#Luigi in heels as god intended
geraldthellama · 11 months
Mr L fan art? In this economy? And the fact that people don’t draw him in heels? Who’s idea was that?
Anyways so can you tell I’m really existed to get Super Paper Mario in the mail on Halloween
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istadris · 1 year
I’m back with another Mario Movie AU, because apparently I can’t stop.
(It’s not really intended as a Bowuigi / Bowsario / Powser scenario, but if you want to read it that way, be my guest and go wild with your ideas).
Luigi gets captured and taken to Bowser, you know the drill. BUT. Two details make a big difference from canon :
Luigi, who’s been in a Hobbit bingewatch recently, manages to take a leaf out of the “surviving the huge murderous dragon by stroking their ego” book and starts complimenting and praising Bowser, whose reputation spreads beyond this world, he claims. He’s only come here to admire the glory of such a magnificent king, the Terror of the Darklands, the Scourge of the Kingdoms, the King of Monsters (he’s pulling all of this out of what he’s heard and awkwardly guessed so far). How could he not, after everything he’s heard about him ?? And yet the tales pale in comparaison of the real thing. Yes, that’s totally why he’s here. “And that other human with a moustache ?” “ Do you think I know every human being with a moustache wearing an identical outfit with a hat with the letter of his first name on it?! ...Because I don't! That’s just how normal human males look like !!! Are your mask guys related just because they look like each other ??” Bowser, turning towards the Shy Guys: “Are you ?” “No!! Gross, we’re married, Sir!” “A-anyway, I’m sure that human (who has nothing to do with me at all) is here for the same reason as me! To meet you and tell you how much he finds you awesome! Not for your fiancé at all!”
Bowser is dumb enough to believe all of it.
So now Bowser is very happy because not only does he loves sycophants as a general rule, but this one is human! If just his reputation was enough to make human flock to his kingdom, surely Peach will be head over heels for him once she meets him ! Ha! Take that, random Ex-Koopa-Now-Dry-Bones !!
“Told you all I was irresistible! Now she WILL say yes!!!”
But because he wants to hit every single bullet point in human attraction (and not at all because he’s a bit nervous), he’s asking Luigi for his “opinion”. Which, for Luigi, amounts to stand around while Bowser is singing his lungs out  and pretends that yes, a human would totally be charmed by this!
“How about a mass ritual sacrifice for our wedding ?”
“Oh god, that’s a thing ???”
“Yes, obviously ! Pure Koopa wedding tradition! Won’t she love it?!”
“mamma mia...”
“What was that ?”
“I MEAN- Yeah that’s. That’s very cool, but how about you go even further ?”
“More victims? I mean, I can scrounge up some forced volunteers in my troops...”
“No!! Erm, how about you manage to win the war without making a single causality ? Any warlord can kill everyone on his path, but you’re THE Bowser! You don’t even need to use your full strength to be respected!”
“...That’s very stupid. And I don’t want to be respected, I want to be feared.”
“Well you didn’t hurt me (very much) and I fear AND respect you very much !”
“Fair point.”
“And if you manage to do that ? That Princess Peach, she’ll swoon straight into your arms!”
In the Rainbow Road battle, instead of falling in the sea, Mario and DK are captured and taken to Bowser (with Luigi present in the throne room).
Bowser is gloating and Mario is ready to fight despite the danger:
“So, human, did you also come here to sing my praises?”
“Oh I’ll sing something alright, you...”
“Brother!!” Luigi starts yelling in Italian, “for ONCE in your life, don’t pick a fight you can’t win and listen to me! Just pretend that the maniac with fire breath is the most amazing guy you’ve ever seen, our lives depend on it!”
“...you amazing, incredible and badass king, I can’t believe I ever tried to fight you!”, Mario quickly plays along to the point of dropping on one knee (but mostly to hide his gagging face).
Bowser immediately turns toward Luigi :
“What did you say?? What was that gibberish ?!”
“Eerrr Magic! Yes! To-to make him admit how much he finds you awesome!”
“You can use magic?!”
“Human magic!! That only works on humans!! Not on Koopas or whatever -not that I would have used it on you, of course, eh ehehe....”
“You can make humans fall in love with me on command ?? That’s even BETTER! Now Peach WILL marry me without any doubt!!”
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beansnsoup · 1 year
Hey, I was wondering if you can do a sibling, platonic Mario and Luigi x younger sister? Like, they go to get high school graduation and celebrate and whatnot, cause I just got home from my graduation and thought it would be nice. (I’m 18 btw, about to be 19) but I thought it would be a super cute idea seeing the brothers screaming cheering on a littler sibling as they walk the stage
Love this!! Congratulations btw!!!
Cap and Gown
Summary: Mario and Luigi take off from work to come watch their favorite younger sister graduate.
Relationship: Platonic
Warnings: Fluff, fem reader
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"Y/N M/N Mario."
The school gym erupted in cheers, the loudest of them coming from the section where your family was sat.
Mario and Luigi strived to be the loudest in the room when you walked up there.
You grabbed your diploma and used your other hand to shake the super intendants hand. You sent a smile to the crowd then sent them all a wave as you walked off the stage.
You sat back down in your seat, scanning around to see if your brothers were able to make it.
Once you found them, a wide smile was planted on your face. They both sent a thumbs up, giving you huge smiles back.
Once the last name was called and the principal wrapped everything up with a final speech, everyone was sent outside for final pictures where they'd soon meet their families.
You kept looking around, waiting for them to walk through the gate.
"Mario, Luigi! I'm so happy you guys made it!"
You ran up as soon as they walked up, giving them a huge bear hug.
"We almost didn't, we took off two days of work for you, but there was so much traffic."
Your mom came up to smother your face in kisses, and your grandparents came up after to hand you a card that was most likely filled up with a lot of congratulations money. Then your aunts, uncles, and nephews gave you flowers.
"We should get out of here before it gets too crowded. You have a big dinner waiting for you at home." You mom said, squeezing your cheek.
"Thank God, I need to take off this dress and heels."
"Not before pictures you won't."
You groaned, which was followed by Mario and Luigis laughter.
As soon as you all got home, your mom immediately pulled out her camera, making you take pictures with every possible living thing in the area.
Then you finally got to strip of your uncomfortable clothing, quickly joining everyone at the dinner table.
Your aunt didn't let you catch one bite before she started talking, "Y/N, hun, tell me how a catch like you graduated without some arm candy."
"She doesn't need a boyfriend. She needs to focus on her grades. She graduated with honors, you know." Your dad chimed in.
You cringed, "No good suitors go to my school."
"Well promise me dear, when you do get hitched, I'll be the first to know."
You laughed, nodding at your aunt, finally taking a bite of your food.
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