#Thrawn AU
gillymugs · 1 month
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Wip closeup
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a-door-to-somewhere · 4 months
Hear me out.... scp!thranto AU....
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snotbuggle · 1 year
Star Wars au but it’s all the same except, whenever Thrawn makes an appearance, he’s wearing a different pair of colorful glasses.
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mirandemia · 10 months
Your thrawn sith AU is causing incredible brain rot.
And when you mentioned the "thrawn does it so the skywalkers don't have too" it's so amazing. Cuz he'd literally be a love based sith. he cases so much for his people that he is willing to do almost anything and everything to keep them safe, including embracing the dark side.
I would also be fascinated about what Thrawn's sith lightning would look like...I imagine instead of burning hot, it burns cold.
Yeah like maybe in this AU the chiss aren't well off. They're constantly being manipulated by other planets bc of their resources and their skywalkers. So in order to prevent a group of the last skywalkers sent off to coruscant or whatever, he agrees to undergo a chaos ritual that grants him access to the Force-
But it's so off and so wrong. He serves the new sith Lord (not sure who this would be in this AU ) in exchange for the isolation of the Chiss Ascendancy. The power wrecks havoc on Thrawn as a person, corrupts him. Several documented war crimes later he his exiled from the Ascendancy itself, thus causing Thrawn to turn on his master.
Also I thought maybe instead of Hoth being a focal point in lieu of Tattooine, maybe it's Lysatra. Then I can bring Eli in on the AU shenanigans
For his lightning I would think he would master the art of casting it without it being seen. Certainly it can be heard bit no visual flashes or arcs? Makes for terrifying rumors eh?
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 2 months
Kay, so I gotta explain:
When Glitch! Thrawn had been deleted in his timeline, he was free to roam as a glitch towards other timelines, and with his glitch abilities, he was able to possess as much alive Thrawns as much as he liked, living their lives, etc.
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 @blackmonitor​ I think I found a substitute teacher for you. He's a student but he's native in English. He's still not fluent in Hungarian but he's really good in languages and will catch up soon if you could help him a little. What do you think, would that suit you? At least for the nearest future.
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"Hi Anna! Do you remember prof Thrawn? He told me you needed assistance with English and I volunteered. I'm Eli!"
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stealingpotatoes · 1 month
Wait if in your fix-it AU, there’s no Empire and Anakin is still alive…does this mean when Thrawn gets exiled he’s actually just going over to crash at his buddy Anakin’s house for the time being?
Anakin: oh good timing, we needed a babysitter!
OMG YOUR MIND this is the best idea ever yes
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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netmors · 4 months
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Night drop of sketches with Eli Vanto.
In addition to the canonical appearance, I sketched a version of the “commodore” from my Eleventh Fleet AU.
Because we need MORE bearded Eli'van'to, otherwise only Karyn with a cape :3
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tyquu · 4 months
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Thank you @avisisisis and @spacefinch for reminding me that my Nausicaa AU exists, I had completely forgotten about it haha. Here's a a dump of all the doodles I was doing for it!
Nothing super substantial so far, mostly loose designs whilst I tried to figure out who would be who, but hopefully, returning to my notes now, I can try make something actually finished for it!
Story wise, so far it's less of a beat for beat retelling of Nausicaa and more of a riff on the movie (using star wars stuff too ofc). I kinda split Nausicaa's role in two and gave it to both Luke and Ezra, although narratively Luke also sorta fills the role of Asbel. If I can actually get around to writing it i'm sure it would make more sense.
Oh yeah,,, and it's a little bit skybridger too (I can't help myself).
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kathrahender · 9 days
I'm not the only one who thinks we need a Star Wars What If Show, right? And specifically these What If..?
What If... Anakin Skywalker didn't fall to the Dark Side?
What If... Padme Amidala was force sensitive?
What If.... Obi-Wan Kenobi became a Sith after Qui-Gon's death?
What If... Darth Vader lived at the end of Return Of The Jedi?
What If... Darth Maul left the Dark Side after Palpatine's betrayal?
What If... Padme Amidala lived in Revenge Of The Sith and raised Luke and/or Leia?
What If... Sheev Palpatine wasn't Darth Sidious?
What If... Ahsoka Tano didn't leave the Jedi Order?
What If... the roles were reversed? (every bad character is good and viceversa)
What If... Luke Skywalker fell to the Dark Side?
What If... Darth Vader didn't fight Ahsoka in Twilight of the Apprentice?
What If... Ahsoka Tano and Darth Maul became allies in Clone Wars?
What If... Alexsandr Kallus redeemed sooner?
What If... Kanan Jarrus saved Grand Inquisitor in Fire Across the Galaxy and he reluctantly became part of the Ghost Crew -just to stay alive- until he truly became a rebel?
What If... Thrawn became a rebel instead of an imperial?
What If... the Empire fell, but Anakin Skywalker didn't, and he had to raise Luke?
What If... Thrawn and Ezra had to put their differences aside to survive after Family Reunion – and Farewell?
What If... Ezra Bridger became a Sith?
What If... the Order 66 didn't happen?
What If... the Empire and the Rebellion had to work together to stop a threat, far more dangerous than the Empire ever was?
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gillymugs · 6 days
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My many faces of Thrawn
Still dont know how i want to draw him but im getting there
These are all wips btw 😭 lord help me
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a-door-to-somewhere · 9 months
Ok I posted a similar post a while ago but I think there's more people here now so I wanna ask again:
What are your headcanons regarding the ethnicity of Eli?
Obviously it's space so there's not really a wrong answer here. I'm curious! Add your hcs on this post! Honestly add your hcs for Thrawn too! I'll put mine under the cut here
So personally I hc Eli as Indian because I'm projecting and also because there's like almost no Indian rep in star wars. Plus come on he was expected to carry on the family business but then moved away that's classic second gen Indian problems /lh. He's touchy about falling into the Indian + math stereotype probably. He's at least bilingual. He considers himself southern American bc that's where he grew up but is slightly insecure because he was othered in the south as well due to being an immigrant.
As for human!Thrawn I hc as Asian as well, maybe Japanese? Thrawn falls so so much into the whole model minority trope that a lot of Asian Americans have to deal with. He's seen as "one of the good ones," as almost human because of his usefulness. He's expected to also look down on other alien species. His skill and intelligence are chalked up to his alien background. He's exotified almost. He's either an inhuman genius or a savage. Every eccentricity is a result of his alienness, not his personality.
Anyways gimme asian!thrawn this has been my Ted talk
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xiema · 3 months
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Hades and Persephone AU/ Greek gods AU
Yellow Lily=joy and friendship
Hydrangeas= appreciation but also apology and remorse (I need a canon book where Thrawn apologies to Eli for "Good day Lieutenant Vanto")
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skigg0 · 9 months
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something about philosophers and their twinks lmao
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beenc0 · 6 months
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loth-creatures · 1 month
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Wolf Ezra's final form
I've been frothing at the mouth to reveal this for some time, but I also wanted to put together a synopsis of what I imagine he's been through after getting blasted into the unknown and his time on Peridea. Also will include some lore I came up with for Peridea! This post will likely be edited/added to every so often.
Also! I have a sideblog now @lothwolfwalkers
Ezra's many new scars are mostly from the shattered glass flying around the Chimera's bridge. Thrawn has a matching set. Ezra fell into a very deep meditation upon entering hyperspace, using the Force to keep a bubble of life support for himself and Thrawn. During this time he converses with the Purrgil, and beholds way too much knowledge of the universe for one person to hold in their head. He's probably a little weird after all that; frequently spaces out very badly while experiencing intense visions of things he saw and learned but can't remember.
The Purrgil travel much faster than ships. It takes them three days to reach the other galaxy, whereas it takes the Sion a few weeks (I want the Sion's voyage to be very very miserable for everyone) I'm going wild with the ocean metaphors for space and the Force here; Ships only ever skim the surface of hyperspace, whereas the Purrgil evolved to sink far deeper, where the current is much stronger and farther from time and real space. Sort of like how we can cross the ocean's surface on ships but animals like sperm whales can dive to extraordinary depths on the power of their own biology. To the Purrgil an intergalactic voyage is a hop across the pond.
The Purrgil don't drop the Chimera off on Peridea. They track along the very edge of the galaxy and their first stop is a barren volcanic planet that I've been calling Hel in my head (gonna be leaning into the Norse mythology theme). Although if anything its more like Davy Jones' Locker from POTC: At Worlds End.
The Chimera crashes and is grounded here for several months. All the internal systems are dead, everyone is unconscious after dropping out of hyperspace (like after the jump through the star cluster to Lirasan). Ezra escapes the crash as a wolf, beyond delirious and exhausted, forgetting his human body. It's not long before he's tortured into returning to it. It's also not long before the crew of the Chimera regret that. They could barely contain him for long under normal circumstances, let alone while the ship is in shambles and their resources are limited. He certainly spends some time in the walls and any repairs they've made are severely set back by the time he decides to steal a TIE Defender and leave.
Ezra then does the only thing he can. He follows the Purrgil. With no means to navigate and no way to obtain fuel, the only path forward is that of the Purrgil, as fruitless a path as it is, for the Purrgils' destinations are isolated from any form of advanced civilization that might exist in the new galaxy. Ezra is a step ahead in terms of conserving fuel as he can hitch a ride with the Purrgil. However, Thrawn knows Ezra and the Purrgil are their only hope of navigating this strange galaxy, and surgically implanted a tiny tracker on Ezra’s human body while he had the chance. It takes Ezra several months to realize this, as Thrawn is careful about how closely they follow him. When he does, he takes the Chimera on a wild goose chase, trying to run the them out of fuel. By now he's learned he can run alongside the Purrgil as a wolf through hyperspace.
Ezra leaves his ship and body on the most barren useless planets the Purrgil stop by, and continues to follow them as a wolf for as far as he can, trying to map their routes in his head, trying to find the way home. Then doubling back in the ship, zig zagging, going in circles and doing everything he can to cover their tracks. This goes on for about a year. I suppose they must find some form of fuel somehow in order to continue that long, but its inefficient and damaging to the ships.
Thrawn occasionally threatens to recapture Ezra, in order to keep him moving, but doesn't yet know that Ezra knows about the tracker and doesn't want to give it away. Perhaps he does recapture Ezra once or twice. And immediately regrets it. No matter what they do to human Ezra, Wolf Ezra simply can't be contained and tends to short out the entire electrical system as he drifts on and off the ship, straight through the hull in his spirit form. Human Ezra causes lots of problems on the way out when he inevitably escapes. The entire crew just want him dead. But they also know he's their only chance of escaping this exile.
This cat and mouse game takes a massive toll on his own ship though, and by the time they reach Peridea, its completely broken down, out of fuel and will never get off the ground again. At this point Ezra uses the Force to locate and disable the tracker, but has no way to safely remove it from his body, which he's pretty pissed about. He disappears into Peridea's wilderness. The Chimera becomes a grounded fortress and will not lift off again for several years. While Thrawn contacts and makes allies of the Night Sisters, Ezra befriends the Noti and also becomes amicable with many of the bandit clans.
Except I'm not calling them bandits, they need actual names. After googling "old norse word for blank" a few times and taking the first result, I came up with Hundur Ridarri for the howler riders we see in the show, roughly meaning 'dog horsemen' and Vatn Fari roughly meaning 'lake farers' as I imagine Peridea having many massive lakes or seas, and many of the 'bandits' are mariners. Their ships are mostly made from the bones and skin of giant sea creatures, which they also hunt for food.
Wolf Ezra has been known to tow in derelict ships caught in storms or attacked by creatures of the deep, and has ferried survivors of shipwrecks to shore on his back. He is sometimes offered some of their catch in return. He mostly avoids them though, as they occasionally treat with Thrawn and the Sisters.
The Noti on the other hand keep to themselves and are so good at hiding that Thrawn doesn't even know about them. Ezra’s body is quite safe with them and in return he defends them and helps them find food, and is quickly adopted as one of their own. They mostly survive on the washed up corpses of lake creatures, which Ezra can sniff out from miles away, and can tear the carcasses open for them, saving hours of carving through tough skin and bone. Ezra can also stomach it as a wolf but prefers to fish along the shoreline.
Ezra can't stay undetected forever though, he's not exactly inconspicuous as a wolf. As Thrawn now has powerful allies and resources, he's made a project out of capturing Ezra and attempting to study his wolfwalker abilities, something the Sisters are intrigued by as well and keen to experiment on. The Emporer was highly interested even before they knew about healing powers and teleportation. If Thrawn is to return to the Empire, he intends to do so with something to show for it. And a bit of vengeance.
The Sisters do succeed in capturing and containing the wolf briefly several times. One of their smaller strongholds (known as Gleipnir after the string that binds Fenrir in Norse mythology) becomes increasingly dedicated to the project. Ezra always escapes, but it gets harder each time. And if they ever find his human body, it's all over.
Meanwhile, Ezra is still trying to find a way home. He has no way of carrying his human body with him, can only follow the Purrgil so far as a wolf. The further he gets from his body, the more tired and sick he becomes until he simply can't keep up and is slowly and painfully dragged back to his body through the Force. There is no chance of him crossing between the galaxies. But he tries anyway, hoping he can get stronger, run farther before faltering, hoping someday he will make it just far enough to tell someone where to look. He only succeeds in hurting himself. It's too risky to try stealing another ship off the Chimera, as they are actively using their remaining TIEs as bait and he cannot afford to get caught again now that there's a real chance he'd never escape.
The Purrgil may go to Peridea to die, but they don't all die at once; the young escort their elders to their final resting place, the elders in turn show the young where to go to visit their dead and eventually join them.
Back home, Kanan searches for Ezra through the World Between Worlds. He has no luck, as the wbw doesn't extend between galaxies. The new galaxy likely has its own version but they are not connected. Kanan feels in his heart that Ezra is alive, but has no hope of finding him. Meanwhile Sabine often has dreams as a wolf, running through the wbw, following Ezra's faint faint scent, only to run right off the edge of the map and fall to oblivion. Ezra cannot sleep as a wolf without falling straight through reality and onto the paths of the Purrgil, where every minute contains a lifetime and every pawstep crosses light years. It's so very easy to become lost.
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