#Tinned Calamari
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years ago
Risotto al Salmone e Calamari
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I often think Sunday nights call for an easy meal, something simple and comforting. This Risotto al Salmone e Calamari, while it may sound fancy, is just that, a plate-ful of creamy comfort, livened up with fragrant herbs freshly picked in the garden. Have a good one!
Ingredients (serves 4 to 6):
2  tablespoons unsalted butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 onion
a small bunch Garden Chives 
a small bunch Garden Chervil
2 fluffy sprigs Garden Parsley
1 heaped tablespoon tinned calamari (kept in olive oil)
1 garlic clove, minced
2 cups arbororio rice
1/2 cup dry white wine, such as Pinot Grigio or Chardonnay
the (hard) end of a Parmesan cheese 
4 cups Fish Fumet, warmed
315 grams/11.10 ounces fresh salmon fillets
1 teaspoon coarse sea salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
1/4 cup double cream
In a large pot or saucepan over a medium-high flame, melt butter with olive oil.
Peel and finely chop onion. Add chopped onion to the pot when the butter is foaming. Cook, a couple of minutes. 
Finely chop half of the Chives, Chervil and Parsley, and stir chopped herbs into the pot. Cook, 1 minute.
Add tinned calamari, and cook, another couple of minutes, until just browned. Stir in minced garlic, and cook, 1 minute more. Then, stir in arborio rice and coat well in fat, calamari, and herbs until translucent. Deglaze with Pinot Grigio. Reduce heat to medium and add the end of the Parmesan cheese to the pot.
Cook, stirring often, and gradually adding warmed Fish Fumet, until rice is cooked and most of the liquid is absorbed, about 25 minutes. 
Remove the skins from the salmon fillets, and cut into chunks. Add salmon chunks with the last of the Fish Fumet. Season with coarse sea salt and black pepper. Cook, stirring often, about 5 minutes more, until salmon is cooked.
Finally, grate in about 1/4 cup Parmesan, add double cream, and give a good stir.
Finely chop remaining Chives, Chervil and Parsley.
Serve Risotto al Salmone e Calamari hot, sprinkled with chopped Chives, Chervil and Parsley, with a glass of chilled Pinot Grigio.
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zrribbonz · 4 months ago
Zine's out! I have three stories in it:
"From Soil, Silt, and Sky" - with adorable illustrations by @taiyakii-yaki - page 149
"Fans of Women Who Happen To Be Too Much" - page 168
"Tidewater Tideover" - page 174
Go and consume! :D
Introducing the 2024 MXTX Food Zine!
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The third edition of the MXTX Food Zine is out now in PDF and ready-to-print format! Inside, you’ll find 55 delicious recipes and over 70 new fanworks from all three MXTX fandoms, including art, fanfiction, and themed recipe cards. You can also download the front cover as a poster here.
Special thanks to our editor @czeriah for the print tests and design work, to @conscydraws for the cover art, and to all the creators: this project would never have been possible without you.
To the fandom: reblog this post, download the zine, and enjoy! If you can’t access the documents, email [email protected] for help or message the mods here on tumblr.
The mods would like to note that this zine has always been free: but if you would like to donate something or support us via platforms like Ko-Fi, we ask instead that you donate to a humanitarian organization such as the World Food Kitchen, the Trevor Project, or another trusted charity of your choice.
Thank you for sharing this project with us, and happy reading! If you'd like to share/leave kudos and comments on your favorite entries, you can find them at our AO3 collection (fanfiction) or on tumblr/twitter/Bluesky (artwork) starting November 17.
Previous editions: 2022 | 2023
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gomzdrawfr · 3 months ago
Fish talk.
Price likes rainbow trout that he cooked himself in garlic and butter in a ration tin over an open fire. Nothin better than trout you caught, gutted and cooked yourself on the river bank. Bonus points for a bottle of something cold and hoppy to go along with it while he eats it on the river bank, still wearing his wellies and waders.
For Nik, it's calamari and grilled sea bass with a glass of white wine, maybe a sauvignon blanc from France, in some swanky hotel on the Adriatic coast. Just sitting there in beige chinos, an open shirt and bare feet, skin still warm from where he was basking in the sun all day, not even checking the bill before he pays for it.
Fish recipes by the one and only, now visualised (somewhat) hehe
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bonus of my reaction:
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the-messhall · 5 months ago
Tinned Fish Talk — Calamari 🦑
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theshitpostcalligrapher · 9 months ago
rate my dark lunch (home from work at 1 in the morning edition)
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apple salad using leftover thai dips that came with my calamari as dressing (along with a spritz of lime), simmered carrots, tin of dolma (rice stuffed in grape leaves)
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scavengerssuccotash · 1 year ago
What are some of Clint and Natasha’s inside jokes?
Sorry 😅 I meant to answer this much earlier but I got sucked into a kdrama!
Two truths and a lie was a game they started early in their partnership before they felt truly comfortable with each other as a way to get to know each other without laying out all the cards.
“I grew up in the circus-“ “That’s a lie, Agent Barton.” “Is it, Agent Romanoff?”
Gradually as they grew more comfortable it shifted into a game of flirtation, of tasting previously drawn lines in the sand.
“I like my women obedient who do as they’re told and don’t cause me problems!” Natasha smiles. “Now, we both know that’s a lie, Clint.”
Now, after forging their partnership/relationship through blood, sweat and tears they have no need for such games, but it had become such a shorthand for them that they continue to play it. Mostly as a way to fuck with Phil or the rest of the team. Clint or Nat will voice their displeasure about something or another with a complete straight face but the other will know exactly what they mean. It’s another one of their many nonverbal languages between them.
“Mount Calamari!”
This one requires a bit of backstory. Strike Team Delta were in Japan on a kill order for an arms dealer with ties to some very unsavory folks. The mission itself had gone off without a hitch and even Clint was able to have some fun. A day before their extraction they were caught up in a freak storm, and were forced to hunker down in a tiny apartment above a sushi bar. For the next three days, Strike Team Delta maxed out their credit cards on fine sake and enough sushi to feed a small village. It was during one such night when Clint, blitzed out of his mind, confessed he had never been to Mount Fuji despite having been to the country multiple times. However, due to the slurring of his words, and the fact that his brain was literally swimming in sake and plum wine, he couldn’t remember the fucking name.
“Mont Foook-fuck-a-shhhh-me? Shhhhut up, ssstop laughing at me! Fuck what’s the name? Mount-something! Mount…mount…Mount Calamari!!”
Natasha nearly turned blue from laughing so hard. Clint had to physically shake her to get her into inhale. To this day they both say that this mission was by far the best they’ve ever had. Now when Clint or Nat want to share a little chuckle over the comms they’ll say, “Mount Calamari!!”
“Like a freshly shaved cat.”
Clint having grown up in the American Midwest, has some idioms that native-Russian Natasha has never heard of. The Red Room’s English language education didn’t factor in regional idioms, so when Clint throws out a really specific idiom Natasha gets a bit confused.
“I make you nervous?”
“Like a freshly shaved cat on a hot tin roof.”
“I don’t get it.”
“Why would anyone shave a cat?”
“No, that’s not—“
“How would you even do that?”
So, now whenever Clint throws out an odd turn of phase here or there that Natasha doesn’t understand she’ll raise an eyebrow and ask, “Shaved cat?”
Her way of asking Clint for an explanation of the phrase later with the understanding that he’s being hyperbolic.
Thanks for asking! That was fun ❤️
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askthelordsinblack · 1 year ago
okay. but can we think about
webby doing spider things. webby crawling on all eights. webby jumping across tables using her thread as a grappling hook. webby staring at you with all eight peepers. webby being a furry little gremlin. webby freaking the hell out of children when she first appears in their minds because they're scared of spiders. webby spitting venom on and liquefying her enemies before eating them whole.
and also
wiggog doing squid things. wiggog glowing in the dark. wiggog wiggling almost as if he is liquid. wiggog flashing psychedelic patterns of light. wiggog having eyes as big as dinner plates. wiggog visiting scuba divers in the deep sea. wiggog being afraid of being turned into calamari.
oh and also
tinky doing goat things. tinky eating tin cans (well no, actually. tinky eating grass). tinky winding up in a petting zoo. tinky having wiry and soft fur. tinky having a little wispy beard. tinky headbutting the other lords.
is this anything.
(this is something!!)
…T’noy does headbutt us a lot.
In fact, all of this is very correct and close with what my brothers actually act like/do. I can only confirm a little of my sister’s part, I don’t interact with her often anymore.
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somerandomcryptid · 9 months ago
Introduction post time
Hi! My name is Cryptid, I use they/them pronouns, I have ADHD, and I am currently braining heavily about c!Dream and the dsmp in general (I have been since about October 2023 so I doubt it's leaving any time soon)
This is technically my second blog so likes, follows, and asks I send to people come from my main blog @cryptidflow3r
I don't like discourse as it stresses me out, but I might sometimes post about ccs because I do still watch and enjoy quite a few of them
I do a few aus around here the main three rn though are:
#Dreaming of death, which is an au of the fic Penpal by @calamari-minecraft-corner, it's kinda a big thing that I haven't organized yet, but I'll make a master post at some point when I've got the motivation, but the basic gist is that instead of immediately asking Wren to participate in the experiments he waits and a teenager name Cryptid (yes they're a self insert) is thrown into the mix. I lot of stuff insues. This au doesn't have spoilers really, I talk about all parts of the timelin
#One of my biggest enemies' kid is now my kid!?, which is a pretty new au as of writing this where Dream ends up adopting Sam's adopted kid/experiment creation while Sam is stuck in Pandora's. This one will probably have one dedicated fic that I'm trying not to spoil too much but I'll talk about it more if people send asks about it.
#Trans boy Dream au, what it says on the tin :) he's trans, and he needs a hug. This one technically can be considered canon compliant as well, as none of the main events majorly change! Just some of the stuff done and added things.
In should mention that I make a lot of self insert stuff(it’s all tagged) and that all my self inserts are minors(because I am) but they do vary in age a bit. i don’t really do self shipping on here but I do simp
I do reblog other people's self-ship stuff sometimes, and I don't tag that, so just be warned
I am always open to asks about my aus, my canon takes, and basically anything else! So feel free to stop by!
I don't do DNI's just be nice and know I will block you if you're mean and/or make me uncomfortable.
I think that's about it :3 I edit this a lot as things change, and I try to keep it up to date, it might be a bit out of date sometimes though
(last edited as of September 22nd , 2024)
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misterradio · 1 year ago
Fortis talks More Tinned Seafood 🦑🐚
this time in spaghetti. (HOW IS THERE NOT JUST A CLAM EMOJI)
👆 this mad lad decided to buy even more tinned squid because they enjoyed the calamari so much. this time it was squid chunks in ink sauce. i also had some mussels from the dollar store. i didnt know what to do with them so i thought it would fry them in a pan to sort of give them a butter coating (like i have done with shrimp before), then eat them with pasta?
well they were both packed in oil already so it didnt really happen that way, altho cooking them did reduce their liquidiness. it started smelling really burnt at some point and it also spat oil out like crazy... but it tasted fine in the end.
look u cant even see the squid in the tin, its so dark...
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i wasnt even sure what is the best way to eat them in spaghetti? but the ink sauce already has tomato in it, so i ate it with tomato sauce as usual.
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my baby seafood slop curled up in its nest of spaghetti 💖
it tasted fine but while i was eating it i was kind of wishing i was eating seafood in some other vehicle. but like i said i genuinely had no idea what to do with such a small amount of seafood, so this was a nice little experiment. but i would much rather do something else with them hehe.
also it occured to me that i ate the calamari last time straight out of the can. but nowhere on the can does it say if it's ready to eat or not? i just assumed it was, and nobody who ate it got sick or anything... so......?????? i guess its fine.
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dxrknessembr8ced · 1 year ago
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" Mama! Is she a new friend? "
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" Yeah she is honey. Please be nice and kind to Quoggoth they had a rough start. "
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Jaaku, Junior and the rest of these palettes gather around Quoggoth curious and very welcoming to the eldritch horror.
" You smell like calamari.. "
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" I second that notion... "
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" ......I can't smell. "
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" That's because you're a robot you tin-can! "
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" Hey-! I'm a synthetic android! "
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" . . . . . This is worse than being imprisoned for EONS!!! "
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drtamarahayes · 6 months ago
"Yeah, well, maybe you would have known if you bothered to even ask." she knew he had a lot on his mind, a lot to deal with at all times of the year. That came with being a father and a business owner, each in their own respects. "But I guess that's something we should talk about, right? Expectations." Tamara knew that she certainly had some adjustments to make. "You'd think that i'd be used to you not caring about me anymore, but.." it still affected her, even if it was only slight. Purely because that was what she had been accustomed with, their relationship having been almost equally as fast as the one she had begun with Theo. She'd given Cage every part of her, had been a family, and she was cursing herself for leaving it how she had. Dropping contact, leaving Merrock in the beginning, not putting in more of an effort then to forge some sort of positive relation. "I know I need to. Not in that sense, anyway.” Tamara was nothing more to him than what she was — his ex wife. They didn’t have the history or experience of friendship to veer from that. The last thing she wanted was to say the wrong thing, so she was making a conscious effort to word her thoughts delicately. “I never said she didn’t.” Tam reassured, brows lifting sympathetically. “It’s just not as clear, to me, anyway.” Since being in Merrock, she had shockingly enough not had a run in with the blonde, though having a decently busy schedule didn't help, either. Breathing in the enticing aromas wafting from their individual meals, Tam took a fork from the cutlery tin on the table and stabbed a piece of calamari. "Good to know." she chimed with a tight lipped smile, before taking a bite.
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The thing about exes was that they would always be exes, Cage knew that. No matter how much they wanted to be friends, or how hard they worked at getting there, it wasn't going to erase the past between them; it wasn't going to take away any hurt feelings in the past or ease any of the awkwardness that settled over them. It took time, and he knew that, but then adding in that extra layer… he didn't want to say it, but he didn't see a giant Thanksgiving turkey on the table as they all laughed about that summer that things fell apart, either. Not yet. Holding up his hand in defense as she corrected him, he stopped himself from rolling his eyes at her insistence, instead speaking, "I don't know the details, I was only basing that off of how we found out about you guys," which had been kissing at a Renaissance Faire. If they were in love, that was theirs to figure out, Cage wasn't going to pass judgement, wasn't going to give his opinion, knowing that it wasn't his place, and quite frankly, not a can of worms that he wanted to open up and get into. But at her question of who was taking care of him, his brows raised, and he wondered why it was that anyone would even ask a question like that. "Cordelia?" he replied, somewhat dumbfounded. "Just because she's on the outs with her brother doesn't mean she stopped loving me," he frowned. Cage had his brother, his sister, his friends, people who cared about him, people who took care of him, but he never wanted for anything when it came to his wife, never had to doubt for a second that she would be there when he needed him; dinner ready on the table after work, a back rub if he complained about being sore, a listening ear when his day was long, the same things that he offered to her in return. He glanced up as the food was brought to the table, offering the waitress a quick smile and a nod. "Always does," he picked up a fry, tossing it in his mouth.
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jinxed-ninjago · 3 years ago
List of nicknames for Ninjago characters, both canon and not, not including ones that are jokes on their “master of ______” titles:
Thundercracker (canon; given to him by Kai in Flight of the Dragon Ninja, one of the pilot short films)
Bolthead (canon; given to him by Cole in Sons of Garmadon)
Bluebell (canon; given to him by Cole in Tournament of Elements)
Bluejay (I think this one’s canon and it’s something Fugi-Dove calls him?? Don’t quote me on that lol)
Zaptrap (canon; given to him by Cole in Rebooted)
Motormouth (canon; given to him by Cole in Rebooted)
Fire Maker (canon; given to him by ice fishers in the Never-Realm)
Sparkplug (canon; given to him by Jay in The Golden Weapons)
Dirtclod (canon; given to him by Jay in Rebooted)
Mole (canon; “nickname” given to him by Murt in Master of the Mountain)
Boulderbrain (canon; given to him by Jay in Skybound)
Frosty (canon; given to him by Cole in Rise of the Snakes)
Pinky (canon; given to him by Cole in Rise of the Snakes)
Tin can (canon; given to him by Cole in Legacy of the Green Ninja)
Waterlily (canon; given to her by Cole in Skybound)
Mya (canon; referred to as “Queen Mya” when she defeats Murtessa in combat in Master of the Mountain)
Dalara (canon; called this by both Nadakhan and Cole, the latter as a joke)
Little Master (canon; given to him by Cole in the First Realm before he became a teenager)
Little Wu (canon; given to him by Nya and I believe Cole as well in Sons of Garmadon)
Cole Jr. (canon; name given to him by Cole before he was revealed to be the baby)
Treacherous Deceiver (canon; given to him by Aspheera centuries before the series starts)
And of course, Calamari is Kalmaar’s nickname :)
I don’t remember any nicknames for Lloyd and can’t think of any non canon nicknames for Nya, so if you know if anymore that you’ve read in fanfiction or that are canon feel free to add on.
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hannahmcgill · 2 years ago
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Gastronomy Chart A silly piece depicting my personal experiences with food linked to various constellations in the sky.
Image ID beneath Read More cut contains over 70 food puns in a list. This is a long list, and a lot of puns, so I'm not going to subject everyone to all that without their consent.
[img id] 1st image: Digital art depicting food-themed constellations. Blue constellations are on a flat black background. It is labeled 'Gastronomy' along the bottom.
2nd image: Labeled black-and-white diagram of first image so that everyone can appreciate the puns. The labels are as follows, in alphabetical order:
Andromeda - "Pan"-dromeda Antlia - "Anchovy"-a Apus - A-"Parsnip" Aquarius - Asparagus Aquila - Aq-"Waffles" Ara - A-"Radish" Aries - Berries (say this one aloud) Auriga - Auriga-no (say this one aloud, too) Boötes - "Beer"-tes Caelum - "Cake"-um Camelopardalis - "Caramel"-opardalis Cancer - Boiled Crab Canes Venatici - Canes "Penne"-tici Canis Major - "Soda Can"-is Major (so it's a big plastic bottle) Canis Minor - "Soda Can"-is Minor (just the cat) Capricornus - Capri-"Corn"-us Carina - "Calamari"-na Cassiopeia - "Spaghetti"-opeia Centaurus - "Gin"-taurus Cepheus - "Cereal"-phus Cetus - "Sushi"-tus Chamaeleon - Chamaele-"oolong" Circinus - "Citrus"-inus Columba - "Cola"-mba Coma Berenices - "Chicken Korma" Berenices Corvus - Cor-"Vanilla"-s Crater - Was already food-related, so no pun necessary. Crux - Slice of Cake Cygnus - Roast Swan Delphinus - Del-"Fondue" Dorado - "Doragon Fruit" Draco - "Drink"-o Equuleus - "Egg"-uuleus Eridanus - Eri-"Danishes" Fornax - For-"Nachos" Gemini - Ge-"Mint"-i Grus - "Au" Grus Hercules - "Burger"-cules Horologium - "Hors-d'œuvre"-logium Hydra - Hyd-"Ramen" Hydrus - Hy-"Drumstick" Indus - In-"Dessert" Lacerta - It's a gummy lizard! Leo - Le-"Orange" Leo Minor - Le-"Orange" Minor Lepus - "Leek"-us Libra - Li-"Bread" Lupus - Lu-"Pumpkin" Lynx - "Sausage" Lynx Mensa - Men-"Salmon" Microscopium - Monoceros - Mono-"Celery"-os Musca - "Mousse"-ca Norma - "Nori"-ma Octans - "Okra"-tans Ophiuchus - Ophiu-"Cous-cous" Orion - Ori-"Onion" Pegasus - "Egg"-asus Perseus - "Supper"-seus Phoenix - Phoen-"ice cream" Pictor - "Pickle"-tor Pisces - "Stargazy Pie"-sces Piscis Austrinus - Pisces Aus-"Tin"-Us Puppis - Pup-"Pizza" Pyxis - "Pizza" Reticulum - "Ratatouille"-um Sagittarius - Saggi-"Pear"-ius Scorpius - Roast Lobster Tail Sculptor - Sculp-"Tortilla" Scutum - Scu-"Toast" Taurus - A Steak Telescopium - "Tea"-loscopium Triangulum - Wedge of triangular cheese Triangulum Australe Tucana - "Tuna Can"-a Ursa Major - Ursa "Measure" Ursa Minor - Ur-"Salt" minor Vela - "Veal"-a Virgo - "Extra" Virgo "Olive Oil" Volans - Vo-"Lasagna" Vulpecula - "Full"-pecula
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smarchit · 4 years ago
How Lucky We Are pt 1
Summary: A continuation of Look Around, Look Around. Mando and Reader continue their adventures with their young children.
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: Sorry about the Hamilton titles but it was all I had at the time. As for official warnings, there are none, but if you see anything that should be tagged, please let me know! I’m happy to tag anything!
"Is Trin ready to go?" Mando asked, looking up at you from the end of the ramp leading from the Crest. 
You nodded and shielded your eyes from the sun as you walked out to join him. Trin was strapped to your chest in her swaddle, her little fist curled in the fabric of your shirt, drooling happily against your breast.
"Yeah, she's ready," you replied. "What about the Child?"
Mando gestured with a single nod towards your feet.
The little child was cooing and blinking up at you happily. He lifted his tiny arms towards you and babbled, demanding he be picked up.
You laughed and shook your head.
"Okay, okay, but only because you're so cute. I can't always carry you both."
You bent down to pick him up and pulled a thick hood over his head to shield both from the sun and prying eyes. Thankfully, he and Trin were roughly the same size still, so passing them off as sleeping twins could potentially be easy.
Din held out a hand to help you off the ramp and onto the sandy terra of Nevarro. The port was already bustling with life, even so early in the day.
You'd only been back with Mando for a few days now since leaving Sorgan, and you had a meeting with Greef to pick up a few pucks for work.
"Think he'll be thrilled with you toting around a seven-month old baby?" you teased.
Mando shrugged and put a hand on your back as he shut the ramp and guided you to the main streets.
"He didn't say anything about me dragging you all over Maker's creation when you were two weeks out from giving birth. Figured if there was ever a time to say anything, that would have been it."
"Probably right," he hummed as he pulled you closer to his side.
Two Stormtroopers stood at the entrance to the main square, their guns raised in alarm at the sight of the Mandalorian. 
"Identification?" one demanded.
"If I give you ID, you'll need to pull it out of your partner's helmet," Mando grumbled under his breath.
"Didn't catch that, tin can," the other snapped. He adjusted his gun on his hip and raised it towards you slightly.
Mando bristled.
You raised your hand to his chest to stop him from saying something that would have gotten you all vaporized on sight.
"Excuse me," you said sweetly, standing in front of Mando. "This is my... Escort. My father hired him to bring me home. You see, my husband was killed a few months ago and it's been such an effort to get me home. My planet was overrun with Rebels --- I had no time to grab my papers, or the baby's. They'd have killed us!"
The two troopers glanced at each other and then back at you, and then at the two babies.
"Twins?" one asked, jerking his chin in your direction. He shouldered his weapon as he began to move towards you.
"Yes," you said softly, angling your body away from him slightly, "One boy and one girl. I'm very lucky to still have them."
You stepped back as he reached for the swaddle containing the foundling.
Mando cleared his throat and held up a hand to stop the trooper. 
"If you would move it along, I need to get them home," he said sharply, his voice low and heavy with a warning.
"Better not cause any trouble," the other one barked as you passed through the gate.
"Wouldn't dream of it," Mando replied, keeping a hand on the small of your back as you walked away from them.
Once they were out of sight, you relaxed and pulled the Child's hood away. 
"Such a good boy you are!" you cooed, pressing a kiss to his tiny green nose. "Staying so quiet!"
"C'mon, Greef is waiting," Mando urged, guiding you to a Cantina. "Keep his head covered until we get inside. And even then, keep an eye out."
You nodded and adjusted his hood as you stepped into the cantina.
Conversation within immediately halted when they saw Mando. There were a few slurs that got thrown (directed at you both) and more than a dozen insults tossed Mando's way as you made your way to Greef's table.
Mando ushered you into the booth before he sat beside you.
The child went between the two of you and Trin stayed nestled against your chest.
Greef had a wide smile that rivaled the Tatooine suns when he looked at you both.
"My, my. It's good to have you back!" he said, bowing his head in your direction. "Mando, you seem thrilled to have your partner back with you. And with an adorable new addition!"
You smiled down at Trin, whose large, curious eyes were taking in everything around her. You gently removed her from the swaddle and passed her over to Greef, who took her in his arms and sat her little bottom on the table top to get a good look at her.
"She really is adorable, takes after you I assume?" Greef turned from you and cooed at her, wagging his fingers.
Trin babbled and trilled and reached for his hands. 
"She's got some teeth," Mando warned gently. "She likes to bite."
"Oh, you can't bite my best bounty hunter! That's not good!" Greef laughed, wagging a finger at Trin, who drooled and giggled.
"I'd like some work," Mando said after a minute.
Greef looked up from the squealing baby and nodded. He waved for the attention of the droid at the bar to bring you a drink and then passed Trin over the table top into Mando's arms.
Mando pulled her into his lap in an action so natural looking, it surprised you. It didn't even seem like he had realized he'd done it.
You watched Greef reach into his bag and pull out a half dozen or so bounty pucks. He laid the out in a neat line on the chipped tabletop.
"Pick of the lot, Mando. Take a couple - I know you have an extra mouth to feed now, so you'll always get first - and best, as always."
Mando picked one closest to him and a thin blue hologram shot up. 
A scowling human woman with close-shaved dark hair and a tattoo on her cheek glared out from the image at you.
"Trax Stand," Greef said, clicking his tongue. "Coruscant spice smuggler. Could have been one of us if she played her cards right."
"The Hutts?" 
Greef put his hands on the table, palms up to face you, baring his secrets to the world.
"Surely you don't mind," he said with a smile.
Mando sighed. "I'd prefer not to."
"Oh, Mando, they always pay up, don't they? It's a handsome bounty regardless!"
"And they always try to get something else for free out of it," he grumbled.
"Have you taken a bounty for them since Jabba's death?"
"Once. A few years ago."
"Surely things have changed," he said. "Take the job. If you have any issue with payment or negotiations, come find me. I'll have a chat with them."
"...Fine. What else do you have?"
Greef smiled and slid him another puck.
A Mon Calamari.
"What this one do to piss off the Imps?" Mando scoffed.
"Lead them into a rebel sabatoge."
"Not taking it. Next one."
"Ah, yes, you're right. Good call, Mando!" Greef chuckled a bit and looked at another one before passing it over.
"Torguta. Siobhan Phanato. Went rogue from her own section of the guild after taking payment up front and not returning."
"It's not too far from here. Should be an easy trip for us," Mando hummed. "Get your feet wet again?"
You nodded. "Sounds easy enough."
"We'll take these two," Mando said, laying his palm on the pucks he'd chosen.
Greef raised a brow and laughed. "We? You have hunting partner now, Mando?"
Mando grabbed your wrist and helped you out of the booth. He handed you Trin and helped you put her back into the swaddle as Greef continued to laugh.
Before Mando could usher you out of the cantina, Greef cleared his throat and caught Mando's attention.
You turned to try and listen to their conversation over the din of the bar.
"She wants to see you, by the way," he said softly. "Says she has something for you."
Mando straightened up and nodded once. 
"Same place?"
"Entrance is more hidden, but you'll know where it is."
"What was that about?" you asked as soon as the door shut behind you, leaving you bared to the warm sun. The child cooed and blinked up at the sky before you fixed his hood.
"I have to make a stop somewhere. Can you take these credits and buy rations and whatever we need to stock the ship?"
You looked at him. 
As if he read your mind, he put a hand on your shoulder. "I won't be gone longer than fifteen minutes, alright? Get some food for you three and stock up. Meet me right here when you're done."
"What if those troopers come back?"
"You'll be fine," he soothed, putting a gloved hand on your cheek. 
Mando slid his hand down to your shoulder and gave it a squeeze before he slipped through the crowd and disappeared.
You watched him go for a moment before you turned to the market stalls. You thought it best to switch the places of Trin and the child so the latter wouldn't be spotted by spies. It only took a second before the child was nestled happily against your chest and Trin rested on your hip. 
She's already getting to be a little armful, you noted as you set about buying rations and other much needed items for the Crest. You loaded them onto a hover cart and sent it towards the docking yard with a small droid leading it.
You bought Trin and the Child a treat - two tiny balls of soft frozen cream, sweetened with citrus. It was fun to watch their faces screw up as they devoured the new sensation.
"Is that good, sweet babies?" you asked as you wiped their mouths. "Did you like that?"
"You give them ice balls?" Mando asked as he walked up to you.
You smiled and nodded. "They seemed to enjoy it. Did you get what you needed?"
Mando nodded. "Yeah. Let's get going."
So he wasn't going to elaborate? That's fine. Mando still had his secrets, even after over a year of travelling.
You had your secrets too, ones you found even too embarassing to think about that occasionally involved thoughts on your shipmate.
"The food is back at the ship. I told the droid not to pack, just to leave it."
Mando hummed at the mention of the droid, but then nodded. "Thank you. I appreciate that."
You smiled and adjusted Trin in your arms as she squirmed around. 
"Oh, I should get her some new clothes next time we stop. She barely fits into the ones I got from Omera anymore as it is."
"Shame she won't stay so small forever," Mando chuckled. "You'll be running after her in no time."
"The two of them will cause chaos," you teased, bopping Trin on her tiny nose.
"Just don't get on any bounty lists," he said as he lead you back to where he parked the ship.
"My kid is already better than yours in that aspect then," you hummed.
"That's because she can't walk yet," he pointed out.
"Give it a few months."
"She really might be able to take down an Imp with those teeth alone," he noted.
"It was one time, Mando. One time she bit you. And it was your fault."
Mando was silent as he opened the ramp on the ship. He gestured for you to go up first, making some comment that he had to pack up the supplies you bought. 
You took the Child and Trin up the ramp into the hull of the Crest. It was a warm day on Nevarro, as always. The breeze kept air circulating in the ship as Mando packed up the supplies. 
Trin wiggled in your arms and shrieked loudly in protest when you didn't set her down.
"Nap time, little moon," you cooed, kissing her forehead. "For both of you."
You took both babies to their pods and set them down in the soft bedding. The Child blinked sleepily up at you and curled a fist into his blanket.
Trin fussed and cried for a bit, kicking her chubby legs. 
"None of that, me'suum'ika," Mando murmured from behind you. He put a gentle hand on your shoulder and leaned over you to look at the baby. 
"You're so good with her," you said softly, looking up at him. "Lots of experience trying to calm down rowdy bounties, hmm?"
Din huffed a laugh through the modulator and shook his head. 
"The womp rat keeps me on my toes, so I talk to him and keep him entertained for as long as I can."
"Seems to work on Trin too," you said with a smile. Indeed, the baby had stopped fussing and was cooing softly and blinking her large, sleepy eyes up at the two of you.
"Whatever works," he said with a shrug.
You watched Trin until she was sound asleep before turning back to Mando.
"How soon until we reach Coruscant?"
"Couple cycles," he said, doing a quick calculation in his head. "Maybe three or four?"
You nodded and sighed. "Sounds good. I can do a couple days."
Mando watched as you set about tidying up the ship as best you could. He wouldn't admit it (not for a long time) that he found your presence... Comforting. You had brought something to the ship when he took you aboard on Tatooine. A shift in the energy of the ship. It seemed like an eternity since then. 
You changed too, he noted. No longer did you jump at loud noises, or woke up in a panic. You were more assertive in your actions, evident earlier today in the market with the two Stormtroopers.
As you cleaned, Mando realized he was still standing awkwardly over the pods where the child and Trin lay sleeping.
Trin looked so much like you, Mando noted. Your eyes, wild and full of curiosity. Your hair, same color, even the same way it stuck up.
"Gonna grow a root if you keep standing there," you teased, poking your head out of the cockpit. "Let's go get that bounty."
Mando cast one last look at the sleeping babies before he shut the pods and went up join you.
TAGLIST (please let me know if you want added or removed): 
@miscellaneous-mando @lestrange2703 @someplace-darker @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @poeticparker @blackbird337 @the-last-twin-of-krypton @divineangelix @c1996 @mell-bell @qhbr2013 @bookszazzy @marvelbros-oneshots @cuteboyking @boomtownboy @connor-challoner @fandom-lover-4 @itsmysticalmystery @love-struck-aries @lifeisapitch15 @cosmicwhisper @hybrid-huntress @whatismylife00 @remmyswritings @yodaboo @ginger-swag-rapunzel @mcrmarvelloki @lcandothisallday @ry0t 
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dikiyvter · 3 years ago
       Shaking a little tin can. Come... plot or do threads w/ me on discord may b...        Calamari#3405
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onlyafairybaby · 4 years ago
this week i am meeting my girlfriends family for the first time and for a gift i am bringing a few tins of very special spicy sardines and calamari, dried spiced pineapple snacks and sencha. i am nervous
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