savvy-devine666 · 8 months
Another theory about Carmilla -
She was involved in weapons trades at a lower level when she was alive. Odette and Clara are her real daughters from when she was alive and where involved in the business as well but something went wrong, which lead to all 3 of them getting killed.
When in hell, Carmilla rarely, if ever, killed with her own hands again and became more protective of the girls and took a more behind the scenes role in her own arms trades in order to keep Odette and Clara safe, though they still took on certain responsibilities to aid their mother etc, not wanting to sit back and do nothing.
But Carmilla remains fearful of losing them.
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predakingg · 5 months
Alright so! Back with the tf one theories and things I've noticed from the trailer!!
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Firstly! Tank D-16, I love that they kept him something closer to what he was in the comics SECOND THING
Right after the scene where they watch the quintession(?) ship fly overhead D-16 doesn't show up again in the last final battle. I have a feeling this may be relevant to him making the deceptions (reasoning for all of the cons that show up) usually in trailers they place scenes out of order to not spoil too much and I really think that after he gets his t-cog he leaves, and slips away, I'm hoping that when he comes into contact with that deception mask maybe they make it so be has a realisation and at some point like finds out more about his past. Because from the last scene where you see him to the end it's as if the deception rebellion has risen up.
Anyways I think I'm just a wee bit into this movie even though all I have is a trailer
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da1stninjagofangirl · 3 months
Guys we have to talk
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So Jordana is in a Source Tournament, and in order to be in a Tournament you have to have elemental powers so dose that mean jordana has elemental powers that they dont want to reveal.
Do yall remember this
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So dose she have some dark element so she can probably use Shatterspin
What are your thoughts
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suspiciousbluejay · 11 months
Random theories, head cannons and predictions for Roots of Chaos books
I have been rereading both "Priory of the Orange Tree" and "A day of Fallen Night" and have been noticing new things and creating my own theories and head cannons. I'm listing these theories from the ones I consider most likely to the lest likely/ones that have the least evidence.
1.) The Earl of Honeybrook (Kits dad) or one of his ancestors was a practitioner of sterren. Samantha Shannon has confirmed that Kabala's last words "beware the sweet water" refers to Kits family. At the beginning of the book its revealed that "The Earl of Honeybrook stood with the other members of the Virtues Council. He did not look troubled by the absence of his son, who he resembled in every way but the mouth, which never smiled.". We know that the use of Sterren affects offspring by making them look identical to the parent. I believe that at some point after A Day of Fallen Night when Kabala regained her strength she decided that she wanted a child to train but instead of taking another child from the priory she chose and Inysh child and taught them how to use sterren.
2.) There is a 4th Siden tree. In A day of Fallen Night, Wulf mentions rumours that there is a valley in the north beyond Hróth where the eversnow melts (I can't find the exact quote -sorry). I believe that this is because there is another siden tree located in this valley and the fire from the siden causes the snow to melt. Apart from this rumour this theory doesn't not have much proof in the book but I believe it because one of the major themes is balance and having 4 trees, one in each main location (North - Hroth, South - Lasia, West - Inys/Nurtha, East - Komoridu) makes sense from a narrative perspective. Also Samantha Shannon has hinted that later books will explore the Hurin in more detail and as we know that there are Hurin in the north beyond Hroth.
3.) The lacustrine legend of "The little shadow girl" will appear as a narrator character/a character in a future book and tells us that the balance of the universe has been disrupted before. The legend of the little shadow girl tells the story of a little girl who "‘In the time before the Great Sorrow, a fire-breather flew to the Empire of the Twelve Lakes and ripped the pearl from the throat of the Spring Dragon". We do not know how much before the great sorrow this legend takes place but as it features a wyrm it means that this wyrm is either the Nameless one (which is not likely as we know when the nameless one first appeared he stayed in the South) or a new wrym which we have never met. We also know that "As the Spring Dragon mourned for her pearl, a most unnatural winter fell over the land". This makes me think that in the very ancient times when the balance was disrupted a diffrent wyrm was created (possibly from one of the eastern volcano's instead of the Dreadmount) stole the pearl which either caused a "unnatural winter" or coincided with the times that sterren was in power (which caused the "unnatural winter"). I think that this legend will play a large role in a future book (possibly the very ancient book with Siati the Dreamer).
4.) The "Melancholy King" for who the "desert of unquiet dream" is named, was affected by sterren not a desert mirage. The king first sees the mirage when he is in his palace which is in the middle of a city. In real life mirages only tend to happen when you are in the middle of a desert not when you are in a city environment. Because of this and the Kings steadfast belief that he is in fact in a dream makes me believe that he was seeing an illusion created by someone using sterren. I don't know who or why someone would do this though.
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headcansxfanfictions · 3 months
Will Kurapika and Hisoka team up again?
I wanna see Kurapika and Hisoka team up against the phantom troupe on the black whale like they did in YorkNew City. I think thats the only way Hisoka will survive. And Kurapika could use some help getting his clan’s eyes while protecting Oito and Wobble.
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nightmareishomophobic · 6 months
Hi! I'm gonna try to break down the (canon and not?) Lore of NM is homophobic!
(TW for internalized and external homophobia and transphobia!)
Nightmare is a closeted gay man. Who suffers with EXTREME internalized homophobia. (From what I think, there's a good chance the villagers were NOT accepting of gay people, so NM has always been in the closet.)
(His brother however, is pansexual! There's a good chance after NM found out, he got even more jealous, but that's not important right now nor has supporting evidence!)
Dust working under NM, has been questioning her identity ever since she received a trans flag. Slowly coming to terms that, she is, a lady. Unfortunately as we've seen in a previous post, NM found out about the flag and yelled at her.
This, also proves NM is canonically a hypocrite. As he's previously stated (via a letter shown to us) that he supposedly doesn't care what his team are or aren't, as long as they still work for him.
Also, when Killer was asked, quote, "🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❓️" He replied with a simple yes! This could mean, possibly, one of three things.
He's both trans and well, not straight.
He's in support of the LGBTQ+.
He is questioning his gender and orientation.
Either way, he along with the rest of NMs employees, appear to be pro-LGBTQ+ and even all part of it.
Going back to Dust, the sewn trans flag on her hoodie, along with possibly fake eyelashes? (I'm choosing to HC she got them from enby Lust) it looks like she's now canonically Transfem in the UTQV! (Note it's possible the HomophobeNMverse(?) and UTQV could be separate things, I'm not sure how you feel about it lol.)
We've also seen past NM, also known as passive. As normal, the bullying deeply effected him, but he isn't homophobic there, in fact, it's possible CURRENT NM isn't all that homophobic. He's said multiple times, he's 'just spreading negativity' and it looks like he's projecting more than anything. (Also the lie detector said so. When asked if he was REALLY homophobic, it flagged as untruthful!)
So lore— I believe, the main reason he has such bad internalize homophobia, comes from the bullying he endeared, and the things the villagers said about OTHER gay people—Causing him to remain quiet about his own identity. Now corrupted, he's projecting all his hurt, anger, and sadness.
Dust is trans fem, we also know Papyrus is an Ally, as in an older photo—It's implied Papyrus is suggesting to murder NM because he's a transphobe.
There might also be a chance that one of them (Most likely Dust, Killer, and or NM even.) Is a regressor. As we've seen they definitely have heard of it, and both Dust and Killer had a good understanding. It's not often someone knows about the community without having some attachments. However, this has no Canon evidence yet. And it's possible they're just Allys, which is super cool too! <3
Also, flowey has made multiple appearances and claimed to be gay. Meaning he's canonically gay in the HomophobeNMverse as well.
Another thing, NM doesn't like being threatened. Multiple times he's reacted with aggression if someone challenged him. I'm going to guess this also boils down to the bullying.
Also, he can break the forth wall. Seen when his creator was drawing, and he started yelling at it. (Fae don't deserve that, NM, you jerk-)
However, he seems a lot more tolerate of his own team? My guess, is he's either:
Has a teeny, tiny, soft spot in his cold heart for them.
Doesn't think it's worth the effort.
All these save for the first one, has supporting evidence.
We don't know too much about Horror, save for the fact that he HATES milk before cereal.
Cross, appears to not be a Canon team member. It's certainly possible he'll come in later, but as of right now? He's not in the equation.
ANNDD with all that said! Everyone seems to have the ability to have hearts in their blush—It's adorable.
Sorry for such a long ask! I'm sure there's typos, I'm suspected dyslexic and apologize! Hope you're having a good day, and love your art! You're super funny, and nice!
(I'll try make more stuff with horror. @hernameishorror can message me and help me. Lol :3( also Cross is not canonly in the bad sanses)
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gutzygumsho3 · 2 months
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Theory for next chapter: what if he finds the wall and well... I don't know to be honest!
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blueblossomrose · 2 years
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0-sourwolf-0 · 1 year
Okay, idk if someone had this theory before or put it out there in the internet. But I was rereading fourth wing and I realized something at the end of the book. When Violet realizes that the General Melgren can't the the outcome of a battle when more then three marked one's assemble, I thought of something.
Okay it was General Melgrens dragon who marked the children of the separatist, right? So what if the dragon did that on purpose. Like that when more then three marked ones meet that his rider can't see the outcome of a battle.
What if the dragon did it to kinda help the rebellion. Bc he certainly did, if the theory that marked one's have two signature powers is true. Like I think the reason the first rebellions went wrong was bc of general melgren and bc he can see the outcomes of battles so they were prepared. Now bc of that point that he can't see this when more then three assemble so it's not possible for anyone to know on that way.
His dragon is the leader of the dragons with riders (at least it was portrait like that after threshing) and I think he's pretty old and experienced and has to know about the Venin. And I think that he knows what's going on and trys to kinda protect the vale with that strategy bc if he would to it himself it would cause a to big wave of consequences, so he used his magic, when he marked the kids, in that way so they could operate in the dark so nobody would know.
Bc I don't think that a dragon in that kind of position and experience would ignore the fact that the Venin are growing stronger.
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creepycrxwlers · 1 month
Does anyone have some cool theories, or wanna info, dump about a voice from darkness? I just wanna hear somebody rant about it
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snakes-arecool · 11 months
Loki spoilers for the finale !!!!!
Before I say anything I want to say I loved the finale! And I hope every one else did to!!
Now for my theory..... so we know how loki is now in controle of time and can rewrite stories (with now being the god of stories and all). And we know from the ending that he can, infact hear mobius. What if the reason the only thing that mobius wants to do is let time pass because then he gets to experice what loki is doing. We know the TVA abserves the timline and can see it, but they are not effected by the timline. What If mobius didn't want to be the single dad him, but still wanted to stay on the timline is because that is the one way he can still be connected to loki.... brb going to throw up.
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goodtimeswithiona · 1 year
Can we all just drop our theory's and wishes for the 5th Life Series under the tag #5thlifeseries bc I have SO many ideas and i wanna hear my goofy desert duo obsessed people's ideas too :3
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freeingrebels · 1 year
BTSV theory’s
i have a theory that the Lyla’s theory in the canon events was due to a malfunction and Miguel doesn’t know yet because he is either not the Miguel we see at the end of ITSV or he is too stuck up to realise that she has a problem in her code or something to make her malfunction. Similar to the comics because the entire theory is sketchy and it seems like a cover up.
Edit: the scene where she’s “trying to help Margo” doesn’t feel like it could be nothing. Margo obviously knows what she’s doing but lyla is frustrating her by doing something she doesn’t need to be done so that’s why I think there’s a problem with her code
Another is that, original Miguel (the Miguel that died) was a canon event to Gabriella (his daughter) into becoming spider woman or someone close to them but Miguel taking his spot created a rift or some crap.
Please lemme know your thoughts
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greyyson-but-no · 1 year
if we think about it, it makes no sense for either q!quackity or el!quackity to know when q!wilbur is back. q!wilbur is canonically on tour in the qsmp, and has only had contact with q!philza for tallulah and neither of them know when q!wilbur is back, so why should q!quackity? as far as we're concerned, q!wilbur hasn't returned much of q!quackity's love proposals (or at least openly or as a joke/part of a bit) so he has no reason to have contact with q!wilbur while on tour, especially have the information for his return. if q!wilbur is going to tell anyone when he's back, it would have been q!philza.
we should have known it was a lie. we should have known that it was el!quackity tricking us (and all the qsmp characters) as an excuse to blow everyone up.
and don't you think its a little odd that even the federation was planning the party for q!wilbur's return? either el!quackity convinced the federation that q!wilbur was returning (which therefore means he has just as much if not more power over the federation) or el!quackity is working very closely with the federation. either way, I don't see why any qsmp character should trust el!quackity and I believe that only bad things can come of trusting el!quackity.
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artisticwolf32311 · 5 months
i just want to say I think the whole tord coming back is before "The end" BECUASSSE
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his arm an face don't seem to be messed up
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and the place we're he's bleeding matches the placement of his bandage in The end
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thats all thanks for reading :P
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cringespace · 10 months
Max jägerman is either a secret theater kid or he researched theater terms to torment Ruth with
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