#Tools For Support Coordination
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hihereami · 5 months ago
If you want to know what's up in Argentina:
Argentina has, historically, the right to public FREE quality university for all citizens and residents on its soil. This is considered a right and, although the system has its faults, it's considered the pillar of Argentina's middle professional class and a tool for upward mobility.
Last week, against HEAVY popular citizen support for the national public university system, Congress decided to support Javier Milei's veto that halts the public university's funding to inoperative levels.
Although the goverment and other friendly politicians assure this is about keeping numbers balanced, the money the Argentinian goverment gives to the system is less than 0,14% of the GDP. This is ideological. This is about less rights.
The President has claimed in interviews before and after his presidency that he considers free university "a degeneracy" and useless, although the Argentinian public university system has been lauded internationally (with high global rankings of UBA, Universidad de Cordoba, UNLP and Nobel prizes for its graduates) and is considered one of the tools for the working class's social mobility and the creation of Argentina's professional middle class.
The response to these measures that directly goes against the people's wishes have been instant.
There are now massive university takeovers all over the country, including very conservative areas and faculties with a population that refrains from these measures and have indeed voted for Milei's Libertarian party. Argentinian's Student Movement is historic, relentless and goes back to the 1918 Reform. It has coordinated and birthed several historical moments country-wise and was famously targeted by authoritarian regimes (like 1976's US-backed Military Dictatorship'a genocide and 1990s Neoliberalist Menem's policies).
The last two decades the movement has been disjointed, even fangless, but it seems Milei and the Congress's blatant corruption and disregard for what is considered a basic right has awakened a dormant beast.
Keep an eye on us, alright? Please.
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bubblegumgothglados · 5 months ago
This is my RACK focused judgment free primer for heavy impact play. It covers every part of the body from head to toe and at no point does it say you can’t do something just the risks of doing so. I don't normally put warnings on my posts but most of my writing is fantasy, this isn't. I'm going to talk about any number of painful deaths and heaps more ways of becoming disabled.
In this primer "you" means the one doing the hitting, "victim" is the one being hit, and "tool" is the thing you're hitting with which could be a fist, foot, hammer, bat, anything. I'm writing it this way because its fun for me.
This primer also assumes you know the different types of impacts and how they affect the body, if you don't go look at my other writings.
Finally i take no responsibility for anything you do. All this information is what i could put together from medical journals and car crash reports if I've got anything wrong (and you can prove it) please let me know.
Head. With hits to the head, the two major concerns are concussions and neck injuries. A concussion occurs when a person’s brain impacts with the inside of their skull, this happens because the brain is suspended in fluid so if the skull stops or starts moving suddenly the brain will move out of sync with the skull. Symptoms of concussions can include headaches, confusion, lack of coordination, memory loss, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, ringing in the ears, sleepiness, and excessive fatigue. If your victim lost consciousness for any length of time and is having trouble speaking or understanding your words, you need to get them to the ER. There is no cure for a concussion but the best treatment is pain medication and activities that won’t tax the brain to give it time to recover. There are any number of ways to damage a neck, but generally it happens when a person’s neck is moved suddenly and violently or pushed past its limit. Minor injuries should heal by themselves within a few weeks but if unlucky pain and stiffness can last months or even years. For more major injuries, physical therapy or a neck brace might be necessary but only if the pain lasts longer than a few weeks. It’s also possible to hit someone hard enough to break their neck or fracture their skull but that takes a lot of force. All of these injuries can be avoided by supporting your victim’s head and neck by bracing their head against a surface or holding their head with your hand.
Jaw. It takes surprisingly little force to dislocate a jaw, you can do so with a good slap Dislocations are talked about in Note 3 at the bottom of this primer. Heavy bleeding from gums or a tooth that feels loose could indicate a fractured root. This is a fairly minor issue and if you see a dentist quickly they should be able to fix it back in place with no lasting damage. A tooth that has been knocked out completely should survive; get your victim to rinse their mouth out and rinse the tooth off and shove it back into the gap, and then have them see a dentist to make sure it’s properly seated and avoid chewing with it for a while.
Eyes. A fun combination of fragile and complicated. There's no first aid tips I can give you and it'll be real obvious if something is wrong. I will say you don't have to hit someones eye to give them a black eye, it’s bruising around the eye socket that matters. Also check Note 1 about the use of ice when treating injuries.
Nose. It’s more difficult than you think to break a nose. You definitely can with a good punch but you'll have to really commit. A broken nose isn't that serious (I've broken mine twice now) and isn't even ER worthy. If your victim is leaning backwards after breaking their nose the blood will run down the back of their throat potentially making them vomit or very sick. There is a chance a broken nose will heal in a way that restricts breathing in which case your victim may need surgery.
Cheek bone. Below the temple but above the gum line, running from just bellow their ear to their nose. Special mention to this spot because it’s the best place to hit your victim in the head (in my opinion). This piece of bone is very sturdy and not that risky to fracture. Plus, when you hit them here they have to watch it coming.
Neck. The windpipe, jugular, cranial nerves, vagus nerve, carotid arteries, and spine all live here and damage to any of these can cause permanent disability or death. Seek medical attention if your victim has trouble breathing or swallowing, or a lot of pain or swelling. Stingy tools are far less risky here than thuddy tools.
Shoulders. Note 2 on joints. The shoulder blades can either be an ideal impact location or one of the most risky depending on how it’s sitting. If the shoulder blade is jutting out away from the rest of the back, it’s very easy to damage If it’s laying flat against the back, it’s protected by a thick layer of fat and muscle.
Biceps. Top 4 impact location. The main concern is damaging the elbow and shoulder joints, if hitting in a way that will pull on those joints. Much like with the head, bracing the impact area against a surface will minimize the risk. Repeated hits to this area can temporarily disable the arm, which is fun.
Forearm. As above, the main risk is damaging the adjoining joints. There are also several important blood vessels and nerves running through this area and not a lot of fat an muscle to protect them.
Hands. Very little fat or muscle, mostly tendons, nerves, and cartilage. See Note 2 on joints. Special note to the palm, which hurts like hell but is relatively safe because of the extra muscle and fat in that area, great for punishment. Once again, stingy tools are much less risky than thuddy tools.
Breasts/ biceps. Top 4 impact locations. Thick layers of fat, muscle, and bone protect anything vital.
Sternum. That is the bone running down the center of a person’s chest that connects to their ribs. Not in itself very fragile but the cartilage that connects it to the ribs is easily damaged and will take a long time to heal. A fractured sternum will likely cause shortness of breath and pain when taking deep breaths. There's not much to be done about these injuries just rest and avoiding strenuous activity.
Spine. The single most risky impact location. Any damage to the spine risks permanent paralysis of everything below that point. As ever, stingy tools present less risk than thuddy tools.
Rib cage. Designed to protect a person’s most vital organs, the rib cage is very strong. Fractured ribs will cause pain breathing but aren't particularly serious. Snapped ribs can pierce organs If this happens, it'll be immediately obvious and medical intervention is required to prevent painful death. Special note to the 'floating' ribs at the bottom of a persons rib cage which don't connect to the sternum and are therefore much less resilient. Second special note to the spot right above a persons heart. A significantly hard impact at exactly the wrong moment in their cardiac cycle can stop their heart. They will loose consciousness and you will need to give them CPR until they can be defibrillated. This is ridiculously unlikely but better to mention just in case.
Abdomen. If you feel around your victim’s belly, you can figure out the line where their abdominal muscles sit. If you have them tense these muscles, you can hit them fairly hard with relatively little risk because the muscles plus the fat in that area create a thick layer of protection. (Pro tip: "Stay tense or this will might kill you" is not only true but hot and terrifying). Outside of that area or if they don't tense, there's real risk of bruising or even rupturing their intestines, which carries a 50-70% survival rate depending on how quickly you can get them to the ER. Symptoms to look out for are bloating, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and fatigue. Special note to the kidneys, which sit next to the backbone just below the rib cage and are very easily bruised. The primary symptom to look for is blood when peeing. As always, stingy tools carry less risk than thuddy tools.
Gluteus maximus. That's their butt. Hit it as hard as your victim will let you. Enough has been said about this region; I don't feel the need to recover that ground. Note 4 on bruises.
Genitals. I'm not going to get into CBT, that's a separate kink. But the vagina is very durable as it’s pretty much just flesh and fat on the outside Minimal risk, go to town.
Thigh. Top 4 impact location. Outer thigh will hurt more and bruise more. As with the head and arms, the primary risk is damaging the adjoining joints. Note 4 on bruises because this is the primary place for DVT.
Calf. As above. Shins are also a great location for punishment because they hurt like hell.
Feet. Very similar to hands. The soles of a person’s foot are intended to impact with the ground frequently and with some force, so they can take a fair bit of punishment.
Note 1. Ice. It is no longer suggested injury procedure to use ice to reduce swelling. Yes, it is effective at reducing swelling but we now understand swelling is an important part of the healing process and although ice might make it feel and look better in the short term, it actually increases the amount of time the injury will take to heal. You want the blood to be able to flow to the injury to take away dead cells and bring nutrients and energy.
Note 2. Joints. Neck, spine, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, ankles, and toes. The reason these are almost always labeled "red" or "no go" on impact play body maps is because these are choke points for blood vessels and nerves; they are made of fragile tendons and cartilage, and they have very little padding for protection. They're also important for movement day to day and very difficult to heal properly. If a joint is damaged, you can buy braces for every joint from most pharmacies.
Note 3. Dislocations. If you're lucky, a partial dislocation will relocate by itself if you move the joint around as you normally would, not forcing it or trying to manipulate it with your hand, just moving it with its own muscles. If it does naturally relocate but you still have pain a few weeks later seek a medical professional. If you're unlucky or if it’s a total dislocation, you will have to see a medical professional. DO NOT TRY TO FORCE IT BACK INTO PLACE!
Note 4. Bruises. Normally, bruises are nothing to worry about but there are situations where a deep bruise can be a health concern. If the bruise continues to get worse after a week, there could be a hematoma under the skin, which is like a blood clot, and might need to be removed. The other possible complication is Deep Vein Thrombosis, which is a blood clot and can be lethal, if not treated quickly. With DVT, the symptoms are tenderness, warmth, and a "pulling sensation" which are pretty normal impact play symptoms. But if you're doing impact play at the level that could cause DVT, then you and your victim should know their healing process intimately, so if something feels off or isn't healing right, get them to a medical professional; better safe than dead.
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pforestsims · 1 month ago
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Here's my edit of the decorative cornice and base molding from Apartment Life EP. Also included OBJ unlockers for diagonal pieces.
Bohemian Moldings revised - Mesh/ Txtr Default Replacement
& diagonal bits - lost & found*
Download: MEGA | SFS
There are a few default variants to choose from. Unlocked items are available as separate files.
*Note: unlocked diagonal objects cannot be sampled with 'eyedropper' tool (if you do that, the non-diagonal version shows up) but other than that, seem to work fine and have working LOD90 versions = visible in hood view.
*This is for The Sims 2
More under the cut:
Diagonal pieces require MoveObjects On cheat, and when placing above ground you have to create an extra tile for support, then remove it, so I'm pretty sure that's why Eaxis decided to hide both.
According to the catalogue description "the Molded Cornice is meant to add a beautiful transition from wall to roof". Original cornice bits are adjusted to ceiling level - but do work as wall /floor edge hiders when shifted up.
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I use these outside on the roofs most often - so I've tweaked cornice meshes to be higher, slightly above floor level (this replacement is optional). While at it, I've also tweaked the base molding aka molded belt shape to match the cornice. Unfortunately, GMDC replacements for diagonal bits don't work for some reason, so smooth version of the Diagonal Molded Belt is included as add-on. Please note it's not visible in hood view (pic below on the right).
Diagonal cornice was moved up by editing CRES coordinates.
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So if you care about smooth base moldings but also want all elements to be visible in hood view, you could remove smooth diagonal belt add-on and pick OBJ unlocker (original mesh) instead.
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sylvia-on-the-run · 3 months ago
The attack by terrorist gangs on Aleppo is a zionist and Western plan to undermine Syria's stability and its role in supporting the resistance
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine strongly condemns the treacherous attack carried out by terrorist militias and allied armed factions on the Syrian city of Aleppo. This assault is directly supervised by the zionist entity in coordination with the U.S. administration and its proxies. The attack aims to destabilize Syria, undermine its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and weaken its pivotal role in supporting the resistance in Palestine and Lebanon.
The zionist entity and its allies are relentlessly attempting to thwart the resistance and its Arab and regional depth by targeting Syria and plunging it into renewed chaos. This dangerous and continuous escalation includes the zionist entity's bombings of border crossings and Syrian territories. It is no coincidence that this coincides with the entry of terrorist militias into Aleppo as tools in the scheme to divide Syria.
The Popular Front reaffirms its full solidarity with Syria's unity, sovereignty, role, and position. It calls on allied forces to stand united to thwart the sinister schemes aiming for dominance, control, and subjugation of the region and its peoples, with Syria at its heart.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Central Media Bureau November 30, 2024
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michaela-o · 2 months ago
Hey ya all! Here's a thing i had in mind about how a tutorial written by decepticons on how to capture a human would look like :D
Decepticon Recommendation: How to capture a human
Humans are physically fragile but resourceful and quick to flee when threatened. A successful capture requires precision, intimidation, and a deep understanding of their weaknesses. The objective is to immobilize them efficiently while instilling fear, ensuring no damage that might render them unusable or dead unless necessary.
The first step in capturing a human is separating them from their support systems and escape routes.
• Identify solitude opportunities: Humans are most vulnerable when alone or in small groups. Wait until the target is isolated—walking in the dark, separated from a crowd or traveling in a vehicle through a remote area.
• Cut off communication: Humans rely heavily on their communication devices (phones, radios). Disable these devices first, either by emitting an electromagnetic pulse jamming their signal ir straight up crushing the device. With no way to call for help, their panic will increase.
• Block their escape routes: Humans are agile in confined spaces but slow in open terrain compared to a Cybertronian. Use the environment to your advantage by cornering them. Block off exits with your size, speed, or tools like energy barriers to force them into a limited area.
Humans respond predictably to fear. A frightened target is less coordinated and more likely to make mistakes.
• Make a show of power: Land heavily, crush nearby objects, or generate loud, reverberating sounds to assert your dominance. The more you appear as an unstoppable force, the quicker they will give up resistance.
• Use sudden movements: Humans are startled by abrupt changes in their environment. Appear out of nowhere, shift from stillness to speed instantly, or make sudden lunges to disorient them.
• Speak in a threatening manner: Use their language, but distort it to sound mechanical or predatory. Tell them what awaits if they resist, ensuring your tone conveys inevitability.
Humans are painfully fragile. Overestimating their durability could render them unusable for sale or other purposes.
• Deploy restraints: Use non-lethal restraints like energy nets, magnetic tethers, or adhesive traps to immobilize them quickly. Avoid physical contact unless absolutely necessary, as their unpredictability can lead to unnecessary complications.
• Target mobility first: Humans heavily rely on their legs for escape. Immobilizing their lower body—through stunning their legs or pinning them to the ground—will neutralize their primary means of escape.
• Minimize struggle: If the human resists, use tools that apply pressure without causing harm. For instance, magnetic cuffs or a localized stasis field will incapacitate them without lasting damage.
Once the human is captured, the transport phase is critical to ensure no escape attempts.
• Enclose the target: Humans are adept at exploiting even the smallest weaknesses in containment. Place them in an energy field, sealed pod, or reinforced cage to ensure they cannot interfere with your systems.
• Suppress movement: Even restrained humans can be disruptive. Induce a state of stasis by muzzling them, covering their helm or sedation to keep them docile during transport.
Should the human continue to resist, escalate your methods to assert dominance and ensure submission.
• Induce pain: Humans are highly sensitive to pain. A brief, non-lethal application of pressure or energy can quickly deter further resistance. For example, an electrical shock or tightening restraint will subdue most individuals.
• Make an example: If capturing multiple humans, ensure the others see the consequences of resistance. This will discourage further defiance.
• Break their will: Use psychological tactics such as threatening their loved ones or showing them the consequences of defiance through holographic projections or live displays of power.
• Avoid unnecessary damage: As stated above, dead or severely injured human is less useful for experimentation for they will last much less and are hard to sold on the black market for solid fortune.
• Control the narrative: Ensure the human understands their helplessness and that resistance will only lead to greater suffering.
"A human’s strength lies in their fragile belief in survival. Crush that belief, and their submission will follow." - decepticons
( lemme know if you would like me to make an Autobot version aswell !! :DD )
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unboundprompts · 10 months ago
Hello!!! I hope you don't mind doing this one,
Can you help me write a traumatized person who's having trouble talking because of past trauma? (They can still interact with people, but only with signs and movements, not voice) and also a little anxious
Tell me if you need more details =)
How to Write a Mute / Non-Speaking Character
-> healthline.com
-> verywellhealth.com
-> descriptionary.wordpress.com
Types of Mutism:
selective mutism: having the ability to speak but feeling unable to.
organic mutism: mutism caused by brain injury, such as with drug use or after a stroke.
cerebellar mutism: mutism caused by the removal of a brain tumor from a part of the skull surrounding the cerebellum, which controls coordination and balance.
aphasia: when people find it difficult to speak because of stroke, brain tumor, or head injury.
What Causes Selective Mutism in Adults?
having another anxiety condition, like separation anxiety or social anxiety
experiencing physical, emotional, or sexual abuse
having a family history of selective mutism or social anxiety
having fewer opportunities for social contact
having an extremely shy personality
having a speech or language disorder, learning disability, or sensory processing disorder
parent-child enmeshment, or lack of clear boundaries in the relationship
traumatic experiences
Traumatic Mutism vs Trauma-Induced Selective Mutism
if you have traumatic mutism, you may be unable to talk in all situations following a trauma.
with trauma-induced selective mutism, you may find it impossible to talk only in certain situations-- for example, in front of the person who hurt you or in a setting that resembles the circumstances of your trauma.
Different Ways Individuals with Mutism May Choose to Communicate:
Nonverbal Communication: they may rely on facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, and body language to convey their thoughts, emotions, and intentions.
Writing or Typing: they may use a pen and paper, digital devices, or communication apps to write messages, notes, or responses.
Sign Language: they can convey meaning, emotions, and engage in complex conversations through hand signs, facial expressions, and body movements.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices: these devices provide individuals with a range of tools and technologies to support their communication needs. They can include speech-generating devices, picture boards, apps, or software that allows users to select words, phrases, or symbols to generate spoken or written output.
Communication Boards and Visual Aids: Communication boards or charts with pictures, symbols, or words can assist individuals in conveying their messages.
Assistive Technology: various assistive technologies, such as speech-to-text apps, text-to-speech programs, or eye-tracking devices that aid individuals with communication.
Tips on Writing a Mute / Non-Speaking Character:
Explore the vast array of nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, gestures, and eye contact. Use descriptions to convey their intentions and reactions.
Utilize internal dialogue. Offer readers a window into their internal thought process, and turn their internal dialogue into a narrative that reveals their inner struggles, triumphs, and complexities so that reader can connect with the character.
Establish a communication system that is unique to your character (Sign language, written notes, telepathy in a fantasy setting, etc.). Having a communication system allows your character to interact with other characters and contribute to the narrative.
Surround them with Understanding Characters that can aid in communcation and fostering meaningful relationships.
Establish the Barriers/Conflicts They'll Experience. Don't forget to be realistic.
Your character is not defined by their inability to speak. Make sure you do not write stereotypes and cliches. Being mute is only one aspect of their identity rather than their defining trait.
Do your research! Seek out firsthand accounts, experiences, and perspectives. Check out online forums and resources to gain insights into their unique challenges, adaptations, and strengths.
If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider buying me a coffee! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi! Become a member to receive exclusive content, early access, and prioritized writing prompt requests.
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clarenecessities · 1 year ago
He-man.org will close in 5 days.
He-man.org has been a staple of the Masters of the Universe community since the early days, originating as an email list that worked to document episodes before anything (not footage, not lists, nothing) was available online. It grew into a sprawling, multi-faceted beast of a thing, including an encyclopedia (an in-house wiki), merch lists, a marketplace, forums, anything you could think of.
Several years ago now, the main site went down for updates/maintenance. For a few weeks, we were told, maybe months. The forums remained open for fans to communicate, and barring a period of downtime earlier this year things were going smoothly.
Yesterday, the owner of the site, Val Staples, announced the site would be closed on November 14th, 2023. Six days later. We are currently attempting to contact him, to see if he’s interested in selling, and if he means closed as in “no new posts” or closed as in deleted entirely. Regardless of its eventual fate, the archiving of these forums is essential to preserving the history of the franchise, the fandom, and the brand.
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TO SHE-RA (and MotU) FANS SPECIFICALLY: I have personally used these forums to answer questions that could be answered nowhere else. Had I not had access to them, I would never have been able to prove that Purrsia was fake, or found so much unpublished concept art, or discovered that Scott “Toyguru” Neitlich personally wrote Catra’s MOTUC bio (even if he’s put off answering my questions about it for over a year now). Forum members have conducted interviews with the likes of Jon Seisa, Cathy Larson, Janice Varney-Hamlin—essential figures in the very foundations of POP, and those interviews revealed and recorded priceless information for future generations (me! you! us!) to find. Did you know Cathy Larson named Adora? That she originally pushed for “Dorian”, after her own daughter? We cannot let this treasure trove disappear into the ether(ia).
TO THE UNAFFILIATED: Please help. Pretty please. If you’ve ever liked my art or my writing or my haphazard blogging, ever, at all, consider archiving just one board. Just one page. Literally anything helps. I am spiraling into madness & this is my library of Alexandria. The mythical one that was totally unique and persevered nowhere else and was destroyed in a single cataclysmic event. Pretty pretty please help.
Archive.org has several ways to upload shit but most of them are longer term than “a few days” so we’re focusing on two (which can be run simultaneously): Save Page Now, and browser extensions. From their help page:
1. Save Page Now
Put a URL into the form, press the button, and we save the page. You will instantly have a permanent URL for your page. Please note, this method only saves a single page, not the whole site.
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We want to keep outlinks and screenshots wherever possible. The Archive does not keep your IP address, so your submission is anonymous.
2. Browser extensions and add-ons
Install the Wayback Machine Chrome extension in your browser. Go to a page you want to archive, click the icon in your toolbar, and select Save Page Now. We will save the page and give you a permanent URL.
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One plus to installing the extension is that as you surf around, when you run into a missing page they will alert you if we have a saved copy.
More extensions, apps, and add-ons:
Firefox add-on
Safari Extension
iOS app
Android app
I strongly encourage you to use these tools even if you aren’t helping with this project/after it ends. Documenting and preserving information is essential in this day and age & The Internet Archive is at the heart of it. Please support them however you can.
I’m serious about paying you, though I may need more communication with folks I don’t know so we can coordinate/verify shit gets done. I think this is a worthwhile pursuit in itself but I recognize your time is valuable & like, people gotta eat. DM me if you’re interested and we’ll talk. I may need to adjust pay depending how many people bite but I’ll do what I can
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mistfallengw2 · 5 months ago
How do charr hands function? Here's my headcanon (with drawings!)
So I made this poll earlier today and I ended up making some sketches to explain how I headcanon charr hands and their supposedly retractable yet too big claws. The idea is that both the game and the books are partially right: claws can be big (not as big as the models), and they're semi-retractable (so fully-fluffy paws). [Disclaimer: I am bad at anatomical drawings and did not try to make them super accurate :')]
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Basically charr fingers are made of three phalanges, but functionally they're just two, with the 2nd and 3rd being much shorter and sort of "merging" with the claw itself, which is mostly supported by the 3rd and starts very close to the knuckle between them. The palm is covered almost entirely by a skin pad/paw pad, which usually extends to the first phalanx of each finger, and the fingertips are covered by pads as well.
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The claws are semi-retractile, though the exact range of motion depends on the individual's genetics (claw size and shape + hand anatomy) and preferences (how much they trim the claw). The ability to retract their claws is managed by specialized extra tendons and muscles in the hand's structure, and they can lock the claw in place or move it, even while the fingers are bent, though with some limitation at the extremes of movement. While the claw at rest will stay at a "safe" angle, the claw's bed can shift on the cartilage structure when pulled, sliding back into a "sheathed" position or be pushed outwards. [note: I was too scared to go too far with the "x-ray" sketches and probably the claws could go a bit further back in the finger lol]
Ancestrally, this system kept the claws from always digging into the ground and losing sharpness when running on all fours, while still allowing for extra grip when necessary (similar to cheetahs) and the use when fighting or taking down prey. During the evolutionary transition in which charr started walking upright most of the time and using tools, it lost some of its ancestral necessity and functionality. However, instead of turning into something vestigial, charr evolved the ability of controlling each claw's movement independently from the rest of the finger, allowing for greater precision, fine motor skills and dexterity.
The pad grants grip and softer manipulation of items, while the claw handles movements finer and more precise than the pad allows, and other races find it complex, fascinating or a bit freaky. Some say that charr are as dexterous than humans, if not more, which is quite an accomplishment for creatures with such big hands.
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That said, variety is huge among charr. Some have stubby paws with big, wide claws, while others have long, slender fingers with narrow claws.
Claws are still used as a natural weapon by many soldiers, but it's totally not uncommon for charr to file their claws down or keep them blunt, as there's a huge variety of reasons for not wanting sharp knives on one's fingers (job requirements, handling of delicate materials, safer interactions with cubs or creatures with softer skin, personal preference, etc), and some even keep their claws at different lengths for specific uses.
That said, claws can't be trimmed beyond the quick without bleeding or potential damage, and since it extends out of the sheath it's not possible for a charr to fully sheath their claws. Claws grow quite fast to make up for the daily wear and tear, so upkeep must be done regularly, as trimming too much might temporarily impact coordination. Declawing can happen during combat or following injury, and those affected might wear prosthetics/fake claws to make up for it.
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photomatt · 1 year ago
Hey, genuine question, although I'm not honestly expecting a response: if tumblr users have been telling you what they want and what they don't want since you've taken over, and their feedback has more or less been ignored consistently whilst rolling out changes that nobody asked for or uses (tumblr live is coming to mind), and you're not getting the content use you want, might it be an idea to try those before abandoning the site? What is the worst that could happen, really? Listen to your userbase. You had a lot of good will from listening to people at the start of your ownership: blaze did well, as did ad-free, polls and so on, but there are some really popular things you've removed or made obsolete (prev tags, blog themes, avatars etc.) that a lot of people want back. Equally, there are some things I've never heard a single person want - this site isn't TikTok, and never will be. Instead of trying attract a crowd that is already catered for elsewhere, making the people who love tumblr still despite all the changes in ownership more comfortable under you can only be a benefit. Thank you for reading, if you did actually read this.
Thank you for the genuine question! First, I'll say that we've never launched anything with the expectation the community would hate it, but there sometimes is a big difference between what people say they want and how people respond or what information (and often misinformation) goes viral.
As an example, Post+, which is a feature where you can pay to subscribe to other users, had some misinformation go viral that if you used it you'd be sued by copyright holders if you did fan fiction, and there was a huge backlash that the site was going paid and a coordinated campaign to attack (including with death threats) everyone who signed up for the program.
I'll repeat, this was a program where the money all went to creators, Tumblr did not take a cut, and the creators were often already selling work on Patreon or Ko-fi, this just was an integrated way for it to work. Because of the hate and attacks, every launch creator canceled the program. It was sad, because this was a feature users and creators said they wanted, and we prioritized making users money over projects that would make us money.
Since then we've gotten better at managing attacks and threats, with new tools and a bigger Trust & Safety team, but Post+ never recovered.
You mention Blaze and Ad-free doing well, but their adoption is so small relative to the use of Tumblr their revenue couldn't support a fraction of the ~1,000 servers it takes to run Tumblr, much less any salaries.
To your broader point, though, one thing I'm hoping with a more focused approach in 2024 is that we can streamline some of the extra things that were launched (like Live) that haven't gotten the adoption we hoped, and focus in on the core functionality that people use a ton of on Tumblr. We will likely be shipping less new stuff and more focused on improving existing functionality and core flows.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 2 years ago
When the app tries to make you robo-scab
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When we talk about the abusive nature of gig work, there’s some obvious targets, like algorithmic wage discrimination, where two workers are paid different rates for the same job, in order to trick occasional gig-workers to give up their other sources of income and become entirely dependent on the app:
Then there’s the opacity — imagine if your boss refused to tell you how much you’ll get paid for a job until after you’ve completed it, claimed that this was done in order to “protect privacy” — and then threatened anyone who helped you figure out the true wage on offer:
Opacity is wage theft’s handmaiden: every gig worker producing content for a social media algorithm is subject to having their reach — and hence their pay — cut based on the unaccountable, inscrutable decisions of a content moderation system:
Making content for an algorithm is like having a boss that docks every paycheck because you broke rules that you are not allowed to know, because if you knew the rules, you’d figure out how to cheat without your boss catching you. Content moderation is the last place where security through obscurity is considered good practice:
When workers seize the means of computation, amazing things happen. In Indonesia, gig workers create and trade tuyul apps that let them unilaterally modify the way that their bosses’ systems see them — everything from GPS spoofing to accessibility mods:
So the tech and labor story isn’t wholly grim: there are lots of ways that tech can enhance labor struggles, letting workers collaborate and coordinate. Without digital systems, we wouldn’t have the Hot Strike Summer:
As the historic writer/actor strike shows us, the resurgent labor movement and the senescent forces of crapulent capitalism are locked in a death-struggle over not just what digital tools do, but who they do it for and who they do it to:
When it comes to the epic fight over who technology acts for and against, we need a diversity of tactics, backstopped by tech operated by and for its users — and by laws that protect workers and the public. That dynamic is in sharp focus in UNITE Here Local 11’s strike against Orange County’s Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort & Spa.
The UNITE Here strike turns on the usual issues like a living wage (hotel staff are paid so little they have to rent rooming-house beds by the shift, paying for the right to sleep in a room for a few hours at a time, without any permanent accommodation). They’re also seeking health-care and pensions, so they can be healthy at work and retire after long service. Finally, they’re seeking their employer’s support for LA’s Responsible Hotels Ordinance, which would levy a tax on hotel rooms to help pay for hotel workers’ housing costs (a hotel worker who can’t afford a bed is the equivalent of a fast food worker who has to apply for food stamps):
But the Marriott — which is owned by the University of California and managed by Aimbridge Hospitality — has refused to bargain, walking out negotiations.
But the employer didn’t walk out over wages, benefits or support for a housing subsidy. They walked out when workers demanded that the scabs that the company was trying to hire to break the strike be given full time, union jobs.
These aren’t just any scabs, either. They’re predominantly Black workers who rely on the $700m Instawork app for gigs. These workers are being dispatched to cross the picket line without any warning that they’re being contracted as strikebreakers. When workers refuse the cross the picket and join the strike, Instawork cancels all their shifts and permanently blocks them from new jobs.
This is a new, technologically supercharged form of illegal strikebreaking. It’s one thing for a single boss to punish a worker who refuses to scab, but Instawork acts as a plausible-deniability filter for all the major employers in the region. Like the landlord apps that allow landlords to illegally fix rents by coordinating hikes, Instawork lets bosses illegally collude to rig wages by coordinating a blocklist of workers who refuse to scab:
The racial dimension is really important here: the Marriott has a longstanding de facto policy of refusing to hire Black workers, and whenever they are confronted with this, they insist that there are no qualified Black workers in the labor pool. But as soon as the predominantly Latino workforce struck, Marriott discovered a vast Black workforce that it could coerce into scabbing, in collusion with Instawork.
Now, all of this isn’t just sleazy, it’s illegal, a violation of Section 7 of the NLRB Act. Historically, that wouldn’t have mattered, because a string of presidents, R and D, have appointed useless do-nothing ghouls to run the NLRB. But the Biden admin, pushed by the party’s left wing, made a string of historic, excellent appointments, including NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo, who has set her sights on punishing gig work companies for flouting labor law:
UNITE HERE 11 has brought a case to the NLRB, charging the Instawork, the UC system, Marriott, and Aimbridge with violating labor law by blackmailing gig workers into crossing the picket line. The union is also asking the NLRB to punish the companies for failing to protect workers from violent retaliation from the wealthy hotel guests who have punched them and screamed epithets at them. The hotel has refused to identify these thug guests so that the workers they assaulted can swear out complaints against them.
Writing about the strike for Jacobin, Alex N Press tells the story of Thomas Bradley, a Black worker who was struck off all Instawork shifts for refusing to cross the picket line and joining it instead:
Bradley’s case is exhibit A in the UNITE HERE 11 case before the NLRB. He has a degree in culinary arts, but racial discrimination in the industry has kept him stuck in gig and temp jobs ever since he graduated, nearly a quarter century ago. Bradley lived out of his car, but that was repossessed while he slept in a hotel room that UNITE HERE 11 fundraised for him, leaving him homeless and bereft of all his worldly possessions.
With UNITE HERE 11’s help, Bradley’s secured a job at the downtown LA Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites, a hotel that has bargained with the workers. Bradley is using his newfound secure position to campaign among other Instawork workers to convince them not to cross picket lines. In these group chats, Jacobin saw workers worrying “that joining the strike would jeopardize their standing on the app.”
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Today (July 30) at 1530h, I’m appearing on a panel at Midsummer Scream in Long Beach, CA, to discuss the wonderful, award-winning “Ghost Post” Haunted Mansion project I worked on for Disney Imagineering.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: An old photo of strikers before a struck factory, with tear-gas plumes rising above them. The image has been modified to add a Marriott sign to the factory, and the menacing red eye of HAL9000 from Stanley Kubrick's '2001: A Space Odyssey' to the sky over the factory. The workers have been colorized to a yellow-green shade and the factory has been colorized to a sepia tone.]
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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mybeingthere · 4 months ago
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Australian artist Marina Strocchi (website marinastrocchi.com). Janet McKenzie writes about her in the Studio International (2022):
"Strocchi was born in Melbourne in 1961 to an Italian father and a third-generation mother of British and German descent. Originating from the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, her father, Giacomo Strocchi, was passionate about politics and was also a key figure in the Brooks Crescent protests that sought to stop plans to demolish period houses in Melbourne and replace them with high-rise public housing. He fought with the Italian partisans during the war and was decorated for bravery, but the war took its toll, and as with many refugees and migrants to Australia, the trauma was played out in family life and was witnessed by his children.
By the 1950s and 60s, the children of politicised Australians, and those of traumatised refugees and migrants experienced relative prosperity, but they were also sensitive to the complexity of their inheritance. The impact of this generation is inestimable and is responsible for many of the most important cultural and intellectual developments and stellar achievements in the art world in Australia since. Strocchi’s independent path as an artist and the first art coordinator of the Ikuntji Art Centre at Haasts Bluff (1992-1997) was necessarily born of a plethora of complex factors. Her father’s larger than life presence impacted her emotional development and his politically charged behaviour meant she could not turn her back on society’s ills. Her mother, Nona May’s example, and creative attitude within their home life showed a creative means of building a fulfilling, resilient life.
Strocchi’s dedication to the arts as a tool for the betterment of humanity shares Counihan’s politically charged example, although hers was intuitively sought. From 1984 to 1987, while in her early 20s, she travelled extensively, to Europe where she visited museums, churches and galleries and explored family roots (Italy, France, Spain, England) and to the US and Mexico. Back in Australia and with a growing awareness of how art could be a force for good, and possessing both empathy and curiosity, she was persuaded by friends to visit Central Australia. The inspiring achievements of the Papunya Tula Artists’ Company, established in 1972, and other projects that were developing, particularly those for women, led to her decades-long commitment towards empowering the lives of First Nations people through art. She is quick to point out that her motives were not intentional: “It’s only looking back that one could say this – I did come up against naysayers – people who wanted to see failure and restrict painting to men, but I listened to the First Nations people and was supported by Wayne Eager, who had experience from Roar Studios and growing up with parents who were artists.”
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probablyasocialecologist · 1 year ago
Since the Israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip started, I have been reviewing British media and its everyday items, such as the newspaper, phone, posters, and TV channels that seep into the public’s consciousness. Without the critical tools and education to puncture through their framing, we become complicit and easily intimidated. Some media outlets have gone as far as spreading misinformation, which surely would have been considered a hate crime in other contexts. Both the Daily Telegraph and The Times chose this misinformation as the headline for their October 11th issues. Although some (not all!) of those newspapers have already retracted their original false claims, the damage has already been done.   The Guardian chose to adorn its main headline for October 12th with the words ‘Israelis suspended between fear, grief and foreboding.’ The Daily Mail selected ‘The King Calls Them Terrorists, Why Can’t the BBC?’ Marching to the same beat, the Daily Telegraph opted to plaster the Royals’ condemnation of Hamas on its front pages. Survey the pages of the newspapers, and the stories eliciting support and empathy for Israel abound, making it clear who the perpetrators are and that vengeance against them is justified. Meanwhile, the Palestinians are only evoked through the register of terrorism and violence. Even those headlines, which are shy in their coverage of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, intentionally omit the perpetrators: the Israeli army and state. They are designed to neglect the root and cause of the violence: Israeli settler colonialism. By settler colonialism, we mean the gradual transfer of European Jews to the land of Palestine, the coercive displacement and dispossession of the indigenous Palestinian population, and the imposition of a coordinated and sustainable system that turns this displacement into a continuous process.  Western media relies on racial, gendered, and colonial tropes to describe the atrocities in Palestine. It instrumentalizes white female faces to elicit support for Israel. Such a tactic simultaneously serves racism, patriarchy, and colonialism. It relies on notions of white female ‘innocence’ and ‘victimhood’ to justify the continuous erasure of Palestine. In a headline by the Daily Telegraph about a British IDF female soldier, below, we are shown a smiling white female soldier wearing military attire and a keffiyeh on her head. Neither the photograph nor the article questions why a British citizen is justified in enlisting in a settler army elsewhere, let alone the same army that is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip. To the contrary, the article frames such enlisting as voluntary and dignified. These strategies bring to mind 9/11, Laura Bush, and the weaponization of white feminism in the service of imperialist and colonial expansion. Black and Brown feminist scholars and activists, including Lila Abu Lughod, bell hooks, Angela Davis, Audre Lorde amongst others, have long debunked and punctured through such strategies. It is this same white feminism that has been utilized by the media and governments to justify the intensification of Israeli brutality against the Palestinian residents of Gaza. 
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 7 months ago
𓅨 Sleepy Bitch Syndrome: Chapter Four
Sleepy Bitch Syndrome: You've got narcolepsy and have been visiting the Dreaming daily for years. Then its Lord and King finally return and he doesn't know quite what to think of you.
Warnings: None.
To Note: Morpheus/Dream x Narcoleptic!Reader, for you dear @aralezinspace.
Word Count: ~2.4k
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You stand in the middle of the chaos, the ground still vibrating slightly beneath your feet. Broken statues and uprooted plants litter the once pristine garden. Mervyn, his pumpkin head glowing faintly in the dim light, mutters to himself as he surveys the damage.
"Well, this is just peachy," he grumbles, kicking a shattered stone bench with his boot.
You bend down, picking up pieces of a shattered sundial. The metal feels cool and heavy in your hands. "Where should I start?" you ask, glancing at Mervyn.
He waves a hand toward the toppled arbor. "That thing's got to go upright again. Can't have the vines just lying there like that."
You nod and head over to the arbor. It’s heavier than it looks, and as you lift one side, your muscles strain against the weight. Mervyn joins you, grumbling under his breath as he helps lift the other side.
"Watch your step," he says, and you both maneuver it back into position. The vines cling desperately to the wooden structure, some leaves torn and wilting.
"Think it'll hold?" you ask, wiping sweat from your brow.
"It better," Mervyn replies, inspecting your work with a critical eye. "Next time an earthquake hits, it might not be so lucky."
You move on to the broken statues. Some of them are beyond repair, their faces cracked and limbs scattered across the grass. You gather what pieces you can find, placing them in a pile near the garden's edge.
Mervyn's voice breaks through your concentration. "I’ll have to get new ones made. These were classics."
"I know a sculptor in the Dreaming who could help," you offer, thinking of the artist who lived near Fiddler's Green.
Mervyn grunts in acknowledgment but doesn’t reply. His attention shifts to a large tree that’s leaning dangerously close to one of his prized rose bushes.
"We need to prop that up before it crushes everything," he says.
Together, you find sturdy branches to use as supports. It takes some effort and coordination, but eventually, you manage to brace the tree enough that it stands upright on its own.
"Good enough for now," Mervyn mutters, wiping dirt from his hands onto his overalls. "You go talk to that sculptor while I clean up the rest of this mess."
You make your way out of the garden, leaving Mervyn to his grumbling and repairs. The path to the sculptor’s workshop winds through the heart of the Dreaming, where reality shifts with each step. The ground beneath you transitions from cobblestones to soft moss, and trees with leaves of gold and silver arch overhead.
As you walk, you notice a group of dreamers gathered around a small fountain, their faces serene and distant. They murmur to each other in hushed tones, their words lost to the babbling water. You pass by quietly, not wanting to disturb their reverie.
The sculptor’s workshop comes into view, a quaint cottage nestled among towering trees. The air here is filled with the scent of freshly carved wood and wet clay. You push open the door and step inside.
The sculptor, a tall figure with delicate hands and piercing blue eyes, looks up from their workbench. "Ah, a visitor," they say, setting down a chisel. "What brings you here?"
"Mervyn's garden," you reply, glancing around at the half-finished sculptures lining the walls. "An earthquake destroyed several statues. We need replacements."
The sculptor nods thoughtfully, wiping their hands on a rag. "I heard about the quake. Nasty business." They move to a shelf filled with various tools and materials. "Which statues need replacing?"
You describe the shattered pieces—marble fauns, granite nymphs, and an intricate sundial that once stood at the garden's center. The sculptor listens intently, occasionally jotting down notes on a piece of parchment.
"I can recreate those," they say finally, rolling up their sleeves. "It will take some time, though."
"How long?" you ask.
"A few days for each piece," they reply. "Quality work can't be rushed."
You nod in agreement. "We appreciate your help."
The sculptor smiles faintly. "I'll get started right away." They gesture toward a corner where several finished sculptures stand waiting for delivery. "Feel free to take one of those as a temporary replacement."
You examine the offered pieces—a delicate stone birdbath, an elegant marble bench, and a whimsical fairy statue—and choose the bench. It feels solid under your touch, its surface smooth and cool.
"Thank you," you say as you lift it carefully, it's light weight surprising you.
"You're welcome," the sculptor replies, already turning back to their workbench.
You carry the bench back through the shifting landscape of the Dreaming. By the time you return to Mervyn’s garden, he has made significant progress in cleaning up the debris.
"Got us something to tide us over," you say, setting down the bench.
Mervyn inspects it with a critical eye but nods approvingly. "Not bad."
You both place it in a shady spot near a cluster of flowering bushes.
"It'll do for now," Mervyn says as he wipes his hands on his overalls again.
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You find yourself in the palace kitchens, the warm air filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and roasting meats. The staff dreams bustle about, their laughter and chatter creating a comforting hum. You lean against a worn wooden counter, taking a moment to catch your breath after the trek back from the sculptor’s workshop.
A plump dream with rosy cheeks and flour-dusted hands sidles up to you, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Heard you’ve been out and about," she says, her voice low.
You nod, glancing around to make sure no one else is listening. "Yeah, a bunch of the statues broke in Mervyn's garden."
The dream leans in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Speaking of gardens, did you hear about Lily and Jasper? They’ve been seen sneaking off together at night."
You raise an eyebrow. "Really? I thought Lily was still with Rowan."
The dream shakes her head vigorously. "Oh no, that ended weeks ago. Rowan’s been moping around the village ever since."
Another staff dream joins the conversation, carrying a tray of freshly peeled potatoes. "Lily and Jasper, huh? Makes sense. They always had a thing for each other. Dreams and Nightmares go hand in hand I suppose…"
"Well," you say, leaning in as well with a cheeky smile on your face, "I heard that Ivy's been spending a lot of time with the blacksmith."
The first dream gasps, covering her mouth with her hand. "No! Ivy and the blacksmith? That’s scandalous!"
You nod solemnly, enjoying the teenage like gossip. "Saw them myself near the forge last night. They looked pretty cozy."
The second dream laughs softly, setting down the tray of potatoes. "Guess everyone’s pairing up these days."
"Seems like it," you agree. "Great timing and all that with the realm newly restored."
A tall dream with a chef's hat approaches, wiping his hands on his apron. "What are you all whispering about?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Just catching up on village news," you reply casually.
He chuckles, shaking his head. "Gossiping again? You lot never change." He heads back to his station but throws a wink over his shoulder.
You hear a soft clatter as the tall dream with the chef’s hat returns to his station, leaving you and the two staff dreams to continue your conversation. The warmth of the kitchen envelops you, the comforting smells mingling with the chatter.
"So, what are you going to do about the garden?" asks the first dream, her curiosity evident.
You shrug, leaning back against the counter. "We’ll get those new statues in a few days. Until then, it’s just a matter of keeping things tidy and hoping no more earthquakes hit."
The second dream nods thoughtfully, her eyes drifting toward a window where the golden light of the Dreaming filters through. "Strange how those quakes keep happening," she muses. "Almost like something’s trying to break through."
You glance at her, but she’s already moved on, picking up another tray and heading toward a bubbling pot. The first dream turns back to you, her expression more serious now.
"Do you think it has anything to do with Lord Morpheus?"
The mention of Morpheus sends a ripple through your thoughts. You’ve wondered about that yourself. But before you can respond, another figure enters the kitchen—Lucienne. Her presence commands an air of calm and authority.
"Hello everyone," she greets with a nod, her eyes scanning the room before settling on you. "I heard about the damage in Mervyn's garden. Are things under control?"
You nod, straightening up from your relaxed position. "Yes, we’ve got temporary replacements for some of the statues, and we’re working on getting new ones made."
Lucienne’s expression softens slightly. "Good to hear. We must maintain order in the Dreaming, especially now."
You sense an unspoken concern in her words but choose not to press further. Instead, you offer a reassuring smile. "We’re doing our best. But Luce? I think you might be trying to take on too much work, the library is already a massive job on its own now that its back to its former glory."
Lucienne’s lips twitch into a small smile, a rare sight that softens her usually serious demeanor. "Thank you for your concern. I'll manage, as always. In the mean time… Matthew, it is time you meet our resident dreamer."
A raven pops up from behind Lucienne, fluttering over to a chair back to perch. Your eyebrows rise when the bird gives you a wave with its wing.
"Hi, I'm Matthew," The bird says, making you blink repeatedly. Talking animals were not the strangest creatures you cross paths with but a talk bird was new to you.
You take a moment to absorb the introduction. The raven, perched comfortably on the back of a chair, regards you with keen, intelligent eyes.
"Nice to meet you, Matthew," you say, unsure of the protocol for greeting a talking bird.
"Same here," Matthew replies, his voice surprisingly warm. "Lucienne tells me you've been dealing with some garden troubles."
You nod, glancing at Lucienne. She watches the interaction with a pleased expression. "Yes, the earthquakes have been causing quite a mess."
Matthew ruffles his feathers slightly. "Yeah, those quakes are something else. They’ve got everyone on edge."
Lucienne steps forward, her demeanor shifting to one of quiet authority. "Matthew is Morpheus' new raven and companion. He assists our lord and can act as his eyes."
"Ah, great, so we've got the raven version of the palantíri?" You say dryly. Mattherw hops excitedly.
"Oh my god you've watched the Lord of the Rings!?" The bird cries in excitement. "None of the dreams or nightmares here have any clue about human sculpture.
"So uncivilized," You fake tut, much to the raven's chagrin as he nearly cackles himself to the floor. Matthew hops from the chair to your shoulder, his weight surprisingly light.
"So, what's the plan now?" he asks, peering at you with keen eyes."The boss told me to scram, not exact words but close enough, and I have no idea what to do so I think I'll hang with you."
"Come on, I'll show you what's going on and I'll tell you the plan," You say, departing the kitchen and heading for Mervyn's beloved garden. You reach the crumbling green space and the raven whistles in shock.
"We're just keeping things tidy until the new statues arrive," you reply. "Hopefully, no more earthquakes hit." As you finish explaining the plan to Matthew, the air around you shifts. A palpable stillness descends, and you know who it is even before you turn. Morpheus stands there, his presence dark and enigmatic as ever. His eyes, endless pools of night, lock onto yours.
Who had shit in his Wheaties this morning? You were half convinced the Endless has more mood swings than a human toddler.
You don't air out those thoughts. Obviously.
"I... require a word with you," he says, his voice like distant thunder. It's not a request. You nod, motioning for Matthew to stay put. The raven gives a low whistle but remains perched on your shoulder.
Morpheus glances at the garden, the chaos left in the wake of the earthquakes. "I have been... remiss in my duties as your lord," he begins, each word carefully chosen. "My recent behavior has been... less than considerate."
You study him, noting the slight tension in his jaw, the way his hands remain still by his sides as if he's holding something back. "It's fine," you reply, waving off his attempt at an apology. "More importantly, how are you holding up? I know things have been rough since—"
He cuts you off with a sharp look but softens almost immediately. "Your concern is misplaced," he says stiffly. "I am as I have always been."
You shake your head, stepping closer. "I don't believe that for a second. You were treated terribly, Morpheus. It would break anyone. Especially 106 years stuck in a cage." You don't have the heart to mention Jessamy. You also don't feel like incurring the Endless' wrath either.
For a moment, he seems taken aback, as if no one has dared speak to him like this in centuries. His expression shifts from one of stoic detachment to something more open, vulnerable even.
"You are... different," he murmurs almost to himself. "Few would concern themselves with my well-being."
"Well," you say with a shrug, trying to keep it light despite the gravity of the moment, "someone's got to look out for you too."
He is too hot and stupid to be left to his own devices in your opinion. Kind of like a pouting puppy even.
His gaze softens further, and something akin to warmth flickers in those dark eyes. He studies you intently as if seeing you for the first time.
"Thank you," he says finally, his voice low but sincere.
You offer a small smile in return. "Anytime."
Morpheus stands there for a moment longer before inclining his head slightly in acknowledgment. As he turns to leave, Matthew flutters from your shoulder to Morpheus' side.
The lord of dreams looks back at you one last time before they both disappear into the shifting landscape of the Dreaming. You take a deep breath and get back to work in the garden feeling oddly lighter despite everything that still needs fixing.
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Date Published: 7/31/24
Last Edit: 7/31/24
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hugmekenobi · 9 months ago
S3: The Bad Batch (11)
Chapter Eleven: Point of No Return
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Gif by @moonstrider9904
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Ever since Eriadu, Clone Force 99 had been a fractured squad. Months have passed but you're finally back with the Batch but Omega is still out there and you won't stop until you find her again.
Chapter Summary: The Empire closes in on you and the Batch
Masterlist for S1 and S2
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, threats, food mentions, flash of PDA and fluff in the beginning, referenced character death, rip a certain ship :(, self-blame, brief injury mention, humour as a tool for deflection, overall angsty vibes
Word Count: 4.2K
Author's notes: Still sticking very close to the episode here but hope it's still enjoyable and episode 12 is in progress!!
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Getting into the pirate’s ship had been all too easy. He wasn’t going to fail this time. CX-2 decrypted the coordinates before he put the transmission for Scorch through, “The Trandoshan’s intel paid off. I tracked the pirate and accessed her navicomputer. She tried to cover her tracks but I broke the encryption.”
“What did you find?”
“She frequented a planet in the Outer Rim. I’m headed there now to do recon.”
“Send the coordinates. I’ll have a full division on standby if you require a visual on the targets.” Scorch provided before he signed off.
CX-2 entered the coordinates for Pabu.
“That’s gotta be all of it, right?” Wrecker asked in disbelief as he saw the three of you approach and unload the next round of supplies.
“We still need to grab the rations.” Hunter told him. “Keep loading up the ship. We’ll be back.”
Wrecker groaned, “Fine. But at least bring me back an ice cone.”
“Just one?” You questioned with an enticing grin as you walked backwards away from him and the ship.
“No, no, no. You’re right! M-Make it two!” Wrecker corrected his error.
You gave a two-fingered salute in reply before you turned around and jogged to catch up with Hunter and Crosshair.
“I wish you didn’t have to leave.” Lyana said lowly as she led Omega through the Archium.
“Me too, but Hunter thinks it’s safer for everyone if we do.”
Lyana led her over to a gap in one of the ledges. “What do you think of this spot?”
“It’s perfect.” Omega said with a thankful smile.
“So, which treasures did you bring?” Lyana asked, her tone curious but respectful of what this moment meant to those that left things here and Omega would not be treated differently.
Omega tucked Lula under her arm and brought out Tech’s cracked goggles. She held them delicately in her hands as she let the memories that they brought wash over her.
“You sure you wanna leave these behind?” Lyana double checked gently.
“Pabu was the first place that felt like a home.” Omega placed both objects down with the utmost care. “This way, a piece of us is still here.”
Lyana laid a supportive hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Well, I’ll make sure these stay safe until you come back.” She looked at Omega with a new type of seriousness. “Because you will come back, right?”
“I hope so.” Omega replied, the harsh reality of the day quickly catching up to her as she realised this would be the last time she would see her for a while.
“And where are you going?” Hunter asked with a questioning smile and tilt of his head as you separated from them. “We’ve got rations to get.”
You feigned disgust at the very idea. “Hey, I have the very important ice-cone mission. I cannot be diverted with a mere ration run.” You said with a coy grin before you pressed a swift kiss to Hunter’s cheek and sauntered off with exaggerated determination.
“Get that lovesick smile of your face before I throw up.” Crosshair snickered with a roll of his eyes as he saw the way Hunter watched you go.
“Shut up.” Hunter shoved his brother’s shoulder before they carried on with their own search.
“I don’t even think there’s room on this ship for all this gear.” Wrecker complained to Gonky as he saw all that was still to be shifted and he knew there was still more to come. However, Gonky’s cheeky honks of reply were not the commiseration he was looking for. “Oh, yeah? Well, maybe I should leave you behind.” He retorted, smirking at the offended honks he got in response.
Wrecker brought more of the stuff on board, completely unaware that the proximity sensor had been flashing a half second before.
CX-2 landed the ship in the cavern and began his hunt.
Hunter paused as he heard the nervous squeaking on the island birds, their tone matching his own growing sense of unease.
“What is it?” Crosshair asked.
“Not sure, but I don’t like it.” Hunter brought out his comm. “Omega, time to go.”
Upon hearing that, you gave up your spot in line and joined up with Hunter and Crosshair. You’d make it up to Wrecker another time.
CX-2 scanned the bustling market stalls from above and that was when he caught sight of the two clones and the targets he’d been sent to acquire. He touched the control panel on his sleeve and got Scorch on his comm.
“Report.” Scorch demanded.
“I’ve got eyes on the targets.”
“Ground them and wait for the division. They must be recovered unharmed. No mistakes this time.”
“And the clones they’re with?” He asked as he saw the group of you leaving the area.
“If they get in your way, eliminate them.”
“We’re sorry to see you go, but you’re all welcome here anytime.” Shep said sincerely. “Those homes will be waiting for you when you get back.”
You bowed your head in gratitude.
“Thanks for everything, Shep.” Hunter said, shaking his hand.
Omega and Lyana shared in a hug.
“I’ll see you soon.” Lyana said as she parted from Omega.
The four of you and Batcher started to make your way back to Wrecker.
The sun had almost set by the time Wrecker finished getting the most recent batch of supplies onto the ship, but he just took relief in the fact that he wouldn’t be alone in shifting the next round of gear.
As he went to grab the last crate, he paused on the steps as he picked up on a faint but rapid series of beeps.
He recognised the sound.
He knew exactly what that meant.
He reacted quickly and with a shout, he abandoned the ship and grabbed Gonky just as the Marauder exploded, hurling both of them into the sea.
With the last of his strength, he managed to pull himself onto a piece of debris before his vision went dark.
Upon hearing the harsh echoing boom of an explosion, you all instantly ran to the edge of Upper Pabu and your heart thumped in a frantic panic as you saw the distant flames and charred remnants of what was once the Marauder.
Hunter brought out his binoculars and took in the scene. He saw Wrecker and Gonky floating in the water and felt his own panic set in at seeing his brother unconscious. He put on his helmet and started running for the docks.
You did the same with your coverings and Crosshair put on his helmet before the three of you followed close behind.
One of the locals had grabbed a boat and brought Wrecker and Gonky back to port.
You pushed your way through the crowd of people and stopped short as you saw Wrecker’s body.
Omega knelt down by Wrecker’s side. “Wrecker? Wrecker!” Omega gasped, desperately shaking his shoulders to try and rouse him but it did no good.
Your stomach dropped to your feet. It took all the training you had to not lose control upon seeing the lack of response from Wrecker. He was strong, he was always so strong. He had to be alright.
“Mox and Stak, take Wrecker to Shep’s. Deke, get Az-3 to patch him up, and fast.” Hunter ordered the regs. He needed his brother back on his feet. He needed him to be okay.
“Ships don’t just blow up. We’ve been compromised.” Crosshair realised.
Hunter turned his head from Wrecker to the sound of a deep rumbling from above and what he saw sent both a deep anger and dread through his veins. The Imperial Star Destroyer hovered above the Archium and a series of gunships swarmed down. “Everyone, get to cover!”
Amidst the crowds of panicked and screaming people, the four of you regrouped and found cover of your own.
Shep was helpless to stop the hordes stormtroopers from moving in. He could only watch in despair as his people ran in fear.
“Cut off all escape routes. Destroy any ships or sea skiffs in sight.” CX-2 ordered as he remained unphased by the chaos around him. It wouldn’t affect what he needed to achieve; it would only help.
You and Omega both paused as you saw the destruction the Empire was causing to the docks.
The only light in the night were the fires caused by the Imperial gunfire.
The only sounds the whirr of gunship and cried of fear that echoed around the island.
Kamino, the Marauder, Pabu… How many more homes was the Empire going to take from you?
From these innocent people?
And how much longer could you let it go on?
A glance down at Omega told you she was thinking similarly to you. You indicated your head back and you both joined the others in an alleyway.
“Is this our fault? Are they attacking because of us?” Omega whispered up at you as she kept Batcher calm.
You wished with every fibre of your being that you could tell her no. That they were the ones at fault but the own guilt residing in your heart made the words die before they left your lips. How could you reassure her when you couldn’t believe the words yourself? It was never meant to go this way. The very thing you had wanted to avoid had happened and now you knew there was only one real way out of it.
Hunter crouched down. “It’s the Empire’s fault. Not yours. You have to stay focused. Both of you.” He implored with a helmeted look in your direction too.
“They’re destroying all means of escape and jamming our comms.” Crosshair said as he tried his comm, but it was only static. “We have to steal one of their gunships. Once we’re out of range, we can contact Echo.”
“I’ll handle it.” Hunter said. “You three, get to Shep’s and wait with Wrecker until I signal you.”
You caught his vambrace and pulled him back to you. You pressed your forehead against his helmet.
Hunter had a distinct and sinking feeling that this was you saying goodbye, but he wasn’t going to let that be the case- this plan would work… it- it had to. “I’ll see you soon.” He said as he stepped away.
You couldn’t quite meet his helmeted gaze as you nodded before you, Omega and Batcher split from him to head to Shep’s.
Hunter gave Crosshair a last meaningful look before he went in the opposite direction.
Crosshair knew what that look meant- keep them safe. And he would do everything in his power to do that. He followed you and Omega.
“Lock down the town. Search every domicile until you find them.” CX-2 ordered the squadrons of troopers.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Shep demanded as he approached the black-armoured soldier that seemed intent on ruining the lives of so many people.
“Who are you?” CX-2 replied with equal parts disdain and curiosity.
“The mayor of this town. You’ve opened fire on my village and its people without warning and without reason. Under what pretence are you attacking?” Shep seethed.
“We’re here to collect some fugitives you’ve been harbouring.” CX-2 brought out the puck and flashed the two images.
Shep made sure to keep his true reaction at bay- he wouldn’t give you and Omega away if he could help it. “You can’t just barge in here-”
“I’ve barely done anything yet.” CX-2 interrupted coldly.
“You destroyed our docks and fishing skiffs. Our livelihood.”
“I have simply cut off their means of escape. But I can do worse. I know they are here. Until they are turned over to me, your island will burn.” CX-2 threatened as he walked away.
The path to Shep’s had been fraught with troopers and each time like this where you had to hide from the next roaming patrol only slowed things down more.
You peered round the corner of your hiding spot to see one of the villagers being forced out of her home and you heard her distressed plea.
“You can’t do this! It’s our home!”
You were fighting the urge to go out and it seemed Batcher also shared in your current sentiment as Omega was doing her best to keep the dog quiet and calm.
And the cruel reply from the trooper that you heard next only confirmed what you already dreaded.
“We know they’re here! Where are the Jedi and the girl?”
“I don’t know! I swear-”
The familiar sound of a slap made your blood boil. You went to reveal yourself to stop them but Crosshair’s hand on your arm prevented you from doing so.
Omega couldn’t hold Batcher back though. The dog snarled and charged for the soldiers before they could do anymore harm.
“Batcher can handle herself. Let’s go.” Crosshair said to you both as he made sure Omega didn’t go to follow the dog either.
You had managed to scale the wall up to Shep’s and opened the door.
“Lyana!” Omega said with a relieved gasp.
“Omega! My-My dad, he said to hide here.” Lyana said fearfully. She ran up to her friend and hugged her tight, “I’m so scared.”
“I know. I’m so sorry.” Omega replied as she parted from her.
You and Crosshair took off your coverings as you saw AZ attending to Wrecker.
“How’s Wrecker, AZ?” You asked.
“He is still unconscious, but his vitals are stable.”
You allowed yourself to feel some semblance of relief at that, but you hastily pushed it to one side as you heard another gunships sound outside.
The three of you ran back out to take in what was happening and what you saw made your chest tighten and curl your fists in rage- stormtroopers were everywhere, removing people from their homes, tossing them to the ground, arresting them. It was unnecessarily cruel, and it was all because you were still here.
Getting onto the gunship had started out as a stealth mission but quickly became one where Hunter just had to get inside without getting shot.
He’d managed to do so but the pilot was making his life extremely difficult with erratic flying designed to fling him out. He had to take a tight grasp of the handles inside to remain upright.
Something else then caught your attention as you saw the unstable and irregular flying patterns of an Imperial gunship and a whole different kind of emotion swept through you. You knew the exact cause of that particular situation, but you were not reassured by the sight in the slightest.
“Is that, Hunter?” Omega asked both you and Crosshair as she noticed the ship in the air.
“Yes.” You said through clenched teeth.
“Uh huh.” Crosshair echoed nonchalantly.
But then, something shifted, there was a blaster shot and vessel nosedived down towards the sea in a way that showed that neither Hunter nor the pilot was in charge of the ship anymore.
A strained breath caught in your throat as you watched the ship plummet into the sea. “Where- where is he?” You choked out as you saw Crosshair grab his macrobinoculars.
Crosshair scanned the water anxiously but let out a relieved sigh as he saw his brother resurface and swim for the shore. “He’s fine.”
You bent forwards as you braced your hands on the wall and let out a slow calming breath before the distant sound of comm chatter reminded you of your current situation.
“He’s safer than we are at the moment.” Crosshair hissed as the three of you retreated back inside Shep’s.
“What do we do? Troopers will be here soon.” Omega asked anxiously.
“Hunter would want us to stick to the plan.” Crosshair replied, internally scrambling to think of a way out of this.
“There’s no hiding, Crosshair. The Empire knows we’re here. They won’t stop searching until they find us!”
Whilst they were talking, you were coming up with a plan of your own. If you handed yourself in and convinced them that you’d already shipped Omega off-world, then maybe they’d leave Pabu and the rest of them alive and in peace.
You glanced between Wrecker and Lyana and the door. You took a calming breath as you came to terms with what you had to do but a squeeze of your hand brought your eyes downwards. No. You said as you saw her nod at you.  
“You promised.” Omega reminded you.
This is different, Omega. It’s not a choice you should need to make. It-
“You’re going, I know you are!” Omega interrupted. “But that won’t be enough, they’re here for me too! They won’t stop and you know it. It is my choice!”
Crosshair clued in and realised what the two of you were arguing about. “Absolutely not.”
“It’s our only option, Crosshair.” You said heavily.
“What? No, it’s not. We-”
“Look at what they’ve already done.” You said, a flash of anger coming through. “We can’t let the people here suffer any more because of us. That’s why we were leaving in the first place- to avoid this. We can’t let it carry on. We just can’t.” I’m not risking anyone else. Wrecker already got hurt, I’m not risking you and I’m not risking Hunter. If I could help it, Omega wouldn’t be coming but I can’t and it kills me that I can’t, but it’s how it has to be.
Crosshair went to respond to you, but Omega got in first, “If we let them take us, it stops.” She emphasised.
Crosshair focused on the young girl, distress in his voice. “You’ll be taken back to Tantiss.”
“Exactly. We’ve been trying to find those coordinates, and nothing’s worked. But if we keep our comms on us, and turn ourselves in, you can track us to Tantiss. This is our chance. Our chance to finally rescue the clones imprisoned there.”
“No. They’ll search you and find it. It won’t work.” Crosshair argued.
“Then shoot a secondary tracker onto the ship that they take us away on.” You suggested.
“Too many unknown variables. It’s not a viable plan.”
“It’s all we’ve got.” You countered.
“And it’s our choice.” Omega reminded him again.
Crosshair looked imploringly in your direction now. “Tantiss is different. This isn’t some random Imperial that’ll take you this time. It’ll be Hemlock. Who knows what he’ll do to you there.”
You also saw a genuine fear behind his eyes, and it unnerved you. It won’t be for long, I’ll be alright. “Focus on the bigger mission, Crosshair.” You said aloud and you came to stand behind Omega and rested your hands on her shoulders.
“Yeah, we’re just a small part of it.” Omega agreed.
Crosshair found himself in a position where he was forced to reflect on that, and he had to agree with you both.
The two of you got ready to depart but you noticed the reluctance that still graced Crosshair’s face and you approached him.
“He’s going to kill me.” Crosshair said to you quietly.
So, tell him he was right that Hemlock was after me too, that outta smooth things over.
“It’s not funny.” Crosshair snapped. He didn’t want to lose you both either. Not when he knew how important you both were to Hunter, to this squad… to this family. He’d finally made ground with you, you were one of them, you always had been, and he’d welcomed that feeling again. And Omega, well, Omega had seen and been through it all with him already, he owed her much more than a half-baked rescue plan.
Yeah sorry, it’s a bad habit. You went serious again and shook your head. “He’s not going to do that, Crosshair. Six months ago, maybe he would’ve, but not now. He’s not going to lose the progress he’s built with you either, not anymore. He’ll understand.” You glanced back to Omega who was standing by the door and regret stabbed your heart over the fact that this was to be her fate too, but you also knew that she wouldn’t have it any other way. “We’re very stubborn and determined individuals.” You said fondly before you looked back at him and placed a reassuring hand on his upper arm. “Just don’t miss.” You said with a light but resigned smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
With that, you and Omega exited the hut.
You caught Omega’s shoulder just before you rounded the corner to make yourselves known. You crouched down to her eye-level. “Omega… you know if there was any other option that I could think of that would get us- particularly you- out of this, I would do it in a heartbeat.”
Omega nodded. “I know, but it’s what we have to do.” She said bravely.
Your heart broke a little bit more right then and there- this was something no kid should ever have to do, “You had to grow up far too fast.” You murmured, both with sadness and a hint of pride in your voice as you gave her a loving hug before the two of you stepped out of your hiding spot.
CX-2 signalled the troopers with the flamethrowers to disengage as he heard the voice of a woman.
“We surrender.” Omega said as all eyes, both Imperial and Pabu civilians turned in your direction.
“Stay alert. I neutralised the other two clones with them, but not the third.” CX-2 advised as he approached you two.
“Take us and leave the island alone.” You said as you held your wrists out.
“The people here are innocent.” Omega did the same thing as you.
CX-2 first put the cuffs on the young girl, “Then you never should have come here in the first place.”
“I’m assuming these are the special cuffs made just for me?” You said dully as the operative attached a second pair to your wrists, and you noticed the slightly different design of them compared to Omega’s.
“Why don’t you try them and find out?”
The harsh modulated voice sent a cold shiver of fear down your spine, but you covered it up. “Nah, you seem like someone who is on top of things, so I’ll take your word for it.” You were determined to not flinch under the unwavering glare of his helmet.
“Scan them for tracking devices.” CX-2 ordered as he confiscated your knife and Jedi weapon.
As expected, the comm devices were picked up immediately.
“Give them to me.” CX-2 demanded.
You and Omega reluctantly handed them over before you were both shoved and made to walk between the squadron of troopers as they got ready to transport you off the planet.
Crosshair had watched the surrender take place and had been stealthily tracking and making his way to a vantage point where he could tag the ship that you were to be taken away on.
Hunter staggered to shore and collapsed to his hands and knees.
He felt the water seeping through the gaps in his armour, weighing him down, and it was choking him beneath his helmet.
He removed it and took a few recovering breaths before he became alert to the sound of rustling just ahead of him. He instantly got to his feet and guardedly drew his blaster as he waited for the threat to show.
But he was able to relax his stance as Batcher came into view and ran over to him with a happy bark. He bent down and rubbed her side with a slight grin before he glanced up at the Archium and the rest of the island, but he didn’t see as many ships anymore.
And the realisation at what was about to happen hit him harder than he had hit the water.
Hunter grabbed his helmet and started running back, Batcher close at his heels.
You swallowed thickly as you and Omega were marched to the docks and forced to walk past the wreckage of both the sea skiffs and the Marauder.
CX-2 tapped the band on his arm and his ship came flying to meet the three of you.
You and Omega paused before boarding but an insistent jab of the butt of the operative’s rifle prompted you both to step up.
Crosshair got into position and readied himself to take the shot when the flashlight hit him.
“Over there!”
He fired back at the small squad of troopers that had found him and dealt with them as quickly as he could, but the interruption had moved him out of the prime position.
He had to run for it.
His gait was rushed.
His aim unsteady.
But there was no more time.
The ship’s engines were powering up.
He had no choice but to fire.
The ship took off.
His tracker missed.
And he could only look on in complete and utter dismay and horror as the ship flew out of view.
“Targets acquired. Returning to base.” CX-2 transmitted before he put the ship into hyperspace.
You and Omega sat side by side on the metal floor.
Omega took off her hat and leaned against your shoulder. “We’ll have each other there.” She murmured, doing her best to keep her voice composed.
“Yeah, we’ll be okay.” You whispered back.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @arctrooper69, @dominoeffectsworld, @andreaaxy, @notgonnaedit, @nightmonkeysstuff , @jellybeanstacey0519 @callsign-denmark @allthingsimagines, @superbookishhufflepuff
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thecreaturecodex · 8 months ago
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"Rose" © Sandra Duchiewicz, accessed at her deviantArt here
[It's been a long while since I posted a unique monster intended for the Age of Monsters campaign. And clearly there's still interest--my precis for that campaign, and the article about how the Mythos deities fit into it, are still getting likes.
Briarpatch is a character whose seeds (hah) have been planted in several other entries, such as Dr. Shiny and the Vermilion Mother. My inspirations came from all over the place. The sexy, spooky plant girl art of Sandra Duchiewicz was always something I wanted to incorporate. There's a growing idea in ecological and archeological circles that plants domesticated humans as much as the other way around. And I wanted to make a version of Poison Ivy who is genuinely evil.]
Briarpatch CR 27 NE Plant
This woman is beautiful, but alien, with chlorotic skin like the surface of a diseased leaf, and flower petals in place of hair. A collar of brambles grows from her neck and extends into long, thorny vines. She has piercing yellow eyes and an appraising expression.
The Elder Goddess Shub-Nugganoth has many epithets, but her most famous is “Black Goat with a Thousand Young”. In truth, her spawn number far more than one thousand. The creatures known simply as dark young are the most common of her progeny, but unique individuals are her offspring as well. One of these is Briarpatch, a green woman laden with occult intelligence and a profound disgust for urbanization. It is Briarpatch’s goal to see cities crumble and mortal civilizations reduced to decentralized subsistence farming once more, and she is going to use plants as her tools to achieve this.
Unlike many evil creatures of a druidic nature, Briarpatch does not disdain farming. Far from it; she believes humanity exists to serve plants, and that by distancing themselves from the soil, they have betrayed their roots. As such, she both exalts farming and farmers while simultaneously using domestic plants as weapons. Sometimes this is as elaborate as encouraging farmers to plant crops that will use more water and resources than the environment can support, forcing governments into subsidies and increasingly desperate acts to avoid famine. Sometimes this is as simple as distributing seeds of man-eating plants mixed in with garden plants or birdseed. Briarpatch’s cult includes a number of neutral farm-folk, who see her as salvation to their local communities, even as the nation-states that collect their taxes suffer as a body with a parasite does. Her cult often refers to her as the Pale Lady, especially among outsiders.
Briarpatch’s domain is the Forest of Veils in eastern Ustalav, and she communes and coordinates with the mythos horrors that live there. She is allied with the Vermillion Mother and Diceid as a coven of divinities obsessed with invasive species and reshaping ecosystems. She and the Vermillion Mother have a sexual relationship, and treat Diceid as something like a nephew or son. Briarpatch has an entitled personality and considers herself Shub-Nugganoth’s favorite child. She is convinced that if she does enough to deform society in the Inner Sea region, her mother will favor her with a promotion and transform her into an emissary Great Old One, similar to the relationship between Yog Sothoth and Tamir at’umr. Whether this ambition is achievable or is merely one of the Pale Lady’s delusions is hard to say.
Briarpatch rarely participates directly in combat, but when she does, she is a terror to behold. Due to her occult origins, she has access to a wider array of spells than a typical green man. She uses these to inflict overwhelming euphoria or grotesque physical transformations. Sometimes both simultaneously. If she actually wants to kill, rather than toy with her victims, she combines powerful area of effect spells with her tendrils and thorns. Briarpatch is acutely aware that she can still be slain permanently, and will retreat from a battle that turns against her to recuperate and plan revenge.
Briarpatch CR 27 Variant eruphyte green man XP 3,276,800 NE Medium plant (augmented, shapechanger) Init +16; Senses darkvision 60 ft., greensight 60 ft., lifesense 60 ft, low-light vision, Perception +30, thoughtsense 60 ft.
Defense AC 54, touch 36, flat-footed 41 (+12 Dex, +1 dodge, +13 insight, +12 natural, +6 armor) hp 663 (34d8+510); regeneration 20 (deific or mythic) Fort +34, Ref +23, Will +24 Defensive Abilities wilderness insight; DR 15/epic and slashing; Immune ability damage, ability drain, daze, electricity, petrification, plant traits, stagger; SR 37 Offense Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. Melee 2 slams +46 (1d8+21/19–20 plus 1d6 acid and absorb magic), 6 vines +46 (2d6+21 plus grab) Ranged 6 thorns +41 (2d6+21/19-20) Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft. (30 ft. with vines) Special Attacks absorb magic, constrict (2d6+15), grab (Colossal), thoughtspear (17d8, DC 39) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 26th; concentration +37) Constant—pass without trace, speak with plants At will—plant growth, transport via plants 3/day—summon plants 1/day—awaken Druid Spells Prepared (CL 20th; concentration +33) 9th—antipathy (DC 32), extended control plants (DC 32), foresight, greater siege of trees, rival’s weald (DC 33), telekinetic storm (DC 32) 8th—euphoric tranquility (DC 31), horrid wilting (DC 31), mass cure serious wounds, stormbolts (DC 31), sunburst (DC 31) , vinetrap (DC 31) 7th—quickened cure moderate wounds, heal (DC 30), greater scrying, transmute metal to wood, waves of ecstasy (DC 30), waves of exhaustion 6th—antilife shell, greater dispel magic, green caress (x2, DC 30), mass inflict pain (DC 29), primal regression (DC 29) 5th—baleful polymorph (DC 29), cure critical wounds (DC 28), death ward, quickened ray of enfeeblement (DC 24), synapse overload (DC 28), extended thorn body, wall of thorns 4th—arboreal hammer, command plants (DC 27), confusion (DC 27), dispel magic, explosion of rot (DC 27), freedom of movement, strong jaw 3rd—cure moderate wounds (DC 26), excruciating deformation (DC 27), protection from energy, quench (DC 26), spike growth (DC 26), thorny entanglement (DC 27), vampiric touch 2nd—alter self, barkskin, fog cloud, harvest season, resist energy, warp wood (DC 26), wilderness soldiers 1st—cure light wounds (DC 24), entangle (2, DC 25), faerie fire, longstrider, snowball (x2), touch of the sea 0—create water, detect magic, guidance, light
Statistics Str 44, Dex 35, Con 40, Int 35, Wis 36, Cha 33 Base Atk +25; CMB +42 (+46 grapple, +44 sunder); CMD 85 (87 vs. sunder) Feats Combat Reflexes, Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, Defensive Combat Training, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Psychic Sensitivity (B), Quicken Spell, Spell Focus (transmutation), Spell Penetration, Stand Still Skills Acrobatics +44 (+48 jumping), Appraise +26, Bluff +40, Climb +54, Disguise +40, Diplomacy +40, Fly +30, Intimidate +43, Knowledge (arcana) +46, Knowledge (geography, history, religion) +41, Knowledge (nature) +46, Linguistics +19, Perception +30, Sense Motive +42, Spellcraft +46, Stealth +44, Survival +42, Swim +35, Use Magic Device +44 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Daemonic, Druidic, Infernal, Mi-Go, Sylvan, Zern, telepathy 100 ft.; speak with plants SQ bardic knowledge +29, change shape (Colossal or smaller tree [tree shape]), deific, green empathy +45, occult gifts
Ecology Environment any forests Organization unique Treasure staff of heaven and earth, belt of physical perfection +4, headband of mental superiority +4 (Knowledge [arcana], Use Magic Device], amulet of mighty fists +4, wings of flying, bracers of armor +6, ring of the ecclesiarch, ring of mind shielding, rod of empowered spell (normal), deliquescent gloves, 11,000 gp worth of material components and miscellaneous treasure
Special Abilities Absorb Magic (Ex) When Briarpatch strikes a creature with her slam attack, she immediately attempts to absorb one magical effect from the target. Treat this as a targeted dispel magic (CL 20th), with Briarpatch preferring to target effects that prevent his vines’ grapple attempts, like freedom of movement. When Briarpatch absorbs magic in this way, she regains a number of hit points equal to double the level of the spell effect she absorbed. Deific Briarpatch grants divine spells to worshipers. This does not require any specific action on her behalf. Briarpatch grants access to the domains of Evil, Plant, Strength, and Weather and to the subdomains of Decay, Growth, Resolve, and Seasons. Her favored weapon is the sickle. If a druid worshiping Briarpatch chooses to take a domain, the druid must choose the Plant domain, regardless of alignment. Her holy symbol is that of a feminine face made of leaves and rose petals, facing to the left. Green Empathy (Ex) This ability functions as the druid’s wild empathy, save that the green man can only use this ability on plant creatures. A green man’s green empathy check bonus is equal to his HD plus his Charisma modifier (+43 for the typical green man). Occult Gifts (Ex) As the daughter of Shub Nugganoth, Briarpatch has abilities of an occult nature, and blurs the line between plant and aberration. She has the class skills of an aberration, although her total skill ranks are still those of a plant. He gains Psychic Sensitivity as a bonus feat, and adds psychic spells from the Abomination, Pain and Psychedelia psychic disciplines to the list of druid spells she can prepare. Lastly, she gains the benefits of her wilderness insight ability in any environment not subject to a dimensional lock effect, as alien spirits whisper these insights to her as much as natural plant life. In exchange, Briarpatch does not have the green caress aura of a typical green man. Spells Briarpatch can cast spells as a level 20 druid. She does not gain a domain, or other druid abilities such as an animal companion, unless she takes levels in the druid class. Summon Plants (Sp) Three times per day as a swift action, Briarpatch can summon any combination of plant creatures whose total combined CR is 20 or lower. This otherwise works like the summon universal monster rule with a 100% chance of success and counts as a 9th-level spell effect. Thorns (Su) Briarpatch’s thorns are ranged touch attacks with a range increment of 120 feet. A creature damaged by her thorn moves at half speed and can’t take 5-foot steps, fly, or use air walk, either naturally or magically, until the target or another creature pulls out the thorn as a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Thoughtspear (Su) Once per hour as a standard action, Briarpatch can direct a blast of disorienting mental energy at a creature within 120 feet. This attack deals 17d8 points of damage, and the target cannot attempt Knowledge skill checks for 1 minute afterwards. A target that succeeds a DC 39 Will save reduces the damage by half and negates the skill disruption. This is a mind-affecting effect and the save DC is Intelligence based. Vines (Ex) Briarpatch can extend up to six thorny vines from her body to attack foes. These act as primary natural melee attacks that deal bludgeoning and piercing damage and have a reach of 30 feet. Wilderness Insight (Ex) Briarpatch gains an insight bonus to her AC and CMD equal to her Wisdom bonus.
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why-animals-do-the-thing · 2 years ago
You mentioned that sometimes zoos don’t get the funding they need? Is there anything that we, as visitors, can do to help with that? Donations, contacting representatives, things like that? What can we do to help zoos, zookeepers, and the animals they love and care for?
What a nice question!
So on a “we need funding for this new habitat or major renovation” level, the cost is pretty astronomical compared to what the average person can contribute. For example, the Oregon Zoo’s brand new Polar Passage habitat (started 2016, finished 2021) cost $19 million. The Brookfield Zoo is planning to add on a new indoor/outdoor ape habitat to their Tropics Building and that’s estimated at $9 million. Unless you happen to know folk with very deep pockets, personal donations aren’t going to have an impact on that scale - although that doesn’t mean they don’t help the zoo in other ways!
Contacting your representatives and expressing your support for your local facilities is absolutely something you can do that helps. Especially so if the facility is funded by the city or the county, but even if they’re not, it’s really good for reps to know that their constituents value the facility and want to see it supported. You can always write them whenever, but it’s most useful if there’s stuff happening that’s directly related (funding allocation, new rules being proposed, etc).
I’m going to take this opportunity to plug another way you can help zoos, though, that’s a bit different. Your question is really timely because there’s actually an ongoing need for support at the moment (date stamp: 6/11/23). There’s an organization I volunteer with, called Zoological Disaster Response, Rescue, and Recovery (ZDR3) and they do, well, what it says on the tin. When zoological facilities, sanctuaries, and other facilities with exotic animals experience disasters - think getting flattened by a hurricane - ZDR3 coordinates a network of 130+ facilities who can show up and help. This is everything from sending food and needed supplies that are limited because of supply lines, deploying staff to physically assist an impacted facility with recovery, and even helping evacuate animals and house them until it’s safe for them to return. And it’s really important that it’s other zoos doing this work: if you’ve got to go chainsaw fallen trees out of an alligator habitat, you need people who know how to work safely around alligators! It’s a type of response work that other major disaster organizations don’t really do, because they don’t have the expertise with the animals or the needs of the industry.
ZDR3 can always use support, but, right now, they’re in the middle of a response in Guam where financial support is more necessary than normal. Guam got hit by the Super Typhoon Mawar on May 25th, and it absolutely ravaged the zoo there. It’s a small facility, with mostly geriatric, disabled, and unreleasable animals living there. A USDA representative asked ZDR3 if they’d be able to assist. The director flew out to assess the site and help as much as she could, but the thing is, because Guam is an island, they can’t ask teams from other facilities to deploy there the way the can with facilities in the continental United States. Instead the zoo is having to purchase all the supplies they need for recovery - and could really use assistance. There’s an Amazon wishlist set up with the tools and supplies they need, as well as a DonorBox link for direct donations (which go directly to the zoo, not ZDR3). If you want a tangible way to contribute to the immediate welfare of zoo animals and function of a facility, this a fantastic way to do it.
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