#Tokushima cuisine
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鯛めし 徳島の料理
「鯛めし」は、四国地方、特に徳島県で親しまれている郷土料理の一つです。鯛を使った炊き込みご飯で、鯛の旨味がご飯に染み込んでいます。 1. 鯛の利用 鯛を切り身にしてご飯と一緒に炊き込んだ料理です。鯛の旨味や香りがご飯に広がります。 2. 地域の伝統料理 主に徳島県で食べられており、地元の漁港で水揚げされた新鮮な鯛を使って作られます。 3. 祝いの席やお祭りで親しまれる 祝い事やお祭りなどの特別な席に供されることが多く、地域の食文化や伝統を感じることができます。 鯛めしは、新鮮な鯛を使用し、地域独自の調理法で作られることが多く、特別な日や地域の行事で食べられることが一般的です。地元の魚介類を楽しむことができる四国地方の代表的な料理の一つです。
Sea bream rice Tokushima cuisine
"Taimeshi" is one of the local dishes that is popular in the Shikoku region, especially in Tokushima Prefecture. This is rice cooked with sea bream, and the flavor of the sea bream permeates into the rice. 1. Using sea bream This dish is made by filleting sea bream and cooking it with rice. The flavor and aroma of sea bream spreads through the rice. 2. Regional traditional cuisine It is mainly eaten in Tokushima Prefecture and is made using fresh sea bream landed at the local fishing port. 3. Popular at celebrations and festivals It is often served at special occasions such as celebrations and festivals, and you can get a feel for the local food culture and traditions. Tai-meshi is often made using fresh sea bream and prepared using regionally unique cooking methods, and is generally eaten on special occasions and local events. It is one of the representative dishes of the Shikoku region where you can enjoy local seafood.
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料理トリビアのまとめ #0020

#Hamo dishes#はも料理#東海地方の料理#Kurikoppu#Nagano cuisine#たこめし#Tokai region cuisine#JapaneseCooking#くりこっぷ#愛媛の料理#Tokushima cuisine#Sea bream rice#Octopus rice#徳島の料理#Ehime cuisine#鯛めし#料理トリビア#長野の料理
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Cuisine and culture from Shikoku’s waters and nature
// Intresting article about the cuisine and culture of Shikoku Japan
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Tokushima Sushi Japanese Cuisine
Unlimited sushi with Japanese & Chinese choices in a cozy room, plus à la carte seafood delicacies.
#Oshawa #JustOshawa #LoveOshawa #iCare #OshawaConnections #InspiringTimes #LIFECommunityProject #FIFE #LIFE #ILFJL
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Quels sont les produits gastronomiques de Tokushima ?

Après avoir présenté au public les différentes facettes de son patrimoine à l’UNESCO en septembre, le département de Tokushima a investi en début de semaine le restaurant ERH à Paris pour présenter aux professionnels de la gastronomie et de la restauration ses produits gastronomiques.
C’est dans le cadre du restaurant ERH, dans la Maison du Saké, que le département de Tokushima a choisi d’inviter les professionnels à découvrir leur patrimoine gastronomique. L’objectif d’un tel évènement est d’intéresser les restaurateurs mais aussi les distributeurs pour que les produits de Tokushima soient utilisés dans les cuisines des restaurants ou en boutiques pour les particuliers. Du moins, encore plus ! En 2018, le département de Tokushima a exporté sa production pour 1,29 milliard de yens à travers le monde, notamment des fleurs comestibles et du saké aux Etats-Unis quand en Europe, nous importons surtout des agrumes. Justement, les agrumes sont les emblèmes du département de Tokushima !

Jus de yuzu, sudachi et yukô ©TokyoatParis
Yuzu, yukô et sudachi sont les trois agrumes présentés, d’ailleurs presque la totalité de la production de sudachi au Japon est faite à Tokushima. Si le yuzu n’est pas étranger au public français, nous connaissons moins le yukô. Ce fruit est semblable au yuzu mais la peau est plus lisse. Au palais, le goût est équilibré, l’acidité étant moins prononcée que le yuzu.

Le sudachi ©TokyoatParis
Quant au sudachi, son arrivée en France date d’il y a un an tout juste. Il est donc probable que ce fruit à l’apparence proche d’un petit citron vert soit encore inconnu pour beaucoup mais il s’intègre parfaitement en cuisine. Outre les agrumes, Tokushima présentait également sa patate douce appelée Naruto Kintoki, savoureuse quelque soit la cuisson utilisée, la racine de lotus, l’algue Naruto Wakame, appelée ainsi car cultivée dans le tourbillon de Naruto !

Naruto Wakame ©TokyoatParis

Naruto kintoki ©TokyoatParis

Les sakés de Tokushima ©TokyoatParis
Bien sûr, que serait une dégustation de produits japonais sans saké ? Le département de Tokushima a donc amené à Paris plusieurs sakés notamment le Junmai Mizutokome, qui avait obtenu une médaille d’or à Kura Master 2019, un Junmai Daiginjo Goten Sakura et enfin le délicieux Junmai Daiginjo Ayane.

tartelette aux racines de lotus au tartare de Naruto kintoki accompagné d’une mayonnaise de Naruto wakame ©TokyoatParis

cocktail de céleri-rave, sudachi et sauce de poisson ©TokyoatParis

mousse de Misho yuzu, crevettes chaud-froid ©TokyoatParis
Pour faire découvrir ses spécialités, le département de Tokushima a fait appel à plusieurs chefs étoilés. Taichi MEGURIKAMI, sous-chef du Pavillon Ledoyen, Ayumi SUGIYAMA et Romain MAHI de chez Accents et Takayuki NAMEURA du restaurant Montée ont utilisé le sudachi, le yuzu, le Naruto kintoki, la racine de lotus et le Naruto wakame pour préparer de beaux et délicieux mets très convaincants comme une superbe tartelette aux racines de lotus au tartare de Naruto kintoki accompagné d’une mayonnaise de Naruto wakame, ou un surprenant cocktail de céleri-rave, sudachi et sauce de poisson, ou encore une délicieuse mousse de Misho yuzu, crevettes chaud-froid !

Pour terminer, des uirô, une spécialité sucrée (proche du yokan) de Tokushima ©TokyoatParis
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.
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Chapter 704: Udon in Miyoshi
Chapter 704: Udon in Miyoshi

Lunch Time!
I went to a random and small family run restaurant, unfortunately they were fresh out of soba so I opted for Udon instead. The entire village was very quiet, so when I was the only customer around I wasn’t too surprised. You just can’t go wrong with udon, very tasty and easy choice! I paid 420 yen for a small portion and it probably the cheapest I have ever paid in my life for 1…
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#goodmorning #kamiyamacho #tokushima #shikoku #travel #food #gourmet #art #culture #music #life #nature #journey #trip #beautiful #world #soil #green #flower #herb #cuisine #foodie #eat #agriculture #organicfarm #beekeeping #旅 #世界の路上から #神山町 #徳島県 (神山町) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Bw4AkDICS/?igshid=10g022ibeu30
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Saké brut vieilli à la prune
Kobe Shushinkan

Nom de la société Kobe Shushinkan Co., Ltd. Alcool brut Saké, alcool brassé (sucre de canne) Ingrédients Saké, prune, sucre cristallisé, alcool brassé Teneur en alcool 18 % Volume(ml) 720 mL Processus de fabrication Fabriqué à partir de saké japonais, il s'agit d'un saké de prune à part entière fabriqué uniquement à partir de grosses prunes Oshuku produites localement. Fruits et légumes utilisés Prune Origine Préfecture de Tokushima Caractéristiques des fruits et légumes utilisés Nous utilisons uniquement de grosses prunes Oshuku produites localement. Commentaire de dégustation Vous pouvez vous régaler de ses arômes de miel concentré, de confiture et de melon des Andes, en plus de la rondeur des prunes. Riche et doux, il a un bon équilibre entre la douceur et l’acidité, avec une pointe d’orange. Température de consommation recommandée 10 ℃ Méthode de consommation recommandée Servir avec de l’eau chaude, de l’eau froide, une boisson gazeuse ou de la glace Méthode de stockage À conserver à température ambiante Cuisine et ingrédients locaux compatibles Canard de Pékin, curry, gâteau de lune à l'huile de sésame, poulet yodare
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Aged raw plum sake
Kobe Shushinkan

Brewery Kobe Shushinkan co.,ltd. Raw liquor Sake, brewed alcohol (sugar cane) Ingredients Sake, plum, crystal sugar, brewed alcohol Alcohol content 18% Volume(ml) 720 ml Manufacture process Made with Japanese sake as its base, this is a fully-fledged plum sake made using only large, domestically-produced Oshuku plums. Fruits & vegetables used Plum Origin Tokushima Prefecture Characteristics of used fruit and vegetables We use only large, domestically-produced Oshuku plums. Tasting comment You can enjoy the aroma of the concentrated honey, marmalade, and Andes melon, besides the fullness of the plums. Rich and smooth, it has a good balance between sweetness and sourness, with a hint of orange. Recommended drinking temperature 10℃ Recommended drinking method Serve with hot water, cold water, soda, or with ice Storage method Store at room temperature Compatible local cuisine and ingredients Peking duck, curry, sesame-oil flavored mooncake, yodare chicken
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うずしお鍋 香川の料理
「うずしお鍋」は、香川県や徳島県など四国地方で親しまれている郷土料理の一つです。この料理は、讃岐地方や阿波地方で食べられています。 - 鰹節を使用した出汁 うずしお鍋のベースとなる出汁は、鰹節を主に使って作られます。澄んだ出汁が特徴的で、魚介の旨味が凝縮されています。 - 魚介類と野菜の鍋料理 鰹節出汁で魚介類(主に魚や貝類)と季節の野菜を煮込んだ鍋料理です。新鮮な海の幸と山の幸を組み合わせたバラエティ豊かな具材が使用されます。 - 家庭料理や宴会料理として親しまれる 地域によって具材や調理法は異なりますが、家庭料理や親しい仲間同士で楽しむ宴会料理として人気があります。 うずしお鍋は、季節や地域によって具材が変わることがありますが、その地域の新鮮な食材を使い、家庭的な温かさを楽しめる郷土料理です。四国地方を訪れた際には、地元のレストランや旅館でこの郷土料理を味わってみると良いでしょう。
Whirlpool hot pot Kagawa cuisine
``Uzushio nabe'' is a local dish that is popular in the Shikoku region, including Kagawa and Tokushima prefectures. This dish is eaten in the Sanuki and Awa regions. - Dashi soup using dried bonito flakes The soup stock that is the base of whirlpool hotpot is mainly made using dried bonito flakes. The clear soup stock is distinctive, and the flavor of the seafood is concentrated. - Seafood and vegetable hot pot dish A hot pot dish made with seafood (mainly fish and shellfish) and seasonal vegetables simmered in bonito flakes soup stock. A wide variety of ingredients are used, combining fresh seafood and mountain ingredients. - Popular as a home-cooked meal or banquet dish Although the ingredients and cooking methods vary depending on the region, it is popular as a home-cooked meal or a banquet dish enjoyed with close friends. The ingredients for whirlpool hotpot may change depending on the season and region, but it is a local dish that uses fresh local ingredients and allows you to enjoy the warmth of home. When visiting the Shikoku region, be sure to sample this local cuisine at local restaurants and inns.
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料理トリビアのまとめ #0023

#阿波尾鶏(あわおどり)#Tokushima ingredients#料理トリビア#JapaneseCooking#Iyotama Konnyaku#四万十川料理#Salt-grilled Shimanto River sweetfish#土佐のかつお醤油漬け#高知の料理#四万十川鮎の塩焼き#Shimanto River cuisine#Tosa bonito pickled in soy sauce#徳島の食材#Kochi cuisine#愛媛の料理#伊予玉こんにゃく#Ehime cuisine#Awa Odori (Awa Odori)
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早朝の護摩殿にての勤行、素晴らしい精進料理の朝食後に天空の内陣へと向かいました。 After an early morning prayer at Gomaden temple, I was served with a tremendous "Shojin meal" for breakfast. Shojin cuisine is a vegetarian meal customized for Buddhist priests and monks. After the breakfast, I headed up to the Naijin temple on the top of the mountain for another special prayer. hashikuratemple #tokushima #miyoshicity #shikoku #actress #movie #liveperformance #stratocaster #fenderjapan #movie #cinema #film #japan #箸蔵寺 (箸蔵寺) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz8V86-pyD3/?igshid=99c9ewnwveqw
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2017/03/19 Blog post by Hikaru 『It’s been such a long time』
Translation will follow later.
『It’s been such a long time』 Hello everyone. If you do not read the manual when using a new type of machine, But you still understand the main points, you still manage somehow When you are overwhelmed and can’t handle it once you try it out Because your vision is blurred with tears. This is Hikaru. [What do we have here? “shinga-shingata-new type”, “po-pointo-point”, “一-ikkai-once” (in this case it means “one” but it can also be a prolonged sound mark) and “ru-ruisen-tear gland”. All of this together makes “Shingapooru = Singapore”] Singapore is warm and humid! It’s completely different from Japan around this time of the year. How is everyone doing? Kalafina appeared at Anisong Fantasy LIVE 2017 vol.1 @ Singapore Megabox Event Hall Bigbox on March 18. Everyone who came to the venue, thank you! Everyone who shared their feelings with us, thank you! Coming back here after roughly 5 years, Singapore was so passionate! The cheers for every song and the rising energy when it felt like everyone was coming together spread out through the entire venue. Our setlist Magia One Light ———- Hikari Furu (Hong Kong) / Kimi no Gin no Niwa (Singapore) To the beginning (Hong Kong) / ring your bell (Singapore) ———- Blaze (Hong Kong) / sprinter (Singapore) And then the Encore together with Aimer Believe Anata ni Deawanakereba ~Natsuyuki Fuyuhana~ We performed two songs together. I was truly happy to be able to perform together with her again after we had collaborated at the event Tokushima Machi☆Asobi. When we are layering our voices with Aimer-san, we are using a tone of colour that’s not very usual for Kalafina so that was a lot of fun ♪
Thank you for coming to AFL! I was so happy to see you. Peple in Singapore are very kind and powerful! I want to back here again as soon as possible.
And … Thank you for sending us beautiful flowers! Hong Kong Singapore On the 22nd (Wed) you will be able to watch a “Delayed Viewing”, a digest version of all the performances at Anisong Fantasy Live Vol.1 in Singapore, at movie theaters all across the country. Starting time will be around 19:30~ but the opening will vary depending on cinemas. You can watch Kalafina’s overseas live performance at a theater near you, please check it out! ♪ The venue list is here ↓ ↓ http://liveviewing.jp/afl/ Lastly, here are all the things I ate in Singapore! KFC! The taste of the chicken is slightly different from Japan. Every country is different when it comes to their “original style chicken”! And another thing, the soy sauce and pepper taste! Although the pepper was a bit spicy, the lovely taste of the soy sauce made up for it (* ‘꒳ `*) Then at Starbucks I had a sandwich, the bun tasted like a croissant, it was delicious. I would like it if they sold this in Japan too! It was nice and refreshing to eat bread with a knife and fork (^ - ^) There was a lot going on at the closing party! It seems like there were a lot of shrimp dishes … Singapore’s cuisine is delicious and easy to eat! Today our appearance at the Hokkaido radio show STV radio 「Login by Fujii Kotaro! Yoru ☆ PA」 from earlier this month will be broadcast. It will be on air from 20:00 to 22:00. Everyone who is able to listen to it please check it out ♪ Well, until next time. ♪ Hikaru ♪
The final pic was posted by Haruna Luna on her official twitter account! (Source)
Very short CM for 「into the world/Märchen」
(Source on twitter)
I also uploaded it to dailymotion, let’s hope it won’t get taken down.
WOW! I really really love the part we get to hear here. It sounds completely different to what we got in the anime ED theme. This song is gonna be so good!! *weeeee* I am so hyped!!
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Today, I'm going to make "Chilled Soy Milk Dan Dan Noodles".
Soy milk make it taste velvety and dashi soup helps the flavor to be more savory.
I used "HANDA SOMEN", that is produced in Tsurugi-cho in Tokushima prefecture.
"HANDA SOMEN” is thicker than the somen that we often eat and is chewy.
In my channel, I'm going to make Japanese cuisine by using Japanese Dashi.
I wanna express the Japanese aesthetic senses through my youtube video.
# Dashi / Broth / Seasoning
Dashi soup from kombu & bonito flakes
# Vissel / Cookware / Utensil
# Instagram
- https://www.instagram.com/japanese_food_music/
#asmr#japanese food#asmr cooking#recipe#japanese cuisine#asmr sounds#asmr video#cooking sound#dandan noodles
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Japanese Banquet cuisine in Tokushima. #japnesefood #banqet #cuisine #sushi #tempura #fish #restaurant #traditional #japan #tokusima (Tokushima Prefecture) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoRf61TFnqM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n562blm8z10y
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