#Top two - The whole Mr. REINER thing
vanlegion · 3 months
Trying to clean out some space on my phone, bit here's some funny things that made me think of RvB!
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levi-ish · 2 years
a/n: some best friend jean to sweeten our nights
stumbling out of the taxi, you and jean leaned onto each other as the cold night engulfed your warm bodies, trying to stay composed enough to enter the building. his hand held tight to your waist and your arm ached from reaching his shoulders, being the man too tall for anyone's sake.
the whole trip upstairs was full of crossing gazes and trying to keep quiet, knowing other residents were fast asleep and being 4am in a sunday night wasn't ideal to get drunk and disturb everyone's peace.
it was a bad idea from the start, but when sasha texted you saying that you should come over (emphasizing that there would be beer), you couldn't just say no. what kind of friend would you be?
but jean was there, and you two always got drunk together, every. damn. time.
started when you were sixteen and you thought it would be a great idea to sneak into his mother's wine cabinet, trying a sip of everything and pretending to know shit about wine tasting as you both put on the worst french accent and swirled the red liquid around the glass. that didn't end well when his mother found you two sleeping on top of each other on the marbled floor.
then there was the incident on eren's birthday, when him and jean thought it would be a great idea to bet who could chug the most beer and it ended with them both throwing up in the pool as you cheered in the background.
and there was prom, then reiner's frat party, then ymir and historia's housewarming, list goes on and on.
in the end of the day, he was your best friend, and you trusted him with your whole life.
"I think your doorman hates me" jean said as he took off his shoes, placing them lazily next to the couch, almost falling on his feet.
"mr. jameson? why?" you turned around, eyes half lidded as you stared at the lanky man.
"he never replies to my 'good mornings'" he kept on rambling. "like, I always wave at him and he just ignores me. I don't get it."
you laughed as you both went into your room. you scanned your dresser for a spare set of clothing for him to sleep on, finding some old shirts in the drawer you separated for him.
“maybe he thinks you’re a degenerate” you smirked at him, throwing an old faded sweater from Paradis University at him. “I mean, he sees you coming and going at the weirdest hours.”
“and whose’s fault is that?” he grabbed it mid air and took off his own shirt to get changed, not minding your presence.
it was usual for you guys to do that kind of thing. you’d been sleeping over at his every since you can remember. his mother was your second mom and yours was his. you were no stranger to his body, but things started to change when you turned seventeen.
jean had a spurt growth in high school. one day he was this tall stick-like dude and then, one day, after swimming practice, you met him at the pool only to find out that he’d grown quite an impressive build.
then he grew even bigger, and then he started styling his hair differently, he switched his cologne, his voice wasn’t as squeaky, and he became a whole ass man. and you couldn’t help how your heart raced a little every time he took off his shirt around you. and your drunken mind wasn’t helping either — imagining how those big hands would feel as his long fingers ran alongside your thighs and his muscular arms would wrap around…
jesus fuck, get a grip!
you turned around once more, now trying to find something for you to wear and focusing on anything else but those inconvenient thoughts. you were drunk. that’s it.
grabbing another sweater and some pajama shorts, you turned quickly and your balance failed you, as gravity worked its magic and you were now falling, only to be met with those same arms that were the roots to your recent desires, now holding you in place.
“woah there, what’s the rush?”
looking up, you found his face close to yours. you could see the faded freckles that spread across his nose and the stubble you knew he tried so hard to grow, heat pooling on your cheeks as you felt your whole body burn. but you weren’t alone in this, since you noticed a slight blush creeping onto his face, and you both were too stunned to talk.
“you have beer breath” you snapped out of your trance as he quickly covered his mouth, furrowing his brows at you.
“so do you! but you don’t see me complaining!” you pushed him away jokingly as he fell on the bed, and you took that moment to look anywhere else.
he sat straight and ran a hand across his forehead, brushing his bangs away from his eyes and you couldn't help but stare. everything he did looked like your own special private show, and he was the main event. it wasn't fair how pretty jean was. everything, from his mesmerizing hazel eyes to the dimples that painted his neck, to the v-line that followed his abdomen — fuck, not again.
you quickly excused yourself to go brush your teeth and he followed right after, taking his own toothbrush that you bought for him a while back, and looking in the mirror, the perfect frame of you sticking so bright, right in front of your eyes and intruding your mind, setting campsite in your brain.
jean seemed to notice how fidgety you got, and the silence surrounded you so thickly as if the whole tension could be cut with a knife, so he grabbed his phone and played some corny one direction song just to fill in the space.
you smiled warmly and finished brushing, shaking your head and singing along to 'they don't know about us' as he punched the air with his fists to the beats.
you were such a fool. that was jean, your best friend. you were so fucking silly to believe that there was something else going on. those dirty thoughts felt so wrong when they were directed at such an innocent face like his. he didn't deserve how your mind thirsted for him.
after finishing the song, you both washed your faces and grabbed water because jean had this strict rule of staying hydrated after drinking — to lessen the hangover the next day, or something like that.
"do you think eren got mad that I ruined his shirt?" you asked as you pulled the covers just enough so you could dive under.
'it's fine' eren said multiple times as you kept on apologizing, almost annoyed at how much you insisted on buying him a new t-shirt, even when he guaranteed you he couldn't care less.
it wasn't really your fault. sasha had bumped onto you and it made you spill cheap wine on him. you both laughed at first and then your hands gripped his stained shirt as you tried to help, only making it worse.
jean frowned at your mention as he tucked himself in, fluffing the pillow so he could lay his head on. "he said he didn't, right?"
"yea, but like, I ruined it either way."
"why do you care so much about what he thinks?" he said in a playful tone, but there was something that stuck to the back of his throat as he spoke.
you arched a brow. "why the attitude?"
"I don't have an attitude" he hit you with his pillow and you kicked his leg. "jaeger probably deserved it, anyways."
you laughed at him as you placed a hand next to your face, laying on your pillow as he grabbed his own, mimicking your movements. a small sigh left your mouth as you gave him a tight-lipped smile, staring for maybe a little too long.
"are you sleepy?" he asked.
"a little..."
a strand of your hair fell right above your eyes, and you frowned right away, looking at the disturbing piece scrunching your nose. but before you could take it away, you felt jean's long fingers moving it away from your face. he seemed to be deep in his mind as he did so, eyes focusing lower than yours, and — was he...?
a gasp fell from your lips and he quickly retracted his hand, grabbing his own wrist with the other one, eyes widened in shock. how could he let his heart control his mind?
feeling a little breathless, you tried to pretend that that just didn't happen. at all.
"goodnight then" you nodded and turned around, now facing your wall and grabbing the covers closer to your face so you could hide in embarrassment.
there was nothing actually wrong with that touch. jean had done far further than that in the past, from the lingering cheek kisses to falling asleep on your lap as your fingers dug deep into his scalp. a little ghostly touch to your face wasn't that big of a deal, but in that moment, it felt like it was.
it felt as if you were the most special girl in the world.
and you loved that.
you heard jean's heavy breathing behind you, the air hitting your neck just slightly to make all your hairs stand on your body. from time to time he shifted in place and you felt the duvet moving around you. every little thing he did made you feel nervous, and there was something growing in your lower abdomen as your mind ran all over the place with the deepest, uncontrollable thoughts that you tried so hard to keep hidden in your subconscious, failing miserably.
"jean, we should go to sleep" you whispered, feet rubbing together under the covers as you felt his breathing grow heavier by the minute.
licking your dry lips, you closed your eyes, trying to focus on anything else as both your bodies tried to stay as far away as possible on your cramped bed, while knowing that there was nowhere to run to.
"should we, really?" he whispered back, voice hot on the back of your ear as you felt he scoot closer, until your shoulder met his chest, feeling the scorching body on your own skin.
you tried to say something back, but your voice died in your throat as his hand hesitatingly found place on your side, fingers ghosting the same way they did before but now on uncovered flesh that burned through his nails. you felt your chest growing heavier and heavier as your breathing became erratic, and so did his.
it's just the alcohol acting.
you scooted even closer, your back now glued to his curled form and hardness pinched your thighs, making a small whine escape your mouth. his hand trailed lower until you felt his hot palms applying a small pressure just above your sleeping shorts, his pinky sneaking inside the elastic band.
his breaths grew into small groans as his hips moved just slightly to relieve some of the straining, and your body betrayed you by letting a moan sneak away.
you slapped your mouth, trying to contain yourself, but he was quicker to wrap those long fingers around your wrist, leaving the place where you needed him the most just so he could keep listening to you.
"I want to make you feel good" he said, almost in a plea and you couldn't help but nod, not even bothering to remain in denial. "please, let me make you feel good."
it almost felt as if you had a fever, and cold shivers ran down your spine each time his breath fanned on your neck.
jean lowered his hand once more, not bothering to tease as you felt his fingertips barely brushing against your folds, pulling your shorts and panties to the side just so he could rub those oh-so-long fingers. it almost tickled.
you moaned low and deep, hugging your pillow close to your face as he grunted, playing around with your slick.
“jean, please” your voice sounded muffled but your whines were clear as a day.
“can I put it in?” he leaned closer to your ear, lips tickling your love as he placed a fuming hot kiss where your jaw met your neck, making you jump in place. only then you felt his cock pulsating right above your entrance. “just the tip—please”
there it was again, your voice dying in your throat, and in response, you wrapped your fingers between his where his other hand met your waist, pulling him closer, if it was ever possible.
in a slight movement, his fat tip nudged itself in between your folds, taking rest inside your velvety walls and making it into its own home. both you and jean left slow and soft moans as some of the tension was now relieved. your hand squeezed his, and so did your cunt, letting him know that you had some kind of struggle to take him.
“ah!” he groaned and let his head fall down to your nape, letting a long exhale fall from his lips. “you feel even better than I imagined”
“y-you imagined me?” you turned your face, looking at him over your shoulder and he gasped.
“shit, you clenched hard” quickly, you relaxed yourself.
he sighed, lifting both of your wrapped hands and placed them above his lips, kissing each of your knuckles so soft you almost didn’t feel it.
“yes, you are in my mind every day. I couldn’t help but daydream about seeing you first thing in the morning” a kiss, “last thing in the night” another kiss, “and under me.”
you looked the other way, trying to avoid his burning gaze, but to no effect. you could still feel it piercing your shoulder.
“just let me make you feel good, now, would you?”
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m-jelly · 3 years
Hello Jelly! If you’re still taking request I thought of this Levi x reader fic where reader is a honorary warrior and Levi is a Marleyan and owner of a tea shop. Obviously this would be set in Marley. One day reader and other honorary warriors stop by his shop. Levi sees reader and thinks she pretty but notices the red armband so he doesn’t talk to her at first. She keeps coming back and he finally talks to her. After several times of her going to his shop they both start to have feelings. After they confess they have to keep their relationship a secret because an eldian and Marleyan aren’t allowed to be together. I love forbidden love fics! Thank you in advance!
Hellooooo! Yes! My requests are still open. I should probably put that in my bio...I'm an old lady, I swear! I love forbidden love fics as well. Just the tension and running around behind everyone, it's so cute. You then have the couple working hard for them to be acknowledge so they can love in public <3 I'm gonna make this post war while things are still rocky, as Levi did move to Marley after the war. So, spoilers below?
Levi cleaned his counter in his teashop as he grumbled to himself. Yet another customer had spilled sugar all over the counter top. He wanted to just shout at everyone to get out so he could do a deep clean. He looked over to two kids running around with a baked treat. He narrowed his eyes at one as he locked eyes with Levi. The kids lifted his sticky hand, then slowly moved it to the table leg.
"Hey." The kid looked up at you. You crouched down, then cleaned his hand. "Don't cover this place in your dirty handprints, okay?" You hummed a laugh, then cleaned his face. "It's not fair on the owner, is it? How would you like it if I made your toys sticky and left them for you to clean?"
The kid pouted. "I wouldn't like it."
You bopped his nose. "Right." You stood up. "Now say sorry to the owner."
The kid walked over to Levi. "Sorry Mr."
Levi was gazing at you the whole time. He thought you were the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He wasn't one for falling for people, but he felt his heart flutter for you. You were so graceful and kind, yet you hold this authority over the people around you. You seemed to command people with this kindness and beauty.
Levi sighed. "Tch, forgiven. Just don't do it again."
Pieck leaned on you and sighed as she moaned your name. "Stop playing with the children and focus on me."
You giggled and hugged her. "Sorry."
Reiner let out a long sigh. "This isn't my treat you know?"
"It's mine." You approached the counter allowing Levi to take you in. "Hmm...so many wonderful teas. It's hard to choose." You leaned on the counter and smiled at Levi. "What do you suggest?"
Levi looked you over, then locked eyes with your red armband. He wanted to talk to you, but he couldn't. He wanted to say your name and thank you for coming, but he couldn't. He knew he shouldn't talk to your kind, even though the war was over there were still honorary warriers to protect the country coming for the city and the island of Paradis. The segregation was still around and strong, even though Armin and the others were working hard on creating peace and equality.
You stared at Levi, then looked to your armband. "Ah, I understand. You must have been part of the war."
Reiner pulled you back. "That's Captain Levi Ackerman. He was the best Paradis had to offer."
You gasped. "Wow, that's amazing!"
"I'll order the tea."
Levi listened to the order, then busied himself and made the three cups of tea. He made sure to give you the cutest cup he owned. He handed your tea to you and enjoyed your bright smile and how you marvelled at the cup. You waved at him and thanked him, then he watched you sit down with your two friends. Levi studied you and was sure he'd never seen you before. He never saw you during the war, which meant you didn't possess a titan before the titans were destroyed for good.
Levi was curious about you and wanted to know so much more. Thankfully, you came in every single day to get tea You always had Pieck with you and the two of you seemed very close. He was happy when you came in by yourself one day, you were also in none uniform. He'd asked Gabi and Falco about you, but all they did was gush about you and talk about how pretty, kind and strong you were. So, he had to get to know you on his own.
He started making your order, then he stopped a moment and looked to you. "Tch, where's your shadow?"
You flinched at hearing his voice. "I'm sorry?"
"Your shadow. Pieck."
You stared at Levi for a moment as you processed what was going on, then you laughed. "She's off somewhere. Sorry, I was surprised at hearing you talk to me." You waved at him so sweetly. "Hi."
Levi held back a smile. "Hi." He handed your drink over. "So, what is it you do now the war is over?"
You blushed. "Protect everyone."
"What did you do during the war?"
You pressed your lips together, then hummed and looked away. "I was part of the more secretive group." You looked at Levi. "As you've seen by the people around me, I naturally lead and get people to do things for me." You sighed. "I was kept secret and never to be made a titan, but I was a pride and joy of the army." You sipped your tea. "Can I just say, your tea is the best thing ever."
Levi frowned at you. "Why are you so friendly and nice to me? I'm covered in scars, I use a wheelchair sometimes and I was the enemy."
You hummed a laugh. "Could say the same to you."
Levi blushed. "I asked you first."
You leaned on the counter and smiled. "Because I want to talk to you."
Levi smiled a little, then noticed people were looking over and whispering. "You should move on."
You looked around and sighed. "Damn nosy assholes." You pulled back. "I wanted to talk to you again and test teas."
Levi blushed and whispered. "Come here tonight and wait out the back. I'll let you in and we'll test teas together."
You lit up and nodded. "Yes."
Levi and you met up every single day in his shop to test tea. Eventually, the tea testing turned into dates with high tension between you both. Levi never thought someone so beautiful would be interested in him, even more so that he wasn't the same man externally and internally after the war. However, you flirted and left light touches on his body.
You stood up during talks and knew Levi was having a bad health day, because he was in his chair all day. You walked over and sat on his lap. "You could wheel me around the place." You giggled and looekd to Levi's blushing face. "This rude of me?"
Levi shook his head. "N-No. It makes being in a wheelchair just a little better."
You smiled at him. "You don't realise how wonderful you are."
Levi lightly rubbed your back, then placed his other hand on your thigh. "Can...can I kiss you?"
You leaned closer and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I've been dying to do this."
You kissed Levi causing warmth to spread between the two of you. Your heart fluttered in your chest at how soft Levi's lips were. You smiled when you felt his scar on his lips, which only added to the moment. You pushed your fingers into his hair, then lightly played with the shaven part causing Levi to growl at you. He squeezed your thigh sending a jolt of fire to surge to your heat. You both half opened your mouths and enjoyed dancing on the edge of a more heated kiss. You both felt tingles run through you and a desire for more.
Levi pulled back from the kiss first as he felt himself a little flustered. "Tch, sorry."
You smiled then curled up on his lap and rested your head on his shoulder. "Don't be sorry. I love you, Levi. There's no denying it. I know you love me just as much, but we've been holding back all this time."
Levi wrapped his arms around you and held you so tightly. You were the most precious thing in the world to him and it saddened him that there was so much hate between his people and yours being a couple. "I love you too. We'll have to keep us secret from others, because segregation is still strong."
"The laws will change, I know it. We'll be able to be together in public and freely."
Levi smiled and kissed the top of your head. "I know they will. I'm determined to make us work."
You kissed his neck causing him to blush. "Me too. With my way with words and getting people to believe me and your grumpiness."
"Tch, oi."
You laughed and kissed his cheek. "We'll throw people off and be together. I promise we'll get our happy ending."
Levi smiled and kissed you. "It's going to be an interesting journey as a couple, but I'm willing to do anything."
"Me too."
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Would you do a Jean x Reader x Reiner one? The reader felt so betrayed by Reiner being a titan shifter and when he left she felt so confused whether she can loves him or not after finding out the truth. Jean comfort her and they eventually fall in love. Or you can do a modern au one where Reiner cheated on the reader and Jean begin to see his chance with the reader then they both had a relationship. But she still can't forget Reiner. I truly love your writing! Have a good day ! ♥
i was wondering if you could do a modern au jean x reader. where the reader is very stressed for a test of some kind, and jean and the reader end up skipping the test and spend the whole day together instead, where towards the end of the day jean confesses his feelings for the reader. a lot of fluff please if you could i am obsessed sorry by @cj-sparkss
A/N: So i decided to merge those two requests because they fit really good together in my head! I hope ou guys like this! I strongly recommend listening to any song in Halsey's album, Manic while reading.
Pairing: Jean/ Reader, some past Reiner/ reader if you squint
Tags: college!au, art school au, fluff all the way
Warnings: Jean being way too cute for his own sake, seriously
Sketches Of You
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Your head was burning.
Your eyes were stinging; tiny little little blood vessels were popping here and there, throbbing profoundly as they merged together, rushing their way to your irises. You didn't know for how long you had been awake, mostly because a few days had passed and you didn't remember falling asleep or waking up on your once comfortable desk chair.
Before you laid numerous books open in different pages, most of the writting they held emphasized by your favorite pastel highlighter. What felt like your lamp buzzed, burning a canary yellow light over the mahogany material of your desk, warming up the spot where your hand used to lay. A pen in your hand was all you could bring yourself to hold with your numb, frozen fingers, the plastic edges of its tube sunk into your skin, carving bumps to mark their spot in your hand.
Wait, oh no, you thought as you looked around this wasn't your dorm, this was the university's library.
The library around you was extremely quiet as you laid face down on one book, your mouth slightly part and your lips dry save for the little ribbon of drool that moistened a line down your right cheek. Only for one more minute, you told yourself, deciding to shut your eyes together just to allow them sometime to rest, ignoring how such request was what had caused you to drift off to such extend in the first place. Stinging tears escaped the corners of your eyelids, signifying how tired and dry your irises had grown to be. Letting out a huge sigh you tried to lift your head, at least this could be an attempt to get your life together for the day.
Your scattered books came to close quietly under your palms, the numerous pieces of papers and notes being tucked messily in between pages, your own fatigue causing you to break your own rules when it came to being as neat as you could with your notes. Another sigh left you as you sank into the back the plastic chair, your books firmly standing on top of eachother and into your palms.
This test was going to end you. You knew it. Despite having tried to memorise all the information that was required for you to even try to get a five -seriously, a five would be absolutely godsent if you could at least get that grade- all you were left with was your brain feeling mushy and muddy without any actual knowledge of the subject you had been studying for. Why on earth was gothic architecture an essential class in your first year in art school was beyond you. Was this university never supposed to let you graduate on top of trying to prevent you getting in for numerous years?
Resisting the urge to scream or pull your hair off your head you decided that it was time to get up, your knees straightening slightly at the your brain's command, only to be sent back into the blue plastic of your chair, your whole body growling in fatigue. Your chest heavied as you let out a whine, bringing your hands to your eyes to scrub away the stinging ache you were feeling.
"You good?"
Your head turned to the direction of the voice maniacally, your eyes shooting wide as you practically ripped your hands off of your face. Looking up, your (e/c) orbs met with hazel ones, little specs of yellow and green stared back at you through thick eyelashes, adorned with a complex of worry plastered on dark chestnut eyebrows.
"Yeah Jean, I'm just studying."
"Oh it's Mr Ackerman's test right?"
"Hm" you hummed in response, another whine coming out of your lips.
"Yeah I remember how that class went for me. He's pretty nice if you get to know him though. I have to submit a few sketches for tomorrow, can I sit with you or were you leaving?"
"No, I'll keep you company, I need a break from whatever.." your eyes wandered at the books in your hands and the numerous note sheets peaking out from anywhere you could lay your gaze on "..this is."
Extending a hand Jean reached out for the head of the chair right next to you, pulling it back in order to let himself sink into the dark blue plastic seat, similarly to you. His lips pushed into a thin line as he looked at you, his cheek puffing up in the action. A hand came to your shoulder comfortingly as another one pulled out his sketchbook from his run down and way too littered with dry paint tote bag.
"Are those for Moblit's workshop?"
"Mhm." Jean confirmed. "You got any 0.8 tipped inks?"
"Yeah, I do."
Setting the leather covered sketchbook on the mahogany table Jean turned his head to you again, pointing his eyes onto the black pencil case in front of you. In response you shrugged your shoulders, your palms shooting up to your eyes once again. Jean's hand grabbed on your case, his long fingers digging through the numerous inking pens and markers that overlapped each other.
"I can't believe you have the Sakura Pens when you know I don't like them." Jean whined, hands roaming through your belongings still.
"Jean," you said, a deep chuckle escaping you in the process "I happen to like them, you know."
"They're yikes."
"You just can't use them correctly."
"How do you use an inking pen correctly. Enlighten me." Jean mocked, his fingers throwing signs in the air to accentuate his words.
Resting his head on his fist Jean opened his sketchbook, swiping through numerous ivory cold pressed pages, filled with inked sketches. Your eye twitched as you tried to keep up with many of the drawings you could spot; you had seen the contents of this sketchbook a thousand times, admiring Jean's skill with ink. His professor, Mister Moblit had one of the most interesting workshops for students who specialised in inks, and you aspired to take his classes in your following year in art school, supposing you could pass your classes this very semester.
"What are you supposed to be drawing?"
"Anything, mostly things that make us feel like they are important to draw." Jean said.
"Oh and library is important?"
"Sasha said you'll be here, so yup. And I want to draw my hands actually "
You clicked your tongue, shaking your head in borderline disbelief. Honestly, if you weren't that bummed about your test and your recent break up you could have laughed at Jean's sly arrogance. Your eyes traveled to Jean, examining his quiet form as he studied his palms. Inevitably your eyes studied them as well.
His fingers were long and tan and harsh to look at, scrapped in most places with tints of Indian ink. They stuggled to manage with your pencil case, his pinkies and thumbs couldn't even begin to fit in the little object and it made you wonder how he even managed to work his inking pens correctly with such enormous hands. Some veins popped from here and there, accentuating his bulky joints perfectly; they run from the back of his palms to his wrist, mingling with more of their blue kind in his calfs and biceps. The occasional blotches of dried paint were decorating them. Even some paint covered hairs spiked as the light contracted his form.
You smiled miscellaneously.
Your own finger traveled without remorse towards them, poking at a few hairs that were littered with paint. By pinching one, Jean shot back in half pain, his brows furrowing in confusion as he stared at you. "Hey, what they fuck!"
"You do that to me all the time when i have paint in my hands!" You half laughed, shooting him a mocking furrowed look as well.
“You’re so cruel!” Jean grinned.
“To pay you back with your own penny right?”
Jean cocked his eyebrow at you, a few lines begging to make an appearance on his forehead. He shook his head a couple of times, throwing a few shaggy strands of hair away from his face, his forehead immediately lighting up as his ashy blond locks overlapped just above his ears. You mimicked him, using a hand to move your feathery bangs away from your face as to not have them intertwining with your vision.
Jean brought a digit to his mouth, biting at the bulky knuckle while wrapping his lips around it to suck at the sore spot, dramatically mourning the loss of one single hair. It made you laugh harder than it should have and you told him off, quickly grabbing his hand by the wrist to pull it further away from his mouth.
"Ew you idiot are your hands even washed!? Don't put them in your mouth!"
Jean's smile faded gradually as he nodded its only reminder remaining in his eyes as they softened with each passing second they looked at you. You bobbed your head to the side, taking in the way he was looking at you and you felt your gut grunting in the anxiety you had managed to drown at one time.
You definitely knew that look.
"So how are you after... The whole Reiner thing?"
When Jean let the sentence out, he instantly regretted it. Biting back the inside of his lip, his teeth dug into his soft, fleshy gum, the tiny specks of spiky under lip hair he had poking through his chin. You could see the regret plastered on his face, yet you ignored it with a sigh, pushing your stern further back into the chair again.
Of course Jean would ask about that. Reiner and you had broken up a little less that a month ago and it was stressful enough to send your anxiety over the roof. Coming home to find him drapped in the sheets with someone else was still burning through your brain like a hot iron, marking the fleshy crevices by piercing your skull.
Jean and you hadn't had a chance to talk about your break up yet; in the midst of it being a spontaneous reaction to Reiner's anathema and your upcoming mid-terms, you had chosen to indulge yourself fully with the everlasting pleasure of delving into studying.
And now, as you tried to utter your awaited words your stomach clenched at the foreshaken memory that you had tried to bury in the depths of your soul, your hands sweating just a tiny bit as you gulped down on some saliva to dumpen your dry throat. Jean's hazel orbs were set on you with curiosity and reluctance, his skin tingling inside his crewneck sweater.
"I mean, Eren told us about it and then we fought on who would punch Reiner first you know."
You oggled at him as he spoke awkwardly, your lashes batting rapidly as a wave of confusion washed through you.
"You don't have to hit Reiner you know, we all make our choices and he made his."
"Ah," Jean sighed heavily "I suppose so. I'm here for you though, you can talk to me."
"You're actually doing an assignment at the moment" you said and pointed your finger onto his sharp nose, giving him a playful push to the side. "No need to talk about my sorry love life."
"Your love life isn't pitiful, don't talk about it like that!"
"It's not pitiful, just sad." You sighed, reaching out to your pencil case. "Just sad."
Your fingers run through the case even though your eyes weren't fixated on the action, your sense of touch working its way to let you know which object you were seeking. The tips of your fingers caught on the thick Posca marker quickly and you locked it in a grasp between your pointer and middle finger, bringing it up through the zip up opening.
"Give me your hand." You ordered at Jean as you clapped your fingers to your palm in a 'come here' motion.
"It could always get better you know." Jean spoke and threw his hand to you.
Slowly the cap was off the market with a snap and you slid it up towards it's butt to pop it on there as to not lose it in any case it feel off of the desk and onto the mosaic floor.
Jean's nose lit up in a faint scarlet and his ears followed right next, lighting up in a deeper shade of the color on his nose which made his hand snap away from you in a matter of seconds. With puckered lips he stared at the corner of the room that was in the opposite direction of yours, his gut drenching him in short tempered anxiety.
"You done painting my nails with the posca pen?" Jean remarked, lips still puckered as he turned to face you. "When's your exam?"
"Three o'clock."
"Wanna ditch?"
Your eyes goggled in his for a second. The luminous morning light that peaked through the library binds fell onto him dearly, caressing a few of his features in a lemony colored mellow way, your gaze traveled into anywhere on his face as you tried to examine his expression while your gut was beginning to churn at the sly thought of agreeing with his query.
Weighting your options wasn't a seriously hard thing to do; if you took the test you were most likely going to fail, but if you didn't take it you'd have to live with the guilt of not even putting the minimal effort in it for a few weeks. But, you had tried so hard to pass all of your other classes so why shouldn't you slack off for one that was bound to end in a fiasco?
You found yourself nodding to Jean before you could actually give more thought to it. His face immediately lit up, ashy blond locks flying over his eyes as he shook his head in excitement. With one move his sketchbook was closed again, left to mourn over the non existent scribbles Jean could have made during all this time he was sitting next to you.
The hard cover protected sketching pages were thrown into to his tote bag once again, the sound of the sketchbook colliding and clashing with a few more objects he had in the bag filling the silent air of the library.
"Put your books in here!" He offered, opening the sides of the tote bag right on front of your face, signaling you to do as he suggested.
By taking a long sigh you took a turn in throwing your books and pencil case in the bag, one object following another on the pursuit of finding their own place in Jean's crammed bag. A shy smile adorned your features as you looked at him, the mischievous little devil on your shoulder smiling proudly at your actions as if you were a high schooler skipping school.
Black Cat was a notorious cafe among art university students for numerous reasons. For example, it featured a decent amount of of beautiful contemporary art that was meticulously merged with the soft, cobblestone-cottagecore-home-during-the-winter aesthetic and all of their tables, stools and booths were artist-friendly to the max. Additionally it played Nirvana and Metallica for most of the day and on top of that they actually had a chunky and extremely cuddly black cat roaming around the store that you often found on your lap during your time there.
Oh, and the batwoman made amazing custom cocktails.
Really was there anything else anyone needed in a store?
The soft tangerine light flickered open as the sun outside started to hide it's shy low lights under the peak of a mountain you couldn't recall the name of, the soft smell of apple pie filling your nostrils as you sipped lightly from your earl gray tea occasionally, stealing a few glances of Jean's focused expression. A knowingly half smile went up to your face as you looked at the scenery outside before fixing your eyes back onto the bright screen of your phone.
Jean cooed in his leathery chair for the upteenth time today, his gaze fixated on the sketchbook on his hands. You had spend last hour in absolute silence; you had decided to roam around in your phone for references for an assigned collage you had to do in Photoshop as Jean had settled on drawing the horizon from outside the window to practice on his perspective while finishing up the sketches he had to submit.
Your day had passed by pretty fast; you had visited an urban side of the town that was flooded with art supply stores and you had delved into every single one roaming around to find any kind of supplies you were short on, or just generally needed. As Jean correctly had said, you are always short on art supplies.
Thus, you had ended up with a bag filled with complementary acrylic colors in tubes of 20ml mostly because they costed a dollar each, and also because as art students you got to receive twenty percent off of all your supply bills. Jean had only bought a new set of watercolors and a few Edding inks and 0.7 tipped poscas, as he was sure he would ruin your expensive Sakura Liners in his attempts to finish his project.
Then you had decided to cram your place for some much needed lunch before heading off to Black Cat to have some tea and coffee while Jean would finish off his last few of the sketches he had been drawing throughout the day.
"So" Jean awkwardly spoke as in to break the deep silence, his thumb pressing over the edge of the page his drawing was placed as he closed the sketchbook carefully "I wanted to ask, because ahem, I'm your friend and I'm worried about you... Do you want to vent about Reiner?"
"Ah, no" you shook your head and fixed your gaze onto the auburn colored liquor in your cup as you reluctantly lift it up to bring it to your lips before speaking "I mean, I got so sad you know. And I haven't gotten over it, of course, I mean I liked Reiner. A lot."
"I came see it in your eyes. But I'm here for-"
"And he's a bitch you know? He could have told me if he was bothered by anything I did or if it wasn't going well for him. I'd gladly work anything out or even break up peacefully."
"You know," Jean sighed, he too bringing his cup of coffee to his lips to take a sip before gulping it down. "My opinion is obviously biased here, but I support you. I've took a psychology class and we were actually delving into as to why some people cheat, there are many reasons as to why it could have happened."
Your heart slightly aches as you looked at him, a few veins in your hand twitching slightly as he continued rambling about all things he had grasped from his class. Your stomach growled angrily in anxiety, warning you to put an halt to your friend's words but you couldn't bring yourself to do so.
Not knowing the reason as to why Reiner had chosen to see someone else behind your back had hurt you beyond repair. Deep inside you still felt the need to get some closure, although with your stress on your exams you had been sure you would most likely give in to anything Reiner would say and this wasn't who you were.
You could go on without having any closure, it shouldn't have mattered so much to you in any way.
And to some extent it didn't.
"I'm hurt, but I'm the other hand I don't really care about anything you know?"
"Mhm, yeah, look at you getting over it so quickly!" Jean said semi enthusiastically. "You need to be able to share your pain in order for it to become small and eventually non-existent."
"You know, for someone who takes such sophisticated classes you talk like you haven't slept in ages!"
"Give me a break, as if you don't."
The two of you burst into bubbling laughter, your chests heaving and falling as the sounds of joy left you one by one. Jean's hand had come to rest on top of yours softly, giving you a couple of squeezes as his eyes squinted in synch with yours.
And then, in a moment that seemed like it was forced out of a coffee shop au fanfiction, Jean's hand rubbed a few soothing circles over yours. Slowly his laughter was begging to set into a silent harmony, the woody brown specs of his eyes providing the slightest tint of warmth into his gaze.
"This is why I love you so much."
The choice of words was supposed to be naive whether it was intentional or not, or that's what you tried to tell yourself because you thought you knew Jean better than anyone. The look in his eyes, the soft upwards curves of his eyebrows, the way his top lip overlapped go bottom one as his eyes glimmered into yours; this wasn't a very casual look for Jean, it was the look he had on when he was looking at something that mesmerised him. And you knew he meant exactly what he had said.
But did you like Jean?
Well, was there anyone who could spend so much time with Jean and not fall for him, even without realising it?
At one time it had become obvious that he liked you, although he'd never act upon it. You knew it in his movements, in the little ways he looked at you or cared for you like no one else actually did while hiding behind the mask of being a friend. Eren had been one to tease him for it restlessly and you had been able to catch upon that too but you had never let it be known that you had been able to see through his facade.
"Forget it I shouldn't even have had-"
With curious eyes you stared back, your gaze never truly leaving him. When he suddenly shook his hand off of yours you found your other hand pressing on top of his, trapping the limb in place as you tried to open your mouth to utter any word. It was still hard to find the right choice of words, ones that wouldn't hurt to be heard.
"Jean... I-"
"No, forget it, it just slipped, shit."
"Look Jean shut up for a second please I want to speak okay?" You huffed half playfully, despairate to stop Jean's mumbling "I know."
"You know?" Jean cursed under his breath.
"Yeah, I do, it's obvious. And I've had this huge crush on you ever since fifth grade you know? I never really got over you because I spent all of my teen years thinking we'd end up together."
You watched as Jean's face lit up at your words, a new glimmer adorning his eyes just as the sky turned a sheer violet as the sun retreated deeper into a non visible horizon.
"And then we kissed in eighth grade and we fought about it and we stopped hanging out because I asked for space since I just could believe what was happening. But we're friends again and it's the best thing to happen to me in years."
You continued, your hand never leaving his while soothing circles were rubbed onto his palm.
"But I'm not going to ask you for space this time."
"You're not?"
"No. Just a little patience. I'm still getting over Reiner and I don't want to be unfair to you and rip you off of something that you might ask from me."
Jean snapped his hand away from yours and you retreated your hands back to yourself shyly, a bitter mouth leaking into your mouth as you tried to swallow it down fast to no avail. Somehow your heart felt a strong stinging, the pulling of your heartstrings at steak while your heart was sprawled before you.
Was that your last chance with Jean? You had told yourself that time and space between you would be right one day, but that day seemed to stray further away now, slipping right off your hands because you couldn't forget Reiner fast enough.
"I'm not fourteen anymore, so don't be afraid about me straying away. I just wanted to show you something."
Jean's worked through the pages of his sketchbook, taking a few seconds before they landed where they wanted to. Flipping the sketchbook to match your point of view, he revealed the sketches he had been scribbling all day. They depicted you in majority. The look on your face as you picked a tube of paint, your hands as they grabbed through numerous brushes and sketchbooks. Even the way you stared at your phone as you sat across him was perfectly sketched on the paper and hatched in indian ink, adorned by Jean's raw drawing style.
"Jean, that's me!"
"Mister Moblit told us to draw things that were personally important to us. So, I hope you don't mind."
Damn, you felt like tearing up.
In the midst of trying to get your stupid heart to calm down from the impossible rhythm in which it was beating at and stating at Jean's sketches so hard that your eyes felt like they'd pop out and any given moment your would felt like setting fire to your whole being while your tears were restlessly trying to put it out. It was even outdated to feel like that about Jean, your younger self told you but there was no way you could help it.
With rivers of tears running from the corners of your eyes you looked up at the hazel orbs that were set on you, feeling your heart want up by their luminous gaze.
"Jean I-"
"Shush, you don't have to say anything. Just let me know if I can hug you."
"I'd love that." You said shyly under your breath.
Next thing you knew Jean had gotten up from his seat and had plopped himself right next to you, pushing your head deep in his chest. The song in the background faded gradually as you felt serenity wash through you, despite your heart hammering in your chest beyond a point you could actually feel it.
And for now all that mattered was that you could listen to Jean's heart beat nearly as fast as yours while his words played inside your head.
Maybe, just maybe time and space between the two of you was right this time.
taglist: @sasageyowrites @levisbrat25 @ackermans-freedom-inc @melancholicmonologue @berrijam @callmepromise @nobody-knows-anymore 
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sultryvodka · 3 years
𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙜𝙚! 𝙖𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 | 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 1
𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 - 𝙢𝙖𝙮 4𝙩𝙝
warnings: mild swearing, mildly suggestive (if you squint lol)
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| armin - colt - eren - jean - porco |
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armin arlert
• i think most, if not all of us, agree that armin looks like the type to get all flustered with PDA & shy away from his emotions --- HOWEVER.
• rather than being all over you, he finds himself most comfortable with holding your hand or having an arm wrapped around your shoulders.
• he wouldn't mind you being clingy though 👀
• would occasionally place a gentle peck on your forehead, cheeks & his personal favorite; the palm of your hands.
• you guys' dates would mostly end up being in a library, café & restaurants with a nice warm atmosphere.
• i bet he would be the kind of guy to take you to the beach whenever you're stressed out in hopes of calming you down.
• gets very defensive when his friends tease you, if a man could bark his friends away, it's armin arlert.
• this lad over here would establish a routine with you (with your consent & opinions ofc)
• mondays to friday mornings are centered on school, you guys do your own thing at school & walk you home while making sure to stop by a convenience store for snacks, assuming that you guys don't live together yet.
• both of you make it a point to check on one another to make sure you guys aren't wearing yourselves out.
• which leads me to the conclusion that your parents grew very fond of him & treats him more like their child
• when you guys are having a sleepover, this whole lowkey facade of his takes a 180 and the second you reach the bedroom he'll shower you with cuddles and kisses.
• you would watch movies (mostly rom-com just bc armin makes it work okay) tucked in a warm futon with popcorn and candies between you two.
• armin strikes me as a very studious guy and he does this to ensure you guys' future together ^-^
• all in all armin cares about you so much and he doesn't mind being vulnerable to you. he is your safe haven, and so are you to him.
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colt grice
• okay can we talk about how this perfect man deserves some more attention
• colt, my man, gives me disney's prince florian vibes. the soft-spoken, kind-hearted, & just an absolute dream.
• he's the kind of guy to take you to the park, a greenhouse, & WORKSHOPS!!!
• given the idea that he is in fact a shy little baby, he is actually pretty active with you. every date you guys have is different. mans has a quest planned out for y'all.
• at school i think that you might be the one to initiate skinship. doesn't have to be kisses on the lips, it's more of gently trailing your index on the back of his hand or rubbing a hand on his forearm when he gets a little anxious.
• the type to peek through your classroom's door because bubba's too shy to ask someone to call for you 🤧
• colt, in my opinion, is very domestic in private, now don't get me wrong he may be a little too shy in public because he isn't used to it but i promise you he takes on the nurturing role of the relationship more than you are.
• he helps you with cleaning, folding your clothes, and god if you guys get periods, he's got a whole pouch in his locker just for you.
• he doesn't do it intentionally, he happens to know you so well that he notices the slight change in your moods & cravings.
• colt often reads a book while you guys cuddle during the afternoons once all the work is done, he'd make you tea or whatever you want. he hums a tune, probably from old disney movies that his brother falco used to enjoy as a kid.
• your parents are more invested in your marriage than you and colt combined.
• okay, now if you happen to have a baby or a toddler somewhere around the house, someone keep this man from turning into a putty.
• as much as colt acts prim and proper most of the time, he has his moments where he just wants to be an entire mess. perhaps sleeping past his usual waking time, indulging in more snacks than usual. you know, loosen up? yeah, that is a side of his that only YOU will ever be allowed to see.
• so yes you and colt would be labeled as the: put-together couple who needs a little bit of adventure every now and then.
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eren jaeger
• i hope i don't ramble too long because i love him sm
• mr. loverboy over here is a simp for you, more than you are a simp for him! he is not afraid to show you off and shower you with flattery. now he does this because he feels so lucky to have you.
• he can be a little cliché (well maybe not as much as jean --- more on that later), like he'll randomly interrupt your vacant class with a gift box he put together, & a bouquet. yes. (carla helped him pick out flowers from her shop)
• he's the type to crash his lips with yours in the middle of campus when you achieve something or when he does, vice-versa. if he plays in one of your school's teams, there just HAS to be a bet that if he wins he gets a kiss... or more... or something else.
• dates with eren are usually random than planned. like it pops in his head and he'll inform you right away. he respects your vacancy too of course but if you aren't he might pout just a little bit.
• his ideal dates are prop shop dates, going to hotspots, amusement parks, antique shops! & maybe late night drinks at a quiet bar where you can both enjoy the solace of the atmosphere.
• on special occasions, he does plan ahead. usually it's something on the simpler side. candlelit dinners at home or somewhere you guys both enjoy dining.
• if eren's had a bad day, best believe that he will run to you for comfort. only you can help keep his aggressive response to anger at bay.
• if given the chance he would take you around the world, he's that passionate in making sure you live a little
• hear me out... you and eren would probably have the most philosophical conversations, just laying on your backs beneath his room's skylight? heavenly.
• eren can get a little poetic expressing himself & i believe that it's just wonderful. no one can describe their feelings as good as eren.
• his favorite look of yours is when your eyes beam with excitement, it usually happens when you spot something that you used to enjoy as a kid or when you're concentrating on one of your hobbies.
• he's a very touchy person too, his hands are usually on your stomach/waist, his kisses are random & they linger for awhile.
• when you're asleep next to him, it's his habit to solemnly watch you while his own drowsiness starts to take over.
• eren is passionate & sometimes people might take it the wrong way. one of the reasons eren loves you is because of the way you understand how he is. mutual growth for y'all ♡.
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jean kirschtein
• jean is not afraid to pull a live performance for you, you see this man is at the top of the world when he's with you. from 80s hits to recent releases this man will blast his playlists catered for you.
• dates with jean are certainly spent on concerts, (him & eren bond over chase atlantic don't argue with me) music festivals, thrifting & late night drives!!!
• personally, i don't see jean as very gimmicky unless you guys are with his friends, he takes you very seriously and you are his top priority.
• at school i think he's definitely one of those flirtatious boyfriends. the kind who would not miss an opportunity to blow you a kiss or throw you a wink. he can be a bit of a dork, who wouldn't be? if he can get one of your rare smiles 🥺
• jean's the type to ask his pals for help when it comes to styling. not because he dresses badly but he's too focused on getting a flush on your cheeks. he's a hopeless romantic.
• if you guys happen to stay at home, he'll definitely serenade you with the amount of songs he had written recently just for you.
• since he bonds with sasha and connie, his jokes are either dad jokes or something that went viral on tiktok. he's the perfect balance of goofy and mature.
• if you aren't much of an active person he wouldn't mind being lazy with you and insist on a diy spa day at home.
• it's just netflix with a tub of ice cream and face masks on.
• since jean is quite the romantic, he would be into couple outfits or items that aren't cringey obv and probably doesn't mind using your perfume or vice-versa.
• jean probably asked you out during one of his gigs, offering you a single rose afterwards.
• he's the type to leave you random post-it notes if he visits your house. just random phrases or doodles. and boy does he pick you up every single day on his smexy motorcycle.
• he'll bring you coffee and breakfast to-go. this man's spoiling you baby.
• aside from that, i feel like jean would make you hand-made gifts with the help of his momma. he thinks it's sentimental when you make your presents because it's one of a kind.
• jean does all these things because he's 100% about you being a constant person in his life. he loves how he can be whoever he wants when he's around you, i'm certain you guys wouldn't have it any other way either.
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porco galliard
• porco can be a dick if he wants to not to you though, this tough guy turns into putty just for you. he definitely loves being treated like a baby.
• at first he might come off as cold because he isn't used to the whole romance thing and he gets flustered with the slightest pecks so you might have to initiate at first.
• but once you guys get through the awkward phase this boy would straight up greet you with a passionate kiss and does not give a damn about everybody who witnessed it. he might even have a stupid smirk on his face.
• like eren, i feel like porco would be very passionate and intense. he doesn't say much but he definitely shows you just how much he adores you.
• speaking of friends (: reiner would tease him every second of the day. i bet he would team up with bertholdt to annoy this poor boy. annie and pieck's not much help either.
•whenever you're stressed, porco would run you a bath and give you massages very often. he'll sit on the edge of the tub while he runs his hand through your hair.
•his type of dates would be watching at a cinema or a drive-in, going to the mall just to look around,he's a simple guy.
•if you guys happen to have an argument, porco would distance himself for a few minutes to a few hours just to process the situation and avoid anything his aggression might cause.
•he knew that if he wanted you guys to work he needed to be better.
•he would come back though and hold you in his arms while you guys talk it out.
•i bet he's one of the aot characters who would be an athlete, so most days you'll end up watching him practice.
•overtime, porco would be more open to being intimate in public and post stories of you two just doing things most couples do.
•he's proud that you're his and he's all yours.
•porco is a great guy and he would do anything just to make you smile.
i hope you guys liked these~! let me know who you guys want to be in the second part. requests are open and as always, stay safe! - 🌸☁️
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mimiwrites2000 · 3 years
Blue Meeting Blue
AO3 ~~
Pairings: Armin x Annie
Side Pairings: Jean x Pieck / Gabi x Falco:
Words count: 2010
* spoilers for ending of  manga
inspired by this fanart by Bella (_superspicy on twitter)
When Annie looked in his eyes, the world stopped spinning, time froze, air halted. The waves in the ocean quietened, the forests' rustles ceased, and the wind subsided. For a moment, peace engulfed the world, the chaotic place wrapped in a fragile silence.
To witness the blossoming love in the youthful hearts.
the day of their wedding was finally here, Armin and Annie, the world waiting for them, and they were ready to face it, as one.
Husband and wife.
a one-shot about Aruani wedding, based on fanart by Bella (_superspicy on twitter)
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His heart drummed in his ears. The lump in his throat enlarged into a coarse rock, impossible to swallow. His throat tight on his windpipes he could barely breathe.
He tried to compile the tips he read a few days earlier; deeply breathing and a smile.
He failed miserably at both.
He brushed his suit.
He shifted his weight from one feet to the other.
“Yes!” Armin jumped, searching around him, catching a few glances from the small crowd.
“Why are you not responding?”
Armin turned around and-
“Oh, Connie, I’m sorry, I’m just- you know, I was just-” Armin shook his head, waiting for Connie to somehow decipher the concoction of words he threw at him.
“It’s ok,” Connie chuckled, running his hand up and down Armin’s back, “it’s your wedding, it’s ok to be nervous.”
Armin thought about it for a moment, clicking his sharp crispy shoes on the wooden floor: “I’m not… I’m not nervous…”
“Excited?” Connie retorted, raising an expecting eyebrow at Armin.
At that, Armin blushed.
“Oh come on,” Connie laughed, nudging Armin, “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
Armin turned around, combing his hair down with his palms, his eyes scrutinizing the invited. Less than twenty people seated in rows, the joyous anticipating guests shifted in their seats, smiling at Armin and waving. The humble place densed with close friends and family. As ambassadors, their compulsory position obliged them to have another big, huge wedding, inviting the allied nations and every political face ever. A just-for-show kind of celebration, glazed in fake smiles and formalities. Armin and Annie had an innate dislike for these occasions. But they would have to do it either way. For now, they would live every moment of this homely, small wedding. 
They didn’t go venue hunting. Historia offered her own warehouse (that was attached to her farm house) to hold their wedding; they couldn’t say no to that. 
The warehouse transformed into a cozy, traditional hall, rows of velvety pink chairs aligned in straight lines, breaking in the middle to form a path overlayed with a shiny white carpet, leading up to where Armin was waiting. White flowers decorating the humble place, with golden fabric draped in soft curves. It gave off the family atmosphere Armin and Annie strived for. 
They couldn’t have it any better.
Gabi and Falco settled in the last row, Falco shamelessly and most likely unaware of himself openly-swooning over Gabi, both in summer outfits, Gabi’s dress flowered from the top to the bottom, Falco clad in a brown modern suit. Gabi was either oblivious to Falco’s hypnotized state, or she acted oblivious. Armin decided it was the latter.
Jean was sitting beside Pieck, facing away from each other. Armin sighed, they probably got into another fight. Since they started dating two years ago, their relationship had been on and off all the time.
Armin moved on, but the movement of Pieck’s hand took his attention. Slowly, she slithered her hand next to Jean’s, touching it slightly… a moment passed, before Jean sighed, intertwining their fingers.
Armin couldn’t stop the smile pulling at his lips.
A few seats next to them sat Reiner, his mom by his side, passionately whispering something in his ear. Reiner looked so out of it. 
When Reiner noticed Armin’s eyes, he smiled, paying him a small wave, with a gesture to his ring finger.
His mother’s whispers were nothing but pestering him about when he’ll get married. Armin laughed, shaking his head.
Armin’s eyes halted on the first seat at the far right, where his childhood friend sat, clad in a crimson red dress, her hair touching her shoulder, a dust of make up adorning her face. Mikasa smiled at Armin, a proud smile. The proud-mom-smile she wore whenever he did anything she was proud of.
She was proud of everything he did, every single thing he did since they were only nine.
He waved at her, she nodded in response.
He could never forget Mikasa’s reaction when he told her he would propose to Annie.
The tears, the hugs.
Happiness overflowed out of her.
But soon enough, they both crumbled on the floor, hugging each other, sobbing, lamenting whispers escaping them. Eren’s name slipped every now and then.
Armin swallowed, looking at his feet. The bitter sweet roughness of that night would remain in his mind for as long as he lived.
Someone joined the seat beside Mikasa.
It was Hitch.
Armin thought. She did look so pretty, her hair slightly curled, in an off the shoulder navy dress that overflowed in a soft skirt.
She waved at him, he smiled and nodded.
Then she winked, raising her thumbs.
Armin furrowed his eyebrows. He didn’t understand, but nodded anyway.
Connie was having enough of Armin’s ignoring game; he cleared his throat and said: “Hey, by the way, how did you ask Mr. Leonhart for his blessings?”
“Oh, uh, well…” Armin started, flashbacks of that day at the forefront of his mind.
Even though they had been engaged for over a year, Armin still remembers that day as if it was yesterday.
“Well, he said that if I don’t treat Annie well, he will take my life with his own hands,” Armin said, shrugging his shoulders, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Yeah, I mean, it was easier than I thought, if I’m being honest with you.” 
“Oh God.”
“No it’s not that shocking, besides, he supported me and Annie from the beginning,” Armin replied.
“I can’t believe it,” Connie’s eyes fixated on a spot behind Armin.
“Well, I don’t know what you exactly think of Mr. Leonhart, but-”
Connie clicked his tongue, pointing behind Armin.
Armin turned around and-
It was her.
“Annie…” he whispered.
Standing there, arms tangled by her father's.
A simple dress, a peasant dress; puffy sleeves with ruffled edges that beautified her updo hair. Pastel pink contouring the dress’s folds, adding a variant of flowery accents to it. A tight brown bodice hugged her waist, making the flowy skirt finely pleated into cascading silky waves. Something about it reminded Armin of a field of pink flowers in a spring afternoon.
The slight blush on her cheeks, her bangs framing her face, boldening her beauty.
The memory of gazing at a crystal in a cold basement from a few years ago struck Armin.
But the cold was replaced by warmth.
A warmth that traveled from Armin's toes to the tip of his nose, a feeling he never experienced before. He wanted to scream, jump in his spot, like a toddler in a candy store, but he also wanted to hug himself, cage himself in a corner, and cry.
When Annie looked in his eyes, the world stopped spinning, time froze, air halted.
The waves in the ocean quietened, the forests' rustles ceased, and the wind subsided.
For a moment, peace engulfed the world, the chaotic place wrapped in a fragile silence.
To witness the blossoming love in the youthful hearts.
The warmth reached Armin's eyes, his sight blurring.
His lungs caught fire, and despite feeling suddenly hot, his hands were freezing cold.
A thousand thoughts swarmed his mind in the short period of Annie walking up to him. It took approximately a minute, perhaps two, but for Armin, it felt like eternity. A labyrinthine he was very willingly getting lost in.
When she reached him, at the altar, not a single breath left him. His sight was blurry and eyes burning. His whole body shook with every sob he tried to suppress.
Someone held his hand, Armin looked down, and through his blurry eyes, he saw Mr. Leonhart’s gripping his hand, his hold a bit tight.
Mr. Leonhart took Armin’s hand, raising it. In his other hand, he held his daughter’s hand.
He guided Annie’s hand to Armin’s, placing them on each other, before clasping them in his strong grasp, holding them for a while. He looked at Annie, nodded at her with a smile, before he turned his gaze to Armin.
Mr. Leonhart leaned towards Armin, whispering in his ear: “I would kill you.”
Armin laughed, though his mouth opened but no voice came out.
Mr. Leonhart descended, walking to his seat, dabbing at his eyes.
At that moment, Armin’s world muted into a deafening, incomprehensible line. He took Annie’s hands in his. His eyes went up, from their intertwined hands, up to her collarbone; she wore a simple necklace, a small, silver circular metal hanging from it.
To anyone who wasn’t familiar with Annie, it looked like a normal necklace. 
But it wasn’t.
It was her ring.
Her infamous ring.
Armin’s wandering eyes reached Annie’s.
Blue meeting blue.
And that was the last trigger.
Sobs escaped Armin’s lips. He cried, tears flowing and cascading on his cheeks. He didn’t want to cry, it made his eyesight blurry and he wanted to see Annie clearly. He brought his elbow to his eyes, wiping his tears, only for new ones to flood.
He tried to stop them, gritting his teeth, biting at the inside of his cheeks, squeezing his eyes shut.
He couldn’t, all his attempts leading to more sobs and tears.
Warm hands on his face made him flutter his eyes open. With a handkerchief, Annie softly dabbed at his cheeks, a smile small on her lips. Her eyes were glistening as well.
Armin focused on her eyes, and slowly, took deep breaths.
Sobs subsided, and tears stopped streaming down his face, clearing his vision.
She cupped his face in her hands, and brought him down, capturing his lips on her own, a quick kiss, lingering for a bit. Armin kissed her back, closing his eyes briefly, before she pulled away. She pulled far enough to look into his eyes, but close enough to feel his breath on her face.
“Ahem ahem.”
Both almost jumped at the sound, turning their heads. The priest stood there, a smile on his lips.
Only then did Armin and Annie realize that the small crowd was giggling.
“You jumped off a few steps there,” the priest said, nudging his head towards them, eliciting extra chuckles from the crowd.
Armin pressed his lips, looking at Annie. She was already looking at him, her lips pressed as well. They exploded in a fit of laughter, before they calmed down, and the ceremony went on.
From the priest’s concise sentences, Armin presumed that the priest knew that Annie and him couldn’t wait to get married.
Rings slipped in their fingers, in their left hands, so smoothly, as if they were always meant to be.
Armin’s heart beating faster as they tiptoed closer to the ending of the wedding.
“And now,” the priest announced, taking a step back, “you, Armin Arlert, may now kiss the bride!”
They held each other's eyes, before Armin wrapped his arm around Annie’s waist, pulling her closer to him, and kissed her.
They kissed many, many times before.
But that kiss felt different.
Their first kiss as husband and wife.
Armin pressed his lips against Annie’s, feeling her heartbeat against his own wild one.
Cheers and claps erupted from the crowd, quiet sobs mixing with them.
They pulled apart, fighting against the magnetic force drawing them together.
Armin held Annie’s hands in his, running his finger on the ring, glistening in the light.
Annie was his, and he was hers.
“My husband,” she whispered, her voice an inch from breaking into tears.
An involuntary smile pulled at Armin’s lips, before he leaned towards Annie, resting his forehead on hers: “My wife.”
She shook her head, rubbing their foreheads together.
“My wife,” he said again, “my wife,” his voice getting louder, before he turned to the crowd, lifting up their intertwined hands victoriously in the air, screaming out: “my wife!!” 
Laughs and more claps burst, guests standing up in the process.
As the bride took the groom’s arm, the newly married couple made their way, taking a new step in their lives, together, forever and ever. 
first time writing a wedding, well, that was a wild ride hahahaa
I tried to write the feelings I got when I first saw Bella's fanart, I hope I got them right! this was a sudden one shot that I'm so glad I gave a shot and wrote, it was a very blessing experience thank you so much for reading!! If you guys liked this, I might write a second chapter but from Annie’s pov, sooo tell me what u think uwu aaand of course, any feedback is much appreciated!!
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Favorite First Watches of January 2021
Giant (1956) (dir. George Stevens)
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Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, and James Dean are at the absolute peak of their acting abilities and the peak of their hotness in this epic Western. Three generations of a Texas family are explored, an expertly done melodrama that is also not shy about examining America's racism and how it was hand in hand with capitalism.
Hard Boiled (1992) (dir. John Woo)
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Incredible, heart-stopping action, explosions and open wounds galore, all packed inside a tightly done romantic drama. Much like Woo's magnum opus The Killer, it has that same rhythm as a ballet or a musical, which are his biggest inspirations when it comes to his filmmaking.
Jesus Camp (2006) (dir. Heidi Ewing & Rachel Grady)
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There's a scene in this documentary where the preachers and counselors bring out a cardboard cutout of George W Bush and tell the kids to say "Thank you, Mr. President" for being Christian, and that's only the fifth or sixth most fucked up thing in this movie. Some of the best editing I've seen in a documentary, tells the truth about the hypocrisy that is the American Evangelist.
Melancholia (2011) (dir. Lars von Trier)
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A film that feels more apocalyptic than it did than when it first came out. Climate change continues to grow worse, the youngest generation is most known for their depression and inability to be hopeful for the future, and now we're in a global pandemic. It only feels more and more likely that our time to be swallowed up by destruction of the Earth is right around the corner. Maybe that's too nihilistic of a mindset of a mindset to have, but it's natural for people of my generation, who have seen people like Claire and John, those who have all the money in the world, and choose to keep investing it in shitty wastelands like golf courses rather than giving it to those in need.
One Night in Miami... (2020) (dir. Regina King)
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A film based on a true story, a true encounter of four Black legends; Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, Jim Brown, and Sam Cooke. They discuss their lives, the religion of Islam, but most of all, they discuss their roles as Black public figures, whether they should be more peaceful or militant to white audiences. And knowing what happens to Malcolm X two years later, pandering to the white audiences to make them feel more comfortable feels like the irresponsible answer, which is a message that only feels more relevant in 2020s America. A tight script from Kemp Powers, even tighter direction from Regina King, and four brilliant lead performances make this one of the best of last year.
The Straight Story (1999) (dir. David Lynch)
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One of Lynch's best, yet it feels severely underrated. Doesn't have his trademark terror or eroticism like Blue Velvet or Mulholland Drive, the cult classic status of the Twin Peaks show or films, or even the hipster's seal of approval like Inland Empire. And yet, this feels like a movie only he could direct. His love of the people of rural America, the way he directs landscapes, treating people who would be considered different with respect. The true story of Alvin Straight is one he directs with such grace and sincerity. Richard Farnsworth and Sissy Spacek give two of the best performances I've seen.
Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (1988) (dir. Todd Haynes)
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Banned in the United States for a while due to its portrayal of Richard Carpenter, Superstar is one of the all-time great music biopics, an experimental film telling the tragic story of legendary pop singer Karen Carpenter through Barbie dolls. It seems like a dark comedy due to its bizarre premise, but it's an achingly sad movie about the pressure that we put on female musicians and their bodies. The ending will forever be burned into my brain.
Touki Bouki (1973) (dir. Djibril Diop Mambiéty)
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I need to explore more African cinema, there's a whole continent worth of movies I just haven't seen. This was an excellent film. Two kids in love planning to leave their home country to Paris after stealing a rich douchebag's money. Beautifully shot, full of youth and hope, and exquisitely edited. I love the neverending loop of the Paris song, it turns from hopeful to nightmarish fairly quickly.
When Harry Met Sally... (1989) (dir. Rob Reiner)
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There's not much I can say about this movie that's been said thousands of times. It's a classic romantic comedy, a perfect friendship between a man and a woman, made even more adorable by the fact that it's based off of Rob Reiner and Billy Crystal's friendship. New York is a third character in the film, topped off with its signature autumn foliage. And Meg Ryan & Billy Crystal's chemistry is immaculate.
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
Happy two years anniversary of as you are , Thank you so much for this amazing story ,I hope you didn't give up on it , And please always remember that you are an amazing writer and beautiful person, keep up the good work ,And can't wait for the next chapter ~ Sarah ❤
Thank you!!  ❤
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Hello my dear Sarah, you remembered AYA’s anniversary~! 
Thank you, thank you so much, dear for not only the anniversary wish but for also being an awesome supporter of As You Are. I do remember each and every one of my commenters ❤ I am very, very honored to know that this story holds a special place inside your heart ever since I first published it on AO3 in 2018, just like how each and every one of you dear readers has made a home inside mine. I feel like I’m in a way, letting all of my readers down since the story’s still ongoing and only delving into the second arc towards the end of the next chapter. One thing that I absolutely know is that I will NEVER give up on As You Are until its completion.
Comments and Asks like yours humbled me so much. I do not deserve such kindness but thank you from the bottom of my heart. ❤
I truly apologize for another long wait for ch.12 (my revision & rewriting process are also my biggest hurdle on top of the unpredictability that the global pandemic threw at my family) but here’s a short small gift to you & my darling readers out there:
A snippet of As You Are, Ch.12 (rough/yet-to-be-revised version) below:
WARNING: Contains description of adult scenes in nature
As You Are
Chapter 12 - Working Title: You could call it love, you could call it nothing (rough/unedited draft)
Gabi’s mouth gaped open, eyes widened like a fish out of water upon the vision greeting her sudden intrusion -- her older cousin on top of Miss Ackerman amidst the crumpled crimson sheets and disheveled state of clothing. The muscles on Reiner’s hands could be seen straining as he seemed to be holding back his own weight from crashing down on Mikasa’s more slender form, who tried to hide her reddening face within the folds of Reiner’s parted robe. Even her older cousin himself is having difficulty to look up directly at the two early guests in their eyes.
The little girl squeaked, “Reiner! Why are you hurting Mikasa?”
Wait, what?
Reiner bit the insides of his cheeks to prevent himself from breaking into an unwarranted chuckle, but he produced a grunt instead when his bride poked him hard using her elbow.
Apparently, the impact of her touch vibrated through his abdomen, quivering down the rest of his lower body, which apparently was still conjoined with his blushing new wife. She could feel the same vibrations too and Mikasa had to bit her lower lips in her own struggle to hold down an unsavory moan herself, lest she would make a big fool out of herself despite the teasing sensation against the more sensitive parts inside her. Still winding down from the aftermath of her first ever release.
Thank God their modesty was still hidden between the bunched up satins.
“Of course not, Gabi.” Reiner shook his head in response, trying to maneuver their way out of a rather potentially embarrassing situation. He looked down at the woman underneath him and asked, “Am I hurting you, Mikasa?”
All while she could feel his softening member’s twitching muscles from within, sending short shivers up her spine, threatening to trigger another post-orgasmic reaction from before.
Her pathetic lips could only whisper a small ‘no’. 
The corners of the young lord’s lips curved upwards into a devious smirk. “We had a minor ‘disagreement’ earlier but we resolved it ‘amicably’ and we could really use more time ‘gather our bearings’ and get ready for the day,” explained Reiner in a cryptic nature that could only be deciphered by a young adult, which, thankfully, were picked up on by Mikasa’s handmaiden.
“Huh?” A confused Gabi shook her head, trying so hard to comprehend information that she would only succeed to understand in the next seven or eight years. Fifteen, if it was up to Reiner.
“You guys were sparring?”
Reiner nodded, agreeing with another one of Gabi’s immaculate misconceptions. “Yes, Gabi. We were ‘sparring’.” With almost nothing on.
Akane bowed down hastily, preparing to take her leave with Gabi. She would carry that little girl under her arms if she had to.
The future of their empire is at stake.
“Let’s wait for Lord Reiner and the Lady Mikasa in the dining room, Ms. Gabi.”
Akane tapped her chin lightly with a finger before good-naturedly suggesting, “Oh, I just remembered! I’ve left some peaches and cream pie baking in the oven. Just like the one you said your mother used to make for you back home.”
“Can’t I wait here for Mikasa?”
“Alright but I promised young Mr. Grice a big piece of the pie before breakfast since he’s helping me to set up the table right now.” 
At the mention of Falco’s name, Gabi’s cheeks puffed in annoyance. “Not fair, Akane. You never asked me for help! I am so much better than Falco in everything.” The little girl loses the battle against her own stubbornness and competitive streak before kicking her legs in stride towards the dining hall. There’s no way she would lose to Falco!
The young Hizuru maiden bowed down to take her leave, respectfully averting her gaze to ease her lord and lady’s situation. “I truly apologize for my carelessness, milord, milady. Please take your time. I’ll make sure this chamber remains undisturbed for the whole day.”
Gripping the front of her own yukata tightly within her grasp, Mikasa shook her head. “There’s no need for the trouble, Akane. I--we’ll be there shortly.”
As soon as the retreating figure disappeared and the click of the closed door could be heard, Mikasa tried to push against the much heavier figure of the Marley War Chief. “We should get cleaned up.” She pushed slightly harder, yet he did not even budge an inch. As if she had never even touched him at all.
Odd….. The afterthought became lost in the myriad of haunting assaults that came from the tip of his nose and the warmth of his breath.
Reiner nuzzled lazily at the spot below her ear, admiring the prickling tiny goosebumps adorning the pale porcelain skin there and uttered an unhurried response in return. “Stay in bed for a little while?”
A small sigh escaped her lips the moment she felt the edges of his teeth seizing her skin. Her pulse jolted in retaliation. “You have a fleet to run.” Her protest was as feeble as a loose feather in the tranquil morning breeze, floating freely to where the wind blows -- truly living in the moment.
“I have help. Right now, my main duty is here.” His unrelenting mouth ghosted open mouth kisses from her collarbone all the way down towards the valley of her breasts, still damped and flushed from their mid-coital exertions.
He could really get used to this.
Dutiful after all was his middle name.
“Hmm?” He didn’t even look up from his torturous pursuit.
“Pull out. Please. I need to shower. Again.”
I hope this could ease the long waiting period while I continue to complete the full chapter 12.
Thank you once again for your neverending support.
Till then, take care, stay safe and see you once the chapter’s live!
queenofidealism a.k.a NightDuchess (AO3)
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pinelife3 · 4 years
Sleepless in Seattle
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I rewatched Sleepless in Seattle recently on a plane, and now I’ve crawled out of my cave to declare: this movie is not romantic!
Directed by Nora Ephron, Sleepless in Seattle, is regarded as part of the canon of great rom-coms. Ephron and Rob Reiner (who actually appears in Sleepless in Seattle with a great bit about tiramisu) are kind of the big-dogs of rom-coms in that people still talk about the films they made 20+ years ago (some together, some separately):
The Princess Bride
When Harry Met Sally
Sleepless in Seattle
You’ve Got Mail
Rom-coms are tricky to define - for example, is Shakespeare in Love a rom-com? There is romance and comedy, but the lovers are separated at the end. What about Top Gun? There are iconic romantic scenes and the lovers do end up together, but the love is really a conciliatory prize (the real prize is being the best at flying) and the romance is more of a B or C plot in the film, so Top Gun probably doesn’t qualify. People talk about rom-coms as having to posses certain tropes - for example:
A neurotic, highly mannered protagonist (ideally played by Meg Ryan or Hugh Grant)
An argument featuring dramatic irony, where the audience knows more than the characters and sees their misunderstanding unfold
A grand final gesture to win a lover back after a stupid misunderstanding: a last-minute dash to the airport, a last minute dash to a new year’s eve party, a last minute dash to the Empire State Building
But for our purposes, let’s say a rom-com is anything that:
Places the romantic plot at the core of its film AND
Has a happy ending (i.e. the lovers are together at the end) AND
Features genuine attempts at humour along the way. 
LOTR features a romance plot, but there’s a lot of other stuff going on (something about a ring?!), therefore it’s not a rom-com. Same deal with Bridesmaids. I would classify Superbad as a kind of rom-com because most actions taken by the protagonists are to secure love (or at least sex) from the girls they like. The English Patient? Romantic and HILARIOUS but the lovers aren’t together in the end.
So does Sleepless in Seattle qualify as a rom-com?
Yes, the whole point of the movie is to get Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks together. This plot dominates the film - but is it romantic? More on this to follow.
Yes, in the world of the film, a happy ending is secured because Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are together
Yes, there are some laughs along the way. Mostly at the expense of poor Bill Pullman who is playing a man with severe allergies. There is also some precocious-child related humour
Back to point one: I contend that the ‘romantic plot’ in Sleepless in Seattle is actually anti-romantic. In fact, there are two romance plot lines (both of which fail to be romantic) because this bitch is engaged to another man throughout the ‘romance’ with Tom Hanks.
Before we get into that though I have another major gripe: at the start of the film, Meg Ryan and her fiancé (Bill Pullman) leave home together to drive to a family Christmas lunch. They leave the same location at the same time and are heading to the same location - no stops along the way. But for some reason they take separate cars. The film provides no reasoning for the separate cars. It is patently odd and really bothers me.
Let’s take a look at the script:
As Annie [Meg Ryan] comes out of the newspaper building with WALTER JACKSON [Bill Pullman], a tall, handsome man who wears a hat. They're carrying an armful of Christmas presents. They're walking toward the parking lot.
The short one with black hair  is your cousin Irene --
-- who's married to --
Harold, who ran away with his secretary but came back --
-- because Irene threatened to put the dog to sleep if he didn't --
And your brother Tom is a psychology professor and is married to...Betsy --
-- who is the most competitive woman in the world --
They put the presents in the backs of their two cars and pull out together.
Christmas lights twinkling as the two cars pull up in front of a comfortable upper middle-class house and park their cars. They get out assembling presents.
This whole thing with the two cars was scripted - and even in the script it’s unexplained. My suspicion is that this just a device to get her in the car alone later so she can hear Tom Hanks on the radio - and thereby fall in love with him. This is LAZY writing. Why not just write that she had a premonition and saw a wonderful widow in Seattle and knew that they should be together. That would make about as much sense as the separate cars.
People criticise rom-coms for having unrealistic premises. For example: Last Christmas, in which a woman hangs out with the ghost of a man who gave her his heart - via transplant - the previous year. A ridiculous premise made unbearably kitsch because of the connection to the WHAM song. But honestly that makes about as much sense as an engaged couple taking separate cars for no reason.
Allow that gaping goatse of a plot hole to set the scene for the other major problem with this film: our romantic heroine is already engaged. Engaged to a man she finds boring. She remains engaged to this poor guy throughout her infatuation and pursuit of Tom Hanks. She lives with this guy, sleeps with him, plans her wedding with him: all while she is falling in love with Tom Hanks. She remains engaged until the final 10 minutes of the film when she finally dumps him. She keeps telling this poor guy she loves him. It’s evil. Can you imagine what /r/relationships would say about someone who behaved this way? This is an emotional affair.
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As much as rom-coms celebrate the pursuit of love and marriage, they also caution against bad or inadequate love: it is not romantic to settle. A classic example of this is Charlotte Lucas in Pride & Prejudice: she marries the ridiculous Mr Collins to secure her future and avoid spinsterhood - but she doesn’t love him and won’t ever love him because she doesn’t respect him. Readers in Austen’s time may have been more sympathetic to Charlotte’s decision since the nature of marriage was quite different back then and spinsterhood was a seriously undesirable outcome, but contemporary audiences commonly interpret Charlotte settling for Mr Collins as a weakness of character. That decision and her life with Mr Collins only serve to reflect further radiance on Elizabeth Bennet: wistful, bitey, beautiful, beloved for centuries. That’s why no one writes fan fiction about Charlotte Lucas. 
So, in Sleepless in Seattle, the audience sees that Meg Ryan is settling for the wrong guy. This is communicated to us primarily through the visual gags around Bill Pullman’s allergies: he uses a huge number of tissues, he’s allergic to everything from strawberries to bees, he has a special respirator machine to help him sleep. This guy can’t get the girl! He can’t even breath properly. It’s clearly isn’t meant to work out between them. No, no this won’t do at all. 
What is the function of the unsuitable fiancé as a plot device? Why couldn’t this be a romance between two single people? Is it to make her cross-country pursuit seem more whimsical and fun? If it to demonstrate that she can get a guy? I actually think it’s meant to create stakes: it’s so she has something to hold her back from ‘following her heart’. This is a way of adding tension so she’s risking something (normalcy, comfort) by making the last minute dash to the Empire State Building to meet Hanks (who represents the possibility of windswept romance). Never mind that they’ve never actually spoken to each other. He’s a single parent? Um sexy! He’s a widow? Swoon. Seattle is rainy? I’m already wet.
If it’s important to the plot that she is already in a couple when she falls for Hanks, and that she casts aside an unsatisfying relationship for the mere possibility of passionate excitement, then we have had it wrong all along: the grand romantic gesture of Sleepless in Seattle is Meg Ryan dumping her fiancé. Forget the Empire State Building. It’s her telling him that she’s had an emotional affair. It’s her taking off her engagement ring. It’s her blaming him for being boring rather than working on their relationship. It’s her leaving him sat in that restaurant alone so she can go and pursue a stranger.  
This movie is not romantic. 
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Beruani Month - Day 17
With their baby/babies
The door shattered inward, a hot, sulfurous wind blowing with it. Bertolt cowered, arms shielding his face to little avail. The debris sliced at his hands, his chest, his stomach. When he dared to peek an eye open, he saw that the doorway had grown massive, or else he had shrunk. Two monstrous figures were looming in the frame, blocking the light. They were hideous, terrible things, but he knew them all the same.
“No, please,” he begged weakly, bowing before the wind. “Leave them alone. Not them.”
Something else poked him. Not splintered fragments this time. Something tiny, soft, almost gentle.
“No…” Bertolt mumbled, his eyes cracking open. They stared into tiny mirror images, peeking over the edge of the bed. Those little eyes like his—muted green, downturned, and somber as a bloodhound—were glistening with unshed tears.
“Sonya,” Bertolt whispered, blinking away the vestiges of his nightmare. He reached an arm out from beneath the threadbare blanket, brushing a large hand over her tangle of black hair. He recognized the problem. It seemed father and daughter were alike in more than looks. “Bad dream?” he asked, tapping her on the head then pointing to her watering eyes.
The little girl nodded her head, clutching a patchy, button-eyed doll closer to her chest.
With no hesitation, Bertolt scooted backwards in the bed as much as he could. He couldn’t go far. The bed was already narrow, and he didn’t want to disturb the other occupants. He shot a glance over his shoulder to where his wife and infant son slept. Annie was still dead to the world, her blonde hair splayed out around her like a wispy halo. Frederick was curled up on her torso, head pillowed on her breast and Annie’s left hand cradling his back, securing him in place. Neither of them seemed to have been roused by the movement.
“Come on,” Bertolt said, holding up the blanket and tapping the empty spot.
Sonya wasted not a moment, clambering onto the squeaking mattress and burrowing into his chest. Bertolt tucked her in, bundling them in tight. As his daughter snuggled up, clinging to his shirt and sniffling, Bertolt was almost grateful. His child needed him, if only as something to hold onto. She looked to him for strength and protection. If he focused on doing that for her, he could forget for at least a little while that he was just as scared and helpless as she in the face of his own nightmares.
He settled back into the pillow, stroking a hand up and down her back. He kept it up until both of them were sleeping again.
The whole family woke simultaneously to early morning sunlight peeping through the window and Frederick’s whimpering cries to be fed.
“At least he waited until a decent hour,” Annie mumbled as she sat up.
“I can get breakfast started if you want,” Bertolt offered. There were shadows under his wife’s normally sharp eyes. “I don’t have a morning shift at the factory today.”
Bertolt picked his way out of the bed. “Come on, Sonya,” he said, gesturing toward the door. “I’ll heat up some milk for you.” He mimed holding and drinking a glass. As Sonya wiggled her way out from below the blankets, Bertolt leaned over and snagged his cane from where it was propped against the wall.
Father and daughter descended the steep, rickety stairwell, Bertolt hobbling with caution and Sonya hopping down in the playful way children do, down to the combined kitchen and dining area that made up the bottom floor of their home. Sonya, clearing the last step with a froggy little bound, began trotting for the door.
“Sonya, wait!” Bertolt sped up, catching her before she could latch onto the doorknob. “How many times do I have to remind you?” He pulled her aside. Fetching what he needed from one of the kitchen drawers, he knelt as best he could and tied the red and gold armband securely around her left bicep. “No going beyond the porch,” he ordered, pointing at the door. “You’re still in your sleep clothes.”
She nodded, black hair falling in front of her eyes, then she was off to watch the sun brighten the day. Bertolt blew out a breath. His pounding heart began to settle again.
He’d started up the porridge and sliced a loaf of bread by the time Annie joined him, the baby perched on her hip. “He’s going to be as big as you one day with how much he eats,” she complained sleepily.
“Freddie’s a growing boy.” Bertolt spared a soft smile, reaching over to brush a finger over the little boy’s plump cheek. His big blue eyes widened even further and he made grabby hands at his father.
“Well, I look forward to the day he uses food that doesn’t come from me.” Annie peered around, noticing that the front door was slightly cracked. “Sonya went outside?” she asked, an edge in her tone.
“Just to the porch. I made sure she had her armband on.”
The loose drape of Annie’s nightgown didn’t hide the tension that pulled her shoulders taut. Freddie burbled nervously, sensing her mood. “I don’t like her going outside by herself.”
Bertolt stirred the porridge morosely. “To be honest, neither do I. But we can’t always be watching her, and I don’t like cooping her up inside. We can at least let her as far as the door, can’t we?”
Annie didn’t answer him. She carefully placed Freddie on the ground and then headed for the door herself. The little boy looked suddenly lost, and he turned to stare up at the towering figure of his father with almost questioning eyes. Bertolt sighed. “She’ll be back in a second,” he said wearily.
He predicted rightly, Annie returning just a minute later with their daughter in tow. Sonya’s expression was sulky and downtrodden, but she made no noise of protest. “Breakfast,” Annie said shortly, ushering Sonya into a seat and fetching Freddie back into his usual place in her arms. Bertolt pulled the pot from the stove and began to serve.
The family of four ate in silence, aside from the clink of spoons against their dishes and the sucking noises Freddie had a habit of making when he was bored. Eventually, Annie put in with, “So what’s going on with the dropped morning shift?”
Bertolt shrugged. “Some kind of mishap with the machinery. Most of the others got transferred into roadwork so as not to waste labor, but I can’t really manage that kind of thing.” He tapped his cane. “I’m sure it’ll be up and running again tomorrow.”
“And if it isn’t we’ll be living hand to mouth again,” she commented. The tone was bland, but the white-knuckled grip on her spoon betrayed that she was seething.
Bertolt ducked his head, an upwelling of shame and frustration with himself boiling in his gut. “I’m sorry, Annie. It’s not right that everything has to fall on you when stuff like this happens.” His hand gripped at his right knee. He had learned to live with his condition a long time ago, but the pain in his leg was an ever-constant reminder that he fell short as both a provider and partner.
“Don’t.” The command was biting. “It is what it is, and I knew the situation when we chose to be together. Hating yourself over it isn’t going to change anything.”
She was right of course. He forced himself to stop his wallowing before it really got underway. “Yeah. Besides,” he added on with mustered confidence, “If things aren’t back to normal soon then I’ll look for something else, something temporary.” It was a more difficult task than it sounded. Eldians had a hard enough time; being crippled on top of it doubled the effort required to find work that could support a family.
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” Annie replied. “Sonya, wipe your face.”
Sonya blinked, staring with eyebrows scrunched. Annie sighed deeply, miming swiping something from her lips and cheeks. Only then did Sonya do what her mother told her to do and rubbed away her milk mustache.
This was a fairly normal occurrence, and Bertolt wouldn’t have thought much of it if he hadn’t been looking at Annie at the exact right moment. It was a micro-expression, there and gone in a second, but for that brief second Bertolt was shocked to see his wife’s face, so normally cool and controlled, contort with rage and even worse, anguish.
“Annie…” he began tentatively.
“I have to get dressed,” she cut him off, standing abruptly. She dumped Freddie on his lap. “Since you don’t have work, you can watch them this morning. Freddie needs a bath.” She jogged up the stairs and shut the door of their bedroom before he could get another word in.
Knowing the conversation would be shut down immediately if he tried again, Bertolt did as she asked. He couldn’t leave Freddie alone, but he couldn’t carry bathwater back from the pump while using a cane and holding the baby. Instead, he had to nestle the boy into a fashioned pouch and sling it across his back. Freddie gurgled happily. He always liked riding on Bertolt’s back, probably because of the view.
Bertolt made sure his own red and gold armband was secured around his bicep, collected the water pail from the corner, and tapped Sonya on the head as she sat on the floor playing with her doll. “Come on.” He nodded toward the door. She jumped up, and Bertolt and his two children exited their little house into the streets of Liberio.
Despite the sun, the autumn air fell just on the wrong side of chilling. Bertolt shivered, but they couldn’t go any faster than a slow amble with him limping along on his cane and his own insistence on Sonya keeping ahold of him. Luckily the pump wasn’t too far.
“Hey, Bertolt!” a voice called out.
Bertolt felt his stomach flip unpleasantly as the one who’d called out to him came jogging up. He offered up an amiable smile nonetheless. “Morning, Mr. Braun,” he greeted as the older man came up to him, bundled against the chill and grinning pleasantly. “How’s Reiner doing?” he asked in the manner of polite small talk. Actually, he’d been wanting to know the answer to that question for a while now, but could never find the time to go over and inquire personally.
Mr. Braun waved his hand absently. His smile had shrunk a fair bit. “Oh, my nephew is how he usually is. Back to work finally, but we’ll see how long it lasts.” The tone was unabashedly dismissive, and the man moved on with obvious desire to address a different subject. “But look here, my boy! Breaking news,” he declared. A newspaper was shoved in front of Bertolt’s nose. One skim of the headline dropped a stone into the pit of his stomach.
“Lucy Eckhardt and Beth Hornby, chosen Eldian recipients of the Armored and Female Titans by the Marleyan National Military, have been extracted from the long-term Paradise Island mission and returned to the Mainland. According to military sources, the mission has been reported as a failure. Todd Freilicher and Prosper Lomar, the recipients of the Colossal and Jaw Titans, also dispatched five years ago, have been reported MIA. A military tribunal has been called to determine the fates of the retrieved Warriors…”
Bertolt had to stop. The storm of nausea in his gut was growing unbearable.
“Frustrating times,” Mr. Braun said, shaking his head. “I don’t imagine those warriors will be spared, given their failure.” He sighed, before he grunted in wry amusement. “It’s a shame about your girl,” he said, waving a hand toward Sonya. She was still clinging onto Bertolt’s pant leg, staring up with wide, uncomprehending eyes. “If she’d been born normal, she’d be just about the right age to become a warrior. She’s five now, right?”
Bertolt’s throat had gone dry and he fought to keep a quiver of rage out of it. “Y-Yes. She turned five last month.” He placed a hand on her head, shifting her ever so slightly away from the other man.
“Ah well. Your family still has a shot. I’m betting that boy of yours will grow up strong and healthy.” Braun grinned broadly, reaching out to ruffle the dark tuft of hair on Frederick’s head. “Won’t you, kiddo?”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Braun.” Bertolt almost didn’t care that the words were all but spat out. “I have to get going. Have a nice day.” He shouldered past, hurrying as much as he could on his cane. Shifting the water pail back on his arm, he reached down and clutched Sonya’s tiny fist in his free hand. He hoped she wouldn’t notice it tremble.
Bertolt’s mouth was open to sound out a “We’re back,” but it was proven unnecessary. Annie was dressed and sitting at the kitchen table. Laid out in front of her was a newspaper, bearing the same headline Bertolt had just seen.
Bertolt knew automatically that something was wrong. The set of his wife’s shoulders, her bowed head, the way the loose tresses of her hair hung forward and shadowed her eyes were all major tells.
He turned to Sonya. “Go upstairs, sweetheart,” he murmured, pointing. For a moment, their matching eyes met, and Bertolt perceived that periodic, razor-sharp perceptiveness all children are capable of. She knew just as well as he that something was going on, even if she wasn’t old enough to understand it yet. Reluctantly, she pulled her hand away from his. He watched her trundle up the stairs until the door to her closet-sized bedroom shut behind her.
Bertolt approached Annie cautiously. The room was painfully silent, with Freddie fallen into a blissful slumber against Bertolt’s shoulder blades.
“Annie,” he whispered, sliding into the chair across from her.
“Give Freddie to me.”
Bertolt blinked. “What?”
“Give him here, Bertl.”
Moving with uncertainty, Bertolt undid the knot fastening the baby sling, cradled the sleeping Freddie gently, and then passed him to his mother.
Annie snatched him as if from the jaws of a rabid dog. Pressing him close, she seemed to curl in around him, harsh breaths blasting from her nostrils. He finally caught a glimpse of her face behind the curtain of her hair. She was as pale as bone, and her eyes pierced like daggers of ice.
“It’s all starting over.” Her voice was a wisp, ghostly and cold. “It’s all going to happen again.” She clutched Freddie even closer. The baby let out an unconscious whimper.
Bertolt’s heart began beating rapidly. “It’s okay,” he said, trying to reassure her. “It’ll be all right. It’s not starting over. You and I knew that from the very beginning. We would never put them into that program.”
“Bullshit it’ll be all right!” she snarled. “How much do you really think it matters, Bertolt, what we want? You know how those bastards are. It’s all voluntary until they hear of someone promising. And they always hear. Snakes all around us, informing them.” Her eyes were approaching wildness, and Bertolt was on the verge of taking Freddie away from her. “Then they’ll come knocking at our door, and they won’t let us say no.” Her gaze fell to their sleeping son locked in her arms. That animal fury seemed to drain away, leaving an emptiness that was even worse. Almost unconsciously, she pressed a light kiss to the whirl of dark hair crowning the baby’s head. Bertolt stared, lost for words.
“I hope they kill those girls.”
Bertolt lurched back. “What?!” he gasped.
Annie peered up at him through her fringe. Her gaze was hollow. “I know it makes me a monster to even think it, but it’s true. If the tribunal decides those warriors have outlived their usefulness, their powers will be passed on immediately. Then that gives us thirteen years, Bertolt. Thirteen years and Freddie will be past the age limit. He’d be safe.”
For the second time that day, Bertolt felt his heart drop toward his toes. She was right. If Lucy Eckhardt and Beth Hornby were deemed unworthy of their titans, a new pair would be chosen. There would still be warrior training, but the urgency of a shifter’s deadline would be removed. The Marleyans wouldn’t be on such a pressured hunt for the right candidate. It was as close to home-free as they would ever get.
God, he agreed with her. He despised himself for it, but he knew it was true. His thoughts turned to the nightmare that had visited him the previous night. Two giant, terrifying figures looming over him. His children, his babies, wrapped up in those monstrous flesh avatars, doomed to lives as weapons of war. If it came down to his children and those girls… there was no contest.
He swallowed, hard. “We… Nothing’s certain yet. Even if they’re allowed to live, Freddie’s not even a year old yet. He’d only have reached new cadet status by the time their tenures were up. They would pick someone else, surely.”
Annie’s head shook, slowly and sinisterly. “No. It would be him. I just know it.” Her jaw clenched, and suddenly she seemed a million miles away. Not even really talking to him anymore. “I feel it all the time, somehow. That we eluded fate, cheated it. Something like that. I see news about these warriors and something in my gut tells me ‘That should have been you.’ It haunts me every day. It’ll come back for its due, for Freddie. I just know it.”
When he saw the glisten of tears in her empty eyes, Bertolt was finally shaken into action. He rounded the table to kneel at her side, ignoring the shooting pain in his leg and the moisture gathering at the corners of his own eyes. He still didn’t have the words, his chronic failure, but he could hold her and their son.
“What kind of world is it,” Annie whispered, “that would make me wish death on those girls?” She turned, pinning him beneath her stare, one that demanded a genuine answer. “What kind of world is it that makes me glad every day that you caught the crippling sickness when you were young? That made us almost cry with joy when we found out Sonya was deaf? That made me think this was necessary to escape life as a warrior?” She brandished her arm. The sleeve had pulled up to reveal a crisscross of silver scars running up the inside. “And it turns out I was right? What kind of world is that, Bertolt?”
He wished he had something better to say, something that could comfort or rally, but he didn’t. All he had was blunt, unforgiving honesty.
“A cruel one,” he murmured.
The nails of one of her hands carved furrows into the tabletop. The other cuddled little Freddie ever closer. He slept on, oblivious and drooling.
“They won’t get him,” she swore. “I don’t care if they come to our door with the whole army and all nine of their damn titans. I’ll cut them all down myself if I have to. They won’t get him. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
It was a more frightening vow than any she could have made. How far would either of them go, in the end, to keep their son from becoming a warrior? Would they risk everything to flee? Would they defy their masters? Would they even do to Freddie what had gotten them free of that life - Annie’s self-harm, Bertolt’s crippling, or even Reiner’s complete breakdown from stress?
It would still be better than life as one of their pawns.
The kiss he caught her in was not meant to comfort. It was rough and hard and swift. It was a vow of his own.
“I’ll take half if you take the others,” he promised. “Even if it’s the two of us against the whole damn world, I’m with you.”
This time she initiated the kiss. Still harsh, but it was deeper, and it sparked. Sealing the deal. Them against the world.
They couldn’t win. How could they? But at least their children would know what they had wanted, would know that their parents would fight for them, even if hope was nothing more than a distant dream.
When Bertolt pulled away, he caught sight of Sonya crouched at the top of the stairs, peering down between the bannister slats.
Bertolt would burn down the world for his family. He knew that without a doubt. But even on the heels of that vow, he longed for something different. In his most private imaginings, he dreamed of spiriting them all away from this, from the persecution and submission and constant fear. He dreamed they would find a place hidden away in the mountains, someplace just for them, where his daughter and son could grow and play without borders, where he and Annie could love each other without burden.
He wanted to give them sunlight, green grass, little rivers, blooming woodlands, and sunrises over a snow-capped mountain range. He didn’t want to give them ashes.
Someone, he begged, though no one was listening, Someone, please find us.
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Two Halves of a Whole~~ A Reiner Braun X OC Fanfic~~ MAJOR SPOILERS
The earliest memories of my life are almost nonexistent. They pester me in my dreams, pressing against my subconscious so stark and contrast next to each other, like the ruined remnants of stained glass. There were some memories that I was able to make out every now and then: an ocean, a soft touch, a song. They would return at the most random of times, interrupting my fake life with flashes of a life I couldn't remember. One fateful day, I was badly injured and everything that I had forgotten violently rushed back, including a mission that made me rethink everything I thought I was.
"Hey! Little girl! Are you alright?" I could hear voices, loud and worried and I slowly opened my eyes.
"Did someone hurt you? You're covered in blood!" I sat up and winced at the bright setting sun.
"Little girl! Where are your parents? Are they around here? How did you get here?"
"Where's here?" I asked softly. An older woman quickly came to my side.
"We need to get her to Dr. Yaeger. She doesn't look too good." I Iooked down at myself and saw torn and bloodied clothes. I blinked a couple of times and tried to remember what happened. I couldn't remember anything, not even my own name.
"My name…" I gasped. "What is my name?"
"Come on, dear. Can you walk?" The older lady got me to my feet and began leading me away from the uneasy crowd.
"Weird for a girl as young as her to wind up in the middle of the street looking like that. I wonder where she came from?" I could still hear the people talking about me as the old lady aided me along.
"You're telling me. It's almost as if she just fell from the sky. How ridiculous of an idea that is." The group dispersed and returned to their previous duties, the thoughts of the origins of an unknown girl no longer an issue.
I continued to focus my attention on the road ahead of me, my mind an empty abyss. Why can't I remember anything? Is this my home? Do I have people worrying about me? What is my name?
We stopped at a small house and before we could step towards the door, a woman emerged, wearing a simple dress with an apron tied around her waist. Her dark hair was tied back and hung down her shoulder. Her face was stern but loving and I felt a pang of longing deep in my chest.
"Mom?" The beautiful woman rushed to meet us and began looking me over. "Carla, dear, is your husband here? Me and a few other villagers found this young girl in the street and she seems to need a doctor. She can't remember anything about where she's from, she doesn't even know her own name."
"It's Rayne." I said uncertainly. I looked back up at the beautiful woman, her name was Carla, and suddenly remembered the voice of another woman who looked like this one. She had her arms around me, was she crying? She was patting my head and kept saying something. 'It'll be okay Rayne. Momma loves you. No matter what happens, I'll always love you.'
"Oh dear!" Carla put her arms around me. Tears had starting to fall down my cheek and I hadn't realized it. The sharp pang of longing hit me out of nowhere and at that moment, I really missed my own mom, wherever she was. "Come on in, dear. I'll make you something to eat. Thank you, Mrs. Rally. Grisha is out on business right now but I'll take care of you until he comes back."
"Okay dear, that sounds good and you're very welcome. I just knew something was off when we found her and when she started talking I brought her straight here. I hope you get better soon, young lady." I turned to wave at the old woman.
"Thank you, that's makes two of us." I joked. She laughed and with a wave, headed back down the street. I followed Carla into her modest home and she ushered me into a seat at a wooden table.
"Here we are, dear. Just relax and I'll get something nice and hot for you." She began to tend to a small stove, igniting the fire and placing a small pot on the stove top to warm.
I watched the fire dance, the flames leaping and fighting for dominance. It was oddly soothing to me and suddenly I saw a flash of something. I was sitting in front of a fire that was dancing similarly to the one back in the stove. I could barely make out the man sitting across from me cross legged on the other side of the fire, his round glasses reflecting the light.
I blinked and I was brought back to the kitchen, a bowl of some white rice which had been cooked in hot milk sat in front of me. I also noticed a generous piece of bread on my napkin next to my bowl. I could feel how hungry I was but I was too overcome with emotions to lift my spoon. I looked down at my food again and noticed a small dark stick stark against the white of the rice. I plucked it out of my bowl and brought it to my nose. An intense smell exploded and in surprise I dropped the stick. Carla turned quickly to me.
"Oh, I'm sorry I should've asked if you liked cinnamon. I can take it dear." She extended her hand to take the stick from me but I brought it close to my chest.
"No, it's alright. I just didn't expect the smell to be so nice." Carla grinned down at me.
"So, did your mom cook with a lot of cinnamon? Did it trigger a memory?" I looked up at the woman. Her back was to me and I was grateful for that.
"I…" I didn't know how to answer her.
"I know a little bit about memory loss, Rayne." She turned back around to face me and then took the seat across from me. "Sometimes, when you suffer a head injury or endure a tragic event you would suffer some memory loss. However, it's not always a bad thing. With the help of certain triggers, pieces of your memory will return. Either in flashes or all it once, I think it all depends on the person." She smiled at me and I smiled back before looking at my bowl again. I tore a piece of bread and dipped it into the bowl. I popped the morsel into my mouth and my taste buds exploded. The food was hot and sweet and I gave a very satisfied hum.
"This is delicious!" I exclaimed before repeating the process. Carla gave a gracious laugh.
"Thank you, Rayne. It happens to be Eren and Mikasa's favorite."
I opened my mouth to question her but before I could a huge tremor ripped through the earth. Carla and I were thrown to the ground along with various objects from the table, stove and shelves throughout the house. Before I could get up, Carla was at my side, lifting me up by my arms.
"Rayne! Are you okay?" I nodded and we both listened to the commotion that was going on outside. I wrestled out of Carla's arms and ran out the door. I could hear her calling my name but I didn't stop. Once I was out in the open I looked over in the direction of the wall.
I couldn't believe what I saw. A titan was peeking over the wall. It had its large hand gripping the wall, pieces of it crumbling down to the streets below. I looked over back towards Carla. She was standing in the doorway looking over at me. I think she was calling to me. I was just about to run back to her when giant chunks of the wall were violently propelled into the air. Tears welled in my eyes as I saw a large piece of wall crash right into Carla's house. That wasn't the only place that was being bombarded with the deadly projectiles. All around me, people and buildings were being crushed by debris that was impossible to escape. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, titans began coming through the hole. I didn't worry about them. I ran to the crumbled remains of Carla's house. She was trapped in the rubble, underneath what seemed like a mountain. I knew my efforts would be futile, but I didn't care. With the screams of the titans victims rising in the air, I knew I had to get Carla out of there. I saw her beautiful face, bruised and bloody from the crash.
"CARLA!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as my small hands began digging her out. I didn't acknowledge the cuts and splinters I was receiving I only had one objective: freeing this woman. I continued calling out to her again but stopped when I heard a young boys voice behind me.
"MOM! MOM!" He disregarded me and began doing what I had been doing. He was joined by a young girl who joined him in trying to free Carla. I began to realize that this must be Eren and Mikasa. I noticed movement where Carla lay and saw that she had awaken.
"Carla!" I sighed as I reached down and grabbed her free hand. "Don't worry, we're going to get you out of this!" I saw that the majority of the rubble had been cleared off and the only thing that stood in my way was a huge wooden beam. I knelt down and grabbed it but I was suddenly pushed out of the way by Eren.
"Who the Hell do you think you are?! This is MY mom! I'll save her!" Eren began trying to lift the beam off of her but it wasn't budging one bit. I sat there, tears in my eyes as I looked over at Carla who was looking right into my eyes.
I saw my mom again. She was looking over at me with the same look I saw in Carla's eyes. My mom was standing at the gallows with a noose around her neck, tears in her eyes. She reached her arms out to me and I saw the tears falling down her cheeks. 'Momma loves you, Rayne. I will always love you.' She started to fall and then -SNAP-
"Aauuughhh!" I screamed and grabbed the sides of my head.
"Rayne!" I looked up and saw Carla reaching out for me. I quickly went to her and grabbed her hand. She pulled Mikasa and tried to pull Eren but he couldn't be bothered. "I want you to meet the new friend I made. This is Rayne and she's all alone. I want you two to take care of her." I gripped Carla's hand tighter and the tears started flowing freely.
"We won't need to take care if her! You'll be able to! Just as soon as I free you!" Eren was still pulling at the beam. His hands began to bleed and I turned away from that.
"Eren, please stop. This is pointless. The debris crushed my legs, I can't walk, let alone run. I won't be able to escape."
"I'll carry you if I have to! I am not leaving you!" Eren shouted in his mother's face and watched him, appalled.
"Dammit Eren! Why can't you listen to me for once in your life?! Get out of here!"
I suddenly heard a zipping noise and an older blonde man came swooping down to us.
"Hannes!" Carla called out. "Please get the-" she stopped mid sentence due to the footfalls of a disturbing titan with an evil grin heading right toward us. "Hannes please! Get the children out of here! Leave!"
"Don't talk like that Carla. I'm going to save all you. I'm going to start by killing that titan!" He extended some blades from the gear attached to his waist and he ran off in the direction the titan was coming.
"Rayne, Eren, Mikasa, please you have to stay strong, you have to stay alive and fight for each other! I know that you just met but you have to take care of each other. Promise me."
"I promise, Carla." I gripped her hand again.
"Mom, please. Stop this! Hannes is going to kill the titan and we're all going to-" Eren was suddenly lifted by Hannes followed by Mikasa. He took off running toward the inner wall and I looked at them as they ran away.
"Let's go, girl!" Hannes called to me but I couldn't move. My grip on Carla's hand was too fierce.
"I-i can't." The pain in my heart was fierce. This woman took care of me, a total stranger fed me and brought me into her home and now she was going to die.
"Rayne, please. You have to go." The footfalls were getting closer.
"I can't lose you. My mom is gone Carla. I lost her and I can't lose you, I won't lose you too!" I began sobbing uncontrollably and I felt Carla place a hand on my cheek.
"I'll always be with you." She whispered. I placed my hand on hers and closed my eyes as I stood up and ran away. I couldn't look back and see what was happening. I could hear enough. I ran as fast as I could to the inner wall and I never looked back.
The mission started off a success. Bertolt was able to bust the wall open and I was able to infiltrate as just another titan. I slowly made my way to the inner wall, leaving a path of destruction and death in my wake. I didn't move too fast, I wanted to enjoy this victory. Once I was in position with my sights set on the inner wall, I took my stance and charged. I ignored the cannons firing in front of me and kept my eyes on the target. Once I got closer to the wall I crashed through with such force I couldn't help but grin. I was a fulfilling my duty as a warrior and I knew that my family and my life will be made whole again. I wouldn't have to worry about them any more.
Once I was through I got a bit carried away and a stream of fire flew from my open mouth. I was going to make sure these devils knew who they were dealing with. I also couldn't help but wonder where our secret weapon was. I was told that they were going to put on one hell of a show. I guess we'll have to wait to meet them when we infiltrate the cadet corps in a few years.
Long may Marley prosper.
A/N: This is my first AoT fanfic. I really enjoyed season 2 and I wanted to get this out. It will probably be only a dozen or so chapters long. Nothing too major. Speaking of major, MAJOR SPOILERS ahead. if you hadn't seen season 2 or read the manga I wouldn't recommend reading this story! I would also appreciate some feedback, this is my first AoT fanfic.
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rantingwriter · 7 years
Eren, Levi, Armin, Reiner, and Jean meeting their newborn child for the first time? Please and thank you!
(Decided to put them in a more modern day setting for this one. Instead of the hellhole where titans exists.) (Also depressing themes on a couple of them) 
Eren: He still can’t believe he is a father now. Most people didn’t think he would ever settle down. Being the ambitious one that he is, his boss literally forced him to take days off before he got married. Now he is standing in a hospital room. Hoping his hand wouldn’t break under the pressure of your grip. The screams of agony emitting from your throat. Made him worry that something was going wrong. The doctor directing you the whole time as you give birth to a little girl. The cries of the small child reaches his ears. Watching as they cut the chord that kept her attached to you. He can’t believe how small she is. “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Jeager it’s a girl!” One of the nurses takes the wailing child and wraps her in a warm towel. Handing her to you first, your tears fall anew as joy swells in your heart. 
“Just look at her Eren,” You exhale, exhausted from the birth. 
“She is beautiful,” he couldn’t believe the two of you made this tiny human. He feels his eyes watering, rubbing them quickly, he takes the bundle from you. He knew the road ahead would be difficult, but at this moment. His life felt perfect.
Levi: He barges through the hospital doors shortly after getting the call you had gone into labor. His friends Hanji and Petra waiting for him by the front desk. He had asked them to keep an eye on you since you were ready to pop at any moment. “Finally! She is this way!” Hanji runs ahead, Petra following close behind. He enters the room without knocking. Spooking the nurses as he makes a beeline for you. 
“She has been doing great,” the doctor reassures him. Probably frightened by the glare he was giving him. You grab hold of his wrist as you push again. 
“Breath [name], you’re doing great.” He takes your hand, a quick smile appearing on your lips before another scream rips through the air. He can hear a baby crying, thinking it’s over he has no idea how to react. When the doctor announces another baby is in there. “The ultrasounds never showed two…” His attention returns to you when you grip his hand with all your might. After what felt like an eternity of agony. The surprise twin leaves your womb. 
“Congratulations, they are both boys!” You smile, looking ready to pass out. Taking the two into your arms, you both look at them with the love only a new parent could emit. 
“How could they miss a baby?” You ask, your husband shrugging as he takes the kids to see them better. Cracking a rare smile, he feels a sense of pride as he held the additions to the family. The feeling morphing into a protective aura as the nurses take the two to clean them up. You smile, knowing he will be a great father. 
Armin: He is terrified the second he gets off the phone with Mikasa. She was helping you out today when your water broke. Leaving work with out a second thought. He is rather upset to hear you went through the whole ordeal without him. Going to the room they had moved you to. He starts apologizing to you and Mikasa for not making it in time. You calm him down and tell him not to fret. You looked very somber still, but before he can ask. You are asking his friend to take him to where your newborn was currently resting. The stoic girl leading him to the room with a giant window for all the parents to view their bundles of joy. His heart nearly stops at the sight of his little girl. Sleeping soundly among the many newborns. Though confusion struck when he only saw one. “Wait…they said we were having twins…” He looks to Mikasa for an explanation.
“The other child was a stillborn, they aren’t sure why…I’m sorry Armin.” A sympathetic look crosses her face. That explains a lot. You were both very excited when you got the news at your last ultrasound. Devastation crossing his face as the situation sets in. “On the bright side, she is completely healthy.” He turns to look at the sleeping child again. A small smile creeping onto his face. 
“I wish the other made it…but I’m glad she is alright.” It would take time to get over the lose of her twin, but he was going to stay positive. He had a healthy baby girl in front of him. One he planned to love and raise to be the best person she can be. 
Reiner: To say he was worried would be an understatement. Not only did your water break too soon, but there were so many complications that he was forced to leave the room you were in. Thankfully, Bertholdt and Annie were there to keep him company. So many worst case scenarios flashing through his head made it hard to calm down. An eternity passed before he was allowed to see you. Nearly running a couple nurse over he goes to your side. Tears streaming down your face broke his heart. 
“We don’t know if your child will make it through the night…he is currently in the NICU…” He can’t believe his ears, holding you as you sob into his shirt. As if that wasn’t enough the doc continues to say that due to the level of the complications you went through. There was little to no chance you would be able to have children again. 
“Please leave us a minute…” The doctor nods and leaves you two alone. “[Name] listen to me,” he waits until you look up at him to continue. “Our son will make it through this.”
“How can you be so sure?” Your voice is so hoarse from everything that has happened. 
“Because he is our boy, he is a fighter and if there is one thing I know he will gain from me. It’s the will to keep fighting.” He kisses the top of your head. Hoping in the back of his mind that he is right. 
Staying the night in the hospital. He is surprised when the doctor walks in with a big grin on his face. “I can’t believe it, most children born this soon don’t survive he night. Yet yours not only survived, but his health is improving already.” Relief washes over both of you. The doctor taking him to see the little survivor. The sight of the premature baby is heart breaking, but knowing he is improving already. Takes a weight off his back. Even if you could never have another child. He knew everything would be alright. “Keep on fighting little man. Your mom and I want to meet you properly.” 
Jean: Pacing the floor he is waiting for the doctor to let him in to see you. They had to perform and emergency C-section on you. Which he wouldn’t have been too worried about if it wasn’t for the fact they labelled it an emergency. “Jean, calm down,” His best friend Marco had come along with him after he got the call you went into labor. 
“I will calm down when they open the damn door.” Marco sighs and remains seated. The nurse finally lets him in and he is greeted with the sight of you asleep and the nurses holding three children. 
“She will be awake in a few hours, congratulations, she gave birth to two girls and a boy.” He looks at each child individually, unable to comprehend the number. Three kids? He knew the ultra sounds showed more than one in there, but three?! Marco peers in and gasps. 
“Wow, look at these cuties.” He walks over to Jean helping him stay up. “Looks like you have your work cut out for you huh?” 
“Yup…and you are going to help!” 
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perfectackeracy · 8 years
Reiner and Bertolt’s past
This is a continuation of this post. Specifically, about that part.
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Panel of Reiner and Bertolt, mentioning “home” a couple of times [High resolution]
Something peculiar strikes me about these two, especially when they were thrown in the same boat as Annie. I mean, it’s stated that the warriors share a collective goal, despite Annie being a bit more centered about seeing her father again under certain conditions, as the panel I made details it so well. Reiner and Bertolt’s ultimate goal are… different? They desperately want to return home but for what purpose? [Cont.]
You can read the rest of the post but some of my points might stand even nowadays.
So far it turns out the family ties were confirmed for both Ymir and Zeke. It happens Ymir didn’t have any family prior her life as “Ymir the goddess” and the people she mentioned was the cult that raised her. Meanwhile, Zeke’s father happens to be Grisha. So where does that leave Reiner and Bertolt?
Since this post’s date was July 15th, 2016, it’s time to upgrade it with every single piece of information we know.
Reiner and Bertolt grew up in Marley, in the ghettos or isolated zones, which is a pretty vague setting. It’s unsure whether the two of them grew up in the same internment zone.
Going back to chapter 39 and the raws in particular, there’s that segment.
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“We’ll live through this and get home. I swear... We’re going home” - Ch. 39
Notice the word employed here is  “ 故郷” , which means “home town; birthplace; native place; one's old home”. Comparing to other kanji like “ 家庭” meaning ��� home; family; household “, I think this is referring to Marley in general. So it doesn’t really make their origins really clear. The two of them could’ve met when they were nominated warriors. After all, Marley selects warriors on the whole continent, which looks quite large according to the map.
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“Furthermore, the families of these chosen warriors will be given the title of honorary Marleyans, and we will ensure their freedom within this country! So, you Eldians! It’s time for you to show your allegiance to Marley!” - Ch. 86
Right now we don’t have any clear idea about how the second phase of the training was made. From Annie’s flashbacks, her father looked like he trained her hard when she was selected as a potential warrior. Only seven of these potential warriors were selected to be chosen, which is why Mr. Leonhart put every chance on his side.
Once warriors are chosen, it seems they went under the same training meant to master their abilities as titans, which includes:
HardeningNape protectionShifting endurance
That gives an indication of the amount of time they had to sync their physical prowess with their respective titans before going on their mission on the field, which is inferior to five years.
Next, their families. As stated in the previous post, neither Reiner or Bertolt brought theirs.
Reiner and Bertolt? You’ve never heard them talk about their families. And when they had a conversation about what they plan to do once they get home? Reiner encourages Bertolt to go for Annie. He’s not even mentioning a dad, a mom, a grandpa or a little sister. As for Bertolt, he’s begging for someone to find them and get them away from their current situation. So yeah, the absence of the Brauns and the Hoovers in the manga heavily implies Reiner and Bertolt don’t have any family to return to, ergo they’d be orphans, and their only family is Zeke (their father figure), Annie and the most important, each other (especially for Reiner’s case as he defied Zeke to retrieve Annie).
As we’ve seen with Ymir, it’s perfectly possible for her to be orphaned, then adopted. I assume the same happened with Reiner and Bertolt. Now the biggest question is, if they don’t have any families, why would they return to their hometown?
The second price for every Eldian related to the warriors is complete freedom within Marlean territory. The downside however is the freedom being limited by the shifter time limit and the time limit of the whole race, meaning a good ending with a peaceful long life is impossible for them. We still don’t know how they were raised but there’s a possibility Reiner volunteered to do it because he believed he was doing it good or because he wanted to reject his Eldian origins so badly. Reiner is a character who rejects and tosses parts of himself away who eventually resurface.
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Reiner forcing Annie to remove Marco’s gear - Ch. 77
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Reiner blaming himself for being too soft-hearted (Note: there’s a mistranslation here. While Reiner uses plural to refer to them as kids, he only talks about himself when he’s describing himself as a “half-hearted piece of shit”) - Ch. 42
Either that or he was educated to believe the current mindset Eldians in Marley have because he may have been raised by someone from the government/army. It’s hard to tell. The tactic he used against Annie could very well show him having to be ruthless as a warrior. All I can guess about his past using bits of his personality is him being raised in an orphanage or some sort of youth house, since he looks like he learned the collective spirit very early. Or even worse, taken in for child labor. One thing I remember about my highschool history courses is child labor being prevalent during the Industrial Era. Since Marley carries a feeling of “advancement” to it, this is plausible. That would reinforce the warriors’ common grounds as being enslaved from the beginning, and coming back successful means a moment of peace and freedom for the rest of their short lives.
Meanwhile, Bertolt hardly questions the authority. If anything, him and Reiner are perfect candidates for the serum, on top of their physical abilities.
If my guesses are correct: colossal serums are hard to afford, since they can turn any Eldian into a living bomb or a gigantic piece of charcoal burning everything nearby, which is why Marleans had to be careful into selecting the next Colossal shifter. Since Bertolt was physically gifted and docile as a puppy, Marley wouldn’t risk anything by turning him into the wallbreaker. He looks like he’s been taken in by people who gave him tasks to do like bringing them coffee, the newspaper, cleaning the living room, etc... in exchange of a household, food and clothes. 
He also looks like he has attachment problems since he looks pained with anybody who’s isolated or abandoned.
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With Annie - Ch. 21
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With Marco - Ch. 77 & 78
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With Reiner - Ch. 77
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And eventually with himself - Ch. 48 & 84
It wouldn’t be surprising since he woke up surrounded by enemies and fed while begging for help, which would be kind of ironic if it was the case. It’s already ironic he promised to wipe out his friends for them to find peace and eternal rest in due respect but was treated like a snack food for titan and is now suffering for eternity. A fear of abandonment would also explain why he kept tailing Reiner at first since he doesn’t get away from him in any sort of AU, and why he cherishes his friends because he doesn’t have anybody else in his life.
I’m sure the manga will cover that at some point, because of Zeke. We don’t know why he abandoned the safety of his grandparents to join the Marley Warriors.
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