elementalgod-aj · 2 years
Unity O'Kong & Harmony O'Kong
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Here's new refs of the Youngest and powerful members of the O'Kong Siblings
The Nephilim Twins Unity and Harmony
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The problem with the traitor plot is Alex is suppose to be a Genius at least the 3 Gibborim were neutral in that they didn't particularly care which of the Pride lived or died. Here we got a guy who is clearly not neutral and has a bias to Karoline. So there is no reason for Alex to think this guy will take a deal that Kills Karoline and his wife to get Alex his family and Nico's family.
Exactly! That’s why the traitor/mole plot doesn’t really work here. My bet is that if Alex has anything to hide, it’s got something to do with Amy Minoru, and not trying to secure a spot in “paradise” who the Wilders and the Minorus.(Lol, I’m still trying to wrap my head around what the Gibborium actually is, and if he is Leslie Dean’s husband and Karolina Dean’s Dad, where does Frank Dean come in?)
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We already know the show is changing in some regards. Like them apparently not running away for a portion of the first season. I'm guessing because of that scene in the trailer of Nico and Karolina getting ready for some kind of party. That wasn't in the comics. And doesn't seem like the type of thing you get to do while on the run from the cops and killer parents. lol
Yes, I noticed that as well! I’m interested to see why exactly the kids stick around/wait longer to run, but I guess all will be revealed soon.
But yes, lot’s of changes, like Molly being present for the Pride’s sacrifice, Molly and Gert being adoptive sisters, Nico having a deceased sister, the Hayes’ (or Hernandez) being gone, this mysterious Jonah character, and we still don’t know who or what the Pride are serving/sacrificing to (if they aren’t doing the Gibborium, but there’s been no indication that they aren’t so we’ll see).
My biggest thing, is them revealing what happened to Molly’s parents and who’s gonna be the mole this time around (if they change that at all).
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The thing is , in the first arc , anyone of them could have join back with their parents , alex decided it was more reasonable at the time to "side"/ save His Parents and wanted to save nico
True. Any of the kids were capablec of siding with the Pride. Molly of course was the most disbelieving of the group (as far as their parents actions as supervillans go), and being the youngest, she was closer and sheltered by her parents. But of course, we see her parents hint at hidden intelligence she may pocess.But as for Alex, he had reasoned in his mind that his parents were the actual good guys. His downfall was not only underestimating Nico’s loyalty to her friends and doing the right thing, but taking responsibility for the ruin of the Gibborium’s sacrifice, because he no longer wanted to see his parents (the good guys) humiliated and threatened by these beings. I think we look more at the fact that he was a villain, instead of Alex’s actual motivations. I believe that it wasn’t just loyalty that motivated him to side with them, but a twisted sort of love that allowed him to justify, in his mind, the horrible things his parents had done for the “greater good” (saving his and Nico’s family and making a better world). Hope that makes sense, :’)Anyone, feel free to add to this to if you think I missed anything about Alex’s motivations.
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Perhaps but lets examine the deal Alex struck sacrafice the others to save him Nico and their parents considering they are powering up apparently Karolina's Grandfather that doesn't make much sense. Then his father is actually nice to him and cares about the other Pride Families? While Chase is not really casually racist. I am just saying the central motivations for Alex doing what he did have gotten deleted.
I posted a little about Alex motivations on anothe post (stupid mobile wont let me link). 
But my understanding of his motivations in the comics was loyalty to his parents. And here it’s all the more stronger with his Dad actually being “nicer”. (Bye the way, when was Geoff ever cruel or not nice? When he forced him to cancel his vdeogame subscription, because any parent would do that. He was never downright abusive like Chas’s dad. Trust me, my folks were a lot less “nice” about things, lol) 
Because of his strong loyalty to his family, Alex saw the evil the Pride were doing but deduced that they had a good reason to do it (he saw his parents as heroes). 
Here, since we still don’t know what he stakes are (like what powering Karolina’s grandpa will lead to and what the Gibborium still have to do with the story) it’s very hard to say. We see in episode one that Geoff explains to Alex that what they are doing is going to help a lot of less-fortunate youths, something that, if Alex has already figured out what the Pride is up to, he already knows this, so that at least lays the groud for him already knowing and believing that what his parents and the rest of the Pride is doing is right. But it’s still too soon to tell, and because of that, it’s very confusing and doesn’t add the hell up (I totally agree with you on that!) 
Also, hope this made sense :’)
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My theory on Molly Hernandez's family
So since Molly's parents seem pretty much non-existant at this point (no casting, didn't even appear in the trailer)... This leads to my theory that Molly is possibly an orphan and is Gert's foster sister.
 The Yorkes are actually fostering her so that they have enough kids (remember, the Gibborium are only going to allow six of them to go through to their new world). 
 Why do I say foster child and not adoptoed, like Gert is (considering the ethnicities of the parents/actors are different)? Because her surname 'Hernandez' not 'Yorkes', so obviously she could just be their foster child, and they were planning to adopt her in the future, until the kids ran away. 
 What do you guys think? Also, why do you think Molly's parents haven't been included? (I have a small theory about that also, but let me know what you guys think!)
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With mollys parents not been annouced do you think they might be making her a orphan in the tv series, if that would suck I reckon?
Well, we still haven’t gotten casting for the Gibborium, Old Lace, or Leapfrog, but it does seem odd for them to have not casted them by now. I don’t know if they’ll make her an orphan though, since Gert is apparently going to be adopted or something. 
I think they’ll announce them within the next few weeks (or sooner, since filming has started/is starting???)
Honestly, they’re making so many changes and decisions that seem a bit out of place, that I’m more excited for Cloak & Dagger. But, they do this with many Marvel properties, so I’m sure the final project will be good at least. :/
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