#Titus 1:6
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hymnrevival · 11 months ago
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I watched Rebel Moon and I don't know exactly but it feels like there was a kernel of a really great movie trapped in a lot of chaotic writing and poor character development and A LOT of slow motion shots?
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annagracewood · 2 years ago
Women must listen to their husbands concerning theology
Titus 2: 1, But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. Richard Baxter: Make careful choice of the books which you read: let the holy scriptures ever have the pre-eminence, and, next to them, those solid, lively, heavenly treatises which best expound and apply the scriptures, and next, credible histories, especially of the Church … but take heed of false teachers who would corrupt…
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re4med · 2 years ago
The Morning Devotional: WCF 20.1 (Part One)
The Morning Devotional for July 3, 2023 The Westminster Confession of Faith 20.1 (Part One) I. The liberty which Christ hath purchased for believers under the gospel consists in their freedom from the guilt of sin, the condemning wrath of God, the curse of the moral law;a and in their being delivered from this present evil world, bondage to Satan, and dominion of sin,bfrom the evil of…
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batbabydamian · 8 months ago
A Quick Guide to Damian’s Furry/Feathered/Scaled Companions
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LEFT: R:SOB #1 Cover RIGHT: R:SOB #6
Introduced in: ROBIN: SON OF BATMAN (2015) #1
DAMIAN'S BABY AND BEASTY BESTIE!! On a mission during the Year of Blood, Damian kills the family of bat dragons guarding his objective. Goliath, despite being the youngest and last of his kind, forgives Damian. Goliath goes on to become one of Damian's most loyal companions, even featuring beside him in Batman Beyond (2016) #10, #11, #43-#47!
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LEFT: B&R #13 RIGHT: B&R #4
Introduced in: BATMAN AND ROBIN (2011) #2
A Great Dane gifted to Damian from Bruce as an effort in fatherhood. Funny enough, Damian finds him a nuisance at first and briefly refers to him as "Dog". Titus is a good boy that follows Damian's every step, even joining Bruce on his mission to resurrect Damian!
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LEFT: Batman Inc #1 RIGHT: Batman Inc #7
Introduced in: BATMAN INCORPORATED (2012) #1
Bat-Cow, branded with a star signifying which cattle were contaminated, was saved from a slaughterhouse to run some tests (which they do find of a mind control variety). Damian declares himself a vegetarian, and calls her Bat-Cow! She also sorta has a running gag of literally standing in the face of danger to save the day.
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LEFT: Batman Inc #6 RIGHT: Batman Inc #7
Introduced in: BATMAN INCORPORATED (2012) #6
Considered a "hopeless case" by the animal shelter, Alfred gifts him to Damian. The cat is a bold lil guy, which Damian takes an immediate liking to, and names him Alfred (likely because tuxedo cat = butler lol). After hours of chicken, playtime, and scratches, Damian and Alfred become friends! He makes his first appearance alongside Damian’s first appearance as Batman in BATMAN (1940) #666
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LEFT: Batman: Li'l Gotham #2/#1 RIGHT: Batman: Li'l Gotham #23/#12
Introduced in: BATMAN LI'L GOTHAM (2012) #2 (Digital) #1 (Printed)
The Penguin unleashes an army of turkeys at the Gotham Thanksgiving parade which Damian turns into his own li'l turkey march by playing the trumpet. He ends up bringing one of them back for Thanksgiving dinner (as a friend), and Jerry becomes a fairly regular appearance in the world of Li'l Gotham!
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Introduced in: NIGHTWING (2016) #42
A sort of filler issue where Damian has been kidnapped for his blood by the "Crimson Kabuki" in Tokyo, and Dick goes through a series of boss battles to save him. The dragon's blood has been the group's main source of power, so it ends up teaming with the duo, and returns home with them.
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Wiggles was originally named by a fan, "Shanootnoot" on Twitter!
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*Goliath, Titus, Bat-Cow, and Alfred the cat have been Damian's main canon cast of furry companions, but SUPER-PETS SPECIAL: BITEDENTITY CRISIS (2024) may have just added Jerry and Wiggles!!
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annasanthology · 4 months ago
20 reasons to read your Bible:
To grow in Christ (2 Peter 3:18)
To learn wisdom (Proverbs 4:5)
To be equipped (2 Timothy 3:17)
To teach others (Colossians 3:16)
To know God's will (Romans 12:2)
To find comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3)
To give praise to God (Psalm 56:4)
To hope in His promises (Titus 1:2)
To walk in His ways (Psalm 119:105)
To be sanctified in truth (John 17:17)
To turn away from sin (Psalm 119:11)
To love all the more (Philippians 1:9)
To receive instruction (Romans 15:4)
To listen to correction (2 Timothy 4:2)
To pray more effectively (Matthew 6:9)
To remember the gospel (2 Timothy 2:8)
To remain disciplined (1 Corinthians 9:27)
To look forward to heaven (Colossians 3:1)
To have the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5)
To keep your eyes upon Jesus (Hebrews 12:2)
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blackbirdsblackberries · 5 months ago
I Hate The New Hero!
Pt 6: Wet Cat
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 (You're here) - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10
Hey guys! So there may be some confronting scenes from this chapter onwards! (suicide mentions, panic attacks, abusive actions, etc) I will notify you at the start of the chapters if there is any from here on!
You feel sick.
Extremely sick.
The day you decided to have off left you thinking things over. Your mother basically lost her job, your father had shown aggressive behaviours in front of the two Waynes – not that they would care much but it was humiliating to think about – and on top of that the Waynes have proven that they will stoop so low!
All because you tried to keep your civilian identity a secret.
Telling your mother went as good as could be expected. She yelled, she walked around frantically, she smashed a plate and then she left.
Knowing her it would be your job to find a new job she can have. So, you open your laptop and start browsing. The laptop is old and barely works but it makes do. You scroll through the many websites for job searching.
You send the possible jobs to your mother before deciding that that was enough and closing your laptop. You open up your phone and browse through Instagram. As your scrolling a message notification pops up from an unknown number and you feel your head hurt – You’re sure this will be something stupid that will get you into trouble.
Pressing on the notification you read through the message.
I am Richard “Dick” Grayson. I am messaging you on behalf of Bruce Wayne as he doesn't want you contact taking up space."
You quirk a brow. You aren't an idiot, there's no links or anything pertaining to scam material and judging by how the message is written you doubt it's a prank.
You respond. It's the polite thing to do and you need some good karma.
"Hi! Is there something he needed?"
You cringe slightly at the exclamation mark, you only included it so he wouldn't think too poorly of you - though looking back on it you doubt it'll change much. He doesn't respond, surprise surprise, you sigh in frustration and turn off your phone.
Looking at the clock on the wall you see it's only ten in the morning. You couldn't be bothered to wait until night to rest so you make your way to your bed and fall into a nice sleep.
Meanwhile Dick was weirded out and confused, why did you seem so happy and excited in the message? Sure it wasn't much but punctuation changes everything!
He had only messaged because he wanted to harass you into blocking him so that you could get into trouble for not knowing what was going on - with the only way of knowing being through him.
But now, now he feels... Off. It's not like he feels bad but he doesn't feel right either.
He scoffs and turns off the phone, honestly he doesn't know how to respond to begin with. He leaves his room at the manor and walks down to the kitchen and passed Damian who was entertaining himself with Titus.
Dick grabs some water and leans against the counter in thought. If he was going to harass you he needed to be witty with it to the point of insanity otherwise you wouldn't get annoyed enough.
Opening up his phone once more he drafts up another message.
"He wants you to head down to the cafe in downtown Gotham."
He pauses, there's a couple cafes he's visited with his girlfriends before, despite the fact it was in a shady area.
"He said to go to The Wayne Memorial Cafe"
Dick waits for a response or even for the read sign to pop up but nothing happens. He furrows his brows, it's ten in the morning, what could you be doing that is more important than speaking to one of the members of the most influential family in Gotham? No, America!
Sleeping. That was what you were doing. You were enjoying it too.
That was of course until you were rudely awoken by your phone ringing with an unknown contact. You drowsily glance at it and answer the phone.
God. Your voice sounded like shit. You bitterly scowl at your voice.
"Finally. It's rude to ignore people's messages!" Dick chastises. You scrunch your nose in disgust and hang up immediately. You know you said you would try and be in his good graces but frankly you don't have the will power right now.
You quickly add his contact so you'd be less surprised and you turned off your notifications. You glance at his messages and raise a brow, why would Bruce want to meet up with you?
You sigh before sitting up and stretching slightly. You doubt Bruce would accept you not going.
You dress in something comfortable before grabbing your keys and your phone. You would bring your earbuds but you needed to stay vigilante if you were heading downtown.
The bus ride to the train station was crowded and the train was worse. This better be worth it.
You walk down to the cafe. The Wayne Memorial Cafe was made for Martha and Thomas Wayne, obviously, and is one of the nicest places in Gotham. Bruce funds it so it can stay open, clean and cozy.
You personally don't mind it, it's a nice small part of Gotham that seems untouched, out of place in downtown.
Approaching the cafe you notice some things off. There was no one around or inside the cafe and the lights were off. You couldn't see any movement so there couldn't be anyone inside either... The door was cracked open slightly letting out the air conditioning.
Opening the door to the cafe you were greeted with a bucket of ice cold water dumped on your head, the, luckily plastic and not metal, bucket hitting your head on the way down.
It feels like stones just fell in your stomach as the cold water drenches everything. Your clothes, your hair, your socks, your phone.
You look down, sensing someone nearby. You hear snickering and feel even sicker.
Of course it was a joke, Dick had thought it would be funny to do this.
You feel frustrated. You want to scream, punch, anything. But, instead, you feel tears flooding your eyes and the warm water contrasting with the cold water falling down your cheeks.
There's a lump in your throat and suddenly you're back in elementary school, kids surrounding you as your pinned to your locker and your water bottle is dumped on you. You had provided wrong answers to those kids on purpose and now you were paying the price.
They laughed, pointed fingers then left you damp and humiliated in a crowded hallway. You couldn't even be spared the jokes made afterwards because everyone saw. Everyone knew.
The jokes weren't horrible, just cruel.
You sniffle, you choke back a sob as you're brought back to the present. You furrow your brows angrily and you're sure your face looks ugly as you lift your head to glare at Dick Grayson who had stopped laughing and was now surprised.
You scoff, no words would come out. You're not sure you even wanted to speak to begin with. What would have even said to someone so influential? Nothing that wouldn't of gotten you in deeper shit.
To your amazing luck a clap of thunder rings through the tense, choking air and rain starts to pour down.
The sky was fine before, why now did it decide to rain? Why did life constantly fuck you over? You were so done!
You turn and walk off. Looking up at the crying clouds your scowl lifts slightly, at least now you aren't the only person who will be drenched and you can brush it off easily.
Dick was confused. It was funny at first. You looked like a wet cat, you looked stupid - it matched your opinions on Aranea.
But, then you were silent. That threw him off. Silence isn't something he particularly likes when he does something like that.
He saw the tears rolling down your cheeks, it was almost impossible to see though due to how soaked you were. He notices how the tears drop onto your now ruined phone - one that he doubts you can replace due to your financial status.
Still, you're just standing there, silent. It was unnerving. He couldn't see your eyes but he could tell that you were probably in your own head - memories maybe? Either way the silence was making him feel bad.
He expected yelling, screaming, punching or something! Something that could get you into more trouble. But this. This was just painful to watch. Guilt is the first word that comes to mind. He feels guilty.
He watches you lift your head, he's prepared for you to yell. You don't. You... Glare? That's not fair. Now he feels like a bad guy. He feels like the rich douche bullying the broke weakling.
He watches as you flinch slightly at the rain starting. You don't seem to notice your own actions. He grimaces as he watches you leave, he was supposed to be the hero in this scenario but looking back he doesn't even know how he could have been seen as a hero at all.
You are just a civilian, you just have opinions that differ. He knows more than anyone that people don't have to love what everyone else loves. He also knows that you took your hatred to a maximum - but never targeted Aranea directly.
He glances at his phone, he filmed the whole thing and had planned to send it to the group chat but now it just feels wrong to do.
The others know of his plan though and are awaiting the video. Surely, they'll also realize how south this all went and back off from (Reader)... Right?
So, with that thought in mind he sends the video to the lively GC and shuts off his phone. He has to make it up to you, otherwise his guilty conscience won't settle and calm down.
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fanfics-i-find-here · 4 months ago
Do I know You? Part 3
Jason Todd x Reader (no reader character this chapter)
Synopsis: Jason's family is far too nosey for their own good.
Notes: This chapter is a little different. I wanted to try Jason's POV and add the rest of the family. If any of them seem out of character, you’re probably right. Again, this was just an attempt to add a little drama to move the story forward and please enjoy.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Masterlist
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Jason had experienced a lot of things in life, but he really hated family dinners. It’s not that he hated his family (only sometimes). It's that it always felt awkward. His guard was constantly up. He had wronged just about everyone in the room one way or another. Not that they ever physically showed repulsion towards him, he didn’t believe that they had forgiven him, not in the slightest. He just thinks they have all collectively decided if we don’t talk about things, they didn’t happen.  Which was fine with him, but it apparently made himself less intimidating to them, considering how Dick was currently draped over his shoulder, yammering on about something that happened in Bludhaven.
“and then I said ‘That’s not a very nice thing-‘” Jason cuts him off.
“No offense, Dickwad, I don’t know what you're talking about.” He says gruffly, crossing his arms in front of him. He had been led into a trap he thinks. Dick had texted him and told him dinner would be at 5:30 tonight instead of the usual 6. He should have seen it as the red flag it was since Alfred usually calls him about family dinners. Dick promptly pouts and dramatically lays himself across the couch beside Jason.
“that’s so mean, little wing, I’m trying to tell you a story.”
“Yeah, a story you’ve told everyone, like, five times” Tim jumps into the conversation where he sits upside down on the couch with Steph playing an old-school Gameboy.
“TT, I agree with Drake and Todd. If you tell this story again, Grayson, I may choose physical violence against you.” Damian adds from where he sketches a charcoal drawing of Titus and Cass. Jason chuckles at the fact that both Damian and Tim agree with him, but his body stays tense, he takes periodic looks in the direction of the kitchen, willing Alfred to move quicker. He contemplates just going to help Alfred instead of staying here when he tunes back into the conversation.
“-no one else around,” Steph says not looking up from her phone in her upside-down position.
“you guys are no fun” Dick continues to pout as he sits back up, clearly not having gained an ounce of sympathy in his pose. He turns to Jason with a look in his eye that worries him.
“So, Barbara says you’ve stopped by Aparo Park a lot on your patrols. What's that about?”
Jason didn’t know his body could tense more than it already was. You lived two blocks from Aparo Park, and he had made a routine as of the last two weeks to check if you were home safe. Tonight was the first time he wouldn’t be stopping by. It's why he went to see you at the coffee shop and walked you home, to make sure you got there. He forgot that Oracle tracks everyone during patrol and silently curses her for sharing that information with Dick of all people.
“Changing up patrol” he answers casually and that should be enough. They all constantly change their patrol routes so it's harder for anyone to track their movements. Apparently, it's not enough because Steph perks up from her seat.
“Are you sure about that?” She questions with a smirk. Oh, she knows something.  Dick had looked like he was going to drop it but at Steph’s comment, he leans back in.
“Not Patrol, then?” He looks at Jason expectantly and Jason pointedly ignores him to glare at Steph to keep her mouth shut. She just shrugs like she's not an instigator in this conversation. When Jason doesn’t speak up, Tim does.
“No, he's been seeing a girl.”
Jason seriously contemplates if it would be bad if he chose to beat Tim up again and drag him back to Titans Tower to make it real reminiscent of the old days when Jason was trying to kill everyone.
“A girl?” Duke interjected. He had been blissfully silent during the entire conversation, and Jason was hoping to keep him as a sibling he liked. Apparently, it would be just Cass and Damian who sat quietly as Damian sketched.
“Yeah, she's real pretty and she's a waitress at a bookshop,” Steph adds like Jason isn’t there.
“She's also not from Gotham, moved here like three years ago over some family drama,” Tim says, and Jason again resists the urge to strangle him.
“You’ve been Stalking her,” Jason states. So much for you only having one ‘Stalker’.
“So, it is a girl!” Jason turns to see Dick grinning widely. “I'm so proud of you little wing!” Dick looks like he's going to dive in for a hug, so Jason stands and ignores the “Oof” of Dick hitting the couch. He points a finger at Steph and Tim.
“Stop stalking her and don’t tell Dick anything.” He points at Duke, who hides a grin behind his hand. “You were doing so well man; you were on my favorite sibling list.” He drops his hand. “I'm going to help Alfred.” He turns and walks through a door and heads for the kitchen. As the door closes, he hears Dick screech, “You have a favorite Sibling list!”
He shakes his head as he walks down the hallway. So much for having a personal life. He doubts Steph had done any stalking, but he knows Tim tells her just about everything and she tells Cass everything, so Cass is definitely in the know too. But Cass also knows when to play the right cards. He was anxious to see when that would be. With Dick, you give him an inch and he’ll take a mile. There’s no doubt he's in there pestering Tim about the Details.  Thank God Damian couldn’t care less about this stuff. He continues his way towards the kitchen when he meets Bruce in the hallway.
“Bruce” Jason says formally
“Jason” Bruce says in a similar manner. He pauses and then says “Your early”
“Yeah, well, that’s what happens with a manipulative family.” It comes out harsher than he means it to, but he's still peeved with his siblings. Bruce says nothing so Jason adds “I'm going to help Alfred.”
He doesn’t wait for Bruce to say anything as he continues to the kitchen. Part of him wants to kick himself for letting his emotions get the better of him. While he was tense with the family, things had been getting better and he didn’t want to break that good record because he got emotional over you. He just wanted something good (You) to be just his. But apparently, that was too much to ask.
As he entered the kitchen, the aroma of toasted tomatoes, warm cheese, cooked pasta, and basil overtook his senses. An undertone of melted chocolate and oven-baked cookies hidden underneath it.
“Master Jason, What pleasant surprise, you're early.” The soft tone of the older man draws Jason in. Apparently, Dick didn’t share his scheming with everyone. First Bruce and now Alfred. He wonders for a moment if they think he's trying to reach out or something, but he pushes down the thought.
“Dick’s fault.” He muttered. The way he says Dick’s name implies that he’s not using his actual name.
“Ah, Master Dick does like his way of things. Would you mind stirring the tomato sauce for me while I finish these Cookies?” Alfred asks. Jason moves to the stove. He knows it’s a simple task and one that could have waited until Alfred was done with the cookies but as always Alfred can read Jason in a way the rest of his family sometimes can't.
He stirs it quietly as Alfred works at the island. For a moment he’s reminded of a time before everything went sour. Back when he was Robin and it was just him, Bruce, and Alfred at the Manor, Dick was off doing his own thing. On days he didn’t have school, but Bruce still had to work he would shadow Alfred. The kitchen became its own sanctuary from the hero-ing lifestyle, (Since Bruce was banned from the kitchen after a microwave incident). He would sit at the counter and help stir whatever it was Alfred needed, always giggling as he stole licks and bites here and there. Looking back, he's sure Alfred was intentionally oblivious. The old man had a sharp eye, and he definitely knew. But Jason had been small, malnourished from his time living on the streets. Alfred always gave him what he thought was too large a portion.
“Are you alright?” Alfred’s voice shakes him from his thoughts.
“I’ll be fine.” He huffs out and then backtracks, turning to face Alfred. “I'm just a little upset. My siblings don’t know anything about privacy.”
“I presume this is in reference to your friend.”
Of course, Alfred knows. Jason rolls his eyes but responds quietly, “Yeah”
Alfred is silent before he responds.
“it's only because they care. You’ve come a long way, Master Jason, but you still have lengths to go, as do we all.” He says as he turns back to the cookie tray and places it into the oven. “I do hope, when you're ready, I will meet this girl.”
“Course, Alfred,” Jason says easily. Out of everyone in his family, Alfred would be the person he wants you to meet. Not that you two were anywhere close to that or heading in said direction. He’d barely had a number of short conversations with you, but he couldn't help but hope. There was just something about you that drew him in, and it had grown ten times when your life had been on the line.
Over the next ten minutes, he helped set the table and the food out, thankfully avoiding his siblings. But peace doesn’t last forever. One by one they slowly straggle into the dining room. In the time he had been gone, Barbara had gotten there. He’s almost prepared to share a few choice words with her but his conversation with Alfred stops him from saying anything out loud. It doesn't stop him from thinking it though.
Jason is thankful when Cass takes the seat next to him, but it lasts only so long as Dick takes the one on the other side. He waits expectantly for Dick to say something to him but is surprised when it's Cass that talks to him first.
“She would be good for you,” she says quietly and pats him on the arm. “You need to get her first.” And just like that the conversation is over as she starts dishing up her plate. Out of everything he had expected out of Cass, that wasn’t it. He stares shocked for a moment before Dick interrupts the moment.
“Am I on your favorite sibling list?”
“Why not?”
“Take a guess.” He answers as he serves himself some food.
Dick silents as the clattering of everyone getting food fills the space, along with the sounds of other personal conversations. After a moment Dick speaks up again more serious than before.
“I’m sorry, Jay. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot earlier, just wanted to check in with my baby brother.”
Jason lets out a sigh, “Alright, Dick, your forgiven. Besides you’re not the one stalking her.” He pointedly glares at Tim who only glances at him before going back to talking to Bruce.
“Now drop it.”
To Dick’s merit, he doesn’t say anything finally content with silence. The rest of dinner goes on without any more incidents. Bruce does his normal check-ins running down the line. Dick’s been chasing down a drug trafficking ring showing face in Bludhaven, Tim was planning a new mission with the Titans, Cass, Steph, and Barbara were planning a girl's day out with some of the other Birds of Prey, Duke had had a few slow weeks of day time patrol, and Damain went into a myriad of reasons on why he shouldn’t have to go to school. It was nice to just listen to everyone, living their own lives. When it came to Jason’s turn, he gave a quick rundown of the last three outlaw missions he’d dealt with. Nobody else commented on you, something he was truly grateful for.
At the end of the night, as everyone went their separate ways, Bruce pulled him to the side. He waited nervously to be berated about something. He couldn’t remember killing anyone recently, so it wouldn’t be that type of conversation. Bruce stared him down before setting a firm hand on his shoulder.
“I heard something about a girl.” Jason rolled his eyes. Of course, Tim told Bruce, the whole household knew now. Before Jason could speak Bruce continued.
“Don’t worry. I'm not here to pry. I just want to say I'm proud and I hope to meet her someday.” Bruce squeezed his shoulder before dropping his hand.
 “Get home safe and we’ll see you on patrol.” With that, Bruce left him in the foyer. Jason stood shocked for a moment before making his way to his bike. Who knew his family could care and be so invasive at the same time.
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Additional Note: Thank you to everyone who reads! I'm currently figuring out where I want this story to go in terms of plot because it feels like it should be going somewhere. This chapter was an attempt to get more characters and again if they feel out of character, they most likely are. I know more about fanon versions than canon versions. Thank you, Thank you, everyone! Someone did request a tag list, so I am creating one. You can ask to be added but if you have commented in the past I will just be adding you. If you would like to be removed please let me know!
Tag list: @little-miss-naill, @nikilolo787, @joonunivrs
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camelpimp · 11 months ago
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geigenklang1 · 1 year ago
A collection of the skills' nicknames
I always like the interactions between skills, and I notice that they rarely call each other by their official names instead use "that guy/those guys" or nicknames. So I decide to collect all the nicknames I know in this post. I'll list out the skill's nickname, where it is from, and add a screenshot from my own game or from fayde.
1.Logic: Puzzle Face (from Rhetoric and Authority)
source: failed Logic check with Titus
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You need to have failed a rhetoric or authority check for this to happen.
2. Encyclopedia: Pillar-Bookhead (from Volition)
source: Conversation with Klaasje
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3. Rhetoric: Goldmouth (from Empathy, Volition, Drama)
source: This nickname appears on several occasions! Failed rhetoric check with Gaston:
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failed check with Titus:
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conversation with Cuno:
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4. Drama: Mr. thespian, Multi-face (from Volition)
source: Conversation with Klaasje
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5. Volition: Crownhead (from Suggestion)
source: Volition check with Klaasje
Probably the most well-known nickname!
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6. Inland Empire: Dreamer (from PI)
source: Conversation with Gary
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7. Esprit de corps: cop-frequency (from Composure)
source: get Cuno as partner after tribunal
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8. Suggestion: grovelling sycophant (from Authority)
This probably doesn't count as a nickname, more like an insult, but still very funny.
source: Volition check with Klaasje
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9. Endurance: Ultramarathon (from Volition)
source: fascist quest line conversation
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10. Physical Instrument: Coach (from several skills and yourself), sinewy idiot (from Electrochemistry)
A very widely used nickname and you can find a lot of lines, I'll put the specifics in image description:
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11. Half Light: Mr. Fight-Or-Flight (from Volition)
source: talk to Gaston about pétanque
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12. H\E Coordination: the centipede (from Volition)
source: failed check to shave
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13. Reaction Speed: shifty, Mr.Conclusion (from Composure and Volition)
source: Volition check with Klaasje
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this one is actually more like insult too.
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happens if Logic does not chime in after Volition says the first line.
14. Savoir Faire: Savvy from himself and slimeball from PI
source: ultraliberal quest line conversation
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This is when you pass the container rhetoric check after you got the quest line.
15. Interfacing: technically not a nickname, but interfacing sometimes calls himself(themselves?) your fingers
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16. Composure: Straight-back-guy (from Volition)
source: Conversation with Klaasje
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That's all I know! If anyone know more nicknames you're welcomed to tell me in comments or tags!
It seems that more than half of these are from Volition, truly the King of nicknames!
special thanks to this post by @paleyonder, where I get half of these nicknames from.
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spider-jaysart · 1 year ago
Damian, but 5 years old and actually hanging out with Tim
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Happy Thanksgiving btw everyone!!💖🦃
(The Tumblr glitch where posts don't show up in the tags happened again, so I'm reposting it)
(Readable version below the cut, since some parts might be confusing with how kind of messy it was done)
Panel 1:
Damian, pulling onto Tim's hood: Drake! Stop talking to your friends and boyfriend and come play with me!
Tim, facetiming Bernard, Kon, Cassie, and Bart: Ack! Okay, okay! Just give me a minute! I've gotta go now guys!
Panel 2:
Tim: Wait, why do you get to be Batman in this game?
Damian: Because I am
Tim: Well, can I be Nightwing then?
Damian: No
Damian, pulling out his Nightwing plushie: This is Nightwing
Tim: But that's a doll!
Damian: Shush!
Panel 3:
Damian, now in a Nightwing costume: I change my mind! I'm Nightwing!
Tim: Seriously??
Panel 4:
After an hour of playing with eachother:
Damian, hitting Tim as part of the game: Hiyah!
Tim: Ow! What the heck?!
Panel 5:
Tim: That's it! I'm not playing with you anymore! I'm not your punching bag!
Panel 6:
Damian: Fine! Nightwing doesn't need sidekicks anyways! I'll just play with Titus!
Tim: Go ahead then!
Panel 7:
Damian: I will!
Panel 8 and 9:
Tim: Walking away
Damian: Sniff!
Tim: Stops
Panel 10:
Tim: Are you crying?
Damian: No!
Panel 11:
Tim: Hey, I'm sorry. We can keep playing, okay? You just gotta stop hitting me, alright?
Damian: (Sob)
And then the last panel is just Damian and Tim napping together after playing for so long
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skylee-spider-lillis · 1 year ago
A list of all of Damian Wayne's pets but they are just getting bigger:
1. Alfred Pennyworth the cat (named after Alfred the man of course)
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Alfred found him and brought him to Damian! He said he reminded him of Damian.
Edit: it happened in batman incorporated volume 2 if you want to read it! He appeared in issue 6.
2. Murder King (Wayne Family Adventures universe)
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His birthday present from Bruce.
It's free on the website Webtoon! Wayne Family Adventures chapter 13.
3. Jerry the Turkey (li'l Gotham universe exclusive)
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I don't remember the details but Damian encountered a pack of turkeys while on a mission and he just kept him after that.
4. Titus
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I unfortunately haven't had the chance to read Titus's comics yet, I think Bruce got him to Damian?
Edit: I recommend reading the super sons annual, it's a one shot of Titus and the other super-pets as the league of super pets.
Anyway he's a very good dog.
5. Batcow
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Rescued from a mission on a slaughterhouse! When Damian saw what the place did to animals he declared he adopts batcow and as of now he's vegetarian.
Edit: again, I recommend supersons annual if you want to read about her! She's a member of the league of super-pets as well. The origin comic is batman incorporated volume 2 issue 1.
6. Goliath the Dragon Bat
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If you're Damian Wayne's fans I really recommend reading Robin Son of Batman! It's where Goliath was introduced, in general I consider it the best Damian Wayne comic ever.
To short things up, Damian found him at his time with the League of Assassins while on a mission, and brought him back with him. Later on Robin Son of Batman he also brought him to Gotham to be with the other pets.
Bonus pics
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Isn't he the cutest? He's my favourite (shhh don't tell Alfred).
And 7, the newest member- Wiggles!
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Appeared in nightwing volume 4 issue 42. He just appeared and Damian adopted him and took him to the cave with the other pets.
Comparison of Wiggles near Goliath-
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That's my presentation for today. Goodbye.
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cyberneticfallout · 11 months ago
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Chapter Four: Knight Titus
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ch 9 - Ch 10 - More Coming Soon
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem!Reader Summary: A chance encounter with the Brotherhood of Steel allows you to escape the gulper and continue your journey. Tags: Slow burn (and I mean SLOWWW), angst, eventual smut, language, canon-typical violence, more tags will be added Posted on AO3: Smoothie and The Ghoul Word Count: 1.4k
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“My lord! I’ve got you! Knight Titus!”
“I’m going in! I got you!”
Muffled shouts and piercing screams echo through the air as the gulper you've been trapped inside starts to emit a deep rumble. Suddenly, the creature violently regurgitates you, along with its stomach and its contents spilling out. Gasping and retching, you find yourself drenched in gulper bile.
"How the hell am I still alive?!" you shout, bewildered. "And why does it have so many damn fingers?!"
"Who are you?" a nervy man asks, clutching the head of the doctor.
"That's my head, give it back!" you demand, reaching for it, only to have your hand swatted away by another man. Looking up, you see a towering Knight of the Brotherhood standing over you.
"Oh, it's the flying garbage can," you remark nonchalantly, recognizing the distinctive power armor of the Brotherhood from the claw marks you had observed when the knight had soared above you a few days earlier.
"Do not show disrespect to my lord! This is Knight Titus of the Brotherhood of Steel! And I am his squire, Thaddeus!" the squire interjects, his voice filled with righteous indignation.
"Shut up, you little weasel," you retort.
"What's a weasel?" Thaddeus mutters to the knight, his confusion evident as he seeks clarification on the insult hurled his way. In response, the knight simply gives a shrug.
"Who are you, and how did you end up inside that gulper?" Knight Titus demands, his voice resonating with authority.
"I don't have time for you tin cans!" you dismissively huff, frustration evident in your voice as you lunge at Thaddeus, causing him to shriek in terror. The dog, miraculously still present, begins barking loudly at the commotion. Amidst the chaos, Knight Titus remains motionless, silently observing the scene.
“My lord! She’s feral!” Thaddeus cries out in fear, clinging to the head.
"Just give me the damn head! And stop squealing like that," you demand, your voice laced with irritation as you mindlessly slap Thaddeus in your disoriented state. As a seasoned bounty hunter, you are typically much more composed and intimidating, but the ordeal of being trapped inside a gulper's stomach has left your mind foggy and your actions uncharacteristically erratic.
You hear heavy footsteps approaching, unmistakably the sound of power armor. Knight Titus lifts you up by the collar of your shirt, leaving you suspended in the air while Thaddeus manages to stand up.
“Why are you so mean?” Thaddeus exclaims earnestly.
“She’s a bounty hunter,” Knight Titus confirms, his tone steady and authoritative as he presumably looks you over. It’s always so hard to tell what those damn Brotherhood Knights are thinking. Without warning, he offers a brief apology before delivering a powerful punch to your face, sending you spiraling into unconsciousness.
Head pounding, you gradually sit up and survey your surroundings, realizing that the two men and the head are nowhere to be seen. Even the dog has skipped out on you, leaving you alone. Luckily, your bag is still with you, and you begin to rummage through it in search of any meds. Upon finding the vials you used to bribe the ghoul, now broken and rendered useless, you let out a frustrated breath. "Yeah, he definitely wasn’t coming back for me," you mutter.
With a sense of relief, you salvage a single stimpak and a supply of rad-away from your bag and use both items. Covered in a grimy mixture of gulper bile, dirt, and dried blood, you realize that it's definitely time for wash. Seeing no signs of any creatures around, you determine you’re in the clear to safely wash.
Without bothering to shed your soiled clothes and armor, reasoning that they could use a good wash as well, you wade into the cool waters of the flooded ruins. The water envelops you, washing away the layers of grime and filth that cling to your skin and clothes. The coolness soothes your aching muscles and clears your mind.
After what feels like an eternity, you emerge from the water, feeling slightly refreshed. As you step out onto the dry soil, the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow over the wasteland. You begin to wonder where the ghoul could’ve gone. He obviously dragged the vault dweller with him and needs more of those vials. Unfortunately the few vials you had you scavenged off of feral ghouls you took down so you truly have no clue where one goes to purchase them.
Your boots squish with every step, a sensation you despise, but there's little you can do about it. Glancing down, you notice that your clothes are worse for wear, prompting you to make a mental note to buy something new, by wasteland standards, at the next settlement you come across. You sort through your bag, discarding any broken or unnecessary items. All that remains is some ammo, a canister of somewhat purified water, a small stash of caps, and the Pip-Boy you seldom use. I wonder if there's a Super Duper Mart nearby, you think to yourself.
Throwing the bag over your shoulder and ensuring your weapons are secure, you set out in search of a store to scavenge. Concerned that your weapons may be too soaked to function properly, you make sure you still have the large hunting knife strapped to your thigh. The darkness begins to descend, but you remain determined to press forward, keeping a watchful eye for anything dangerous.
As you navigate through the fading light, your eyes scan the horizon for any signs of civilization. The wasteland stretches out before you, a desolate expanse of ruins and decay. The only sound is the distant howling of the wind, carrying with it the haunting whispers of the forgotten world.
The landscape begins to change, the remnants of buildings becoming more frequent. You spot the crumbling remains of what was once a small town. You check each building cautiously but nothing of value is found. In one building, you come across a dead ghoul with a gunshot wound to the head and… whose ass cheeks have been stripped for meat. This world is unforgiving but the idea of resorting to cannibalism is something you simply cannot fathom and hope to never encounter.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot a decrepit stairwell and carefully head upstairs. At the top, a cozy setup greets you - a dirty mattress, an oil lamp, and a few old yum-yum deviled eggs. This must have been the makeshift home of the ghoul from below. Despite his grim fate, you're thankful for the somewhat snug spot to rest for the night. You aren’t too concerned about whatever cannibal stripped him of meat since they are most likely long gone by now. Settling down on the mattress, your eyes grow heavy and you swiftly fall asleep.
As you slowly awake to the morning light filtering through the boarded-up window, you feel a tugging sensation on your left leg. Startled, you look down to see a tiny radroach attempting to nibble on you. Reacting quickly with a loud shriek, you kick its face and draw your knife, stabbing it repeatedly until it stops moving. Taking a deep breath, you lean back against the wall and open the yum-yum deviled eggs. Chewing through them, you defiantly welcome the day with a loud “Good fucking morning to you, too, wasteland!”
After finishing the deviled eggs and taking a swig of water, you prepare for the day ahead. Double-checking the contents of your bag and inspecting your weapons that had gotten wet the day before, everything appears to be in working order. Satisfied, you descend the stairs and step out through the front door. The scorching heat of the day is already intense, with the sun's rays beating down on the sandy ground. Your attention is drawn to a trail of footprints, two distinct pairs, which prompts you to follow out of curiosity.
With each step, the trail of footprints becomes more defined, leading you closer to the ruins of a city. The skeletal remains of skyscrapers loom ahead of you, their shattered windows like hollow eyes, observing your progress. The trail winds its way through the eerie maze of desolation, navigating past rusted cars and collapsed structures. Before you know it, you hear a man and woman talking up ahead in front of a Super Duper Mart. You quickly hide behind a nearby building and peer around the corner
It’s that fucking ghoul and vault dweller.
Tag List: @fallout-girl219 @ellabellabunny123 @sunnexaltation
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alienguts · 1 year ago
Stay with Me (Bruce Wayne x f!Reader)
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Summary: Bruce and Y/N's tentative first date gets extended when a storm floods the roads.
Warnings: Fluff, idiots with feelings who can't communicate them properly.
Request?: Not really, but I like writing this dynamic to see where the relationship goes.
A/N: I doubt anybody would ever have a problem with how fictional dogs are characterised, but I like to think that Ace and Titus are friendly pups who like people.
1 - Picking up the Pieces | 2 - Kintsugi | 3 - Stay with Me | 4 - Cocoon | 5 - Don't Go | 6 - Finale
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Earlier in the week, Bruce had asked Y/N to come over for dinner. Neither of them had said the word ‘date’, but it was certainly treated like one.
The plan was originally for the two of them to order pizza and eat it in front of the TV while Y/N showed Bruce all the movies that he’d missed out on over the years, but the rest of the Wayne household had other ideas.
As soon as she’d pressed the doorbell,the front door was flung open to reveal Damian suited up for patrol, his brothers crowding the doorway around him. The small boy tried to keep his composure as his much taller brothers tried to push past him, eager to finally see Y/N after missing her for so long.
“Boys, you have to let Y/N come in,” Bruce’s voice came from behind the wall of geared up heroes.
“We just wanted to say hi to her before we go,” Dick said as he stepped away from the door first.
“Before you go?” Y/N asked in surprise. “Where are you going?”
“Bruce put us on patrol so he can stay here for your date,” Tim said and tried to yank Damian away from her side.
Y/N looked at Bruce and saw his face turn pink in embarrassment.
“It’s not a date,” Bruce said quickly. “We’re just having dinner, that’s all.”
“Sounds like a date to me,” Jason said drily before slinking off into the manor, Tim and Dick following behind him after waving to Y/N.
Just as she was about to step inside the manor, Y/N felt a tap on her side. She turned her attention back to Damian, who had yet to follow the others.
“It was nice to see you, Y/N,” he said before heading down to the Cave.
“When did he get so nice?” Y/N asked once Damian was completely out of earshot. “No offence.”
“None taken,” Bruce said as he closed the front door behind her. “We all know how Damian can be. He must have missed you.”
When the cool evening air was shut out, the smell of food trailing in from the kitchen got stronger. The unmistakable smell of toasted bread and melted cheese filled Y/N’s senses and made her mouth water.
“You already ordered without me?” she asked as they made their way towards the kitchen.
“Not exactly,” Bruce said sheepishly.
A large cheese pizza sat in the middle of the kitchen island, steam rising from its surface. The counter against the wall was dusted with flour and an empty bowl of red sauce was ready to go into the dishwasher.
“Ah, so nice to see you Ms Y/N!” Alfred said as he appeared from behind the refrigerator door.
“Alfred made it for us,” Bruce said.
“Hope you don’t mind,” Alfred said with a warm smile. “We haven’t seen you in such a long time, I thought I would make something special.”
“I don’t mind at all,” Y/N said and took a seat at the counter. “Your cooking is just as good as ordering takeout.”
“You’re too kind, Ms Y/N.” Alfred took off the apron he was wearing and hung it up on a hook on a wall before making his way back to the foyer. “Enjoy your evening.”
Once Alfred had gone, Y/N turned to face Bruce who was now the colour of a tomato. She had to stop herself from laughing as he buried his face in his hands and groaned.
“Sorry about all of that,” he said as he took a seat next to her. “When I told them you were coming over, they all acted like it was Christmas.”
“I don’t mind,” Y/N said and took the pizza cutter that Alfred had left on the counter. “I like seeing your family.”
“Obviously they like seeing you too.” He watched as she cut two slices and passed one to him. “Wait, let me get some silverware.”
Y/N laughed before taking a bite of her slice.
“You’ve never changed, Bruce,” she said around the bite of hot pizza. “Just eat it with your hands!”
“Old habits die hard, huh?”
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Although Y/N hadn’t expected the night to go wrong, it went a lot better than she’d expected. Since Bruce had sent the boys out on patrol duty and Alfred was keeping track of the comms, there were no distractions other than Ace and Titus sniffing around and wanting to be cuddled.
While Titus was more wary of Y/N, having been trained by Damian to be on watch, Ace was more than happy to shove his snout under her arm and wedge himself between her and Bruce. Despite being a German Shepherd, he seemed to want to be a lap dog.
The night was spent in front of the seldom-used television in the living room, Y/N showing Bruce her favourite movies and shows that he’d missed out on. And that turned out to be almost every movie and show ever made.
“Bruce, how can you have a subscription to every single streaming service and have not even seen The Simpsons?” she’d asked at one point.
“I don’t exactly have the time to be sitting around watching cartoons, Y/N,” he said with a laugh.
“Well, fighting crime and running a company and attending charity events doesn’t allow for a lot of leisure time.”
By 10pm, Y/N decided that it was time for her to head back home. She still had the weekend ahead of her but she didn’t really want to spend the last part of her night stuck in traffic.
There was just one problem: it had started raining. Heavily.
Y/N had never seen so much rain before. As a native Gothamite, she knew how extreme the weather could be at times, especially during the colder months. But this was torrential.
Thankfully, Wayne Manor was on higher ground and away from any likely flooding but the same couldn’t be said for her apartment on the Lower East Side. She watched the rain from the safety of the living room, worrying about how she would get home, or whether she could get home at all.
“It’s really coming down out there, huh?” Bruce said from behind her, snapping her out of her head.
“Yeah,” she said, her breath fogging up the window. “God, I hope the roads are okay.”
“You could always spend the night here,” he said casually. Maybe a little too casually.
“What?” Y/N asked as she turned around in surprise.
“I can get Alfred to make up the guest room for you. I didn’t mean, spend the night.”
“Oh,” Y/N breathed in relief. 
They hadn’t made anything official yet, weren’t even calling the date a ‘date’, so why had her mind immediately jumped to that?
“But I don’t have anything to change into, or my toothbrush,” Y/N said quickly, trying to make the air a little less awkward.
“That’s no problem, I can get you some clothes and I’m sure we’ve got a spare toothbrush or two.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked as she moved away from the window. “I don’t want to intrude or anything.”
“Y/N,” Bruce said and rested his hands on her shoulders. “You’re family to us. You’re not intruding and I’m sure the boys will love you to stay over.”
Her heart warmed at hearing him speak so earnestly. She’d never been able to explain why she’d never felt comfortable in the manor when Selina was around, but it was all down to her own insecurities and jealousy. She hated to admit it to herself, but she hated being around them when they were a couple and she felt like she’d been cast aside, whether or not that was the case.
She didn’t care that it was selfish to think that Selina being out of the picture gave her her best friend back, but it was like he was finally seeing her again after years of being invisible. Like Bruce wanted her to be in his life again and wanted her to know that.
She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, her head resting on his chest as she listened to his heart pick up its pace.
“Thank you,” she said softly.
Bruce returned her hug and rested his cheek on the top of her head, crouching down slightly so he could reach her.
“You’re always welcome here,” he said. “I can’t speak for everyone else, but I think the atmosphere would be better around here with you.”
Y/N lifted her head from his chest, about to step away, when he gently pulled her onto her toes and captured her lips with his own. She startled slightly at first before letting him guide her, moving her hands from his chest to loop loosely around his neck, the hair at the nape of his neck just brushing her fingers. Their lips moved together softly, chaste enough to not escalate the situation but just passionate enough to feel it.
Once again, it was over too soon for Y/N’s liking. Bruce pulled away and briefly rested his forehead against hers before standing up straight again. He reluctantly released her from his hold and took her hand to lead her upstairs.
“C’mon, we’d better find you something to wear.”
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When Bruce had said that he’d find something for Y/N to wear to bed, she didn’t expect him to give her his clothes. The look on her face when he’d handed them to her must have said something.
“I didn’t want to look through the boys’ clothes so I just got something out of my closet,” he said. “I hope that’s okay.”
“It’s okay,” Y/N said and took them before opening the door for the guest bedroom.
Bruce, naturally, was still wide awake and was going to join Alfred in the Cave but stayed up to help him make up the guest room and wish Y/N goodnight. Usually when she stayed over at a friend's house, she expected to sleep on their couch, not in a lavish guest room. But, then again, most people weren’t best friends with a billionaire.
“I had a really good night,” Y/N said as she lingered in the doorway . “We should have another night like this.”
“We should,” Bruce said with a warm smile. “I think the boys will be happy about that too. They were always asking when the next time you were coming over was.”
“Well, hopefully you can tell them that I’ll see them more often.”
“Don’t be surprised if they almost knock the door down tomorrow morning.”
They were quiet for a moment, neither of them wanting the night to end, but tiredness taking over Y/N’s body. She tried her best to stifle a yawn but only made herself look more tired.
“I’ll let you get some sleep,” Bruce said before stroking the side of her face with the back of his fingers and leaning down to kiss her forehead.
“Good night, Bruce,” Y/N said before reluctantly slinking into the bedroom.
As soon as the door softly clicked shut, Y/N inhaled deeply and slowly let her breath out. The night had felt like a dream and she couldn’t help but feel like she was going to wake up and find out that it had never happened. But the bundle of clothes in her arms told her differently.
She crossed the room to the bed and set the clothes down on it before undressing. Her own clothes felt scratchy and cheap in comparison to Bruce’s. He always told her that designer clothes weren’t important to him, but the quality of them clearly did. She pulled the plain grey t-shirt over her head and donned the sweatpants and sighed when the soft cotton brushed against her skin.
If she closed her eyes, it felt like Bruce was still with her, his strong arms circling her body and the scent of his cologne filling her senses. The clothes were far too big for her, but that didn’t stop her from feeling completely at ease.
Things were still moving slowly for the two of them; Bruce was still recovering from heartbreak, after all. But a slow pace was better than nothing. Y/N didn’t want to completely ruin everything by coming across too strong, but she wished Bruce was really there to sleep next to her.
Wearing his clothes would have to do for now.
As she drifted off to sleep, her mind conjured up the feeling of him holding her in his arms, stroking her hair, an echo of his heartbeat in her ear. Hopefully the next step in their relationship would come sooner rather than later, but she was willing to wait for him.
Even if that took forever.
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girlbloggercher · 1 year ago
how to read the Bible
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this is in order!
1. John
2. Mark
3. Matthew
4. Luke
5. Genesis
6. Exodus
7. Leviticus
8. Numbers
9. Dueteronomy
10. Romans
11. Galatians
12. Colossians
13. Proverbs
14. Ecclesiastes
15. Job
16. 1 Peter
17. 1 Corinthians
18. 2 Corinthians
19. Ephesians
20. Philippians
21. 1 Thessalonians
22. 2 Thessalonians
23. 1 Timothy
24. 2 Timothy
25. James
26. 2 Peter
27. 1 John
28. 2 John
29. 3 John
30. Jude
31. Psalms
32. Joshua
33. Judges
34. 1 Samuel
35. 2 Samuel
36. 1 Kings
37. 2 Kings
38. 1 Chronicles
39. 2 Chronicles
40. Ezra
41. Nehemiah
42. Jeremiah
43. Lamentations
44. Ezekiel
45. Joel
46. Amos
47. Obadiah
48. Nahum
49. Habakkuk
50. Zephaniah
51. Haggai
52. Zechariah
53. Malachi
54. Micah
55. Hosea
56. Luke
57. Esther
58. Jonah
59. Song of Solomon
60. Acts
61. Titus
62. Philemon
63. Hebrew
64. Isaiah
65. Daniel
66. Revelation
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lionofthegoldsun · 1 year ago
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False prophets and false apostles need to step off the stage, shut their mouths and repent. They’re doing more harm than good.
They must be silenced, because they are turning whole families away from the truth by their false teaching. And they do it only for money.
-Titus 1:11
These people always cause trouble. Their minds are corrupt, and they have turned their backs on the truth. To them, a show of godliness is just a way to become wealthy.
1 Timothy 6:5
Having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
-2 Timothy 3:5
“Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves.
-Matthew 7:15
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
-John 10:10
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