#Torbek I had to get help
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What Music Does Carnivale LeCroux Listen Too?
Gideon Coal
Kremy LeCroux
Morning Frost
Gricko Grimgrin
Enjoy ✨
#once upon a witchlight#gideon coal#kremy lecroux#morning frost#gricko grimgrin#torbek#legends of avantris#playlist#my YouTube music algo is forever fucked#Gideon was easy#Kremy was easy#Gricko was a breeze#Torbek I had to get help#frost… well frost is a fucking wild card#everyone should listen to black midi tho#unrepresented genre of shitpost
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So... Why is NOBODY talking about THIS live oneshot???
Like... It was jut for 2 minutes and mostly because of some fucked up curse, but STILL---
#Gir Says#I know it's not canon but#*Eat the crumbs*(¿¿¿#Tbh I don't know if anybody else has talked about this#But if not PLEASE YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS DKASLJDLÑAS#Also Torbek dies... But it was for just like a second lmao#Once Upon a Witchlight#Legends Of Avantris#Frostbek#This was an amazing Oneshot#And I'm not only saying it bc of the Frostbek#But because it was very funny lmao#Also there's no bg music#so I had to open another window with some random circus music for ambience#Helps to get more into the live lol#I also made myself my own clip of this so I can watch it 20000 times if I want to JKSLAJKLDHKAH#NobodyCares
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So I’m obsessed with Crocs and Gators as well a legends of avantris. And because of this Kremy tends to on my mind a lot (manly because I can’t tell what he is) but I was reminded of something today and that was that both crocodiles and alligators eat rocks well more like pebbles and small rocks, but still. THEY EAT ROCKS!!! And of course that means now all I’m thinking about is Kremy eating rocks. And like he hides this fact because it’s embarrassing, but if he doesn’t eat the rocks, then it’s hard for him to eat (they eat rocks to help with digestion) so he’s always hiding this and I feel the only one who has seen this is Torbek because “no one will believe you”.
Anyways, thanks to anyone reading this I had to get this out :\. And sorry for poor punctuation I don’t really get it or care 
#kremy lecroux#torbek#once upon a witchlight#legends of avantris#please someone tell me what kermy is I’m going insane#i need more of this in my life
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Im gonna be honest here, the only OUAW ship I WANT to be canon is Coalecroux
And it’s not just because I ship Coalecroux. If that was the case, then id also want Frostbek to be canon, when I don’t want it to be (not bc I dislike Frostbek—I fucking adore it—but because I personally don’t think any romance would help Frost or Torbek’s characters or character arcs—same with Gricko and Grimmorning for the same reason)
No, I want Coalecroux for be canon because I’m 99% sure that Gideon and Kremy’s character arcs are kinda BANKING on Coalecroux becoming canon.
Let me explain;
(Spoilers and VERY long explanation/rambling below)
Gideon’s character arc—now that I took a moment to actually think about it after rewatching episode 18, and thinking more about Gideon’s conversation with Mrs Snake-Snake—involves him learning to allow himself to feel sadness and letting himself love, romantically and platonically.
“But Gideon already clearly loves and feels sadness” I hear you say. Well…yes and no? Gideon very clearly loves his friends, that much is obvious. But I don’t think he himself has actually acknowledged the fact that he does love his friends, or that he loves them as much as he does. Kremy and Twig in particular. Based on Gideon’s reaction to his portraits, I think he was either expecting his Pa to appear in one of them (considering Gricko and Frost’s portraits), or was expecting the entire party to show up in the portraits (like Torbek’s). But it was just Kremy and Twig—the two he loves the most, but refuses to admit it to himself.
Or how about the fact that Gideon hasn’t really let himself feel sadness (or fear, for that matter)? He has clearly felt upset, don’t get me wrong, but he also usually masked it with anger. Like when Kremy revealed that Gideon was the one marrying the pixies. Gideon was upset and (rightfully) mad at Kremy, but he was very clearly scared (if his tone, body language, and the fact that he was doing how many shots of fireball to calm himself was any indication). And that fear showed itself even further when Kremy calmed Gideon down. Or with Twig’s death. Gideon was angry at Bavlorna, sure, but he was also genuinely sad, hiding behind (or maybe being overshadowed by) his anger.
Even when he was stuck as a kempestri and couldn’t move very well (since he traded away his ability to dance), and ended up trading some of his fire to help them find the pixie camp, he was as dejected as he was frustrated (probably at himself, the situation, and just…everything, really. Poor guy had a ROUGH day tbh)
I could keep going on about Gideon specifically, but I still want to talk about Kremy and this is long enough, so…Kremy.
Kremy, Kremy, Kremy. Where do I even begin with Mr Kremy Lecroux? For one, let’s start with his character arc, which is another one I didn’t catch until late into the season (with a specific conversation with Pincushion), but upon a rewatch of the early episodes, has made me realize this was a thing as early as episode 6? 7? Whatever, it’s the lying thing. Though…it’s not JUST the lying thing, because it’s similar to Gideon’s, just…different. Because Kremy KNOWS about his feelings (towards a variety of things and people), but refuses to acknowledge them, and just outright lie about said feelings.
And it’s not just his feelings towards Gideon—tho it’s primarily what I’ll be focusing on—but also his feelings towards a variety of things. Like, for example, the unicorn thing (until he decided to finally embrace his love for unicorns once they really started getting settled into the Feywild).
Anyway, Kremy’s character arc—from my understanding—is not only about him letting himself feel comfortable in enjoying the things he does and feeling the things he feels, but also just…not relying on the lies he hides behind as much.
I mean, look at how Kremy acted at the Witchlight Carnival, the moment his ability to lie was taken away. He immediately became nervous, jumpy, trying to spin his words into half-truths, or just outright not saying anything—almost as if in fear that he might reveal something he definitely doesn’t want to be revealed (not now, at least). Or how about that one episode (don’t remember which one) where he had his outburst and called Gideon his husband (“You will not talk to my husband that way”)? The entire episode—before it was revealed he couldn’t lie—Kremy was quieter than usual, aside from planning.
Or, better yet, how about his fight with Pincushion when they first met? Kremy was trying to lie and bully his way into getting Pincushion to do what they want, and it wasn’t working. In fact, Torbek was the one who got Pincushion to listen to them, by doing the exact opposite of what Kremy was doing. And iirc, Pincushion even told Kremy that lying and bullying won’t just make people listen and do whatever he wanted—especially not in the Feywild.
And obviously, I can’t say for certain how Season 2 is gonna go (if we even GET a season 2 at this point ffs), but also…I DO know that Gideon and Kremy are so emotionally constipated and refuse to acknowledge their own feelings for anyone and anything. And I also get a feeling that, somehow, either Coalecroux becoming canon would either help end their respective arcs, or help begin the end of said arcs (if that makes sense?)
Idk, this is really long and probably doesn’t make any sense, so apologies for that
#legends of avantris#once upon a witchlight#ouaw#kremy lecroux#gideon coal#coalecroux#text post#really long post#ouaw spoilers#guys I’m serious this is essentially an essay at this point#this entire post is 831 words#i just checked#this is LITERALLY the length of my longer highschool essays#or my shorter college essays#whichever way you wanna look at it
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Bath Time
Summary: Torbek needs a bath and you happily help him get clean
A/N: I have tried posting this so many times, and I'm going to just throw my phone away, ugh! But I'm so happy to get this posted, and it's my first request from @amethyst-gemstone , so I hope you like it! Torbek is so sweet and I just want to wrap him in a fluffy blanket and cuddle up to him!
“Now Torbek I told you once and I ain't telling you again. Get. In. The bath.”
You join the rest of the group after finishing cleaning up dinner to hear Kremy getting frustrated with Torbek. You peek your head into his room and stifle a laugh at the scene.
Torbek, this giant bugbear that could most likely take down Kremy, cowering as Kremy scolds him and blocks his path to the door.
You give a little knock and smile at the alligator and bugbear as they turn their attention to you.
“What's going on?”
Kremy sighs and takes off his top hat as he runs a hand over his head before gesturing to Torbek.
“I told him that he would not be joining us for dinner until he cleans himself up. He rolled around in the mud days ago and I think the smell is starting to affect all of us.”
“But you said Torbek smelled fine yesterday Mr. Kremy!”
You looked up at Torbek as he looks saddened by what Kremy said. He looks to you with a pleading look on his face.
“Do you think Torbek needs a bath (Y/N)?”
“Yes Torbek. I think you do need a bath.”
You placed a hand on Kremy's shoulder before gesturing him out of the room.
“Don't worry. I'll make sure Torbek gets his bath and we'll join you guys for dinner.”
Kremy gives you a thankful look before nodding his head and leaving. You turn back to Torbek with the same sad face he gave Kremy and click your tongue before pointing to the bathroom.
“I'll help you get cleaned up Torbek. Now let's get going so we're not late too dinner or else Gideon will eat it all.”
“You-” he blinked in surprise, “you want to help Torbek?”
“Of course,” you say gently as you give him a soft look. “I'll always help you if you need it. Now, let's get you to the bath.”
As Torbek lumbered past, you caught a whiff of him and had to blink the tears from your eyes. He definitely needed that bath.
You followed after him and stood beside him as he stared down at the bath. You let him take a moment as you started the bath. Letting the tub fill with hot water before letting it go to warm, you searched the shelves for soap. You opened a few bottles before finding a labeled bottle called ‘bubble bath’.
You hummed and poured some into the bath as it formed bubbles. You turned off the water and turned to Torbek as his expression was now pleased at the smell of the soap.
“Why don't you get undressed while I look for some conditioner.”
Torbek's ears twitched, “ok Torbek will do that.”
You nod and turn back to the shelf and found a pair of rosemary and lavender shampoo and conditioner. As you turned around, you quickly shut your eyes with a shout.
“Torbek, can you get in the bath? I believe I forgot to say that part after getting dressed.”
“Oh yeah.”
You hear a splash of water and waited a few more minutes before peeking an eye open. Once you see Torbek submerged in the bath you let out a breath before placing the bottles you held on the counter. You look around for something to dump water on Torbek but couldn't find anything.
“One moment Torbek. I need to grab something.”
“Are you leaving Torbek?”
“No, well yes,” you quickly try to calm his panicking as he tries to stand up. “But I'll be right back, I promise.”
You glance around again and find a rubber duck by the sink. You grab it and give it a squeeze, as it squeaks, you hold it out to Torbek.
“Here. Can you hold that for me until I get back?”
He stops himself from getting up before settling back into the bath. He holds out his large hand as you place it there. He brings it close to his face as he smiles and gently squeezing it like you had before.
“Torbek likes the ducky. Torbek will take care of it until you come back.”
“Ok I'll be real quick,” you smile as this little rubber ducky looks so small compared to Torbek but he holds it so gently to make sure it is safe.
You quickly rush out and down the stairs to get to the kitchen. Twig and Kremy were in there preparing dinner ad you opened a cabinet and found a big pitcher.
“What are you doing?”
Twig looked up at you with her big eyes and you held up the pitcher in victory.
“I'm helping Torbek take a bath. Need something to get water all over him.”
“Oh ok. Just make sure to wash it when you're done.”
“Will do Twig,” you call out as you go back up the stairs and back into the bathroom.
You realized how ridiculous Torbek looked inside of this bath tub. His legs bent and sticking out of the water, the way he was bent over playing with the little rubber ducky as he pushed it around the water. He blinked up at you as you entered and proudly explained.
“The ducky can float in the water! Torbek loves the little duck!”
“That's great Torbek,” you smile and come closer holding up the pitcher. “I'm going to start pouring water on you, ok?”
You dunk the pitcher into the bath water before pouring it over his back, his hair getting soaked and the water turning into a brown color. You grimaced at the sight but still use the water. You hold it up as Torbek stares at it before turning his head to you.
“I'm gonna pour this over your head, alright?”
He nods and continues to stare at you. You narrow your eyes before holding the pitcher up a little more.
“You need to close your eyes Torbek.”
“Oh ok sorry (Y/N).”
He shut his eyes tight as you poured the water over the back of his head first before slowly pouring it over his face. He started to shake his head and it hit you like a wet dog shaking out its hair. You laughed a bit but kept pouring him with water.
Once his hair was properly soaked you grabbed the shampoo and decided between putting it in your hands or just putting it on him. You decided to put it straight on him and start scrubbing it into his hair. He made a surprised sound but hummed in content. Your hands were already getting mud mixed into the soap and sticks and leaves fell into the water.
You shook your head with a smile but continued to bath Torbek. You poured soap in your hands and asked him to close his eyes again to start washing his face and the top of his head.
“Torbek is very grateful that you're bathing Torbek.”
“Oh of course Torbek. I'm gonna make sure you're nice and clean.”
“The soap tastes gross but smells good.”
You're washing his arm when he mentioned that the soap tastes gross. You lowered his arm and looked at him sticking out his tongue to catch the foamy bubbles. You laughed and continued washing his arm.
“I don't think you're supposed to eat it Torbek.”
You continued washing and pouring water to rinse off the shampoo before draining the water. You refilled it with clean water and rinsed him again before conditioning him.
“What's that?”
“It's a conditioner Torbek. It will make your hair soft and fluffy.”
“Oh,” he made a pleased noise, “Torbek would looovvee to be soft and fluffy. Maybe people would like to touch Torbek more, like with hugs.”
“Torbek, do you want to hug more?”
He hummed as he pushed his ducky around.
“Torbek is very lonely and would like to have more physical intimacy with Torbek's friends.”
“Well,” you started conditioning the back of his head, “if you ever need a hug Torbek just come find me, ok?”
“You would let Torbek hug you? Whenever he wanted to?”
He turned to face you and you smiled softly with a nod.
“Whenever you want to hug Torbek. I'll be there for you.”
As you finished your sentence, Torbek reached his long arms out and pulled you into a hug. You yelped as your clothes got soaked through but returned the hug as he nuzzled into you. You sat like that for a while before you pulled away.
“Alright let's finish your bath. Then we'll have a nice meal and you can come hug me whenever you want.”
Torbek happily let you go before turning back around. He was humming a tune as he kept playing with the duck. You then finished up the bath and found a big towel for Torbek to wrap up in. It only covered his waist but it was good enough. You went and found some more towels to dry Torbek off.
He, of course, shook his body to get the water off before you threw a towel on him and started drying him off. He moved his limbs up when you needed to get dry there, using multiple towels just to get it done. You found a hair brush in the bathroom and started to brush out his hair.
“Oh Torbek smells so clean and feels so soft.”
You smiled as you looked through his closet and found some soft pajama pants and a very large t-shirt. You let him get dressed as you waited in the hall. When his door opened you cheered as the clothes fit him and he smiled sheepishly.
“Torbek is very grateful to have such a good friend to help him.”
“You're welcome Torbek. I'm happy to be your friend and to help you out whenever you need.”
You look down at yourself before sighing.
“How about you head down for dinner and I'm going to go get changed into something more dry.”
“Ok Torbek will do that.”
He them lumbered down the stairs as you turned to head to your room to change clothes. As you finished up, you excited your room to hear a loud cry from downstairs. You rushed down to see Hootsie, covered in mud, jumping and cuddling into Torbek.
“No! No! Torbek just had a very nice bath! Torbek doesn't want to get dirty again!”
“Oh Hootsie. Get down from uncle Torbek and let's go get you a bath. Sorry Torbek she must have really liked how you smelt.”
Gricko grimaced as Hootsie scampered up the stairs and followed after her. You gave him a nod as he returned it as you looked back to Torbek.
He looked up at you with large, wet, sad eyes as he pulled his shirt out to look at the damage.
“Torbek was just clean,” he whimpered.
You took in a deep breath before calling out, “come on Torbek. Let's get you into the bath.”
He quickly followed you up the stairs with a happy cheer as you shook your head with a laugh and went into his room.
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OUAW With Insomniac!Reader
Request - can i request a Once Upon A Witchlight gang x insomniac reader?? ur OUAW cuddling x reader was so cute good heavens 🥺
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Kremy Lecroux
- Kremy definitely went to bed before you cause he needs his “beauty sleep” and is beyond confused when he wakes up randomly to you not in bed like ??? Hello ???
- He’ll get up and go find you, trying his best not to startle you
- Will sit with you either in silence or chatting between the two of you
- Will 100% pull you into his arms so he can rest his head on top of yours
“Ya know, Gid used to not be able to sleep when we met.” Kremy gently traces his hands up and down your arms. There’s a soft rumble that comes from Kremy as he settles against your back.
It wasn’t often that you got the softer side of Kremy even his voice was quiet. “Did you use your magic to put him to sleep?” You muse but when he doesn’t answer you laugh, getting a chuckle from him.
“Sometimes, yes. But only when he asked.” He left it at that, an open invitation for whenever you really needed to sleep but couldn’t, he’d have no problem asking you if you would kindly go to sleep.
Gideon Coal
- Will offer to knock you out as a joke and if you agree he doesn’t have the heart to do it and will just fake hit your head before saying how strong you are (will imply it’s cause he’s been giving you fighting lessons on the side)
- Having his fair share of insomnia, Gideon understands how hard it can be and is more than capable of staying up with you if you’ll have him
- Will tell you stories about him and Kremy’s travels to pass the time
“And then they had the nerve to call me a bitch, me!” He throws his arms up and then wraps them around you, huffing at the memory. Your hand runs up his arm, gaining his full attention.
“What happened next?” You lean against him, playing with his hand in your lap.
You can almost imagine the smirk on his face as he shifts. “Well I beat the living hell outta him obviously.” He laughs, “Guy was on the ground after the first punch.”
Morning Frost
- Frost offers to make tea
- Will stay up as long as needed so you’re not lonely
- You two will get into deep conversation while drinking your drinks, it becomes a regular thing over your time traveling together
“You should just open a tea shop.” You muse, sipping the drink. “I mean after we free ourselves of our mense amount of debt. Take it easy, just sell tea someplace in the mountains.”
“You’ve thought this out.” Frost notes.
“Got a lot of time to think when I’m not sleeping.” You smile from beside him, Frost’s tail lays across your lap, allowing you to run a hand through every once in a while. He’s secretly hoping it’ll be enough to lure you to sleep so he can also sleep but he’s fine staying up for a little while longer if it’s with you.
Gricko Grimgrin
- Will go dad mode on you don’t think he won’t
- When he says it’s bedtime it’s bedtime even Hootsie knows that
- But when you can’t fall asleep and accidentally wake him up by turning for the 100th time, Gricko will roll on top of you
“What are you planning to accomplish here?” You can’t help but laugh at the Goblin now lying to you. Gricko yawns, snuggling closer to you as a hand raises to place a finger over your lips.
“It’s bedtime [ your name] so I’m weighing down your thoughts with my body so you sleep.” While his logic didn’t totally make sense who were you to argue with him? Seeing you both awake, Hootsie will totally move in closer, now taking Gricko’s spot so that you’re officially stuck with him.
“I can’t really argue can I?” Gricko shakes his head, making a noise as he begins to fall back asleep. He’s a little guy he needs his rest and honestly a weighted Goblin is probably a nice help with sleeping.
- 100% Will stay up with you as long as needed he’d rather talk with you than sleep and have nightmares sooo
- He’d totally make up games to wear you down though cause he does care about you
- Will try to convince you that sleep is important even though you might not be able to help that you can’t sleep
“Torbek believes that we should sleep now, it’ll be tomorrow quicker.” You could laugh at his obvious statement had it not been the middle of the night and everyone else is sleeping away. There’s shifting and suddenly he’s pulling you to him and you’re wrapped up in his arms in bed.
“Believe me, I would love to sleep.” You mumble against him, feeling his hands trace shapes and soothe over your back. You can see the soft glow that comes from the Witchlight fill the room.
“Torbek will not leave, you can sleep.” His hold on you tightens as he holds you against him. You eventually do fall asleep and, true to his word, Torbek was in the same spot when you woke up, he had barely moved.
#ask#request#fluff#x reader#headcannons#LoA#loa fic#legends of avantris#legends of avantris x reader#OUAW#whumptober 2019#ouaw#ouaw x reader#morning frost#gricko grimgrin#gideon coal#kremy lecroux#loa x reader
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OUAW Disability headcannons!!!!!!!
I want more disability rep. and I see prime real estate in Avantris campaigns!!!! Le Krew are my first victims in this devious campaign I have planned.
Kremy is missing several body parts from either selling them or being taken due to pay off his immense debt. He walks with a cane now because he’s missing some toes and the tip of his tail is gone. Hims balance is shit!
Severe PTSD and lacking some pain receptors. Both of these are pretty self-explanatory; when you’re tortured on a slave train thing your body and brain will get a little funky.
Gricko has severe asymmetry to the point where he’s got a limp due to one of his legs being shorter than the other. When Hootsie started to get bigger she noticed that her dad was having trouble walking, so she started to push against him so he doesn’t go off track too much. When Hootsie got kidnaped Gricko unconsciously started to lean against Frost to help him keep balance.
Morning Frost
Severe sensory issues, and the freakouts were horrendous before he got his mind powers. So… duck and cover if Frost touches something that he thinks is icky. There are spots in his fur, if you look close enough, that are completely missing. It’s down to the bare skin; some of his skin's stripes have scars. He developed his mind powers because of his sensory issues and got that “the ickies can’t affect me if I don’t touch them” mindset.
(Tigers have stripes on their skin if you didn’t know. Photo for reference.)

Severe Anxiety and Depression disorders, he had these from way back from before he worked at Carnival Lecroux but they’ve become exasperated over the years. After being turned into a witchlight experiment he developed DID with his main alter being one that was based on a high-ranking bugbear he had met during it. I personally don’t really care for evil killer alter so I like to think that Torbek’s alter is just a protector that won’t stop at anything to keep Torbek safe.
This brownie is legally blind. Do not remove her glasses; she can’t see!! Pigtunia is her smelling eye pig. I’d say seeing eye pig, but Pigtunia also cannot see very well. I headcanon that Pigtunia is one of those pigs with the really saggy overbrow, so she uses her sniffer to get around.
I was going to add chuckles to this, but I decided that it’d be better saved for Stardust or something like that. These are just my headcanons as well, so feel free to agree with them or pretend they don’t exist.
Also, why are there no pet the Twig gifs? >:( Respect my girl
#bug writes#legends of avantris#once upon a witchlight#headcanon#disability headcanon#morning frost#gricko grimgrin#gideon coal#kremy lecroux#torbek#twig toadspring#hootsie grimgrin
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Gricko isn't particularly a fan of dressing up and only does it rarely. He only ever wears the same clothes basically every day. Kremy LOVES to dress up and for YEARS he's wanted to give Gricko a little makeover for fun but Gricko never wanted to.
So on guys night when they were all asked to do a drag show. While Gricko was getting ready he looked at Kremy. And he was like "okay okay you can do my make up but ONLY THIS TIME." And Kremy was smiling so big like FINALLY!!
So Kremy had fun with his makeup and helped him put on a wig and his big fucking tits 😅.
This is a true fact!
Gricko is a guy that must be forced at knife point to dress up. He doesn't *like* shoes, he doesn't *like* tight pants and button ups. He is a druid damn it. Dirt is part of the job, no time for fancy, only comfy and free movement.
But okay, JUST THIS ONCE...
Kremy seems like a guy who enjoys dressing up people like dolls. It is unfortunate that he is surrounded by people who would rather do anything else than dress up. He convinces Gid sometimes (usually for special occasions or heists), Frost once or twice (he was uncomfortable the whole time), and he hasn't gotten the chance to ask torbek to change out of those rags yet (who let him keep a straight jacket on THIS long?), but Gricko was a gods damn immovable force. Even on special occasions, even when he tried to bribe him, hells one time when he was drunk he fucking *BEGGED* him, it'll be fun I promise! But no, never has he gotten the chance.
Until the drag show that is!
Kremy was already having the time of his life and this was just another cherry on top of it. Fuck. Yes. FINALLY. And maybe he'll be more receptive to another time? Who knows!
(Gricko will never allow this again, unless the situation is funny enough)
#this is a true fact#and very funny#once upon a witchlight#legends of avantris#ouaw#text#kremy lecroux#gricko grimgrin#ask box hc
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@scary-spaghetti-enjoyer had an idea for a Witchlight Swap AU and I.... really liked it
Born and raised on a farm, he ran away at 18 to go to college. He claims to have a Psych degree, but dropped out to join a band as a bass player. He jumped from band to band constantly. On his travels, he found Gricko lost in the woods. The two became friends quickly. Gideon convinced Gricko to come with him to Agwe as a sort of exposure therapy to the outside world. Eventually, they made it to Agwe and decided that robbing people was the best was to make money. They were pick-poketing people when Kremy suddenly appeared. He was about to throw them out when Torbek appeared and offered them a job at a carnival.
Gricko was given to a spiritual order at a young age by his parents. He grew up learning about how to harness the spirits of deceased monsters of animals to assist him in everyday life. As he grew up, his control over the spirits grew, but he lost any sense of 'human' interaction. His elders decided it would be best for him to leave to order for a bit to better understand the world. Before he left, Gricko was given a child owl bear on the brink of death. He was to help the child pass on and use it's spirit as his main source of power. He spent a few years on his own, but eventually met Gideon. Gideon took a liking to Gricko's spirit and named her Hootise.
Kremy grew up on the outskirts of Agwe in a fairly poor family. One day, when Kremy was heading back home from work, he found him home destroyed. On the shore of the swamp were swarms of hobgoblins. They captured him and trapped him on their steamboat. He spent years shoveling coal to power the engines. Within the first month, he tried to escape. The hobgoblins stopped him and cut off his tail as punishment. After most of his teens and twenty's had passed, Kremy was able to escape. The boat had stopped Remy Gurus district for a few weeks. During this time, the hobgoblins forgot about Kremy and unintentionally starved him. Nearly dead, Kremy was approached by the Good Baron, who offered him an escape for his servitude. Kremy agreed. His manacle broke off and he used the chain to harness his power. He destroyed the boat and went off into Agwe to make a living. He almost immediately met Torbek, who persuaded him into being a bodyguard. The two hate each other, but work together. He is wary of Gideon when the first meet, but they get close working at the carnival.
Ever since he was young, Torbek was good a lying to people. Mostly because half the stuff they said he did he couldn't remember doing. He used his skill to join Remy Guru's crew and manage a variety of tables at his casinos. One day, Remy approached Torbek saying he agreed to his deal. Torbek didn't know what was happening but went with it. He was gifted his own boat to run. He met Kremy once and the next this he knew, he was his bodyguard. He didn't know how this happened and from them one their relationship was very strained. Upon meeting Gideon and Gricko, the two attempting to pick-pocket his customers, Torbek realized he was is severe amounts of debt. He hastily hired the two to assist him in setting up a Con-carnival to quickly gather funds.
Frost was hired by Torbek to help manage funds at the carnival. Really, it was Collin who he hired, but Frost was his assistant and the one actually doing any work. He always had a knack for numbers and puzzles. When the carnival went under. Frost wandered for a while before hearing rumors of a Witchlight Carnival. He decided he would find any work he could there. He was waiting for a interview with Mr.Witch when Gideon, Kremy, and Gricko showed up. They recognized him and had a fun guys night. However, they turned him over to the Bugbear guards because he did sneak into the carnival by stealing someone else's ticket. He got hauled off to the Faewild. The environment of the Faewild altered his mind and sparked his power. He got kidnapped by Agdon and was sold to this dwarf. They took him to a underground lab where the tortured and experimented of Frost's mind. When the Witchlight entered his system, his powers increased tenfold, causing him immense pain. He lased out and ran from his captors. He made his way to a Inn. He was still blinded by pain and lashed out at the people there. When he came to, he found Gideon, Kremy, Gricko, and Torbek looking back at him.
#This has been on my mind for the past week ish#It's such a good idea#I love swap AU's with all my heart#legends of avantris#once upon a witchlight#ouaw#gideon coal#gricko grimgrin#kremy lecroux#torbek#morning frost#henry's art
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I am now hip deep in the Edge of Midnight campaign from legends of avantris and lemme tell you some shit -
1) I would lay down my life for Jericho Sticks without any hesitation. Torbek and Jericho are my sons now, no takesies backsies.
2) Lethica and Marius are so perfectly aligned to be end game lovers but I personally adore the idea of them being queerplatonic if only bc it's funny to watch people be confused and I think Lethica would adore that.
3) you can pry the concept of Briggsy having a some kind of magical fantasy cellphone equivalent from my cold dead hands - sending stone or smth idfk - and he's been keeping his buddy/boyfriend Torbek updated on all this like "Becky you would not BELIEVE what happened today-" ((listen I know the flirting bit between them in the yuletide one-shot was a feycurse but leave me alone it's funny as fuck))
4) briggsy @ jericho in ep 24 appropos nothing: Jerry, maybe we have to kiss ((sad, silly twinks with Literal Darksides are his type /j))
5) I have a friend-crush on Nikkie and I will never recover
6) I have an unyielding NEED to have Jericho get a final hit on a boss and yell yeehaw
7) I know stylistically Jericho doesn't have "skin" but I personally hc that his clothes aren't effectively his skin, he has a burlap body - and he has "tattoos" in the form of embroidery. It started when he had to stitch up his own cuts and stuff and he just kept it up.
8) Only Yorgrim has any constant sense of cooking in an actual kitchen-like setting. Farryn, Marius, and Briggsy can do journey or on-the-road cooking, but it's never.... great. Lethica burns everything somehow or gets the bright idea to 'experiment', and it's never good - she's fine if she's got clear end goals. Jericho is understandably skittish around fire due to his body and straw, but he is the closest to being able to cook well and do so semi regularly.
9) Virgil is a weird mix of a hater and lowkey overprotective. He does hate being imprisoned, but also he's kinda bound here so he HAS to keep this disaster of a bard safe. He refuses to admit he might have a soft spot. He is Stressed.
10) Farryn doesn't get the appeal of Girls Nights, but Jericho does!!! They join Lethica for some fun relaxation. Briggsy once asked why Jericho was allowed since he's also a dude, and Lethica just responded "he's allowed to be there - on account of him being a scarecrow and not a literal man after all." It's an inside joke which later has to be explained - Jericho is nonbinary but doesn't rightly care about stuff like that.
11) Yorgrim is the group dad, no I will not explain.
12) sometimes after a battle, Lethica and Marius will help stitch up some of Jericho's tears. Farryn may also add in random flowers she finds around because it makes him happy.
13) Briggsy is small but mighty. The only person he has yet to pick up and carry is Yorgrim - he swears that one day that tombstone will be gone and he'll be able to do it. It's all the rock's fault, he's sure of it.
Spoilers under the cut (caught up to present)
OKAY so I am caught up completely and have decided that Canon is not important leave me alone
• Yorgrim did not die - he got wounded heavily but survived.
• Farryn almost got taken but they got to her in time. She is mute for a time due to injuries and trauma - idk if she ever talks again bc we could use more sign language in the world. Maybe it comes and goes, fuck if I know, idk and idc
• Lethica strong armed her way into giving Jericho The Talk after he revealed he had no idea what a penis was. Scarecrows cannot blush, but apparently his fiendish glow can ebb and flow and he glows much MUCH brighter when he's embarrassed - she tries so hard not to laugh.
• Adella and Jericho btw are simply besties. His "crush" on her is a friend crush and Phillip just finds it painfully cute. ((Also -> Jericho has mommy issues and Adella always wanted a son/nephew/little brother. Peaceful alignment))
• Dark Mode Marius is a colossal flirt but still a giant dweeb. He's cool and suave until someone flirts back - then he's a mess.
• Briggsy is very happy with his Kannon & makes "shooting my shot" jokes at every and any opportunity
• Yorgrim, with his reward, manages to finally lay many souls tonrest but he still carries the tombstone on journeys - just not constantly now. He still believes he must pay penance, but it's a little easier to share the burden.
• Farryn, with her own reward, has not chosen to activate it yet. Something tells her to wait, to bide her time and remain. She does, however, get a little more at ease with the others. She and Jericho have come to an understanding, too - that being they they are a package deal, no takesies backsies, and they refer to each other as twin, much to the confusion of many, many, many people. WLW and NBLM solidarity.
• Jericho is pining HARD for Marius, but he's absolutely terrified of damaging the friendship so everyone is watching two oblivious dummies look longingly into each other.
• Marius grows rather fond of Virgil, and the sentiment is very much NOT reciprocated bc this angry knight vampire is not good enough for his vessel and he's mad about it.
• Yorgrim: I've only had my friends for a few days, but if anything happened to them, I'd kill everyone in Druskenvald and then myself.
• I fully expect for Jericho to somehow befriend an enemy in disguise, not realize, and accidentally fuck up the evil plan with the powers of puns, music and friendship (/j)
• the first time the party sees Jericho presenting more feminine, he's been lended one of Lethica's dresses after his own clothes got torn up and the rest are being washed. Marius has a nosebleed and faints. Briggsy is staring somewhat respectfully. Lethica is trying valiantly not to laugh. Farryn and Yorgrim regret not dying when they had the chance.
• Marius: i cannot have a relationship because I have sworn to follow the duchess of sin
Lillith: whoa hold up, Do Not use me as an excuse to avoid the cutie pie over there. Besides, he has a demon. I'm queen of hell. I can make a small exception.
Marius: shit
• Briggsy Bi Icon: OH if ONLY Jerry here had a DASHING KNIGHT to SAVE THEM from this PERILOUS INCIDENT
Jericho: captain, I'm just getting off of a horse??
Marius: no no Briggsy has a point, no maiden should be unaccompanied or unassisted. Allow me-
Lethica&Farryn: We Know What You Are
• Yorgrim is watching all this inter party flirting and is definitely wondering if he's gonna have to have an aside with everyone about flirting tactics and communication skills. Briggsy is making it worse by enabling everyone.
• Farryn gets some sweet, succulent healing, that is all.
#can you tell that Jericho is my favorite#legends of avantris#edge of midnight#crie#i love these dumbasses#jericho sticks#marius renathyr#lethica nightborne#farryn of the hartsblight#yorgrim#briggsy kratch#houston help me#the brainrot is brainrotting
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Thank you for bringing this up because I wanted to talk about Jamity, as well as bugbears in general.
First off, I love Jamity, she's very fun. I have not gotten to Zorbek yet, but I've heard a little bit about him and I'm very excited (Torbek is Zorbek reincarnated into an even worse bugbear).
I'm only on ep 2, but I appreciate the focus on bugbears because they're such an interesting race. They're goblinoids, but they're also technically fey creatures, which is why they're more rare and really weird. Mikey also describes them as both feline and bear-like, which felt pretty accurate to me.
Torbek does this a few times, but bugbears really can just like... melt into the shadows, it's a racial feature lol. They're built for stealth which is why Torbek was a rogue back before he was a part of the main cast. That's generally what they're best suited for.
Jamity does this in episode 2, where she shows off to the party by basically disappearing into the night. This might not sound, like, very important, but I'm a stickler for details and consistency, so I appreciated the characterization.
Also, as a fic writer, I am validated in my own characterization of bugbears within Avantris canon. 'Cause, like, I know that bugbears are rare and not generally liked, but that doesn't mean the same is true in Avantris. It depends on your DM and how they want their world to be. Because the same could be said for tieflings, but from what I've witnessed, tieflings in Avantris don't get a lot of shit like they would in general D&D canon. I'm not complaining, of course. My Torbek hcs hold more water lol.
I've always thought Torbek had a rough time pre-Carnival Lecroux because of the scarcity of bugbears and the prejudice around them. Not to mention literally everything else he has going on, of course lol. People are afraid of him because spooky bedtime stories and such, so he's less likely to receive help and chooses to stay away from people. But hiding and stealing food was easy for him given his bugbear traits, so he was largely able to get by. I also think being a bugbear is the only reason he was able to handle the Witchlight canisters and not outright die (and likely something to do with the Duke). I think this is actually stated in canon... it's been awhile.
Anyway, I love bugbears and I really like Jamity. I'm excited for more from her as I just finished ep 2 before writing this.
This is my PSA to watch Beneath Dark Wings. Do it. Watch it.
#my dm is coming out#roy yaps#beneath dark wings#legends of avantris#loa#torbek#jamity beneath dark wings#bugbear#zorbek#i just think they're neat
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Pillow; Gideon Coal
Legends of Avantris; Once Upon a Witchlight
Summary: Gideon is a lot more soft-hearted than you originally thought. You never would have imagined that the genasi would start letting more and more of his walls down the more the both of you seem to grow together. After he thrones himself as your personal pillow, you can’t help but fall for him as the days go on.
CW: Slight OOC Gideon(? I’ve never actually written him before, even as a side character, so please lmk if this is OOC or Canon leaning 🙏), Alcohol/Booze (no drunkenness; tipsiness), slowburn(?), slight Kremy x reader/poly coalecroux x reader but it’s mostly Gideon, kinda ass lmao.
Word Count: 7.9k
A/N: Thank you Anon for giving me this idea! I usually feel weird writing Gideon without Kremy or vice versa, and I’m not sure proud of this fic overall but I think I figured it out. <33 Again, thank you for the idea and hope you all enjoy!
The sounds of empty glasses clinking together, echoed laughter, and chatting about kept your ears stimulated. It wasn’t loud by any means, but it kept your senses busy. The whiff of whiskey and other booze wafted your way, filling your nose. You could almost taste it. It was a comfortable and relaxing setting.
You leaned into the soft corner of the bar couch, a glass of booze loosely in your hand. You watched as Frost sipped his drink at the bar counter, his goblin companion shotgunning some random alcohol someone gave him. Torbek and Twig were messing with the game machines in the corner, trying to figure out how to play without the coins required. Kremy was nowhere to be seen, the designated sober one of the group off doing god knows what for the time being.
Gideon sat beside you on the other end of the couch, laughing with the glass of whiskey and coke perked against his lips as a girl told him a joke. The little ember sparks erupted from his hair and beard from the tipsy joy, his ears wiggling at the ends. He took up a third of the couch just on his own, though the flirting girl sitting on the arm of it definitely made him look a bit bigger.
You listened to their conversation loosely, used to the shenanigans that often came with being with the group when alcohol was involved. You had only been traveling with them for a few months, four at most, and in that time you all had only had drinks together a handful of times. The tipsiness lightened the mood, coaxed muscles to relax and brains to muddle. It was nice when the group didn’t overdo it.
You felt a nudge and blinked, glancing towards Gideon who was empty of a girl glued to his side. His whiskey glass was gone, though the smell of it wasn’t gone. “Hm?”
“I was askin’ what you were starin’ so hard at,” Gideon lightheartedly inquired, nudging you once more in a joking tone. “Alcohol isn’t fryin’ ya is it?”
You smiled, shaking your head as you sat your beverage on the side table. “Of course not, I was just listening to everything going on.”
Gideon nodded, leaning back in his spot and looking out to the group like you had. At this point, Gricko was starting to get pretty drunk and Frost was pushing the goblin back to his seat with the other hand holding up the tabaxi’s salt rimmed margarita, gulping it whole. You thought it was amusing, smiling as you adjusted your position on the couch. You brought your legs up to your chest, feet dangling off barely, as you relaxed into the cushioning.
Gideon looked at you again, a small tipsy grin on his lips. “Hey, I’ve been wonderin’ what your favorite drink is,” he spoke randomly. You gave him a quizzical look and he shrugged, gesturing towards the bar with his head. “I was gonna get another one and thought I’d be nice and getcha one too.”
You playfully scoffed, rolling your eyes as you lifted your half-full beverage and rattled it around for him to see. “If you want to offer me a drink I have to be done with the one I have.”
He rolled his eyes playfully, a “psh” sound erupting from his lips when you held your drink up. “What, I can’t be generous for once in my life? C’mon, what’s your favorite drink? Even if it’s for future reference.”
“You first,” you toyed, smiling as you took a swig of your beverage. “I wanna know if you like that whiskey as much as you drink it.”
Gideon chuckled a bit, shrugging once more. “Whiskey’s a’right, but I prefer some fireball whiskey.”
“That’s literally just whiskey,” you chuckled out, watching as the genasi smirked at your response. “So your favorite is whiskey? I thought you’d surprise me and say strawberry daiquiris or something.”
“Fireball whiskey is better ‘cuz it’s cinnamon whiskey, it makes it better!” He insisted, crossing his arms in a playful defense. “Now you gotta tell me your favorite.”
You rolled your eyes, finishing your current drink with a refreshed sigh. Telling him your favorite, he hopped up and strode his way towards the bar. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you watched the genasi walk farther and farther away.
Over the months, you came to the conclusion that he was just a magnet for the ladies specifically. When in town he always had one around him, it was his thing. He seemed to enjoy it, it boosted his ego. While they were after his body more than anything, you found yourself always magnetizing to his personality. You wanted to know more about him more than anything. You grew more and more curious as the weeks went on, why? You never knew.
You’d noticed his observant eyes wonder group settings when he thought no one was watching. You’d notice his body flinching with sudden loud noises like metal on metal or glass on glass. You’d notice how the corners of his lips climbed his cheeks in your peripheral vision when you’d go back to your own tasks. You noticed how he’d always attempt to cheer the group up his own ways when Gricko wouldn’t. You wanted to know more about Gideon Coal. He was so interesting to you, yet to everyone else he was just an average brawn.
You found yourself watching Torbek and Twig play an equivalent to a pinball game, the sounds of bells chiming and bright lights flashing about. With Torbek in control (with a high amount of concerned and anxious groans and whines), Twig cheered him on.
“Here,” your attention was drawn back to see the genasi with your drink. You hummed with a smile and sipped it happily, sighing in refreshment. You thanked the genasi, who waved it off and sat in his spot with his new glass of what appeared to be rum. “Taste good?”
You nodded, sipping your drink again before setting it down. “Tastes like the best one I’ve had in a while,” you relaxed once more into the couch, watching the genasi swig a drunk of his rum without reaction. He sat his drink down on his own side table, draping his arm over the middle of the couch back. “Are you having fun?”
Gideon shrugged a little, nonchalant. “Eh, it’s nice and relaxin’ after a long ass day that's for sure. I guess it’s fun,” you laid your head against the back of the couch section, watching him. The heat of the alcohol grew on your cheeks and currently began growing to your head, making you a bit tired. “There sure ain’t many people though, that’s for sure. Not much of a party.”
You hummed in agreement, glancing around. The inn you all were staying in had a bar event going on tonight, free 2 drinks and the rest half off for the night only. There weren’t very many people staying in the inn anyways due to the storms outside and the inn being deep in the woods. Besides the group, there were only a handful of strangers that kept to their groups. You caught sight of the girl who had been all over Gideon talking to a human guy at the bar. It was nice nonetheless.
“Do you like parties?” You asked out of curiosity. You watched him, trying to imagine him dancing with a crowded room of people with loud music and people chanting for him to shotgun a cheap beer. You could see it, how he’d chug a beer and crush the can on his head frat boy style. You could imagine him being challenged to drink a lot of alcohol, but not so much the dancing after the loss of his groove.
Gideon shrugged, looking over to you. “The closest party I think I’ve been to I think was a full bar with a bard playing some type ‘ah music I didn’t pay attention to,” his eyes observed your face. “I went with Kremy years ago, we stayed enough to play a few rounds of Black Jack and Poker for some money then dipped out.”
You nodded, your head still against the cushion. You reached around for your drink and brought it to your lips, drinking. “Well, it’s better than the closest party you went to being some lame one.”
“Yea, I guess you’re right,” he looked towards the bar again, his face relaxing to a comfortable smile. After a moment of silence, you felt your eyes start to droop a bit. You hummed in content, trying to keep your eyes open as you listened to the environment around you. “Tired?”
Your eyes shot open, meeting the golden eyes of the fire genasi beside you. You nodded a little. “I think I’ve drank enough,” you admitted with a small laugh, rubbing your eyes from the strain they had. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
Gideon laughed, shaking his head as he gently took your drink from your hands and sat it securely on the table. “Shit, I don’t care that you’re dozin’,” he nudged your arm gently. “We’ve got some walkin’ to do tomorrow an’ I don’t think you’d want a hangover for that.”
You groaned, realizing you forgot about that fact. You perked yourself up, rubbing your head and sighed. “I think I should get some water then, or some food.”
Gideon stood up, stretching his arms up into the air, his back and arms popping in release. “No problem, be right back.” and he walked off without another word.
You smiled, watching the genasi walk back to the bar. You never understood the kindness the genasi expressed to you. He seemed to accept you into the group pretty fast, though Gricko was by far the fastest. Gideon was a good second. You noticed his gestures towards you since the beginning, and you began to cherish them.
You began to admire him, and you weren’t complaining.
Gideon returned with water, giving you the cup (which was lidded and strawed) and made sure you held it with both hands. As you sipped it, your head started to pound in a dull manner. You laid your head back in the cushion of the couch back, watching Gideon adjust in his seat, then pat his lap.
You looked at him confused, furrowing an eyebrow before he patted his lap again. “Lay down,” he said, catching you off guard. “If you want to, I won’t force ya.”
“You want me to lay down on your lap?” You asked, letting the genasi carefully take your tipsy proof cup. Was he drunk? The imagery of his pillow-like thighs were comforting to you, and warm too, and you liked that. The fighter nodded, patting his lap for a third time. “Why?”
“Until you sober up a bit so I can help ya to your room,” he said. “That way you ain’t trippin over yourself and everything.”
Too tired to think of any other ideas, the idea of soft padded warmth sounded amazing. You happily rolled to your face, which Gideon laughed aloud. You laid on your side, your head laying on the fighter’s lap. He laid an arm over your shoulders, holding your shoulder that touched his outer thigh and rubbed it in a circle with his thumb. You hummed happily, closing your heavy lidded eyes.
“If you fall asleep do ya jus’ want me to carry you up?” Gideon asked, his voice calmer than before. All you could do was hum in acknowledgement, too sleepy and comfortable to give a proper response. You heard the genasi chuckle as he patted your shoulder and then returned to his circled motions. “A’right, don’t get too comfortable down there.” He joked with you innocently, making you smile tiredly.
The warmth of his body, and the alcohol, soothed your body completely into relaxation. Everything was drowned out as the sound of Gideon against your ear filled your ears, the smell of campfire charcoal with a dash of whiskey and rum filled your nose, and the feeling of warmth enveloped you.
You could get used to this.
Laughter erupted from your mouth as you attempted to escape the playful ambush of the fire genasi. He easily stopped the attempt, hands cupping your middle and lifting you up. He sat you on his shoulders, buckling you in place by holding your shins before spinning around.
You clutched his head, laughing hysterically as he sped up. “Gideon! You’re gonna make me throw up!” You cried with laughter, tucking yourself in as the genasi stopped spinning.
Gideon patted your shins, looking up the best he could against the cushion of your abdomen. You felt the shrugs of his shoulders, which made you giggle as you catch your breath.
“I don’t think you have that weak of a stomach, you’ve watched us do worse things to people,” he playfully retorted, starting his adventure forward with you hitched on his shoulders. “‘Sides, I bet you have a damn good view from up there.”
You rolled your eyes, adjusting against him and holding a grip on the genasi’s head. “I think this is what Torbek sees everyday, and I think the top of your head is balding.”
“What?” He let one leg go to reach up and feel his head immediately, which immediately started your episode of laughter again. Once Gideon caught on, he let out a huff and returned his grasp to your leg. “Ha ha, very funny.” He playfully retorted.
You smiled, letting your fingers run through his soft thick hair. The frizzed ends were crisp with warm ember glow, heating your hands. They lit up slightly, sparks popping through his head as you ran your fingers through. You brushed his hair back down, still giggling as Gideon continued his new found taxi service to the inn. You hummed happily, enjoying the texture of his hair.
“You don’t worry about split ends, do you?” You asked randomly, sure that they were burnt off constantly from the ignited ends. The ends of his hair were crisp from the burnings, but the heat kept it bendable and flexible with the rest of his hair as well. It was such an odd discovery, but made for a perfect hand heater.
“Not really,” he responded, readjusting his grip on you. He neared the inn door and reached up to hold you just above your hips. “A’right fun’s over, hold tight.”
You did as told, holding his arms as he lifted you up and sat you down in front of him. You spun around and reached up to fix the genasi’s hair after your ride. He kept his head tilted down slightly to let you, which made you smile happily.
“All fixed, big guy,” you patted his arm and he stood up straight again. “Now let’s get some dinner, I’m starving!”
Gideon cracked his knuckles and playfully pushed you aside, marching up to the door and opening it wide. “Ya don’t have to tell me twice!”
You giggled to yourself, following after the genasi. He left the door open for you as he waited inside, which you thanked him for. Gideon made his way towards the inn kitchen, leading the way with his mental mission commanding him. When you found the stairs, you turned towards them and started to hop up.
“Hey, where are you going?” Gideon asked, spinning around as soon as he heard the creak of the stairs. “I thought we were gonna eat dinner?”
You leaned over the stair railing, smiling as the fighter walked over and looked up at you. You reached over and playfully patted his head to tease him. “I will, I’ve gotta put things away first. Don’t wait up for me, but save me a plate at least.”
Gideon slumped, his arms falling and his shoulders arched. He was so cute, it made your chest flutter. He always grew so animated when he’d pout. “A’right, but don’t expect any dessert saved.”
You waved him off, laughing a little and hopping up the stairs again. “Fine by me!”
Reaching the top of the stairs, you turned the corner and saw a familiar lizardfolk leaning against the wall, cigarette in mouth as the lighter lit the end. He took a long drag, staring at the wall in front of him as he put his lighter away, exhaling smoke through his nostrils before taking the cigarette out of his mouth and loosely holding it between his pointer and middle fingers. You stopped, watching as the lizardfolk lazily blinked before turning to you and looking you up and down.
“Have fun in town?” He asked calmly, arm crossed over his chest while the one that held the cigarette was propped on the wrist. Legs crossed as his torso leaned against the wall, his body relaxed. He wasn’t wearing his tailcoat, just the undershirt and an untied bow tie with his dress pants.
Kremy was, and is, the very last person to accept you into the group. You notice how he always watches you closely whether you pretend to notice or not. He doesn’t let you stay too close to him, and he seems weary of you. He is by far much better than at the beginning, and you’ve gained his trust significantly over the year of travelling with the lizardfolk. He cooks your meals, you’ve slept in the group pile many times, you both have had your own moments together on your own time. If there’s one thing he hasn’t changed, however, is his protective manner towards his bodyguard. It was kind of funny, the one who had the bodyguard was guarding the bodyguard. It was much less funny when it was directed towards you, though.
You inspected him, a little nervous you might have done something wrong. You shifted your feet, playing with your fingers. “Um, yea, Gideon and I explored the town and went around some shops. We got some things while there. I got you something, hold on,” you turned to the satchel that hung over your torso. Kremy’s eyebrow quirked in curiosity as you dug in the bag, taking a drag of the cigarette and blowing smoke as you brought the item out. “It’s not much, but I wanted to give you something as a thank you for.. well.. letting me stay.”
Kremy’s golden eyes lit up a bit, placing the cigarette between his maws. He held his hands out as you sat a small amethyst carved unicorn into his claws. It was glossy, almost sparkling. You noticed the end of Kremy’s tail swish in joy, something you knew he couldn’t control. He began to inspect the unicorn, feeling the crevices and the smooth curves.
He held it in one hand, using the other to drag the cigarette again and blow smoke. He placed the carving into his pant pocket carefully, returning to his previous position before nodding.
“Thank you,” he said, a little softer. He didn’t say anything for a moment, staring at the wall ahead of him as his cigarette burned away. You weren’t sure if you could leave, feeling as though Kremy wanted to talk to you. You took a moment before you nodded and started to walk by him. You started to walk towards the room at the end of the corridor, the room the entire group was sharing for the night, before your stopped to the sound of Kremy’s voice again. “You two are talkin’ and stayin’ around each other an awful lot lately. More than with anyone else.”
You slowly turned back around, watching as Kremy’s eyes slowly turned from the wall to you. His eyes were half lidded, as if the things on his mind weighed them down. His eyes were baggy, looking tired. He stared into your eyes, the rusted gold digging into your skin.
“I guess we have,” you admitted, looking down in guilt. Over the course of the last month or two, Gideon and you both went everywhere more and more. Exploring the towns, Gideon claimed you needed a ‘professional’ bodyguard by your side. Whenever you’d enter a room, Gideon would find his way by your side to playfully mess with you. You sat beside each other for meals, and Gideon would offer an extra bread roll for you whenever they were made. And every night, without fail, the both of you ended up falling asleep in one or the other’s lap or stomach. You felt your breath hitch, realizing that it probably upset the warlock that you might indirectly be straying his best friend away from him. “I am sorry if it upsets you, I can talk to Gideon about it so that-“
“You don’t need to say a thing,” he stopped you, taking another drag of his cigarette before he crushed the end against the stair rail post to kill the burn. He stuffed the butt into the pocket opposite of the unicorn. He adjusted his rolled up shirt sleeves, walking towards you in precise strides. You gulped, intimidated by the warlock with his seriousness. Kremy stopped in front of you, crossing his arms. “I just want to make sure you ain’t fuckin’ around with Gideon just to break his heart.”
“Wha-?” You were so confused. You blinked a few times, Kremy’s muzzle inching closer as an attempt to intimidate you.
“Gideon has been my friend for a very long time, I’ve seen many people try to slip in and leave time and time again. I know when Gideon gets himself attached to people,” Kremy narrow his eyes on you, looking you up and down again before surrounding you. “He means.. a lot to me. I’d do a lot of crazy things for that man. Maybe even give up my life.”
He stopped in front of you, reaching into his pocket again for his cigarette holder and his lighter. You fumbled with your satchel as the warlock lit another cigarette, dragging it in, and exhaling through his nose. He held it between his fingers before continuing.
“But I ain’t his sitter, he’s a grown man,” his hard eyes soften, the snarl that built on his muzzle disappearing before he turns his head away. “I trust him with everything I have, he’s a great man. I see how the two of you look at each other, I know y’all ain’t messin’ around. It ain’t my business, but when it comes to Gideon it kinda is my business.” There was a small edge to his voice you couldn’t quite identify.
“I’m sorry, I’m confused,” you shifted, blinking at the ringleader as he turned to meet your eyes again. “I know you and Gideon are close, I don’t want to take that away from either of you at all. Did I do something wrong?”
Kremy lifted his head, another drag of a cigarette, another exhale. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong,” his voice was soft again. “Gideon cares a lot about ‘cha, I see it in his eyes every day. I trust his judgement of people. I trust that you won’t use him. You make him happy, and I can see he makes you happy too. I jus’ don’t want the person closest to me to get hurt. Do we understand each other?”
You blinked again, slowly nodding at his quiet request. Kremy cared for Gideon more than anything, that was clear for everyone to see. He was worried that Gideon would get hurt through your mutual shenanigans, physical or emotional, and you understood all Kremy wanted was for Gideon to have someone other than Kremy to feel that security with. Kremy didn’t dislike you, he was only weary of the situation.
Kremy, who was already half way through the new cigarette, nodded and closed his eyes to let the situation sink in. You felt the fabric of your satchel, thinking about how to approach this from here on.
“I care about you too,” you said softly. The lizardfolk turned his eyes towards you again. “Maybe not in the way that I care for Gideon, but I do. I trust you to have my back, and I trust you to lead me. I trust you with my food,” you both chuckled a little at that. “No matter what, Kremy, I respect you.”
Kremy observed your eyes, searching for any signs of insincerity, though found none. He took another long drag, taking the cigarette away as he swallowed the smoke down to his lungs, then exhaled again slowly. “I think I can say the same.”
Dinner went smoothly, as usual. While there wasn’t any dessert (as expected), you were saved a plate and a half of food for dinner. Gideon saved you some bread rolls, plopping one on your plate when you thought he gave you the last one. Kremy sat on the other side of Gideon, at the end of the table. He would catch your eye a few times, a soft smile on his mouth.
With the start and fall of dinner, the day in the town caught up to you easily with the full stomach. Everyone had decided it was time for sleep, talking about the room arrangement. Nibbling on your last bread roll, you listened to the group.
“Well I think Hootsie should at least have the bed tonight with me! We don’t mind someone else in the bed, but she’s a growin’ girl! She needs some cushion sometimes,” Gricko insisted, petting his daughter behind the ear who cooed.
“I think that whoever didn’t have the bed last time should have it this time,” Frost nodded in partial agreement. “That way it is fair for all of us. So, who all had the bed last time?”
“Torbek believes it was Mister Kremy, Gideon, {y/n} and Twig,” Torbek pointed out, looking at the ones he mentioned. “So Torbek thinks that Torbek and Frost, Gricko and Hootsie should have the bed this time! Just like Frost suggested.”
Everyone seemed to agree with one another, chattering about how the bed arrangement would work. You didn’t mind either way, the couch that was in the room as well made up for the situation. It was rather comfortable from when you sat on it previously, as well.
You stayed in your seat as the group of four marched upstairs, all tired and ready for bed. Twig stayed behind, cleaning up from the dinner since she was the one who cooked it tonight. You didn’t say anything, listening to Gideon and Kremy chat for a bit together.
The conversation with Kremy lingered in your mind. You seemed to have been given his approval. At least, that’s how you interpreted it. You were sure that was what Kremy meant by the conversation. You respected the warlock, however, and felt like it would be better to wait for a good time.
Gideon was important to you. He lit up the room, figuratively and literally, whenever you were gloomy. He always cheered you up, gave you butterflies with his simple gestures towards you. You felt pure joy and happiness every night as the genasi let you huddle up to his side for warmth, Kremy on the other.
“Ya ready?”
You blinked from your state, looking up to the now standing Gideon Coal. You nodded and stood, finishing your roll before yawning. Gideon led the way towards the stairs, hands on his head for his full stomach. Kremy joined your side, gently nudging you to go up and join the genasi.
You smiled at the lizardfolk, who returned it back.
You skipped a step to meet Gideon’s side, who greeted you with a pat on the back.
It didn’t take any time at all before everyone was ready for bed. The four were all cuddled in bed, Torbek on the very edge and half hanging off, Hootsie laying on the foot of the bed in Gricko’s area, and Frost and Gricko comfortably nestled. They all fell asleep rather quickly, soft snores filling the room.
The couch was a pull out, which Twig securely made for the four of you to lay on. Gideon laid in the middle, taking the most space. His arms were spread to the sides, Kremy on his right side on the edge of the bed while you were tucked into the middle with Twig on your other side. It was comfortable, but mostly because of Gideon being your pillow.
You were having a hard time sleeping, however. You were overcome with loud snores throughout the room, and the mattress below you was very uneven. You kept tossing and turning, unable to fully relax like you wanted. Once you did find a position, your back was towards the genasi and you were sprawled out in an odd position.
You hummed in tiredness, sleepy from all of the events of the day. You let your eyes droop, relaxing your body to finally fall asleep, as hard as it was.
Right before you did, you jerked up at the touch of a small rattle of your shoulder. You tiredly opened your eyes and blinked, sleepily yawning before turning to look over your shoulder. Kremy’s head laid on Gideon’s chest, looking at you while Gideon’s half lidded eyes looked at you too.
Gideon smiled at you and gently patted his stomach, murmuring to you just loud enough to be heard over the snores. “C’mere,” he pet his belly in a tired daze, clearly previously asleep at some point. You slowly sat up, blinking in slight confusion before the genasi patted his belly once more. “Pillow time.”
You giggled a little at his sleepy talk, slowly shifting over as he yawned. You climbed over his leg, adjusting on the genasi as he sleepily held your shoulder to balance you. Once you found a comfortable position, you laid on his warm stomach happily. Kremy readjusted on Gideon’s chest, shifting more into his side. Now you were all warm and cozy.
Twig took this chance while she slept, sprawling herself out like a starfish and snoring louder as if it was a sigh of relief, then returning to her soft snores before. You giggled at it, yawning as you relaxed into the body of Gideon Coal.
You felt the familiar hand of Gideon run to your upper back, gently rubbing it in a sleepy massage. He muttered something before falling right back asleep, his gentle grip holding you with him. You felt an unfamiliar hand wrap around your middle back, which made your lazy eyes peel open just slightly to see Kremy holding you as well.
“G’night, {y/n}.” The lizardfolk whispered, sleep overtaking him.
You hummed in acknowledgement, eyes closing completely. “G’night.”
The cool breeze blew around you all. The damp ground squashed beneath every step. You huddled next to Gideon, rubbing your arms as an attempt to keep yourself warm from the winds. It was silent as everyone traveled, only the sounds of wet leaves and mud and the whistle of the wind. The trees above swayed, dancing along with one another in unison.
You looked up, looking past the leaves to study the greyed skies. You frowned, realizing that this was most likely more than a dull day. You knew a storm was coming, though not knowing if it was snow or rain, you looked forward to look at Kremy.
Kremy had been leading the way, Gideon just slightly behind the lizardfolk as always, guarding him from the mystery of the woods. You looked slightly back from the genasi, thinking about the day so far.
Behind you, Torbek slumped in slow yet large strides. His arms hung low, his claws tracing the wet ground now and again. If it wasn’t for the almost constant state of sadness on his face, he’d easily make for a terrifying body guard to anyone. Twig sat on his shoulder, happily knitting away on a new project she was determined to finish. Frost, Gricko and Hootsie were in the back, Gricko riding on Hootsie’s back as the tabaxi and goblin quietly conversed amongst themselves.
You felt a gentle tug on your shirt, which made you look behind your shoulder to meet the bugbear who consistently looked over you. He bent down, much more than usual, trying to meet your height more comfortably without accidentally throwing Twig off. He tucked his arms in, crossing them loosely.
“What is it Torbek?” You asked quietly, slowing your pace a bit to leave the vicinity of Gideon and Kremy. Torbek tapped his fingers together in a nervous motion. You noticed Gideon glancing back at the loss of your presence, though paid no mind once he noticed you and Torbek conversing.
Torbek’s ears flattened against his head slightly, as if slightly ashamed. “Um, well Torbek was wondering if Mx. {y/n} knew how long it would be until the next town?”
You smiled softly at the bugbear, attempting to ease his worry. “Oh, well Kremy said that about an hour ago that we should be there before sundown.”
Torbek nodded, glancing up towards where Kremy was. “Okay,” Torbek’s eyes wavered to the surrounding woods, which you followed absentmindedly. “Torbek doesn’t want to be stormed on is all.”
You nodded in agreement, gently patting his hand. “I don’t think Kremy would let us, I trust he’ll make the call on that.”
Torbek nodded again, smiling slightly before standing back up to his usual slouch. You skipped back up to Gideon’s side, careful not to step on Kremy’s evenly swaying tail. Gideon looked down at you, quirking an eyebrow in quiet inquiry.
“Torbek was just wondering when we’d be at the next town,” you told him with a shrug, laying your head onto his bicep as you walked. Gideon reached an arm around and patted your shoulder in acknowledgement. He gave a small squeeze of a side hug, which gave you a boost of warmth.
Suddenly, Kremy stopped in his tracks. You and Gideon almost ran into his back, stopping just in time before you did. Torbek, however, fumbled and bumped into both you and Gideon before catching himself. You consequently bumped into Kremy, who turned around and crossed his arms. You gave a small guilty smile, comedically wiggling your fingers as hello.
Kremy paid no mind, looking up to the sky and taking his pocket watch from his tailcoat pocket and opened it to look at the time. Without looking up, he hummed. “We’re gonna have to camp here tonight,” Kremy said as he clicked his pocket watch closed. “We’re about two hours from town, but the storm is about to hit. We will set back out in the morning when the storm is gone.”
Torbek whined a little, which he stopped as Gricko immediately cheered him up with positivity. You nodded, escaping Gideon’s side hug to properly stand beside him. “Should we set up the big tent? Or prepare a shelter?”
Kremy put his pocket watch away, tapping his claws along the skull of his cane. “This storm might be a doozy, I think we should have a quick roof built between these trees here to keep the area we’ll be sleeping on drier.”
Gricko and Hootsie bounced about, Gricko jumping onto Torbek’s arm and pulling the poor bugbear towards the trees. “C’mon Torbek! Let’s make that platform! Hootsie and I will teach you how to do it!”
With a groan of slight defiance, Torbek followed his goblin companion and his daughter into the woods. Twig flew off of Torbek’s shoulder and joined Frost. Frost dropped his bag, rummaging through his items and setting the usual camp supplies down. Everyone always had their designated chores when it came to camping, which was never necessarily assigned, but willingly done due to the skills the groups had.
Torbek was tall and could reach the thick, large branches or small yet tall and thick trees that he could tear out of the ground. He could also carry a lot of things in his arms, even if they were quite hefty. Along with this, Gricko was the carpenter of the group. While it wasn’t like his wood widdling, he still grew to learn the right woods that worked best in shelter and learned to make efficient mini shelters with just the environment around them. Hootsie loved helping her father, doing anything she can to help out when she wanted.
Frost was the ‘architect’ when it came to the shelters, calculating the best and proficient ways to structure the shelters for the night. He made the guidelines and Gricko and his group did the rest. Frost would then set up other shelter things after that, such as the cooking ware. Once the cooking ware came in, either Kremy or Twig got to work. They’d start the food while the others all worked, having the food ready by the time the shelter was finished.
Kremy looked at you and the genasi, beginning to take his tailcoat off. “Gid, can you go and get some firewood please? If ya find some berries along the way please pick some. Oh, and {y/n} better go with you, the more firewood the better.”
Kremy smiled at you softly, folding up his tailcoat neatly and setting it on an elevated rock. Gideon nodded and nudged you, grunting out an “on it” to the lizardfolk before walking into the woods. You followed in tow, looking back towards Kremy who was rolling up his sleeves then turning to talk with Twig.
You caught up to the genasi, looking around for good wood that didn’t appear as damp as the ground. Gideon did the same, reaching up to yank on an already dead branch.
“Is it just me or is Kremy in a weird mood?” You asked suddenly, mostly out of curiosity than anything. You saw the genasi shrug, inspecting the branch he just tore off before tucking it under his arm.
“I’d say he kinda is, but he’s probably just tired more than anythin’. I think some things are weighing on his mind, but I don’t blame him at all after the whole Remy Garou shit.” Gideon grabbed some branches he saw, inspecting them and then tucking them under his arm again as he spoke.
“I guess that’s fair,” you nodded, grabbing some sticks and dried leaves that you figured would be good fire starters. “I hope he’s alright.”
Gideon snapped a long stick to break it down. “He’ll be a’right, if it gets to be too much I’ll help him out,” he turned to smile a bit at you. “How about you, eh? You’ve been actin’ strange too after the last town we were in. Somethin’ happen?”
You blinked in surprise, adjusting your grip on your bundle of small branches and sticks. “Well, not anything bad no,” you admitted, handing Gideon a broken branch for him to hold in his occupied hand and heat up. Gideon quirked an eyebrow, quietly asking what you meant by that. You gave a nervous smile. “Kremy and I talked a bit, it wasn’t anything bad, it was just a little confusing I guess?”
Gideon shrugged, taking your answer. The branch stud in his hand had burned to charcoal, which he stuffed in the small bag around his belt. “Well, as long as ya both don’t hate each other.”
You laughed a little, shaking your head and waving your hands. “No no, of course not!”
There seemed to be relief in his expression, the worry of the possibility no longer weighing heavy on him. Was he really worried that you and Kremy hated each other? Was there something that the both of you did to instill that worry into him?
“Good, I don’t want my two favorite people hatin’ each other. That would be pretty rough, haha!” He had a tinge of a hidden worry in his tone, though he sighed and released it. He grabbed some more items, not so much looking at them as in depth as he did before.
You paused your collecting, looking at the genasi as he continued forward. His back was turned towards you, bending down every now and then. You gripped your bundle just barely, watching his back for a moment.
“Hey, Gideon?” You asked cautiously, watching as the genasi carefully straightened up and partially turned to you. He watched you carefully, head slightly tilted in wonder. “What do you mean by that? Favorite people being me and Kremy, I mean.”
Gideon fully turned to you, only just realizing what he said. He took a minute to think before he stumbled over his words, trying to figure out what to say. He then sighed, his shoulder slouching a bit in semi-defeat.
He stepped towards you, keeping his grip nice and still on his own bundle. You opened your mouth to speak again, either in question or to take back your previous question, though Gideon started before you did.
“Kremy an’ I have been traveling together for years, about ten. We’ve gone through a lot of situations, thick and thin. We learned a lot about each other, and we learned that we can’t be without each other after it all. I wouldn’t want it any other way, I owe Kremy that,” Gideon’s smile softly appeared, his eyes half lidded as if something on his mind weighed them down once again. “An’ I’ll be honest, despite traveling with you for only a year, I’ve felt similar with you.”
You blinked in surprise, not expecting those words at all to come out of him. You knew that Kremy and Gideon were close, practically inseparable. You didn’t know just how important they meant to each other until now. You finally realized just how much they downplayed their relationship with one another to everyone. You shifted in your spot, glancing down at the realization. Everything made sense now.
Gideon sat his bundle down, noticing your face. He placed the side of his finger below your chin, making you look up at him. There was a sheepish look on his face, the other hand scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. “A’right, look, don’t get all sad on me now,” he tried. “I ain’t good with words, I’m sorry if that came out wrong. Look, uh,” he cleared his throat and awkwardly placed the hand that tilted your head up on your shoulder, patting it. “I care about you a lot, like I care about Kremy. Don’t get sad, c’mon, this ain’t some love triangle or nothin’ I promise.”
You blinked, trying to understand what he was trying to say despite the confusion of it all. “You like me though, don’t you?”
Gideon nodded, taking your pile from your arm and setting it with his own. He took your hands in his, slight embarrassment still on his face. “I like you, hell I think I love you,” he confessed, rubbing the tops of your hands with his thumbs in a soft massage. “I wanna be that warm pillow for ya every night, basically.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, snorting at the cute yet slightly awkward confession. You smiled up at him, squeezing his hands in content. “Mr. Coal, you’re the best pillow I’ve ever had,” you half joked, which made him snicker. “I really like you, I haven’t really been trying to hide it at all, so I’m surprised you’re just now confessing.”
“Me? Confess? You’ve got the wrong guy,” he joked, which you laughed softly to. You felt the softness in his tone, in his hands as he held you. “I usually wait for the one givin’ me the doe eyes to come up first.”
“Well that’s where this all got screwed up then,” you joked, laying your forehead on his chest. The genasi wrapped his arms around your back, holding you close. “But you can make it up to me if you give me extra dessert next time.”
Gideon laughed, his chest falling up and down in glee from your arrangement. He rubbed your upper back, patting it before leaning into you happily. “A’right, fine, extra dessert.”
You hummed in joy, relaxing completely into his warmth.
He’s so stupid. It’s all you could think of towards the genasi with a smitten smile on your face.
You heard the hiss of singed ember fill your ears. Then another. You felt Gideon sigh and pat your back again, the texture of his beard rough against your forehead as he pulled away to kiss your forehead. Your face heated up, listening to the singed hisses as rain drops began to fall from the sky, evaporating once they hit the embers on his head.
“Let’s get back to camp, we need some fire started before all of this firewood gets wet,” he said, quickly and easily scooping up the conjoined firewood you both had gathered. “We don’t wanna be late for dinner.”
You smiled up at him, taking some of the pile for yourself to carry.
The soothing massage on your abdomen lulled you awake, groaning in response. The hand that held you rubbed circles into your stomach now, the genasi’s face buried into your hair.
“Mornin sunshine,” he chuckled softly, which you hummed in response to. He kissed the back of your head before he sat up. He stretched, yawning. “Kremy made some breakfast in the inn kitchen.”
You turned to your back, watching the genasi get out of bed. You sleepily admired his bed head, chuckling at how disheveled he looked as he woke up. You were sure you were the same, but it was much funnier on Gideon.
“Didn’t he say he was making waffles?” You asked, sitting up and yawning just as your boyfriend had. He put on his clean shirt, looking around for his comb.
“Think so,” he replied, finding his comb and beginning to fix his hair. He sat back on the bed by your feet, itching his beard. “I want some chocolate chip ones if he did end up making them.”
You chuckled, crawling out of bed to get ready for the day. For once, the group was able to have seperate rooms for pairs. You and Gideon shared a room, while Torbek and Twig shared another, Gricko and Hootsie in a third, and Frost and Kremy in the last. Everyone enjoyed each other's company, and it was very comfortable overall.
As you found your clothes to change into for the day, you felt muscular arms wrap around your middle from behind. You straightened up, leaning yourself into the chest of the fighter. He buried his face into your neck, humming as he swayed the both of you side to side. “We don’t have to rush, it’s pretty early still.” He murmured into your neck.
You hummed in agreement, swaying with the genasi. In an instant, you were lifted and playfully tossed onto the bed. You giggled, rolling onto your back as the genasi held you down by your shoulders gently. He then proceeded to try to tickle you, which made you erupt into squeals.
You struggled against his grip, his assault on your sides and neck too much to bare. Once you had an opening, you went to jab at his ribs, knowing he was ticklish there. He was caught by surprise, tucking himself in in defense at the attack. You continued to poke and prod, tickling him. You weren’t expecting his next attack on you, holding your wrists and pinning them to your sides.
You struggled against him, still laughing. “Hey! That’s no fair!” You whined, a fake frown on your lips. Gideon smiled wide at that, inching closer to your face.
“I think it is,” he pecked your nose, his grin widening. “I think I win.” He pecked your lips, which you huffed when he pulled away. He chuckled then kissed you, which you happily returned.
What a goofball.
#legends of avantris#once upon a witchlight#loa#ouaw#fanfic#fanfiction#x reader#unexplainedfanfics#gideon coal x reader#gideon coal#gideon coal ouaw#ouaw gideon
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So I’ve had this idea plaguing my brain for a while now, and if I have to listen to this fic idea, then so do you.
So I bet about a year or so after everything happens, and the Krew get Carnivale Lecroux back up and running, Gricko finds another owlbear, about the same age as Hootsie. He (the owlbear—for the sake of things, let’s call him Owlly) is scared, probably injured, and Gricko takes him in. It takes a while, but with the help of Hootsie, Owlly eventually becomes comfortable around Gricko, and later with the rest of the Krew (kinda like the scene with Juniper the owlbear)
A few months after finding Owlly, Gricko realizes that he and Hootsie have gotten close. Really close. At first Gricko thought they were forming a sibling-like bond, but then he saw certain signs from Hootsie indicating that it wasn’t necessarily the case. After all, Hootsie is a growing girl, and even if Gricko didn’t want to openly acknowledge it, deep down he knew she was about the age for most owlbears to start having cubs (actually I think Hootsie is older than that, but shhhhh)
So at first, Gricko goes into Overprotective Dad Mode. He bans Hootsie from the Petting Zoo/Menagerie (where Owlly resides), and disallows Owlly to roam the grounds during closing. Quickly though, he realizes this is just hurting both owlbears, and before the week is out, he lets Hootsie and Owlly interact again.
It’s not long after that—I’d say about a month or so—before Gricko finds a nest with an egg in his and Hootsie’s trailer, and he knows enough about beasts to know exactly who that nest belonged to, and who laid that egg.
For the next two weeks, nobody saw Gricko. They definitely heard him, though. If you neared his trailer, you would just hear his sobs and wails, occasionally yelling things like “BUT SHES SO YOUNG!!!” “IM GONNA BE A GRANDPA!!!” And such. He was sad, yes, but was more overjoyed at the idea of becoming a grandpa. The following week, he lets Frost into his trailer, showing off the egg, blabbering all the while.
Eventually the entire Krew gets to meet the egg. Kremy outwardly complains (“that’s just one more mouth to feed, Gricko!” “It’s not like I laid the egg, Kremy.”), but there’s no real venom behind it—he’s just as excited as everyone else about the addition to their family. Frost is fairly quiet at first, but then later tells Gricko how proud he is—both of Hootsie, and of how Gricko is handling the news. Torbek is so so so excited to see a newborn owlbear cub for the first time, and swears to love it and to be as gentle as he could be. Gideon shares a similar sentiment, being excited about having another niece/nephew, asking if Hootsie needed help keeping the egg warm, promising to be gentle, etc. Honestly, he seems to be more excited about the baby than Gricko does.
Anyway, the egg hatches, and the Carnivale is all abuzz. It happened right around lunchtime, and the moment it hatched, Kremy closed the Carnivale. “We’re having an emergency in the back,” he says “can’t be open for a few days.” The Krew all surround the baby owlbear, taking turns holding it. The newborn likes Gideon the most at first, because of his natural warmth, and Gideon starts sobbing, he’s so happy.
As the baby gets older, the Krew truly start spoiling it. Kremy gives it an extra helping of food (“he’s a growing boy! He needs it!”), Gideon and Torbek give it rides and play with it as gently as they could, and Frost periodically teaches subjects that an owlbear shouldn’t care about (“I know she can’t write, but it’s important for her to learn all the same”)
Nobody knows the gender of the baby, and because of this, it doesn’t really have a set name. Instead, everyone has been giving it their own nickname. Frost has been calling it The Child (“The Child is hungry” “have you seen The Child?”); Kremy and Gideon have been referring to it as the Littl’un (“the Littl’un bit me!” “Oh, the Littl’un just wants to play!” “Boy, I think the Littl’un’s stomach is about as bottomless as Gid’s.”); Torbek has just been calling it The Baby (“The Baby hooted at Torbek!” “Oh, The Baby peed on Torbek…”); and Gricko has been cycling through all three nicknames.
This ends up being the only child Hootsie has, which Gricko finds odd considering that she should be having many eggs every few years, since she now has a mate, but he doesn’t question it. It ends up being a blessing in disguise, all things considered. Any more, and they’d have fo start giving the babies away, and Gricko would rather die than have that happen.
#idk is this anything#idk this has just been plaguing my mind and I find it adorable#and it won’t leave me alone until I put it into words#legends of avantris#once upon a witchlight#ouaw#kremy lecroux#gideon coal#torbek#morning frost#gricko grimgrin#hootsie grimgrin
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Midnight Snack
Summary: you're awoken to Torbek, finding his midnight snack
A/N: THIS IS SMUT!! DO NOT READ IF YOURE A MINOR. Anyway in the middle of all my other wips I was struck with a thought. Torbek would eat pussy like it's a meal. I literally busted this out in one night so if it's short please forgive me 🙏 I do have more coming and more smut but take this animals!
Your eyes blinked open, foggy with sleep as you felt something. As your mind cleared a bit from the sleep you looked down to find Torbek licking up your leg before he went straight to your panties.
“T-torbek!” You squealed when you felt a nose press against the crotch of your panties.
He took in a deep inhale as he groaned and stuck his tongue out to lick your panties. It made your toes curl and you had to keep calm before you bucked up into his face. You could feel how wet you were getting and didn't help that Torbek was trying to lick you through your panties.
He nuzzled against you and it made whimper he pushed your panties to the side. As soon as his tongue touched your wet pussy his eyes went wide and grabbed your hips tightly.
He practically pulled your hips up as he stuck his tongue into you, moaning and panting as he tried to lick every part of you.
“Torbek,” you cried out as he continued licking at you, before he pulled back to look you in the eyes.
“Torbek loves the taste of you. You're as sweet as candy.”
He went to lick you again but stopped when your panties were covering you again. He huffed and brought a claw up.
“Torbek is sorry. Torbek really likes the color on you.”
Then he ripped the middle out and now you just had a band around your hips as you made a noise in complaint before cry out again as he licked up your pussy, circling the clit. His face looked like he was in bliss as he licked your clit and pushed his tongue back into you. His hands gripping onto your hips, his claws cutting into you but not too hard to draw blood.
You're breathing got heavy as you practically panted and moaned at the feeling as you tried to grab onto something to try and ground yourself. Your head becoming hazy as he licked and sucked until the hot hazy feeling started to burn, your stomach in knots as you threw your head back.
“Torbek, I'm going to cum, please.”
He just growled against you, the vibrations making your legs tense before he pressed his face closer. His nose rubbing against your clit as he shook his head side to side, his tongue trying to reach deeper inside of you. It was all too much as you cried out and that knot snapped.
You barely noticed the way Torbek was rutting into your mattress but as the hazy feeling cleared you felt the bed rocking as he slurped up your cum. Your legs shook and you had to push at his head before he finally released you, letting your entire body slump into the bed. You tried to catch your breath as Torbek cuddled next you. You opened your eyes to see him staring at you.
“Was that too much for (Y/N)?”
“No Torbek,” you breathed out as you cupped his face, “you did good.”
His face lit up with happiness as he wrapped his arms around you to hold you close. You giggled and cuddled him.
“Give me a minute and I'll return the favor.”
Torbek made a high pitch whine before he grumbled. “No need. Torbek already took care of that.”
You blinked in confusion before remembering the bed rocking.
“Did you..?”
“Torbek would rather not talk about it.”
You smiled and nodded, “Alright I won't but it's nothing to be embarrassed about Torbeck. That's honestly kinda hot.”
“It-it is?” His ears twitch as he holds you a little tighter at your confession.
“Uh huh,” you pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose before groaning, “But we'll have to change the sheets before we got to bed.”
“Oh alright.”
With shaky legs, you manage to help Torbek change your bedding before collapsing on the bed. Torbek follows suit while pulling you close, almost on top of him as you cuddle into his fur before exhaustion takes over and you both fall asleep.
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I listened to Brutus by The Buttress and thought about Torbek for a little too long. It just had me thinking that if Torbek was as hateful and jealous as he could honestly get away with, Frost would be dead.
Like I feel if Torbek was a little more deranged and hateful it wouldn't be out of the question for him to be mad at Frost. Torbek went through like 5 years of torture and experimentation because his friends chose Frost over him (and also they didn't know what would happen to him but shhhhh) If I were in Torbek’s shoes I would fucking hate Frost.
Torbek also outwardly expressed wanting to replace Frost even if it was like a “joke” and I just can't help but think of the lyric “I don't want what you have, I wanna be you.”
I'm foaming at the mouth and gnawing my arm off
#Putting my Frostbek soul through the ringer#once upon a witchlight#ouaw#legends of avantris#torbek#morning frost
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Holding Life In Your Arms
Not really an mind blowing thought, but I just wanted to think about a scenario where the group finds an abandoned baby near the woods. In such a case, the baby is of tabaxi origin.
(I tried to be accurate here, I really did :( )
- - -
Pff- this is obviously not new territory for him at all...
It kind of is, but he's trying not to freak out as this little thing stays bundled up in his arms
Even with sharp nails, you can be sure that this goblin is the most gentle as can be. Keeping the baby secure and safe as they continue to nap away.
"Aw just look at em! They don't even got their eyes open yet. Who'd leave such a sweet baby out here?" It's certainly a valid question.
Hootsie is intrigued and looks at the baby her father has in his arms. Closely seeing him cradle them.
"Now remember Hootsie, this is a baby. We have to be very gentle and very quiet, okay?" She'd quietly hoot and just sit by her father. Watching very carefully.
He didn't expect any baby to be found out here. But suppose if they never came the direction that they did, the poor infant would've surely died. A statement he makes aloud.
No one in the group likes hearing that from him, but it's true. In the meantime, he's a bit lost on what to do.
The first thing that immediately comes to mind is getting all the dirt from off them and the blanket they're swaddled in. With a sharp snap of the fingers, he wakes the baby up momentarily before it soon falls back asleep.
"Kremy, you should've seen your face, man. You looked completely horrified. Hehehe!"
Gideon's no help on the matter. Getting the gator to twist his head at the other who, very casually, turns the other cheek. Chuckling before turning his direction back to Kremy and the little infant.
All Kremy can really do is awkwardly hold the baby the second he has them. Gricko would then instruct him on the proper way and once he has it, he can feel it. Their little shifts as they get comfortable in his hold. Sleeping soundly.
His face did happen to soften up at that moment. You could've sworn that he whispered something along the lines of:
"It'll be alright now. We're not going to abandon you."
He's really not one for holding babies. Sure, he's held Hootsie and Gricko. But never an actual baby.
It almost feels as though this little life has been out here for hours. So cold in his hold that it nearly gave him a fear that this baby was already gone. Thankfully he was wrong as he can see them fussing and face scrunched up.
As cold as they were, he made sure to be their warmth. Keeping them nice and secure in his hold. His body was already warm, so to this infant it was just a perfect recipe for going back to sleep.
It was just so small in his hold. So of course he'd be gentle in his movements. Not that he'd accidentally drop them, but he'll be honest, the thought did hit him and got a bead of sweat to pop up on his forehead.
Nope. Nu-uh.
Torbek knows not to get close to them. Not in fear of them. It's more in fear of himself. He doesn't want to harm this little baby. He'll just stick to observing as his friends get a chance to hold the baby.
As he gets close, he can't help but wonder why someone would dump a baby out here. Mr. Kremy's words in the beginning weren't so helpful. Causing him to look on in discomfort before relaxing.
It was really cute, and though he wanted to announce this happily he had to adjust his tone. As to not shock the little thing.
Morning Frost:
He'll be just as lost as the rest. Wondering about a multitude of things. Thoughts brewing in his head rapidly as he paces about the area they found the infant.
"Was there a note around here about them?"
"Did the parents abandon this child deliberately?"
"Were the parents perhaps taken? The infant taken??"
Tail whipping from behind before eventually relaxing and finally putting his attention on all his friends all huddled around the infant.
They seemed much more at peace now with them, but even so it got something in Frost to worry. So many dangers were already inflicted upon them so far, and to now have a literal infant by there side?
Can't say he's not wrong to be concerned.
It's a weird feeling he has now. But he sincerely wants to anything to keep this little life safe. And just as he finally has a turn to hold them, the infant will immediately warm up to Frost. Wiggling to get as close to him as possible.
#sansy speaking here#this is old as hell but i should post it anyways#may not be COMPLETELY accurate yet i made an attempt here#legends of avantris#once upon a witchlight#gricko grimgrin#hootsie grimgrin#kremy lecroux#gideon coal#torbek#morning frost
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