#Thor&Loki sister
daneol · 9 months
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It was really nice to see all the Odin siblings complete in another reality (if only the reality didn't have a rift on it they would've been happier somewhat) BUT IT FEELS NICE THAT THEY COULD JUST BE CASUAL!! It would be cool to see more of the 1602 universe
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vanyamire · 1 year
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Asgardian AU Part 2: First Meeting
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idrilearfalas · 11 months
If Marvel has a heart the series will end with Mobius and Loki driving together a jet ski, laughing and teasing each other but clearly in love, and then the camera will move to Sylvie, watching from a distance, someone next to her we don't see yet.
And she tells them, "You see? I wasn't lying"
And the camera shows this other person and it's our Thor (audience goes OMG), teared up but with a smile on his face saying, "You weren't. He really is happy"
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.⋆。Lost Souls Part 2。⋆.
The Lost Princess Chapter 8
Jotun!Loki x plus size reader
With the discovery of who Loki really is, Y/N returns to the avengers determined to forget him, but things are never that simple
Warnings: arranged marriage, angst, enhanced!reader, swearing, age gap, angst, depression, sickness, fluff, smut (finally), loss of virginity, minimal foreplay, some confessions, unprotected sex, bit of praise kink
WC: 3k
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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Snow whipped around her violently, slicing into her skin like tiny knives. Huge columns of ice surrounded her, caging her in a frozen maze which she could never hope to escape alone.
Fear clawed up her belly as Y/N snapped her head around, eyes wide, desperately searching for a way out. “This isn't the palace!” She screamed into oblivion but, of course, received no answer back. 
There was a light in the distance, just barely shining through the haze of the storm, tempting her towards the unknown. An ache deep in her chest pulled her forwards, guiding her through the frozen forest until she reached a humble cabin tucked between to particularly large columns. It was quite obviously not built with a Frost Giant in mind given its small size. It rather looked like it was made for a human.
A dying candle in the window was the only light emanating from the otherwise dark house. The storm was beginning to grow worse so Y/N picked up her pace until she found herself at the doorstep.
She had only a moment of hesitation before she placed her hand upon the doorknob and let the heavy wood swing outwards, tempting her inside. The wind screamed as she stepped into the cabin, adding to the dread that was slowly building inside her.
The door slammed shut behind her, making Y/N jump. “Jesus Christ.” She muttered to herself, eager to hear something besides the frantic beating of her heart. The candle flickered, the wick almost completely gone now.
There came a groan from the darkness, it was weak and sickly like the sound a dying animal would make in its last moments. A shuddering breath escaped her lungs as Y/N tried to pinpoint where the sound had come from.
She would kill Heimdall if he sent her to the den of some monster. Holding out her trembling hand, she focused as best she could on her palm, allowing for a small flame to grow just above the middle of her hand. 
Slowly, more of the cabin became illuminated revealing a large fireplace with a small kitchenette beside it, a shelf stuffed with books and a single bed pushed into the far corner. A mass of blankets sat on top of the mattress, moving slightly as another groan echoed through the room.
Now less frightened, Y/N quietly inched to the bed. The pile shifted again, revealing  the top of their head. Raven hair fanned out over the pillow beneath them. Y/N held her breath as she gently pulled back the covers with her free hand.
“Oh Loki.” This was the boy she loved so long ago, all grown up. 
He was so infallibly human, pale skin free from any of the dark markings she had remembered. A long nose and high cheekbones made him even more regal, if it wasn't for the gauntness of his cheeks and the almost bruise-like dark circles beneath his eyes. 
She let herself touch his forehead but quickly pulled away when she felt the extreme chill that his skin held. This was far colder than she had ever seen from him before. He could barely move as he unconsciously leaned into her warmth.
“Shit. We have to get you warmed up.” Quickly, Y/N tucked the blankets around him again before she scurried over to the fireplace, praying that there was any sort of firewood around. 
Loki groaned as she moved away. “I know, just a minute.” She gave a small shout of triumph as she found a few logs in the kitchen cabinet. Throwing them into the hearth with very little grace and fell to her knees. Wrapping a hand around one of the pieces of wood in the centre of the pile, she took a deep breath.
Heat raced through her veins and far easier than ever before, fire bloomed from her skin, setting the wood alight. She sighed in relief as the cabin's air began to warm up but not nearly quick enough for her taste.
She looked back at her husband who's dark brows were now scrunched together as if he were in pain while he continued to shiver violently. Rising to her feet, Y/N stripped off her sweater and shorts, leaving her only in her underwear as she approached the bed once more.
Loki's body trembled with the cold as she pulled back the sheets, but stopped as soon as she slipped behind him, curling her soft body around him as best she could. One arm wound around his stomach, her palm coming to rest right above his heart as her other hand slid beneath the pillow and his head, almost cradling him.
He was so weak, barely a glimmer of the man she married remained as the fever ravaged him. It would have been easy to walk right back out of that door and let him die for the things that he did. But instead, her arms tightened around his body. 
She couldn't leave him, not when he refused to abandon her, not when his very presence soothed the rage sea of fire within her.
“Just rest now, I'll take care of you.” She placed a kiss on his temple then shut her eyes, her mind finally at peace.
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“Good morning sleepyhead.” Her voice called out to him through a fog. Loki smiled and pried his eyes open to see his wife standing before a roaring fire, an open book in her hands. She only wore a shirt of his and nothing else, leaving very little to the imagination which he was incredibly grateful for.
“The gods must have smiled upon me to grant me such a dream.” He murmured, happily settling back into the bed to watch what he believed to be his last moments. “I have missed you so, little star. I do hope that you are safe and that you are happy without me.”
The book snapped shut and he raised an eyebrow at her, making her put the book back upon the shelf so he could have her undivided attention. “This isn't a dream.” She stated firmly but Loki just laughed weakly under his breath.
“This must be a dream because I know you would never come back, not after I've done so much evil.” Her steps were light as she walked back to him. He opened his arms to her, willing this apparition to grant him one last shred of comfort.
But she did not obey, instead she took his hand and laid it upon her breast, letting him feel the heat of her skin and the beating of her heart. “I am real. I am here. And you have been a complete bastard but you are my husband and it is my duty to be beside you and keep you from making any more stupid decisions.”
She released her hold on his wrist but Loki's touch remained firmly planted on her as if to convince himself that this was, in fact, real. “I am not dead?”
“Not as far as I can tell.” She replied.
“And you are here with me?”
“Took the Bifrost myself.” Y/N traced the line of his jaw carefully as if her touch could break him. “You've been so sick, burning a fever that I almost couldn't stop. I've been here for days and this is the first time you've been coherent enough to realise that you weren't alone anymore.”
The crackle of the fire masked the sound of yet another storm outside, providing the lost prince with a comfort he had not felt since she was last in his arms. "Thank you.” He whispered, though it was not just for her healing hand. Loki nuzzled into her touch as his own still felt the strong beat of her heart.
He stopped for a moment then spoke once more. “Why did you come back, really?”
Loki watched with bated breath as Y/N sighed deeply, seemingly lost in her own thoughts as she struggled to answer him. Unable to help himself, his hands wandered down to her wide hips and cupped them softly. “I remember you- this you.” Her fingertips brushed along his cheekbone, his now green eyes gazing up at her with reverence.
“I remember that first summer when I met you. You were so small then, but of course so was I. You were always so kind to me, telling me stories of heroes and gods. Then you would leave, for weeks, sometimes months and I often wondered if I had just dreamed you up. Mom said you were real because I believed in you but not all mothers indulge their children.” She chuckled and her fingers moved to his hair, tangling themselves in the soft locks.
She let him pull her closer so that his chin could rest upon her sternum, having to bend slightly forward so that his head would not connect to her collarbone, even in his human form Loki still towered over her. Her brow crinkled. “But I forgot you. And yet, that feeling of home, of safety, of love still remained, even when I hated your guts and you kept me locked in that stupid fucking bedroom.” He groaned into her skin.
“I won't apologise for that.” He grumbled.
“I know.” She cooed. “It was all so confusing and terrifying, I couldn't recall what was real and what was because of my broken mind but you were there and in your own way, you helped me. Your rules, your temper, your teachings- all of it grounded me, let me realise that I could trust in something if I couldn't trust myself.”
“And what is that?” His words were a mere breath of air as Y/N took his hands into her own, her warmth and his chill blending together perfectly, and guided him to his feet. He obeyed easily, only stumbling for a moment as his body struggled to remain upright after being in bed for weeks.
“That I love you.” His eyes flicked over her face, almost searching for any sign of deceit but when he found none, his control shattered. 
Her lips were just as soft as he remembered, just as addictive, as he kissed her gently. He could feel the beginnings of her smile but it quickly dropped as his hands fell to her wide hips, pinning her to his front.
Y/N gasped into his mouth, allowing his tongue to snake between her lips. Her fingers curled into his shirt, pulling at the fine fabric, desperate to get him even closer. Molten heat pooled between her soft thighs as his hardness grew against her soft stomach.
“My princess, do you wish for this to go further?” She moaned at the sincerity of his tone, so different from Steve's. She could help but nod frantically.
“Yes master, I need you.” It was so easy to slip backwards, let him take all of the responsibility and control but Loki's grip tightened while he forced himself from her lips.
“No, not this time. It's just us, the way it should have been so long ago.” The tip of his nose brushed against hers gently in reverence. “Just you and me, nothing more.”
Her smile widened as her eyes sparkled with adoration. “Yes, I want to be with you Loki.” His expression melted.
“You are everything.” This time his kiss was far more desperate. His touch seemed to be everywhere, exploring every part of her that he could while refusing to part from her swollen lips.
Her arms wound around his neck as Loki's hands traced up the soft skin of her thighs, slipping beneath her shirt before coming to a stop right where her legs met her hips. 
He froze and then a growl rumbled through his chest. “You weren't fucking wearing anything under this?” He hissed, making her giggle softly.
“What, it's not like you keep a healthy stock of panties here and I spent three days nursing you back to health.”
“Fuck.” He groaned and before she could even yelp, he turned and threw her onto the bed, knocking most of the pillows off with the force of it. “You delectable temptress, you have enchanted me.”
His own shirt was quickly shed, revealing to her a lean but muscular torso decorated with faint silvery lines of scars and hairless save for a trail of it leading to a dark thatch of it right at the axis of his hips. 
At the sight, Y/N squeezed her thighs together, desperate for some kind of friction to ease her aching cunt. His black trousers were pulled tight with the weight of his cock which was getting harder by the second.
“Come here husband.” She held her arms open to him, mirroring the way he had done for her mere minutes before. 
Green eyes stared deeply into her own e/c ones as Loki slowly placed his hands on either side of her calves and began to crawl up the length of her body, forcing her legs apart in order to slip his body between them.
He caught one of her thighs against his knee and as his face finally levelled with hers, he pushed her leg forwards, leaving her bare and vulnerable to him. Only a thin layer of fabric kept them apart now. “Anything for you, wife.”
His breath fanned across her lips, his raven hair hanging down like a curtain that sealed them away from the rest of the realms. No more words were needed, everything that he wanted to tell her and she him was caught in the lustful gaze that neither wished to break.
Her leg tightened around his slim hip, pulling him impossibly closer. Their moans wove together like wisps of smoke as his still covered cock pressed against her pussy. 
Leaning his weight onto one hand, Loki's other slipped between them, all-too eager to finally have her. 
Y/N lifted her head to kiss him once more as slender fingers cupped her mound. “Loki.” Her hips bucked, trying to get him to move faster to the place she needed him most but he would not budge.
“Patience my star, I do not wish to hurt you.” But his voice wavered with his effort to stop himself from taking her right then. She whined pitifully, now growing desperate for some kind of relief.
“I don't care, I just want you.” His head dropped to the crook of her neck as he groaned. “Please, do not make me beg.” She could feel his control begin to wane even as he drew closer to her dripping entrance.
His teeth nipped at her skin in warning but of course she would not heed it. “I'm a god, you cannot hurt me.” She tried one last time.
Loki chuckled, his back shifting beneath her hands. “Well then, perhaps I shouldn't deprive my princess of what she so clearly wants any more.” She could barely bite back her whine as he pulled away from her.
The ties to his trousers loosened with barely a flick of his wrist, releasing himself from the now entirely too-tight confines of the fabric. He let out a sigh of relief then shucked the pants down his legs as best he could without adding anymore space between them.
His cock rested between her lips teasingly, the chill from him sending pleasured goosebumps across her body. Loki pressed the head against her entrance. “Are you sure?” He asked once more, his tone now entirely soft.
“I've never been more sure of anything.” 
The stretch was unlike anything she had felt before, carrying with it a sharp pinch of pain and a mind-numbing fullness that had her jaw dropping in a silent scream. He was carving out his place inside of her, marking her as eternally his.
“By the gods.” He snarled through clenched teeth. “You are tight.” The muscles in his back rippled as he tentatively pushed forwards, forcing another inch inside her already stuffed cunt. Her back arched into his chest in some desperate attempt to make more room for his monstrous cock.
“Big.” Was all she could gasp out through pressure in her stomach. Loki's hips stuttered and suddenly he was fully seated within her, his heavy balls tightly pressed to her ass as the base of his pelvis shone with the sheer amount of wetness that had been dripping from her.
He pressed his mouth to her lips in a messy kiss as he tried to regain some semblance of control. “That's it, that's my good girl. You took it all so well. I'm so proud of you.”
Her pussy rippled around him at the praise. “Princess.” He moaned and unable to stop himself any longer, Loki pulled out just a couple inches and then thrust back into her warmth quickly. 
It sent shockwaves of pleasure up her spine and pushed the pain to the back of her mind. Her heel dug into his back. “More.” She cried. “Please, more!”
Her whole body jolted up the mattress with his next thrust and she wailed into the air. “Whatever you wish, my star. I would do everything for you.” 
Tears rolled down her temples as he gripped her waist, keeping her body still for him to plunder. “You are more divine than the heavens, than any dream that my broken mind could conjure.”
He hit that special place inside her that forced the air from her lungs and made her vision spot with blackness as ecstasy curled around the base of his spine. “My pet.”
He thrust again. “My princess.”
Her nails sliced into his shoulders as her body wound tight. “My guiding star.” 
His hips lost their rhythm for a moment and Y/N was finally able to choke out- “My Loki.” 
Their ends collided together in a storm of epic proportions as they held each other close, unwilling to let go of their most precious possession. 
“I love you.” Loki managed to say between breaths. 
“I love you.” She responded immediately. He looked down at her, seemingly unable to find anything else to say until his eyes dropped to where her shirt had exposed her chest.
The silver of the necklace glinted brilliantly in the dying firelight, shining like a star. “You- you didn't take it off.”
Her gaze followed his own and then travelled back to his face. “Not even for a second.”
And as their lips met once more, Loki thought that if this was a dream, he wished to never awaken again.
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luxthestrange · 2 years
RoR Incorrect quotes#70 Daddy...is back
Child Y/n: Bwunhiwlde?*Is falling asleep in Hades arms*
Hades, Poseidon & Zeus along with the other Greek Gods are Running away From the Screaming Valkyries, And Norse God Trio chasing after them
Zeus: Brothers! Give them to her! She is their guardian!
Hades: How do I know she's their caretaker?
Zeus: What do you want-- a birth certificate?! She's is demigod!
Poseidon: Well, I put in the blood, sweat, and tears to raise them
Zeus: For a day! Give 'em back, you lunatics!
Hades & Poseidon:Look! This is our new baby sibling, and you're gonna have to go through me to get them!
Behind Greek Gods, Two figures shrouded in their darkness are GROWLING...They fell right into the Valkyries Trap...as the Greek Gods turn around with goosebumps-
SCREAMING can be heard from all around the arena confusing the gods and humans sitting and waiting for the next fight
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Guess who are the two figures behind the greek gods...that made them all scared shitless...
Part 6 of:
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terry-perry · 10 months
Loki Introducing Sylvie To His Siblings...
Y/N: It's so nice to meet you! I've always wanted a sister! Thor: Really? Why? Y/N: ...I love you too, Thor. Loki: Really? Why?
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 8
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Warnings: None. (Will however be a 18+ reader book)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
"Beach wedding?" T'Challa questioned. "That sounds pleasant, although for you to become part of the Wakandan royalty through marriage, we'll have to do a separate special ceremony. It won't disrupt or affect the marriage bond though, so there's nothing to worry about with that."
The idea of being a Queen was still rather frightening to you.
"Beach wedding, beach wedding." Fury was singing underneath his breath with a slight wiggle of his hips. Well, he was extremely excited about the idea. Apparently he loved the beach so much, the ship that he was visiting with had a simulation so he could pretend he was at the beach.
Your sister bounded into the room, "You're on the news again Y/N!"
You shrunk into the couch you were sitting on. It had been six months since the incident. You had gotten comfortable with every person that you were soulmated to, along with their friends. Your own friends were absolutely enthralled with the idea. All three of them were invited to the wedding as well.
Once the news had gotten ahold that one, the Avengers were finally getting married, and two, it was to the girl in the record book who had eleven bonds, well the news had been covering it for almost three weeks now.
You had quit your job at this point. There was no reason to keep it. Tony kept everything you could possibly needed in the room and if you really, really needed something, he had a special card that you were supposed to use.
You very rarely spent the card. Even if Tony was a billionaire, you weren't entirely okay with spending his money if you really didn't need something.
Tony's voice brought you back to the conversation, "I was thinking that we could move into a large mansion instead of trying to continue to live in the Tower. Especially once we have kids. It would be easier to live in a house instead."
"I agree." Steve said with a nod.
"If it's far from civilization." Fury pointed out.
"Can we move back to the topic of those kids?" You asked.
Everyone looked at you.
"It's just. . . with the kids, are you guys going to care if like. . . you don't have one that isn't biologically yours? Or do you all want one that is yours or. . ." You asked.
"I don't care whose they are." Steve said with a shrug. "I'll raise all of them as my own."
Everyone agreed with that sentiment except for T'Challa. "I agree with that," He started, "However, the King of Wakanda still has to produce an heir. I hope you understand."
You nod. "Yes, of course."
T'Challa seemed relieved that you agreed so readily.
Preparations then moved forward for the wedding. Wanda invited her brother Pietro, since he would be consider family with the rest of us. Thor was inviting someone named 'Rocket' and his 'clan' who were called the Guardians of the Galaxy.
You met Agent Coulson, who was a very nice man. He, Fury, and Hill all did really seemed to get along well.
Loki and Thor were inviting a few people from New Asgard. (pretending they never died) Sif, Volstagg, Fandral, Hogun, Heimdall, and Valkyrie. Also someone people named Korg and Miek.
Clint was inviting his sister Laura and her soulmate and their kids. Sam invited his sister.
You were sure that there would be more than family there, but the biggest question for you was whether or not you invited your father to the ceremony.
You didn't think he'd cause any trouble, but at the same time, it had been a few years since you had last seen him.
"Let's go for a walk." Clint said enthusiastically.
You quickly leaped from the couch to take his hand, leaving the others behind, Sam and T'Challa being the only ones that went with you two.
It was a sunny day out and the three of you strolled across the well tended lawn of Avenger Tower.
"How overboard do you think Tony will go with the house?" You questioned.
Clint snickered, "You should see the house he got for him and Stephen. And that one is just for the two of them."
"I just don't like the idea of him spending to much money, you know?" You said.
"That's how Tony shows he cares. He does it in gifts." Clint explained. "He built Pepper an Iron Woman suit when her and Happy got married. He gave Nat and Bruce a house, smaller by Stephen's standards, but it's nice sized when they got married. Wanda and Vision got a flat in Paris."
You nodded, a little overwhelmed.
Sam lifted you up on his shoulders. "Anyways, I was thinking about kids."
"Me too." You said. "I'm hoping that everyone looks at them as their own."
"I'm sure we will." Clint said, sounding nonchalant about it. "After all, we're all your soulmate. After the bonding ceremony, we'll all be connected. We should expect that to be in our children too. Besides, it's not like you're going to have eleven children, even if we all wanted our own kid."
You laughed, "Yeah, eleven kids is ridiculous."
"Although, it does sound fun." T'Challa admitted. "A huge house, lots of kids running around cheerfully."
"I think at least. . . what, four or five?" Clint asked. "Maybe six. I guess it would depend on how many attempts it takes for you to get your heir."
"I do feel bad about that." T'Challa said quietly. "Unfortunately, Wakandan customs can't be avoided."
"It's alright." You said, resting your chin on the top of Sam's head. "I don't really mind. I'm actually kind've excited to start our family life together. Although the marriage bonding ceremony will probably be exhausting."
Clint chuckled, "Probably."
The marriage bonding was, well, sex. Except you had to bond with all of your soulmates in one night. Which meant eleven orgasms in one night. One from each of them, eleven from you. And you were a Virgin (as most were) so it would certainly be a no walking day the day after.
"Have you decided on whether or not you want to ask your dad to the wedding?" Sam asked up to me.
You shook your head, your chin scratching on the top of his head. "No. I mean, my sister is going to be there and that's really all the family I need. But at the same time, I don't know. Maybe he should be there. I just don't know how Y/S/N would feel about him being there either."
Once you guys had made it down to the pond, you climbed off Sam's shoulders to take off your shoes and socks to dip your feet in. Clint had already done so and Sam was getting ready.
"Scared of water kitty kat?" Sam teased as T'Challa simply stood behind you, your back against his legs.
T'Challa chuckled dangerously. "Cats eat birds little Falcon."
You giggled at their friendly bantering.
"What colour suits are you guys thinking about?" Clint asked sincerely.
"Matching our soulmate bonds." T'Challa said.
You giggled again, "Does that mean Sammy is wearing pink?"
"Oi, brown is a part of that. Pink and brown." Sam pointed out.
"Hey, you're the one that pink is your favorite colour." Clint pointed out as Sam got defensive.
"I can see it." You said, reaching over to touch Sam's shoulder. "One of those crisp pink dress shirts with a brown suit jacket and brown dress pants. Maybe even coffee brown dress shoes. You'll look rather dashing."
"Ooh, you hear that boys. I'm gonna be dashing." Sam grinned.
Clint grinned before wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side. "This is going to be fun."
"Y/N, this is Pietro, Pietro, this is Y/N." Tony did the very quick introduction to Wanda's brother.
He looked nothing like Wanda. His eyes were blue, his hair dark before it turned blond. It was wavy and short. He had faint stubble and a facial do like Stephen's, which showed that brown was his natural hair colour. He was a bit taller than Wanda, on the lean and muscular side.
He held his hand out, "Nice to meet you."
His voice was quiet, heavily accented with the Sokovian lilt like Wanda's.
"Likewise." You said.
"Do you have a superpower?" He questioned as the two of you dropped hands.
"She's hits peoples with umbrellas." Tony answered for you, receiving an elbow to the kidneys.
"No." You said, rolling your eyes. "Ignore him."
Pietro grinned. I spent most of the day with him, Wanda, and Clint talking. He told us about how he had met someone named Makkari and they'd had several races, though they weren't sure who was faster.
"Don't suppose you know someone with an Aqua and gold soulmate mark, would you? Or a blue and silver one? Or, this one is strange but it's yellow, red, green, blue, and black." Pietro asked.
You shook your head, "Sorry."
He shrugged, "Oh well, they're out there."
"Maybe you just need to run into the King of Wakanda and go apologize to him." Clint smirked.
You rolled your eyes. "How was I to know he was the King of Wakanda? What was the King of Wakanda even doing in a low part of New York? Not my fault I didn't do a proper apology right then and there."
"Well I'm glad you didn't." T'Challa's voice sounded behind me. He had me sit up so that he could behind me, pulling me flush against his chest. "Cause now we're here."
"Very true." You said, tilting your head back and he pecked your lips sweetly.
"Ew." Clint said like a child before winking at you. You flipped him off.
"I'm sure it's equally ew when she kisses you." T'Challa said, resting his chin on your head.
Clint smirked, "I'm excellent kisser, thank you very much."
Wanda rolled her eyes, "They are constantly comparing themselves."
Pietro shrugged, "Typical male species."
You giggled.
Later that night, dinner was a rather chaotic affair. Tony had doordashed a bunch of food from Panda Express, Larosas, Auntie Annes, Greaters, Papa Johns, and Applebees. This resulted in a large buffet of food while everyone settled in the living room with the first season of Bones on.
Loki and Coulson sat as far apart as the room allowed. Valkyrie sat with him. Fury and Maria sat with Coulson. Tony, Stephen, Rhodey, and a man named Wong were sitting around the coffee table. Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint, Bruce, and Natasha were sitting on or against the couch. T'Challa, Shur, Okoye, and a few of the other Wakandans he had invited were sitting at the dining room table instead in the adjoining room. Thor was standing around with Volstagg, Hogun, Sif, and Fandral.
Peter was there was well, with his Aunt May, Pepper, and Happy, though only Ned could make it as MJ had some sort of job thing.
Y/S/N was there with Y/S/BF/N, though they were more out of place than the others. Vision, Wanda, and Pietro were talking to them.
And then there were Guardians. There was Peter Quil, also known as Starlord, with his soulmate Gamora and their daughter Nikki. Nebula, who scared you just a little. Drax and Mantis, who were soulmates. Rocket turned out to be a raccoon (maybe?) along with a tree named Groot. There was also a man named Kraglin who had an arrow tucked into his belt.
It was funny. Kraglin seemed almost terrified of Nebula, yet they were soulmates.
Also, it turned out that Gamora and Nebula were both the adopted daughters of Thanos so that just made them a little scarier.
Thor very happily greeted the raccoon and the tree. You could sense some sort of male prideship fight between him and Peter.
Peter Parker greeted Peter Quil. You assumed they were friends.
All in all, it was a very crowded room. And they would all be here for another two months until the wedding preparations were put into plans.
Of course, there were still some people missing according to Fury. Someone named Captain Marvel. You knew she was the one that had snapped the glove to kill Thanos.
Scott and Hope were over in California, visiting Scott's daughter Cassie.
You took your own plate, looking for a place to sit. Stephen motioned to you and you moved to sit between the space that Tony made for you between the two of them. Tony's hand immediately found it's way to your thigh while Stephen held your hand under the table.
You were so busy observing the new comers in the room, you didn't even realize that Tony had asked you a question.
"Sweetheart?" He said and you snapped your head towards him.
"Sorry, what was the question?" You asked quickly.
"Some of your favorite things to do."
"I love camping." You said immediately. "I had a friend when I was young who was in boy scouts and I went on all the camping trips with them and his family. My favorite spot was either at Mammoth Caves, Wright Patterson Airforce base, or Hueston Woods."
Tony seemed surprised, "Camping? Really?"
"Oh yeah. Now that I think about it, Mammoth caves was really my favorite. We stayed on the campground and then we got to explore the caves in tours. It was a lot of fun." You smiled as you thought about all of the memories you had.
"Caves huh?" Tony said, seeming a little pale.
"Yeah." You nodded, "There's a specific tour that we always did whenever we did. I don't remember the name off the top of my head but it took you through something called Fat Man's Misery, which was this tight spot in the cave. But it's not a good tour if you're afraid of the dark or tight spaces."
"Duly noted." Tony said.
The night passed in soft touches between the two of them, funny conversations provided by the Guardians about space, and quick bantering between Loki, Thor, T'Challa, and Sam.
Everything was really starting to feel like home.
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pokemon1oadvanced · 11 months
Everyone in the TVA getting sent back to their lifes*
Thor: Again?
Loki: So you’re probably wondering how I got here
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timelessstardust99 · 1 year
My Beautiful Asgardian Girlfriend | Loki x Fem! Reader
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Note: Loki is canonically Gender fluid both in the MCU and In Norse Mythology, and we don't really get to see it in the MCU universe, so here is some Genderfluid Loki content. He's also canonically Bisexual as well, so yay! Also, the reader, even when Loki is in his male form, is still taller than him.
Pairing: Loki x Female! Reader (The Reader is hyperactive and very social whilst Loki is very anti-social. The Reader is also Midgardian and the Younger sister of Tony.)
Characters: Tony, Pepper, Loki, Thor, & Reader
Warning: None
Just some fluffy wholesome moments with our very dramatic goddess 😍
Loki nervously fiddled with her fingers. She was pacing inside of hers and Y/N shared room in Stark Tower. This was the first time she had shape shifted into one of her older forms from her time on Asgard. She knew her older brother would always love her for being herself, but what would the Avengers think? Especially her outgoing and fun loving girlfriend. Y/N didn't know she could shape shift into a woman, surely the younger Stark wouldn't just leave her, right? Just because she was showing this side of her?
The young Asgardian jumped when she heard a knock on their door, then Thor's voice came through, "Brother, are you up?" Thor spoke, opening the door and peaking his head in, to see the nervous being in the middle of the room. Thor's eyes made contact with his sisters and he grinned. "Sister! It has been a long time since I saw this form!" Thor said, walking in, the grin still on his face. Loki gave him a small shy smile, Thor frowned. "Are you alright Sister?" He asked. Loki sighed.
"This is the first time I've been in this form on Midgard Brother," Loki's soft and silky voice met Thor's ears. He missed his sister's calming voice. "And you and I know Midgardian's aren't as accepting of this. What if the others judge me? What if Y/N judges me?" Loki voiced her concerns, tugging at the hem of her green knitted sweater Y/N and Pepper had made her years ago. Thor put his giant hand on the younger beings shoulder, causing Loki to look up at him with those big puppy dog eyes. Somehow she looks so much more innocent in this form.
"Do not fret sister, I'm positive the others will not judge you. After everything we have been through, I'm sure they'd be accepting of you. Especially Y/N. She loves you." Thor reassured his sister, who looked as though she was about to cry at his words. Loki was lucky to have a brother like him, even if they were adopted, Thor treated Loki the same after everything she had put him through. Loki went forwards and hugged her brother tightly, his arms wrapping around her in a protective manner, his lips kissing the top of her hair. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment she was having with her older brother.
Thor pulled away, holding her by her shoulders as he grins down at the small woman, who smiled up at him. "Now, let's go and see everyone! I'm sure they'd love to see you today sister!" He exclaimed with happiness, grabbing her hand and walking out of the room with Loki shouting in laughter at her brother's pure strength.
As the two siblings came to the part of Stark Tower where the others were located, the two stopped as they watched Y/N laughed with her older brother, Tony, as they were by the built in bar, both of them having drinks of their own. Loki watched them with a smile, Pepper was next to Tony, shaking her head at something Tony had said.
"I'm still shocked you and Loki had gotten together," was the sentence the two siblings heard, Loki's hand now pulled away from Thor's. Loki was confused on why she was put into the conversation. Y/N chuckled with a dreamy look.
"What can I say? He's the embodiment of perfect," Y/N admitted with a soft voice. Tony chuckled. Loki blushed at that.
"I'm sure he is, but he's not my type," Tony joked. Pepper smacked her partners shoulder with a laugh, Y/N laughed along with her.
Thor then cleared his voice, causing Loki's eyes to widen before she hid behind her brother's giant form. The two Stark's and Pepper looked over to him, Y/N grinning up at her best friend.
"Thor!" She exclaimed, waving at him.
"Hey point break, where's Reindeer Games?" Tony spoke, both siblings had the same dull expressions on their face. When would Tony ever stop calling them those stupid names? Thor shook those thoughts away and gave the two women and Tony a huge grin. He turned to Y/N who had gotten up from her seat next to her brother, confused on why Loki wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"Yeah, where is Loki? Is he alright?" She asked in concern. Thor put one of his hands behind him, taking one of his sisters smaller hands into his larger one. Asking for permission to introduce her to them.
"Yes, she is alright Lady Y/N," That caught the three's attention. Y/N looked over towards her brother and soon to be sister in law, then back to Thor.
"She?" Y/N questioned, Thor merely grinned at her, squeezing his sister's hand, telling her it was alright to come out. Loki sighed, before peaking out from behind Thor, her longer messy raven locks cascading down her shoulders as her emerald green optics made contact with E/C's own eyes. Y/N's eyes widened in shock, looking at the woman before her. Tony, upon seeing the new form choked on his drink causing Pepper to pat his back.
"Are you okay Tony?" Pepper asked him, he nodded, trying to stop his coughing fit.
The two women stared at each other, one with curiosity and shock, the other with nervousness and fear. Y/N reached a hand out and stroked the others cheek with gentle touches, before moving closer. She looked over at Thor, who looked at the Midgardian and his sister with a smile.
"Lady Y/N, Lady Pepper, and Man of Iron," Thor used Tony's old nickname, causing Loki to stifle her laughter as Tony glared at him, still coughing and trying to regulate his breathing to normal, "meet, Lady Loki, my sister," Y/N turned to Loki in shock, before a grin formed on her lips.
"I forget how amazing you are Loki," She said, cupping the shorter female's cheek. She then turned to her brother and Pepper, "Look how fucking badass my Girlfriend is Tony," She exclaimed happily before wrapping her arms around Loki in a tight embrace, before looking over to Pepper, "You're badass too Peps, don't forget that!" She said.
Loki laughed at the affection, kissing the others cheek with shyness. Y/N grinned and kissed Loki all over her cheek, before holding her with an arm over her shoulders. "Now I know what we're going to do. Pepper and I are going to take Loki on a shopping spree to get her some new clothing for when she shifts to her female counterpart!" Loki stared at her in shock.
"Love, you don't --" She was cut off.
"Nuh-uh, this is what we're doing." Y/N didn't let her finish before walking towards Pepper so the two could change into day clothes for their trip to the mall. Loki looked at Tony, who went back to drinking his alcohol, he looked at her with a smirk.
"Yeah, you're not getting out of that Reindeer Games," He said. Loki was still waiting for Tony's judgment.
"Your... Okay with me looking like this?" Tony looked at her with a raised brow.
"Why wouldn't I be? You're comfortable right?" Loki nodded, "then I see no reason to judge you for being yourself. Anyways, I gotta get back to work. Have fun with my sister and Pepper, you're gonna need it," he chuckled, before exiting the room. Thor put a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at him.
"See, I told you, they wouldn't judge you Sister." Thor said, causing her to smile. This was the perfect outcome of finally coming out to Y/N and her family. They still viewed her the same.
I might make a part two to this, but not sure. How was it? Was it good? Hopefully I didn't make them ooc. These are also happy endings, nothing bad with Thanos happened in this. Everyone's happy.
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like-sands-of-time · 1 year
So does sigyn just not exist in the mcu? I know she's in the comics even though I don't read them. Because why are you telling me Loki is completely unloveable and the only person he can love/feel attracted to is himself as a woman that's insane. He's not this demonic guy he's a god of tricks and chaos. He's loved by Thor. By frigga/Freya. By sigyn his canon wife. By his children even if you don't want them to exist here (why I've no idea that's an amazing story)
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I want to write an mcu reader insert that's gonna feel so circa 2013
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.⋆。Lost Souls Part 1。⋆.
The Lost Princess Chapter 8
Jotun!Loki x plus size reader
With the discovery of who Loki really is, Y/N returns to the avengers determined to forget him, but things are never that simple
Warnings: violence, arranged marriage, angst, enhanced!reader, swearing, unhealthy relationship, age gap, some Steve x reader, Steve is an asshole in this chapter, making out, angst, depression, drugging, sickness, flashbacks, almost smut
WC: 3.9k
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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It was raining. Fat droplets of water splattered on the thick glass panes of the tower's windows, joining together and falling when their weight became too great. Dark clouds hung over the city like a curtain, concealing the light of the setting sun.
Y/N was alone in the sitting room, her eyes fixated upon the horizon, waiting. The mug of tea cupped in her hands had long-since gone cold but she didn't bother getting up to make a new one, instead she just sat patiently.
There was a flash of silver in the distance and FRIDAY chirped. “Arrival in two minutes ma'am.” Silently, Y/N rose to her feet and placed the mug to the side. She tugged down the sweater she was wearing, once again concealing her scarred skin.
The elevator hummed beneath her socked feet as she stepped inside. Without needed to be commanded, the doors shut and began to move upwards. Each floor that she passed, the elevator dinged.
By the 10th ding, she forced her body to relax, shoulders slumped down, her jaw unclenched. And when the doors opened once more to the empty landing pad, she was smiling brightly.
The wind picked up, sending the rain straight into her face but as the drops of water touched her skin, they evaporated away. The quinjet slowly came into landing, the wings folding with a series of mechanical hums, the engines shutting down as soon as the wheels touched the ground.
Her stomach churned as the plane opened up, revealing a lone figure. The blue of his uniform was dulled by the grey skies behind him and he was slightly dishevelled but he was fundamentally unchanged from when Y/N greeted him that morning.
As soon as his gaze was set upon her, Steve beamed. “Doll!” She knew he loved when she waited for him to return home, he said that it reminded him of the 40s when wives would wait on their husbands.
She braced herself as he ran at her, dropping his shield at her feet before wrapping her up in his arms. Her smile faltered just for a second as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. “I love coming home to you.” He muttered into her skin, his lips grazing her pulse point.
She didn't answer with words, instead she hugged him even tighter, pretending that what she was supposed to be feeling in the arms of the man who loved her was real. Steve rewarded her with a kiss to her throat before he pulled away. “How about I go shower and then we can have some dinner and cuddle.”
“That sounds perfect.” She cooed and cupped his square jaw, her thumb softly brushing the apple of his cheek. He dipped down and captured her lips in a soft kiss.
“Then let's go, doll.” Steve grabbed his shield and swung it onto the holster on his back. With a hand on the small of her back, he led her into the tower, wilfully ignoring the way that the light in her eyes dimmed.
She let him lead her, it was easier that way- she did not have to think about the months before, simply washing them away in his caring embrace.
Y/N could feel Wanda's eyes follow them as the pair walked past the kitchen and to Steve's room but she refused to waver, keeping her head high and her eyes on the ground.
It would be enough, it had to be enough.
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The rain on Jotunheim was unlike anywhere else in the Nine Realms. The freezing temperatures froze the drops as they fell, turning them into crystal clear ice that shattered into millions of tiny pieces as soon as they struck the ground.
The sound had been jarring to Loki at first but after years, it was comforting. A drumming tempo played upon the windows of his isolated cabin, lulling the god into a peaceful trance as he read the same passage over and over again. Normally, he would have been finished with the entire book by now, and the one after that and the one after that but these were not normal circumstances.
He felt his mind failing him, crumbling before him but he had no motivation to even attempt to put it back together. There was truly no point since everything he had worked so hard for was destroyed.
His crown was gone, stripped from him by his father for being a traitor to his own kind. All of his comforts were taken away and burned save for his books and his wedding ring. It was not a sentimental nor a pitying action but a reminder, as his father had told him, of what he had done, of who he had hurt with his selfish actions.
The black metal had been enchanted to remain upon his finger no matter how hard he tried to take it off, not that he had ever even thought about removing it.
And her.
She ran. She was taken. She chose her brother. She didn't know everything.
He loathed her. He loved her.
With a heavy sigh, Loki shut his book. The gold lettering on the leather cover yet again reminding him of what he had so foolishly lost. “To sleep, perchance to dream.” He muttered softly, recalling Hamlet's own strife.
Loki rose to his feet, his body weak. “Perhaps I will dream of her.” The rain never stopped as his eyes slid shut, plunging him into peaceful nothingness.
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“Do you ever dream about me?” Her voice was distant, wavering like TV static during a storm.
“Always. You consume my every thought little star.” She scoffed, looking back at him from over her shoulder. Her eyes were shrouded in shadow, her skin so much more dull than he remembered.
“That's bullshit.” She hissed. “It's been months since you last visited. I prayed to you everyday but you never bothered to show up until you wanted something from me.” He glanced down at the necklace in his hands, a promise he wished to form with her.
“I cannot always leave my home, they will get suspicious.” He attempted to make her understand. He stepped closer but she pulled even further away. A tear rolled down her full cheek.
“Yeah, I know.” She turned away from him, fixing her eyes to the growing storm clouds on the horizon. “I need to go home now.”
“Goodbye Loki.”
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The smell of coffee and bacon filled the small kitchen, providing a comforting warmth to Y/N as she stood over the stove, mindlessly cooking breakfast. Her dream was still so vivid in her mind.
It made her chest ache with betrayal and confusion. She had known him, or at least she thought she did, and he had turned into a monster. It was because of him that Hydra had taken her, because of him that she was tortured, because of him that she was forced into a marriage she didn't want that warped her own self view to the point where she couldn't even remember who she was before.
And yet, her heart still yearned for him.
She wanted to cry, to scream, to do something other than becoming some obedient girlfriend to another man who only loved the idea of her. But she did none of that, instead she kept her mouth firmly sewn shut and her hands busy.
“Well this is certainly a good morning, doll.” Strong arms wrapped around her thick waist as Steve laid his chin upon her shoulder. Her smile was soft but it didn't reach her eyes.
“I just wanted to surprise you.” She responded as she flipped the bacon. He squeezed her even tighter and kissed her temple.
“Mmm you spoil me. Maybe tonight, I can spoil you too.” His lips travelled downwards, causing her to sigh as he reached her neck. His palm spread open along her soft stomach and pushed her body further into his own, allowing her to feel his hardening length against her back. “I'll grab some wine and dinner stuff when I finish my run and you can be my dessert.”
Y/N internally cringed but quickly tamped that feeling down. “I would love that Stevie.” She purred, intentionally rocking back into his cock. Steve hissed into her skin, laying one more sloppy kiss to her throat before he pulled himself away from her reluctantly.
“Tease.” He snipped and with a parting squeeze to her hips, he left the kitchen, adjusting his sweatpants as he did.
There was a beat of blissful quiet and then another set of footsteps approached. “How long are you going to continue this?”
“What are you talking about?” She replied to the witch but didn't turn around, knowing that if she did, Y/N's will would crumble. The edges of the bacon curled, turning black as they burned but she didn't pull them off the fire.
Wanda's eyes stared into the back of her skull. “You can pretend all you want but it won't work, you will return to him.”
Anger flared inside her. “Wanda.” She warned, her voice dropping dangerously low. The steel pan handle began to bend in her hold, the metal starting to melt.
“You're bound to him, not just by marriage and the longer you reject that, the longer you and him will suffer. You're already suffering, how long has it been since you used your powers? You're either numb or angry all the time, you're killing yourself! But you can fix all of this, if you just-”
“Enough!” The pan was slammed back onto the stove, its contents now entirely charcoal, smoke steadily rising from it. Y/N snarled at her friend. “What I do or do not do is none of your fucking business and you certainly have no right to tell me to return to a man who blatantly manipulated me just for his own gain. And for once, I would like to make my own fucking decisions and have at least one person fucking support me- god knows my brother doesn't considering that he hasn't talked to me in a week. So either you be my friend or you leave me the fuck alone.”
Blinded by her rage, she stormed from the kitchen, not noticing the way that Wanda smiled knowingly at her, waving off the small cloud of smoke she left behind.
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Loki's vision was blurred, coated with sleep that he couldn't quite wipe away. Taking in a laboured breath, the giant turned to lay on his back, easing the growing pain in his limbs.
It had been days since he last left his bed, letting his body and soul rot into the silk sheets he had stolen from the palace. He thought they still smelt of her but as the days continued, he knew that it was only his mind seeking some sort of false comfort as his body slowly began to fail.
Long blue fingers curled into the pillow beside his head as cold tears dripped down his cheeks. “My little star, I am so sorry.”
His eyes shut once more.
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Y/N didn't mind Steve's bedroom, it was homey and a little old fashioned but he always kept the ac on and it was tucked away from the rest of the residential rooms so it was quiet. Without the super soldier there with her, she felt like she could breathe given how private it was. But that was not the case at that moment.
Still wound up, she stormed into his room, slamming open the door as he pulled his running bottoms on. “Take those off, you won't need 'em.” Steve easily obeyed, letting his hands drop in favour of grabbing at her, pulling her into a needy kiss.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I'm ready Steve.” She breathed against his lips and his eyelids fluttered as he let out a deep groan. His head dipped down in favour of lathering her neck with sloppy and uncoordinated kisses that sent the wrong kind of chill down her spine.
She would forget Loki, that's what she was ready for and if Steve could accomplish that, he deserved to take what he wanted.
“I can't believe this is actually happening.” Steve's voice vibrated through her skin as his hands clamped down onto her hips, keeping her in place against him. Her head was tilted back, eyes shut and lips parted with her soft breaths.
She couldn't believe it either but she wouldn't say that out loud, instead, she sank into his arms letting him feel the expanse of her body against his.
His hands slipped down to her ass, holding the flesh slightly too tight as he bit down on her neck. She winced but swallowed it down, happy enough for the distraction. That ache in her chest had yet to dissipate, in fact only becoming stronger with each passing moment.
“Steve.” She forced the moan from her throat, just barely biting back the name that constantly sat on the tip of her tongue. He responded with a roll of his hips.
She let his touch wander beneath her shirt. This was normal, it was expected. Boy meets girl, girl and boy get crushes on each other, they kiss, then they sleep together. That was the natural order but everything about this felt so wrong. All she could think about was him: about the mark that he left on her soul, the ring he had put on her finger, the promises he made to her.
Just as her doubts began to take priority on her mind, she was suddenly bare before the super soldier, her shirt dropped unceremoniously to the floor and everything stopped.
Steve's blue eyes went wide as he took in her naked torso but not out of lust. “What did he do to you?”
“It wasn't-” She tried to get out but was quickly cut off by Steve grabbing her hips in a vice-like grip but somehow not touching any part of her scar.
“That fucking monster, look what he's done to you.” He scoffed in disgust. “We'll make him pay, I promise. We- we can fix this, you can go back to normal, I promise.”
“Excuse me?” It took barely a flick of her wrist to push the man away, sending him sprawling onto the floor of his bedroom, his face now fixed with a look of bewilderment. “Fix me?”
The air began to shimmer around her as her anger once more made an appearance. The floorboards groaned as Steve rose to his feet, his stature was supposed to be imposing she thought but she could only see a boy attempting to throw his weight around.
“I can help you, I'll help you forget him and we can properly go back to the way things were.” His voice was so full of pity that it sounded disingenuous.
“Like getting rid of my powers?”
“Yes!” He said before he could stop himself.
Everything froze in that moment and for a second, Y/N found herself tempted to agree with him, to let him strip away everything that had happened to her over the past 7 months. But then, Steve spoke again.
“Don't you want that? We can be together, like we're supposed to.” He reached out for her but she flinched away, her hand automatically reaching for her necklace. His nostrils flared.
“This is what's best for you.” He snarled but it wasn't Steve's voice that echoed that same phrase in her mind.
The regret set in almost instantly from the moment she turned her back on Loki but he had broken her heart and her trust. The tears started as soon as she stepped through her front door.
“Oh my sweet girl.” She collapsed into her mother's arms, sobbing loudly and staining her shirt with hot tears. Her mother cooed, rocking her gently as she attempted to comfort her heartbroken daughter. She held her close, even as the storm closed in on their small home and the light of day gave way to the blackness of night.
It was only when she finally fell asleep, exhausted and burnt out, that her mother let her go, gently laying her on their small but plush couch to sleep away her tears.
Lightning flashed across the sky, lighting up the living room in a bright white. A huge clap of thunder startled her awake as it shook the house. Slowly, she sat up, rubbing at her sore eyes while attempting to get her bearings.
Her stomach turned with anxiety as she looked around the shadowy room, unable to make out any defined shapes in the darkness. “Hello?” She croaked out but nothing changed.
Just as she sighed and laid back down on the soft cushions beneath her, the room lit up once more, revealing a man standing in the corner by the window. Then darkness consumed them once more.
Frozen in fear, she could only stare, wide-eyed, at the place she saw the man, hoping that it was just some figment of her tired mind. The thunder that followed was more distant than before, a mere groan as opposed to the roar it had been only seconds before.
Then, lightning struck once more and the man was standing beside her head. He was tall and had all white hair but what caught her attention the most was a golden eyepatch that perfectly reflected the powerful storm outside.
Her jaw dropped, about to scream but a huge palm over her mouth forced her to remain silent, effectively muffling any sound she could make. “Stay silent child, this will be quick.”
With his free hand, he reached into a small bag that was tied to his hip and pulled out a small vial half-filled with a dark liquid. “You have become a nuisance, a distraction and I will not have you disrupt my plans.” The hand over her mouth then darted to her jaw, forcing her lips apart with a bruising force.
“You will forget him and he will forget you.” The liquid was vile as it touched her tongue and she attempted to squirm away but the teen was no match for this man and the foul concoction was forced down her throat.
As soon as the glass container was empty, he released her. She sagged back down, her eyelids suddenly weighing a tonne as the man stepped back, slipping back into the shadows. Her memories of the boy she loved, slipping through her fingers like sand, tumbling away into nothing. “You will thank me for this one day. This is what's best for you.”
Y/N stumbled back, her hands flying to cradle her head as if it could ease the painful migraine overwhelming her senses. The room spun and she struggled to catch her breath. Everything, she could remember everything.
“It wasn't his fault.” She whispered in shock. Her eyes fluttered open to meet Steve's gaze, pinning him in place with a glare. “I did this to myself. I had no control over my powers and I was foolish enough to literally play with fire with no one around to put me out. Loki saved me, not only from Hydra but from myself and he did it long before I even met you.”
“You have never once bothered to ask me what would make me feel better, only assuming that you were the solution to all my problems- that your love,” she hissed this last word, “could somehow cure me of who I've become. And I'm fucking sick of it. I've tried this my way- training and constantly forcing myself to relive my worst moments, I've done this your way- pressing all my emotions into a tiny little box so I'm just a doll that can be kept locked away for your enjoyment. Maybe it's time I try my husband's way. And that's right, Loki is my husband and will remain to be until the end of our days.”
“Y/N-” Steve tried to stop her but quickly retreated, the heat radiating from her skin far too hot for him to endure.
She scooped up her shirt and slipped it back on, the special fibres created by Tony withstanding the flames threatening to burst from her, and looked at the soldier with pity. “Thor told me that Loki was an oddity, a strange man but he was no monster. I should have listened to him, I should have told him to bring me back to Jotunheim the moment I found out who he really was but I didn't, instead I squeezed myself back into a roll I outgrew months ago. I regret that the most, that I turned my back on the one person who could possibly understand my pain. Hopefully, there's time to make this right.”
Her steps from his room were slow at first, shaky with her nerves but with each muffled thud of her bare feet meeting the floor, her confidence grew. Embers flew behind her as she began to run, gunning right for the front door.
FRIDAY chirped from somewhere behind her, yet she continued to run, her smile growing wider the closer she got to the outside.
“Stop!” Tony slid in front of the door, his chest heaving with laboured breaths. Y/N slid to a halt a metre away from him, her heart pounding loudly in her ears. “I can't let you go.” He practically begged.
“I have to.” But he shook his head. “Tony.”
“No. I cannot lose you again. I'll- I'll build you a huge building so you can destroy it, I'll engineer some kind of robot boyfriend that'll obey your every command, it worked with Wanda! Just please, don't go.” He sounded so tired, so worn down and unlike himself, it made her chest seize for a moment.
She stepped closer, the fire inside dulling enough that she could touch him without hurting him. “You have done so much for me Tony. You've become the grumpy father I never wanted and I don't think there's any way that I can repay you.”
“You could stay here.” She smiled sadly, placing a hand on his chest. The low hum of the arc reactor sent a soft vibration up her forearm.
“I need to know who I am and I can't do that here. I can't do that surrounded by people who only see me as that innocent assistant who could do no wrong. I know you may not like it, but Loki is my way back and I have to follow that path.”
Sighing heavily, Tony's shoulders sagged. “You know I hate admitting that other people are right.” He murmured.
“So I won't make you say it. But you need to trust me, I'll come back. I still need my healthy diet of burgers and trashy TV.” His breath hitched before he pulled her into a fierce hug and then quickly let her go, swallowing back his tears as best he could.
“If he so much as looks at you wrong-”
“I know, I know. He'll have me to deal with.” She smirked, making Tony beam.
“That's my girl.” He stepped aside, albeit with some hesitance, to let her pass. The doors opened to her and with one last look at the man she had come to see as a father, she ran outside.
“Heimdall! Take me to Loki!” The last thing Tony saw of her was her bright smile as the rainbow light enclosed around her body, taking her to a place he could not follow.
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ltbarnes · 2 years
Resurrection masterlist
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Last update: March 12th 2023
Summary: Bucky Barnes was only nineteen when the lives of his parents and little sister were taken right in front of him by the ruthless members of the Odinson mob. His father’s mistakes have turned Bucky into a vengeful and cold shell of the charming boy he once was, now deeply rooted in the criminal lifestyle of the Stark mafia. Sudden attacks ignite the conflict between the two forces of the city, refueling the rivalry that has been rather tame for years. Nine years since Bucky’s life fell apart, he finds it shattering once more when what was supposed to be long dead returns to the living.
Pairing: brother!mafia!Bucky Barnes x adopted!sister!reader, mafia!Thor Odinson x reader, mafia!Loki Odinson x reader, eventual Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: violence, guns, blood, death, fire, super dangerous and mysterious mob talk, talk of torture and brainwashing, reader is 19, kind of found family, everyone is really sweet and protective though, Tony Stark as a mob boss, M’Baku is reader’s bodyguard!!!
Main Masterlist
Chapters (more to come)
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI NEW!
Part VII
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terry-perry · 1 year
Smile Through Your Fear and Sorrow
Pairings: Ex!Steve Rogers x Odinsdottir!Reader, Steve x Peggy (implied, but can also be open to interpretation)
Genres: Angst, songfic? (more of a story inspired by listening to a song multiple times), Family fic
A/N: Another AU for my popular AU. Basically a "What If...?" scenario where Steve and Odinsdottir break up because he stayed in 1945. However, he returns sooner than what we saw in Endgame. And not alone...
Inspired by ABBA's "Angel Eyes," as well as Charlie Chaplin's "Smile."
Enjoy the angst!
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It was the talk of New Asgard now. Last night had been such drama.
"Last night, I took a stroll along the waters, and I saw him with this new woman! They looked very happy together."
Thor narrowed his eyes at the two women discussing this so openly at the bakery like this was entertaining gossip.
"You should've seen the way he looked at her. Absolutely spine-chilling!"
"Was it anything like how he'd look at the princess?"
"Oh no! This was even more intense!"
He had half a mind to lift up his hood and let his intimidating presence put a stop to their conversation. He had more important matters to attend to though. He turned back to the pastries displayed in front of him and pointed at the sweet bread he knew she loved. He hoped it would lift up her spirits for at least a moment.
Yes, it was true. Steve was not only back but has returned with another woman. They ran into him in New York after everything. It was not only a surprise to learn that he was back, but was with somebody else. Apparently, this was someone from his past that he brought back with him after returning the Infinity Stones. Someone he just couldn't be without.
Thor wanted so much to confront them, to at least talk to this woman about how she better be careful. This was all just a game to Steve. Everything might be lovely now, but it won't be long until there's trouble in paradise after realizing who he truly is. She'll be deceived by his charms and be forced to pay the price when the time comes.
Thor thought Y/N would think so so. He thought she might be hurt by Steve's sudden return, but she maintained that everything was fine. In fact, she kept going on with how happy she was for them.
Then the siblings decided to host a lovely gathering to help celebrate Mid-Summer. They invited their Midgardian companions who were very excited to help enjoy this celebration of light, fertility, and music. Even though Steve came and brought along his new female friend, Y/N kept insisting it was all right. Everything did seem to be okay at first, with everyone distracted by all the fun. Bonfires, traditional music, and the burning of corn dollies to celebrate the brightest time of the year were wonderful ways to forget about all worries.
Then last night happened.
On the third and final night of Mid-Summer, the new couple took the opportunity to announce their engagement. That was when Thor witnessed it. It was only for a brief moment, but he managed to spot the tears springing into her eyes and her lips trembling.
A dull, hollow feeling filled his chest as he saw her. Then, a flicker of light appeared. He saw her with a smile and a fresh face, which was nothing like the broken look he just saw. The split second of changing energy was too quick for everyone else to notice as they were in the midst of congratulating the newly engaged couple. He was the only one worried about what she would think, and he finally saw that everything wasn't okay.
Try as she might, Thor finally saw how not-okay Y/N actually was.
To Be Continued...
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 7
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Warnings: None. (Will however be a 18+ reader book)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
You drove in the car along the highway, making your way towards your H/T. You weren't entirely sure why you were going back home, but that was the direction that you were finding yourself driving in.
Your life hadn't been entirely difficult. Your mother and father had always been busy so you rarely saw them. You were mostly raised by teachers, your sports coach, and several summer camp counselors. And of course, they were all doing those jobs for the money.
You and your sister were used to having a rather uncaring life. It wasn't that your parents were directly mean to you. In fact, the few times that you guys actually did something as a family, it was quite fun. But your parents had never really wanted kids, just going along with Government rules.
Things only escalated once you'd entered junior year of High School. Your mother had passed away, which left your dad in a right state of devastation. You hoped you never found out how it felt for your soulmate to die. It was apparently the most painful thing you could ever feel. The only thing that could numb it was if you got lucky enough to have another soulmate.
Still, that was when your dad was around most, but also when you didn't want him to be around. That was when he started the drinking and the hitting. You were lucky, you were almost out of the house. You applied for college in New York and you moved.
Your sister on the other hand had only started High school, which would leave her in your father's care for four more years. That was how you'd ended up being her guardian now.
And now you were going back home with no idea as to why. Maybe to lay some flowers on your mother's grave. Maybe to just get away from this crazy world. You lived in a rather small, isolated town, a place that none of the superheroes had probably ever stepped foot into. Tony could probably buy up the town if he wanted to.
[If you don't live in America, you can use 'West Chester' as your H/T (home town)]
Your phone started to ring. You glanced over at it. It was Y/S/N.
You sighed. What were the possible chances that they already knew you were gone and were waiting for you to pick up the phone?
Probably high.
You pushed the button anyways. "Y/S/N, isn't it past your bed time?"
"Funny. Come home." Y/S/N said.
"I will." You said. "Just. . . went for a drive."
"How much longer do you think you'll be out?" Y/S/N asked with a sigh. You couldn't hear anyone else on the other side of the phone. Maybe you were wrong about the others listening in. Or maybe they didn't know you were gone yet and only she did.
"I don't know. I kind've need a break."
"If it makes you feel better, you misunderstood the conversation between Steve, Bucky, and Natasha. They were talking about a training incident and how everything was disastrous afterwards. When they said just the three of them, they were talking about them being the only trainers since they wouldn't get hurt easily if there was another incident."
You were silent for a moment. You knew your sister would never lie to you, so you really wanted to believe her.
"Thanks. It just. . . sometimes my head. . . I just jump to the worst case scenario, you know? Especially since. . ."
"Especially since they're all extremely famous superheroes that the world either absolutely loves or completely hates and we're just a couple of nobodies from a small town?" Y/S/N finished for you.
"Exactly. God, I don't. . . I don't know how to be worthy of them." You said, feelings crashing down on you. "I mean, I love all of them so much but. . . how do I. . ."
"You just be you sister." Y/S/N said encouragingly. "You're holding back your personality when you're with them. Just be yourself. You don't have to change yourself. Just be the one."
"Why can't you be the bigger sister?" You asked with a laugh.
"Because now I can gloat the fact that I'm smarter than you even though I'm younger." She laughed on the other side of the phone. "But please come home soon, okay? I really don't like the idea of you being out there by yourself again."
"Yeah, stupid me. I don't know what I'm doing anymore." You laughed. "I'll be home soon. Maybe bring donuts or something back. I'm craving sugar."
"You're always craving sugar, that's nothing new." Y/S/N said and you could practically picture her rolling her eyes. "See you soon."
"See you soon." You said, taking the off ramp so that you could turn around and head back to Avengers tower.
You sighed, going through a Dunkin' Donuts, before heading back to the Avengers Tower. You sat in the parking lot with the rest of Tony's fancy cars, tapping your fingers on the donut box. Finally, with another sigh, you climbed out of the car and headed up to the main part of the tower.
"Y/N!" Clint shouted, throwing his arms around you before you'd even gotten into the tower.
You hugged him back with one arm to keep from dropping the donut box. "Hey Clint."
"Maybe some warning next time before you leave." Loki said, stalking over to kiss the side of your head.
"Sorry. I just needed a breather." You said.
"Understandable. But try not doing the experiment of whether or not a God can have a heart attack." Loki continued.
You blushed a little his words.
"Hey." Steve said, looking slightly awkward, "Can I talk to you in private?"
You blushed, "Er- yeah." Clint snatched the box of donuts, "DONUTS!" He shouted, running for the vents like a little kid. Sam went running after him while you followed Steve into another room where Bucky was already waiting.
Bucky scooped you up into his arms, pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. "Sorry doll."
"When we were talking in the hall-" Steve started but you shook your head.
"It's fine. I overreacted. It's not your fault or anything. Besides, my sister already filled me in about everything." You said. "I shouldn't have just left. It's. . . just a bit of a reflex. When things get tough I choose flight as my natural response. Sorry for worrying you guys."
Without putting you back down on the floor, Bucky passed you like a little kid to Steve who held you in his arms, his lips resting on the top of your head. "I love you Y/N." Steve said quietly.
"I love you too Stevie." You mumbled, before pressing your lips to his.
It was the first kiss you'd had with any of your soulmates and it was Earth-shattering. His lips were full, with force behind them as he kissed back with zero hesitation. His arms tightened on your body and you wrapped your arms around his neck to kiss him back.
Bucky cleared his throat jokingly behind you two. You pulled away first, gasping for air quietly while Steve chuckled, passing you back to Bucky.
"You alright doll?" Bucky asked, sounding amused.
"A little dizzy. Can I kiss you?" You mumbled.
Bucky pressed his lips to yours sweetly, though not as long as Steve did, but just as passionate.
"Am I missing something?" Sam's voice asked behind us as Bucky put you back on your feet. You turned to see Sam was holding your favorite flavor donut. He raised an eyebrow, a smirk curling on his face. "Want this? Come get it."
You stalked over to him, moving to grab the donut before he raised his hand way above your head. He smirked.
You reached up, grabbing his face to bring him down and kissed him. His entire body relaxed before he lowered both hands, one coming to rest in your hair. Then your hand snatched the donut out of his hand before you spun away, dancing away from him, biting into the donut.
"Delicious." You teased.
"You're a terrible tease." Sam pouted as you finished off the donut. "Alright, now you're getting tickles."
You squealed as he darted towards you. "Bucky!"
Bucky laughed. "You're on your own. I don't want to get on Sam's bad side."
You ran out the door, "Loki!"
Loki looked up as you raced out of the room. "Save me!" You squealed with Sam hot on your heels.
Before you could even reach Loki though, you found yourself falling through an orange portal and then landing in a pair of arms.
Stephen pulled you to his chest on his lap. Every time Sam tried getting close, he kept getting pushed back with a portal.
"Oh come on man!" Sam complained after the fourth time.
Stephen chuckled. You looked up at him. He looked a little tired. You snuggled into his shoulder as things started to calm down and everyone started to talk.
Eventually, Stephen rearranged your body so that your feet and legs were in Tony's lap. Tony's hands rubbed calming circles on your knees.
"I'm sorry for leaving." You mumbled so that only Stephen and Tony could hear you. "It was just. . . a bit much with the kidnapping and then the misunderstanding. It just got to my head. But I shouldn't have acted the way I did. Sorry."
"It's alright sweetheart." Tony said, half asleep on Stephen's shoulder. "We all react in ways we wish we didn't. We just move forward. Just make sure to text or let one of us know. Just want you to be sleep. I mean safe."
You giggled quietly as Stephen chuckled, putting an arm around Tony's shoulder to pull him closer to himself. "You can both go to sleep now."
You closed your eyes, resting your head on Stephen's shoulder again. You felt warmth settle around your shoulders and found that he'd gotten a blanket from somewhere to keep you warm. You smiled before you fell fast asleep.
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p4nishers · 11 months
"we played together, we fought together, do you remember none of that?" "i remember a shadow, living in the shade of your greatness" and "come home" and "i never wanted the throne, i only ever wanted to be your equal" and "you were the one who wanted to win and i just wanted a sister" and "you'll always be my sister" and "you can change" "he won't let me" and and and
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