#Tim and Sally
fountainpenguin · 1 year
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All the preview images for Factor It In chapters 2 to 7!
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mydairpercabeth · 9 months
Im already seeing really bad takes that the show didnt make Gabe “abusive enough”. First and foremost, there are so many different forms of abuse, not just physical abuse. When we first see him, he is instantly belittling Percy. You can see how much of the space he takes up in the apartment. He has a single recliner, a jersey on the wall, and a side table all for him while he gambles with Sallys money. He is immediately financially abusive and verbally abusive.
Second, he answered Sally’s phone and spoke to the principal at Yancy. He is trying to control how Sally raises her son and is giddy at getting another person to bully again. Also, he controls the car. Sally has to negotiate with him and manage his reaction to her taking her son to Montauk. In this scene we see her sass him back and tell him to ask her nicely which I think is a great way to show that Sally still has some agency in the situation. She is able to say she doesnt want to be spoken to disrespectfully.
Lastly, in The Lightning Theif, Percy states “For the first time, I realized something. Gabe had hit my mother. I didn’t know when, or how much. But I was sure he’d done it. Maybe it had been going on for years, when I wasn’t around.” This was in the second to last chapter of the book. People are mad they didnt see him hit her in the first EPISODE??? Be so for real. Give the show time to flesh everything out.
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honey-pumpkins · 20 days
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gh0st0o · 2 months
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my creepypasta redesigns and marble hornets too(hoodie is saying hi yall :D)
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thepumpkin-queenn · 1 year
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sappy-detective · 2 months
ashamed to say the early creepypasta fandom trained my brain so when i think of slenderman interacting with his proxys all i imagine is him holding a tin of cookies wearing a pink apron as he reprimands the children
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crushedsweets · 8 months
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Close ups! Took some liberties with heights and designs, of course
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atimburtonfan · 17 days
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hugecarls · 3 months
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burnmyhouseonf1re · 4 months
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happy Pride
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toms-tm · 4 months
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I love my friends ocs and I love our big rp so yes I will post things that people have no context for and I won’t be sorry about it
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
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"I should not be left to my own devices; they come with prices and vices; I end up in crisis (tale as old as time)..."
New Factor It In chapter today!
Chapter 3 - “Base”
Read on FFN || Read on AO3
Rex (AKA Kid Math) is no longer mind controlled, thanks to WordGirl... but since he needs a moment to himself, he retreats to his super secret spaceship hideout. Meanwhile, Sally Botsford chats with Exposition Guy and his wife, who are taking in a new foster kid...
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
.:: January 3rd - Saturday - 1:54 pm ::.
"Analyze yourself at your worst to understand yourself at your best."
(Ancient Hexagon proverb)
➕ ➖ ✖️ ➗
Psst! Look for the words intimidated and integrated
He streaks above the city in a blur of blue. The absence of the Narrator is bitter and haunting. Rex tries not to let it weigh on him. He should treasure these moments. They let him work through his thoughts in private without that infuriating busybody prodding at him with an invisible finger.
Hot chocolate sounds scrumptious in this weather, but the food trucks will have to wait. This mind control belt is going straight to his spaceship hideout before it does any more harm. Rex struggles through the blinding snowflakes as best as he can, wiping melting slush from his eyelashes. Is he over the suburbs yet? The wind lashes him towards the rooftops. He can't see far ahead, and not only because he left the smashed remains of his glasses in that crater. He's too fast. Too cold. Ick. He wraps his hands around his shoulders, decreasing the wind resistance against his body for optimal flight. It's freezing. They didn't have anything like this back on Hexagon, you know. This weather is just all-around awful. Why does WordGirl stay on a planet with such a strong tilt to its axis?
Well… He knows the answer to that question, actually. Her family live here. Her Earth family, anyway. As he veers through the snowflakes, trying not to crash into any buildings, Rex grits his teeth. Family. What a nuisance. Sure, it's easy for WordGirl - Becky - to suggest he settle with an Earth couple. She doesn't remember her parents at all, so switching them out for new ones probably never hurt her.
But the LAST two people he wants to cram into his life are a false mom and false dad. Those titles are acid on his tongue. Becky can build her perilous house of cards, but personally? Rex would rather not create a secret identity around a lie of "having Earth parents" whom he "loves."
So what if he hasn't lived with his mom since he was in his 30s? And so what if his dad hasn't set foot off Lexicon in a century? That doesn't mean they're not his parents. And it doesn't mean it's okay to just replace them with random strangers he's not sure he'll ever care about.
And it's not fair for Becky to make me do that.
But she did.
He can still remember the day, just over two weeks ago now, when WordGirl broke the news about the foster system. They were in the forest, surrounded by the evergreens he'd already grown familiar with. His scooter craft had been damaged in a small fall when it ran out of fuel, just a few days after arriving here on Earth. Rex had crawled underneath it with a couple of good wrenches, scowling hopelessly at the mess of wires and wishing for a pair of pliers instead. Then WordGirl swooped in with her usual hot and fiery swishing noise and he'd jerked up, bashing his forehead on the underside of the scout vessel. Ow. He nicked his forehead on serrated metal. Two seconds later, it flickered with an icy chill and sealed over again.
"Well, good news, Rex! I've found you a warm, safe place to stay for the winter while your spaceship heater's busted. Once the snow melts in spring, Bob and I can take a look at it with you and try to fix it up."
She wore her favorite green sweater, like a fluffy carrot top that concealed a discouraging harvest below. She'd been all smiles as he crawled out from under the scooter, and Huggy had squealed his agreement. You know… It really had sounded like good news at first. She got excited for him. Let's break this down. A temporary family who could check up on him every now and then? Help him get food, use the post office, and get around the city? Great! It would be a nice change of scenery to stretch his legs. He could use a few nights away from his spaceship.
The journey from Hexagon had been a long one. It took him two years. He hadn't technically crashed his ship when he landed on this planet, but he had clipped a few trees on his way down. Then he bashed the starboard side against a giant boulder and broke a few things. You know, maybe that was considered crashing… but he still had his fingers crossed that he could get it up again in no time. He just… needed to wait for spring, so he could stand working outside for long hours without all this icy wind.
The snow hadn't been this bad back then. Just two inches deep (inches are an Earth unit of measurement, equivalent to 2.72 rokurans). The blood raced in his veins, but he'd thought that would be the end of it. Then WordGirl had mentioned foster care. An agent she knew. Some ideas she had. And he'd just… stood there, staring at her silently with the wrench drooping from his hand.
Foster care. With Earth families and other Earthling kids.
"Oh…" What else was he supposed to say? He fidgeted with the wrench and (very slowly) leaned back against the hood of his scooter craft. "Thanks, WordGirl. I appreciate you looking out for me, but I really don't need a babysitter. I'm 51 and I almost graduated top of my class from the Hexagonian Children's Learning Facility. I already picked up some picture books on forest foraging from the library. I know how to start fires and put them out again safely. I'm perfectly fine with being independent while I'm here on Earth."
WordGirl had hesitated then, and he'd remembered a split-second later that on this planet, he wasn't considered 51. Right. He could recognize his age inherently, even across the universe. His Hexagonian blood wouldn't let him forget it. He'd done the math. One year on Hexagon translated to 61.078 Earth days.
But here, the people viewed him as only 8 years old. Rex was pretty sure he'd "turn 9" on this planet sometime this upcoming summer - he'd be close to 53.56209 years on Hexagon if his calculations were accurate - though he wasn't yet confident with the names of the Earth months.
He hadn't relayed any of this to WordGirl yet in case he got the words wrong. January, June, July… March, May… The names danced on a blurry stage like ballerinas encased in ice. Okay, yeah- side note: It still boggled his mind that so many people on this planet could read written words as easily as Lexiconians did. In fact, this whole planet was full of readers.
He still wanted to wait for the right moment to bring up the date. He had time.
[Cnt'd on FFN / AO3 - Links at top]
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p1xiemeat · 1 year
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Corpse Bride & Nightmare Before Christmas Hello Kitty Plushies ༺🕸️༻
cr: ♡‧₊˚🕸 art of travesuras ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷
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c-horror-angel · 1 year
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Obligatory weed post
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madpatti · 1 year
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Some time Burton sketches :)
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thepumpkin-queenn · 1 year
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