#Toonverse ocs
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elementalgod-aj · 1 year ago
Anthro Allies Remastered (Part 11)
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were at the home stretch we Got Mollusks, we got Annelids, Parasites, Flora, Fungi and Micro Organisms
Sync (Giant Octopus/Blue ringed)
Lakella (octopus hybrid)
Tihomier (vampire squid)
Silah (Squid hybrid)
Bobby (bobtail squid)
Cassandra (Cuttlefish)
Jubal (Ramshorn Squid)
Lozen (Nautilus) 
Rosallyn (Snail)
Shankha (Garden snail/Horse conch)
Oozie (Sea slug)
Bryce (Land slug/Blue sea slug)
Ulysses (Bivalve hybrid)
Petunia (Bivalve Hybrid)
Lucian (Lined Chiton)
Gumshoe (Gumboot Chiton)
Grindor (Earthworm/Leech Mutant)
Eztli (Leech)
Gorya (Giant Gippsland Earthworm)
Splicer (Bristle worm hybrid)
Legume (Peanut worm)
Gabija (Ragworm)
Parasitic worms 
Pasala (Mutant Tapeworm)
Hammer (Hammerhead Worm)
Sludge (Mud dragon)
Lori (Loricifera)
Linka (Penis worm)
Gordian  (Horsehair worms)
Husky (Roundworm)
Arrowhead (Arrow worms) 
Spyne (Thorny headed worm)
Harry (Hairy Backs)
Jabber (Jaw Worm)
Slim (Flatworms) 
Wheel (Rotifers) 
Valve (Lampshells)
Brio (Bryozoa)
Kampto (Entoprocta)
Ribbon (Ribbon worm)
Phil (Horseshoe worm)
Cycle (Tree Of Life Ent)
Flo-Rel (Plant Ent)
Matango (Giant Mushroom)
SHroom (Mushroom)
Microbes (Bacteria/Protist/Archaea/Monera)
Micro (Microbe)
Mirca (Bacteria)
Miniscule (Choanoflagellate)
Ambrosal (Protozoa)
(For More Information About The Earthdemons, Neo demons, The Anthro allies , the O'Kong family and more of theses characters as well as updates please visit the @the-earthdemon-hub for more)
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blazedrawsstuff · 11 days ago
[DW x ML] Sirena (Akuma!Pearl)
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Back at it again with the Miraculous Ladybug Dandy's World AU (by @starlightwoofwoof ) akumatized OCs! This time it's Pearl the Mermaid. Or as her akuma form is called: Sirena (Like Serena, but with Siren).
Now for her info:
Regardless of what timeline this takes place (Toonverse or Gameverse), in this AU, Pearl goes by Toonverse (DW cartoon continuity) rules, in that she's confined to the sea as she is a mermaid (as in the game, she'd be able to float through the air like Connie via water magic/hydrokinesis). This is important, as this factors in her akumatization.
So Pearl, confined to the ocean, started to feel sad and depressed realizing she won't be able to do the things the "land dwellers" can do such as dancing, playing games, or engaging in most hobbies. Even with her bestie Finn, who often visits her, and the many sea creatures she considers friends...it still felt so isolating...so lonely...being left out of so many fun experiences and opportunities that are shared with friends.
The akuma that possessed her pearl necklace then gave her an idea: If she couldn't come to the land, perhaps she could make the land come to her...And thus, Sirena was born.
Why yes, her design is based on Black Pearl Cookie and Ursula. Funny coincidence since I headcanon Pearl to sound like White Pearl Cookie (Erica Mendez).
She's bigger and slightly taller than her non-akuma self. She's about as big as Dessert. For comparison, she reaches up to Dessert's chest area.
That name ain't just a punny moniker, Pearl's already beautiful singing voice was enhanced, allowing her to hypnotize and enchant others with her songs. She does this to bring people to the sea, her home.
Thankfully, Sirena is kind enough to give her victims air bubbles so they can breathe underwater. Land dwellers are no fun to be around when they're dead...
She's also able to command and control sea creatures; Dolphins, octopi, even sharks, you name it! They basically act like her bodyguards, attacking anyone that tries to stop her.
Should Sirena return, she'd gain a new idea: Flood the land. If you can't be on land, and the land dwellers won't let you bring the land to the sea...why not turn the land INTO the sea? She probably gets new hydrokinetic powers in order to do this, or uses her sea creatures to do it.
It is possible to nullify her siren song. Wearing any kind of protective ear covering (earmuffs, headphones, earplugs), etc will prevent the wearer from being hypnotized. Her song can also be drowned (heh heh) out by louder sounds such as someone else's music.
If Finn (her bestie) was to be one of the victims, she would give him special treatment. Such as allowing him to retain at least some of his free will instead of having him be mindlessly hypnotized like the others.
I feel like if she and Basserker met, Sirena would really want him to be her "right hand man" and become practically obsessed with the guy. Like a more...villainous version of their normal selves' friendship (I say friendship but tbh I definitely can see Finn and Pearl as a couple. Either/Or really.)
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 2 years ago
redo of my Intro post cause the one i have currently old as fuck.
♠️hey there! I'm Ace or Athena, I use She/He/They pronouns
❤️I'm Aroace
♣️I speak English and bits of French, German & Spanish
♦️I'm just some Canadian Artist (both digital and traditional) and writer :p
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♠️currently hyper fixated on: ROTTMNT, Animaniacs and the Riordenverse, Sonic ,(ok and MLP/EQG) (and also like, a billion other things I don't make content about)
❤️My TMNT iteration masterpost
Tumblr ask blog for ced TMNT iteration
♣️my fics I've written:
Dancing in the Dark (a Warners Parents fic)
Seperated (a wakko's wish au) *completed (AO3 version)
Seperated (Wattpad version)
children of the Dove, The Forge and The Sun (animaniacs x PJO au) *hiatus/will probably remain incomplete
into the Zany-verse (animaniacs Spiderverse au) *in progress but I don't know when the next update will be)
I'm me (a transfem Katie Kaboom one shot) *completed
Corrupted (Animaniacs villain au) *discontinued (Wattpad only)
"we fell in love in October" (a shelper short fic)
♦️OC intros:
Specter Stories (main non-fandom ocs for a book/comic)
Specter Siblings (Denzel's siblings)
So Highschool (OC cartoon I wanna make
So Highschool side characters:
Olivia (Piper's gf)
(fandom OCs)
James and Lillian Warner (Wakko's wish)
Alberts siblings (Wakko's Wish)
Mavis and Maya (ROTTMNT)
Raye Alexander (toonverse)
Huemay kids
♠️my Animaniacs future au blog
the new AU ask blog
❤️follow my other Socials! :)
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blossompuppy · 3 years ago
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A ref sheet for my new buddy, Starbot (designed by @kiittenteeth)! I updated this for artfight hehe 🥰
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toonstarsrising · 4 years ago
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So here’s some redesigns! Character info will come later but the names are;
-Angel Vamp
-Ariana Vamp
The ladies are adopted sisters :)
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dreamer-from-elm-street · 4 years ago
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Same but Different Traitors 
Kronos belongs to @elementalgod-aj
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eggnoscoffin · 5 years ago
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I would tell ya what her name is but ima just assume you can read :>
Basically she used to be a kids toy before she got “messed up” and she got set free :> She’s also Spec’s niece and Brenda’s cousin so Enjoy!
Brenda- @elementalgod-aj
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craftyjellyfishcat · 5 years ago
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my newest villain based off of Poison Ivy, Madam Venuisia. she’s a Venus Fly Trap and a silent assassin who lures her victims by emitting a sweet scent from her necklace.
Venuisia also uses her scent to put people into a trace to do her bidding though she can’t speak, the assassin can control her puppets with ease.
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elementalgod-aj · 1 year ago
Anthro Allies Remastered (Part 12)
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Now for the Final Post for the Anthro Allies. we've seen the Animals Now we see The creatures that are placed in the stories
Object People, Food People, Toons, Automatons, Mythical Creatures, Ghosts, Spirits, Extraterrestrials, Higher Beings, (Angels, Demons, Nephilim's, Gibborims, Cambions, Nephalems, Godabi' s) & Primordial's and Gods
Objects People/Food People
Ortensia (Candy Person)
Jeovanni (Candy Person)
Wowser (Lego Fusion)
Jem (Homunculus)
Sally (Doll)
Timmy (Toy)
Enigma (Human Turned Toon)
Quiver (Human Turned Toon)
X'Eterra (I'Gaia & T'Oatari) (Toon Fusion)
Kieno (Playdoe toon)
X.E.R.O. (Cyborg)
G.I.Z.M.O. (Cydroid)
Ignika (Android)
Patho-Gen (Virus)
Transmute (Technorganic)
Scott (Animatronic)
Gyro & Noid (Droids)
Lottie & Bolts (Bots)
Arsenal (Mech)
Proto (Giant Robot)
Mythical Creatures
Goboro (Golem)
Tulipia (Nymph)
Khemic (Substance Glob)
Vexus (Tetra Arm)
Baladar (Dragon)
Josephine (MothMen)
Tatsuo (Yokai)
Utara (Centaur)
Jamming (Sonar)
Yare (Builder)
Cetus (Sea Monster)
Mimi (Kaiju)
Ghosts and Spirits
Yondara (Spirit)
Nekros (Reaper)
Drocsid (Ghost)
Aura (Soul)
Noelle & Karol (Ancient Wendigo)
Oizta (Eldritch Horror)
Lore (Esoteric Being)
Higher beings
Primia (Angel)
Rampent (Demon
Clouduroy (Cherub)
Iza (Imp)
Bygone (Begone/Beyond) Nephalems
Zodiac (Harmony & Unity) Nephilim
Zenith (Cambion)
Vandalia (Gibborims)
Faye, Uto, Wallop, Zafu, Sentinel, Quickdraw, Knight, Frag, Xebec, Nynx
Primordial's and Gods
Paradigm (Celestial)
Iota (Ex God)
Ultra (Primordial)
Balance (Demi God)
(For More Information About The Earthdemons, Neo demons, The Anthro allies , the O'Kong family and more of theses characters as well as updates please visit the @the-earthdemon-hub for more)
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flame-and-combustion · 6 years ago
Claire Comma
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//New character I designed last night, she works as a dancer at a bar that has some different intentions after hours [more once i actually manage to get enough free time and motivation to draw the comic]
//Her power is to wipe a single event from the past week from someone’s mind by touching their forehead with her feelers, but it leaves her feeling sick and drained of energy after. The other con with it is that she has to get close to them and concentrate on that certain event to wipe it also
//She’s based on the welsh ‘Comma Butterfly’ and has a welsh accent 
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alsaeidaville · 6 years ago
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"This is the last time I'm telling you this, you are to NOT EVER go outside! Am I understood?" "...." "Ben-" "I'm NOT Bendy sir....but yes....you're understood...." "Good. Now go run along and bother the staff. I have to talk to a client." --------------------- Uh oh...someone's in trouble. Also these pictures, minor ones, are mainly a past/flashback of this poor lad and his life before AlsaeidaVille. Take all the guesses ya want on whom was just talkin to him c8 Or scolding rather heh.
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insane-control-room · 7 years ago
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it’s willy! there are two ways to tell them apart, Willy has 6 freckles while Wally only has 5, and, if they were standing next to each other, you could see Wally is taller, but not by much.
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dimneo1010 · 2 years ago
Since Beetlejuice the musical is closing today I made a little fanart for it Gosh I'll miss it <3 (Also Toonverse joins in woooo!)
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A little words i have to say- In 2020 I watched the OC Animatic 'Say my name', which made me discover Beetlejuice the musical I was pretty young at that time and had no friends, so music really helped me through it with drawing. I doodled the silly rat man a lot and when I came back to it in 2022 thanks to a friend it still had the same inspiration-boosting effect. Thanks to this musical I made friends, improved my artstyle and felt better when I was sad. Thank you, demon garbage man (and the team behind it) for making my life a little more exciting! <3
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dreamer-from-elm-street · 5 years ago
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I wanted to give some coloring for my Cheshire Cat boi
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eggnoscoffin · 5 years ago
“Hello Dolly!~”
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Wanted to draw this gal more cuz I foken miss her -w- Also to practice my shadin so enjoy~!
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elementalgod-aj · 1 year ago
Anthro Allies Remastered (Part 10)
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Now the Third and Final Part of the Arthropods
Emorrossa (Insect Queen)
Lord Hexagath (Insect King)
Buzza (Sawfly)
Stem sawfly
Cedar wood wasp
Webbed Leaf
Parasitic Wasps
Crimson the Abominable (Thistledown velvet ant)
The Hoard
P. Wood wasp 
Sirex Woodwasp
Ichneumon Wasp 
Gall wasp
Chalcid Wasp
Fairy wasp
Ensign Wasp
Crowned Wasp
Cuckoo wasp (Emerald wasp)
Velvet Ant (Cow killer)
Spider Wasp (Tarantula Hawk)
Tiphiid wasp
Scoliid wasp 
Mammoth Wasp
Cockroach wasp (Jewel Wasp)
Sand digger wasp
Cicada Killers
Ant hunter wasp
Bee wolf 
Aphid wasp
Eusocial Wasp
Queen Assaut
King Vespa
Prince Axe
Princess Strike
Yellow jackets
European wasps
Paper Wasps
Executioner wasps
Warrior wasps
Potter wasps
Hover wasps
Pollen wasps
Honey Wasp
Queen Amber
King Ore 
Prince Beryl
Princess Siafu
Special Forces
Acrobat Ant, Dracula Ant, Exploding Ant, Mafia Ant, Shining Guest Ant, Sugar Ant
Black Ants (Garden worker), Red Ants (forager worker)
Argentine Ants (Warrior), Erratic Ants (sun workers), Needle Ant (Warrior), Ghost Ant (Scout), Stink Ants (aphid and caterpillar farmer), cone ant (pest control)
Eciton Ants (Generals/Tanks), Driver Ants (Army)
Trap Jaw Ants (Trappers), Dinosaur Ants (Moon Worshippers)
Diving Ant (Swimmer), Honey Pot Ants (Food dealers), Crazy Ants (Wild cards), Amazon Ants (Raider), Carpenter Ants (Builders), Tree Ants (Warriors), Hodor Ant (Bouncer),  Giant forest ants (gladiators)
Leaf Cutter Ants (Builders), Weaver Ants (handmaidens and caretakers), Lemon Ants (mushroom growers), Pharaoh Ants (communication), Harvester Ants (harvesters), Pirate Ants (rogues), Raider Ants (raider), Electric ants (warriors), Fire Ants (Warriors), Big headed ants (Guard)
Queen Apidae
King Apo
Prince Kyle
Princess Pollen
Bee Hive
Dwarf/Asian Honey bee, Giant/European Honey Bee, Dog Bee, Sugar Bag bee (Honey makers), Carpenter bee (Builders), Bumblebee (Nectar collector),  orchid bee (Flower manager), Sweat Bee (workers), Long horned Bees (Workers), Digger Bees (nest builders), Mining Bees (Mining and Excavation)
Plasterer bee (builder), Polyester bee (cloth maker)
Carder bee (Collectors), Leafcutter bee( (Weaver), Mason bee (molder), Wallace giant Bee (blacksmith)
Pantaloon Bee (Guards)
Australian Bee (soldiers)
Daniel and Lyon (lacewing & antlion)
Xan (Snakefly)
Grounder (Ground beetles)
Live wire (Telephone pole beetle)
Knock Knock (Deathwatch beetle)
Lucky (Ladybug)
Lumi-Nate (Firefly)
Adorn (Jewel beetle)
IronShell/Ira (Horned Scarab beetle)
Horns (Stag Beetle)
George Schmutz (Dung beetle)
Red Rover (Rove beetle)
Ballin (Boll weevil)
Waxer (Giraffe Weevil)
Twist (Stylops)
Twiddle (Stylops)
Harleigh (Butterfly/Moth)
Eugene (Monarch Butterfly)
Genevieve (Silk Moth)
Cassidy (Caddisfly)
Bethany (House/Horse Fly)
Pesky (Gnat/Midge) 
Zika (Mosquito)
Rome (Hover/Robber/Crane fly)
Sting (Scorpionflies)
Ichor (Fleas)
(For More Information About The Earthdemons, Neo demons, The Anthro allies , the O'Kong family and more of theses characters as well as updates please visit the @the-earthdemon-hub for more)
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