obviousniklr · 4 days
"Soap Bubbles 🧼"
[First posted/made: Sept. 16, 2022]
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obviousniklr · 5 days
Three more comics featuring Juliet's dad
First one:
Idk, just a bit of a fluff comic that I made 😂 where it's much later in AiJyul's story, and Jyuls' dad is used with the two by now.
[First posted/made: Sept. 20, 2022]
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Second one
This takes place when Juliet was still young, and where she discovered that mature books are a thing 😂
[first posted/made: Aug. 4, 2022]
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Third one:
This just feature the difference between the two families and how they spend their tv time together.
[First posted/made: Aug. 5, 2022]
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obviousniklr · 6 days
"Parental Trust" mini comic
[First posted/made: Sept. 23, 2022]
This takes place earlier in AiJyul's story, where it's been a few weeks since Juliet accepted to be Aires' official guild team partner.
(Part 1)
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(Part 2)
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obviousniklr · 6 days
"Parental Trust" mini comic
(Part 2)
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(Part 1)
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obviousniklr · 7 days
More info about the dREaM Arc 💫
Introduction to the arc:
The dREaM Arc is a brief arc in AiJyul's story. Occuring much later in their story, they're called in to help with the increasing occurances of nightmares people are experiencing in many areas, with a few reports of people dying from Nocturnal Death. Either their nightmares came for them or they were trapped asleep until it was too late. With Juliet growing up with a Nightmare Disorder, she's able to use the Dreamcatcher form and reduce the amount of nightmares slowly taking over The REalM. But what can be the cause of this sudden resurgence? And will Juliet be able handle this huge responsibility while having her life at the line every single sleep?
• Dreamer Aires
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• More Rules in the REalM
People who comes in or is conscious in the REalM are called Lucid Dreamers. Dreamers who became aware that they're inside a dream. Awake but still asleep.
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Protection space
- keeps a dreamer protected from wild nightmares
- It's made by drawing a shape inside another shape (most recommended: circle) and connecting them together. (A minimum of 4 connections)
- Difficulty: medium
- The drawing can be easily wiped if not careful, and it would be immediately inactive if the lines are disconnected
Signs of the Dreamcatcher
- having dreamcatcher signs in your body can give you protection from nightmares, but not totally
- depending on the nightmare's strength or size of damage (mostly directed on the signs), the protection could be easily penetrated
Purity gauge
- a gauge that can tell if your soul is being corrupted by nightmares or not
- corruption can be caused by being attacked by nightmares
- if the gauge is filled completely, you will turn into a nightmare
- but since a soul isn't a pure nightmare (not a person but made by a person's psyche) there's still a chance to be purified again. But you only have until the next night comes.
- If you fail to do so, your soul will be immediately turned into a nightmare, which could also cause your death in the real world (coz you have no soul left)
- In the REalM, a person can "imagine" things into possibility. Such as summoning objects or animals, or even manipulating a person's ability into a different form (like turning a fire ability into a sword, not turning fire into water)
- but a person cannot "imagine" environmental occurrences into possibility. Such as vanishing/wiping away a wild nightmare, causing an earthquake, or building a house. A normal person doesn't have a strong imagination for those to be possible.
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• More about the REalM
✴️In the REalM, anyone can enter it whenever they reach the state of REM sleep, but the thing is, those who only dream doesn't see the TRUE REalM, those who become Lucid Dreamers DOES. People who get nightmares will too but only briefly to those fortunate to only have a nightmare once in a long time (also their nightmares form in the true REalM unlike normal dreams).
✴️When nightmares does happen frequently to always, that's where they slowly become Lucid Dreamers.
✴️But when it comes to Aires and Juliet, they enter it intentionally (plus with a device that lets them). When they enter the REalM they're already Lucid Dreamers.
But what is the REalM exactly? And what does it look like?
✴️Since people's dreams can be anything their mind conjures up, whether it's from memories or imagination, it is normally a black void, as seen in Juliet's dreams. A blank canvas. Color can exist in the REalM but only in specific times, specific purposes, specific reasons.
✴️When people are in REM sleep and dream they will enter it too but they'll be safe in their own "heaven", their own bubble, same can be said to MOST people having nightmares (though for them you can't consider it a heaven really).
✴️Some people having nightmares (especially frequently) can accidentally come to the true REalM, and often leaving "fragments" of their nightmares.
✴️Lucid Dreamers can wander around the REalM, seeing leftover structures/fragments from other people's nightmares or or a wild Nightmare (the monster guys).
✴️Wild Nightmares are the active beings existing in one's dreams/nightmares, those that chased after dreamers or haunted them, the demons of dreamers, they can be left in the REalM too.
Why only fragments of nightmares are left in the REalM? Not including dreams too? Well, dream memories, and how they work plays an important role in that.
✴️Like I've said, people who dream are safe in their own literal "bubble". Once they wake up, it pops away, hence why the memory of our dreams easily fade away whenever we wake up.
✴️When it comes to nightmares, they can linger more longer in our memories, solidifying a few to most of its existence in the REalM.
✴️In other words, if a dream stays longer in a person's memory, or they remember some of it, that's a sign that it solidified in the REalM.
✴️Also, some of the fragments and wild Nightmares in the REalM are a result of people dying in the REalM, which would also result to them being a Nightmare as well.
✴️Tl;dr, things that Lucid Dreamers can see in the REalM are pretty arbitrary, but memories of dreams can come into play for their existence.
✴️The REalM is pretty vast so it's not filled with all of these fragments. Think of it as a black endless desert.
✴️Also everything in the REalM is or is turned to black, or void of color.
Arc theme:
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obviousniklr · 7 days
"Into the Nightmare"
mini comic
[Note: eventhough this is in manga style it's been made in comic format, so READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT]
This takes place in the early days, where Juliet was still a young pup, and they used to live near a small town
Even back then she frequently get nightmares
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"When I close my eyes, it's a silent night
The dark night visits, I run away"
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"It will take everything that I have away"
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"No way, no way, I just wander, I'm lost"
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"Look, someone is coming up, coming to me
No matter how far I go, alone, I cannot get out
I'm already inside a dream"
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"I'm breaking out, of the dark night
Take me up from here now"
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"Believe this heart screaming "I can overcome"
Breaking out
of the dark night"
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"Breaking out
Bye bye, to this nightmare"
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obviousniklr · 7 days
More about Juliet's parents
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I'll be spilling a bit more of them here just so peeps can know a bit of their story:
First off, their full names is Alan Miles Luce and Catalea Ludisia (nickname: Lea)
They met when both were in highschool, specifically at a skating park where Lea, who was roller skating, accidentally crashes into young Alan who was just passing by. Due to that first interaction they became friends and discovers that they go to the same school.
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Lea hang alot with Alan mainly just to help her study (because she needs to please her parents after trying to neglect it) and due to those study sessions, they became close up until college came
Since Lea is a curious soul and loves a good mystery around the town, Alan suggest that she takes criminology in college.
Even until college, Alan still helps her on her studies while juggling his
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Oh right, I forgot to tell about their family. Catalea came from a rich family who owns a really well known corporation while Alan came from a middle class family, who has a lumbering business. They don't really care about his education so he left his home and tries to support himself.
When college ended, that's where Lea decided to runaway from her home due to her parents being very strict and controlling of her life. So finally, she would be able to be herself, and live with a person she really trust.
They move much farther away to avoid any contact from Lea's parents, and work according to the profession they've studied in college. Lea as an investigator and Alan as an accountant.
Lea also opened up a flower shop, because she thinks "eventhough they're all different, they're beautiful and special in their own way."
Not too long after, they have their daughter, Juliet.
But not even a year later Juliet was born, Lea got hit by a speeding car during a rainy day, not being able to survive it due to the strong impact.
After the events of that, Alan decides to move to somewhere more rural and safe to raise Juliet. And since then it's just them two. Alan was still mourning for his partner's lost while Juliet was growing up.
I've made a story about this too where Juliet finally discovers what happened to her mother, y'all can read it here:
A Puppy's Mother
It's a bit old but most of the info in the story still stands.
Last info for now:
After knowing more about Juliet's mom she picked up roller skating. Something her mother loved to do.
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obviousniklr · 10 days
Alan Miles the Dog
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Juliet's father
He can be awkward at times but he's a very intelligent and formal doggo, can still bark at times but only when necessary
A fully graduated fella who now works as an accountant
He's a workaholic
Also a very caring father. Eventhough he has no knowledge on taking care of a child at the start, he does his best to make sure his child is safe and healthy.
When at home, he takes the initiative to do chores in the house, cleaning, cooking, etc. He likes to be busy.
Cooking is the only chore that he needed to learn while Juliet was growing up, so he can provide for their daily meals
When her partner died due to an unexpected accident, him and baby Jyuls back then, moved to a more rural place to live, near a small town
He only wants the best for his daughter but when Juliet asked if she could join a guild and do adventuring jobs on her own, that he knows will be dangerous, he was hesitant at first, but he still trust his daughter that she will stay safe and is older now, so he lets her.
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His purpose in life is to make sure his daughter grows up healthy and happy, since she's the only family member he has (that's not far away)
(Bonus comic)
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More about Alan, including his past partner you can read it here: More about Juliet's parents
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obviousniklr · 10 days
"Parental Worry" mini comic
[Eventhough this is in manga style, do read it in comic format/ from LEFT TO RIGHT]
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Alan is not really used to sleepovers yet, at the time 😅
This comic takes place early on in AiJyul's story, where they're still friendos.
Alan btw, is Juliet's father (if it's not obvious already 😂) here's a post to know more about him: Alan Miles the Dog
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obviousniklr · 14 days
"Nightmare" mini comic
[⚠️WARNING⚠️ The post includes forms of str@ngulation and t0rture, please be cautious if you're sensitive of those]
"Endlessly further down down down for me, There's no time Now it's not too late, I have nobody but you, Save me now
I'm already in an emergency"
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• Juliet has Nightmare Disorder, meaning she can constantly have nightmares when she is stress or worried about something. This doesn't happen all the time but when it does it can continuously occur every single night unless she overcomes or forgets about it.
• Nightmares portray the fears or concerns you have (either literal or figuratively).
In here, it's the fear of betrayal. Obviously Juliet wouldn't really betray her but it's still a concern that it could happen.
There's also a bonus page for this mini comic
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obviousniklr · 14 days
Bonus page for the "Nightmare" comic
(since I've reached a limit in the original post)
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Here's the link to the main comic if you haven't seen it yet :]
"Nightmare" mini comic
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obviousniklr · 16 days
Before Aires' bday (Aug 29) they went on one last mission before the day comes, little did they know that it would take longer that they wouldn't have a break day before her bday.
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When that day finally came, Juliet already has plans and activities that they were gonna do, like reserved lunch, amusement parks, and more, but unfortunately Aires didn't rest well enough so she was running low on energy the whole day.
(yeah I know even a little sleep can be enough rest for someone, but do keep in mind that they have just finished a mission, Aires probably used her powers to the extent for it. Them powers can be quite draining afterall :v)
Juliet immediately notice this and decides to cut the plans in the middle of the day, eventhough she really wants to accomplish them. They bought sleeping bags and one more cake to eat, and went straight to their special crystal cave.
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obviousniklr · 18 days
Haven't drawn these characters in a long time 😭
But here's some of my Modern OCs
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• Team Skull
A seemingly normal adventure team doing missions/jobs, but under the surface they have a much darker agenda in operation.
Fynx the Red Panda. The leader of Team Skull. He's a conniving and clever red panda who takes what he wants, does what he wants, with a seemingly charming yet deceiving demeanor. He vows to reawaken the power of the Red Zircon one day and reign supreme over every mobian.
Scratch the Raccoon, a selfish and aggressive punk who is very loyal to Fynx. Being the only one who picked him up when nobody wanted him, and gave him a prosthetic arm, Scratch vows his life to Fynx believing that he would have a glorious life under his rule.
And Timothy (Tim) the Tiger, a strong but gentle bodyguard of Fynx. When they first met, Timothy owed him for helping him out on a family disagreement, and saving his life from a near-to-death accident. Now, he ventures with Fynx to repay him but was it the right choice? Knowing Fynx' true intentions now, Tim regrets it. He wants to be set free from his grasp but unfortunately, he knows how dangerous Fynx could be, that he can slit his throat at any moment and leave him to die alone, so he's trapped being his bodyguard. Forever silenced until someone breaks, or pulls him out to safety
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• An update on Iyro's Black Quartz look.
Oh right, I haven't told it yet here, but Iyro used to be in a delinquent group called Black Quartz. He joined mainly to have friends, but when he realized they were doing bad deeds, he starts feeling doubtful about his decision. He wants to leave but he doesn't want to let the members of the group, those who needs his strength, down.
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• K3io brothers
Three brothers who only rely on each other. After their mother died from an illness 6 years ago, Ron has been trying to keep his brothers safe, and well sheltered, taking on random jobs to offer help. Now at the current time, they work as a guild team in Stone Guild, taking on many kinds of jobs in the wild.
Ron, the eldest of the three, is very reliable and assertive. Always looking out for his brothers. Has a knack for card and board games, and is somewhat bashful towards women.
Ry, the middle child, is a rowdy and thrill seeking doggo. He likes everything cool and daring. He even wants to be a hero one day and beat-up bad guys. He can get in trouble at times, injuring himself, being a bit reckless which leads to Ron scolding him alot for doing something stupid or dangerous. But over all that fiery passion for something exciting, he still cares about his brothers. Worries about Ron whenever he overworks himself or blames himself for not earning enough, only for the next day Ry surprises him with money to buy food (yet Ron also doubts Ry could've stolen it), and looks out after Rio whenever it's just them too, eventhough he prefers to do something else, he still cherish Rio and gives him candy.
And lastly Rio, the youngest of the brothers. Eventhough he wasn't able to experience abit of school like his brothers did, he still likes learning about the world around him. He has an imaginative mind and an optimistic and warm heart. Eventhough he doesn't know the harshness of reality yet, he still want to help his brothers on their work so they can eat yummy foods, and see them all happy together.
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A bit of an Easter egg but here's Ron in the Future as well.
In the future, Ron decided to move to a corporate job instead. Though seemingly impossible since he stopped schooling at an early age, he found his chance when he saw a project hiring people without a diploma and just basing their qualifications on their capabilities. Ron studied hard and managed to get a position. Now he works at the same office Alan (Juliet's dad) works in.
(an explanation to the last pic) When Bony went to Alan's office to deliver him a letter of consent for his daughter, since she does work in their guild afterall, for a group camp/expedition, she coincidentally recognizes a familiar blue dog. Same can be said to Ron when he saw Bony. They haven't since each other in a long time since the brothers left Stone Guild. After that reunion, they decide to catch up, see what the other's lives has been up to.
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obviousniklr · 18 days
Been playing alot alot with hairs recently (mostly in human ver coz...I mean it's more easier than doing it in mobian/Sonic ver :v)
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And this hairstyle meme challenge my friend suggested me to try
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~AiJyul mini sketch section~
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obviousniklr · 27 days
No thoughts.
Just raincoat doggy.
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obviousniklr · 27 days
Action and comic elements practice (like with frames, sound effects, and such) with AiJyul
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When Aires is in battle she handles it more performatively, making great use of her abilities such as dashing, Impact Burst, etc. A bit with elegance but mostly fervent haste and toughness
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Juliet on the other hand, takes on battles more seriously. Taking what she learned and train into full utilization. Acting, and thinking swift, trying her best to be precise and effective.
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And here's a screenshot redraw coz...Aires has glowing eyes too :v.
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obviousniklr · 1 month
Summer time with AiJyul 🌅🍧
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It's still summer season right? 😂 I've searched and it said August is the last month of Summer.
This time they're having a date in the seaside bay or area in the city :] like in LA or something (idk 😂) enjoying the sunny vibe and eating patbingsu.
They usually go out like this during their off days.
Also I did this style of artwork again where I used irl pics for the bg 😆 (except for the 1st and 2nd pic) coz idk...quirky 😂 also I kinda want to do like...a fancam/pic style.
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