#Tie Me To the Mast
jayjaymorgan · 1 year
Tie Me to the Mast - Chapter I
Author’s Note : Please remember that English isn't my native language, so there might be some mistakes and stuff. I hope you all like it, have a great day/night!
TW : none (?)
‘Devil’s Hound’, pushed by a strong wind from the starboard, cut through the water swiftly, covering the miles extremely fast. It rocked slightly, the wood creaking and moaning in a never ending melody under the pressure of the waves. The sound brought comfort to the tired and weary travelers, reminding them that they’re still alive and heading somewhere.
The only problem was, that they didn’t know where the said somewhere was.
Rex irrationally hoped to see land, but days have passed since their escape into the unknown started, days morphing into nights and back into days, with no land in sight. Only ocean, from the horizon to horizon, reflecting the sun relentlessly onto his tired and dry eyes. Kix separated the meager rations of water amongst the crew, which they drank slowly, savoring every second as the liquid cooled down their burning throats and cracked lips. They could hardly speak at this point, so they communicated in grunts, but even that started to get harder with each passing hour, as their tongues and throats became more swollen from the dehydration. Rex could barely keep his eyes open as he stood next to the helm, leaning on it, as his own body felt too heavy to stay upright. The ship was still heading east, the rising sun blinding them with its red light, with no clouds to shield their tired eyes from it. “Turn right!” Echo yelled from the bow, making the captain jump in surprise. With shame, Rex realized that he doze off on the helm. He turned the wheel, feeling the ship shift its weight under his feet as he did. A long, dark shape passed them on the starboard, nearly completely hidden under the surface of the ocean. The man looked at it for a moment, his mind empty and fogged from the lack of sleep and water. He could see a branch sticking out from the water, which pointed to the object being a withered tree trunk. If they hit it at this speed, the ‘Devil’s Hound’s bow would shatter into splinters. Maybe it would be a good thing, he thought. It would spare them the slow, agonizing death, the overwhelming thirst and pain. He once again fell into his trance, eyes focused on a nonexistent point ahead of them. He knew that he made a terrible mistake : there was no land. They would slowly turn to dried out husks, a phantom ship filled with dead bodies of its crew, rotting away in the blazing sun, claimed by the waters and the beasts residing in them. He wondered if anyone would ever find them. “What was that?” Ahsoka asked, feeling the change in the ship’s movement. She wasn’t the only one to feel it, but the rest of the crew were way too tired to even acknowledge it. “A tree trunk.” the captain responded, his voice deprived of any emotions. “Nearly hit it.” The woman furrowed her brows. She knew that this small piece of information meant something important, but her tired mind had a hard time making the connection. Thinking was really hard at this point, it would be best not to think at all, preserve the energy as much as one could. But finally, a light turned on inside her head. “Where did it come from?” “What?” the man looked at her, his eyes unfocused as he tried to form a response. “The tree? The one we almost hit just a minute ago?” she reminded him. “What about it?” “Where did it come from?” she was getting irritated. “From the front.” he responded, letting out a heavy and tired sigh. “From the starboard. She gave him an angry look, wishing he had connected the dots by now. “It was a tree.” she said slowly. “And the tree had to grow somewhere, before it ended up in the water.” “And what am I supposed to...” he stopped suddenly, his eyes widening. “It’s a tree.” “We already established that.” “I know, I know!” Rex waved his hands around in a defensive move. “Ye’re right, it had to grow somewhere. On land. An island, or something bigger, like...” He was cut off by a loud squawk. They snapped their heads around, noticing a white bird sitting on the board, preening its feathers. It looked at them curiously, turning its head to get a better look at them as they stared at it. “A seagull.” They both jumped in surprise, startled by the hoarse voice of their cook. They didn’t even see him approach, until he spoke, leaning on the broom he was holding. “Like I was saying...” “A seagull.” the man repeated, making Rex turn to face him. “No’ an albatross. Or a frigate bird.” “What about it?” “Ye gommy!” the Scot cursed loudly, before clearing his throat to explain. “Seagulls keep close to land, ye lavvy heid! Follow the bird!” As he finished speaking, he raised his broom and swatted the bird, making it cry out in surprise and take flight, losing a few feathers in the process. It flew a couple of feet up, catching the wind in its wings before flying away, heading in the direction of the rising sun, followed by a dozen pairs of eyes as the crew caught up to what the man was saying. “There. It’s going home.” Obi said, staring at the creature. He then turned around and walked away, mumbling something about him doing all the work and being surrounded by idiots. Rex only shook his head, a sad smile making its way onto his face as he made a mental note to visit the ship’s infirmary as soon as he could, as the Scot’s bad mood could have something to do with the injured man laying there, battling his fever from infected wounds and broken ribs. “I’ll go up, keep an eye out for land.” Ahsoka said before hurrying away and climbing up the mast, moving swiftly and elegantly, like a panther would among the tree tops, where she sat in the crow’s nest, a spyglass in hand. Something heavy and fluffy rubbed against Rex’s legs, nearly knocking him off balance. He looked down and saw a pair of dark eyes, staring back at him. The dog leaned against him, letting out a tired groan and nudging his nose against the man’s hand, demanding his attention. “I know.” he ruffled the dog’s head, careful not to tug on the knotted fur. “Almost there, Sin.” The dog groaned again, his paws scratching the wood as he walked away, laying down in his usual place, at the base of the mast. Even he wasn’t spared by the hardships of travel : tangled fur, dry, sunken eyes from dehydration, with no energy to play or even chew on the shoe that he stole from one of the sailors. He just sat there, panting, looking at the crew as they walked past him, busy with their chores and keeping the boat afloat. Rex looked a way, a feeling of guilt tugging at his heart upon seeing his beloved companions in such state. He turned the wheel, adjusting the course, to follow the bird that was now only a small, white dot against the blue skies.
And their last hope.
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carolinanadeau · 6 months
note to self: do not fly too close to the sun
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chaosmagetwin · 19 days
Y'all, I keep seeing HDG posts pop up on my feed, and I can feel it calling me like a fucking siren. I know if I read it, it'll be fucking OVER for me, because I can feel it. I'm not going to be normal about it. I already know I'd be a floret, and I already know I'd enjoy the fucking space lesbian aliens who treat you nice and domme you and everything.
The problem! The fucking! PROBLEM!!! is that I know! It's going to hurt me! I know! It's going to fucking make me yearn my goddamn heart out, and then it's going to be over, and I'll be inside HDG with no way out.
Someone called it info-hazardous material for transfolk, and I can feel the radioactivity from here, read the many warning signs left by past transfolk going "Ah shit, they weren't lying, them broccoli women do be fascinating, now I yearn for the domestication mines", hear the loud buzzing from my geiger counter.
I give myself a week before I give in and read it.
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gothimp · 11 months
hits my pen once and hears the siren call of my hair shears like odysseus in the messina strait
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stormyoceans · 1 year
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the contrast between these two pictures is insane. their serious expressions giving way to the brightest of smiles is insane. the two of them standing on opposite sides facing each other at first and now being right next to each other on the same side is insane. the darkness slowly turning into light is insane. i am insane
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eurekavalley · 2 years
Scrolling past the old DD/GA interview videos that tumblr says are based on my likes makes me feel like a grizzled sea captain, sailing in fair weather by treacherous rocks where other adventurers have gone down to their deaths.
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bright-thehawksflight · 9 months
You know at first I didn't believe it when fiber artists on tumblr would tell me to be wary of the fiber art slippery slope. And yet. I hear the siren call of the spindle. Fellow crafters help me resist. Tie me to the fucking mast. Please.
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yanderenightmare · 7 months
TW: nsfw, dubcon, coercion, bullying
fem reader
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Your bully says he’s always been curious about what it’s like to fuck a geeky good girl like you—and that he’ll leave you if you let him have a taste.
You knew he was probably mostly joking when he offered… but you were sick and tired and perhaps a little desperate for the chance of him finally leaving you alone—so you balled your fists within his shirt, dragged him inside an empty classroom, and told him he could do whatever he wanted.
You don’t know who was more surprised.
He never knew you to be so brazen—but it’s not like you’re some blushing virgin, either.
You have experience. However, most of that experience is with nicer guys… not someone like him…
It’s not like you expected him to go easy on you, but still…
You bruise against the desk he has you bent over on—dewy-faced and panting, lying cheek-down in your own drool as he fucks full-chested moans right out of you. He snickers when your thighs shake, whistling with a grin when feeling your tight cunt flutter around him—slick dripping to the floor in a little puddle.
“You’re so wet it’s embarrassing.” He laughs.
He’s got your arms tussled behind your back, using your shirt as bindings—having balled your skirt up around your waist in two tight fists, knuckles white while using it to keep you still as he pounds into you with a mean snap of his hips. 
Your heart drops when you hear a rip. A second time when, you feel his movements still, and a thick warmth starts to fill you.
“Ah—fuck—don’t squeeze so tight—I’m ‘bout to—” He grunts, but it’s already too late once he pulls out.
Panting heavily as his cock drips with the last drop—hunched over—his eyes fall to your glossy cunt, half-mast while staring at the way his cum slowly leaks out of the still-fluttering little hole. 
He feels a cute-aggressive urge to slap it but doesn’t want to get his hand all sticky.
He pulls his pants up instead, only bothering to button his shirt up halfway, tie hanging loosely around his neck. Anyone with eyes could guess what he’d been doing with his sweaty hair and that flushed look on his face.
And yet he starts leaving without a care or a word. 
Already halfway out the door before you get your wits back.
“No—wait!” You warble, unknotting your sleeves to wrap your shirt around you. “You can’t leave me like this—my skirt…” You hold the tattered piece up for him to see, showing him the tear he’d made, rendering it unwearable.
His hand is still on the doorknob, only bothering to acknowledge you with a jaded look over his shoulder. “How’s that my problem?”
Your brows cinch that pitiful way it always does. That cute way that has his gut bubble and fizz. “Please…” You plead, and it’s almost enough to make his cock perk up again. “Just bring me a skirt from lost and found… please?”
He sighs—the door at his back as he leans against it with arms folded upon his chest. “Tch—and what's in it for me?”
You nibble your lip in thought—but you already know the answer. 
“I’ll be better at it next time—just... please?”
“Hm…” He hums in thought, a small smirk playing at the corner of his lips, tugged as if your words had pulled it with string. “Wait here, I’ll be back.”
The door closed with a click, and you were left in the classroom alone.
A few minutes passed. You doubted his return. 
You could always call a friend… but you didn’t want to get anyone into any trouble—calling them when they’re in class. Also, how would you even explain it to them? What type of person skips class to have sex in an empty classroom? Not to mention, they’d ask who you’d done it with—and there was just no way you could tell them. It’d be too embarrassing—you might just die—and if anyone else ever found out, he’d more likely kill you himself.
Well… suppose you could always make the run to Lost and Found yourself. The hallways should be mostly empty at this hour, but there’s really no guarantee. 
In the end, the thought of someone catching you in cum-soaked panties makes you hold onto all hope that your bully would return as he’d said.
And fifteen minutes later, he does. Black school skirt in one hand and strawberry milk in the other. Seemed he’d taken the time to stop at a vending machine.
But you don’t care. Breathing out a sigh of relief—gratitude on your lips as you leap over to him. “Thank you—” 
You eagerly accept the skirt—putting it on just as quickly.
He leans back against the door again, sipping his carton while watching you fall still with dismay. Humored at the pout that takes your lips as you look up at him with those pitiful doe-eyes.
“This is too short…”
He hides his smile with a tilt of his head. “Oh?” He grabs his jaw and pretends to assess your bottom half with focus. “Hmm… turn around, lemme see.”
You listen trustingly—as though you actually believe he cares. It almost makes him laugh out loud at how fucking gullible you are. But he keeps his act tight. Humming at the sight of the skirt only barely covering the crease of your cute ass.
“You’re right—something’s off.” He admits. 
You look back at him just in time to see his smirk before he grabs you. 
Keeping you still with an arm wrapped around your waist, he tips you over and grabs your panties—pulling them despite your body's protests as you wiggle in his hold. You cry as the fabric wedges up between your asscheeks, kicking your legs behind you until feeling it rip.
“There you go…” He coos while letting go of you, twirling the torn string in his hand. “Now it fits perfectly.”
He chuckles at the pretty tears clumped upon your lashes as you look at him with your lip tucked between your teeth until you finally get the grit to say what’s on the tip of your tongue.
“You’re an asshole.”
He sneers with a smile and bags your panties in his pocket—then turns around and opens the door. Leaving you worse off than before.
“Never said otherwise, buttercup.”
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BNHA – Bakugou, Dabi, Shigaraki, Hawks, Shinso, Kirishima
JJK – Sukuna, Geto, Gojo, Toji
DS – Akaza, Sanemi
HQ – Kuro, Miya twins
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business---goose · 2 years
I shouldn’t listen to the little voices in my head telling me to start on those new fic ideas I came up with, but they are so persuasive…
There like sirens beckoning me to their rocky shores…
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wagpastie · 2 years
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jayjaymorgan · 1 year
Tie Me to the Mast - Chapter II
Author’s Note : Sorry it took so long, guys. Thank you all for your patience as I dealt with my sick cat. He's a little bit better now, if you're interested in helping us paying for his treatment, feel free to head over to @farkmagic Koffi. Please remember that English isn't my native language, so there might be some mistakes and stuff. I hope you all like it, have a great day/night!
TW : none (?)
It’s been nearly half a day since they saw the seagull.
The bird disappeared long ago and they were still in the middle of the ocean. The hope and enthusiasm turned to sadness and a feeling of disappointment, as the crew continued bailing out the water under the scorching sun. Rex was still standing at the steering wheel, his lips so dry that it felt like they were sealed shut with wax. His muscles ached from standing in the same position, but he was too tired to move, if he did he would most likely fall over. His tired mind started playing tricks on him, as every time he blinked he could swear that he saw something in the distance or in the corner of his eye. He wasn’t the only one, as Ahsoka mistook a cloud for land several times in the past few hours. It brought his a weird sense of comfort, knowing that he wasn’t going crazy. Or, maybe, they all have fallen victim to the sea fever and he was just glad that he wasn’t the only one. He decided not to dwell on it, to save his energy but mainly not to go insane just by thinking about all the possibilities. He closed his eyes, the swaying of the ship lulling him into a restless trance. He secretly hoped to never open his eyes again, but that thought was interrupted by a voice, calling out from above. “I think I see land!” Rex couldn’t help but groan, as he got up and looked at Ahsoka, who was climbing down the mast. “You sure?” he did his best to hide his irritation, as the girl landed next to him, the wood creaking under her weight. “You sure it’s not a cloud?”
“No, I’m sure. This one, it looks... more solid, if that makes sense.” she pointed at something as she spoke, up ahead. “Just, look.” Rex walked to the starboard and squinted his eyes, accompanied by Hunter, who got up on the bulwark to get a better look. “I think she’s right.” the man said, before wiping the sweat from his ink covered face. “That’s definitely land, no doubt.” A few more crewmembers joined them, pointing and talking loudly, voicing their agreement with the girl. Some remained skeptical, Rex being one of them. He knew that he couldn’t handle another disappointment, as he was sure that the said island was going to be another cloud. But, as the ��Devil’s Hound’ continued to head east, the blurred grey line on the horizon started to take shape and more details came into focus, he couldn’t help but to cheer alongside his brothers and sisters. “It’s land.” he said. “It’s an island. We did it.” Ahsoka looked up at her older friend, a smile forming on her dried and cracked lips. “Wherever the island may lay.” she whispered.
As the ship circled the island, it turned out that that there was no place to come to anchor. The island was surrounded by a long line of cliffs, which were covered in thick greenery. Waves crashed into them in unison, sending white foam flying into the air and showering the sailors with salty rain as they swam by. “There’s a lot of trees.”  Hunter noted. “There has to be fresh water near.” “But first, we need to get there.” the captain craned his neck to look around, hoping to see a some sort of a beach or an opening. The rest followed suit, dozen pairs of eyes scanning the rock wall for any type of crack. No luck. The ship reached a turning point, now swimming against the wind, which caused the sails to flap uncontrollably before falling down and hanging loosely against the masts. “Starboard tack, trim the jib sheet!” Rex ordered, as he turned the helm to encircle the island. “We’ll turn around, see if there’s anything on the other side!” The crew got to work, adjusting the sails, before stopping dead in their tracks when someone called out from the bow. “There’s an opening in the rocks!” They turned around and, sure enough, saw a gap, hidden behind the cliffs and greenery of the trees and shrubs. It wasn’t visible until they passed it, revealing itself to them as they turned the ship around. “It’s a beach.” someone else said, pointing at it. “We can stop there.” “Furl the sails, get to rowing!” the captain ordered, before looking up and shouting. “Ahsoka, can you see anything?” “Fives’ right, it’s a beach!” she responded, standing on het tip-toes in the crow’s nest. “Looks okay to me!” Rex let out a breath of relief, feeling like a heavy weight was lifted from his shoulder. He steered the ship forward, heading for the gap, as it speed up, powered by the oars. The said opening was quite big, a little over a mile in diameter, which was plenty of room for the boat to pass through without any problems. Behind the stone wall was a long and wide bay, with deep yet clear water, smooth reef covered in corals and sand, buzzing with life.
The beach stretched on a few hundred feet up before slowly fading out into a thick, green forest, where curious birds hopped from branch to branch, observing the newcomers. A small river of fresh cut though the beach, falling into the sea, it’s source being the mighty waterfall that was overlooking the bay like a roaring beast, cascading down one of the many cliffs. With their combined forces, the crewmen somehow pulled the damaged ship onto the soft sand, groaning and cursing in unison. Now, they could truly see the extent of the damage : the hole, that was ripped in the side of the boat during the storm, was much bigger than they originally thought. The wood around it was splintered and discolored, with jagged edges that no one risked to touch, in fear of getting hurt. “What now?” Kix asked, looking at his captain. “I don’t know about you...” Rex said, a smirk forming on his face as he looked in the direction of the waterfall. “...but I’ll have something to drink.”
They all sat at the foot of the waterfall, sipping the cold, fresh water out of their pint mugs, the fogginess and tiredness slowly washing away. Some groaned as the fire in their mouths and throats was extinguished, some sat in silence, while others talked, their voices still hoarse but no longer filled with pain. Rex groaned as he stood up, his legs shaking from how exhausted he was, his eyes scanning the terrain as he tried to pick a place for camp. The obvious choice would be setting it next to the waterfall : firstly, it would provide them with fresh water at all times, secondly, the tall rock wall could shield them from strong winds and possible attacks, if the island turned out to be inhabited by foes. He lifted up his arms, but after a second they fell limply at his sides. The sudden movement made him stumble, as his vision turned black for just a second. He shook his head, trying to chase away the fog that was clouding his mind, before focusing on the task at hand. They would have to make a small barricade around the camp, preferably from rocks, but there was nowhere near enough of them around. What else could they use for the said fence? He hissed, rubbing his eyes. “Yer lookin’ a bit peely wally.” Obi-Wan said, approaching, a worried look on his face. “Evry’hing alright?” “We need to set camp. And make a barricade around it.” he responded, letting out a sigh. “We should get to work.” “No.” the man said, grabbing the blond by his shoulder. “We shuid get to work. Ye, get some sleep.” “But I’m the captain...” Obi-Wan nodded. “’At right. But we’re on land now, so we can take care of it.” “It’s my responsibility, to take care of the crew.” “Out in th’ sea, yes. On land, we can take over some of th’ duties.” he explained as he dragged the tired man away, motioning for Kix to get some blankets. “Sit.” Rex did as he was told, the tiredness hitting him like a blow to the face. He blinked a few times, looking up as the medic approached, with a few blankets in hands. “Here.” he laid the fabric down, smoothing it out. “Should be comfortable enough.” “Get in.” “But...” “Do ye want me to get me spoon?” the cook threaten, referring to the wooden piece of cutlery he would use to beat some sense into misbehaving crew members, by hitting them on their heads. “I said, get in. We’ll wake ye up when we need something.” Rex knew that it was pointless to argue, so he laid down on the thin blanket, before using the second one to cover himself. Even though the bed was crude, it seemed like heaven and he found himself drifting off the moment he laid down. “Maybe you’re right.” he said sleepily. “I’ll take a nap, for twenty minutes or...” Before he could finish his sentence, he fell asleep, a quiet snore escaping his mouth. The cook only shook his head. “Sure, twenty minutes.” he scoffed, before taking off the captain’s shoes and setting them down at the foot of the bed. He then turned to the crew. “Let’s get to work.”
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a-killer-obsession · 2 months
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Whoops, you got hit by a bus, and now you're in the world of One Piece. But not everything is quite as you remember it...
General Tags: afab reader, she/her reader pronouns, isekai, monsterfucker reader, vampire!kid, werewolf!killer, wyrm!heat, minotaur!wire, everyone has a human form, smut heavy, unhealthy relationships, dubious consent, serious violence, spoilers for Wano arc, starts pre-timeskip. There will be a lot of more intense kinks, please check AO3 for all current tags.
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Chapter 3 - Snake
Step 2: Get free of your cell.
WC: 5.5k
Masterlist | AO3 | Chapter 1
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Heat did in fact bring you a warm blanket and clothes, in fact he brought you several of his own blankets, which smelt of weed and musk, as well as a pillow, a long sleeved shirt that was practically a dress on you, and sweatpants you had to tie as tight as they would go to get them to stay up. He even brought you a set of fuzzy socks and a stuffed animal that looked something like a snake but with horns. You were far more comfortable in the brig now, even if there were very questionable stains on your mattress, you were at least able to stack the two mattresses in your cell and use one of the blankets as somewhat of a sheet. Heat didn't make any further sexual advances on you, you got the sense he was nervous about getting caught, though he did give you soft kisses through the bars whenever he came to visit, which you happily accepted.
You didn't see much of other top dogs, usually your food was brought down once a day by a random crewmate, seemingly whoever drew the short straw that day. It wasn't a lot of food, but Heat would sneak you more when he could. It was clear that you had him on your side, always checking if you were okay, even if he seemed highly anxious about being caught talking to you. Unbeknownst to you, someone had in fact noticed his visits, and you now found yourself face to face with Wire, who sat against the edge of the desk across from your cell, spinning his trident on its base idly.
“You need to stop taking advantage of Heat,” he told you plainly.
“I'm not taking advantage of him,” you huffed, hugging the stuffed animal he'd given you to your chest. Wire raised an eyebrow at the toy, it was obvious to him where you got it. The room stunk of Heat, his scent was on your clothes, your blankets, your skin. “I genuinely like Heat, sue me. It's not my fault he's the only one who sees I'm no danger to anyone.”
Wire made a tsk sound and stood, only needing a few strides of his long legs to come to a stop in front of your cell. “Show me your wrists,” he ordered with a bored expression.
You raised a brow at the sudden request but obediently put down your stuffed animal, walking in front of Wire and holding up your arms through the bars for him. He took your wrist in his large hand and turned it too and fro, like he was looking for something, furrowing his brows as he apparently didn't find it. He let your arms drop again and you stood patiently, waiting for him to say something.
“What are you, and how did you get here?” he asked, “You're not getting out of here until Kid gets answers, and he's getting impatient”
“I already told you, I don't know how I got here,” you huffed, “I was in my own world, where all this shit was fiction, I got hit by a bus, I hit your mast. That's the entire truth of it. What do you want from me, a three thousand word essay about the world I'm from?”
“Hmm,” Wire squinted at you discerningly, taking a few steps back and returning to spinning his trident idly.
“I'm telling you the truth, I swear,” you pleaded, “I can prove it when we get to Sabaody, I can tell you what'll happen there, without any devil fruit helping me know. I don't have any sort of foresight, I just read it in the work of fiction in my own world. I have other proof too, I know about Victoria, and the four gangs on your home island in the South Blue, why Kid and Killer don't like curry udon. I swear on my life, I'm telling the truth. There's no reason for me to lie, I have nowhere else to go and no reason to harm anyone on this ship.”
“Kil? What do you think?” Wire said without turning away from you. You let out a surprised squeak as Killer emerged from the door, seemingly having been standing there quietly for who knows how long.
“She stinks of fear, but I don't think she's lying,” he replied, standing next to Wire with crossed arms.
“Kil, I'm sorry about the lipstick thing, I-” you started, before he raised a hand and cut you off.
“Save it, it's whatever,” he tutted, “but tell anyone else and you'll be begging for death.”
“I'd never tell anyone, I swear,” you replied, holding the bars as best you could with your bound hands. “I swear I'd never betray anyone on this crew. I want to be here, I do, I promise. Just let me out of here, I'll prove you can trust me.”
“Mm,” Killer hummed, before turning and leaving without another word, an equally silent Wire in tow, leaving you confused and fearful of your future on this ship. You curled back up in bed, hugging your stuffie close to your chest, trying your best not to cry.
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“Wanna explain why you've been scenting her, Heat?” Killer accused, sitting at the round table in the navigation room with the other three commanders.
“You did what?” Kid growled, “what, she suck your dick or something? Why are you making a claim on her?”
“No… yes…” Heat admitted, “she's nice okay? She seemed so genuine, and she asked for a blanket that smelt like me, ask her yourself. She wanted me to scent her”
“So she did suck your dick?” Kid laughed, “you're as weak to a woman as ever, Heat. Don't think she's gonna let you claim her just because she smells like you.”
“It's not like that,” Heat huffed, “besides, she practically extended an invitation for any of us to fuck her. God forbid I do something as innocent as scent her.”
“You know full well it's not innocent,” Wire jeered, “but I do agree that she seems to be genuine.”
“So what, we're believing this other world bullshit?” Kid asked.
“The iron isn't burning her wrists, and she had no problem sticking her arm outside of the cage barrier,” Wire noted, “I don't think she's a witch or a demon. We know she doesn't have a devil fruit. I don't think there's any other good explanations for how she got here or how she knows so much about us”
“At the very least, she seems to believe it's the truth,” Killer added, “and she hasn't shown any aggression towards the crew. I don't know if we have any reason to keep her locked up. If what she's saying is true, then she has insider information on our future that could prove useful. At the very least she's more useful to us alive.”
“I don't trust her,” Kid grumbled, “I'll probably still fuck her, but I don't trust her.”
“So let me take on the responsibility,” Heat suggested, “I'll keep an eye on her”
“You just wanna get her in your bed so you can get more scent on her,” Wire rolled his eyes, “I saw the stuffed animal, already bringing her courting gifts, I know you're just itching to get her in your hoard”
“Shut up!” Heat huffed, a vibrant red flushing on his face, “you're just jealous she didn't say she dreams about you a lot! It's not my fault she likes me better!”
“Snake,” Wire spat.
“Bull-headed cunt!” Heat shouted back.
“Will you knuckleheads shut the fuck up and let me think?” Kid growled. Wire and Heat quickly quietened down, a slight blush still evident on Heat's cheeks as he considered adding you to his treasure collection. “Heat, you can have your whore, but if she puts one foot out of place I'll crush her fucking skull. And if I catch you acting all possessive I'm taking your toy away, she ain't yours, don't let her get in your head. She has till Sabody to prove herself, if she turns out to be full of shit we'll sell her to an auction house while we're there. At least then we'll get back what we spent feeding the bitch”
“Aye aye captain,” Heat stood excitedly, eager to get you out of the cell.
“Oi, Heat,” Killer barked before Heat had a chance to leave, “I know you know what I'm about to say; don't fucking try it, understand? Like Kid said, she's not yours to claim, so don't fucking try it.”
Heat knew exactly what Killer was referring to and grumbled in annoyance. “I wasn't gonna…” he mumbled like a scolded child.
“Oh come off it, like you haven't had a clutch ready to go since she came on board,” Killer huffed, “I can smell it from here, don't fucking try it.”
“Fine! Whatever!” Heat yelled.
“And take her to House tomorrow,” he continued, “if you're gonna make her your fucktoy you better not get her knocked up the old fashioned way either. And have her tested, if she's so desperate to be the ship whore she better be fuckin’ clean.”
“Roger that,” Heat grumbled, almost slamming the door behind him as he hurried out of the navigation room.
“He's gonna try it,” Wire noted.
“Hundred berri he tries it in less than two weeks,” Kid added.
“One week,” Wire replied.
“One month,” Killer bet, having at least a tiny bit more confidence in Heat's ability to hold off.
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You heard Heat's hurried footsteps before you saw him, the creaking of the ladder-stairs as he descended them and practically skipped into the room. “Someone's got a pep in their step today,” you noted, “come for another taste or what?”
“Even better!” Heat smiled as he fumbled with the keys on his belt, “Kid said you can come out, just gotta stay by my side so I can keep an eye on ya”
“Oh, okay!” You stood up quickly, gathering up your blankets and stuffie, but not yet picking them up since you still had cuffs on, “oh, does that mean I'll be staying with you?”
“Yup!” Heat replied a little too eagerly, opening the cell door and fiddling with the keys again to find the one for your restraints. You held up your wrists for him and he removed the cuffs, letting you properly stretch your arms for the first time in several days. Heat grabbed the blankets and bundled them up in his arms, leaving you to grab the pillow and stuffed snake thing. “Come on, I'll show you my room!” He said excitedly.
You followed him obediently as he led you back up to the main deck, unsurprisingly followed by multiple sets of curious eyes, though this time a few of them were noticeably scrunching their noses, like they'd caught a bad smell. You chalked it up to having had no shower in what must have been a week, and made a mental note to ask Heat for a chance to bathe. He led you up two flights of external stairs, one that led to the covered area that held the cannons, the second up to the stern castle, which looked a lot like an actual castle. Strangely, despite being on a mostly wooden ship, the stern castle was made of light grey brickwork, with green, torn fabric draped over the slightly sloped roof section, and arched, ornate windows scattered around the main floor. The entire stern castle was surrounded in a thin deck, with a single arched door at the front leading inside. You followed Heat in, finding yourself in a small hall with a single door and staircase to your left, and more doors to the right as the hall bent around a central section in a U shape, presumably circling the base of the mizzenmast that protruded from the stern castle. There was also an exceptionally tall ladder directly in line with the entry door that disappeared into the ceiling, which Heat explained cut through the next floor and went all the way to the deck on top of the stern castle.
Heat opened the first door on the right, that same familiar scent of weed and musk you'd grown accustomed to hitting you like a truck. The room was a little dark, with fabric pinned over the windows like permanently shut curtains, blocking out any daylight from entering. He made no move to turn on an overhead light, but there was a string of fairy lights hung around the entire circumference of the room, towards the top of the walls, that gave the room a soft, romantic lighting. The room was messy, with a large bed that seemed like a king size but longer, presumably to account for his height, pushed against the wall the door was on. Opposite it was a small indoor greenhouse setup, with several shelves holding what you assumed to be weed plants behind frosted plastic, condensation making the plastic wet on the inside. There was a short set of drawers to your left, and a side table with a bong on it next to the bed, but other than that, what surprised you the most about the room was the sheer amount of stuffed animals.
They were everywhere, littering every corner and every surface in tall stacks, stuffies of every size and shape, lining the long side of his bed along the wall and stacked in a tall pile in the corner of it. It was frankly fucking adorable, and you couldn't help but let a little giggle out. You threw yourself on the bed, letting the mountain of stuffies all fall on you and cover you in a great avalanche, a riot of giggles coming from under the pile as you kicked your feet gleefully. If you'd been able to see Heat's face, you would have known you'd made a mistake in being so enthusiastic. You'd unknowingly just made something possessive click in his brain, compounding yourself into his prized hoard, making yourself one of his treasures.
His form shifted before he could stop himself, legs changing to a long tail, covered in dark dusty pink scales, wrapped with deep red-brown thorn line markings, much like his tattoos. His canines grew to fangs, his nails to sharp black claws, and from his hair emerged two large horns that curled slightly inwards at the ends, black at the base then transitioning to dusty pink and bright fushia at the tips. The end of this tail flicked and shut the door, the sound prompting you to finally emerge from the mountain of stuffed animals with a final laugh that was cut short as you took sight of him.
Raised up on his tail, he very nearly hit the tall ceiling, looming over you as he slithered closer. Your first instinct was to scream, but for some reason you couldn't bring yourself to do it, too enamoured with the way his scales were almost iridescent where the light caught them. Your back was forced flat to the bed as he moved to tower over you, the base of his tail pressed between your legs as his arms supported himself on either side of your torso, your chest heaving with half fearful, half aroused breaths.
“You okay?” He asked curiously, raising a brow as he smelt your fear scenting the air, his senses elevated in this form. “You're acting like you've never seen a Wyrm. Do you not have my kind where you come from?”
“No, we most certainly do not,” you breathed heavily, “a …wyrm, you said? Like a dragon?”
“I'm surprised, most people would say ‘like a snake?’, which is frankly highly offensive,” he joked, “did the manga in your world not say I was a wyrm?”
“No but… it also never explained how you breathed fire,” you admitted, your eyes travelling down now to the base of his tail, noticing the slit between the scales where his dick would usually be. It made sense, Heat was not a character a lot was known about, and the world of One Piece held all sorts of strange species. It explained why he could breathe fire, though there was the chance still that this was a zoan type devil fruit. The way he talked about it made it sound like a somewhat common thing here, so perhaps it was just a species not really shown in the manga. Your eyes travelled again and noticed his fangs and his pretty horns, and you couldn't help but reach up and touch the pink tips, wondering if they were as sharp as they looked. Not sharp enough to draw blood, you discovered, but they would certainly hurt if he headbutted someone. “So pretty,” you mused. You understood now what the stuffie he'd lent you was, and it was all the more adorable that he'd given you one that looked like him.
“You're not afraid of me like this?” He asked hesitantly. Even those familiar with his kind tended to be anxious around him like this, he was large and dangerous looking, it was a natural response.
“Should I be?” You replied plainly, fiddling with the strings on his corset style top. He lifted himself to remove it, and you could see now that his nipples were pierced, which didn't surprise you in the least. You openly ogled his bare torso, so very well sculpted, running your hand down the center of his chest.
“You're part of my hoard now, I'm only ever gonna protect you,” he said softly, leaning down and brushing his nose against the crook of your neck. You didn't mean to but a quiet whimper escaped you as his fangs brushed against your pulse point, the threat of his bite making you a little horny. He could smell it, your growing arousal, and made a deep rumbling sound that vibrated in his chest, entirely pleased at the sweet smell that now overwhelmed the previous scent of fear. He looked and sounded dangerous, but it only added to his allure, and you couldn't help but roll your hips towards him, dragging your core against his tail with a needy whine. You knew what you were, you knew you had secret desires to fuck monsters, you'd seen parts of the internet your parents would disown you for. This strange new form catered so well to those primal desires, arousal building quickly as you watched the light catch against his fangs. The growling sounded again, this time accompanied by movement between your legs. You pushed him off you slightly to look, eyes widening as you watched two vibrantly pink appendages, tapered to dull points and lined along the undersides with bumps, emerge from the slit on his tail. You realised with a gasp what you were looking at. Two of them, oh fuck there were two of them. This world was the fucking best, you should have gotten hit by a bus years ago.
“Is this okay?” He asked, watching you stare at his two cocks, suddenly feeling a little self conscious. He didn't often show this form, let alone to women he hoped to bed.
“Heat, I mean this in the most genuine way possible,” you replied, fire pooling at your core, “fuck me, please”
“Are.. are you sure?” He asked, sitting back on his tail, feeling a little unsure of himself. Once again his low self-esteem told him this was a trick, he'd always had trouble accepting compliments at face value, especially since receiving his Glasgow smile.
“Why would I not be?” You asked him, cupping his face and running a thumb over his scarred cheek, he looked as though he might cry any moment. Sweet soft boy, this was why you loved Heat so much. You couldn't understand his unease though; he was massive, ripped with muscles, incredibly cool and scary in a way that made you hot with those fangs and horns. His tail was beautiful, you wanted to touch it, not to mention his two cocks that looked even thicker and longer than his human dick. Why would you not want him? “Heat, are you okay? You seem nervous. Am I being too forward?”
“It's just… I don't usually… show this side of myself to women,” he admitted, “unless I'm paying them… I'm scary enough as it is in my human form”
“Oh Heat,” you cooed, understanding now his anxiety, “you're beautiful, and incredibly sexy. Can I touch you?”
“Y-yes,” he stuttered, laying back against the mattress next to you as you guided him to relax with gentle motions. You sat up to reach more of him, running your finger down his well sculpted abdomen, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind on his skin until your hand met the spot where his scales began. The scales were smoother than you expected, even if you moved against the grain you didn't catch the edges of the tightly knit scales, though there was a pleasant bumpiness to them. You wondered how it would feel to slide against them, feeling yourself grow wetter at the thought.
He whimpered a little as your hand ran down his tail, feeling the smooth scales under your palm, considerably hotter to the touch than you expected. You wondered if he'd ever been touched like this; if he'd only ever been with women in this form when they were paid, perhaps nobody had ever taken the time to truly explore this form. You moved slowly, running your hands over his entire tail, hearing his small whines as you played with the tapered tip that flicked a little as you touched it. Curiously you brought it to your mouth, and he groaned as you ran your tongue over it, draping an arm over his face as he flushed bright pink.
“Ah- ah- sensitive-” he whined, the tip of his tail almost vibrating in your hand. You took it in your mouth and he gasped, his chest heaving as you sucked on the tip of his tail. He was breathing heavily as you let him go, and you stripped off your clothes before straddling his tail, pressing your wet core against his scales. “You can- you can ride me if you want,” he said shyly through heavy breaths.
“Do you want me to ride you, Heat?” You asked mischievously, “Do you want me to use your tail however I like?”
“Yes, yes,” he whined, “use me however you want princess, please”
You shuffled to get a little more comfortable before you pressed down hard and began to grind against him, the strange new texture feeling surprisingly good against your cunt, slick transfering to his tail and lubricating your movements and you rolled your hips against him. You immediately struggled to hold back your moans, having been throbbing with need at the mere sight of those two proud cocks that sat in front of you and the way he whimpered at every delicate touch you gave him, immensely relieved at finally getting some much needed friction. He sat up a little, supporting himself with one hand while the other held your hip, helping you find more pressure as you grinded on him. Heat's eyes were wide as he watched you enjoy his tail, never in his life had anyone used him in this way, your juices glistening against his iridescent scales as the wet patch grew larger with every roll. His cocks were twitching as he watched you, his eyes almost black from how blown out his pupils were. Precum leaked from his cocks just watching you pleasure yourself with his body. Heat thought you looked unbearably beautiful like that, lost in your pleasure on top of his tail, a shining jewel worthy of his collection. Never had he thought a woman would accept him like this, and yet somehow you seemed turned on by it, a fact he couldn't wrap his head around but certainly wasn't complaining about.
“Hnng, feels good~” you mewled, grinding faster as you felt that coil in your abdomen begin to tighten. Just having the opportunity to play with a beast like Heat was making you hotter, his tail slapping excitedly against the mattress behind you as your orgasm drew close. You looked down at his two cocks, twitching with need in front of you, noticing now the way the piercings on his human form seemed split between them, with two ladders in the higher shaft, and the remaining ladder and tip on the lower, though being that he no longer had defined heads to his cocks, the tip piercing was considerably lower down his shaft. There were swollen bumps along the underside of each that you had no doubt would feel incredible inside you, the bases of each shaft incredibly thick and tapering to the pointed tips, comparable to tentacles. Precum beaded at the tips and rolled down the undersides, your eyes following the beads as they travelled, making you unconsciously lick your lips. They were not unlike the dildo you had back home, and your moans grew harsh just looking at them and considering what one would feel like inside you, knowing you surely couldn't take both, and suddenly your coil was snapping violently, gushing your release over his tail and shaking on top of him as you struggled to stay upright.
You gave him a crooked, fucked out smile as his tail supported your back, still twitching a little in the afterglow of your orgasm. You slid yourself backwards, leaving a wet trail along his tail as you shuffled down it, until you were far back enough to lean down and run a tongue against his lower cock, taking the other in your hand. They were almost scaldingly hot to the touch, but it didn't deter you from running your tongue up one then the other, playing with them with your tongue, like a greedy child with two icecreams.
“They're so big,” you purred, “how am I gonna fit them inside me?”
“I can warm you up,” he offered, “with.. um.. with my tail. If you want.” He'd always wanted to penetrate someone with his tail, but given how scared people usually were he hadn't ever dared to suggest it. He had a feeling though, given your enthusiasm for this form, that perhaps you would be willing.
You looked up at him wide eyed, was he really offering to fuck you with his tail? “Oh fuck yes,” you replied eagerly, arching your back so your pussy was more exposed behind you. You felt the movement underneath you as his tail curled and shifted, until the tip was brushing against your bare cunt. “Hnng, yes, fuck. Fuck me with your tail Heat~”
You both whined as his tail rubbed against your pussy, searching for the entrance, successfully finding it and sliding in. Heat was slow and careful, he'd never tried this before but he knew his tail was sensitive, so he'd wanted to try this for a while. It didn't feel as good as getting his dick wet, but it was pleasant and sent shivers through him as he felt your gummy walls squeezing around him. You licked at the tips of his cocks, holding them together to take both ends into your mouth at once, moaning around them as his tail pressed in further and began to stretch your cunt, thrusting in and out slowly. You switched your focus to one cock, still servicing the other with your hand, bobbing your head at the same pace as his tail was pumping into you. You couldn't hope to take all of him in this form, his girth far too much at the base for your lips, but you could get a good two thirds in before the corners of your mouth stung too much from the stretch.
He pushed his tail into you further, getting it close to the girth of his cock, getting you used to the stretch. He didn't want to get you entirely stretched out, he wanted to feel your tight cunt struggling to take him when you finally sunk down on him. His tail curled inside you, focusing on your sweet spots, making you vibrate his dick with your sweet moans until you let his cock go with a pop. “Ahh, gonna cum, fuck,” you whined, your hands pumping his two cocks in a messy unfocused pattern as he fucked you faster and a second orgasm ripped through you, juices dripping down Heat's tail.
“Want- want your cock,” you whimpered, practically collapsing on him. You had hoped to ride him while you held those pretty horns but you simply didn't have it in you anymore, your legs turned to jelly and shaking.
Heat rolled you gently until your back was against the mattress, your thighs wrapping around him as he laid on top of you, hooking your ankles together behind where his ass would be. You felt his cocks heavy against your abdomen as he looked at you like you were the most precious thing he'd ever seen, his delicate human treasure. “Please,” you whined, feeling unbearably empty without his tail in you.
“Shh, I'm gonna give you what you want, my jewel,” he cooed, reaching between your bodies to position his lower cock, the thin tip easily sliding inside as the higher one laid against your clit. You took most of him with ease, his tail having prepared you well, until he began to reach the thickest part of his cock and your cunt began to strain against the stretch. Heat groaned as he bullied himself into you, whispering praises as he bottomed out, the tip of his cock brushing against your cervix and making you wince. He withdrew a little, not wanting to hurt you, until the pain melted from your face.
“Look at you, taking me so well,” he groaned, sliding back out slowly and pushing back in fast, making you practically scream. He made harsh thrusts, unable to restrain himself now that he was buried in your heat, grunting with each deep slide of his cock, the additional stimulation of his higher cock grinding against your clit with every thrust making you moan loud enough for the whole ship to hear. “Good girl, fuck, good girl,” Heat grunted, the wet squelch of his cock in your soaked cunt filling the small room. “Sweet little treasure, all mine, all fucking mine,” he growled, his speed picking up as his fingers left bruises on your hips, claws sinking in and pricking your skin. “So pretty, my jewel.”
“Ah, Heat, so good, so good,” you whined, making your own marks on him as your fingernails dug into his back. The way the base of his cock pressed hard against your g-spot with every deep thrust was making your coil pull tight again, a fucked out smile spread on your face and your mind entirely lost to the pleasure Heat was giving you. He felt your pussy flutter around him, incredibly aroused as he saw that grin on your face and the way your eyes were rolling, your tits bouncing with each thrust.
“Ahh fuck, gonna cum,” Heat whined, his pace turning desperate and erratic as he got lost watching your breasts bouncing, “so pretty, so fucking pretty, gonna cum”
“I wanna- I wanna be covered in it,” you moaned, reaching down to jerk off the cock that wasn't inside you. He made a sharp whine as you pumped him fast, your walls clamping down around him giving him the final push he needed to finish, doing his best to work you through your orgasm before he pulled out and held his cocks together, jerking himself off till impossibly hot cum shot out in ropes across your abdomen and breasts, your thighs squeezing tight around him as your body shook.
Heat collapsed next to you, his cocks slowly retreating back into his slit as you both panted hard. Your stomach was coated in his seed and you couldn't help but run your fingers through it, playing with it while your clit throbbed from overstimulation. “So hot,” you sighed between heavy breaths, “that felt so fucking good.”
“I'm glad you enjoyed it, my treasure,” Heat purred, rolling to his side and intertwining his tail with your legs. Heat felt unbelievably accepted and vulnerable in this moment, having never experienced such pleasures with a woman in his true form. He felt wholly accepted, the anxiety and fear of rejection he felt at the start entirely wiped away. “We should get you cleaned up though”
“Mmm, I could do with a shower,” you mused, making circles in the hot cum on your stomach with your index finger. Heat near purred at the way you willingly rubbed his scent into you by playing with his cum, only further adding to his possessiveness.
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197 notes · View notes
osamufication · 4 months
he's a pirate
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pairing: pirate captain!atsumu x fem!reader
wc: 2.8k
warnings: nsfw, porn with some plot, wax play, impact play, degradation, dom!atsumu, sub!reader, general threats of violence, a sprinkle of authority kink, reader is choked once, fluffy ending
a/n: for the love of FUCK this is not accurate or realistic wax play. please do NOT pour wax from random ass candles on any part of your body thank u
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Isn’t this just perfect, you had to get caught didn’t you, you chastise yourself. 
“Unhand me at once you pathetic, filthy pirate!” you screech at the wretched man holding your arms.
“You say pirate like it's a bad thing.” 
You stop thrashing, directing your attention up to the quarter deck. There stands a tall young man with tufts of blonde hair sticking out from under his preposterous hat. He looks down at you and an amused smirk tugs at his lips. “We’re not all that bad.”
The man holding you shoves you down to the floor. You barely keep yourself from falling face first onto the deck.
You glare up at him, flipping your hair out of your face, “I’ll kill you.” you spit.
The man laughs. “We both know you’re not capable of killin’ me, love.” He walks up to the railing, leaning against it. “I’m much too handsome.”
“Give me a break.” you huff. 
“We caught ‘er tryin’ to steal some of our supplies, capn’.”
“Oh? You’ve got some nerve sweetheart,” he chuckles darkly. The blonde makes his way around the railing and down the steps. You watch him carefully, trying to guess what he is playing at. 
He stands before you, and unsheaths his sword. His expression is unreadable as he fits the tip of the blade beneath your chin, tilting your head up to meet his eyes. You clench your jaw, trying to keep yourself from saying something idiotic. 
“Do you know how I punish thieves, poppet?” His voice is sickeningly condescending. 
You keep your mouth shut, refusing to give this moron the satisfaction of following along. By now, a small crowd of crew members had formed, all of them enjoying the free entertainment. 
The captain rolls his eyes, looking around at the rest of his crew, “How should we punish her, eh boys?”
A mess of responses comes from the men. 
“Throw ’er overboard!”
“Strip ‘er and tie ‘er to the mast!”
 “Slit ‘er throat!”
You’re sure the fear is visible in your eyes. The captain looks quite amused by the whole ordeal. 
“True, I usually just throw thieves overboard. But,” he leans down, his face a few mere inches away from yours. “I think I should handle yer punishment a little more... personally.” He turns to face his crew again, “I’ll handle this myself, get back to work ya morons.” 
The crew disperses, groaning in disappointment. They were hoping for a much more entertaining conclusion. But you know this isn’t over for you. 
He finally withdraws his blade and pulls you up to your feet, “Follow me love. Let’s discuss yer punishment in private.” he whispers into your ear. 
As soon as the door of the captain’s quarter’s clicked shut he broke the silence. 
“Miya.” you growl. “I meant it when I said I’d kill you.”
“Tch, don’t be like that poppet-”
“Don't call me that.”
“Right. Forgot ya hated that name.” Atsumu sighs, “Love, I know I was a dick. I don’t expect ya to just let me back in, but please give me a chance.”
You sit down in a chair. “And why would I do that, Miya?”
He leans over you, hand on either arm of the chair, trapping you. “Ya know ya miss me. Us.” 
You scrunch up your nose. “That’s awfully arrogant of you.”
He leans in further, nose bumping against yours. “C’mon love. At least stay the night, for old time’s sake.”
You don’t know what possesses you at that moment. This is the man that had left you behind, without so much as a proper warning. He told you in passing he wanted to leave one night and never return. The next day you had woken up to a cold bed and a missing ship. 
You had every intention of chopping off his dick and shoving down his throat if you ever saw him again. But here you are, kissing him as though you still needed him with every fiber of your being.
He grazes your lips with his teeth, hands wandering your body freely.
“Fuck, I missed ya so much love.” Atsumu’s leg slips between your and bumps against your sensitive core. You whimper against his lips, hating how easily you slip into a submissive state for him. 
Atsumu pulls away and boasts a dangerous smirk on his lips. “I’m supposed to be punishing ya darlin’, the men won’t believe I kept my word unless they hear some screamin’.”
He grips the front of your blouse, pulls you out of the chair and shoves you onto his bed. He climbs on top of you, easily tearing the fabric between his fingers. His eyes roll back when he’s greeted with the familiar sight of your bare breasts, barely biting back a groan as he eagerly gropes them. You wrap your legs around his waist, grinding up against his hardening cock. Atsumu kisses you sloppily, teeth roughly clashing against yours. You reach up to throw off his stupid hat and thread your fingers through his hair.
“This is,” you gasp as Atsumu drags his thumb around your nipple, “quite the punishment, Miya.”
In an instant, Atsumu ceases all movement. “You’ve forgotten who yer dealin’ with, princess.” 
He unhooks your legs from around his waist and gets off the bed. You start to sit up, but Atsumu quickly shoves you back down, his massive hand wrapped almost entirely around your throat. “Did I tell you to fuckin’ move?” 
“N-no,” you choke out.
He raises an eyebrow. “Ya seem to have forgotten your manners as well, what a damn shame.”
Before you can react, he releases your neck and slaps you across the face. The sound of the impact echoes throughout the room and rings in your ears.
Atsumu grips your face tightly and forces you to face him. “Let’s try again shall we?” He leans in, his lips ghosting over your own, so close that you can feel his hot breath mingling with yours. 
“Did I give you permission to move?”
You swallow, trying to speak without trembling, “No, s-sir.”
There’s a satisfied glint in his eyes as he releases you. You make sure to stay perfectly still. Without a word of acknowledgement he walks over to his desk, shrugs off his coat, and removes the pistols you were mortified to realize you hadn’t detected. 
From your spot on the bed you get a perfect view of the wonders his pants do for his ass. You're so distracted you don’t notice Atsumu lighting a candle before walking back over to the bedside. 
“Clothes off.”
Once you’ve stripped bare, Atsumu lays you on your back and spreads your legs. Your cunt is already glistening from the heated kissing and grinding.
“You’re positively drenched, darlin’.” 
He reaches over to grab the red candle from the table. He holds it over your stomach, before grinning again. “You’re not allowed to move, but screaming is highly encouraged.”
With that he tilts the candle, letting a drop of wax plop onto your stomach. You hiss and squirm, the heat almost unbearable for a moment. You’re ashamed to admit the sharp pain goes straight to your twitching pussy. Another drop falls a bit higher up your torso. It takes all your willpower to keep still. 
To only make matters worse, as Atsumu drips the candle wax onto your breasts he uses his free hand to start teasing your clit. You mewl as he rubs up and down your slit, inserting a finger as wax lands on your hardened nipples. His fingers graze against that tender spot inside, you arch your back, grinding on his hand. 
“F-fuck, right there!” you choke out. Your eyes are screwed shut, but you feel the drips of wax traveling further down your body. 
“Yer movin’ again,” Atsumu leans forward, the candle flame licking the skin of your side, “Are ya this desperate for me? All that time on your own really did make ya a whore, hmm?”
You shake your head, “No, I didn-”
Before you can finish, Atsumu quickly removes his hand and slaps it against your cunt, hard. You can’t suppress the screech ripped from your throat. 
He sits back between your thighs and sets the candle on the floor by the bed. He nods to your legs, “Grab ‘em and hold ‘em to yer chest. Now.”
You do as he says, feeling your face get hot again. Atsumu’s view must be entirely obscene. If someone were to walk in now, there would be no saving your dignity. 
Atsumu’s eyes are dark and hungry, he hits your cunt again with more force than before. A loud and wet slap echoes in the room along with your shriek. You heave, trying to catch your breath.
He lowers his face between your legs and licks a stripe up, leaving a kiss on your clit. “Such a filthy little whore. Yer really enjoying this aren’t ya?”
You nod your head rapidly, “Y-yes sir, I am.”
“So ya haven’t learned yer lesson about stealin’ from me?”
Oh shit. That’s right.
“I, uh...”
Fuck, you can’t think straight with his tongue grazing against your soaked hole.
“No? Well I’ll have to really punish ya then.”
He holds the candle directly over your pussy, eyes gleaming. 
“W-wait-” You’re interrupted by your own scream as the first drop of wax hits your clit with a plop! 
“That’s what I like to hear, darlin’.” Atsumu’s face boasts a sadistic grin as he continues his assault on your cunt. 
You keep screaming with each drop, the stinging only making you wetter than you already were. Your fingernails leave bright red crescents on your thighs as you grip them to your chest, using all your strength to stay still. There’s wax all over your swollen cunt and you’re sure it must look like an absolute mess. 
“I think yer ready now.” Atsumu mumbles, undoing his pants and taking out his cock. He readjusts himself and teases your dripping pussy with his impossibly hard length. You whimper every time he slips just the head of his cock in. 
“Fuckin’ hell, doll yer still so tight.” He groans, finally pushing all the way in.
Your vision is blurry from all the overwhelming sensations. Atsumu pulls out almost completely before ramming his hips back against yours. Your mouth drops open as he sets the brutal pace you were so familiar with from all those years ago. You whimper and whine with every wet slap of his cock drilling into you. 
Without slowing his pace, Atsumu picks the candle back up. He grins down at you, tipping it over again and lands a particularly large glob of wax on your clit. Your scream is guttural, the feeling of Atsumu hitting your g-spot while the burning wax stimulates your swollen clit entirely overwhelming.
You start to feel a familiar tension in your stomach. Your cunt clenches around Atsumu’s cock, making him throw his head back, eyes screwed shut. He takes a ragged breath before looking you in the eyes and presses his thumb harshly against the wax on your clit.
“F-fuck! Sir, I’m cumming!” You scream, legs shake so violently you lose your grip on them. Before they can hit the bed Atsumu blows out the candle and throws it to the ground. He uses his free arm to hold them back up against you. 
“That’s it darlin’, just like that, keep cumming for me.” Atsumu presses himself harder against you as his thrusts get sloppier. He groans loudly as he cums inside you, his grip on your legs loosening. 
He lets out a ragged breath as his movements come to a stop and he helps you lower your sore legs to the bed.
He leans over you, his strong arms on either side of your head. He kisses you the way he did earlier, as loving as ever. He pulls away from your lips and presses his forehead to yours. You both stay there in comfortable silence for a moment. 
Once you’ve caught your breath, you whisper, “I think we should clean up.”
Atsumu sighs, but reluctantly moves off of you. Dry wax on your body uncomfortably cracks with the movement.
You scrunch up your nose, how the hell are you going to get this off of you?
“Well then? How was that?” Atsumu asks.
 “I suppose,” you turn your head to the captain, “that was satisfactory.” 
Atsumu snorts, “Just satisfactory huh? I’ll go harder next time then, princess.”
You shiver, knowing full well he will keep his word. You also don’t fail to notice his choice of words.
Next time.
You watch as Atsumu stands up and starts pulling his pants back on. The thin sheen of sweat covering his back makes him almost glow in the sunlight shining through the window. He pulls his cotton tunic over his head and turns back to you, a soft look in his eyes. “Let’s get ya cleaned up shall we?”
He opens a cabinet to pull out a cloth and bottle. He places them on the bedside table before situating himself beside you. He douses the cloth with a thick liquid. 
“What is that?” you ask, watching as he starts rubbing it into your skin and over the wax. 
“Olive oil, it’ll get the wax right off of yer skin. I don’t wanna hurt ya or let ya rip the pieces off.” Atsumu dutifully works at your skin, slowly but surely getting all the wax off, and leaving you very oily instead. 
“I think we’re a bit past the formalities dontcha think?”
You smile sadly, “Atsumu, why are you here? You said you weren’t coming back.”
Atsumu sighs, “I know what I said. And I meant it when I said it, but I was an idiot.”
“Not surprised.”
“Watch it.” Atsumu pinches your leg playfully. “I didn’t realize that what I was looking for wasn’t on the other side of the world.” 
He puts down the rag and walks over to his coat. You sit up against the headboard as he rumages for something in its pockets. He pulls out a little brown box with gold detailing around its borders. He circles the bed, taking a seat beside you. He meets your eyes, “Can’t believe I needed this thing to realize what I really wanted.” 
You frown as he opens the box, expecting to see a giant diamond or aztec gold. 
“A broken compass.” You say, unimpressed.
Atsumu groans, “I’m trying to be dramatic here and yer ruining my moment.” He takes a deep breath, “Yes, it's a compass. But it’s not broken, it points toward whatever it is you most desire.” 
The needle spins back and forth for a split moment before picking a direction. You twist your head back to look behind you, “You want the rum on the table?”
“For fuck’s sake y/n and ya say I’m dense.” He runs a hand down his face. “It’s pointing at you.”
You freeze for a moment. He can’t possibly mean that. 
“Atsumu I swear to god if you're messing with me...” your voice trails off.
Atsumu puts the compass down and takes hold of your hands, “I swear on my life, yer everything I want in this world. I’m fully prepared to sell the ship and stay with ya on dry land if that’s what ya want.”
You blink back tears, “There’s no need to be so dramatic.” You move over so he can take a seat beside you. “I don’t want you to give up sailing. I never did. All I wanted was for you to take me with you, to be with you.”
Atsumu shakes his head, “I was so fuckin’ stupid.”
You smile and curl up next to him, “Not as stupid as I am giving you a second chance. Don’t make me regret this.”
Atsumu drapes his arm around you, planting a kiss on your head, “I’ll make you a pirate queen, darlin’. Just you wait.”
You giggle, “So where are we headed, captain?”
Atsumu grabs the compass again. With his arm secured around you, the needle starts spinning again. It settles in the general direction of the island. 
You raise a brow at him, challenging him to explain why the needle was pointing toward the village.
Atsumu grins like an idiot and reaches over you to snatch the bottle of rum. He rips out the cork with his teeth and spits it out to the floor. He takes a swig before holding it up to your lips, carefully pouring some into your mouth. 
Taking the compass back into his hands it finally settles, pointing out to the open ocean.
You smile, “Looks like we have a heading. Any idea where it may be taking us?”
Atsumu is quiet for a moment, before turning back to you. In his eyes is a glimmer of adventure. Those are the eyes of a troublemaker you fell in love with oh so long ago. 
“Ever heard of the fountain of youth?”
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ratskinsuit · 4 months
Hii! I was wondering if you could write for sub!Lucifer and Gn!reader.
Basically, I was like wondering if you know you could write about that, but like the scenario is you know Lucifer being a brat …
And you know while reader they’re handling him they almost get caught, and reader tells Lucifer to be quiet.
But yeah, I was just wondering if you could write for it thank you! 🩷💕
Oh ho, Lucifer should have REALLY thought before deciding to tease you all day
He wore some slutty booty shorts, teasing you with those seductive winks
teasing glances, bending over every couple minutes
So what else did he expect when you get him alone, and he's dragged into the closet
hand down his pants and he's bound with his own tie, on his knees on the floor, foot on his cock
Your kneel down next to him, grinning down at him, your fingers in his mouth as his hazy glowing eyes stare back at you dumbly, whimpering and drooling around them
Trying desperately to buck up when you replace your food with your hand, palming him through the obvious bulge in his pants
"P-puh please... ngh.. I- k... hng... I, I know I've been a b-ba- f'ck, bad b-boy, but hng- mercy... mercy da-arling..."
He cries out when you finally pull down his pants, stroking him lazily through his underwear, soaked through with his own pre as he babbles, begging, trying to convince you that he deserves to be held down and fucked now
of course you take your time, stepping away as he cries and sniffles, tantalizingly taking off your pants and underwear, before going up to him and grabbing him by the hair and shoving him between your legs to prep your hole
drool and whimpers falling out of him and you as his usually skilled tongue dips inside of you, reaching those of so sensitive places, as you have to hold him by his hair
when you believe you have been prepped enough, you lean down, hovering over his leaking member as he spews empty insults and threats.
"F-fuckin- c'mon, fu-fuck me already!! you- hic- you can take-take the king... c-cant you??? hng- baby..."
He sobs and recoils as you grab him by his neck, snapping his head back, bearing his neck, to where you take a nip, earning a whimper, putting him in his place to realize your incharge
when you finally lean down, he cries out as the head pops in, going to start making your way down, you stop, hearing a familiar voice nearing
Charlie calls out for you and her dad "Dad? Dad you said you would help me with dinner, where are you??"
Lucifer panics, sputtering and trying to pull himself out, but you hold him down, making eye contact as you slam yourself down upon him
You have to cover his mouth with the palm of your hand to muffle the scream that rips from his mouth, crying and coughing, deep shuddering breaths at the sudden wave of pleasure
you keep your hand down as you ride him, up and down, his daughter outside the door
He cant think, tears run down his face, ruining his eyeliner and makeup, whimpering and heaving
"P-lea... mast- mhm.. hang o-mph.. ngh.... ah.. a-ack... hah.."
Pulling three orgasms out of him before Charlie leaves, and you finally drag the fucked out fallen angel back to the room for more
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A/N: I HAVE RETURNED AND IM HORNIER THEN EVER, I ALSO NOW WRITE CREEPYPASTA SO PLEASE REQUEST I BEG OF YOU
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rubysunnday · 1 year
make a deal with the saints
summary: the water was pulling her down into its depths, into the darkness of death, and nothing Y/N did would let her rise to the surface. Nikolai, however, isn't ready to let her go yet.
a/n: this has been sat in the drafts for months, waiting for me to write it and tada
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It was one of the worst storms Nikolai had been caught in. They usually managed to direct a storm around them with their Squallers and Tidemakers, but this time things had turned so fast there was nothing they could do.
If they’d had an army of Squallers and Tidemakers then maybe it would be possible. But they didn’t. The sailors were trying their best to keep the sails up and to tie ropes down. The Squaller’s were trying their best to keep the ship going but it was a losing battle.
Nikolai was gripping the wheel tightly, fighting against it as it tried to turn and spin out of control. His clothes were soaked through – he’d abandoned his coat down below, knowing the weight would only hold him back. Adrenaline was thrumming through his body.
He looked around the ship, eyes searching for a familiar sight. Nikolai felt panic claw at his throat for a moment. Then, he saw her. She was helping Tamar tie ropes down to the deck, ducking when yet another wave crashed over the side of the ship, drenching them all once again.
Y/N Orlova had joined his crew in Os Kervo, wanting to escape from the claustrophobic world of the Little Palace and learn more about her Squaller abilities. She’d been stuck driving the skiffs for months and yearned to see more of the world and to use her powers outside of the Fold.
She’d been with them for six months, now. Nikolai often wondered what he’d done before she’d arrived. She kept him grounded and calm even when things went out of control. He needed her more than he wanted to admit.
“The storm is moving on!” One of the Squallers yelled.
Which meant they’d soon be out the other side of it. Hopefully none the worse for wear.
Someone tapped his shoulder and he let them take over the wheel. He headed down to the main deck, struggling to maintain his balance as the ship tilted to the side.
Y/N seemed to sense his approach. She turned around, hair plastered to her head and smiled at him.
“How can you be smiling in this?” Nikolai yelled, almost falling forward to her.
Y/N shrugged. “I would rather this than the Fold!”
Nikolai couldn’t help but laugh. Despite the rain stinging his skin and the lighting forking above, he felt a spark of joy through him.
It was a spark that only Y/N could bring out. Her mere presence made life better for Nikolai. He laughed more when she was around, and he found himself gravitating towards her presence when they spent evenings below deck playing cards.
Whatever had been growing inside him over the last few months had begun to sprout. His heart was growing bigger and it hurt to know that, one day, it would inevitably have to end.
Y/N placed a hand over his and squeezed. “Are you okay?”
Nikolai blinked. He looked at her, slowly realising that she’d spoken. “Yeah, yeah,” he said quickly. “Just thinking.”
“Watch out!”
A rope had come loose from its cleat. Both Y/N and Nikolai ran forward, stopping the snaking rope before it tangled around someone’s ankle and dragged them into the water. Nikolai dragged it back up to the cleat and wrapped it around in a figure of eight until he was certain it wasn’t going to come lose again.
Nikolai stood and let out a breathy laugh as he glanced over at Y/N. She was panting, bent over with her hands on her knees. She straightened and smoothed her hair back again.
He met her gaze and smiled. It slowly fell as Y/N stared back at him, her eyes widening. Nikolai looked behind him and felt his heart stutter.
The wooden beam that was a part of one of the masts was swinging around toward them. Nikolai was shoved to the ground and, as he landed, he saw the mast hit Y/N and push her over the side of the boat and into the water.
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Hitting the water felt like thousands of needles pricking her skin at once. Y/N couldn’t see anything. She didn’t know what was up or what was down. The force of the mast hitting her stomach had winded her. She was already struggling to breathe yet, now, in the depths of the ocean, the air wouldn’t come at all.
Her lungs were burning, her eyes were burning.
Y/N felt the waves toss her about, throwing her side to side, up and down. She felt her lungs tighten; her mind was screaming at her to breathe. There was nothing left. It was as if she was being crushed. The urge to exhale and inhale was overwhelming. Her chest was tight, demanding air be let in.
She obeyed.
The air gushed out, bubbles rising all around her. As soon as it gushed out, the water gushed in. It burnt her throat, her lungs. She was choking on the endless water pouring into her.
Until she wasn’t.
Calm swept over her. Even in the storm waters. Y/N looked up and, through the haze of the water and the blackness creeping in, she felt calm. Even as her body sunk lower, nothing could reach her but the calm.
Her eyes drifted closed, and bubbles escaped her lips and then… nothing.
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His feet slipped on the deck as he scrambled to the side of the boat, leaning over, and staring into the water. His heart was pounding. His hands were shaking.
“Nikolai!” Tolya yelled, yanking him back from the side of the boat. He put a hand on the back of his neck and forced him to look at him. “You can’t go in there, not like this.”
Nikolai shoved him. “She’s drowning –“
“And so will you!” Tolya yelled, pushing him back.
Tamar appeared next to them, holding a coil of rope. “Here, tie this around your waist. We’ll haul you back in.”
Nikolai’s hands shook as he tried to tie the knot. Tolya silently took the rope from him and finished the knot, pulling it tight around his waist. Nikolai climbed up the side of the boat until he was standing on the very edge. He didn’t even hesitate before he jumped in.
He surfaced a wave instantly crashed over his head. For a moment, he struggled to fight against the water. Then, it calmed. Nikolai glanced up and saw one of his Tidemaker’s fighting with the waves, trying to calm it enough for him.
Nikolai took a deep breath in and dived below the water, eyes wide open, searching for Y/N. It probably would’ve made more sense to send Tamar or Tolya down – but his heart had taken over and he hadn’t thought.
The water calmed for a moment and in that precious moment, he saw her. Her body drifted in the water, completely at the mercy of the current. Nikolai grabbed her arm and pulled her body towards him. Once she was close enough, he wrapped his arm around her waist, holding on to her as tight as he dared.
Nikolai gasped as he surfaced, water dripping into his eyes. He didn’t remember how they got Y/N back onto the boat. One moment he was clutching on to her in the water and the next he was handing her body over to Tolya and falling over the side of the boat into a wet, heaving puddle.
Their healer, Iva, was instantly at Y/N’s side. A healer was invaluable to a certain extent. If their patient stopped breathing, or their heart stopped, their powers became useless. They could men bones and healing wounds – but getting a heart to start again? That was a Heartrender’s job.
“Tamar,” Iva called, searching the crowd for the woman.
Tamar appeared and rushed over, falling to her knees beside Y/N. “What do you need me to do?”
Iva glanced up at Nikolai for a moment. They looked back down at Y/N. “Get her heart going,” they replied.
Tamar put the first two fingers of her right hand over her left and held them above Y/N’s chest, concentration clear on her face. She pushed down, pressing against Y/N’s chest.
Nikolai hadn’t even realised Tolya was trying to calm his heart down until he put a hand on his chest. He looked up at Tolya, the tears running down his face mixing with the saltwater dripping from his hair.
Tolya grasped the back of his neck and lowered his forehead to Nikolai’s. No words needed to be spoken – they both knew what the other was feeling. Nikolai wasn’t even bothering to hide his emotions for Y/N.
Nikolai turned his head toward her. She was still lying on the deck. Her chest was still unmoving.
Deep down, a seed of doubt had begun to bloom. Doubt about whether she’d come back and, if she did, if there’d be irreparable damage. He was trying not to let the seed grow and burst into his heart but as he stared at her body – skin lacking colour, eyes closed, chest still – it was beginning to invade.
Then, Nikolai heard a groan. He turned his head sharply, relief setting in as Y/N coughed, water spilling over her lips. Tamar rolled her onto her side and rubbed her back gently. She glanced up at Nikolai and Tolya, a relieved smile on her face.
Nikolai slumped into Tolya, relief overwhelming him. Through the exhaustion seeping into his bones, Nikolai looked down at Y/N and caught her gaze. They looked at one another, silent. Y/N blinked slowly, and it was all Nikolai needed to know she was okay.
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The sleeping quarters below deck were quiet. Most people were asleep whilst some remained awake, taking shifts to watch the ocean and horizon, keeping them on the right path.
Nikolai walked down the steps from the upper deck to down below and poked his head in the doorway, letting his eyes adjust to the candlelit darkness. He walked forward, his footsteps as quiet as he could make them against the floor.
Tamar looked up from her book as he approached. She gave him a tired smile, marking her place before closing the book.
“How are you?” Nikolai asked softly.
Tamar nodded. “Tired,” she admitted. Carefully, she reached out and threaded her fingers through Nikolai’s. She squeezed. “How are you?”
At the question, Nikolai allowed himself to look over to the bunk where Y/N lay asleep. She was buried under blankets but there was colour on her face again. Even under the mounds of wool and cotton, he could see her chest moving.
“Fine now,” Nikolai whispered, his voice breaking slightly. Tamar ran her thumb along the back of his hand. His breath shuddered as he inhaled. “I thought I’d lost her.”
With one tug, Tamar pulled him down onto the crate next to her. She put an arm around his shoulders and pulled him as close as she could.
“But you didn’t,” she said firmly. “She is still here. She is still alive. As are you, Nik.” Tamar pressed a kiss to his temple. “You need to tell her the truth about your emotions. Now you know, now you have felt the fear – don’t wait.” She smiled at him. “Don’t hide from your feelings, Nikolai. They are what set you apart from anyone else I know.”
Tamar stood up, squeezing his hand once more before letting go. She walked out the room, pulling the door closed behind her.
Nikolai took her seat, moving as close to the bunk as he could. Y/N’s hand was just poking out from under the blankets. Nikolai reached forward and took it in his, holding it as if it were the most precious gem he’d ever seen.
Y/N shifted on the bunk, rolling further over onto her side. Slowly, her eyes opened, and she squinted slightly at the light as she looked up at Nikolai.
“Hi,” she whispered, her voice hoarse and quiet.
“Hey.” Nikolai leant forward. He brushed her hair back from her forehead, tucking it behind her ear. There was an unusual gentleness to his actions – they’d been this affectionate before but… this time it was different.
“Are you okay?”
Nikolai blinked. He laughed softly. “You drowned and almost died, yet you’re asking me how I am?” He sighed, letting his thumb brush across her cheekbone. “I’m fine, darling. How are you?”
“I’m cold still,” Y/N replied. She snuggled further down into the blankets. “My throat hurts as does my chest but… I’m alive.” She fell quiet for a moment, gazing up at Nikolai. “You look like shit, Lanstov.”
Nikolai burst out laughing. He shook his head as the laughter faded, the smile remaining. “You scared me, Y/N. Truly scared me. I’m so used to having you around that suddenly imagining life without you…” His smile faded slightly.
“I am a good friend,” Y/N said, nodding, her tone semi-sarcastic. “You’ve trained me well. I can imagine how difficult it would be to train a new friend again.” Y/N frowned at the silence that followed. Nikolai lowered his gaze. “Nik?”
“It wasn’t just that,” Nikolai replied. He closed his eyes for a moment. “Since we met, I’ve felt this… pull to you.”
“Nik, you’re sounding like Tolya.”
Nikolai snorted. “Yeah, I’m not great at this.” He sighed, dragging a hand through his hair. “I don’t know how to say this.”
“Okay,” Y/N curled closer to him, “just… splurge. Doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make sense.”
And that was it. Nikolai knew, then, that it was her calmness, her ability to see through the haze of his mind and just know what he wanted to say or do. He could be spiralling out of control and Y/N would be the one thing keeping him on the ground.
That was why he loved her.
“I can’t live my life without you,” Nikolai said abruptly. “You ground me in ways no one else can. The entire world could be spiralling out of control, but you’ll be the calm in the storm.” He chuckled. “I remember when I had a bad night a few months ago. I’d tossed and turned and then given up, going up on to deck to watch the stars. Everything was haunting me – the crown, my people, my family. You found me on deck and just talked at me for an hour, distracting me from my thoughts until I’d calmed down.
“When I pulled you from the water, I was terrified that… that I’d pulled your body out but not your soul. That it was still in the water, sinking further and further down. The world stopped as I watched Tamar and Iva work. I think Tolya was worried I’d collapse on him. But the moment you opened your eyes and looked at me, my world started moving again. And I realised that… I love you in so many ways, I can’t put them all into words.”
If Y/N was taken aback by the abrupt revelation, she didn’t show it. Her face was calm, betraying nothing.
Nikolai laughed softly, shaking his head. “I know I am a prince, Y/N. I know there are rules and laws. I know that one day I will be king. Loving me isn’t easy, I know. Being with me isn’t easy. But… I just…”
Nikolai trailed off, words failing him.
Y/N propped herself up onto her elbow, dislodging the blankets around her. She took both of Nikolai’s hands with hers, running her thumbs along the back of them. Nikolai looked at her. Her gaze was intense. It was warm. It was understanding.
“I knew who I was becoming friends with, Nik,” Y/N said gently. “Prince Nikolai Lanstov – heir to the Ravkan throne. I knew what it would come with and how hard it will be. And I know loving you will be even harder.” Nikolai couldn’t breathe. Y/N squeezed his hands. “Yet I will gladly fight the battles if it means I get to wake up next to you in the morning. I will stand behind you if it means I can hold your hand in the shadows. I will be your consort if it means I can love you for however long we live for.”
Nikolai stared at her. Everything he’d wanted to say, she’d said perfectly. Everything he’d thought, he’d felt – she’d spoken it aloud.
“I know who I fell in love with, Nikolai,” Y/N said, watching him intently. She smiled, placing a hand on the side of his face. “I wanted to say something but… I thought it best if I waited for you. In case it wasn’t reciprocated. In case it wasn’t what you wanted.”
It was hard to confess your love. It was even harder when it was a prince. Nikolai knew this. He knew that whoever he fell in love with, would have to sacrifice everything to be with him. Yet here was Y/N, opening her heart whilst fully understanding the consequences.
“Are you going to kiss me now, princeling?”
Nikolai laughed and leant forward, capturing her lips with his. She kissed him back, pressing into him, her hand wrapping around the back of his neck and holding him. They broke apart, resting their foreheads together, breathing heavily.
“Queen Y/N and King Nikolai does have a ring to it,” Y/N whispered into his ear.
Nikolai pulled back, his brow furrowing even as he smiled. “Why are you first? Surely it should be King Nikolai and Queen Y/N.”
“Because.” She pressed her lips to his again, smiling. “I want it that way.”
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bowieandqueen11 · 1 year
Honeymooning With Steven Grant Would Include...
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I’m so so sorry to the lovely anon who requested this - I tried to copy this into my drafts and accidentally deleted half of it :( I remember it being for honeymoon headcanons, so I hope this is alright love! 
(I do not own Moon Knight or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @marc-spectorr.)
Warning: nothing too explicit, but NSFW so 18+ please!
Do you have any idea?? How soft I am for this?? I am so soft I am YEARNING you have made me yearn god I love this concept so much
I feel like the two of you would go somewhere sunny: perhaps a couple of weeks in Egypt, staying in a nice resort by the Red Sea, since Steven is so fed up of the dreary London weather. Just a really nice spot, where the two of you can hire out a boat for the day, and he can sit holding you at the back and feed you strawberries. If he’s not too busy trying to taunt you with the fruit, or giggling like bursts of sunlight as you nip at his fingers, he’s leaning awkwardly over your head to give you a sweet upside down kiss. His lips are so plump, so tender as his top lip latches onto your bottom one, that for a moment the two of you are lost in a sweet abyss where the only thing that exists is the tart tang of each other’s mouths. Or, the poor man is holding onto your biceps for dear life, only being drawn away from your lips by the feel of the boat rocking wildly from side to side.
As twilight began to flood in, flitting past your eyes like a gliding moth chasing the last drop of the honey sun with its velvet tail, you and Steven perch up from where you’re entangled on the chaise longue. Underneath the silver flecks of the waves, a few hawksbill turtles languidly glider underneath the navy froth. Steven’s eyes immediately light up, seeming to glow like shining jewels against the strung lights hanging from the masts. ‘Turtles’, he whispers and points towards the water, turning to look at you as if he’d just seen true magic. You grip onto his finger and place his palm flatly against yours, doing your best not to laugh when he squeals and buries his head deeply into your neck. ‘Yes love’, you caress your free hand through his stubborn curls, ‘those are definitely turtles.’
He nearly loses his mind when a dolphin appears above the crest of the water line. He has to lie down for a little bit against your chest, panting like crazy and his heart racing a mile per minute because even though it’s day one, he’s becoming a bit overwhelmed by all of this bless him. You just snuggle down around him, rubbing your nose against the shell of his ear and whispering sweet nothings until he finally calms down. He looks so calm, so peaceful, with his pursed lips rising and falling in time with his chest, that you’re not too surprised when he begins to snore a few minutes later. 
He makes you leave the hotel room before dinner for a couple of minutes while he gets dressed. With an ear pressed up against the door, you ignore the weird looks you’re getting from the elderly vacationers heading down to the dining hall as you listen to the thud of Steven falling across the floor. He seems to be... jumping, probably trying to pull his trousers up quickly, which is followed by the sound of a hanger crashing onto the floor and a squeaky ‘oh, bollocks!’. You’re pressing a finger to your lips to stop yourself erupting when he finally unlatches the door, but it immediately drops down to your side when you take him in. He’s wearing his best polka dot yellow tie and sheepish smile, gazing down in terror at his feet and back up at you. He’s got a squashed box of chocolates in one hand, and a rather pressed bouquet of roses in the other; it almost takes your breath away, since he looks almost identical to the way he arrived at your doorstep for your first date. Even though you’re married now, his arm is still shaking as he offers it to you, and he still sighs a breath of relief when you loop your own through enthusiastically.
‘I’d been dreaming of this moment ever since I first put eyes on you, you know that love?’ He manages to say between shaking words as he leans you downstairs. ‘Every night. All I could blooming think about was how lucky I would be if I could hold your hand every night. You might as well pinch me right now, ‘cause I must be blinking dreaming.’
You spend a lot of your honeymoon down by the sandy strips, sharing a sun lounger and lying together underneath the warm shelter of a beach umbrella. He would read to you, his lips brushing against the tip of each with the pronunciation of each word: hot, tingly, the inside of his lip dragging against your earlobe from time to time. Eventually, when he noticed you were starting to fall asleep from where you were tucked up around his arm, he would become like a big child. He would teasingly shove you with his shoulder with a booming ‘tag, you’re it!’, before giggling as heartily as birdsong and running off across the sand. You finally manage to rugby tackle him down after a solid ten minutes of him skiting around the place, and he looks up at you as if you hung every swinging star in the sky as you hold him in place. Your legs are firm against the taut muscle of his calves, your hands pinning his trembling wrists above his head, and his breath is shaky as you press your weight against his lower abdomen, your bottom resting firmly against his groin.
He feels he’s about to pass out as you let go of his left wrist to run your fingers gingerly across the stubble of his jaw, before cupping his chin to hold in in place. He squirms beneath you, beginning to mewl as you lean down to kiss him. You’re quickly thrown to the side before lips can meet, though, as Steven manages to get you turned and shelters you from the massive wave that comes breaking onto the shore. When he looks down at you, sea water dripping down his wet hair and onto your nose with the most disappointed face in the world, you can’t help but squeeze your eyes shut in laughter. 
This man is the BIGGEST softie in the world oml. You come wandering out of the bathroom that night, not expecting to see Steven biting his bottom lip and jutting his chin out. He’s muttering nervously to himself, a quiet ‘oh dear, oh dearie me’ busting out of him as he squats down and runs back and forth across the floorboards like a terrified little crab. He’s grabbing at rose petals he tried to shower across the floor, not realising the cool night breeze would burst in through the French doors and steal them away. When he notices you from the corner of his eye, he quickly straightens up, hiding the woven basket behind his back. He pretends he doesn’t know what’s going on as you walk over to him, but when you drop your towel and grab the back of his head to bring him down for a fervent kiss, the basket is quickly dropped to the floor and the jig is up.
Bro.. bro... oh my god, the body worship this man is hellbent on showing you is beyond crazy on your honeymoon. Like, dear lord, turn it up by a hundred and you might get a little closer to understanding how this emotionally vulnerable, touch starved, drowning in love man might be. I mean, Steven’s always been a giver if you know what I mean, but this is just next level. He’s so nervous though the sweetie pie, that you decide to help him out by loosening his tie. He’s nearly drooling on the floor by the time you throw it off of him, standing there like putty in your hand and just watching with lovesick eyes as you undress him. When his mind finally registers the almost inaudible pop of his shirt buttons though, he’s full on racked by whole body shivers as your palms glide the material apart from his chest. His firm pecs tighten against the feel of your bare skin against his, and behind the breathless inhale he swears he could die quite happily right now as long as you just don’t stop.
When he finally can’t take it anymore, it’s your turn to groan as he grabs onto the back of your thighs and shoves you backwards, pulling your bottom until it’s resting at the edge of the mattress. He slots his frame between your legs, knees coming down onto the floor as he buries himself between your soft flesh in ineffable bliss. Your thighs tighten around his head, and he breathes against your inner thighs as he kisses a path up them, gripping tenderly onto the back of your leg. When a little bit of extra oomph seems to overcome him, and his teeth nips across your panty line as they try to pull the seam of your underwear down, he immediately starts cooing and pressing a delicate brush of his nose against the mark, as if in apology. 
Although he’s far better around you, some nights Steven still doesn’t sleep very well. You do your best to wake him up gently on these days, unlatching him from where his legs have tumbled onto yours during the night to start the kettle going. The smell of peppermint tea always perks him straight out of his dreams, and so he curls the duvet around his head like a hedgehog diving into the soft mound of a giant marshmallow as he goes looking for you. His feet slog around the room until he reaches the kitchenette, and he feels his heart begin to fizzle and pound as if a thousand scarabs were flitting around trying to escape the mortal walls when he spots you bopping around to the static hum of the radio. He immediately scares the pants off you by wrapping his arms around your waist, joining in your dance by swaying your hips side to side in time with his own. He’s impossibly close, his warm breath tingling against your neck as he kisses you. Suddenly, you’re enveloped by darkness, realising Steven’s taking the opportunity to assimilate you into the duvet fortress as well, so he can lean down and kiss every inch of exposed skin on your face and neck as he can, with a billion rushed pecks. You finally manage to push him off by pressing your hand against his mouth, and he relents to go get some tea.
The two of you sit knee to knee, criss crossed on top of the unmade bed. ‘We’re married’, he suddenly says, sitting bolt upright as if he’d been shocked between sips from his cup. ‘Yes, Steven’, you reply as he turns to look at you with a smile of pure wonderment, ‘I remember. I was there too.’
‘But it wasn’t a dream. That actually happened. You married me. This isn’t a joke, is it?’
‘It’s not a joke, Steven. I love you’, you state plainly, grabbing onto the back of his hand.
You can see the tears begin to gather behind his bloodshot eyes, his bottom lip blubbering out as his fingers turn to grip, almost painfully, the ends of your own. ‘I love you more than everything in the universe, Y/n.’
I mean, it’s Steven Grant so you 100% go sightseeing around the place! He so delicately holds your hand on the bus, nearly vibrating out of his seat he’s so excited. He even manages to ignore the side-eyes of fellow passengers as you pass by a really exciting historic site, Steven’s shoulder butting against your own as he points out to everything through the window. He hunches over your side until he’s nearly fully leaning onto you as he begins to rush out a boatload of facts he’s learnt from his books back at home. By the end of the night he’s so exhausted he’s fully lying across both the seats, legs planted in the aisle and his head blissfully cradled in your lap. His content smile is literally beauty incarnate, and you can’t help but disturb him from his sleep by kissing the tip of his nose. He replies by latching onto your top lip when you go to pull away, pressing his tongue tiredly against your own before flopping back against your knee as if he’d just won the lottery.
Steven definitely makes you take silly photographs in front of everything you go to see: the picture he took of you jumping in front of the pyramids past Cairo end up pinned on the wall next to his fish tank. After he kisses you goodbye in the mornings before work, it’s become part of his routine to also press a kiss against your cheek in the picture <3
Although he did manage to come round one of the market stalls holding a stray cat in his arms. With pleading eyes, he sounded like he was about to burst out crying as he looked at you, sniffling.
‘Can we keep him?’
‘Steven, how are we supposed to smuggle a cat back in our suitcase??’
‘He can have my plane seat instead, I don’t mind :(’
He tugs you down back alleys during your last few days in Egypt, running down cobblestoned streets hand in hand, flying across the dusty ground like loose kites free in the breeze. He’s on the hunt for a second hand bookstore: one he gets lost in almost immediately. You finally manage to find him hunched over by a knobbly looking bookshelf in a dusty side crevice near the back of the small shop. You have to literally hitch yourself over a pile of pretty worn, ancient looking encyclopaedias, shimmy past a dusty looking globe, and brush through a gap between two lined oaken bookshelves before you spot him. He doesn’t realise you’re behind him until your arms are squeezing around his soft belly, and you’re kissing the bunched material between his shoulder blades. His hand comes up to squeeze your fingers as he gives you a loving, slightly embarrasssed ‘oh! Hello love! Fancy seeing you here!’
He becomes even more shocked when, after you’ve finished resting your nose against his back and just breathing him in for a moment, you spin him round to face you. His eyes widen as he drops the book he was looking at onto his feet, but the confusion is quickly replaced by his features melting into one of intoxication as you press a lingering kiss against the side of his mouth. His eyes are blinking slowly, trying to shut as he crumples against your chest, his elbow knocking backwards and nearly knocking over a few piles of books domino style.
He literally tells you he loves you at least ten times a day. It just blurts out of him, as if he’s going to burst if he doesn’t get to say it. Baby. Baby boy. He deserves this forever love, and has wished for nothing more since the two of you first met.
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