#Tony Blinken
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eretzyisrael · 2 years ago
In a new letter set to be sent to Secretary of State Tony Blinken on Tuesday, a bipartisan group of 50 lawmakers is set to press the administration to prioritize ending the Palestinian Authority’s payments to the families of individuals who have carried out terror attacks on Israelis, known as the “pay for slay” program.  
The letter, obtained by Jewish Insider, comes amid a wave of Palestinian terror attacks that, as the letter notes, has killed both Israelis and foreign nationals, including U.S. citizen Elan Ganeles.
“To maintain a political horizon in support of a viable two-state solution, the PA cannot continue this depraved practice. U.S.-Palestinian ties have improved in recent years, and the Biden Administration is uniquely positioned to change the status quo,” the letter reads. “We encourage the State Department to update Congress on the status of negotiating an end to the ‘pay for slay’ program, and urge the Administration to continue to raise this issue with Palestinian officials. The United States is a trusted regional partner, and must utilize this unique position to bring an end to a system that has harmed so many.”
The letter also asks the administration to report to Congress on efforts underway to end the so-called martyr payments. It notes that the “PA continues to bolster the Martyrs’ Fund” five years after the Taylor Force Act, which cut off U.S. aid to the PA as long as the payments continued, was signed into law.
It also highlights numerous incidents in which terror attacks have been celebrated by Palestinians in the West Bank, in addition to the payments provided by the PA.
The letter was led by Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and is co-signed by lawmakers from both parties, including Michigan Senate candidate Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) and Gottheimer’s Problem Solvers Caucus co-chair Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA).
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gerardt10 · 1 month ago
🇷🇺 🇺🇲 🇪🇺 𝕋𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕣 ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕤𝕠𝕟
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L'administration Biden a tenté de faire tuer Vladimir Poutine, affirme Tucker Carlson.
Washington a voulu créer le chaos en Russie en tuant son Président, a affirmé Tucker Carlson dans un entretien avec le journaliste Matt Taibbi.
Il a en outre pointé du doigt l'ancien secrétaire d'État Tony Blinken.
" Tony Blinken a encouragé la guerre, en essayant de faire tuer Poutine, par exemple. L'administration Biden a essayé de tuer Poutine. Ce qui est insensé ! Que serait-il advenu de l'arsenal nucléaire, dans un pays si complexe ? ", s’est offusqué Tucker Carlson.
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nasirddin · 1 month ago
صرخة حق في قلب البيت الاسود
أنت مجرم، لماذا لا تمثل أمام المحكمة الجنائية الدولية في لاهاي؟
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سام حسيني ولد باسم أسامة الحسيني (ولد في عام 1966) هو كاتب وناشط سياسي وصحفي أمريكي من أصول أردنية فلسطينية. يشغل منصب مدير الاتصالات في معهد الدقة العامة، وهي منظمة غير ربحية مقرها واشنطن العاصمة تُروج لخبراء تقدميين كمصادر بديلة لصحفيي وسائل الإعلام الرئيسية [.....]
قاطع الناشط والصحفي سام حسيني مؤتمرا صحفيا لوزير الخارجية الأمريكي أنتوني بلينكن بمقر الوزارة بالعاصمة واشنطن. ووصف حسيني الوزير بأنه مجرم مسؤول عن الإبادة الجماعية في غزة .وقد تدخل رجال الأمن وأخرجوا حسيني بالقوة من قاعة المؤتمر.
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wherepond · 2 months ago
Tony Blinken's shocking final interview
The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate are joined by Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire to discuss Tony Blinken's outrageous interview with the New York Times, his last as Secretary of State.
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rashmeerl · 1 year ago
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amprosite · 2 years ago
Media and politics distract Americans from real stories. Balloon baloney is another reason Americans don't trust our media or politicians like Joe Biden.
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keepsmyheartawake · 10 months ago
“The problem isn’t that it’s happening, but that you’re seeing it happen”
don't let anyone tell you the tiktok ban is not directly related to Palestine because they're literally admitting it:
Blinken blames TikTok and social media for disrupting Israel’s narrative of war in Gaza
Social media sites like TikTok are partly to blame for widespread criticism of Israel’s war effort against Hamas in Gaza, according to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The comments came as part of a conversation at the McCain Institute’s 2024 Sedona Forum in Sedona, Arizona, between Secretary Blinken and US senator Mitt Romney. The Utah Republican asked the top diplomat why “the PR has been so awful” against Israel since the beginning of the 7 October conflict. “Why has Hamas disappeared in terms of public perception?” he continued. “An offer is on the table for a ceasefire and yet the world is screaming about Israel.” Mr Blinken said that part of the reason for that dynamic was a changing media environment, where people no longer all read from the same authoritative news sources and instead learn about current events on chaotic social media feeds.
The comments echoed a wider narrative that’s been put forth about critics of Israel in the US, particularly on college campuses: that their criticisms don’t stem from the facts of the conflict, and instead are the product of alarming outside influence. New York mayor Eric Adams recently accused students at universities of falling under the sway of “outside agitators,” though the NYPD has offered little compelling evidence to support that charge. Protesting students interviewed by The Independent said they had been moved to act by seeing images of destruction and suffering caused by Israel in Gaza, with the full backing of the US.
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antonellaxgeneration · 5 months ago
Confessione di Gilbert conferma Blinken ha mentito su blocco d'Israele p...
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time-being · 5 months ago
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The headline says: "Israel complicates election’s final stretch, an issue Democrats hoped would fade"
The sub-hed continues: "Benjamin Netanyahu’s escalating assaults in Gaza and Lebanon have become a growing vulnerability for Kamala Harris amid her bid for the presidency."
But the framing makes no sense. Why did Democrats expect this issue to fade?
Towards the end of the article, we have this:
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But Biden and his top advisers agreed with Netanyahu’s premise that the weakening of Hezbollah could be exploited to reshape Lebanon’s politics and appoint a new president. A limited incursion was backed by Blinken, Hochstein, Austin, Middle East coordinator Brett McGurk and White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan, said officials familiar with the matter.
Biden and all his top advisors, including Lloyd Austin, Tony Blinken, and Trump superfan/Iraq puppet government operator Brett McGurk approved an invasion this month.
Again, why did Democrats think this issue would go away? They signed off on an invasion, attempting to install a puppet government in Lebanon, a couple of weeks ago. Invasions don't go away in a hurry.
Earlier in the article, even the Washington Post puts it in perspective:
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Michigan has 300,000 people from the SWANA region and they strongly disapprove of the genocide and the Biden/Harris genocide and invasion strategy. This is not fresh news.
Politico reported on this in November 2023: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/11/11/biden-israel-michigan-support-00125320
You can find it in Vox in February of 2024: https://www.vox.com/politics/2024/2/27/24084168/michigan-gaza-primary-biden-ceasefire-arabs
This is political malpractice, in addition to being murderous policy.
It's like they're trying to lose.
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athena5898 · 2 months ago
(PrR) Journalist Max Blumanthal: My final words for Tony Blinken, Secretary of Genocide, and his smirking press secretary, Matt Miller
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time-being · 7 months ago
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It's always/only the US claiming Israel has accepted a plan too, the Israelis never say they accepted anything (because they didn't).
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immaculatasknight · 1 month ago
Questionable loyalty
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darkmaga-returns · 3 months ago
10 stories they chose not to tell you this week.
The Vigilant Fox
Dec 08, 2024
10 - COVID “Vaccines” Hit By New Bombshell
First, a court ruled that the COVID shots aren’t vaccines after all.
Now, a new Florida lawsuit takes it even further, calling them “weapons of mass destruction.”
Dr. Francis Boyle states: “It is my expert opinion that ‘COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ or ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ or ‘COVID-19 injections meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction according to Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla.Stat. (2023).”
Dr. Boyle’s words hold tremendous weight because he is the architect of the 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act.
The lawsuit, filed on December 1, demands an immediate BAN on COVID-19 injections in Florida, claiming they violate multiple laws, including Florida’s Weapons of Mass Destruction statute, Fraud statute, and Medical Consent Law. The lawsuit also argues the shots are classified as bioweapons under state and federal definitions.
Leading the charge is Dr. Joseph Sansone, joined by a team of experts: Dr. Francis Boyle, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. Rima Laibow, Dr. Marivic Villa, Dr. Andrew Zywiec, Karen Kingston, and Dr. Avery Brinkley.
This lawsuit comes as a new study has just confirmed alarming levels of DNA contamination in the COVID-19 injection vials.
Dr. Sansone, the mastermind behind the lawsuit, adds that the COVID shots are a “threat to the human genome” and, therefore, a threat to “the future existence of our species.”
He joins the show to discuss. This is a jaw-dropping conversation.
(See 9 More Revealing Stories Below)
9 - Joy Behar Dies Inside as John Fetterman Drops an Uncomfortable Reality on Her
8 - James O’Keefe Drops Shocking New Video Exposing FEMA in North Carolina
7 - Tony Blinken Pushes for Unimaginable Evil in Ukraine
6 - Serial Liar Adam Schiff Officially Resigns From Congress Effective December 8
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months ago
by Michael Goodwin
As the nominee, a nervous Biden reacted by turning the screws on Israel, and later had Secretary of State Tony Blinken, who has zero military experience, dictate which targets in Gaza Israel could strike. 
Now, as the election draws close and Harris is the nervous nominee, the White House is tightening the screws again.
This time, it’s taking a multifront approach, with Washington simultaneously demanding our ally show restraint in Lebanon and Iran, and allow increased amounts of humanitarian aid into Gaza. 
In other words, Israel should raise the white flag until the American election is over. 
If it doesn’t, the US threatens to join France and others in imposing an arms embargo on the beleaguered Jewish state. 
The urge to protect Israel’s enemies is doubly bizarre when they also happen to be America’s enemies. 
Yet that is the impact of the positions America is taking and the demands it’s making.
Notice that Biden and Harris are not making a single demand of any other party, and no one else faces ultimatums. 
Israel alone is being held responsible for the care and feeding of Gaza’s civilians even though Hamas uses them as human shields. 
Why aren’t Jordan and Egypt pushed to help care for their fellow Arabs?
And in what previous war was the country that had been attacked required to risk the lives of its military to care for the enemy’s civilians? 
Hamas could end the war in Gaza immediately.
Yet there are no White House demands for the terror group’s leaders to come out of their tunnels, surrender and release all the hostages, including the Americans still being held. 
Similarly, there is no demand that Hezbollah stop firing into Israel.
Instead, Lebanon’s prime minister said he has “received American guarantees” that Israeli strikes in Beirut, Hezbollah’s stronghold, will be reduced, according to Al Jazeera. 
Neither the Arab outlet nor Israeli media say who made the guarantee, but suspicion falls on Blinken, the errand boy who has led the charge against Israel all along. 
Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin even wrote a Sunday letter threatening to withhold arms shipments if Israel doesn’t increase the humanitarian aid to Gaza within 30 days. 
Dictating aid to Gaza 
The micromanaging jumps off the page, with the letter insisting that Israel allow at least 350 aid trucks a day to enter Gaza through four crossings and open a fifth. 
It also says Israel must implement “humanitarian pauses” throughout Gaza as necessary to enable vaccinations and aid distribution for at least four months. 
Harris echoed the letter from the campaign trail, writing on X that “Civilians must be protected and must have access to food, water, and medicine. International humanitarian law must be respected.” 
She said that while planning to spend several days in Michigan, a battleground state which is home to an estimated 200,000 registered Muslim-American voters. 
Most reflexively vote Democrat, but anger over the war has led many to say they will stay home or vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who is Jewish and yet a harsh critic of Israel.
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eretzyisrael · 2 months ago
by Caroline B. Glick
Liri Albag, one of five female IDF soldiers still being held hostage in Gaza, was the subject of Hamas’s most recently released video. The video of Liri alive was filmed on Jan. 1. Available online on pro-Hamas websites, it shows the 19-year-old in emotional distress, shaking at times, as she begged for her life.
The hostages have been held in Gaza for 457 days. And the question of why they are still there, why has Israel been unable to bring them home, gets asked with increased frustration and alarm every day from all quarters.
On Saturday, we received an answer to that question. Shortly after news broke of the release of the video of Liri Albag, The New York Times published an interview with outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken. Blinken said that Hamas has refused to agree to release the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire for two reasons.
In his words, “There have been two major impediments, and they both go to what drives Hamas. One has been whenever there has been public daylight between the United States and Israel and the perception that pressure was growing on Israel, we’ve seen it: Hamas has pulled back from agreeing to a ceasefire and the release of hostages.
“The other thing that got Hamas to pull back was their belief, their hope that there would be a wider conflict, that Hezbollah would attack Israel, that Iran would attack Israel, that other actors would attack Israel, and that Israel would have its hands full and Hamas could continue what it was doing.”
Under harsh questioning from the Times’ anti-Israel reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro, Blinken revealed that U.S. pressure on Israel began immediately after Oct. 7, 2023, and became a central feature of U.S. policy in relation to the war from its very earliest days. From the outset, the provision of unlimited supplies to Gaza—euphemistically referred to as humanitarian aid—has been the constant focus of U.S. pressure on Israel.
Almost immediately after the Oct. 7 invasion, then-Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced a siege of Gaza. The move was self-explanatory. The Gazans had taken 256 Israelis hostage to Gaza. So long as they weren’t released, Gaza would remain under siege. Siege warfare has long been considered one of the most humane, least destructive forms of warfare, and it is legal under the laws of war.
The Biden administration would have none of it. Blinken described how he compelled Israel to resupply Hamas from day one of the war.
“We’ve said from Day 1 that how Israel does that matters. And throughout, starting on Day 1, we tried to ensure that people had what they needed to get by. The very first trip that I made to Israel five days after Oct. 7, I spent with my team nine hours in the IDF’s headquarters in Tel Aviv, six stories underground with the Israeli government, including the prime minister, including arguing for hours on end about the basic proposition that the humanitarian assistance needed to get to Palestinians in Gaza.
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nikkoliferous · 1 year ago
The UN’s top aid official has said the Israeli military campaign in southern Gaza has been just as devastating as in the north, creating “apocalyptic” conditions and ending any possibility of meaningful humanitarian operations.
Martin Griffiths, the UN emergency relief coordinator, said he was speaking on behalf of the entire international aid community in saying the continuing offensive had robbed aid workers of any significant means of helping the 2.3 million people of Gaza, other than to call for an immediate end to the fighting.
His comments came as the Israeli military said it had stormed southern Gaza’s main city in the most intense day of fighting so far, and hospitals struggled to cope with scores of dead and wounded Palestinians.
“What we’re saying today is: that’s enough now. It has to stop,” Griffiths said in an interview with the Guardian, adding that the small amount of aid being allowed into Gaza could no longer be distributed, since the Israeli ground offensive had spread to southern Gaza and the city of Khan Younis, bringing the humanitarian operation effectively to an end.
“It isn’t really a statistically significant operation any more,” said Griffiths, who is also UN undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs. “It’s a bit of a patch on a wound and it doesn’t do the job, and it would be an illusion for the world to think that the people in Gaza can be helped by the humanitarian operation under these conditions.
“This is an apocalyptic situation now, because these are the remnants of a nation being driven into a pocket in the south.”
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched a ground operation into northern Gaza on 27 October, 20 days after Hamas militants killed 1,200 Israelis, most of them civilians, in a cross-border attack. Israel told Palestinian civilians to move into southern Gaza for their own safety before the ground assault, but the south also remained under bombardment. After the breakdown of a week-long ceasefire on 1 December, tanks and infantry have moved into the south, focusing on Khan Younis. The IDF said its troops had reached the heart of the city on Tuesday.
Joe Biden and his top officials had called on Israel to conduct the campaign in the south in a fundamentally different way from the north, with far more attention paid to avoiding civilian casualties, as the Gaza death toll passed 16,000 according to figures issued by the Hamas media office.
The US national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, pointed to an IDF plan to split Gaza into small districts and warn residents of impending military operations in their districts, as a “quite unusual step for a modern military” to avoid civilian deaths. But amid fighting that the IDF said has been the most intense of the ground offensive so far, the civilian toll has remained very high.
US officials said on Monday it was too early to draw conclusions about the conduct of the war in southern Gaza, but Griffiths said it was already clear there had been no improvement and that US diplomatic efforts to influence the IDF had failed.
“The way in which the military operation in the south has been carried out is very similar to what we saw in the north,” he said. “US diplomacy was very much focused on this and [secretary of state] Tony Blinken spoke about it publicly. It does not seem to have worked at all, and so the pace of destruction in the south is as relentless as we see in the north.
“And so we’re left doing very, very little, and frankly facing the inescapable truth which is this is no longer a humanitarian operation, trying to save lives for the people of Gaza. We’ll stay. We’re not leaving … but please don’t think that the humanitarians can save the day. They can’t.”
Speaking in el-Arish, near Egypt’s border with Gaza, the administrator of the US Agency for International Development, Samantha Power, said that civilian toll remained a primary concern for the Biden administration.
“First, as Israel’s military operations continue, Palestinian civilians must be protected,” Power told journalists after overseeing the delivery of 36,000 (16,330 kg) of US humanitarian relief supplies.
“Far too many innocent civilians have been killed. Some parents in Gaza are writing names on their children’s legs, so that they can be identified if they or their families are killed. Other parents are having their children split up, sheltering at different locations, putting them with different relatives, so as to increase the chances that at least some of them will survive. No parent should ever have to make choices like that. Military operations need to be conducted in a way that distinguishes fighters from civilians.”
The UN had sent the coordinates of UN schools and other institutions to the IDF and Hamas, identifying them as havens for civilians, but Griffiths echoed the comments of other UN officials this week, that there was no longer anywhere safe for Palestinians to take shelter in Gaza.
Griffiths said: “I had a 10-point plan last week – it makes me embarrassed to even think about it now – as to how we would respond when people came south. There’s no 10-point plan any more because it’s dependent on a certain number of deconfliction institutions being safe for people to live in. They don’t exist.”
He said that with no safe havens for civilians to gather, there was nowhere where aid could be delivered and distributed. About 100 trucks of humanitarian supplies have been crossing into Gaza daily since the weekend, but Griffiths said it was no longer possible for workers to reach the crossing point at Rafah to unload them or distribute the aid anywhere else on the Gaza Strip.
“There’s a logic to this, which is horrific and tragic and frankly apocalyptic,” he said. “And I can’t think of a better way to create a generation of anger and extremism than this.”
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