. They’re a ribbed white pair, a delicate ruffle along the top. Abby hums in thought, chewing on her cheek, unrolling the socks and smoothing them out. They’re about knee high, and she recognises them from the few times she’s seen you wear them.
Her eyes flick up to you, on the tips of your toes as you shuffle through your hanging skirts, then back down to the fabric in her hands.
“Hey, babe?”
“Hm?” You keep shuffling through your skirts, metal hangers screeching as you slide them along the pole.
“Why don’t you…” she trails off, feeling a bit silly for even attempting to give you of all people clothing advice. She clears her throat, starting again. “Why don’t you wear these, and that uh—you know that denim skirt you have? With the layers? It’s got that--”
“Oh!” You pop your head out from your clothes, looking over to your girlfriend perched on the bed. “The one with the ribbon on the hem?”
“Yeah, that one. That way we’ll both be wearing denim, and your socks will match my top… right?” She tacks on, almost shyly.
Ugh. She looks so cute sitting there, socks in one hand, frilly heart pillow clutched to her chest with the other. Her lips are doing that pouting thing she does when she’s thinking, a pretty pink from all her chewing on them.
“Let me see if I can find it.”
Turning back to your skirts, you riffle through each one until you spot it, neatly pressed and folded over the hanger. It’s just how Abby remembers it, a washed denim in two layers, a lovely pink ribbon weaved in and out through the slightly ruffled hem.
Not wanting to give any room for your brain to overthink, you shuffle the skirt over your hips, buttoning and zipping it into place. It sits at that perfect length above your knee, just long enough to be modest, but short enough to be a bit flirty.
Abby lets out a whistle as you exit the closet, stepping in front of the mirror. 
“There she is.” She grins, loving the way she can see you blush in the mirror, watching as your already pink cheeks darken in colour under your makeup. The shade matches your eyes, similar pinks and reds brushed over your lids, blended delicately and precisely.
She loves it when you coordinate like this, tying everything in from head to toe.
You’ve got to hand it to her, she did a really good job. Your top sits smooth along the skirt, not looking too lumpy or awkward along your middle. It hides a fair bit of the waistband, but just like the tennis skirt, it lets the bottom peek out in a way that you can’t help but find adorable.
You don’t even have to have the socks on to know that this is a winner.
“Not too shabby, Anderson.” You grin back, turning to face her properly.
Abby sits up a bit straighter, chest puffed out in pride. Letting the pillow fall to her lap she raises one of her hands, making a spinning motion. “Give us a twirl, pretty lady.”
You let out an embarrassed giggle, cheeks burning hotter as you give in, spinning in place and finishing with a pose. You meet her gaze, warmth blooming within your chest at her soft eyes, so clear and filled to the brim with affection.
“Not yet.” You reach out, making grabby hands you walk over to her spot on the bed. “The finishing touch.”
Abby removes the pillow from her lap, patting one of her muscled thighs as she holds the socks out for you to take, smirking.
“You’re impossible.” You huff playfully, making a big show of spinning on your heels before perching on your girlfriend’s lap, taking the socks from her hand.
She chuckles behind you, her strong arms coming to wrap around your middle, pulling you back to sit flush against her chest. You can feel the cool press of her locket between your shoulder blades, her hot breath fanning across your neck as she buries her face into your shoulder.
You have to navigate around her grip on you, but you eventually roll the socks up your calves, adjusting the ruffles so they’re sitting neatly under your knees.
There. Now it’s perfect.
Abby’s arms tighten around you, squeezing you gently. With a soft hum you lean back against her chest, bringing one manicured hand up to lightly scratch at her scalp. She won’t admit it out loud, but she loves the way your nails feel. It’s part of the reason she offers to pay for you to get them done. That, and the way you get so giddy over a fresh set, staring at them for hours after you come back from your appointment.
“Thank you for being so patient. This must get so annoying.”
“Never annoying,” Abby murmurs, tilting her head to press a soft kiss to the skin of your neck. You shudder lightly, sinking into the feeling. “Like watching you get all dressed up.”
You can’t help the sigh that leaves you as she kisses up your neck, pressing her strong nose into the skin, finding the source of the perfume you spritzed there. A sweet scent that contrasts the spicy cologne she likes to wear.
“Mm… Like it when you wear this one.”
You giggle, letting out a soft gasp as she nips the skin gently. “I know, it’s why I put it on.”
She continues her path up your neck, kissing along your jaw and cheek. Holding her head in place you tilt your own to meet her, pressing your lips together in a lingering kiss.
It’s sweet. She’s sweet. Unbelievably so.
“Love you,” she mumbles against your lips, pressing in for another kiss before you can answer.
You pull away, hand sliding from the back of her head to her cheek, cupping it gently. “Love you, too.” Your thumb swipes across her lips, wiping off the tacky residue of your tinted lip gloss. “Want to head out?”
Abby nods, pressing in for one last, quick kiss before unravelling herself from you, giving your hip a loving pat. “Let’s go, before they sell out of those muffins you like.”
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𝚍𝚢𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗
Working in any capacity for the WLF doesn’t leave a lot of room or time for you to indulge in your physical appearance. Practicality always takes precedence, and you would never ever jeopardise yours or others safety because you were too stubborn to wear a pair of ugly cargo pants. Even as one of the dog trainers you don’t get a lot of leeway, having to be prepared and able to run, play, train, and bathe the couple dozen dogs you keep on site every day.
You live with what you can get, fussing over your hair and wearing the small amounts of makeup you have. It’s very DIY, a couple of the women in the stadium making kohl for the eyes, lip tints and blushes from extracts of things like beetroots. It’s not perfect, but it beats the expired stuff by a longshot. That’s just an infection waiting to happen.
The thing you take the most pride in are your nails. You have your routine perfected at this point, sitting down to file and shape them, rubbing oils into your hands to keep them nice and soft as you push back your cuticles. Your favourite part is painting them, switching out the colours each time you need to redo them.
No matter what you wear or what your hair looks like that day, you’ll have your nails pretty and painted, and that’s enough to get you through.
Your girlfriend Abby is the polar opposite to you, content to spend every waking (and even sleeping) moment in her cargos and muscle tanks. Not that you’re complaining. You both know she looks ridiculously good in them.
Everything about her is practical, and she doesn’t care for putting more effort into her appearance than she has to. Even her braid is entirely utilitarian, keeping her long hair out of her face. If she does it right, she can keep it in for the couple of days while she’s out on patrol, not needing to waste moments redoing the entire thing.
She doesn’t entirely get it, the want for femininity. She’s more than comfortable leaving it behind. If she’s being honest, she likes rejecting it— finding comfort in her broadness, the boxers she slides along her hips, the spicy cologne she spritzes after her showers.
She lives for the moments when you look up at her, eyes smudged dark and lips her favourite shade of pink, manicured hands running along the planes of her face or up to scratch the back of her head as you call her handsome. She’d do just about anything for you in those moments. Fuck everyone else, you’re the only thing she can think of.
Which is why, even though she doesn’t really get understand, she goes out of her way to find things for you, bring you home little bits and pieces from her patrols that she knows you’ll love.
She takes a few minutes to step away from the others and walk the aisles of that old pharmacy, eyes roaming the displays of nail polish. She ducks through broken windows to stuff a hairclip or hair tie into one of her pockets. She pretends to go take a piss when really, she’s jogging back to the jewellers she saw on the corner, snatching a dainty chain from a display cabinet.
And it’s all so worth it when she comes home after those long days, meeting you in darkened hallways or up in your favourite spot in the stadium bleachers, kissing your tinted lips as she presses her gifts into your palm. When she can watch the smile that breaks out over your face, eyes sparkling as you turn the items over in your hand, thanking her as you pull her in for another kiss.
She’s addicted to the way her heart thumps in her chest when she sees you the next time, newest colour on your nails or that clip she just got you holding your hair back. Almost as much as the grin she gets when you spot her looking, kissing the tips of your fingers before blowing it in her direction.
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h0neylevi · 4 months ago
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Chapter Two
After a major shift, your life has become a series of monotonous routines. Eat, sleep, go to work, repeat. But when you find a man bleeding on the subway with no idea how he got there, things become anything but ordinary.
General content warnings: isekai/parallel universe, modern AU, mentions of blood and canon-typical violence, some light angst, eventual smut.
chapter warnings: brief discussion of human trafficking
word count: 3.2k
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“Where did you find him again?”
“On my way home last night on the subway.”
“... And he was–”
“In the full scout uniform, yeah.”
Your friend and fellow nurse, Allie, pauses in the wake of your words, eyes fixed on the door at the other end of the hall where one of the hospital’s doctors took Levi to be examined.
They’ve been back there for over an hour now, and you’re starting to get nervous. If this goes badly, you’re never going to live it down with your coworkers.
“Is he hot?”
Your jaw hangs when Allie’s words register, and you turn back to her with an incredulous look.
“I told you all that and that’s what you take from it?”
She raises her hands up in a defensive gesture. “I’m just saying, if the universe decided to drop a man into my lap that thought he was Erwin Smith, I would take advantage of the situation.”
That, oddly enough, makes you laugh.
“He isn’t Levi Ackerman,” you say once you’ve calmed down. “He probably just hit his head on the way from a costume party and got confused.”
On the other side of the nurse’s station, Allie groans and gets up. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“I’m being realistic,” you defend.
“We see weirder things walk into this hospital every day.”
“I think an anime character come to life would surpass anything we’ve ever seen.”
With a defeated little sigh, she grabs a file and rounds the corner. “Well, whatever he is, I have to get back to work.” She taps the file on your shoulder as she passes. “Have fun with Beyblade. Let me know what Paul says.”
Just as she starts down the corridor, the door at the end of the hall opens and Dr. Paul Holloway exits the exam room. His expression is solemn as he gestures for you to join him.
“Thank you again for doing this on such short notice, Dr. Holloway,” you greet him. “Did you find out anything?”
He looks down for a moment at the clipboard in his hand. “Well, the only thing really to note is that he doesn’t seem to know what year it is or where he is, but all of his tests and scans came back normal. Cognition and reflexes otherwise seem to be just fine.”
He rifles through the pages for a moment before continuing. “There are no drugs in his system, and no significant injuries that I could find that would cause this sort of temporary amnesia, so I would have to refer him out to a specialist if you wanted more answers. But as of now, my only guess could be that maybe he was trafficked and escaped. Possibly in a fugue state for so long that he has no recollection of how he got here.”
You listen intently. That wouldn’t explain the clothes you found him in, but it’s worth considering all the same. Large cities were usually hubs for human trafficking. It’s more likely than Allie’s theory at least.
Dr. Holloway seems to sense your thought process. “He should recover his memories soon, but I would suggest maybe filing a police report. I’m sure he has a family out there somewhere who’s missing him.”
You consider it. “Yeah,” you say, nodding. “I’ll mention it. Thanks again, Dr. Holloway.”
“Of course.”
You wait quietly as he opens the exam room door again and beckons Levi out.
He’s just as passive as ever when he sees you waiting. With a departing nod, Dr. Holloway continues down the hall to another exam room.
“So,” you begin, “how are you feeling?”
“Like a test subject,” Levi grumbles, falling into step with you. “Four-Eyes would love this place.”
You turn to look at him. “Huh?”
“Nothing,” he quickly says. “So, are you satisfied now? I can go?”
You walk through the nearby exit door on the side of the building and onto the street.
“Well, Dr. Holloway didn’t find anything wrong, so I guess you’re welcome to go wherever you like,” you say. “But I really think you should go to the police. I think something really bad has happened to you, Levi. They might be able to help you.”
While you speak, Levi looks around, studying the cars as they pass and the tall buildings.
“Somehow, I doubt that,” he sighs. “I think I’m too far from home to go back.”
The recognition that bleeds through his tone makes you curious. “Do you remember where you’re from?”
“It doesn’t matter.” His mouth twists into a frown. “It’s definitely not around here.”
You want to keep pressing but ultimately decide against it. It isn’t as if it’s any of your business, but you feel a sense of responsibility for his well-being. You were the one who found him, and if you have the means to help him get to where he needs to go, you’d be willing to offer. It isn’t as if you’ve got anything else going on in your life, but you can only do so much when he doesn’t want you to pry into his personal life.
“Well...” you trail off, unsure. “I need to get some groceries but once we get back to my place, I can wash your clothes before you leave. That’ll give you some time to decide what you want to do.”
To your surprise, it doesn’t take him long to agree.
“Okay,” he nods. “Let’s go.”
The supermarket isn’t far from your apartment, so you get onto the city metro together. It’s a familiar route to you, but it’s clear that Levi isn’t accustomed to the amount of people that cram themselves together into the narrow space at once.
There aren’t any seats when you climb on, so you’re forced to stand together in one of the corner exits. At the very least, Levi remembers to grab onto one of the handrails just before the train starts moving—an action that he still seems to find disgusting despite the necessity.
“What?” you laugh at his pinched expression.
“I think I preferred it the way it was last night,” he remarks, not doing anything to hide his distaste while looking around. “How often do these things get cleaned?”
You blink. “Uh, I don’t know. Probably only when something seriously hazardous happens. Like blood or puke.”
The look on his face only grows.
“Don’t worry. I have sanitizer in my bag. I can give you some when we get off,” you promise. “I never got rid of the habit from covid.”
The way Levi’s brows furrow suggest that he doesn’t know what either of those things are either, but you just shake your head, wordlessly promising to explain later.
Once you’re off the train and back out onto the street, you move to the side to pull the aforementioned bottle out of your bag. Levi watches quietly until you reach and squeeze some of the liquid into his upturned palm.
He lifts it closer to his face. “What is this?”
“It’s sanitizer,” you say, rubbing your hands together. “Just rub it in like this. It kills the germs on your hands that you can get from touching random surfaces.”
He follows your example, albeit a bit more slowly, and you set off again down the street.
The rest of the walk is done mostly in silence. Thankfully, Levi doesn’t seem to mind. He chooses mostly to walk along beside you, occasionally looking up at skyscrapers as you pass them or balk at the occasional interaction on the street. There’s a sense of wonder and curiosity that settles on his face, smoothing out the stern glare that you’ve seen him wear since you first found him on the metro.
It really is like he’s never seen anything like it before, and you wonder again about his history. He doesn’t seem afraid of anything, merely curious as he walks, and he carries himself confidently. Like a soldier…
No, that was Allie influencing your thoughts. There’s no way this man was the Levi Ackerman. Even if he had his hair, his stature, the same sullen expression, and similar mannerisms to ones you’ve seen in the anime. It’s an impossible thought. You’re not even considering it.
“What are you staring at?”
You blink and realize that he’s looking at you now and holy shit, his eyes are even that shade of blue-grey.
You turn forward again just as a crosswalk changes for you to go. “Nothing,” you say quickly. “You just… remind me of someone.”
He doesn’t reply—most likely because he doesn’t care—but you’re grateful that he doesn’t pay it any mind.
But by the time you’ve entered the supermarket and grabbed a cart, your curiosity outweighs your hesitation.
“Can I ask you something?”
Beside you, Levi scans the produce aisle you’re approaching with passive interest. “That depends.”
Ignoring him, you press forward. “Is there some reason you won’t tell me what’s going on?”
You speak and he turns to look at you, his brows furrowed.
“I mean, it’s pretty obvious that there’s more to what happened than you’re letting on,” you continue. “And I know it’s none of my business, but…”
“You’re right. It is none of your business.”
The comment stings more than you expect, but you try to quickly brush it off. You don’t know this man, and in a matter of an hour or so he’ll be gone. You’d promised yourself that as long as he was healthy, you wouldn’t meddle.
But after everything you’ve done for him, it still feels unfair to treat you so dismissively. He acts like you’re a nuisance more than the person who cleaned him up and gave him a place to sleep out of the cold.
The ensuing silence is tense. You push your cart forward, suddenly eager to get out as quickly as possible. The faster you get home, the quicker he leaves. If that’s what he wants after everything you’ve done, he can have it.
You’re moving through the selection of deli cheeses when Levi speaks up again.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” he says in a low voice. “I wouldn’t believe it myself if I wasn’t witnessing it with my own eyes.”
You look around, following his gaze as it skims over the refrigerated walls of pre-packaged meat and cheese.
“What are you talking about? It’s a grocery store.”
He huffs. “That doctor said the year was 2024.”
You change course, leading the way into an aisle of canned goods. “Yeah?”
It’s quiet for a long moment. Levi’s arms are crossed over his chest as he follows along.
“I don’t know how it happened, but I’m not from here.” He pauses for a moment as you pull some cans from a shelf and place them in your cart. “I’m not from this time.”
You stop for a moment and look at him. On his face is the same look he had the night before, that same sincerity when he told you he’d been looking for some sort of headquarters.
You can’t help it. You chuckle. “You’re talking about time travel.”
“If that’s what you want to call it.”
You continue down the aisle and turn into the next one. “Levi, there’s never been a recorded instance of time travel…ever. It’s never happened.”
Levi rolls his eyes. “See? You don’t believe me.”
“It isn’t about believing you. It’s impossible.”
But even as you say it, you don’t feel entirely convinced that it’s true.
Improbable, sure. Very unlikely. Insane that you’re even considering it, but the more you think about it, the more the pieces seem to fall into place.
The way you found him, his clothes, the way he looks around at everything like he’s seeing it all for the first time. There’s no indication that he has a serious head injury, so you can’t fall back on that anymore. And the trafficking? Well… You’ve been trained to look for red flags, and nothing about his situation seems to fit with that explanation.
Plus, there are the coins you found in the pockets of his clothes this morning. Copper and silver ones bearing symbols you don’t recognize. The silhouette of a woman in a crown.
You’d looked up every conceivable country that you could think of that might fit the bill and nothing had matched.
There’s no way that what he’s saying is true though, right? If you believe him, you’d have to believe all of it—meaning that he is Levi Ackerman and that the events of Attack on Titan are real.
No, that’s silly. In all of recorded history, there’s never been a single event that coincides with the existence of man-eating titans. Belief in giants is a fringe theory not backed by actual evidence.
But, still. Just to humor him.
“What time are you from then?” you ask.
You stop and stare at him. “You realize that’s…over a thousand years ago, right?”
With his mouth in a thin line, Levi nods.
You continue to stare, waiting for a break in his composure. The inevitable laugh that will surely come, marking this entire conversation as a joke, but it never comes.
“You’re serious,” you finally say.
Levi blinks. “You believe me?”
God, what do you believe? “I…” You bring your hands to your face. The middle of the pasta aisle is not the place to be weighing the possibility of time travel. “No,” you finally say. “I mean, I don’t know…can you prove it?”
Levi raises a brow. “How am I supposed to prove it to you?”
“I don’t know. You’re the one claiming to be over a thousand years old.”
“I’m not claiming to be—” he cuts himself off with an irritated sigh. “You’re just as bad as the brats back home.”
Something in your patience finally snaps.
You start walking again, needing space. “You know, you could stand to be a bit nicer to me considering all I’ve done for you.”
For a long moment, there’s only the rattling sound of the cart’s wheels as they roll down the aisle.
“I am grateful,” Levi finally says, surprisingly still following next to you. “But I didn’t ask you to interfere.”
“Well, most people wouldn’t have just left a man to bleed all over the metro. I’m sorry I have basic human decency.”
“Basic human decency would have been pointing me in the direction of the nearest sink,” he points out. “You let me sleep on your couch.”
You turn to glare at him. “I’m sorry, are you complaining right now?”
“I’m saying that I don’t like owing people,” he says.
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. “You don’t owe me anything. I would have done the same thing for anyone.”
Levi doesn’t look like he completely believes you, but at least he lets the matter rest. 
He follows you the rest of the way through the store in thoughtful silence.
Left to your own devices, you grab things without thinking, relying on muscle memory to lead you to the items you usually buy. It isn’t as if you deviate much from your favorite meals, so the rest of the process is quick.
By the time you’ve grabbed everything you need, your mood has improved enough that you feel a bit remorseful for doubting him.
Even if it was a weird idea, Levi appeared genuine. Like Dr. Holloway had said, he’d probably regain his memories soon. If he really didn’t remember anything about modern life, he was going to need someone to help him.
Maybe he shouldn’t leave so soon.
It isn’t until you turn around to speak that you realize you’re alone. A quick look around the aisle confirms that Levi’s nowhere to be seen. That’s odd. When had he wandered off?
You begin searching back through the aisles and after a few minutes, you spot him. Standing in front of the long, neat shelves lined with tea and coffee. Something akin to dread settles into your stomach at the sight.
He glances over as you approach and places a box back on the shelf. A beat passes before he clears his throat and says, “I’ve never seen so much tea in one place before.”
“Do you want some?” you ask, glancing at the box he put back—a black tea blend. He doesn’t respond, simply skimming over the labels again with a peculiar glint in his eye.
You don’t wait for an answer and pluck the box off of the shelf. He doesn’t stop you as you place it into your cart.
It’s a truce. An apology and an acknowledgment that you’re helping him all in one.
You turn your cart back around and lead the way toward the front. “I’m all done. Let’s go.”
The walk back home isn’t as tense as before, but it isn’t exactly comfortable either.
You keep watching Levi every chance you get. He appears more thoughtful. His gaze lingers just as it always has on the buildings and the people walking past. Cars, billboards, restaurants, all of it.
It’s got to be overwhelming. Not that you're believing him, but if he believes that he isn’t from this time, it has to be a shock to see so many unfamiliar things at once.
“What are you thinking about?” you finally ask.
His expression remains passive as he takes a deep breath, like he’s grounding himself. “Everything just looks so…”
“Artificial?” you supply when he pauses, but the look on his face tells you he’s confused by the word you use. You try again. “Uh, not natural?”
“I was going to say clean.” His voice goes soft as he looks around again. “The air is clean.”
Not sure how to respond, you turn forward and continue down the street.
It doesn’t take much longer to reach your apartment.
Levi helps carry the bags of groceries upstairs and into your kitchen, where he stands awkwardly as you unload everything into their respective spots. Luna, still curious, climbs onto the table nearby, making Levi scowl.
Surprisingly, he doesn’t shoo her away when he decides to take a seat, and he even goes so far as to let her sniff him as he looks out of the window.
You smile when you hear her chirp. A noise that you know she makes when she feels like she’s being ignored.
“You can pet her, you know?” you look over your shoulder to tell him.
He meets you with a bored look. “I know. I don’t want to.”
As if she can understand him, Luna meows again.
After you put the last item away in your fridge, you move to sit at the table across from him.
“So what are you going to do?” you ask.
“I don’t know,” he replies, and for the first time, he sounds truly at a loss.
“Well, you’re welcome to keep staying here for a bit longer,” you say, petting Luna when she slinks over to you. “Until we figure something out.”
His eyes narrow slightly. “We,” he repeats.
You meet his gaze evenly. “Look, I don’t know where you came from or how you got here, but you’re here now and you’re still a human being. As long as you’re open to letting me help, I will.”
He seems to think on it for a moment before agreeing. “There are worse things in the world, I suppose.”
And you think that’s as close to a thank you as you’ll get.
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inkybyl · 30 days ago
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(Modern AU) Omega’s first bubble bath after moving in with TBB 🥹 I couldn’t help myself, I just love playing with the Modern AU domestic ideas as well.
(Ori’vod = Mando’a for Older Sibling)
First & Original Post of this AU Here!
(Sorry for the ahead waffle I just wanna get all these thoughts down - I love brainstorming this)
In this AU, before Omega arrived, the boys live in a tiny house and only had a dingy shower in their fresher, essentially they lived off of the basics and could get by just fine since they weren’t fussy. (This is where their soldier mentality from the canon is influenced in the AU)
With a couple people in the brothers’ life telling them that with a new addition to the family, they all deserved, (Omega especially) more than the survival basics and should start to make their house feel like an actual home. Hunter called in a few favours and after a few weeks they had a functioning bath & shower.
I might start to write these down and make a separate post about the ideas that I have! Like the setting, the backstory, characters like the Jedi and the other clones.
For example; the Jedi around the galaxy act as different forms of assistance. Shaak Ti and Plo Koon run a group home specifically for Jango Fett’s clone sons. The bad batch didn’t fit in here, so Hunter took Wrecker and the Twins and made a home somewhere nearby instead.
Ideas like these are pretty much still in the mindmap type phase so everything’s pretty much likely to change in a few places! 🤩 I’m just having too much fun so don’t mind me 🫶
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wangxianficfinder · 2 months ago
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Fic Finder
Jan 27th
1. Hii! I’m looking for a fic and it’s titled something around wondering if there is a place for me in your life. This focuses on teen lan sizhui coping with the feelings of his father wwx dating again after spending 11 (?) years without someone. Wei Wuxian goes to the hospital at some point (he’s fine though) and Lan Sizhui finds a way to invite LWJ into his life after breaking a gift he gave him. I can follow up with more details if needed! The author was trying to write about a-yuan not immediately warming up to wangxian getting together! Thank you so much for all your hard work!
FOUND! Picture Perfect by manaika (M, 22k, WangXian, WWX/Other(s), Past Relationship(s), Widower WWX, Grief/Mourning, Getting Together, Families of Choice, Family Feels, Stepfather WWX, WWX is the father who stepped up, LSZ is a Wei, Single Parent WWX, Asexual Character, Aromantic Relationship, Platonic Life Partners, it's all in the past and only mentioned/discussed when relevant, Sex-Favorable Asexual WWX, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Modern, Past Character Death, Food Intake Related Medical Issue (not what you think))
2. hi! I'm looking for a fic where WWX is seriously injured at qiongqi path, and he's barely kept alive by talismans(?). JC hides his body at lotus pier, but everyone thinks he's dead. idk how he wakes, but there's still the 13 year gap where everyone still thinks he's dead. sorry this is so vague, tysm in advance!!!
from the 1/27 fic finder: #2 isnt the fic im looking for, but thanks for helping out! the fic wasn’t a dark, anti-JC fic, but very much a JC loves his brother ofc hes gonna do whatever it takes to keep him alive. LWJ def thinks hes dead tho
NOT FOUND! on restitution by glitteringmoonlight (M, 98k, LSZ & WWX, WWX & JL, WangXian, Dark JC, not JC friendly, Captivity, Angst with a Happy Ending, no reconciliation, Crossdressing, Non-Graphic Torture, Violence)
3. Hi! I'm looking for a fic that I'm pretty sure has been asked for in the past, that has been likely deleted, I know someone had the pdf but I can't find the post or the pdf anymore so I'm here–
I'm looking for a fic where modern wwx receives a book from baoshan sanren that tells the story of yllz wwx. Modern wwx reads a ritual and ends up in the past with everyone while past yllz ends up in the future. If I'm correct it's a two fic series, with the second one being incomplete where yllz goes to the future.
I also remember that modern wwx gathered people from each clan and talked about the future that he knows. I know that at one point he talks about his family (lz and sizhui). There's also a madam yu redemption, and at one point modern wwx calls fengmian dad? PLS HELP ME FIND IT @dollettw
FOUND! bluekittenfire said: #3 This should be the deleted "Loving Future, Distant Past" by yareyarejojosan. I have a copy of it and the second fic "I am loved".
4. Hello!! I'm looking for a modern AU - what I remember is Lan Zhan seeing Wei Ying on tv and, like, knowing he is The One in a mystical way - I want to say that the process was called The Call or something, as in 'he heard The Call and knew WWX was his soulmate'. I think WWX was oblivious to this for Reasons (par for the course) - not sure if it was A/B/O but had something of that vibe! @stackingturtles
5. hiiii im looking for this fic where lwj's mom is some kind of heavenly official and before she escapes her husband to return to heaven, she gives lwj a magical robe (or somethijng like that) that holds images of his memories, and every time something major happens an image/symbol of that appears on his cape @ashxi-wx
FOUND? One for Heaven and Earth by cerbykerby (T, 7k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Supernatural Elements, Angst with a Happy Ending, Madam Lán Lives, inspired by wangxian selkie au, Getting Together) Mama Lan was a celestial maiden though, not a heavenly official.
6. This is for fic finder btw. First thank you who ever runs this account. In the fic I’m looking for wei ying isn’t dead and is alive for Lan Zhans whipping/ punishment and he hears what’s happening and tries to stop it but Lan Zhang uncle just says to beat Wei Ying to (I think he was like really injured not sure tho). Then one of them ( whoever’s POV it was blacks out). There is a chance this was an omegaverse fic but idk. Thanks again your like gods 🙏🙏
7. Ello! Looking for a lwj-centric fic that I forgot the name of (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) Pretty sure this is an au where wwx is adopted by the lans, and wwx teaches the lan disciples about talismans. The thing I most remember about it is lwj being named rivals with su minshan and jiang cheng for the attentions of wwx. Wwx is also probably older? Thanks so much in advance!
FOUND?🔒As Years Pass Us By by Loqui (T, 32k, WIP, WangXian, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiangs, Age Difference, Younger LWJ, Older WWX, LWJ Has Feelings, Pining LWJ, Introspective LWJ, Canon Divergence, Fluff and Humor, Slow Burn, very light, Light Angst, WWX is a Lan, POV LWJ)
8. Hi!! does anyone know of a ghost wy fic where he teaches ayuan demonic cultivation and he kind of like follows him around and protects him? @yesibest
FOUND! as i stumble homewards by the_pretzel (T, 27k, wangxian, canonical character death, found family, food issues, trauma, LSZ pov, angst w/ happy ending, fluff)
9. Hey guys do you know a fic when Lan Xichen started a different Gusu Lan sect that went back to the basic rules? I think the Lans dad was alive in it and he disapproved and was leading the other one. @kyuubikuroba
FOUND! In Defence of Murder by WhiteWitchDark (T, 18k, WangXian, NHS & NMJ, Hurt/Comfort, Time Travel, Angst)
10. For fic finder
Does anyone have that fic where WWX gets turned into a woman post canon, he and LWJ decide to try for a kid, it doesnt work at first, when it happens LWJ thinks WWX doesnt want one anymore and tries to apologize for asking him to keep it?
WWX was fine with having the baby by the way, thinking he didn’t was because during the time it didn’t work they assumed it wasn’t possible and he decided he wasn’t going to dwell and make himself upset wondering why it didn’t happen
FOUND! In Sickness and In Health (And In Strange and Unexpected Times Too) by purplemonster (E, 28k, WangXian, Fem WWX, Mpreg, well technically not mpreg since he's a woman, Fluff and Smut, also I know I know I ticked the m/m box because it is wangxian)
11. hello, i'm looking for an au where cultivators choose their secondary gender after "trying out" each one. Wwx decided on beta and LWJ omega. NHS was agender. At one point, LWJ is threatened/almost forced to permanently pick the wrong assignation for some reason. This fic was not the one by everythingispoetry, though there are similarities to their fic. Ty for your help!
FOUND? Pairfire by PaidSubscription (E, 65k, WangXian, LXC/NMJ, JC/NHS, MM/WQ, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Relationships 101, Literally...the fic is a relationship course, Getting Together, First Time, Explicit Consent, Bordering on Kink Levels of Communication, Elements of Assigned-ish Marriage-ish, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, A/B/O With a twist, Because Cultivators CHOOSE Their Gender During This Course, After Trying Out All Three, It’s a Three Course Meal and WangXian’s Gender Acceptance is the Dessert, But Horny Pining is the Main Meal and the Most of the Snacks, Bottom LWJ, Bossy Bottom/Henpecked Top Energy, Everyone is over 21, Gender Choice Raises Issues for Most But I Promise Happy Endings + Everyone Comfy in Their Own Skin, Side Couple Aro/Ace/Agender Storylines)
12. I've been looking for this fic for years now but I do remember the premise it's an postcanon AU?? where in a bid to stabilize the power WWX was betrothed to Lan Xichen and LWJ was not so happy abt the whole thing (I scoured my history and all but I cant find it)
FOUND? still left with the river by TooSel (E, 77k, WangXian, ChengQing, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It, Arranged Marriage, Political Alliances, Yílíng Wèi Sect, Slow BurnF, riends to Lovers, Pining, Jealousy, Infidelity, Adoption,Angst with a Happy Ending, Golden Core Reveal, Cultivation Sect Politics)
13. Wondering about the identity of a fic that I remember only one little scene from. LWJ was visiting Lotus Pier and decided to drink about all his pining. While drunk, he demonstrated his feelings to WWX by removing the strings from his guqin and saying "Wangji without Wei Ying". Hopefully this will ring bells for someone. Thank you! 🐇💙 @linderel
14. looking for a fic! canon era/setting with a bad ending, where wx are ayuan's biological parents. ayuan lives with wwx and the wens in the burial mounds. wwx dies either from the attack at qiongqi path, or in the burial mounds for some other reason. I rmb vividly a scene where wwx is buried in the burial mounds and ayuan cries and lies above the grave, saying that his mother is gone, in front of everyone else like the lans, jins, and nies.
FOUND! To Offer a Heart by WhiteCrane (M, 111k, WangXian, major character death, Sad WWX, Hurt WWX, YLLZ WWX, soft wangxian, Cinnamon Roll WN, WWX Whump, WQ is a good sister, WN is a good brother, everybody loves wwx, yunmeng siblings, Triggers, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst with a Happy Ending, Taking care of WWX, Give WWX a break, Canon Divergence, Disturbing Themes, Changing Perspectives, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Grief/Mourning, Temporary Character Death, Getting Together, Redemption, Sibling Bonding, Marriage, Marriage Proposal, Brotherly Bonding, Brotherly Love, Brother-Sister Relationships, Parent-Child Relationship, Sad and Sweet, Tragedy, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF JYL, BAMF WQ, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Everyone Needs A Hug, WIP) Is it possible #14 is mixing up two different fics? Because the bit about A-Yuan lying on WWX's grave in the Burial Mounds and crying about his mother sounds a lot like To Offer a Heart but he's not Wangxian's bio child in that. The bit where the visitors witness A-Yuan crying at the grave is in chapter 11.
15. Hello, and thank you again for all your hard work! ❤️ For Fic Finder, please help with locating a fic where WWX dies and the truth about JGShit, JGY, JZXun and XY (maybe even SShit, idk) comes out immediately. Here's what I remember: he sent letter to expose them, people investigate and everything comes to light. Everyone except MY is executed in gruesome ways. JZX with lingchi I think. JGShit through being slowly impaled by bamboo. MY ends up giving his golden core to WWX when he comes back. @boxedbutterfly
FOUND? bluekittenfire said: #15 I think this is the deleted "When Im gone" by qiankun_pouch. I can share my copy.
16. Looking for fic in which Wei Wuxian's core is given to yanli and it becomes too much for her body and the core explodes because of childbirth and she dies wei Ying is also like lab rat for all clans wanting to know how he cultivated core in such young age I also remember that mxy actually was the real parent of sizhui who was trusted upon weu Wuxian to raise and keep safe pls help me find the fix i would also like to thank you for all the previous times you all helped me <3 @yuukikonnos-world
17. I'm looking for a story I thought I had saved: after canon, asexual WWX, married to LWJ, but in a female!MX body. They tried M/F sex, but both found it weird. WWX one day realizes that LWJ used to look at (old, male) WWX with lust, but no longer does. LWJ tells him he used to dream of bottoming for WWX. WWX wants to fulfil that dream for him, and (via NHS?) finds someone to create a wooden penis/harness. LWJ enjoys it a lot (WWX also likes being a service top essentially)
18. Hello! I'm looking for a complete fic on AO3 where Qin Su did the sacrifice ritual to bring back Wei Wuxian. He is now a woman. She left him a letter explaining why/what she wanted, and he has to keep up the act of being Qin Su for a little while until he can come up with an excuse to get out of Koi tower.
I don't remember what he was running around doing once he got out, but along the way he bumped into Lan Wangji, who is travelling with "Mo Xuanyu" investigating the demonic arm.Mo Xuanyu actually summoned Jin Zixuan using the ritual, though I don't remember if that was on purpose or if JZX was just the next best target with WWX already summoned. Because of Qin Su's letter to WWX (? They knew somehow), JZX knows that WWX is technically his sister now.
I don't remember much else apart from some minor stiff arguing on JZX end because LWJ is seducing his technical sister or something like that. He's not impressed/pleased. WWX is just as happy about being related to the peacock now. LWJ realises he is WWX-sexual. Yadda yadda.
Based on other fics I know I read around the same time, the publication/final update should be no later than 2022, but I might be wrong.
If this fic could be found, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance! @ramblebrambleamble
FOUND? The Tales of Despereaux by stiltonbasket (T, 53k, WIP, WangXian, LXC/NMJ, JC & WWX, JYL/JZX, JC/WQ, Canon Divergence, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, (when applicable), major ships are listed but others might pop up!) It's the first 23 chapters. Stilton's tumblr also has its masterlist
19. looking for a fic! i remember it was either someone needs to fight lwj and win(?) to get his hand in marriage, or he needed to give them an item like a token or smth. wwx is in an animal form of sorts i can't remember, and lwj freely gives the item to him while in animal form
FOUND? it’s you, it was always you by myung (G, 7k, WangXian, Bunny LWJ, Mutual Pining, Light angst, Based on Tumblr post) sounds like it's you, it was always you but Lan Zhan is the shapeshifter who gives Wei Ying his forehead ribbon while in rabbit form.
FOUND? heartkeeper by postingpebbles (G, 7k, WangXian, Animal Transformation, Canon Divergence, no war au, Shapeshifting, light convos abt the jiang family dynamic, WWX draws a lot and talks to a rabbit: the fic, Fantasy, Mojo's bookmark, heartkeeper [podfic] by esbielle) Lwj is a rabbit with a chain with a key to hanguang-jun’s heart
20. Hello :) I need help finding a fic, I don't know if it was deleted or not, but it was a time travel fic where I think sizhui and jingyi went back to either just before the sunshot campaign or just after it but they were either together or the feelings were there they got wangxian together early and wangxian I vaguely remember adopted both older (kinda not officially) and baby sizhui (officially) and I remember also kinda vaguely know but I can't remember if it was Jingyi or older sizhui dying I remember jingyi and older sizhui got married before the death, there is a memorable scene of older sizhui and wangji flying together and sizhui was telling him about his life as a kid with wangji please if you can help it would be appreciated also I do know it's not 'Tragedy is not the end' by Hobbsy3 thank you!!! @lotus-cloudbunny
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seikkoi · 4 months ago
ꜱᴜɢᴀʀ | dom!tony stark x sugarbaby!reader ( ᴄʀɪᴍᴇ!ᴀᴜ )
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ᴘᴀʀᴛ ꜰɪᴠᴇ [1, 2, 3, 4] | ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴏɴ ᴀᴏ3
There was nothing that could keep Tony from having exactly what he wanted—and he deserved a little sweetness in his life. All he had to do was keep from ruining you in the process.
content/warnings: 18+ minors do not interact. non-canon, non-superhero au, sub/dom undertones, slight emotional/verbal manipulation, obsessive + possessive behavior, age gap (reader described as mid-twenties, t.s as mid-forties), mildly dubious consensual situations, explicit mentions of alcohol and drug use, generally not for the light of heart, rough sexual content, reader described as petite word count: 9.8k
There isn’t any conversation surrounding Pepper’s visit, or the divorce, but it’s all around you regardless.
Random items disappear from the penthouse–a Pollock (your present takes its place), some throw pillows from the study, and a few Turkish ceramics you never knew existed. The phone rings far more than you care for. Tony has far more meetings than you care for. A bespeckled lawyer and his blonde associate nearly become housemates, spending hours behind the frosted glass door. Natasha makes a few appearances as well, which confuses you the most. You find the spice in her perfume too bold.
On her third exit in as many weeks, you question Tony on it. He absently traces patterns on your calves, seemingly not paying attention to you or the film on screen. 
“Should I be worried?” you hide your sincerity behind a glass of wine, twirling the stem between your fingers. The red liquid mirrors the motion inside, spidering against the walls.
“About Natasha?” he asks incredulously. 
“Yes,” you draw out, “and you–all of it, really.” 
“Now why on Earth would you be worrying about me?” 
You would love to point out the obvious and address the building-sized elephant in the room that says  ‘you’re recently sober and just got a divorce’ but the look on his face tells you it’s unnecessary. 
Tony finds a way to answer the unasked anyways. 
“It’s a shit ton of paperwork, and signing things, so it’s annoying, yes but I am fine. Scouts honor.” 
He kisses your hand and grins with all the confidence in the world. It’s so fucking arcane each time–close to magic in how it undos every worry and mirrors his gleam. 
You wished it had more permanent effects. Something long-lasting and memorable. Easy to spread over the evening and into the early morning hours, when he’s inconsolable in your arms. You could turn it back into magic words. Banish whatever miasma racked his body and go back to peaceful nights (because you had those at some point, right?).
Being able to ask the hard questions doesn’t mean shit if the answer’s always a dismissive work of fiction. You never learned what caused their separation, or sent ‘everything to shit’ as Tony put it. Not because you didn’t ask, no that question came the same night Pepper did.  Apparently it’s the same driver of every modern American divorce–money. Tony summarizes the event as a fatal disagreement over corporate shares, though like always you feel you’re being told an official story. Clean cut with all messy details chopped away. 
“You don’t have a signature stamp at this point?” you joke.
“Oh no,” Tony’s hands brace your ankles to pull you closer, “ every squiggle needs to be authentic and fresh.”
“Right, how could I assume anything less.” Your eyes roll but you let your legs drape over his lap. 
“Seriously, I’m doing fine–things will calm back down soon.” A gentle squeeze drives the point home. 
A thought crosses your mind. An insecurity, really, but one you haven’t let go since meeting Pepper.
“If it’s like, I don’t know,” you hesitate under Tony’s raised eyebrow, “–I can head back to my apartment if it’s too much.”
Stark Industries was still footing the bill even though you spent less than 10 hours there in the last two months. There’s a fear in overstaying your welcome, or whatever it is you were doing here. Either way, you figured it was less than ideal to have your girlfriend around during a divorce. 
“If what’s too much?” 
“I don’t know, if you need your space right now or–” you answer exasperatedly.
“Honey,” he gives a hearty laugh, “if I ever start asking for space, call a doctor.”
All resistance becomes futile.
You keep your apartment (for unnecessary security), but more time lapses between visits. You issue a long overdue farewell to bartending. Even being driven, the commute to that side of town is hellish and the whole thing got more pointless with each day. You drank in the fruits of this life, but not without a tiny bit of unease. It’s unease that you bury down under all the other feelings. The affection, the simplicity, the serenity. So you swap mixers for paintbrushes and solitude for the man you love. 
Other subtle changes require a quicker adjustment, but you’re getting dangerously good at adapting. With Tony’s birthday past, you recognize a pattern to Harley’s visits. Every three months like clockwork. You begin to anticipate them well enough, and start appreciating his occasional presence during your early morning tea. By his third appearance, you brew two cups.
On the first visit he barely utters a word. You were ready for some witty insult that never came, and offered him a cup in silence. You want to ask why he arrives so early just to sit in his father’s kitchen, but opt for peace instead. 
Once Pepper’s placard is gone in the parking garage and Natasha stops showing up (at all hours of the day, atleast), he’s there a second time. 
“How he’s doing with the,” he trails off, peering at you over an empty mug as the sun starts to break. He doesn’t need to motion at the empty space for you to pick up his meaning.
The official story is dancing on your tongue. The one you’ve told two times over at this point (Jarvis, Natasha). He's perfectly fine, better even. It was a piece of cake then, but now you can’t seem to look Harvey in the eye and speak in half-truths. 
“Honestly,” you sigh, “Good–not good, I don’t know.”  You were dying under  the irony of it all. Consoling Tony in the darkness of morning and then watching him make million dollar deals by noon. You don’t know how he’s managing any of it, and if any of this qualifies as okay. 
Green eyes blink slowly through an overgrown fringe. Barbers were clearly scarce in the last three months, wherever he spent them. Exhaustion forces a yawn before he speaks again, pinching his nose. 
“Figured as much.” Harley stands for the sink.
He goes through the labor of washing the ebony cup, a rare quirk amongst the obscenely rich. You’d learned they are very reliant upon their quiet servants. You wondered if he did it out of modesty or good manners.  
“Do you know why they separated?” If he was in the mood to talk about Tony, you weren’t going to pass up the chance.
“Uh, something with the company, her share or whatever. Always about the money with them.” he answers casually, tossing a look over his shoulder. 
It’s genuine enough, but all too similar to the rehearsed lines. You half-expected him to call you nosy. 
“No real loss there.” Harley adds, a hint of disdain in his voice
“Not a fan I take it?” The flimsy tag finally crumbling under your ministrations.
He chortles as he slumps back into the bar stool. 
“Pepper can be, uh,” A yawn and an eye rub take precedence, “overbearing, yeah that’s a good word for it.”
“Yeah, can’t imagine that worked well for Tony.” You murmur into your tea.
“Oh it most definitely did not.” Harley laughs again. “Not for a guy that does the opposite of whatever you tell him.”
His laugh is infectious (like father like son), and you smirk even though instead the mental picture makes you cringe. A lull passes between you. Outside, morning traffic begins, trickling upwards to interrupt the quiet. It cues Harley to get back to whatever it is he comes here to do, while you move on with the day. 
As an advantage of all the free time, you get to invest more time in your estranged friendships. Being around old friends turned out to be surprisingly good. You had anticipated more awkwardness, but there was something comforting about not having to wear a mask for once around someone besides your boyfriend. 
At this point, you slowly filled in a few close ones about your relationship with Tony. Clearly you were in this for the long haul, and keeping things under wraps was becoming futile. The general consensus was positive, thankfully. Obviously, that’s due to a great deal of details being omitted. The act left a sour taste in your mouth. Not from the content–how easy it was. You hated to repeat such behaviors, but it was less complicated this way. You wouldn’t have to labor through justifying your relationship, or hear concerns you didn’t already have. 
Tony’s reception was, oddly, less positive. He didn’t care much for your old ‘starving artist’ clique. He thought you should take advantage of his access to New York’s greatest–the real pioneers. It took little arguing from you for him to drop that thought entirely, and he conceded to just be happy to see you happy. 
Like good friends, they tease about your newfound love. One asks when they’ll get to meet ‘Mr. CEO’ and you have to brush it off casually. You like your worlds better separate. 
A sweltering autumn soon becomes frostbitten winter. This gives you less light to work with, resorting to find shuddering shoulders in complete darkness. You don’t think it’s worth searching for warmer pastures or a simpler life. No, you order a cashmere robe and get used to seeing by touch. 
Late nights in the tower turn out to be a great place to hone such skills. The halls are narrow and void of any windows, so you ghost the pads of your fingers around for customary shapes. A cushioned nook and a neglected book lull you into a nap one evening and you wake past the sunset. If you were able to sleep so late undisturbed, Tony must be preoccupied. You planned to tiptoe into the kitchen without a sound, but your ears catch words murmured behind the glass. The door is cracked slightly, just enough to let a streak of light breaks across the hardwood floor
“–fifteen, ten, maybe if we’re lucky.” 
The bespeckled man’s words are measured, precise as usual. You can almost picture his lips barely parting to utter syllables behind round-trim frames. 
“Jesus christ–the fuck am I paying you for? Because I am paying you, like a metric shit ton” 
At Tony’s voice, you press closer. 
“I’m not the idiot getting a divorce.”
“Okay, okay, let’s just stay focused here.” Natasha raises her voice above the two men, and you hear a chair drag across the office.
“Uh-uh, don’t think you’re getting off scot free–we wouldn’t even be having this conversation if you did your job a tad better too.” 
“I will say it was ‘lot easier to spread the financials between two people.” 
Social norms concerning privacy start to get to you, urging your feet to pivot and take you back upstairs. Your escape goes undetected, and you seek refuge in the shower. 
You wash the day away under warm jetstreams. Part of your mind is stuck replaying everything, wondering how he was handling it all, trying not to indulge in the urge to check the sink drawer. In a flash, you toss the thought away. It’s easy to not overthink at this hour. Especially when coconut vanilla soap tugs you back towards exhaustion. You make it back out to the bedroom, where you find Tony removing his shoes at the end of the bed.
He smiles at the crack of light from the bathroom. Tony’s days were getting longer while the rest of the hemisphere’s got shorter. He would say he missed when life was simple, but he can’t remember such a time. Life growing up was anything but simple, then the older he got the more it sucked out every ounce of his energy. Everything after became, well, everything after.
Picturing a new future keeps him going. One in a coastal city, something global like New York but much, much warmer. He fights the urge to picture your silhouette amongst the waves. It’s not guaranteed. He might find himself in this dreaded cycle all over again. Then his coconut scented fantasy would be tarnished. 
No, it’s better to cherish the present with you. Like right now, watching coconut scented water droplets descended down your legs and shoulders. Even though he knows he won’t be here long. Truly, he’d wish you weren’t awake,  knowing he’d have to leave soon.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You teased, abandoning your towel as you pulled the dresser open.
He’s easy to rile up, and you know exactly what you’re doing–bending over slowly to pull your panties above your hips. You can’t help it when he stares like it’s his first time seeing you, every time. 
“Please don’t tempt me.” 
Tony’s voice is low, barely above a whisper. He’s unmoving on the edge of the bed, hands braced beside his thighs as his eyes follow the movements of your hands around lacy black fabric. Truly he’s perplexed. Who knew watching someone get dressed would be just as much of a turn-on. Or maybe it’s just you.
You toss one of his faded band tees on, and he thinks this might actually be better than any sun-soaked dream (it’s definitely just you). 
You cross the bedroom, the loose cotton brushing against your skin with each step. As you approach, you snake your arms around Tony's neck and straddle his lap. His large hands ghost up the smooth skin of your thighs, leaving a trail of warmth as they make their way to your back. The moment your skin touches his, Tony’s eyes lock onto yours, but you can tell his focus is elsewhere.
“What are you thinking about?” you ask softly, raking your hands through brown coils.
You assume his mind is still on the conversation downstairs, but the grin spreading on his face says otherwise. His lips move to pepper your exposed neck with kisses, still smiling.
“Really wanna know?” 
“Sure, hit me.”
The ghosts across your veins turn into full blown grazes. 
“You, in a bikini, drinking margaritas somewhere with no extradition laws.” 
You chuckle at the notion and swat his shoulder when his teeth find your pulse point. 
“Hey, you asked,” he laughs into your skin, gripping your hips tighter, “besides it’s your fault–’smell like I’m damn near there already.” 
Tony’s mouth turns hungrier and hungrier, moving feverishly across every exposed inch until the flesh is tender and you're panting in his lap. It’s just encouragement, so he doesn’t pause for a moment as his fingers slip behind your lace. They work at the wetness already ruining the fabric, dragging it across your length and making your shiver. 
Okay, sure, maybe another period of minimal alone time was getting to you, maybe. Sue me, you thought. Honestly, Tony should be more grateful to have such a willing partner–and you told him as much. Unfortunately, this elicited a need for Tony to instill a sense of gratitude in you.
In the next second, you're tossed onto your back, wrists pinned tightly above your head. His other hand pulls your panties down your legs and you try not to make a joke about the futility in getting dressed. Instead, you soak his weight against you, the roaming hand between your thighs and teeth on your neck. 
Marking you is the obvious goal-sucking harder with each breathy whimper. He wasn’t kidding earlier, either. You smelled good enough to devour and he intended on doing so. His danced along your folds, a cufflink scratching the supple skin at the top of your thigh.  They are never anywhere long enough to give you any real pleasure. Just to take more breath from your lungs and feeling from your legs. 
You squirm against vicuna dress pants, trying to gain more friction on his hand. Instead of catering to your needs, he stops all together and the noise you make is almost pathetic. Who are you kidding, it’s fully pathetic–it couldn’t have been over two weeks, and pleas can hardly form on your tongue for more. 
Tony reels back with a smirk that flips your stomach. A scheme is brewing behind darkened pupils. His eyes stay on you as his hand returns to your center, slow and heavy over your clit. 
He doesn’t relent when your wrists strain and hips buck against him. No, a tighter grip and knee over your hip hold you steady enough for his fingers to work faster. You want to chastise yourself for how much you missed this–then two fingers slide into you and there isn’t room to think of much else.
He moves quickly and silent, like a serpent, finding that perfect rhythm that makes your eyes flutter. Your soft moans fill the quiet space. He’s too steady, not changing a muscle as your peak comes closer. The most desperate you get, writing against his palm to get even one extra inch of depth, the slower he moves. 
“Did you have fun sneaking around?” 
Your eyes flutter open in the dim bedroom, Tony’s sly grin shining above you. It cuts straight through the fog of pleasure taking you over. 
“I don’t know what you’re–” you start to bluff. 
“You’re not very sneaky, you know? Or a good liar. That’s a particular skill set that you, my dear, sorely lack.”  Slow and teasing, he slides two fingers back into you.
“Okay, okay. Maybe I was eavesdropping a little.” He finally moves with purpose again, but of course not enough.
“A little? Let’s not start underrepresenting things, hm?” 
Before you can debate him further, he withdraws and you think you might honestly cry if this continues.
“Okay, point taken, would you please stop torturing me now?” 
“Now, why would I reward bad behavior?” he asked, lowering his gaze.
“If it helps, I wasn’t trying to.”
“It doesn’t.” 
His palms grip your hips, flipping you onto your stomach and lifting your waist upwards. The sudden movement leaves you breathless, searching for balance on your forearms until they’re pulled behind your back. 
“You know exactly which nerve to press, don’t you?” he breathes into the base of your neck, chest flush to your back as he hands work at his zipper.
How ironic, considering he spends the next hour tuning your body like an instrument. Knowing exactly where to press, where to ease off, until you finally unlock, bare and moaning into the mattress.
Afterwards, you fall asleep to the steady beat of his heart. 
You’re half way to sleep when Tony slinks out of your arms. At first, you don’t bother stirring. Then, the soft draw of the dresser catches your ear. 
You flip over onto your stomach to get a better view. You watch Tony’s shadowy figure attempt to quietly dress. For a rare sight, he abandons the tailored suit for dark Levis and a t-shirt. It hardly looks like him, in the best way possible (ignoring the obvious question of where the hell he planned on going in that. Less larger-than-life, more real. This, now this was someone you can imagine running into at the grocery store. The sharp edges of his suits always added a degree of gravitas to everything.
“Where are you off to?”
“Going to see a man about a horse.” 
He leans down for a bright smile and a quick kiss before he leaves, and you let sleep suppress any thoughts about what that could possibly mean.
You awake to a sun that has long outran the horizon. The sheer curtains were already pulled back, with the smell telling you Jarvis made a feast for breakfast. Tony’s side is empty. Which is no surprise there, but you don’t expect him at the kitchen table. 
He grins behind a newspaper as you approach. Jarvis is busy with the espresso machine, muttering curses under his breath. 
“Tell me, what are your thoughts on cyclamen–oo, or actually, narcissus, yeah, that’s better.” Tony asks like you've been having some sort of conversation before five seconds ago.
Jarvis clicks the tamper in with a satisfied click as you stare back confused. You’re two blinks away from falling back asleep and desperately craving something stronger than green tea. 
“What are you-Is-Are those restaurants?” 
“Oh, morning ma’am. Shall I prepare you a tea, perhaps breakfast?” Jarvis turns at the sound of your voice, wiping damp grounds from his hands.
“Good morning, but no, just some coffee, please.” You try to sound natural. It’s weird giving someone else orders. 
“Nope, flowers. We could do something simple like a peony but I don’t think that matches the whole vibe with the satin garlands.” Tony continues. 
“Tony, hon, I have no idea what you’re on about right now.” you groggily slouch in the chair beside him. 
“We, my dear,” the newspaper is folded and plopped onto the table for dramatic effect, “are having a Christmas party. The proverbial ‘we’ in this situation being the company, of course.” 
“A Christmas party?” you muse with a laugh.
“For tax purposes, a gala. For my purposes, and therefore to make it fun, it is indeed a party, yes.” 
Espresso warms your veins as you listen to Tony ramble through plans for catering, guests, decanters and a whole bunch of other shit you can hardly keep up with. Good thing that responsibility falls to Jarvis, who jots away on a worn notepad. Once your eyes fully open, the thought starts to excite you. Your yearly festivities normally boiled down to a bottle of chardonnay and some loosely Christmas film like Die Hard. “Plus, if I auction some art, it works out even more.” He punctuates his brilliant plan with a bite of a muffin. 
“That’s not like a massive trigger for you?” 
High-volume social events dropped off the radar recently, for good reason, you assumed (not that you minded a break from fake smiles and cold handshakes) . Instead, Tony dragged you along to more intimate dinners with whatever broker or councilwoman he needed to charm. Your role as plus-one never went anywhere, but doing so at Tony’s your home would give you more confidence. 
“What are you, my sponsor?” he teases but you're less amused at the thought. 
“You don’t even have a sponsor.” You know so, because Tony believes Narcotics Anonymous is a, quote, ‘sad-ass glorified tea party’. 
“I have Jarvis.” He’s completely serious, and Jarvis hides his laughter behind a stack of plates.  
You don’t want to point out the obvious cognitive dissonance. That a man who spends his nights in petrified somnolence might crack under the pressure of dozens of inebriated colleagues. Not now, in a moment of peace. Not in front of Jarvis. You’re not sure how much sound slips out into the hall.
Tony watches the worry creep over your face from the edge of his newspaper. With a sigh, he abandons it again.
“Look, all you have to do is look pretty–which is no sweat for you, maybe drink a few apple cider cocktails, and relax. I’ve got everything else perfectly handled.”
He gives you a look, both reassuring and decisive. It’s a simple message meant to be taken without debate, ‘trust me’. 
You get one more peaceful morning drinking tea in the dark with Harley before the holiday season.
The event overtakes your life from Thanksgiving onward. You really don’t know how this sudden festive fervor spawns, but it slowly creeps into everything. From the elevator music, to miniature elves by the door, to candy canes everywhere, and more Christmas ties than days in December (you can’t be sure he’s not switching them multiple times a day). 
You weren’t a total Grinch, not by a long shot. Tony just so happened to be creeping into that weird overly festive zone reserved for suburban moms and kindergarten teachers. 
“Tony, what’s all of this?”
Vivaldi plays faintly on the record player. There’s a delicately placed mistletoe just off of the elevator, accompanied with a haphazard trail of roses leading out onto the balcony. You navigate through a candlelight kitchen juggling a heavy box of resin. 
“Tony?” you call out again once the box makes contact with the counter,
“Out here!” 
You follow the voice and rose trail to the balcony. Unsurprisingly, he’s donning a god awful Christmas sweater, grinning and pointing to the wool like it’s runway fashion. A small table holds two covered silver platters, and a tall bottle of champagne rests in a bucket of ice. It’s the kind of overtly romantic display you’d gotten since night one, but it never fails to sink your breath straight in your heart. Something about the way he’s standing there, beaming like a nervous, lovestruck fool, tells you this isn’t just a normal gesture of affection.
Still, your lips part to thank him, but he stops you instantly. 
“Just wait–” he pleads, “I got like thirty minutes of practice into saying this and I can’t fuck it up.” 
His voice is rushed enough that you believe. Clearly the words were threatening to jump out of him. It sets you a bit on edge, trying to anticipate what this was about. You indulge him anyway and nod. 
Tony crosses the balcony to take your hands in his, thumb brushing over your knuckles. 
“Okay, I know things haven’t been copacetic around here. And I know I’ve asked for a lot–more than I ever thought I would–and you know sometimes it feels like I’ll never be able to return what you’ve given to me, but I swear I’m going to make this worth it.” 
He squeezes your palm, tired brown eyes searching yours for something, any sign that his words meant a single thing. It’s a fast-winded speech that makes you wanna laugh at the irony. Tony, the man who’d move the stars if they had a price tag, somehow feeling the need to repay you.  Yet his voice is raw like a frayed nerve. Exposed to the cold winds whipping against the tower glass. 
“Tony, you’ve made it more than worth it, everyday.” You smile, though it’s worth wondering what’s driving him to say all this. The words ring true regardless.
“Not nearly enough,” he says softly, “but I’m going to–I’m going to give you the world.”
In that moment, you see it: the weight of everything he’s been carrying. Your ribs seem to tighten inside your chest. That unspoken fear you’ve both been trying to avoid–it was far easier twenty seconds ago when you thought it was yours alone. You realize now that the fearless man you saw in fact was scared of something (losing you, primarily). Yeah, you comforted him through nightmares, but even then he managed to carry an aura of control.  
This wasn't about  holding onto the life you’ve built together, the one that’s felt so fragile lately. And for the first time, you see how much that matters to him, too.
He starts to say something else, dropping your hands. His fingers fiddle behind his back, seemingly nestled in his back pocket. He stares like he intended to say something else, lips parting and closing right back. In the next second, he seems to shift gears, pulling you into a hug. 
You welcome the warm embrace, as the chill has started to gnaw at your bones. He plants a kiss to the top of your head, and you want to stay in that feeling for the rest of your life.
Sadly, he does eventually pull away to admit dinner on the balcony would be quite miserable, and the two of you move inside. 
You could spend the rest of the evening overthinking about what all that meant, but you don’t bother. Why go through that mental labor, when instead you could drink $500 champagne, carefree while your handsome boyfriend flirts with you like it’s the first date. 
You don’t think about it then, or later in the night when your legs are pressed to your chest and you can’t recall a single thing he said. You focus on what he’s saying then–filthy words about who you belong to, and exactly where you belong–a whimpering mess underneath him.
Even when it turns possessive (more so than usual), when your throat is littered with marks and his hand stands to leave another on his hip, you don’t think of it. But it’s the only thing on Tony’s mind. When another orgasm rips through you, all he can think about is how much he needs you. He whispers ‘you’re mine’ over and over and over as you fall apart just so your broken moans can still echo–so he can hear just how true it is. How could you, with such a dutiful guide at the helm?
Afterwards, when you’re drained of every ounce of life, it still doesn't bother you. You don’t wonder if tonight might be another night he slips into plain clothes and disappears until sunrise. You can’t muster a single thought as his arm slinks around your waist to pull you closer. 
You simply close your eyes, and let sleep take you. 
Eventually the days tick by to the gala, and you’re somewhere between impressed and overstimulated with all the ensuing holiday glamor. 
Though, you can’t say he doesn’t go all out. 
The first floor of Stark Industries is transformed from a cold minimalist space to Ebenezer Scrooge's worst nightmare. A makeshift stage sits at one end, complete with enough tinsel to suffocate a horse and twinkling garlands. Piles of fake snow anoint the corners, and a particularly large one sits beneath a 12-foot tall Christmas tree in the middle of the lobby. The open bar even serves drinks in frosted holiday glasses. He even has the guards wearing reindeer ears. 
By ten p.m. the vast floor seems smaller than a shoebox, packed with guests in evening gowns and tailored tuxedos. Initially, you’d planned on wearing a new piece for the gala–something to make the overwhelming festivity Tony demanded. Once it came time to get dressed, your eyes caught the sanguine dress. You hadn’t gotten the chance to wear it since your first date. It had felt too exquisite for any other occasion, but for some reason you were drawn to wear it tonight. 
You wish you could say Tony had a good reaction–or a reaction at all. From sunrise until the doors opened, he’s caught up in planning and preparations. Matter of fact, you were two hours into the gala and had only seen glimpses of him shaking hands in the crowd. It takes away from the expected familiarity. You imagined this night to be simple, easy for you to blend it with Tony on your arm, in his home your home. Instead, you wander like a lost gazelle, feeling every pair of eyes on you. You want to blame the dress. Revealing and bright red.
In the blurry swarm of faces, bright auburn stands out. Natasha wouldn’t be your first pick, but she’s the only familiar face and you need a respite.
You squeeze in next to her at one of the corner tables. The spice of her perfume permeates your nose but you can look past it for the moment. She pays you no mind at first, legs crossed and head turned to the crowd. You don’t mind one bit. It’s quieter towards the back, and you have no issue with it staying that way. 
Natasha sighs deeply, almost in boredom, maybe annoyance, but not with you. 
“I don’t know how you stand him.”
“How do you figure?” you respond absently, picking apart at a stray piece of tinsel.
“One of the richest men on Earth-I know he’s got the ego to match it.”
“You’d know better than I would, wouldn’t you?” you answer. You’d gotten the sense Natasha and Tony back way further than him and Pepper a while ago,
“Touche, but I’m not dating him.” she shifts to take another sip from her glass, “though, I’m not really sure why you are.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, do you really love him, or are you just after a family fortune?” Emerald eyes points like knives, her tone blending from casualty to scorn.
“W-what,” you stammer, “Of course I love him–Tony pursued me.”
“Please, he’d pursue anything with a pulse,” Natasha chuckles, “and relax, I’m just finally getting around to doing my due diligence.” 
“Your ‘due diligence’ is being a cunt?”
“Ooh! I see you’re a feisty one–you did sit here after all, you know.” she muses.
“Just needed a break from the crowd,” you mummer, rising. 
“Stay then–relax, like I said.” she gestures towards your now-empty seat. When you sigh and retake your place, she smiles. “I like you, you know.”
“We’ve barely spoken.” you declare, a dry chuckle spewing alongside. 
“That doesn’t mean I don’t know a smart person when I see one.” 
“Smart decisions, going out with Tony, not screwing that up, though I’ve been told you’ve come close a few times.”
“This isn’t an interrogation, like I said, I like you–I don’t really care what happens between you two.”
“Then what is this?” you flag the nerdy tuxedoed waiter for a glass of water. 
“You said it yourself, we’ve barely spoken. My job is to keep Tony’s business running smoothly, and that’s become a lot harder since he won’t make a single decision without considering the ‘y/n’ of it all.” 
You scoff, unimpressed. “We don’t talk about his business.”
“Oh, I know,” Natasha remarks, “A bartender has no idea how to run a billion dollar corporation, and even less of an idea how to advise one.” 
“This is the part where you tell me I have no business being with him, right?” The waiter drops off a tall pitcher of water for you both. Once your glass is full, he passes along a message that Tony’s speech starts soon. 
“Dear god no,” Natasha laughs, “I imagine you’ve heard that enough–and he’s much more pleasant since you came around. Besides, you’re living the dream.” 
“Is that so?” You have to give a laugh of your own (considering you had a bit of jealousy buried for her). 
“Oh yes, filthy rich, live in a penthouse, never work another day in your life, loving husband–maybe not my dream, but still a dream.” 
You don’t know if she’s trying to be funny but your next laugh is genuine, and she joins in.
“What is your dream, then?” you question.
Natasha’s grin stiffens, surprised. Contemplation passes for a second and you worry that you’ve underdone the last three minutes of camaraderie. 
“Ballet teacher–but that stays at this table.” She gives you a matching pointed look.
“My lips are sealed.” You do try not to giggle, but it’s odd to imagine her frigidity in a warm lit studio surrounded by tutus. 
“Did you mean it, what you said about Tony? That things are...okay?” Natasha asks, referring to Tony’s sobriety. It’s weird how everyone dances around it, especially someone so usually straightforward as her. 
It was weeks ago when you parroted that claim. And you only call it that because the question annoys the fuck out of you. It’s entirely subjective, and you give in to the optimistic look in their eye and tell them what they want to hear. He’s fine, better even.
Maybe it’s because she’s being nice, or because you already gave up this facade with Harley, but you can’t be bothered to pretend you know what’s going on with him all the time. Besides, clearly you weren’t doing a good enough job for her to ask you about it again
“I want to say yes, but I don’t know, I guess?” you admit, staring into the crowd. 
Natasha’s mouth parts to speak again, only to have the microphone’s feedback interrupt her. The host–some Nobel prize winning chemist Tony invited to pull donors–clears his throat before starting his introduction, and the noise draws to a lull. Natasha excuses herself, presumably to find Tony before his speech. You decide to stay at the back of the lobby, with a good enough view of the stage. 
Supposedly this entire sordidly festive affair had a true business purpose, some big announcement Tony was making on the ‘future of the company’. He didn’t explain much more than that, and you’re certain the technical logistics were beyond you anyway. 
After a long, boring welcome, the mic is passed off to Tony. It’s the first time today you’ve been able to see him fully–draped in a jet black tuxedo and bright red bowtie. 
It whines again in his grip, and Tony pauses once the cheers die down, glancing at the expectant faces below. Thick cards press into his palm, each written meticulously inked by Natasha last night He clears his throat, glancing out past the lights into the crowd. He hopes they can’t see how heavy the stillness starts to weigh on him like before. The sudden quiet, all that attention. Including yours, somewhere out there. His heart stalls at how must look to you up here. Larger than life probably, or maybe you weren’t looking at all (he hopes you aren’t). A hundred odd pairs of eyeballs, and he hides from yours. 
Tony knew what he had to do, and was quite confident in his choice. But he can’t risk looking you in the eye while he does it. Ironically, his decision had very little to do with you, and everything to do with Pepper. The edge of his mouth still twitches. 
“Tonight…” he starts, turning the twitch into a warm smile, “…I’ve asked you all to be here in celebration, to celebrate Stark Industries, and talk about the future of the company,” He clears his throat, rolling his shoulders as if trying to loosen some unseen knot.
There’s a small, brief ripple of confusion among the front of the room, murmurs. Something shifts in his expression—just a flash—before his eyes catch something and harden. A gesture is made to the guard at the end of the stage. His hand tightens around the mic.
“To keep things transparent,” he says, stuffing the cards into his pocket, “the real reason I threw this party, asked you all to be here, is because I want everyone to see how much this means to be.”
Your ears perk up. Natasha swears under her breath, glancing at you before sharply leaving the table, tapping away at her phone. Tony can’t hide from your gaze anymore, and he finds your confused face in the back corner. Before you think about a path to escape, the crowd follows his attention, taking their eyes from the billionaire to the nobody fiddling with tinsel alone.
“I want to celebrate the love I have for this woman, and take this opportunity to share it with everyone.” 
What the hell is he doing?, you think. He can't be doing this here, like this. 
“The truth is,” he pauses, feeling his phone buzz off the hook (most certainly Natasha telling him to stop), “I’m getting married, and Stark Industries will be welcoming a new partner in its operations.”
The room erupts in a chorus of oos and awes, all to the tune of your racing heart. It takes you a second to process. He means getting married to you. You never even talked about marriage, the future, anything like that. Yeah, maybe in passing the idea came up, but at no point did you accept a marriage proposal. 
Everything feels nauseatingly blurry after. Random individuals come over with their congratulations, while half the crowd stares and the other half still bothers to listen to the rest of Tony’s speech. It’s a bunch of nonsense about restructuring and profits, and you’re too confused, pissed, and too fed up with fake smiles to bother standing around to listen. 
You suffer through two more superficial conversations about the marriage you were only made privy a few minutes ago. Finally, you escape to the restroom. You find an empty stall to hide in, trying to process what was going through Tony’s mind.
He couldn’t be serious, could he? This wasn’t real–it was some ploy or tactic. He didn’t genuinely intend to marry you. You didn’t like to think of the long-term for the same reasons you didn’t think about the short-term. This was unpredictable, you learned that. You learned to be okay with that. You could soak in the pleasures indefinitely without ever worrying about how it might all end. This, this brought it into a sharp focus you weren’t ready for. 
You’re not even certain he’s fully divorced yet. 
Once your palms finally dry, and the threat of a panic attack fades, you step out of the restroom. You don’t even know what to think, and the sterile walls weren’t helping. Glancing back toward the gala, you spot Tony scanning the room—until his eyes find yours. You don't hold his gaze long; instead, you turn sharply toward the elevator. You hear your name faintly called from somewhere behind, but you keep moving down the hall, ignoring it.
He breaks into an awkward jog to catch you. You keep your eyes forward.
“[Y/N], look I know this wasn’t what you were expecting, and I can explain I just need–” he starts,
“You’ve lost your fucking mind, Stark,” Natasha heels stomp angrily down the hall, stepping in front you to point her finger in Tony’s face, “what the hell are you doing?”
“Alright, alright, not you right now–cut it out!” He smacks her hand away flippantly, “I’m not entirely sure you and Matt haven’t been drinking the kool-aid either.” 
Tony huffs and straightens his bowtie and you step back from Natasha’s heat. Behind the three of you, someone gets their hands on a karaoke machine and a terrible rendition of Santa Baby follows.
“The whole point of this bullshit was to go public and get out of this shit so explain to me how this gets us anywhere closer to that?” She grits.
Tony throws his hands in the air, “Maybe it doesn’t, but your dumbass plan wasn’t any better.”
“You think marrying her is going to help you? You know I was joking when I said that, right?” 
Suddenly, a spotlight seems to beam over you. Neither party stops their death glare to fully acknowledge you. That wasn’t a proposal–you were just some pawn in their game.
You don’t even know what the hell they’re playing for.
“This is a great time to remind you who signs your checks.” 
Only then do her eyes bother to glance at you. 
“This isn’t gonna end well, and you know it.” She concedes, still stern. After that, she stomps back off into the crowd. 
Tony turns towards you, but you're already back at the elevator, watching the buttons finally reach L.
“[Y/N], please–” 
The doors ding open and you don’t stop to hear anymore. Despite your feverous attempt to close the doors, Tony makes his way inside. The door just barely misses his coattail, to your annoyance.   
Even worse, and completely on par for the evening, the jingle bells elevator music plays the moment the doors shut. 
A hard, awkward beat passes. You’re pinching the bridge of your nose, sparsely emptied of any more energy for this night (mentally or otherwise). 
“You look fucking stellar, by the way, love that dress–”
“Right, you’re right, sorry.”
Neither of you spare another word from the elevator to the bedroom. Tony follows behind, closing the door softly as you toss your earring onto the dresser. You’re waiting for him to speak again. Explain, deflect–hopefully just explain, but he doesn’t. He sits at the end of the bed, eyes trained to you in the mirror. 
“Why didn’t you ask me? Alone? Before today?” you sigh, “
“I wanted to, I was going to, the other night on the balcony I just–” he answers quickly, but trails off in a way that has you turning to face him instantly.
You don’t doubt that for a second. Truthfully, the level of effort and random heartfeltness of the night gave you some clue. But, when it never came you just chalked it up to Tony being Tony. Painfully romantic in most conditions. 
“You just what, didn’t want to?” There’s anger, though you know it's hypocritical. 
“No I just,” he exhales, dragging his fingers through slicked back hair, “I knew you’d say yes.”
“You knew I’d say yes? What the hell does that mean?” Your necklace joins the rest of your jewelry with a loud clink. 
“This is coming out all wrong–”
“You think?” The six inch heels are the next thing to go, throwing haphazardly in the closet. Tony rises to cut you off in front of the door, eyes pleading for understanding you’re not sure you have. 
“I saw the look in your eye, I’d done so much to make sure you’d say yes in that moment because I needed you to–not because I wanted it and that wasn’t the way it was supposed to go.”
“You don’t know that I’d say yes.”
“You would,” he says with that practiced charm, all sunny but hollow. A trademark Stark move—confidence teetering on arrogance. When you hesitate, he’s ready with another word, a gaze intense enough to hypnotize. “You know you would.”
You laugh, looking away as if it’s absurd. “Are you really so sure?”
His hand slips into yours, gentle but firm, thumb brushing across your knuckles in a way that makes it seem like he’s talking to you, only you, and not the thousand voices in his head screaming at him to get this done. 
“I know you’re scared, but” he says, leaning into your warmth. “Don’t leave me hanging here, please.”
“You sound so desperate, it’s kind of sad.” 
But there’s a softness to your voice now, a hint that he might be getting through. For a moment he was worried he wouldn’t be able to get away with this again, that you’d learned all his tricks since the boutique. 
It’s enough of a crack in your resolve for him to keep pushing. He slips closer, voice low. 
“Look, I know I keep asking a lot of you, but, There’s a pause, just long enough to let the ache in his voice sit, before he adds, “this could fix everything, everything can be okay.”
There’s a sliver of doubt in your eyes, and that’s what he clings to. 
“And when was the last time everything was okay, Tony?” You watch him in the bureau’s mirror. 
 “It could be. All I need for you to do is say yes, so I can fix this,” He squeezes your hand, the hint of desperation all but veiled now. 
And when you finally exhale, when that flicker of sympathy slips in, he knows he’s won.
It’s good enough. Better than he hoped, honestly. The relief slides into him like a tonic, loosening the tight lines in his jaw. He keeps his hand on yours, knowing the warmth of it will serve to distract from the creeping dread, from the hollow pit that’s been widening ever since the stakes got so high he couldn't see the top of them.
For Tony, this is all still just a means to an end. One step closer to true liberty and the life he was supposed to have. If he had to lie and disappoint–cheat and charm, then he’d do it. It would be worth it. In the end, the sum of his achievements would outweigh his sins.
He reminded himself of that a month ago, the night before he decided to have the gala. When the bedroom door closes, a sigh of relief escapes. He was lucky that you didn’t catch the conversation with Matt and Natasha in full. What he had in the works was sensitive, and he couldn’t have that ruined by anyone knowing the details in advance. He couldn’t lose you again, not when he needed you most. 
There is a shred of guilt as the elevator whirs down to the garage. You’re probably thinking the worst, understandably, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it. Only to pray his love was enough to placate you for now. 
Especially when he doesn’t even want to fucking do this. Each day seems to come at the loss of his autonomy, another suit on his payroll telling him what’s best for his life. It’s more deplorable when the people closest to him come up with the shittiest ideas to fix this. He can truly thank Pepper for his recent migraines (and a bunch of old ones). Filing for divorce was quite a move to try to get what she wanted, and throw him to the mercy of the Securities and Exchange Commission at the same time. If you listen to Matt, Tony’s mere minutes away from a cold cell. If you listen to Nat, Tony’s plummeting stock will be the sealer of his fate. And as of right now, two of the smartest people he knows can’t come up with anything that doesn’t come at the cost of you or his company. And he can’t live with either. 
Since, both their solutions arguably suck, he tells a lie or lack thereof to find a third opinion. Or a hail mary. However it’s called, it’s a long shot that he can’t be certain won't jeopardize him even more. 
The drive to Hudson Valley is peaceful, to the point he forgets his world is on fire. It’s late, or early, depending on who you ask. Few cars grace the road and he finds solace in the solitude. The radio is ignored for the repetitive rumble of the tires, until paved tar turns into rough gravel. 
When Pepper sent over the address, he wasn’t too surprised. She always rambled about moving out of the city, dreaming of cabins in the woods and sprawling hills. Tony could never wrap his head around living anywhere else. In retrospect, that was another early omen. They never even shared the same dream. 
He can’t say it doesn’t look impressive. A dark a-frame that strikes beautifully against the earthen spruce. Maybe that is why she had him drive all the way out here and not somewhere in the city. Part of masterplan to show him what she presumes he’s missing out on. 
The porch lights flicker on once he parks, and he makes his way up the stone path to find Pepper sitting just outside the door. She’s preoccupied with a thick novel, acknowledging Tony with the raise of a finger. 
It’s strange, being alone with her for the first time in years. She’s not dressed in Valentino but tattered college sweats he had forgotten about. Seeing her at the penthouse all those months ago was troubling, but this was different. Here, it’s too quiet. Even though he’s a few paces away from the table, he can hear the tension of her nails against the pages–the swirl of wind through her hair. Sure, she can’t control the environment but he knows this is a calculated move too. To make him wait, make him uncomfortable. Every other sense sharpens in the absence of constant noise. Norway spruce and duplicity. 
He’s losing his nerve and he needs this over. 
“Why the hell’d you make me drive this far out anyway?” He tries to keep a level voice, knowing she wouldn’t hesitate to use his irritation against him. 
“It’s the one place I’m certain your little spy hasn’t found yet.” she murmurs.
Okay, fine, so he’d used his son to spy on his ex-wife. Big deal, he couldn’t be certain she wasn’t doing the same. Plus, Harley had offered to keep an eye on her. It was a matter of security, not personal (mostly). 
“Can we get on with this?”
“I suppose,” she sighs, tossing the book onto the table. The thud reverberates, stark against the stillness of the valley. “But I’m not sure what it is you want from me–you did call me after all.”
“I did.” And he’s regretting it every second.
“So, what can I do for you?”
“You can start by accepting the deal Murdock sent, and let this be over.” 
Pepper chuckled, crossing her legs. “What are you playing at, Tony?”
“I’m not playing at anything–this needs to be over, you need to move on.”
“Oh please, don’t flatter yourself,” she scoffs, “this is all very rich considering you’ve held me in litigation for months, you rejected my offers over and over, so why the sudden change of heart?”
A cold chill and burning annoyance pull him closer to the table. 
“Yes, because I should just give you forty-five percent of my company–I can get it gift-wrapped too if that makes it all the better.”  
“That’s right, your ego won’t let you admit I’m the only reason you have a company to speak of.”
“Can’t you find an ounce of compassion in that gaping pit you call a soul, for me?”
“Such harsh words from someone who needs something from me.” Pepper smirks and stands once the heat recedes from Tony’s face. 
“Take the twenty percent, finalize the papers, and end this, or else there won’t be anything for either of us.”
She circles the table to stop in his view. Tony wishes he had a time machine.
“Let me guess, someone’s under a little heat.” she muses, voice high and dripping in sugary venom.
“Little is an understatement.” He steps back, hands tight in her pockets.
“And why would I give up my shares to help you?”
“This entire thing started with you, and the second it wasn’t convenient you ran. The least you could fucking do is help me out of it.” Tony snapped. 
“Right, and if I don’t?” 
She still laughs, because it’s all a good game to her. Entertaining to see him against the ropes–desperate enough to reach out to her. For once though, it’s calming. It soothes his anger and reminds him why he agreed to this at all. This time, he had an ace up his sleeve.
“Then I’ll tell just that to whoever needs to know–you know I have the evidence. You’ll go down right alongside me.”
In the quiet solace, for a moment, she’s outplayed. Her smile falters and brows crinkle. Truthfully, as much as he’d love to, he could never sell her out. But she had a terrible tendency of assuming the worst of him, and he was banking on that. 
“Please do, I’m sure they’d love to hear what I know about Obadiah.” 
Oh, so that was her ace.
A soft buzz vibrates his back pocket. He doesn’t need omniscience to know it’s you. He can picture it clearly–you, traipsing around the penthouse looking for signs of life. He knows you hate that feeling, and he hates to cause it. 
There’s a more pressing issue; not giving Pepper the emotional reaction she wants.
“You wouldn’t do that.” Spare words from some forgotten bin. 
“Not if you don’t force my hand.” 
A painful pause ensues. The valley’s fauna recognize the tension, silencing out of respect for the sound of Tony’s plan shattering. A true stalemate. Not what he came for, but his throat swells thinking about the aftermath from a war of attrition. 
He can’t let that get out, above all else. That’d be his dissolution. Stark Industries, everything he worked for would vanish. You, without question. You never see him the same again. The crafted image he sought, the life he was creating with you for you, it’d be wasted effort. 
“What’s it gonna take for you to help me?”
After another migraine-causing conversation, Tony slumps into the driver seat, shoulders heavy and eyelids even heavier. Fifteen minutes have passed since your text, and he wonders if it's better not to answer at all. 
[ everything okay?  ]
[ be home soon ]
Ignore. Deflect. Move on.  
The drive back to the city is less pleasant. Actually, it’s a nightmare that he disassociated through the moment he entered the garage. He was, tragically, fucked. There was no telling if he had the capital to replace whatever Pepper took, and he certainly couldn’t risk everything by going public. And if he didn't give Pepper what she wanted, he might be looking at a depressing future behind bars. And that was not an option. 
So he’s at the mercy of the ginger Judas who put him on the path in the first place. Go figure. There’s self-blame for entertaining this option at all. For not guessing she’d snake her way into the upperhand like always. This wasn’t a beast he could defeat with regular tactician and planning. No, he needed to surprise her–usurp her. Piss her off the way she pissed him off. Go against the grain and act in a way that she couldn't predict. Something she couldn’t maneuver around. 
So, when the mic graced his hands, and the coached words on his marriage, the marriage  he never asked you about. The marriage he couldn’t ask you about because he wasn’t ready either. 
He said fuck it, and did it anyway. 
He knew you would’ve said yes then, so you obviously would answer the same afterwards. Even if you were predictably, and understandably pissed, you loved him, and he intended to use that. Grand gestures were his thing after all. A huge public soiree was more on brand than some private dinner. And, he was Tony Stark. The man who got everything he wanted. Why would your hand be any different? Certainly it fell under the same bracket (and really, an argument could be made that he had your loyalty regardless–this was just a title). 
It was justified in his mind the moment the words hit the mic. It just sounds right– Y/N Stark. Like he should have made it that way a long time ago. For a second, the ceaseless pit of vengeance is taken over by something more. 
It;s even easier to justify when he gets a wave of childlike excitement over it. Imagining the ring on your finger, the life he could have with you. Palm trees and salt waves on a remote coast. No more Stark Industries, no more nightmares about cold federal prisons, just you and him. 
Then, in the crowd, he spots what must be Pepper’s lookout. A short, brayish man stays still while dozen roar in congratulatory apologize. Pepper should’ve coached him better, a clear sore loser in a room full of winners. 
The real reason he’s doing this comes back. Tony makes a quick signal to the guard behind him, and moments later the man is escorted upstairs. He used to hate doing this. But he soon learned that humanity gets you nowhere in this business. Still, he almost tells his team to go easy. Then he remembers the cold look on Pepper’s face at the valley while he plead for mercy like a sad dog. 
Fuck that. The man knew the risks. It’s not Tony’s fault they didn’t play in his favor. 
Out of whatever kindness was left, he makes a note to have his body dumped somewhere nice. 
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deleteddewewted · 2 months ago
Modern 40k Ideas:
I have an idea for the greater Modern 40k universe I’m making. These are meant to be canon ideas for the supermarket romance fic series mainly cause I plan on making some spinoffs or extra fics for the series with other characters.
All of the Emperors sons, the Primarchs, were made because Big E was once a broke college student trying to make ends meet so he donated sperm. He would go to a sperm bank every so often and make a quick buck donating. So not only did a bunch of families get the ability to have children but it would explain why the Primarchs are all so ethnically and culturally diverse.
The only reason why the Primarchs are all united in adulthood was because when Big E was donating he said he was fine with the kids that were a product of his donations could reach out to him for whatever reason since he knew that they might have questions down the line about their health history.
Most of the Primarchs met when they were in their teens since many of them lived in very different parts of the world. Horus who lived in the same city as Big E got to meet his biological father much sooner than the rest of his brothers.
Relationships and dynamics are all pretty much the same since they all got to connect when they were young and kept in contact up until the events of current modern au timeline.
Horus is not currently in the picture as he’s serving a 4 years prison sentence for wire fraud. Big E could have sued him and gotten his son life in prison since wire fraud wasn’t the only thing Horus did but he felt betrayed and saddened that his closest son would betray him that he didn’t open his mouth at all when the authorities questioned him to ask if he knew anything else about his sons business.
Rogal Dorn and Perturabo both lead the graphics team but they don’t lead the marketing department. Neither one of them know how to run a social media account and Guillimans even worse so they had them lead a subsection of the department that focused only in the appearance of promotional material, email marketing, flyers, and ads.
Guilliman pursued business and ventured into his own small business while still working for Big E. Big E takes this as a betrayal because he feels like Guilliman had taken all of the resources he had given him and miss used them for his personal gain. He hadn’t, Guilliman wanted to make his own company that had nothing to do with the company his father runs. Guillimans business is actually a nonprofit with a focus on helping ex veterans.
Big E is in a bit of a hiatus from work. Not really. He’s still around doing things here and there but overall he stays out of it because he was planning on passing the business to his sons anyways.
Big E hadn’t planned on having his sons join him in his business but everything just aligned perfectly that it made sense for him to include them. He secretly does adore his children. He never planned on having any of his own, mainly because he didn’t find the point in it but now that his sons are with him he’s more than eager to make sure that they learn how to bond with one another.
Horus Heresy was just a big family argument that led to Horus being arrested but the rest of his brothers who took his side ended up serving a very reduced prison time or just community service.
The entire company focuses on humanitarian efforts across the world. So funding for medical access in impoverished communities, access to clean water, food assistance, education, etc. This all came about because Big E grew up in poverty and worked his ass off to get out of that situation. Having had the foresight to understand that not everyone has the same access as he did or the same chances as he did, he made it his mission to help as many people as possible.
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ichorai · 8 months ago
a forgotten sweater ; theon greyjoy (m).
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art by @shebsart!
pairing ; modern!theon greyjoy x reader (afab / no pronouns mentioned)
synopsis ; in which you go to fetch the sweater you had forgotten last time you and theon fucked. and this time, you most definitely weren't going to fuck him again.
words ; 1.6k
themes ; literally just smut LMFAO, modern au, college au, basically fwb au but reader doesn't want to admit it
warnings / includes ; unprotected piv sex, creampie, foul language, theon wears batman boxers, poor robb must be traumatized, physical descriptions for theon follow book canon, not the show!
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There was just something about him. Something that kept you coming back for more each and every time, even though you always swore you would never touch him again. Theon was not your type, not in the slightest… but, God, he was mind-numbingly good in bed. 
“We’re not sleeping together,” you had assured him when you stopped by his dorm to pick up a sweater you’d forgotten from the last time the two of you tangled together. His dormmate, Robb, had overheard your blunt words from the kitchen, and flushed a bright shade of crimson before quietly excusing himself to his own bedroom.
Theon handed you your sweater and shrugged in a manner he hoped came off as I don’t care. “Fine.”
“Thanks,” you said, clutching your sweater to your chest. “I hope we can still be friends—” Not that you were ever really close friends to begin with—Robb's girlfriend had been the one to introduce the two of you to each other. You were more distant acquaintances than anything. That also just so happened to occasionally have sex.
“With benefits?” he asked, seeming to perk up at the thought. All efforts of nonchalance were thrown to the wind. 
“If benefits mean someone to accompany you to a fast food restaurant or pick you up when you’re drunk, I can do that. Sexual benefits, though…” you trailed off, shaking your head with a grimace. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
Theon stepped closer to you. “But why?” he just about whined. “I want you. I want you again, baby. The sex was good for you, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, but—”
“I made you cum, didn’t I? More than once, if I can remember correctly.”
His hand jutted out as he began to list off, “Once with my tongue, another on my fingers, and who knows how many on my co—”
“Theon!” you exclaimed, jerking forward to slam a hand over his mouth, worried Robb was still around to overhear such filth. “God, you can’t… I don’t…” 
Whatever you wanted to say, you couldn’t recall your own thoughts anymore, because Theon was staring at you with such burning want. His eyes were hooded and his gaze so lustful you could just about feel your resolve crumbling that very second. His skin was so warm under your hands…
“I’m not sleeping with you again,” you whispered, more to convince yourself than him.
“Fine,” he replied, muffled from behind your palm. 
Five minutes later, the two of you had stumbled into his room and you had hastily shed your clothes. Before you knew it, you were situated on top of him with his dick already sliding inside of you. 
Theon let out a loud moan—a choked, hissy sort of sound—and his forehead fell forward so that it rested just between your breasts as your warm walls clenched tightly around his shaft. Prior to you sinking down on him, he'd been so hard he was aching, all aroused throbs and angry red tips and drips of precum.
He looked up at you with dark eyes, glossy with lust and deliberately nipped at one of your tits. Flashes of his teeth and tongue laving over your skin made you close your eyes and hum out a broken sound. There was no movement on your end, not yet, but his hands moved further downwards, from resting on your hips to digging the pads of his fingers into the flesh of your ass.
Then, without warning, Theon jerked you up enough just so his tip could stay inside you, and slammed back inside just as quickly. A yelp echoed across the room, and your hands scrambled up to clutch and Theon's hair. You tugged at the dark strands, just the way you knew he liked, which earned you a string of moans as he began bouncing you on his cock. The lewd, squelching noises that ricocheted off of each desperate thrust made your cheeks burn fiery hot.
“Ah—don't clench around me so hard,” Theon warned breathlessly, brows knitted. “I'll cum too quick, baby, you feel too—haaah—you feel too good.”
“Fuck me, Theon, please,” you said, rolling your hips forward against his. “Please, please, please…”
Your litany of pleas faded into a low moan as Theon began drilling his cock into you, eyes rolling into the back of his head. 
“You’re so wet, holy shi—it.” His voice broke in his fervor. “Feels so good baby, I could die like this.”
“Please don’t,” you said against his hair. “Rub my clit before you do.”
“Fuck, that’s so fucking hot,” he whined, one of his hands letting go of your ass to slither over your hip and rub sloppy, wet shapes over your sensitive clit. His touch made you jump closer to him, unsure to flinch towards or away from the searing pleasure. 
Theon shifted his angle so that he could pound into you impossibly deeper. You felt him hit just the right spot inside you, sending you into a bucking, scratching frenzy. The delicious pain of your nails going down his back seemed only to spur him on.
“Oh, fuck—Theon, wait—I’m going to—” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before you were gushing around him, your cunt spasming tightly around his throbbing cock, your toes curling against his bed sheets soiled. 
“Yeah, fucking cum on this dick. Fuck, you feel so good. Ten minutes ago you were telling me you didn’t want me—now look at you, baby,” he crooned. He was still drilling into you despite your mumbles of it being too much. Theon was no gentleman—but he knew you liked it that way.  “I’m not stopping. Fuck—yeah, baby, you’ll take it for me, won’t you? You’ll take it all, yes.”
He was practically snarling at that point. His teeth were sinking into your shoulder and all you could do was let him fuck you and bite you and grip at you. The pleasure never ebbed away, not with his fingers still toying with your clit. 
“I need you again,” he muttered, licking a hot, wet stripe up your neck. You squirmed in his grasp, moaning out a complaint that fell against deaf ears. “This can’t be the last time, baby, no. Pussy feels too fucking good, oh my God. Tell me this won’t be the last.”
There was no pause to his thrusts, but Theon did go silent for a minute, gnashing his teeth together as he awaited your response. When there came none, he swatted at your ass and you choked on a gasp.
“It won’t be the last, fuck—!” you bit out, slamming your hips down in tandem with his. You could already feel your second orgasm begin to creep up on you.
He shifted the angle once more and buried his cock fast and deep into your sopping cunt as if his life depended on it. The noises were squelching and lewd, you could feel the tips of your ears burning. 
“You close?” he asked.
“Mhm.” You nodded vehemently. “Don’t stop.”
And he didn’t, not for what felt like hours and hours, when realistically it was only a few minutes. Theon groaned in a broken, breathless rhythm, mumbling that he was going to cum. His fingers worked faster at your clit, and that was when you broke. You shuddered around him, clenching like a damn vice. He was loud when he came, so loud that you knew for certain Robb could probably hear the two of you, and you shoved his head down against your shoulder so that his moans were muffled into your skin. You could feel his hot spend inside of you, already dripping and leaking into the mixture of your arousal creaming between your thighs. 
“Fuck,” Theon said as he eased himself out of you. He couldn’t help but slap his cock against your sensitive clit, sharply laughing when you jerked away from the touch and glared at him.
You stood up and began to collect your scattered articles of clothing on wobbly legs, chest still rising and falling rapidly. You could feel his cum dribble down quicker now that you were standing. 
The impish grin Theon was wearing fell away when you said, “This is not happening again.”
He looked ready to throw himself at the ground and grovel for your pussy again. For some sick reason, the thought excited you. It didn’t sit well with you that you were just as perverted as he was. 
“What can I say to get you to change your mind?” He was hopping on one leg towards you as he pulled on a pair of boxers. Batman-patterned boxers, you noted with amusement. You hadn’t even noticed that when he was undressing earlier. God, he was such a fucking loser.
You spared him a genuine smile, before leaning forward to kiss his lower cheek, which was scratchy with dark stubble. In all of the times the two of you have fucked, which was upwards of a dozen times now, the two of you had kissed plenty of times—but never before or after. Theon blinked at you with big, dopey eyes. 
“Bye, Theon,” you said, choosing not to give him an answer to his question.
He watched in silence as you slipped on your shirt, and high-tail out of his room. He scratched the back of his neck and let out a big sigh—then spotted the forgotten sweater you had carelessly thrown onto his messy desk.
A lopsided smile tugged at his lips. Yeah, this was definitely happening again.
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sherewrytes · 2 months ago
𝔹𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕖𝕟 ℙ𝕚𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕤, ℝ𝕪𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕟 𝕊𝕦𝕜𝕦𝕟𝕒 7
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↳ Sukuna x f! black reader
Summary: After the death of his grandfather, Sukuna Ryomen is left to shoulder the weight of his family, caring for his younger brothers, Yuuji and Choso. As he withdraws into grief, his relationship with Y/N, his girlfriend of a year, begins to crumble. When Y/N discovers the truth about his grandfather’s passing during a heated argument, it leads to a painful breakup. Now, both are navigating life apart, but Sukuna’s heart aches for Y/N. Determined to win her back, he must confront his pain and find a way to break through the walls he’s built. Can he rekindle their love, or is it too late?
contents: heavy angst, modern au, 18+, smut, dark romance, drug use, talks of depression and similar topics. (a lil )
fic warnings. ooc, profanity, mental health issues, toxic relationships, cheating, explicit smut, serious drug use, mentions of depression + more to be updated as story progresses.
Please read with proper discretion. this is a work of fiction. all characters are written to portray roles that are necessary to the plot and are in no way a reflection of their canon counterparts.
Taglist: @for-hearthand-home@clp-84@thelightknight21@favvkiki  @helightknight21 @dylsw @ria-s-writes @sleepymothafterhours 
if you wanna be added to the tag list comment
Fic Playlist
Here is another chapter cause I'm still writing out the other fics right now :)
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Chapter 7: Breaking Point
It’s been, what, two weeks since I last saw Sukuna? Since he left my apartment I finally put my foot down. It feels surreal. Like he was here one moment, his presence filling every part of my life, and then, just like that, he’s gone. I can actually focus in class again, and my thoughts are less cluttered without his constant ups and downs. For the first time in a long time, I’m getting assignments done on time, and keeping up with my workload. But underneath it all, there’s this ache, a hollow space where he used to be.
I try to ignore it, but it’s always there, tugging at me, making it hard to concentrate completely. It’s the little things—his laugh echoing in my mind, the feel of his arms around me, his stupid smirk whenever he got under my skin. I find myself wondering if he’s okay. Did he come out of the hospital yet? Did he manage to finally piece himself together?
A part of me wants to reach out, just to check in. Maybe see if he’s doing better, if he’s still leaning on his friends, getting through each day somehow. But that’s not my place anymore, is it? I gave him so many chances to let me in, to let me help, and every single time, he shut me out. He made it clear he wanted to handle things his way. And I… I need to start respecting that boundary, as much as it hurts.
I take a deep breath, glancing out the window of the studio. The city is buzzing outside, people going on with their lives, completely unaware of the turmoil inside me. I sip my coffee, watching the people walk by, their laughter faintly audible through the glass.
Suddenly, my phone buzzes, pulling me from my thoughts. It’s a message from Utahime.
Utahime: You doing okay? Need anything?
I smile, appreciating her concern. She’s been there since everything happened, her presence a constant comfort, even when I didn’t realize I needed it.
Me: Yeah, I’m fine. Just… thinking too much, as usual.
Utahime: Well, stop that! We’re going out tonight. A distraction is exactly what you need.
I hesitate, looking down at my phone, my thumb hovering over the keyboard. I know she’s right. A distraction might help me let go of these lingering thoughts, these small pieces of Sukuna that I can’t seem to shake.
Me: Fine. Where and when?
Utahime: I’ll pick you up at 8. Be ready!
A part of me feels relieved at the thought of getting out, of being around people who remind me of who I am outside of Sukuna, outside of this relationship that became such a heavy part of my life.
as the car moves through the city streets, I press my head against the cool window, letting the world blur past me. The bass-heavy beat of W.D.Y.W.F.M. pulses through my headphones, each lyric tugging at parts of me I’ve been trying to bury.
Maybe you’re right, maybe this is all that I can be, the words echo, hitting a little too close to home. I close my eyes, feeling the weight of those lyrics settle in my chest. The memories start seeping in—the countless times I let myself believe that if I loved Sukuna enough, if I was patient enough, he’d eventually find it within himself to let me in. That if I just waited, things would finally feel right. But now I wonder… maybe it wasn’t just him. Maybe I should have known better than to believe that love could fix someone so broken.
But what if it’s you, and it wasn’t me?
The question pierces through my thoughts, stirring a bitterness I didn’t know I still had. He wanted to drown in his own pain, to shut me out every time I tried to pull him up for air. I couldn’t have been the answer, and yet here I am, with pieces of him still lingering, haunting me at every turn.
The Uber driver takes a corner, the familiar streets near my apartment coming into view. I force my gaze away from the window, back to my phone screen, trying to focus on anything but him. It shouldn’t hurt this much, but it does—knowing that for all the love I poured into him, it wasn’t enough to keep him from self-destructing.
The song fades as I arrive at my building. I thank the driver, taking a deep breath as I step out, feeling the city air wrap around me. The streetlights cast a dim glow on the sidewalk, and I let myself pause for a moment before going inside. I need to let him go, I tell myself firmly, as I push open the door and head up the stairs to my apartment. I have to learn to let go of the weight of him, of the what ifs and the could’ve been that keep me tangled in his memory.
I climb the stairs, my heart pounding faster with each step as I spot the car parked out front. The familiar shape, that old, dark-colored sedan that Sukuna drove everywhere... no, no, no, I think, my pulse racing. I’m not ready to see him. My body tenses with dread, the past few weeks crashing down on me in waves.
But as I get closer, I realize it isn’t him. The figure slouched in the driver's seat isn’t Sukuna—it’s Yuuji, his face drawn and pale under the streetlight glow. Relief floods me, only to be replaced by confusion and worry. I stride up to him, feeling the weight of all the things I know about Sukuna’s recent spiral pressing on me, unsettling and heavy.
"Yuuji," I say, my voice sharp, "why are you here?"
He startles, looking up at me with bloodshot eyes. I catch the shadow of sleepless nights, maybe even nights spent worrying about Sukuna. He tries to brush off the tension, but I can see right through him. He's younger, not yet old enough to be driving around on his own at this hour. That alone makes my stomach twist.
"I just… I didn’t know who else to talk to," he mutters, glancing away. The hurt and worry in his voice rip into me.
My gut clenches as I realize just how much of Sukuna’s pain has been spilling onto his family. The weight he’s putting on Yuuji, on Choso… it’s more than I ever understood. The anger, frustration, and heartbreak I felt these past weeks—they’re nothing compared to what Yuuji was going through. He’s barely an adult, forced to watch his older brother destroy himself.
“Yuuji,” I say softly, keeping my tone steady, “what’s going on? Why didn’t you call me?”
Yuuji looks up, and in that one look, I see just how much he’s been holding in. “I thought… I thought I could handle it, but… he’s just getting worse. I can’t even talk to him without him blowing up at me. He left some days ago, maybe more, and just stormed out. No one knows where he is. Toji, Choso, and even Geto…they all tried reaching him, but he wouldn’t answer. And then I remembered… you always knew how to reach him when he was like this.”
The ache in his voice cuts through me, and a fierce protectiveness rises up. I left Sukuna to deal with his pain, but it’s clear that his absence has left more than just a hole in my life—it’s tearing his family apart too.
“Yuuji,” I start, forcing calm into my voice. “I know things are tough, and Sukuna… he’s dealing with a lot. But you don’t have to do this alone. Have you told anyone else? Choso? Gojo?”
He shakes his head, looking at the ground. “No. Choso is dealing with enough as it is… and I don’t want them to worry more.”
He’s trying to be strong, trying to hold everyone else together when he’s the one falling apart. I know that feeling all too well. Sukuna and I broke things off because I couldn’t keep sacrificing my sanity for someone unreachable. But I never thought about how much worse it would get for those who couldn’t walk away, like Yuuji and Choso.
I reach out, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Yuuji, you don’t have to do this alone. You shouldn’t be doing this alone. Sukuna needs someone to get through to him, and it might not be me anymore—but we can try together.”
He stares at me for a moment, eyes wide and vulnerable. “Do you think… Do you think he’ll ever listen? Or is he too far gone?”
My heart aches at his words. “I don’t know. But we have to try.”
He nods, the glimmer of hope in his expression heartbreaking and determined.
I closed my eyes, gripping the phone tight. I knew Kenjaku could be difficult, even evasive when he wanted to be. Sukuna had a talent for finding people who were just as stubborn and reckless as he was. But I couldn’t back down, not now, not with Yuuji looking at me like he was counting on me.
“Kenjaku, I need to know. Yuuji’s here with me. He and Choso haven’t heard from Sukuna in days. They’re worried sick, and he’s…he’s not okay. I think you know that.”
There was a pause on the other end, the silence stretching uncomfortably long. I could almost picture Kenjaku’s calculating look, weighing his options. Finally, he sighed. “He showed up here a few nights back. I didn’t ask questions. He’s been sleeping it off on my couch, but I’ll be honest—he looks like hell, Y/N.”
The anger that had been simmering inside me now sparked, but it wasn’t toward Kenjaku. It was all for Sukuna—his self-destructive spiral, the pain he was dragging everyone into, and the part of him that still didn’t realize how much he meant to those around him.
“I’ll be over soon,” I said, voice steady despite the turmoil within me. “But please, don’t tell him I’m coming. I don’t want him bolting before I get there.”
Kenjaku’s chuckle was dry, but he agreed. “Sure thing. I’ll keep him occupied, though good luck getting through to him. He's really badly…. He’s fucked up, Y/N.”
I hung up, feeling a mix of relief and dread. When I looked at Yuuji, his eyes were wide, filled with a flicker of hope. He didn’t need to ask what I’d found out; the look on my face told him everything.
“I’m going to see him,” I said softly, reaching for my bag. “I’ll try to talk to him, to get through to him, somehow.”
Yuuji looked at me with a mixture of gratitude and worry. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice barely audible.
With a final squeeze of his shoulder, I turned and headed out the door, my heart pounding as I braced myself for the conversation I wasn’t sure I was ready to have.
Yuuji nodded, taking the key from my hand with a somber expression. "I will. Be careful, okay?" he said, his voice thick with unspoken worry.
I offered him a brief smile, though I could feel the weight of everything pressing down on me. "I will. Just... keep an eye on things here, yeah? If anything happens, call Toji."
Yuuji gave me a small, reassuring nod before he turned to head toward the stairs, his footsteps echoing in the hall as he climbed.
I stood there for a moment longer, staring at the door. The tension was building inside me—this wasn't going to be easy. I had no idea what I was walking into, but I knew I had to face it. For Yuuji. For Choso. And for myself.
With a deep breath, I pulled my jacket tighter around me and left the apartment, locking the door behind me. The walk to Kenjaku's place felt longer than usual, each step heavy with uncertainty. The city seemed quieter tonight, the streetlights casting long shadows across the pavement as I made my way toward the familiar building.
When I finally arrived, I didn't bother knocking. Kenjaku had given me the code to the door ages ago. I typed it in quickly, the door clicking open with an almost too-loud sound. The hallway was dimly lit, and I could hear the faint murmur of voices from behind one of the doors.
I hesitated for a moment, my hand on the doorframe. This was it. I didn’t know what I was about to walk into, but there was no turning back now.
Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open.
I stood there, taking in the scene before me—Sukuna, looking completely worn down, his eyes barely open, his hair disheveled and his face a mess of exhaustion and defeat. The cigarette hung loosely from his hand, the smoke curling up into the air as Uraume stood nearby, her posture stiff, frustration radiating off of her.
"Uraume, calm down," I said, my voice steady but firm as I crossed the room, stepping closer to the couch where Sukuna was sprawled out.
He groaned in response, his hand sliding off his face just enough for his eyes to meet mine, dull and clouded. He didn’t look surprised to see me, but his expression was unreadable.
"Great, now I'm fucking seeing and hearing shit," he muttered again, his voice thick with fatigue and annoyance.
I didn’t react to his comment, not letting it phase me. Instead, I walked over and sat on the edge of the couch, just enough to be close but not invading his space. I glanced over at Uraume, who seemed to be holding her ground, but she took a step back, recognizing that I was the one who needed to handle this.
"Sukuna, stop hiding," I said, my tone softer now, almost pleading. "What the hell are you doing?"
He didn’t answer immediately, instead, taking another drag from the cigarette, his eyes drifting away from mine, focused on the wall as though he didn’t want to face me, or anyone.
"You think running away is gonna fix anything?" I continued, my voice low but insistent. "You think wallowing in this is gonna bring Jin back? Or fix what’s broken?"
His jaw clenched, and for a moment, I thought he was going to snap at me again, but instead, he just let out a deep sigh, and the silence in the room hung thick.
"I’m not hiding," he muttered, barely above a whisper. "I’m just... tired."
"Then let us help you," I replied, my heart aching for him, but frustration mixing with it. "You don’t have to carry all this alone."
Sukuna shifted on the couch, his hand coming up to cover his eyes again, but this time, there was something in the way he did it—a sort of resignation, like he knew I was right, but couldn't bring himself to admit it. Uraume stood there, arms crossed, clearly waiting for him to make a move, but it was clear he wasn’t ready.
I stayed quiet for a moment, allowing him his space, but I couldn’t just leave it at that. He needed to hear it, and I needed him to understand.
"You're not alone in this, Sukuna," I said quietly, my voice breaking through the tension. "You’ve got people who care about you. People who are worried. And you don’t get to shut them out."
He didn’t respond immediately, but I could see his body language soften just a little. I wasn’t sure if he was hearing me, or if he was just too far gone to care, but I couldn’t give up on him—not when he was this close to losing everything, including himself.
"Sukuna..." I started again, but Uraume cut me off.
"You can only do so much, Y/N," she said, her tone serious, but a little softer now. "He’s gotta want it. He’s gotta find it in himself to get back up. And we can’t make that choice for him."
I nodded, swallowing back the knot in my throat. I knew she was right. But it didn’t make it any easier.
"You think he’ll listen?" I asked, barely above a whisper, not expecting a clear answer.
Uraume gave a small shrug. "Maybe. But only if he realizes he’s not beyond saving. But that’s up to him."
I glanced at Sukuna once more, feeling the weight of everything press down on me. His eyes were still closed, and he looked so damn defeated. Part of me wanted to scream, to shake him out of his spiral. But I knew that wasn’t what he needed.
What he needed was time and a reminder that he wasn’t the only one who had lost something.
Sukuna's smirk was laced with bitterness, and it was as if the weight of his guilt and self-loathing had manifested in those cruel words. His eyes never left me as he took another drag of his cigarette, the smoke swirling around us like a barrier, creating distance between us that I could almost feel.
I didn't flinch. I refused to let him see the impact his words had, but inside, I was crumbling.
His voice was sharp, cutting through the air, his pain seeping out in every syllable. "You think you can save me, Y/N? Don’t fool yourself. You know I’m worthless."
I wanted to shout at him, tell him he was wrong, but instead, my voice came out softer than I expected. "Sukuna, you're not worthless."
He let out a dry laugh, one that held no humor. "Yeah? Then why the hell did you leave? After we fucked, you tossed me out like I was nothing. Isn’t that what you think of me too?"
Each word felt like a blade to my chest. The anger, the resentment in his voice—it was suffocating. I could see the way his eyes flickered with something raw, something vulnerable that he kept buried under layers of pride and self-doubt. But he was pushing it all on me now.
I took a shaky breath, trying to keep my composure, but the truth was, hearing him say those things cut deeper than I ever anticipated.
I stepped closer to him, ignoring the thick cloud of smoke that hung in the air. "I didn’t leave because I thought you were worthless," I said, my voice trembling but determined. "I left because you pushed me away. You closed yourself off, pushed me out of your life like I was nothing. And I couldn’t keep pretending I didn’t see it."
His expression hardened at that, the smirk fading away as he leaned back on the couch, his eyes narrowing at me. "You think I wanted to push you away?" His voice was quieter now, but there was still that edge of anger behind it. "You think I wanted to feel this empty... this fucking broken?"
I shook my head, my heart aching for him even as I held my ground. "No, I don't think that. But that’s what you did. You kept pushing everyone away, even when they were just trying to help. I couldn’t be the one to fix you, Sukuna. I’m not your savior."
He looked away then, the cigarette trembling slightly in his hand. "Then what the hell am I supposed to do, Y/N?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper now, the anger gone, replaced by quiet desperation. "How do I fix this? How do I fix myself?"
I didn’t have an answer. How could I? He had to want it, had to find the strength to fight through his demons on his own. But that didn’t mean I was ready to give up on him.
"You can start by not pushing everyone away," I said, my voice softer now, almost pleading. "You’re not alone, Sukuna. Not yet."
For a long moment, there was silence between us. The tension hung in the air, thick and heavy, as I waited for him to respond. But instead, he just took another drag of his cigarette, looking lost in his thoughts.
"I never asked for any of this," he muttered finally, his words barely audible. "I never asked to be the one holding everything together. I never asked for... this pain."
I didn’t know what to say to that. I didn’t have an answer for him. All I could do was watch him, hoping, wishing he would find the strength to face what he had been running from.
But deep down, I knew it wasn’t up to me. It never was.
His words hit like a punch to the gut. The rawness in his voice, the way he almost choked on the words—it was as if he was tearing himself apart right in front of me. I watched him, frozen, my heart pounding as he looked away, refusing to meet my eyes.
"Just go, Y/N. Please," he said, his voice rough, barely holding it together. "You made the right choice. Don’t let guilt eat at you. Your love... it wasn’t enough."
I felt the sting of tears welling up, but I forced myself to hold them back. This wasn’t the time to break down. He was pulling up walls as quickly as I tried to break them down, and part of me wondered if he would ever let anyone truly see the pieces of himself he kept hidden. I wanted to tell him he was wrong, that it wasn’t about my love being "enough"—that he was worthy of love even in his darkest moments. But I knew, standing there, that he wouldn’t hear it. Not now.
"Sukuna," I began, my voice catching despite my best efforts to stay steady. "It's not about being enough or not enough. You’re worth more than this... more than what you think of yourself right now."
He let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. "Don’t... don’t do that. Don’t pretend I’m some lost soul you can save. You’ve done enough. It’s... it’s better this way."
"Better this way?" I asked, my voice sharper than I intended, feeling the frustration bubbling up. "Better for who? Because I don't think it's better for you. Look at yourself, Sukuna. You’re drowning, and you’re just... letting it happen."
He clenched his jaw, his hand shaking slightly as he flicked the cigarette into an ashtray. "Maybe that’s what I deserve," he said quietly, almost to himself.
The silence between us felt thick, suffocating. I took a step closer, reaching out, but he backed away, pressing himself further into the couch as if my touch would somehow make things worse.
"If that’s really what you believe..." I whispered, my chest tight. "If you really think you deserve this pain... then I can’t force you to change your mind. But I wish you could see yourself the way I see you."
For a moment, something flickered in his eyes, something soft and vulnerable, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared. He lowered his gaze, the same smirk that once felt charming was now nothing more than a mask.
"Just... go," he whispered again, his voice so small it was almost lost in the room. "Forget about me. Move on. It’s better that way."
I stared at him, wanting to reach him, to pull him out of this dark place. But maybe he was right. Maybe I couldn’t save him. Taking a shaky breath, I nodded, my heart shattering with each step as I turned toward the door.
Before I left, I looked back one last time. He wouldn’t meet my gaze, his eyes fixed on some distant point on the floor, lost in his own torment.
“Goodbye, Sukuna,” I whispered, the words barely escaping my lips. And with that, I stepped out, leaving behind the man I’d loved—and the pieces of myself that still wanted to believe he could be saved.
Sukuna's pov
I watched the door click shut behind her, the silence settling thick in the room. My chest felt hollow, but the ache gnawed deeper, clawing its way up my throat. I turned to my side, curling up on the couch, pressing my hand over my eyes as if I could shut out everything I’d just done. I’d pushed her away—again—and for what? To prove some sick point that I was beyond saving? That I didn’t deserve her?
I could still smell her faint perfume lingering in the air, feel the warmth she’d brought with her now slipping through my fingers. It wasn’t like I didn’t want her here. God, I wanted her more than anything. But how could I let her stay, knowing what a mess I’d become? How could I put her through the hell I was living every day?
My mind drifted back to Jin and Gramps, memories that never stayed buried long. Jin would’ve slapped me across the head if he saw me like this, wasting away, hurting everyone who tried to care. But I could never forgive myself for that night, for not being there when he needed me. And now, I was dragging Y/N down with me.
The silence felt louder now, each second stretching painfully, mocking me. She’d tried, even after everything I put her through. She tried to reach me, to pull me out of this pit I’d dug for myself. But I’d thrown her love back in her face. Again.
“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath, pressing my fists to my temples. I wanted to cry, to scream, to feel something other than this endless, numbing void. But even that felt like too much. All I could do was lie here, drowning in my own misery, pushing everyone who mattered further and further away
Kenjaku grabbed my wrist, yanking my hands away from my ears. "Look at me, Sukuna," he snapped, his tone harsher than I'd ever heard. "This is your last chance. No one else is going to fight for you if you don’t fight for yourself."
I kept my eyes shut, trying to hold on to the darkness, anything to keep from facing the weight of his words. What good was that going to do? The damage was done, and I’d burned every bridge around me.
I tried pulling my arm free, but his grip tightened. "You think you’re the only one hurting?" Kenjaku’s voice dropped, each word laced with a fury that broke through my wall of apathy. "Your brothers are terrified. Toji, Uraume—they’re all watching you tear yourself apart. And Y/N? She might be gone, but you know damn well it’s killing her too."
My hands trembled as I finally opened my eyes, meeting his stare. I could see the disappointment, the anger. But there was something else, something that looked too much like hope.
"Why does it matter?" I murmured, my voice cracking. "I’ve already lost everything. What’s the point?"
Kenjaku’s expression softened for the briefest moment before he pulled me up to sit. "You haven't lost everything, not yet. But if you keep pushing everyone away, there will be nothing left. Not your friends, not Y/N, not even your own damn self."
The words hit like a punch to the gut, and I felt a flicker of something I hadn't felt in months—fear.
I held his stare, my jaw clenched, trying to keep the defiance in my eyes. But Kenjaku didn’t look away, his grip on my arm tightening. "What did you take?" he asked again, his tone sharper, cutting right through me.
I tried to shrug him off, mumbling, "Just something to take the edge off. Why does it matter?"
"Because," he hissed, shaking me slightly, "you can barely stand right now, Sukuna. You're falling apart, and you keep reaching for whatever dulls the pain instead of facing it. So I'll ask you one last time—what did you take?"
I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his demand. I didn’t want to admit it, didn’t want him to know how far I'd fallen. But the way he was looking at me, with a mixture of anger and something close to pity, broke through the wall I’d put up.
"Xanax... some Oxy," I muttered, barely audible, each word feeling like a confession. "And... a couple drinks." I looked away, shame burning in my chest.
Kenjaku's face twisted with a grimace, and he let go of my arm, taking a step back as if the truth was too heavy for him. "This is what you're doing to yourself?" His voice was low, thick with disappointment. "This isn’t numbing the pain, Sukuna. It's destroying you."
I sank back onto the couch, the weight of his words pressing down like a boulder on my chest. "Maybe that’s the point," I whispered, barely holding back the rawness in my voice. "Maybe that’s all I deserve."
Kenjaku knelt in front of me, looking me dead in the eyes. "Then prove yourself wrong," he said firmly. "If you can’t do it for you, then do it for them—your brothers, your friends, everyone who’s still here trying to reach you. But you have to decide to get up and fight."
My answer was simple, and final. "No."
Kenjaku stared at me, frustration flaring in his eyes. I could tell he was holding back from saying more, like he knew words were useless right now.
“You want to keep drowning?” he asked, his voice sharper, leaning closer as if to pierce right through me. “You think this is easier, huh? Wasting away until there's nothing left?”
“Maybe it is," I said, my voice hollow. "Maybe it’s the only way I can even get through this. The only thing that keeps my mind off... everything.”
“You’re just running,” Kenjaku shot back, anger finally surfacing. "You think the pain will leave you alone? It won’t. It’s gonna keep eating you alive until there’s nothing left, Sukuna. Nothing for you, and nothing for the people who actually give a damn about you."
I clenched my fists, nails digging into my palms until the sting cut through the haze clouding my mind. “Then let it. I’m not worth anything to anyone.”
Kenjaku exhaled, the fight leaving his shoulders. He stared at me, his eyes dark and steady. “You keep saying that, but it’s not true. You know it’s not true.”
Silence settled between us, heavy and unbreakable, until he finally straightened, his expression hardening. “Fine. You want to stay here, stay here. But don’t expect any of us to stick around and watch you throw your life away.”
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direwolfrules · 3 months ago
Underused concept in Star Wars modern AUs: the galaxy as a city or state or whatever equivalent with really shitty urban planning, so you basically need to get on a highway or parkway or beltway (which is a type of highway but is very specific and extra annoying so I’m listing it separately) to get anywhere. These are all, of course, the various canon hyperlane routes.
Just to get a sense of what I’m talking about:
Obi-Wan: “Anakin, you just missed the Bandomeer exit. Now we’re going to be late.”
Anakin: “It’s fine Obi-Wan, I’ll just take the exit near Botagel, turn onto the Salin Corridor Parkway, and hit the Junction-Terriel Interchange around Phindar. We’ll loop right back around to the Hydian Way and be at Satine’s in time for dinner.”
Obi-Wan: “At this rate we’ll be lucky to get there by dessert!”
Ahsoka, in the backseat texting Korkie and his friends: Why is there like one access route to your neighborhood?
Korkie: Because one of the ancient blood feuds flared up again in the 50s when the city was planning out the highway system. Don’t know what the excuse is for the rest of this terrible system.
Korkie: Just be glad we’re off the Hydian and not the Correlian. No one can drive on the Correlian. Bunch of speed freaks.
Ahsoka: I learned to drive on the Correlian.
Lagos: We can tell.
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lemmetreatya · 2 years ago
Maybe It’s Foreboding (Or Not) — Miguel x fem!Reader
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word count: 1.9k 
content: no extreme warnings, modern au, fem!reader, reader uses female pronouns, reader commutes to work by train, reader knows basic spanish, hc that miguel speaks both irish and spanish — and that he’s irish on his father’s side (idk if this is correct or not), use of petnames, id say miguel is a bit ooc — but hes not — he just doesn’t have all that canon trauma going on sjsksk
FINALLY DID SOMETHING OF GOOD QUALITY FOR ONCE????? had to get back on my shit yktfv!!! also psa for the translations — i do not speak fluent spanish and not a lick of irish so please!! if there’s anything incorrect/needs changing, dont be afraid to tell me!! hope you enjoy ❤️❤️
Your usual commute to work was barely ever eventful. It mostly consisted of you getting onto your train — hoping you’d get a seat — and feeling despondent every time you noticed no seats were available. 
Which was expected: You had to use a busy train in order to get to work on time. Any earlier and you’d have to wonder around your office’s surroundings to waste time and any later would have you clocking in late. 
This timed train was so much more convenient for pace but it just never granted you those graceful minutes to sit down. 
But alas, you stuck with it, because what else was there to complain about? The trains weren’t too full so it didn’t mean you were squashed like packed sardines and it was relatively quiet due to most passengers being too mellow at this time of morning to make any lucrative noise. 
“Sorry, Miss.” 
At first, you ignored the deep sounding words, assuming they could have been for anyone. But then a soft tap bounced just over your thigh and so you looked down to see what the disturbance was. 
Looking up at you was a man with focused eyes. He wore a plain black suit with matching trousers. His white shirt had two buttons undone and he wore no tie. You couldn’t help but noticed how tossled his hair was. Clearly he was on his way to some type of occupation.
“Would you like to sit down?” He asks. 
“Oh! I…”
You lean off from the pole you were supporting yourself on and adjust your bag on your soldier. Maybe this man was pitying you because you looked tired. You honestly weren’t and were genuinely just being comfortable, but you guess your lax composure compelled this reaction from him. 
“No. Sorry, I was just being lazy. I’m fine, you don’t need to give up your seat for me.” 
You shake your head and deny his request but the man continually persists. He was already starting to get up from his seat. 
“No, en serio, sit.” He moved his briefcase over with his foot. “Can’t have a pretty lady like you standing now, can we?”
And it’s not like you agreed; Flattery of any kind from a stranger was always met with caution, but concerning he was going out of his way to give you a seat, you guess it’d be rude to deny it. 
“Oh…How kind.” You stagnantly laugh. 
The man took your place from before, now standing over you as he held onto the pole. He placed his briefcase between his feet. As you finally sit down and change your bag from your arm to your lap, you look up at the man with a grateful smile.
“Thank you.” 
He only smiles at you acutely before offering you a curt nod. That was the only interaction you had the whole ride before you got off at your stop and made your way to work. 
The next time you see the man isn’t until two days after the first ordeal and towards the end of the week. 
He sees you before you see him, regarding he boarded the train sometime before you, and instantly flags you over.
Weirdly, his call made you smile, and you pot on over, not expecting much. 
“You really don’t have to.” You try as he gets up and out of his seat. He’s however already shaking his head. 
“Don’t be silly. I already told you why you do so I don’t wanna hear anymore complaining.”
With rolled lips, you nod as you meekly sit down. Having an abash austere about you, you struggle to look up at him as you speak. 
“Thank you. It’s very kind of you.” 
“No need for thanks.” 
You wait several seconds before looking up to give him a communal look of gratitude but you find he’s already looking down at you. You find difficultly baring his coarse stare and so you look back down at your lap. 
Throughout the ride, you can’t help but notice how his leg kept innocently brushing against yours. 
Once again, no more words were shared between you and like before, you get up and leave for your stop once it comes. 
“You know how this goes.”
This is about the sixth time the man has offered his seat up for you, and quite frankly you do know how it goes, but it just never seems like a good enough reason to therefore take his seat. 
“Señor.” You muse with a light smile as you board the train. “You really don’t have to.” 
“Oh, but I really do. Come. Sit.”
The man is already out of the seat, hand widely displaying towards it — it’s yours. 
Despite the seatless train, most people know by now not to sit in it’s stead. The man himself is tall and wide enough to deter anyone from trying, but most reoccurring passengers know the deal as well as you do.
As you take your seat, the man smiles down at you. His smiles have gotten a lot warmer over the various interactions. Per usual, he places his briefcase down near your feet and brush his knees with yours. You believe it’s going to be another wordless journey but the man opens his mouth, closes it, before saying: 
“And please, call me Miguel.” 
He jogs your knee with his, so you were aware it was you he was talking to, but you still looked up at him with a slight expression of confusion. For some reason, it was as if moths — the Night’s Butterfly — were flitting around within the neck of your stomach. 
He sighs out of his nose. It was not out of annoyance, but as if he too was experiencing some emotions of nervousness. The man however had enough confidence to look down at you and attempt to gain your gaze. 
“As opposed to señor, call me Miguel.” 
Your mouth lets out a small ‘ah’.
“Miguel.” You repeat. 
So his name was Miguel. 
It suited him, and made slight sense concerning he seemed to know Spanish well, but even more so because it was as if he had metamorphosed right in front of you. It wasn’t a physical change, but being able to put a name to a face definitely altered your perception of him. It was as if he’d become more human. 
With a soft hum, you look up at him with an inquisitive contort. 
“Miguel.” You taste his name in his mouth once more. “Is that what you’d like me to call you or is that your actual, real, government name?” 
The man’s expression was unreadable. 
“Well, what do you think?”
You shrug, unsure why he’s asked the question, but you give your answer anyways. 
“I’d think it’d be kinda stupid for you to give your government name to a stranger on the train. So I’m guessing it’s a nickname or at least a pseudo one.” 
Miguel’s eyes clip towards the moving view behind you, before training back onto your face. 
“Looks like I’m kinda stupid then.” 
You pause, register what he’s said, and then let out a tinkling laugh as you shake your head meticulously. Miguel chuckles a few seconds after you, and he can’t help watching you as he does so. 
There’s a pause. 
“I’m not much of a stranger anymore though, right? We’re more acquaintances than anything.” He tries. 
“But Miguel, you don’t even know my name.”
“Only because you haven’t told me.” He shrugs.
This is the most quick-fire that he’s ever been but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying it. 
“You want my government name or the pseudo one?” You muse. 
“It’s only fair that you give me the government one.” He catches himself before adding more gently, “Only if you’re comfortable doing so and kinda stupid like me.”
Once again, you can’t help the smile that braces your mouth. You tell him your name, the government one, and Miguel knocks your knees together in concur. 
“Ah. Hermosa nombre por una hermosa dama.” [1]
He says, and regardless of whether you understood or not, you knew what he was getting at. If his words didn’t convince you then it was the silky look of— admiration? That gave him away. 
Your cheeks heated, and your head dipped. All you could force out was a humble Thank You. 
“Where I’m from, we have this saying.” 
Miguel angles his breakfast snacks in your direction and you wordlessly take a small handful. 
Surprisingly, your usual train was a lot quieter this morning. Maybe it was due to school holidays season, but there was enough space for you and Miguel to both have a seat. Your journey so far had been non-stop chatter. 
“Más í an ceann í, beidh a fhios ag do chroí sula ndéanann tú.” [2] He reprises wisely. 
It wasn’t Spanish, and you knew Miguel spoke Irish (“That old bastard was only good for one thing.”), so the translation was pretty much lost on you. 
“Is that so?” You say with a hum and a crunch. 
Miguel is also crunching on some of his snack, palm covering his mouth as he chucks the small pebbles towards the back of his throat before he’s shaking his head. 
“Nope, that was a complete fucking lie. No such saying exists like that, I just made it up on the spot.” Miguel leaves room for you to let out a burst of laughter. “But, if it was a saying, I’d live by it like it was gospel.”
Shaking your head, you finish the portion of snacks that were in your mouth before you reply. 
“Maybe you should paten it then. Make sure no one else gets the chance in saying it’s the gospel they wrote.” 
“Maybe I should patent it…” Miguel echoes to himself with a deep laugh. “Yeah, maybe I should.” 
The both of you lull into a comfortable silence. The sort of silence you could fall into with a long time friend who was low maintenance, or a family member who you tolerated sharing the living room space with. It was the type of stilling that didn’t require speech but welcomed it if it came. Mornings with Miguel were the calm before the inevitable storm and the small pick-me-up that pushed you out of bed. 
But then as you pondered how he made you feel, you realise that you only knew Miguel within the context of your work commute. You’d only ever spoken to this man within the short time that you travelled to work; Never before, never after. Had you gotten just one train earlier or later — heck, one carriage — different that fateful day, it would have inevitably changed the course of your life and the starting foundation of the friendship (?). 
Life truly was funny in how it dealt it’s cards. 
“What does it mean anyways?” You ask with piqued interest. 
Miguel makes a WTF face, a face he made often, before he’s scrunching up his packet of finished snacks and dumping it within the blue convenience store bag he had. You recognise that everything he’d purchased was in Spanish. 
“What does what mean? Be more specific.” 
“Your fake saying you lied about.” 
Miguel turns his head to look at you, those deep insightful eyes of his analysing you, searching for something. You’re not sure if he found what he was looking for. Whether he did or not, you wouldn’t know. 
The man only turns forwards again and snorts. 
“Don’t worry your pretty lil’ head about it.” He concludes. “You wouldn’t want to know.” 
[1]: Beautiful name for a beautiful lady 
[2]: If she’s the one, your heart will know before you do
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janeuary-month · 4 months ago
6 weeks until Janeuary 2025!
The first day of Janeuary 2025 is here in about 6 weeks! Now’s a great time to get started on your creations before the busy end of the year hits! As a reminder, here are the daily prompts:
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(Text version of prompts here)
You are NOT expected to do something every day! Just 1 work for 1 day of your choosing is enough, though you are welcome to do more if you like. And you are NOT expected to create your fanwork on that day, just post it on that day.
Your work must follow one of the daily prompts, be new for the event, not use AI, and include at least one of the following:
Character from one of Jane Austen’s works
Character from any Jane Austen adaptation (including modern ones)
Setting in a Jane Austen-like AU (regardless of characters)
For example, any of these would be fine:
Darcy and you the reader live in the Star Wars universe [character from Jane’s works]
Cher from Clueless marries Inigo Montoya [character from Jane adaptation]
Han and Leia live in Regency England [setting in Jane AU]
Darcy and Cher live in Regency England [all three: Jane character, Jane adaptation character, Jane setting!]
Completely canon-compliant works are of course also allowed!
Check out the FAQs and full rules for the event.
Follow this blog to see all the creations as they are posted during the month!
Reblogs are appreciated!
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davenweenie · 2 months ago
I thought by moving to a bigger fandom, it would be easier to find good fics about my favourite characters but it’s actually proving to be harder sifting through hundreds and thousands of fics for actual good ones. A huge problem I’ve noticed in the TWD fandom is the massively over-sexualised characters in fanfics, especially with characters like Carl who, arguably, should not have any smutty fics written about him considering he’s an actual child in the TWD universe. It’s so hard finding any good fanfics of him without running into dozens of Carl/Negan fics, it’s absolutely disgusting and I’m shocked there are so many of them, I was also horrified to find out that there’s a huge community of TWD fans that live and breathe for ‘Cegan’ content and will defend it till the day they die.
In fandoms, shipping non-canon ships is perfectly fine, as long as the ship doesn’t involve nasty crap like pedophilia, grooming, incest or the likes. I feel as though that should just be common sense but some sick minded people exist out there. There are so many age appropriate people to ship Carl with, such as Enid (a canon love interest), Ron (controversial but they’re the same age), Sophia (canon in comics), hell, even Mikey who was literally in about two episodes. There’s also plenty of prison arc characters that were a very similar age to him if you want even more variety. OC’s exist too if you hate the canon ships. It’s not very hard to avoid writing a literal paedophilic story. Glorifying and romanticising such a disgusting, harrowing thing that happens to real, living people is abhorrent.
It’s also easy to write fics of Carl without needing to include a love interest, there is so much to write, he’s a well established character with a lot of depth. A deeper dive into his psyche, his mind, growing up in an apocalypse is such an interesting topic that I’m sure most people could do so much with in terms of writing. Fluff fics with the Grimes family are always adorable and so easy to write, that family all have insane storylines to delve into and the actors on screen always have great chemistry with each other, it’s so easy to produce dozens of fics that are just about the Grimes family. Hell, even Modern AUs, an alternate universe where they create a cure, a story of this boy integrating back into normal society. There are so many options and things to write about that don’t involve an actual child being sexualised.
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jinxsleftmiddlefinger · 2 months ago
timebomb highschool au
(part 11)
(masterlist) (read on ao3)
description: timebomb highschool au pretty much sums it up lol. there’s also canon storylines (vander death, vi conflict etc.) but translated into a modern context
note: sorry this one took a little longer ur girl is struggling 💔💔 thank you to anyone still reading this ilyyy!!!! I think I might try to wrap it up in the next two chapters but we’ll see where it goes lmao (not edited so bare with me here)
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Jinx is scared. Her heart is hammering in her chest and her face feels red hot. She shouldn’t be scared; it’s not even that big of a deal.
It’s just, Ekko isn’t even technically her boyfriend yet, maybe he doesn’t even really like her. And she’s scared for him to meet Silco and Sevika, for them to meet him. To meet her non-boyfriend.
The voices are loud today, and it’s only making her feel worse and worse. She can’t let him see how fucked up in the head she is on top of everything else.
She’s been getting ready for much too long now, staring at the mirror like her appearance is going to change. Silco keeps calling for her to come downstairs, but she’s frozen, studying every aspect of her face, of her hair. Like it’s going to get any better.
It doesn’t matter. It’s just dinner. She’s looked worse, right?
Jinx smiles at herself in the mirror and immediately drops it when she realizes how much she looks like a maniac. She is not going to make it through the night.
“Jinx!” Silco calls again. “Do you want to be late?”
She ignores him in favour of running her hands through her again.
“That’s me.” She whispers to herself before standing, grabbing her small purse and making the walk downstairs.
The restaurant is fancy; Silco will only ever eat out if it’s at a fancy restaurant. A run down diner would have been just peachy, but no, she instead must dress up for some high end place downtown. She spent way too much time pondering what was too causal and what was too fancy. An embarrassing amount of time.
Silco and Sevika are already in the car by the time she’s on the first floor, and Sevika’s revving the engine by the time she makes it outside, still sliding her boot on. 
“I’m going, I’m going!” Jinx speed walks towards the car. “Impatient ogre.” She grumbles.
Jinx slides into the backseat, Silco in the passenger seat in front of her angrily gripping the wheel.
“There.” Silco says, sitting in a weirdly proper position. “We are all ready now.”
“Took her long enough.” Sevika steps on the gas pedal.
“This dinner was kind of on short notice.” The blue haired girl in the back seat crosses her arms.
“And whose fault is that?” 
“It’s Silco’s, not mine!”
“Jinx,” Her adoptive father warns her for what seems like the millionth time today. “This dinner is going to be fine. And it will be good for you. Both you and the boy.”
“Are you planning something? I swear to god-“ Jinx huffs. “Listen, I appreciate the notion, but I just don’t trust that this gonna work out. Like I’ve already told you, me and him are not dating!”
“You were swapping spit behind the school like you were about to take your pants off.” Sevika comments, not even acknowledging the glare that Jinx gives her.
Silco simply nods in the drivers direction, a silent agreement.
“Ach! Come on, guys! I was not gonna have sex with him or something at the back of the school-“ Her arms flail around wildly.
“That does bring up the conversation, Jinx, that-“ Her adoptive father starts, turning to look at her from the passenger seat.
“Nope!” Jinx slaps her hands over her ears. “We are not doing this. Not again.”
“You are getting to the age-“ He tries again.
“Stop! Stop stop stop! Sevika, stop him!”
“Leave me out of this.” The driver rolls her eyes.
“You need to be safe, Jinx, and-“ 
“Crash the car! Sevika, crash the fucking car!” Jinx sticks her fingers in her ears.
“Oh really, Jinx,” Silco clicks his tongue, resigning from his mission defeatedly. “Be mature, please.”
She shakes her head, silently looking out the window. “Do not try to give Ekko the talk at dinner, please.” She shivers just imagining it. “If you love me at all, do not bring anything of the sort up.”
Sevika laughs dryly and the car goes quiet.
When they arrive at the restaurant, Jinx can see Ekko’s car already waiting in the parking lot. She can only recognize it slightly, considering Ekko usually took his skateboard to school. Seeing his car was a rare occurrence, but she had memorized the look of it enough to know it’s his.
She hops out of the car, smoothing out her skirt beneath her hands and shoving her phone into her pocket. Ekko gets out of his car at the same time. She almost wants to laugh at how he looks.
He looks terrified, and on top of it all, he’s wearing some dorky suit. She wanted to say that a suit at dinner was like a gaping wound in shark infested waters; Silco could smell weakness like a damn animal. She wanted to tell him he didn’t need to do all that, not for her. At the same time, she wants to grab him by the silly tie and kiss him stupid.
Alas, Sevika and Silco are third wheeling this not-date with her not-boyfriend. But a girl can dream, right?
“Hey.” Ekko says, and she smiles tightly.
The 4 walk towards the restaurant in silence, Jinx standing beside Ekko, and Silco and Sevika walking in front of them.
“Are you nervous?” Jinx whispers to the boy beside her.
“Yeah.” He laughs anxiously. “Really nervous.”
“Can I let you in on a secret?” She looks at the ground. “I’m nervous too.”
He looks at her through the corner of his eye. “At least we’re in the same boat, huh?”
She trails here eyes from his brown ones to his lips and then back up again. Focus, Jinx. Focus.
“Yeah.” She shoves his shoulder lightly. “Except, I’d be more worried if I was you. Don’t fuck it up.” Her voice is light.
“I’ll try.” He shoves her back and she giggles. He gives her an odd look, one she can’t quite decipher. Adoration? Confusion? Want?
Jinx shakes her head to clear herself off all the thoughts. Her mind is whirring with desire and confusion and worry faster than she can even keep up.
The restaurant is exactly how she expected it to be; unbearably neat and clean and full of snobby people. It smells like cleaner and polished floors, and the classical music playing softly in the background makes her long for her headphones on max or the car speaker vibrating through her body.
“And so the fun begins.” Jinx mutters to herself as they walk towards their reserved table, her shoes clicking on the stupid fancy floors.
Of course Silco would choose a place like this to eat at. Of course.
Jinx slides into her seat and Ekko stiffly sits down beside her, putting his hands in his lap and holding his shoulders back like he’s made of ice. She tries to not show her amusement at his effort to impress Silco and Sevika.
“So, Ekko.” Silco says, folding his hands on the table like how he does at his principals desk. “How are you?” 
“I’m good, thank you, sir.”
Jinx almost laughs at that one. She can see Sevika’s lips curling up at the stupidity of the interaction.
The waiter interrupts with a pitcher of water, pouring some in each of their glasses. Jinx chugs all her water while Sevika asks for wine and Silco stares at Ekko, who looks close to a breakdown.
After the waiter refills her cup and walks away, Jinx chugs the water again, whilst the lady across the table watches her with mild disgust.
“What?” She says, wiping off her mouth.
Sevika just raises an eyebrow.
“Ekko,” Silco starts. “I was looking at your grades, and-“
Jinx groans. “Don’t be weird. Why would you do that?” 
“Jinx.” He says slowly.
“Sil-co.” She mocks. Her dad has never scared her.
The waiter returns with Sevika’s wine, and Jinx can feel the itch to grab it and chug that to. She could really use a drink right about know.
She glances over at Ekko, then back at the two adults at the the table. She doesn’t think she should leave him stranded here with them, but she also really needs to pee.
“Going to the washroom.” She informs the table, standing up.
Ekko looks at her with those beautiful big brown eyes, full of desperation. ‘Sorry.’ She mouths at him. She can already picture the interrogation Silco is going to perform in her absence.
The people sitting at the tables remind her of Vi’s annoying girlfriend; preppy and stuck up. Then she thinks of Vi, and her mind starts to scribble over any coherent thought. Jinx really hopes she’s not going it have an episode in the middle of this disgustingly shiny restaurant.
The bathroom is empty when she walks in. 5 stalls, wooden doors, high ceilings. A lot nicer than the school bathrooms, that’s for sure.
Once she’s left the stall, which has a toilet nicer than she knew a toilet could be, she goes over to the sinks to wash her hands. The soap smells like some kind of flowery perfume and the water even feels nicer than normal. She wonders if this is what someone like Caitlyn’s house would be like, what they would live in all the time. She can’t even imagine Vi living somewhere that looks this nice.
Jinx turns to leave, hurrying to be Ekko’s salvation from her slightly intimidating father. She almost walks right into someone coming into the bathroom door, grunting and stumbling back. 
“Sorry.” She mutters, looking only at the heels of the woman in front of her. 
“It’s okay, I should have been watching where I was going.” The woman replies, holding the door open for her.
Jinx freezes. Fuck. She recognizes that stupid accent, that annoyingly smug voice.
She locks eyes with her and can see the exact moment she recognizes her too. 
“Jinx?” Caitlyn says, looking scared and angry at the same time.
“Caitlyn.” Jinx huffs, pushing past her, out the door. “Can’t you just-“ She stops, squeezing her eyes shut as her chest burns with anger. 
Jinx walks away, farther and farther into the restaurant. She doesn’t have the energy to blow up at Caitlyn right now, the mental fortitude. She needs to be alone with the screams and scribbles behind her eyes; she can’t let other people see the crumbling stability her mind holds.
“Can’t you just fucking leave me alone?” She says to no one in particular. She’s alone in this part of the restaurant, the people at the tables sparse in this area. The bathroom is still too close, Caitlyn’s still too close.
And if Caitlyn’s close, that means Vi is…
Right there. Fuck. Pink hair is sitting at a table, facing away from her.
“Why did they have to be here?” She groans to herself, burying her hands in her hair and hiding behind a wall. Jinx is starting to feel grateful the restaurant is so big; there’s more walls to hide behind, more spaces to slip into.
She’ll need those hiding places now. Her mind is slipping away from her by the second.
The panic is seeping in, chipping away at the fragile peace she was holding. She knew today wasn’t going to be a good day, she just didn’t know it would be this bad. She never should have come here. 
The bathroom door opens, and she turns to look from behind the wall. Caitlyn walks out, looking scared.
Seeing Caitlyn again only sets Jinx off more. She pulls her knees to her chest and buries her face, trying to breathe through it. She was never good at dealing with panic attacks, which was unfortunate, considering how often she would have them.
Jinx’s mind is too loud, too quiet, too much, too colourful. She can’t think. Every voice in her head is screaming on full volume, louder than even her speaker could drown out. She can’t think, she can’t see, she can’t feel.
And then suddenly, she can. A warm hand on her arm. A voice, one outside of her brain, one that’s not screeching; it’s warm like summer and soft like a plush carpet.
“Jinx?” It says. The hand shakes rouses her lightly. “Jinx, are you okay? Talk to me, please.” Even filled with desperation, the voice calms her.
Her vision clears, just a bit, of the colourful scribbles, of the mess. She can see who’s in front of her, who’s talking to her. Ekko.
Jinx almost wants to cry from relief.
“Jinx?” He says again. He’s kneeling beside. “Are you okay? Do you want me to get someone? Silco?”
“No,” She manages to gasp out, leaning into his feather light grip on her shoulder. “Just you.” 
Her muddled mind and eyes clear more, and she can see his shining eyes, his furrowed brow. She wants to wipe the worried expression of his face.
She starts to breathe easier, staring at Ekko. Caitlyn and Vi don’t matter, not right now. She doesn’t have to worry about how she fucked up with her sister when she can just sit here, with this wonderful boy who she somehow hasn’t managed to jinx. At least not yet.
“Sorry.” Jinx’s voice sounds raspy and rough, even more than usual. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Ekko tilts his head. “Jinx, you haven’t done anything wrong.” 
She breaths deeply, trying to balance herself out more. “I did…I’ve messed everything up, with everyone.” She hates how her voice breaks.
“No you haven’t.” He sits down beside her, leaning on the wall sheltering them from the outside world. “You haven’t messed it up with me, Jinx. And it’s not your fault, whatever happened.”
“But you barely know me.” She puts her head back on the wall. “I make everyone leave, run away…if you stay any longer, I’ll jinx you too. That’s how I got the stupid name, and I…I can’t do that to you.”
She can hear him breathe. She can feel his confusion, his worry.
“I…wasn’t born with the name Jinx.” She starts to explain. “I mean, that’d be stupid, but my old name isn’t much better. I used to be called Powder, way back when. And then…sweet ol’ Powder fucked up, and she started calling herself what she always had been, always will be; Jinx.”
Ekko tentatively moves his hand down from Jinx’s shoulder, putting his hand in hers. “You’re not a jinx. Everyone makes mistakes. And even if I haven’t known you very long…I know you’re a good person. You deserve good things. I promise.”
He looks at her so sincerely she can feel another piece of her battered, rotten heart break off. 
“Oh.” Is all she can say. 
His wide brown eyes stare into her blue ones. It almost feels like he’s looking into her soul.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Ekko.” Jinx bites her lip, desperately trying to find the will to look away.
“I don’t think you will.” His fingers curl tighter around hers. “And even if you do, I’d let you.” He laughs. 
Jinx wants to kiss him so bad it hurts.
Their faces get closer and closer, noses almost touching. She pauses, resisting for a moment. “How’d you even get away from Silco and Sevika?”
“I came to look for you. You were gone for a while.” Ekko’s eyes flash from her lips back up to her eyes. “Are you good now?”
“Yeah.” She breathes. “Thanks.”
She moves forward, holding the back of his head with her hands, and locking his lips with hers. She really hopes this wall gives them enough privacy from the others in the restaurant, or else they’ll have to eat with a view of two teenagers passionately making out.
And even though Jinx’s rotten heart starts to feel fuller, her mind starts to feel clearer, there’s still a piece missing. Still something…not there. She wants to be with Ekko, but she doesn’t want to hurt him. She can’t. Despite what he says, she knows it’s inevitable.
So she savours this kiss like it’s the last. Kisses him as hard as she can, kisses him like it’s goodbye. She doesn’t think he notices that it is. 
I’m sorry, Ekko. She thinks. 
Once a jinx, always a jinx…
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