#Unbreakable Series
crazyunsexycool · 8 months
Chapter 7
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 4.1K
Warnings: Fluff, drunk reader, she's flirty when she's drunk
A/N: It's happening guys... We are moving forward with this story. Slowly I'll start doing bits of time jumps here and there!!! Also this chapter is a bit all over the space.
Series Masterlist
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“You’re sure you want to go out for this girl’s night?” Nat asked from your living room.
“Yes. I want drinks and karaoke.” 
You walk out of your bedroom as you finish putting on an earring. Your outfit was simple, jeans, a t-shirt and a leather jacket. 
“Fine by me. Are you a lightweight?” 
“Probably. I’ve never had more than one drink.” 
“So we get to test the limits?” Nat smirks at you. 
“Yes. I’m very excited. Is Nebula not coming?” 
“She’ll meet us there.” Nat gets up and heads for the door.
“Ok, c’mon Marvin. Let’s go have a good time.” 
Nebula was waiting outside of what looked like an abandoned building. Inside though fairy lights lined the ceiling, a spotlight was aimed at a corner where a tv, a mic stand and a very crappy stage took up space. The place wasn’t too crowded, which was perfect. The bar itself sat in the middle of the room in an oval shape creating two almost completely separate spaces. 
“No dogs allowed.” A bartender yells over a drunk guy's horrible rendition of Thriller. 
“He’s a service dog.” 
The guy eyes you for a moment and you have Marvin turn to the side to show off his vest. 
“Fine but we aren’t responsible if something happens to him and if he ruins anything it’s coming outta your pocket.” 
“I promise he’ll be in his best behavior.” You smile and walk toward the karaoke side of the bar with Nat and Nebula. 
Nebula’s black eyes scanned the room more than once. She and Nat sat with their backs to the wall and observed the others. 
“This place looks ridiculous.” Nebula mutters.
“Don’t worry, we’re going to be so entertained that you won’t really notice it. Y/N here has never gotten drunk before.” 
“Really? I bet she’ll get drunk on two drinks.”
“I’ll take that bet.” Nat says. “What do I get when she’s drunk by the first one.”
“I’ll give you my gun.” Nebula offers. “But I want your bracers, the electric ones.” 
“You know I’m sitting right here, right?” 
Nebula waves you off dismissively while Nat gets up and orders the first round. 
It took two drinks to loosen you up and one more to get you to get up on stage to sing Girls just wanna have fun. Nebula seemed to not really be affected by any drink and Nat was surprisingly on the verge of being drunk. It took another drink to get you back on stage. You had all of the people at the bar singing along to bohemian rhapsody.
🎶 “So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?
Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here
Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah
Nothing really matters, anyone can see
Nothing really matters
Nothing really matters to me.”🎶  
You sang your heart out. Although some words were a little slurred. What you weren’t aware of was Steve leaning against the bar, completely amused by your carefree attitude.
“Rogers.” Nat shoots back. “Thanks for coming to pick us up.” 
“It’s no problem. I see she’s having fun.” 
“Definitely. You know what’s funny, she hasn’t stopped talking about you at all.”
Steve flushes pink immediately but before he can say anything you head in his direction. With wide and hazy eyes you look up at him. 
“Steve? What are you doing here? It’s supposed to be girl’s night.” 
“I’m sorry, did I ruin it?”
“No, don't be silly.” You giggle and bat your eyelashes. Nat rolls her eyes but smiles at your drunken flirting. 
“He didn’t just show up.” Nat offers. “I called him to be our designated driver.”
“Oh, makes sense. You’re so smart Natty.”
Nat shakes her head and turns to the bartender to pay the tab while Nebula walks out. 
“Can we get mozzarella sticks before we go home?”
You were sitting in a small pizza place a block down from the bar. Even Marvin got to snack on some chicken while you munched on your late night snack. Nat and Nebula had called it a night and decided to go back to the compound.
“So how was girl’s night?” Steve asked next to you. 
“Oh it was so much fun. You should totally come next time.” 
“If I did, it wouldn’t be a girl’s night.” 
“You’re right.” You shrug. “But we made an exception for Marv.”
“So I have the same privileges as a dog?” Steve laughs when you look at him with wide eyed horror. 
“What? No. Don’t be silly. You won’t have to sit under a table.” You snort a laugh and then get very serious. “I need to ask you something but you need to be honest.”
“Ok, what’s your question?” 
You turn to give him your full attention. His bright blue eyes shine with amusement and they captivate you. 
“You’re so pretty.” You blurt out. Steve huffs a laugh but his cheeks are tinted pink. 
“Thank you. That isn’t a question though.” 
“Why are you single?” 
“Oh, so we’re going for loaded questions.” 
“I mean you’re so nice and caring and fun to be around. I always feel safe with you. Did I mention that you’re so pretty? Also you have a killer smile.” 
“I do?” 
“For sure. Every time you smile at me I just get weak in the knees.” 
“Your smile makes my knees go weak too.” Steve says back.
“Nope.” You take a bite from a mozzarella stick. “Can’t use my own compliment on me.”
Steve chuckles and shakes his head. You wait patiently for him to say something. 
“Ok well, you have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. I could get lost in them if you’d let me.” 
You give a little giggle and send a wink his way. 
“I’m also so happy that our paths crossed and we met each other.” Steve sent a shy smile your way and you mirrored it. 
Your little bubble burst when Marvin gave a little huff, indicating that he needed to go outside. Steve helped clean off the table and offered you his arm as you walked Marvin. Then he walked you to his car and opened the door for you and Marvin to get in. 
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You groan as you turn in bed. Your head was throbbing and your mouth was so dry. With an annoyed huff you open an eye to look around. At least you were home. You spot the water bottle and pills on the nightstand and you take them, drinking half of the water in one go. There’s a small knock at the door which might as well be jackhammers on your head.
“Come in.” You murmur and the door opens. 
Steve stands in the doorway with a tray of food. He tries to hold back his laugh when you groan again and try to hide under the covers. 
“Good morning.” 
“Shhh. My head is killing me.” 
“You’ll survive, you’re just hung over. Why don’t you try to have breakfast?” He says as he walks over to you. Marvin is right behind him and he jumps on the bed. 
“I think I’ll throw up if I do.” 
“I think you’ll be ok. Besides, it'll help settle your stomach.” 
“If you say so.” You grumble but sit up. Steve sets the tray he was holding on your lap and sits on the edge of the bed.
“Start with the toast.” 
You do as he suggests and nibble on the toast. Steve talks in a low but soothing voice until he gets you smiling again. Once you’re done with breakfast you lay back down, this time Steve sits against the headboard. 
“I had this really weird dream last night.” You tell him. 
“Yeah? What was it about?” 
“We were eating mozzarella sticks and I told you that you were really pretty.” 
Steve laughs but looks down at you fondly. He’s met with brows that are furrowed in confusion. Then realization hits you like a truck and your eyes go wide. 
“That wasn’t a dream was it?” You whisper.
Steve throws his head back laughing. “No it wasn’t. You’re a bit of a flirt when you’re drunk.” He says once he calms down. “It’s cute though.”
You groan and hide under your blanket. He chuckles some more.
“In my defense I’ve never been drunk before.” You say from under the blanket before pulling it down and looking up at Steve. “And for the record I stand behind everything I said.” 
You smirk as Steve’s cheeks turn pink. The color traveling up to his ears. It was cute, he was cute. 
“Do you have any plans today?” He asked after a few seconds. 
“Nope. Other than walking Marv.” 
“Good. Want to have a movie marathon?” 
“That sounds like a great idea. We still have a bunch of movies on the list. Or we could start binge watching some of the tv shows we have on the list too.” 
“I’ll let you choose.” 
You smile before getting up and heading to the bathroom. 
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An episode of some trash reality tv was playing on in the background but you and Steve had stopped paying attention to it. Instead you were having a conversation. It was mostly talking about nothing serious. Steve was completely turned toward you with an arm laying on your top of the back of the couch. You mirrored his posture and unconsciously you both reached out for each other’s hand. Between smiles and jokes you were having a good time. This is what you liked to do the most with Steve. 
From what he and Nat had told you their life consisted of being on the move at all times, especially the two years before the blip. So you didn’t mind staying home and watching tv or playing a few board games, it’s not like you would have really been out. 
“I need to ask you something.” Steve said as he intertwined his fingers with yours. 
“Well first I want to say that I’d understand if you didn’t want to and it wouldn’t change my mind about our friendship.”
You frowned in confusion as you waited for him to ask what he was going to ask. 
“I like you. I think you know that. I like you as more than just a friend and I wanted to know if you would like to go out with me?”
“Like a date?” You whispered. It wasn’t really a surprise but you hadn’t expected it now. You still wanted to tell him about what you had gone through. So that he could understand your hesitation about certain things and that it wasn’t him, as cliche as that sounded. But you also really liked Steve. Since the very beginning, it’s why you didn’t want to run into him again but now you were glad it happened. 
“Yes, like a date.” He smiled but there was a flicker of fear of being rejected in his eyes. 
“I’d love to.” 
His smile brightened and he gave your hand a quick squeeze. 
“You really don’t have to if you’re not sure. I would never want to pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do.” 
You smiled at him then. It was things like that that made you like him more and more each time. 
“I do want to, really. It’s just… What happened with my ex really messed me up. I never thought that I would want to trust anyone else let alone date them. But then I met you.” 
Steve smiled softly then. His whole demeanor was calm and easy going. It gave you the push to keep going.
“I just want you to know that I want to do this with you but sometimes I’ll have my reservations. It’s not a reflection on you, it's just my fears because of what I went through.”
“I understand and we can take this as slow as you want. You set the pace and I’ll follow. There’s no rush, I just want to be with you in whatever way you’ll let me.” 
It was your turn to squeeze his hand as a wave of emotion hit you. Fear was definitely there but so was hope and surprisingly enough excitement. You had to wonder if Steve was this attentive and caring as a friend, what would he be like as a partner? 
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“Oh my God it’s happening.” You said in a rush as you got to the table Lisa was sitting at. She jumped slightly at your voice and looked at you in confusion. 
“What’s happening?” 
You take a deep breath. It had only been the night before that Steve had asked you out but you were still all over the place with your emotions. 
“I’m going on a date.” 
“That’s wonderful.” Lisa smiled and placed her hand on yours. “Tell me everything.” 
“You remember my friend Steve right?” 
“Yeah, the ex-military guy that was teaching you self defense?” 
Lisa still didn’t know that it wasn’t just some military guy but Captain America himself. You nod in response to her question and then tell her what happened the night before. It was easy to talk to her and you explained your mixed feelings but she was right there supporting and encouraging you to take the next step. 
“I did say yes. I’ve never felt like this with anyone else before you know.” 
“I do.” Lisa nods but you notice that her eyes aren’t on you so you turn.
 Walking up to your table was a beautiful, curvy red haired woman. She smiled and at first you thought it was directed at you but then you realized that smile was for Lisa. 
“Y/N I hope you don’t mind but I asked my girlfriend to join us. I just wanted the two of you to meet.” 
“No it’s ok.” You smile and turn. “Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.” You hold your hand out and she takes it.
“The pleasure is all mine. I’m Cassie. It’s nice to put a name to the face, Lisa mentions you all the time.” 
“All bad I hope.” 
She chuckles and shakes her head. 
“I’ve heard about Marvin too.” Cassie looks under the table to find Marvin sitting patiently. “He’s so cute.” 
“Thanks, he’s the best boy.” 
“Well babe you’re just in time because Y/N here just told me she got herself a date.” 
“That’s wonderful.”
“I was telling Lisa that I was still nervous. After everything that happened last time, I didn’t think I’d find someone that I would even consider dating.” 
“I imagine it can’t be easy to trust someone again. Lisa told me where you met but she didn’t tell me about what happened to you.” She reassured you. “I can only say to trust your gut. If at any moment you feel unsafe you call us.” 
“So, now the other reason I wanted to meet today.” Lisa announces and she places an envelope on the table next to you. “Go ahead, open it.” 
“No way.” You say a bit too loudly, getting the attention of a few patrons. In your hand was a wedding invitation with Lisa and Cassie’s name on it. “This is amazing, congratulations.” You looked up at them and stood to give each of them a hug. 
“When did you get engaged?” 
“A few weeks ago but we didn’t tell anyone until we decided on a wedding date.” 
“Do you have engagement rings?”
They both held their left hands out and you gasped at the beautiful matching gold and diamond rings on their fingers. 
“We proposed to each other on our anniversary.” Cassie says with a fond smile.
“That is so cute.” 
You ask them a few questions about the planning and if they were going to wear traditional dresses. The conversation went on for a while.
“We should get going but,” Lisa said as you all stepped out of the restaurant you’d met at. “Make sure you RSVP to the wedding and you’re getting a special plus two.” 
“Plus two?” 
“Marvin of course and maybe a certain someone could be your date.” She wiggled her brows at you. 
“We’ll see after the first date.” 
“Well don’t wait too long to let us know.” 
“I won’t.” You said your goodbyes, watching as Lisa and Cassie walked away hand in hand. 
In that moment you realized that you wanted that. Not only did you want to love and be loved but you wanted a relationship with Steve. With a small smile on your lips you headed towards some clothing stores to find something nice to wear.
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The buzzer went off. You knew it was Steve but this time it was different because he was here to pick you up for your date. After letting him in you took one final look at yourself in the mirror. It was getting colder out now so you went for style and comfort. You’d chosen to wear a cream colored sweater, a suede mini skirt and boots. 
There’s a knock on your door and you give yourself a little pep talk as you go to open it. Steve is standing there with beautiful flowers in his hand. He has on a navy blue henley that makes his eyes pop more and dark jeans. You give each other an appreciative glance. 
“You look beautiful.” He finally says. 
Heat creeps into your cheeks as you smile. 
“Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself.”
Steve huffs out a little shy chuckle as he blushes slightly. His eyes go to the bouquet in his hands and he holds it out for you to take. You were both flustered and that realization eased you a bit. Just knowing he was just as nervous as you were. You thank him again and grab the flowers before quickly finding a vase. Then you grab Marvin’s leash and your jacket before leaving. 
“So where are we going?” You ask as Steve opens the door of his car for you.
“You’ll see.” 
You were surprised when Steve parked by a museum. He moves around his car quickly and opens the door for you and then Marvin. As you start walking toward the entrance he offers you his arm which you take. 
Steve takes you past some of the displays and straight to the back of the building. You smile when you see the entrance of the planetarium. Steve went up to the employee and showed them the tickets before both of you went to find your seats. 
The planetarium was practically empty except for another couple and a small group of friends. Steve had chosen some seats that kept you relatively separate from them though. As the show progressed Steve would lean in and tell you what he saw when he went to space for the first time. It was definitely much more interesting than what was being said. 
Once the original show ended you left the planetarium but decided to look around the museum. You stopped at every few displays and shared your opinions. When the art was good it was good but when the art left something to be desired Steve couldn’t help but criticize the pieces. As if it was personally offending him. You laughed every time his face scrunched in disapproval at prices he didn’t like. 
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“Ok,” you said between sips of your drink. After the museum Steve had taken you to a Thai restaurant. It was the same as the first meal you shared. “What was your favorite subject in school?” 
“Really? Why is that?” 
Steve shrugs. “I was invisible in school. I was angry that no one would even look my way unless they wanted to bully me. Art was a way to get my emotions out. Drawing was like therapy for me. Then I just fell in love with it.” 
“Do you still draw?” 
“Yeah.” Steve smiles. 
“And do you ever share your work with anyone?” 
“Are you asking to see my drawings?” 
You shrug. “Maybe.” 
“I have a few I can show you.” 
You smiled at him then. 
“Your turn, if you could have any superpower what would it be?” 
“Easy,” you smile. “Teleportation. Imagine all the money and time I could save just by being able to teleport anywhere. Also it would be so much easier to plan vacations.” 
“That is a good choice.” 
“Well you are the expert on super things, so I would hope so.” 
Steve smiles. “Are you ready to get out of here?” 
“Alright let’s go.” He replies, he doesn’t even let you pay for half of the meal or anything. Reminding you that it’s a date and he invited. 
After dinner though you aren’t ready to go home. In order to prolong your time together you suggest a walk through the park for Marvin’s benefit. This time as you walk though you feel bold enough and take Steve’s hand. You see the slight blush on his cheeks before he gives your hand a gentle squeeze. The conversation picks up where you left it back at the restaurant and you ask each other very random questions. It’s fun to see him relaxed and be able to have a sort of nonsense conversation. Not even at the beginning of your relationship with your ex had you felt so at ease with someone. 
“Have you ever been arrested?” 
Steve laughs but tries to hide his face from you. 
“You have? No way. What did you get arrested for?” 
“It was back in the 30s. There was this guy that kept harassing this group of girls. I just happened to walk by when one of the girls burst out crying because she was so uncomfortable. I asked him to stop but he didn't. Then he threw a punch. It was in a park so there were cops nearby. They came to break us up and I got arrested for disorderly conduct.” 
“Please tell me there is a mug shot out there somewhere.” 
Steve laughs but shakes his head. 
“I don’t think there is. If there were, I'm sure Shield took it to make sure my image was safe.” 
“Damn.” You give a small pout. “I would’ve loved to see that.” 
“No way. I’m sure you would have framed it.”
“Yup.” You laugh. “I would’ve enlarged it and hung it up in the living room.” 
Steve chuckles and shakes his head as you continue the walk around the park. 
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The night unfortunately came to an end. Although from the park to the car ride back home Steve hadn’t let go of your hand. That was a good sign, right? You stood outside of your apartment door. Marvin pushed his way in once you had unlocked it, leaving you and Steve alone.
“Thank you for tonight, I had a lot of fun.” You smile up at him. 
“Me too. So what’s the verdict? Would you like to go out again, on a second date?” 
“I’d like that.” 
Steve breathed a sigh of relief as he nodded. 
“Have a good night.” He says and smiles before he turns to leave. 
You catch his hand before he’s able to turn completely. Standing on your toes you give Steve a quick kiss on his cheek. He flushes pink but his eyes are on your lips. You watch him lick his lower lip. The tension grows between you the longer you stand there so close together.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes, please.” you reply almost breathless in anticipation. 
Steve turns back to you completely. His hands frame your face and he slowly dips his head. Steve’s lips are so close to yours, you can feel his breath on your face. You anxiously wait to finally feel his lips on yours but when you look at him you find him studying your face. 
“You are so beautiful.” He whispers. “Are you sure?” 
The fact that he’s asking again makes you want to cry happy tears. You nod, placing your hands on his chest and tilting your head up to close the distance. Steve’s lips are soft. His kiss is gentle and sweet. There is no urgency but there is desire and passion behind it. Before you’re able to fully enjoy the kiss Steve is pulling back just enough to look at you. You give each other goofy little grins before Steve gives you another quick peck. 
“Now it’s a good night.” You say and his smile widens. 
 “See you soon?” 
Steve pulls away. The smile that you love seems to be etched on his face permanently as he turns and leaves. You miss him already but you know that you’ll see him again soon. With the night coming to a close you lock your door and lean your back against it. You bite your bottom lip to try and stop yourself from smiling but you can’t help it. 
Deep down you knew that Steve was it. This new development in your relationship was just the start and you couldn’t wait to see where it went.
Ch 8
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holfelderwrites124 · 25 days
Turns out someone stole your goober's favorite item! Who are they blaming first? >:)
Ooohhhhh! I'm going to pick Euwenn, and I'm going to choose two different time periods.
So, before The Curse, Euwenn lived with his mom, dad, younger sister Tara, and toddler brother Ryan. Euwenn collects crystals, wands, "plain" rocks. He likes to paint, write, and draw. If one of his favorite writing/painting/drawing tools vanished, he would definitely blame Tara. She likes to emulate her older brother all the time. She would 100% be the culprit.
Now, after the curse, during the course of the book, The Curse, if Euwenn's favorite book got stolen, I suspect Euwenn -- now paranoid as all get out, would assume that Alabaster or one of her followers, stole it to frighten him. He wouldn't blame the people he's living with, they are too kind, helpful, and honest. He would totally think that Alabaster was trying to get inside his head.
Thanks for the ask, that was SUPER FUN. :)
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5 notes · View notes
eyefoes · 5 months
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grahh girlfaves part 2 !! 💗
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lazorbeanz · 5 months
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TAILS FINALLY GOT SOME POPCORN!!! (Well for a minute there anyways lol) 🙌🍿
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deusluxuria · 19 days
jotaro holding shizuka appreciation post
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522 notes · View notes
counting-stars-gayly · 8 months
There’s something about Percy spending the whole episode remembering how upset he was with his mother for separating them, but with this newfound understanding of why she did it, and then deciding to leave her (temporarily) at Hades’ palace because it’s the right thing to do, regardless of how much it hurts.
“Hold fast, Mom,” because they’re braving the storm that was made to break them.
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makiswirl · 4 months
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various jjba textpost things
473 notes · View notes
nortedwayfinder · 6 months
A Normal Wachowski Wedding
All I ask is for more Maddie content.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 7 months
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These silly brothers absolutely going insane in two very different ways over seeing an entire airship disappear into thin air 🤭💙💛
679 notes · View notes
crazyunsexycool · 8 months
Chapter 8
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 4.2K
Warning: ANGST!, FLUFF!!!!!!!!, talk of past domestic abuse, talk of past rape, a small time jump, Steve being a supportive boyfriend.
A/n: I love these two so much. Reader finally tells Steve what her relationship with her ex was like. The second half of the chapter is full of fluff so I hope that makes up for it!!!
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It had been a few weeks since your first date with Steve and things couldn’t be going better. No one had ever cared for you the way he had. Not your boyfriend in high school or college and definitely not your ex David. You found yourself comparing them all the time. There were pages upon pages of comparison notes in your current notebook. It wasn’t on purpose but you couldn’t help it either. Your therapist did sit down with you and discuss your fears based on those lists. The first being that things wouldn’t be as they seemed. But you had seen Steve get angry and he never directed it at anyone. Still trust was something you were working on but Steve made it easier.  
After talking it over with your therapist and thinking it over yourself you decided it was time to tell Steve about your past relationship. That conversation wouldn’t be easy at all. There was a chance that he could reject you and you had prepared yourself for that as best as you could. 
You thought about what you wanted to say to Steve as you finished one of Marvin’s evening walks. There’s a familiar rumbling of a motorcycle the closer you get to your building and then you see Steve’s large frame moving towards the door. You called his name and his head whipped around so fast you thought it would snap off. The smile he sent your way was radiant. 
“Hey.” Steve greeted you, taking your free hand and placing a tender kiss on your knuckles. “Were you at the park?” 
“No, just a quick walk around the block.” 
You pushed yourself up on your toes to kiss his cheek as he hummed a noise of acknowledgement.
“These are for you.” He held out a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
“Steve, they're beautiful. What’s the occasion?” 
“No occasion. I was just thinking about you and I drove by a flower shop. Thought I’d get you something.” 
You felt heat rise to your cheeks. Still you tugged on his shirt so that he’d meet you halfway in order for you to thank him with a proper kiss. 
“I love them, thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.”
“Let’s head inside.” You say as you pull out the keys to the main door of the building.
Once inside your apartment and your flowers arranged in a vase you sat down with Steve on the couch. You were anxious about even having to bring the subject up and apparently very clear that something was wrong. 
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Steve took your hand in his gently. His touch grounded you. 
“Nothing’s wrong. I just-there’s something I want to talk to you about.” 
“Ok. I’m here whenever you’re ready. There’s no rush on my part.” 
You smile at him. He made it so easy to talk to him, to open up and to even fall for him. 
“I feel like for this relationship to keep going in the right direction, I need to tell you about what I went through with my ex. Just because I think it’s important for you to understand me better.” 
Steve’s expression was calm but inside he was already feeling anger that you even had to go through what you did. 
“Ok, but only if you want to tell me. And we can stop whenever you want. I’m here for you no matter what.” Steve gives you a small reassuring smile.
You took a deep breath and gave a small nod. This was it, now or never.
“When I first started dating David things were fine. He was nice, friendly, he planned dates and was respectful. The problems didn’t start until we had been living together for a year.” You took a deep breath. Tears are already starting to gather in your eyes but you keep going. “The first time he hit me it happened so fast that I didn’t realize it until my cheek started to sting. It was over something so stupid I can’t even remember what it was. After that it turned into him coming home and choking until I passed out because he had a bad day at work or hitting me because I didn’t fold his laundry right.” 
Steve listens as you tell him of some of the things David had done to you, the mixture of physical, verbal and mental abuse. He was angry for you, enraged that he couldn’t face David and do to him what he had done to you. Marvin moves to rest his head on your to bring you comfort. 
“There was one year, we had a snowstorm and we were going to be stuck at home for a few days. I went shopping before coming home and I thought I got everything we needed. That night he woke me up by grabbing me by my hair and dragging me out of bed because I forgot his beer. He kicked me over and over again until I could barely move. Then he tied me up and he kept me like that for hours. He’d leave me alone and then come and beat me some more. I remember at one point screaming at the top of my lungs before passing out. Next thing I know I’m waking up in the hospital and being treated. He convinced the cops and doctors that he walked in on someone trying to steal from our place. ”
“Sweetheart-” Steve’s voice broke and he could only reach out to you and take your hand. “That’s horrible. I’m sorry you ever met him.”
“Me too.” You wiped away a few tears. “A few days after that was the first time he forced me to have sex with him. I tried to fight but I was still recovering, everything hurt and it just made him angrier.” 
Steve’s breath hitched and he felt like he’d been punched in the gut. He had an inkling feeling that you had gone through something like that but to hear you confirm it had him reeling. Steve stood and turned away from you in hopes of hiding his emotions from you. This moment wasn’t about him, it was about you and you needed him to be strong. Marvin whines a bit as he nudged your thigh with his nose. 
“I’m ok.”
“I can stop.” You sniffle and he turns around to face you. “I know it’s not an easy topic.” 
Steve sits again and he reaches for your hand and hesitates but you reach out for him. 
“I’ll do whatever you want. If you want to stop we will.” 
You nod. “Most people ask why I didn’t leave. I know you have to be wondering the same thing.” 
“No. I can’t begin to imagine how you were feeling and what else you went through. You survived and that’s what matters.”
“I almost didn’t though. My family basically turned their back on me and I had nowhere to go.” You say before you explain what happened the day of the blip. “I wanted to leave so many times before that but he had made me feel so worthless. Like no one else would ever care about me. I didn’t even know where to go either, I was so alone and so lost. If it hadn’t been for the blip…” your voice trailed off as you thought about that moment again. 
Then you explained to Steve some of the injuries you received, all of the broken bones, split lips, concussions, the need for your glasses and the scar on your chest from where you had been stabbed. You explain that you suffered from PTSD and panic attacks and those were the reason you had Marvin. After you were done it felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders. Well almost, there was still a chance that Steve would not want to be with you after that but it was a risk you had to take. 
“I’d understand if you didn’t want to be in a relationship with someone as messed up as me.”
“You can’t be serious?” Steve gave you an incredulous look. “I know that living through that wasn’t easy and if you don’t want to be with me I can understand that. But trust me Y/N I want nothing more than to be by your side. I want to show you how you deserve to be treated and I want to be here for you in whatever way you want me to be. During the good and especially during the bad.” 
“You don’t think I’m broken?” You sniffle and refuse to meet his eye. 
“C’mere.” Steve tugged you until you ended up seated sideways on his lap. He raised your chin up so that you would look at him. “I don’t think you are broken. You fought to live and to be here now. You amaze me by not letting what happened to you define your future. All of this could have made you bitter and made you hate the world but you have shown the opposite. You’re wonderful and I’m better because I know you.”
“Steve.” You’re crying now and you loop your arms around Steve’s neck, hiding your face from him.
“All I want is to protect you and make you happy, will you let me?” 
You pull back to look up at him. He was completely sincere in his statement. You cup his cheek and run your thumb back and forth. “Only if I get to make you happy too.” 
Steve smiles and nodded before connecting his lips with yours. When he pulls back you immediately lay your head against his chest. You both stay like that for a while. Steve’s strong arms keep you close to him and his touch is soothing. This is better than what you imagined would happen and you were glad that you had told him everything. Now you could move forward without the weight of your past relationship holding you back. 
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Since the day you talked to Steve about your past relationship things had been even better. You were more open and honest when you were having a bad day. There were many times when you would both sit down, him with his sketchbook and you with your journal and just spent some quiet time together while music played in the background. You didn’t compare this relationship with your last one anymore either, no longer spending your time quietly trying to figure out or waiting for red flags to make an appearance. It was good to feel this safe and cared for with Steve and you hoped he felt the same.
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Steve had been surprised when you asked him to be your plus one to Lisa’s wedding. Though you thought it was time for them to meet. It was going to be a surprise for her for sure. You’d let Steve know that she had no idea that he was Captain America. He chuckled but was hopeful that he was well received by your friend. It was important to him to show those that cared about you that he was serious when it came to your well-being. 
Steve’s eyes lit up when you opened the door. You were wearing a beautiful cerulean tulle dress. It was the first time that you wore something that had any type of cleavage and it showed off the scar on your chest and some on your back. It was something you had been self conscious about but at Nat’s gentle but firm insistence you decided on this dress. You smiled up at him, his eyes popped more with the touch of color from the tie and pocket square that matched your dress. That was definitely Nat’s doing. 
“You look breathtaking.” Steve murmured as his eyes drank you in. 
“Have you seen yourself? So handsome.” 
Steve gives you a bashful smile. It baffled you sometimes how easy it was to get him flustered. You’d never tell him but it was your favorite thing to do. 
“Are you ready to go?” 
“Let me just grab my purse.” You turned and grabbed everything you needed. Then you stepped out and locked the door of your apartment. “Ok I’m ready.” You said and started heading for the stairs.
“I’m not.” 
You turn to look at Steve, confused.
“I haven’t greeted my girl properly.” She smirks as he pulls you in and kisses you. “There, that’s much better.” 
You can’t help the grin that breaks out on your face. Steve then takes the small bag that held Marvin’s things in one hand and your hand in the other. 
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Lisa and Cassie’s wedding was small but beautiful. The ceremony was held in an exquisitely decorated garden and the reception was in a huge greenhouse. You had helped with some of the planning but to see their ideas come to life was amazing. While waiting for the brides to make their big entrance Steve was kind enough to take Marvin out for a quick stroll. He got back just in time to watch both women come in and head to the dance floor and share their first dance as a married couple. 
Steve had his arm around the back of your chair and you leaned into him, enjoying seeing your friend celebrating her second chance at love. 
“It’s incredible.” Steve murmured into your hair and you tilted your head back to look at him. 
“What is?” 
“To be able to see that all love is allowed to be celebrated. In the 20s and 30s they would have been persecuted.” Steve smiles as Lisa and Cassie kiss. “I know it still happens now but this is still progress.” 
“Yeah, it’s wonderful to see people able to love freely.” 
After their first dance Cassie and Lisa went to their table. Dinner was served and speeches were made. There had been murmurs during the reception about Steve being there but somehow Lisa still hadn’t seen you. It wasn’t until they were walking around the tables that she made it to you. 
“You two look so beautiful. Thank you for inviting me.” Yo say as you get up to hug the brides. 
“You look beautiful, I’m so glad you made it. And look at Marvin, he’s wearing a matching bow tie. That’s so cute.”
“I couldn’t help it. But I’d like you to meet my date. Lisa, Cassie, this is Steve.” You turn to see Steve stand up and stretch his hand out to shake theirs.
“Congratulations, it’s a wonderful wedding.” 
Lisa and Cassie are standing there with matching surprised expressions. You hide your smile behind your hand and try to stifle a giggle. They finally snap out of it and shake Steve’s hand.
“You are Steve Rogers.” Lisa says after a few seconds. 
“I am. At least the last time I checked.” 
“You didn’t tell me you were dating Steve fucking Rogers.” Lisa looks at you with wide eyes.
Steve throws his head back and laughs.
“Well his middle name isn’t fucking.”
“Y/N, not the point.” Lisa’s eyebrows furrow and she shakes her head. “You just said he worked in security and was in the military.” 
“That’s how you described my job?” 
“Well it’s true.” You turn to look at Steve. “You fought in World War Two and you’re an avenger, you literally work as security. It’s just that being an avenger is like an extreme sport.” 
Steve was laughing again. His hand on his chest and his head back. You roll your eyes but laugh too and look back at the newly weds. 
“Anyways, I didn’t tell you at first because I really wasn’t even sure anyone would believe me. Besides, it was a really new friendship.” 
“And now a full blown relationship.” She gives you a sly smile. 
“Yup.” When you turn to look at Steve he’s already looking at you fondly. “A good one too.” 
“That’s great. I’m happy for you really.” Cassie says. “You both owe us a dance each.” 
“Of course.” Steve nods and they move on to another set of guests. “What do you say, sweetheart, may I have this dance?” 
“I’m not really a dancer.”
“Neither am I but I think we can figure it out.” 
There was a slow song playing which was perfect for your two left feet. Steve swayed from side to side while his hands were on your waist. He kept his eyes on you the whole time, a soft smile on his lips while you sang along to the song. Marvin sat at the edge of the dance floor tracking your movements with his eyes. 
“Why did you say you aren’t a dancer? I thought dance halls were popular back in the 30s.” You looked up at him as you moved your hands from his chest to loop around his neck. 
“Well not a lot of dames wanted to dance with me back then. I wasn’t exactly the picture of a provider or protector.” 
“They’re idiots.” 
“Would you have danced with me?” He asks as he slowly turns you around the dance floor. 
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I? You were handsome back there too. I’m sure you were polite and honest like you are now.” 
Steve smiles before he dips you, his lips are on yours when he pulls you back up. You smile into the kiss just as the song ends. Someone clears their throat next to you and you pull away to see Lisa giving you an amused look. 
“May I steal your date for a dance?” She asked you and you looked up at Steve before nodding. Steve kisses your hand and then takes Lisa’s.
A song starts and Steve begins to lead Lisa around. He can’t help but look over and see you and Cassie in a dance of your own laughing. The smile is involuntary, it just appears whenever he looks at you. 
“Y/N’s something special isn’t she?” Lisa says in order to get his attention. 
“Yes she is.” 
“Other than the whole breaking up the team issue I’ve never heard anything bad about you as a person. Even then I think you were trying to protect and help someone.” 
“I was trying to help my best friend. I lost him during the blip.” 
“Can’t be easy to lose half of your family to a fight and then the other half to the blip.” 
Steve looked at Lisa and nodded. “Those first few months afterward were horrible.” 
“What changed?” 
“I met Y/N. It was like a switch flipped. I mean I could tell that she was going through something and she was so scared but she slowly started to let me in.” Steve started to ramble a bit about how much he cared about you, it was sweet.
“So when are you going to tell her?”
“Tell her what?” 
“That you’re in love with her.” Lisa smiled. 
“Oh, I don’t know. Isn’t it too soon? I don’t want to scare her.” 
“At least you didn’t deny it.” Lisa looks over to see you and Cassie mostly talking instead of dancing. “But don’t wait too long either. She’s been happier since you’ve been together and you deserve some happiness too. I’ve been in her shoes before. The uncertainty of a new relationship, the second guessing if we’re doing things right, the doubt that we’re good enough for this person that is so clearly much better for us. You seem to be a good man Steve and she needs that. Just don’t string her along ok?” 
“I could never.” 
“Good. Thank you for the dance.” Lisa gives him a hug. “Thank you for caring for her.” 
Steve watches as Lisa makes her way over to you and takes your hand while Cassie makes her way to him. The song is a bit more upbeat so she offers to get a drink at the bar instead. 
“Your man is so hot.” Lisa comments as you’re dancing around and you giggle. 
“He really is, isn't he?”You say dreamily. “But he’s so much more than that too. He’s so caring and he puts others first. He’s never made me feel like my feelings don’t matter.” You ramble about everything you love about Steve until Lisa chuckles.
“You should tell him you love him.”
“What if it’s too soon? Maybe he isn’t there yet.” 
“Trust me, he’s there already. Probably has been for a while.”
“Did he tell you something?” You asked before spinning.
“He didn’t have to say anything at all. The way he looks at you as if you’d hung the moon and the stars is enough to let me know.” Lisa wiggles her eyebrows at you. 
“Maybe I will… soon.” 
“I can’t wait to dance at your wedding.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous. I don’t think that’s happening.” 
“Please. He’s going to wife you up so hard. I want a shoutout during the speech saying I called it.” Lisa laughed as she took your hands and shimmied around with you. You loosened up too and started to really get into the dance until you were both just jumping and wiggling around the dance floor without a care in the world. 
“You two look great together.” Cassie tells Steve from behind her glass of champagne. 
“So do you. Lisa’s amazing.” 
Cassie looks out to you and Lisa and smiles. “Yeah she is. My only regret is not having met her sooner.”
“Yeah, me too.” Steve says before taking a sip of his drink. “May I ask you something? It’s a bit personal.”
“Let me guess, how to show her support?”
Steve nods.
“Well everyone is different but there are a few things that seem to be true for those that survived domestic abuse. One of them being reassuring them that they deserve to be safe and happy and loved. Reminding them that what happened wasn’t their fault. Learning what their triggers are.”
“Triggers?” Steve looked at Cassie a bit confused.
“Yeah. Like is there a certain word or phrase that might cause them to think of their abuser. Yelling or sudden movements might give them a flashback. When that happens you might want to give her space or she might want you to hold her so that you can ground her to the present. It all depends on Y/N.”
“I hadn’t thought of that.” 
“It’s normal for us to not think about those things. Just don’t be afraid to ask her and show her that you’re there for her. There will be times when she might want to push you away, just remember that it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with what she went through. Just give her space and remind her that you’re there for her. It won’t always be easy but it will always be worth it.” 
Steve nods and smiles when he sees you looking in his direction. A brilliant smile lights up your face as you wave him over. He’s all too happy to excuse himself and head in your direction. You’re already grabbing Marvin’s leash when he reaches you, his hand going to the small of your back. 
“Everything ok?” He asks.
“Yeah, I just wanted to take Marvin outside. Wanna come with?” 
“Yeah, I could use some air.”
“Great, let me go get my shall at the table. I’ll meet you by the door.”
“Ok. I’ll take Marvin.” 
You hand him the leash and zigzag your way through the tables. As quickly as you can you grab the wrap you brought in case you were cold and head outside. Steve is standing close to the door as Marvin sniffs around. You walk right up to him and wrap an arm around his midsection. 
“Hey.” Steve says as he places an arm around your shoulder and places a kiss on top of your head. 
“Hey, want to walk around a bit?” 
“Yeah, c’mon.” 
The two of you walk through the dimly lit garden letting Marvin stretch his legs a bit. Paper lanterns lit the walkways that snaked their way into different sections. You wandered aimlessly talking about how beautiful the wedding was. Then you found a small dance floor outside. There were fairy lights hanging from one side to the other bathing the area in a soft, warm glow. Speakers surrounded the area and music permeated the air. 
Steve took your hand and led you to the center of the outdoor dance floor. Slow, soft music was playing and Steve pulled you into his chest. His hands on your waist as you rested your hands on his shoulders. As he swayed you side to side you leaned your head against his chest. 
“Yeah?” You heard him say quietly, trying to stay in the magical bubble you were in at the moment. 
You took a deep breath. It was time that you were honest with yourself and him. 
“I need to tell you something.” 
“What is it?” He asked as he started to pull away but you pulled him back in.
“Can we stay like this?” 
“Of course. Everything ok?” 
“Yeah,” you replied nervously. “It’s more than alright actually. Steve, I’m falling in love with you.” 
You couldn’t see it but Steve smiled. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart. I’ll be right here to catch you, because I already have.” 
“What?” You asked as you pulled back to look at him. Same soft smile and fond look he always had when he looked at you was reflected back. 
“I’m in love with you. So when you’re done falling, I’ll be right here to catch you.” 
Your smile is brilliant as Steve closes the space and kisses you. How he managed to be so passionate but gentle when he kissed you would never know. But hopefully you’d have a lifetime to try and figure it out.
Ch 9
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spenglerstwinkie · 2 months
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w/o lyrics vv
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172 notes · View notes
wnacn · 4 months
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Switching Spots
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star-stages · 5 months
Layer modes are so fun ✨ I made some colorful things :D also posting my first picture of Vector on this blog 💚
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I find that I focus better on dark canvases 🌌 gonna experiment some more ✨️🦔
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dual-cetacean · 6 months
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Dreaming of Chili dogs
Sonic would not trade Tails for the world, but sometimes, being the sole provider of his little sibling/best friend wears on his sanity.
I've never used or drawn sign language, so I hope this is accurate.
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aishutoon · 3 months
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Here’s my art piece for this year’s sonic big bang (@sthbigbang)!
The fic this is based on is “For What It’s Worth” by @geminired (X) and the other artists for this story are @spicychimera (X) and @donelywell (X). Be sure to check them out, they’re all amazing!
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