#Tom Clegg
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blackramhall · 10 days ago
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It is romantic, yes. It is peaceful. The sun shines, the sea it is blue. But you forget, mon ami, that there is evil everywhere under the sun.
Agatha Christie's Poirot 08.01 Evil Under the Sun directed by Tom Clegg - dramatized by Anthony Horowitz ------------------------------------------------ Whodunit fan? Find more on Blackram Hall. Avatar pic by Mitchell Turek.
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devilfokke · 3 months ago
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I'll follow him around the Horn, and around the Norway maelstrom, and around perdition's flames before I give him up.
Moby Dick - John Huston (1956)
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weirdlookindog · 2 years ago
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Harry H. Corbett, Billy Cornelius, Fenella Fielding, Kenneth Williams, and Tom Clegg in Carry on Screaming! (1966)
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mariocki · 2 years ago
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The Saint: The Fiction Makers - Part 1 (6.11, ITC, 1968)
"Mr. Klein, do you remember what SWORD did to the police sergeant in Sunburst Five?"
"Oh no..."
"The equipment is fully operational in the cellar, it can be filled with acid in one minute."
"Oh, you wouldn't!"
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moviecriticseanpatrick-blog · 6 months ago
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cultfaction · 2 years ago
Preview- McVicar: The Limited Break-Out Edition [Blu-ray]
Released on Blu-Ray for the first time ever! This is the incredible true story of John McVicar – a man who took on the entire prison system and refused to surrender. Roger Daltrey gives a powerful performance as McVicar in a film that is shocking, brutal and full of gritty violent realism. Based on the true life story of professional British criminal John McVicar, the film strongly depicts the…
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rassilonwatchathon · 1 year ago
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It's the 9 year anniversary of The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon, so this month we're sharing our older episodes!
FOURTH DOCTOR SEASON FIFTEEN (December 4th, 2018-February 16th, 2019) Episode 92- Horror of Fang Rock (Just This Once, Everybody Dies) w/ Brian Snape & Adam Clegg Episode 93- The Invisible Enemy (A Penny in Your Thoughts For Scale) Christmas Special - The Klepton Parasites (Toni and Joe Blast You to Atoms) PATREON EXCLUSIVE Bonus Episode 3- The Doctor in an Exciting Adventure with the Daleks (Doctor Who: Origins) Episode 94- Image of the Fendahl (Big Finish Pitch Session) w/ @radiantbaby Episode 95- The Sun Makers (Terrance Dicks is a Coward) w/ Nathan Laws Episode 96- Underworld (Minions: Origins) Episode 97- The Invasion of Time (Hey Thanks, Matt) w/ @mgoldentumbls
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mariacallous · 11 months ago
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You cannot understand the failure of Conservative rule unless you accept that we are living with the failure of honestly held Conservative beliefs. The UK is in crisis, not because Tories are criminals or charlatans or fools, although they can be all of these things, but because they tried to govern according to their sincerely held beliefs and sent us into a deep crisis.
I accept that this is a hard concession for the government’s opponents to make. They like to think of Conservatives as crooks. And they are right in part. The Tory administration from 2010 to the present, which offers peerages for £3 million to passing bidders, has been the most corrupt government of the modern era.
Why, then, pay these crooks the courtesy of taking them seriously?
Meanwhile, those of us brought up in the British class system have a second reason for refusing to offer Conservatives the smallest mercy.
David Cameron, George Osborne, Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak, and, for a while, their Liberal sidekick Nick Clegg, fit our resentful image of dilettantish public-school boys: foppish wreckers, who do not care about the damage they inflict as long as they can stay at the top of the heap.
I have lost count of the number of times anti-Tory columnists have reached for F. Scott Fitzgerald’s lines from the Great Gatsby to describe our rulers.
“They were careless people, Tom and Daisy – they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”
There is a terrific piece in the current edition of the New Yorker  on fin de regime UK by Sam Knight. Without endorsing the notion that we have been ruined by dilettantes, his interviewees provide plenty of evidence to support it. 
“It’s all about constantly drawing dividing lines,” a former Conservative party strategist told him. “That’s all you need. It’s not about big ideological debates or policies or anything.” 
“He is not a Brexiteer,” George Osborne said of Boris Johnson. “I really would go to my grave saying, deep down, Boris Johnson did not want to leave the E.U”.
Knight himself, while never losing sight of the suffering austerity brought, says that the best way to think about the ruling politics of the past 14 years is to see it as a “psychodrama enacted, for the most part, by a small group of middle-aged men who went to élite private schools, studied at the University of Oxford, and have been climbing and chucking one another off the ladder of British public life” ever since.
Clearly, there is truth in this. But we will not save the country merely by replacing upper-class chancers with middle-class moralists.
However satisfying a rhetorical tactic, dismissing you opponents as liars and crooks misses that they can be far more dangerous when they are wholly in earnest. As the Conservatives were when they were at their most destructive.
The damage austerity caused to schools, local authorities, the criminal justice system and national defence (a subject, incidentally, we should worry more about given Russia’s aggression) flowed from the authentic Conservative belief that lower rates of taxation produced economic growth.
There is a strong link between Liz Truss and George Osborne.  
The 2010 Cameron government cold-bloodedly refused to take advantage of a once-in-300-years opportunity to borrow to invest in infrastructure at next-to-zero interest rates.
Instead, it paid off the debt accrued in the finance crisis by cutting public expenditure rather than raising taxes. 
Do not underestimate the extremism that followed.
The Office for Budget Responsibility said of the period up to 2018
“In the 12 years from the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2007-08 the UK public finances will have suffered their largest peacetime shock in living memory, followed – on current policy – by one of the biggest deficit reduction programmes seen in any advanced economy since World War II.”
From Osborne to Truss, Conservatives genuinely believed that low taxes would produce economic growth, and they have never had a programme to turn to when their strategy failed.
As we can now see.
Knight cites some horrendous figures.
Between 2010 and 2018, funding for police forces in England fell by up to a quarter. Officers stopped investigating burglaries. Only four per cent now end in prosecution. In 2021, the median time between a rape offense and the completion of a trial reached more than two and a half years. In 2023, hundreds of school buildings had to be closed for emergency repairs, because the country’s school-construction budget had been cut by forty-six per cent between 2009 and 2022.
I could go on.  But the point worth noticing is that at all times between 2010 and 2016 Osborne’s austerity programme had the full support of the Tory press, Tory donors and Tory MPs, and many of them went on to support Liz Truss in 2022.
There is an effort underway to rewrite the Conservatives' time in power. The period from 2010 to 2016 is presented as an era of moderate conservatism ruined by the aberrations of Johnson and Truss. In truth, the continuity is more striking than the change.
The result of 14-years of Conservative rule is the wrecking of the public sector combined with the highest taxes the UK has experienced since 1945.
 As policy wonks now joke in their rip-roaring way, the British used to want American levels of taxes and European levels of public service.  Now they have American levels of public service with European levels of tax.
The fiscal room for manoeuvre of the next Labour government has already been curtailed. It will not have pots of money to bail out local authorities, universities and the court system, to pick just three of the many deserving cases.
It will have to encourage growth
Economically, the quickest way to do it is to rejoin the EU.  But politically it is a nightmare, I agree with George Osborne that Boris Johnson didn’t believe in Brexit. I wrote in 2016 that going with the Brexit campaign was the smart move for a charlatan on the make.
But fascinating though the speculations about the court politics of the 2010s are, they have no relevance to the urgent need to halt the UK’s decline by rejoining the EU.
We can’t because of the tyranny of the anti-European minority, which unlike Boris Johnson, has an authentic belief in Brexit.
Indeed, so great is the minority’s power, British politics does not even talk about Brexit. It is as if, as George Osborne says, we are in the old Soviet Union and essential questions cannot be debated for fear of offending the ruling ideology.
Most people now regard Brexit as a mistake.  But then there are the Brexit diehards, who so resemble 20th century communists when they insist that Brexit has not failed, but simply has not been properly tried yet.  Beyond them, are those who think that Brexit went fine, or who don’t want to reopen the question, or don’t care about our economic fortunes.
Under our electoral system, a dedicated minority can have real power. The majority of Labour voters support rejoining the EU, but they will vote Labour whatever European policy the party puts forward. A minority of pro-Brexit voters may even now turn away from Labour if it supports Europe, however, and lose them seats in the north of England. (Or at least that is what the party believes.)
 Labour politicians feel they must wait until an overwhelming majority of the population realise that Brexit was a monumental blunder.
If only the Tories had just been a bunch of crooks. They would have stolen some money but that would have been the end of it.
As it is, it will take us years to recover from their sincerely held beliefs. Assuming, that is, we recover at all.
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louisupdates · 1 year ago
Louis Tomlinson ‘Faith in the Future’ World Tour 2023
By: Steve Jennings (Photos and Text) | 11 AUG 2023
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English singer-songwriter and former One Direction band member Louis Tomlinson is back out on the road in support of his second album, Faith in the Future. For his second world tour, he’s playing to an ever-growing audience—the crowd I witnessed could not get enough of him as evident from the adoring fans singing along to every word he sang. We spoke to Production Designer, Programmer, and Director Tom Taylor of TANCK about the tour.
Designer Tom Taylor started working on the current tour as the new album’s promo materials and aesthetics came to light. Taylor says it’s a more rugged and asymmetrical look than they’ve gone for before, meant to mirror a sort of dive bar aesthetic rather than a beautiful arena production. “This reflects the music off the latest album, which has a more grungy feel to it. There are touches in there such as the light boxes (loosely resembling the fluorescent lights of a nightclub toilet), and our custom camera housing (a hollowed out old VHS camcorder with a Marshall 4K camera inside) that bring it back to a more intimate venue feel than the true scale of the places we’re playing across the world.”
Taylor notes the show itself has definitely progressed and he would say feels more like a ‘show’ than a ‘gig‘ now; it has a start, middle, and end, with themes and segues to connect them throughout. “The video content is more to set a mood for the songs. We’re trying to stay away from anything too literal and obvious. This extends to the lighting programming as well where we largely refrain from hitting everything on the beat, fully ‘perfect’ timecoded hits throughout the rig. Hopefully the end result is that in those moments where we do go crazy with programming and rhythm, it’s much more interesting and stands out in the set.”
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Since 2020, Taylor has worked with Francis Clegg on production design. They had worked together for about five years prior to that and have a complimentary skill set. “We’ve accelerated quite rapidly, taking on a design assistant in Jamie Lawrence and soon to have another member of the team joining,” Taylor says. “Whilst one of us is the company face to each artist or client, we work together 50/50 on every project behind the scenes. James Washer [Lighting Programmer] is often the first name on the team sheet when we pick up a show like this one… he just gets it; is a great programmer and time saving resource who knows how to interpret when I say something like ‘can the lights be a little more aggressive.’ Francis (Clegg) is also a fantastic programmer, so I was able to work alongside James in the rehearsals to finesse the previz programming.”
Although he’s on a MA Lighting grandMA3 surface, Taylor runs the show on MA2 software. The reason for that is because this tour goes everywhere in the world, and he knows he can get an MA2 anywhere without having to lug around small form consoles himself. Taylor much prefers to take a USB stick through an airport. “We are running a lot of things through the desk—lighting, video, camera switching, and automation. The MA makes this easier to deal with and the fixture cloning system is excellent, so I know I’m going to get a good replica of the show no matter what fixtures I get thrown wherever we go.”
The venue sizes this time around sort of called for a video element to be added, Taylor says. “The focus of the show is, of course, Louis, so plenty of close-up camera work to amplify his emotion. These are treated with overlays and masks created by [content creators] Two Suns and ourselves, with 3D animation work coming from Boxcat Studio. The whole system is run on a Resolume server. Camera switching is done from the MA console via Open Control, which sends OSC messages to the ATEM switcher, which ultimately sends it to the capture cards. This way we eliminate a touring video director (sorry!) and save a bunch of truck space on outboard equipment. The system works extremely well.”
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Colour Sound Experiment out of London is the tour lighting, video, and rigging company. “We use them for a large portion of our shows. It’s very useful dealing with just one company who ‘do it all’ but also don’t cut any corners or scrimp to get the job done. The equipment is well maintained with a good selection of inventory to choose from.” Taylor says it probably took them about three iterations to get to the point they’re at now, keeping ideas from the previous versions until they got somewhere they were all happy with. “It was a bit of a process, but a great payoff. I should probably thank Louis and his Manager, Matt Vines, for their patience in putting it all together. There are a lot of (literally) moving parts to the stage with winches, light boxes, light bulbs, and our shuttering set piece at the back. Ultimately the show is dynamic and exciting, but all the elements sit nicely together as well.” Taylor was a bit unsure on using the GLP X4 Bars across the back because of the brightness difference to GLP’s FR10, for example, but they are exactly the right brightness for this gig without being overpowering, he says. “My absolute favorite moment of the show, where we have some crazy iridescent hyper color animation, is driven by the Ayrton Huracans… amazing lights, just don’t try to pick one up by yourself, they’re beasts!”
Tomlinson was really involved in the design of this one, and also much more open to trying new things and delivering a narrative through the show, adds Taylor. “Matt Vines should have a shout out for his contribution to the ‘ideas factory’ and being a great sounding board as we developed the show. PM Craig Sherwood has been incredible as always, never asking ‘why’ we want to make it look like a derelict bathroom, just making it happen. Finally, the tour’s secret weapon, technical maestro Sam Kenyon, who is quite literally irreplaceable, has been an excellent resource for actually delivering the show in the real world day after day.”
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Production Team
Tour Manager: Tom Allen
Production Manager: Craig Sherwood
Production Design, Programmer & Director: Tom Taylor & Francis Clegg, TANCK
Lighting Programmer: James Washer
Lighting Crew Chief: James Box
Lighting Techs: Rick Carr, Amy Barnett
Stage Manager: Torin Arnold
Technical Manager: Sam Kenyon
Video Crew Chief: Dave Mallandain
Video Programmer: Jack Fone
Video Techs: Tim Curwen, Braden Pettigrew
Camera Operators: Mark Lawrence, Braden Pettigrew, Tim Curwen
Rigger: Mark Lawrence
Lighting/Video/Rigging: Colour Sound Experiment/Acc. Rep. Haydn Cruishank
LED Trim: LED Creative
Custom Light Housings: OX Event House
Set Construction: Hangman UK
Video Content: Two Suns Creative, Boxcat Studio, TANCK
2 MA Lighting grandMA3 full-size
19 Ayrton Eurus Profile
6 Ayrton Huracan LT Profile
5 Claypaky Mini-B
12 Robe Spiider
72 GLP X4 Bar 20
16 GLP JDC Line 1000
10 GLP JDC1 Strobe
2 Chroma-Q Color Force II 12
16 Elumen8 COB PAR Endura
10 LEDJ Spectra Q15
3 Robe BMFL RoboSpot
2 Resolume Server
23 Custom LED Trim
6 Video Screens, 2.5m x 2.5m
7 Marshall 503 Camera
3 Panasonic UE70 PTZ Camera
2 Blackmagic Design URSA G2 Camera
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blackramhall · 7 days ago
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Agatha Christie's Poirot 08.02 Murder in Mesopotamia directed by Tom Clegg - dramatized by Clive Exton ------------------------------------------------ Whodunit fan? Find more on Blackram Hall. Avatar pic by Mitchell Turek.
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chiropteracupola · 9 months ago
once again I want to make aesthetical artistical sharpe edits but tragically I care about cinematography and lighting far more than tom clegg apparently does
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weirdlookindog · 2 years ago
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Carry On Screaming! (1966)
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mariocki · 2 years ago
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Sweeney 2 (1978)
"Hold it right there, squire. You're privileged to be looking down the barrels of a gold-plated sawn-off Purdy shotgun. Now as a bank manager, you'll appreciate that any man capable of cutting a gun like that in half wouldn't think twice about cutting you in half."
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kwebtv · 9 months ago
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Janis Paige (born Donna Mae Tjaden; September 16, 1922 – June 2, 2024) Film, stage and television actress and singer. With a career spanning nearly 60 years, she was one of the last surviving stars from the Golden Age of Hollywood.
During the 1955–1956 television season, Paige starred in her own sitcom It's Always Jan as Janis Stewart, a widowed mother.Janis Paige in It's Always Jan (1955–1956)
Paige made her live dramatic TV debut June 27, 1957, in "The Latch Key" on Lux Video Theatre. She appeared as troubadour Hallie Martin in The Fugitive episode "Ballad for a Ghost" (1964). She also had a recurring role as Auntie V, Tom Bradford's sister, in Eight Is Enough.
Paige appeared as a waitress named Denise in both the seventh and ninth seasons of All in the Family. In her first appearance, she has a flirtation with Archie Bunker that threatens to become serious.
Paige appeared on episodes of 87th Precinct; Trapper John, M.D.; Columbo; Night Court; Caroline in the City; and in the 1975 television movie John O'Hara's Gibbsville (also known as The Turning Point of Jim Malloy). In 1982, she appeared on St. Elsewhere as a female flasher who stalked the hallways of the hospital to "cheer up" the male patients. She also appeared on a season 11 episode of Happy Days, as a roadside diner waitress named Angela who may or may not be Fonzie's long lost mother; Fonzie has a heartfelt talk with Angela, and it is left up to the viewer to determine if she is his mother or not – though the emotions exhibited by her character throughout the scene indicate that she is, but does not want to be found out. In the 1980s and 1990s, she was seen on several soap operas, including Capitol (1987, as Sam Clegg's first wife, Laureen), General Hospital (1989–1990, as Katharine Delafield's flashy Aunt Iona, a lady counterfeiter), and Santa Barbara (1990–1993, replacing Dame Judith Anderson as matriarch Minx Lockridge). (Wikipedia)
IMDb Listing
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harmonypon · 8 months ago
I ended up buying one of the audio books that Tom Clegg narrated (The Sinking Admiral, for anyone interested) and I was not mentally prepared to hear Ernest Greeves' voice reading out the lines of a wannabe seductress cougar. Oh my God. This is brilliant. I'm having the time of my life
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