#Theres no way hes neurotypical
frobby · 2 years
Rin: me and Yukio have crazy twin powers! :D
Yukio: no we don't, we're just both autistic
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d1sc01nf3rn0 · 6 months
I'm seeing a lot of people with neurodivergency, specially under the autism spectrum say that "Laios is annoying, never shuts up, is insensitive, and I can't stand him"; and the irony is not lost on me lmao.
#like im sorry dude did you think all autism is “anime obsessed dude”?#how did you think neurodivergent people behaved on old times?#also like#being unintentionally insensitive is almost a telltale sign of autism cause you struggle with social cues#if anything i think a lot of you are finally habing to face your own internalized predjudices#“he is annoying” yes that's how ableist neurotypical people talk about us all the time tell me something i haven't heard already#like how do i explain to you that a lot of neurotypical people tal the exact same eay youre talkbing about laios#and is annoying when they go “but im neurodivergent! i can be biased agaisnt neurodivergent people”#yes you can because being neurodivergent is not a monolith and you are mistifying being neurodivergent#by implying theres some sort of virtue in being under the spectrum when youre as capable of being a dick just as everyone else#like you think you have autism but suddenly wanting to taste things youre not supposed to eat and not remembering peoples names is too much?#some of yall never experienced beinf a “weird kid” at a young age and it shows#and im not talking the “geek bullied” weird kid kinda way#im talking “the adults think I'm weird amd don't know how to deal with me”#WHICH FITS LAIOS PERFECTLY BECAUSE WE ACTUALLY HAVE A SCENE OF HIS DAD SHOWING HIM FALLIN AS A BABY#AND NOT UNDERSTANDING WHY IS THERE NO EXPECTED REACTION FROM LAIOS#anyways im making this rant because is unreal how many posts of this exist#you think Laios is annoying cause he wont shut up?#congratulations thats how most people see us#now get over it or watch other series if you hate it that much#dunmeshi hell thoughts#weird rant i suppose#dungeon meshi#laios touden
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ox-imagines · 2 months
Guys. Hear me out. This might seem like a stretch to some of you especially compared to like towa and zenji and alan. But.
Autistic tohma. Like the kind where he can analyze the shit outta other people’s expressions and tones but absolutely cannot properly express or understand his own emotion. And he doesn’t actually belong in Frostheim but he seems like this poster child of what a Frostheim ghoul should be like bc he’s soooo good at masking and “playing the part.” It would also explain to me why some people think he’s too morally grey or emotionally detached or a bit sadistic and I’m like ig I can see why you think that but I rly don’t mind or think he’s irredeemable or has an evil streak or smth like some ppl seem to think ?
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dayurno · 5 months
one thing though that i thought was very interesting in tsc was how jeremy and kevin swapped some key personality traits the fanon associated with them. kevin being a grounded, stable pilar vs jeremy being (though well-intentioned & kindly) pushy and falling into codependency with jean like many of us assumed would be the inevitable outcome of kevin and jean reconciling. quite surprising!
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sergeifyodorov · 1 year
Would you care to elaborate on the Sid and Davo autism truthing because I agree but I want to hear your thoughts?
Not To Diagnose Men I Don't Know, But:
autism is highly characterized by:
restrictive interests, which they are highly invested in (you know. stories growing up about how they ONLY ever wanted to play hockey, connor for instance getting fixated on how the other kids "weren't doing enough" when his team was losing)
resistance to change in routine (sid keeping that jockstrap for EIGHTEEN PLUS YEARS, refusing to move/adjust things in his pregame routine that aren't "lucky," etc)
social difficulties (connor was described as a child + teenager as "painfully shy," "blunt to the point of being phlegmatic," etc, sid was sweet but there are stories of him not understanding why he was being picked on and stuff)
i think professional sports and especially ones where the pipeline starts as young as it does in hockey are essentially a breeding ground for neurodiverse individuals to "hide," as it were. hyperfixation and special interests are "good work ethic," ocd superstitions/autistic commitment to routine is just "pregame ritual", adhd energy is "drive."
that absolute narrow focus a lot of neurodiverse individuals can get, in the context of competitive sport, is a fairly straightforward way to get really really good at something really really fast, which is how individuals like sid or davo or nathan mackinnon or countless others all show up with reputations like "incredibly skilled, relentlessly focused, will stop at nothing to win."
im going to leave my thoughts on it at that; im not intimately familiar with the psychiatry and ethics of competitive sport and how they intertwine, so i don't have much else to say. sidney crosby's giant eyes DO have tbh swag though i love him
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vind3miat0r · 7 months
spoiler-ish be warned
something ive noticed is how theres a lot of ancient Greek words in d(a)emon lore. literally all of the d(a)emons have star names as their own names, and you know who named most of the stars?
the Greeks.
"Anacrusis/Anacruses" originates from Greek.
Death being a river is similar to the river Styx in Greek mythology.
theres probably more d(a)emon lore that has Greek words/terms/references in it but im too lazy to do a deep dive trying to find it
what im saying is that: what if unempowered people view the Sovereigns as the ancient Greek gods? itd make sense, wouldnt it? maybe?
stories of all-powerful beings with magical powers have to come from somewhere, right?
idk maybe im reaching a bit here, but its cool to think about
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haysprite · 1 year
can we hear some of your headcanons about frank :)
OMG YES !!! I feel like my interpretation of him is like really different than other people's, but its finnnneee :o) Also there's a lot so brace yourself 👍 I also wanted to focus more on just him this time around since I've already done a HC dump about him and Julie !
• AuDHD also go brrr (I’ll be real I’ve hit all four of em with this lmfao)
• Has a really high pain tolerance! He could break a bone or somethin and literally try to walk it off despite the other’s protests. 
• ON THE OTHER HAND THO, he is PATHETIC when it comes to getting sick (which isn’t often, but that means it hits him HARD when he does). Talk about man colds fr 🙏 The other three tend to make fun of him for this, but Julie still takes care of him cause she finds it a bit funny and wants to help her silly bf out.
• Absolutely loves being the center of attention, so he defo tries to impress anyone around him
• He really did enjoy playing basketball and being on Fairview’s team! He didn’t really get along with most of his team, but he was pretty good at the sport and being on the court was sometimes freeing for him. Was also a p good excuse to stay away from home.
• Dropped out of school early into his senior year, punching that referee was simply his final straw
• During the car ride to Ormond, he defo tried to run away while Clive was stopped to get some gas, but got caught pretty quickly. Frank may be strong, but Clive was stronger, and managed to force him back into the car. The rest of the ride was pretty silent after this
• Absolutely loves hoodies and jackets, and is rarely seen without one (whether he’s wearing it or just has it on hand). They’re just comfy, what can I say
• Loves the thrill of fights, which he gets into a bit more often than he probably should. Also tends to be the one to throw the first punch.
• He is NOT a morning person whatsoever. It takes him forever to finally drag his ass out of bed. He’s more of a night person, both for the peacefulness and because there’s more potential to cause some mayhem without getting caught.
• Though he’s the leader of the Legion, most of the plans and ideas come from Julie and Joey, since they actually like to think plans through unlike Frank, who will jump straight into something without giving it a second thought. He’s got zero impulse control lets be fr
• Hates the quiet, he either has to have music playing or be talking to somebody or else he just feels uncomfortable
• Has quite a few tattoos, though the only one ever really visible is the one on his neck. Got his first tattoo at 15 and loved the rush he got from getting one. I feel like he got his neck tattoo right before being dragged to Ormond at (roughly) 17. He had to be sneaky about getting them, ofc, but he’s always been pretty good at faking IDs and lying about his age (hence why he’s able to get his hands on alcohol n shit p easily).
• He’s a bit of a flirt, having a pretty charming nature to him, which he defo uses to his advantage when he needs to get out of sticky situations
• Not trusted behind the steering wheel, so Julie or Joey are always the ones to drive everyone places, which he’s a bit annoyed by, but he got over it eventually
• Has a lil collection of random trinkets he’s saved throughout his life, like things he’s stolen from every foster home he’s been through, random shit he’s found on the ground, gifts given to him by his friends, etc
• Whenever he was relocated, he would ALWAYS research as much as he possibly could about where he was being sentenced to. He found the history behind certain places really interesting, especially if there were any murders or creepy shit involved, and it also helped him plan out ways to get out of there as quickly as possible.
• Absolutely hates Clive with the PASSION. He did nothing but ignore Frank, no matter how hard he tried to get his attention. Frank picked a lot of verbal fights with him, some of them almost escalating into something physical, but Clive wasn’t afraid to fight back and stopped each fight pretty quickly.
• Got kicked out about half a year after turning 18, but he didn’t really care since he basically lived at the lodge anyway. Just meant he was finally free from living with Clive permanently
• He has a funny older brother / younger sister relationship with Susie. They’ll do shit like yelling at each other from across the lodge about what kind of pizza they should get, or walking into the room the other is in only to stand there silently before turning off the lights and BOOKING it. They annoy each other a lot, but they do it out of love (platonic obv) lmfao
• He and Joey do stupid shit like wrestling, arm wrestling, or straight up fights to see who’s stronger. Despite Frank being the one to initiate most of these, Joey wins a good 90% of the time unless he’s really caught off guard.
• Would do literally anything for Julie <3 He is so pathetically in love with her. I feel like Susie bugged him a lot about this before he and Julie started dating, calling him out whenever she caught him staring at Julie for too long or just teasing him about it
• Is REALLY bad at comforting his friends when they’re feelin down, but he tries his best 👍 It’s either him threatening to kick the ass of whoever made them upset, or just being silent and letting them vent cause he doesn’t really know how to respond
• Got super excited when he found out Julie also loved slasher films and learning about serial killers, and was really happy about finally having someone to talk about this shit with. They have movie nights a lot where they watch stupid slasher films for sure !
• It takes a lot to calm him down when he’s angry. Though his friends are sometimes able to help, most of the time they have to leave him be and let him punch or break some shit to release his anger.
• He always feels really bad whenever he blows up at one of his friends, he just struggles with actually apologizing about it. Julie is helping him a lot with this, and even though progress is slow, he’s slowly learning and getting better at it
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last-answer · 1 year
funny thing abt my father is that he is quite literally such a toxic gamer that no one, and i mean NO ONE in his wow guild actually likes playing w him, not even my mom who mainly plays that game for him . . . they all only play w him bc hes a good dps nd my mom ( who's a rlly good healer ) wont play w/o him bc she hates interacting w other ppl + she hates frequent raids
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his boob jiggled neurodivergently
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drchucktingle · 2 years
misguided protectors of the trot
some unique ways are so overwhelmed by tales of woe that if you are joyful in your trot buds appear and say 'you cant exist you must be a parody'. it is amazing how hard it is for neurotypical cis straight buds to accept someone could just joyfully be queer and autistic
entire writing career has obviously had pushback from conservative devils but a few leftwing buds trying to police voices for special online points is always so eyerolling. 'chuck is homophobic a book about queer joy MUST be parody' 'chuck is ableist hes too aware to be autistic'
these scoundrels say ‘wait this is not dramatic tragedy about gay men overcoming discrimination? THEN IT IS NOT REAL QUEER ART’ or ‘wait your story about autism is not about how it was SO HARD but you finally made it when a neurotypical bud took you under their wing? FAKE STORY'
i am betting some who do this (sometimes literally to chuck over the years) will read this and say ‘well thats not me.’ and i have to say… ‘BUD IT IS YOU’. it might not be as obvious and you may think theres more nuance but THIS is the thought process just below surface
so what is point? point is: to all my well meaning leftwing buds, your love and care is appreciated but you do not need to police communities you are not in. support all you want but SUPPORT and POLICING are very different things. gatekeeping is not your job
second. work to accept that your buds CAN MAKE JOYFUL ART. they can also make STRANGE, SILLY, FRIGHTENING, SICKENING, PLAYFUL, or PUNK ROCK art. theres no one APPROVED way to express these perspectives, and if you are outside this community it is not your job to keep the gate
as time goes on and buds realize what i am doing with my creations these bad takes get rarer and rarer. i am DOIN VERY GOOD. my post is mostly out of concern for young buckaroo artists without a big following, who want to build something unexpected and strange and bold
let queer buckaroos write stories with happy endings OR terrible endings that make you squirm. let autistic buckaroos paint with joy and complexity or deep sadness and minimalism.  the way these voices get tokenized is by insisting they need to have ONE SPECIFIC WAY
proving love is accepting that we all have our own unique trot, even you. ESPECIALLY YOU. get out there and create YOUR THING buckaroo. thank you for reading buds. LOVE IS REAL
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prosciuttoon · 5 months
Toshiro/Shuro is overhated
(mirror of my thread on twitter)
ever wanted to talk abt something so bad but u have so many thoughts so u cant even begin to organize a sentence. thats me abt shuro and its why i cant give my thoughts on him. i NEED to get this out of my system bc its takign up so much memory in my brain i need that space for thinking.
so i was really surprised to find so much hate for him even tho he seems pretty normal and rational out of the whole cast. ive deducted that its mostly abt his laios fight and that the ppl who hate him probably had bad experiences w social cues and relationships w neurotypicals bc of that. theres no way to avoid it bc its pretty much Right In Your Face that laios is ND. but thats not the only factor in why their relationship is rocky. its also the culture barrier. u have to understand toshiro was raised as JAPANESE NOBILITY ofc he would be a little conservative
also culture shock. idk if u know this but jp culture is very Mind Your Own Business like a lot of other asian cultures . ofc hes gonna be weirded out by a stranger invading his space. also his names not even Shuro. its just yt ppl not pronouncing his name right and settling for whats easiest.
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img src: fan translation by savaralyn2 , i think its from the adventurers bible Complete Edition bc i dont remember it in the old one
ok you get the gist of the culture aspect of it. lets go into the ND/NT clash aspect of it. yes i understand its pretty hurtful to never be told when youre acting inappropriately. i am autistic too lmao. but you have to understand that shiro is one guy and he even does realize that repressing things is one of his fatal flaws. again. asian culture. non confrontational. that sorta thing. but these are genuine frustrations. if i were him id be annoyed too but id speak out about it. set boundaries. bc im blunt. shiros not. he was taught crazy strict manners (hierarchies, respect, politeness, etc).
his problem isnt ableism its a culmination of culture barriers, how he was raised to behave, and terrible lack of communication as thing caused by "all of the above" plus he just generally keeps to himself a lot which means repressing frustrations that will explode leading to a pathetic fistfight while hes starved, exhausted, and dehydrated. also. if he was ableist he would hate laios. he doesnt hate laios. at the end of the day, they are friends. NT and ND ppl can be friends u know. there will be rifts (like their fight) but you just have to communicate misunderstandings. theyre gonna be fine lol
anyways that was my whole spiel abt it. i think i got everything out that i wanted to? my head still feels a little full so i may add more later when i remember something
also i think its a little unfair to rule out the possibility of laios and him just being 2 very different kinds of ND bc its very common for misunderstandings to occur even then. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT BUT WE NEED TO COMMUNICATE TO UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER! but for the sake of interpreting the Fight as a commentary on NT social rules and ND frustration, ill say toshiros NT. will we ever know? hes so far in the sidelines... youd really have to dig in the extra content to see the intricacies of his character.... please give him a chance
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does he have adhd?
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reason: he just gives The Vibe. often he can seem distractible. he is quite regularly regarded by others as stupid and therefore is underestimated, but in reality he has high intellect and a strong sense of empathy and passion. he tends to fixate on people, particularly partners. adhd seems like it would best fit him over other neurodivergent conditions, but i don't think theres any way this man is neurotypical [] edit: just remembered rsd is an adhd thing and he handles a lot of rejection, which causes him a LOT of emotional pain. (the mountain scene that created burn butcher burn being the main example)
submitted by @angelellipsis-devilofdots
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ellmaii · 1 year
Anti Mileven Bylers: “Mike doesn’t love Eleven, he just loves her powers and glorifies her as a superhero”
Are they forgetting the whole season long drama between Mike and everyone because he was mad they were using her powers, causing her potential harm and risk of being exposed and taken?
Anti Mileven Bylers: “El doesn’t understand love and relationships and isn’t ready for a relationship”
Are they forgetting the conclusion of Eleven and Brenner’s relationship? Or her time in NINA entirely? She’s doesn’t severely lack emotional maturity, she does NOT have the mind of a child and limited capacity with independence. She struggles with a lot of things as result of being isolated and mistreated her entire life but it doesn’t make her incapable of a romantic relationship.
Anti Mileven Bylers: “there is an unhealthy mental/academic gap between Mike and Eleven”
Of course theres a gap! He grew up in a middle class background living a very normal life while she grew up confined and abused in a lab without receiving a formal education. But what’s the issue, why should it stop them from being together? Believe it or not, relationships between neurotypical, ‘normal people’ and people who have disabilities and trauma’s do exist. Relationships where one partner takes care of the other (that could be emotionally, physically, financially ect) do exist!!
Is Mike taking advantage of her difficulties? Does he control her, baby her, lie because she might not know better then to believe him?(him lying in season 3 doesn’t count, the circumstances are completely different🙄)No. That’s not an opinion it’s a fact, we never see him do that. In what way does her not being on the same academic/mental level as him make their relationship toxic?
At the end of the day they’re just two kids from very different backgrounds who love each other. They’re relationship isn’t perfect but it’s what they both choose. You love who you love.
I’m tired and getting really bored of people who ship Byler and use Mileven to further their ideology going to extreme lengths by finding ‘reasons’ Mileven is unhealthy and morally wrong. They don’t have to like them, their reasons for disliking them just often contradict the evidence or are straight up offensive and discriminatory.
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skreebs · 2 days
Thinking about the ableism toward Jouno in the BSD fandom and it genuinely pisses me off so badly I want to hit people. I’ll be perusing the tag and looking at stuff and then I’ll see some random pop ups for AO3 and get shit like this
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Now I don’t 100% know the context of this screenshot, for all I know this fic could be about him before he lost his sight, but either way it got me thinking and thinking got me angry and being angry means i need to complain. Jouno is already pretty shit blind rep, I’ll be honest. He’s the basic stereotype of “blind character has super senses because they’re blind” but can we give blind people literally ANYTHING else??? jesus christ. I’m pissed how BSD writes his blindness so as per usual I had to attempt to fix all of that myself, but attempting to fix it and removing it entirely are NOT the same and one is VERY MUCH SO WORSE. Again, not talking about this fic specifically but other ones I’ve seen that do this, or those “Jouno if he could see” edits. Spoiler alert, blind people can open their eyes.
I dont know why BSD and every other piece of media is so adamant on not giving visually impaired and blind characters white canes and just giving them "super senses" to get around it. It’s incredibly stupid and abelist to portray stuff like this. Disabilities are not super powers and thank GOD they didnt make that his ability but they still gave him that aspect and I guess it can be excused with SOME lore stuff like maybe he got really good senses from his surgeries but it just sucks that it happened that way at all? And then they don't even touch on how horrible having incredibly hightened senses to the point you can HEAR blood would be?? can you imagine hearing everyone internal organs around you 24/7 EVERYDAY? No one talks about that at all. That would be so fucking overwhelming its genuinely insane. Jouno is such a dear character to me, but genuinely when I remember him in canon without any of my headcanon explinations it’s just really sad that all I can say about him as representation is "well.. it could be worse".
I know there’s going to be at least one person saying “theres good blind rep in other shows though!!” Yes! I know! I’m super glad about that! But ignoring the bad ones doesn’t help much. You need to point out the issues to get good results. Recently, and by recently I mean about 17 hours ago, I watched/listened to the first episode of Daredevil, once with audio descriptions, and then after I watched without AD and had captions. I’m super glad that things are more commonly getting AD—it’d be a bit pathetic if the show with a blind main character was not accessible to blind people—but even with Daredevil, Matt still falls a bit into this stereotype.
Don’t get me wrong, seeing a character with a white cane has me absolutely elated, but from the single episode I’ve seen and what I’ve heard, he apparently also has some sort of super senses, and I know in the first episode he can hear heartbeats. I think super senses as a power is fine, but it’s just the fact they always give it to the blind characters. I, myself, am not blind, nor am I really visually impaired, I just wear glasses. However, as someone with a special interest in disabilities and also as someone that is disabled in other ways, seeing disabled rep fall into stereotypes over and over just really bums me out sometimes.
I think Daredevil is great so far from this one episode, I’ll probably be looking at more of it, but that is definitely just one gripe I have with it. I think Charlie Cox putting a bunch of effort into the role with the method acting and talking to people in the blind community and just all of that is amazing, I love to see that in anything, it’s just urrghh that it’s so hard to find a blind character that doesn’t have some kind of insane superpower senses with things. It reminds me of when characters with autism are so frequently portrayed as geniuses or their autism is only acceptable if it helps the neurotypical cast with “gadgets” or something. I dunno. Hard to explain, it’s 11 at night and I’m tired. Just don’t be ableist in any fandom or in real life. I shouldn’t have to even point out why this shit is disgraceful.
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shattered-system · 4 months
Ive just been told to my face that there is no way I’ll ever be able to pass as allistic.
It was something I knew and something I needed to hear, and I heard it from someone who is also autistic and who has been helping me unlearn my internalized ableism against myself.
I’ve been through this cycle a lot: learning something about myself that I’ll always have to live with and mourning it.
But it fucking sucks, man.
Everyone I’ve ever met has seen me as a freak no matter how hard I try to seem normal and neurotypical and friendly, and they always will.
Even if my mental health magically fixed itself, I’m still wired up wrong neurologically. I can’t get better and I can’t fully mask.
Anyone who is in the same room with me for ten minutes will see my twitching and jolting and the way I wince when my back slips out of place. Everyone can see theres something wrong with me just by the way I exist in space.
I don’t have much of a chance with people even before they get to know me and inevitably see our memories together slip through my fingers like sand, or see me have flashbacks, or see me split or drop involuntarily.
I’ve had my visible illness assumed to mean I was developmentally behind in such a way a man thought he could talk to me like a child… and then he tried to coerce me into sex.
I’ve had a school psych call me an animal and try to goad me into chasing a ball.
I’ve had a mother glare at me across the bus and move protectively in front of her children.
I’ve been heckled and laughed at and had people comment publicly on my face looking ugly mid-tic.
I’ve been told by an ex best friend that she almost avoided talking to me altogether because she thought I was just always on drugs.
I’ll never get better and I hate it.
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bythenarrative · 4 months
Joey Rooney hcs rn .
- 🦞
YEEEES YEEEEESSSYYRYEESES!!! i wish this fandom wasnt so fuckinf dead omg
Joey Rooney HCs!
This is semi - implied in canon, but Joey is autistic! His special interest is cats. Theres no neurotypical way to explain that boy's love for cats.
He also has ADHD, which explains his constant change of interests/hobbies! He often comes back to his old hyperfixations, and bounces around between a few!
TRANSGENDER!!! TRANSGENDER BEAM!!! Hi yes, Joey is transgender and you can't tell me otherwise. There's no way that boy is cisgender.
There's also no way he's straight. Him and Artie had some weeeiiird bitter ex thing going on. Dunno why it felt like it to me, but I can see the bitter exes.
He veiws Diggie as an older brother. Pretty much canon I guess, but I wanted to say it anyways. He's an older male that is his friend, and Joey clung onto that because he needed the sense of security in his life!!
It genuinely breaks his heart when he hears that Liv and Maddie's birth was the "Best day" of his parent's lives. Lets be real, that would effect him more than the fandom knows it.
He has a lisp! He was in speech therapy for years to fix his speech impediment, but his lisp was never fully fixed. It's only slight, but it comes out on certain words!
He bites his nails when he's nervous, he tried painting his nails, but even that didn't work. He just ends up chewing off the nail polish with his teeth.
He has about 3 extra pairs of glasses, just in case. Living in that house, you can never have too many spares!
He has freckles in the shape of a paw print on the left side of his lower back. Random one I just thought it was cute :)
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