#Tokyo rev Chifuyu
yutamayo · 1 year
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narcjsistx · 3 months
Hi, I hope you're doing well.🤗 I absolutely love your relationships HC.🤩 I don't want to be rude, but could I request from Toma!Chifuyu and Tenjiku!Kakucho (my favorite boys)? Thank you very much.❤️
HI! thanks for the request, hope you have a good day 💜 you didn't specify the theme of the hcs, so I'll use the basic one as it would be in a relationship (if I made a mistake, tell me immediately, I'll correct it and do the theme you like most!) Furthermore, I'm still not used to making two characters in one post, so as soon as I have 2 free minutes I will post the part dedicated to kakucho :)
— Matsuno Chifuyu in a relationship HCS ᡣ𐭩
He's clearly the kind of guy who learned everything slightly romantic he does from a romantic manga he read. He's canonically a fan of Ai Yazawa, the creator of Nana, so who knows, maybe sooner or later he'll give you some glasses with strawberries
It seems impossible but he asks Takemichi for advice on how to deal with you. We all know that Takemichi isn't exactly the person with the most self-esteem in a relationship, however he has always helped Chifuyu, despite sometimes getting into trouble for stupid mistakes. Hanagaki had advised him to get you some flowers to give you after school, but he got the ones you're allergic to. He panicked when he saw you sneeze so many times in a row while you told him to move the flowers away from you
He's slightly unsure of himself, but he doesn't show it. As a result, he feels slight jealousy which he hides quite well, he knows that you would never cheat on him and therefore he represses this side of him because he knows that it is useless. Maybe when he doesn't succeed he'll show off a little more, perhaps resting his head on yours or giving you a few pinches on the side
A typical date might be at a comic book store. He would like to spend time with you at his side while you talk about the comics you are reading or would like to read, and I don't know why but I can see him showing you the cover of a romantic manga where the two protagonists are while he says "this could be us"
Your first kiss wasn't actually planned, or at least not for him. It was Baji who insisted that he had to kiss you, he didn't agree because he wanted you to take the first step and he didn't want to force you anyway, Baji ignored it and pushed him against you. As luck would have it, the impact made you kiss
More than a few times he faked his condition after a fight. You have an unwritten rule that says that after every fight he has to call you, because you want to know if he's okay or not. He often says he feels fine even when he has a few broken bones. He hates seeing you worry about him, so he tries to lie as best he can
You automatically entered the group formed by him and Baji. You're both his two favorite people, so why not all of you hang out together? You often go on long motorbike rides, you and Chifuyu on his motorbike and Baji on his, or you simply like to while away the hours at the arcade in Shibuya
The first time you went to his house, the first person, or rather animal, that welcomed you was Peke J: he immediately approached and started meowing. You spent a few hours with the cat on your lap while petting it, while Chifuyu whispered that you were giving more attention to the cat than to your boyfriend
He's the type to celebrate every date, even a stupid one. For example, it was precisely midnight and you were sleeping when you received a phone call from him. You asked him why he called you so late, which was unusual because if he called you it was before you went to bed. He, extremely happy, said he had called you because it was the date when for the first time, two years earlier, you had sat together in class, but at the time you weren't even friends, therefore not even engaged. You wanted to insult him, but you admit it was nice
I don't know why but I see him as someone who LOVES matching clothes. Like, if you casually told him that you're going to show up on a date in a beige dress, he'll do anything to find something beige in his closet. He finds it a nice thing to do as a couple
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yanderederee · 3 months
If you're taking requests for yandere mbti, may I put in a request for chifuyu and Baji?
Congrats again for reaching 1k!
THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I never really thought 1k would ever be achievable haha. I appreciate your kind words very much!♡
yandere mbti event page: here!
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Baji Keisuke MBTI - ♡Answered Here♡
Chifuyu Matsuno - RDML
Chifuyu Matsuno loves to worship you. Loves to love you so deeply and passionately. Will literally watch you with heart pupils as you do anything.
Somehow finds a skill in stalking you. He knows your everyday schedule, and follows you practically everywhere.
Always picks up a trace of you from everywhere you go. Just left the classroom? He takes a small eraser of yours. You left your bedroom window open while you fix dinner downstairs? He’s sneaking in quietly to smell your things, and steals a little throw blanket from the corner of your room.
Loves to smell you. Your perfume, detergent, deodorant, your sweat— oh what he would give to smell you up close on a hot day.
Unfortunately, Chifuyu’s moral compass is still in tact enough to realize his actions might be creepy, but can’t fathom the thought of you disliking or hating him. So, no matter the circumstance, he’s managed to delude himself that he’s doing everything for a good reason.
Even if you don’t like him now, there was always the future! And he was hell bent on proving it to you.
He’s charming enough for you to accept into your life. He’s the perfect boy-next-door with a dedication to you like no other. You never have to question his feelings, his kindness was so genuine.
Chifuyu will manipulate the truth from his darling to any extent if it keeps you from leaving him.
Isn’t the type to make your friends turn on you to isolate you and keep you to himself. He wants you to feel loved at all times, and anyone who would turn their back on you is subject to a beat down.
Manipulative in the way he wedges himself into your plans all the time. He hates being separated from you, so anywhere you go, he goes… be that with your knowledge and by your side, or stalking you secretly.
Doesn’t have the heart to be strict with you. Chifuyu doesn’t like restricting your daily life or personal interactions. He’d hate for you to start hating him for these things. Even if he can come up with an excuse, he knows it would only be a matter of time before you catch on.
Chifuyu is a wonderful partner on the surface, and for a yandere, is actually really tame! His greatest offense is loving you so, so so much…♡
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xfgpng · 3 months
𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭
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— : [ nsfw ] implied smut, mentions of blood, biting
— wc : 1.2k
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it didn’t matter how much she tried to convince herself it wasn’t real. she could still feel the pain seeping through her body and the sharp sensation of the bite marks on her neck. she didn’t have to look to know it was still there. she could feel how the skin was raised and irritated.
it was light at first, barely there. it felt like he was teasing her but when she glanced up, their eyes locked in the floor length mirror and she saw it.
the way his beautiful, soft green eyes turned to a deep red and his teeth, sharp and longer than she remembered pierced into her delicate skin.
she was sensitive, from the tiny bite marks and sucking he’d been doing all night when he fucked her. although, she’d never classify it as fucking as chifuyu was far too gentle with her, almost as if he was scared she’d break.
and maybe he was right.
she wasn’t sure what to feel as she sat up. the sheets pooled around her waist and she knew he’d left. the house was quiet and she could hear her own breathing almost as if it was right next to her ear.
she was still naked and upon further inspection, she could see the blood stains on her pillowcase and part of the bedding.
it couldn’t be explained away.
her boyfriend of 3 months wasn’t human. he couldn’t be. no human could’ve done to her what he did and now he was nowhere to be found.
grabbing her phone, she rushed to unlock it but there was no messages or phone calls from him. just a few from her friends.
“fuyu?” she called out, pulling the sheet around her body.
when there was no response, she allowed herself to breathe, she hadn’t even realised she had held her breathe just to hear if he was there.
“it’s okay y/n, you’re dreaming” she whispered to herself but her comfort would soon be over because she heard footsteps outside her bedroom door.
“chifuyu…?” she called out again, a little louder this time
“yes my love?” he says, opening the door and smiling sweetly at her.
he was dressed in his regular black sweatpants and no shirt. his hair was a little messy and she knew that was due to sleep.
“is everything alright?” he asks, feigning innocence as he hands her a glass of orange juice, “i wasn’t sure what you wanted to eat so i ordered something for us”
“oh.. okay” she nods, “thank you”
she tried to stop her hands from shaking as she took the glass from him. he seemed to be watching all her tiny movements and he was amused.
how could he act like nothing was wrong? how could he sit so close, legs touching hers, and pretend he didn’t do what he did to her the night before?
was she really losing her mind?
she couldn’t be. the blood was so evident, just like the marks were and she could see red lines down his back and shoulders. it was clear that last night was no dream.
“fuyu i—”
“you look so tired” he sighs, “i was too rough last night, wasn’t i?”
she finds herself nodding dumbly. her mind going hazy when he reaches up to touch her face. he was so gentle, so soft with her, a complete contrast to the man he appeared to be the night before.
“you’re scared” he says, “when you don’t need to be”
“how?” she whispers, her voice sounding hoarse and harsh even to her own ears, “chifuyu you- .. you’re..”
“yes” he nods, frowning a little, “but i would never hurt you y/n, not on purpose”
“but last night..” she trails off. she wasn’t sure what to say because if she was being honest with herself, he didn’t do anything she didn’t enjoy and he was right, while the biting was intense and it hurt, it wasn’t anything she didn’t want him to do.
“but you lied to me” she looks down at the glass of orange juice, “all this time”
“no” he shakes his head, removing his hand from her face and taking her hand in his, “i might’ve kept it from you but i didn’t know what else to do”
“would you have accepted me had you known?” he asks and she frowns up at him. that wasn’t fair and he knew that. no normal person would react normally to any of this and she was surprised that she hadn’t run for the hills yet.
she guesses that despite her fear, she still wanted to be near him. her body seemed to have a mind of its own and reacted to him in a way she never could with anyone else.
“y/n, i want to be with you” he tells her, “every part of me wants every part of you”
“what if you kill me?” she asks, realising her biggest fear. last night, he didn’t actually leave any serious damage but what about the next time?
“i admit that i got carried away” he looks away from her, his brows furrowing and she can tell he’s uncomfortable, “i got lost in the moment.. in you.. and i just”
he runs his hands through his hair, gripping it lightly.
“that will never happen again” he says seriously, looking at her again, “i don’t want you to be afraid of me”
“never?” she asks and she hates how disappointed she sounds.
“never” he sighs, “not unless you want that. i don’t need blood to survive, i just want you”
“.. who else knows?” she asks after a moment. she’s finished her juice without realising it so she takes that moment to turn to face him, wrapping the sheets tighter around her naked body.
this wasn’t what she was expecting after .. well .. a normal date with him.
“y/n” he shakes his head but she grabs his hand, pulling it towards her body.
“chifuyu tell me” she insists, “i am here, aren’t i?”
and she did have a good point. anyone else would’ve ran or try to but she didn’t. he could feel her fear but more than anything else, her determination and he knew she still loved him, at least that he was sure of.
“my friends.. they’re also” he sighs, “we all are”
“oh” she says softly, eyes widening just a little.
“it changes nothing y/n” he pulls her closer to him but still leaving enough room for her to pull away or push him back. he feels slightly relieved when she does neither of those things.
“how can it not?” she asks honestly, “you’re not human chifuyu”
“yes but that doesn’t change how i feel about you, it would never” he leans closer, close enough that their foreheads are touching, “i know it’s wishful thinking on my part but i don’t want to lose you”
“i just need time to process” she sighs, “surely you can understand”
he does but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. he pulls back and puts some distance between them.
“okay” he nods, “i’m sorry”
“let me just shower okay?” she says, “let me have some alone time and you can get breakfast ready and then after that, we’re talking about everything okay?”
“you said you needed time..” he looks up at her, more hopeful than he was 2 seconds ago.
“and i’ll have time in the shower” she says. she could be making a mistake but she knew she loved him already and there was no going back. how could she anyway?
“i’m not going anywhere” she adds, “but you do need to change the bedding.. burn it”
he grins and stands up immediately, ready to do whatever she wanted.
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angryborzois · 9 months
it's his day today
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sugawhaaa · 9 months
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☆--------------PERVER PT.2
☆---------------------------phone call
A/N:: remember when I said that I thought my gf was mad at me? Well she wasn't BUT she did break up with me 2 days ago....so....
TAGS:: @main-character0
It had been three days since the incident happened with Baji and Chifuyu and since then they haven't been at school. That was until today in science. A group project had been assigned and you were partnered with Baji and Chifuyu. Of course Chifuyu tried to do some work on the project but Baji wouldn't let him. Drawing smiley faces and weird doodles.
"Baji, do you think you could help a bit maybe?" Chifuyu sighed as he wrote down some notes. You were planning the poster and drawing sections in your own little world. "We're going to have to work on this after school but I'm afraid my house won't work," Chifuyu spoke in the loud room. You thought for a moment and remembered what Baji had said "That Chifuyu’s parents aren't present in his life!"
"We can go to my house," Baji chimned in. "My moms super chill and my dad is out of the country right now so it'll be nice, quiet, and calm," He smiled as he reassured Chifuyu.
"Does that work for you?" Chifuyu asked you. You nodded.
"It'll probably be fine but I'll text my mom just yo be sure," you pulled out your phone and texted your mom. She replied to you a little while later and told you to be safe but other than that you were free to go. Baji and Chifuyu told you to meet them by the picnic table out back.
After school you met up with the two of them and you walked with them to Bajis house. You felt a little awkward but the other two didn't seem to mind you being there at all and proceeded to include you in their antics. You eventually arrived at Bajis house and you all had some peyoung together before getting started on the project. It ended up being extremely fun, you started getting a warm fuzzy feeling of happiness when around them. Midway through working Baji got a call. Before answering he showed it to Chifuyu and Chifuyu nodded. Baji answered the phone.
"Yo," he said into the mic. There was muffled talking over the other end. "Right now?" He spoke again. "Shit, alright well I got Chifuyu with me right now. We'll be over as soon as possible," Baji said in a serious tone. Chifuyu patted Bajis back with a big smirk.
"Let's go,"
"What!?" Baji and Chifuyu said they'd be kicking you out and you could walk home. You said your goodbyes and they walked off but you didn't. You were going to follow them. Not all the way to wherever they were going and you wouldn't be a creep about it, it was just suspicious. And you were curious. Nothing serious. You watched them for a while and they went back inside the house. Shortly after they came out in Tokyo manji gangs outfits and Baji had no glasses on and his hair down. He looked like a whole man. He turned to your general direction with a frown, his sharp cat-like eyes cutting through the evening air.
"What's up?" Chifuyu asked as he put his hands in his pockets.
"Nothing, just thought I heard a bike," he said in a raspy and deep voice. Very different from his nerd tone. They were so different in every way imaginable, voice, visuals, attitude, aura everything. Worst of all, they were wearing TOMAN outfits. Toman. You started to second guess following them but you checked your watch to see it was 5:33 and you told your mom you'd be home by 6 to 6:30 so why not follow them. Chifuyu started walking to the right before realizing Baji wasn't following.
"Aye, what about our bikes?" Chifuyu spoke sternly.
"The fights near us, it'll take us at most 15 minutes," Baji said as he walked steadily down the sidewalk. You followed behind them not too closely before feeling something grab your hair and a hand go over your mouth. You tried to scream but nothing came out. Everything went black.
When you awoke you were in a dim lit room tied to a chair, the stench of cigarettes and weed burned your nose. A man with long hair sat on a table, another with a buzz cut leaned against the wall on the opposite side with a baseball bat. The long haired one glanced at you before turning to the other man.
"She's awake," he said with a tilt of his head. The one with the bat looked at you before standing up.
"Why did we even kidnap her in the damn first place," he growled as he grabbed the head of the chair and pulled you close. Fear coursed through your body. You were kidnapped and you still didn't know why or what they were gonna do to you.
"She was suspicious and an easy target," the other man explained as he stood next to the other. They argued for a while about what to do with you and what the best option was. That was until the one with a bat commented.
"Why don't we pleasure ourselves with her? She looks young so she's probably a virgin," your jaw dropped and you shook your head intensely as if they would listen. 
"That would mean we'd have to untie her," the other rolls his eyes and puts his hand on his hip. "And what if you get her pregnant?" 
The other shook his head and put his hand on his friend's shoulder. 
"Trust me this isn't my first go at this. She won't need to be untied, they don't fight as much when they're tied," he stated as he started undoing his belt. The other rolled his eyes but still watched. The man then took off his pants and went to take off your skirt. You fought back but you weren't strong enough for two men. It was only when they got your panties off you started seriously panicking. Tears streamed down your face when a loud thud was heard at the door. The man in front of you grumbled and told the other guy to answer the door. The man's hands touched your bare skin and you jumped away from his hands. He slapped you hard at your "disobedience" 
The door was kicked to the floor with Baji standing behind it with his foot up, chifuyu behind him, and two other blond men. You yelled in joy but they couldn't hear you over the tape. The man in front of you joined the other to start fighting but Baji and one of the other blond boys fought back. Chifuyu attended to you.
"Y/N! Why are you here, what happened?" He said as he bent down to your level and untied you. After freeing your arms he undid the tape on your lips, red marks on your face from the tape. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around your waist to cover your exposed body. He stroked your face comfortingly. "It's okay, we're here now, shhh," he said as he hugged you in his arms as you sobbed. You looked up at the room through your watery eyes to see the men responsible on the floor covered in blood. Baji looked down at you with a stern frown before instantly softening.
"Oh my god Y/N? What the Hell are you doing here!?" He sounded angry at you and you flinched before he bent down to you as well. 
"When I found her they had taken off her clothes and had her tied to a chair. I can only assume they had planned to do the worst to her," Chifuyu informed Baji as he continued to hold you. Baji scoffed.
"Those motherfuckers are gonna get it!" Baji stood up and stomped on one of their heads. "We're you going to rape this woman!?" He yelled at them. "ANSWER ME!" He yelled even louder.
"Y-yes! I was! Now please leave us alone!" The man on the floor cried and Baji frowned.
"You think you can just run off after pulling some shit like that!?" Baji lifted the man and proceeded to punch him continuously against the wall. "She is an innocent young woman that you stumbled upon and thought you could just use!? Huh!? You fucking punk. You never ever hit a woman! She could be your sister or your ex or your own God damn mother but you never raise a damn hand at her ever again alright!?" Baji said as he beat him to near death. One of the blond guys you didn't know held back his arm.
"Listen I know what he did was unforgivable but…let him go," he spoke softly.
"I should snap his dick. That'd teach him a lesson!" Baji clenched his fists together.
"Then you would be no better than the man himself. He almost violated your friend's body and you almost violated his. If you overstepped his boundaries you would be doing worse than what he did to your friend," he explained. He was right. Baji set the man down and looked back at you, his face covered in blood. 
"Are you okay?" He asked softly. Back to his normal school voice.
"I'll be okay," you blush and cover yourself. 
"Friend of yours?" One of the blond men put his arm around Baji.
"Yeah we know her from school,"  said as he helped you up on your feet. "And she must've disobeyed us and followed us anyways," Chifuyu frowned at you. You looked away and sighed. "Remember what I told you at the picnic tables?" He said softly you worried thinking he was talking about hitting a girl. You flinched. "No, the other thing," he chuckled. You thought for a minute. "Me and Baji are involved in some shit that could end you up really hurt or even dead," Chifuyu hugged you. "Please stay out of this from now on okay? We shouldn't have lied to you for so long,"  shook his head before looking at you again. Your eyes are still leaking. "Here,"  took out a piece of paper. "Draken you gotta pen?" He asked one of the blonde boys.
"Why the Hell would I bring a pen around with me?" He raised one brow. Next thing you know he threw a pen at Chifuyu, right for the head. Chifuyu grabbed it with reflexes faster than lightning.
"So you could've caught all of those…" you thought to yourself. Whenever Baji threw things at him at school he just let it happen but really he's faster than lightning, you could hardly follow the pen that's how fast it moved. "You could've caught that pen that Baji threw at me!" You called him out as he wrote on the piece of paper. 
"Guilty~" he chuckled before handing you the paper. "This is Baji and mine phone numbers. Call us when you're home and safe alright? Call us at any time if you're in some shit alright?" 
You nodded and took the paper. You pulled out your phone and entered in the numbers. "My house is on the way to yours so would you want me to walk you?" He asked. You nodded and said goodbye to Baji and…friends before walking off with Chifuyu. "I'm sorry," he said out of the blue.
"For what?!" You looked surprised.
"For what happened to you…one of us should've walked you home or we should've told you what we were doing!" He sighed and grabbed his hair tightly. The thought of him being able to help you but not doing it was like nails on a chalkboard to him.
"It's okay, I was being dumb!" You tried to explain to him. He pulled you into a hug again. 
"No. It's my fault and that's the end of it okay." He said sternly and he held you.
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whim513 · 4 months
okay i’ve had this opinion for a while and i’ve only seen like one other person talk about it.
The tokyo revengers fandom has a smut problem.
Now i don’t mean the amount of smut itself (though there is a lot) its more the contents. I understand wanting to write smut about your favorite characters and i support yall in that endeavor!! however i find it EXTREMELY weird when people write or draw that kind of thing to the underaged characters. Take baji for example, he’s a fan favorite, he’s fun and loud and complex and very pretty, and i see SO much smut about him and i find it so weird!!!! because he dies at FOURTEEN, he doesn’t even make it to 15!!! he dies 3 days before his 15th birthday and i think its so weird to write about him that way before the final timeline. Now some of the characters can be written smut if you take their older selfs (kazutora mitsuya Mikey etc) but when people take their teenage selfs (kazutora being 14 or 15, mitsuya being 15 or 16, mikey being 15) and write smut about them i just find it very weird and gross.
i don’t see it talked about ever so i thought i’d leave my two cents because it bothers me immensely 💀💀
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stxrmylxve · 2 years
One of your big fans here.
I love your writing style 💜
May I ask what would be your take for TR guys confessions? Like they would know they are in love and come to terms with it and they would decide to confess to their s/o.
Thank you for considering my request :)
aww baby hi!! im so glad you like my stuff <33 ofc i can! i live for these confessions :)
wouldn’t ever come to terms with it
he thinks he just likes your company
its draken that has to tell him
once he gets it through his head, he blushes every time he sees you
bro is a tomato when he sees you though-
has no clue how to confess
like.. at all
”y/n i like you.”
that’s it, that’s all you get
you can’t help but giggle as he stands there confused
”is that good?” he asks draken as the man shakes his head
”sure mikey, sure.”
much more mature so he immediately recognized his feelings
has a hard time confessing though
constant thoughts flood his mind
is that cheesy? do you want gifts? will it be awkward?
so worried over nothing
buys big flowers and all, dresses up, looks handsome and all
and you simply say “you kno, i dont need all these gifts”
he stands there in awe as you give him a small peck with a giggle
you take the flowers and hold your hand out, taking his into yours as you both walk together
he wasn’t leading this anymore, it was all you
the ultimate package
mature enough to realize he has feelings AND knows how to confess
it helps having sisters i guess
abnormally calm around you
internally he is freaking out, don’t lie
”y/n.” he says, breaking you out of your studying trance as you looked up
before you could even answer, he pushes the hair away from your eyes with a soft smile
”i like you. i’ve liked you for a while. would you be interested in going on a date with me?”
you’re done. nope.
fall over red as he peers over at you with a laugh
he’s just so.. AHH dreamy
okay so here’s the funny thing
you fell for him first
you hid it though, worried he would not like you as a friend and you hated to loose the great friendship you had with him and baji
but when he formed a liking?
ho ho ho that was a game changer
he was a whole nother person around you
“baji.. is he okay?” you asked
“y/n are you an idiot? he likes you” baji says with a desdpanned look
”baji-san! i wanted to tell them!”
he’s like a cat
if he likes you, expect him all over you
not in a nsfw way LOL
He just loves you sm
loves affection too omg
the best cuddles 24/7
buys you little gifts
he never actually confessed himself lol
it was just so natural and then it just like… happened
one minute he had his face tucked into your tummy the next you two were kissing
but he got you so it’s a win-win
“kisaki~ where is y/n?” hanma asks as he leans back in his chair
”in her office-“
”alright cya later”
loves visiting you
always comes in, whether you’re talking with someone or not, with a goofy smile
”baby!” he comes in, completely ignoring the other co-worker as he slung his lanky arms around you
”hanma, someone is in here right now. can you give me a few minutes? just sit on the couch over there please”
he sits there with a pout on his face as he glares daggers into the back of the other persons’s skull
once they leave, he is all over you again
places a few kisses on your neck, temple, all over your face as you laugh
”you know, people might think that we’re a couple, hanma”
”then let’s be one.”
has no good understanding about true love
kakucho has to quiz him in order to get to the bottom of his feelings for him
”izana, you like them.”
”what?? no way, i just think of them as a cute friend.”
”there’s no such think, you like them.”
”yes, you do.”
awkward from that point on with you
”everything alright izana?”
you were met with silence as you paused the massage on his shoulders, allowing him to fall back into your chest
”kaku says i like you. but i just think you’re cute… is that the same thing?”
you give him a soft smile and place a small peck on his nose as you nod
”yes, it’s the same thing silly”
“i- well- i guess. do I? Chifuyu… do i?!”
full on panics
what if you dont like him back?
what if you think he is a crybaby?
what if you think of him only as a friend?
what if…
”takemichi, it’s fine. I can set you up, just give her the note and run!” chifuyu says with a devious smile as takemichi gulps
in the end, he fails, forgets the note, and end up stammering over his words like a child
”i.. uhm.. y/n..”
forgets his words completely
”takemichi, look at me and say it.” you say softly
he meets your warm gaze, suddenly gaining all the confidence he needed
”y/n i like you!” he says with a unnecessary bow
“stand up silly, no need to be so formal.”
total daddy
knows what he’s doing
he’s sadly done this before with other people, all of which either cheated on him or left him alone and hurt
he thinks you’re just… different
you give the vibe that no matter what, even if it needed to be ended, you would be hurt too
”uhm.. y/n can we talk?” he says, alerting you as you turned around to meet his shy gaze
”what’s up?” you ask, setting down your things
“what would you do, theoretically, if i said i liked you..?” he says fidgeting with his fingers
“is that a confession?” you challenge with a smile
”depends” he says, joining your smile with a grin of his own
“then i would say yes, theoretically of course.”
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playgrl0 · 2 years
kittens / chifuyu
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"im home!" you shout into your apartment that you share with your boyfriend chifuyu. after closing the door behind you and taking your shoes off, you walk into the kitchen to put the groceries away. after a few minutes you notice that there's still no sight of chifuyu and that it's weirdly quiet. while you were running your errands, he texted you that he's home and usually he greets you right away when you come home. "chifuyu?" you yell through the apartment. you hear a door close, some shuffling and some footsteps, you turn around and see chifuyu walking towards you, looking as cute and cozy as ever with his black messy hair, his sweats and sweatshirt. "welcome back, baby!" he pulls you into a tight hug and kisses your temple. you notice his body is kinda stiff and hes avoiding your eyes when you pull away from him. hes acting weird and you instantly know something's up. "did you get everything you needed?" he asks heading over to the fridge to check it. "i did. and i did get your snacks." you take them out and give them to him. he happily takes them and starts munching on them, still avoiding eye contact. "okay, what's wrong?" you ask. "nothing. what do you mean?" still no eye contact. you take the snacks away from him, "chi, look at me." and he finally does.
guilt. you can see guilt in his eyes, it's so clear. "sit down and tell me what's up." he sighs and sits on one of the chairs at your dinner table, you sitting down next to him. "are you okay? did something happen? you know you can talk to me baby." you cautiously tell him, taking his hand in yours. "i know. it's all good. i- uh, i did something and i'm scared you'll get mad at me." he finally admits, looking down at your hands. you rarely, almost never, get mad at chifuyu and he knows that. so, what could he possibly have done that makes him think you'll get mad at him. "tell me. i'm sure it's not that bad, hm?" you slightly squeeze his hand to encourage him to continue. he takes a deep breath in and out before getting up from the chair and pulls you up with him. "i think it's better if i show you." he quietly says and pulls you after him. you come to a halt in front of your closed bedroom door which is also weird because the door is always open unless you're both sleeping at night. "you're starting to scare me." you nervously tell him. his eyes slightly widen "no! no, don't be scared! it's nothing bad, i promise you." he gently places his hand on your shoulder to comfort you. "if it's nothing bad then why do you think i'll get mad at you?" you ask and takes in another deep breath in and out, a sigh following right after.
he finally opens the door to your bedroom and your eyes almost fall out of their sockets when you see two little baby kittens sleeping on your shared bed. a lot of toys spread around on the floor and a cat tree standing in the corner next to your bed. chifuyu nervously looks at you, analyzing every single part of your face to figure out how you're feeling. with your eyes still wide open you turn your head to him and were about to ask why there are cats in your bed, when he quickly speaks before you can. "please don't get mad at me. you know today's my day off and kazutora called me earlier today telling me that those cats would get put to sleep if nobody adopts them today. he didn't know what to do and you know i couldn't let that happen so i picked them up and adopted them. im sorry i didn't ask you first i barely had time to think about it. i just did it. please don't be mad baby." your heart and your face softens. chifuyu truly is the best human you've ever known. "baby, what normal human would get mad at owning baby kittens, are you kidding me? i'm about to cry, look how little they are." you slowly and quietly walk further into the room and kneel in front of your bed so you can look at the two kittens closely. one of them has white fur with some brown and black dots, the other one grey with some white dots. chifuyu feels like a heavy weight has lifted off of his shoulders. he lets out a sigh and kneels down next to you, both of you admiring the sleeping kittens.
"they're brother and sister." chifuyu quietly starts speaking, hoping not to wake them up. "the white one is the boy, grey one the girl. they don't have names yet i wanted us to pick some out together." you look over at him, your heart beating fast, threatening to jump out of your ribcage because of how adorable chifuyu is. "first of all, i'm not mad. i have no idea why you thought i'd get mad about you bringing home the cutest little kittens ever." you chuckle. "i don't know, we never really talked about owning a pet together and for me to just bring home two without talking to you about it first kinda scared me. didn't want you to be upset or anything." you slightly pout at that. again, he is so adorable. you can barely handle it. "im so happy you brought them home to us, chi. you saved their lives. now we can make sure they have the best lives possible. we're like a cute small family now." you say, taking his face between your hands. he slightly blushes at the thought of you two having a family together. "we're the parents and those two are our babies, hm?" you continue, changing your voice into a baby voice and squish his cheeks a little. "family." he whispers and pulls you into a deep kiss, holding you close to him by the nape of your neck. "i love you." he mumbles against your lips when he pulls away from you. "i love you too." you peck his lips once more and turn your attention back to the kittens. after a short while, the kittens woke up from their nap and you think you're about to die because of how tiny and cute they are. and you decide then and there that their high pitched meow's are the cutest sound you have and will ever heard in your life.
you have the grey kitten in your arms, chifuyu the white one. "so, what should we name them? let's choose one for her first." chifuyu tells you while scratching the kittens belly. "i think kiko would be cute. it fits her." you respond and look down at her. "i love that. kiko it is." he smiles at you both. "what about this little guy here?" he asks and picks the cat up to his face to give it a little kiss on his head. you two sit in silence for a short while thinking about names, when you came up with one.
"kei." you speak up. chifuyu looks over at you, eyes slightly widened at the name you just mentioned. you meet his eyes and give him a gentle smile in response. "you mean like-" "like baji, yes." you finish his sentence. he looks down at the cat in his arm for a second, then back to you. you put kiko down on the floor, take kei away from chifuyu and place him next to kiko. you scoot over to chifuyu and pull him into a tight hug because you noticed how tears were sitting in his lashlines. "are you sure about the name?" he quietly asks and hugs you back. "of course i am." he pulls away from the hug with a big smile spread onto his lips. "kiko and kei. welcome to our family." he says, looking down at the kittens before he pulls you into another kiss.
later that evening you're both laying cuddled up on the couch together with kiko and kei cuddled up on the both of you. "you know," chifuyu starts. "baji would actually beat our asses until we're not able to sit anymore if he found out we named a animal after him." you both start laughing at his comment. "a 100% yes." you giggle and peck his cheek. and that night, you both fall asleep, happy that you own two little babies now.
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tags: @peach-m1lk @obitohno @kendraken @softbajis @oikawascutie
a/n: idk why the fuck i did that to myself (the part where i named the cat after baji wtf) as if i'm not in enough pain already. let's suffer together <3 i hope u all enjoyed this. mwah mwah mwah
<3 @ playgrl0
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thechesnutfairy · 2 years
i just want to pet chifuyu’s cat
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thefigureresource · 1 year
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Tenitol Chifuyu Matsuno [Tokyo卍Revengers] non scale from FuRyu coming October 2023.
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jupiter-rin · 2 years
Sketch dump 10/11/2022
Chifuyu, Sanzu, Mikey and a comission sketch :)
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stargirlo · 7 months
men that talk u thru it while they destroy ur insides ♡.
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oki okie. having sex w ur boyfie can be consensual and gentle at some times, but there can also be nights were he absolutely destroys you in & out >< while he says the sweetest things against ur ear!! eek! it makes u melt into a little puddle like an ice cream melting on the sun.
he has u in a mating press, pussy in display, boobs all mushed against one another as his hips rut against yours. he's huffing and panting like a dog getting its treat before leaning his upper body against yours, his grip on the back of your knees tightens slightly as his hips snap and roll into your pussy. his cock nuzzles in deep into your sopping hole, a lewd squelch erupting along the way.
his lips brush against the shell of your ear, whispering sweet nothings and praises into your ear.
"my good girl, takin' me so well . . . you like it, baby? c'mon answer me . . ."
"i know, i know, sweetie . . . jus' one more 'kay? i promise, one last time."
as he brings you close to another orgasm, he'll always embrace you close to him, assuring you that you're doing such a good job and calling you his good girl :(( all the while ur a crying mess & babbling how it's too much, and he knows that it's too much 4 you </3
"let it all out baby, yeah i got you . . i got you, fuck─ you're so tight, sugar . . ."
"aah─ you're so pretty like this, my gorgeous, gorgeous girl . . ."
"fuck, look at me like that again and i might just fuck you again . ."
he prolongs the pleasure by rubbing your clit slowly in circles as he continues praising you, his cock throbbing and softening inside you as his cum slightly gushes out of your pussy, watching it flow down beneath the wrinkled bedsheets.
"i know i promised that this will be the last one but . . . i can't help it, sweetheart. need ta' fuck you one more time . . . can you do that for me, again?"
oh boyyyyyyyy :oooooo
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💌: suguru geto, nanami kento, hiromi higuruma, shinichiro sano, draken, mitsuya takashi, chifuyu matsuno, ran haitani (sometimes :<<<), jj maybank, hawks, zhongli, jing yuan, gepard, kuroo tetsuro ++ your favs!!!
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kozuwhore · 4 months
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ᡴꪫ synopsis ⦂ your beloved has always longed for a family of his own, but has never acted upon it. that was until you suddenly brought it up and caught yourself in many days and nights of overfilled passion.
ᡴꪫ warnings ⦂ breeding kink and fem reader.
ᡴꪫ notes ⦂ this is a repost from my previous account of the same username before it was deleted (it was my first post on the acc too for tokyo rev; the memories :"3)
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the moment you said something about having kids around this man is the moment you knew damn well your walking privilege for the next for days (or even weeks) disappeared entirely.
you spoke the golden words he’s always wanted to hear and deliver without any second thought. he can just imagine it now: seeing your swollen breasts growing more everyday, alongside your stomach that carries his child. the idea is intoxicating to him, almost like it was a drug he had to keep using day and night.
he still couldn’t get enough of your folds drip out the fourth load of his cum. he needed to make sure there wasn’t a chance in hell that you wouldn’t be able to carry the dream he’s always wanted to share with you, even if it includes getting a plug to keep every single drop inside of you day and night.
after all, what kind of person would he be if he weren’t to serve the wishes of his beloved and the cravings he’s been imagining for such a long time?
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xfgpng · 1 year
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝’𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 —
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— : [nsfw ] blowjob, cheating [ reader is dating takemichi ]
— : wc : 608
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chifuyu wants to be a good person, he really does. he’s always been a good friend, someone people could rely on and he never made any selfish decisions that could end up hurting anyone.
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it’s why he feels so much guilt when he looks down at your between his legs. your eyes never leave his when you kiss the bulbous tip of his cock. it’s an angry red colour from the constant teasing and flirting and while it seemed innocent to those who knew you, it was anything but innocent.
“y/n, fuck” he groans, eyes struggling to stay open when you wrap your pretty lips around the mushroom head. your tongue swirls around the tip while your hands come up to wrap around the base.
he shouldn’t enjoy it as much as he does but god it felt so fucking good. you always have that cherry lipgloss on that drives him crazy and it leaves circles around his dick as you suck him off.
it’s dirty and so, so wrong but he can’t help the way he spreads his legs wider and tosses his head back. it’s pure bliss and when your hand moves down to gently play with and rub his balls, he’s moaning so fucking loud that he’s grateful for the loud music coming from downstairs.
“eyes on me fuyu” you grin, spitting on his cock before taking him down in one swift move. it hits the back of your throat and he grips the back of your head to push you down further.
“jesus—fuck” he whines, biting his lip as you bob your head up and down. he can see drool running down the sides your jaw and it’s so sloppy, the way he always likes.
he really hopes takemichi is distracted enough with playing video games with baji and draken that he doesn’t notice how long the two of you have disappeared.
there’s a lot of people at his house, the party in full swing but he doesn’t even care about it. you’re so sexy and he can’t resist.
he thinks back to the first time you gave him head. you were being fucked hard and fast by kazutora, barely able to keep up with his pace but you made sure to make chifuyu feel just as good as you were feeling.
it wasn’t the first time you fucked kazu and it wouldn’t be the last. he promised he’d stop after the third time but he’s lost count of how many times he’s cum inside your mouth, your pussy and your ass.
he feels bad every time but not enough to stop. he’s so hooked and he can’t stop when he sees your teary eyes looking up at him.
he’s addicted to the feeling of cumming in you anyway he can and when you cry for him? he can’t stop even if you guys did get caught.
“shit baby” he bites his shirt, holding the sides of your head as he fucks your throat raw.
he throws his head back as he feels his orgasm approaching fast. he wants to take it slow but you don’t have time like you usually do so he gives you what you want, shooting a thick load down your throat.
his legs shake as you grip his thighs, sucking him clean and licking your lips.
“thank you for the meal baby” you smile, standing up to kiss him
“come back to my place with kazu later” you say and he nods, grabbing you to kiss you again.
“you’re so cute fuyu” you laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck
yeah, he’s definitely screwed but he doesn’t care.
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angryborzois · 2 years
I am back with my findings on what cat breed Peke J is. What I think he is (or at least headcanon him to be) a bombay cat
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At first I thought of maine coon but then I realised how small Peke J was and it had to be taken out of my research. This cat is also a mixed breed like what you said peke J was as its mixed from Burmese cats and American short tails. It’s personality also matches as Peke J is full of energy and is often seen running all over the place just like Bombay cats. It’s intelligent is also pretty high so it might match what Chifuyu said about Peke J only liking kind hearted people in the spin off
There could be other cats that fit the description and I might be completely wrong but the dots are at least somewhat connected. Also >:( for tumblr deleting your reply.Once again this was way more than I had planned but hey I could write a whole essay just on Peke J.
See you soon 💫
That's a really interesting find
And it's also cool how the personality of the cat matches perfectly with Peke J (I wasn't expecting such a perfect match to a breed)
I wonder if Wakui had that in mind when he created Peke J
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