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stuckwithyounotsobad · 1 year ago
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bisexualmultifandommess · 2 years ago
The Doctor: Rose is great you know for a human
*Rose does literally anything*
The Doctor:
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badwolfrose34 · 7 months ago
Rambles about The Doctor and Rose
So I’m starting to realize my overall perspective within the timepetals ship is not the most popular one so I want to explain my reasoning. I ship Tentoo/Rose AND I also believe that every future incarnation still thinks of her and knows that no matter what she will always have been the great love of their life.
First I’ll talk about Tentoo. I do believe he is exactly the same man as Ten. Rose did not just get a cheap clone she got the real deal. He’s just as much the Doctor as any other incarnation of the Doctor, he just happened to exist at the same time as Ten. I also believe that the Tentoo/Rose ending is the happiest most unproblematic ending possible for the two of them. The Doctor watching Rose grow old and sick while he remained young would’ve been tragic. Rose becoming immortal also would’ve been tragic. The tragedy of these alternate endings does not, to me, diminish the fact that every Doctor is in love with Rose Tyler and Rose Tyler would’ve been in love with every Doctor.
I don’t take Rose’s reaction to Ten almost fully regenerating as proof that she wouldn’t be just as in love if he did change. I take that moment as a human reaction to uncertainty and fear. As Nine, the Doctor ranted about how dodgy the process could possibly be. Let’s not forget how much pain the Doctor was in last time he regenerated. How horrifying it was to watch him be virtually comatose. I don’t think Rose thought she’d stop loving the Doctor. She promised forever, not “until you regenerate”. She was in a heightened emotional state and was thinking worst case scenarios like headless Doctor who won’t love her anymore (I’ll get to why I think that kind of thought process of him not loving her anymore might come from a triggered emotional state but isn’t actually a possible outcome of regeneration later).
Yes, Rose specifically adored Ten’s face and personality and if he had regenerated she would have grieved for it. It would’ve been a traumatic change no matter what, but like any other deep romance, it’s the soul she loved more than anything. And yes, I said triggered because I think what we know about her relationship with Jimmy Stone would’ve created abandonment issues. Which is why Rose could’ve erroneously believed regeneration would change the depth of the Doctor’s love for her. Not because it’s actually possible for a reset of one’s genetics to undo the deepest love the Doctor has felt and will ever feel.
Moving on, I don’t think it’s possible that the Doctor moved on from Rose, forgot Rose, or had the depth of his love for Rose diminish in any way. This may come from my own perspective on regeneration. The person at their core and the soul does not change. If the most significant parts of a person do not change then, the deepest truest love that individual felt could never go away just because the genetics of that person got overhauled. I think the love the Doctor felt for Rose is deep enough to be one of the things that will always be part of the Doctor. In the Novelization of “The Giggle” Fourteen reflects on how he still misses her despite knowing how well she’s doing. Yes Fourteen’s genes are probably almost the same as Ten’s but it is Fifteen who mentions her name as someone he loved. The only romantic interest he expresses love for. Besides, Wouldn’t it cheapen the moment the Doctor said Rose could spend her life with him but he’d have to live on alone, if he could ever just leave his feelings for her behind through time or regeneration?
The Doctor does try to recapture what they had with Rose to an extent but it never works and they know it never will because they know Rose is his soulmate and true love.
River feels more like something he pursues out of obligation, there never seems to be a genuine sense of love from his side at all. River knew this and said “you don’t expect the sunset to admire you back.” Yet, the Doctor’s love for Rose was so obvious he took comfort in knowing that Rose knew how he felt. He knew that she knew. It’s not that the Doctor is so beyond reach that they’re like a sunset. It’s just that their true love is Rose Tyler.
Eleven had a genuine attraction to Clara but that was over 200 years after Rose. It took that long for any attraction to anyone to form, and that attraction was part of his childhood regression persona. It seemed to go away when he regenerated to Twelve because he said “I’m not your boyfriend Clara.” Now that doesn’t prove to me that something as deep as the Doctor’s love for Rose would change via regeneration, only that a childlike crush would change. It was never anywhere near as deep as his feelings for Rose. (For any Clara fans out there I do believe the Doctor’s feelings later deepened into a strong queerplatonic bond, just not a deep romantic one).
Thirteen regenerated to look like Rose! I haven’t seen anyone mention this but she did. When the Doctor became a woman she used her true love as the blueprint. I did not see Thirteen and Yaz’s relationship fully but from what I gather, it was once again nowhere near as deep as the love the Doctor had for Rose.
Perhaps Rogue will be the deepest love the Doctor feels since Rose, but it will still never be as deep because Rose is his true love.
Yes it’s tragic for a character to live on for millenniums loving someone they can’t have, but I don’t think the Doctor is spending all that time sad they can’t have her. I think a lot of the time they draw strength from Rose’s love, even after all the time that has passed. Think back to when he said “That name keeps me fighting.”
Edit: To clarify I am not trying to imply that platonic or queerplatonic loves are less valuable than romantic. Or that the Doctor doesn’t have extremely meaningful platonic bonds throughout the show, but I am saying that the most impactful companion to him personally has been and always will be Rose. See my pinned post for more about why that is. I also think it is possible for the Doctor to fall in love again, but it just won’t be the same kind of soulmate love he had with Rose.
Edit 2: Rose’s significance goes beyond the romantic aspect—she was a transformative figure in the Doctor’s life, shaping his actions and identity in ways that are deeply personal. I fully acknowledge the importance of the Doctor’s platonic relationships, but in this post, my intention was to focus on the unique bond he shared with Rose, which I believe holds a special place in his life. Rose represents a transformative force, someone who shaped his actions and identity in ways no one else has. She is a uniquely important figure in his life. See my pinned post for a better explanation.
I chose to focus on the Doctor’s romantic relationships, not because I see romantic love as superior to platonic love, but because his most significant bond was a romantic one. As a result, the Doctor’s attempts to recapture this bond were in his later romantic relationships, but they fall short because she is his true love. It just so happens that his most meaningful connection is also a romantic one. This doesn’t mean I interpret every character this way, but it feels true for the Doctor and Rose.
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doctorroseficmarathon · 8 months ago
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Presenting the DoctorRose Fic Marathon 2024, August 1st-31st
Hello everyone! After taking a year off from the fic marathon we are back and bigger than ever! But since it’s been a while I figure I’ll reintroduce myself and the fic marathon! I’m @bigbad-tardis and the DoctorRose Fic Marathon is one month where authors write as much doctorrose fanfic as possible! There are prompts to get people inspired, but they are not necessary to follow. Write whatever you want, the point of the month is to just to write! The event of hosted on ao3, but the fics can be posted anywhere!
Normally the fic marathon was the month of September but because of scheduling, now the fic marathon will be moved up a month to August 1st-31st! And now there are 31 prompts instead of 30 to reflect this change! That makes this the biggest fic marathon ever. This is a beginner friendly event designed only to inspire people to write for the Doctor and Rose. It can be any pairing, ninerose, tenrose, elevenrose, hey! Even fifteenrose! Whatever floats your boat. And if you post your fic on tumblr, tag this account so I can reblog! I will also be posting on Twitter as well with help from @holdinontostars so check us out there too as docrosefic!
Before we get started, let’s refresh on the rules.
If you choose to connect any oneshots, do so as a series instead of a single story.
There is no set length or rating, write the fic you want to write! Tag your work appropriately but all types of fics are welcome during the fic marathon.
Tag the fic DoctorRose Fic Marathon (2024) so we can see what’s being posted!
Have fun!
There’s event is designed to be low stress, there is no need to feel like you have to write all of the prompts or for every day, or even in any order. They are only there to generate ideas and whatever fic you can write is plenty!
Now onto the prompts!
1. “We need you, I need you.”
This can be said in dialogue, this could be the start to the fic, whatever you want! It
2. Truth Serum
An oldie but a goodie! Keen eyes might remember it from previous events.
3. One Bed
There was only one bed, oh no, what will the Doctor and Rose do?
4. Sickfic
I’m actually not sure if I’ve done this one before. But personally I think we need more sickfics out there! This one was suggested anonymously by a follower!
5. “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf”
Who is afraid of the Big Bad Wolf indeed, I think there is a lot more than meets the eye to our formerly godlike friend Rose Tyler.
6. Accidental Baby Acquisition
Half kidfic, half adoption, half chaos. What would it be like if the Doctor and Rose suddenly acquired a child, whether that be their own, an orphan, or anything of the sort.
7. (Super)hero
This one is a little self indulgent, but the Doctor might be one of the greatest heroes ever. Or Rose too for that matter. (But personally I’d like to see a cape or two)
8. Bad Wolf as Disability
This could be any disability, but you can’t expect me to believe that Bad Wolf didn’t leave any side effects. This was was also anonymously suggested.
9. “His One Constant Companion”
What if the Doctor’s constant companion isn’t death, but in fact someone else?
10. Episode Fix-It
Previously there was a trio of prompts corresponding to GitF, Doomsday, and Journey’s End, but I’ve combined and expanded the prompt to apply to any episode.
11. At a Ball
This was also anonymously suggested! Big fan of elaborate dresses and dancing.
12. Multi Doctor
Haven’t you wondered what it would be like for there to be multiple Doctors in the same time and only one Rose?
13. Reunion
You all know why.
14. “You Are Who You Choose to Be”
This quote from the Iron Giant is about a weapon who doesn’t want to hurt anyone, kind of like the Doctor in a way, no?
15. Time Loop
Heaven Sent, Eve of the Daleks, it’s a sci-fi classic for a reason.
16. Alternate First Meeting
This juggernaut of a prompt has been in the fic marathon three times, and that’s because it’s my favorite!
17. Phones
One of the features of New Who is that the Doctor upgrades the companions phones, how does that change the dynamic.
18. Jealousy
This was anonymously submitted as well!
19. Soulmates
Another anonymous submission but oh they’re so right. The Doctor and Rose are soulmates.
20. “The North Wind Blows and Carries Down the Distant Rose”
Have you guys ever noticed that the wind picks up during dimensional travel sometimes… the north wind carries the distant Rose? Just saying
21. Bad Wolf/The Oncoming Storm
Everyone fears someone, the TARDIS just happens to have two of the most scary people ever.
22. Supernatural
No im not talking about superwholock. Unless that’s something you like, then feel free, but this was intended to be an all encompassing trope for the people who wanted magic and mermaids. It’s even more relevant now that Doctor Who is experimenting with superstition.
23. Only Description
This guy is the only “challenging” prompt for the event. Try to write a story without dialogue and only using description.
24. Sun, Moon, and Stars
Rose Tyler burns like the sun, the Doctor sometimes lands on the moon. Loads of possibilities here!
25. The Master
I’m just saying that the Rose, Doctor, Master dynamic could be hilarious if given the chance.
26. Domestics
The Doctor said he didn’t do domestic, but ever since they met Rose they seem very versed in it. Curious.
27. “Something of the Wolf”
We all know that there has to be something has to have changed with Rose Tyler after Bad Wolf, and apparently other people have noticed too.
28. Classic
This could mean a lot of things, Classic Who references, or are the Doctor and Rose a classic love story?
29. Timey Wimey
The Tenth Doctor invented this iconic phrase, there are numerous ways this could apply to the Doctor and Rose.
30. Dreams
Look, the Doctor is a telepath, everyone dreams. Loads of possibilities here.
31. Forever
I always try to end out the month with the sappiest of prompts, and I think this one fits.
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ghostofafruit · 6 months ago
What I think each Doctor/Rose wedding would be like
Nine It's small, just the two of them, and it's the timelord wedding just minus the asking of the parents, on an Alien planet somewhere. The ceremony they have is to make up for the accidental marriage they had on a different alien planet. Rose just picks a nice, mostly white, floral dress from the wardrobe room, and the Doctor just put on a button up shirt with the rest of his usual attire.
Ten It happens after the impossible planet. It's small, and intimate, but the Doctor brings Jackie and her friends. They have it off planet, and Rose gets to combine both parts of her life on her wedding day. The Doctor puts on the fanciest suit he can find in the wardrobe room, and Jackie helps Rose find a nice white dress in there. It does get interrupted, but no one minds in the end (shareen would have preferred not having to run in heels but she's still adjusting to her best friend's husband being an alien)
Tentoo Jackie planned most of it. Rose tried to do it herself, but her mum wasn't having that. She gets the whole charade, and ends up dragging Mickey and Jake wedding dress shopping with her and her mum. It's held in the garden of the mansion, and is just friends and family, but it stills feels fancier than either of them wanted. The Doctor was taken suit shopping by Pete, and it was an entirely awkward occasion.
Eleven Assuming Rose stayed, it was the Doctor's idea after he found out Amy was running away from her wedding. It's small, a little ridiculous, and drastically rushed. Rose is in her 50s pink dress because it was the first dress she found, and the Doctor would be in his tuxedo. Amy and Rory their only guests. If Rose somehow returned after the events of Journey's End, it would be well planned out. The Doctor would spend as much of his free time as possible making sure it'd be perfect. Rose would go wedding dress shopping with his companion of the time, and the Doctor would find a suit similar to what he'd worn in his tenth body. They'd get married on an alien beach, and they'd both cry
Twelve Assuming Rose stayed, it would happen on Earth during the vault guarding time period, before Bill though. Nardole would officiate it, they'd be in simple clothes that were wedding adjacent. It would be in 2005, the year they first met, and they'd have in a church. It would be a fully human wedding, with a timelord ceremony on the TARDIS a few days later, just the two of them If Rose somehow returned after the events of Journey's End, it would happen at the push of the companion, Clara because she'd pulled their history from the Doctor, Bill because she could tell how much they meant to each other, and Nardole because he wanted the Doctor to be happy. It'd be a small ceremony, in the Tardis, with outfits they'd found in the wardrobe room. The TARDIS doors would be open to space
Thirteen Assuming Rose stayed, it would happen spontaneously. Rose would have suggested it somewhere scenic on an alien planet, and the Doctor would have jumped at the chance. They wouldn't have anything prepared, but it would work out. They'd later tell their companions, though they'd already assumed they had been married the entire time. If Rose somehow returned after the events of Journey's End, they'd spend ages planning it together, but it would take a very long time for them to actually do. They'd both wear white, but the Doctor would be in a suit. They'd get married on Bad Wolf Bay, a happy memory to replace the other ones.
Fourteen If Rose had stayed, the Doctor would have suggested they got married right away after his regeneration. Rose would agree, but would get changed into a dress of some sort from the wardrobe room. It would be an entirely timelord ceremony, and the Doctor would get very sappy on her afterwards. They'd stop to getting wedding rings before they headed to earth If Rose somehow returned after the events of Journey's End, it would happen in Donna's garden. Their guests would be the temple-nobles, and Wilf. The Doctor would have Wilf as his best man. Donna would take Rose wedding dress shopping, and she'd settle on something simple she could re-wear easily on anniversaries. Rose Noble would would be the flower girl, and Donna would be Rose's maid of honour. It would be very romantic
Fifteen If Rose had stayed, it would happen on an empty planet. It would be just the two of them, and it would be special. They would dress up for it, and the Doctor would wear a kilt. Rose would wear a simple white dress from the wardrobe room. They'd combine both human and timelord wedding traditions, and then go on an adventure in their wedding outfits If Rose somehow returned after the events of Journey's End, Ruby would be the only guest. It would happen wherever Rose and the Doctor reunited, and it would be mostly time lord traditions. They'd end up running for their lives, and they'd redo their vows inside the TARDIS once everything had settled
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life-in-the-tardis · 7 months ago
Once more unto the breach… of DoctorRose fix-it fics
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tentoohasamortgage · 1 year ago
oh god oh fuck i can't stop thinking about fourteenrose and found family FUCK
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osinthewhite · 6 months ago
If you really think about it every song is actually about timepetals. That's just the way God created Earth
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gingerteaonthetardis · 1 year ago
No bc can you imagine a Fourteen and Rose reunion with an immortal Rose that somehow made it back to the main universe and she gets a job at unit and she runs into Fourteen and they both stare at each other in shock like: *surprised pikachu face*
that isn't what happened?? i feel like that's what happened...
yeah, in my brain, that's fully what happened. their conversation would be so incoherent, too.
"hang on, are you—?"
"that can't actually be..."
"but why haven't you got older?"
"why have you got older?"
"excuse me, i think i look pretty good for over a thousand!"
"a thousand? don't ask me to believe you kept this face for a hundred years."
"i mean, i haven't, but why shouldn't you believe it?"
"because you're so jeopardy-friendly!"
"no, that's you!"
"doctor, i was only ever jeopardy-friendly because i was running round with you! look at me, i work at a desk now! or, well, i have a desk."
and at a certain point, they'd realize they're sort of arguing about nothing and they'd break down and hug each other really, really tight and that's about when he'd get smacked in the face with the knowledge that time bends around her in a strange and impossible way and he'd break out the "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry."
but she'd tell him not to apologize, because she wouldn't have missed it for the world.
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My mind is obsessed with the idea of a 'Wild Blue Yonder' rewrite/reunion where the Doctor already knows the creatures are mimicking them when he and Donna bump into Rose...he figures out it's not actually her but that just means somewhere on the ship is the real version. Now he has to figure out what's happening, how to stop the creatures AND find her before it's too late
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moreindifferent · 2 years ago
fourteenrose > literally any other post-tentoo timepetals pairing
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cherish--these--times · 1 year ago
Fourteen was incapable of leaving the TARDIS behind, even for his BFF. But Tentoo did, without a second thought, for Rose. Because Rose was his entire world by that point. And since Ten and he were effectively one and the same, the former would have, too, had he gotten the burden of the universe taken off his shoulders. But of course he didn't have wonderful Fifteen to grab the baton. It's equally sweet and devastating to think about that.
also I feel sad for Fourteen because he still can't bring himself to say that he loved rose out loud but that's alright he'll get there. It's still too fresh you see. It's only been billions of years.
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allnerdythings · 1 year ago
14s face when 15 said he loves Rose. I'm broken
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badwolfrose34 · 7 months ago
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This is an excerpt from the Giggle novelization. Proving to me that the Doctor truly never got over or Rose or moved on. I think regeneration combined with Rose having tentoo provided them with a better way to cope. I think they learned how to gain less pain and more power from her memory. I think some days they miss her and feel a little bit of sadness, but most days they miss her but use her name to keep fighting. But a love like what The Doctor felt for Rose never diminishes and never goes away. I believe it was one of the constants of his life that wouldn’t change with regeneration. Neither on screen or in the novelizations did the Doctor mention loving anyone else who they had any kind of romantic interaction with. They expressed love for their platonic best friends Sarah Jane and Donna. And the man they saw as a father figure, Wilf. Rose was the only person he had a romantic dynamic with that he loved at this point. She will always be the love of his life. Maybe Rogue will come to be a close second but Rose is the Doctor’s true love. Yes she has a version of him in tentoo. Yes tentoo is as much the Doctor as any other version of him and is exactly the same as ten (besides lifespan), but knowing she’s happy doesn’t mean the prime universe Doctor would move on or stop feeling the deep romantic love for her he always has.
Another part of why I believe this so strongly is that if the Doctor could just get rid of or diminish their romantic love for her with regeneration, the knowledge they would outlive Rose wouldn’t be such a burden. The curse of the time lords wouldn’t be such a curse. The “I have to live on alone” thing wouldn’t be so painful if the Doctor would only miss her until they regenerated. If the Doctor could just move on upon regeneration, then they would’ve embraced their love for Rose in the first place and there wouldn’t be so much angst over not being able to tell Rose how they feel.
Not everyone will agree and that’s okay, this is a show so big and so fast that no two people will see it exactly the same way. I just wanted to explain why I believe the Doctor’s true love is 100% Rose. If someone else has the same perspective as me, I hope you find this post empowering.
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doctorroseficmarathon · 7 months ago
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We are almost one week out from the DoctorRose Fic Marathon! Here is a reminder of the first seven prompts.
“We need you, I need you.”
Truth Serum
One Bed
“Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?”
Accidental Baby Acquisition
For the rest of the prompts, please visit the pinned post on this account.
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ghostofafruit · 1 year ago
right FUCKERS I just had an idea!
After the Doctor loses Rose, and he's returned Donna home, he decideds to get utterly fucking shitface. Why? Because he knows that that is something humans do when they lose their love. SO, drunk out of his mind, ten gets a Rose tattoo. It's on his hip, hidden from view, and he doesn't bring it up.
When he regenerates into Eleven, the first thing he does with Rory and Amy, is go get his Rose tattoo. While he's getting it done, he tells them the story of this most amazing woman, and a story of how important love is.
When he regenerates into Twelve, he waits until Clara is out of the Tardis to get his Rose tattoo. He goes to the same place as he did the last time, right after his old self, and he sees him Rory and Amy leave. He considers adding a pond, but decides against it.
Once Yaz, Ryan and Graham have decided they want to stay, Thirteen takes them all to the same tattoo parlour. She returns to the story of her family, she mentions friends, and siblings, even her granddaughter. The final person she talks about, is Rose.
When 14 regenerates, he finds the rose tattoo on his hip, it confuses him even more.
the question is, do I attempt to properly write it?
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