#They met in highschool and were good friends. he left for college for a bit
desktopmermaid · 1 year
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One of Jo’s buddies.
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prodagustd · 1 year
the road not taken | myg
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part one: back home
Summary: To have the job you’ve always wanted and the life you’ve always dreamt of you had to break a few hearts, including your own. Four years later after running away from your home, your family and friends, you realized that maybe you fucked up; you’ve been a bad daughter, a bad sister and a bad friend. Getting your shit together seemed difficult enough, you didn’t expect that it included facing the first man who ever broke your heart: your brother’s best friend.
part two>
—pairing: lawyer!yoongi x actress!oc
—rating: +18
—genre: brother's best friend, one sided pinning (or both?)
—warnings/tags: angst, fluff, eventual smut, angst, sexual tension? lmao, slow burn, flashbacks, ANGST!! Btw english is not my first language !!
—words: 12k
—a/note: literally finding the courage to post this rn because yesterday i had an identity crisis and i wanted to delete everything!!! but i hope you like it more than me <3 feedback is very much appreciated, if you want to be on the taglist pls let me know!!
series masterlist | teaser | playlist
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Four years ago.
In your almost twenty one years of life, you never had to spend the holidays without your eldest brother, you were never prepared for that. All the attention of your family was fixed on you now, making you feel like you were an only child for the first time. It felt weird, but nostalgic, like you were waiting for him to enter through the door at any moment. You supposed it was going to happen at some point, opening the gifts with just your mom, sitting on the front seat of the car for the first time while listening to christmas songs on the radio, only to arrive to your grandparents’ home and attempt to survive the questions of your future alone, that didn’t sound fun at all. 
Simon, your eldest brother, didn’t die, by the way, he just got a girlfriend. A girlfriend? Yes, a girlfriend, that word wasn’t part of his vocabulary, or at least it wasn’t a few years ago when he left for college, but now all of a sudden he had a serious one, the kind who invited their boyfriends to spend the holidays with their families. Now Simon wore knitted sweaters, drank black coffee and listened to all the bands your uncle liked, he grew up, or something like that, but you didn’t think he grew up enough to get a girlfriend, to fall in love. Well, you hoped he was in love, you didn’t meet the girl yet but you hoped he was, at least that was what he said. 
Yes, Christmas without your brother sounded a bit sad, but New Year’s eve on the other hand… didn’t sound so bad. 
If your brother’s absence would’ve happened years ago, you would’ve planned this the same way as always, getting drunk with your highschool friends at the only decent party that there was in your hometown around that time, only this time he wasn’t going to be around to tell you to stop drinking or to take the joint off your mouth when you failed to hide from him to smoke weed. But this year you got sick of all that, you got sick of the same faces from highschool and all the girls who approached you just because they wanted to fuck your brother, or all the girls who fucked your brother’s best friend, maybe you got sick of the same music, the same party, the same people. This year you felt like you were seventeen again, too afraid to wish that something different could happen, maybe this time you weren’t coming home alone after watching Yoongi giving the first kiss of the year to some random girl, maybe this time your heart wasn’t going to hurt that much. 
Yoongi, your brother’s best friend, was painfully always there in your life, you didn’t know how the mess that was your brother was able to have such a good friend, they knew each other even before you were born, when they were only four and met each other at basketball practice. Yoongi was always like your brother’s conscience, the voice of reason, the calm one, the designated driver ever since he was sixteen, the smart one, the boy every mother wanted as their son. Yoongi was the boy who helped you with your math homework when you were eleven, he was the boy who defended you when your brother made fun of you, the boy who gave you his joystick so you would stop crying when you found out your brother was making you play with the one that didn’t work. He was sweet and kind with everybody, you wished you knew that when you were twelve so you could save yourself the eternal heartache that came along with being in love with a man who only saw you as your brother’s little sister.
Yoongi was always mature, always wiser, always older. And you were always immature, always stubborn, always younger. Just a brat who couldn’t stand the fact that he was the only one you wanted, but the only one you couldn’t have.
Maybe forgetting about him when he went away to college was the best thing that happened to you, you pretended he didn’t exist during the school year and made yourself believe you got over it, that your heart didn’t jump every time you called your brother and you heard his voice in the background, that you didn’t read every birthday message he sent you since you were sixteen until you memorized them, that you didn’t compare every guy to him and that you weren’t annoyed when you realized that none of them was half as intelligent as him. You were obligated to pretend you weren’t condemned to look for his face in every crowd ever since you were a teenager. All that mental effort was wasted away when you came back home for the holidays and saw him sitting on your couch again. 
You repeated the cycle every year as you pretended that your heart wasn’t tired of it, like seeing him that morning in your kitchen didn’t make your heart drop like you were twelve years old again. 
It began when you heard voices coming from the second floor, an outburst of laughter, your mother’s laughter, and then the laugh that echoed so many times in your dreams, were you still in a dream? You thought you might be in one when you entered the kitchen and saw the long figure of the man, the long figure of Yoongi, sitting on a stool as he peeled a tangerine and listened to your mother talk, but the minute they noticed your presence they fell silent. 
Two pairs of eyes landed on your sleepy face, making you aware that you were wearing your old pajamas, the one that was pink and had a bunny pattern all over it. You locked eyes with him and it felt like it hadn't passed a day since the last time you saw him.
“What are you two gossiping about so early?” You wondered out loud, slowly approaching the aisle of the kitchen, slowly approaching Yoongi, whose hair was slightly shorter from the last time you saw him and whose cheeks were still red from the cold outside. You arrived three days ago, confidently thinking that even if your mind was a mess at least you didn't have to see your brother's best friend's face.
In your mind, you cursed your mom for always telling him that he will be forever welcomed in her house. 
“Why do you care?” He spat at you, following your figure with his eyes as you sat in one of the stools beside him. “That’s between your mom and me.”
“Dude,” You said under your breath, grabbing a tangerine from the bowl of fruits in front of you “You have to get a fucking girlfriend.” 
Your mother frowned, annoyed, but Yoongi is too used to you to do anything else but  laugh.
“God, darling, you barely open your eyes and you’re already cursing.” She complained, shaking her head in disapproval. You shrugged, pretending to pay full attention to the tangerine in your hands. 
“It’s fine, Lila. I can handle her.” He said, carefree as ever.
You scoffed, “Yeah, sure.” You played it cool, as if that didn’t make your heart jump a little.  “What are you doing here, anyway? Weren’t you supposed to come back for christmas?”
“Why?” He asked, “You want me gone?”
You saw a stupid smirk appear in his face, the same one you’ve seen countless times in the past. It seemed to be the only thing that could put out your cocky attitude.
“Don’t be stupid.” You managed to answer, running away from his eyes. 
You heard him sigh “I finished early, I arrived last night.” He answered the question, reaching his hand under the counter to pinch your thigh, as if that could shake off your bad attitude, plot twist: it only made it worse. “That’s what I was talking about with your mom, I left Simon behind while he was still dealing with exams.”
“Such a good friend.” You joked. 
“Maybe… But hey, he’s the one who ditched me for a girl after all.”
“Well, if it’s a pretty girl you can’t blame him so much.” 
“If you say so…” He hissed, rolling his eyes “What about you, huh?” He changed the topic “What are you doing here two weeks early?”
“You see, this is my house.” You quickly replied, putting the first tangerine segment between your lips to avoid saying the truth. He narrowed his eyes, shaking his head.
Of course there was a coherent reason for why you weren’t in school right now, but since you arrived you couldn’t seem to quit the bad attitude, especially in the mornings, it was driving you crazy. 
“You shouldn’t ask, dear.” Your mom intervened, turning around to wash her mug previously filled with coffee  “Sensitive topic.”
Yoongi’s eyes shifted to you again, as well as his whole body, curiously raising his eyebrows. 
“Sensitive topic.” You mocked your mother, annoyed that she used such words. She was quick to disappear from the kitchen, leaving the two of you alone. You wondered if she was already tired of hearing you whine. 
“Don’t think I won’t ask you about it.” He smirked, stealing a segment of your tangerine just to annoy you. 
Oh, you were sure he would want all the details. 
“Whatever.” You gritted your teeth. “You only came to see Lila? I bet she would love to switch you with me.”
“I don’t doubt that.” Yoongi smugly said, ignoring the sudden annoyed look on your face, he was too used to it to be bothered by it. “But as much as I love your mom, I came to see you.”
You blinked, not sure what to say next. Now your angry expression turned into a surprised one, cursing yourself for feeling excited to hear that. You knew Yoongi finished early and was coming back home, you asked your brother about it last time he called you, you were just playing dumb when you asked, but when Simon told you he was going to be in town you didn’t expect to see him in your house the next day he arrived. 
“Me?” You tried to confirm.
“Yeah, you.” He said, booping the tip of your nose “Simon told me you’ve been having trouble with your car, I thought I could help.”
You nodded, that made more sense than him just coming to see you. 
“Simon is such a snitch.” You murmured.
“I can’t deny that…” He laughed, looking at you tearing apart your tangerine and putting another segment between your lips, “Do you… want me to help?” 
“Maybe…” You murmured “Do I have to pay you?”
“Maybe…” Yoongi answered, imitating your tone “Or you can just tell me why you are here before the break, I don’t know.”
You squinted at him, knowing it was just a matter of time until everybody found out you dropped out of college, but there was certain relief in delivering the news to Yoongi, something inside you told you he would understand.
“Bold of you to blackmail me when I know you won’t fix my car properly.” You accused him, mentioning that time he tried to fix your brand new car when something happened to it and you had to take it to his uncle’s garage when he made it worse. 
“C’mon, that was only once.”
“Let’s not make it twice, then.” You clapped your hands, getting off the stool to walk towards the stairs to your room again “Let me change first. And don’t try to seduce my mom while I’m gone, it won’t work.”
You heard his laugh from behind, and even if you thought about it, you didn’t dare to look back.
Not even five minutes later, you found yourself with him in your cold garage under the dim old light that provided you the tiny room. You supposed it was easier to open the garage door but you didn’t want your fingers to be frozen. 
You sat on the old desk in the corner of your garage as you watched Yoongi open the hood of your car, trying not to stare when pulled the sleeves of his sweater up to his elbows. 
He was wearing a beige sweater that tightened around his shoulders and his waist, Simon told you that he and Yoongi started going to gym lately and you could tell, his back was wider than you remember and you hated how different he looked from the last time you saw him. 
You hated to think there were people who saw him everyday and couldn’t tell the difference. 
You looked at your feet hanging in the air, hearing him suck his breath just to let you know he was just about to start throwing questions at you. 
“So?” He asked, persistent as always. 
“So what?” You played dumb. 
“So?” He emphasized, not willing to give up. 
So? You didn’t know how to start. Serious talks weren’t your thing, and even if you knew that Yoongi wasn’t expecting that from you, you still felt a rush of nervousness when the absence of his voice filled the room, your cue to start talking. 
“Mmm… It’s difficult to explain.” You trailed off. “I’m starting to think that I might be the black sheep of the family.” 
Your words made him turn his head at you, curious to hear more. 
“The black sheep?” He repeated. 
“Yeah, I think so.” You confirmed, without saying anything else.
“Fine…” Yoongi scratched the back of his head, a bit confused, something that was normal when he was with you.  “You’re not giving me a lot of context.” 
You knew this, but making a joke was easier than telling the whole truth. You wished you could tell him jokes until he forgot what your mother told him. But no, your mother already opened her mouth and now you had to explain your life crisis to the man in front of you. 
 “Let’s just say.. I dropped out of the semester…” You mumbled, unsure of your own voice “but I’m thinking that it is not just the semester, maybe it’s the whole thing.”
Yoongi turned his whole body to you, paying full attention to your words “Really?” He asked, just in case you were joking, but by the look in your eyes and the tone of your voice he could tell that you weren’t playing. You just nodded “Why, though?”
“That’s something I’ve been asking myself.”
“You don’t know?” He chuckled, making you roll your eyes. 
“Maybe I don’t know.” You tried to admit, but that was a lie. 
“Mmm, but I think you do know, though.” He contradicted you, turning around to keep checking your car. 
“Well, kind of… Do you want me to tell you half of the truth or a lie?” You offered him, leaving him without many options. 
 “Well, you are not very democratic, Pinky.” He scoffed, using the not-so-funny nickname he’s been calling you ever since you were kids. Only Yoongi could still be calling you like some character from an old cartoon that aired twenty years ago. “But I choose the half truth.” 
“Wise decision, as always.” You commented, clicking your tongue. “The half truth is… that being a nurse is not my thing, I don’t want to be that predictable, being the bitch in highschool that ended up being a nurse. At least I want to be the bitch in high school who ended up being something else. And I was not happy at college, not even a bit. I don’t think that’s who I am” 
Yoongi frowned, trying to process all the words you just vomited. If that was half the truth, what was the whole truth? 
“Wait, wait. Let’s go for parts.” He stopped you. “So, now you were a bitch in high school?” 
“You know I was.” You said, rolling your eyes.
Bitch was a strong word to call yourself, but to be fair you weren't being the nicest with yourself these past weeks. You stared at him, waiting for him to admit that yes, you were a bitch when you were seventeen years old, but that would be a lie. Yoongi would never have called you a bitch, you did have an attitude, you weren’t the friendliest in the mornings, you weren’t friends with everyone, you treated boys like shit, but you weren’t a bitch to him. 
“Isn’t that too… harsh?” He asked softly. 
“Isn’t it the truth?” You kept pushing it, but you were crazy if you think he’s going to agree with you. 
Yoongi shook his head, taking a long step to break the small distance that was between the two of you so he could be in front of you. As a gentle gesture, he put his cold hands on your knees, it was not an unusual gesture, but it had been so long since you had him that close that you couldn’t help but shiver. “I know you don’t like me getting all sappy, but I hope you know that only you get to decide who you are, and if you don’t think that is a nurse, then it’s not.” He rubbed his palms on your clothed skin, searching for his last words. “But, I must say, I don’t think a bitch is who you are either.” 
The cold room suddenly turned warm under his gaze, catching you with your guard down once again. You hated when he turned conversations into something like this, and worse, you hated when you bumped into the ugly reality that surrounded you when his eyes stopped looking at yours. This was not easier than last year, you wondered if it will ever be easy. 
“Well, the boys in my class might disagree.” You said, looking straight into his eyes. 
He laughed. “Well boys at that age are dumb.”
“Boys are always dumb.” You said, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Even me?” He asked, batting his eyelashes at you like he was a little girl. 
“Especially you, I bet you don’t know what the hell are you doing right now with my car.” 
Yoongi reached out to try to pinch your knees, but you escaped from his fingers. “God, you’re so mean.” He complained 
“So mean?” You questioned, moving closer to him and pretending to be annoyed.
“Yeah, so mean” He repeated “But not a bitch.” 
You rolled your eyes, watching him turn around again to come back to your car. You can’t help but feel disappointed when he moved away. “So… If you are not a nurse, what are you?” 
You tilted your head, thinking about it. What were you? Well, in your room you were a dancer and in your dreams a mermaid, but in reality you were too embarrassed and too afraid, too insecure to admit what “you were”.
“I don’t know.” You hesitated to answer. You loved Yoongi, in more ways that you could ever allow yourself to love him, but you could not tell him all your dreams just like that. 
“Liar, liar, pants on fire.” He sang, mocking you, but from your position you could only resist pushing him into your car. “You don’t have to say it, I already know.” 
You quirked an eyebrow, curious. “Do you?” A smirk appeared on your face, but he couldn’t see it, he was still working on God knows what. 
“Kind of…” He laughed “I don’t know exactly, but I do know that you are too bright to just be a nurse, with all due respect to the nurses, of course.”
You stared at his back until he turned his head to find your eyes, offering you a soft smile. You mentally cursed him, if he hadn’t turned around you could blush like a teenager without care, but now your cheeks were red and your heart was jumping, the only thing you could hope for was that he couldn’t hear it from where he was standing.
“That isn’t very respectful to nurses.” You simply said, and he shook his head, laughing. 
“Maybe, but I still stand by what I said.” 
“Well, whatever I might be,” You started saying, trying to keep talking with all your feelings still swirling around inside your chest, “I still don’t want to disappoint any more people by making the wrong decision and coming back to live with my mom in six months.”
Yoongi couldn’t help but laugh, not because he was mocking you, but because he couldn’t believe how you couldn’t be at least a little positive, how you were only twenty one and you felt like there was no turning back. 
“Who don't you want to disappoint?” He chuckled, “I really thought you didn’t care about that stuff.”
“I thought so too!” You exclaimed, just as surprised as him. “But I already disappointed my mom, Simon will be disappointed too when he finds out, I’m sure.” 
“God, you’re so wrong, I don’t even know who I’m talking to right now.” He tried to joke, but the feeling of emptiness that had been living in your stomach for the past months didn’t go away just like that. “Do you really think that about your mom?”
“I don’t know!” You said, throwing your arms in the air to be just a little more dramatic that you were already being “But when I told her she made that face that she does when she’s annoyed or upset, now she wants to talk to me about the future every time we sit down to eat, she looks at me like that all the time, like she’s mad with me or something.”
For the past few days you tried to understand your mom, but you failed when you tried to understand yourself. After Simon followed Yoongi to law school, your mom expected you to do something similar, and when you decided to be a nurse she was content enough, both of her kids were off to college now, nothing could go wrong. 
Your mom always bragged that she knew you like the palm of her hand, the only conclusion she could reach when you appeared at your house with the news was that you were never happy with what you had, you always had to have something else, something you couldn’t have. And even if you were about to be mature enough to admit she was right, you knew she wasn’t completely. Yes, you were a brat, but you felt in your heart this time was different. 
 “C’mon, Pinky. I don’t think your mom is disappointed, I’m sure she is just confused. You were two years into college, she must think this came out of nowhere, she’ll have time to understand that it didn’t.” He turned around a pointed a tool hanging on the wall, you didn’t knew the name of it, or what the fuck he was doing with your car, but you handed it to him anyway. “And, she’ll have even more time to understand that you’re not Simon and that her children are two completely different people.”
“Do you think?” You murmured.
“Yes, dummy. And you’re crazy if you think your brother would ever be disappointed in you for something like that, he is the first person that supports you no matter what, he’ll understand that dropping out of college is not the end of the world.” 
You stayed in silence, not daring to say a single word after what he said. You wanted to say that you were tired of all of that, how predictable Yoongi was, how terribly annoying it was for him to always be right. How was it that he always knew what to say? Was it so hard for him to be wrong at least once so you could argue with him? So you could correct him and tell him that he was saying nonsense? Yes, it was. You just rolled your eyes, even if he wasn’t watching you. 
“You’re insufferable.” You said, when what you really wanted to say was just “thank you”, but he understood. 
“Maybe I am.” He laughed, “But at least I’m not the one trying to find excuses to be miserable.” 
You watched him put the tools aside and closed the hood of your car, but you were too focused on something else to ask if your car was okay or not. He grabbed a piece of cloth lying next to you and wiped his hands, “What about my grandma?”  You wondered out loud, like he knew what to do about that as well. 
“You’re seriously not thinking about your grandma right now.”  He leaned over your car, with his arms crossed over his chest while shaking his head disapprovingly. If it was any other guy doing that, you would have told him to get the fuck away from your car, but Yoongi still had his sleeves rolled up, which made you think it was okay for now.
“But I am.” You answered “I can already picture her face when she finds out, I can already hear the comments of her neighbor’s daughter, how she’s on her fourth year of medicine and I’m going back to square one again or some shit like that. The worst thing is that Simon is not here, so I’ll have to endure all of that alone.” 
Yoongi was run by logic most of the time, so it was hard for him to understand how fast your imagination flew, but he knew that was part of your very theatrical self. It wouldn’t hurt him to become a little more like you, maybe being a rational person made him more intelligent, but sometimes made him more of a fool. 
“And since when do you care what your grandma thinks?” He laughed, “She will always have something to complain about, to impress her you would have to be born again, but this time blonde and with blue eyes. Do I need to remind you again, that woman doesn’t have a loving bone in her body?”
“God, stop.” You sighed, fully knowing he was right. 
“You stop.” He laughed, “Stop trying to make everyone happy but yourself.” 
“Well, maybe that’s the hardest thing to do.” You murmured. 
“Getting your shit together is the hardest thing to do, but I’m sure you’ll get there.” 
Believing Yoongi surely is not the hardest thing to do for you, but when it comes to believing in yourself is a whole different thing. 
“Says the man who always has his shit together.” You snorted “Difficult to believe you.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes, moving from your car to sit next to you on top of the uncomfortable desk “That’s not true.” He tried to deny it.
“Yeah, sure.” You bumped his shoulder “Name one time you couldn’t balance your personal life with your academic life.”
Yoongi straightened his back, crossing his arms over his chest and pretending to think about it.
“Mmm… Right now?” He murmured.
“Right now?” You repeated, raising your eyebrows in disbelief.
“Yeah, look at me.” He pointed at himself. “I don’t think I have a personal life at this point, all I could think about was finishing early to come home to my mom so I could take care of her, and guess what?”
“What?” You asked, curiously. 
“She told me she already planned a trip with my aunt for both Christmas and new years. She ditched me, and now? I’m alone, I’m starting to think my personal life was just my mom.”
You covered your mouth, not being able to hold yourself back before bursting in laughter. “She ditched you?” You laughed, but he nodded, annoyed that you’re laughing at him. “Oh my God, she got rid of you.”
“She got rid of me.” He affirmed. 
“Lucky her, honestly.” You teased him “Isn’t that proof enough that you have to relax with her? You’re in college worrying about her health and she’s here organizing trips with her sister.”
Yoongi shook his head, still in denial, “Maybe, but she can’t do things like this without letting me know first.” 
“Why not?” You scoffed “She’s an adult, isn’t she?”
“She’s an adult, but I’m her son.” He huffed “And that’s all I’ve ever known to do, care for her.”
“Well, you can take care of her at the same time you take care of yourself.” You reminded him “I’m sure that’s what your mom wants as well, she would be pissed to know you’re forgetting about your own life being busy worrying about her.”
Yoongi knew you were right, he knew that more than anyone but still couldn’t help but worry about his mom. She had her siblings, who always knew how to take care of her, but he always felt like it was his responsibility as her son to do it, no one could take that thought off his mind. The only reason he brought it up was because you asked, but it was not a thing he wanted to discuss right now, he could put his social life on pause if that meant his mom was going to be okay. 
He turned his head at you, offering you an amused grin as he ruffled your hair with his hand, willing to change the topic. “Why are you scolding me? I’m supposed to scold you.”
You pushed his hand off you, “I don’t need you to scold me, I have enough with my mom.” You sighed “Besides, if it were a competition, I would win. At least you have a future, I’m more fucked than you.”
“No, yeah. I’m sure of that.” He teased you back “You just have to make up your mind, I know it’s a mess inside there but I believe you can do it.”
“I hope so.” You said, and this time your words are sincere. “But for now the plan is to survive the holidays, then I can get my shit together.” 
Yoongi laughed, sitting next to you on top of the uncomfortable desk. “Sounds like a good plan to me.” He agreed.  “And you know, about christmas…”
“What about christmas?” You asked, at the risk of looking so visibly lost in his eyes. 
“I was thinking… Since I don’t have any plans for Christmas…” He hesitated to say, lengthening the syllables of his words. “I was thinking… If you want to, I can go with you in place of your brother. You know, so you won’t be alone.”
The offering took you off guard, among all the things Yoongi could tell you, (the realistic ones, not the ones that only happened in your dreams) that was the most surprising. You had spent Christmas with Yoongi in the past, but your heart jumped at the thought of him spending Christmas with you, and not with your brother. Was he serious?
“Really?” You asked, afraid that he could see the excitement in your eyes  “Would you do that?”
“Of course.” He smiled, “We can talk shit about your grandma together.” 
You can hardly hide the smile on your face, you have to suppress the immense urge you have to hug him. “In that case, I would love it if you come.” You dared to admit “I mean, you owe me that for fucking up my car again.” You pointed at your car, already knowing that he couldn’t fix it. 
He closed his eyes shut, throwing his head back “God, I’m sorry.”
You had been wishing to sleep in your childhood bedroom for the past two months. You had been wishing to lay under the baby blue covers, have your mom kiss you goodnight and sleep a nap long enough to heal your heart. 
You had been feeling like you were thirteen again for the whole year, thirteen and completely clueless, thirteen and scared, running home because you just saw your brother’s best friend kissing a girl at the bus stop, hiding under the covers and trying to forget that you were thirteen and there was no way he could ever see you the same way as that girl. 
The last time that you visited your mom’s house was a year ago. You texted her every week, sent her and your brother gifts and tickets so they could see you in the current play you were in, but visiting her house was harder than it looked for you. You managed to come once every few years for thanksgiving, telling your mom that you were busy and that theater life was like that, but the truth was that after so many years you still couldn’t find the courage to spend more than two days in the town you grew up in, not after everything, not after Yoongi. 
After so long, you were back where you started, running home after hitting a wall. The life you built with your own hands, the life that was supposed to be your dream turned out to be a lie, the boyfriend of three years you thought you loved was now gone, and the only person who ended up breaking your heart was yourself. 
When was the moment you stopped calling you brother every three days? Or when you stopped showing up at every birthday? When was the moment you got so far from the person you used to be? You weren’t thirteen anymore, you were twenty five and just now you realized that no matter how many shiny people you have around, you are still alone and far from home. 
Now you were headed home, with a bag full of clothes in the trunk of your car, prepared to install yourself in your mom’s house for the rest of the winter, determined to get your shit together, just like you thought you did a few years ago. Oh, how you wished you didn’t have to do this, how you wished you weren’t a complete mess. You wished you could enter your mother’s home and ignore the fact that you didn’t remember when was the last time you told her I love you, but to be fair with yourself, you didn’t remember the last time someone told you I love you either. 
Your mom knew you were coming, she was the first one who knew about your break up with Ian, your boyfriend, so she was assuming that you were sad and heart broken, and even if that was true, it wasn’t because of the break up, you were the one who left him. 
You didn’t know why, but you assumed that Ian understood what your relationship was, a sad pact that benefited both of your acting careers, a good image for the media, both of the most successful young actors being allegedly in love, and for you, just an arrangement to avoid being alone. How surprised you were when he got down on one knee and proposed, with his mom’s ring on one hand and a bunch of your so-called friends hiding in the distance, preparing to celebrate when you were supposed to say ‘yes’. He had a smile on his face, convinced that wasn’t the worst idea that ever crossed his mind. You thought it was clear that you never wanted to marry him, you believed you found someone who loved you enough not to leave you alone but not enough to marry you. God, you sounded crazy, but that was what you became, a superficial celebrity whose whole life was calculated enough so people thought it was perfect.
You felt like shit when you had to say no to Ian, but you had no other option. Everything was so fake it made you want to throw up, and on top of that, he was the asshole who didn’t even bother to invite your family to, what was supposed to be, your engagement party. If you were to say yes, where was your mom to hug you? Or to tell you that you were being mental for marrying someone you didn’t love? That was the moment when you knew you were about to lose it, that’s when you knew that if you stayed there you would’ve lost your mind, and you were so close to doing it, the only thing that finally woke you up was a marriage proposal. 
You turned right, immediately recognizing you were close to home. You had to start doing things right, but where do you begin?
Four years ago
When you arrived home, the realization that almost every person in your life had found someone except you hit you. It started when your best friend, Emma, finally got a girlfriend last summer, then it followed with your brother spending the holidays with his new girlfriend, and now, to your complete surprise, you had to find out that even your mother was seeing someone for the first time in years. 
Yes, at first you thought it was going be to weird to see your mother leaving you every afternoon to have dinner with her new boyfriend, -whom she refused to present to you just yet-, but after the first week of cooking for yourself to sit in the kitchen island and eating while watching a random youtube video, you realized it was not weird, but it was making you feel extremely lonely. Love seemed to be everywhere around you, but not for you.
That afternoon you helped her do the groceries, but she had already warned you that, once again, you were going to have to cook for yourself since she was not going to be around tonight. 
All your friends from home were still away and they weren’t coming back for another two weeks, so you were almost completely alone in your hometown. And without you wanting it, only one particular name swirled in your mind, wondering if he was as lonely as you were, which he probably was, but you didn’t want any part of it. You were still trying not to look around too much in the grocery line hoping to see a familiar face, forcing yourself not to look up when you knew you were passing his street. You promised that you weren’t going to wait to see him again, as if that way you could prove something to yourself.  
You expected Yoongi to disappear only to see him again the day before Christmas, you were sure he wasn’t going to appear at your doorstep like that morning, it wasn’t going to happen, you convinced yourself of it. Because of that, on the way home when you were riding in your mom’s car as you came back from the store, you thought that maybe you were just hallucinating when you saw him waiting in your driveway.  
Your mom got down from the car first, you watched her giving him a hug and then observed them talking, you were sure he was going to offer to help with the bags and you were sure your mom was going to smile and accept his help. Your mom loved Yoongi, and Yoongi loved your mom, you could see it. When Yoongi was a kid and his mother had to spend long days at the hospital your mom always opened the doors of your house so he wouldn’t be alone. Like you, Yoongi grew up without a dad, so his mom was lucky to have your mom to look out for him when she wasn’t around. 
You mustered courage and got down, surrounding the car to get to the trunk where the bags were and finding him with his arms already busy. 
“Hi, Pinky.” He let out and in the cold you could see his breath. His nose was red and his eyes crystallized from the weather. 
You barely got to open your mouth to greet him before your mom spoke. “Yoongi was looking for you.” She told you as she headed to the porch.
“Really?” You wanted to know, just in case your mom was lying, for some reason.
“Yeah, really.” He answered, watching you grab the last two bags and closing the trunk of the car. “Do you have any plans tonight?” 
Your heels suddenly dug into the ground, making you stop dead to check if you heard that right. Yoongi didn’t notice, he started to walk backwards, heading towards the door as he looked at you and invited you to follow him. You took the first step, not knowing what to say, not knowing how to react. Did you have any plans tonight? For a second your mind went blank, completely forgetting you had a date with Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen in Breaking Dawn at nine pm. 
You avoid his gaze, trying to come up with an answer. “Do you have any friends?” You asked. Classic you, insulting him in case he noticed your face was two seconds away from burning red. You heard your mom grunt as she entered through the door, but Yoongi just laughed. 
“Do you?” He attacked back, smirking “Going to the store with your mom on a friday night, I thought you were popular in high school.” 
“I was not, you must have confused me with my brother, we have the same nose.” You scoffed, walking with him to your house “And I do have friends, they’re just not around.” 
“So you don’t have plans.” Yoongi confirmed for himself, letting you enter through the door first. 
“No, not really.” You admitted, leading him to the kitchen to leave the bags on the counter. “Why? Did you want to take me out?”
The question was intended to come out as a joke, but it burned on your tongue. You often tortured yourself with those kinds of comments, but his answer was worse than any kind of cruel joke you could’ve made to yourself.
“Yes.” He said, leaving his bags next to yours. “That’s what I was thinking before you made fun of me for not having friends.”
You stayed quiet, pretending to look for something in the bags, pretending you weren’t screaming in your mind. Why on earth was he here? Why was he torturing you this way? You were enough of a mess, the last thing you needed was this, bringing you more torment than you already had. 
You sighed, quickly coming up with another answer “Sorry I can’t retract myself.” You said. “But what were you thinking that was so important for you to come to my house instead of texting?”
“I was afraid that if I texted you would’ve said no.” He admitted.
You arched an eyebrow “Why?” You questioned. 
“Because… I saw that the theater is doing a Christmas special, and they’re showing Home Alone tonight.” 
“Which theater?” You asked, but you were fully aware which one was. 
“You know, the one near the park with the weird fountains.” He said, confirming what you were thinking. 
You wondered what to say next. There you had Yoongi, inviting you to watch a movie with him, ‒your favorite movie to be more specific‒ but at the place you used to secretly go to theater classes when you were thirteen until you finished highschool. You knew the place had those kinds of events where they showed old movies following a theme, as Christmas approached they never failed to show Home Alone as many times as they could. 
Would it be so bad for him to find out that you used to be obsessed, maybe still were, with musicals? You never told him about that, let alone about the classes, that was something you used to keep to yourself and no one else, so going out with him meant to out yourself to him. It was inevitable for people to recognize you there, you knew a lot of your friends from back then were still very attached to the place, unlike you, who decided to leave everything behind once you left for college to be someone you didn’t want to be. 
“I don’t know, I allow myself to watch Home Alone only once a year.” You tried to excuse yourself.
“I know that, that’s why I came here instead of texting” He said, “But I’ve come up with a solution, I tell you this, we can go and watch Home Alone tonight, and on Christmas we watch Home Alone 2.” He offered, but you felt offended he even dared to mention Home Alone 2. 
“I don’t like Home Alone 2.” You reminded him. “I think it’s un-”
“Unrealistic that they lose Kevin twice, yeah, yeah, I know!” He interrupted you, stealing the words from your mouth. “But I like Home Alone 2, I think it’s still a good Christmas movie.” You stared at him with narrowed eyes, pretending to think about it, as if your heart was strong enough to even try to say no to him, even if that meant you had to go back to the place where you used to be a completely different person from who you were in school, and most importantly, even if that meant you would have to watch Home Alone 2. It was painful to admit that you already knew your answer when you saw him in your driveway. “Don’t be boring, Pinky. I’ve already got tickets.”
Just for a moment, while the dim lights of your kitchen lighted up his eyes as they begged you to go with him, you wished you had plans that evening already. You took a second to imagine a scenario where you told him that you weren’t free that night, that someone was going to pick you up later. You tried to imagine his face when you told him that you were in fact going out on a date with some other dude and pictured him heartbroken because you rejected him. But of course that wasn’t the case, your friends from college used to joke around and say that men ran away from you and only the brave ones were capable of asking you out, there was no way you were going out with someone who knew you in high school. And even if that were true, you lived in a reality where Yoongi wouldn’t flinch if you told him you were going out with someone else, a reality where you could never reject him. There was a part of you who enjoyed the pain of coming back to him, of being around him and living with the knowledge that at some point you'll have to get over him.
“Fine.” You finally gave in “I guess I could watch Home Alone 2 on Christmas” 
He smiled victoriously, raising his fists in the air like he won some trophy.
You didn’t know what was worse, whether to have him around or not see him at all, you knew that the safest option was not seeing him, but your poor heart didn’t seem to understand that it was for the best. 
When you parked your car, you realized you didn’t have the keys to your house anymore. You were sure they were somewhere in your apartment back in the city, but even if you had remembered to look for them, you wouldn’t have found them, you had no idea where they were. It has been a long time since you thought about putting foot in your home, your real home, not the one back in the city, with countless empty rooms you had never used. They keys to your home, where were they? You bitterly laughed as you walked towards the porch, with your bags in your hands and your heart on your sleeve, that was how disconnected to the place where you grew up in you were. 
The little pumpkins your mom put on the porch reminded you that the last time you were home was also october. The play you were in last fall was just about to end and you visited home for a weekend just to ask your mom to go and see you for your final performance. You remembered how angry you felt when she told you she and Phil, her boyfriend, had already planned a trip to Scotland for that same weekend. It took you a whole year ‒or even more‒ to realize that while you were busy living your life, your family was doing the same thing, you disappeared for months and they had no other choice but to keep going without you. 
You stood in front of the big wood door for a few seconds, feeling like some prodigal daughter, until you decided to finally ring the bell. 
As soon as your mom opened the door and you caught the surprised look on her face, you knew you weren’t supposed to be there, at least not yet. 
“Darling! What…?” She breathed out as if she had seen a ghost, but to be fair you weren't far from looking like one, you didn’t remember the last time you had a proper sleep. “What are you doing here?”
You shrugged, not knowing if she was joking “I called you on the phone last month, don’t you remember?” You asked. The surprise on your mom’s face morphed into confusion, and for some reason it made your chest hurt a little. 
“You told me you were coming Friday the 5th.” She said, but she didn’t move from the door, as if you were about to turn around, leave and come back for the date she thought you were coming.
“That’s… today.” You reminded her.
She frowned, raising her left arm to check the apple watch on her wrist, the one you gave her as a present for mother’s day a few months ago, immediately realizing that you were right. “God, where’s my mind?” She exclaimed, cleaning her hands on the apron she was wearing to grab one of your bags from your hand, finally leaning back to let you in. “Sorry darling, I don’t know what I was thinking when you called me.” 
“It’s okay.” You said, more to yourself than to her, closing the door behind you “These days my mind is nowhere near, either.”
“No, it’s not okay. I can’t believe it flew over my head like that.” She kept complaining, taking off your coat for you to hang it on the coat rack “Do you have any more bags?”
You nodded “In the car.” 
“Okay, let’s go grab them later.” She said, turning around to head towards the kitchen with a quick pace. “Follow me darling, I’m about to finish cooking, you arrived just in time for lunch.” 
Well, your mom always seemed to be in a hurry, she was like every other mom after all, but today she looked more rushed than usual, making you wonder if your arrival was that unexpected, did you suddenly ruin her Friday just by appearing at her doorstep? The answer wasn’t clear to you, when she turned around you lost the chance to say that she shouldn’t worry since you were planning to spend the whole weekend in your room.. Now you were just trying not to look disappointed when she didn’t give you a hug as she disappeared into the kitchen.
You followed her, taking off your converse and throwing them somewhere in the hall. Your mom had enough energy for you both, it was like she forgot that you had been driving all morning to get there, maybe she thought you arrived on a jet, you didn’t know. You thought your tired face was sign enough that all you needed was a hot shower and a long nap. 
“What am I gonna do?” She murmured to herself, still trying to wrap her head around the fact that you were there earlier. “Your room isn’t ready yet!” 
You scowled, sitting on one of the kitchen stools. “What do you mean my room isn’t ready?” 
“We’ve been using it as a storage room lately, until Phil adjusts himself.” She told you, but you didn’t understand a word she said. Storage room? Why was your mom’s boyfriend using your bedroom as a storage room? 
“Mom, what are you talking about?” 
“I’m sure I told you!” 
You shook your head “Tell me what?”
She tilted her head with her mouth hanging open. You visibly saw her trying to remember something, filling the room with silence. Then, it hit her, her silence suddenly broke into laughter, she realized that, whatever was she was talking about, she didn’t tell you, you just didn’t know what. “Darling, Phil moved in september, how come we didn’t talk about this?” She let out, wondering out loud. “We are still getting the hang of it, he still has a lot of boxes, we decided to put it in your room for now.” She explained, like it was nothing, but you knew it wasn’t. It took her a long time before she introduced you to Phil, she always made it clear to him that her priority was her kids, so it was a big step for her to let Phil move in. 
You shook your head, immediately avoiding her gaze when you felt a sudden rush of guilt washing over your body when you tried to remember when was the last time you spoke with your mom on the phone apart from last month, when you told her you were coming today. 
“Oh, mom, I had no idea.” You said as if you were apologizing, you kinda were. “I’m gonna start looking for somewhere else to crash, I still don’t know for how long I’m staying.” 
She waved her hands, rushing to interrupt you “My God, sweetie, no! You know you can stay here for as long as you want, this is your house!” She said, but you struggled to believe her “But I really thought you were coming next Friday! When was your last show?”
God, the last thing you wanted to think about now was work.
“Just last week.” You replied, hoping that she wouldn't want to comment too much about it. 
“How was it?” She continued to ask, going against your wishes.
Terrible, you wanted to say, you couldn’t wait to get off the stage. You did your job and you left, all your partners begged you to stay for the after party but you were exhausted, you left as soon as you could. That was supposed to be an important moment for you, the wrap up of your first main role, a clear achievement of your short career. After you did the first show of the season you went to bed wishing it could last forever, but last week you were just relieved that it finally ended. 
You wouldn’t tell that to your mom, you didn’t want to worry her, so you just told her a little white lie. 
“Oh, it was great.” You smiled, hoping that in that way it would be more believable. “I had a great time, but I needed to come back home for a while.”
“Well, you worked hard, now you deserve to rest” She said “And besides that… how have you been, huh?” She asked with a soft voice, making you raise your gaze to find her warm eyes and a warm smile. You failed to remember that you couldn’t lie to your mom, she always saw through you, and to be honest she would be a fool not to notice the tired look on your face. It bothered you just a bit that the main reason why she was asking about it was because of the breakup.
“Why, because of Ian?” You asked. 
“No just because of him, just… how have you been about everything?” 
“Well, fine, I think so.” You kept lying “Me and him… I don’t know, I don’t think I felt the same way about him anymore, I had to end it, I’m sure he deserves someone who feels the same, right?”
She hummed, not really convinced. “You deserve someone like that, too, don’t you think?” 
“Maybe.” You sighed “But that topic gives me headaches.” 
Your mother snorted, “Well, don’t expect me to be satisfied with that answer, after you take a nap I’m gonna ask you all about that.” 
“How nosy.” You chuckled. “You just want to talk shit about your ex son in law.”
“Of course, don’t act like you don’t want to do that too, I know you too well.” You rolled your eyes, but of course she was right. “Anyway, since I thought you were coming next week I planned a dinner for tonight with everyone, they’ll be so happy to see you, but you know, I understand if you want to skip it with everything that’s happening, I’m sure no one will ask about it, but still. You came here to be alone so I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed around a lot of people.”
“Ask about what? The news isn’t out yet” You asked, confused. 
Your mom turned around again, looking as confused as you. “Haven’t you checked your phone today?” She asked cautiously.
“No, it died a few hours ago. I haven't had the chance to charge it in the car.” Your words made her confused expression fade into a concerned one.
“Darling, you might want to check it now.” She pointed to the charger that was connected next to the fridge. The look on her face could only mean that something wasn’t okay.
You slowly got off the stool, heading towards the other side of the room as you took your phone from your pocket to connect it to the charger. You knew it was just a matter of time until people found out that you and Ian broke up, but you thought the news would’ve be handled the same way as always, a statement from both you, the only reason why you didn’t do it yet was because you and Ian weren’t talking since the proposal happened. 
When your phone finally turned on, a rush of anxiety ran down your body when a thousand notifications began to appear on the screen, including fifty missed calls from both your manager and publicist, you had a feeling that maybe the situation was worse than you thought. “What the fuck happened?” You murmured to yourself, looking at your mother in search for answers. “Did Sally call you?” You asked her, fully knowing that Sally, your manager, had strict orders not to bother anyone in your family with calls about anything related to work. 
The room suddenly fell in silence, your mom hesitated to answer, you knew she didn’t want to be the one to give you bad news.
“No, but a friend of mine sent me an article.” She explained, her voice suddenly sounding small. “I didn’t read it, you know, I didn’t even open it, I don’t like gossip.”
Your mind tried to put two and two together; missed calls from your manager, an article about you, gossip, that didn’t sound fucking right. 
“Fuck, I have to call her.” You gritted your teeth, wasting no time marking her number. You felt your head swirling just by imagining the sound of her voice yelling at you for not answering her calls. 
Less than five seconds later, like she was waiting by the phone, she picked up. “Fucking finally.” Was the first thing you heard, “Where the fuck were you?”
The irritated tone on her voice took you by surprise, making you jump in you place “Driving, for four fucking hours.” You rushed to say “My phone was dead, what is going on?” 
You heard her inhale, trying to keep her calm “Every single person in the world is trying to reach me right now except you. It’s a mess.”
“What?” You try not to yell “I just got home, I don’t know what’s happening.”
“Honey, it got leaked, has no one told you yet?”
Then, a beat of silence. The stress on her voice is enough to make you believe her, you didn’t have to think twice. Of course something like this was going to happen to you, you couldn’t run away from the city and pretend everything behind was going to stay as it was, your life from six hours ago was still there, and it was still a fucking mess.  
“What part?” Was the only thing you could say. You felt yourself entering a cloud of uncertainty, your fist clenched on your lap and while you listened to her sighing, preparing you for the answer, you held your breath as if that way you could stop time.
“Everything.” She spat. “Listen, I didn’t want to freak you out with this, I tried to keep this situation on the low but it happened anyway. The story’s out, pictures are out, every fucking thing is out.”
You suddenly tense, feeling your heart dropping to the pit of your stomach
“What? What do you-?” You stuttered. 
“I know you didn’t want anyone to find out about the proposal but it's the main headline, sweetie.”
Sally is not someone who’s known for sugarcoating her words, she was straightforward and didn’t mind being the person who delivered bad news, but today you could tell she was especially stressed, you were sure she was trying to handle this issue alone with you being gone for hours. 
“Fuck.” You hissed “What about him, have you called his manager?”
“Of course I called his manager, but all of a sudden that prick doesn’t want to collaborate with me on this, apparently Ian doesn’t fucking care, how about that?”
“How come he doesn’t care?” You asked exasperatedly.
“That’s the idea that I got when his manager told me to manage this issue myself.” 
You pinched the bridge of your nose, taking a deep breath as you took a moment to think about it. You knew Ian well enough, but you always held onto a kind version of him, the version of him who made you stay for so long, the version of him you chose to remember so your memories weren't all bad, but that version made you felt guilty for the question that was rotting on your mouth, waiting to be spat. 
“Do you think it was him?” You asked her, but her bitter laugh on the other line made you realize it wasn’t a difficult question to answer. 
“I mean, would that be so crazy?” She said “You and I are pretty sure who called the people to take those pictures. He's not happy, honey, to him this is just payback for what you did.”
That word echoed in your mind for longer than you would’ve wanted to, was that the way he decided to put this to an end? Payback? 
Four weeks ago, you thought that was it. When you were at the backyard of the house of Ian’s grandparents and you saw him on his knees, asking you to marry him, you thought that was the moment when every bad decision you ever made caught up to you, when everything exploded in your face. Now you realized it didn’t end there, everything you’ve done still has consequences.
You closed your eyes, trying to ignore your mom’s eyes in the back of your neck. You left the room, coming back to the hall so you could be alone. You couldn’t just hang the phone and pretend none of that happened, as tempting as it sounded, you had to take care of it. “Okay, now what? Can you clean it?” 
“I’ve been trying, but it can’t disappear, you know? It’s been up for a few hours.” She replied. 
You nodded, as if she could see you “Okay, listen, it doesn’t matter. I can’t deal with this right now, I don’t care where it came from, I don’t care how the pictures look, what people are saying, I don’t want to know any of it. If people saw it, I don’t give a fuck, it’s me who doesn’t want to see it.” You firmly said “If the story’s out, fine, but I don’t want any major media posting the pictures, can you do that?” 
You heard her humming “Mmm, are you sure you want to handle it in that way? No statement to the media? No post on instagram? Just radio silence?”
The thought of making a statement about your relationship in public made you want to throw up, “Are you kidding?” You laughed “There’s no way I’m making a statement about this if you can’t even get Ian’s manager on the phone for him to do the same. If I say anything about this and he stays quiet I’m going to look worse of a villain than I already am for rejecting him.”
“Honey, I don’t think you understand this.” She stopped you, “This isn’t just news that you broke up, this is news that he proposed to his girlfriend of three years and she said fucking no, a.k.a a scandal.”
You rolled your eyes, wanting to curse her for treating you like a five year old child. “No, hear me out, I’m not playing his game anymore.”
“You’re not the one who’s playing his game, he’s the one playing in yours.” She emphasized, “Let me be clear with this, and I’m trying to be nice even though I’ve been working all morning to get this to disappear just for you. You were the one who decided that the relationship was going to have this kind of publicity, you can’t back down now. This could harm your image, you need to make a statement whether he does the same or not.”
You stopped for a second, hating how right she was. Every bit of your relationship with Ian was out to the public, that was the whole point of it from the beginning. Your image as an actress wasn’t entirely constructed by your work,  you took charge into making every piece of your private life part of it too, you sold it of your life to the public. After so many years of sharing everything with the media and fans, you knew it would be strange to stay in silence now, but in a matter of seconds the words piled up in your mind, making you see how ridiculously soulless a statement like that would look, lying about how much love and respect you held for Ian but at the end it didn’t work out, that you decided to stay as friends since you still loved each other so much, when the truth was that he was the one who leaked the pictures in the first place. 
You were once again reminded to face the consequences, and that was what you were about to do. 
“Sorry, Sally, but I'm not making a statement.” You let out, nervously tapping your foot against the floor “I started it, you’re right, but now I’ve decided to end this here. This is my private life we’re talking about, let me keep this thing to myself. The only thing that they need to know is that we’re no longer together, and from now on the only information they’ll get of me is about my work, are we clear?”
Your whole body shook in anticipation, expecting her to yell at you and tell you to do whatever she said, because you knew she knew better. You hoped she somehow didn’t see through your mask, you weren’t as hard as you wanted to sound, you weren’t as confident as you wanted to be. For years working with her you trusted her advice against all odds, and you knew she always meant well, she was just doing her job, but at this exact moment in your life you needed to stay silent.
She hesitated to answer, battling with herself and the love she had for you. “Look kid,” She said “I’m going to let you do what you want, but if this doesn’t end well I’m going to look for you in whatever farm you’re staying in right now and I’m going to strangle you, now are we clear?” She asked, repeating your last words. 
It took you a second to understand what she just said, you felt so anxious you didn’t understand if she was giving you a green light or not. When you snapped out of it, you realized it was the closest you’ve felt to be relieved. 
 “We are clear.” You confirmed. 
“I sure hope so.” You heard her sighing once again “I’ll make it disappear and you make sure to keep your phone close in case something happens. Can you do that?”
“Yeah, sure, I’m sorry for the trouble.”
“It’s fine.” She brushed it off “At least you’re not dead, I would’ve felt guilty for cursing you so much.”
“God, maybe the news of my death would make the news about the proposal disappear.” You tried to joke, fighting against the horrible feeling you still had on your stomach. 
“Okay, kid. I’m hanging up before you get more morbid. Take care, okay?”
You chuckled quietly, “Thank you, Sally” You said before she hung up “Really, I appreciate it.” 
The call ended, leaving your ears ringing and your heart hammering against your chest. You stayed in the hall, sitting on the first steps of the stairs and trying to make sense of what just happened. 
You were aware that Ian was angry at you, you couldn’t tell if you broke his heart but you knew that you hurt his ego, and somehow that was worse. You had to admit that your ego was as big as his, so you understood he had to do the same thing to you. Sally was right, you led yourself to this, you managed the circus that was your public life and you were the one who chose him to cover up how miserable you felt. You still felt your blood boiling just by thinking how cruel it was what he did, and at the same time you couldn’t allow yourself to be angry at him because you thought you had it coming.
You thought you were so stupid for thinking that once you got here you were going to be okay, as if you could run away from yourself, as this house was a bunker, protecting you from everything you ever did. Suddenly, you felt all your emotions stacking up your throat, you felt your eyes burning before your whole face was soaked with hot tears of regret, you didn’t even remember when was the last time you cried, that’s how fucked up you were. 
You covered your face, sobbing against your palms as you tried to calm yourself, remembering your mom was waiting for you in the kitchen and you had to come back to be a functioning person, but before you could, you heard her steps approaching you, gasping when she found you crying. 
“Darling, what happened?” She asked, the concern in her voice made your heart hurt.
You quickly wiped your tears with the sleeves of your sweater as you watched her kneel beside you. “Nothing, just…” You tried to lie, but what was the use of that? She would know, and you were still going to continue carrying the pain on your chest for the rest of the day. You shook your head, feeling her thumbs wiping your tears from your face.
“It doesn’t look like nothing.” She whispered, like it was a secret between the two of you. “It’s about the article, right?” You nodded. 
“It’s…” You inhaled, trying to catch your breath. “It’s about more than that.” 
And then, the truth. As if you were a criminal caught in the scene of the crime, you had to tell the truth. 
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After you spent the whole afternoon trying to explain to your mom what was going on with your life, nothing could erase the worried look on her face, looking at you like you were thirteen and you had the flu, wanting to take care of you until it went away. 
You felt ashamed, but you couldn’t keep lying to her, not completely at least. You had to tell her that you were never really in love but you felt so alone back in the city, you didn’t have anyone else. Most of your friends were fake, you were tired and sometimes overworked, not even your job was making up for the miserable life you were living anymore. You knew Ian was seeing other women and you couldn’t even find it in yourself to confront him about it, terrified that he’ll leave you in your big apartment alone. Your mom listened with a frown on her face, confused, asking why you never told her, asking why you never called, and you felt so embarrassed, so guilty for disappearing for so long. 
“I’m sorry” was the only thing you could say, and even though she waved it off and said that you didn’t have to apologize for anything, you knew that wasn’t real. You had a bunch of this to apologize for, you didn’t even know where to begin.
After a shower, she offered her room for you to take a nap, and as you got into her bed, she sat next to you, hugging you for the first time in months. 
You breathed out against her chest, feeling like a kid again around her arms. It was like she was trying to extract the sadness out of your body, and maybe it worked for now. 
“You’re still invited to join us for dinner tonight, you know?” She murmured “I know you’re sad but it’s just us, maybe it’ll cheer you up.”
You nodded, “I’ll think about it, is that okay?”
“Of course, darling.” She smiled, kissing your forehead before getting up to leave.
Before she opened the door, you stopped her.  
“Wait mom, who’s coming?” You asked before she disappeared from your sight.
She turned to you again, smiling. “Your brother, of course.” She said “He’s bringing Yoongi and his mom, I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to see you.”
You snapped your eyes open, but before your mom could see your reaction she disappeared through the door, leaving you alone and with your heart clenched in your fist. 
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@kingofbodyrolls @tea4sykes @overtherainbow35 @namin13 @p34rluv @moonchild1 @oukya @yoongisoftface @namgihours @honsoolgloss @idkjustlovingbts @loviyunki @yoongisducky @bangtansmauyeondan @tarahardcore @wobblewobble822 @secfir @ot72025 @baechugff @hopefulchick @heroinanne
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fushiguwu · 2 months
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who is him? getou suguru
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CHAPTER 1 from the Summer Fever's serie!
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ft. dilf!getou and college student!reader
warnings: use of alcohol, making out, slight smut, reader's drunk but conscious, age gap, breath play, soft dom!getou, use of the names princess, lady, pretty girl.
words: 1.9k
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A couple years ago, your mom got married again. A nice, handsome and funny man. She really loved him, and he seemed to be a nice guy; not too young nor old, at his late thirties, a highschool teacher, Gojo looked way younger than he actually was — physically and mentally. They met on a dating app and a few months later got married. You thought that, maybe, people their age are afraid to never find someone again, and just get married as soon as they get into a relationship. Their wedding party was beautiful, for as long as you can remember: lots of friends and family members, some people you’ve never seen in your life, some people you wish you’d never seen in your life, but beautiful. Your mom looked happy, Gojo looked happy, so that’s all that matters. Some days after that, you’ve left the country to go to a fancy French university, thanks to your exchange scholarship — and your mom’s money. That was good to her too, she deserved to live a nice married life, you thought. 
You’ve lost some holidays, but sometimes, like this one, you could finally get home, after two years. God bless summer breaks. You spent the most time sleeping, the uber driving home too. You missed your mom and her dog — not Gojo, an actual dog. But, yeah, a little bit of him too. It was good to be home, to breathe the motherland’s air and to relax by the huge pool in your childhood’s backyard. 
While taking your sunbath, Gojo had told you that tonight a few friends would come by, and you didn’t have to feel uncomfortable, they were just going to drink some wine and talk about sports; apparently, that’s something that happens monthly, and for your lucky, it had to be at the day you got home and wished for some peace of mind. 
So, for the time you got off the pool and they came, by six in the afternoon,you didn’t leave your room. Not until an angel sends you a message: 
 “Hey, I’ve heard u in town, wanna hang out?”
So you text your angel —Nobara, back, saying you’d be there in an hour. You and Nobara have known each other since high school, even with the loss of most of your friends due to distance, you two kept in contact as much as you could. You’ve forgotten to talk about your arrival, what a bad friend. Lucky for you, your mom absolutely loves Kugisaki and probably texted her about your comeback one week before. 
After getting ready, you go downstairs to call an uber. Gojo’s friends were all over the living room, laughing and drinking. Just some old men doing old men stuff. You pass through them as unnoticed as you could possibly be. Until Gojo saw you and screamed out your name, just when you approached the exit.  He then goes to you, with the open smile he always keeps on face, “Hey, guys, this is my stepdaughter, she came from France today!” you couldn’t be more ashamed. You say a shy “hi” and they were all smiling at you like you were a baby or something.
“Gojo, she’s at the age of Getou’s girls, they could’ve been friends! So sad, Getou ain’t here today.” a man with blonde hair says so, and you give him a little smile. 
“Yeah, yeah of course! We should talk about it with him, right? Isn’t their birthday soon?” Gojo says, electric with the possibility of you being friends with his friend’s daughters. 
“Hum, yeah, it would be nice, I guess”, you slowly get away from Gojo, “but, hum, I really gotta go now. Thanks, Satoru! Nice to meet you guys!” and like a flash you disappear out the door, leaving your stepdad with a huge question mark above his head. “These young girls… Always in a hurry…” Gojo says, more to himself than to the other men in the room.
When you got to the bar, Nobara was already there, waiting for you. “Why did you take so long?” She looked upset. You try to tell her about Satoru’s drunkenness, the men in your house, the shame you’ve got yourself into, but she’s bringing you inside, and the music was so loud you couldn’t hear your own thoughts. She, then, waves to someone, and lets go of your hand. How she found someone through that crowd, you would never know. “Wait here for a minute, imma get us some free drinks, ‘kay? Stay here!” and just like that she disappeared through the sea of people, leaving you by yourself. You literally just arrived and Nobara’s already gone, goddamnit. 
So you waited for her for what seemed like hours —ten minutes, but every minute you kept asking if that’s what you came for: to stay still in the middle of the dance floor, like a souvenir. If you knew it’d be like this, would've stayed at home with those drunk dudes watching football. After a couple more minutes, you give up on your friend and head up to the bar. 
You ask the bartender for a beer, but it just didn't feel enough. and then another one, which you found tastier than the last. And another one, the beer started tasting funny. And when you were about to ask for more, a little bit dizzy, you felt a huge silhouette approaching you. 
“I’d like to pay for your drink, if you don’t mind” you hear a low male voice say, just behind your body as he puts his wallet on the counter, in front of your bottle. You look up at him through your shoulders, his face a few inches from yours, his smell-like-expensive wood perfume flooding your thoughts and even by the lowlights you could say he looks way too good — or maybe you were just drunk and under the effect of his cologne.
“Shouldn’t you ask me if I’d like a drink first? How inelegant.” You were clearly affected by the alcohol, and he could tell. He, then, smirks down at you with his whole teeths.
“Well, it seems that you enjoy a drink way more than pretty ladies like you usually do” and you flushed, as for him to think you’re pretty, and for seeing that you are a bit drunk. But you wouldn't give in so easily like that. You frowned and pouted up at him.
“And what do you know about me, huh? What if I am no lady?” you sit now facing him from down, with a weird feeling on your stomach, you didn't know if wanted to throw up or if he was just making you nervous. He gets closer, turning your swivel bar chair around for him, opening your legs a little so his body could be in the middle. Go up your body with his hands gently and slowly from your side thighs till your waist. The weird feeling now manifests through all your body, like a hundred butterflies were inside you, trying to come out. It just grows stronger as his face approaches your ear, you couldn't move a single finger under his spell.
“Yes, I don’t know anything about you, princess. Please, forgive my anti-chivalry”. his hands tightened but it still felt so dearing you could melt by it only. He held your chin, looking deep into your dizzy eyes. You looked so helpless, so given in his arms, even with all those people around, you could only see him and him only. “But, if you ain’t no lady, it leaves only the pretty, then”. You bite your lip, unknowing what to say to him after that. Anyone else saying that and you would have absolutely cringed, but from his mouth it just sounded so right. Everything he said sounded so intrinsically right that you felt like agreeing blindly even if he called you for a bank robbery. You felt a bit more dizzy every time he’d speak with his such charming deep voice close to your neck.
“Would you like to know, then?” A few seconds passed by for your courage to appear, and you couldn’t help noticing his lips forming a nasty smile. His eyes travel yours, going from one to another, not sure if he should do the next move. You looked so helpless under him, he thought. Your eyes wander through his lips, and eyes, and nose, and every single detail you could get within the low beam — close to none. Without a word being said therefore, like the permission was implicit, he puts his fingers on your chin and kisses you, sweetly, slowly, just like you deeply craved for. And, just like that, all those butterflies disappeared. You enlace your hands on his neck—feeling his silky long hair made you gasp into his mouth. It all seemed so right, just like a fever dream your drunk and feverish head was making up to you.
His tongue touches yours in a sinful yet heavenly dance, leaving the sweetness behind gradually. You feel his hands getting down from your chin to your throat, squeezing it softly, almost like testing your bondages. The fire within your mouth runs down your body as his hands tighten around your neck. You moan lowly as he does so, and it just makes him squeeze more. You could feel him smiling through the kiss. All you thought of was him. Him… Him… But, who was him? 
“Wait, wait!” you suddenly break the kiss, breathing heavily “I-I don’t even know your name yet!” He laughs at your nervousness, how adorable you are. 
“I’m Suguru”. Suguru. Such a pretty name, you think. And then you say your name to him, taking on some breath still. He runs his hand through his long raven hair, and just so you feel that his touch has left your body. “So, princess, can I take y-“
He couldn’t even finish his sentence as you jumped off your seat. Nobara screams your name from behind him, absolutely mad —as if you weren’t the one who should be pissed off with her. “Where have you been? Didn’t I ask u to stay there? I’ve been looking for you the whole night!” Her face was red. You wanted to say a lot of things to her, but at the same time you were still processing her sudden appearance and the thought of someone else in your mind absolutely clouded by Suguru’s face—not even remembering you came with her after all that happened in this silly little bar chair. After a few seconds Nobara realized what was happening, swallowed dry and cleaned her throat. She kept looking up at Suguru as talked to you, kind of mesmerized, perhaps. He, on the other hand, seemed very much confused.: “hum, anyways… I think we should get going, though. Things didn’t go as planned and there’s a mad vip security’s man coming after me. I got an uber for us, explain it later”.
You couldn’t protest nor say anything as Kugisaki took your arms and got you up. “Calm down, Nobara, I was…!” Was what? She couldn’t hear you. And if she did, wouldn’t care now. You seek Suguru, looking like a puppy as gets carried to the veterinary. You try to take his hand and he goes after you for a few seconds, but the crowd makes it hard to follow. 
“See ya, pretty girl”. You could read his lips say, and felt his body getting far from yours so fast. You tried to slow Nobara down, but when you look back at him again, he was already gone, like he never really existed and it was all just in your delusional head.
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fae-renjun · 3 months
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ep. 2 — audition day! [𖦹 wc: 730+]
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— leehan coughed lightly to get your attention, “huh? oh. sorry, i’m just zoned out.”
“yeah i could tell,” he replied with a laugh
you smiled and looked back down at the scripts on the desk in front of you, overwhelmed by the fact that it was finally happening, you were finally making a film. the idea of watching people act out the scenes you wrote was daunting.
“i think a couple of people are already here, should i let them in?” you looked at the digital clock above the door, the red lights on it flashed 11:49. 
"tell them to wait a bit longer, i need to um-"
"it’s ok if you’re nervous. just because it’s a college short film doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter to you."
“thanks. and thanks for helping out again, i know the other three are busy for another hour but sungchan said him and his friends should be coming to help.”
“it’s no problem y/n, we’re all doing this together.” “honestly i don’t know what i would do without you guys.”
“you’d probably suffer,” he said, trying to alleviate your stress before going out to tell the people auditioning to wait longer. 
you took a deep breath. you can do this y/n. it’s just auditions. 
leehan walked back into the studio with sungchan, wonbin, eunseok and anton in tow. you greeted each other, and you thanked them for taking the time to help. “i just want to watch seunghan embarrass himself honestly,” said anton, which was met with eunseok hitting his chest so he followed up with, “-and to help. obviously.”
you laughed, “it’s ok, there’s not that much for you to do anyway, just take these scripts,” you picked up the stack from the desk and walked over to them, “and pass them around when the auditionees come in.”
before you knew it, 10 minutes had passed by, so when the clock showed 11:59, you got the boys to call the auditionees in. it was only about 10 people, some you recognised, some you didn’t. you’d made a lot of time for auditions, knowing there were people that had classes and could only show up later. what you didn’t expect was how many people would show up.
in total, 34 people auditioned for the 4 available roles. you were in for a lot of difficult decision making that night. your frontrunners for the female lead were ahn yujin from your year and kim minjeong, a senior. you definitely knew minjeong better, having hung out with her before since her and karina went to high school together. but while both played the part better than anyone in that room, yujin brought such a realistic edge to the character, it was fascinating to watch her audition because you could really feel your character come to life. 
the male lead front runners were sung hanbin and hong seunghan. you knew seunghan from a few classes you’d taken together in the past, and because he was friends with sungchan, a highschool classmate of yours. he was on the basketball team, and you’d seen a couple of games of his. you knew he was good at basketball, but you’d never expected him to be so good at acting. in many ways he felt like your character had been lifted off the page and become a real person. you were trying desperately to ignore the tiny bias in your head towards him, courtesy of the crush you’d had last semester. 
hanbin on the other hand, was vice-captain of the dance team, and was expected to take over once shotaro (the current captain) graduated. he had a natural talent for performance of all kinds, as was evident from his audition. 
needless to say, you were exhausted once the auditions were done, letting out a huge breath once everyone but your friends had left. 
“god that was fucking tiring,” said yizhuo. taesan nodded, “too many good options, but at least the bad ones were fun to watch.” you all hummed in agreement, and packed up your things in silence. 
“so, back to the apartment for decisions? i wanna get it done by tomorrow afternoon,” you said when everyone looked ready to go. “can we pick up snacks on the way?” asked leehan. you nodded in response and the 5 of you set off to you, yizhuo and karina’s shared apartment.
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a/n: sorry for the delay, the main reason this chapter took so long was me procrastinating the written section lols. also! lmk if you guys want a teaser for my next smau (a wonbin one) set in the same universe 👀
tags: @billiondollarworth @nujeskz @secretiny @soobsthings @talk420 @renjuneoo @flaminghotyourmom @academiq @luffysgfforevaa1 @hwadejectedyoung @starwonb1n @onebnis @calumsfringe
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© 2024 FAE-RENJUN. All Rights Reserved. Do not copy or steal any of my posts.
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vxnuslogy · 1 month
❛❛ 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐯𝐱𝐧𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲’𝐬 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞! 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐢 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞? ❞
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— 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 .ᐟ  a collection of vee’s wips, soon to be posted fics, and future works they’ve yet to really start on.
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈 — Art: Truth and Beauty. ꕀ one-shot fics, drabbles, & headcanons.
❛❛ hello from the other side. ❞ an alhaitham x gn!reader where he finds amusement in the various ways you try to say hello to him whilst he’s using his noise canceling headphones on. 
❛❛ your broken faith. ❞ a sunday + gn!reader. drabble in which he explores the roots and causes of your envy towards his devoted faith in ena the order. [loose concept.]
❛❛ a thousand more kisses. ❞ kinich x gn!reader. where kinich decides to announce your private relationship to the entire nation when he decides to kiss you goodbye.
❛❛ ikaw na ang tahanan at mundo. ❞ aventurine, ratio, blade, sunday. how much has his space changed since you moved in?
❛❛one day when you start missing me. ❞ reno ichikawa x f!reader. or in which you fall in love with your highschool sweetheart again when you meet on the battlefield.
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐈 — The Utmost Beauty. ꕀ series.
❛❛ letters to alhaitham. ❞ an alhaitham x f!reader smau. in an attempt to express your affections for your fellow broadcasting club member, you begin to send anonymous love confessions under the name of “kafka.” however, your carefully laid out plans unravel when alhaitham starts to suspect your true identity. 
❛❛ midnight rain. ❞ a xiao x f!reader smau. after your unexplained and nasty breakup with your highschool sweetheart, you find yourself back in your hometown after moving away. you only had two years left before you graduated, but your ex seemed to have other plans before you could even leave.
❛❛ yours. ❞ an albedo x f!reader smau. as Lumine and Aether’s childhood friend, they were obliged to help you find a dorm in the mondstadt department of teyvat uni. lumine happens to know someone who you can room with and he was kind enough to let you. he was kind, smart and exceptionally good in the arts – something you had believed you were destined to do. now imagine your surprise when he suggested you dated, not for real of course. right? [related to ❛❛ midnight rain. ❞]
❛❛ paper rings. ❞ a rin itoshi x f!reader streamer smau. luxrin is real! after collabing with the famous rin itoshi from the company blue lock, everyone seemed to enjoy your interactions with him a bit too much. with clips from your 4 hour long stream trending on twitter and more collab streams, it was hard to tell if the two of you were actually dating or just playing with everyone. 
❛❛ roxanne. ❞ a michael kaiser x f!reader college smau. being the ever-so-serious student body vice president, no one expected you to let the ever so playful, mischievous, and arrogant michael kaiser to stick by your side. letting him stay meant getting into teasing bickering. letting him stay meant being the main victim of his undying flirtatious side, letting him stay meant preparing yourself for the inevitable heartbreak that he’ll cause.
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐈𝐈 — The Pearl of Vienna. ꕀ to be posted fics.
❛❛ kaibigan lang. ❞ a narumi gen x platoon leader!reader. you and your captain have a strangely close relationship; the two of you truly bring a new meaning to the words “just friends.” [posted!]
❝ teka lang muna. ❞ in which gen narumi, reno ichikawa, and soshiro hoshina try to make you stay (or not) after a nasty argument. [bulleted headcanons with a short written portion.]
❝ will it still be me? ❞ people say you meet people twice, be it the same person or another that resembled the previous one. for sunday, he first met you on the lowest point in his life, the second, he meets you when he's ready to love you again.
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© vxnuslogy 2024. do not plagiarize, repost, or translate any of my works without my knowledge or consent in other platforms or websites.
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a-short-alien · 6 months
THE BIRTHDAY BOY!!! And the entire reason I became so invested in DC in the first place, dear Dicky boy.
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Dick and Clown first met when Clown was adopted at about seven years old. They first started as enemies but soon Dick noticed the way he fought, it was as if someone had trained him to copy his every move. Soon he realized Clown was intentionally losing fights, as if he didn’t want to be in them. On his own, Robin found and confronted the little Clown and after admitting he only fought because his father asked him to, they became good friends. They both intentionally faked fights and even found ways to separate from their fathers so they could just sit and talk instead. Soon when Joker aborted the plan to get his own Robin, they started meeting on their own. Clown was eventually trusted enough with his real identity and they even met during the day, Clown sneaking onto his Highschool/College campus at times. When he was fired from being Robin, their friendship became a bit more strained and they began to drift further away until they were entirely no contact. In their time apart Dick had all of his antics with spiral and the court of owls, Clown occasionally stalking him to check on him. When he thought Dick had died Clown mourned him the same way he did Jason. When he found he was alive again, he dumped his boyfriend, the Riddler, and moved to Blüdhaven. He spent his days annoying Nightwing and repeatedly hinting at a plan to "take him down". Dick found it more endearingly annoying than anything so he sort of let him do his thing. One day Dick caught him stealing from tourists, but he noticed a pattern in the thefts. Clown was very careful to steal from tourists on the richer side, and only stole money he knew they wouldn't notice was missing. After looking into it a bit further he found out not only was Clown extremely poor but also legally had been dead the entire time he had known him, so there was no way for him to get a real job. From that point on Dick had started helping him out, turning a blind eye to the thefts and even buying him food often. As days got colder they spent more and more time together until Clown slowly began to move into his apartment and eventually admitted his feelings for Nightwing. After a long conversation they found he reciprocated and now the two live together and are working on getting Clown's life back to some form of "normal".
Bruce found out about their friendship at 14 because Robin had taken a photo on a camera that he didn't realize was connected to the bat computer of them on a rooftop together, Clown now had the only copy of the photo left hung up in their apartment
Clown sort of “perches” on Dick all the time, climbing up onto his back, clinging to just chest, ect
Dick is an excellent cook, Alfred was determined to not let him end up like Bruce who somehow can even fuck up making cereal
Despite being close, due to his early transition, Dick had no idea Clown was trans and upon seeing his top surgery scars for the first time solemnly asked “did the Joker do this to you?” causing Clown to burst out in laughter for several minutes
Due to his high attendance at EVERY SINGLE PRIDE EVENT people already figured Dick was queer so when he did come out publicly, genuinely no one was surprised (especially with Bruce’s track record)
When they first started dating Dick regularly freaked out about how Bruce would feel so much so that when Bruce actually found out, he had sort of stopped worrying and was unphased by the resulting argument
Dick actually retrained Clown in combat because the joker had done so poorly and he worried about his safety
Bonus birthday HC: Every year everyone throws a surprise party for Dick, they do it every year and the kid is a great detective but some how always ends up (pleasantly) surprised
Sorry I’m sort of blanking on Nightwing HC’s at the moment more will come in the future don’t worry
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justabloop · 3 months
To Rivulet.
What is the relationship and backstory between you and spearmaster?
(Let me tap into my inner Trans Australian otter. This is kinda long. Also, lots of art for you anon)
so. Let's go ALL THE WAY back to highschool, Mate. Where I first met Speary Spears Spearfish.
Ol 'Pearmaster was pretty and I was...rivvy.
We went to this really elite and honestly kinda homophobic private school. [shudders]
But first impression.
THEY HATED ME! No matter what I did is was side eyes, glares, and scoffs from here to the underhang!
But eventually I won they're favor...s-sorta.
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but it was enough for me. the uniforms were really stuffy and scritchy scratchy bad batchy too.
Spearfishy was definitely a bit Tsundere like. I memorized what their scoffs and under the breath grumbles and mumbles sound like!
But we eventually got along. Kinda.
Nearing graduation we were on good terms but our friendship skyrocketed once we actually left highschool. I worked partime as an aquarium tour guide while Spearmaster was in college and the rest is history.
We're pretty much "bffwmomnbsm", that's best friends forever who may or may not be soulmates.
We play chess together, the rules of which I don't really understand.
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I misinterpret their glaringly obvious romantic advances and hints that they want to be more than just friends.
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We spend Winter day (Christmas) together. Yes I grow my scraggly fur our for winter.
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We snuggle.
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We listen to Any Angle by Noa together because it's a great song.
And really enjoy eachother's company.
Hell, we even draw mustaches on Gourmand when he hibernates. He punishes us by revoking our Slime Mold Pie privileges for a few cycles.
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So thanks for asking, Anonymous! I hope summed up me and Speary-Berry's relationship and history well enough.
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obviousniklr · 16 days
More about Juliet's parents
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I'll be spilling a bit more of them here just so peeps can know a bit of their story:
First off, their full names is Alan Miles Luce and Catalea Ludisia (nickname: Lea)
They met when both were in highschool, specifically at a skating park where Lea, who was roller skating, accidentally crashes into young Alan who was just passing by. Due to that first interaction they became friends and discovers that they go to the same school.
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Lea hang alot with Alan mainly just to help her study (because she needs to please her parents after trying to neglect it) and due to those study sessions, they became close up until college came
Since Lea is a curious soul and loves a good mystery around the town, Alan suggest that she takes criminology in college.
Even until college, Alan still helps her on her studies while juggling his
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Oh right, I forgot to tell about their family. Catalea came from a rich family who owns a really well known corporation while Alan came from a middle class family, who has a lumbering business. They don't really care about his education so he left his home and tries to support himself.
When college ended, that's where Lea decided to runaway from her home due to her parents being very strict and controlling of her life. So finally, she would be able to be herself, and live with a person she really trust.
They move much farther away to avoid any contact from Lea's parents, and work according to the profession they've studied in college. Lea as an investigator and Alan as an accountant.
Lea also opened up a flower shop, because she thinks "eventhough they're all different, they're beautiful and special in their own way."
Not too long after, they have their daughter, Juliet.
But not even a year later Juliet was born, Lea got hit by a speeding car during a rainy day, not being able to survive it due to the strong impact.
After the events of that, Alan decides to move to somewhere more rural and safe to raise Juliet. And since then it's just them two. Alan was still mourning for his partner's lost while Juliet was growing up.
I've made a story about this too where Juliet finally discovers what happened to her mother, y'all can read it here:
A Puppy's Mother
It's a bit old but most of the info in the story still stands.
Last info for now:
After knowing more about Juliet's mom she picked up roller skating. Something her mother loved to do.
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merwynsartblog · 5 months
...ykw im dropping his lore under readmore bc i wanna. tw for mentions of murder,cannibal attack,not ok mental space stuff and etc
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Marco is the oldest sibling out of 4. His parents were working alot so he basically learned to grow up quick and raise his siblings by himself and his sister (who was around 2 years younger than him). Hell he has the title from his siblings called "Little papa" He does good in school and when he went to highschool he met a guy named Streber. He was pretty alright he was a major dork and cringe but hey he had a friend and they got along well! After highschool Marco parents payed for a college for marco since he was a very smart guy but he lost contact of his friend since he went to another college and marco also sorta got out of touch with his family.. He drops out of college in the first year since it was too much and feels like utter shit about it. He felt like he let his family down (even tho thats not the case) and just moved into town He got hired as a mailman since the other one quit and is treated poorly by his boss. like poor pay,always screaming at him and etcetc but he actually liked his job so he kept it He meets skid and pump and everyone else pretty quickly and he likes most of the town.. Hell he had a small lil friend group now! Kevin,Radford and Rick He gets roped into skid and pumps shenanigans often and that is how he accidentally met eyes!! He barely remembers what happened that night but he usually remembers "It was very pretty that night" (Idk where to put this but he is now sorta a mutant thing he isnt fully human bc of hc shit i have with eyes.) A few months later He gets attacked by Bob Velseb. He was packing up his truck and Bob almost ripped his arm off. He ripped a huge part of his arm off and marco barely got away but did and patched himself up. His arm twitches and shakes sometimes bc of this attack. Hell he has panic attacks now bc of this. He never told anyone what happened that night. anyways after a tiny bit he gets used to his life for a few months/years and then he saw streber!! AND GOOD LORD HE TACKLED HUGGED HIM. He was so happy seeing this man. I mean they got pretty close and now they just picked up where they left off!!
thennn tender treats happen a few months later and marco was home when he gets a phone call about streber. God you do not know the breakdown he had. He blames himself for not being around he blames himself. He couldn't skip work to visit in visiting hours when he was in the hospital because his boss was a major ass and didnt care. of course streber lives but marco is badly paranoid now and keeps alot of what he is struggling with to himself. He doesnt open up with his problems since he feels like what he dealt with was not that bad. uh.. thats basically it hes just a worn out mailman and stuff. ALSO FUNFACT in the future i do make him take Pump and susie in since their parents arent around alot and mr.wonder is veryyy old..Hes a good papa
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boydepartment · 2 years
Pizza Parlor- Lee Felix: Chapter Four
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Description: Y/n is a stressed-out college student who has no idea what she is doing with her life. She is always wrapped up in nostalgia and her friends seem to know exactly what they're doing. Feeling insecure one night she decides to go on an old website. Club Penguin. Little does she know; she would encounter a certain penguin who was also having a rough night.
Stray Kids are idols, TXT is not.
Partial smau, mainly written.
Warnings for chapter 4: cursing, house egging, kinda scary reaction image??
WC- 2.1k back next
Song for Chapter 4: Not A Love Song – Austin Moon
Chapter 4: Late Night Talks.
                “OH MY GOD STOP YOU KNOW FOR A FACT THAT MORDECAI BELONGS WITH MARGARET NOT CJ.” You sat back in your chair and started laughing, currently you were in a heated debate on whether Mordecai should’ve ended up with Margaret or CJ in Regular Show.
                “CJ WAS SO NICE! AND SHE TOTALLY REMINDS ME OF YOU SO.” Felix said back, getting WAY too close to his surprisingly good quality mic.
                You gathered yourself from laughing, “MORDECAI DIDN’T DESERVE HER THOUGH, IT DOESN’T MATTER IF SHES BETTER.”
                “Okay what did MORDECAI DO?!”
                You almost fell back laughing, “FELIX, LITERALLY WHAT DIDN’T MORDECAI DO?!”
                Felix let out a small chuckle and thought for a moment, “okay you have a point…”
While talking more about the childhood show you got a text from Yeonjun, you were surprised he was still up, it was pushing 5am.
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After he stopped replying you gave your attention back to Felix, “sorry about that my roommate texted me about our friends debit card.”
                “Is everything okay?” Felix asked.
                You let out a small laugh, “yeah he just texted me telling me our friend literally left his card in his own backpack.”
                “Tell me about your roommates.” He sounded so interested, it made your heart leap.
                “WELL! Yeonjun is a friend from highschool, he is really nice, kinda a weirdo sometimes though, then there’s Kai, he’s a real sweety, me and Yeonjun met him our sophomore year, and then Taeyhun we kinda just picked up off the street.” You let out a small laugh, “Beomgyu and Soobin are in our little group too, but they live on campus.”
                Felix let out a hum of acknowledgement, “wait a sec, you live with really smelly guys?”
Oh man, this was a big reason, aside from your awkwardness, that led you to getting no bitches. When they found out you lived with 3 guys they would run for the hills. So, that’s why you stopped even trying, it was less stressful that way too.
                “Yeah… you don’t think that’s weird, do you?” You were really nervous of his response; you weren’t trying to PERSUE Felix. However, the crazy thought had crossed your mind multiple times.
                “NO NOT AT ALL!” You heard him bump into his mic a bit, “you’ve known them since highschool, I don’t think that’s weird at all!!!” He was very quick to reassure you.
                “I am really relieved; a lot of people go running to the hills when they find out I hang out with all those weirdos.” Taking a sip of water, you went to open the steam icon, you and Felix got way off track from playing video games tonight.
                “I won’t, pinky promise, I was friends with a lot of girls in highschool if I’m being honest.” He spoke so smoothy, it still takes you off guard when you really think about it.
                “Are you not now?” You joked, not expecting this conversation to take a serious turn.
                “Not really, I mean I have colleagues but it’s hard with my job.” After Felix answered you felt immensely confused.
                “What is that supposed to mean? Are you like a male stripper or something?”
                Felix let out a loud laugh, “nonono! Although sometimes it does feel like it…”
                You joined him in laughter, still confused as ever but it was okay. Laughing with Felix always made your heart race over text or now on call. You couldn’t help thinking though if he had some weird Magic Mike job or something. Honestly with as much charisma he has you wouldn’t be surprised if he did work in a field like that. There was nothing wrong with that either.
                “Did you have a favorite game growing up other than club penguin?” He broke you out of your thoughts.
                “I played a lot of Toon Town and stuff, I was mainly a Nintendo kid too.” You smiled, remembering all the fun times you had when you were a kid. It was also as like Felix emitted the same warm feeling.
                He let out a loud noise of agreence, “I AM STILL A NINTENDO KID!! When my friends and I get breaks from working whether it be at a venue or hotel we always bring a switch! I remember this one time during one of our breaks my friend totally lost his shit… It was so funny.”
HE HAS TO DO SOME SORT OF PREFORMING! HE MENTIONED A VENUE… Hmm this was truly some puzzle that YOU wanted to crack.
                “That sounds really nice, my friends and I haven’t done that since highschool. It has mainly been movie nights and cooking dinner together.” You answered.
                “Hm! We do that too! I bake a lot.” This thought made you smile, he BAKES!
                Part of you felt that it was so easy connecting with him, “my grandma and I used to bake!”
                “Oh really? Do you have a favorite recipe?”
                You thought for a minute before answering, “definitely her cheesecake.”
                “Don’t let my stupid friend who likes Moshi Monsters hear you say that, I think he’d start begging you for a copy.” Even though you two were far away from each other it really felt like you could’ve been next to one another.
                “I wouldn’t give it to him anyways, he likes Moshi Monsters.” You joked, “oh! You mentioned you liked baking too! What is your favorite?”
                He clicked his tongue before answering, “probably brownies, the last time I baked cookies it was a disaster. And it was in front of a TON of people.”
                “I am so jealous I love brownies.” The thought of them made your stomach growl.
                Felix accidentally hit his mic again before speaking, “not to BRAG or anything but I am known as the brownie boy amongst my friends.”
                “Wooooow!” You teased him.
                “Oh shit! Whats your steam username?” Felix asked, now also being reminded of the goal.
                “Oh its-“ You were about to answer when you heard something at your front door, “um hold on a sec… I’ll be right back.”
You heard Felix say something as you got up from your laptop. Who on earth would be at your door this early in the morning? Hell, you shouldn’t even be awake after not sleeping all night. You walked to the door and checked the peephole, you saw three people standing outside dressed in dark colors. Okay what the fuck??
The next thing you knew one of them was digging through their bag and throwing it at your door! WHY WAS YOUR APARTMENT BEING EGGED!?
You quickly grabbed the bat by the door and slammed open the door, all three figures yelped and started running. Looking down you noticed one of them dropped something out of their backpack. You walked over and leaned forward to pick it up.
                “Samantha Heeler.” You read the name ID outloud.
This was Beomgyu’s girlfriend’s friend. Those fucking- there goes not wanting a strained relationship anymore. You huffed and went back inside, locking the door behind you. You slammed the ID on the island and immediately ran to your room. You grabbed your phone which laid on your desk. You quickly dialed Yeonjun until he finally picked up.
                “Y/n what is going on!?” He sounded somewhat annoyed but also tired.
                “TELL BEOMGYU HIS STUPID GIRLFRIEND AND HER FRIENDS EGGED OUR APARTMENT. I WOULDN’T HAVE KNOWN IF ONE OF THEM DIDN’T DROP HER FUCKING ID CARD WHILE THROWING AN EGG.” You were furious at this point, you walked out, completely forgetting Felix was on the call on your laptop.
                “Wait what!?” At this point he was fully awake. You hit the facetime button and he quickly accepted it; he looked like probably has a hangover. You showed him the ID and your egg covered door as well. He looked absolutely furious.
                “Fuck. Okay I will send like Kai or Taehyun back. I need to talk to Soobin and Gyu.” He hung up and you were left to clean up your door. Beforehand you took photos of the mess and the school ID. You squatted down and tried to clean up the eggshells, you were now tired, it being 6am now. Getting lost in your thoughts you were totally taken aback when something was thrown at your head. You touched your hair and felt the gooey substance, when you turned you saw the three girls again. They were laughing at the fact they just hit their main target. You were so close to losing your shit, but you already knew you had somewhat of the upper hand here. Yeonjun knew what happened, you had photos, it was fine. You simply just finished cleaning and went back inside. You mumbled when you walked into your room and slammed the door behind you.
                “Y/n?” You heard from your headphones. OH MY GOD YOU FORGOT FELIX WAS ON THE PHONE. You quickly rushed over to your desk and put your headphones on that now were covered in egg. Good going y/n.
                “Felix I am so sorry I totally forgot you were on the call you could have just hung up I wouldn’t have gotten offended or anything.” You were rambling.
                He let out a yawn, “it’s okay I promise, I wanted to make sure everything was okay. You’re home alone, right?”
You wanted to make a joke about him sounding creepy but held back, “yeah I am now…”
                “Gosh what is wrong with the area you’re living in?” Felix let out a soft laugh.
                “College town I guess…” You mumbled, letting out a yawn, “and my friend’s girlfriend hates me. I have to get egg out of my hair then sleep, I accidentally pulled an all-nighter cause of you again.”
                “WHAT Y/N DON’T DO THAT BECAUSE OF ME! THAT ISNT HEALTHY!” Felix got close to his mic AGAIN, you winced at the loudness but then started laughing. You thought he was so cute.
                “I’m sorry, I’m sorry you’re just nice to talk to… Things here have been a little complicated…” Your voice trailed off around the end, getting lost in thought, partially due to sleep deprivation. Felix let out a sigh.
                “I get what you mean, with my schedule and stuff, things have been complicated for me too…” His voice trailed off as well.
                “…It’s like talking to you is a breath of fresh air.” You both said at the same time.
                “OH!” You perked up now fully awake and fully aware that egg was STILL on you. Felix laughed what you presumed it to be from nerves.
                “I should get this egg out of my hair…” You let out a soft laugh now messing with it. He let out a hum of acknowledgement.
                “And please get some rest too… I should start heading to sleep too.” Shuffling.
                “Goodnight Felix.”
                “Goodnight y/n.”
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Taglist: @bloofairyfox @yellowroses-world @g4m3girl @forevrglow Taglist is always open! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors note: Hiiii everyone!!! Surprise!! I posted again! I finished another two chapters today and I am in a very good mood so I figured why not lol! I hope everyone is having a good night or good day!! My ask box and dms are always open <3 Eat well today and tomorrow
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lgg5989 · 2 years
Church Encounter Blurb Request
Hey guys! We ( @barbiewritesstuff​ and I) are back with something that was requested soooooo long ago but that we wanted to release in its rightful order!
I hope you enjoy this and please see my masterlist for more Church Encounters and Top Gun content! This can also be read on Ao3!
No moodboard today! Just a picture of our favorite aviator!
Tagging: @roosterscock @sydneyhlove​ @mygyn​ @inky-sun​
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With one hand on your swollen tummy, you lowered yourself onto the wooden lawnchair they had set out in front of the firepit. Bob and Maria had already begun, spearing their marshmallows onto some sharpened sticks as they waited for others to arrive. By the time they did, their marshmallows had blackened to perfection and their conversation had changed from wedding planning to highschool friends through the intermediary of Clueless, the 1995 masterpiece starring Alicia Silverstone.
“My friend Marie and I always used to pretend we were like, Cher and Dionne,” Maria said, “Like -- we were like fourteen, mind you -- we’d dress like them, we’d try and like set up our teachers, it was really fun,” she laughed
“Marie and Maria?”
“Both our moms were really into The Sound of Music,” she shrugged, “It’s a shame, I don’t see her much anymore…We stopped hanging out when she went to college out of state and when she moved back, we always said we’d meet up and then never did…”
Bob hummed, “I used to have a friend called Yves that I met when I started racing,” he said, “I just got my learner’s permit so I was what? Yeah I think I was sixteen, anyway, I had a friend called --”
“Whoa there bud, back up a bit. You used to race? Like race what? Karts?” Tony asked, bringing blankets. He handed you a furry plaid one and deposited random ones on each of the remaining empty chairs before distributing the remaining three between him, Bob and Maria.
“Yeah I started go-karting when I was 7 and then I moved up to cars,” he replied.
“Shit,” Tony swore, impressed, “Like Nascar?”
“Yeah, I never made it further than the regional touring series, though,” he said, sounding disappointed, “Either I didn’t qualify or I DNF’ed but I never had much luck so I quit. It’s an expensive hobby, I didn’t want to sink too much money in it if I wasn’t going to amount to anything… Then I did some bull riding, I was good but I saw an accident happen one night and I figured it wasn’t for me either,” he added
“Wow, so you’ve literally never been on time in your life,” you teased, trying to lighten the mood a little and Bob looked at you with a grin. When Maria looked away, he stuck out his tongue at you and you feigned outrage.
“What were you going to say about your friend Yves?” She asked, once she saw your joke hadn’t done the trick and Bob still looked a little green. The sound of her voice roused him from his thoughts but he blinked at her a few times before his brain made sense of the words she had said.
“Oh yeah! I had a friend called Yves, when I was sixteen. We were hanging out after practice one evening when we found a film in his dad’s basement, err, I think it was called ‘Days of Thunder’? It came out around the 90s. Anyway it was loosely based on Tim Richmond and his crew chief Harry Hyde, and we were OBSESSED with it! We’d like take turns being Tim and Harry and it was just great and then obviously I left and we lost contact…” he trailed off, “We still text sometimes, mainly birthdays and Christmas but yeah, we went from joined at the hip to barely talking in the space of a year… I heard he’s moved away from Nascar now, I think he’s doing F1 in Europe.”
“Which team was he with? Please tell me it was someone good,” Tony said, looking at him with wide eyes.
“I’m sorry man, I think it might have been KBM,” he said and Tony groaned loudly
“Did Bobby tell you another one of his terrible jokes?” Jake laughed, limping on his foot support boot to sit by your side, bringing two mugs of steaming hot chocolate. You padded your tummy with the blanket and then balanced the mug on top, hiding both of your hands in the warmth again.
“Nah, did you know your buddy here used to race for Nascar?” Tony said, pointing at Bob with his own marshmallow spear. Bob swatted it away with his own stick, accidentally dropping it to the floor. When he picked it back up, the sweet had mixed in with blades of grass and bits of dirt.
Bob looked at it in disgust. Maria fished a tissue out of her pocket and presented it to him. He tried using it to remove the marshmallow, but due to the sticky nature of the candy, half of it stuck to the wood anyway. In the end he resigned himself to removing the obviously gross bits.
“Just regional and for like a year,” he answered.
Jake paused, looking at Bob a moment before asking, “Whoa hold on, I thought you did barrel racing?”
“No, that was bull riding,” Bob said with a slight sigh and a crooked grin on his face.
“So when did you find the time to work construction?” he asked, sounding a bit confused.
“Oh, I only worked part time, and whenever they needed me, which wasn’t all the time. And I mostly did it whenever the high school wrestling season allowed for it,” Bob said, his eyes on the ground.
Tony looked at him a moment before commenting, “Goodness, you had a busy childhood…”
“Yeah… Didn’t really want to be home much…” Bob answered, trailing off, his eyes taking on a hundred yard stare.
“How did you even get to talking about Nascar anyway?” Jake asked, trying to change the subject.
“We were talking about high school friends,” Maria added, her hand resting on Bob's thigh.
Jake nodded, “Can’t contribute, sorry,” he said, “I wasn’t exactly popular for most of high school,” he added.
“Err, I beg to differ,” Maria said, giving him a pointed look, clearly trying to jog his memory.
Jake suddenly seemed very interested in his shoes, “Yeah… Okay, yeah, maybe you’re right,” he said.
“Care to fill us in?” Bob asked.
“Stacey Callahan,” Maria replied, a sour expression passing over her face. Tony, already five beers deep into the evening and entirely unable to read the room, decided to speak up, “Oh! I heard she’s back in town!”
“Wonderful, Antonio, thank you for your contribution. We don’t speak her name here,” Gio said, suddenly appearing to their left, where the light of the flames made him look like a ghostly apparition, “We’re also going to move you away from the fire. Any more alcohol and I’m afraid your breath might catch on fire.”
“I don’t actually know who Stacey Callahan is,” Bob insisted.
“My ex-girlfriend,” Jake replied, glancing at you guiltily.
“And my ex-best friend. Or so I thought. Turns out she wasn’t a friend at all,” Maria said, her voice turning a bit dark.
Gio leaned forwards in his chair, and surprised the group with a loud, “That fucking bitch --”
“Language!” Giovanni Senior grumbled, making his arrival with both of his daughters-in-law all the more appreciated by the fact that he had brought an old fashioned radio with him and several cassettes.
“Stacey Callahan,” was all Gio needed to say.
Giovanni grumbled in response, “What are you doing wasting your time talking about that hussy?”
“Just talking about high school friends and acquaintances,” you replied quietly, surprised by his coldness.
“She ain’t a friend, and I wish she hadn’t even been an acquaintance,” Jake whispered beside you.
“You okay?” you asked, your voice as quiet as his, barely audible over the crackling fire.
“I’ll tell you later,” he replied, “In private.”
“Tell you what,” Tony said, and you heard the Seresins all draw a collective breath of apprehension when he pointed at you and swayed dangerously close to Bob, “I like you. You scare me sometimes, but I like you. I’m happy Jacob married you,” he said, giving you a sappy smile and a hiccup.
“Yeah,” Gio agreed, “You scare the shit out of me, and let’s be honest half the time you do it on purpose, but then again so does Jake so that makes y’all the perfect match in my eyes.”
“Who are we talking about?” Isabella asked, her arm around Nonna’s as she guided her towards a chair.
“Jesus Christ, do we have to start recording our conversations so you guys don’t interrupt us every five seconds?” Maria asked, it earned her a sharp smack on the head with a rolled up newspaper Nonna had brought to stoke the fire.
“Guarda il tuo tono,” she warned. As soon as Nonna turned away, Maria rolled her eyes, clearly thinking that her tone hadn’t been that disrespectful. It earned her another slap with the newspaper, this time from her mother.
“We were saying that Jake and Y/n are a very good match,” Giovanni filled them in.
“Sooooooooooo much better than Jake and --” Tony leaned forward conspiratorially. He lowered his voice to a whisper, “Stacey Callahan,” he finished.
The whole group took a collective breath, a mix of feelings in the air that had you wanting to get up and go back inside, then Nonna spoke, “Stop talking about that rotten girl. Y/n how is the baby? Are you feeling alright?”
“I’m fine, thank you. They’re very active tonight,” you said with a smile, rubbing the little fist protruding just under your ribs with your fingers.
“How about we change the subject?” Jake said brightly but a pained expression on his face, talking about his ex-girlfriend had clearly brought about some painful memories and he was eager to run from them.
“Hmm,” Maria agreed, also eager to talk about anything else, “Y/n, that pasta you made was amazing,” she told you. Around the bonfire, despite the thick cover of darkness, you could see them all agreeing, nodding enthusiastically at the statement.
“What was it again?” Sofia asked, rocking baby Bianca in her arms. The child, now almost one year old, was suffering from mystery pains, which usually cropped up after mealtimes and made it hard for her to sleep. Even now, she sniffled and let out little whines that broke your heart.
“Fettuccine Alfredo,” you replied
“Never heard of it,” Nonna replied and your brow shot up
“Oh, it’s the American name for Fettuccine al Burro, Nonna,” Maria explained, “And it has cream, I think.”
“It does,” you confirmed
Nonna hummed, as if deciding whether or not the addition of cream to her beloved pasta dish was enough to go back on her previous compliment, “Real parmesan?” she asked sternly.
“Yes ma’am,” you replied, “I think Jake would divorce me if it wasn’t.”
“Damn right I would,” he joked.
“Real butter? No margarine?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, sipping from your mug
“Very good,” she said, dealing her verdict with a smile in her voice, seemingly happy with the way the interrogation had gone.
Gio whistled, impressed, “Mamma Mia,” he laughed, “Better than a Hollywood Handshake.”
Sofia, Alessa and you burst out laughing, rousing a finally dozing Bianca. She didn’t seem too unhappy though, the pain had clearly let up for a moment as she giggled sleepily.
“A what?” Giovanni asked
“Paul Hollywood is a judge on the great british baking show. He’s a ruthless judge, but when you impress him, he gives you a handshake,” you explained
“I think they’re worthless,” Tony spoke up in a drunken stupor
“Ay, there we go again,” his wife grumbled with an eye roll. She had apparently had this exact conversation many times before. Every time they sat down to watch an episode, you imagined.
“They are worthless. He’s shaking hands left right and centre. He’s devalued the handshake! It used to mean something!” he exclaimed, swinging the bottle of water Maria had replaced his beer with high in the air, splashing the bonfire in the process. Bianca startled in Sofia’s arms, “shhhhhhh,” he said, looking at the baby, placing one of his large hands on her tiny belly. She let out a happy sigh, the warmth and comfort of her father’s hand sending her straight to sleep.
“They mean nothing!” he whisper shouted
“Okay enough about handshake inflation,” Giovanni cut his son off as he opened his mouth to continue his tirade, regretting having asked for an expansion on the subject in the first place.
“No!” Tony protested, “Paul Hollywood’s devaluation of the handshake must be spoken about! You know what? I’m going to write to the BBC, I am going to tell them they need --”
“Channel four,” Jake added helpfully.
“I am going to write to Channel four, and I am going to tell them -- I am going to tell them -- Honey, what am I going to tell them?” Tony asked, leaning towards his wife
“You are going to bed, Mister,” she laughed
“I am going to tell them I am going to bed, Mister! -- Wait --”
“Right, up you get,” Gio said, standing up from his chair and motioning for his brother to do the same. Tony obeyed, swaying dangerously.
Bob held out his arm to steady Tony while Gio took his time circling around the fire. He eventually got there, and helped his brother towards the house, supporting his weight with one arm around his shoulders. You watched the two walk back towards the house, progressively getting darker as they made their way through the garden.
Suddenly overcome my the need to sleep, you yawned, “I think I might go to bed as well,” you said, pushing yourself out of the chair with great difficulty, heavily helped by one of Jake’s strong arms.
“I’ll come with,” Sofia said, holding her arm out for you to grab, “I think this little lady needs to sleep in something other than my arms,” she added
“She looks so comfortable though,” you said, brushing the cloth she was covered with away from her face so you could see her peaceful expression.
“Maybe, but she is heavy,” Sofia shrugged.
“I can carry her for a bit if you’d like,” you offered, “It would be good practice.”
Sofia nodded, handing her daughter over to you. You moved her a little so she lay upright, her chubby little cheek against your collarbone and her legs on either side of your prominent baby bump. She fit there as though your body had always been meant to carry children like this.
Turning back to bid the rest goodbye, you caught Jake’s eye. He looked at you with a strange expression, his eyes intently staring at Bianca and your bump.
“Goodnight,” you said
“I won’t be long, I promise,” he replied.
Sofia slid her arm around yours once more, using her phone to light the way. Once she reached the porch, she switched it off.
“Do you mind putting her to bed? I need to make sure Tony hasn’t done anything too stupid. Last time he was like this, he tried climbing on the furniture,” she explained
“When was the last time?” you laughed, trying to remember ever seeing Tony without the full use of his faculties
“About twenty years ago… You’d think he’d learn how to handle his alcohol in all that time, wouldn’t you?” she grinned. A thud resonated through the house and Sofia sprinted up the stairs towards their bedroom. You followed behind, quieter and calmer, carrying the sleeping baby up to her room.
Once there in the nursery, you gently lowered her into the crib, removing the muselin away from her little body for barely a second to avoid burrito-ing her into a swaddle. She shivered. You quickly brought up her blanket and pulled it up to her chin, placing her taggie, a large square of fabric with a crocheted elephant head attached to it and a little elephant foot at each corner, between her arms. She nuzzled it with a sigh.
“God of wonder, God of grace, Even when I can’t see Your face,I know You are here. You’re all around. In Your arms of care, I am found. Your angels’ watch around me keep, All through the night as I sleep. Under Your wings, soft as a dove, I rest in Your unending love. Thank You, Father, Holy One, I rest in You, now the day is done. Amen,” you said, stroking her face from forehead to the tip of her nose, her skin so nice and warm against your fingers.
Switching on her nightlight and watching it for a minute as the machine came to life, playing a soothing melody, lighting up the ceiling with projected stars, you slowly waddled your way back to your own room where you found Jake, already changed into his pyjamas. He lay there staring at the ceiling.
“Do you love me?” he asked
“Yes,” you responded, unsure whether this was the set up for one of those ‘would you love me if I was a worm’ questions.
“Why?” he asked, turning towards you. He sported a facial expression of such doubt and heartbreak it made you want to cry.
“Because I do,” you responded with an uneasy laugh, “Because you’re kind, caring, gentle, unbelievably smart and an overall amazing person,” you replied.
Jake stayed silent for a few more moments, mulling over your answer.
“And hilarious,” he said, “you forgot hilarious,” he added with a grin.
“And humble. I clearly forgot humble, too,” you giggled, “Why are you asking your wife, whom you married, and whom you’re about to have a baby with, if she loves you?”
“It’s nothing. The whole thing about Stacey Callahan made me feel wrong, I guess,” he said with a sigh.
“You promised to tell me,” you reminded him.
“So I did,” he said without expanding any further. You got the impression he was looking for the right words, though so you stayed quiet and gave him time.
“Stacey… Started out as Maria’s friend,” he started hesitantly, “Well, they became friends when they got into highschool. Before that they were kind of acquaintances through girl scouts and some mutual friends. I think she may have gone to like, three of the same birthday parties and like one sleepover? Nothing to write home about.”
“But then, about halfway through grade 10, maybe, Stacey started really trying to befriend Maria. We all thought it was cute. Maria never really made many friends, and I’m sad to say it’s probably because three insanely protective older brothers aren’t necessarily conducive to a packed social calendar. But Stacey didn’t seem to care, she schmoozed her way into Gio and Tony’s good graces with strategically timed college care packages, and she even offered to help dad with the horses. Mamma and Nonna were harder but they were no match when she baked a true, authentic, Sfogliatella -- it’s like a sort of shell-shaped filled pastry with a sort of ricotta, orangy filling -- it was vile, but the fact that she tried was good enough,” he finished quietly, pausing a moment before drawing a deep breath in through his lips.
“I wasn’t too keen on her at first. She seemed to be trying a little too hard, from what I heard. I stayed kinda clear of Maria’s friend group and I didn’t really interact with her friends when they came over. And then I met her during a DND campaign my cousin Stephano dmed. She was fun, and I liked hanging out with her so I figured I was wrong and maybe she was just a little… clumsy with people. Maybe she couldn’t really read people well. Like me. So, I gave her a chance, started being friendly, called for her birthday -- just… friendly…Until, obviously, it wasn’t anymore. I don’t know how it happened but one day I was minding my business, trying to be nice and the next I was telling her I might be in love with her in the middle of the highschool parking lot the night of her graduation”
“Stacey dropped Maria like hot coals. The second we made it official, it’s like a switch flicked and everything she did to get into her good books, she did to me. And only to me. She barely ever spoke to anyone else, or when she did it was just one word answers. But never in front of me, whenever I walked in the room, she was all smiles and polite answers. So I didn’t figure shit out until it was too late, even though they all told me about everything, I was convinced they just hated that I finally had a friend -- a girlfriend, who loved me and didn’t see me as the annoying church kid who couldn’t read social cues and needed a speech therapist until age ten. I was just happy I had someone who saw the good in me without knowing about the not-so-good bits,”
“I was so in love with her, I thought I was going to marry her, have kids, grow old, the whole nine yards. And she agreed! She said we’d have the whole Catholic wedding, ten kids, white picket fence thing I wanted,” Jake tried to steady his breaths, tears flowing freely on his cheeks, “So. She said that because it was going to happen anyway, what was the point of waiting? Why not just…” he let out a shaky breath, “Why not just have sex? God wouldn’t be mad at me, considering we were going to get married anyway. I --” he choked out a sob, “I said yes. We had sex, and nothing happened. No smiting from the heavens, no disasters, no real repercussion. So we kept doing it,”
“Maybe the following periods were just a grace period God gave me to realise my fucking mistake and repent but after a while her facade started to crack,” he said taking a really deep breath, “I’ve only ever told one person what happened past this point, and only because Bob saw something he wasn’t supposed to see. Everyone else thinks we broke up because I found out she’d been lying about being a Christian. Not because --” he continued, his voice thick with the tears he was trying to swallow down, a battle he kept fighting despite his already monumental loss as tears flowed down his cheeks in such a volume that it was making his pillowcase wet, “Not because she just got bored of me. We dated for a year, and I thought it was going so well and then, I caught her in bed with my cousin Stephano while I was on break from the academy,” Jake laughed bitterly, “She said she had fun with me but she was in love with him now. She just threw me away. Like I meant nothing.”
“Why would she do that?” you asked, one hand covering your mouth in shock, you desperately wanted to hug him, but you knew he needed space.
Jake breathed out shakily, a pained expression on his face, “She said she just wanted to know what I’d be like.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, “That’s horrible. I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” you added, feeling like nothing you could say would ever make Jake feel better.
“Trusting people wasn’t easy after that. Especially after I found out the love bombing and getting bored was her whole M.O,” he said, “Trusting people isn’t easy. Guess that’s why I liked casual hookups so much.”
You said nothing. Jake turned his head to look at you, his tears now slightly drying on his skin, turning his cheeks red.
“I trust you, though,” he said.
“I trust you too,” you replied.
With the lull in the conversation, you took a moment to pull your pyjamas on before climbing into bed. Jake moved towards you, resting his head on your chest and taking a few deep breaths, his nose pressed into the side of your neck.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked him.
Jake let out a quiet laugh before answering, “I think you just did darlin’, but go ahead, ask me somethin’ else.”
You smiled at his antics before your face turned serious again, “Jake,” you said, hesitating for a moment, “If you regret not waiting til marriage… Why did you keep having hookups?” you asked quietly, reading between the lines of his explanation and feelings.
He thought for a moment, “I don’t know. I guess -- I guess it’s because I didn’t think I deserved love, but at the same time, it’s nice to have some human contact…” he said, “I lost my way. After she left, I started thinking that, well, I started thinking God wasn’t … Good.”
“Not Good?” you asked, furrowing your brow in confusion.
“No, I guess I thought God wasn’t Good to me. I knew He was Good to everyone else, but I thought He wouldn’t love me. I thought I had finally made Him hate me,” he said, his voice smaller than you had ever heard it. He shifted again to lay on his back, one hand coming to rest under his head. Uncomfortable with the words he was using, he tried to avoid your gaze by staring straight at the ceiling.
“Premarital sex isn’t a death sentence, Jake,” you whispered, looking over at him, wishing you could travel back in time, grab younger Jake by the shoulders and tell him that same thing over and over until he believed it.
“It was to me,” he whispered, “I spent so long thinking I just wasn’t right, you know? I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t make friends… After quarterback Gio and linebacker Tony, I just felt like the broken reject of the family. Especially after Maria was born. Don’t get me wrong, I love them all so much, but I felt so inadequate next to them. I felt like I was disappointing everyone, my mom, my dad, my teachers,... I thought the only one I hadn’t disappointed yet was God, and then I went and fucking ruined it by doing the one thing everyone had always told me not to do.”
“I just felt so awful, and I guess part of me thought that’s what He wanted me to feel? Because in my head I was a monster and I deserved to be punished? And then I got my air kills and it just got worse I think, because not only did I break the promise I made to save myself for marriage, but I also broke one of the ten commandments,” he said, “Bob took a while to convince me that God wasn’t making me feel miserable, I was. And I guess he was right, because you walked into the rec room on your first day as a dagger squad member about a month after that. And look at us now, married and almost parents! I can’t wait for them to get there,” he sighed, “If you had to guess, do you think they’ll be a boy or a girl?”
You recognised a change of subject when you saw one, but not willing to inflict any more pain on Jake for tonight, you avoided prodding any further.
“You know my slice of cake was blue,” you replied.
“I thought you might have seen the light. They’re definitely a girl. She’s definitely a girl,” he said with a grin. The crying-induced swelling of his face was gently going down, and his voice slowly returned to normal.
“What do you think we should name your daughter then?” you asked, laying down beside him in the bed.
“I like Emma, or Julia, or Amelia,” he answered with a pensive sort of tone.
“You like the ‘a’ sound at the end,” you remarked.
“I didn’t even notice,” he laughed.
You thought about what he said for a minute before asking, “No Italian names?”
“No,” he said, an adorable crease lodging itself in between his brows, “There’s nothing wrong with them, but I’d like the idea of them matching us. We don’t have Italian names, neither do they. If that’s okay with you of course?”
“Sure. I like Charlotte for a girl,” you said, “And Christopher for a boy. Or Michael, or James, or Arthur! There are so many nice boy names,” you laughed, slotting yourself in Jake’s arms.
“How about we just see what she looks like when she’s here?” He asked, a sly smile on his face.
“They,” you corrected.
“That’s what losers say,” he replied, nudging you in the side with a finger. The two of you laid in silence on the bed for a few minutes, you running your fingers through Jake’s hair as he calmed down from the previous conversation.
“Babe?” he asked, gaining your attention, “Could you read to me? I want to fall asleep to your voice.”
“Of course,” you said, shuffling so you could sit upright. You reached for your bible on your nightstand and opened it randomly. By coincidence, it landed on the book of Ruth, one of your favourites. Instead of starting at the beginning, you began reading where your annotations left off, the pen and highlighter marks stopping abruptly at Ruth 1:6.
“She set out with her two daughters-in-law to return from the land of Moab, for in Moab she had heard how the Lord had come to the aid of his people, giving them food to eat. She and her two daughters-in-law set out from the place where they had been living and took the road leading back to the land of Judah. Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, “Each of you should go back to your mother’s house. May the Lord show you as much kindness as you have shown to those who died and to me. May the Lord grant each of you consolation in the home of a husband.” She then kissed them, and they wept aloud. They said to her, “We will go with you back to your people.” But Naomi replied, “Go back, my daughters. Why would you go with me? Do I still have any sons in my womb who might become your husbands? Go back, my daughters. Go your way. I am too old even to have a husband. Even if I thought that there was still hope for me and I slept with a husband tonight and gave birth to sons, would you wait for them to grow up? Would you stay unmarried for them? No, my daughters, for it greatly grieves me on your account that the hand of the Lord has been raised against me.”
You looked over at Jake. His breathing had slowed down, his chest rising and falling with long deep breaths. He looked more peaceful now, the crease in his brow long gone, and the tear stains on his cheeks all but forgotten as he laid in bed, his eyes closed, concentrated on your voice. The only indication that he was still awake was a small twitch of his lips when your hand left the pages of your Bible to brush a loose curl from his forehead. Even then, he didn’t seem too far from falling asleep.
“Ruth Stays with Naomi. They cried out loud again, and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye, but Ruth clung to her. Then she said, “Look, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and her gods. Follow your sister-in-law.” But Ruth answered, “Please do not insist on my leaving you or forsaking you. Wherever you go I will go, and wherever you live I will live. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God. Wherever you die, I will die and be buried there. May the Lord do this to me and even worse if anything other than death separates me from you.” When she saw that she was determined to go with her, she said no more.”
By the time you finished, Jake was snoring away, barely audible over the breeze carried through the open window. The noise made you smile and suddenly overcome by tiredness, you lowered yourself down in bed. You curled up into Jake’s side, resting one hand on his chest and whispered a prayer for the both of you. Seconds after saying ‘Amen’ you fell into a well-deserved slumber.
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
Cash and Jimmy’s mothers relationship
Jimmy’s mother is named Mallory (taken from the lovely @/deadpuppetboi)
Cash met Mallory in highschool.
Mallory was a pretty girl with a good reputation and Cash was the new kid that was labeled as a problem child.
They met through a shared English class where Mallory basically talked to him the entire time.
He thought she was pulling that popular kid thing where they treat the loner kid like their pet or ‘friend’.
However she wasn’t, and genuinely wanted to know about him.
They became very good friends, playfully bantering with one another.
Mallory would ask him to be her date to homecoming, and he agreed.
Good lord did he fall HARD for her.
Later that year Cash nervously asked her out at a skating rink, and of course Mallory said yes,
They dated through the rest of high-school and college.
After they got their respective degrees they got married and brought their own home.
The evntually agreed on having children. Unfortunately Mallory struggled with fertility, she had many miscarriages. This devastated both her and Cash, they wanted to have a family of their own.
When Mallory found out she was pregnant again, she and Cash were very nervous. Many nights they spent praying that they wouldn’t have to face losing another baby.
When the due date came, they were both overjoyed when she delivered a perfectly healthy baby boy.
They named him James Earl Cash Jr.
Cash was a very good father, he loved Jimmy. He took up his share of caring for jimmy when he was off work.
However, Cash had run into trouble with the law. It had been a long time coming.
He’d been doing many disturbing odd jobs over the years to help support himself and Mallory.
Cash left a note and all the money he had to Mallory before he left, telling her to change their sons name and that he loved both of them.
When Mallory found out she became extremely depressed.
When her depression dulled, she felt bitterness towards Jimmy. Since he looked a good bit like his father and had the same attitude.
This created problems in their relationship. It only got worse when Mallory began to date men that either hated Jimmy or put his own children above him.
Her current husband is alright. He’s wealthy, intelligent, and can take care of the both of them. But he will never fill the spot in Mallory’s heart that Cash will always have,
Maybe someday he’ll come back to her and Jimmy.
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freyrmichokolatte · 1 year
Saki K x Mob Psycho 100 crossover
(EDIT: This was like 3 years ago and I decided to finish this now so here you go anyway)
And Saiki is transfem here
Both Kuriko and Mob are Aroace and are in a QPR (Queer Platonic Relationship)
They moved out of their houses in their 3rd year of highschool and moved in together in an apartment at Canada
The both of them are seen as neutral introverts who don't smile often/rarely smiles but that changed when they tried to hangout out more with other people
Yes, Kuriko was willing to hangout. Kind off
They're now 22(Mob) and 23(Kuriko) yrs old, still on College
They're both a mix of lawful good and chaotic evil
Pure evil as the main dish with chaos on the side
They're the most self-controlled people you'll ever see on your entire life but would cause a Volcanic Eruption with a tornado on the side if they want to
They did that once
Kuriko likes to talk shit about everyone while Mob is there apologising to everyone
He does agree on some of them, some people they met are asses who could rot for all Kuriko cares
They do beauty stuff together<3
They have movie nights in their apartment every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday
Shigeo does Kuriko's nails while Kuriko does Shigeo's hair
They call eachother nicknames
Kuriko normally calls Shigeo "Shig" "Geo" and occasionally "Mob"
Shigeo calls Kuriko "Kuri" "Riko" and "Rii"
They rarely use honorifics for eachother
Hometown visit headcanons below
They visited their hometowns and went to Hidari Wakibara first
First it was Kuriko's parents. Kuriko is done with their embarrassing shit really
Kusuke and Kuriko's grandparents, who were temporarily living with Kuri's parents were delighted enough to tell Mob embarrassing stories when she was still a kid
Kuriko is ready to slam her face to the core of the Earth.
But in all seriousness, they were surprised when they saw how happy Kuriko is with Shigeo
They're happy that their youngest family member is finally opening up to other people
Kuriko and Shigeo were supposed to go to Cafe Mami but Kuriko's friends (or they proclaimed to be[kuriko thinks their her friends but doesn't admit it dw]) spotted them on their way there
Insert a sobbing Kiado, Nendou's "hey it's buddy!" and everyone else's "Saiki!"
Ah, sweet Deja Vu
Kuriko introduced Mob to them and they were happy that Kuriko has a friend to help taking care of her
They all went to Cafe Mami and talk about what they were doing for the past 6 years
They were surprise that Kuriko was being a little bit more social than normal but they were also glad since they know that she was finally opening up to other people
But what really surprised them the most is their physical touch
They know that Kuriko isn't the type to like physical touch, nonethless PDA
They were flabbergasted when Shigeo casually rested his arm onto Kuriko's and she looks like she doesn't even care
And the fact that she did the same thing
As much as they want to cry tears of joy, they held it in.
Except for Hairo, y'know how he is
When they split paths, the group finally let out their tears
Kuriko and Shigeo stayed overnight the Saiki household and left to Seasoning City the next day
Ritsu fucking sobbed
He wouldn't let go of Shigeo when they visited, completely forgetting about Kuriko's existence
But hey at least the Kageyama parents are there so Kuriko isn't ignored anymore hoorayyy!!
Shigeo's parents adores Kuriko
They know that Shigeo doesn't have a lot of female friends so it's a relief that he got Kuriko as a friend to take care of him
Not too peaceful but peaceful nonethless
Shigeo and Kuriko decided to stroll around for a bit
Kuriko likes Seasoning City
Though it's known to have a lot of espers and ghosts and spirits sightings, it's a lot more peaceful unlike Hidari Wakibara
They went to MobMcDonalds for take out and went to "Spirits and Such Consultation Office" to visit Reigen, Serizawa, and Dimple
What they didn't know is that the whole Telepathy Club was there too, and their takeout was only good for 5 people only
Tome was the most ecstatic while Inukawa was the most emotional when Shigeo entered the office
Kuriko's presence is once again, ignored.
"Hey Shigeo, who's the pinkette?"
Thank you Dimple, you're a life saver
Shigeo introduced Kuriko as his friend and college + appartment roomate back at Canada
Reigen said something about Shigeo talking about Kurkio a few times in chat and facetime
Shigeo shut him up by slapping his mouth shut
They were happy that Shigeo has a friend to take care of him
They went outside to hangout to catch up about things then bumped into the ex-Awekening Lab members along with
Teruki latched himself onto Shigeo like a parasite that even Ritsu couldn't get him off.
And oh, would you look at that, Kuriko isn't ignored this time!
Ritsu recognized and called out to Kuriko when he was trying to get Teruki off his brother
Teruki finally let go when Shigeo introduced Kuriko
Teruki just wanted to tease him by jokingly saying if Kuriko is his girlfriend (he doesn't know why but it pains him to say that)
Kuriko and Shigeo grimanced at this. They looked at eachother, then back to the rest
Kuriko is an Aroace Sapphic while Shigeo is an Aroace Pansexual
So it feels pretty wrong because Shigeo knew that Kuriko isn't into him and about the fact that she's into girls more
Teruki apologized for the joke but couldn't help but feel a strange feeling of relief and satisfaction
They hangout for a while at the park and were awestruck about Shigeo's and Kuriko's dynamic
Shigeo looks like he enjoys Kuriko's company, the same thing goes to Kuriko. Shigeo may smile a lot, but his smile is normally small. But right now, Shigeo's smile is a lot more bigger than how they remembered. Heck he's even laughing and he doesn't laugh a lot.
The scene is enough for them to believe that Shigeo is in good hands. They knew that Kuriko wouldn't do anything bad to Shigeo and vice versa.
Shigeo and Kuriko stayed overnight at the Kageyama household and went back the park the next day
This time, they bumped into the Body Improvement club
Just by taking one look at the Body Improvement club and you can already tell that they aren't the emotional type
Except that's all lies
The club literally sobbed. They sobbed harder than the whole theater watchers when they were watching Titanic.
They hangout and you know the drill
Shigeo and Kuriko needed to go back to Canada
They intended to stay a bit longer but an emergency came so they had to go back to Canada
Everyone sent their goodbyes sobbing is heard and lalalalala they went to the plane and flew back to Canada even if they damn well know Kuriko could just teleport them back but no
That's all of it thank yous for reading<3333
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blackhairedjjun · 6 months
When I sent you my 3 simultaneous asks, it was night and I was in a journey. I'm out of my state (i mean place) and I'm a car sick person so definitely a hell of journey it was. However now in our guest house, my family is out for work and I'm alone in here. I like that. Also my day just started, no idea what's gonna happen. Yesterday... due to journey packing and all, it was a bit stressful? However my mom brought me a pair of Oxford like shoes and a cute bagpack (which is both a handbag and a bagpack) so I'm happy. I wish to show you but anon ask ain't allowing to send pics.
Other than that, I went to my highschool and reminisced some memories there. (Because my high school is closer to my house) talked to the lecturers and obviously it was good.
I even met my favourite lecturer, my English mam... she plays a major role in my obsession with learning English. I have so many memories with her lol. I got scolded by her the first day in my highschool. But after a few days she just said this to me infront of whole class ( mind you I used to sit in first bench so it was actually infront of whole class ). I was late that day. So he said, "Class feels empty without you, I was waiting for you."
I was vigilant in her class but that one sentence made me melt then and there. God knows what happened– she started boasting off of me, assigning me tasks, making me feel so special. Why is it special for me? I liked English since my childhood. Easy and comforting subject. But my hyper excitement and overconfidence made all my school teachers hate me. They hated and insulted me for being a little more advanced in English (which is very common in here but in my place, that's advanced). I always annoyed them asking in-depth questions about the language and all. So I left all my infatuation with English in my grade school. But what a serendipty! In my highschool, there were so many of my favourite topics and the BEST, a mentor who took in all my excitement for English. I nailed our first internal. Scored the top in English in whole campus (mind you our highschools are called intermediate colleges which are like prologue of uni and schools and highschools arent together in mine. They are run differnetly). One time, she even showed my papers to whole campus to present like how I did. She made me correct papers with her. This was all the fun I had. More than that, there's one more thing.
As I grew up, my introvertedness intensified. I couldn't speak or read publicly. God knows how she noticed but she did and she made me read. I embarrassed myself infront of everyone everytime i did. But everytime, it was always me to recite. I was confused, I'm so bad at this... yet she chooses me? But her always choosing me has had made me overcome a little stage fear and now I can read very well. Thanks to her. I'm doing good in my Uni now. Enjoy every bit. And English brings me solace and delight. I wish to learn the ways of writing and write well for myself one day here. She is my book friend now. She borrowed one of my books. I need to fetch that from her soon hehe. I love her. In my last day of my highschool, I made this small little hand made gift telling what I'm telling you here. All in all, I had a great time in my highschool. Now it's neutral in my Uni. Just wanted to share this with you, haha.
hey butterfly anon! aww i'm touched that you shared all this with me, sorry it took a while to reply but i wanted to take time and properly read this when i'm free 🥺 i'm glad that your comfy in your guest house now, carsickness definitely isn't fun so at least you get to rest and got nice things from your mom!
what a lovely story about your english teacher 💖 it's really special to have a mentor who encourages you, believes in you, and pushes you to be better! i'm really sorry that you had teachers who insulted you in the past, but it's a good thing you were able to find a teacher who encouraged your passion for english and helped it grow. "Class feels empty without you, I was waiting for you" aww that's so sweet!! and wow that's a lot of accomplishments you had in high school too! my butterfly anon worked really hard 🔥 i'm happy you two are still in touch, that's a really special mentorship to have <3
while i had some good teachers in high school i never had that kind of special relationship with them - i kinda learned to write stories on my own haha. like they weren't discouraging or anything, but i guess they were too busy handling to rest of the class to focus on specific students? it's okay though, i learned to love writing on my own and i had friends who were also interested in my writing!
and i'm so happy that you're still passionate about learning english! i hope you keep it up in university too <3 while i'm not a professional english teacher or anything, please let me know if you would like to learn anything about writing in english from me. i'd be happy to help!
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tamerahardy · 10 months
Summer of 2013
Now what I say here is very important to and key to everything moving forward. The summer of 2013 SHOOK everything up.
So in the heat of my breakup from Arthur I’m on twitter almost everyday. This is all I had. That kept me SANE. Jokes flying that year was real different. There was this one particular group of girls I knew through school. A girl group they seem to always be in their own world when I saw them. We would joke on twitter ALL THE TIME. Everyday. I’ve never hung out with these girls a day in my life I only saw them in the hallways in their clique…but we somehow formed a lil internet friendship.
Aside from how I was feeling I needed that. I still kept in contact with Camille even though I was in Decatur before I left for college. We ended up going out to parties and she would invite me to her home. I also made friends from twitter. Nick I knew through twitter we actually met in real life as well he became one of my close friends even when I had been dating Arthur. He again much like Aaron..kayron one of those friends that you could all the way with but you just don’t. He went to Drew highschool and normally on twitter it connects you with different people or mutuals. I ended up hooking up with two guys that summer as a way to “get over Arthur” and then I met the third
One day on my twitter a guy name Quadetrius followed me on there. I didn’t even know who he was but he went to drew and he was good friends with Nick. I like him a lot…he reminded me of Preston, I have a thing for guys that don’t give a fuck. Quad and me joked a lot over twitter it’s like we got to know each other for a bit before we actually met up in person, mind you I had been living in Decatur so going all the way out to Riverdale was a stretch but coming across him wasn’t even planned at all.
I was suppose to go out to Riverdale to spend the night over at my homegirls Jada spot that weekend she ended up canceling on me last minute so I got my brother to drop me off at my grandma and dad crib in Riverdale. I didn’t want to randomly bombsrd my grandma and ask if I could stay there I was in too deep with my plans to see my homegirl who knew Arthur as well. From there I was texting quad like what are you doing and he was throwing a party.. I got one of my friends to come pick me up and take me over there which he said was fine. Mind you I’m not dressed for a party I’m dressed for girls night lol a tank top with leggings on and my spend the night bag.
So I get to Quads place and he was indeed throwing a party. Come to find out a lot people knew him, people from different schools were there as well, I was nervous because I wasn’t use to that. I’ve been invited to parties before through my cheer teammates and being with Arthur but this was different. These were the seniors that graduated 2012 and had already experience college and life outside of highschool.
I was scared. It took me back to girls bullying me for popular guys liking me. I didn’t even know people knew him like that but I just ended up there. I had gotten uncomfortable walking around not knowing anyone there and asked if I could go in his room and he said yes. I laid there as went to entertain his guest. Everybody started leaving and as he wrapped up his convo with Jocelyn and Tina escorted her out he came to check on me. See now I knew Tina through Marcus one of Arthur’s friends Marcus is the only one I stayed in touch with everybody else left. Tina and Marcus dated and have a kid together and she even gave me relationship advice when me and Arthur dated but come to find out she only got close to me to spy on Marcus and once I found that I we didn’t talk too much anymore.
Quad knew all of the people I crossed paths with which was crazy. I didn’t even think they would be there at his party. Anywho….that night me and quad hooked up. Very innocent. He ended up taking me back home as well. Quad was such a vibe to me he made me forget Arthur even existed. I needed that honestly….but a lot of things came with Quad
Our first go at it was very raw and innocent I learned more things about life through him than Arthur. We didn’t work out because of not only the distance, but because I was so young and naive, we didn’t really get chance to know each other before we had sex….apparently I learned that I had took his virginity which was mind blowing to me but most importantly it didn’t work because he was still into his ex at the time who *drum rolls happened to be one of the girls I was talking about earlier that I would joke with on twitter.
Yep. I found out through some weird app you could ask anonymous questions on that we played on everyday. I immediately stopped everything and asked her about it. She played it cool like they were just best friends that dated she didn’t really tell me much about them she said she can’t tell me who to talk to at the end of the day and this is where things get tricky….
I mean here I am I had already hooked up with two guys after my breakup with Arthur and I don’t feel anything…and then I meet Quad somebody I didn’t even ask to meet and I LIKE him, but he’s dated somebody I view as a sister. Why did that happen? And why did I find out like that?
This girl … I viewed as a sister. It’s hard talking about her because again I didn’t ask to cross paths with her. By the time I was getting ready for graduation and I been devastated by the things me and Arthur were going through she appeared. She appeared before she left to go to college. Miles College, she came up to the school one day before she caught the bus back to school. I’m not sure why but she was there and. We stayed together that entire day. She came to my class and watched me make an ass of myself in front of Mr. Antoinette and she walked with me and sat with me in gym and talked to me. She was genuinely trying to help me get through my breakup and she stayed with me until it was time for her to go. It was like shes there to comfort sad souls.
I viewed her as a sister and somebody I listened to and here we are. I’ve had sex with somebody she really cared about. I didn’t even know about them. I had to really sit back and do my research frfr.
I mean when I asked her about it and if I was okay to be with him she made light of it. Like it’s fine…why didn’t she say no I still love him? Something.
Anywho Quad came over to see my at my grandma house and he said he was going to go over to his best friend house in which she was going to be there they were all best friends. He later told me he went over there and old feelings came back, honestly they never even left. I felt betrayed because this whole time I was just being drug around for sex or whenever things weren’t working out between them.
I was more mad at her because she controlled the narrative with this, but instead of looking like a controlling asshole which would have turned him off she flipped it. She knew he would come back she just did it in a way that didn’t reflect negatively on her.
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firerose18991 · 2 years
Lonely Bunny
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Mirio Togata x Bunnygirl! Reader
Summary: Mirio is unknowingly a bad pet owner and suffers the consequences.
A/N: College/pro hero Mirio. Part of a collab I entered by @fuwushiguro @taijuwu and @twicesangel hybrid collab masterlist.
Info: neglect and comfort, SMUT, fingering, unprotected sex, pet names(bunny, bunbun)
WC: 1,845
Mirio was in his cramped bedroom studying for the final lengths of college on top of that had to manage his budding career as a pro hero after highschool. His roommate had taken an opportunity outside of the country to gain experience in different parts of the world as a hero. It was great as it meant the shared apartment was still covered and he had all the room to himself. The only problem was the pet hybrid they left behind. A cute bunny.
Mirio was fine living with the pet but hadn’t expected to become a full time caretaker on top of that. You were fairly self sufficient likely because his roommate wasn’t an exceptional owner. But neither was Mirio.For the first few months during the semester Mirio simply fed you throughout the day. You'd have the occasional walk in the neighborhood and were left to your devices for the rest of the time. At the end of the semester Mirio had warmed up to you a good amount. After his work and classes he would spend time with you, watching shows or throwing your favorite toys, until you curled up on his chest for the night.
More recently though his poor bunny wouldn’t even approach him. He had only taken small notice of this yesterday, when you refused to eat her dinner but he had to sleep for the next day and couldn’t dwell on the matter too long. He got up the next day and headed straight to his last final of the semester not knowing he would return to his apartment completely torn apart in the evening.
At first when he arrived he searched for signs of a break in making sure the bunny was also still in the house. Then he found you curled up in his closet with a t-shirt of his you had shredded in her hands. He knew exactly who the culprit was.
He saw red. Only for a moment, he didn't raise his voice, he took a deep breath and sat on the floor across from you. You noticed him upon his exhale and pushed yourself deeper into the closet.
“Y/N. Come over here please.” he tried his best to be non threatening. He just couldn’t believe such a sweet bunny could destroy a whole apartment in 4 hours.
You crawled out after a few minutes of quiet. As you got closer Mirio beckoned you into his arms. He held you for a bit.
“Tell me what happened today.” After getting no response from you he thought about calling a vet, to make sure you weren’t sick.
Mirio left the room to get his phone but was interrupted by a call from Amijiki. He answered.
“Hello, Mirio” .
“Hey Amijiki, how's it going?” He was relieved to hear a familiar voice.
“I'm going to be in your area tomorrow and want to patrol alongside you if you have the time.”
“Oh I…I don’t know if I can. I have this thing…Do you know anything about bunny hybrids?” Mirio could only think about helping you for the time being even if that meant calling out from his agency for the first time.
“Is there something wrong with your friend's pet?” Tamaki had already met the cute bunny girl prior to Mirio’s roommate leaving, but had no idea she was left in his care.
“Yeah, she tore up the place today. I have no idea why.” He sighed through the call.
“They’re pretty high maintenance pets. They require a lot of time from their owners for cleaning, you have to keep them busy, and they get lonely so people usually buy them in pairs if they work outside the home. Honestly your roommate is a bit dense for getting something they can’t take care of.” Tamaki said bluntly.
“Heh, well I’ve been taking care of her for a few weeks alone.”
Mirio felt embarrassed and almost certain that they had no idea how to properly take care of a bunny hybrid before this.
“Well what do you do to calm her down?" Tamaki had fostered pet hybrids before and was prepared with the basic care regimen for any hybrid.
"Uh I let her run around till she's tired most days."
"That explains why she trashed the place." Amijiki said lowly (lower than usual) before continuing. "You should work on some engaging relaxation techniques."
"Like T.V." Miro perked with his suggestion.
"No, that might be the worst thing to do. You can try cooking, bathing, or pleasure. Basically things you would do anyway."
Mirio thought for a second.
"Wait, I'm supposed to be bathing and pleasuring her? She does that stuff herself". It'd be impossible to not know how much bunny hybrids enjoy indulging their carnal instincts. But Mirio had assumed it was a personal experience for them.
"After all the time she's been with you it's impossible she wouldn't try to initiate if you didn't." Tamaki said, doubtful a bunny hybrid or all things could go months without an orgasm.
"Well she touches herself in front of me but I just assumed that she didn't understand privacy and left her alone…hello?" Mirio had gotten nothing but silence on his end of the phone. Tamaki was too busy pinching back the stupidity induced headache from Mirio.
"Well then that's something you should start with. And be thankful she didn't aim any of that anger at you. Bunny hybrids can be aggressive if motivated." And Mirio sure did give the poor thing a good reason. Tamiki hung up the phone before he was dragged any further into Mirios' mess, also deciding to delay his trip to his city till next week.
Now that Mirio had a plan of action all he needed to do was execute. It wouldn't be too hard, like a one night stand with a human girl and he didn't even need to flirt with her all night. So why was he so nervous? You weren't some innocent bunny, he'd seen you get up to all kinds of "activities" before he'd politely excuse himself.
In helping there was always the possibility he could make the situation worse. He peeked into the room to see your floppy ears drooped around your face and did his best to walk into the room seemingly knowing how to help. He scooped your body up and brought you to his bed. You didn't sniff about his collar or peck little kisses on him like usual. Mirio couldn't believe he let you get to this state.
He pulled you chin up from, where you buried your face on him and pressed his lips into yours tenderly. Your little cotton tail twitched up in curiosity. You were always so obedient for him, he didn't even know how lucky he was until now.
As he kissed your pillow soft lips and ran his hands up your sides cupping your breasts ever so often. His hands tracked down your body and nudged your clothed pussy. He began to lift your light slip-on dress off your body. You were eager and he didn't want to keep you waiting.
Your lips only separated when he pulled the dress over your head. One of Mirios large hands cupped your breast and his thumbs grazed your nipple.
“Do you like this?” he watched you squirm as he pinched a nipple. You nodded, your little cottontail bounced everytime his thumbs brushed against your sensitive bud.
Mirio was pleasantly surprised when you grinded down on his lap, leaving behind a small damp spot on his pants.
“I'm gonna take good care of you.” Mirio breathed into your neck, applying more pressure to your clit.
You straightened up from the shots of arousal running up your spine , tightening your eager hole around nothing. You grinded back down into Mirio's hand. He finally decided to slip your panties down your legs. He got a full view of the gorgeous mess of slick surrounding your twitching hole. Mirio inserted two fingers into your warm hole, his eyes watched happily as you sucked his fingers further inside each time he moved them.
You squealed from the long awaited comfort. He curled his fingers against your walls and your toes curled against the cool fabric of the bed. Mirio laid you back on the bed fully and began shifting his sweats down to free his dick. He stroked himself while leaning up to trail sloppy kisses down your neck and chest. You bucked your hips ever so often to gain friction against the fingers inside you. He lifted your hips to position his head with your pussy.
“Don’t move too much or I won’t be able to help you.” Mirio tried to steady your squirming body.
Finally he lined himself up and sank in perfectly. You let out a drawn out moan as you were filled by his full length. The girth of him caused you to twitch as he pushed deeper into you, feeling just how fulfilling the stretch of your pussy was. Mirio groaned each time you experimented with the feeling. Tightening your walls at different points of his strokes, making it almost impossible to not cum inside right then.
“C'mon bunny cum for me" He urged once he had found a comfortable pace for himself.
You grinded your hips up against his dick to hit the sensitive points primed by Mirio's fingers. This coupled with you twitching around his dick. You whined with each of your movements and balled your hands into Mirio’s shirt. Mirio hissed from the sensations, he was determined to let you finish all over his dick.
"So fuckung wet.". Mirio rasped as he grinded in time with you.
Your warm squishy cunt was sloppy after a few grinds and soft squelching emerged from your collective movements. The moans you let out drove Mario insane, he felt himself strain inside your velvet walls
"Miri…" you released his shirt to hold his hand. Your hips started to feel weak but you weren't at your release yet.
"Lemme take over." He brought you hands down from his shoulders and leaned back to push himself impossibly deeper. You whimpered when he pulled your hips up to meet his.
Strings of pleasure connected the two of you when he pulled out. He brought you back down slowly into a position he could grind up into you
"This is how you like it?" Mirio gave an experimental bump. You tightened deliciously around him.
"That!" you squeaked breathlessly.
He continued to crush his body against yours, rubbing against your clit with each push against you. Your little bunny brain was a fried babbling mess when you met your release. Mirio kept you full until you came down from your high.
"That was so good bunny" Mario mused at the little puddle on his chest
"Sorry" you sniffed through your aftershocks still seated on Mirios dick.
"There's nothing to apologize for, bunny. We'll clean up tomorrow."
-The End💙
partake of the harvest, they won't ripen again till next season😳
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