#This is probably one of the best fandoms I've been in period.
androgynous-bhajipav · 3 months
I've been on ao3 for like 4 years now and am extremely selective about the fics I bookmark. Kudos and comments? I leave those on most stuff I read but bookmarks are only for the darling ones which I'm sure I'll reread and cherish until the end of time.
Now until May this year I only had like 14 fics bookmarked. But the number has tripled literally within a month.
All this to say, dear DBD fic writers, I love you guys and I love your brains and I love your work so so sooo much. Y'all as well, fanartists and analysts.
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stitcherofchaos · 1 month
Kidnap Fam vs Earendil and Elwing controversy: Regarding the twins
Maybe I’m too practical-minded, but I see a lot of people either supporting or exaggerating kidnap fam, hating it with all their being, or ignoring the whole ‘love grew between them’ to translate into ‘emotional manipulation, hatred, resentment… etc (being anti-canon)’. I’ll respect opinions, frankly, I really could care less about them, but it does get irritating when people throw canon away for the drama (I certainly get annoyed when extreme pro-kidnap fams fans make it all sunshine and rainbows as if it wasn’t a difficult time or situation).
By the way, I can and will say that the twins can feel emotions, they are allowed to do that. Resentment and love can exist at the same time (for only a period of time) but one or the other must fade in order for the other the linger. One has to be consumed in order for the other to burn.
But just a thought, Elrond and Elros could love all of their parents equally, no more, no less than the others. One became a healer and the other, a king, I think they came to understand their foster father(s) and their bio-parents’ decisions.
(Ay maybe I just suck at emotions and all this feelings stuff and have no idea what I’m tolkien about)
And I’m not trying to call out or bash anyone!
I saw (and wanted to share) the quote,
“if your anger burns the furnace in your soul your whole life, you will be forever cold in the grave.”(I’m paraphrasing, I can’t remember the exact quote)
I cannot imagine Elrond or Elros being resentful to the point were they are vicious or unforgiving, whether it was towards Elwing, Eärendil, Maglor, or Maedhros (I really don’t think he was involved too much but if you swing that way).
I don’t want Elros to be cold in his grave, and I certainly don’t want Elrond's fëa to be burning for the rest of his immortal life.
Then I also had the thought, 'if the Fëanorians had never committed the third, worst, kinslaying, then Elwing would have never flown the Silmaril to her husband and they would have never gotten the help of the Valar.'
I personally headcanon that it was Eru’s work at hand to have Maglor raise Elrond and Elros. Think about it, what if they were spoiled in an alternate universe? What if something worse had happened to the twins? What if? What if?
What if they didn't become who they were meant to be if it wasn't for who they were raised by?
By the way, I read LOTR, I know Elrond refers to Eärendil publicly as his father and he makes no mention of Maglor. I analyzed this in three ways. 1.) Elrond must keep (the memory of) Maglor closed off, locked in his heart rather than talking about him more. 2.) It would've caused drama in his realm and in the counsel. 3.) Elrond really doesn't care, his father is his father, that's it. Zip. Maglor raised him, but Maglor is gone now. In a way, Eärendil is more present than Maglor in Elrond's life by the third age. Elrond can physically see the star, but he can't see Maglor.
I see it in the third way mostly. Eärendil is Elrond father, biologically, so why would he do this "My 'real' father" BS? It just seems like a waste of time. Tolkien probably didn't want to confuse anyone since the Silmarillion couldn't be published with LOTR.
Remind me of that quote from Yondu, "He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy." But I really didn't want to refer to that quote considering Peter and Yondu's relationship is not the best example to compare this cluster of daddy issues to. Nevertheless, there is a point to be made in that statement. There is a difference between relation in regard to Nature vs Nurture, and the effects of it.
I guess the whole point of this post is, the fandom tends to take canon lore to the extreme or over analyze things to the point where they're just projecting. Trust me, I've been there, done that. I've learned my lesson (I think) and I wanted to share what I've learned.
Also (this is purely opinion) I don’t think Maglor was manipulative about anything, in the book, he just didn’t come off that way, for as little as he appeared, he actually seemed to be pretty optimistic (*regarding Eärendil) and honest (*the debate with Maedhros). He didn’t try to excuse himself or get the twins to pity him. Maglor raising the twins was out of pity/mercy, yes, but love grew (like what Tolkien said). He probably educated them on the facts and encouraged them to form their own opinions, whether that costed him their love or not. Maglor did have the more accurate moral compass compared to his brothers (in the end of the book!- Put down your pitchforks Maedhros stans!), especially if he knew that the Silmaril was better beyond their reach than where the enemy can also reach it. It was an accurate moral compass, although not a big one.
Argue, agree or disagree, or discuss with me! I want to hear different perspectives or opinions on this matter.
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esoteric-joke · 6 days
Interview with Brooklyn_Babylon
Welcome to the next interview of the Dear Writer Project. This Sunday I’m here with Gina (twopoppies here on Tumblr). Thank you so much for participating and supporting my project. It was a pleasure to interview you.
Gina about her writing process, her inspirations and what she finds most challenging about writing:
What does your writing process look like?
Oh, you're going to call me out right from the get-go, huh? LOL! My writing process is that I am a complete pantser. I hate outlining and I'm not good at it (probably why I hate it). I generally get inspired by something visual and then build a story around that. The difficulty is that often, there's a concept, but there's no real story to tell. Or, I can't quite flesh it out enough to make it worth writing. But when something connects, I go bother India (indiaalphawhiskey on Tumblr) who is my beta/BFF/cheerleader and we'll talk through the story idea.
She's super helpful in terms of pushing me to think it through enough that I can write a very basic outline of what needs to happen to get from A to B. Then, I wing it. LOL!
What does writing mean to you?
From the time I was a kid, I've always been involved in doing something artistic--from fine art, to costume design, to writing, etc. I've just always needed some way to express myself, creatively. It took me a long time to get comfortable writing fiction because there are a few people in my family who are highly respected authors, and I felt I needed something of my own to sink my teeth into. But now that I've started, I realize how much I do love it (even when I hate it), and how much it allows me to dig deep into my own thoughts and emotions and be more self-aware. Beyond that, I think I'm at my most comfortable when I feel I'm helpful/supportive/nurturing. I used to write non-fiction that gave me that outlet. It's interesting that I can see those aspects in my fiction writing, as well.
Do you know before you start writing if an idea is going to become a oneshot or a longer fic?
I can generally tell if there's enough of a story to make it a chaptered fic. Sometimes the chapters just separate naturally.
Like, in An Invincible Summer, the story unfolded so that each chapter was a different month. But I had a basic idea of how I wanted the story to progress over that time period. I think, for the most part, I let the story dictate how it's going to flow.
You don’t write (or publish) as regularly as some other writers in the fandom. Why is that and would you like to write/publish more in the future?
Part of the reason is that I have a really busy life outside of the fandom (and writing). I also don't like to write just to fill up space. And I don't want to publish anything I don't think is the best I'm capable of at that moment.
On top of that, I'm just not one of those people who has a million stories in my head. I'm very visually stimulated and there are long periods of time where I just don't feel inspired. I also second-guess myself a lot and often end up shelving my WIPs. And... even when I'm inspired, I tend to write slowly. I like to take time to make sure I'm really saying what I want to say in the best way I can. I want to grow and challenge myself with each story I publish. I just don't see a point in doing it without that sort of intention.
On which of your stories did you write the longest?
I think An Invincible Summer probably took the longest. But it was also one of the easiest for me to write because the story just wrote itself in some ways. I had a much clearer picture from the start of how things were going to unfold. At the same time, there were moments that just happened as I wrote that ended up shifting the story from what I'd originally planned.
I recently went back and re-wrote that fic, adding another 10K to flesh it out better. I'm so much happier with it (even though I loved it before), but I haven't published the updated version on AO3. Not sure whether I will.
Which of your stories came together the fastest?
The first one (Whoever, However). But it's also only 9K. Harry dropped that Beauty Papers spread and my brain exploded. The story was all there. I think Hike Up Your Skirt was probably the next quickest (again, it's not terribly long), but that one I originally wrote for the Anonymous Unicorns collection so there was a lot of freedom in getting to write anything I wanted without fear of judgment. If I could only harness that, I'd be able to bang them out!
What fic of yours was the hardest to write?
I think Literally Making Love.
It was an unusual premise, in that it's about a robot and a human falling in love, but I really struggled with whether I should make it "more" than a love story. It felt like it deserved to be "more", or that it should have more about how AI changes the world and a conversation about loneliness and the way the world contributes to that. So I kept feeling like I wasn't going down the right path with what I was writing, but India reminded me that there's just as much value in a lighthearted story as there is in "serious" writing. We all know the joy of sinking into a comfort fic, or kicking our feet at something really sweet and happy. So I let Literally Making Love be what it wanted to be and I was ultimately super proud of it. And, in the end, I think I did a good job of dealing with the ethical issues, even though I didn't make that the center of the fic.
What inspires you most while writing?
Visuals to begin with. I tend to get inspired by photos or a piece of art. Sometimes song lyrics. But visuals keep me going so I make moodboards for myself and I find quotes or pictures on Tumblr that feel like they belong to the story. I think all of my fics have a link to an inspiration tag on my blog.
And then talking through things with India.
It's so helpful to have someone who gets what you're shooting for and who has the same sense of what makes for good writing. So I'll brainstorm with her when I'm stuck or give her sections to see if it's reading the way I want it to... It keeps me going.
I don't know how writers do it all by themselves. There are times when I've read something so many times that I can't even tell if it's any good. And I do the same for her... helping her get through her writing challenges or brainstorming her projects also makes me a better writer.
In the notes of Literally Making Love you mentioned a 9 month long writers block. What helped you out of it?
Truly it was just that piece of fan art I linked in the note at the start. I'd never seen that artist's work before and this drawing of Louis building an unfinished Harry ended up on my dash and I said, "Well, I'd read the hell out of that." Sadly, no one else was going to write it for me, so I had to do it myself.
While talking about this, I pointed out that I searched a few tags of this particular trope after I finished reading Literally Making Love and couldn’t find more than a handful of fics, which I was surprised by.
Gina thinks people are put off by the idea even if there are so many ways to handle it that could make for a beautiful story.
What do you find most challenging about writing?
I was about to say finding a title, but then I realized that I only had trouble with that in two of the five I wrote.
Hmm. Honestly, I think the most difficult thing for me to write are arguments/fights.
I tend to be really passive-aggressive when I argue, and that doesn't make for very good reading. So I really have to work at crafting a back-and-forth that feels natural but also packs enough of a punch for the scene to work. In An Invincible Summer, the argument scene was pretty pivotal, and one of my betas at the time made me re-write it three times before she signed off on it.
Is there anything you can tell me about future projects you’re planning?
I'm working on another historical fic at the moment. It's slow burn and longer than anything I've written before. So that's a challenge. It's set in the 1880s between the Belle Epoch debauchery and decadence of Paris, and Victorian London's rigid social structure and moral conservatism. Basically, Harry is a French ballet dancer turned sex worker/courtesan. Louis is a British aristocrat whose father has sent him off to Paris to get "the gay" out of his system before he has to marry. There are some twists and turns, and I'm having a lot of fun trying to keep things sexy and exciting for a modern reader while still being true to the time period.
I still don't have a title, and I'm still working on a brief description to sum it up. But... I'm about 60K in and I'm having fun.
When I told Gina that that sounds like you’d have to but lot of research into it, she said:
So much research! But I actually love that part. I get really into the nitty gritty and look up everything. For example, did you know the ice cream cone wasn't invented until 1896 (although not patented until 1903)? LOL! I had to change a scene I was writing because all of a sudden, I thought, "Did they have ice cream then? How did they keep it cold? How did they eat it?" I honestly hate reading something when little details are wrong. It totally pulls me out of a story.
For the next part of the interview, I asked Gina a few questions about her works in particular.
Gina about her favourite scene she wrote, her experience with writing before writing fanfics and being inspired by her own family’s history:
What work of yours is your personal favourite?
Hm. I think Literally Making Love is my favorite because it's the most unique concept, and I'm really proud of some of the writing in that one.
Hike Up Your Skirt is, I think, my most popular one. But that's not surprising because it's complete filth.
Do you have a favourite scene that you wrote?
There's a scene in Literally Making Love when they're walking the dog through the woods, and they're talking about the concept of being lonely, and Harry realizes he's the only one in the world who can understand anything he's experienced. I just really loved how that scene came together. To me it's very visual, and it's got that kind of poetic, dreamy feeling to it that I love to find in fics (and am forever trying to emulate, but I think that might be the only time I've succeeded so far).
I told Gina that this was a scene that definitely made me think about the concept of being all alone with an experience. Here’s what she said about that:
I like moments in a story that make you stop and think about more than just the story you're reading. I think these days, we can much more easily connect with others who can understand most of our experiences very deeply. Although, I imagine if you were the only highly advanced AI robot in the world, you might have some experiences no one else has had to grapple with.
Is there a work of yours that was planned to go completely different than it came out in the end?
There are definitely moments within the stories that I never planned on, and they changed some aspects of how the story ultimately came together.
For example, in An Invincible Summer, the idea for Harry to hold on to memories by getting a camera popped out of nowhere.
In Literally Making Love, the scene of Louis painting Harry's tattoos over his scars came in a dream and that meant I added the aspect of Harry's body dysmorphia. So, little things for sure.
Whoever, However was your first fic you published. Did you write in any form before that?
I did.
I wrote non-fiction for a bunch of magazines and online outlets. I've also ghostwritten three books.
Beyond that, no. Just lengthy blog posts about two gay boybanders.
What were your inspirations for gathered on wings?
There was a photo of Louis in some sort of haphazardly layered jackets and standing in front of these graffitied walls, and it had this caption, saying that he looked like a PhD candidate at the Sorbonne. That was how the idea started.
I had wanted to write a teacher/student fic without the creepy aspect of grooming and inappropriate conduct, and somehow my comment led to Harry having been his intern and them meeting again years later.
Then, the research on all the modern art and the high-end art world informed the rest of the story.
You didn’t go much into detail how successful Harry’s art got after ‘Comrade’ recommended his art for an exhibition at the Marlborough Gallery. Was that the push Harry’s work needed to get the attention it deserved?
It was.
He'd been relying on sugar daddies to pay his way and to give him the connections to patrons. But Comrade vouching for him opened the doors to him being able to do it independently. It's that feeling of, "If I could just get my foot in the door, I could show them what I can do."
That was his foot in the door.
Gathered on wings was my first attempt at writing a chaptered fic, and there was a huge learning curve. There are parts of it I really like and parts I sometimes want to go back and re-write.
Do you think Louis’ identity in gathered on wings always stayed hidden even after they got engaged (and eventually married)?
I like to imagine that as Harry became more widely known, people became interested in his partner. And Louis would then decide to reveal his identity with a new installation that they collaborated on.
Staying hidden when your partner is famous is probably a hard thing to do.
I think so. Especially if you're in the same field. In a way, it mirrors the idea of the two of them coming out at some point.
You said in the notes for An Invincible Summer that it’s inspired by your grandfather’s life. Was that your only inspiration for the story?
It's what set the scene. Other than that, I knew I wanted to write about writing and seeing yourself in a book or feeling understood by someone you never met but who's somehow written about you and your life. The concept of feeling really "seen" is something that shows up again and again for me.
You didn’t go into any detail about Harry’s relationship with his adoptive parents after he left at the end of An Invincible Summer, even though his mother tried to support him as much as she could when he had to leave. Do you think they held contact after Harry was forced to leave or if he/they even went back as a part of H & L’s adventures?
I think Harry managed to stay in touch with his mother secretly and to eventually reunite with his sisters.
When I rewrote the story, I changed the middle sister to a brother to show another way that Harry was treated differently. So I imagine Big Jim and the little brother digging their heels in and acting like he never existed. But Harry and Louis eventually had a beautiful and extensive found family.
The end of Hike Up your Skirt (And Show Your World To Me) is pretty much open. How do you think their relationship progressed and do you think they have a chance of having a normal (as in no power imbalance or manipulation) relationship?
Mmm. I actually started writing a second part from Harry's POV where you see that Harry is also playing a game to get Louis to fall for him. I see their relationship becoming a 24/7 Dom/Sub life. I think they're both way too kinky and maybe a little too depraved to have a "normal" relationship.
Are any of your original characters inspired by people you know in your day-to-day life?
No, actually. LOL! Very simple answer. They're all just figments of my imagination.
A lot of other writers in the fandom have difficulties or are just a little uncomfortable with writing smut. That doesn’t seem to be the case for you. Why’s that?
HAHAHAHA! No, I think it’s actually the easiest part for me to write. I’m not sure why. I don’t have a lot of hang ups around sex, so maybe that helps. And I love the idea of character development through intimate scenes.
How did you come up with the idea for your fic rec masterpost here on Tumblr and how did all of that start?
I think it just started because someone asked if I could recommend some fics in a particular category (If I remember correctly, it might have been dystopian fics). And I had too much time on my hands, so I decided to make a header and write little blurbs about why I liked each one I was suggesting.
Somehow that turned into a deluge of people asking for different things and, for whatever reason, I had the time at that moment. So I made rec after rec.
At some point it was annoying that people kept asking for the same things, so I just made an alphabetical masterpost.
Is there a specific trope or genre you’d like to read more of?
Oh, that's a good question. It's so much easier to tell you what I don't like.
Honestly, to me, it's really more about the writing than about the trope or genre. But I do really like a good enemies-to-lovers fic, and if you can write a new twist on a fake relationship, I'm all in.
Do you somehow track the fics you’ve read? And if you do, can you give me a rough number of how many you’ve read?
So, I only bookmark fics I've really loved. Obviously some I love more than others, but I currently have 655 fics bookmarked.
I've been reading in this fandom for 11 years. Some I won't have read all the way through, but counting those, I'm sure I've literally read thousands.
I've gone through periods where I've just got a lot more free time at one point or another. And when I entered the fandom in 2013 there were literally so many terrific fics I didn't know where to start.
And every time you turned around there was another. It was very addicting.
Are you reading anything right now? If not, what was the last thing you’ve read?
I have a hard time reading when I'm actively writing, so nothing really recent.
The last fic I read that I really liked was Danger I Can't Hide by CelticSky. It's actually a WWII fic but set on the airbase where H is a pilot and Louis is a mechanic. It's just so well written and so well researched. Highly recommend.
For the next part of the interview, Gina answered some personal questions about her experiences in the fandom.
Since when are you in the fandom and what made you become a fan?
Since November 2013.
I took my daughter (who was 6 at the time) to see This Is Us. Did a little research to make sure this boy band was appropriate for her and then fell in love with them. We ended up seeing the movie three times, then bought it and watched it at home. She was a Niall girl.
She was my concert buddy for a while. One Direction at the Rose Bowl in 2014 was her first concert.
The weirdest comment you got?
Oh, I get some doozies on Tumblr.
I think one of my favorites was from years ago when I used to do a lot of NSFW fan art. I got an anonymous message from someone claiming to be Harry's lawyer and they were demanding I delete all of my fan art of Harry. HAHAHAHA! Like an attorney would send an anon. Or even ask for something like that. I still laugh when I think about that one.
Harry or Louis?
It's very hard to choose because they're both amazing. I'm a Harry girl from way back. But I obviously love and support Louis, too.
Harry just really inspires me in so many ways. And his music is more my speed.
Your favourite Harry era and your favourite Louis era?
Oh, that's hard. I think Harry's recent era (Harry's House) might be my favorite because he seemed so happy and so self-assured and confident in who he is as a person. He looked fantastic too. Other eras are special to me because of what was going on with the fandom at the time, or because I liked the way he dressed or whatever, but in terms of just enjoying him, I'd have to say this last tour.
Louis is a little more difficult for me because I've had a really hard time with his image over this last tour and his doubling down on babygate. I'm very happy he says he's really happy and proud of his album/tour, but if I had to pick my favorite I feel like he looked the healthiest and most at ease during MITAM promo. Oh, he looked great during his Walls promo, too.
Your favourite movie with H?
My Policeman. It was a bit uneven, but he really blew me away in some of his scenes. He understood that character inside and out.
Your favourite writer(s) in the fandom?
I actually have so many that I like, although many aren’t in our fandom anymore.
It might be easier to link you to a Favorite Authors rec I made a while ago.
What are your absolute favourite fics in the fandom?
I’m going to make it easy on myself again and link you to a Favourite Fics rec.
Is there a fic that is not necessarily your favourite but still always kind of stuck in your head ?
There are fics that aren’t necessarily the most groundbreaking or complex, but something about them makes me keep coming back to re-read. Don't kill me, but... My Favorite Re-Reads.
I wanted to give you a favorite out of that list, but as I scrolled I was like, oh wait, that one! No, that one! So... sorry, you get them all.
What makes you want to stop reading something?
Hm. So many things, honestly.
Writing where people try too hard to be poetic, continuous spelling and grammar mistakes, miscommunication as the only tension, no tension at all, characterizations that make no sense to me, fics that go on and on and on with no attempt at editing, kid fics, etc. I really have very few squicks, but bad writing is hard for me to ignore (I know "bad" is subjective, so I hope no one takes offense at that... just because I don't like it doesn't mean others don't love it).
Your favourite song at the moment?
Chappell Roan is stuck in my head lately. So, I'll say Casual (although Pink Pony Club is a bop).
Your favourite season?
Fall. Absolutely. SO fucking sick of summer.
The most unusual thing that inspired you?
LOL! I'd have to say the Vintage "Sleaze" novel that inspired Hike Up Your Skirt. It was called "Horizontal Secretary".
Who would you most like to read an interview from?
Well, I'm obviously going to say India because I think she's a great writer. But she's also so well-spoken and interesting.
I'd love to read an interview with CelticSky because I loved Danger I Can't Hide so much and I don't know them since they're on Twitter!
Lastly I asked Gina to give every work of hers a colour. Here’s the outcome of that:
Whoever, However -- yellow
Whoever, However is yellow, because when I think about it, I picture the warm, yellow shade of the wood paneling of the room they filmed in.
gathered on wings -- blue
I’m not sure why gathered on wings is blue in my head. Maybe it’s just because that’s the main color of the mood board I made.
An Invincible Summer -- green
An Invincible Summer is green because the rural Georgia setting became one of the characters of the fic. When I think about it, I see the sprawling farm, the rampant kudzu, blueberry fields, lunch under the oak trees… it just feels green to me.
Literally Making Love -- red
Literally Making Love is red because so much of the story is about what it means to be human and even though Harry’s heart isn’t “real” at some point he says to Louis, “Sometimes I feel like you made my heart too small because it doesn’t hold everything I feel for you. I feel it overflowing everywhere.” Or, maybe it’s because it has “Love” in the title. LOL!
Hike Up Your Skirt (And Show Your World To Me) -- purple
I don’t know. The first thought that came to me was purple because I pictured Harry’s character with love bite bruises.
A huge thank you to Gina again. Thank you for being so open and honest while answering my questions. I had the best time talking to you and was so invested in every work of yours.
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evilbihan · 3 months
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Congratulations, OP, on making the most factually incorrect post I've ever seen on this hellsite.
Let's take this trainwreck of an "analysis" apart step by step, shall we?
Oh, good lord, now I'm seeing Bi-Han stans say his father was abusive. There is literally nothing in MK1 implying that.
In the previous timeline, Bi-Han's and Kuai Liang's father literally kidnapped them and killed their mother and sister, then raised them to become assassins against their will, but now we're supposed to believe that man's a saint?
I've said this in a different post before and I'll repeat it here too: The core essence of every character in MK1 is basically still the same as it was in the old timeline. Geras is still loyal to his creator (previously Kronika, now Liu Kang), Scorpion might be a different person now but he's still vengeful, Sindel is good now, but she's still a merciless ruler, Kung Lao is still ambitious, etc. Not a single one of these characters is a completely new and different person. Following that logic, the same thing would apply to the old grandmaster.
At first glance, it may seem like nothing implies that Bi-Han's and Kuai Liang's father was abusive, but that's only if you ignore anything outside of the main story.
I made an entire post about it here, but I'll give you the short version:
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Additionally, there was a node in the previous season of invasions mode that involved another fight with Bi-Han, titled "second best". Second best at what? We know that in the old timeline, Bi-Han was the Lin Kuei's best assassin. Therefore, this could have only been referring to the new era's Bi-Han, again confirming that their father had a favorite son, Kuai Liang, not Bi-Han.
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Believe it or not, this is a form of emotional abuse.
Y'all (thirsty fandom bitches) are so obsessed with your villain faves being victims of parental abuse, even when canon doesn't imply that or literally says otherwise. I've seen it in the Scream fandom, now it's in the MK fandom, too.
Still not convinced? How about we change perspectives from my favorite character to my least favorite one then? Everyone who's been following this blog knows I can't stand Kuai Liang, but I even believe him to be a victim of abuse at his own father's hand, albeit in a different way than Bi-Han.
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Nitara: Had you ever known hunger, you wouldn't judge us. Scorpion: I have, and I will.
So, what does this intro tell us?
Kuai Liang has known hunger, so there must have been a period in his life where he has been starving, but why? Poverty seems highly unlikely. The Lin Kuei seem well organized and in his tower ending, Bi-Han talks about how many of their resources were spent on the cyber initiative, so I doubt the Lin Kuei were ever poor or he wouldn't have been able to afford all that technology at all. The brothers also come across as quite arrogant. Growing up poor would have probably made them more humble.
So, why was Kuai Liang starving? Would loving parents let their children starve? Was it perhaps part of their training or a way to punish them for disobedience? And if so, why does Kuai Liang still think and speak so highly of his father? Stockholm syndrome maybe.
And let's say it wasn't the grandmaster's fault that they were starving, then wouldn't it make Bi-Han's ambition to give the clan more wealth and power noble instead of selfish? It would mean no more starving for any of the Lin Kuei in the future.
Regardless of your takeaway from this, the end result remains the same: Bi-Han is not evil.
Bi-Han has always been an asshole. He's power-hungry and he is a bad person. Him murdering his father (whom his brothers haven't implied anything bad about) is no surprise, and trying to make up completely non-canon things to justify it because you can't handle liking a fictional villain is moronic.
Bi-Han has always been an asshole? Always as in previous timelines? Because by that logic, his father has always been an asshole too. See how you're contradicting yourself here? Secondly, Bi-Han is not a bad person. That's straight up wrong.
Ashrah said he's redeemable.
Kuai Liang said he and Bi-Han were once close.
Bi-Han shows genuine regret over Sindel's death.
Tomas, one of the nicest characters in the game, used to look up to Bi-Han.
Kitana's announcer voice when selecting Bi-Han: "You were a decent person once."
He's flawed, not evil.
The only person making up completely non-canon things is you.
Oh, and for the record, I'm a huge fan of Homelander and there's no saving grace to that man. I don't care though, I love villains.
Here's the punchline though, Bi-Han isn't a villain, he's an anti-hero/anti-villain type of character. Do some research.
It's Bi-Han. Bi-Han would sell his little brother to Shang Tsung for a single corn chip! (And I don't mean Tomas; he'd give away Tomas for free.)
Bi-Han literally refused to deliver Kuai Liang to Kronika in MK11 as Noob when Geras told him to.
Geras: Bring your brother to Kronika. Noob Saibot: The dead are my clan. Geras: Do you serve or do you not?
Bi-Han doesn't wish harm upon either of his brothers in MK1 either, he tells them multiple times to surrender and join him. Just watch their intros, it's all there. He even admitted that he wanted Kuai Liang to rule by his side. In his intros with Shang Tsung, he also mentions that he regrets ever trusting him.
The whole original post is a joke. Implying that people who are upset over mischaracterization and bad writing must be thirsting over a character is just ridiculous.
How wrong do you want to be?
OP: yes.
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edwinspaynes · 6 months
I think I've figured out how to articulate something fandom related that I've been thinking for a while, so I'm going to try.
For context, I've been a TSC fan for over a decade, primarily into TLH (even when we had nothing but portraits and Nothing But Shadows). I've seen the tides of the fandom change more than a lot of people can fathom. And I consistently find that the space we're in now, the "between series" space, is my favourite time period for fandom.
Part of this is that the fandom gets smaller and less insane when we're in this in-between - while the books are being published, tons of people come in, argue, start drama for no reason. It's unmanageable. 2020 was a fucking nightmare, probably the worst one, but there have always been nutty masses when the series are actively being published and at their prime time.
But that isn't all.
It's that the people who stick around during these in-between gray areas are those of us who actually love the books, the world, the canon. We're by and large the people who want to stick with it and feel positively about the series, the creator, the world building, and the characters. Sure, we have criticisms - naturally! But they're made with love and respect, and we don't attack Cassie or other fans about it. We're excited rather than angry, and that overarching energy makes the fandom a much more wholesome space instead of the toxic cesspool that it is when people are sticking around to hate-read it and dump on all aspects of the series.
I'm thinking about this now because TWP coming in 2026 (not surprising to me and actually 100% reasonable given how publishing works) gives us more time to live in this space. To enjoy the fandom without the unnecessary drama of weird antis who want to hate read every release and attack people who actually like the books and world for what they are.
I'm in a pretty unique place now with the book canon where "my" series is done (with the exception of a novella and 3 short stories). That's brought me both a weird amount of peace and a pretty new, interesting perspective even if it's Sad. I feel like I'm on the other end of things. And I really hope the TWP peeps enjoy this time, because some of my best memories and connections were made at 3 AM chatting with the other 3 people who liked TLH best in 2017. It's in hope, it's in theorizing, it's in anticipation, and it's here that we can truly connect and thrive and love.
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jerzwriter · 5 months
The amount of issues that could be avoided if people had the decency and maturity to speak to each other like civilized human beings instead of resorting to the more commonly used methods here, like anon hate, vagueing, and passive-aggressive posts that are clearly targeting a person or group.
In the three years I have been on this hellsite, I have witnessed how these "methods" turn minor issues into outright, unnecessary wars.
Here is some information for those who are unaware:
Anon hate is douchey and wrong. If you send it, you're a douche and wrong. Period. If you can't understand that, please stop reading because you are already beyond help.
Unless someone has notifications set for you, there is an excellent chance that your intended target will not even see your vague/passive-aggressive rants.
Then, when said vague/passive-aggressive rant goes unanswered and ignored, the person or mob behind it festers, simmers, and becomes more outraged.
Bruh. They probably never even saw it, and if they did, they may not known it was directed at them. Now, the problem is 10 times bigger and, best of all, the original problem was never even addressed, much less solved!
Here's another tip:
Don't always assume the worst about someone!
Especially when you never bothered to communicate with them. You're making blind assumptions when you have little or no facts. Trust me, unless you're a mind reader, you don't know. You're not that smart, babes. Trust me. I'm not, either. TALK like grownups. It's much easier than all the bullshit that arises because of the above.
Now, you may be saying, "Hey, yeah, but aren't you vagueing/targeting right now, too?"
I'm sure some will take it that way. Since they likely won't reach out to me directly, they'll take their skewed logic as gospel and insist that they know my motivation. They'll also insist it's regarding "this" fandom event or whatever our drama du jour is.
Well, absolutely no one knows my motivation except me. So I'll make it clear. This is not geared toward any specific event, past or present, but an amalgamation of everything I've seen and experienced in the past three years. My motivation is two-fold. 1) I'm letting off steam, but, more importantly, 2) it is my sincere hope that people will see this, think about how they act and interact with others, and try to be better people.
I'm sure the fandom mind readers will dismiss what I just said and assign motivation to me. Have at it. I don't care.
No one knows my motivation except me, and no one knows my desired end goal, either. My desired end goal Is that everyone, myself included, will reflect more on how they behave and treat other people. I assure you, doing this will save others, the fandom, and, more importantly, it will save yourself a whole hell of a lot of unnecessary distress.
It's not that hard. Be better.
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murkycran · 5 months
Staticmoth/Voxval Fic Rec List
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Welcome to my Staticmoth/Voxval Fic Rec List! :D
I will keep updating this periodically as I read more fics, so feel free to check back every once and a while! I'll reblog it when I update it, plus make a note with the date at the top. Trust me, this is by no means a complete list; there's fics I still want to add to this that I just haven't gotten to yet. I just decided to go ahead and post it anyways, because if I kept waiting until I ran out of fics to rec I'd probably be working on this forever.
These are not in any particular order; I'm going by both my Bookmarks list on AO3 and my memory of fics I forgot to bookmark. I also tried to make notes on what fics were written before season 1 released, but I might have missed some, so keep that in mind.
Please let me know if any links don't work!
✨Before you proceed:✨ read the tags on these fics if you decide to read them. Many of them have heavy material - no surprise given the fandom, but still, felt like this needed said. On that note, there's also fics with explicit material and some fics are straight up PWP. Again, read at your own risk/heed the tags.
Fic Rec List Masterpost
Radiostatic Fic Rec List
Misc. Vox Fic Rec List
Freak-A-Zoid by Femalefonzie
Summary: A shortage of suppressants in Hell means that Vox is going to be enduring a heat for the first time in years. Who better than the Vees' resident pimp to help him through it? Afterall, the last thing they need is for someone to complicate the situation with "feelings" and Val was the best at keeping love and lust separate. Until now.
TLDR; Valentino plays himself.
Notes: SO FUCKING FUNNY. Cannot read this in public bc I laughed too much. Val and Vox are both idiots. Perhaps the most human depiction of them that I've seen, especially during sex. Neither of them are suave or coordinated, but by god are they trying.
system takeover by Subedarling
Summary: Velvette has never been the type to play hero. But when a mysterious new player enacts a dangerous plot to usurp the Vees' power, taking her two idiots hostage in the process, that's exactly where she finds herself. Now she has no choice but to go on an impromptu rescue mission, maintain the facade that everything is fine to the outside world, and prove why she's the backbone of the Vees—and she hasn't even had her morning coffee yet.
Vox and Val are going to owe her so hard after this.
Notes: Technically Velvette-centric but I'm including it anyway bc it does have Staticmoth; found family. She's so badass in this, I love it. The Staticmoth is very sweet. :3
even if i quit there's not a chance in hell i'd stop by Subedarling
Summary: Valentino stretches his arms over his head as he enters the kitchen, yawning. His robe is hanging loosely around him, and God, if Vox were to run his hand down his chest he could probably count all his ribs. He stops short when he sees the plates waiting for him on the counter. His eyes narrow. “The hell is this?”
“You know, most people would say thank you when their partner makes them breakfast,” Vox says dryly.
Notes: Very tender. A good kind of hurt. Deals with ED.
Parvulus by Heliosolar
Summary: Vox woke up to something... unusual. Terrifying, even. He calls Valentino, desperate for the help.
Valentino is, of course, irresponsible, and Vox is exhausted.
He just wanted to get through the day like normal, why did this have to happen?
Notes: Written before season 1. The art of Tiny Vox is not linked, but I've seen it before and it is SO CUTE. If anyone has a link, please share with me so I can link it here!
A Wager of Desire by Heliosolar
Summary: Valentino and Vox have a small dispute over something meaningless, so they make a bet.
Vox has to last an entire dinner while at Valentino's mercy.
What could go wrong?
Notes: Written before season 1 release. One of the first Staticmoth fics I read. :)
Venenum by Heliosolar
Summary: During an uneventful meeting, Vox makes the mistake of stealing a drink from Valentino.
Notes: Written before season 1 release.
Getting Railed (By Child Support) by Charnel_Goat, spappest
Summary: The female of several species can store sperm for many years prior to using it to fertilize her eggs. As it turns out, spider trains do this too.
Decades after their romantic fallout, Overlord Choo Choo Charles is knocking on Val's door to demand he take responsibility for the results. By way of kidnapping his boyfriend to lure him to his den.
Notes: One of the crackiest fics I've ever read. Vox is an idiot with a horrible sense of self-preservation and Val fucks a spider train without birth control. Just...read it, okay? I literally cannot think about this fic without giggling like an idiot every time.
Beautiful Monster by IceBlueButterfly
Summary: “You’re late,” is the first thing that comes out of Vox’s mouth.
That sharp smile somehow grows wider.
“I believe the term is ‘fashionably late’ baby,” a smooth voice with a light Spanish accent replies.
Which… okay if Vox is being honest, is kind of hot.
Screen heating up a little more, Vox shoots a bored look.
“Or just late,” he snips back. “Oh well,” he claps his hands. “Doesn’t matter, you ready to get down to business?”
“Oh baby,” a bright gleam in even brighter eyes, “I’m always ready to get down.”
Vox is already regretting this decision.
OR Moments in time throughout Vox and Val's relationship. Vox may have no idea what the moth demon will bring to his life, but neither does Val.
Notes: A very nice exploration of how Vox and Valentino's relationship evolves.
Only a Shadow by passthevoxcord
Summary: Vox shows up on the hotel’s doorstep with no memory of how he got there or who he is. They agree to house and heal him, and slowly but surely he finds joy in becoming better. Then Valentino shows up and is forced to choose between self-altering addiction and the closest he’s ever come to love.
Meanwhile, Velvette has a new potion brewing, one that will grant her more power than the Vees ever had. Only Vox and Val can stop her, but will goodness really overcome evil? Or will they be only a shadow of their former selves?
Notes: The Voxval is currently toxic and only just now being touched on in Chapter 9 of the fic; I say 'currently' because the author explains in the AN of the first chapter that both Vox and Val will go through some "self-discovery and healing". Seriously, just read it. It's very good!!
You Found Me by passthevoxcord
Summary: Long before Velvette came along, it was just them. Vox and Valentino. Valentino and Vox.
Notes: Includes some interesting headcanons for Vox and Val.
Virtual Reality by passthevoxcord
Summary: Vox gets tired of his cybernetic biology being a barrier to his sex life, so he starts a new project to fuck Valentino in VR. Val will try anything once, but he has something else in mind.
Notes: Surprisingly sweet. ^_^
Muted by passthevoxcord
Summary: Val helps a nonverbal Vox deal with sensory overload.
Notes: Sweet and tender. :)
Freaky Friday by passthevoxcord
Summary: Vox and Val wake up stuck in the other’s body, but it’s no big deal because they both know how easy the other has it. Right?
Notes: Written before season 1 release. Sweet take on the different challenges Vox and Val face in their daily lives.
Something Akin To Love Series by Awesome_Possum
Summary: Vox's taste in partners is delightfully self-destructive and that's an itch Valentino is more than happy to scratch.
It's not safe or sane, and whether or not it's technically consensual is heavily up to interpretation, but what they have is probably something akin to love.
A collection of StaticMoth fics set in generally the same continuity.
Valentino is awful and Vox is unfortunately really really into that because a control freak in the streets is a masochist in the sheets.
Notes: Has 2 parts, both very much worth reading. Very funny, lol. Vox is in a hell of his own making but enjoying it at the same time.
Update Prescription by innerfray
Summary: Vox tricks Valentino into getting his eyes checked. They're forced to confront the nature of their partnership.
Notes: One of my favorite Staticmoth oneshots. Felt like an interesting take on Val's blindness. Angst so good...
Like Moth to a Flame (Or to a Bright Blue Screen) by datweirdo
Summary: Valentino is a moth after all
Notes: Cute and funny!!! "You fucking murdered him" lmao
30 Decibels by Shortsighted_Owl
Summary: Somewhere, under the low humming of the monitors, the quiet gurgling of replacement coolant being piped into Vox body, a new noise - dry, yet somehow viscerally wet, and so very soft - made itself known, but only just.
And Valentino almost missed it. - After a fight with Alastor, Valentino watches vigil over Vox’s broken form.
(What if Vox still has organic vocal cords, and after a fight with Alastor, the synthesiser he uses to amplify his voice is destroyed. What if Valentino hears Vox’s real voice for the first time?)
Notes: Heed the tags, there is in fact body horror lol. Sweet but mildly horrific. <3
Priest, mailman, cruise captain or chef? by Destabilize
Summary: Inspired by Vox's outfits in Stayed Gone - Val and Vox try out some kinky stuff with a priest outfit, to mixed success.
Ah ha!” Val squealed with delight, wine glass drained and thrown on a sofa, “This!” Val was standing proudly by the wardrobe holding up a long red robe with a hat and some kind of sash. Vox scowled, “Is that a fucking priest outfit?”
“Si! Isn’t it fun- it’s in your colors too!”
“You wanna be a priest?”
“No baby! You be a priest and I can,” Val sidled up and leaned down, puffing some smoke in Vox’s face, snaking an arm around his waist, “lead you astray...”
Notes: Surprisingly cute and funny! Vox fails epically at roleplay and it is hilarious.
riding out the drop by spoondrifts
Summary: Like he’d said before, killing Alastor was Vox’s kink, not his. He had been prepared to sit back and enjoy the temporary chaos until Vox got over himself.
What he hadn’t accounted for was the possibility that Vox was exactly as obsessive, bitter, and desperate for Alastor’s acknowledgement now as he had been seven years ago. Distance hadn’t made the heart grow fonder: distance had made a highly detailed revenge scrapbook complete with a conspiracy corkboard done up in red string.
Or: Valentino gets fed up with Vox's fixation on the radio demon. They fuck about it.
Notes: Features (sex favorable) asexual!Vox! :D (I lowkey headcanon him as ace ever since the "better than sex" comment)
Featherstone by spoondrifts
Summary: “To me,” Vox told the baby, “it seems like bad parenting to leave your helpless kid for a whole month with two unstable psychopaths and their parole officer. But hey. Who am I to judge.”
No intelligent reply was forthcoming.
Or: not-so accidental baby acquisition, starring the three least responsible idiots this side of the Pentagram.
Notes: Big Vees as family vibes. Wish so desperately this was canon.
vark attack by tarltonnnnn
Summary: Valentino has to petsit Vark for a day. Chaos ensues.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. Vark is a big dumb (and very cute) baby.
Unplugged by pinkpunchy
Summary: Vox looks like he’s going to vomit. Valentino frowns.
“For the one who suggested this, you’re being a real pussy.”
“Fuck you! Just give me a sec.” Vox spits out, muttering darkly as he adjusts his shoulders on the pillows, trying to arrange his body for the moment he loses all function. Valentino, despite his impulsive nature, waits patiently. His manicured nails drag along the spot where cable and port connect, thumb smoothing up and down the flat surface surrounding it. Vox’s breath is coming faster now, not slower, something Valentino is tuned into as naturally as his own breathing.
A large hand grasps a corner of Vox’s screen, tilting it up and putting an immediate stop to his fidgeting. Valentino smiles, red eyes narrowed to slits.
“Do you trust me?”
Notes: Sex as a...trust exercise? Lol I'm joking, but seriously. Sweet and hot at the same time.
Electric Desires: Lust, Power, and Unspoken Longings in Hell by Dani69696969
Summary: Vox is starting to get fed up with Angel Dust being the only thing Val talks about when Vox is right there, ripe for the taking. Inspired by Vox looking happy that Angel might have quit in Episode 2.
Notes: Very sweet. Plot with porn. :)
The Art of Pimping by MarenRose
Summary: Desperate to close a deal with one of the most lucrative investors in Pride, Vox does the unthinkable and pimps out Valentino for a one-time date. What could go wrong?
Notes: Vox's jealousy and possessiveness really brings out his stalker side in this lmao. Vox is a little pathetic and that makes his jealousy all the more funny to me. :D
Welcome to VoxTek Enterprises! by MarenRose
Summary: Subsequently, Valentino, of all people, has become the office’s saving grace.
(A series of VoxVal ficlets through the eyes of Vox’s assistant)
Notes: Pretty funny! Vox's assistants are really going through it. One of the tags is "Imagine being happy to see Valentino" lol.
(Fic rec list to be continued)
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caeli0306 · 2 months
A few of your favorite modern au fourth wing fics:)?
oh this is TOUGH
I'll plug my fics, because I love what I write and almost all of what I write are modern AUs, but that's probably not what you're here for lol
My newest favorite is @widebrimmedhatsblog's Exchange fic, On The Road Again, and I am obsessively waiting for the next chapter bc they write the whole "Xaden is a pining idiot who is very good at making it seem like he actually hates Violet" dynamic sooooooo well.
Political Gain by sarahkwut is also another good one that I've been reading pretty much since the author started writing it. this one has a LOT of plot twists, especially in the later chapters, which I know some people like and some people hate, so keep that's something to keep in mind if that's something that would impact your enjoyment of the story. it has the most wonderful brothers best friend dynamic that I just love love love. the chemistry between violet and xaden is *chefs kiss*. this is probably the longest modern AU, or at least its the longest that I know of, in this fandom, so this one is great if you're wanting something long to read.
my all-time favorite is of course Macchiato by @skyfallscotland. Idk if this technically counts as modern since it's just set in a modern-day Navarre with no magic, rather than the "real world" but I don't care bc I just love it that much. I think this was actually the first modern fics I read, if not the first FW fanfic I read period after finishing IF, and I reread it literally all the time. It's just that freaking good.
I've definitely read some others recently that were very good, but I forgot to bookmark them and therefore cannot remember the names or who wrote them. there are soooo many good modern AU fanfics and it makes my heart happy
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emostudent · 1 year
so, i've been rewatching teen wolf bc apparently netflix hates us europeans and it will be removed on may 31st and here are a few of my opinions TM
scott is actually a very good main character. listen, i got into this fandom when i was older, so i probably don't understand why there is this trend of hating scott, but he's a valid MC! he shows an example of positive masculinity that is honestly so refreshing to see in modern media: he's kind, compassionate, always optimistic but not stupidly so, has an amazing relationship with his mum AND his friends, he's not afraid to show emotions and cry. honestly a very healthy, albeit traumatised, young man. yes, he did stupid stuff for the girl he liked, and yes he misjudged a few situations, but please, remind me, how old is he supposed to be? 16? 17? 18? yeah. i did worse things at his age.
scott and stiles come from working class families!!! they have money problems!! it's honestly so refreshing to see teenagers discuss money in a supernatural/fantasy tv show. it doesn't usually happens and I've found it refreshing because it's something that usually happen between irl teenagers.
i don't get sterek. really, really don't. maybe it's bc i've watched the show through a gen z lens (meaning the media and the culture (read: THE INTERNET) when i watched the show were influenced more by gen z than millennials' values) but i really don't get it. and the age difference makes me uncomfortable. (same thing with parrish and lydia, SHE'S A MINOR DUDE, there's a reason people don't like cops istg) SOMEONE EXPLAIN STEREK TO ME PLEASE
in fics stiles and scott's personalities are often swapped: stiles is the caring one, the pack mum, scott is the one with homicidal tendencies. like, my dudes, the fact that scott is a GOOD person through and through is the reason he's a true alpha. also the reason we, as viewers, like stiles is bc he's sarcastic and more morally ambiguous than scott (not really, but you get it, he cares more about himself and his immediate friends, the others can die, scott instead want to save everyone period), it's like taking away the thing that makes stiles stiles
malia and stiles were SO cute, i didn't expect to like them so much, but when they broke up my heart shattered
stydia is everything i want in a ship and i will not accept any criticism on it, it's literally one of the only straight ships i like. you have the slowburn, the malewife x girlboss trope, the he fell first but she fell harder, the mutual pining. it literally checks all of my boxes
isaac was such a cool character and he and scott had an amazing dynamic, like come on, they had something going on between them
kira is a badass. that's it, that's the comment. i like her so much
derek's development is one of the best. i couldn't stand him in season 1, but in s4 he became one of my favourite characters. but i think this has more to do with the fact that they aged him up? he was supposed to be in his early 20s in s1, but then they aged him up in s3? well, anyway, i liked how he literally wised up, stepping into the role of a teacher and guide instead of a leader, it suits him so much better (and i'm sure it's less stressful)
peter is such a charmingly evil bastard. i hate him, but i love him at the same time.
thiam is the best ship in the show, i don't care if it's canon or not. i've read airplanes, it's canon to me
we would've liked (simped for) s5 theo more if he had the same haircut he had in 6b. he was just stupidly hot.
allison and lydia should've kissed and so malia and kira. give me my wlw couples.
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tennessoui · 9 months
kit's fics year in review (2023)
it turns out i wrote a LOT this year (last year now, i guess) according to my ao3 stats, and i saw one of those recap games for another fandom floating around my dash so im absolutely gonna pilfer some of those questions for my own little review + add a few!!
how many fics did you write in 2023? it was definitely the year of the silly short fic for me -- i published a total of 6 new oneshots on ao3 along with 5 fics only on my kofi! i also added at least one chapter to 9 other fics that were already posted. and i started and completed 1 long stand alone fic this year (if you love me let it remain unnamed, clocking in at 37k)
what are you most proud of fic-writing wise in 2023? i finished foolproof, foolhardy! it took more than a year to write, from first published to last updated, but i think the lion's share of the work happened during 2023; it's sort of rare for a fic of mine to get that long (72k), so it was fun to write through all the developments. truly a cracky premise that grew legs and ran away from me, but i'm really proud of how it turned out. the last 4 chapters contain some of my best writing in my opinion and the whole story is a love letter to padawan obi-wan, who will always be my beloved lol
what is the fic you had the most fun writing? this is a tough question because i'm torn between two fics; sun, sun, sun here it comes is probably my favorite oneshot that i've ever written. it sorta incorporates everything that makes a silly little au in my mind, from miscommunication to banter to bonus babies. but then there's i pray the same, but my gods have changed, aka the democratic fic- now that's such a fun fic to write, and i'm going to get more into it this year again. it's the one where tumblr votes on what should happen next, which i absolutely enjoy - especially when people send me propaganda about which option should win....thought the amount of ties that have happened is mind-boggling lol
what is a fic you didn't expect to write? hahaha well this is easily 'a more perfect union' which has been sooo fun to write so far but also definitely has had a very short gestation period from nascent tumblr au post to 25k on ao3 lol and still one more chapter to go!!!
what fic surprised you when you were writing it? oh hands down this is 'hand me down dreams got me high in the rafters', aka the pool boy au from tumblr. the adaptation of it from tumblr au to a fic on ao3 has a crazy tone shift where the obi-wan in that fic is much, much darker than the one in the tumblr au - i really ended up leaning into the unequal power dynamics of a boss/employee relationship and exploring how unhealthy it could be while keeping it consensual -- but only because anakin would allow obi-wan to do whatever he wanted to him
what's a fic you wanted to write but didn't? my poor neglected hunger games au!! i really want to get the first chapter of that posted because i am so excited about this fic and writing it as a new big, long project -- i'm excited about the dark anakin, the differently dark obi-wan, the hunger games set in the gffa, etc etc etc
what is something you learned this year that you'll take into 2024? set is the only acceptable name for anakin to use undercover <3 we will be taking the set cinematic universe into 2024 <3
what's a project you're excited to carry into the new year? um all of my wips lol but especially time & tide and the couples counseling au - i have about half of the next chapter of t&t written, and before i got sidetracked by a more perfect union, i was on track to get that posted by christmas....obviously that did not happen lol but i'm expecting to get back to working on a few more chapter updates at the beginning of this year!
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hi! I'm new to the beatles lore and I've been trying to catch up on an insane level of information for weeks. it's been fun but also heartbreaking 💔💔 anyways, I wanted to ask a couple of questions if that's ok? for example, I keep seeing this narrative that john was using yoko as some sort of weapon against paul... what was john trying to achieve by that I mean where does this idea even come from? according to this, john was hurting paul on purpose while he was singing him love songs in the studio asking him to be partners again (as in songwriting creative partners) WHAT WOULD JOHN ACHIEVE DOING THAT? also it sounds very one sided like paul is the most innocent in the break up eventho he was the one who came up with a secret album and a lawsuit. I don't know what to think. before knowing them I used to think lennon was in love and on drugs so he got so annoying to the point that he broke up the band but now...
Hi there! Welcome to the fandom! don't worry about feeling overwhelmed at first there is a LOT to take in.
I want to say, I do get the feeling you are somewhat mixing things up here, though I don't particularly blame you for being confused. (if not then sorry! just want to clarify as much as I can)
Tedious as it sounds, I find keeping a timeline in my mind (ideally, accurate to the month) helpful to provide some clarity regarding the breakup era specifically, so the period of 1968-1971. John's studio taunting you're referring to would have happened between mid '68 and mid '69, but Paul worked on his solo album (what I presume you meant by "his secret album", though it wasn't all that secret – John had already released solo music of his own by that point*) in late '69 and early '70. He filed a lawsuit against the others in late '70.
*I think you're conflating the album itself with the fact that, along with the release of McCartney (said album), Paul "surprise revealed" he had quit the band to the public, which the other band members, especially John, were not impressed with.
That being said, the events of the breakup are still convoluted at best, even to "seasoned" fans, I'd say. One of my main pieces of advice I can provide as someone who's been doing this for more than 3 years is get comfortable with not knowing things and with some of the actors involved doing something fundamentally irrational sometimes. They're humans, they don't always make sense and they won't always be forthcoming about why they behaved the way they did.
Which brings me to the narratives you mention: I say this as nicely as possible, but sometimes people want to tell themselves the best story rather than the most truthful one. It's more important to some that John is taunting Paul out of some twisted form of love than why specifically.
To answer your question regarding where this particular idea comes from, I would say: Paul has indicated that he felt John replaced him with Yoko (in whatever way he meant by that – some think it's sexual, some it's about creative partnership, or simply as a best friend); John's behaviour clearly and drastically shifted for the worse in mid '68, which is around the time he got together with Yoko, left his family, and started doing heroin; footage from Get Back shows John both all over Yoko and trying to reach out to Paul periodically.
There's probably more, but I don't know if there's much point in getting into the weeds of it right now. My point is: it's not the only valid theory, IMO, and probably not the whole truth if it is true, but it's not unfounded.
I think it may be a misstep to dismiss a theory because "what would John achieve by that?" Again, people are not always acting in a way that strictly makes sense, especially not people with the issues John struggled with. Some people might say John was testing Paul, trying to make him fight for him. Some might say John had an outright sadistic streak. Others that he was too out of it to notice the pain he was inflicting on others. I think it could very easily be a mix of all three. When dealing with human emotions, I personally think it's a mistake to assume things are simple and straightforward, which is why a lot of tinhattery turns me off. It very often feels like a blanket-statement self-confirming axiom, rather than a truly thoughtful and multifaceted argument.
My most condensed version of events would be: John became incredibly difficult to work with in multiple ways (including but not limited to bringing Yoko to the studio) by mid '68; Paul, for the most part, tried to accomodate him, to diminishing returns, while having his own longterm relationship fall apart and being completely in over his head running a brandnew business; Paul deals with distress by burying himself in work, the other three do not – this leads to further conflict, along with issues over creative control; the band decide they need a new manager type to help them out with their new business and provide the guidance they haven't had since Brian died; cue John wanting Klein and only Klein and massively distrusting Paul's "nepo" choice of Eastman + apparently not trusting Paul's belief that Klein was bad news; extreme resentment over money issues which are incredibly underrated by the fandom because at their core they are boring, emotionally, ensue; John decides he's "over" the band and tells the others he's out; Paul is destroyed over this (and everything that led up to it), spends months spiraling and recording his album; wanting to get this all out of the way, Paul finally breaks down and admits he's leaving the Beatles to the world and to the band itself, even though he had asked John to stay quiet about his own quitting the band months earlier; John (understandably, IMO, though I don't blame Paul exactly – this is what I mean by not everything makes perfect sense) assumes Paul is using the band breakup for PR and gets a hell of a lot angrier than he already is about the money stuff; John undergoes primal therapy which opens up about 43273289635298 wounds; John does an interview in which he spills his guts and tears down almost everyone in his life except Yoko; meanwhile more financial issues. I cannot overstate that those matter too, tumblr is just not a place where finance peeps hang out; Paul is getting more and more fed up with all of this and he, as a last resort, files a lawsuit to no longer be legally tied to the others.
I for the most part left out George and Ringo here* and I'm writing off memory here without re-checking sources, so take what I say with a massive grain of salt. My main point is that this shit is complicated and don't let people tell you it isn't.
*I'm of the opinion that John and Paul are at the center of the breakup, but they also aren't the be-all, end-all of it. But because in the end George and Ringo fell "in line" with John and you didn't ask about them, I decided to mostly leave them out.
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lazysublimeengineer · 3 months
Reo, Shidou & Kunigami: When One's String of Fate has Been Cut to Make the Other Keep Going
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Recently I've been asked by one of my readers why do I like a character such as Shidou Ryusei.
It's a genuine, curious yet baffling question from them as if it's a big question mark to like a character such as him.
Well, I do guess that sometimes the saying, "first impressions" last is quite true...
...at least for some readers in the fandom seeing that Shidou doesn't have a favorable impression in the fandom.
Nevertheless, I simply asked them what's not to like?
His aggressive, overtop personality certainly overshadows other interesting aspects of his characteristics. During the second selection, he was the one who took notice of Reo's challenging stance when they encountered them and it intrigued him. It's quite ironic since half of the characters during the second selection thinks that Reo is not in his best mental state which is partially true but it doesn't hide the fact that there was a remaining tactical facet in the part of his mind and it showed in this panel above when they encountered and challenge Shidou's team with a sound reasoning from him.
Despite being labelled as a violent tempered and impulsive character in the franchise, he can surprisingly sharp especially in his judgment of characters that's why he took notice of Reo from the beginning and it contributed to his decision to choose him at the end of the match.
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When Isagi and the others began questioning Reo on why he wasn't included in the lineup of their team and seemed doubtful because Kunigami wouldn't let it end that easily, it was Shidou who immediately took the reins to explain why he wasn't with them in the first place. A lot of readers/viewers of the manga/anime doesn't seem to understand on why was Kunigami wasn't chosen by him in the first place despite having a good physique and playstyle overall.
It was because Shidou noticed that Kunigami's heroic attitude and holier than thou attitude from the start doesn't resonate with him and he lacks ego. He noticed that Kunigami was reluctant to fight them and it was Reo who was willingly to fight against them despite the odds were against them.
At that period, he couldn't see the vision of Kunigami making him explode in the field and help him rising up in the program.
His statements in this panel were harsh and it probably contributed to half of the fandom's disliked or neutral perception of him. But in my perspective, it's interesting, provocative yet has a ring of truth in it.
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In Blue Lock program, it doesn't matter if you're a good person or not. If you're loyal or not. If you're kind or not. Those personality attributes is not being promoted if the philosophy itself we're about egoism, individuality and being the best among the rest. And that is what is Shidou is trying to deliver in a panel like this.
For an emotionally volatile person like him, he can be clinical, cold yet logical in his perception of his surroundings and events around him and that what makes him interesting.
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Despite all of this, as a reader I'm also fascinated by Reo and Kunigami's brief interaction together during the NEL arc as it was simply a reversal of their situation with each other. During the second selection, Kunigami was the one who was looking out for Reo because he wasn't simply in the right frame of mind and was overcome by too many emotions at once. Noticed that now in the NEL arc, Reo was the one who approached him and expressed on how glad he was back despite the setbacks and lost that they went through during their match against Shidou during the second selection.
I wouldn't say that it's a trio between the three of them. But their scenes together in the franchise and their matches against each other during the second selection is one of the most fascinating and thought provoking for me.
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stepmarchen · 3 months
first off my apologies for this as i feel it's an overrated thing for the ASM fandom, but i would love your take on the historical fashion shown in the manhwa, the references to real life and the anachronistic choices to boot. i hope you're not too bothered by this! also love your thoughts on asm lol
no worries at all! i'm not the greatest history buff so i'm going to have to say sorry in advance too
anyway, i just looooove the historical world building/fashion in ASM! I think it's one of the best period-inspired comics in the "historical" genre despite it being inspired by multiple different historical time periods. get ready because... i have a lot to say.
now i wouldn't call myself a huge stickler for historical accuracy but personally, i like to feel totally transported to another time when i'm reading a period piece. And a lot of "princess" manhwa often take loose inspiration from history given that they're also in the fantasy YA genre.
here's what i mean.
the isekai genre inherently caters towards young women and selling "the fantasy" that is "we want to make you feel like a princess". While historical accuracy is super cool, there's a certain amount of modernization needed to appeal to the modern audience.
Changes might include: modern hollywood curls over a powdered wig with ringlet curls, the hourglass silhoutte over the historically accurate higher waister silhouette, or stylish stilettos over buckled mules (you get it)
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a huge percentage of isekai/fantasy manga/manhwa do this (even to the extreme) and most of the time, it works (some examples below).
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The problem is when it isn't intentional. ie: Artists going for the "historically accurate" route and fail to use props that suit the intended setting (not going to show examples, sorry)
ASM does a wonderful job at keeping to the historically accurate theme with the 19th century inspired fashion. And the only real anachronistic choice is the "anime hair" (which I think we can all stand by).
In particular, this panel of Theo trying on his new outfit for the gala really surprised me. It's the first time I've seen a male character wearing century accurate justacorps, breeches, and heels.
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Something else I love is the style preferences between different characters, in relation to their age, status, and personality. It's even mentioned vocally by the characters! ie: Rachel wishing she could wear a bustle like Shuri, Shuri opting for "younger styles" now that she has been reborn, and Nora/Jeremy dressing freely (because boys will be boys).
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The Empress (and Heidi) wear larger, more extravagant silhouettes, politically symbolic jewelry, and updos fitting of their high status. You can really feel the weight and layers that they're wearing, making them clear figures of power. It's an excellent design choice while staying true to the time period.
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Meanwhile, Shuri often wears lighter dresses with less volume and simple accents as opposed to the flair of the royals or the youthful embellishments (like ribbbons or bows) of younger unmarried girls like Ohara.
HOWEVER! I have a growing theory that ORKA likes to use dresses as a narrative device. I think that ORKA styles Shuri in ribbons and "younger" styles instead of her common looks during romantic scenes to remind us readers that she really is just a girl inside, not anyone's mother.
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I'm super eager to see how the fashion evolves as we move through Season 3! In the latest chapters, Shuri is starting to wear narrower silhouettes, suggestive of the coming turn of the century.
Also, with the characters growing up, we will probably get different male outfits (as opposed to Jeremy's typical knights training uniform and Nora's basic look).
Thanks for listening to my rant!
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isleofdarkness · 28 days
excuse if this is a weird question or if youve answered this before, but . you have so much worldbuilding in your au. theres TONS of characters it feels like and im just so curious.. how do you keep track of all of it??? it looks so overwhelming but so freaking cool at the same time
ive tried personally to build off of the descendants world in my mind but its so hard even if i write any ideas down XD
To put it simply, there's a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes that you don't see.
I am also insane.
Well, this actually isn't the biggest project I've ever done. My very first fanfic, which was a mashup of Disney, Marvel, Monster High, Ever After High, Dreamworks, and paranormal lore, was way more complicated and had a cast of over three hundred named characters, and those were just the original characters. That was when I was ten. You could say I know my way around complicated lore and massive casts. I don't think I can write without having those things, really. I wouldn't know what to do with a small cast or simple worldbuilding.
My worldbuilding comes from being a massive nerd. Disney and Marvel are massive properties, they have so much for me to work with and Disney did the work for me in giving me an excuse to combine everything. I looked into the world of Disney properties, DC properties, Dreamworks properties, and the properties of other media I enjoy that I decided to include, and then I just combined them in a way I thought made sense. I also took inspiration from Earth 27, a really great fanwork that also combines a bunch of different fandoms and has a massive cast of characters, in some things I've done.
As for how I keep track of it, that's complicated. The politics of the world are common sense to me, since the politics in my work reflect my perception of the real world and how I think things should be improves. And then I know the changes I would make to the properties I've included, I know the things I think need fixed and that I chose to fix them. And then I have my lists. Gods, my lists. I have so many lists of fandoms, of characters, of crews, of kingdoms, of gods, of powers, of worldbuilding. You can see some of them in Isle of Darkness AU info, but those aren't even close to all of them. And then there's my tagging system. I do my best to character tag extensively, both for your guys' benefit and for me to make finding things on my blog easier.
Keep in mind that I'm not perfect at keeping track of things. There are things I've messed up that you guys probably haven't noticed or if you have, haven't pointed out to me. Continuity errors. That's to be expected with something as massive as what I'm doing. I do try to fix things when I notice them and do try to keep everything in order, but I mess up. A lot.
Also, this isn't my first Descendants AU. My original Descendants AU, written when I was like, fifteen, was me watching the movies and adding in one character, Riah, changing some events in minor ways, and that was it. I started simple. But by the time I got to the third book in that series, I realized that I wanted to worldbuild more. That third book veers massively into original work area because I wanted to add more of the supernatural, which led to the shedim plot. I realized that I had fun with that plot, so I started rewriting the series to include more fun stuff. That didn't last, because I wanted to include so much new stuff that the rewrite would be unrecognizable. Thus, Isle of Darkness was born. There was a long planning period, and then there's been a massive amount of things added because I'm doing an esoteric work. The Endless plot? Added that maybe halfway through chapter four. Maverick didn't exist at all until chapter two, and I didn't make the decision to make her a major character until chapter two of Isle of Darkness. The rebellion? Originally wasn't a plotline, I was going to go for something closer to what the movies did. Jasmine helping? Wasn't on the drawing board at all until recently. The supernatural properties? You have no idea how majorly those have changed as I've written this because I originally wasn't going to include angels, most demon and djinn stuff, Roman deities, Norse gods, Aztec gods, or Lovecraftian horror at all. Heck, Jay wasn't even originally a djinn! I wrote the first chapter and then read this excellent fic where Jay was a djinn, realized it made sense, and added it to chapter two. My worldbuilding looks complex but man, most of it is because my work is esoteric. I add stuff in as I go along and come up with a way to make it work. Most of this wasn't planned when I wrote chapter 1.
If you want advice or to talk through ideas I'm always up to answering more asks or private messaging. I'm sure you have wonderful ideas. Also, I don't know if you're comparing what you're doing to what I am, but if you are, don't. I am insane. My grandfather, a New York Times bestselling author, looks at my stuff and goes "Good lord." I have been creating stories for nearly twenty years- I started when I was three, that was when I created my first story about a team of superhero misfit animals. I have a lot of writing and storytelling experience, and I have a lot of experience in things so insane that most professional writers would fear me. These things are what make my particular story as it is told by me, a unique person as all people are, work. These things are not going to work for most people, just like small casts and simple worldbuilding aren't going to work for me. Every writer has their own individual strengths and their own individual weaknesses. Play to your strengths, not mine.
And just have a blast. God may judge you but his sins outnumber your own.
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lovenonymously · 5 months
My good people of Tumblr! You know when you love something so much, you just have to share it?
Niché fandom fanfic rant incoming, you've been warned:
Writing fanfics for a smaller fandom is 100% self indulgence, but despite how small it is an it's been since the show came out, the Love Like the Galaxy fandom is pretty active on AO3!
Recently, Infinity by the talented MoodyScorpio got completed. It's a fix-it sort of fic that enhances the canon in ways I didn't think were possible despite the many hours I've dwelled over LLTG. I was surprised in the best way!! Speaking of which, they started a new fic today called Splendid Stars which I'm very excited to read!
One of my all time favourite LLTG fics is Just a Dream by the amazing raileypink. This is probably my most favourite fic on AO3. It offers themes of time-travel and chances of do-overs yet doesn't make the story a repetition of canon. Instead, the sweet moments are sweeter, the tense moments are filled with twists. Every time this fic updates, I leave everything I'm doing to go read it!
Then we have KimberlyA's reimagining of LLTG called Reverse Love Like the Galaxy. Apart from the writer being one of the biggest supporters for anyone who writes for the LLTG fandom, they've crafted quite the intriguing story! It's not just a gender-swap, the characters are more than just put into gender-defying roles that would make a mess of the time period the show is set in. No, it offers a refreshing take with a "what if?" factor where the characters keep their strengths and depict their flaws; both known and original plots entwining quite well. I'm looking forward to seeing where this fic goes!
And lastly, if you're still here, I too am writing a fic that's a crossover between Love Like the Galaxy and Who Rules the World. Cheng Shaoshang and Bai Fengxi are two characters so brilliantly played by Zhao Lusi are two of my all-time favourite female leads. When the time called for it, Shaoshang chose to put herself before the volatile nature of Huo Buyi. Her saying "He is my most beloved person in the world. But I am still me." both surprised me and changed my perspective fundamentally. It explained so easily how selfish and self-preservation are not the same.
But I needed something more. I needed her to get a chance to grow up, to know what freedom tasted like, to know what it is like to love herself before she loves others or is loved by others.
And so, The Wind of Fire was born, where Cheng Shaoshang becomes Bai Fengxi. Shaoshang is certainly younger and more faminine than Bai Fengxi, who has a regal aura about her while holding up as one of the most powerful people in the Martial Arts World. But in essence, they're the same. They're both courageous and mischievous, stubborn and steadfast, both very capable young women.
It's ongoing and updating, you can find me on AO3 as aprilrayne. Below are some edits I made for the fic!
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Apart from the fics I've shared, which are all ongoing there are a hundred more fics to go through. Some with happy endings, some with characters going their own ways. Whatever your preference, there is something for everyone!
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drunktuesdays · 11 months
I've been waffling where/how to ask you this and like. you took a long time off writing, how long did it take to accept you were done? was it a slow end that dragged along, or did you just stop one day? I feel like I've lost a part of myself here and I don't know if I should keep trying to hang onto it
this is a really hard thing to answer!!!!!!! yes, i did go through a LONG fallow period. i didn't write a single word from probably 2015-2020. and i did think i was absolutely done. i had SO much fun in teen wolf fandom, and when i fell out of it, i didn't think i would ever feel that strongly about a fandom again. i never could have predicted professional wrestling rpf in one million years.
and no, i didn't stop one day. i think i was pretty much done with teen wolf about six months before i finally wandered away, but i had had so much fun and made such good friends that i didn't want to believe it.
but the truth is that the best fic comes because you have something to say. there's something about the canon that compels you, or you're curious about, or you think would be interesting to explore. and for me and teen wolf, i think there came a point where i realized i wasn't saying anything new or interesting, i was just retracing my steps for the sake of participating.
for me, when i realized that, that's when i decided i was done. i didn't want to keep flogging a dead horse. and having something new and fun and interesting to say isn't something that you can force. or at least--it isn't for me. i cannot guilt myself into writing when i really truly have nothing to say. i can make myself write when i just don't feel like writing, and i can slog through scenes i think are tricky to write, but when i truly honestly have nothing to say, i just have to take a break.
but--i don't think you should feel like you lost something. you didn't lose anything. all that art you did is still there. you still wrote all those stories. and if you go through a fallow period, it doesn't mean it's fallow forever. maybe you need a short break, maybe you need a long break, but you can't kick your own ass about it. you're not going to rediscover your voice by guilting yourself into it. start reading again, watch movies and tv that wake your brain up, daydream, whatever. it'll come back! one day, you're gonna see something that will activate you, and your writing voice will pop into your head, and suddenly you won't be able to type fast enough. this is a spell i am casting on you, on me, and on anyone who wishes they were writing!!!!!!
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