#Thruce fanfiction
im-95-not-dead · 1 year
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Regrets on ao3
Pairing: Thor / Bruce Banner
Word Count: 1.8k
Rating: Gen
Tags: getting together, canon universe, post-EG, light angst, romantic fluff, sad with a happy ending
Thor has a laundry list of regrets. He doesn't intend on adding any more.
Part 11 of Promptober 2023
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mattzerella-sticks · 6 years
Buss Down (Bruce Banner/Thor, Steve’s POV, 2.7 k)
Steve forgot the reason he went down to the labs, thoughts derailed after catching a glimpse of Thor's godly assets. Now he finds himself in league with a few others who have made it their mission to keep Thor's bottom up until a certain scientist can't take it anymore before turning green with envy.
It's naughty... but it feels so nice. What's a Boy Scout like Steve to do?
(Link to Ao3)
           Steve walks into the lab to a strange sight. Thor, bent down within a cupboard, his ass pushed out as far as he can make it and his back arched like a smooth valley. He stares, hypnotized by the jiggle of Thor’s cheeks as he rummages around for something. Fingers snap near his ear, and that shocks him out of his trance. Grabbing for the source of the sound, Steve raises his fist. Steve only lowers it down when he realizes it was Tony who snapped.
           Tony winces, “Sorry, forgot that was a trigger…”
           He rolls his eyes, releasing Tony’s shirt from his grip. Steve can’t stay mad, his focus drawn back to the god of thunder.
           Tony snorts, taking him by the arm and leading him away. “Come on,” he says, “if you’re gonna stare at least do it without being a roadblock.”
           Steve blushes, ducking away to gape at him. “I wasn’t… I’m not –“
           “It’s okay, trust me,” Tony says, “We all do it.” They stop at Tony’s worktable, where others have gathered. Natasha, Wanda, Scott, and Sam have spread out across the surface, each gazing at the same spot.
           Steve’s breath stutters. “The hell? What are you all doing down here?”
           “Enjoying the show,” Natasha shrugs, holding the popcorn bowl out to him, shaking it, “Want some?” He pushes it back towards a waiting Scott, who crams a handful into his mouth. A few fall to the floor, but Scott barely notices as somehow Thor’s ass rises higher. Steve’s face flushes a splotchy red.
           “Guys,” Steve whispers harsh and commanding, “This is not okay. Thor’s our friend, we shouldn’t be… ogling him like some painting on the side of a fighter plane!”
           “Wow,” Natasha says, “dated reference much?”
           “That’s not the point –“
           “Steve, chill,” Tony says, arm comfortingly coming to rest on his shoulders, “This is all for a good thing.”
           “…If you say Thor’s ass is the good thing, Tony, I swear –“
           “No, no – well, it is a good thing, but… that’s not what I was talking about.” Suddenly, Tony’s eyes shift and scan the room as if Hydra would swarm in any second. He leans into Steve’s ear and tells him. “We’ve got a bet going on, about who can get Bruce to hulk out and do something about Thor.” Tony then nods his head over to the other scientist a few tables over.
           Steve hadn’t noticed Bruce was in the room at all, an embarrassing misstep given how aware he usually is. But as he takes him in now, Steve sees what Tony meant. While Bruce keeps his eyes glued to his research, his control over his other half is tenuous at best. He holds onto a beaker too tight, a spider web of cracks branching out from where his fingertips meet glass. His tan hands are streaked with green, shaking every few seconds.
           He looks back to Tony. “Why would you want to do that?”
           “Because Bruce has the biggest crush on Thor.”
           This is news to only Steve, as everyone else barely bats an eye after Tony dropped that bit of information turning half his mind to dust. “What?”
           “Yeah, and he won’t do anything about it even though Thor’s totally game,” Tony sighs, dipping his hand into the bowl for a few pieces of popcorn. “So I thought I’d help push things along by dangling Bruce’s favorite piece of our friend in front of his face – really, he should learn how to not talk in his sleep if he’s gonna pass out here.”
           “But then what are all they doing here?” Steve gestures to the rest of them. Wanda slaps his hand down when it blocks their view.
           Sam sighs, joining their conversation. “We all found out what Tony was doing at one point or another and offered to help, I mean… any chance to watch Thor’s ass clap like it’s making thunder.”
           “And you turned it into a bet,” Steve says, pinching the space between his brows. He bites his lip, thinking about what he wants to say next. “Is it only you five involved?”
           “No,” Tony tells him, “There’s also Peter –“
           “Which one?”
           “Both. Quill’s been through the entire galaxy and hasn’t found an ass like Thor’s,” he says, “And what kind of pseudo-father figure would I be if I didn’t encourage Parker’s budding sexuality? I send them both pictures with every new task we give our thunder god.”
           “I seriously can’t believe all of you –“
           Before he could begin his lecture, Thor stands. All around him, the others whine as their sun sets. “I don’t think your phone was in there, Tony.” Steve notices Tony duck his hand, the one clutching said phone, behind the table. Thor notices him before he could reveal their friend’s trick. “Ah, Steve! What brings you down here?”
           Steve nearly answers him with the first thought that comes to mind. He screws his mouth shut before the words ‘your ass’ break free. Instead, he mumbles out between hard-pressed lips a non-committal grunt while he turns into a tomato.
           Thor skews his head to the side, concerned. Tony swoops in and saves Steve though. “He’s just here to hang out, aren’t you Cap?” Steve manages to nod without embarrassing himself. “And about my phone… maybe it’s in the next cabinet over?”
           “Are you sure?” Thor asks, “Maybe it’s somewhere else? I could search one of the shelves up –“
           A chorus of ‘No’ cuts him off, as if Steve and everyone else by Tony’s workstation was a holy choir. Thor’s mouth hangs, eyes darting between them all. Natasha steps in this time. “You know how short Tony is –“
           “He never reaches for anything on the shelves on his own, it’s much more likely he dropped it grabbing chemicals or wrenches or something.”
           Steve hides a snicker as Thor takes her suggestion seriously. Thor nods, “Yes, that makes sense. All right, I’ll check the next one.” Without prompting, Thor bends back down and resumes his search. Scott chokes on a piece of popcorn as his butt wiggles and bounces. Sam slaps his hand twice across Scott’s back to dislodge the kernel; Scott coughing it out onto the floor with the other discarded snack pieces.
           “Well,” Tony asks Steve, “you gonna pretend to have the moral high ground or admit you’re enjoying this as much as we are?”
           Steve glares at Thor’s ass as he tells Tony, “Shut up.”
           “See Cap, you’re no better than us!”
           He makes himself comfortable in the gutter, taking Tony’s stool for his own use and pecking at the remaining popcorn. Silence returns as Thor and his ass take center stage. Steve studies the defined curve, curious as to why he’s never noticed it before. All his life, he has appreciated the male form as well as the female one. And he had fully functioning vision – even better than most people’s because of the serum – so Steve knew Thor was gorgeous. Like Cary Grant or Humphrey Bogart, but teeming with muscles and surrounded by a cloud of static that followed his wake. Steve assumed that Thor’s eyes were the most beautiful part of him, even now when they’re two different colors. He hadn’t accounted for his lower end. And maybe because it was never on display like it is now. The thin gym shorts leave nothing to the imagination, and Steve’s hand twitches as if to reach out.
           Tony presses himself against Steve’s back. “Hey,” he whispers, “pull yourself away for a sec and look at our friend, Mr. Incredible Self-Control.” Steve glances at Bruce from the corner of his eye, the scientist’s shoulders trembling now. Listening closely, he hears fabric ripping and Bruce muttering mantras. “Looks like I’ll be winning this one.”
           Steve sighs, “When did you all get so ass obsessed?”
           “We’ve always been like this,” Scott says, “I mean, don’t you remember our first plan to defeat Thanos?”
           Shuddering, Steve recalls Clint’s idea and how he demonstrated it with an arrow and a watermelon. They all knew it was a lame attempt at a joke, but Scott seemed too into it at the time. When Thanos was ultimately defeated, Scott was slightly miffed Carol landed the final blow and his size-shifting abilities weren’t utilized the way he wanted.
           “This is insane…”
           “How so?”
           “I… I…” Steve falters, “I mean –“
           “Look, Steve, this isn’t even the craziest thing we’ve made Thor do,” Tony says, “Right guys?”
           They all meek out their assent. Scott tells him how he shrunk down and broke pipes every now and then so Thor could fix them, even if he had no knowledge of plumping. Wanda used her powers to untie Thor’s boots whenever Bruce was around – and sometimes when he wasn’t. Sam started yoga so he could show Thor, and together they would stretch and bend in the common room during Bruce’s breaks from his research. Natasha chose the simplest route, pulling up videos on YouTube and teaching him how to copy the dance moves.
           “I discovered his true namesake,” she chuckled, “Thor, God of the Thunderthighs.” The others laugh at her wordplay, Steve’s brow furrowing in aggravation.
           As much fun as it had been for everyone involved, Steve included, he couldn’t let the bet carry on any longer. Tearing his gaze from the Asgardian’s backside, he puffs his chest up switches into his leadership stance. “This ends now.”
           Tony ignores his order, clapping him on the shoulder. “Sorry, Steve, this goes on until Bruce claims that ass for himself.”
           In between his eye roll and withering sigh, Thor frees himself from the second cabinet. “It’s not there either…” he says, “Tony, where on Midgard could your phone possibly have hidden itself?”
           Like it’s wont to do, Steve’s brain implements a set of actions without having had time to think it all through. Thor provided a great distraction, allowing him to sneak Tony’s phone out from his grip. Then, he dropped it to the floor, thankful that the casing absorbed any sound that might give him away. Steve kicked it a good ways away, watching it slide to a stop a few feet away from Bruce. The only one to notice this is the scientist himself, but with how tightly wound he already was he couldn’t say anything.
           Steve breaks apart from the group, pointing at the phone where it now rests. “Were you all blind this entire time?” he asks loudly, “It’s right over there!” They all turn to where he gestures, startled by his statement. Tony checks his hand, glaring at how empty it was.
           Thor breaks out into a smile, “Steve! You prove yourself the sharpest amongst us once more!” He thanks him for the compliment, following Thor over to Tony’s phone.
           Corralling him so that his backside faces Bruce, Steve nods at Thor, “If you will.”
           Thor bends down. However, as he does so, Steve hooks two fingers into the waistband of his shorts and tugs. Only after he glimpses the forbidden skin does he realize what a bad idea this was. Especially once he sees Thor forwent underwear that day.
           A cacophony of sound surges over him, from Thor’s gasp as the cold air hits his skin to the cry from the peanut gallery at the sight they were treated to. Over it all, however, is the distinct shredding of clothing. Everyone, including Thor, whip over to Bruce. His glasses lie broken in front of him, and his lab coat’s sleeves tatter around his now broad shoulders. Bruce hadn’t turned fully green, but his verdant eyes complement the stripes of similar color highlighting where his veins were.
           “Bruce,” Thor says, fixing his shorts, “What are you… what’s going – woah!” Bruce lifts him over his shoulder, stalking out of the room with furious intent. “Bruce!” Thor shouts over his grunting, “Where are we going?”
           “Bedroom. Now.” Thor’s response remains unknown as the metal doors slide closed behind them, giving the two privacy. Steve watches them leave, sighing in contentment. His calm dissipates when he finds five faces glowering menacingly at him.
           “I can’t believe it,” Sam starts, “All it took was mooning him?”
           “You’re not even in the pool!” Wanda shouts, fingers sparkling with red energy, “How much time and energy I spent untying shoelaces –“
           “That was low, Steve,” Natasha says, “Even for you.”
           Scott kicks at the floor, slumping in on himself. “Now where am I going to look at an ass like his?”
           Tony let the others vent their pent up frustration before stepping forward. He reaches into his pocket and stuffs something into Steve’s hands. Upon closer inspection, he sees several folded bills. “I hope you’re happy Steve,” Tony says, “You can buy yourself lots of charcoal pencils with this allowance.” He whistles, rounding up his troupe and leading them away from the lab as well.
           Steve stays, still confused over what dominoes he knocked over.
           He hasn’t left the Tower yet, going through paperwork Fury sent him from the rebuilt SHIELD compound upstate. Steve sits alone in the break room, rubbing at his tired eyes. There’s only so many times he can stare at numbers before his mind starts shutting down. He’s saved from his duties by the sound of a door opening nearby.
           “Hello Steve,” Thor greets, moving over to the Keurig to make some coffee, “What are you doing here so late?” He can’t speak; too shocked by how his friend wears nothing more than a fresh lab coat that hugs him tight in all the right places. Steve waves his tablet, communicating his tasks silently. Thor understands, smiling. “A leader’s job is never done I suppose. Wouldn’t you rather do this though from your apartment in Brooklyn?”
           Steve shrugs, clearing his throat. “Rather keep a work-life balance…” he says, voice hoarse from the tension.
           Thor chooses not to remark on Steve’s mood, grabbing a nearby mug and pouring his drink into it. All the while, Steve’s conscious harasses him for the terrible thing he did. Circles overhead, calling him names and saying he was no better than the others. He takes all he can until he breaks, when Thor pours sugar into his coffee.
           He apologizes, rushing out his words before they could stick to the roof of his mouth. When he finishes, he clamps his eyes shut and waits for Thor to verbally strike him with lightning. A long beat passes with nothing happened. Steve blinks his eyes open, finding Thor staring at him in confusion, sipping at his coffee.
           “Uh… what was all that?”
           “It was… I’m saying sorry,” Steve tells him, “For exposing your… you know.”
           Thor clucks his tongue, understanding. “Oh, you don’t have to apologize for that.”
           Steve splutters, features morphing to express his frustration. “What do you mean?”
           Setting his coffee down, Thor leans against the counter. “It was all a part of the bet wasn’t it?”
           “You knew about the bet?”
           “Of course I knew about the bet,” Thor chuckles, “You think I didn’t notice everyone staring at me like the juiciest leg of mutton left on the banquet table?”
           “Then why… why did you –“
           “Go along with it all?” he says, “It’s not like I’m ashamed of my blessings. Plus I love the attention, especially from a certain nerdy scientist with anger issues…”
           “So you’re fine with all that happened?” Steve asks, “What I…”
           “I got what I wanted, and you won the bet,” Thor says, smirking, “All in a day’s work, I say.”
           The weight in Steve’s stomach still doesn’t sit right. He digs around for the money Tony gave him, pushing it across the breakfast table and over towards Thor. “You should have this, I don’t feel comfortable –“
           “Nonsense, Steve,” Thor says, “You won that fairly. To the victor belong the spoils.”
           “You deserve it though, for putting up with all of us.”
           Thor shoves the money back across towards Steve before walking over to the door. He pauses, glancing at him over his shoulder. “You should know me well enough by now that I don’t put up with anything I can’t handle. And like I said… I got everything I need from this.” He winks, leaving Steve alone in the break room once more.
           Steve sighs, staring at his dirty money. “I’ll give it to Bruce,” he decides, “He won’t turn down free money.”
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mike-is-a-zombie · 6 years
Hi, here´s my Thing for the third day of the Thorbruce Week, I hope you enjoy it  :) (Ao3)
It wasn´t until well a year into their relationship until he realised something – and then asked himself how he possibly could have missed it.
Bruce woke up feeling cold, the blanket was gone, he probably had kicked it off the bed during the night that was nothing special, he had been haunted by nightmare for Years and years, if Bruce thought it over he would say that he didn’t remind a time without waking up in the middle of the night screaming or crying and bathed in sweat. It had gotten better though, ever since Thor and he started dating his boyfriend had woken him up before his dreams became worse, he held him in his arms, just letting Bruce know he was safe, the scientist could count the times he didn’t wake up to Thor next to him on both his hands, the occasions where he didn’t even leave a message were even less. And that was the thing.
It was the dead of night and Thor was nowhere to be seen, he didn’t leave some kind of message and the door to the bathroom which was connected to their joined bedroom was open, the lights were off. Bruce’s heart started to race, feeling panic rise in his chest, Thor wouldn’t just – leave, would he? The scientist shook his head, trying to get this thought out of his head. Thor would never just leave me without a word, he thought, angry about himself, he knew that something was wrong. Bruce slipped out of the bed. Their little apartment was completely silent except of the usual sounds of cars way down at the foot of the tower, “I have a bad feeling about this” Bruce muttered to himself to fill the unsettling silence that filled the hallway, he should have taken the flashlight in his nightstand with him instead of just going for it. Suddenly he heard a noise, the scientist tensed up, held his breath; it sounded like heavy breathing, the kind of breathing to suppress sobs, the kind of breathing to calm down after crying too long, the kind of breathing that meant something was very, very wrong.
Bruce burst into the living room, throwing the door open. On their couch sat Thor, obviously startled by the sudden appearance of his boyfriend, he had been crying, that was easy for Bruce to see due to the god’s puffy eyes. “Thor? What happened, what is wrong? Why do you sit here all alone at this ungodly hour?” the scientists voice was heavy with concern, he took the last to steps to reach his boyfriend and let himself sink down next to him, pulling him in his arms. Thor remained silent for a minute letting him be rocked back and forth slowly “I´m sorry I woke you up” he answered silently, tears glistening in his eyes again, “You don’t get enough sleep anyways Love, go back to bed, I´m fine…” Bruce pushed him back a little to look at Thor properly “You are not fine” he stated softly “Don’t try to denial it, you look like you have cried for hours, please tell me what is wrong…” the scientist ran his fingers through Thors hair affectionally, it had grown a little after the events in Sakaar, but after some time the god had decided to cut it off again.
After some more time of silence and staring at each other Bruce sighted, his eyebrows furrowed. “Darling, you are crying again… Look, Thor, you don’t have to say what´s wrong when you do not feel up to it, okay? Just don’t try to tell me it´s nothing, because trust me, I can tell…” Thor just nodded before burying his face in the crook of his boyfriends’ neck, sobbing again. The angle he was bend to be able to be embraced completely by Bruce looked rather uncomfortable due to him being way smaller than Thor, but he didn’t seem to mind. Bruce hummed silently, he ran one of his hands up and down Thors spine, the other one playing with his hair.
“I-it´s stupid…” Thor mumbled after a while, his voice thick of tears. “I bet it´s not” Bruce pressed a kiss on the top of his boyfriends´ head, encouraging him to continue. “Sometimes…” Thor took some time to collect his thoughts, shifting so he was now leaning against Bruce’s shoulder, “Sometimes I wake up at night, and I- I think I see Mother or Father or… or Loki or Heimdall, and I can not move, becuase i know that as soon as I can move, even just do as much as blinking, they are gone… again…” Thor hiccupped a little, grabbing Bruce’s left hand with both of his, wanting to make sure he was no hallucination, wanting to know is boyfriend with him. “Oh god, Love...” Bruce felt horrible, how long had this been going on without him even suspecting Thor, the ever-optimistic sunshine of the Avengers being stuck in this deep swamp of grieve? How was he oblivious to the fact that he was not the only one with problems, wanting to believe that Thor got over the death of his best friend and his family, the people that always were with him as long as he could remember, as easy as he wanted to make everyone believe? “That’s not silly, it is only natural for people to grieve after a loss, especially when it was four people in as little time... I am the stupid one for never noticing ho bad you felt, grieving is not a weakness, it is was makes us people...”
“Usually Asgardians do not- grieve like humans do” Thors eyes were trained on the black screen of the TV “Usually we know that the dead who died on the battlefield will live on in Valhalla so we mourn for some time, but then we celebrate the dead, except of father everyone did die in a fight, but... where do the dead go now? Asgard is destroyed and all of the Asgardians are gone, which means so is Valhalla so... is there no life after death for my loved ones? Are they just gone? They do not deserve to just disappear, they deserve to feast and drink with fellow warriors, they deserve to laugh and having mock fights, they deserve everything and so much more” his voice was dry, it hurt Bruce to see Thor like this, he had red, puffy eyes and bags under his now dull eyes, every hint of his usual happiness gone,
“See Thor, you are not alone with those fears, that is why humanity believes in Gods” he held his breath for a second, waiting for Thor to contradict, telling him that humans did not make up all religions, he was a god himself after all, but not a noise escaped Thors mouth, he just waited for Bruce to keep talking in his soothing voice “People do not want to think about their loved ones just fading away, if you want I could tell you about other religions and the life after death? If you don’t know about those yet I mean...” Thor shook his head lightly, “Thank you love, I would like to try to find solace in those stories, but I have to tell you something first that- that is not the only thing. So many of my loved ones have died in the last months... I am deeply afraid that... well, that I will lose you too, if not on the battlefield or an accident because of your age... I could not live with nobody left.” Now Thor shivered, silent tears running down his face again. He had cried way too much in this night, but after keeping his emotions and fears bottled up for so long he just lost it while talking to Bruce. Silence fell over them, the scientist choosing his next few words very careful to not upset Thor even more, but rather give him some security.
“I have always hated Hulk.” He started slowly, not sure whether it was a good idea to tell the god, but he didn’t see another solution and Thors emotional stability couldn’t possibly crumble much more, so he gave it a shot: “I hated him for various reasons, for example because I hurt people with no chance of stopping it, he made me lose control. And for a long time, the most important reason to hate him was that he made me... made me live.” Questionably Thor looked up to him from where he laid on Bruce’s shoulder, “Yes, when I hit rock bottom he didn’t even let me die, when I tried I turned... and he always just healed... but now, now this is the one trait of Hulk I love, do you know why, Love?” Thor shook his head, clinging even harder on Bruce “Because my aging is significantly slower, in the case that I die it would take so much longer than a normal human. I am not even sure that I can die of age. Or at all. I might outlive you.”
Bruce laid his head on Thors “I love you more than everything, and I will never leave... please, always remember this Thor, it´s very important to me” Bruce pulled Thor even closer, holding him tight,
“I will never leave, unless you ask me to.”
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Lock Me Up
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Incredible Hulk (2008)
Relationships: Bruce Banner/Thor, Thor & Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Bruce Banner & Peter Parker, Others mentioned Characters: Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Peter Parker, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Tony Stark, Betty Ross, others mentioned - Character, more to be added as the story progresses, Hulk (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Thriller, Alternate Universe - Criminals, Government Conspiracy, Bruce is Bipolar, Hulk is a dog, Midgard and Asgard are different countries in this, Alternate Universe - Hackers, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst
Words:  52,561 Chapters: 11/11
Bruce finds himself stuck after an accident in the lab causes his demotion and the loss of most of his well known acquaintances. However, when Thor enters his life, Bruce suddenly finds himself thrown into conspiracies and lies as he realizes his most recent project wasn't so innocent. [x]
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Just wrote a new thorbruce fic!!! I am such a weirdo for university AUs. 
Tiny speck of angst & a lot of fluff & first kisses!!
Summary: Bruce accidentally hits thor with a snowball 
read it here:
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god0flesbians · 3 years
I have A LOT of wips dumps that I want to finish but there is so many of them that I don't know what to finish first. So, I'll let the audience decide. Here some parts of the fanfics.
1)Stark and the Baby.
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This is pretty much a fic about Tony babysitting ThorBruce baby with Peter. This will be set after civil war so Ill probably add some rogue avengers in there. Probably a lot of fluff and a lil bit of angst but mostly fluff.
2)No title.
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This one would be a Bruce centric fanfic of Bruce and his son pretty much. This one would probably be hurt/comfort. Will be set after Thor Ragnarok. It will be tied with the first fic.
3)Static sickness.
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This is gonna be a weird sickfic but stay with me. Even though Thor probably immune to human diseases, I thought that what if he gets sick from having too much electricity?This will be Avengers team hurt/comfort.
4)No title
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I'm a sucker for some 2012 poly avengers. This would be Thor having a nightmare. Hurt/comfort.
5)No title.
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We need more Loki and Bruce fics! This will be platonic between them but will have ThorBruce in it. This will be very angsty that will include depressive episodes.
Just say the number and I'll probably pick the most picked.
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dendrite-blues · 3 years
Ask Game :D
@renlybaratheon-tyrell  asked for 1, 26, 32, 36 on this meme. Thanks, friend!
1.First ship you remember
oh god, this is embarrassing ahahaha
First fandom was YuGiOh, my first ship was Yami/Yuugi.
It was everything my lonely 11 year old self needed! The smart kid who collects outcast friends. The sexy, confident protective spirit that lives inside of his head, witnessing his pain as no real person could, understanding him and accepting him completely. And of course Yuugi growing under Yami’s guidance to become his best self that he didn’t believe he could be.
It was such a sweet ship, what happened to me? (Oh right, adulthood xD)
26. Characters that you like in every dynamic (lovers,friends,enemies)
Ah, I’m a basic bitch when it comes to this. Tony and Loki obviously.
But digging deeper than that.... Thor & Bruce oddly enough? I dug that ship all the way back in 2012 and I still like it today. As friends they have this great double himbo energy that’s really fun, Ragnarok gave us some spicy stuff to explore on the angst/enemy side, and of course they’re adorable as lovers. 
Bruce being able to relax totally knowing that the Hulk can’t hurt Thor <3 Thor being with someone patient enough to explain when he’s being a jerk <3 <3 Thor’s genuine care diffusing Bruce’s temper when things get prickly <3 <3 <3
It’s just great.
32.Favourite ship for hurt-comfort
You know, I used to be all about Loki whump, but these days I find it just makes me sad and exhausted. It’s been a real problem in my reading, I’ve been struggling to get through stories that hooked me hard with the premise.
Meditating on it, I think my heart is just weary of seeing him constantly miserable and abused after so many years. It kind of feels like I’m holding him hostage in the worst moment of his life and never allowing him to move forward. And I’m ready to see him happy.
So I’ve had to turn to other fandoms for it, and it’s been a mix. 
Obi Wan is a perennial favorite for hurt comfort. I favor emotional H/C over physical so the guilt and regret with Obi Wan is delicious. The fact that he caused his own demise and enabled Anakin’s never gets old to me.
F. Schubert/F. Liszt - Serenade in D minor by ArchieHabian comes to mind.
Anders is great because his internal conflict is personified by a spirit possessing him, so there’s this great clarity to H/C fics with him. The enemy isn’t this nebulous misbelief like in a conventional romance, it’s this literal being in his head demanding that he seek Justice for the wrongs of society.
It’s a really great metaphor for perfectionism, and having a lover tell him that it’s okay to rest, that he’s a good person even if he doesn’t save the entire world, maaaaan it soothes something really raw inside me. I love it!
36.Characters that you can’t decide if you prefer as ship or brotp
LOL I am actively struggling with Sylvie/Loki for this reason, because they are SOOOO good both ways.
Luckily I’ve found a harmonious solution in Queerplatonic Relationship dynamics.
Now I can have it both ways! :D
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itsmysecretcap · 3 years
It's me again.
I'm searching some good Thruce fanfics on Wattpad and wondered if you had some?
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cevans-is-classic · 4 years
Writober 2020 Prompt Event
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Ladies, Gents, Enby’s and Gremlins alike-
Welcome to Writober!!!
In this wonderful event, we welcome fandoms, ships, RPF and original works!
Rules and Guidelines: 
We encourage anybody who participates to be over the age of 16.
You must list any trigger or content warnings for works, this is for everybody.  
Our Writober event will not tolerate underage characters put in sexual situations. 
If you do significant age gaps please make them of age. 
If you cannot participate in all 31 days, this okay, do what you can, have fun and ask questions if need be.
When posting your Writober prompts there are a lot of options so make sure to tag us and the tag if you want it to specifically get out there. The event is on tumblr, twitter, instagram, and ao3. 
Tumblr: @cevans-is-classic​   and @fenvincible​
Twitter: @EddieTrashed
Instagram: @Feeunderthebelljar and @Classylife_2313
A03: @Destiel_Is_Classic and @Feetheimpossiblegirl
Ao3 Collection
If posted to AO3 or other writing sites please post an appropriate link that can be reached by mobile and PC. 
Any work is welcome, open yourself up, try something new, use this as an exercise to write characters in a way you never have before, or to write characters you’ve always wanted to write or just stay in your comfort zone. 
At the end of the month, we will put together all works that have been made available for us for anyone to reach! 
This is meant to be fun, friendly, and welcoming. 
Please Enjoy
1:  "Stuck In The Middle of Lovers and Friends"  2: Trick Or Treat 3: Kiss In The Rain  4: "How did you think this was a good idea?"  5. Spooky picnic.  6. Haunted house.  7. Apple picking/Pumpkin Patch/Corn Maze 8. “Her thumb skimming my cheekbone” 9. Video games 10. Singing  11. “We’re in a scary movie.”  12. Unexpected phone call 13. “I signed a deal with the Devil”  14. Black Cat  15. Body Horror 16. “Is there a finger in my food?”  17. Soulmates 18. Monster love 19. Hour Glass 20. “I swear I saw their eyes change color.” 21. “There she was: lying on a mattress that caressed her body ever so lightly, tangled comfortably in her duvet surrounded by a pool of crimson-”  22.”There was a loud thud in the kitchen. The girls looked at the clock to see it was 3am and no body could be awake. Just as they glanced up, the dog sprung from his deep slumber and began growling in the direction of the thud-”  23. Urban legend. (Sentence, circumstance or make up your own Urban Legend)  24. Moving in together. 25. Ghost Stories/Ghost Hunting/ Ghost etc 26. “It hurt, blood slicked my hand as it pressed into my stomach, this wasn’t real; it couldn’t be, I-I trusted them-”  27. It was supposed to be a camping trip (Creative Control)  28. Scarf 29. Poison (Sentence, Object, Circumstance)  30. Bonfire.  
31. Halloween!
(Feel free to add tags!) 
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mayflowers07 · 6 years
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Maybe I understand if you do it when talking about smut but if you do it only when talking about a gay couple or when the couple isn’t doing anything actually sinful than please don’t. Stop associating being gay with doing something wrong
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beezelarts · 5 years
Fan fiction with smut be like Fanfucktion
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robertbruceodinson · 5 years
i just found a thorbruce author on archive of our own who has over 20 fanfics and 50,000+ words. i am ready to fuck up my non existent sleepinh schedule for this.
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eleonorebirk · 5 years
Marvel Bingo: Fake Dating AU
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Bruce Banner/Thor Odinson
Warnings: Odin‘s A+ parenting, transphobia, homophobia 
Thor stared down at his dinner. The conversation at the table had successfully killed his appetite. Their father was once again going on about how good he, Thor, was at sports, how he had won the deciding point at the latest match, how surely all the girls were wanting to go out with him.  
He’d loved the attention when he was younger. He’d loved how clear their father made it that he approved of Thor, more than he did of Loki. It was only lately that he was starting to realize that it was wrong, that his sibling should have been receiving the same care and affection.  
It had only got worse after Loki came out as gender fluid about half a year ago. Since then, it felt like every family dinner, their father stressed how Thor’s team was going to the regional championships (never mind that Loki’s debate team was taking part on a national level), how he’d won them the match (never mind that it had a joint effort between him and two other teammates), how many girls had sent him gifts and letters for Valentine’s Day. He hated it. He hated how Odin was using him to show his disapproval. He hated how Odin didn’t seem to see or care that he was destroying the relationship between Loki and Thor.  
Thor missed his sibling. He couldn’t remember the last time they had hung out together. It felt like years. Whenever he now tried to reach out to Loki, to reconnect, they rejected him. 
He finally broke. His knife and fork clattering on the plate interrupted Odin mid-sentence. 
“Thor? Is something the matter?” their mother asked. 
“I...” What could he say? How did he explain that he did not want to be Odin’s golden boy anymore? Not if it meant losing Loki? “I have a boyfriend.” 
If he’d thought the meal had been tense before, then he’d learned that it could be worse. The silence after Odin had demanded if he was kidding and he had denied that it was a joke had been unsettling. He’d never had to bear the brunt of his father’s disapproval like this. Was this what Loki always had to deal with?  
The only bright point of the evening had been the slight hesitant smile of commiseration Loki had sent him. 
Right now, he was hiding out in the students’ lab, knowing that people were unlikely to look for him here and that the other students here would probably leave him alone, too busy with their experiments.  
“Thor? What are you doing here?” 
Spoken too soon. 
When he looked up, he was relieved to see Bruce standing in front of him. He smiled, hoping it seemed as carefree as usual. “Hey Bruce.” 
“I thought you had training? At least Tony said that he’s going to watch Steve at training.” 
“I’m not feeling up to training today,” Thor admitted.  
“Would you like to talk about it?” Bruce asked. 
Perhaps it was the genuine care in Bruce’s eyes or the gentle hand he rested on Thor’s shoulder as he led him to a quiet corner where they would not be overheard but he found himself spilling everything, from how he felt about the way Odin treated him and Loki to his spontaneous lie. “And now mother is insisting that I bring my boyfriend along for dinner sometime. What am I supposed to do? I can’t tell them that it was a lie. Loki will think that I said it to make fun of them.” He paused, then admitted quietly: “And I want to make Father finally start seeing me, all of me.” He glanced up at Bruce. “He keeps talking about my last game, even though we lost, but he ignores that I aced all my latest language exams.” Thor burrowed his hands in his hair. “I don’t know what to do.” 
“I’m sure there are quite a few guys here at school who would be happy to have dinner with you.” 
Thor gave him a look. “I can’t just spring my fucked up family on someone, can I? And who would want to come, after I tell them everything?” 
“I would,” Bruce said, surprising even himself. He considered it, then repeated, more strongly: “I would do it.” 
Thor was tempted to ask Bruce if he was regretting his offer already but that would only lead to questions he didn’t want to answer. His father was doing his best to pretend that Bruce wasn’t there while his mother tried to make small talk but kept interrupting herself whenever a line of conversation led to acknowledging Bruce being Thor’s boyfriend. The only reason Thor hadn’t fled the house was that Loki had chosen to sit beside him, close enough that their shoulders brushed, and that Bruce kept resting a gentle hand or finger on his lower arm. When he’d eaten as much as he could stomach in the situation, he took Bruce’ hand, wanting, needing more of his closeness.  
“I think I might have seen you at Thor’s last match,” Frigga said. 
Bruce nodded. “Possibly, yes. We all go to support our friends on the team and of course I wouldn’t want to miss watching Thor. Just like I went to watch when he went to the Language championship.” 
Loki turned to their brother, surprised. “Language championship?” 
“Yes, he might even get to take part in the language Olympics,” Bruce answered for him. 
Thor ducked his head, embarrassed by how proud Bruce sounded. It was true, he had done very well and his teachers had mentioned the possibility of him taking part but it wasn’t certain yet, definitely not certain enough for him to bring it up at home. He hadn’t even been aware that his friends knew. 
“Way to go, Thor,” Loki said, grinning. 
“Yes. Yes, of course,” Frigga agreed after a moment. “Well done, Thor.” 
Thor noticed that his father didn’t say anything, just like he noticed him mother’s surprise. It stung but not as much as expected, not as much as it might have. Bruce’s pride in his accomplishments, how pleased Loki was for him was like a balm, soothing the hurt at his parents’ reactions. 
He also noticed the more and more meaningful glances Odin cast at the clock on the wall. He wanted to avoid him more or less politely throwing Bruce out, so he stood slowly. “Let me walk you to the door?” 
Thor barely hesitated before taking Bruce’s hand and tangling their fingers. He didn’t let go, even after the door to the dining room had closed behind them, taking them out of sight of his family. “Thank you for not running off,” he said after a moment. 
“You’re welcome.” 
They had reached the front door but Thor didn’t let go of his hand. He nervously cleared his throat. “Ah, perhaps we could have dinner after the match on Friday? Not with my family, out somewhere I mean.” 
Bruce frowned, surprised by the request. “Do you expect your parents to be at the match?” 
“I don’t. I just... I thought...” Thor stopped, not certain how to put it into words. 
Bruce smiled gently, then stretched up to brush a quick kiss to Thor’s cheek. “I’d love to go on a date with you.” 
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ao3feed-thorbruce · 3 years
Tony Stark V. Gen Z
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3K4P5jR
by Ironsxldier
Tony Stark✔️ | @YouKnowWhoIAm
This generation is my inner thoughts personified.
  >Harley my fault | @itsnerfornothing
Aw mechanic, we want death too :)
  The twitter fit that absolutely nobody needed but I wanted so deal with it. because honestly we need more of them with Harley that isn't with him as JUST a background character or peter's boyfriend so... here's this.
Words: 751, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts, James "Bucky" Barnes, Shuri (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Background & Cameo Characters, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), maybe - Character, Loki (Marvel), also maybe - Character, Carol Danvers
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Tony Stark & Avengers Team, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov, Carol Danvers/James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Bruce Banner/Thor
Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, like at all, Fluff and Humor, Superfamily (Marvel), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Protective Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Steve Rogers Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Twitter, Social Media, Light Angst, extremely light because I hate angst, Humor, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Big Brother Harley Keener, Protective Harley Keener, Protective Tony Stark, BAMF Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark Friendship, Crack, Fluff without Plot, Maybe a little tho, Identity Reveal, LGBTQ Character, Aunt Natasha Romanov, BAMF James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Harley Keener appreciation, because I love him, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Does What He Wants, unless Steve asks nicely
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3K4P5jR
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hey-yes-hi-hello · 5 years
Hey, uh, okay, hate to be that person but is there a fanfiction out there about the Avengers being on a mission and Thor doing great but then getting crushed underneath a very big something and can’t escape and Bruce (Hulk) is there and gets him out and jumps faaar away to protect him and they finish the mission and get back to the tower and Bruce (Bruce) takes a look at Thor’s legs and has to amputate one or two of them and Tony/Stephen helps him and when Thor wakes up he is humiliated and devastated and in denial and only a lil’ angry and only trusts Bruce around him because he absolutely hates his prosthetic legs so they get really close and Bruce helps Thor with everything and eventually they get kinda gay for each other and Thor learns to accept and love his prosthetics and it’s cute and sweet and amputee validation and is there a fanfiction like that out there or do I have to write it myself???
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god0flesbians · 3 years
I am in need of assistance. I am looking for a thruce Thor/Bruce fanfic that I read a while ago but I can't seem to find it? It's about Thor getting 'sparky' around Bruce because he has a crush on him. He was in the lab with Bruce and Tony and because he kept staring at Bruce he nearly blew up a machine he was linked to? It had angst and fluff in it.
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