#This has the prompts for day 1 2 4 and 7 I believe.
abyssal-ali · 1 year
Marinette "Valkyrie" Wayne
Masterlist Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 ao3 link (completed) Valkyrie’s suit
Pairing: Marijon
Rating: G
WC: 2.1k
That night Marinette debuted as Valkyrie, the latest Bat. Her suit was all black, with white trim. Her symbol was a stylized Bat she designed; it was very pointy, as her weapon of choice was knives/shuriken, etc. She leaned heavily into the ghost Bat theme, like Cass. The family agreed that the two girls got along way too well and they (the fam) would be in huge trouble one day. They even looked similar, though Cass had brown eyes and Mari had blue.
(The girls were currently planning an ID swap prank, complete with coloured contacts and Cass dyeing a stripe of her hair red to match Mari.)
The third criminal apprehended by Valkyrie had a gun. She dodged before the bullet hit her and socked his jaw, knocking him out.
“How did you dodge that fast?” asked Nightwing, her partner for the night.
“I read his body language before he shot,” she deflected.
Later, she collared a suspect in a case – “practice for intimidation”, ‘Wing said. With her back to ‘Wing, who was overseeing the ‘questioning’, and facing the all-in-black guy pressed against the brick wall, she glamoured herself to have eyes glowing white and deepened her voice to beyond-spooky levels.
He quickly cracked and gave the information they needed. Valkyrie left him in a cowering heap and grappled up to ‘Wing. “Got that?”
“That was fast, V. Have you been practicing?”
“I can be scary when I want!” she slapped his chest. “I got Superboy to give me the last of his fries last week.”
“That’s because of puppy love, not intimidation!”
“What did you say?” Valkyrie repeated.
“Jon has a crush on you?”
“No names,” she reminded absently. “SB has a crush on me?!”
“I thought you knew, since you were flirting back…”
“I wasn’t flirting, I was just matching his energy and copy… oh. Oh no .”
“I think the most important question right now is do you have a crush on Superboy?”
“No, we’re just friends. Although he is really cute, and he’s such a nerd, and Kismet loves him, and he’s Damian’s best friend because he’s irresistible and really nice and ohnoIhaveacrushonhim . Nightwing, what do I dooooo?” She wailed, clutching at his arm.
“Tell Superboy you like him. I bet he’ll ask you out.”
“...oh.” I’ll have to tell him about the Kwami. We’re a package deal.
“Glad to help my little sis out with her relationship crisis. And if he hurts you, just let us know!”
“Absolutely not. Tag!” she tapped his shoulder and flew off the roof, grappling away as Nightwing chased her.
Jon was over the next day to visit Damian. 
“Kent, just tell her and stop making excuses to come see me,” Damian greeted him.
Jon huffed at being called out. “Fine.” 
He knocked on Mari’s door and shooed everyone away.
“Jon! Hi, come in. One second.” She crossed the room to close her curtains so no prying family members could peep at the sure-to-be-awkward conversation.
“Uh, there’s something I need to tell you, but if I do, then I’ll have to tell you something else and it’s really secretive and ugh, why is this so hard ?” she flopped on her bed, groaning.
“Uh, I need to tell you something too.” Jon pushed his glasses up, though they didn’t need it. “I really like you, like, more than a friend, but if you don’t like me then I still want to be your friend, if you want, but…”
“I like you too, Jon. Like, like-like you. Ugh, that’s too many ‘likes’. But uh, if this is gonna go anywhere, I need to tell you this other thing, but you can’t tell anyone else, especially my family. Promise?”
“Pinky promise.” They shook pinkies and Jon cuddled Kismet while Mari mentally prepared.
“Uh, Jon?”
He looked up and yelped. “Whoa, Mari!”
“Relax, it’s just one side. Look at the…” She nodded at the lotus tattoo on her left ribs. It was in a semi-circular pattern, with a gradient of different colors bleeding into each other and a complex geometric design in the petals and leaves.
“So, you got a tattoo? I’m pretty sure Jason has at least one,” he commented.
“It's not an ink tattoo, it’s magic. So, uh, did your dad tell you about Ladybug?”
“From Paris? He said they couldn’t find her.”
“I was Ladybug. When I was fifteen, I did a remote spell that merged all the Miraculous and untethered the kwami. The spell and pain from it knocked me out for two days. When I woke up, I had this tattoo and had become a Miraculous myself. Since I was the guardian, they stayed with me. You can come out, guys.”
Several fuzzy flying blobs appeared in Jon’s face. He was introduced to the kwami one at a time. 
“We’re a package deal, you need to know.”
“That is so cool! Do they still give you their power, or what?”
“Well, when the kwami are untethered, their powers are unstable and can easily run out of control. However, merging more than a couple Miraculous is dangerous. I have to utilize their powers regularly so they and I don’t have a meltdown and blow the planet up or something. But I don’t need to be transformed to use the powers, and I have constant mind link access, so I can ask them to leave me and take some of their energy with them if I need.”
“Are you okay with all that?” Jon asked worriedly.
She shrugged. “I admit, it was a surprise being told I’d become a mega-Miraculous when I woke up from that nap, but I do like knowing they’re all safe with me and no one can steal a Miraculous or the Miracle Box anymore.”
“I can see why you don’t want them to know, but I think you should tell them eventually.”
Her shoulders sagged. “I know. Just not yet.”
“That’s okay, I’m sure it will take some time.”
Mari smiled gratefully at him. “So, what I was getting at was: we’re a package deal. They won’t always be around in our personal space, but they will be around some of the time and I’ll have Guardian duties and such to attend to at times, so I’ll be busy.”
“I was aware you were a vigilante when I decided to confess and ask you out,” Jon shrugged. “You’re great at schedules, I’m sure we can work things out.”
“If you’re sure this whole mess is what you want. I know I act fine most of the time, but I am still very traumatized from the whole Hawkmoth-Ladybug-Guardian-orphan thing,” Mari warned.
“I know, but I’d like to give this a chance. So, will you go out with me?”
“You’re seriously fine with the Kwami?”
“Yup! I’ve definitely seen weirder. I’m half-alien, you know.”
“Mhm. Oh, I also have a high affinity for magic, so I put up an illusive sound barrier in my room so my family can’t listen in. I’m taking it down now, so no talking about them .”
Jon nodded, and Mari released the spell.
“Oh, I never gave you my answer, did I? Yes, I would love to go on a date with you.”
“Wednesday, seven o’clock? They’re showing the new Marvel movie at the theater. Would you like to see it?”
“Sure; we can laugh at the inaccuracies, and I’ll critique the costumes.”
Marinette motioned to Jon to keep talking while she tiptoed to the door.
“Uh, do your brothers know I like you? Because they were acting weird today – weirder than their normal crazy. Wait, do I have to re-meet the family? Please tell me I’m not gonna die as soon as I step foot outside of here.”
Marinette swung the door open, smiling sweetly at Jon. “Of course not! My family would never stoop to eavesdropping on their little sister’s private conversations, if they know what’s good for them .”
Five panicked faces looked at her.
Jason turned to Dick. ‘I take it back, she is scary. Run!”
Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, and Damian scattered.
Wednesday night Jon was approached by Mari. She waved at him and crossed the street.
“Hi, Cass,” Jon said.
Cass pouted. “Supers,” she grumbled.
Jon was hugged from behind. He jumped slightly. “Sneak up a little louder, would you?”
“Yay, you passed the test! You do know me. If only people whom I have lived with for months and solved decades-old cold cases in hours could identify me,” Mari said into her hood.
She then picked the bug out of the folds of fabric and squashed it. “Bye, Cass!”
Cass waved and went to the weapons store across the street.
“She’s surveillance, to see when the guys show up.”
“Okay. I got the tickets– after you, Lady.”
"Thanks, my knight in jeans and hoodie!” In a lower voice, so no one could overhear, she added, “I’m working on a new suit for you. A hoodie and jeans do not make a suit.”
Ten minutes into the film Cass texted Marinette. 
Cass: D + D behind you, back left row. Caps and black jackets.
Marinette inched closer to Jon, then turned and glared directly at her brothers. 
I know where you sleep , she mouthed. They left.
When they left for ice cream after the movie, Jason was behind a newspaper by the ice cream stand. Marinette casually flicked a shuriken, slicing the paper neatly in half. Jason got the hint and left.
Marinette glared at all the security cams they passed, knowing Tim and possibly Babs would be watching them electronically. 
“Can you take me flying?” she asked Jon.
“Of course.”
They finished their cones, ducked into an alley, Jon became Superboy (unzipped his hoodie and tucked his glasses away), and took off.
Once they were over Star City, Marinette motioned ‘down’. They landed on Queen Consolidated’s roof.
“I can glide as Ladybug.” 
Tikki appeared.
“Spots on!”
Mari took off, hand-in-hand with Jon.
“Take me higher,” she called, letting him pull them up to watch the sunset on the horizon and the stars become visible.
“I can show you the world,” Jon sang to her as they flew above the earth, watching the lights turn on as night fell. She giggled at his cheesiness and they continued the duet.
Marinette detransformed and freefell –until Jon caught her– then they flew back to the Batcave.
Mari waved goodbye and Jon returned to Metropolis after landing a kiss on her cheek with his superspeed.
“Hello, my lovely family. Did you enjoy spying needlessly on Jon and me?”
“Can you take that disguise off? It’s so confusing having you two switched,” Dick complained. 
That morning Mari had put in hazel contacts and worn Cass’s clothes, and Cass had Mari dye a streak of red in her hair at the exact same spot she did. With Cass wearing blue contacts and a set of Mari’s clothes, the family kept getting confused about who they were talking to.
The girls removed their contacts and switched hoodies, to the family’s preference and relief.
“Did Jon take you flying?”
“Yep. It’s breathtaking watching the sun set midair. Chilly up there, though. I’m with Robin tonight, right?”
“We’re raiding a drug deal down by the docks. You are with Red Hood, Red Robin, and Black Bat. Robin will be backup. Nightwing and I will be with Batwoman and Spoiler around town,” Bruce informed.
The family suited up and left.
At times like these, Mari regretted not letting them know her secret, where she could transform with a command or even a thought now. Putting on layers of safety protection took way longer than the two-second transformation.
She had modified Valkyrie’s full-face mask to have glowing eyes, either red or white, and her voice modulator to do deeper or horror-movie-childishly high.
Mari pulled her mask up, hood down, and revved her bike. 
Valkyrie was still a myth in Gotham; she’d only been out a week, so she hung back with Robin while the other three busted the deal.
The only problem was, it was a setup.
Penguin and Black Mask had teamed up to take down the bats. 
More goons arrived and tied up the Reds and BB. Red Hood had a bullet graze on his thigh and was bleeding steadily.
Robin relayed the situation to Oracle and requested backup from the other four Bats.
Marinette kept up a steady stream of shuriken and knives, taking out goon after goon.
Robin eyed her. How does she have so many weapons on her?
Their backup arrived and they began taking out more goons.
Valkyrie stayed in the shadows, sending missiles with deadly maiming accuracy.
A knife cut Red Robin’s rope bindings and he began freeing Hood and BB.
With the entire family gathered the two mobsters stood no chance. Valkyrie kept injuring backup goons before they could attack, and the Bats left, all alive and mostly well, with a surprising minimum of damage.
"You’re our good luck charm,” teased Steph.
Mari laughed. “Hardly. You could say I was your bad luck charm, that it was a setup.”
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sotvtaughtmehowtofeel · 9 months
Want to write a comment on AO3 but don’t know how? Lemme help! Choose as many of these prompts as you like:
1. What was your favorite part?
2. How did it make you feel? Did you laugh out loud? Did you cry? What parts made you feel something?
3. What emotion were you left with when you finished the chapter?
4. Did any particular lines stick out to you? Which ones?
5. Did something remind you of something from the source material? Talk about that!
6. Did anything surprise you?
7. Did anything stand out to you?
I know some people get anxious writing comments but I PROMISE YOU you will make the writer’s day! Even if you just pick one of these things to elaborate on in your comment, the writer will appreciate it! If you write a long comment, the writer will remember it for ages!!
YOU CAN WRITE THE BEST COMMENT SOMEONE HAS EVER GOTTEN!! I believe in you!! 💜 please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or doubts!
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🎃⁀➷ 31 days, 31 spooky prompts for Whumptober *ੈ✩‧₊˚🕷️🍂
1. ❝ don’t look, try not to show any fear as I tell you this, but I think that pumpkin behind you is alive, and it’s looking at us. ❞
2. ❝ please, I’m not crazy. that scarecrow is alive and it’s trying to kill me. you have to believe me. no one in this town is safe! ❞
3. ❝ you remember that body that was admitted to the morgue last night? the one that has human bite marks that looks nasty infected on the arm. yeah, well, this is going to sound insane, but it’s gone. the body’s missing. ❞
4. ❝ babe, you’re dead. this is the afterlife. we’re all ghosts here. ❞
5. ❝ do not come out of your room when it’s nighttime. no matter what you hear, you must stay in your room throughout the night. ❞
6. ❝ the bats, they’re biting and killing people. we have to run. now! ❞
7. ❝ is that a person sitting on the tree branch? why is she smiling like that? what’s wrong with her eyes? oh my god, she’s crawling down. oh my god, she’s crawling towards us! ❞
8. ❝ you haven’t heard of the blood moon curse? you must be new here. ❞
9. ❝ if you hear a voice calling your name from the woods at night, do not answer. ever. ❞
10. ❝ I got bitten, and I need you to kill me before I turn and become like them. please promise me you’ll kill me before I hurt anybody. please don’t let me be like them. ❞
11. ❝ no, don’t make eye contact with it. keep on walking, but do not run. ❞
12. ❝ there will be a ritual tonight and they will use you as a human sacrifice. you have to get out of here. ❞
13. ❝ shhh, she can’t see us, but she can hear us. be quiet. ❞
14. ❝ what do you mean the doll is alive? it’s just a doll. ❞
15. ❝ one of us is possessed. there’s one way to find out who. ❞
16. ❝ we’ve been walking in circle. we’ve walked past this house before. you see that lady in the window staring at us? she was also there the last time we walked past her property, staring at us through the window exactly like this. it’s like she hasn’t moved at all. ❞
17. ❝ you need my blood to stay alive. drink it. drink. or you die. ❞
18. ❝ I think there’s someone living in the walls. I can hear them breathing at night. ❞
19. ❝ this is a mistake. we should never have come here. the myth is real. we’ll never get out alive now. I’m sorry. gosh, I’m so sorry. ❞
20. ❝ if you see the shadow, you only have 3 days left to live. ❞
21. ❝ are those claw marks on the trees? they weren’t here last night when we set up the tent. ❞
22. ❝ I don’t think the blood on his clothes is fake, neither are the human organs in those jars. we have to get out of here. ❞
23. ❝ I’ve seen it all. the devil is real. it’s too late now. all of us are going to die tonight. ❞
24. ❝ they are not a cult. they’re my family. I’m not being brainwashed. let me go. let me go! ❞
25. ❝ what did you just inject me with? what’s in the syringe? what’s in the fcking syringe?!! ❞
26. ❝ those blood, it’s still fresh, meaning whoever — or whatever — killed it is still around. we have to keep moving, and we have to keep quiet. ❞
27. ❝ she doesn’t like her dolls to speak at night. if she hears your voice after 8 o’clock, she will rip your vocal cord out. ❞
28. ❝ there’s something in the mist. if you breathe, you die. ❞
29. ❝ look at me, hey, look at me, these people, they look like your friends and they sound like your friends. but they’re not your friends. your friends are dead. we cannot trust anybody. ❞
30. ❝ don’t get too close to the water. the fairies have very sharp teeth and strong grips. ❞
31. ❝ be careful in the full moon night. just… be very careful, alright? ❞
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jesusbutbetterrr · 6 months
Ghoulette Appreciation Weeks 2024
Well the time has come about my silly phone friends!! New year, new chances to show some love to our wonderful ghoulettes.
Use this not only as a chance to write about past and present ghoulettes, but also any OCs you may have!
There are two prompts for each week, you can choose which one you want, combine them both, even do a separate work for each if you please. Please feel more than free to tag me in each work, I'm beyond excited to see what everyone creates in the upcoming weeks!!!
Jan 1-6: Start of something new & girl's night out/in
Jan 7-13: stealing clothes & period stuff
Jan 14-20: first ritual & lazy sunday
Jan 21-27: trans ghoulettes & elemental practice
Jan 28-February 3: comfort & hobbies
February 4-10: Murder ghoulettes & self care
February 11-17: "Cant you see how much I love you?"/love confessions & makeovers/dressing up
February 18-24: coffee shop au & sick fic
February 25-March 2: pranks & getting a pet
March 3-9: marriage/soul bonding & laughing
March 10-16: caught in the rain & long distance relationships (romantic or platonic)
March 17-23: beach day & playful one upping
March 24-30: last ritual & learning new things
In the process of putting together this list I had some wonderful people pitch in to help. A special thank you goes out to @jimothybarnes @jazz-bazz @littlemoon-beam @mac-and-thefox @cheerycherrycandy-resurrected @ghoultrifle @to-spread-the-ministry <333
If there is anyone I've missed please let me know, I want to give credit where it is due.
And I believe that is all, go crazy y'all :)
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minticecodes · 4 months
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A (late) piece for dmcweek2024 day 4! I was buzzing to put forward something for the week. Prompt was alt universe.
AU where Eva survived the fire and had to figure out a way forward, believing the twins dead. She becomes an RPG shopkeeper selling wares ranging from antique books to magical goods (Devil May Scry). She's also out for Mundus' blood.
Image descriptions are the same as in alt.
[ID: 7 Digital illustrations and sketches. 1: Coloured illustration of a bookshop at sunset. Eva, a pale blonde middle aged woman mans the bright patterned counter. She wears a turtleneck and red shawl, has shoulder length hair, and diagonal facial burn scar and scarring on her left hand. Light rays illuminate her gently smiling face. Besides packed books, on the shelves are potion bottles, statuettes, succulents, and a displayed katana. Roses and plants decorate the shop. On the counter are a thick hardback, bookscanner, and crystal ball. Cards are displayed inside the counter. On the wall hangs a price sign, featuring doodled vital stars (large star drawn with sunglasses), holy water and fortunes. Beneath it is a rose wreathed divinity statue display, with 2 red orb offerings in a dish. 2: Eva from behind, sitting hunched alone at a table where a birthday cake sits untouched. It's a two flavour cake. By her clenched hand are crumpled tissues. Caption: 'Vergil...Dante...happy birthday...' 3: Eva bracing the Devil Sword Sparda across her shoulders, aimed at the ground. She wears a bell sleeved, ruffled funeral/wedding dress with a slit for leg movement. A veil trails behind her like a ribbon. Close ups of her show the headpiece design; a pacifier made of a long bird skill, feather, rose, and four skeletal 'legs'. 4 & 5: Trish taking on teen Dante's image: a tan teen in black, with chin length white hair, a halter neck tank top, leather pants, kneelength boots and black polish. Her leather jacket collar resembles lightning bolts. She leans against an invisible wall, one leg bent to brace her foot against it. She looks askance with arched brows, lifting shades from her face. The 2nd image is a 3/4 profile with shades perched on her forehead and popped collar. 6: Helmetless portraits of Dante and Vergil in armour, expressionless. Dante's hair is shoulder length and falls across his face. 7: Full body of 2 somewhat lanky demonic knights. One (Nelo Angelo) in black and blue with droopy horns rests his palms atop his blue broadsword's pommel, the sword upright against the ground. He stands straight, staring ahead. The other in white and red and curled horns has a palm clapped on Nelo Angelo's shoulder, other hand at his hips. Somehow the eyes on his helmet express playfulness. At his back is the hilt to a flail, the spiked ball resting on the ground by his armoured heels. They're labelled '~16' . End ID.]
Read more for some wordy backstory and sketches. TW for mentions of torture, abuse and solitary confinement surrounding the twins.
I had...so many more ideas that I'm leaving out to keep this short. It's fun to think how she'd mesh with the cast.
Like! her and Lady. Mother that lost her kid and kid that lost her mother. It writes itself how much unwitting projection can go wrong. And pretty much everything about her, the twins, and Trish :)
In terms of backstory:
After the fire she's alone. Her birth family disowned her long ago. She thinks about revamping the mansion but the idea of staying in that empty space with only memories for company is too much. So she eventually opens a small store.
Starts off paranoid and distant. Still is distant but gets entangled with the local community overtime. Greets people by name and they'll chat about how life has been going. This includes demon hunters and demons and supernatural beings living peacefully; her shop becomes a small safe haven to exchange information to stay safe.
Gets very good at forging protective charms. Haunted by the memory of the enchanted closet, smashed in and empty.
A regular is a schoolgirl who originally came to pick up reserved books for her father but stuck around because hey, this place is quiet and interesting, and the owner serves stellar teacakes. Great place to study. To Mary, Eva's kind, though odd, secretive and a little lonely.
I got inspired by Eva's association with the bangle/bracelet of time and the amulets for her fighting style. It's based around item crafting, like an RPG character slapping on every stat boosting item.
She stitches together different outfits for different needs Cardcaptor style. They're all exceedingly dramatic. It's not clear here but I wanted a bird motif to eventually come through. Phoenix motif, really.
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[ID: Rough sketches: A magician esque outfit with vest, feathered tophat and cape. A longcoat with long skirt and long scarf at her back like a cape. The cape is tagged with 'spells stitched into fabric'. Close ups on the coat lapel show two pins (strawberry and wing), labelled 'charm lapel pins.' Close up of the shoes show sharp heals and ankle bracelets. Eva leaping in a black bodysuit and leotard, with feathery collar, quill behind her ear, and ballet shoes with a claw at the heel. Eva making a triangular 2 hand sign in a hooded cloak and longskirt. Around her shoulders are claws. At her hips is an hourglass. Above her heeded head is a clocklike halo. Beside her is a sketch of a woman with a lionhead mask. A funeral and wedding dress inspired outfit. Eva crouches, wielding the Devil Sword Sparda in scythe form. Her face is covered by a tattered veil. She wears a knee length ruffled dress, black gloves, and a long, ruffled cape. Close up of her left hand shows a ring and finger claws Rough comic. Chibi lady talks to chibi Eva. Lady holds up a black body suit with billowing sleeves and a cleavage window. Lady: "Eva what is this" Eva (smiling cheerfully): "Oh - that old thing!" Eva: "My old hunting outfit. Gosh I'd almost forgotten about it. Not the most comfortable thing - so skin tight..." However Lady fixates on 'my old hunting outfit'. The words go in one ear and come out as a younger Eva in a catsuit, pointing a gun with a serious expression, wind blowing through her hair. Lady stares into the distance, bewildered, and slightly blushing. End ID]
Meanwhile the twins are having a terrible time but they have each other, even if they don't remember they're brothers. I think it'd be sweet if they have a bond anyway. Everyone else thinks they're rivals at best.
(Nelo is Mundus' favourite to toy with as the proud, eldest son. But when he gets rough, Bianco butts in and acts up for Mundus' attention. This gets him sent to solitary confinement; Mundus figured out Bianco hates small spaces and designed an iron maiden for him. Others think Bianco is a brute who acts out for a fight. But that's ok. It means Bianco can keep buying Nelo time.) (When lucid, Nelo despises his own weakness when this happens.)
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[ID: 2 Images. Nelo and Bianco Angelo in fisticuffs in a cartoony dustcloud, glaring at each other as they fight. They're captioned 'Mundus' most competent generals'. Additional text: 'silent, obedient, crushing force when apart. Perfect soldiers. ... until they're put together. Complement each other's battle style OR clash terribly. Nelo Angelo staring off, arms crossed and furrowed eyes somehow expressing being completely fed up. Behind him, Bianco and Griffin talk at each other. Griffin's glaring. Bianco has a hand up to gesture. End ID]
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thepenultimateword · 3 months
Soulmates Prompt List
I hope it’s ok if I use the red string in some of these prompts. Since it’s cultural, I don’t want to appropriate it or anything; I’ve just read so many fun soulmates stories based around that concept lately that I thought it would be fun to write some prompts.
1. The red string will guide you to your soulmate when you are in close proximity (within a few miles) to them. Unfortunately, [A]’s leads them to a funeral. Fortunately, they’re a necromancer.
2. Pirate’s red string has always led them into the sea. They always figured that meant that they were “married” to their sea life. That is until one day the string goes tight and they are pulled overboard and find a merperson on the other end, desperately trying to bite the string free.
3. People don’t have just one soulmate. There are many potential soulmates depending on the path one follows. Villain has take advantage of this fact after realizing that their powers are strengthened with each soulmate’s soul they devour. They don’t care much for losses, much preferring their position as a ruler and almost god. That is until they until they meet Hero, the first soulmate they’ve ever cared to spare.
4. Soulmates know each other at first sight. It’s sort of ZING! Or a ZANG! Or something like that. [A] was always told they couldn’t miss it, but now [B] is looking at them like they were just electrocuted and [A]…felt nothing.
5. Thief sees the words mid-heist. The words they never told anyone but wrote on their arm at 13 during soulstice to be able to recognize their soulmate one day. However, even with proof, Detective seems to think Thief is making up another one of their deceptions to escape. Or maybe they’re just in deep deep denial.
6. [A] is cursed to remember and [B] is cursed to forget. They are Soulmates in every life but not always successful ones. Turns out [B] only regains their memories of past lives when [A] succeeds in making them fall in love with them once again. It’s a tiring thing, wooing their love in every life, but it’s more painful to be forgotten.
7. Fate has already chosen matches for each person, but that does not stop some people from trying to “steal” soulmates, ignoring the rules that forbid flirting with anyone not prearranged for them. In fact, quite a few people have started claiming that soulmates should be a choice, but can anyone really defy fate?
8. Soulmates appear in each other's dreams the night before they meet in person. After such a dream, [A] recognizes [B] immediately, and from the look on [B]'s face when they lock eyes, they recognize them right back. So why are they lying and claiming they've never seen [A] before?
9. People used to be born with predestined matches, a matching mark appearing somewhere on their skin upon first meeting. But one day it simply stopped, so humankind had to manufacture it themselves. Now, upon birth, every baby is implanted with a device--they are legally required to upload all personal data to the device's cloud throughout their life--to simulate such a mark, only to activate upon contact with a compatible match. The ways of spontaneous soulmates are now only a story of the past. [A] is fully invested in the technology, however, [B] doesn't believe humankind should have ever messed with the decisions of fate.
10. In a post-apocalyptic world, [A] expected their soulmate to be dead. Not that it mattered anymore. Almost everyone was dead. And love was not going to keep them alive. But when a thief sneaks into their safe house and tries to steal supplies, [A] tackles them to the ground, catching a glimpse of the soul mark on the thief's neck just as it fades. Their soulmate still exists. And the feelings that come with that knowledge are very confusing.
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starwarspathfinders · 10 months
Ahsoka Week prompts for writers, artists & edit/gif makers
Long post is long, but the prompts are here! Remember to tag all posts with #ahsokaweek2023 once the time has come, and find everything you need to know in our masterpost. Happy creating! @swfandomevents
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Day 1: Memory / Trapped together / "We're still enemies." Day 2: Distance / Found out / "I don't believe you." Day 3: Hope / Moment of peace / "We'll figure it out together." Day 4: Beliefs / Coming home / "I need to do this." Day 5: Power / Back from the dead / "Find someone else to annoy." Day 6: Struggle / Missing scene / "I really want to kiss you." Day 7: Baylan Skoll
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Day 1: Memory / #EFDFBB, #BC7DB2, #8C518A, #425888, #ABB2E6 Day 2: Distance / #004953, #2F4F4F, #4682B4, #00356B, #011F5B Day 3: Hope / #81D8D0, #FFFFE0, #FF8200, #D44500, #660000 Day 4: Beliefs / #40E0D0, #99FFFF, #F0FFFF, #FF0800, #65000B Day 5: Power / #D4AF37, #65000B, #66023C, #301934, #1A1915 Day 6: Struggle / #013220, #1B4D3E, #98817B, #3D0C02, #111111 Day 7: Baylan Skoll
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Day 1: Favorite episode Day 2: Favorite character Day 3: Dynamic / Duel Day 4: Scene / Quote Day 5: Colors / Parallels / Symbolism Day 6: Faceless / Fashion / Location Day 7: Baylan Skoll
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lightasthesun · 6 months
Dialogue Prompts (Taylor's Version)
1♪ “You are the best thing that's ever been mine.”
2♪ “I will never leave you alone.”
3♪ “I'm captivated by you, like a fireworks show.”
4♪ “How's life? Tell me how's your family?”
5♪ “I'm sorry for that night.”
6♪ “Run away now.”
7♪ “Run as fast as you can.”
8♪ “They are the lucky ones.”
9♪ “Have we met?”
10♪ “Who do you love?”
11♪ “Remember this moment?”
12♪ “Remember this feeling.”
13♪ “Life makes love look hard.”
14♪ “I love you. I loved you from the very first day.”
15♪ “Meet me tonight.”
16♪ “You are not the exception.”
17♪ “I can't stop thinking about you and I.”
18♪ “I'm setting you free.”
19♪ “It's gonna be alright.”
20♪ “It's in the past.”
21♪ “Heaven can't help me now.”
22♪ “No one has to know what we do.”
23♪ “Are you insane?”
24♪ “It's been a long six months.”
25♪ “You're my best friend.”
26♪ “It might blow up in your pretty face.”
27♪ “Come here.”
28♪ “I said 'I love you', you say nothing back.”
29♪ “I knew it all along.”
30♪ “How'd we end up on the floor anyway?”
31♪ “She's laughing up at us from hell.”
32♪ “I don't remember.”
33♪ “The end is coming.”
34♪ “You should be doing more.”
35♪ “You have to trust more freely.”
35♪ “Love is a lie.”
36♪ “It's time now, let go.”
37♪ “This is it. I've had enough.”
38♪ “I swear I'm gonna change.”
39♪ “I still love you.”
40♪ “It's been you all along.”
41♪ “I need you.”
42♪ “Look at you, worrying so much about things you can't change.”
43♪ “I'm sorry, too.”
44♪ “Don't get attached.”
45♪ “Everybody knows that.”
46♪ “Why?!”
47♪ “Go out and have some fun.”
48♪ “Why did you let her go?”
49♪ “It's not just a phase I'm in.”
50♪ “Believe in one thing, I won't go away.”
51♪ “I'll wait for you.”
52♪ “Do you know how much I miss you.”
53♪ “All's well that ends well.”
54♪ “Fuck the Patriarchy.”
55♪ “It's supposed to be fun turning 21.”
56♪ “I keep waiting for you but you never come.”
57♪ “I don't know what to think.”
58♪ “You look beautiful tonight.”
59♪ “Forever and always.”
60♪ “I'm in love with you.”
61♪ “There's nothing you can say.”
62♪ “Too late.”
63♪ “Did you ever think of me?”
64♪ “We're still friends.”
65♪ “Take my hand.”
66♪ “I think he did it.”
67♪ “They all want to be you.”
68♪ “What's a lifetime of achievement if I pushed you to the edge and you were too polite to leave me?”
69♪ “Dancing is a dangerous game.”
70♪ “I survived.”
71♪ “What a sad sight.”
72♪ “Yes.”
73♪ “Who knows what could've been.”
74♪ “Are you sure?”
75♪ “This is me trying.”
76♪ “Fuck you forever.”
77♪ “Sir, I think he's bleeding out.”
78♪ “Doc, I think she's crashing out.”
79♪ “Get in, let's drive.”
80♪ “I'd die for you in secret.”
81♪ “Give me a reason.”
82♪ “Im fine.”
83♪ “I love you (ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?)”
84♪ “Where we gonna go?”
85♪ “I rent a place on Cornelia Street.”
86♪ “I don't know.”
87♪ “I'd die for you.”
88♪ “Damn, it's 7am.”
89♪ “Are you ready for it?”
90♪ “Don't thrown away a good thing.”
91♪ “You're gorgeous.”
92♪ “Go, go, go!”
93♪ “That's a lie.”
94♪ “Does he know?”
95♪ “Get your shit together.”
96♪ “Nothing is gonna change.”
97♪ “You made us proud.”
98♪ “Don't leave me here alone.”
99♪ “I know you don't.”
100♪ “We always walked a very thin line.”
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elvhensinner · 17 days
Which group do you fantasize about cucking the most? Is it the same as your most biased groups?
Could you list top 10 individual idols that melt your brain if they are involved with cucking?
I'm not sure if its pretty much the same as my biased groups/soloists. Really, my basis for it largely depends on the question "Will they cheat on their significant other?" if the answer is no then I am just drooling 😋
I made this list from the get go. I still stand by my statement about whoever I find hottest at a specific night trumps over whoever's below my top 3 girls of all time. Literally, if this was asked to me on a different day, I bet I'd have different answers
Top 11 idols that melt my brain if cucking/cheating is involved:
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11. Jeon Somi
She looks like the perfect recipient of hate sex. There's also something about this girl that screams "Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my night with your girl. But not because I like her, I just really wanted to try her out".
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10. Kim Chaewon
I seriously do love all my IZ*ONE girlies, but asides from her body and cute personality, Kim Chaewon is just not on my radar. (In all honesty, idk why). Soooo many people love her so much, its insane. But hey, at least whenever I see people fawn over this angel, it makes my brain instantly jump to how I'd take her from them. Hehe.
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9. Jihyo
Big tits. Motherly love. Officially confirmed that she has a boyfriend. Beloved by many. Need I say more?
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8. Ahn Yujin/Jang Wonyoung
Being a WIZ*ONE, in my eyes, these two are my forever maknaes. I just can't deny value whenever I'm hankering for a "younger sister"-esque style of cucking.
7. Kim Sejeong
I've always seen this girl as the big sister type. Despite her tig ol biddies, I rarely lewd her, but my innards twist in every which way whenever I see someone gooning the fuck out of her. Its always equal parts "N-no... she's my big sister... sTOP LEWDING HER!" and ".....C-Can you maybe tell me more?..." 🤣
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6. Lee Chaeryeong
As my #1 girl's sister, this girl has starred in many of my "shhh your sister doesn't have to know"-themed nights. That, plus girly doesn't just look like the epitome of wholesome, she also looks like she's a great target for dubcon. I bet this naive baby girl would believe something as stupid as...
"My penis has a genie inside of it"
"Only if you rub it hard enough"
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5. Momo
Body made for sex. Hands down, she takes the crown for my BHF 'making me have a random hardon and fapping like there's no tomorrow' title. I've also cucked so many people using this girl, so at this point I can't not associate her with cucking/cheating.
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4. Irene
This one is a mighty curve ball, courtesy of my recent Taeyeon prompt + @planetaryupscaled's cucking smut. That signature man-hater glare of hers is just begging to be forced into a dubcon scenario. Seriously, imagine those eyes staring up at you, hating your guts, as her lips wrap around your shaft. Add the fact that she's totally of age to be in a committed, loving relationship 🤤
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3. Kim Dahyun
There's a reason this girl starred in my debut story. She's so pure. So light. So wholesome. She is love. I just know she's the type to fight tooth and nail to have the most romantic, traditional relationship known to man. And that's the very reason my brain goes cuckoo about all the nasty ways she can be used as a means for cucking.
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2. Kwon Eunbi
This woman is just BUILT to be in RPs/smuts. There are so many avenues to her. Subby. Dommy. Mommy. Baby. Wholesome. You name it, she fits into it. The fact that I've already thought of a prompt for her while I'm writing this already speaks levels to her writeability: Imagine her bf being the one who first encouraged her to go wild in waterbomb 2023. At the moment, BF pats himself in the back for being the one responsible for Kwon Eunbi's spike in popularity, but these days? He's forced to turn a blind eye at Eunbi's multiple meetings with different investors, promoters, brands, etc. all of which always leads to Eunbi going home late at night. "I got the gig!" the BF hears every night, with her outfit an inch away from being undone.
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1. Lee Chaeyeon
Last but not least is my #1 girl. As someone who is head over heels for this woman, I can say with full confidence that my brain will —and ALWAYS WILL— melt at the thought of Lee Chaeyeon being used in a cucking scenario. Hell, the small matter of her (rarely) being posted on lewding sites is enough to make me rockhard. 🤤
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Word quantity: high. Word quality: low. You have been warned.
Goo Kim x Reader: School Days with Princess & the Delinquent
Chapter 4 - Please read chapter 1 first!
Index: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
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"Don't burn this one," you dangle a brand new tie in front of Goo. 
One last attempt to tidy up his unkempt appearance and to wear the godforsaken tie. (Although you have noticed how his hair is always meticulously groomed.)
"Thanks, babe." He takes it from you, making no effort to actually put it on and stuffs it in his pocket instead.
When you shake your head disapprovingly, he beams. 
Your friends watch on, scratching their heads at this odd interaction and Goo's easy going manner with you.
"So this is where you work." Goo peers lazily around the convenience store. "Any chance of a discount?"
He waggles his eyebrows in an unexpectedly adorable manner and you roll your eyes.
"No. And did you follow me?"
"Stalking?" He puts his hand over his heart, looking hurt, "You think so low of me?"
You hesitate, not quite being able to put your finger on his sense of humour yet and wondering whether he would snap your head off. Still, he has been surprisingly kind to you...
Goo gives you a smile, the first one that you have seen that reaches his eyes. Usually so cold and emotionless and you find it transforms his face.
"Jackpot. But not tonight. Doing a little runaround with a colleague," he signals with his head at the expensive car parked outside, the faint outline of another man in the passenger's seat behind the tinted windows.
After paying for a couple of drinks, he gives you a little wave on his way out.
Goo trails you to the library one lunch. You thought he would be trying to help you out with your Physics work, in his own way. He had other thoughts.
"Let me copy your homework?"
"Please, Princess?"
"Pretty please?"
"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"
"Fuck off."
Goo recoils as if he had just been punched and gasps at your language. "Did you just swear?"
With a cheeky grin, you let out the most colourful stream of cuss words Goo has ever heard. 
He's not even reluctantly impressed, he's straight awed.
Tonight is a bizarre twist of fate. 
Not one you could have foreseen nor wanted to comprehend yet also completely subverting your expectations.
Goo had developed another habit of dropping in on you at work after that first night. This evening is no exception. 
Which is completely fine if it wasn't that by chance, your parents had also stopped by. The first time ever. And who the hell knows why they wanted to all of a sudden.
"You must be Y/N's parents!" Goo bows down without prompt. (Without you introducing anyone, because you certainly had no intention of doing so.) Strictly ninety degrees, head parallel to the floor, and your jaw drops open.
His charm is out in full force. To your complete surprise, he is capable of appearing sincere. Of being gracious and well-mannered. Maybe you've fallen asleep and this is all a dream; maybe seeing shouldn't be believing.
Your own mother is completely enchanted by the blonde menace, giggling and blushing like a schoolgirl as Goo layers on the compliments - "I thought you were Y/N's sister at first!"
And your own father, usually a victim of traditional machismo, is no less captivated by Goo's honeyed words and sweet talk.
Your jaw drops further and further. You're speechless at the scene unfolding in front of you.
It's your dad's words that snap you out of your shock. Starting to tune out and deciding ignorance is bliss, you planned to return back to your work duties. Just then - he tells Goo to look after you, to take good care of you.
"NO!" You panic and try to correct them, but your shouts fall on deaf ears. The three of them in a complete world of their own.
Goo does hear you though. He gives you a shifty glance and a wicked smile, quick as a flash, before it smooths over and he's nodding along to your parents once more.
"I will!" he agrees, voice completely earnest, "She's my Princess!"
Goo knows he oozes charm. He knows how to get what he wants.
Most of the time he chooses violence, others he chooses flowery words instead.
And, he likes to think he is a fantastic actor as well. If he wants to pull the wool over your eyes, well good fucking luck noticing it.
But even his own earnestness surprised him. He meant it as more of an inside joke between you and him. When it came out completely heartfelt, he couldn't help cringing and making a much sooner exit than planned.
Those words continue to weigh on him deep into the night.
"Stop daydreaming, idiot." Gun nudges him, alerting him of a swarm of incoming gangsters coming their way.
Another group that didn't want to be a crew under Gun Park and Goo Kim.
Ah, nevermind. They didn't pass the test anyway. Goo will have no regrets disbanding them once and for all.
A pop quiz surprises your class on a Tuesday. A collective groan as the teacher wants to know how everyone is doing with the latest Maths and Statistics material.
Proving an earlier point, that Goo is "sorta a genius", he finishes quickest and with a perfect 100% score. 
A smug wink is thrown your way when the results are announced.
You know for a fact he barely listens to anything in class. Yet even with him knocking you off your top spot, you couldn't find it in yourself to mind.
Before his juvie stint, Goo used to survey the school from the rooftops during his quieter moments.
Which is pretty rare as it is, but even someone like him needs some reprieve now and then from the buzzing in his head.
He stands at the top once again, like a monarch overlooking his kingdom, watching the students file out as the final school bell of the day rings.
Even amongst the numerous bodies flowing out the doors, he easily picks you out. Animated and chatting with your friends as you walk home from school, preparing to fit in school work and dinner before having to rush off to work an evening shift.
When the final piece of Charles Choi’s and HNH Group puzzle slots into place, Goo will drop out and leave this place forever.
He admits to himself that he will miss you.
The next day, you tell him that you saw him up there. Recognised the glint of his glasses reflecting in the sunlight.
That you waved and he didn’t wave back.
Goo is at a loss for words that you managed to see him. 
A tiny speck against the vast sky.
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thalialunacy · 5 days
[HI FRANS. Believe it or not, this is for the @calaisreno May Prompt Fete. Herein lies useless fluffy smut, rated E. Yar.]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) 25: (counter-)intuition
As it happens, they don't end up flipping any coins.
Charmed lives, they have not led -- as their therapists' files can attest -- but they've now got the hard-won, slightly dented treasure of true familiarity, which means--
'John--what--' He's turned enough that the showerhead, which is, per usual, placed far too low for a person of his height, spritzes water which jumps off his shoulder and hits him on the nose. He twitches, probably not unlike an annoyed bunny rabbit, and John's mouth turns up. 'Why are you here. In the washroom. While I'm showering.'
John starts to unbutton his shirt, and Sherlock watches, mouth drying, as he summarily strips down to boxers and vest and just… steps into the tub.
He's out of the spray, mostly, and Sherlock calculates how long he has until he starts to get cold. 'Because you've had a shit day,' Sherlock hears him say.
For a moment, Sherlock's brain whizzes with how John could possibly deduce as much when Sherlock is naked and just-washed. 
Then he realises with a tick that this is… psychological. This is a thing where John's knowledge is superior to Sherlock's. Some day Sherlock will accept that (not that he doesn't believe it of John, he just chafes at his own incomplete skillset) but for today he just shoves it aside and moves to the next. 
Which is leaning down to connect their mouths, feeling the water beat against his shoulderblade while he tests out what John tastes like in this new use case.
And, of course, he tastes like a long day, the aspects of which Sherlock notes automatically. But what bleats louder in his brain is the textures - water, skin, cotton, hair, calluses, steam. It all serves to spear his attention and start his blood to decidedly rapid movement.
'John,' he manages, though his lips don't stray far. 'As much as I hate to be the practical one here, this seems rather needlessly dangerous.' John nips at his bottom lip and Sherlock can feel the grin. 'Needlessly,' he reiterates, hands sliding under the vest to journey over John's shoulders and hold him steady. 'With a perfectly good bed so close by.'
But John shakes his head as he pulls away. Sherlock barely refrains from leaning forward and chasing him, but John is implacable.
He lifts his chin in indication. 'Hands on the wall, please.'
Sherlock's eyes narrow as his heart triple-times. 'You can't be serious.'
But John absolutely is. 'You've been in here for a good twenty minutes. You're fine. Turn around.'
'Surely the angles--' He's not sure why he's arguing, except he really would be very put out if someone were to slip and brain themselves on something.
John seems to have no such concerns. 'I'm fairly confident in my abilities, Sherlock.'
Sherlock flushes. 'Yes, fine, no need for braggadocio.' He pauses and kisses John one more time, just to be contrary, then does as requested. His other shoulder is in the spray, now, as John's lips press against the top of his spine momentarily.
And John does find the angles indeed. Sherlock has just enough time to calculate that he must be sat on the edge of the bathtub, which is likely to be very uncomfortable, before sensation sparks sharply on the skin of his bum.
'You have such a gorgeous--' Instead of finishing his sentence, John bites down lightly again. 'Well, everything, really,' he says while his hands gently pull Sherlock apart until he's utterly exposed.
The water running down his back is a soft but pleasant sensation as it makes its way down, and he finds himself closing his eyes.
He feels John pause. 'Ready?'
Sherlock thinks to scoff, but it comes out as more of a huffy whine.
'Right, then.'
The first touch of John's tongue is soft and wet and glorious, and he does not hesitate before settling in. As pleasure sings through his body, Sherlock finds his mind spinning through gears, churning until the frustrations of the day are in manageable pieces packed neatly for later examination.
His fist curls against the cold wall. 'John, wait.' In direct contradiction, his body pushes back against John's mouth, and a groan escapes him. 'I want to--'
John hmms, which translates to a spike of pleasure that pushes the air from his lungs. 'John.' 
Suddenly John is standing, crowding him against the tile. 'Go on, then,' he says, lips on the back of Sherlock's neck, as his hand moves round to assist him to completion.
'But--' Sherlock grinds out. 'You--'
John shakes his head, which feels desperately new from this angle, and Sherlock nearly cries out as his orgasm approaches. 'Just enjoy it.'
There's such affection in his voice that Sherlock is at once able to do just that, cataloguing the sensations as his body clenches and releases.
'Good,' John is murmuring as Sherlock comes down. 'So fucking gorgeous.'
Sherlock starts to smirk, but then John continues. 'Sodding idiot, too.'
Sherlock gasps, his lungs not quite ready for full sentences. 'Pardon?'
'You couldn't possibly have thought you could find an entire people carrier's worth of personal effects in an afternoon.'
John says this, and Sherlock hears it, but he's understandably distracted by John also dragging a finger through the mess on the wall and bringing it back round to his own mouth. Sherlock barely represses a shudder as the visual flashes through his mind.
He takes a final recalibrating breath, then turns around and captures John's lips in a searching, grateful kiss. 'You're certain--' he offers one last time.
'Nah, hot water's running out.' John reaches for a towel and steps out of the tub, mostly onto the bathmat. 'Besides, there may or may not be a new box of biscuits waiting for us.' 
John and his simple pleasures. 'Ginger, even,' Sherlock surmises. 'And how did you know about my afternoon?'
'I saw the news, you berk,' John says while throwing a second towel in Sherlock's direction. 'And I know you. Now dry yourself off.'
'Are we doing this out of order?'
Sherlock pauses to look at John just a few minutes later, the towel partially obscuring his gaze. 'How so?'
'Ah. Well. It's just that in my past relationships, that bit--' He gestures vaguely with his toothbrush; Sherlock presumes he's referring to analingus. '--wouldn't be proposed until there was a-- a certain number of other things attempted first. Accomplished first, even.'
Sherlock sighs. 'I will never understand heterosexuals.'
He throws up his hands, clutching onto the towel at the last moment. 'There's no rulebook, John!'
'Well, of course not, but--'
'There are books,' Sherlock allows. 'Many of them. I can loan you some if you like.'
John pauses. 'Doesn't the internet suffice?'
'John, please. Don't be so average.'
'Learning about sex from "The Internet"--' He does indeed make the air quotes. '--is about as useful as learning to practise medicine from Green Wing.'
'Hang on, how do you know Green Wing?'
'Research,' Sherlock says blithely.
The point is, the guesswork of a new sexual relationship is nearly wholly absent. Unless 'Did you stop by the chemist?' counts, though the third time that happens John just starts stashing condoms & lube in random (toddler-proof) places. 
Like the locked knife drawer one morning while Rosie is sleeping off a teething, tantrum-y night. John is keyed up from exhaustion and single-minded in his immediate goals, so Sherlock happens to have been pushed into the counter above said drawer, and he lifts up onto it easily enough as John unbuttons his shirt with efficient fingers.
'I know you just put your togs on,' he mutters into Sherlock's mouth as he reaches Sherlock's belt. 'But I don't care.'
'Fine by me,' Sherlock says, his attention largely on untying John's scrub bottoms drawstring by feel. 'As long as I get what I-- Oh--'
John smirks into Sherlock's jaw, his hand working inside Sherlock's very fancy pants. 'Up,' he orders quietly, hooking his other index finger into the side of Sherlock's trousers so he can pull them off.
Then as Sherlock moves to obey, John stops with a frown. 'Wait. Your wrist.'
'Is healed.'
'Just because it no longer has a cast, doesn't mean--'
Sherlock doesn't have time for this nonsense. 'Sofa, then.'
But John is shaking his head. He meets Sherlock's gaze. 'How about just… the other way round?'
Sherlock takes a sharp breath. They've not done the full ninety (a term he picked up from John, much to his chagrin) more than a few times yet, and it's been Sherlock receiving. Which he thoroughly enjoys, but the idea of being inside John makes his breath feel very short in his lungs. 'John? Will that… work? Angles?'
John runs his hands up the backs of Sherlock's thighs and leans into a kiss, holding on firmly. 'The magic 8-ball says the outlook is good.'
And that's all that gets said as they trade places and come back together. Sherlock's cast is off but John is John, so he takes on the responsibility of sitting on the cold counter and leaning back into his wrists while Sherlock fingers the worries right out of him.
'Fuck,' John curses under his breath as he hooks a hand behind his left thigh and lifts it just enough more-- 'Yes, please, god damn it--'
Sherlock reaches blindly for the hidden key to the knife drawer, and manages to retrieve the necessary items without damaging himself. John would be impressed but a) he'd already known Sherlock is skilled with his hands, and b) he is somehow completely distracted by the skin over Sherlock's clavicle.
But his eyes snap up to meet Sherlock's when he feels them line up slickly. Sherlock searches his face, and John nods once. Decisively.
Sherlock holds his gaze, palming the back of John's other thigh, and they both breathe out as their bodies connect in this new and different way.
John grunts, forcing himself not to move. The satisfying burn in his core muscles mingles with the fading sting of Sherlock's penetration, and the look on Sherlock's face is worth all of it.
Then Sherlock starts to fuck him, and he can only manage to think about himself, to keep balanced and keep from flat-out shouting and keep from interrupting it all to drag Sherlock's lips down to his.
Sherlock senses this last one, he must, because his free hand slides up John's chest to cup his jaw, and John's heart clenches in his chest.
When Sherlock's thumb drags across his lips, he knows Sherlock is close to coming, so he sucks in the tip and bites down, just a little.
It works - Sherlock says his name on a low groan and shudders once, twice. Three times.
John does drag him down for a kiss, then, which Sherlock obliges, albeit a bit messily, managing to stay inside him by way of tightening his grip around John's thigh. He's breathing hard, and John's body surges as he feels Sherlock's other hand close around his prick.
'Fuck, Sherlock--' He tightens his hold on the back of Sherlock's neck. 'Don't stop.'
Sherlock chuckles wheezily at this, but he doesn't stop until John has spilled warmly over his hand, their mouths sticky and dry but connected regardless.
Sherlock gets his breath back first. 'Your obliques are going to be sore tomorrow.'
John huffs out a laugh. 'Among other things. My god.' He gingerly lowers his legs, glad Sherlock is coherent enough to handle the condom properly. 'I'll take the bin out before Rosie wakes up,' he says with a tired grin.
Then he sits up, albeit a bit slowly, and slides his hands around Sherlock's ribcage. 'That was all right, I suppose.'
'Satisfactory.' Sherlock's breath ghosts across his nose and he feels lips on his temple. They're both trying hard not to grin, and they're mostly succeeding.
A wicked thought occurs to John, and he stops bothering to hide it.
'So. I thought it would work, even though you didn't.'
Sherlock pauses, undoubtedly predicting where John is headed with this. 'Don't.'
'I had a feeling you'd like it, even though you thought you wouldn't.'
'John. No.'
'It was… counter-intuitive.'
'You owe me twenty quid for having to stand here and listen to that, at the very least.'
'Oh, please. Put it on my tab. Paper scissors rock for the disinfecting?'
'You're volunteering, you mean.'
And despite their exhaustion and distinct lack of cleanliness, holding onto each other long after it's necessary, they dissolve into laughter.
[When I worked at a car dealership in my roaring 20s, we sold a truck to a contractor whose business name was Counter Intuition, and I thought it was the cleverest thing ever. Well, still do, clearly. XB And okay I know Britglish often uses 'worktop' instead of 'counter' but I asked a Brit only a bit younger than me, and he said he'd use 'counter' while his mum would use 'worktop', so pffft.]
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linbeifongsweek · 9 months
Hello everyone!
Your votes have been tallied and the prompts for Lin Beifong's week are out! Each day has been allocated two prompts. You could either pick one of them or incorporate them both in your submissions.
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(Day 1) Saturday, November 11th 2023:
Love Languages Under the Moonlight
(Day 2) Sunday, November 12th 2023:
Fireworks A Long Night
(Day 3) Monday, November 13th 2023:
"If I could take all your pain away, I would. But I cant, so just let me love you." Gossip at the RCPD
(Day 4) Tueday, November 14th 2023:
Clandestine Meetings There was only one bed
(Day 5) Wednesday, November 15th 2023:
"Why do you always have to look this damned good?" Let me take you dancing
(Day 6) Thursday, November 16th 2023:
Soulmate AU "Those green eyes you have could be the death of me."
(Day 7) Friday, November 17th 2023:
A Reunion "I love you more than anything. Why won't you believe me?"
(Day 8) Saturday, November 18th 2023:
Festivals/Party Two night stand
Get that creativity flowing! We have almost 40 days to go!
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lapsusophobia · 24 days
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POTO fandom presents
Dream Girl Evil: A Luciana Appreciation Week (July 21st—July 28th 2024)
Hello everyone and welcome to a new & fresh out the slammer event in our Phandom! I am excited to announce the first (and hopefully) annual edition of Dream Girl Evil: A Luciana Appreciation Week, dedicated to one of the most overlooked (and overhated) character in the Phantom of the Opera-verse. This year’s event is taking place from July 21st to July 28, a week where you can show your love for Luciana and create something amazing focused on her! The event takes place here, on Tumblr, and on AO3 since these are my only POTO associated socials.
In this post, I gathered all the necessary information & some rules you’ll have to stick to in order to participate. Please carefully go through all of them.
Now. . .
Luciana is a secondary character from Susan Kay’s 1990 novel Phantom. Phantom is a historical-fiction novel which follows the life of Erik, the infamous Opera Ghost, from his early years to his miserable childhood, his teenage years spent travelling the world, adulthood and finally his deathbed, keeping various elements from the original 1910 novel. She appears in the fourth chapter of the book and is described through her father’s perspective, Giovanni, as a 13 years old girl & his fourth and youngest daughter. She is contoured as rather impulsive, having anger issues and over all being a ‘spoiled brat’.
I believe that Luciana has potential to be more than a secondary character/ a tool designed to just fill some pages and then perish into oblivion. I want to give this character the spotlight she deserves & try to stop (at least a little) the hate she continues to receive. I am a firm believer that Luciana deserves her own moment of glory and we as artists & fans should try and acknowledge her more.
— your piece can include any other characters of your liking from the POTOverse (in fact, I highly encourage that!!), but keep it focused on Luciana and don’t make her a background character!
— any ship/ lack of ship is welcome (side note that inc€st/ pr0shipping will not be tolerated unless handled in the right manner: showing how a character has overcome such a traumatic experience or being portrayed in the rightful light, not encouraging; if otherwise it will not be taken into account)
— all forms of art are welcome (fics/one-shots, moodboards, headcannons, drawings & illustrations, comics, poems etc.) AI will not be tolerated and therefore the entry will not be taken into account
— the work/ post must be tagged with #DGE POTO 2024 here and/or on AO3 otherwise it won’t be added to this event’s tag
— dark/heavy subjects and topics are welcome with the condition of being rightfully portrayed
— smut is very welcomed with the condition of being adequately tagged
— you do not have to stick to the ‘cannon’ portrayal in Kay’s novel. feel free to develop your own version of Luciana, build her an elaborate backstory etc.; the whole point, after all, is to have fun!
— you are more than welcome to mix her cannon with any other POTO existent universe (ex: the OG Leroux novel, Yeston & Kopit’s, ALW etc.)
— if you are gonna post your writing entry on here or/and on AO3, keep in mind to properly tag your work with the adequate tags (eg: if your piece approaches sensitive topics such, please tag them properly and mention their pressence)
Here are the prompts I have made (you are not obligated to follow them!! once again, the whole point of this event is to have fun and give this character the spotlight it deserves — you can do as many/less as you want or even none):
Day 1: Persuasion
Day 2: Crossdressing
Day 3: Modern AU
Day 4: Womanhood
Day 5: Insomnia
Day 6: Garden
Or you can just post a work/illustration etc. with no prompt at all! Either way, I hope everybody is going to have fun!! <3
A master post of all the entries while be done by the end of the event (two days after 28th of July), and a collection will be created on AO3 where I will gather all the writings.
That’s it, folks! Remember to use the #DGE POTO 2024 when you post your entry, otherwise it won’t be seen/taken into account!
Until next time!
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forpiratereasons · 1 year
meeting stede bonnet
a slow meandering through June. second prompt: trust!
day 1 | day 2 | day 3 | day 4 | day 5 | day 6 | day 7 | day 8 | day 9 | day 10
“Cough up, you lot,” Lucius said, sliding into the sticky booth at Spanish Jackie’s. “I was right, so that’s fifty each, thank you, I take small bills, large bills, piggy banks—”
“No way,” Oluwande snorted. “Nope, don’t believe it.”
“And yet, it’s true.” Lucius pressed a kiss to Pete’s cheek, stole a long sip of his frozen margarita. Strawberry. Pete had terrible taste; Lucius loved him.
“That’s not possible,” Roach cut in.
“Gotta say, lover, I don’t buy it either,” Frenchie agreed.
Lucius took a moment, preening, and then turned to Jim. “Jim, darling?”
Jim sighed. Rolled their eyes. And people said Lucius was dramatic—Jim went through life like they were starring as a very annoyed spy in their own biopic.
“It’s mostly true,” they said.
“It’s all the way true.”
“Mostly. Probably.”
“It’s very, definitely, extremely true.”
“It’s a little vague.” Jim waved a hand in the space between them. “It’s more like—he’s in the process.”
“But he is?” Oluwande asked. “Coming out?”
“Little rainbow pin, right there on his shirt yesterday,” Jim said, nodding. “He didn’t say anything, but I thought he was going to shit himself every time he had to come up to one of us. He had it on again today, with one of those stringy little rainbow friendship bracelets you can get in the park on Sundays.”
“Kept rolling and unrolling his sleeve,” Lucius added. “I think he sweat through his shirt, actually—he was wearing a different one after lunch.”
There was a pause as the group considered this.
“You know,” Frenchie said, after he’d tipped the remainder of his beer back, “I didn’t think Stede could even get nervous. He’s like, the most balls-to-the-walls guy I know.”
The group around the table murmured in agreement. Stede tended to recklessly throw himself into things, as if he’d forgotten they could go badly, but maybe that was why they largely tended to work out instead. Sometimes it looked like insane courage; sometimes it just looked a bit insane.
Mostly, it looked like someone desperately trying to make up for lost time.
So it’d been unnerving, really, to watch Stede flit anxiously through the shop, jittery in an old, familiar way that reminded Lucius of being twelve. Like he was trying to say something but was terrified that someone else might know.
Nevermind that Lucius had definitely already known Stede was gay as a pink flamingo—hence the fifty dollars everyone now owed him, thanks ever so.
“So what’d you say to him?” Pete asked.
“Nothing.” Lucius took another drink of the strawberry margarita; it was ghastly. “You didn’t see him, he was like a skittish little horse. I didn’t want to startle him.”
“Probably better to give him space.”
“You just don’t want him to cry on you, Jim,” Frenchie pointed out.
Jim shrugged. “I really do not, yeah.”
“I could talk to him,” Roach offered.
Pete reached a hand out for a high five. “We’ll go together.”
“Absolutely not,” Oluwande said, loud and stern.
“Nobody’s talking to him,” Lucius cut in over everyone. “No—no, do not give me the eyes, Pete, I’m serious. We’re not ambushing him on this, yeah?” Roach opened his mouth to argue; Lucius shook the margarita threateningly at him. “No. We’re going to let Stede come to us, yeah? We are all going to respect Stede’s boundaries, and when he’s ready we’re going to be chill about it so this bizarre little man has safe little gays to go to in his time of need.”
“Not sure you can describe us as safe little gays, babe,” Frenchie mused.
That was fair. Lucius soldiered on anyway.
“Think about when we were coming out, yeah? And how much better that would’ve been if we’d had people in our corner who were patient, who we could trust, who let us go at our own pace?”
Everyone thought. Jim, who would never volunteer anything in their life, still looked significantly at Olu in a jaw-droppingly sentimental thank-you-for-being-that-person sort of way. Frenchie leaned over and kissed Roach’s cheek.
“So it’s decided then,” Pete said, supportive to the end. Lucius loved him. “We’ll let him come to us.”
“When he’s ready.”
“And only when he’s ready.”
“That settles it, then. Cheers, m’queers,” Frenchie said, and everyone clinked their glasses over the table. “To trust!”
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undercoverpena · 6 months
my 2023 tumblr top 10
WARNING: I’m going to be mushy about my writing, and celebrate me, if this isn’t for you, scroll past. kindness only. 
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1. 2,541 notes - Nov 18 2023
joel miller x f!reader (tlou) 
i’m so blown away by the love this fic got!! this silly idea of a storm, of joel, and here we are. it was the fingers in your mouth wasn’t it... i knew it.
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2. 2,495 notes - Mar 27 2023
simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader (cod) 
this was such a blast to write, and i still can’t believe a little whump fic from me did so well!! i will say one of my fave lines ever is this: He finds you in the centre of dust and debris. 
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3. 2,339 notes - Apr 23 2023
javier peña x f!reader (narcos)
my baby. the fic i’ve re-read the most. my beloved. i remember posting this after a mammoth 6 hour editing sessions of it because dyslexia, and then the relief. i went to sleep, woke up, and was like omfg. 
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4. 2,155 notes - Jul 31 2023
simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader (cod) 
this was purely me being up far too late, and just being a mush, that then turned spicy. it should be expected now, but then, in july, it was all new for me. 
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5. 1,662 notes - Jun 9 2023
javier peña x f!reader (narcos)
arepas walked, so LNT could RUN. gosh. this fic. the last couple of days it has so much love too, and i’m so overwhelmed, and happy. but my fave thing about this, it all stemmed from a scene in my head of him picking her up from the airport, combined with the fact i was alone for a week, and here we are. one of my fave things i’ve ever written.
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6. 1,634 notes - Feb 26 2023
javier peña x f!reader (narcos)
stemmed from a prompt, this was meant to be a short thing that quickly got away from me. it was one of the first things i wrote for this man, and i still have so much love for it. the scene of him seeing her in the room, god.... 
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7. 1,612 notes - Sep 17 2023
joel miller x f!reader (tlou) 
so this fic is a firm fave for me, because not only was it for my cheese ( @thetriumphantpanda ), but also i had the chance to have @perotovar ‘s work on my fic too. like still, i can’t believe how fortunate i am. i still love this one so freaking much. the stress of me worrying if it was good enough though, didn’t love that so much. 
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8. 1,564 notes - Jan 3 2023
john price x f!reader (cod) 
this was the most ridiculously brilliant thing, because i wrote it in a chat to my friend @guyfieriii and she was like POST THIS. and i did, and here we are. to this day, price is still someone i dont feel confident writing, but i will admit this was alright ;)
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9. 1,484 notes - Jul 15 2023
simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader (cod) 
sometimes, some of my best works are when i write them for people, and writing this for mothie was a joy. i also can’t believe how much ghost is in my top ten. 
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10. 1,357 notes - Aug 29 2023
simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader (cod) 
this might have been the last thing i wrote for cod before leaving the fandom entirely, and again, i was up far too late, moving a mug of my husband’s, and here is the product of it. 
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Created by TumblrTop10
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princeofsinweek · 1 month
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Hello! I am so excited to be hosting a Prince of Sin Week this year. The goal is to get more content on the Princes and to celebrate the next book coming out in October! @afandomangel is running the account but I want to shout out @litnerdwrites and @cadiawrites for all of the support and great ideas. The encouragement to have this be a larger event has really helped!
Shoutout to @litnerdwrites for this idea to have both prompts for each day and a prince for each day that creators can choose from! We need your help for the second option of each day. For each day creators can choose to either write for that Prince and/or use the prompt. i.e. for 07/08 you can choose to create something for Pride, use the prompt to make something for Pride, or chose a different Prince and use the prompt for 07/08.
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07/07 Day 1: Prince Wrath/All Is Fair In Love and War
Featuring Prince Wrath’s sin, Wrath is the demon general of war and is a fierce warrior and strategist. "Acta non verba," meaning "actions, not words," is Wrath’s motto, and he lives by it. And don’t forget that “anger is his own personal aphrodisiac.” 😏
07/08 Day 2: Prince Pride/ Reflections and Ego
“I don’t simply look pretty. I am dashing.” Day two will feature Prince Pride. He loves to feed his ego and leads many to believe he is debauched, a drunkard, and a rake, but it is all an act. Though he does play the role so well that sometimes it doesn’t look like an act, leading to some of his struggles with those he cares for.In Emelia’s description of his throne room, it is described to have ornate mirrors everywhere to allow him to gaze upon himself whenever he likes. And as we learned from one of the other princes (Envy) the mirrors may not always be used just for his own reflection.😉
07/09 Day 3: Prince Envy/Games and RIddles
Prince Envy, oh Prince Envy, our prince loves a good game just as much as he loves to invoke his namesake sin in others. He often plays games with others, some dangerous enough to threaten his court. He is very cunning and ruthless, and he is not above trickery.  He is quite envious (hence his sin) and is a tad possessive as we saw in Throne of the Fallen with Camilla. 
07/10 Day 4: Prince Greed/All Bets Are Off
Prince Greed, like his brothers, enjoys games and tricks. He rules over his own gaming hell and enjoys placing wagers. He is also very calculating and ruthless, and Emelia describes him during an encounter as having a possessive hunger in his gaze. With his namesake sin, he is very greedy and can never get enough of things, power being one of them.  
07/11 Day 5: Prince Gluttony/Champagne Fountains
“He was a rake through and through. And he seemed adored for it.” Prince Gluttony overindulges in the things he enjoys: food, alcohol, debauchery, and hosting jaw-dropping parties to shock others, including the Reporter (Can’t wait for Throne of Secrets).  Gluttony is very suggestive and is often occupied in the selfish matters of his sin. Someone mentioned in the suggestions for prompts that he spends a lot of time with his partner. Our prince most likely does overindulge when it comes to his partner, time, gifts, food, attention, etc. 
07/12 Day 6: Prince Sloth/For Research
Like Gluttony, Sloth is often preoccupied in selfish matters of his sin. But unlike his brothers, he prefers to lounge around and read rather than engage in debauchery. He wears a mask of being a bashful, lazy book lover but he is also a very lethal warrior wielding a powerful weapon of his mind. He is very calculating and does not miss a detail. He takes his time studying until he has formulated a conclusion and course of action.  Sloth is very guarded and wary of others and often investigates others wanting to know everything about them from birth to the present day, including all potential lovers.  As for relationships Sloth has only had a few serious relationships and none have ended with tragedy or heartbreak. Sloth tries to avoid drama. 
07/13 Day 7: Prince Lust/Lover
The final day will feature Prince Lust’s sin. The Prince of Lust is known for toying with a person’s happiness and their carnal urges. He is quite the gossip and is very cunning. The prince is also a secret romantic despite his love for debauchery. Him being needy and romantic were a common suggestion for the prompts for Prince Lust.
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