#Thunder Luigi
kande238 · 3 days
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THUNDEEERRRRRRRRRR!!! . . . My comms uh: Ko-fi Carrd
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raeboxx · 1 month
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Why bro so mad
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jelly-fish-wishes · 1 year
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The Tears Won't Stop
1 / 2 / 3
This is still just a quick comic I wanna do before preparing for the winner of the poll.
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illdothehotvoice · 1 year
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⚙"Behold the Green Thunder, Mr. L!" ⚡
Comms Open ^^
Extra art and quick ramble under the cut!
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I was really in the mood to draw Mr. L because I finally got my hands on Super Mario Manga Mania! (Which no one told me HAD THE MR. L CHAPTER in it lmfao). So I thought I would redraw one of my favorite panels from that chapter for funsies to go along with this!
I really wanted to experiment more with rendering and colors with this one, doing a complete 180 from my Rosalina piece and going for a more pop art style. I downloaded some screentone brushes and honestly I am in love with them I'll probably use them more!
Anyways I love Mr. L so so so much and I'm really happy with how I've been drawing him lately he's so skrunkly dshgjkfdnhgfh.
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spiderdotexe · 8 months
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the image of luigi as a ultrakill prime boss hasnt left my mind for a week or two and i dont know why . i have not even beat ultrakill
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sandiaheadonline · 1 year
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Movie style Mr. L I made because I need to see him in a movie someday!
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bdtlm · 2 months
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Anger, hate, revenge..….. …. ⚡️⚡️⚡️
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I have no idea what I am doing
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geraldthellama · 11 months
Mr L fan art? In this economy? And the fact that people don’t draw him in heels? Who’s idea was that?
Anyways so can you tell I’m really existed to get Super Paper Mario in the mail on Halloween
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raeboxx · 27 days
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Two sides of the same coin
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krizeros · 8 months
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Luigi sketchdoodle
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tiredsmashbros · 1 year
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forgot i did these sketches weeks ago oof
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duckapus · 2 months
[a few days after the CCC Avatars and their games are taken, most of the characters relevant to the situation (notably all the Avatars except for the missing ones (obviously) and all the SMGs except 7 and 10 (for spoiler reasons)) are called to a meeting at 4's Meme Factory (since it's one of the few places that many people can meet comfortably) by Susie]
SMG3: Alright, why'd you call us all here?
Susie: I'm glad you asked *starts rummaging through a storage device* As you know, I've been studying code samples from the missing Avatars in the hopes of finding out the reason behind their memory suppression-and hopefully a cure for it-since before they were taken. And as it happens, a bit before I was informed of their capture I managed to synthesize this! *pulls out a large beaker of faintly glowing green liquid with lines of binary occasionally scrolling through it*
Several audience members: Oooooooooooo...
Mario: ...What is it?
Susie: This is a replica of the trojan program used to lock their memories, written is such a way that it can be represented as a liquid for ease of analysis. *she sets it on a table behind her* Most likely a similar method was used to administer their doses in the first place, possibly as some form of penetrating projectile designed to dissolve into their bloodstreams upon entry. AND, it just so happens to be completely identical to the code that made up the energy field generated by Lawyer Kong's so-called "firewall." Thus, the cure is obvious; Memes.
SMG6: But...we tried that already. It only worked for a few minutes, and only once.
Susie: That would be because of the one way the two afflictions differ; the firewall was an external source that people could be shielded from, while the trojan program is internal and needs to be overwhelmed and purged, and the latter will require a far more potent Meme than the former.
Which, unfortunately, is my current roadblock. See, if we make the memes too potent, they'll trigger a Meme Overload. That wouldn't have been a problem before they were captured-well, apart from Juliano given his condition, but still- but now they have to be administered while we're rescuing them from wherever they ended up, and we most likely won't have the time to bring them back down to manageable levels of insanity in the middle of that. So, we need to figure out the exact right dosage of Meme Energy that will cure them without making them go crazy.
Bob: ...Which means you need a test subject.
Susie: *nods* Now, in the interest of fairness I've put the names of everyone here who isn't an OC into a random number generator so-
???: *minecraft potion drinking sound* Mmm, kiwi flavor.
*everyone slowly turns with a comical creaking sound effect to see Franky holding the now-empty beaker*
Lily: We probably should've seen that coming.
Franky: *after a second or so there's the same audio and visual effect as when Mario got firewalled in the Lawsuit Arc, causing Franky to fall to his hands and lack-of-knees as the energy takes hold. His model slowly reverts to his old look as a generic Toad with glasses, and when the transformation is over he falls onto his face*
Desmond: FRANKY! *runs up to him and picks him up so he can see his face* Are you okay?
Franky: ...Who's Franky?
Everyone: *stares very intensely at Susie*
Susie: *weakly* ...Well...that's one way to choose I guess. *feels Peach, Toadsworth, Sage and Desmond suddenly looming ominously behind her* Right, let's go see about cooking up that cure, shall we? *grabs all the SMGs, Franky and Luigi and Books It deeper into the factory* Alright team, to the Meme Kitchen on the double!
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
Deity AU
(part 1 + reblog)
After the god Bros finally reunite they soon learn that dark god Bowser is not dead. They defeat him, but the only way they can get rid of him for good is to also destroy themselves.
But it's not a terrible fate, for they are reassured that this time, they will be going together.
Mario holds Luigi, his brother who he has searched for years, and promises him that no matter what, wherever their souls end up, they will be together this time. And he swears to protect him better.
And then they destroy dark god Bowser...A new beginning taking place in the universe...
Many centuries later, the celestial brothers reincarnate into mortal forms: Mario and Luigi.
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ang-pumking-stone · 2 years
Bowser watching as her husband transforms into Mr.L.
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numerowah · 1 year
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he's been like the most consistent outfit wise. obv he gets other outfits but his MAIN outfit hasnt had very many changes, im pretty sure wario beats him out by a little and that might be cause i draw him less often/more in the cat form
anyway i dont think he handles the troubles of being a princess as well as peach usually does. much more a damsel in distress than her yknow what i mean
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