#These Three
stevenrogered · 1 month
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How did you find me? We heard this barking. Thank you, Thunderbolt. 
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Richie: I know how to drive
Eddie: You do?
Richie: Yeah, I drove your mom
Stanley: Yeah, up a wall
Credits to @certifiedscarecrow
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incorrectgenv · 3 months
Andre: Would you take a bullet for me?
Jordan: ...yes?
*Cate angrily burst into the room*
Andre: *running away* Great, thanks!
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quotesbutincorrect · 11 months
Pandora: Lilly, you'll be working with Regulus and James. Lilly: Alright! My fantasy threesome! Everyone else: blank stares Lilly: …Of people on a team.
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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Lillian Hellman couldn't make her mind up about lesbians.
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The Lux Radio Theatre
CBS Radio
Ep #059: These Three (Dec06th1937)
Errol Flynn, Barbara Stanwyck, Mary Astor And Cecil B. DeMille
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sydsaint · 1 year
I present to you, one flirty GM and her three cocky dickhead boyfriends. 💜
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Summary: The reader is one of the Smackdown GMs and friends with Austin, LA, and Grayson. One night Pearce snaps at her while he's in a bad mood and she finds her boys are more than willing to defend her.
It's just another Friday night when you pull up to the arena for Smackdown. Security meets you at the front of the building and escorts you inside past the raging crowd gathering outside for the show. You get inside the safety of the building and are greeted by LA Knight right outside your office for the night.
"Already, Knight?" You quip with a grin when you see him leaning outside your office door. "What? A girl can't even get her coffee before you start bothering her?" You joke.
"I got your coffee right here, sweetheart." Knight lifts his hand with a wink to reveal a steaming cup of coffee.
You have to laugh that he knows you so well. You graciously take the coffee from him and step inside the office. "Oh, so you want something from me, then?" You ask in a knowing tone as you make your way over to your desk.
"Me? No." Knight shakes his head. "I just wanted to drop by and say hello." He insists.
"Well, then." You sit down and begin unloading some stuff from your bag. "Is there anything else?"
Knight grins at you but shakes his head. "Nope. You take care tonight, boss." He winks at you one last time before he walks off.
You smile to yourself and shake your head. You went out for drinks with Knight and a few a few days ago, but you didn't think that was all it was going to take to have Knight so obsessed with you.
A few minutes later, your fellow general manager of WWE shows up at the office with an annoyed look on his face. "Adam!" You greet him. "Why the face? Work hasn't even really started yet."
"Don't even get me started." Adam groans and stomps over to his desk. "Is that coffee? Where did you get coffee at? Catering was out when I went by there looking for some." He eyes your steaming coffee with jealous eyes.
"A friend dropped it off." You grin to yourself and take a sip from the cup.
Your vague answer only fuels Adam's foul mood. But you don't let his grumbling get to you.
A little while later Grayson Waller pops into the office with his setlist for the Grayson Waller Effect to be approved by either you or Adam. And the Aussie has Austin Theory with him since the two of them have been hanging out lately.
"Y/N! Don't you look lovely tonight?" Grayson compliments you as he comes through the door. "Don't you agree, Austin?" He nudges Theory.
"Duh." Austin agrees with a smug grin. "Y/N's always looking hot.'
You roll your eyes and beckon the pair over to your desk before Adam starts yelling at them for messing around. "Mhm. Behave you two." You warn the pair. "Grayson, is that your set list?" You ask him.
"Sure is." Grayson nods and hands the list over to you. "You know, Y/N, I was thinking. And I think that you'd make a great guest on my show sometime." He informs you.
"Really now?" You indulge Grayson's little game for the moment. "Boring old me?"
Grayson and Austin both chuckle while you're reading over Grayson's setlist. "Now now, don't sell yourself short, Y/N," Grayson assures you.
"Yeah! You're great." Austin backs Grayson up.
"Mhm, well I'm unfortunately going to have to decline." You hand Grayson back his list with your signature neatly penned in at the bottom. "I am flattered by the offer though."
Grayson nods and takes his approved setlist back. Austin picks up the slack and flashes you a dashing smile. "You have definitely got to join us for drinks after the show then." He insists.
"I've got plans." You giggle at the pair's eagerness to see you after work hours.
"I bet they aren't as fun as hanging out with us." Grayson doesn't give up just yet.
You laugh and shake your head. "I beg to differ." You tease them. "But if the two of you are that desperate, you're going to have to talk to LA Knight."
Austin and Grayson share a small look and bid their farewell to you before they hastily exit the office. You laugh at their antics and get back to work. But you can hear Adam grumbling still to himself on the other side of the room. You know that your little charade with Waller and Theory couldn't have made his mood any better than it was when he arrived.
"I'm gonna go down to the production truck, Adam." You get to your feet after a few minutes of silence. "Need anything?"
"No," Pearce grumbles once again.
"Okay. Be back soon." You shrug and walk off.
Later into the night, you are back in the office when Pearce dismisses himself to film a quick backstage segment. While he's gone, you call your three favorite superstars back to the office to discuss an upcoming six-man tag match for next week's show.
"Miss me that much, Y/N?" LA Knight comes sauntering into the office a few minutes after the call.
"Terribly." You joke and gesture to an empty seat next to your desk.
Knight shuts the door behind him but declines your offer of a chair. "Thanks, but I'll stand." He insists.
"Of course you will." You playfully roll your eyes when Knight leans against your desk. "Now we just need the two stooges."
"You talking about Waller n' Theory?" Knight replies. "Those two came by the locker room asking about me and you earlier you know?"
You smile to yourself but manage to play it cool. "Did they know? What for?" You ask Knight.
"Wanted to know what was going on between you and me," Knight explains.
"And what did you tell them?" You turn your chair a bit to face Knight.
Knight smiles down at you. "The truth." He answers you.
"Oh? And what's that?" You bat your eyelashes at him.
The tension in the room is palpable until Austin and Grayson finally arrive. You switch back into work mode and get discussing the tag match out of the way before you can get back to having some fun.
A bit later, Pearce finally finishes up filming his backstage segment. A task that took way longer than he'd hoped it would. Annoyed and in a bad mood, Pearce slips back into the office only to find it being occupied.
Silence falls over the office when Pearce slams the door. You direct your gaze to the door and find Adam, red in the face and staring a hole in you from the doorway.
"Adam." You greet Pearce. "Something wrong?" You ask him casually, arms folded in front of you.
Pearce stares at you before his gaze switches to the three men currently surrounding your desk. Knight is at your right side wearing his usual confident smile and leaning ever so slightly over you. Grayson is opposite him and leaning against your desk with Austin at his shoulder. All three men are crowded around you instead of on the other side of the desk where they should be.
"What's all this?" Pearce huffs, his foul mood finally rearing its ugly head. "What? Are the four of you discussing when to schedule your next orgy?!" He snaps.
You blink a couple of times at Pearce's outburst but don't offer an immediate reply. Instead, you've got three pissed-off pro athletes ready to defend your honor.
"Hey!" Knight, being the oldest and most mature of the trio, is the first one to snap. "Don't talk to her like that!" He puffs out his chest and steps toward Pearce.
"Yeah! You'd best apologize, right now!" Grayson speaks up next, wearing the same expression of ill intent as Knight.
Austin, being the youngest of the group, is the last to come to your defense. But he's also the one to make the most intimidating threat. "Apologize to her, now!" Austin growls. "Because I guarantee we've all got enough money to pay a suspension fine for kicking your ass."
You watch Pearce swallow hard and nearly fold in on himself in fear. You get to your feet and gesture for your harem of angry suitors to back off. "It's alright, you three." You speak in a calm tone. "I'm sure Adam didn't mean it. He's just been having a rough, night. Right, Adam?" You offer him a chance to avoid getting his ass kicked.
"Yes. Forgive me." Pearce vigorously nods. "I...I don't know what came over me."
"See." You glance between Knight, Waller, and Austin. "You three can go now. I'll email you with more details later." You dismiss them before things escalate further.
Austin, Knight, and Waller all glare at Pearce as they exit the room. You shut the door behind them and hand Pearce the schedule for next week's show with one match underlined.
"I was talking to them about their tag match next week." You point to the underlined passage on the page.
Pearce looks at the passage and runs a hand over his face. "I'm sorry." He apologizes to you.
"Apology accepted." You nod and walk back over to your desk. "But, Adam?" You sit down and Pearce is forced to look at you. "Don't let it happen again. Or those three won't be your only problem." You warn him.
Pearce nods and swallows again. He buries himself in his work and doesn't talk to you again for the rest of the night.
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imagine-darksiders · 1 year
Nearly done with the next chapter of Eden's Heir and just felt like sharing my favourite bit so far. :)
“I’m… I’m not going anywhere with him.” You point accusingly at War, though you swiftly drop your finger after he gives it a look that suggests he’d like to cut it off.
“Oh come on, War’s not as bad as he looks,” Strife prods encouragingly, “Is this about your arm?”
Incredulous, you gape up at the Horseman for a moment before pursing your lips with a shrug, as if to compose yourself. “No, actually, I just don’t particularly like his attitude- YES OF COURSE IT’S ABOUT MY FUCKING ARM!”
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moonahsrobin · 1 year
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buckaroo627 · 4 months
Oliver and Ryan in Kenny's World: kennethchoi_ Instagram Post
"I'm the greatest filmmaking teacher ever..."
Ryan's comment:
"It's Kenny's World. We're all just lucky enough to live in it."
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becabeale143 · 1 year
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pharawee · 1 year
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Gun & Pitch & So
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quotesbutincorrect · 1 year
Keeley: What’s it like being tall?
Keeley: Is it nice?
Keeley: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Roy: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Jamie: It was one time!
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maeb6 · 11 months
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The difference of vibes for these three in both photos is hilarious to me 😋
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lovemkx · 2 years
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jayforrester1 ig post
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im-goofball · 1 year
Does Rocks have a favorite among his crew or does he hate/love them all equally?
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No he doesn't love hate them equaly. He has special people he loves hates more then the others.
Edward is his favourite
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