#Tim isn’t special if he was then why did Jason pull the same shit with Mia
cologona · 2 months
Jason’s angst is always going to be about Bruce and Batman I’m sorry but the other batboys don’t factor in nearly as much as fanon likes to think it does.
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opheliawillowbrook · 3 years
How the Cookie Crumbles
To say his brothers fought would be an understatement: They warred. That. That was the better word. However, it was Dick who was the peacemaker among them. The mediator extraordinaire, translating all his brothers’ woes and misunderstandings into less doom-pending transgressions. But to say this unofficial, yet very necessary part he played was tasking was yet another understatement of unspeakable proportions. It was a FUCKING LOT.
“I swear to God, Drake. You and Brown are a special kind of stupid.”
“Shut up, Damian! It’s a good idea!” Tim grumbled in reply.
“Yeah! You’re just mad you didn’t think of it first!”
Dick’s face fell upon hearing the argument and considered turning the other way, but he’d learned the hard way that his lack of interference could result in bloodshed. Damian did have a history of stabbing Tim, and Robin had an impressive body count, according to Jason. I’d better  make sure he doesn’t add two more.
“Well, fuck me and my  entire life,” Dick droned in frustration. “What are you three bitching about now?”
“Damian keeps saying our idea is stupid,” Stephanie tattled.
“Yeah!” Tim added with crossed arms. “He says we lack the fortitude for good ideas!”
“You do!” the current robin exclaimed.
The youngest batboy rolled his eyes and reasoned, “Listen, I know these two brain donors barely have two brain cells to rub between them—”
“That’s not the only thing they rub!” Jason called from the other room.
Damian again rolled his eyes in contempt and continued, “And I’ve accepted, as a member of this family, that everyone gets to act a little stupid from time to time. However, as much as I would like to respect their commitment to their shared stupidity, I feel as if they are abusing the privilege and it needs to stop before one of them gets hurt.”
“Wow, he actually cares,” Jason added from still in another room.
“Have you been sitting there listening the whole time?” Dick asked, near facepalm.
“Affirmative,” Jason confirmed, entering from the hall.
“And you did nothing to stop them fighting?”
“It’s funnier this way.”
“Do I always have to be the responsible one?”
“Affirmative,” all four said with little thought.
“Okay then,” Dick sighed with reluctance. “Damian, I know you find it hard to accept the choices of others, but you need to understand that free choice and expression is about accepting that others may not make the same choices as you, and that’s okay. It’s the same as you choosing not to take my dating advice and ask Raven out because you’re afraid of rejection—”
“Shut up, Grayson! This isn’t about me!!!” Damian spat.
“Damian has the hots for Raven?” Jason teased. “You have good taste, Mighty Mouse. She got a great—”
“Don’t even finish that sentence, Todd!” Dick and Damian ordered in unison.
“I was gonna say personality,” Jason droned. “Get your minds out of the gutter. I mean for fuck’ sake.”
“Sure you were,” Tim replied with a glower.
“Yeah Tim, cause you never stare at her tits while you talk to her,” Jason added, throwing him doubly under the bus.
“Dude, are you trying to get me killed?” Tim said, shooting an elbow into his brother’s ribs as Damian and Stephanie both glared. Spurring Dick into a further mood for murder.
“My point being is, just because you don’t like other peoples’ ideas, doesn’t mean they’re stupid.”
“Tell them the idea, guys!” Jason urged, stirring the pot.
Stephanie and Tim looked at each other and nodded, as though they’d discovered the holy grail itself. “We’re gonna write a series of YA novels and sell them on the web!” Steph sang optimistically.
“Yeah, it’s a huge and diverse market,” Tim added.
“And with established characters, we’ll make a killing.”
Dick’s brow furrowed. “That sounds like fanfiction?”
“It sounds like utter bullshit,” Damian sneered, not single fuck given.
“It’s not bullshit,” Tim snapped. “YA novels make up a huge portion of the market. People love those things.”
“Then name one YA novel that has sold more than a manga in the last 10 years?”
Tim shrugged. “I can’t think of one at the top of my head, but there they definitely exist and sell.”
“Yeah, so does my fanfiction based on this family,” Jason added under his breath.
“What?” Everyone asked.
“Nothing. Continue.”
“So anyway, I told Damian it’s a foolproof plan.”
Dick rolled his eyes with a bit of doubt, but who was he to judge or discourage their creativity. I mean, he dropped out of college after all? “I’m not saying I believe it’s bulletproof, because frankly, nothing is. But I’m curious why you would consider telling Damian? I mean, he hates most things.”
“And Drake. I hate Drake.”
“We’re all very aware, Dami,” Dick drawled in annoyance. “But yeah, why would you tell him anything important to you? Especially that?”
“Well, we kinda needed a loan. I knew Bruce would undoubtedly say no and, well, Damian has money.”
“Because I make good business decisions.”
“I don’t know why I thought of asking you?”
“You didn’t, Jason told you to,” Stephanie confessed, recalling an earlier conversation.
“Jason, really?” Dick tsked.
“Hey, Damian does make good business decisions. Who do you think cleans and invests money? It’s certainly not Alfred.”
“Because Alfred would have nothing to do with your blood money, Jason. And Damian, I’m very disappointed in you!”
“Grayson, I don’t know what high horse you are riding on today, but you better come off it. Father told me if I wanted money, that I needed to earn it and that I should get a job. So I got one.”
“Laundering money for Red Hood’s criminal Enterprise is not a job!”
“Actually it is. Mighty Mouse made us an LLC and everything. I own several Wash & Folds, all legitimate! Thanks to Hell Spawn here! I’m actually considering making him a partner.”
“So will your LLC fund our YA Novels?”
“Oh fuck no!”
“Come on, Jay! We have a solid business plan,” Stephanie pleased.
“You’re business plan is a bunch of meaningless numbers written on the back of a napkin and poorly illustrated versions of us,” Damian said, holding up the napkin in question.
“Okay, so it’s not the final draft, but we’re working on it!” Tim said pointedly.
“Yeah, as tempting as this all sounds, I didn’t make my money making half baked business decisions,” Jason reasoned
“No, you made it by taking over Gotham’s drug trade,” Dick clarified with disapproval.
“Which was a solid business decision.”
“Why do I even talk to you?”
“I don’t know why I talk to any of you,” Damian scowled, arms crossed, grateful there was no shared genetics between him and his adoptive kin. “I don’t understand what father saw in any of you.
“I can’t answer that,” Jason replied. “However, I can tell you, from personal experience, what he saw in your mom.”
“Do you wanna die, Todd?”
“Do you wanna not have a job?” Jason wanted. “Also, been there done that. But hey, if I died twice then I’d have buffy status so don’t threaten me with a good time, kid.”
“On that note, I’m leaving,” Damian grimaced. “I have to meet Raven, anyway.”
“Oh,” Dick sang. “You have a date!”
“It’s not a date.”
“Bet you wish it was a date,” Stephanie teased. “Y’know, if you just stopped acting like a dick all the time, I bet she’d go out with you.”
“Shut up, Brown.”
“Oh no,” Dick smiled. “I know it’s hard to believe, but he’s nice to Raven.”
“Hey keep that shit up,” Jason added. “If you’re nice to her, she’d be nice to you!”
“I hate all of you,” Damian proclaimed and stormed away.
“Fuck you too! See you at work Monday! Jason called, earning a tiger middle finger.
“He might be an asshole, but he’s a good kid,” Jason nodded with a sense of pride, causing to Dick to silently scoff. “Still needs to get laid though.”
“Bruce is gonna be so pissed when he finds out you pulled Dami into your bullshit.”
“You’re using Raven’s pet name for him now?” Jason mocked. “And fucker’s gonna have to prove it first; there’s a reason I hired ‘Dami’ for that job.��
“Dude, fuck you; dig your grave,” Dick lamented. “And don’t come at me with one of your tired ass death jokes, they’re getting old.”
“Suit yourself,” the Outlaw glowered as silence set in.
“So Dick,” Tim dared sheepishly. “You, um, wanna invest in--”
“Absolutely not,” the elder hero replied.
Leaving Jason to chuckle. “And that’s the way the cookie crumbled.”
If you enjoyed that feel free to leave me kudos 👉 here on Ao3 lol. If you have any remdom prompts send them my way; maybe I’ll feel inspired 😘
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creatureofmystry · 3 years
MLB x DC Universe Headcannons
I just love the idea of MLB and DC (expecially Batfam cuz Mari is such a Wayne) being in the same universe and crossing over. So one night, I just had an idea overload of different ways the Marinette would know the batfam/be a part of the DC universe. And if any of my shitty ideas somehow inspire or prompt you, then please be my guest. 😊 _
1) “Ladybugs of Past and Present”
Hippolyta, Wonder Woman’s mother, was once a previous holder of the ladybug miraculous. When Fu activated the miraculous and put them in circulation, Hippolyta could feel its magic waking back up. Knowing there must a reason for it to be out, she sent a message to her daughter. Diana searched, finding Marinette and Adrien as the present holders of the ladybug and cat miraculous. She vouched and brought them into the Young Justice program while they also made their own team, Project: Zodiac (or something like that).
[Sometime when Diana takes Marinette to meet Hippolyta]
“Great Hera, Tikki, you have not aged a day” -Hippolyta, cause she does know how to make joke. 
“And I would say the same to you” -Tikki
“Mother, you can make a laugh?” -Wonder Woman, honestly a bit confused cause her mom have never not been serious before.
And Marinette is just speechless cause she’s starstruck meeting Wonder Woman’s mom AND a previous Ladybug holder.
2) “Rockstar Niece”
Jagged Stone is Marinette’s Sweet Uncle J. During the summers, Jagged Stone would take Mari with him on tour. HIs summer tours are throughout America, so Mari gets to sightsee the country. Jagged’s first tour that he gets to take Mari on (5-ish), he’s also booked for the annual (for whatever reason) Wayne Summer Gala. When Marinette meets the Waynes, they are so enamoured (Dick and Tim couldn’t help it) that they tell Jagged he’s always invited as a guest, Mari of course being added to the permanent guest list too. About 6 years later, Mari is practically adopted, spending the first half of her summers with Jagged, going to the Wayne Gala, then spending the rest of her summer with the Waynes. Overtime, she figured out the secrets of the family and was there to welcome Jason back from the dead (when that happens). Anyways, now 11(-ish?) Mari meets Damian and the two become good friends… after an… impressionable first meeting.
“Tch, let me guess, you’re another one of father’s adopted strays” -Dami
“YOU MUST BE DAMIAN!!! DICK TOLD ME ABOUT YOU!!” -Marinette, who just ignores what he said for a hug.
“hiiiiiiiiissssssss” -Dami, touchy with touch
“...” sprays water in his face since he decided to act like a cat.
“I say, Master Bruce, the children are getting along quite well” -Alfred
3) “Pen Pals” 
Jon Kent and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are part of an international pen-pal program, starting when they were very young (maybe like 4 or 5-ish, super super young) where they told each other everything (Jon can’t just say that his older bro is a clone made from Superman and Lex Luthor’s DNA, or that his dad is Superman, or that his best friend is Robin, but yea. Lois and Clark probably proofread his stuff until he’s like 9) with pictures and everything. When they’re old enough to get phones & stuff, they call, text and vid-chat along with their letters (love without blood). When Mari is maybe 9-11 (somewhere around there) she starts flying over during the summers to hangout with Jon (and his friends and big brother). While there, she meets Kon, Bat fam, and Clark (some who she already knew, some who she didn’t) & lightly hints that she knows who all they are once she figures it out (it didn’t take her long to do so). 
Now whenever she visits and is at Wayne Manor (Jon likes to have sleepovers practically every weekend) while they’re on patrol, Mari subtly messes with their minds (super subtle, they’re the world’s best detectives after all) until they finally look through the cams and see Mari giving them one of those smiles (those shit-grinning cause it’s just so hilarious how it’s gone on for so long) & and a playful wink. 
[5 seconds later]
“Mari!” “Pixie-pop!” “Angel!” “Teacup!”
“Seriously, am I the only one with a normal nickname for her?” -Tim
“Ms. Marinette would like to inform you that ‘it took you long enough’” -Alfred (who so knows that the girl has been playing them since the third night she stayed at the Wayne’s)
“Where are my adoption papers?” -Bruce (who is seriously adopting any talented black-haired child)
4) “Mari and Mar’i” 
When Mar’i is young, Dick and Kori take her with them to see Paris (btw, this would be during the winter). They’re strolling along through a park and lose track of Mar’i who finds Marinette (9-10 ish). Marinette comforts and distracts Mar’i while noticing the young(er) girl is Tameranian (her hair is very warm and she’s wearing significantly less layers than should be worn for a human of that age during the winter, plus that sun-kissed skin tone. She’s seen Kori in her fashion magazines (and, from time to time, on the news as an ambassador) so she easily make the connections). Dick and Kori finally spot Mar’i with Mari who introduces herself to them. Mar’i asks if she can see her “Auntinette” again and Marinette just goes “if your parents are okay with it.” Dick and Kori are totally cool with it (not many are willing to watch her and have the time to do it) so they ask Marinette if she can babysit Mar’i whenever (with good pay of course) if she’s up to it (cause she’s still pretty young). Marinette can’t say no to Mar’i’s babydoll eyes (and she’s so much easier compared to Manon, who’s only 2 rn), so of course, she says yes. 
Now Marinette is Mar’is official babysitter and sees Mar’i often whenever her parents drop her off (using zeta tubes to quickly get to Paris and back). Marinette gets treated like an honorary Wayne (cause she’s the most responsible) and gets invited to their family stuff (w/ travel pay taken care of, of course). It doesn’t take her long to realize the fact that she babysits Bruce Wayne’s & BATMAN’S granddaughter, but of course, being the responsible one she is, keeps the secret… while also playing with them via Mar’i.
[One Day]
After Marinette leaves for her plane…
“Uncle Dami!”
“Yes, Spawn?”
“Auntinette said to tell you after she left that Robin’s sut needs a major upgrade & that you look like a traffic light… whatever that’s supposed to mean.”
[Another Day]
“Uncle Jay!”
“What’s up kid?’
“Auntinette said that to let you know that Red Hood doesn’t make any sense ‘cause Red Hood wears a helmet. Not a hood.”
[The next time]
“Uncle Tim!”
Yawn. “yea?”
“Auntie told me to give you this” (pulls out super caffeinated coffee) “and that Red Robin’s cowl is a menace to all things fashion”
“Yes, Starshine?”
“Auntienette said she’s proud of Nightwing’s costume ‘cause it’s one of the only in the batfam that isn’t an astro-city to the fashion society.”
5) “Marinette, the one who’s always getting chosen”
Before Mari became (becomes(?)) LB, she comes across a different powerful piece of jewelry, from a different order of guardians where her will of mind is not only her shield from being akumatized, but it is also what drives her powers. That’s right, Mari walks past a flea market and activates a GL ring. The guardians pick up on this activity and send Hal (it is his sector) to check it out. Hal finds the ring with Mari but it still needs the light of a GL to charge and fully work. 
[During the explanation]
“Look, kid-”
“Look, kid, I just need to know why you have that ring.”
“You think I know? I was just walking through the market and all of a sudden, this possessed ring, if that’s even what this is, started following me, then zipped in front of my face til i held my hand up so it can put itself on my finger.” 
“It’s MARINETTE. Get it wrong one more time and you’ll see why I don’t need a possessed piece of alien jewelry.” -Marinette, making sure you get her name right. “Besides, if I stole it, I would remember. I’m a klepto” -Marinette, probably holding his ring too at this point.
Hal obviously doesn’t want the wrath of the Dupain-Chengs (just the kid Marinette scares him enough), so he tells the guardians that JL will take care of most of Mari’s training (once they get her a lamp for her ring, of course) & has her take part in training at Mt. Justice with the Young Justice team and special training with the Bats. Mari does all this under the guise of an international student exchange program for Mari to stay with the Waynes (not yet knowing that it’s the bat fam) and attends G.A. Mari doesn’t do much, but it takes her 24-36 hours to know who EVERYONE is.
[the next week after settling in]
“Hey, Mars,” -Dick, in his Nightwing gear
“Hey, Di-is the GREATEST SHOW!” -Mari, changing the subject(… not really)
“How long did it take you?”
“Not as long as the Kryptonians…” -Mari, going off into a tangent (still trying to change the subject”
[When Marinette meets Tikki]
Back in Paris:
“Sooo… I’m getting powerful jewelry that gives me powers and a suit, needs to be recharged, and comes from some Order of the Guardians? What’s the difference between you and my ring?” -Marinette, who at this point is very confused as to why she keeps getting picked on for this kind of stuff. 
“One’s alien, one’s magic” -Tikki, hoping Mari will end it there & lowkey hates that the GL Corp. got to her first.
“They’re both non-human made energy sources” -Mari, cause once you’ve seen it once, you’ve seen it all before. 
“You can’t heal the Akuma without the miraculous, and there are more than just rings. Yours are earrings, there are hair clips, bracelets, necklaces and more” -Tikki, after having a minute to think
“Fine, only because you said they’re the only way to heal the, what was it again, akuma?”
6) “Their Unofficial Official Barista”
Part of Tim’s job as Co-CEO, is to make sure all the branches are running smoothly, sometimes that means he has to fly abroad to manually check in. Tim goes to Paris to check on the W.E. Paris branch. He goes to a nearby Patisserie (Tom and Sabine’s) to see a young Marinette (somewhere from 8-11) drawing in her sketchbook at the counter. She explains that her parents are at a catering event, but she’s there to man the little bakery. Tim asks for a super caffeinated coffee and Marinette makes it with ease, claiming it was on the house with how bad he looks (and how much sleep the man clearly needs). Tim begs for her knowledge and asks if she can teach his butler. Mari’s willing to show him the next time he comes, so he gets the whole fam to go (viz tubes so they don’t waste time) maybe a week later. Everyone gets their own drink (plus a free pastries) and Marinette teaches Alfred her coffee, but it’s just not the same so Tim, using the tubes, goes to get coffee from the girl whenever he can. 
Mari is horrible at getting up on time (the life of an insomniac, never getting to sleep even if you want and then barely waking up on time) that she is up super early, makes Tim his coffee (plus a croissant) and tries to go back to sleep (making her inevitably late). Tim would walk up to the pick-up counter where his cup and to-go bag is while Marinette runs out of the house to get to school. Eventually, the rest of the Batfam (as well as the Laegue, TT, and YJ) frequent the place, slowly becoming (Dami too) Mari hides it, but she knew all the batfam the first day they came and she showed Alfred how to make the coffee. When the others start making more regular appearances, she learns the identities of YJ team, WW, GLs, and others. Obviously when LB and CN appear as heroes with HM as their villain, they immediately reach out to help. Because 1. Batfam clearly notices that it’s Mari and they sure as heck won’t let her deal with that by herself, and 2. The JL is worrying too much about their favorite barista (even though she’s not really one), especially with the Gigantitan scare. So, of course LB & CN (can’t make him bad everytime) get inducted into YJ.
[After Ladybug finishes defeating Gigantitan and detransforms] 
“Bean! Are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?” -Tim, being an even more protective older brother than Dick, which shouldn’t be possible
“Yes, I promise. I’m fine” -Marinette, who just accepts the fact that she’s adopted an older brother (and his famliy)
“Tube over, we’ll have Alfred make sure” -Dick, already pulling out the medical supplies for Alfred.
“You shouldn’t worry your brothers like that, Marinette. Now come over so Alfred can clear you,” -Bruce, who just happens to overhear the conversation
“I’m sorry, Miss Marinette, they are very adamant that you’re in pitch perfect health before going out again,” -Alfred, who’s not actually sorry
“Fine” -Marinette, accepting her fate of her adopted, protective family. 
7) “Thicker Than the Blood We’ve Shed”
Why is Marinette so freakishly strong? Because she was trained to be. Before she could even talk, Mari was taught to be an assassin. She and Damian were frenemies, both competing for top spot as best in the League (of Assassins). They often spared together and became rivals who pushed each other (which sounds great in that context if you forget about the fact that they’re killing people and turning it into a competition). When Damian’s care is turned over to Batsy, Mari also comes along for the ride. She implements herself into Dami’s classes at G.A. & watches him from afar. (Damian, not being an idiot, of course knows all this and knows that it’s probably for Mari to give a report to Talia.) When he becomes Robin, Mari obviously knows, but waits to see if anything drastic would happen (his care was given to the Batfam, they had already expected this to happen.) She then heard word of the bounty Talia put on Damian’s head. Marinette knew there wouldn’t be much she could do to help, but she ave Dami a warning about the upcoming situation before fleeing the country. 
From there she got to France, changed her name (it wasn’t originally Marinette, it was Shénqí, chinese for miraculous/magical (or something else if you want)), was adopted by Tom & Sabine, and left her time in the League in the past. When she received Tikki, she didn’t want to be a hero because she didn’t think she deserved it after her up-bringing. Eventually, she did become LB (being a trained assassin does help with lucky charms, considering she was taught how to kill with basically every and anything), and life was good for her. Then Rossi came.
[Gotham field trip]
While at Wayne Tower…
“How idiotic are they?” -Damian, who after reuniting with his long-lost sister-from-a-different-mister (yes, Marinette was able to convince him to say it once), can’t understand the stupidity she has to deal with.
“Are you Robin?” -Mari, who is too tired, so just goes straight into the analogy
“Yes.” -Obvious and simply is.
“Exactly” -Mari, who can’t even put a limit to the amount of thought the one brain cell the class shares doesn’t use. I mean please, the so-called “reporter” believed that the first cosplayer she saw was the actual LB when they don’t even have the same hair! And let’s not forget the origins arc, where LB’s first citizen save was Chloe.
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Another song inspired fic. This time a slight different approach. Troublemaker by Picture This.
@boldlyanxious ... I failed at one fic at a time!!!
Marinette was missing. Well not missing, but not at their apartment and Jason had just returned from a messy mission. All he wanted to do was chill out eating cookies with his ' best f riend /roommate/maybe something more' (they were slowly edged towards something more just before he left but hadn't really defined it yet…), watch trash TV and cuddle. It was the perfect plan to improve his mood and relax .
But he was in the apartment and she wasn't. On top of it all he couldn't find any cookies either. C hecking the shared calendar in case he had forgotten 'an event' his partner in non - crime had b ut still found nothing other than “Jason Home” . Ok, Jason could deal with this, he can be calm, no need to worry or get angry that his perfect plan has gone awry. There was a quick way to solve the mystery, though he didn't want to come across as desperate . He has evidence she knew he would be back today so would be back in the moment.
After pacing the apartment for a "long" while (moments) Jason finally bites the bullet to call Marinette , he was getting angsty waiting.
"Sorry Jay, can't talk now, I'll catch ya later"
The call ended. She h u ng up on him!! What the…. She never did that . He’d been away for a week  and she can’t talk to him ! ?   Ok breathe!  He was used to her   causing him headaches, with her occasional disappearing acts and getting caught up too   near rogue attacks. She was a little trouble magnet. His little troublemaker. Not being able to   talk made him worry.  
Why couldn't  Marinette  talk him?   
Was she in danger?   
Was  it  code for something?   
She was   good at putting on a facade of 'I'm ok' even if she wasn't.   Ok wait! Let's not  overreact  to his missing partner… roommate.  Ok screw that!  Jason stormed into his room   and grabbed his laptop to track her phone.  He really needed to get Tim to put the  bat track  app on his phone  to make this quicker .  Finding her location was easy. He was bat after all and with her frequent near mishaps   that Jason felt it was   reason  enough to bug her phone. It was for her own protection, not his   insecurities and worries  about her . Jason grabbed his keys to check where she is and to make sure   she was ok.  
He wasn't  overreacting  at all. This was a perfectly acceptable level of worry for his friend.   He had tracked her location down to a diner the near the harbour. THEIR diner to be precise.   He parked his bike where he could see into the diner but was obscured enough from view  to scout out what the issue was. Phone ready to call for back up if needed .   From his bike he could see  Marinette  through the window and she was with some other guy.  Wait! What?   Jason clenched his fist.  She wasn’t in trouble from obvious causes. But....  What was she doing with that guy? Why   didn't she tell Jason about him ? Was this guy blackmailing his Troublemaker?    
While the blonde  Marinette  was with paid for the food, his little troublemaker stared out the   window. Jason caught a glimpse of earrings he'd never seen her wear before. Did the guy   give them to her?!  Looking down briefly at phone to turn the photo app on to take a photo of the guy to ‘investigate’  before looking at  his girl… friend ?   Y es girl ,  who is a friend ,  have tears running down her face.   Shit!! Wait!! What did Blondie do to her. He is so going to punch this dick!!!  
The  pair  left the diner.  Marinette , his troublemaker extraordinaire, gave the guy a side   hug and her normal kiss on the check goodbye. Jason could feel the anger  growing . Maybe he was a tad jealous of Blondie, he   wanted that kiss, especially as Blondie made his best friend cry  so didn’t deserve it .   Marinette  gave the guy a final wave as she went to her car and drove off. How was she ok  to  say  goodbye  to this  loser?  He made her cry!! She still had the odd tear running down her   face when she was leaving .   
It was acts like this, her forgiving kind nature, that made Jason fall for  Marinette .   With her going, it did give Jason a perfect opportunity to talk to this random wannabe   boyfriend.  Virtual investigation can wait , it’s easier now  he can do it in person, knuckles cracking .   
Though Jason thought they has something special growing, if the week about changed  Marinette’s  mind that’s fine.  At least Jason can tell this waste of space why he   wasn't good enough for Mari especially as he has already made her cry. At least  showing the guy why he isn’t good  enough might   help subside some of the anger. Jason climbed off his bike as Blondie pulled out   some   sunglasses and turned  to walk off  in the opposite direction to where  Marinette  had driven off in. Who   wears sunglasses in Gotham at night?!?! What was this guy  thinking?   He is seriously suspicious!!  
As Jason approached his got a better look at Blondie. Though he was “dressed down” you could tell the clothes were expensi ve. Was he an ex-client? Was he pressuring his  friend  into do something! Anger was definitely storming  through him  as Jason catastrophised. Damn his   troublemaker , how does she draw  so much  danger to herself?  
The guy ducked into an alley. Jason smirked and took the chance to trap the sle a zebag.   Only to find the alley empty. No sign of him at all. No route to escape either. What the …..    
Ok, yeah, tonight Jason was getting Tim to help track this scumbag down! Catching up with Mari and patrol stuff can wait!  
About a week later Jason came home from WE to find  Marinette  getting ready to go out.  Not   out   out , nor date out but nicer than her usual look.  
"Hi Jay, there's some leftovers in the fridge. I'm going out to meet a friend, not sure when I'll   be back later. You don't need to stay up or worry about me though"  
She quickly grabbed her coat and bag. Though before she  left,  she gave him a peck on the   cheek before waltzing out.    
Damn, that kiss distracted him before he could ask questions. Wait! The girls were patrolling   early tonight so who was she meeting?  
Marinette  though very kind/friendly, didn't trust or make friends easily. Her friends here, that   she met up with outside work were  only  the Wayne clan  and that’s only because Steph forced herself into being Mari’s friend .  Not that he is going to complain it meant he met her!!  
Where was he going with this....   Oh  yeah, t he rest were mainly in France or   England, he thinks, but she rarely brings them up in conversation, something about the past   should remain there. He got that.   
So where was she going?!  
Using the tracking software Jason chases after her on his bike. Is he being a  little paranoid ?   Yes, maybe, but he was worried about her. The last week she has been off. Stressed  and  worried ,   he wasn't sure  precisely why ,  and  she was certainly more spacey and in her own head. To suddenly decide   she's going out with an unknown entity was worrying. Sue him for being concerned for his   favourite person.  
Jason followed her back to the same diner as last week. Jason being the  suspicious  bat he   was watched again from outside this time a little closer  in case  he needed to step in. He   watched as  Marinette  entered the diner and greet Blondie again . Agreste! Son  of the Parisian Terrorist that’s just come to light!  The guy who should be in Paris not in Gotham!  This time  she gave   Agreste  a le   bise  and  again  s at  opposite him. The  Agreste  handed his sunglasses over to her and a ring. A   ring?!?!! What was going on. Jason couldn't see  Agreste’s  face but  Marinettes  was upset   and held tears in her eyes. Jason couldn't take it.  Whatever  Blondie was doing was   upsetting his Troublemaker. And bribing or blackmailing her wasn't cool!!  Upsetting her! Unforgivable!!  
Storming into the diner, he marched up to the table picked the guy up by his collar and   punched him sending him flying.    
"JASON!!!!"  Marinette  exclaimed grabbing his fist from doing any further damage. "What on   earth! Why the hell did you  punch my brother!!!! !"   
Oh shit!!  
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When I’m Watching You Watch Him
Jason X Reader
Mention of Dick X Reader
A/N: Got hit with an oldie but good song. Watching You Watch Him by Eric Hutchinson, just makes me feel all sorts of ways. Anywho, my friend was making me binge some of the animated DC films with her and this just kinda happened, my bad.
I love you from the bottom of my heart
And that's not gonna change, but things look grim
Oh, Jason had it bad. Really, really bad. Just watching her do the simplest of things made him melt into a puddle. 
He had a slight crush on (y/n) before he died. And not to be dramatic or anything, but after all the care and time she had put into helping him recover he’s pretty sure she could hit him with a crowbar and he’d still put a ring on it. 
What did all those gen-z toddlers call it, simping? Yeah, he was kinda a simp for her at this point, and there was use trying to escape the reality of it. Everywhere his mind took him always brought him back to the same thought, (y/n). That’s fine though, he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
He was a man damned to eternal hell in the presence of a blessed angel from the highs of heaven. Well shit, this ain't gonna go well. 
When I'm watching you watch him
Christ, there she goes again looking at his goddamn brother. Dick fucking Grayson, golden boy himself, the first boy wonder. All eyes were only Dick as he told countless tails in remarkable detail at the large round table. She watched him from across the table, an unmistakable sparkle in those lively (e/c) eyes of hers. 
“C’mon (y/n) bring those pretty eyes this way,” Jason whispered quietly enough as to not be heard.
Both elbows of his elbows were on the table which was something that would drive Alfred insane. One hand tapped idly on the oak surface, and the palm of the other held his heavy head. His gaze focused on her, taking every feature, loving each and every bit of the angel before him. 
He knew he didn’t deserve her, but he couldn’t help but yearn for her anyways. Hell she deserved better than anyone in this damned family.
I give you the best a man can hope to give
He wants nothing more than to spoil her. And just when she thinks she’s seen it all he’ll surprise her with something new and filled with love. 
Jason would do anything for her, if only she would only let him. He could repay all the love she put into him at least ten fold.
But I'm not feeling brave
Chances are slim
Jason was a man of action, words were never really his forte. But, of course it was something his brother excelled at. Capturing every spot light within miles of his being, there never seemed to be a moment when attention strayed from the eldest.
Of course there was so much Jason wanted to say to (y/n). However, everytime he got the chance, her attention was always pulled somewhere else. And when she came back to ask him what he wanted to say, he would always brush it off, completely missing his shot. So all the things he wanted to say went unsaid. 
One would figure that literature would have maybe taught him something about wooing a lady, but alas, he is a hopeless romantic with no idea how to talk to his crush. 
When I'm watching you watch him
Today was the day of another gala Jason was forced to attend. That meant that he had to dress to impress, tux and all, much to his dismay. 
Jason of course arrives early to help Alfred prep with the rest of the boys. Which never ended well. When he opened the door he was greeted by the sadly normal sight of Damian attempting to choke Tim, and while most time he would have joined in the chaos, a dolled up damsel caught his gaze. 
(Y/n) was trying to persuade Damian to let Tim go. She offered him cookies, however, Damian was not fazed. 
God she was gorgeous, he thought. Lightly applied makeup on her already flawless complection, a dress complimenting her figure perfectly, hair topping it all off to complete the look. She was just, so her, and he loved it. 
Just as he was about to lend a helping hand in her efforts, Dick stepped in to physically separate the two boys. Jason could only watch as she blushed when that dumbass winked towards her. Damian, of course, ran to her glaring at Tim as he asked for the promised cookie. Dick laughed as she raised a questioning brow at the boy hugging her waist. Jason let out a sign, walking past them to the kitchen, occasionally glancing at her, desperate for her to return his stares.
Oh, what is left to learn
When he will let you crash and burn
Dick was quite the flirt, it wasn’t hard for anyone to figure out upon meeting him. He flirted with every single person, heck he would probably flirt with a dog. Jason shuttered at the thought. 
All Dick’s life he has been a player, toying around with others' feelings. A complete heartbreaker. It kills Jason to know that she could possibly become one of the many victims burned by his games. 
He never gives attention
But you still yearn
It's obvious to Jason that she was enraptured by Dick, falling for all his empty flirting. Or at least that’s how he saw it. If only she could see it the way Jason did. Maybe then her heart wouldn’t ache for someone who never who would never see her in a romantic way. 
Part of Jason is relieved that Dick isn’t into her. But still…. 
Where do I fit in
There she was sitting next to Damian who was fiddling with her fingers out of boredom. It was kinda sweet how motherly she was to him. And anyone could tell just how much that little demon spawn looked up to her. (Y/n) was someone Damian values above all others, even Dick. He was stuck to her side every moment he could be, only acting his real age around her. She just had that effect on him and Jason has no idea how she does it.
Every Wayne had a special place in her heart, just like she held a special place in theirs. The whole family was like her own, they were a family she never had growing up all alone in the streets of Gotham. 
The same exact streets he spent most of his childhood wonder around. Having a similar past made it easy for the two to bond. Exchanging memories of hardships and prosperities while laying on the roof of Wayne Enterprise, tracing out shapes made from glowing stars in the moonlit sky. 
When I’m watching you watch him  
Jason sat alone sipping whiskey from the canteen tucked in the inside of his coat pocket. He could just tell by the way she was looking at his older brother who was dancing between a crowd of ladies that it was going to be a very very long night.
God only knows why I still wait around
Except I hate to see you cry
He doesn’t understand how Dick could just ignore her loving gazes. Does Dick not understand that the woman Jason practically worshipped was crying out for his attention? What a dumbass, Jason thought.
And I need you 
But there are things I cannot do
If only Jason had the balls to go over there and ask her to dance. Steal her attention away from that play boy and focus it on the man who would die for her in a heartbeat. (Y/n) was his salvation, his savior from the twisted shadow that darkened all that good in his mind after being revived. 
Though his mind was screaming at him to comfort her, he physically could not approach her. Not even Jason himself understood what was holding him back, it was not pride, not masculinity, god knows he would scrap all of that for her.
Maybe it was fear, the fear of not being good enough. The fear of being rejected by her angelic self. 
Man, he sighed taking another swig of the bitter liquid, it was indeed going to be a long night.
And I want you
When he’s playing all his games
Jason watched her the whole night, even when she got her turn to dance with Dick. The sight really tore Jason to pieces. He would almost rather get beaten with a crowbar then watch that ever again. 
It was hard to pick between swooning over the smiles and giggles passing those luscious lips of her and punching the absolute shit out of Dick as he led her on. But, he chose to just let her be happy for the moment.
However that moment was short lived as people who stood idly on the side were pulling into the center of the room to dance. Every time someone tried to coax him over he would snap at them. That was until she held out both of her hands out to him, at first he shook her off. But, unfortunately for him, (y/n) was just as stubborn as he was and she was going to get him out on that floor even if it was the last thing she ever did. 
Puffing out her chest strut over to his isolated figure. Oh, how he wished she had not come over to him. Who the hell was he if he had denied the pouty expression on her face that was supposed to be a menacing glare. 
And it gets hard to tell who's the victim
Both of them danced the longest together which kinda pissed off the baby bat who wanted her attention oh so badly. Jason could give less of a shit thought, he was going to make the most of this moment. 
Two partner rotations had gone by as people swayed with the music, but he wasn’t quite ready to give her up. Life, like always, didn’t seem to want to comply with Jason’s wishes as she was swiped from him amongst the crowd as another person was thrown into him. 
The two youngest were quick to catch onto Jason’s dilemma. Tim felt kinda bad, the longing stares of a broken man really did a number on the sleep deprived boy’s heart strings. Damian pretended to not give two shits, he values Dick as an important role model, but even Damian knew that Dick was no good for his beloved Ummi. If Damian had to choose between the two, he would rather her go with Jason. 
When I’m watching you watch him
The cycle continued just as it had for months on end. Jason would look her way, but his gaze was never returned. 
Oh, what is left to learn to learn
When he would let you crash and burn
She would give her romantic affection to the eldest, just like she alway had. And in return Dick strung her along like a lovesick puppy on a loose leash. Never committing to her, but flirting just enough to keep her hooked on in his delusional version of love. 
He never gives attention 
But you still yearn
One day, Jason prays, one day she will look his way. Giving her even more love then she could ever hope for.
But, that day is not today, or the next day, or the day after that. All he can do is wait hopelessly from his spot.
Where do I fit 
Sometimes he wonders if she even sees him anymore. He feels as though he has become nothing but a forgotten memory filed in the back of that pretty head of hers. 
Jason can only hope that one day she will see him the same way he sees her.
When I’m watching you watch him
As of lately something seemed to be off. Her eyes weren’t as bright as they were. She carried herself in an anxious manner, constantly fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. 
It concerned Jason to no end. He had no idea why she was acting the way she was, and no matter how far he dug nothing came up. And it aggravated him that Dick ignored her strange behavior, it really wasn’t that hard for someone to tell something was off if they had been around her as long as the Wayne's have. 
Hell, even Damian took notice of her distressed figure. Her state caused the brat to cling to her hip even more than normal. Occasionally, Damian would send a glare the golden boy’s way as he approached the two.  Damian’s worried expression shifts to her face to Jason’s stares in a pleading manner. It was if he was asking Jason to do something. Fix her, help her, comfort her; do something dammit. 
God only known why I still wait around
Except I hate to see you cry
Imagine his surprise when the angel of his dreams shows up at his door in the middle of the night, tears staining the soft skin of her cheeks. Her eyes were red and puffy, it's not hard to tell that she had been crying for a couple of hours.
One of Jason’s old oversized sweatshirts draped over her much smaller frame. She bunched up one of the giant sleeves, a heap of fabric gathered into the palm of her still covered hand. Using the sleeve she wiped her wet eyes making tiny splotches of the fabric darken from the salty liquid.
Oh God, he didn’t know what good he had done for her to show up at his doorstep, but he wasn’t going to question it. 
And I need you
But there are things I cannot do
(Y/n) was a sight for sore eyes, even in her grief stricken state.
Gathering her into his arms, Jason pulled her into the apartment quietly shutting the door behind her as to not startle her any further.
Jason had an idea as of why she was upset. Dick stood her up for their weekly coffee get together for the second time this month, opting to hang out with some whore he met at the gala the other month. 
It was pathetic really. Dick had no concern for (y/n)’s feelings and it made Jason’s blood boil dangerously close to the lip of the pot. 
And while this probably would have flustered him in any other scenario, leading to him awkwardly patting her back or something. But, there was only one thing going through his mind at this point. Comforting her. Making all her problems become nothing but a long forgotten memory. 
And I love you
Like a broken record plays 
But I’m a window pane
A phantom limb
No matter how much it hurt him to hold her so close, knowing that she didn’t return his fatal feeling, killed him all over again. However, he would suck it up to if it meant bringing a smile back to that gorgeous face of hers.
He’s a sucker for her, but at least he knows it. Jason might not be able to admit it in words, but he did his best to relay it through actions.
When I’m watching you watch him
“That woman was right, I’m just not worth it,” She whispered through hiccups. 
Jason’s eyes shot down to her in utter shock, his grip involuntary tightening on her frame, causing her to let out a small squeak. 
What did that filthy pig say to his angel? That gold digger didn’t have a clue what the word meant. Oh, Dick was in for it the next time he came around. 
“I don’t know what upsets me more,” Jason muttered gently, “the fact that she said that or the fact that you actually believe that bitch.”
Clearly his statement caught her attention. Glossy eyes pooling with salty tears threatening to spill over peered into his own. 
Fuck it, he thought, its now or never.
Taking a deep breath, exhaling hot air through his nose, he threw everything worry and doubt out the window and took his chances.
No matter how many times she tried to wipe her tears, they just kept coming as he spilled out all his thoughts about her. Telling her just how priceless she was to him. Jason made sure not to skip out on even the slightest of detail. His walls shattered, heart lying bare and utterly vulnerable before her. He, himself, couldn’t help but let a couple tears cascade down. 
Taking her other dry sleeve she brought it to his face, gently wiping the water droplets away as they fell. All this time she has been looking at the wrong man. Listening as Jason’s walls shattered rekindled those mushy feelings she had for him back before his Robin days. Back during the times when they could care less about the world as they fought the harsh world side by side. 
Those feelings she pushed down when he came back guns blazing. When he disregarded everything he once had, putting all his pain into the bullets in the barrels of his guns. Though she never gave up on him, it was hard for her. All he did back then was push her away, giving her the cold shoulder time after time again. Though all her efforts were kicked to the side and stomped on at the time.
Dick was the only one to comfort her back then. Maybe it was the comfort and reassurance that drew her to him all those times, but what does it matter anymore.
When I’m watching you watch him
Little did they know the two nosey pairs of eyes watching them through the window from a roof a couple buildings over. Binoculars peered into the living room where Jason and (y/n) rocked back and forth on their feet in each other's embrace. 
Both Red Robin and Robin let of a high pitched yelp as the binoculars were swiped from their faces. They stared at each other with wide eyes of surprise, a heavy grunt brought them from their daze. Neither one of them wanted to look behind, acting like toddlers being caught doing something they knew they weren’t supposed to. 
To giant gloved hands extended palms up in front of their faces, a wordless demand to hand over the devices. Of course they did as they were told, but not without complaining and throwing a couple jabs at one another. The boys headed in the opposite direction to patrol the remainder of the city. 
Once they were out of sight, Batman put the binoculars to his eyes. A rare smile graced his rough feature at the sight of the two. Hooking the lenses to his belt he went after the bickering boys.
It was a start. It was their start. The start of something beautiful in the years to come. 
When I’m watching you watch him
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salty-fang · 4 years
Twisted Fate Sugar Edition
Part three (sorry for the long wait) thanks for being patient @loveswifi
Marinette had had a weird day. She had kept being pulled in the direction of people who could’ve been mistaken for male versions of herself. Jason, Tim and Dick.
She had met Jason first. She had taken a quick detour from her hour-long trip to the fabric store. It had been a week after her outing with Gina, Alfred and Bruce Wayne but a week before the whole Lila debacle. She hadn’t expected Lila to even be in Gotham so Marinette didn’t feel the need to worry. She should have.
Jason had loads of knowledge on malicious stalking. Growing up as a vigilante taught him some things. So, he was truly stunned when he saw two shady people watched that pregnant woman with wolfish glares that he actually felt the need to follow them. He dragged her out of there line of sight, which without an explanation was pretty stupid. She’d kicked him in the balls causing him to hiss.
“Let go of me.”
“I’m trying to help you. A woman and a man have been watching you for a fucking long time. I just wanted to make sure you knew them. By the way, I’m Jason Todd.”
“One of them literally has sausages for hair. I think I’m going to have nightmares for a while.”
“Ugh, you should meet Lila Rossi.”
“Agreste's new wife?”
“Yup. Her eyes are so cold and dead. And she wears so much orange. It’s so painful when you actually look at her that I’d rather stick pins in my eyes.”
“Yo, this chick is the same. You sure we aren’t talking about the same person?” she snuck a quick look around the corner, laughing at the confusion on both Lila and Kim’s faces. She’d laughed too loud as Lila’s head whipped in her direction.
“That’s definitely her. Still as annoying as ever.” Kim had whispered something in Lila's ear just as she rounded the corner. They had started sprinting towards her and were going to catch her if she didn’t move her ass.
‘I can’t run far in heels. I’m going to have to catch a bus. The doctor did tell me to take it easy. Can’t affect those triplets with too much movement.’
She had only made it outside the door when she felt herself be hoisted onto sturdy shoulders.
“Let go of me! Oh it’s you Jay. Give a girl some warning will ya!” she said sighing in exasperation.
“Sorry but you really thought I was going to watch them hurt my little sis.”
“Hey! I’m not little. And put me down. “
“That’s what your focused on? And I won’t put you down. You may think you don’t need help but you’re wrong. So let your good big bro do his job.
“Good my ass,” she muttered, ducking under a signpost. “More like arrogant goofball.” Kim and Lila had either disappeared or they just blended in with the crowd very well. They’d probably lost them. Thank God for that.
“Jay, you can put me down now.”
“Huh, are they gone?”
“Yup.” She said popping the ‘p'. “Thank you Jay. For everything.”
“No worries, pixie pop. You’re my sis. I’d kill a bitch for you.” Marinette had fallen in line with Jason. But with his long strides and her pregnancy she was always steps behind him. Sure he’d fall back to match her pace but Lila had waited until the perfect moment to capitalise. She’d tried to scream for help but she had lost the ability to. They dragged her round the corner to one of her favourite cafés. Her head ached where Lila had pulled tightly on her braid (think Lady Noire) as she felt several strands of her hair fall out. Had no one found her being dragged around slightly disturbing?
She supposed no one cared about business that didn’t affect them in Gotham. Wow. Great, just great. She’d submitted herself fully when another blue-eyed black-haired man had come to her rescue. Seriously, was everyone in Gotham like Jay Jay or had he just been a manifestation of her sleep deprivation. He’d seemed so real, so human but it wouldn’t be the first time her mind would make something so absurd up. It was probably her loneliness acting up again. There was no way any sane person would stay around her for so long.
Surprisingly it had been Tim who saved her, though she hadn’t known that. Unsurprisingly, Jay and him had two distinctly different personalities. He lived off coffee, looked twice his age with those bags but had such wit about him that he could manipulate the situation without the other party realising. He had been surrounded by so many coffee cups that she had thought he had been in his final year preparing for exams or perhaps working night shifts every day of the week. But nooooo, he was the co-CEO of a business. Starting at the age of 17. Marinette had felt some of the burden dropped on her and she wasn’t even in his position. No wonder he looked like he needed a pick me up. It was just as well that she’d come equipped with her special coffee. She’d make more for Gina later, he needed it more. Plus, Gigi wouldn’t be back in hours.
“I know you said it was alright to sit with you uhh...”
“Right, Tim. I don’t want to bother you anymore but that coffee looks like it doesn’t do shit for you. I made some for my grandma but she won’t be back for ages so maybe... you would like it?” Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Of course he won’t want some he probably thinks you’re a weirdo who poisoned his drink. Maybe you can take it back from him? “ on second thought-"
“Sure. Why not?” Ok Tim needs sleep. My God, I could have spiked his drink and he accepted it. He’s so vulnerable like this.
“If I give you my drink it will probably take a minute to kick in but... but you have to promise me that you’ll drink my power down later. If you don’t I’ll find you and I’ll get you to sleep one way or another. Don’t test me.” He gulped, eyes wide as he frantically nodded. “Good. Now would you like some pastries to go with your Marinette’s Super Special?” Her shift in character made him freeze. He couldn’t find his voice quick enough and instead opted for a simple thumbs up. She dug two flasks out of her bag, placing one in front of him and sniffed her own. Then, she brought two plates out, setting out croissants so buttery they made him drool, raspberry macaroons and a dozen mini chocolate chip muffins.
“You look like you needed a sugar rush so I guessed what you might like. Sorry if they’re not your favourites. Now chop chop eat up child!” Tim took a tentative sip of his drink feeling it slip down his throat. It had been just how he liked it yet slightly stronger. And then he felt the kick. It had been so small that his brain glossed over it but it’d been there. He was starting to feel more human again. And it had shown. His face had become less pallid and gaunt, his eyes held a fire that had been previously extinguished and his movements became less robotic, almost lighter. Before Marinette could utter ‘I told you so' everything had vanished. Tim was never usually a messy eater but he definitely was right now. Chocolate was smeared all over his chin , flakes from the croissant had littered around his suit and coffee had spilt on his white polo shirt.
“Beanie,” he muttered, a wild look in his egyptian blue eyes. “Please tell me you’re real. Or I at least died and went to heaven. You’re too sweet not to be in my life. I don’t know how I lived without you before. Please, I need you as my dealer. Your coffee is the only one I’ll ever drink again. Please.”
It wasn’t every day you saw Tim Drake beg on his knees and whine. But when you did, you would probably laugh your ass off. Whoever that poor girl was had just attracted the attention of invasive photographers. Unlucky, but at least they would get a show out of it.
“If I give you my coffee you’re not going to sleep. You’re going to be a living zombie and I can’t live with that. I’d rather not have anyone connecting me with your death from excessive tiredness.” Tim knew he had to play dirty if he was going to win. Thankfully, Steph had taught him how to master the art of puppy dog eyes which he aimed at Marinette. He then wrapped his arms around her leg, consequently being dragged along the unsanitary sidewalk to where both their belongings were.
“Please please please please PLEASE.” He noticed Marinette’s will become fragile. He wobbled his bottom lip, sniffling softly. “I’ll stop begging if you say yes. Please beanie.”
“Fine.” She huffed whilst he fist pumped the air. “But we do things on my terms alright?”
“Yes ma’am!”
“Jeez. You’ve given me a headache.” She stated aiming a half-hearted glare at a sheepish Tim. “That’s an achievement, dude, not even Chloé could do that and her tantrums were super bratty.”
He had gone to apologise when shrill ringing rang in the air.
“Sorry,” he mouthed. “ I have to take this.”
“Jason what do you want? You just interrupted my deal with my dealer.”
“ I didn’t know you had it in you. But now isn’t the time. I need you to check security where you are. Pixie pop's gone missing.”
“Pixie pop?”
“I’ll explain later but right now she’s in danger. See you in 5 replacement.” With nothing left to say the line went dead and he decided to run some checks on Jason’s location whilst idly chatting with Marinette. She had asked for his unique insight on her latest design.
“What shade would you use on this? I’m only asking because of your peculiar style.”
“Definitely lavender but towards the bottom fade into a dark purple. And peculiar?”
“Who wears a suit on a hot summers day?” she asked eyebrow raised.
“Me. Batman. Business owners. Cosplayers. Bruce Wayne. The list could go on but I don’t have all day.” He said throwing an exaggerated wink at her.
“None of those people you mentioned are normal except maybe cosplayers so it doesn’t count. Better luck next time. I’m going to go pee.” Tim had opened his mouth to respond when he spotted Jason. He looked terrible. His hair was matted against his forehead with sweat, his eyes were bloodshot.
“I came as soon as I could. What did you find replacement? Spit it out. I don’t have all fucking day.”
“First, I want you to meet me dealer and then we can talk about what happened to ‘pixie' and who they even are.”
“Tim, as much as I’d love to meet your drug buddy, it’ll have to wait. She’s more important. I’m worried that the people who took her are going to seriously harm her.”
“Fine but you’re missing out on meeting the sweetest girl ever.”
“I’ll pass.” Jason snarled before turning back to the pixelated security feed. “That was where I last saw her. That’s weird. It’s like she disappeared from all footage. Do you have any other leads?”
“Jay-Jay?” Marinette barrelled into him locking him in a hug. “How do you know tater-tot?”
“Sorry little lady but I’m looking for someone. Holy shit, is that you pixie pop?”
“Yup and who you calling little lady? I’m fun sized and could totally whoop your ass if I wasn’t pregnant. Just remember that Jason.” The way she had said his name sent shivers up his spine. She had delivered her sentence as a fact, not a threat.
“That’s why you’re my favourite, pixie pop.” Jason said, tearing up.
“Replacement, how did you even save Marinette?”
“They probably took a look at his half dead state and got scared off.” After an hour of re-introduction, they finally left. Jason drove her back on his motorcycle and dumped Tim’s limp body (from drinking Marinette’s calming chai tea) on his back.
With many hours to kill before Gina would be back from her night shift, she got changed into her gym clothes- a pink shirt with short sleeves and grey shorts- and headed to her local sports centre. Surprisingly, it was Dick who saved her this time
Marinette had been doing light exercise to keep in shape every day since she arrived in Gotham. She had a daily routine of squats, sit ups and weights, moving at her own pace. She had only attended the gym once before this and everyone had been friendly or had just gone about their days. Today was the first day anyone had actually approached her
“Hey sunshine, is it alright if I call you sunshine?” She nodded. “There’s a creepy guy watching you. He hasn’t actually done any workouts but he’s pointing his phone at you for a hell of a long time.”
“Thank you for telling me...”
“Richard but you can call me Dick.” She snickered. “If you want to that is.” Dick walked away to take a quick call from his brother when...
WARNING: YOU MIGHT NOT BE COMFORTABLE READING THIS PART. TW: sexual harassment. I'll put a brief summary at the bottom if you would rather skip
When she felt a firm hand squeeze her ass. She felt it trail down her shorts before she could even look at their face. She leapt away from his grasp, her breathing heavy as she looked around for any support. Unfortunately, the gym was empty, giving the predator an easy advantage.
“Hey baby did anyone tell you you’re damn sexy when you smile? Cuz you definitely are.” he aimed a snide smile at her. His yellow teeth glinted and his heady scent made her sick. “Princess, come back to mine tonight. We could have so much fun together and I’ll make you scream until you forget your own name. So, how about it?” He had approached he, pushing her boundaries, forcing her to back up against the wall.
‘No. Not ever. But especially not today.’
Marinette paled quickly. Gina wouldn’t be home for hours and he would most likely follow her home anyways. With no one to bear witness to this, he could do as he pleased. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. He could seriously hurt her or worse... and there would be nothing she could do about it. She’d just fade into the background, just another statistic. No one would believe her because ‘she shouldn’t have dressed like that’ and ‘she definitely wanted it’. So, she would fight and if he won well so be it. At least she had done all she could.
“Has anyone told you it’s rude to hit on people’s girlfriends?” Dick said forcing himself between them. He knew she could handle it but something about that guy made him uneasy. Marinette had exuded confidence but she still trembled and he could see how tense her muscles had been.
“He’s your boyfriend? You could do so much better than him. Just tell him your coming home with me. Or better yet, I’ll pay you to do it in front of me.” Marinette could see the repulsion on Dick’s face, as she gagged. “Yes, that would be way better. I’ll seriously pay you. Got a couple hundred bucks if you want it.” He stated palming himself through his jeans.
“No thanks. Maybe after she’s given birth?”
“She’s pregnant? What a slut. I bet she poked holes in your condom so you wouldn’t be able to leave her. Anyways, got to get back home to the wife and kids. Hit me up when she’s good again.” Marinette flung her arms around Dick as soon as she was sure he was gone.
Tw over
“Thank you so much. He wouldn't have stopped if you hadn’t come Dick.”
“No problem, sunshine.”
“It’s Marinette.” She mumbled, scuffing her shoes against the gym floor.
“The name's Marinette. I would have loved to meet you under different circumstances. Oh well. Nice to meet you anyways.”
“You too Mari. Are you driving back home?”
“I actually walked her. I’ll probably just call a taxi or walk back.”
“No way sunshine. That guy is a huge sleaze ball. I don’t doubt that he’ll try something funny. If no one’s coming to pick you up I’ll walk you back home. Ok?”
Dick had been completely right. The dude had been waiting outside, most likely waiting for Mari to leave but when he saw them leave together, he raced to his car. Dick had memorized his license plate and got a brief description of the car but he would probably dump it somewhere. Still, no harm in trying. He watched constantly to see if he was following them and took some turns to shake him off. In the end, they had arrived and Dick hadn’t left until he saw her actually enter her apartment. He had to tell everyone about Marinette.
Marinette’s battery had been drained, both physically and socially after that week. Lila had pissed her off and she felt really bad for that guy she spewed on. Not like she would see him again. She’d spent all week working on the dress Tim helped her with to wear to her visit to the Wayne’s tomorrow. It had been her fastest completed project ever, though she had neglected eating and sleeping. Marinette had to agree with Tim. The fade into dark purple had been a nice addition and made it really stand out. Even Penny had thought so when she saw it on their chat about commissions. A hungover Jagged threw a ‘rock’n’roll’ over her shoulder and Marinette had felt a pang in her heart at the tenderness they treated each other with. Maybe, one day she could have that special bond with someone too. But she needed to focus on helping herself heal first. She could see the apologetic look written over Penny’s face to which she giggled at before declaring that she needed some rest.
Gina had forced her to rest before they visited the Wayne’s. Apparently today had been Thursday not Wednesday? The days had just blended into one. She had been intrigued to meet the rest of the family but she felt so weak.
‘Oh well,’ she thought. ‘Nothing a little tea can’t fix.’
Since she had found out she was pregnant, all her normal guilty pleasures had been off limits. No double espresso as bitter as her soul and no alcohol. She had to adapt to the restrictions because of her doctor. So, she whipped up a tea as strong as her go to coffee with way less caffeine. It had still her the kick she needed but it wasn’t as good as she would have liked. Still, she’d take what she could get. It still aggravated her when she would reach for a glass of white wine or coffee beans forgetting about the warnings. It aggravated her when she would call out to Tikki to transform forgetting she was no longer by her side. She would toy with her empty earlobes before letting her tears fall freely. Tikki had been the most loyal-kwami or human- and she still got taken. She wouldn’t pretend it hadn’t hurt but she had moved on. Some days she would remember she wasn’t with her and cry but on some she’d pretend everything was normal. Today was one of those days where she wore herself out from crying. Gina had caught her but even she knew Marinette needed space, assuming she was still upset about Adrien.
After a good half an hour of crying, she went to freshen up refusing to look like a puffer fish when she met everyone. Dabbling at her eyes, she applied light mascara and used concealer under her bags so she wouldn’t look as dead as Tim. She slipped into the dress, wearing it with pride. It had fit like a glove exemplifying her curves and showing her protruding baby bump. That had been the only downside as she wanted it to be a surprise. Though, nothing slipped past Alfred’s keen eyes. She’d been puzzled as to how she could style her hair before she settled on voluminous curls. It had required Gina’s help and a hell of a lot of hairspray but it had been worth it. She set her flower crown upon her head (delivered to her by Adrien) and placed one on Gina's. She’d been quite surprised when Gina told her she would have to go by herself but it wouldn’t be too bad. Alfred and Bruce were kind so she could just chat with them if the others were rude.
Damian was annoyed. Gina was late. Very late. And he’d been waiting for hours for her to arrive. A soft rap on the door sent him flying out of his seat as he scrambled to unlock the door. He’d expected Gina but on their doorstep was that angel from before.
“You,” he whispered. “Why are you here?” He didn’t like feeling confused so he schooled his features to be cold and cynical. Footsteps behind him caused him to instinctively slam the door shut.
“Sorry angel.” Not that she could hear him. Jason had stood behind him, watching him with curiosity.
“Demon spawn. Who was at the door?” Shit. He couldn’t exactly say how he knew her or his reputation would be tarnished. Everyone in his family knew Todd was the biggest gossiper and he would definitely spread the news. Like hell would he tell Todd. He’d take that secret to his grave.
"It was bArBarA. I mean Gordon. Yeah it was Gordon.” His voice may have cracked several times but it was a convincing lie, right?
“One, you almost never call people by their first names.” Jason said, eyes narrowing slightly. “Two your voice sounded awful. And you don’t stray from perfection. So, what’s your deal?
“Puberty?” He shrugged trying to conceal his panic.
“I’ll take your bullshit for now but you forgot Barbara’s already here. Let’s try this again. Who was at the door?”
“It was that harlot that Grayson suggested I try to court.
“Oh, that bitch. She’s all yours. Just keep her away from me. And Damian when dinner is over, I’ll find you and I’ll kill you. Make no mistake.” And with that, he threw a quick salute over his shoulder and strolled away. Damian had let out a sigh of relief, turning to walk away before he remembered who was still outside.
“Todd tell everyone I went to the bathroom.” He yelled shutting the front door before he could hear his reply. He descended down the stairs only to find her missing. He had begun mapping out all the locations of the manor when his eyes fell upon her. He felt the air forcibly be removed from his lungs and he remained unmoving. Awestruck. His heart squeezed as he watched her sniff his magnolias that he tended to. The way her dress pooled around her and the small but present baby bump had made him flush.
‘She truly was an angel.’ His eyes glanced at the flower crown entangled in her inky locks as the moonlit sky enhanced her celestial look. ‘She’s also much more than that though.’
“Take a picture. It’ll last longer.” She saw his mortified face. “You know getting a door slammed in your face isn’t the greatest first impression a family could give.”
“I’m sorry. But what are you doing here?”
“Expecting a warm welcome, not being left out in the cold, really anything but this. And I don’t even know you so...”
"You do."
"Excuse me?"
"You puked on me. I didn’t think you were going to ever see me again so you surprised me. I didn’t want to explain to anyone how we were acquainted.”
"I’m so sorry. It’s these stupid hormones. And that stupid Lila. Everything is just stupid."
"Lila Rossi? She is pretty stupid.” And then something changed. His face was softer and he hadn’t looked like he would bite her head off. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I’m waiting for my grandma but maybe tomorrow. I’m meeting a stuck-up client so I’m gonna need to vent. I’ll tell you the details later?”
“Fine with me.” She hobbled away. She had been patiently waiting by the doorstep, her soft rap probably inaudible due to all the chaos. He whipped out his spare key, unlocking the door. He hadn’t expected that soft click to prompt the attention of his whole family.
“Pixie pop?”
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH DAMIAN?” they screamed, rushing forwards to envelop her in hugs.
“I let her in. You guys didn’t even hear her knocking. Wait, how do you all know Angel?”
His eyes nervously flitted to hers at the slip of his private nickname. He saw the flush on her cheeks as her mouth formed a small ‘o'. She couldn’t even look him in the eyes as the others taunted him for his cute pet name. He felt Dick ruffle his hair, which took a while to style, and Jason poke his sides. He felt Tim snicker and Barbara pinch his cheek. And he felt Marinette link their hands together in solidarity, enduring the teasing with him. They had been so embarrassed that they completely missed the arrival of Gina and the scheming look on Alfred’s face who dished her the gossip. They missed the dark but silent chuckle that left both Gina and Alfred as they decided to meddle in their kids failing love lives.
“What’d I miss, my little chicks? Because Mama’s home.”
NOTES (optional)
In the part labelled with tw here is what happens:
Creepy old 50 year old man hits on Marinette and feels her up. He asks her to come home with him but Dick helps her out and stops him. He tells them he would pay to watch them go at it and calls Marinette names. He eventually 'leaves' to his wife and kids.
@sassakitty @lunathealphafemale @krispydefendorpolice @blackmagicforever @nach0ava @wannajointhecrabcult @thornalchemist23 @moonlightstar64 @iloveitwhen @little-angel1031 @screwthisshit111 @rebecarojas07 @animegirlweeb @mystery-5-5 @moonystars14 @gingerdaile @spyofthenightcourt @mialuvscats @notmycupoftea26 @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @kuroko26 @miracleofadisaster @novicevoice @iloontjeboontje @abrx2002
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sparkleofpizza · 4 years
My oh my - Jason Todd x reader
A/n: Hey guys, this is the first time I am writing for Jason. Every time I listen to My oh my by Camilla Cabello I can’t help but imagine a story about him, so I just had to do it. Also, there is a part in here that I got inspired from Gilmore Girls because I am team Logan and I wish they ended up together.
Requested: no
Warnings: swearing, song inspired
Summary: They say he likes a good time, he comes alive at midnight, my mama doesn’t trust him, he’s only here for one thing, but so am I 
Word count: 3.2k
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It was very cold for a Spring night, even for Gotham. The moon was a full circle displaying in the sky, shining so bright, the streets wouldn’t even night lamps for you to know what’s in front of you - of course that wasn’t enough for a city like this. 
You heaved a sight, surprise white smoke didn’t come out of your mouth. You felt as if your bones were freezing, hands stuffed under your arm pits as you were crossing them, trying to provide some warmth. God, why did you agree to go out on a night like this?
When your best friend and roommate Ari, called you earlier that day to declare you were going  out, you were very very tempted to say no. Then you remembered all of the hard work you put into the last paper for a class at University, and decided that maybe going out with her wouldn’t be such a bad idea. What you didn’t expect was for her to barge into your bedroom an hour before you were supposed to go out, and pick up clothes that provided too little warmth. She said where you were going, this outfit would look nicer than the jeans you had picked. 
A street race wasn’t where you thought you would spend your night. Damn Ari and her crazy ideas. 
She overheard there was going to be a street race near Crime Alley, and that most people from University would be there so she said it would be cool for you two to go too. Well, it did sound a bit cool, if you were being honest. Street race? Sounded something from a movie, and you didn’t have many exciting memories to one day cherish and tell your kids and grandkids, maybe this could be one. If it ended badly, it would be one hell of a story, if it ended ok, then it would still be a cool story. 
But now, there you were, standing alone in a crowd because Ari left to go to the bathroom with another girl from your shared class. You knew you probably should’ve gone together because you don’t ever stay alone in Gotham, specially at night. But hey, these are college people, your college people. Nothing bad would happen, right?
You took a sip from your drink, hoping the alcohol would do that thing where it warms you up and makes you feel fuzzy. 
“Hey, princess. What are you doing here all alone?” 
You turned your head to the side finding none other than Jason Todd. He had a red cup similar to yours in hand, his signature lather jacket, black pants and boots. His hair was that fluffy mess, and he look good as always. 
You met Jason a few weeks ago at the University library, you both reached out for the same book. He said he was waiting for his little brother and was bored so he decided to take on the opportunity of free good books, he wasn’t a college student. And ever since you two kept bumping into each other. 
Your cheeks warmed up at the words that left his lips. Princess. He had been calling you that ever since you two met at the library. You tried to push away the surprised look on your face at seeing him here, it does look like his kind of place. He looks like the kind of guy who enjoys adventures and adrenaline.
“I came here with my friends, but they went to the bathroom.” you said, smiling at him “What about you?” 
“Well… I don’t have a date with me tonight, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
You adverted your eyes to the side, taking a deep breath, totally embarrassed. You didn’t meant it like that.
“Oh, that’s good?” It sounded like a questioned, God you are so awkward 
He smirked at you.
“Glad to know you think it’s good I’m single. I happen to think it is good that you’re single, too.”
You frowned. Was he thinking that just because you didn’t have a date for the night, you weren’t able to have a love life? 
“What makes you think I am single?” You questioned, hoping your frustration didn’t leak into your voice
“I am hoping you are. I mean, if you are dating someone, that person is an asshole for not being here with you tonight, this isn’t one of the nicest places in Gotham.”
You nodded, a small smiling tugging your lips. That was a nice safe, you had to give it to him.
“Is there a nice place in Gotham?” You ironized 
You were born and raised in Metropolis, you were used to big cities and the down side of it, but Gotham? That was another thing completely different. A giant hole in front your high school because Superman and his cute little sidekick Superboy were fighting some bad alien? Ok, you can deal with it. A guy dressed up as a clown who laughs way too hard and torture people for fun while he fights a guy dressed as a bat? That you cannot deal with. 
You didn’t understand why Jason thought what you said was so funny. He laughed, trowing his had back.
“I mean, did Batman just woke up one day and was like hey, what if I dress up as a giant bat and start beating up criminals? What was going trough his head to choose a bat?”
Jason couldn’t believe you were making fun of Bruce without even knowing it. It brightened his day so much, and the fact that you had no idea only made it better. He was going to tell the old man all about it later, so he could laugh even harder.
You smiled as you watched him laugh. He looked so beautiful.
“Are you cold?” He asked once he stopped laughing, he saw goosebumps in your arms 
“Yeah, I forgot to get a jacket before I left my dorm.” You admitted sheepishly 
Jason smiled at you, he had a nice smile. He shrugged off his lather jacket and placed it over your shoulders. It was warm from his body heat, and it smelled incredibly good.
“Thank you.” You smiled at him “But aren’t you going to get cold?”
“I can handle being a little cold, and if it gets too much, we can just hug each other?” He shot up his eyebrows 
You you were sure you looked like a tomato.
Jason smiled at you. He had taken an instant liking at you when he meet you at the library, something about the way you smiled at him saying he could have the book and you would just get it after he was done with it, and how your voice sounded so sweet and your eyes looked at him like he wasn’t bothering you by taking the book you wanted. He was waiting for you to lash out on him when he said he was just wanting for his brother, something like “you don’t even go here and you are trying to get my book?” He was trying to get rid of those bad thoughts, he was used to being pushed aside and treated like he was a pice of shit bothering people on the street. He sometimes, specially after his death, forgot that maybe there was still nice and polite people in Gotham. 
It didn’t take long for him to realize you were a good girl, a good nice girl. He mostly ran into you at the library and at the coffee shop at the campus. You always smile sweetly at him and wave. The first time Tim had caught that action, he stopped in his tracks and stared at Jason like he was an alien and he had just now realized it. You two were completely opposites, and obviously his brother would find it odd that you were waving at Jason Todd. 
And meeting you tonight at a street race? That was not what he was expecting your next meeting to be like. He was there to gather some intel about the gangs that was participating and what Black Mask and the Penguin wanted with them. Finding you here was rather concerning, this didn’t seem to be your element. And it wasn’t, from what he had learned in your brief conversations during your random meet ups. 
“Have you ever been to a street race before?” He asked, voicing a bit of his thoughts 
You shook your head, hoping he wouldn’t find you pathetic “No. I normally don’t do this kind of stuff, I don’t know how Ari managed to convince me to come.”
He smiled “Yeah, this doesn’t seem like your kind of thing. But it is a good thing, I mean, this is kind of dangerous.”
“Oh God.” You muttered under your breath “Dangerous as I could end up in jail or I could end up dead in an alley?” 
He decided not to answer. The first answer was that the GCPD was corrupted and that they wouldn’t really care, the vigilantes in the city did most of the job. That wouldn’t be a good start. And the second answer was that you could end up dead in an alley, and the probably would make you feel a bit scared, and he didn’t want to make you afraid of being there, because he couldn’t exactly say he could and would protect you if something bad happened. You would think he was just trying to show off, when in reality he actually really could. 
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“Do you want to get out of here?” Jason asked you after having watched a part of the street race
He, now, had a good idea of why Penguing and Black Mask were interested in those people. He had nothing better left to do, and hey, there you were right by his side even after your friends had returned. You were still taking to him, and using his jacket.
You thought for a moment before nodding your head. You told Ari you were heading out with Jason, and she gave you a knowing look before asking you to text her when you got back to the dorm. 
You walked between the crowd of people with Jason right in front of you. At some point, he reached out for your hand and kept holding it, guiding you to God knows where. You had no idea why you agreed to this, you barely know him and you knew enough bad stories to know you shouldn’t be leaving with him. But he was so nice with you all of the times you talked, and he was soooo good looking. 
You stopped in front of a motorcycle. He pulled the keys out of his jeans’s pocket and smile at you, handing you the helmet and climbing on top of his bike. 
“My dad always told me to never ride a bike with a boy.” You smiled at him, playing with the helmet in your hands 
Right now, Jason thought you looked breath taking, and all he wanted to do was kiss you. He wasn’t surprised at all by his thoughts as he had thought them before and before. What surprised him was the flirtatious tone on your voice, he couldn’t help but feel more attracted than before. You were polar opposites, and that was everything he needed in his life ever since he came back, someone to help him maintain balance.
“So what are you going to do, princess?” He questioned in a hushed tone
“Tonight I don’t want to be the girl that does what her parents says.” 
And then you had placed the helmet on your head, and climbed on top of the bike, right behind him. You could feel Jason’s warmth, you were so close to him, and that cologne smell? You could stay like this, having your chest pressed agains his back.
“Then I suggest you hold on tight.” 
He sped up, making you giggle in his ear as your arms wrapped around his body. 
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After spending most of the rest of the night together, around 4 am, Jason walked you to your dorm. You were still wearing his jacket, and you definitely didn’t want to take it off. 
You had went out to get some food after driving around for a while, and spend most of the time sitting at a booth on a fast food, eating fries and sipping on milkshakes. He was a great company, and you enjoyed the way you could talk about a lot of things and never seem to run out of things to say. 
You leaned on your doorstep, staring up at him with a small smile tugging on your lips.
“Thank you for tonight. I had a really good time.”
“Me too.” He smiled back at you “What do I have to do get to spend more nights like this with you?”
A devious smile took place in your face, you had no idea where de boldness came from, but the words flew out of your mouth before you could even properly think about what you were doing.
“If you kiss me, I might let it happen.”
And Jason didn’t wait a second to comply. His hands cupped your cheeks, bringing your face closer until your lips met. You stood on your tiptoes, meeting him halfway there since he was so tall. Arms wrapped around his neck, enjoining the warm feeling that spread on your stomach. 
You pulled apart when air became necessary. You smile at him, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“Goodnight, Jason.” You said, unlocking your door
“Goodnight, y/n.” He watched you walk into your dorm and stayed still until he listened to your door being locked again, just to make sure you were being safe 
You felt as if you were walking on clouds. You couldn’t believe you had just said, what you had just did, what had happened tonight. It all seemed like it was part of some movie. 
“You’re only arriving right now?” Ari groaned from the couch, making you jump in scare since you didn’t see her there “I was worried you didn’t text.”
“Sorry. I thought you would be out longer than me.” You pulled off your shoes “Did you have fun at the race after I left?”
“If I had fun?” She sat up on the couch “Did you have fun? I want to know all about your night with Jason Todd!”
You giggled, not quite believing it just yet. You sat on the arm chair, feeling your back muscle relax against the comfortable cushion, bikes don’t really provide back support and that kind of made your muscles sore. You wrapped his jacket tighter around your body.
“It was really nice, he is a nice guy.”
Ari smiled at you, asking you to keep talking, so you ended up telling her everything about your night with him. Usually, this was the other way around, she would tell you about her dates and what they did, if it was good or not. You are the single friend, always the single friend, this was a good change of scenario.
“I’m really happy for you.” She said “But I just want you to be careful, he has kind of a bad reputation around campus, and he doesn’t even go here. They say he likes to have a good time, just it.”
You nodded your head, understanding where she was coming from. But you wanted to have a good time too, so…
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“I don’t think it’s a good idea you hanging around this Jason guy.” Your sister said on the other end of the line “Mom doesn’t like him.”
You rolled your eyes. You once, accidentally, slipped out that you have been hanging out with Jason when your mom called and you were getting ready to go out. She had asked you why you were wearing pants if it was so close to summer which meant it was hot, and you said and regret because it is uncomfortable to wear a skirt while riding a bike. Now, Jason was the bad guy.
“She doesn’t even know him.” You protested 
“Yeah, and I don’t think she wants to.”
Well, if she keeps up this atitude about him then you don’t think you want her to either. 
You heard knocking coming from your window, making you frown. You pulled your curtain away, seeing Jason standing on the other side of the glass, a small smile tugging at his lips, hands stuffed inside his jacket’s pockets, and hair pushed back in that way he knew you liked it.
“I have to go. There is someone knocking at the door.” 
“At midnight?” Your little sister asked 
“It’s Ari, she forgot her keys.” You lied, Ari was in her room fast asleep after having stayed up until 5 am doing a research paper “Bye.”
You ended the call, tossing your phone on the bed and opening up the window. 
“Hey.” you said
“Can I come in?” He asked in a low voice, probably not to get notice by anyone 
“Sure.” You stepped back, watching him climb your window 
“This always looked cooler in the movies.” He chuckled 
You smiled at him when he got closer “I think you climbed the window very gracefully.”
Jason smiled at you, pulling you into him, enjoining your warmth and the calmness you brought him.
“So…” you looked at him “What are you doing here at midnight on a Friday? Well, Saturday.” 
“I didn’t like the idea that we couldn’t spend this Friday together, it is kind of our day.” You try not to get the wrong idea by what he said, but it was true, you always hung out on Fridays, always coming up with different things to do, weather it was the movies, dinner, or reading books together “I knew you’d still be up so I decided to pay you a visit.”
“Thank you, I enjoyed the surprise.”
He leaned down, connecting your lips in a sweet kiss. You hummed in approval, sliding your hands over his chest until his jacket had fallen on the bedroom floor. When you pulled apart, you stared wide eyed innocently at him, just now catching up to the fact that you had pulled a move on doing something more by sliding his jacket off of him.
“Do you want me to go?” He asked, stroking your cheek 
You leaned in and kissed him again. Pulling him closer to you.
“Y/n, do you want me to go?” He asked one more time, against your lips 
“No. I want you to stay.”
Jason kissed you again, you walked backwards, falling on the bed with him on top of you. 
This was all you have been wanting for a while. Right now you didn't really care about all you have been hearing about Jason - ever since people found out you have been hanging out, they would come to you to say how he was just simply looking for fun, apparently he only ever showed up at the University when he either was there to pick up his brother, or he wanted to know about some party, or get together or whatever. But the Jason you got to know, he actually made plans with you outside of it, he didn't want to spend time with you just at a party you randomly met up, he wanted to talk to you, and take you to the movies. 
People like to talk too much, but you weren't going to let his bad reputation come in the way of allowing you to have a good time. In a long time, you had met a boy who seemed to worth it spending your time with, and he always made sure you were enjoining your time with him.
You knew there was also the part that your mom didn't like him, all your life she always told you to never trust guys like him. But you have been doing the right thing all your life, always being the good girl who did the good thing and never got into trouble. Tonight, when you were with him, you didn't want to be her. Wasn't this what part of what college experience was like? Doing things you'd regret? 
In the end, you knew you'd never regret having done any of this with him. 
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The Most Vibriant Color In the Rainbow (Jasonette)
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Red. It was in your veins, it’s the color of fire and the setting sun. Red was the color of France’s superhero. A heroine that was wilting like a rose. She was hanging on by a thread and the Fates seemed so very tempted to snip it. There, in the shadow of the heroine’s mantel, lies a girl who is just fighting to not have her voice stolen from her again.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was that same hero, but she was so much more than that. She was an artist, a daughter, a designer, a partner, and a friend. Marinette knew exactly how to fix any problem that came her way no matter how bad of odds there were. She came, she saw, and she conquered every challenge that dared come between her and her goals. All Marinette wanted to do was love. So the question is, what happened to the Marinette everyone knew?
Away with the firecracker that was Marinette, anew with a pale imitation of the beautiful girl. She moves mechanically, every step she takes she’s made a thousand times over. All of this because of the Antichrist herself, Lila Rossi, made good on her promise to herd the sheep into her flock. The sound of crocodile tears could be heard ringing through the classroom, “W-why are you s-so mean? I-I just w-wanted a dress f-for the dance!”
Marinette stared at the Italian woman with a glare that could kill, “And I told you, I cant. I have my responsibilities and you have your ‘responsibilities’ we’re both busy people. Your universe may revolve around Lila, but mine revolves around me. It’s sad that you think you can guilt trip me into doing something I don’t want to do when you and I aren’t friends. Call me mean all you want, but I won’t care. You and everyone else in this class mean absolutely nothing to me. I do what I have to do to survive and you are a shepherd to week sheep. It’s unfortunate for you that you would ever think I would fall in line for you.”
A hush fell over the room. No one expected Marinette to clap-back against Lila, but more so that she would speak with no emotion backing her. Lila, stunned silent, forgot to keep crying. Ladybug doesn’t let anyone treat her like a stepping stone, so why should Marinette? Marinette is Ladybug inside and outside of the mask. She just puts the mask’s responsibilities more important than Marinette’s happiness. An obnoxious girl with glasses broke the silence, “W-What d-did you say?”
“You heard me, Alya, we are not friends. You chose the shiny new toy over truth. I want nothing to do with unreliable sources,” The tone she used was deadly, “something you do a lot. It’s no wonder why Ladybug stopped endorsing your blog. It’s such a shame that you chose someone who Ladybug has publicly claimed has no connection to her over the one who got you your interviews. Or did you forget, that I’m the one who actually knows Ladybug and is friends with?”
Everything stopped. No one breathed, blinked, or moved. You don’t know fear until the wrath of the Cheng family befalls you. Though they might not have the resources, or so you think, (A/N: I headcannon that the Dupain Chengs are rich bc they are the best bakers in Paris, plus why would Gabriel or Aubrey let their children go into public school.) The Cheng family held themselves with a an air of respect without even trying. Marinette maybe wilting due to the weight of the world, but she would not crumble to the will of uneducated teenagers.
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Red. That is the color of vengeance, anger, and blood. Red is the color of Gotham’s vigilante. A zombie of a man trying to rebuild what was once his life. Across an ocean there is a boy that just had his world turn upside down. He died an incredibly gruesome death and had he thought no one mourned his loss.
Jason Todd was Red Hood, the loose cannon of Gotham. Everyone thought the pit had taken him to the place of no return. That his mind was the problem. Yes, the pit madness made his angry, but it didn’t make him lose his mind entirely. Behind his anger, Jason was just a boy taken too soon and then mutilated for other people’s benefit. He craved physical affection. He pleaded for trust. He needs his father to tell him he loves him.
Red Hood stayed out during patrol to clear his head. He looked down on the city while perched on a high rise. It usually calmed the voices in his head, tonight they seemed restless. Jason wished for silence, he felt oppressed by the dreariness of the city. Something in his heart told him that this isn’t where he was meant to be. The voices told him to jump off the high rise and to the voices Jason responded with a kind, “Thanks Karen, but fuck right off.”
No stars could be seen due to the pollution of Gotham, but the moonlight shone on Red Hood. He stared at the moon, deep in thought, “Where would I even go?” He asked himself, “Who would want me?”
Not even the voices wanted to hear him talk about him, “Paris,” they whispered.
“Why Paris?” Paris? What’s so specials about Paris?
“Trust us,” the voices responded, “there’s something you won’t want to miss.”
Jason filed that under the folder titled ‘Another question for the therapist that I don’t have.’ He couldn’t deny the pull he felt towards Paris no matter how hard he tried. There was no reason to go though, but there was no reason to stay either. They were all fine without him before why would this time be different?
It was then Jason was reminded the coms were still on and that Tim was an insomniac, “Paris? What are you talking about?”
“Don’t worry about it Timmy. I’m just thinking about taking a vacation. Don’t tell B yet, I’m not sure I should even go,” He knew it wasn’t Tim’s fault, but he couldn’t help but feel that familiar tingle of resentment towards his brother. He shook the feeling away, “I just need a breath, Gotham seems to have me dying all over again.”
Tim reassured Jason that his secret was to be kept between the two of them. The feeling was still gnawing at his being on the way back to his apartment. Red Hood, the light hearted jokester, the one who needed to be restrained, a smiling pillar to the magnifying glass that was Bruce and Dick, was lonely. The question was: is he lonely enough to leave? The answer is yes. Jason is tried of being the second thought, he’s tired of having to report in, and he’s tired of the way the voices take up space in his mind when there’s no company to talk to.
Paris, be prepared. Red is coming to your city and it’s going to become a color of change. Red will paint the streets. Red is going to cause Hawkmoth to rethink if his antics are really worth the price tag that follows.
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A/N: Marinette is 19 and Jason is only 20. This could be a series of this is something you all would want to read. I’m a sucker for Jasonette and I love the Maribat genre in general. Please let me know if you want to be tagged also! Thank you all for reading and supporting me!
Tags: @abrx2002 @amayakans @mystery-5-5 @normal-piece-of-shit @st0rmy-w1th1n @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @g-arya @smolplantmum @rayray384 @rosa97 @drarryismylife101 @kris-pines04 @black-streak @storyteller-d @weird-pale-blonde-person
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nokomiss · 4 years
deadtedkord replied to your post “taking prompts!”
more excellent jaysteph bonding please you're stuff for them is amazing!!
Even in Gotham, it’s hard to get takeout at 4am.  
So after a particularly grueling night fighting crime -- not Arkham-escape bad, but involving the Condiment King teaming up with Mad Hatter for easily one of the grossest in every imaginable way nights Steph could remember -- the troops all ended up at the Cave, fighting over who got into the showers first. The troops in question being Bruce, Damian, Tim, Jason and herself. Steph saw the writing on the wall immediately and booked it up stairs to shower in luxury before Bruce could complain about ketchup in his fancypants rich people showers.
After convincing herself that she couldn’t, actually, just live in the bathroom at Wayne Manor for the rest of her life, Steph reluctantly got out, wondering if she could convince Bruce that installing the same shower at her decidedly less luxurious home was actually a necessary crime fighting expense. The water pressure alone had relieved a few lingering muscle aches she’d been nursing a few days.  
She ransacked various rooms for a new, mustard-free outfit -- she had clothes stashed away somewhere, but everyone knew other people’s clothes are far superior, especially when they were Selina’s yoga pants, which she was never returning because damn they were amazing, Cass’ fuzzy socks and Tim’s softest hoodie.
By the time she returned to the cave, smelling like coconut and feeling like a champ, the boys had managed to clean themselves up and were bickering about food.
“I got Stromboli’s to deliver at 3 last week,” Damian was insisting, even though the Batcomputer clearly showed that they were closed.
“Maybe we could bribe someone at Batburger? They’re open all night,” Tim suggested, sounding doubtful about the prospect.
“There’s food here,” Steph suggested, because she, too, was starving.
Silence for a moment, then Bruce said, in a voice that almost sounded sheepish, “Alfred isn’t here.”
Steph felt a little bad about the smears of ketchup she’d undoubtedly left in the bathroom. “Did he… did he take the kitchen with him?”
“Pennyworth is the only one permitted to use the kitchen,” Damian said loftily while also not looking at anyone directly.
“Yeah, but… we’re hungry,” Steph pointed out.
“They don’t know how to cook,” Tim said, gesturing towards Bruce and Damian. “They’re really bad at it.”
“Like you’re any better,” Damian snapped. “Remember when you set the microwave on fire?”
“I didn’t realize there was still a spoon in the bowl!” The tops of Tim’s ears were turning bright red.
Steph looked at the only person in the room not howling about their own ineptitude in the kitchen. “Please tell me you’re not as useless as they are.”
“I’m insulted that you would think I am,” Jason replied. “I certainly didn’t grow up with a butler.”
Steph sighed, and said, “Wanna go make some food?”
Jason looked at the other three, who were suddenly very focused on writing the night’s mission report. “If it means we’re done with the paperwork, yeah.”
So she climbed the steps to up to the manor for the second time that night, and when she entered the kitchen she suddenly understood the silence and sheepish looks.
“I have seen active crime scenes less disastrous than this kitchen,” Jason said with an awed tone.
“How long has Alfred been gone? A year?” Steph said, staring. “And the question is, is he ever gonna return if he knows this is waiting on him?”
 “Probably he will, but he’ll finally snap and murder them all in a dishes-fueled rage,” Jason said, poking at the mountain of dirty china piled haphazardly in and around the sink.  He poked at a dish. “I’m pretty sure someone ate Spaghetti-Os out of fine china. Is this a real silver spoon?”
The spoon in question had curdled milk clinging to it.
“Okay so ten minutes ago, I would have told you there was no way anything could be grosser than Mad Hatter flopping around in a pool of mayonnaise,” Steph said, “but oh, how I have been proven wrong.”
“How do they even function as human beings?” Jason wondered. “Was it always this bad? I mean, I lived here. I know Bruce is an absolute moron in the kitchen. But…”  He looked around. “Wow.”
“Do you suddenly feel so much better about yourself as a person?” Steph said. “Because I gotta say. Really feeling good about myself right now.”
Jason offered a hand to high five, and Steph did, happily. They rummaged through the pantry side-by-side and found that the staples were still intact, though anything ready-made had been ransacked.  The fridge offered up similar bounty -- takeout leftovers of questionable providence, some wilting produce, and basics.  
“Pancakes?” Steph suggested once she saw the state of the waffle iron -- had someone tried to make a grilled cheese on it? -- and pulled out the dry ingredients. “I’m not willing to eat anything that requires a condiment right now.”  Thankfully maple syrup had not been one of Condiment King’s weapons of choice.
“I’ll make eggs,” Jason said, pulling out a carton. “And there’s some fake bacon of Damian’s.”
“We are a breakfast-making machine,” Steph said. It was true, too -- away from the chaos of crime fighting, she found that working alongside Jason in the kitchen was surprisingly easy. Steph stared at the sink again, and said, “I think that it’s time that certain vigilantes learned the domestic arts.”
“Yeah, we can’t let Alfred come back to this,” Jason said. “He’s too valuable. If he quit--”
“We’d never have his cookies ever again,” Steph said in horror. 
“Maybe we could steal Alfred,” Jason said after a pause. “Like, let nature take its course, then swoop in and take Alfred for our own.”
“Share custody of him,” Steph said, nodding. “We could put him on a rotating schedule, and give him days off, and… I don’t know. Let him join a book club, instead of spending all his time with these disasters.”
They spent a few moments in quiet contemplation of a life where Alfred showed up and made creme brulee at any hour of the day.  Then Steph sighed, giving the pancake batter one last stir before letting it sit and moving to the stove, clearing off several crystal goblets with what looked like coffee dregs in them before finding a griddle.  “There’s only one flaw with our plan.”
“The thing where Alfred loves Bruce like a son and would never abandon him to die alone and hungry in his filthy mansion?” Jason flipped the fake bacon.
“That’s the one,” Steph said, deciding the griddle was hot enough and spooning pancake batter onto it in cute little shapes. She thought that Damian’s should be hearts, and she experimented with bat-shapes for Bruce. 
Jason peered over and saw what she was doing. “I want stars.”
“Of course you do,” Steph said, though she tried to make one as soon as Damian’s hearts were done. It turned out a little wonky, but still recognizable. She was awesome. “Gotta be difficult, right?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jason replied, cracking eggs into a bowl.  He glanced at the kitchen door. “Are they hiding in the cave in shame?”
“Like, it’s wrong, but the fact that I think they are makes me really happy,” Steph said. “Like, kind of makes up for all those times they acted like I was a moron for not knowing something.”
“Right?” Jason said. 
“I mean, how do you master dozens of different kinds of kung fu, but never once master the grilled cheese? I was making my own grilled cheese in kindergarten!”
“There are only three ingredients,” Jason agreed. “It’s a true embarrassment.”
“We should nominate him for Worst Cooks In America,” Steph said. “I really want to see Bruce on reality television, and that would be comedy gold.”
“Just seeing him get an invitation to be one of the worst of anything would be fucking amazing,” Jason said. “Like, congratulations, sir, you suck at this.”
“You suck so hard we want to feature you on television,” Steph snickered.  She flipped the last of Bruce’s pancakes onto a plate before they burned, and began making Tim’s. She tried to make a coffee mug shape, but it turned out looking like a blob, so she made teddy bears instead.  
“I mean, I kind of get why they’re so terrible at it,” Steph said, “given their upbringings. But I would have literally starved if I hadn’t figured out how to cook early on. Takeout was not an option.”
“Right? Only for special occasions,” Jason said. “The rest of the time, you had to make shit yourself.”
“Exactly,” Steph nodded. They didn’t really talk much about how they were the ones in the family who’d grown up poor, who’d spent a lot of time raising themselves because their parents hadn’t been capable of it. She knew it was why Bruce had compared them so much -- there was a startling amount of similarities between their childhoods, from their mothers’ drug problems to their fathers’ criminal inclinations -- and for once, it felt nice to be the ones with the necessary skills while everyone else floundered. 
They grinned at each other, then put the last of the food onto the plates.  Steph grabbed the maple syrup, and stopped short, staring at the calendar on the fridge. “Four days!”
“What?” Jason said through a mouthful of fake bacon.
“Alfred has only been gone four days,” Steph said, pointing to the note on the fridge, “and he left prepared meals.”  
They gazed in wonder at the chaos around them. 
“He’s going to be back tomorrow,” Jason said suddenly, pointing.  
“Okay, so we feed the troops, then we start Mission: Learn to Do the Damn Dishes,” Steph said. Sleep was for the weak. 
“Yes, ma’am,” Jason said, and followed her to the breakfast nook, setting down Tim and Damian’s plates and going back for the rest. “Wanna tell them now?”
“Let them have a final meal first,” Steph said. “Then we’ll light a fire under them.”
Jason grinned. By the time Bruce, Tim and Damian came out of the Cave, she and Jason had polished off half of their meal, and Steph had to admit that delivering a lecture to Batman about chores was one of the highlights of her week.  Possibly the entire month.
It took until dawn, but Alfred came home to a kitchen that no longer looked like it had witnessed the collapse of civilization.
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setsailslash · 4 years
Good god your askbox is open for prompts??? Well then how about this gem that you definitely didn't see coming: Bat Boys in a Jaeger. Which batboys and how many of them (because in canon we've had three several times now and WHY NOT FOUR I GUESS if you wanted to) is up to you. Though I will definitely tentatively request Jason be at least present somewhere. Extra points for ghost drifting (whether it's cute or romantic or sexy or horrifying or none of those is also up to you)
in which Jason is a little bit of Raleigh and Yancy and Herc and Chuck all at the same time. way more bruce&jason content than anticipated but all the boys are here despite very obvious favouritism lmao (can totally be read as something more but it’s gen!! :OO)
Jason remembers how a ghost drift goes in distant memory. 
Bruce was always good in that he is a blank slate, never brought a thing into their driftspace and took everything that Jason offered as his own. 
The after effect was a buzzing sense of weightlessness that echoed inside of him. He’s not floating or flying, he’s at the cusp of a sharp long drop. And it’s nothing he can grasp especially on their worst days when the feedback from their drift goes rampant between them even without any of the machinery that should make it possible.
But it’s real and it’s true.
Jason’s hand moving before his head could truly register the motion, already following the way Bruce moved his. He was a shadow connected at every place, sewn to the man he calls his co-pilot.
When Jason dies ten miles off of the Gulf of Aden, Bruce pilots their Jaeger back to shore all on his own. Circuitry suit burning the entire way through skin to scorch flesh, co-pilot torn from his head while they were still connected. 
That was the last time Bruce ever steps foot inside of a Conn-Pod again.
Coming back to the Jaeger Program was never supposed to be like this.
Jason looks at Dick Grayson, the Program’s golden boy and tells him: “You don’t want me inside your head.”
They have both had Bruce Wayne as a co-pilot, the difference being Dick came out unscathed while Jason died. 
“Let me decide that for myself, Jay.” Dick answers with a smile despite the dark bruises under his eyes. He is in his drivesuit and they are standing in the Conn-Pod next to one another.
There’s something a lot like trepidation crawling up Jason’s spine. His heart kicks up a beat, each pulse a thundering boom to echo inside his helmet. 
“Don't say I didn't warn you.”
He felt like the sharpened rough edges of something ready to shatter on impact on a good day, he cannot imagine how Dick could navigate that.
"Lil' win—"
"Don't fucking call me that."
Their LOCCENT officer chooses that moment to come over the speakers, and Barbara’s voice leaves no room for anything otherwise when she asks them both. “Ready for the drop?” 
For Jaeger pilots like them, it's an ingrained response. They echo one another when they answer, “Ready.”
[Neural Handshake Initiating.]
Three. Two. One. 
They drop.
It’s biological, this drift of theirs. 
It’s a fit of their heads that fit tighter than the way their drivesuits can pull across their shoulders. Even with each piece settling over top, giving them the necessary weight, it’s a pull that has them feeling electricity spark across their skin.
It’s a singe.
It’s not enough though.
Because they need all the warm bodies encased in cold metal and put to the test. Jason is one more in a long line of sacrifices. The Kwoon looks and feels the exact same when he steps foot inside of it once again. There is an air of indifference, and it’s funny to learn nothing is sacred anymore. Not even this. 
What truly stings though is the sight of Bruce standing on the sidelines in a dark suit.
“Drift compatibility doesn’t mean shit anymore, does it?” Jason spits out because the man might be the Marshal now but he was once Jason’s co-pilot too. And something hits like a dull solid pang when it is a replacement candidate standing on the other end of the mats, bo-staff in hand. 
Jason doesn’t wait for an answer, he turns to Tim Drake to say: “I’m not going to dial down my moves.”
“Okay.” Tim’s lips quirk upwards at both corners, vicious and sharp, his grip shifts where it curls around the staff. “Then neither will I.”
They each make their first strike against the other. And then again and again and again.
There is a rush of blood, exhilaration in their veins. Sweat at their temples and it drips. Tim is good even if it physically pains Jason to admit to it.
Maybe drift compatibility is not the joke here, maybe it’s Jason. Because he is on his back, pinned and stunned when Tim draws the last point between them, bringing it to an even score. It’s unmistakable, he knows this feeling.
The end of his bo-staff is millimeters from grazing at Jason’s throat.
“Three-three.” Tim says to him.
The world is coming to an end. 
If this isn’t the time for desperation, then there probably isn’t one.  They are the last stand, a last ditch effort, one final score if Jason's ever seen one.
Bruce goes as far as to test his own son with Jason. 
“I imagined him differently.” Damian says to start.
And Jason fucking scowls at the brat.
He feels them in his head, their thoughts lingering like an afterthought.
Having access to every crevice of someone else’s mind is not something to be desired, let alone a thing he would do to himself again and again and again like it’s a special kind of punishment he thinks he deserves. 
But. Bruce asked.
It’s one thing to have nothing buzzing inside of his head, and another to have it full to bursting at the seams. To Jason Todd, drift compatibility is akin to having a conversation with a stranger in the pouring rain or shrouded in the dark of an alleyway, and finding a thing that he wants to hold on to for the rest of his life.
He is Dick watching his parents' death. He is Tim stepping foot inside of his first Shatterdome. He is Damian being kept out of the pilot placements despite his perfect simulation scores.
They fill his head with their thoughts, and they press into the core of him until they become him.
Jason didn't ever think he could experience this so many times. They are his last moment when that last thread of his connection to Bruce snaps, and he's dragged under the waters of the Gulf of Aden streaked in Kaiju Blue.
From beneath the waves, it glowed neon green when the bright lights of their Jaeger passes over him. Bruce burned during his last run, and Jason did too.
Jason inhales and they with him.
He is suited up.
And so is every remaining Jaeger pilot they’ve got left in the program: Dick standing with Damian next to Tim at the other end of the hallway leading to their Conn-Pods.
“When you drift with someone, you feel like there’s nothing to talk about. I don't want to regret all the things I never said, Jason.” 
It is a testament to how long he’s been waiting to hear this from Bruce when his eyes are prickling in what might actually be tears. It’s salty and it stings.
“B, you don't need to.” He lets the man tug him into his arms, and his voice gets muffled but that’s okay too. “I know them all.” Jason tells him. “I always have.”
It’s a lie, but it’s a very good one. Jason has always known Bruce in that painfully intimate way, understood the man for who he is and who he cannot be for Jason even if push comes to shove comes to out right blows. And there were plenty of that even during their best days. 
Jason has spent a long time resenting Bruce. 
Maybe it's about time he moved on from that.
The world has been coming to an end for a while now, it would be ending on a good note if they do not have to die inside of one another’s head once more.
When he makes the drop into driftspace this last time, he thinks of all their good times.
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redhoodieone · 5 years
I’ve Got You
A/N: This is a special one shot to a good friend on here @thatartkid101! I hope you love this, and I hope everything works out. You’re beautiful, strong, and don’t let anyone put you down! You’re amazing! 
Warnings: Language 
Words were never important to me before. I’ve never really given them much thought, but I suppose it’s because we speak every day in our lives. Whether we speak loudly, softly, to ourselves, or just reading and thinking. Words are often used a lot, which could make the words lose or overuse their meanings.
Such as “I love you” or “I’m sorry.”
I can’t even remember the last time I meant any of those words. It almost becomes a common habit; just saying it because you know it’s right, not because you actually mean it.
Which could explain why people around me always double check with what I say.
I guess I’ve never sound so confident and sure when I speak.
Bruce had invited me along with him, the Batboys, and Alfred out to dinner at one of his restaurants in Gotham. I, of course, accepted even though I always feel weird and uncomfortable going out with them since they’re practically handsome and popular celebrities, while I’m just an average girl.
I met the Batfamily one horrifying night about two years ago. I was nineteen years old and going through an awful time with my high school boyfriend, Rob. I was with Rob throughout high school, and after we graduated, we kept dating while I was attending G.C.U as he worked with his father and uncles at his father’s auto garage.
Our relationship had been good up until a point where Rob wanted me to quit school and become a “stay-at-home-wife-and-mother”. I sometimes wondered if Rob was jealous of the fact that I had a separate life during the daytime, while the two of us only have the evenings and nights. I even came out of my shell (I’ve been told I’ve been a hermit crab for most of my life), and even made new friends; particularly Tim Drake.
We had some of the same classes, except for math and science classes because Tim’s practically a genius. So, the only classes we shared were English, history, and even computer classes. In a way, Tim became my friend after tutoring me for tests while I became a friendly face when he needed someone to joke and talk to during study hours.
Our friendship blossomed within the seven months we met. I even met his father, Bruce Wayne, his trustworthy, sassy butler Alfred Pennyworth, and his brothers Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Damian Wayne. While all of them welcomed me into their home and accepted me as a friend of Tim’s, I realized I was suddenly struck by lightning to one of his brothers.
Jason Todd.
Jason fucking Todd.
I didn’t know what initially drew me to him; like a moth to a flame. Jason is obviously handsome, but what most people didn’t know was just how sensitive, insecure, funny, and caring he truly is. Jason has made it perfectly clear on more than one occasion that he loves his family no matter what (even if they piss him off…and I’ve seen that firsthand), he takes crimefighting more seriously now, and he’s matured a lot since fixing his relationship with Bruce.
It’s like Jason had changed for the better, even if I didn’t know him back then.
But of course, Dick insists Jason is still the same in some ways.
Like how Jason is still a tall, muscular teddy bear at heart (his hugs prove it, since I’ve been lucky enough to receive fifteen within three months), how he laughs and snorts when something is very funny, and especially when he flirts with women he adores.
Ah…the flirting.
I knew I had a boyfriend. I was faithful, and I’ve never done anything wrong to give anyone a reason to not trust me.
But Jason flirting with me on a few occasions just showed how much I was attracted to him. The warm, teddy bear hugs, the innocent cuddling on the couch during movie nights, and how he would look deep into my eyes whenever we had serious or light conversations deep into the early mornings.
And the one night we could have kissed.
Jason had offered and drove me back to my apartment late one night. I had a test the next morning, and I was too tired to drive home since Tim had tutored me for our final exam in English. Jason had been a gentleman and walked me to my door, too. The second I unlocked the front door; I turned to face him and thank him for the drive home.
And then our faces inched closer and closer until I could feel his hot breath above me. Jason had smelled like Old Spice deodorant, and a cologne I couldn’t identify. His breath smelled like the whiskey shot he downed with Tim and I when we finished studying. His ocean blue eyes were hypnotizing, and were so full of lust, warmth, and care.
I found myself leaning in more. Our lips were very close, and my heart was pounding in my chest, as if I could die from a heart attack right then and there. My hands had a mind of their own, and I soon found myself gripping his brown leather jacket and pulled him towards me; until I woke up from the lust and magnetic force shield, I was currently trapped in.
The moment I pulled away and let him go, Jason appeared hurt and confused. But he knew why it couldn’t have happened, even if we both wanted it.
Because I tried hard to stay faithful, even if my heart and body were telling me otherwise.
And of course, I had stayed faithful.
Rob didn’t.
Catching Rob in bed with a female receptionist at his dad’s garage was beyond hatred and betrayal. It was evil; pure, ugly, and sickening evil.
I clearly told Rob we were done; broken up and just finished forever. I tried very hard to stay strong, and I left his apartment with hope that I could just leave and cry privately. But that’s too easy, isn’t it?
Rob eventually caught up with me when I managed to walk a good mile away. He was yelling at me and shoving me against the wall and accused me of cheating on him first: with Tim Drake. I tried to explain to him we were just good friends, and that I didn’t cheat on him. I wanted to tell him I wanted to, but it didn’t seem like a good idea. But Rob’s anger was far from over, and he was now shouting in my face and threatened to ruin me for any new guys that would come around me.
Rob’s threat didn’t fall on deaf ears.
Red Hood landed down beside us. Twirling his gun around his fingers, he approached us and looked more intimidating than anything I’ve ever seen before.
“Wow…you’re a real douchebag,” Red Hood said, his voice is full of rage and violence. After the gun stops spinning in his fingers, he holds it up to Rob’s head. “And here I thought I was…but hey, I guess maybe I’ve grown up and learned yelling and threatening pretty ladies is just a fucking asshole thing to do.”
Rob twisted his face around to face Red Hood. He’s clearly pissed off at Red Hood for interrupting our fight.
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself, okay Dildo Head?! This bitch is my problem, and I’m not leaving until I teach her some manners!” Rob snaps harshly.
“It’s one thing to call my helmet a “dildo head”, but when you disrespect women…now that’s crossing the fucking line, you dipshit!”
Red Hood beat the shit out of Rob, but that didn’t mean Rob went down easily without a fight. While Red Hood had the strength, stamina, and moves, Rob did manage to knock Red Hood’s helmet off.
And it happened to be the one-time Red Hood forgot to wear his domino mask.
Jason Todd.
Rob was thankfully knocked out and didn’t see Jason’s face, but I did. After Jason got up and fixed himself up, he knew his secret was out.
And then I eventually learned all their secret identities. I even became a part of their social and private lifestyles…including sometimes Batfamily meetings and helping with cases or whatever they needed.
But after all of that, I’m in a better place to where I don’t mind getting back into the “dating game”, but the fear of being rejected and cheated on still plagues me from time to time. It also didn’t help that the media and paparazzi insisted I was dating Tim and Jason on different occasions. The rumors were worse. I was considered a “family whore” and that I was trying to sleep with Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Tim.
Luckily not Damian or Alfred. But Alfred’s too precious for me, anyways.
Bruce, Dick, and Tim never paid much attention to the rumors or paparazzi. While they understood how I felt, they dismissed and corrected the rumors as much as they could. But Jason appeared not to care about the rumors, either. In fact, he loved putting on a show as much as he could.
Jason would hold my hand from leaving the limo and entering the building. He then would hold my waist and walk me back to the limo and made sure to wink and wave at the cameras. Jason had even taken it too far once when he kissed me.
A quick peck on the lips. But it’s still a kiss!  
We never spoke about it or brought it up again. I wonder if Jason even remembers the kiss.
Once we arrive at Bruce’s restaurant, he leads us from the limo and into the restaurant. He smiles and is polite to everyone and expects us to do the same, in which we all do. Dick, Tim, Damian, and Alfred follow Bruce while Jason and I lag behind, because Jason wanted to hold my hand and bring me closer to his body so the cameras can get good shots of us. While I think we’re in the clear from paparazzi and reporters’ questions, one man decided to ask me a personal question.
“Y/N! Is it true you were in a gangbang after high school?!”
I immediately freeze up. It’s like the air was knocked out of me. Every muscle, breath, and cell inside me stopped working.
Jason had stopped alongside me as well. His hand remained on my lower back, while I moved to the man who asked me that question.
“What did you just say?” I repeat, not even aware I’m sounding like I’m losing my mind.
“You didn’t know? Your picture was leaked online. It’s everywhere, babe!” the man declares.
The man then gives me his cell phone. The second my eyes land on the picture, I tense up. There am I, passed out drunk from a party that Rob was throwing after high school. I’m passed out on a bed, wearing short shorts and a pink bikini top. Rob’s friends, Chris, Jake, and Vince are around me, clearly intoxicated like me. Touching me, kissing me, and passing me back and forth between them.
The picture was taken by Rob’s ex-girlfriend Lily, who clearly and obviously wanted Rob back. The picture nearly destroyed our relationship. My parents were even disappointed in me, and scolded me for being so reckless and drunk, but they eventually forgave me. I even told Rob I was drunk, and that his friends were the ones who were taking advantage of me when I was passed out.
Rob didn’t believe it at first, but then we never spoke of the picture again.
But now it looks like Rob wants to ruin any future relationships for me. This picture is the end of me.
The man takes back his cell phone and laughs at me. “At least you learned that pictures never die or disappear from the web, Y/N. Once you fuck up, you’ll be reminded that you fucked up for the rest of your life. Now, can I get a quote?” he asks seriously.
“Fuck you!” I snap.
“Nah, I’m not into gangbangs like you. Maybe you can ask Bruce Wayne and his sons to join you? My God, would you really do that? You must really be a slut!”
Jason steps in front of me and glares down at the shorter man. “Back. The. Fuck. Off.” Jason threatens angrily.
“Damn…you work fast, Y/N? So, what’s next: are you going to fuck the Luthor or Queen family next?!”
I rip my arm from Jason’s grasp, and I run away from the crowd and restaurant. I had to stop after a block to remove my heels, and then I was back to running away.
No matter how far I run. No matter how hard I try to hide my tears. I was broken.
I finally stop running once I realize I made it all the way to the pier. I remember the pier from when Dick showed me where he almost killed his parents’ killer. Walking slowly and barefoot, I make it to the rail where I take a seat and allow my legs to dangle above the water. My arms are holding the rails above me, and for just a second, I wish I could disappear.
If I fall into the dark water, I would be gone quickly, and no one would ever know.
It’ll be as if this pain never happened. It’ll be as if I never caused trouble.
“You’re not going to jump in.”
I whip my head around and see Jason approaching me. His black tie is undone, and he removes his jacket. He sits beside me, and carefully places his jacket over my bare shoulders. Jason exhales, and allows his legs to dangle beside mine.
“Wouldn’t it just be easier if I did? I already ruined your family’s reputation. I even ruined my family’s as well,” I remark.
“Reputation? Doll, in case you haven’t noticed, reputations are meant to be ruined,” Jason says, as he chuckles lightly. He glances at me, but I still refuse to look him in the eyes. “Bruce and Alfred are already doing damage control to the media. Since your shitty ex-boyfriend leaked that picture, Timbo and Dick are making sure it’s taken down online and we’re going to sue his ass until he’s poor and dead.”
“What?” I barely whisper and turn to look at him.
“You’re a part of our family whether you like it or not, Y/N. We protect each other, and that means we’re going to protect you, too. And trust me, Bruce and Alfred are very good at clearing up the rumors and paparazzi bullshit. Alfred even said he’s going to talk to your parents, so you have absolutely nothing to worry about, sweetheart. And as for Tim and Dick, your picture will never surface online again.”
I lean my forehead on the rail. “What about Damian?” I ask quietly.
“He’s doing me a favor, but that’s not important right now! I want you to know I believe you, Y/N. You are not what Rob says you are. You’re not a whore. That picture was taken without your consent and those fuckers had no right to do those fucked up, disgusting acts to you while you were drunk. And as for your fucking ex-boyfriend, he’s fucking asshole who should have believed you and beat the shit out of those other fuckers,” Jason growls under his breath, and runs a hand through his dark hair. “If I knew you back then…and knew what happened…I would have killed all of them, sweetheart. I would have shoot off those fuckers’ balls, and then I would have jammed my gun down your boyfriend’s throat, and then up his ass until he pukes up bullets.”
I slowly turn to face Jason, and I soon realize he never took his eyes off me the entire time he’s been talking. “W-why are you saying all of this, Jay?” I whisper.
“Because you deserve to know the truth, and you deserve better. Fuck doll…you’re the strongest babe I know. Y/N, you literally don’t hesitate to speak your mind, you don’t take shit from any of us, and if I remember correctly…you once kicked my ass during that time Dick and I fought over a mission gone wrong. Remember? You took me down with just one punch and kick to the knee?”
“How can I forget? I felt bad right after, and we ended up eating a carton of chocolate ice cream while watching stupid movies on Netflix,” I say softly. “All night long.”
“The best night of my life,” Jason replies, and grins before he scoots over next to me. “This…what happened tonight isn’t going to destroy you, Y/N. Do you want to know what I see happening?”
I force myself to choke back on my tears. “What?” I barely ask.
“You’re going to hug me, and I’m going to tell you you’re stronger than this. You’re going to flip off the fucking paparazzi with me, and we’re going to show them we’re two badasses, who are not going to let the media tell us bullshit, when we know we’re better than all of them. And then, I’m going to take you out to dinner, and then I’m going to spend the entire night convincing you, that you are perfect and how much you mean to me,” Jason says seriously. “Because doll…I’ve got you.”
“Then what?” I ask, wiping a tear from my cheek with a small smile.
“Then I’m going to tell you I love you, and that I want you to give me a chance. I want one chance to show you how fucking crazy I am for you, and that I’m so in love with you that just being near you isn’t enough. I can’t be a friend anymore Y/N, especially when all I want is to kiss you, hold you, and protect you until the day I die. But most importantly, you’re going to tell me that you love me, and want to be with me as well. And after we kiss and seal our love, you’re going to tell me you’re so strong, that no matter what the media, public, and Rob says: you are going to overcome all of this, and you’re never, ever going to let anyone put you down, when you are clearly above and better than all of us.”
Before I can say anything, Jason leans in and kisses me. Our lips together send fireworks throughout my entire body, and I feel as if I’ve fallen into hot lava. I feel my body on fire, and Jason clearly does too, when he reaches to hold my face, as the other holds my waist tightly. As we explore each other’s mouths and bodies (over the clothes), we hear someone honking their vehicle. Jason and I pull away from each other, and then we see it’s the Batmobile.
Jason helps us to our feet, as we check out the Batmobile. The window rolls down and we see Nightwing in the driver’s seat, along with Red Robin beside him. Robin is in the back and shakes his head at us.
“Don’t you know how to answer your cell phone, Todd?” Robin scoffs.
“We were busy at the moment…” Jason says, and leads us to the Batmobile. “Did you do what I asked, Demon Spawn?”
“Affirmative,” Robin says.
“B wants us to drop Y/N back at the manor while we finish what we started,” Nightwing says, with a smile for me.
Jason motions Red Robin to climb into the backseat with Robin. Once the passenger side is clear, he climbs in and pulls me onto his lap as Nightwing revs up the Batmobile. We speed away from the pier, as Nightwing drives us back to the manor.
“Finish what?” I ask curiously.
“Just a…little mission…” Jason answers sheepishly.
“Don’t worry about a thing, Y/N,” Red Robin insists.
“Indeed, you will never go through this again,” Robin speaks up.
“B says not to kill him, so we have to be careful with what we do,” Nightwing clarifies, as I stare at the brothers in confusion.
“What are you guys going to do? Are you…going to kill Rob, and his friends?” I ask.
Nightwing grins at me, as Red Robin and Robin flash their innocent smiles. Jason bursts into a fit of laughter and kisses my cheek. With both strong arms wrapped around me, he leans his face towards mine.
“Oh, we’re not going to kill him or his friends, sweetheart. We’re just going to break their bones!”
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littledreamybeth · 5 years
Lost Angel
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A/N: Hey guys this an editted reupload from a work that I had shared over two years ago! I’m gonna rewrite some stories from time to time :)
Warnings: act of violence, mentions of blood & death 
I slam the door behind me as I enter my bedroom, leaning my back against it. My entire body feels numb and I have no power over myself anymore. My eyes are red and swollen from the uncontrolling tears that I’ve shared not a very long tim ago, and all I do feel is pain. An unimaginable pain that kills me from the inside. An unimaginable pain that stabs my heart like thousand knives. An unimaginable pain that tears me apart. My legs can no longer hold me steady, resulting in me sliding down the door, wrapping my arms around my knees and starting to sob again. How can my day end like this?
My happiest night has turned out to be my worst nightmare. I still cannot process everything that has happened in the last couple of hours. Everything has gone so fast and I couldn’t prevent it from happening. I treid fighting , but I wasn’t strong enough. My struggles were not enough to protect him and to keep him safe. I have failed him.
Why? Is all I can think about. Why did it happen? Why did I lose him? Why? Why? Why?
My throat begins to ache as I scream out this question over and over again, until I cannot handle it anymore, and my vocal cords begin to ache. I weigh my body back and forth in order to calm down, but I can’t. The pain-  the pain in my chest is too unbearable. I feel like I’m dying. I feel like someone knocked the air out of my lungs. I feel as if someone ripped my heart out of my chest, stomping on it in front of my eyes.
I want him back- I only want him back. His kiss, that he has given me for the last time, still lingers on my lips. The feeling of his arms wrapping around my waist is still present. His beautiful scent- I can smell it as if he’s right next to me. But he isn’t- not anymore. I will never see him again.
I will never have the chance to kiss him one more time. I will never be able to hold him or to talk to him again. All these chances are now taken away from me. No more hugs, no more late night calls, no more “I love you’s” escaping from his beautiful lips.
If I had known what the night would turn into, I would have never agreed to go to this fucking party.
The darkness of my room is a perfect contrast to what I feel now. Emptiness. My other half is gone, leaving me alone in void and with a broken heart.
Still sobbing and choking, I tug at my hair. I try to erase the memory from this night, but I fail. That moment- that horrible moment is burnt deep in the back of my head. I blame myself even though I know that it’s clearly not my fault.. I take the whole responsibility for that terrible event of the night even though I shouldn’t, because I had no control over it.  When I open my eyes, I can see his lifeless and motionsless body in front of me once more. This picture is so vivid.
“No!” I shake my head heavily in denial. “No! No!” I want these images to leave my mind and never return. I never want to be reminded of this night. Never!
“Marcel…” I whimper out, my heart feeling thousand times heavier. “Please come back to me… please baby…”
-Few hours ago-
“Look at the stars. They’re shining very bright tonight, don’t you think?” Marcel pointed to the sky. We were strolling over the huge football field of our school, enjoying each other’s presence. His warm hand was intertwined with mine as we walked around. Marcel’s always been a fan of the stars and  the galaxy in general.
I looked up, staring at the tiny dots that decorated the dark sky, illuminating the large black layer with their light. The wind blew lightly at our faces, and the atmosphere fitted perfectly to the moment that I was able to spend with Marcel.
“They’re beautiful,” I commented.
“Just like you, sweetheart,” he answered, kissing my temple. Why did I see this coming?
“Aww, stop Marcel.” I pushed him gently away, my cheeks turning red from his compliment.
“I’m just telling the truth, darling!” He laughed and pushed me back against his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck, nestling my face into the crook of his neck. If you  had asked me;  we could have stayed here, in the middle of the huge football field, all night long, just like this- being in each other’s arms. Having Marcel in my life made a lot of things easier for me.
I felt his strong heart beat  drumming against my ear. A wonderful sound that always calmed me down when I had to deal with anxiety or stress. My fingers wandered up his neck, playing with the tiny curls that he couldn’t treat with hair gel. I didn’t really comprehend why he prefered to use that shit, his natural curls looked much more better on him than his slick hair combed to the side.
A pleased hum came out from his mouth. “Do you want to go back to the party?” He asked.
I shook my head no. I’d rather spend more time with my boyfriend here, where no single soul could disturb us. Also, I  really had no desire to see all those people who had fun making Marcel’s life a living hell. We had been there already, but when some of those arrogant people spotted us and started to insult Marcel, I couldn’t hold on anymore and asked my boyfriend to leave. I knew he didin’t mind these words being thrown at him, but to me they were like a spear through my heart.
A few of those people were supposed to be my best friends, and I felt disgusted that I used to hang out with them in the past. I had belonged to the famous cirlce of popular students at our school, but traded that label against going out with Marcel. One they had found out about it, they immediately had excluded me from their group. I didn’t mind if I’m honest. I didn’t care for fame. I didn’t care if the other’s described me as the nerd’s girlfriend. I was totally satisfied with that name, and I couldn’t complain about it. I loved Marcel and stood up for him, and that was the most important thing.
“Come on, let’s take a seat,” Marcel suggested, leading us to the benches. As we sat down, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, keeping me warm at the same time. I’ve already gone out with many boys, but no one ever made me feel like Marcel did. Special.
He treated me like a gentleman- with care, respect and love. Not even my ex Jason, who also had a reputation at our school, could manage to give me affection. We had dated, yeah, but I think as for him, it was more about being the hottest couple at the entire school. He never gave me the feeling that he was really interested in me. I suppose, I had worked more for our relationship than he did.
“I can’t wait to graduate,” I sighed, leaning on his shoulder. In a few months, we would finish school. I couldn’t wait any longer for it. Marcel and I decided to move in together and to study at the same university. I was so eager to leave everything of this life behind and to start a new chapter. I was looking forward for our common future. One day, I would marry Marcel, and we would have lots of children playing in the backyard of our huge house. Just the plain thought of it let my heart doing flips. A smile crept its way on my lips, and Marcel noticed.
“What are you thinking about?” he inquired, giving me a tender kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his sweet gesture.
“I’m just imagining our future life. You and me as a married couple with little children. I’m really looking forward to that moment.”
“Oh, my pretty angel,” Marcel spoke lovingly, “I can’t wait for it, too. If you ask me, I would want us to marry and have babies now, but we’re too young. We have to concentrate on our career and education first. And when the time has arrived and we both feel ready for it, I will go down on my knees and ask you to marry me. It’ll be special, I promise.”
“Marcel…” I whispered, tears threatening to fall down my cheeks. Sometimes, he made me so emotional that I couldn’t help but tear up to the promises he would make me.
“Don’t cry my, love,” he responded, wiping away the single tear that had escaped my eye.
“I love you so much, Marcel,” I mumbled, bending forward to capture his lips with mine.
“I love you too, my angel,” he murmured before our lips met to a passionate kiss.
Thousand butterflies erupted in my stomach, and I felt tingles running through my entire body- every single part of me felt alive. Words couldn’t describe how much love I felt for this young man in my arms. How much I admired and adored him! He was my everything. The air for my lungs. The reason why I woke up every day and endured my not so spectacular life. The reason for my smile. I would never be able to love somebody else as much as I loved Marcel. As long as we were together, everything else didn’t matter for me.
As we pulled back, a genuine smile decorated our soft lips.
“Do you want to go home?” he asked and I nodded. It had become very late already, and I felt a huge load of exhaustion weighing on my shoulders. I only wanted to go back home with Marcel, who would be sleeping at my place, and cuddle against him. We stood up, his body pressed to my side as we walked along the entire field to the gate.
And that’s the moment where the nightmare began. Fate took its course.
We noticed someone shouting in the middle of the night, probably some drunk ass students from school. Like mentioned before, there was a party taking place, and everyone was invited. As we saw them coming towards us, my nails dug into Marcel’s arm, an uneasy feeling was overwhelming me.
And as I realized that it was Jason and two of his pals, I felt more insecure. Normally, I wasn’t afraid of Jason, but when he was drunk, he completely changed and became unrecognizable.
“Look who we have here!” Jason slurred, he seemed to be completely drunk. “(Y/N) and Marcel! What a lovely surprise! Haven’t expected you guys to be here! What were you doing?”
His two friends laughed, and I rolled my eyes, clearly not having desire for his stupid behavior.
“Hey Jason,” Marcel said confidently, standing in front of me like a shield and trying to protect me from my ex-boyfriend. “We were about to go.” Just as we tried to pass the three wasted boys, Jason pushed us back.
“But we just came!” he whined. “Why don’t you guys stay here and have a little bit fun with us, huh?” His eyes wandered down my body while he was licking his bottom lip. I felt disgusted and uneasy under his gaze. Marcel held me closer to his side.
“No thank you,” he spat.”We are going now.” I admired Marcel’s braveness. I was ashamed that I couldn’t form a single word.
Jason’s eyes turned into a darker shade, and it scared me. He still couldn’t bear the fact that I had dumped him for Marcel. His stupid, big ego didn’t understand, and he had refused move on from our breakup. Even though he knew I had another boyfriend, he still chased after me. I knew he wanted a pay back. He wanted his revenge. And now, with his veins filled with alcohol, he made a dangerous appearance.
I felt a firm grip on my wrist that pulled me away from Marcel. “You can go, nerd. We will have fun without you, right (Y/N)?” Jason growled.
“Let me go, Jason!” I ordered, trying to get rid of his grab. But he refused to take his hand off of me.
“Leave my girlfriend alone!” Marcel interfered, pushing Jason hardly away from me. Jason stumbled back, almost falling to the ground, but managed to keep his balance.
“Look at that!” Jason laughed. “The nerd finally showing his balls! Very cute.”
“Stop it, Jason!” I shouted. I wanted to prevent a fight between them and just go home as soon as possible.
“What?” Jason laughed. It was obvious that he found it amusing.”C’mon (Y/N), you know I’m better than he is and he’ll ever be. Come with me and I will make you feel good.”
“It’s not the way you treat a woman, you asshole!” Marcel screeched, anger was boiling in his veins I could tell. “She’s not a fucking object!”
“What did you just say?” Jason shouted, triggered by the word.
“Asshole. You’re an asshole. That’s what I’ve said. You’re sick, Jason. You have no respect for woman or for anyone else. You just care about yourself! And you shall be man? I feel sorry for you!”
And that was a moment for Jason in which exploded. No one was ever allowed to insult or underestimate his masculinity. “You’re going to pay for this, you fucking loser!”
Jason took us all off guard when he punched Marcel on his nose very hard, making him fall to the ground. I could practically hear it crack. A thick layer of blood trickled down his nostrils.
“Marcel!” I screamed, moving forward to help, but suddenly, I was held back by one of Jason’s drunk friends. He held me so tight, I couldn’t escape out of his arms. I could feel a bruise forming on that particular spot.
I had to watch how Jason and his other friend began to beat my boyfriend. They wouldn’t stop kicking him. “Stop!” I cried. “Please stop!” I couldn’t bear to see him getting hurt. Tears wouldn’t stop streaming down my cheeks, and no matter how much I struggled to get to my boyfriend, it didn’t worked. So I screamed.
“Help!” I hoped that someone would hear my desperate cries and come to the rescue. But no avail.
One of them hit Marcel on his chest, whereas a suffocated sound passed his lips. That sound agonizingly pierced through my ears. I watched as his upper body lifted and fell slowly. His limbs began to become weaker and weaker. He struggled to breathe. His terrified eyes met mine, begging me to save him, however, my hands were tied by this god damned fucker. I stepped on his foot, and with a scream he shortly released me, only to catch me again. He slapped me hard.
“Y/N!” Marcel croaked. He raised one arm as if he was trying to reach out to me. “My..my…” was all that he waerily whimpered. I struggled to decipher his message as suddenly it began to hit me. Marcel had a fucking heart issue! How could I forget?! How often had I went to the hospital with him, where doctors had ordered many times that Marcel should take it easy on himself and spare himself from trouble.  
He would die if they didn’t stop instantly. “Jason! Please stop! Stop! You’re going to kill him! Please stop!” I pleaded, but they ignored me totally.
“That happens when you mess with me!” Jason growled, keeping hitting on my boyfriend. Marcel tried to weakly fend off the kicks. His moans and groans burnt themselves into my mind.
Jason hit his chest again, so hard that Marcel screamed in pain this time. “Jason! Stop! Please, I’ll do what you want, please!” I would do anything he wanted me to. He just should get away from Marcel.
As the two guys kicked him for the very last time, Jason’s final blow hit Marcel’s chest right were his heart was placed, my boyfriend’s eyes meeting mine as if he wanted to appologize, his lips breathing “I love you”. Then he closed his emerald green eyes and stopped moving, laying motionless on the ground. I screeched so loud that the whole world  probably had heard me.
Jason looked at me, clear confusion written across his face.
And as he and his friends realized that Marcel wasn’t moving anymore, panic arose in them and  they cowardly fled.
“Fuck, let’s get out of here!”
The boy, who had hold me back the entire time, pushed me to the ground and ran away. I landed hard on my knees, tears streaming uncontrollably down my cheeks as I crawled my way to Marcel on all fours.
“No… No.. no no no.” I sobbed when I reached him. His beautiful face was covered in blood and bruises. His glasses  and his nose were broken. He looked terrible. “Marcel…” I whimpered, shaking his body, but he didn’t respond. I tried once more. Again, there was no reaction.I prayed from the bottom of my heart that he was only unconcious and not what I thought he would be.
My trembly fingers went to  check his pulse. My heart dropped and a cold shiver ran down my entire body. I couldn’t find it. There was no pulse anymore. I was paralyzed for a moment. This couldn’t be true. So, I checked it again but I didn’t feel it. “No…” I shook my head in denial. He couldn’t be gone. He couldn’t be dead. This was just a fucking nightmare. If I closed and opened my eyes again, Marcel would be standing in front of me, all alive and smiling. He would embrace me and tell me that he was fine and that I had no need to worry about him. However, as I did, nothing that I hoped happened. Marcel’s corpse still laid in front of me.
“No, Marcel! Don’t do this to me, please!” My hands went down to his chest to give him a heart massage. That’s what I did. Pushing on his chest and checking up his pulse. I never received a response. No matter how much I tried. “Don’t do this to me, Marcel. Don’t die on me! Don’t die on me! Come on! Please!”
I was a crying mess, not wanting to believe that I’ve lost the love of my life. I had watched him die, taking his last breath in the worst way ever. “Marcel, baby, don’t do this to me! Don’t die on me baby, please!” I kissed his forehead. His cheeks. His lips. Hoping he would open his mesmerizing green eyes again. “You promised Marcel, we were going to marry! You wanted to propose to me one day, asking me to be your wife. You can’t let this go! Don’t leave me alone, my love, I’m begging you!” I buried my face in the crook of his neck, my eyes wetting his soft  and smooth skin. “Marcel… What am I going to do without you?! Baby, you can’t die, you can’t leave me alone! Wake up please!” I repeated over and over again. “Please, Marcel!”
As much as it hurt, I knew he would never come back to me again. My baby, my Marcel had become an angel now.
“I love you… I love you so much, baby,” I sob, staining my pillow with my tears. It hurts. It hurts so fucking damn much. Even lying in my bed hurts. Macel and I have made so many memories in here and now, I feel trapped in my own bedroom, sulking in the remains of the past. If I only had the chance to rewind time, then I would’ve never left my house. I would’ve asked him to come over, so we could have a date night at my place. I could slap myself. Why did I suggest to go to that stupid party? Why?
“Look at what you’ve done!” I shout at myself. “He’s dead. He’s dead because of you stupid bitch!”
I scream loud. What will I do now? Everything is going to become different.
Without Marcel, my life will make no sense anymore. Without him, living will not  worth anything. Without him, I will never feel love again.
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reallyautomaticvoid · 5 years
Calling It: Good Intentions: Chapter 9: Six Types of Faux Cheese
Batman tries to catch up with Red Robin. Then Bruce does have a conversation with Tim. Sort of. Oh, and Jason is horrified with Tim’s dining choices.
TW: angst; minor violence
Batman is not eavesdropping. He's monitoring. There's a difference.
He can feel Alfred's disapproval.
Two checks are already in the mail to the young woman (Jayla Smith) and the Williams from the Wayne Foundation.
Batman knows Red Robin is in town before Nightwing catches up with him during patrol.
"You did what, Nightwing?" Bruce pulls a weary hand over his face, trying to comprehend what his eldest told him. "You understand what an enormous invasion of his privacy that is?"
"You sound just like Babs," Dick pouts. It's the same pout that Dick used to use when Bruce had told Dick he couldn't bring an elephant home with him from the circus.
"Good." Because that means Bruce is doing something right.
Dick runs a hand through his hair. "I just wanted to know how Tim's doing."
"And you didn't just ask because…" Bruce lets his question trail off, squinting at Red Hood's current location.
Dick doesn't answer. Because they both know what the answer would be.
"How's Hood's let's teach Robin how a family works lesson going?"
Bruce nods a few roofs over. Nightwing's head swivels to look.
Both winces as Red Hood drags Robin down a fire escape to spy on something while Robin refuses to move. Unfortunately for Damian, Jason easily has a hundred pounds on the youngest (and virtual no shame in doing this), so Robin's going where Hood wants.
For what it's worth, Jason appeared to be having the time of his life.  Damian…not so much.
"Well, it could be worse I suppose," Dick sighs, watching Damian trying to remove Robin's cape (or Jason's hand; could be either one honestly) with a Batarang.
Bruce grunts.
"Should we go and help?"
"No," Bruce grimaces as Hood puts a hand on Robin's forehead to prevent the younger vigilante from hitting him. "They're almost done. Robin has a test in the morning, and Hood promised Robin would get at least six hours of sleep."
"Alright," Dick hums. "I have a few leads I need to run down for O. See you." Nightwing takes a running leap before landing on the neighboring roof.
Batman watches his eldest son until he disappears in the direction of the docks before turning the opposite direction.
Before patrol, Bruce found Red Robin's usual Gotham patrol route. He had wanted to observe Red in the field; something he hasn't done in an embarrassingly long time. It takes an hour of searching before Batman touches down; finding Red Robin fighting a group of muggers.
Batman sticks to the shadows, not wanting to draw focus from the fight, but still close enough he could hear and step in if need be. Bruce observes his youngest adopted son. However, it doesn't appear Red Robin will need Batman's help.
Red moves like water.
For the briefest of moments, Batman's hit with pangs of nostalgia. He wants to help Red take down the muggers like he'd been Robin. Batman wants to have Red's back and for Red to have his.
Batman quashes the feeling. Regret is for Bruce to deal with; not Batman.
Instead, Batman studies Red's moves.
They were precise. Controlled. Deadly.
Batman's eyes narrowed.
Red perform a distinct flip over mugger number two that flows seamlessly into a kick to mugger number three chin before taking mugger number two and throwing him into mugger number four.
Batman clenches his fist, exhaling through his nose. He recognizes the fighting style Red's using. Batman forces himself to inhale slowly from his nose. There's only one place in the world where Red could have learned those moves. Batman's mouth became a thin line. Red's elbow soared into mugger number four's nose.
He knows he'd never taught Tim those moves. He never wanted Tim to know those moves.
Dick was right. Bruce had been out of the loop longer than he realizes.
With a mixture of pride and fury, Batman watches as Red takes down the last of the mugger. Red grabs mugger number one by the collar before leaning in. Batman looks on as Red whispers furiously to the mugger. The man looks frightened. The mugger wildly shakes his head no before Red shakes him again. Dazed now, but still terrified, the mugger continues with his head shaking.
Red growls before punching the mugger out cold. He then shuffles through the mugger's pockets before dropped him like a sack of potatoes and kicking him aside.
Batman stiffness at Red's actions. Back when Tim was Robin, Bruce had never seen Robin be so…aggressive. Tim's always been the best at controlling his emotions. Measured. Purposeful of his movements. Precise. Sometimes, to an alarming degree.
Red, however….
Red's back straightens before looks directly at Batman. It's Red's turn for his mouth to thin. They stare at each other for a full minute. Bruce opens his mouth to say something, but in one fluid motion, Red turns his back on Batman, tying up the mugger before pulling out his grappling gun before shooting it onto the roof and flying away.
In a blink, Red's gone.
*    *     *
Shit, shit, mother fucking shit. How long had Batman been watching me? Goddamnit.
The ground rushes pass under Red's feet. The lead that he's been following for the better part of a month had just hit another dead end. Annnnnnd He's all out of clues.
Annnnnnd Batman had been watching him. He'd seen Red's momentary lose control.
Red soars over two roofs landing hard next to a pair who were robbing an ATM. Because he can't catch a fucking break tonight.
"Ah, great, it's a freak in a fuckin' cape."
"Yeah, that's on my business card," Red punches robber in the face. "Red Robin: Freak in a fucking cape, for all your party needs." The second robber grabs Red from behind, but Red throws him over his shoulder onto the ground. "Guess what?" Red grabs the robber he'd punches in the face before slamming him against the wall. "I'm running a two for one special tonight."
"Lucky us," Robber number two grunts.
"Yup. That means you two," Red pulls a net out, throwing it to catch the robber who started to run away, "are going down for the price of one."
A flicker of motion in the corner of his eye catches Reds attention. He glances over. Of course. Red scowl. Batman had found him.
Again. Why in the Hell did Batman pick tonight of all nights to babysit him?
"Yeah," Red pulls out zip ties from his belt, looping them around the robber's wrists, pulling them tight. The wail of sirens screech towards him.
Goddamnit, Batman.
Apparently, the Dark Knight decided Tim isn't able to handle his patrol tonight.
Red fires his grappling gun, shooting it towards the farthest building Batman, cape whipping around as he flies. Red's feet slam down onto the rooftop. Pausing, Red looks around.
The Perch is miles away. Red's brain flashes to his bike, still tucked in its nook in his garage because it was going to be an easy night.  Get the info and get out.  That's it.
Even if he made it back to his apartment, Batman already proved he isn't shy about breaking and entering.
Although lost in thought, Red notes Batman is following him. A few building behind but still.
Batman doesn't even trust me to get home on my own. Great. Fan-fucking-tastic.
Switching gears, Red turn, sliding down a fire escape. Landing with a soft thump, Red slides into a dark corner which doubles as a secret entrance to one of his safe houses.
Punching the code into the keypad, the door open with a soft hiss. Red is in the safe house before the door properly opens, fumbling to secure the door again. There's a distinct metal on metal whine before the satisfying chirp of his security system coming to life.
Red flicks the switch to the camera feed from the alley he just vacated. Batman slides down the same fire escape.
Batman slowly wheels around. He's studying the alleyway, trying to figure out how Red escaped his clutches.
Good luck. Hood helped Red set up this safe house specifically to escape the Bats.
"We need to talk, Red." It's barely more than a whisper. Tim's not even sure he correctly. He'd have to look over the footage again before he can be sure.
The Dark Knight's lips thinned before the cape crusader disappears with a whirl of his cape.
Red lets out an irritated snort.
That went well.
Ripping off his cowl, Red throws it to the side before sinking to the ground, rubbing his forehead in vain hope to get rid of the headache beginning to bloom behind his eyes.
He's out of leads.  Instead of hunting down new ones, he's been forced to spend the better part of the night trying to escape different members of the Batclan, who, for some Gods only know reason had chosen tonight to pretend to give a crap. And to top it all off, Tim's got fucking board meetings all day tomorrow.
Tim glances at his watch and groans.
In less than four hours, Tim had board meetings all day.
Knowing he isn't going to make it to the Perch that night, Tim stands up and in one motion takes off the rest of his uniform before setting his phone's alarm to go off in three hours and crashing onto the bed.
*    *     *
Bruce's chin is resting on his interlaced fingers. Staring (glaring) at the Batcomputer, watching the footage of Red Robin fighting the muggers on a loop for the last hour. Bruce had thought Dick had been overly dramatic about Tim (as his eldest tended to do).
Now however.…
Tim had never run from Bruce. Or Batman. He'd always been the one Bruce counted on to run towards him, in either form but Red had fled when Batman tried to catch up with him before disappeared completely, of course. Bruce ground his teeth. Red disappearing before Batman got a chance to talk to his son fills Bruce with a sense of fury and pride.
A cup of coffee appears in front of Bruce with a soft clink. "
Masters Damian and Dick have gone to bed, Sir. Master Damian was unusually exhausted after his night of ‘pointless actives'," Bruce didn't need to turn to see the old man's smirk. "Master Jason is still out on patrol but radioed in saying not to wait up. What's are we watching, Master Bruce?"
Bruce glances up at Alfred who is standing at Bruce's shoulder, staring up at the screens.
"Red," Bruce grunt. He leaned back in his chair. "Notice anything?"
"He is quite thin."
Bruce suppresses a snorted because, yes, that would be the first thing Alfred notices. "Yes, he is. Recognize the style?"
Alfred frowns, leaning in. "Is that—are those…?" His voice trails off. "My word. Those are—"
"League of Assassin moves," Bruce scowls at the screen. "Apparently, Ra's has been teaching Tim some new moves." Bruce ran his hand down his face. "I knew…I knew that Tim had taken some time. Explored the world." Guilt began to weigh down in Bruce's gut. "I knew that Tim had some difficultly after losing Robin. But going to Ra's…."
Bruce's voice trails off, watching for the hundredth time his third son land a complicated motion. The Demon's Trap. When the hell did Ra's taught Tim this? Why the hell did Ra's taught him this? Bruce only knew about the move because Talia had shown it to him once, telling him it was a jealously guarded Al Ghul secret. No one outside of the family had ever been taught it. Not even Damian, who was deemed too young.
But here's Tim, doing it like he's been doing it his whole life. It's natural. It's deadly.
One millimeter. That's all would take. One millimeter to go from a stunning blow to a deadly one. But Tim knew right from wrong.
He wouldn't slip.
He couldn't slip.
Unwanted memories threaten to overtake Bruce. One of a young Red bubbled to the surface.
Bruce could still feel the brisk night air on his skin. He'd only taken the Batman mantle back from Dick a few weeks before. He was still getting back into the grove of being Batman; working with a new Robin. Bruce hadn't known that Red Robin was in town. He hadn't seen his son since Tim had pulled Bruce from the time stream.
This hadn't been the circumstances Bruce wanted for their first meeting. Then again, having a screaming match with one of his sons across a roof was on-brand for Batman.
"You don't understand what he did, Batman." Red crosses his arms.
Batman looms over Red, staring at his once partner. "It doesn't matter, Red. There are some lines we never cross."
"I tried to stop it! Hell, I stop my plan! Why else would I be up here? How the hell was I supposed to know Ra's was sending along some added insurance?"
"Because you should always know."
"Not all of us are omniscient, B. Some of us make mistakes."
"Then you should be better."
"I didn't pull the trigger!"
"No, you didn't. You just lined up the shot. And now someone's dead." Bruce's eyes stray over to the cold body of Harkness. Blood is still oozing from the bullet hole in his skull. "And there isn't anything we can do to get around that."
Red coldly laughs. "Except for Hood and your new little Robin, right? They'll get as many free murder passes as they want, right?"
Batman didn't answer because Bruce doesn't have an answer.
Red shakes his head before disappearing into the night.
The next morning, Bruce read the Gotham Gazette and discovers Jack Drakes' murder had been killed the previous night. A suspected gang shooting. Isn't it always in Gotham? That or a vigilante.
Tim Drake-Wayne had not been available to comment. He'd been back to San Francisco before the sun kissed the morning sky.
It had taken months of arguing between himself and Selina and himself and Alfred to see that Tim was just another victim in this.
He'd tried to talk to Tim about it, but anytime a discussion would stray away from work (WE or otherwise) Tim would shut it down. Tim barley tolerated Brucie Wayne interference at Wayne Enterprises back then. He would smile and say all the right things for the cameras and listening ears, but when they were gone, so was he.
So Bruce back off. He let Tim come around in his own time. And he'd started too. At least, that's what Bruce thought.
Alfred puts his hand on Bruce's shoulder, squeezing it. "Don't worry, Master Bruce, Master Tim will come back."
Bruce continues to glare at the screen.
Alfred sighs, "Master Bruce, I know this will be hard for you to understand, but not everything is lost. He's still here. You're still here. I've never known you to give up a fight." Alfred paused before murmuring, "even if it would do you some good too."
Bruce didn't react to the words.
Alfred sighed. "Not everything is your fault, sir."
"No. But I think this might be."
*    *     *
Beep, beep, beep.
Tim shuts the alarm off on his phone without a looking. Despised being tired, Tim hadn't been able to sleep. Natural solution? Starting his post-mission reports.
"Da fuck are you doing here? Don't you have a nice, cozy apartment, not one mile from here?"
Tim glances up from his laptop to see Jason coming in through the window before going back to his computer. "Long story," Tim crisply replies.
Jason hums back while he heads back to the kitchen. Staring at his laptop, Tim cringes as he heard one, two, three crashes and Jason swearing coming from the kitchen.
"Motherfucker. Who the Hell put this kitchen together," There's another crash followed by a nasty crunching sound. "Goddamnit, Replacement! What moron taught ya how ta put a kitchen together? I'd like ta shoot them."
Tim doesn't remind Jason that he's the one who put the kitchen together.  
Tim glance up to see Jason in the doorway, holding a bag. "You know nothin' eatable should be this color, right?"
"I like cheese puffs."
Jason shakes the bag. "And why the fuck do ya have six different types of fake cheese but no actually cheese?"
"I like cheese puffs," Tim repeats.
Jason reads the bag he's holding. "Dis says it's with real cheese."
"See health food."
"I don't see cheese listed in the ingredients."
"I'm sure it's there."
"Ya shouldn't eat anything this color."
"Yeah, well, sue me."
"Okay, how much ya worth?"
"Less than it's worth to you to deal with the press."
"Good point."
"Get out of my kitchen. What the fuck were you looking for?"
"I was looking for food. Ya know, the stuff that's supposed ta be in a kitchen," Jason turned back into the kitchen. "Is there anything in here that isn't processed?"
"Doesn't count."
"Oh. Probably not then." Tim glares at his report which is refusing to make any sense. The slight throbbing behind his eyes isn't helping. What was he writing up again? Right. The lead that has him following the—suddenly, his laptop is yanked off of his lap.
"Hey," Tim scowls at Jason, "I was working on that."
"Yer always working," Jason shoves a burrito into Tim's empty hands. "Take a break. Eat." As if on cue, Tim's stomach growls. Jason smirks at him before sinking onto the bed next to Tim. "Sound's like you're hungry."
Tim glowers at Jason for a second before taking a comically large bite, almost choking on it before getting the food down. Jason snickers at Tim.
"Shut up," Tim coughs.
"Ya can take down an international arms dealer without any coffee but can the great Red Robin take down a breakfast burrito? Wait until the Rogues find out," Tim flip Jason off while Jason laughed. "Oh, yeah, that' real intimating. You got a little egg right," Jason reaches out to smack Tim in the face while Tim laughs, ducking Jason's hand.
"Fuck off. I'm fine."
Jason snorts.
"What? I am," Tim adds, defensively.
Batman probably sent him here to check up on me because I beat the crap out of those mercenaries last night.
Expect, Jason wouldn't do that, right?
"Riiiiiiight. And I'm well adjusted."
"I'm glad to hear you say that, Jason. I know the others have been worried about you. Personally, I don't see why.  Who isn't well adjusted after being beaten to death by the Joker and brought back to life by their adoptive father on again off again Baby Mama?"
Jason blinks at Tim before throwing a crumpled napkin at Tim's head that Tim easily avoids.
"Sorry, not sorry; he's not here. Check the Manner."
Jason snorts. "Speaking of Dick," Tim tense, not liking where this conversation is headed, "we had a family meeting."
See, no invite, not part of the family. And that's fine.
"Yeah. You came up."
Tim's suddenly fascinated by his burrito. He doesn't want to talk about this (whatever this is) over crappy half-frozen breakfast burritos.
Or to Jason.
Or at all.
Short of jumping out a window, Tim doesn't see a way out of this. It's a tempting thought, though. Then again, Jason would probably jump out after him and sit on Tim while they chat. That would be uncomfortable for both parties. Although for Jason it'd probably just be the whole, he's sitting on Tim thing rather than Tim who would be suffocating.
Instead, Tim waits. "And?"
Jason shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
Great, they probably want me out of the city and Jason drew the short straw. Wonder if they'll give me enough time to move out all of my stuff before running me out of town?
"Dick said dat he took the Robin away from ya."
Ah. That's what this heart to heart was about.
I'd rather be run out of town than talk about this.
Tim drops his burrito before getting up and heading towards his closet. It houses some emergency Tim Wayne suites just in case.
"Old news, Jason. It's fine."
"Bullshit," the venom in Jason's voice make Tim pause. "That's bullshit, Repla—Tim. You might be able ta hoodwink the others but not me. I'm the only other person on this fucking planet who knows what the fuck that feels like."
"Jason, I don't know what—"
"Yeah, ya do."
Yeah, he does.
"You know it's okay ta be pissed at him."
"Jason. It's old news," Tim Wayne's voice is firm. Decisive. There isn't any grey area in his tone. "I'm fine," Tim ignores Jason's disbelieving eye roll. "I'm over it."
"Bullshit. There's no fucking way you're over it." Jason pauses before he muttering, "I'm not fucking over it, Tim. There's no way in fucking hell that you're over it."
Tim pauses because, shit, "Jason—"
"Nah, that's really old news, Tim," Jason gives Tim a wry smile, "I was dead, after all. Who'd known that I was gonna come back?"
"Batman. Or Talia."
Jason laughs before sobering. "You know, I'm here for you Timbit, if you ever need anything. Talk about your feelings, hid a body, whatever. I'll even make sure it doesn't get back to the Bat."
A smile brushes Tim's lips. "I know Jay. Thanks."
* * *
Tim looks up from the mountain of forms to see that Tam had placed a full mug of coffee down in front of him. He nods his thanks before picking up the full mug inhaling deeply from the cup. It was Tim's favorite blend, an Arabica bean blend from Costa Rica, cost twenty dollars a pound, and only brought out for emergencies.
Which can only mean one thing.
"I have good news, bad news, and worst news."
Called it.
"How are you so giddy when you're about to give your boss bad news," Tim reclines in his CEO chair.
"Talent," Tam smiles, "hey look, bonus good new for you bossman! You have a talented, patience, wonderful assistant who is criminally underpaid."
"I already knew that, Tam," Tim chuckles, sipping his coffee. "You tell me that weekly."
"And I have yet to see a raise," Tam sighs dramatically.
"I'll put it on my to-do list," Tim studies Tam as he sips his coffee. She's subconsciously shifting her weight from one foot to the other. This isn't normal Tam behavior.
"Alright then, out with it."
Tam waits for Tim to put his mug down before launching into her speech, "Mr. Wayne is here to see you. As in, Bruce fucking Wayne is sitting in our waiting area refusing to leave until you see him."
A minuscule groan escapes from Tim before he could help himself. It's been three hours since Tim had seen anyone in the Batfamily.
Tam doesn't comment, "he also said to tell you that it's been a while since Brucie has done anything overly…eccentric."
An acute throbbing beginning to form in Tim's front temple. Tim sips his coffee.
Tim squeezes his eyes shut so the light couldn't enter his vision; praying that he could hold off the migrant that was threatening to take over his skull all morning. He exhales slowly through his nostrils trying (and failing) to control the pounding in his head.
"I don't suppose you told him that I had a full day," Tim's controlled voice asks.
Tam tuts, "what, I'm I new here? Of course I did."
"A full day that includes a meeting with the board and investors," Tim continues, ignoring Tam's sarcasm.
"Told him that too."
"And he doesn't care?"
"Not in the least."
"Yep. You want me to show him in?"
"Fine. Call me when the board meeting is about to start. The last thing I need today is to miss that meeting."
"Will do, Tim," she turns to leave.
"Hey, wait a minute," Tam pauses, looking back at Tim, "you said you had good news."
"Yeah," Tam smirks, "I brought you coffee."
Tim snorts making a mental note to an email to the payroll department later that day to give Tam a pay increase.
Tam give Tim a significant smile before cracking the entryway open, "Tim will see you now."
Tam moves aside as Brucie strolls in bearing a large paper bag. Tam's mouths behave to Tim before shutting the door. Bruce and Tim watch each other for a moment before Bruce crossing the room in three strides, settling in one of the two chairs in front of Tim's desk.
"Bruce, what can I do for you," Tim inquires, twirling around in his chair, sliding papers about, searching for his notes for the board meeting. It has nothing to do with the man settling himself in Tim's previously vacant seat.
Really. It didn't.
"I don't have very long; the board meeting is about to start, but, if you want to give me the deets real quick, or write them down, I'll get to it as soon as possible."
"Tim," Tim's body freezes for a split second, old Robin training kicking in because that tone never meant anything good, before remembering he's not that Robin anymore (remember?), "I'm not here for anything. Not a case, not to start a fight."
Tim's fight or flight response twitches as despite Bruce's calm tone. It makes Tim think of better times, back in the days when Tim had been Robin, and Bruce had comforted the then young Robin after a rough patrol. Tim shakes himself, remembering the time and place they're currently in.
"I have something to give you."
Tim searches his memories. Why on Earth would Bruce be giving Tim anything? Or anybody else in the Batfamily for that matter? Is there something he'd missed? Tim glances at the calendar fastening to the wall. There aren't any holidays coming up; Tim ceased celebrating his birthday years ago.
A swirl of painful memories well up whenever Tim thinks too hard about his birthday so he'd stop celebrating it. There isn't any reason for the Bats to be giving Tim the time of day, let alone anything else.
It takes Bruce clearing his throat for Tim to register that he'd frozen while looking through his papers. Tim seizes the notebook he'd been hunting for before turning back to face Bruce.
Tim lifts his eyebrows at Bruce; keeping his voice indifferent, he says, "oh, you already have the info for me? Great, I'll look at it when I get back from the board meeting. But I have to get going now, or I'm going to be late."
Tim makes to get up, but Bruce is faster.
Fucking Batman.
He flips the paper bag over, dumping the contents onto Tim's desk. Jumping back into his chair, he almost topples over (silver lining, he doesn't shriek). Recovering himself quickly (because, well, Bats) Tim inspects the bits of paper that littered the top of his desk.
It was regular, white, dull, printer paper. Tim studies several pieces of confetti with the WE letterhead on it. The print on the paper was minuscule. He picks up a bit with his loopy signature on it. There are at least three more pieces.
What the hell would Bruce have with my signature all over it?
Tim shoots Bruce a cynical expression before his CEO mask slips back on, "shredded paperwork? Is this some sort of bizarre protest? You want WE to go paperless or something? Or," Tim picks up a handful of the confetti, throwing it up in the air, "do you want us to host a party?"
Jerk move? Sure. Every so often though it was worth it.
Bruce furors his brow. "No."
Yep, he's getting a Bat induced migraine. Great, been a while since I got one of these. Tim waits for his former mentor to say something while Bruce stares unblinkingly at Tim.
Tim sighs, "look, Bruce, I have a board meeting," glancing at the clock on his computer and wincing, "liiiiiike now, so could you tell me what you need?"
Bruce gives Tim an unimpressed look. Not that Tim isn't entirely used to that look by now, typical though, it was a bit more subtle.
And from Damian.
Or Dick.
Although Batman had been known to give all of his Robins that look at one time or another.
Once, Jason and Dick argued over who'd gotten that look more often. After an hour of fighting, Alfred finally put the argument to rest with a raised eyebrow.
Tim hadn't said it at the time, but he knew he was the one who got the most Wayne unimpressed looks.
And not just from Damian.
With a buzz and flashing red light of the intercom, Tim broke off the staring contest (battle of wills) between himself and Bruce.
"Hey Tim, the board meeting is about to start," Tam's voice crackles through the speaker.
Tim presses the intercom button, "thanks, Tam. I'll be out in just a minute. Can you tell the board I'll be there shortly?"
"Will do bossman," with a chirp, the intercom's red light goes out.
This time, when Tim gets up, Bruce does not shower his desk with shredded paper so, yay for small victories, right?
Tim grabs his notes for the board meeting, praying his pounding skull won't turn into headache until after the board meeting. As Tim reaches for the door handle, those dreams are dashed.
"How's Ra's?"
It was a simple question.
It really is.
One that makes Tim stop dead in his tracks.
How the hell did Bruce find out about Tim's vacation (shut up Con, it was. I slept and everything, okay?!)? He vaguely remembers Bart or Con or someone telling him they talked to Jason when Tim was gone, but they'd kept Jay on a need to know. They only told Jason that Tim was missing and texted Jay when Tim back.
Tim knows his team wouldn't have said anything about his time with Ra's.
Mostly because they still didn't know anything about what happened with him and Ra's.
There's only so many times you can turn down a millennium-old megalomaniac before his feels start to get hurt.
Then again, this is Batman he's dealing with. Tim wouldn't put it past Bruce to put a tracker in the back of his neck like a dog one of the many times he'd been unconscious in the Batcave. It was just the sort of thing Batman would do.
This must be the real reason Bruce bothered to visit Tim today. It's probably why Batman followed Red for hours last night. Maybe it's just another fucking power game between Ra's and Bruce. It's been a while since I've been caught in the middle of one of those. Fantastic, those are always a fucking mess to clean up.
Keeping his CEO mask firmly in place, Tim turn. Bruce hasn't moved from his chair. He's gazing up at Tim with a calculating expression. Tim raises an eyebrow at him.
"What are you talking about, Bruce?"
A flicker of annoyance and something else (concern? Couldn't be. That feeling is revered for essential people) flashes across Bruce's face so quickly, if Tim had blinked he would've missed it. As is, Tim isn't sure what he saw it at all.
"I think," Bruce's voice is controlled like he's choosing each word with great care. Odd but okay, "you know exactly what I'm talking about Tim." Bruce pauses, clearly expecting Tim to say something, but when Tim remained silent, Bruce carries on, "Red has picked up some new…moves."
Tim has to physically stop himself from slumping in relief (a small sigh of relief does escape before he could stop it). Bruce's talking about Red.
Specifically, the training that he received from Ra's during Bruce's disappearance. Bruce doesn't know about Tim's vacation; otherwise, Tim would be wearing a Goddamn ankle monitor.
Bait's hard to find nowadays.
Especially good bait.
Carefully, Tim says, "you know I spent some time with…them when you were…gone. What did you think we were doing? Drinking tea?"
Bruce presses his lips together so tightly, they're in danger of disappearing. Evidently, this isn't a good enough answer for him. Well, too fucking bad, that's all he's getting. Tim glances at his watch, willing his headache not to get any worse.
It does. Plus Tim's late.
"Look, Bruce, it was great seeing you and all, but I have to go. Gotta make sure your family company stays in the black."
Bruce grimaces.  "That reminds me, last night Dick--"
Tim walks out of his office before Bruce could finish his sentence.
*    *     *
Despite what the clock in board meeting said, Tim is sure he'd been in that room all day. Like really, how many times does Tim have to shoot down the idea of selling WE's stock to Queen Consolidate? Even if they offer double the asking price, it's the principle of the matter.
His pounding head hadn't helped matters. Tim managed to ignore it throughout the meetings, but now he's going to have to pay the price.
Reaching Tam's desk, Tim glancing around for any eavesdroppers. When he doesn't see anybody, he turns back to Tam. "Hey, Tam," she glances at him while typing on her computer.
"Hey, Tim," Tam smiles.
"Yeah, hey. Listen, tell me there isn't anything else on the books for today," at Tam's narrowing eyes (which clearly says, you want to skive off work don't you?), Tim is quick to continue, "it just, I'm getting the worst headache, and I don't want it to, you know, get any worse."
At the mention of Tim's headache, Tam's eyes soften. Being as she was the only person at WE who knows about his missing spleen, whenever Tam hears a sneeze she'd happily send her boss home. Typically, it's annoying; Tim ignores most things Tam call ‘debilitating disease'.
Who doesn't come into work with walking pneumonia? It's called walking for a reason.
This does give Tim a distance advantage at the moment. Whenever he askes to leave because of illness, Tam always obliges.
Tam opens his calendar on her computer, looking at his schedule, "well, there aren't any appointment for today. I knew you were going back out of town for work, so after the board meeting I didn't put anything else on the schedule."
Tim feels a real smile pulling at the corners of his lips. "Great, thanks, Tam."
Tam hums in acknowledgment. Tim enters his office and sees the heap of shredded paper still on his desk. Tim sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"Yes, bossman," her voice comes from right behind Tim. If Tim hadn't once been a Bat, he would've jumped.
Periodically, Tam tries to do something to startle Tim. She has yet to succeed. Instead of discouraging her, she seems to have taken this as a personal challenge.
Instead, he turns to look at her, gesturing at his desk. "Why?"
Tam leans around Tim to look. She raises an eyebrow before walking around him and over to his desk. Tam picks up a shredded piece of paper.
"Wow. I wondered what Mr. Wayne did with those contracts."
Tim give Tam with a puzzled look, "contracts?"
Tam fixes Tim with an incredulous look. "He came in last week, asking for the contracts that would change ownership of the company from you to Dick, Damian, or himself," she shifts guiltily. "I, uh, might not have been the most polite about giving him the contracts."
Oh, Tim could imagine what Tam would have been like with Bruce. She'd made her displeasure over the documents existing known, stating quite clearly that if they were ever signed, she was quitting on the spot.
The memory of her glaring at Tim still warms his insides.
"Anyways, he asked to see the contracts yesterday and when I…inquired as to why Mr. Wayne would need these contracts…well, I think I have a decent idea what Gotham Criminals see nightly," Tam grimaces. Yeah, Tim has gotten a few of those looks in his lifetime. "So I pulled the contracts and gave them to him, but I got a call before I knew it, he was gone."
Yeah, that sounded like Bruce.
"What's that got to do with…all of this?"
Shooting Tim an annoyed look, Tam says, "what do you think?"
She holds up the piece in her hand for Tim's inspection. Sighing, Tim takes the bit Tam's holding out before she dumps handful onto his palm.
It could be…no. Bruce wouldn't be stupid enough to shred the paperwork giving him back the company. Although this arrangement does give him more time for Batman….
As Tim muses to himself, Tam takes his recycle bin from the side of Tim's desk and starting to sweep the shredded paper into it. At the very bottom of the pile of debris, there's an envelope with Tim's name written in elegant handwriting.
Bruce's handwriting.
Bruce must have slipped it under the confetti somehow.
Fucking Batman.
The last scrap of paper flutters into the bin Tam's holding as Tim picks up the letter. Flipping it over, he sees the Wayne family crest on the envelope.
He wrote this at the Manner. He wrote this in the Manner before bringing it here. It's something he planned. Not a spur of the moment thing.
Tam, eyeing Tim, says, "I'll be right outside if you need anything, Tim. Okay?"
"Yeah, thanks, Tam," Tim absentmindedly replies.
Tim waits until he hears the door click shut after Tam. He weighs his options.
He could one, open the letter now, two, wait until he got home to open it, or three (and the most logical course of action), tosses it.
Ignoring Bruce is never a good idea. He can be just as, if not more, persistence than Dick once he's noticed something.
This is going to be my life for the next year, isn't it? Various Bats harassing me until they get bored or there's another alien invasion? This is Hell, isn't it? I'm in Hell?
Before he can dive much deeper into that thought, Tim's head gave another powerful pulse. Tim, cursing his bad luck (like migraine, man? On top of everything else? Who fucking needs them?), drops the letter into his briefcase before departing.
Link to AO3:
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utazawa · 6 years
Always get the Details
For the @jaytimsecretsanta exchange 2018. De-aged was the prompt I decided to go with and the recipient is @mymaingoal. @chibinightowl was kind enough to do a last minute beta read of this for me.
What I've learned from this experience: Always save your stories on more than one device.
Jason works on picking several locks to a tightly sealed room while Tim keeps a look out for anyone coming.
“I don’t like that we don’t have comms in,” Tim gripes.
“Suck it up. If we want to catch both the buyers and the sellers, you know we have to be undercover, that includes no above average tech.”
“What if something goes wrong? You were rather vague on the details when you dragged me out for ‘date night’.”
“We sent photos of the buyers, sellers and ‘merchandise’ to Arsenal already. If we don’t check in, he’s supposed to anonymously pass the information off to the Commissioner.”
“That’s great, but you still haven’t explained why we haven’t let all these easy to free people go.” Tim hisses as he gestures through the heavily paned window on the metal door next to him that reveals a room full of drugged men and women. “Why are you so determined to get into this particular room?”
Jason stops to look at his obviously pissed off and concerned boyfriend. “Sorry, babe. I know I sprung this on you last minute, but I promise I’ll explain soon.” He returns to the last lock on the heavy door.
“Last minute!? Jason, I thought we were actually going on a date until you brought me here, told me to put on a wig and contacts so I wouldn’t be recognized, and to just play along.”
When Tim slips up and uses his name in the field, Jason realizes he needs to explain now or suffer the consequences, ones that will make his life miserable for however long it takes Tim to forgive him. “Red called me with intel on my way to your place. He’s working overseas on this international human trafficking ring and just found out that an auction was going down in Gotham tonight and that they have a special item up for bid.” He takes a breath and concentrates on the lock for a moment. It’s trickier than the ones more commonly found on doors like this. “The special item is a meta-human. We can’t sneak that many people out on our own undetected and they’re in no state to get out by themselves. If anyone finds us, it won’t be good. Besides, you know what the government is like when it comes to meta-humans. We need to get them out of here, then we can call this in and save the rest of those people.”
“If you had said that in the beginning, I wouldn’t have been so pissed.”
“Yeah, yeah, it couldn’t be…I’m in!” Jason opens the door, steps into the room and promptly comes back out. “This is a two-person job. I need your help.”
Upon entering the room, Tim spots the reason why. There’s a young girl strapped down to a stretcher with an inhibitor collar on. She’s staring up at them with a terrified look in her eyes.
“I’ll get her loose from the table, you work on the collar,” Jason says quietly.
Approaching the child, Tim speaks softly to her. “Don’t worry, we’re going to get you out of here.”
She still looks terrified. They’re not even sure if she speaks English, so he tries giving her a reassuring smile as he slowly reaches for the collar and gets to work on releasing it. This particular model is one he’s gotten his hands on before, so it doesn’t take long to override the release mechanism.
Jason manages to release her from the gurney fairly quickly. He hears the locking mechanism click and Tim slowly removes the collar from her neck. The girl bolts out of the bed and scurries across the room.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he says soothingly. “We’re only trying to help.”
They make the rookie mistake of approaching her at the same time.  The little girl raises her hand defensively and releases a blast of energy that sends Tim and Jason to the floor, darkness overtaking them both.
Jason slowly wakes up, head pounding and feeling completely disoriented. Wherever he is, it smells weird. He reaches up to touch his aching head and realizes two things. One, everything hurts; two, his clothes feel weird. Opening his eyes, he realizes he’s in a strange basement, or what looks and smells like a basement anyway. He looks down at his clothes and feels even more confused because he’s wearing some rich old man’s hoity toity monkey suit. What the hell is going on?
A groan comes from behind him and he slowly turns around. There’s a kid, maybe 7 years old, also drowning in a too big suit. Crap, this isn’t good. He doesn’t know what kind freak grabbed them, but he’s clearly got a fetish. They have to leave right now.
The kid groans louder and opens his eyes when Jason shakes his shoulder. “Come on, we have to get outta here.”
“Where are we? What’s going on?”
The boy’s accent throws Jason. He’s not from the streets, not sounding like that. “I dunno. Just woke up here and I’m not plannin’ to stick around to find out.”
Standing up, Jason almost loses his pants. The belt is way too big and doesn’t have enough holes. There’s nothing here to make a new one, so he grips the waist band and looks around, spotting the straps on the bed. He pulls them off, shying away from thinking about why they’re even there. One gets tied around his waist and he tosses the other to the young boy.
“Tie that around your waist,” he says as he rolls up his pants so he doesn’t trip.
“Why are you helping me?”
“Do you want me to leave you here?”
“Then don’t ask stupid questions.” Jason starts rolling up one pant leg while the boy works on the other. The boy’s legs are skinny but not in a way that looks like he’s not getting enough to eat. He’s just tiny. “I’m Jason,” he says, not liking the quiet. “What’s your name, kid?”
Tiny Tim. He wants to snicker at it, but in reality, he’s freaking out because they’ve been here too long. Losing it won’t do any good. He’s gotta stay calm. Grabbing Tim’s hand, Jason pulls him up.
“Sorry, but we have to go, now. I don’t wanna be here when whoever took us comes back.”
How did that happen anyway? He can’t remember. The whole night feels like a blur.
Tim is showing obvious signs of panic – shaking, rapid breathing rate – but he’s silent as he follows Jason carefully through the halls. One floor up, they find a small window with a few crates conveniently placed beneath it. Jason turns to give Tim a boost and gives him a funny look when he sees that he has his shoes tied together and slung over his shoulders.  
The boy shrugs. “They're too big, but I might need them.”
That’s not an entirely bad idea. Jason helps him onto a crate. “Can you get it open?”
Tim nods determinedly, but he struggles with the window for what feels like too long before it opens with a loud scraping noise.
Jason winces and checks for signs of anyone coming while Tim makes his way through the window. Not hearing anything, he pulls himself up onto the crates and barely squeezes through the tiny window.
It’s a straight drop to the ground, but it’s not too far, at least for him. Tim probably had some trouble though, but he’s nowhere to be seen. Jason really has to look around to spot him hidden in the shadows against the opposite wall.
“You okay?” he asks.
Tim looks up from rubbing his knees and nods. Silently, they start trying to find their way out of the area, avoiding the one spot that is very active with people coming and going.
After half an hour of ducking behind objects and staying out of sight, they decide they're probably far enough away to walk in the relative open.
Tim pulls on Jason's sleeve to get his attention. “We should contact Batman and Robin.”
“Why would we do that?”
“Why wouldn't we? They help people and besides, whoever took us might take more kids!”
Jason scoffs and looks away. “Batman don't care about us Crime Alley kids.”
“Of course, he does!”
Tim is obviously upset by the accusation. Jason eyes him carefully, putting together the pieces of the little puzzle he’s been trying to solve since they woke up together in that room. “You're not from around here, are you?” He indicates the dirty streets and alleys around him with a sweep of his arm.
“’Round here, you wanna stay under Batman’s radar. You don't want him decidin’ to ‘help' you and sending you to Child Services. That's worse than the streets.”
Tim opens and closes his mouth a few times, but eventually just shuts it. He's obviously not sure how to respond to the new information.
Jason kicks a stone on the ground and watches as it disappears into the darkness. He just wants to get out of here and go back to his current squat, but he has to make sure the kid gets home alright. At this time of night, there’s no telling what else is lurking in the shadows. “Look, I'll walk you home and you can do whatever you want after I'm gone. Where do you live?”
There’s slight hesitation before Tim responds, “Gotham Towers.”
Jason is surprised the streets aren't crawling with cops if this kid is from a neighbourhood like that. He really wasn't kidding about not being from around here. It makes him wonder how Tim is so good at moving around undetected.
“Come on, let's get you home.”
They’re about half way through New Town when Jason gets the feeling that something’s wrong. Really wrong. He tries looking around to see if anyone is following them and doesn’t, not that it means anything when alleys are nothing but black holes waiting for their next prey, but he does notice Tim looking around with a confused expression. He pays attention to what Tim’s staring at and quickly realizes a few of the buildings and businesses seem wrong. Wasn’t that bookstore a pawn shop the last time he was through here? It wasn’t that long ago, was it? Maybe a week? He also could have sworn that building across the street was an empty lot.
“Yo, Tim. Do you know how long they had us? I thought it was only a few hours, but things don't look quite.” He stares in amazement and horror when they turn onto the next block. “Holy shit!”
“What happened?” Tim breathes, eyes wide and just as surprised as him. He turns to Jason for an explanation, like he would know why this whole block of the city has drastically changed.
“How the hell would I know?”
Tim flinches back at Jason's harsh exclamation.
“I'm not mad at ya and I’m not gonna hit ya, so just stop it.” Jason sighs, feeling like an asshole. “Sorry, I'm kinda freakin’ out a little. Not your fault.”
Tim seems to relax a little, but he’s obviously still concerned about the changes as well. “Are you sure we shouldn't contact Batman?”
“What the hell is Batman gonna do about this?”
“Well, umm…” Tim drops his gaze to the ground. “I don't know.”
“Exactly. Let's just keep goin’. Your folks must be worried.”
They keep walking, taking note of just how drastically some areas have changed.
“Jason?” Tim asks, speaking up after they pass through another block where nothing is familiar to either of them. “Do you think we should see a doctor? It doesn't feel like I've been gone long enough for the city to change this much. Maybe whoever took us gave us something and it’s messing with our heads?”
Jason is surprised by the kid. He hadn't thought of that possibility and it's a really damned good point.
“You're right.” He grabs Tim's hand and changes course, heading back toward Crime Alley. “Let's go see Doc Thompkins. She runs the Free Clinic and doesn't ask too many questions.”
Tim seems like he recognizes the name as he perks up and follows after him, keeping his hand firmly wrapped in Jason’s.
They're a few blocks away from the clinic when Tim suddenly pulls Jason into an alley and presses them against the wall.
“What the hell are...”
“Shhhh.” Tim puts a finger up to his lips and looks up.
Jason has no idea what he’s on about, but he stays silent, eyes on the sky when he spots a Robin shaped shadow flying briefly overhead. Okay, now he’s confused. Didn’t Tim say they should try and find Batman and his boy toy wonder? So why is he hiding from them now?
After a couple of minutes where Tim insisted they be silent, Jason's had enough.
“That was Robin, wasn't it? Why the hell are we hiding? I thought you wanted to find Batman.”
“That wasn't Robin.”
“Wasn't Robin? He was wearing a cape, in Gotham, and it sure as hell wasn't Batman.”
“He was dressed like Robin, but that wasn't him. I'd know.” For the first time tonight, Tim sounds entirely sure of himself.
“What does that mean?”
“Doesn't matter. The point is, we can't trust whoever that was.”
Jason looks at Tim in a mixture of annoyance and confusion. “Whatever, let’s just get to Doc Thompkins.”
They hurry to the clinic. Once they arrive and tell the check-in nurse what they think happened to them, they’re quickly ushered into a room and provided with a suitable change of clothing.
Doc Thompkins comes in and asks them a few questions, leaving after taking some blood samples, and promises to return shortly.
At this time of night, the clinic is very quiet, and the walls are thin. Too thin, really and they hear her say their names from out in the hall.
Tim gives him a surprised look, one that Jason knows he’s mirroring.
He doesn’t remember introducing themselves, although he supposes it’s possible the doc recognizes him. Jason jumps down off the exam table and darts over to the closed door, opening it ever so slightly to hear what’s being said.
“…get Tim and Jason, now.” There's a pause as the other person presumably responds. Doc Thompkins doesn’t sound happy. “Then send Robin. Those boys need help beyond what I can give them. I’ve got blood samples I can send you. Your testing equipment is much better than mine.”
Jason really wants to know what she means by that and how she’s got a direct line to what sounds like the freaking Batman. So much for this place being safe. He spares a thought to leaving without Tim, but the boy’s recent change of heart about Batman won't let him.
“We have to go.” He pulls Tim up out of his seat by his arm. “We shouldn't have come here. The doc called Batman or someone to come get us. I think they plan to send Robin.”
In the light of the exam room, Tim’s light blue eyes stand out as they widen in fear. He willingly follows after Jason. They wait for the hall to empty and sneak out of the clinic, eventually hiding under a dark set of stairs a few blocks away.
“I can't go home tonight.” Tim's statement is so definite and out of the blue it startles Jason.
“Why the hell not?”
The boy fidgets. “If Dr. Thompkins’ knew our names without us telling her, then she might know our full names. If Batman gets that information, he could easily find me. Now that they’re not the same people, or at least Robin isn't, I don't want to go with them. Mrs. Mac will be worried that I'm not home, but my parents are away, so they won't know, unless it really has been a long time and they’re back from their trip. They’re almost always gone.”
Tim looks a little upset by the end of his statement, so Jason slings an arm over his skinny shoulders and pulls him into an awkward hug. “Okay, we won't take you home, but it's late. I don't have a home to go back to, so let's find somewhere to crash and we'll try to figure this shit out in the morning.”
“Okay, thank you.”
Jason scratches the back of his neck, a bit embarrassed by how grateful Tim sounds. “Don't mention it.”
They find a decrepit apartment building and after some searching, discover a room that’s easy for two boys to sneak into via the fire escape. It must be lived in, because the door is locked, but there’s no sign that anyone has been there recently. Jason is beyond exhausted at this point, so he decides to take the chance. They curl up together on the clean, sheetless bed and fall right to sleep.
Loud, barking laughter startles them awake.
“This is priceless! Where's a camera when you need one?”
Jason opens his eyes and glares at Roy, still dressed in his Arsenal get-up, holding himself up against the wall and crying from laughter. In his arms, Tim stiffens.
“What the fuck are you laughing at?” Jason gives him an unimpressed look for the rude awakening.
Roy's laughter increases in volume. “Don’t gimme that look, Jaybird. You're not very threatening, looking like that!”
Jason attempts to get up to knock some sense into Roy when he hears a rip and realizes just how restricting his clothes are. He looks down in horror. No wonder Tim is frozen in place. His pants are ripped down the ass, and his thighs have busted through the seams. His shirt feels like a skin-tight crop top.
But he's lucked out compared to Tim. Tim's clothes are ripped everywhere, held on by mere threads.
Last night starts to come back to him and as he looks around, he realizes they’re in what’s actually an older safehouse of his. Thank God for small favors, even if he does need to revamp the security.
Jason glares from over the top of Tim’s head. “Harper, what the fuck did you do?!”
“How is this my fault?”
“You sent us after that meta. What did she do to us?”
“Well…”Roy hedges, clearly enjoying this too much.
“Roy!” Tim adds in, exasperated. “Explanation, now!”
The archer rushes to start speaking, apparently not trusting Jason's modesty to keep him grounded for long. “Turns out she's a magician. Found out too late she was being sold as a meta because they bring a better price so I called Zatanna after you missed your check-in, and she tracked her down using some magic crap I don’t understand. The kiddo feels bad about what she did to you, by the way, and says she’s sorry.”
Jason growls in frustration. “I don't give a damn how she feels right now. I’m losing blood flow in some rather important places, so go get us some clothes!”
Roy laughs loudly again as he makes his escape.
Now that they have some privacy, Jason envelops Tim in his arms and breathes in the scent of his hair. It always calms him, and this time isn’t any different. “I wasn’t kidding about the lack of blood flow. Let's get these rags off and really give Roy a reason to regret laughing at us.” He kisses the back of Tim’s neck, but Tim jerks away.
“I'm not jeopardizing my chance to get clothing just because you’re horny. This is your safehouse, so go find a blanket. I'm cold.”
“Bossy. I think I like you better as a kid. Tiny Tim.”
Jason grunts hard at the bony elbow to his gut. Okay, perhaps this Tim is just fine after all.
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stay--satan · 7 years
What I Want - Dick Grayson x Reader
Alright, since I got these two requests with the same number at the same time, I'll go with Grayson because there's too much Jason in this blog (as if it's a bad thing) AND mixed with another request.
Can I have 20 w/ Dick Grayson? ♡ Can you do the prompt 20 where the reader(fem) is about to get married but Jason comes and interferes the ending up to you #19 I can’t buy you things like him w/ Dick Grayson one shit please 💛 I’m also new to your blog and I’m excited to read some of your work 😃
20. “Please don’t be with someone like her/him. I wouldn’t be able to handle it” 19. I can’t buy you nice things like him.
Fluff and a little heat
"You're what?" "I'm engaged... To Freddie." Your voice came out in a low tone "You don't even have a ring, that's ridiculous Y/N" Dick said a little louder as frustrated he was "Can you not make a scandalous about this?" You frown your eyebrowns berating him "I do have a ring, I just came to talk to you before he makes an announcement." You look back to the living room that was fill with your friends and people you consider as family "I thought... I thought it would be better if I did" "Better for who? You're gonna married with this stupid suit and tie dude?" Dick's voice didn't calm down at all as he gets more red "I love him!" "Don't lie straight to my face. You never even like weddings before" He recalls the one time when the two of you had this conversation. Oh yes, Dick Grayson was your ex boyfriend. It started in the early days of Nightwing and he really needed his own "Alfred" to his missions, so he hired you. A ex intern from Wayne Tech who had discover Bruce's identity before he ever did, you were brilliant. Eventually you became this is huge hacker and lived on your own until he knocked on your window. Of course you two fallen in love. With his flirts during the mission talking to you in his microphone, the Wayne Gala's that he made you go so you could "complete a mission on the ground" and the late nights chat turned into something you couldn't even imagine.
But unfortunaly, two years and half later you were tired of watching him almost die every night and left him with a broken heart. You two reunited not quite longer after that and discover that couldn't live without each other, so you made a deal for not look so miserable: You would continue to kiss, the flirting and have sex but without the whole comprimise stuff. Of course that not that deep down you two were so in love, but it could ruin everything again. After another year doing that, you met Fred. He went to you looking for discover his girlfriend stealing his money, and after the job was done, he offered you a date. You broke up with Dick soon after date, he accepted hoping that would end soon, but there you were, eight months later telling him the news.
And honestly, Dick was right. You never cared about getting married or stuff. You hated everything that could draw attention to you, specially a whole party about you and another person.
"I was thinking about something" you said on top of Dick as he was close to you kissing your neck and your head were brushing through his hair "If it isn't about us then why bother?" you felted him grim on you as you let out a chuckle "The whole Selina and Bruce drama" he let out a groan saying that you cut off the entire mood "I'm serious!" you smiled as held his face "I don't get it, they are literally the cat and mouse. Why on earth this will work? I'm just worried that will end soon and he'll get all.. you know?" she makes a stupid scary face that made Dick smile so hard "Well, they always loved each other. They're willing to put all the selfishness aside and put this in the works" "But do they need a stupid party and a signed paper to do that?" "You don't believe in marriage?" he says closing his face a bit. He wasn't angry, he was just really surprised. All of his exes were obsessed about marriage. God he almost got married himself when he wasn't even old enough to drink. "I just don't get it. It's kinda of pointless to have to prove to other people that you wanna be with that person. Why can't you just... be?" she finishes looking so peaceful. God, he loved that woman and how little you think about other people and how comfortable you expressed your opinions. "Because baby, stubborn heads will always be stubborn heads" he smiles again to her as you cupped his face again "I want to be with you forever." you say looking deep into his beautiful eyes as that was the most deep thing you ever said. He puts the most melt face you ever seen it and he pulls you into a deep kiss and laying you on the bed like a precious crystal.
Now back into the present you were with your back in the wall facing a really mad Richard. "I'm sorry, I don't know what to say" "Just... Don't." he walks away going back to some alone counter and you see Wally running to him. You let out a deep sighed and look to your own feet feeling the sadness overhelm you.
"Excuse me everyone?" Frank stands up as he leans his hands to you so you could join him "I have some exciting news" You look over the room and find your friends faces in curiosity, there were a few friends from his company too. Frank was the son of a very wealthy man from Bruce's competitor's company. He heir his company and was such a good man, you were really proud of him even after finding out how shitty his father was. You definitly feels something with him, something that you can't have with Dick. Safety. Plus your friends seem to like him, he gave almost the entirely equipament for the titans knewing that you worked with them a few times and personally he was really nice to everyone even offering a job to Jaime so he could complete his extra hours on the school and help his family. They also joked about the "Y/N's Rich Boyfriend" saying that she didn't had to handle with someones bullshit "But why pay for your cellphone company when you can just own it" Wally used to say whenever she complains about expensive bills.
You do your best to avoid Dick's eyes and look just to your fiancée, you honestly didn't even hear him saying the words, you just hear everyone's clapping and cheering. Artemis and Wally are the first ones to hug you and give you the congrats, as a little line start to form behind them with people congratulating you. You look to the corner and you see Jason talking to a altered Richard as he pushes Tim out of the way and storms out his way out.
You sit down at the swing from the outside of the manor with a wine in your hand. Thinking about how did you ended up there? "Careful with that ring, girl. You could blind someone" you hear a voice as Tim sits down in the next swing. You let out a soft chuckle "If you're not sure about this you have to tell him" "No.. I can't." "You can't be with someone for the rest of your life because you don't wanna face desisions Y/N" Tim now looked a little more serious "I just.." your voice dies as you look down your feet "He was so happy you know? It was out of nowhere and when I realised there was this" she looks at her hand where the huge ring was "Plus, he treats me like a princess. I don't think I'll find much better, I'm lucky" "Y/N you're unhappy. Sure you may like him, but you love the idea that he pass to you." he says turning back to you with the swing "You can't just expect that this will be enough for 80 years" "And you expect me to do what? Break up with him and run back to a man that couldn't decide what he wanted for his life? A on-going thing until the day he doesn't come back?" Now it was Tim's turn to look back down "He's going to be a mess from now on" he talks in a low tone to her. Taking a deep exhale, you get up from the swing putting your head high "Well, it's not my problem anymore."
For the next two months you try to keep away from the Titans boys as much as you can. Of course with Artemis being your maid of honor maked difficult, seeing Wally picking her up from your house not looking in your eyes anymore was disapointing. You knew it was because of him, you talked to Bruce after a few days and he said that he hasn't spoke to him since the annoucement, that can't be good. It mad you so mad that everyone's seems to be upset with you when he was the poor boy. What they did expect? You lay around forever? Ugh, you shake your head as Frank made his way out of the bathroom into your bed kissing you deeply. But not as Dick Grayson once did.
"That has got be the most breath taking dress I ever seen" Stephanie says behind you as the other girls, Barbara, Cass and Artemis agrees. "I'm feeling a little stuck with him" you say laying your hand on your stomach like it was suffocating you "No, no no no" Cass pulls your head behind your ears looking to you in the mirror "You look so pretty, and everything is gonna be fine" "I can't believe I'm gonna be on a actual fairy tale wedding" Barbara says dreamy behind her and you give her a warm smile.
Not believing that you actually got away with her bachelor party you made your way through the streets in peace. All you did was wait until the girls were on their fifth shot and made her way out without noticing dueing their exciment over the loud music.
The wedding was in the next day and Freddie was in some party of himself with a few friends. That would be your last moments of peace. Of course with the strong shots you had, you weren't in your right mind to walk alone, so you asked for a cab giving him the address and rested your head on the window closing your eyes. The cab called out for your indicating that you had arrived in destiny. You look outside of the window with arching your brow "Are you sure this was the address I gave you?" "I'm not a telepathic kid, this was the one"
"Coming" Richard finally said after the his bell ringed for the fifth time finally giving up his I-hope-they-think-I-died-and-eventually-go-away mood. He has some difficults going his way to the door stepping in a few bottles of whatever he was drinking early that night and putting the tv on mute. "If it is you Jason, I swear to God that I'll learn how to shoot especially for-You?" he looks wide opened to the door not believing in his wildest dreams You couldn't believe that you really didn't walk for a few miles get a new taxi to bring you home, instead there you were at his door wearing this really tight black dress and a trench cloat. You both say hi so low that was almost impossible to hear. You noticed that he grew a beard that it suits him, had lost a few pounds and grew a little of dark circles under eye. But he insisted to answer the door shirtless and you lightly bite your lip over this He notices that you let your hair grow, your eyes had become a little less lifely as you gave him a half smile. Dick recomposes himself holding the door as you held yourself tighly to your coat. He can't help but noticing your damn long legs uncover under this cold Bludhaven weather and the dress that you were wearing didn't help a lot too. You fell a bit from your heels as standing up for too long "Are you drunk?" he says arching his brow over your "I don't know?" You loosely says and you both let a soft laugh between the two of you "You didn't RVSP" he can notice the sadness in your tone "Are you serious?" he stands closer to you, but knowing that a fight would not help right now "No, I didn't" "I wanted you there. I can't do anything without you ya know?" "You seem pretty fine. I've been watching in the news the wedding of the year coming up" "Yeah but..." You sounded a bit more angry and frustrated and start walking in circles in his doorstep complaining "But I don't wanna this!" you hit your fits in the air like a child. Dick cross his arms around his chest as he watch "It's like Y/N it'll be worth it. Y/N you look beautiful. Y/N I wish that my wedding was like this. But nobody cares of what I want" "And what do you want" That was all that took for you to look deep in his eyes and pull him over for a kiss. It's a rough kiss, the type she never had with Frank. Dick let himself blame on the alcohool in the next morning. You pull his hair letting his hands go all over your body under your coat moaning a bit when his warm hands met your cold legs, it was the sign to Dick lead you into inside the house. Slamming the door behind you, he takes your coat in a super speed and pulls your hair aside so he could kiss the neck that he missed so much. You go over his body with your sharpen nails as he left deep breaths under your skin making you closing your eyes in pleasure. As he removes your dress and finally looking at you with your exposed body, you cup his hands in his face the way he loves to and you both smile larger than you did over the last year.
Falling down in the top of Richard's body, you both try to catch your breath as he puts his arms around you kissing your head. Staying like this for a while, you don't know what to say by only hearing his raced heart beat and staring the window you once did a long time ago in a room that it was a few times smaller of the one you were used to now.
"Please don’t be with someone like him. I wouldn’t be able to handle it" Dick's voice came out raspy near your ear as he slightly stroke your hair. You though about this moment for so long that now you don't know what to say. You get off his top and sit down on the bed starring at his naked breathless body. "Dick..." "Please, Y/N hear me out.." he says standing up his torso to get close to you "Do you honestly think that you'll have what we just and always had?" you look down trying not to meet his eyes as he looked deeply to your face "I can't get you nice thinks like he does, but I can give you endless love." "I'm not looking for his money, Grayson" You say serious finally meeting his gaze "I don't wanna live with the feeling that I might not be able to see you when I get home. Or worst, be the first one see you dead somewhere. You say that you wouldn't handle see me with him, but what about me? The endless nights that I spent crying while you were blackout on the floor and I just had to wait? When I had to make excuses for you not being in there because you were to wounded to show up in public?" "Then I'll be better" he says holding the side of your head with sweetness "Goddamnitt I'll stop-" "Don't." knowing what would come next you interrupt him "The whole question here is that I don't wanna make you choose" "But I'll always choose you, Y/N. If I have to I'll burn my uniform right now" he says gripping the other hand on your hip pulling you closer "You say it and I'll. Tell me that you're gonna stay and I will burn the entire armory down" now he met his nose with yours with his eyes shut.
If this had only happen early. You let a tear come down as you remembered what Freddie told you this morning. His entire family coming from England and the excitment in his voice preparing this whole thing. You couldn't do this to him, not right now. Maybe in a few years when he realises that you're not in love and leave you. Maybe, but you couldn't put Dick to wait for this. He kisses your tears away, which made extra heart to open your eyes and touch his face for the last time "I love you Dick Grayson. I always will for the rest of my life." "I'll wait for you" "I don't want you to." you lie knowing that is for the best. You noticed that a few tears had started to falling down from his face. You clean them away with your thumb kissing his lips and his head for the longest time.
The next day you find yourself in front of a huge mirror again while the stylist was making the last details on your dress. You see Artemis coming next to you smiling "Someone left this on your doorstep" she gives to her a wrapped box and the woman in her dress leave them alone. The gift was with a note             'Your Something Blue." She frowns removing carefully the note as she opens the tiny box. It was a stupid blue bird pin. You feel your heart stops for a huge second taking carefully out of box. Artemis is by your side giving an encouraged smile removing the pin from your fingers and carefully placing in your dress on a spot that only you could see it.
You feel your mouth drying a bit as you made your way to the altar. Surrounded by the 200 faces which mostly you've never seen it you find Freddie's gaze on you. You smile noticing that he did what you asked that was no photographers around or cameras. You stand next to him and starts to panicking noticing that you can meet his eyes so close "Are you okay?" he whispers as the priest starts talking. You only nodds trying to focus on the words.
You could felt that the cerimony was taking 3 days to get over. Your feets hurt, it's too cold for a open sky wedding, and the cold metal of that pin over your body was bothering you way more than it should. "So before we made the actual blessing, I need to say: Is there someone here who may be against this event?" You close your eyes ready for his next words as you hear everyone gasps behind you. Freddie turns over frowing his brows and you slowly turns to see.
Richard Grayson, dressed as a homeless boy between that fancy people with flannels and jeans with that huge ass beard, walked in your direction.
You were sure that your eyes had come out of your face. Everything around you was a blur. You had seen this scene several times in movies, thinking how embarrassing that was, now it was happening to you. You were pretty sure that you head Wally's laugh on the background, but it wasn't that important. Making sure you weren't the only one seeing this, you hear Freddie's voice "But what on earth is this?" You try to come up with words turning your head to him but not being able to turn your eyes too. Dick still stood there in silent finally realising what he was doing he puts his hands on his jeans pockets embarrassed. You feel a little grin coming in the corner of your mouth "Y/N, explain!" Freddie sounded again in her eyes. You finally give Freddie's entire attention "I can't do this. I never could" Fred eyes met yours with a certain desperation "Fred I could give you my full I do but I could never give you the life you want and deserves. And I'm sorry that I've waited so long to do this, I'll never forgive myself. But this time I have to get what I want" she smiles empathic to him as she pushs her dress up.
Dick Grayson could honestly die in a horrible way right now that he didn't care. When he sees you running to him he recomposes as he hugs you so tightly you could break. He hears yours and his stupid friends cheering up in the backgroud as he held your hand outside of the garden. You wait until you're in his car to dare to say anything "Why-What just happened?" you say breathless as you had runned a marathon "I can't let anyone think that they'll spend his life with him while I stand" he smiles to her letting the adrenaline run off. He holds your face and kiss you desperatly finally having on his arms and his arms only.
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Lazy Afternoon - werewolf!jason au
Characters: Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Titus & Alfred, bit of Tim Summary: You don’t give a wolf dog treats, Damian. Okay? A/N: This is plotless dialogue garbage but I miss this au and want to get back into it. They go on patrol with Tim, his butt isn’t too bony - but he is the butt of ALL JOKES of the night - and they turn it into tag when Nightwing and Batman try to get too close. Damian doesn’t say anything to Jason but he gets real emotionally stuck on being called a ‘good kid’ for like. Weeks. It’s so foreign to him. Sorry this sucks. Maybe I’ll update in less than a year this time and it’ll be better than this.
Other Werewolf!Jason things
It was a nice day. The colorful leaves wafting in the wind made a nice sound. The sun was shining. There were no scents, but still, even the air smelled nice. It didn’t make sense, but hey – he had the power to turn into a goddamn wolf, so nothing really had to.
He was sitting with Damian under a tree, in said wolf form. He was curled up on one side, head under Damian’s elbow, while the cat Alfred and dog Titus sat on the other. Damian was in the middle, sketching away in his notebook, the only real noises being the scratches of pencils, or the plop and rummaging of when he dropped a pencil bag into the bag by his knee and looked for a new one.
Oh and also – humming. The kid was totally humming. Nothing Jason knew, but it sounded nice all the same. Nice and relaxed.
And what a thing – to see Damian relaxed. While Jason still didn’t know everything about the kid, he knew enough to know that Damian only relaxed when he felt safe, or loved. Otherwise he was a little ball of pent up nerves and tension.
But he was relaxed, here, with Jason. He felt safe, here, with Jason.
(He might even feel loved, here, with Jason.)
And the weight of that was not lost on the wayward older brother.
He huffed, and without realizing it, snuggled deeper into Damian’s side.
Damian didn’t stop humming. Didn’t stop drawing. Just reached out his free hand and gently scratched at Jason’s ear.
(Hesperus began wagging their tail at this. Not that Jason tried to stop him too much.)
A few minutes later, there was the sound of the back door sliding open.
“Um…” Damian glanced up, and Jason merely opened his eyes lazily, ignoring Hesperus’ immediate tension. Tim stood there, a mixture of nervousness and annoyance. “Bruce wants to know if you’re going on patrol tonight?”
“Whom?” Damian responded.
“Both of you. Either of you. I don’t know.” Tim sighed. “Just…are you?”
Damian hummed again, thoughtfully this time. Jason felt him look down at him.
“…Yeah, I suppose.”
“Great.” Tim drawled. “Got anything I need to tell Bruce or Dick? Since apparently I get to play messenger between you two and those two.”
“Consider it an honor, Timbo.” Jason whined. “Means you’re held in higher regard than them. Unless you want to be shunned…?”
“Don’t start.” Tim snapped. “I’m aware of my weird limbo status, Jason, thanks.”
“Good.” Jason closed his eyes again. Hesperus relaxed. “Then go away.”
Damian snorted, and the noise sounded like laughter.
Tim sighed, but did as he was told, turning back into the house, no doubt returning to Bruce and Dick to inform them that, no, there is actually nothing to report. It’ll probably make them grumpy and stressed, and more bitter and emotionally constipated than they were normally.
He was caught in his reverie, enjoying the imagined angst of his brother and father, when suddenly, there was something being held in front of his nose. Meat of some sort. Not much, but…
He sniffed at it, and could feel Hesperus perking as he opened his eyes to stare at it. It was a little brown ball. “What the hell is this?”
“A treat.” Damian hummed. Paused, then revised his response. “A dog treat. You’re a dog.”
“I’m a wolf, thank you very much. And yes, there is a difference.”
“It’s just meat. Nothing processed. I called it a dog treat, but it’s not really. Alfred eats them too.” A pause, and Jason watched as Damian split the snack and offered the pieces to the other two. Titus chomped away happily. Alfred did as well, though much more quietly. “…Pennyworth helped me make them.”
Jason glanced up. “You made them?”
“…Why?” Jason asked curiously. Watched as Alfred finished his snack and thanked his boy by leaning up to his face, giving him a quick lick with that rough tongue and rubbing his cheek against his chin. As Titus slapped his hand over Damian’s knee in equal gratitude.
“Because Grayson once told me when you love someone, you should do nice things for them. And because I felt like it.” Damian offered simply. “Besides, they deserve something nice, don’t you think? They put up with me after all.”
Jason blinked, and replayed the words.
Because he loved them. Because he loved them he made them something special.
And here he was, offering that something special to him.
…Does that mean Damian loves him too?
(And does Damian really think of himself so poorly that he believes he’s a burden even to his pets? Despite the fact that it couldn’t have been farther from the truth?)
If it was a slipup on Damian’s part, he didn’t seem to notice. Or at least realize. But still, it made Jason’s heart swell and beat faster. There was no odder feeling than being told you were loved or cared about, inadvertently or otherwise. By someone you expected to say it or not.
Without another word, Damian held out another treat to Jason, and this time Jason took it. Slobbered a little bit on Damian’s hand on purpose.
And he had to admit…it was kind of delicious. Sweet, seasoned meat cooked perfectly. He could taste Alfred’s touch to the recipe, and even Damian’s kitchen inexperience, but eagerness to please, all the same.
Hesperus didn’t give a shit about any of that though. He downright loved it, and was already whining for Jason to get more.
(No wonder Damian still called him a dog. Hesperus, you’re embarrassing yourself!)
As he chomped away, he felt Damian’s hand go back to his ear, and restart stroking his head gently. He silently leaned into the touch, giving as much as a silent thank you as he could, just like Titus and Alfred had.
“Did you like it?” Damian asked after a moment. Jason nodded as best he could. “Pennyworth says we should try different styles. You may have to be a taste tester.”
“I can do that. I’ll taste them as a human and a wolf, to make sure it’s really good.” Jason decided. “…Thanks, though.”
“You’re welcome.” Damian replied, and he almost sounded relieved.
Jason hesitated, debating. But he decided – fuck it. He’d promised he was in it for this kid. And if he didn’t go all the way, that didn’t make him any better than Bruce and Dick, did it?
“…And I love you too.”
Damian’s hand on his ear hesitated. Jason could practically hear Damian’s heart speed up. Alfred meowed in laughter.
“…I didn’t say that, Todd.” Damian scolded.
“You didn’t have to.” Jason countered gently. Hesperus whined again. “Now give me another meatball.”
He heard Damian scoff in a pout, but did as he was told, and held out another treat. He hummed in enjoyment, and flopped onto his side, pressing tighter against Damian’s leg. Huffed a big sigh as he closed his eyes again, and secretly relished in the scratches Damian was giving to his flank.
“…What’re you drawing?” He asked after a moment.
“Various things.” Damian responded. “Profile studies of Grayson, Cassandra and Mother. Drake prior to and after coffee. You ripping the Joker’s throat out with your fangs, while a baby sleeps peacefully on your back, between your shoulder blades.”
“Are you the baby?”
“Absolutely not.” Damian almost sounded insulted. “The baby is a metaphor for the innocence you try to protect via violence.”
“Deep.” Jason grunted, listening as a window was opened somewhere in the house. He heard Dick’s quiet, grumpy voice coming from it. Hesperus growled quietly in return.
“Are you thinking about anything?” Damian inquired, sounding like one of those four-year-olds who ask ‘why’ four hundred times a day.
“Meatballs.” Jason grinned. Damian frowned, and pulled his hand away. Jason rolled over further, so his legs were practically sticking up in the air. “Nah, I’m thinking about you.”
Damian paused, and looked down at him, embarrassment already heating up his cheeks. “What?”
“I’m thinking about how you’re a damn good kid, and am wondering why it took me getting temporarily turned into a werewolf to see it.” Jason admitted. Damian looked away instantly. Towards his pets. “So…sorry about that.”
“You don’t have to apologize. You’re not even right. But…you confronted Grayson and Father, that’s…amends enough for me.” Damian mumbled. Jason smiled again, felt Hesperus bark in amusement too as he tried to lean closer into his cub’s side, but didn’t push it. He and Damian were too much alike that way. Don’t push the emotional stuff they don’t want to talk about, at least not too much. Wait until they’re ready. “…You really think the wolf thing is temporary?”
“That’s what all the League magicians say.” Jason sighed. “Honestly, though I wouldn’t be adverse to being this way forever. Not to bad of a life, if I’m honest.”
“Only because you think you can piss anywhere you want and get away with it.” Damian smirked. Even Alfred seemed to laugh again, in his catty way.
“Hey, I haven’t shit in your room yet so I don’t see why you’d have a problem with it.” Jason joked back. Damian smiled and rolled his eyes. “And don’t worry, I promise I won’t shit in Tim’s room, or the girls’, unless they deserve it. I also promise I’ll make Dickie and Bruce be the ones to clean it up, not Alfie.”
“You’d have to go back to being a human once in a while to make Grayson or Father do anything, but you’d better stick to those promises, or else.” Damian scolded. “…What time did you want to go on patrol?”
“Dusk is good.” Jason countered. “You stealing a car or want to hitch a ride?”
“If you’re willing, I’ll accept a ride.” Jason heard the scratching of Damian’s pencil suddenly pick back up. “You’re faster than Father’s cars. And it’s less of a carbon footprint.”
“Yeah, okay Princess Mononoke.” Jason scoffed. Damian didn’t react.
“And…we should probably invite Drake to accompany us.” Damian admitted. “As you said yourself, he is not shunned yet. And I can tell he is doing what he can to stay neutral.”
“Neutral isn’t a good choice either, but I’m not about to get into a discussions of ethics versus oppressors with a ten-year-old, so. Fine. He can come with, but you have to ask him.” Jason agreed. “And I swear if his butt’s too bony, he’s gotta get his own ride.”
Damian just grinned, and continued drawing. Jason watched him for a moment, before rolling back onto his side, staring across the yard, and the colorful trees.
“…Thanks again for the snack. It really was good.” Jason mumbled. “…And you really are a good kid, Damian. Really.”
He didn’t sense a reaction, and Damian’s pencil never stopped. But suddenly his tiny hand was back on Jason’s flank, petting gently. Hesperus calmed under the attention, and in turn, Jason did too.
And he was almost asleep again, when he heard his charge whisper: “So are you, Todd. And you always have been.”
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