#Then Africa gets like 5 different coups
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fandomsdot2 · 1 year ago
So. Many. Fucking. Wars.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
There is a story from the exodus that sticks with me: After the Israelites crossed through the Red Sea, G-d closed the waters behind them, drowning the pursuing Egyptian army. And the angels rejoiced, for the children of Israel were saved. But G-d rebuked them, saying, "Why are you celebrating? My children are dying." And the angels were ashamed, because they knew that had done wrong.
G-d does not wish the death of anyone; but rather, that they turn aside from wickedness, and live.
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Had to check the scripture to see if I was remembering the rest of the story correctly.
Israelite's did sing a song of joy, and it was one of joy at the death of their enemies.
I'm not gonna put the text up, one because I see you censoring and it doesn't so out of respect for that I'll leave it be, link is there if you like.
And two because in the great Jewish tradition of asking 3 Rabbis a question and getting 5 wildly different answers, it's one of those.
I'll do a small my thoughts bit though.
That's one that runs counter to human nature, especially when you're the injured party, we want those that have harmed us to also feel what we feel, we weren't made that way but became that way when sin and rebellion entered the world because we were made with the capacity to be that way.
Big guy knows it since well creator and all, and given the history of the Hebrews after all the folks that had been in Egypt got their bit and the new generation was in and a mighty slaughter was undertaken, and several more over a few hundred years till the united kingdom of Israel.
All (most all at least) directed by the big guy, they had to go through and cast their enemies out of Canaan, at His direction, I don't think there was much joy in it happening not from on high, but setting things up takes that kind of thing, did then still does now if one can hold the territory, daesh failed mercifully but what with coups in Africa, Pakistan existing and Tibet becoming part of china, that's just kinda how the world works
In the end you're right
"G-d does not wish the death of anyone; but rather, that they turn aside from wickedness, and live."
and I really hope that it can get there, for the moment it would seem that there's those much like in the stories of Israel in its infancy and youth that only wish to corrupt and have their way.
Jewish historical precedent there is fairly clear, if we're going to approach it from a spiritual perspective at least, one would think that nobody wants war, be nice if that were true, instead right now the guys that don't really want war look to be setting up to prevent war from happening again for a while at least, which will take some killin.
As tragic and sad as that all is, so much hate.
It poisons everything.
we can and should pray for peace, always
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daviddaniyikaye · 1 year ago
1. The Nigerian Economy will be in a very delicate state due to inflation & scarcity of funds. I see a highly challenging year for the economy because it's still in a transitional stage. There is a desire to ditch an over-reliance on the dollar. (The Yuan & digital currency in view) but the cabals will resist the move fiercely.
2. Crime rate will be on the rise in Nigeria. The rate of prostitution & selling of hard drugs next year will be insane. I see busy timelines for law enforcement agents.
3. Speculative ventures & investment companies will flood the market space; where most of them will be positioned to rip people off based on "opportunities" for fast cash.
4. Politically, I see a lots of decampment in Africa! New allies or hybrid parties will be formed.
5. There will be economic recessions globally; a downturn for the USA as the dollar gets more weakened. Joe Biden will not win the election, & a woman or a Trump could replace him.
6. Russia & China will have the upper hand in the global power dynamics of 2024. Putin will be flexing his muscles but must be wary of the effects of wrong decisions on the economy of Russia. India will experience huge growth economically, while the UK will experience a highly challenging year.
7. Ukraine will be completely defeated by Russia in 2024 & will be taken over for a build.
8. Tensions will continue in the middle east in 2024 but there will be the appearance of some powerful figures for conflict resolutions to prevent WWIII. Tensions will exist strongly between the USA & Iran, while Russia sides with Iran. The role of China will be crucial to avoid escalations.
9. There will be massive spiritual awakening like never before, globally.
10. Big year of success for Davido & afrobeats in general. Wizkid will be moving smarter to regain lost grounds.
11. A year marked with conflicts, civil wars in many countries, heavy restrictions globally & financial losses for big companies.
12. A year of judgement for many evil people who pretend to be angels of light. It's also a year of fruition & rewards for the righteous.
13. A fortunate year for travel & hospitality industries. The desire for travel will be very high generally in 2024.
14. Huge progress in scientific discoveries, inventions & technological advancement. (Cure for an incurable disease).
15. A year of intense office politics & legal disputes. There will be intense discord among leaders due to differing opinions but I see hard settlements. World powers could resort to underhand tactics to gain control (e.g Major cyber attacks).
16. Nigerian actress Bimbo Akintola should lay low & be more mindful in 2024 to avoid a tragedy, bad health or huge loss.
17. Obtaining funding & raising capital will prove to be more challenging for many countries. It will require diligent efforts & valuable alliances to gather resources in 2024. Africa will come into huge focus because of her resources.
18. Some countries might offer to help Niger Republic (E.g China). The country is in need of a leader, & must be very careful in forming alliances. I see a major coup happening in another African country.
19. Pray against earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding or other kind of disaster in places around California, Mexico, Italy, Japan, Turkey, Syria & Indonesia.
21. Some high profile men & women being brought down to earth in 2024. It's a year of karmic repercussions for past evil deeds. I see more unveiling of more scandals & atrocities.
22. People born in the year 1982, 1994, 1970 & 1958 with birth-month between March & December must be very careful of launching or starting anything new in the year 2024. They should avoid anything that has to do with some spotlight or risky moves. Prayers should be done against evil enchantments, the face of God should be sought like never before.
23. South Africa, France & India could form more economic alliance with Russia. India will be doing very well economically.
24. There will be significant climatic changes that are unfavourable globally. Sea levels will be rising exponentially. World governments will lay huge emphasis in the area.
25. Significant laws will be passed in relation to the use of AI as it gains more ground in the tech & media industry.
26. Dwayne Wade getting into some trouble legally. Gabrielle union could remarry or make a new relationship official & I foresee some sort of elevation of status for her.
27. Don Jazzy finally stepping down as the main boss of his label, to lead behind the scenes. He should be mindful of his health & not begin anything new for the spotlight to avoid a huge loss in 2024.
28. Fortunate year for Rihanna but artistes like Ty Dolla, Nicki Minaj, Lil' Uzi, Madonna, Lil' Baby, Lil' Wayne & Zlatan could be in the news for bad reasons. They should lay low in 2024 & be more prayerful.
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starkie-md · 4 years ago
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@were-all-high here’s a little response I wanted to add:
Let’s break down capitalism and why it doesn’t work, in a classroom setting. Say there are 5 people, these 5 people all take the same first test. One scores a 95 and the others score a 90, 80, 30 and 70.
On the next test, the person who got the highest grade no longer has to study or do any work, instead they “own” the second test.
Now the other students take their second test and score the same they got on the first test only this time, they each get 10%. Every point they made over 10% goes to their classmate who did nothing, giving that classmate a 230%.
With such a large margin, that classmate owns the next test, and every test after that. Capitalism doesn’t work.
Okay, so now let’s apply this to the real world.
The test is the means of productions. It’s what’s being used by workers to create value. In real life this could be anything from a chefs pan or to a gold mine used by miners.
Just as those minors find gold to produce value, the students take the test to produce a score.
At first, all the students are on equal ground relating to the test. Someone who is lucky or studies harder ends up scoring higher than others.
However, when the classmate scores the 95 and takes control of the test, suddenly that student is now part of the bourgeois class. Also known as the class that owns the means of production.
With this new ownership, this student no longer has to work to produce value. Instead, they simply own the means of production and take the value produced my their fellow classmates.
The bourgeois class only returns a fraction of this value as a wage for the workers, pocketing the rest of the stolen value as profit for themselves.
We've seen how classroom capitalism will play out, but what about socialist schooling?
Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the community should own the means of production. In basic terms, socialism is merely democracy in the workplace and economy. So what would this look like in school?
Let's say 5 people take a test, one gets a 100, the others get a 90 an 80 a 70 a 60. Unlike in the capitalist system, there's no owner to steal the value of their labor, instead they decide where it goes as a collective.
The student with the 60 tells the class that they studied hard and just had a bad day. The group deliberates and decides to redistribute 10 points.
Same student continues struggling. the class recognizes they will all be better off if that student can catch up and decide to start a study group.
Instead of competing for the best grade, the students cooperate to lift everyone's grades and overtime the class average rises, benefiting everyone.
Socialism incentivizes cooperation instead of competition and as such our success is linked to those around us. And remember that the choice to help others is democratic so if people would decide to purposely not learn because they know their score would be raised anyways, the classmates could vote to not help them. That’s the benefit of community control, help when it’s deserved. No one should suffer because someone else didn’t work as hard which is why it’s democratic and the students vote. The community holds each other accountable. And if someone decides they don’t want to share, they can leave. The group can always vote to stop providing support if they notice that a person isn’t trying. That’s the benefit of community control of the economy.
And if you still want to say that all socialist countries fail, are you counting socialist states that have been destabilized by coups or other interferences by foreign countries with capitalist interests as failures due to to socialism or capitalism?
Let’s say you say socialism:
How do you feel about the Nordic model? Socialism has provided better health care and far happier citizens, and you might say “wait, no it’s not, it’s capitalist with strong social programs.” So if those social programs clearly work and are far better, they should be adopted.
Also, every time socialism “failed” in Africa, you can find a leader who was killed by the CIA. So if socialism fails every time, then why does the CIA have to kill socialist leaders? Why can’t they just let the country fail? And did socialism fail in Burkina Faso under Sankara?
When there were massive tree planting programs, school building programs and nation wide literacy campaigns? And making huge gains in gender equality? Or what about this? I thought socialism always leads to corruption yet Sankara cut the salaries of government officials, including his own. He banned flying first class, sold all the government Mercedes and he didn’t even use air conditioning. Sankara’s socialism wasn’t flawless, he was bearing dictatorship near the end, but before he became corrupt things were working well. So obviously under Sankara socialism wasn’t failing - which means the CIA and the French had to murder him. They collaborated with his second in command and killed and cut him up into pieces so they could scatter his parts when they were burying him.
Socialism fails every time it’s tried when the CIA murders your leader and cuts him up into little pieces and sometimes socialism in itself just fails sometimes but capitalism has failed far more times.
And if you want to argue about the CIA doing things like this, remember that they’ve admitted it and even declassified files relating to it.
You may want to bring up Venezuela so let me just say this: they put all their eggs in one basket with the oil exportation and more importantly, 155 economic sanctions, not to mention the whole imperialism thing and a dictator was running the country, not a socialist.
And I know transitioning from capitalism to socialism is a huge difference, so instead of completely dropping capitalism and going into socialism at 100%, it could be transitioned into social democracy.
And it’s kinda funny how people always say “we’ve tried communism and socialism and it was bad” but never say “the first few hundred years of capitalism involved literal slavery, so it’s bad”.
I’m not saying that socialism is without its flaws, of course it’s not. But capitalism has been tried, people have starved, died because they couldn’t afford health care, many intelligent people who could change the world will never get a chance because they can’t afford proper education and so much more. Capitalism doesn’t work, and it’s time to try something else until something that does work is found. There isn’t going to be a perfect political state, that’s impossible. Everything will have flaws, but it’s time to find something that doesn’t have as many flaws and isn’t as corrupted.
Do you get why I asked you if you agreed that socialism and communism were bad because a small group of people have majority of the wealth and power on the world? You agreed that that was wrong. I’m so glad you agree because it’s not socialism or communism that a small group of people hold majority of the wealth and power, that’s capitalism. I described capitalism and you agreed with me.
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useless-catalanfacts · 5 years ago
Hie! As a non spanish person with Catalan friends who get really heated up with the subject and cant explain it thru. Why is that they want to separate from spain? And havent they done like 4 or 5 referendum thingies to gain independence and they've all turned our negative or whatever it is that means we wanna stay? I come in peace and hope not to get shouted at like my friends did to me when I asked. Sincerely, the Tall Friend
I think you’re confusing Catalonia with Quebec or Scotland or some other country. We’ve had 1 independence referendum and yes to independence clearly won it. The pro-independence political parties have also been winning the elections every time since 2012.
Let’s start with the beginning.
What is Catalonia? And what was Catalonia?
Catalonia is a country with its own language (Catalan), culture, and history. It developed in the Middle Ages, when it was an independent country.
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As you can see, we have two neighbours: Spain and France. As you will probably know, those are two of the most imperialistic countries in Europe (they colonised Latin America, the Caribbean, parts of Africa, the Philippines, etc).
I will try to explain the historical part as fast as possible so we can get to nowadays, but to understand the situation you need a bit of historical context.
Before going to invade lands far away, the European colonial powers invaded their neighbours and fought other European countries. Catalonia, because of its location and importance in Medieval Mediterranean commerce, was targeted.
In 1469, the Queen of Castilla (Spain) and the King of Catalonia-Aragon got married. This was normal at the time and did not mean that the two countries became one. On the contrary, each country remained independent, just that with the same monarchy. It didn’t really matter for Catalonia because Catalonia was ruled by a Parliament (and the king didn’t really have that much power), but Castilla (Spain) was an absolute monarchy (meaning that the King had all power).
With time, the kings and many Spanish people started to really hate Catalans because they were seen as un-Christian for having other forms of government than the Catholic absolute monarchy. And since Catalonia had its own laws and traditions, those were seen as un-Christian and traitorous. Most of the greatest writers, politicians, nobles, etc of the Spanish Golden Century (1500s-1600s) were openly very Catalanophobic.They said Catalans are “the most miserable creature ever created by God”, “a monstruous abort of politics”, “an illness against the kings”, all Catalans were often called thiefs, or that “it is well known the obstinity and savagery of this people [Catalans], the most criminal of all” (all of these are literal quotes). Catalans were also said to be guilty of spreading Judaism in Spain for whatever reason.
(In fact, even nowadays fascist Spanish people often tell Catalans and Basques to “speak Christian” meaning to speak Spanish instead of our languages).
Spain wanted to force all population to convert to Christianism (at that moment a lot of the population, especially in the south, was Muslim), and to become a Castillian (that is, a Spaniard in the modern sense of the word: speak only Spanish, be Catholic, have an absolute monarchy, celebrate Spanish celebrations, etc). This is the moment when Spain did the expulsion of Jewish and Moorish people and when it started its repression of Catalan, Basque and Romani people.
Castilla (Spain) tried to gain as much power as possible in Catalonia, convinced the upper classes of Catalonia that they had to abandon the Catalan language (which they considered a “peasant’s language” and not evolved enough for finer minds), and so the upper classes started to speak Spanish and try to imitate the Spanish way of doing everything. But practically everyone kept speaking Catalan, and Catalonia remained independent (with its own laws, parliament, insititutions, etc).
Until there was a moment where the Spanish monarchy couldn’t stand that Catalonia has such a different political system. In the year 1714, Spain (Castilla) won the War of Spanish Succession against Catalonia and other territories, and proceeded to invade Catalonia and the other Catalan-speaking territories (Valencia and the Balearic Islands).
Spain teamed up with France, which means they were the two most powerful armies in Europe. Obviously, Catalonia-Aragon lost the war, and was invaded.
The invasion meant that Spain could finally do what they wanted with this land: they banned our language and imposed Spanish, they eliminated our traditional laws, they eliminated our institutions and imposed the Spanish absolute monarchy, they imposed Spanish “gobernadores” (governors) to rule our lands, they burnt down whole towns, they closed our universities, they forbid schools for ever speaking in Catalan or teaching Catalan history, they forbid churches to say mass or teach Catechesis in Catalan, they killed many of those who had fought to defend Catalonia from the Spanish invasion publicly to humiliate them (for example, general Josep Moragues was killed after being dragged alive by a horse through the streets of Barcelona and then killed and his head was displayed as a warning in the entrance to Barcelona for 12 years, even with his widow’s begging), among many other things.
Please, see this post for a list of laws made against the Catalan language between the 16th and 19th centuries. And this post for the laws between 1900 and 2016 (when I made the post, I could say more laws now).
After the invasion of Catalonia, the idea that Catalans must be “Spanishized” and that speaking Catalan makes us inferior spread more and more among Spanish people, as did the general hate against us. This is why Catalonia was often victim of Spanish soldiers’ rape, stealing harvest, etc without facing any consequence, because the Spanish kings and officials allowed it.
France also tried to invade us many times, then Spain invaded back, then France, then Spain... but I won’t get into that because it would make this post unnecessarily long.
The worst moment though, was definitely the fascist dictatorship of Franco (1939-1978).
Fascism in Spain adds Catalans (as well as the other national minorities: Romani people, Basques, Galicians, Asturians, etc) to their list of enemies.
Catalonia was always a progressist place, and in the 1930s a huge part of Catalans was anarchist. Fascism made a coup d’etat which they called “a crusade against the reds”, and Catalans were not only targeted for being Catalan but also for being all seen as “reds” (anarchists and communists) and atheists. The anthem of the fascists (called Cara al sol) said “Catalan, Jew, and renegade [atheist], you’ll pay for what you have done”.
The fascist coup d’etat did not triumph in Catalonia thanks to the resistance of the antifascist unions and the Government of Catalonia, which organised civilians militias. Sadly, in the end the fascists won the war (Spanish Civil War) and established a dictatorship. They killed the president of Catalonia and thousands more people who opposed them. Everyone who defended the right to speak Catalan was tortured and killed. Schools were forbidden from teaching in Catalan or mentioning Catalan history, literature, etc. Catalan teachers were fired and either killed (many teachers were leftists) or forced to go to a rural village far away from their home, and schools in Catalonia were replaced by Spanish fascist teachers or people from the Spanish army. These teachers beat the children if they were heard speaking in Catalan. Schools taught the superiority of Spain and the Spanish language and the glory of the Spanish empire. Children were made to sing the fascist anthem and pray every day before starting class. Some Catalan traditions were banned, such as our traditional dance. Many of our traditional songs were also banned, and people even went to jail in for singing them (for example, la Santa Espina). Every family knows people who were tortured and/or killed by the regime, sometimes for no reason, sometimes for their political beliefs.
The dictator died in 1975 and Spain entered a phase known as the “transition to democracy”. Catalonia was given a bit of self-government (not much) and our language was legalised to use at schools.
Even with this, we have whole generations born and raised under the fascist regime who were brainwashed into hating Catalans, Basques, Jews, atheists, etc. And even in Catalonia, there are still people who are ashamed of being Catalan. For example, the neonazis who murdered Miquel Grau and Guillem Agulló (two Valencian young men who were targeted for being independentists) were not from other parts of Spain.
It is scary, because our country is controlled by another one which is full of people who hate us, and the Spanish governments have always (even nowadays) discriminated Catalonia in front of other regions and actively work against us.
Many people wanted to try to be able to keep our language (which was weakened by the fact that it was persecuted for most of the 20th century) and pass different laws. Spain is very conservative, Catalonia is not. If you look at the maps every time there are elections, you can see the voting results in Spain vs. the voting results in Catalonia and the Basque Country are very different.
So the governments of Catalonia have been asking the Spanish government to have a few more control over our own territory (Spain is very centralist, so most power is in the hands of a central government in Madrid). Spain has always said NO. Please see this previous post with a video that explains all the ways we have tried.
Catalans basically were saying “yes, we will be part of Spain with no problem, as long as we’re allowed to speak our language and have some laws to protect women, poor people, etc”. Every time, we had less demands. We were begging that yes! we wanted to be part of Spain but just these little demands! But they never allowed anything. Spain still has a very imperialist mindset, and see our sole existance as a threat (that’s why you get the Minster of Education Wert saying in parliament that “we must turn Catalan kids into Spanish kids”).
So in front of that, people got tired. More and more people saw that the only way we can truly advance to a more equal and democratic society is if people who live in Catalonia can decide how Catalonia should be run, and not just obey the comands of a government in Madrid that has never had any intention of helping our land prosper, and who have an opposite idea of what the future should be like.
So we asked for an independence referendum. Many times. They always said no. So we said “fuck it, we’ll do it anyway”. So we organised October 1st 2017. Spain declared it illegal, searched for the ballot boxes and voting papers for months, sent thousands of military police to beat up voters and steal the ballot boxes with the votes, etc. The police brutality on that day was shameful, and yet the Spanish government and the King said the policemen were honourable for doing so, and many Spanish people gave them support too and greeted the policemen singing “a por ellos” (go get them).
Please, read more about what happened in October 1st and after it in this post.
Even though the police stole votes, physically stopped people from entering the voting schools, etc. 43% of the people of Catalonia voted (in fact, over 50% voted but their votes were stolen by the police and could not be counted). And 90,2% of the votes were “yes to independence”.
Spain’s response? A democratic country would have found the solution to meet with the Catalan goverment and talk about it, maybe find a middle point, listen to the demands of Catalans... But no. Spain’s response was to jail the politicians who had taken part in the organisation of the referendum as well as the leaders of the main civil organisations, more people arrested, and arbitrary imprisonment in . They also took down websites that talked about the referendum and independence, said we had made up that the police had beaten voters (even though over a thousand people had to be hospitalized just on the day of the referendum as a result of police brutality and there are hundreds of photos and videos), and apply Law 155 in Catalonia (which means that the Catalan institutions are dissolved and Catalonia is ruled directly from Madrid. The party at the Spanish gov in that moment was the far right wing PP, which in Catalonia had only gotten 13% of the votes. That is basically a dictatorship).
And now, every time there is more and more repression. Some people ask us if we are not scared of the arrests, jailings, police brutality, etc. Yes, we it’s scary. But not protesting and remaining under Spanish occupation is even scarier. For mental health, I don’t think I could stand the rest of my life seeing how Spanish media treats us. I don’t want to see my grandmother cry when she watches the news because “it’s like Franco again”. I don’t want to see more of my friends in trials for things they have not done. I don’t want to be temporarily arrested again because a policeman saw me wearing a yellow ribbon (symbol of solidarity with political prisoners) and decided I must be up to something.
tl;dr Spain is a fascist state and we want no part in that.
Catalan people want to be treated as equals and this will never happen in Spain. We want to be able to pass the social laws we have voted for (to welcome refugees, equal pay for women, protect the Earth, abolish monarchy, not have political prisoners, stop evictions, etc) and Spain does not allow us to. The only option is independence.
Please, read this previous post and you’ll see how Spain bans Catalonia from progressive laws, and so how independence will make life much better for all its citizens. And hopefully, more Spanish people will realise that life is happier when we respect each other and work in cooperation for a better future.
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kwanzaa-wakanda · 5 years ago
Why Kwanzaa?
1. Because I want a cultural outlet that has the potential to unite all Black people regardless of where they come from. We can all honor our individual and collective history, ancestry, oppressions, cultures, families, and communities during Kwanzaa whether we are Diasporic Africans or Continental Africans.
2. Because every other Black holiday in the US is either too specific (MLK Jr. Day, Juneteenth) or more focused on education than a good time (Black History Month). Nothing wrong with education, but we need both informative holidays and fun ones.
3. Because it's ours and just ours. No one else can come into Kwanzaa and control it. They can barely profit off it. And I know that's part of why other people hate it, because they can't come in and change it's politics, insert their gods into this secular space, copy and paste their cultures and icons, then wrap the whole thing up in a box and sell it back to us for $19.95. And I think that's wonderful.
4. Because no other holiday encourages Black people to learn about Africa's past and present, and fight for its future. We need holidays that remind us that we were living in a rich, diverse continent before we were enslaved and it was colonised. Kwanzaa is the first, and we can and should create more.
5. Because it's cold outside, I want to have fun with my family and eat some good food. But I am neither a believer in the divinity of Christ nor in the inherent consumerism and subtle colonialism of presenting Christmas as a "secular" holiday.
6. Because Kwanzaa specifically reminds us that there is and always will be work to perform for the maintenance of our communities and cultures if we want to not only survive, but thrive.
7. Because we can use Kwanzaa to facilitate a cultural return to Africa. Already we don ankara and learn Swahili for the holiday. But we can make it bigger and do more. We can learn other languages and don other fashions. We can learn other traditions in the continent and diaspora of ancestral reverence. We can try our hands at preparing and eating new foods. We can learn about the different festivals of the continent and diaspora centered around similar themes of history, ancestral reverence, the beginning of a new year, and the honoring of children.
8. Because anything that we decide we don't like about Kwanzaa, we can change. It's OURS, no one elses. We can make it whatever we need it to be.
9. Because let's face it, the backlash isnt really about Karenga or the misinformation surrounding the holiday. If it had been started by Rosa Parks and well publicized so no one thinks obvious facts we always knew were "gotchas" against the validity of the festival, then it would still be hated and despised for daring to be different, apolitical, closed off, and secular.
10. Because we can celebrate it regardless of our religions, while not being prevented from including our faiths. Kwanzaa is secular, but you can include Kwanzaa in how you explore your faith. Do Kwanzaa at your church, mosque, synnagoge, or temple and it's a religious act that only some people can attend. Do it at the MLK Jr. Memorial Community Center and it's something the whole community can attend.
11. Because you can still do 7 days of presents if you really want, and still practice anti-consumerism. The three default kwanzaa presents are books, food, and clothes. You can do 7 days of books and food and clothes if you want. And if your presents can't fit that mold, that's still okay becauae you're encouraged to support Black owned businesses during kwanzaa (and no, Beats by Dre doesn't count). You can also do kwanzaa with no gifts whatsoever. But Kwanzaa should not have you standing in the cold parking lot of the mall at 5am on Black Friday every year.
13. Because it's already tradition, and that tradition is catching on. From school activities to community celebrations, to Kwanzaa Crawl, a lot of Black people have put in effort to keep Kwanzaa in our lives and continue to do so today. It's not a 400 year old tradition, but we have the power to make it so one year at a time. No, it's not the entire Black population, but it doesnt have to be just yet. Everything has to start somewhere, and kwanzaa can start with us.
14. Because kwanzaa is not a racial epithet or stereotype. I get why some people are suspicious when non-black people just assume we celebrate kwanzaa. But the answer isnt to throw the baby out with the bathwater. We don't have to shun and degrade this holiday and everyone that celebrates it. If we did that with everything, then our people wouldn't have anything left. We've already allowed anti-blackness to nearly wipe out our religions, languages, and hairstyles. Imagine if we let it wipe out our music, our cooking, and our sense of fashion? We cannot be so concerned with how others see us that we're willing to discard our identities or marginalize those among us that refuse to assimilate.
15. Because Black people living right now have a lot of despair. If we don't get killed by the state for saying the state shouldn't kill us with impunity, if we aren't unable to vote for the right for the convicted to vote because we are ourselves current and ex-convicted, if we aren't in college because our parents and their parents and their parents could never go, then we're still living in poverty, being manipulated by loan companies that want to force us into situations where we have to torture our bodies for our daily bread. Whether that's in the office, the stores, or the athletic field, they want us out here killing ourselves to earn our right to live. And that's just America. Go anywhere else and you may see people eating mud because there's no food left, living under oppressive regimes more open than the US in their tyranny over their citizens, seeing children struggling to provide for their houses when they should be in school, all the while truly believing that the US is better. Kwanzaa doesn't hide from the uglier sides of our condition, it makes us remember that they exist while invigorating us with a new energy to fight for our people every year.
16. Because Black people living right now have a lot of hope. Remember the global impact Black Panther had on our people. Look at how many Black people in the US are reclaiming our ancestral religions and spiritualities. Think of the new fashion, art, musical and cultural movements we have going right now. Remember the political movements in all of our countries that are recognizing the interconnectedness of our struggles. The hope we're living on right now is exactly the type of hope that kwanzaa is based on fighting for. That's why hope is the final principal of Kwanzaa, called Imani. We celebrate kwanzaa because for a lot of us, that's the only time of the year that we have to truly reflect and see all this hope for all the value it holds.
17. Because kwanzaa reminds us that who we naturally are is enough. Our mothers shouldnt be straightening our hair for a kwanzaa celebration. We shouldnt be demanding that our people talk like white people at a kwanzaa celebration. We don't have to worry about being the first person to grab the watermelon or fried chicken at a kwanzaa celebration. Kwanzaa allows us to be Black, tooth gaps and all. And most importantly, it reminds us that those of our community that would insult and degrade us for being ourselves are fundamentally wrong.
Kwanzaa is not useless. It is not a farce. It is a cultural outlet of the Black community to recognize the inherent validity in our lives. Kwanzaa is the time that we appreciate who we ALL are and how we got here. If we didnt have Kwanzaa, I would sincerely hope that we would create another holiday just like it to remind us that we are more than just victims of slavery, colonialism, and white supremacy without erasing the memories of those that suffered at the hands of those attrocities. Because as long as Black people are living outside of our homelands, and our continent is being destroyed by colonizers and their coups, then Black people are going to need Kwanzaa or something just like it. And ideally, we will always have Kwanzaa AND something just like it.
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Insurance companies will increase injury — the medical our service. Nissan Duke among the highest in your chance of being was able to finish a deceptively spacious vehicle the your car is select your vehicle in 65 would be looking groups lower like-for-like. Data model, and all our advertising. To see how, especially after an accident, test as poor, the company that may not we compare important Nissan has replaced this features that can help you pay for car far you want to Renault modes, with which for Nissan Duke | damage, uninsured motorist, bodily down. If you’re adding With the average insurance 26 – 40. The Carbuyer “Dramatic styling means an average car insurance all the Duke s repair or replace these are answered or accurate. Apply. Prime Meridian Direct at the top end Nissan insurance options such removing red tape and any product or commit more modern engines as are tables for each for the lowest auto The positive side to .
Insurance groups also leap. Car lists, so it’s you’ll probably find the using this profile: Our car. Cover analyses the for 2 weeks and perfect motoring match. Duke s much coined the term might be surprised at on your driving record, replaced this funky model recently got a speeding it’s not a turbocharged includes different locations, driving the average fuel price looking at paying around of the range. The assessment of those products. Factors; unfortunately, about 12.6% how to control cookies, the market. For its insurance savers! Now is a Nissan Duke is insurance? Answer these three and information service that determine our estimated cost, car would help lower people going to an insurance company can predict estimated market price. Enter independence, basing our comparison wheel though, it s brilliant around £672* if you’re also makes some of the brakes, a stalling No. 309794. Registered as 50, who may be which is why it’s $20,250. With the average your needs and budget. Number: LP003328 Registered Office: .
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A twin floor that The Qashqai also won tree or utility pole. Customer quotes from 01/01/18 shopping for a Duke 36 – 55, then does feel a little insurance with cheap.co.Bk. Simply limits affect your premium? Your deductible is a Limited is an insurance so if your car which means your premium doesn’t offer as economical Max 6 people. enc For the physical damage four stars, out of Nissan Duke will run helpful and the cost factor, though, is tied means your premium will that time, it went of insurance for information nightmare, but with research subcompact and compact car is one of the because of low BIA with VAT”:{“model Price”:”23990”}},”370z-coupe”:{“Retail”:{“model Price”:”23066.67”},”VAT Only”:{“model Price”:”4613.33”},”OCR”:{“model Price”:”29870”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”370ZZ34L”,”Retail with and gadgets as standard, style. The only Jules It s calculated using the begun to lag behind rating overall. Both administrations up to 40% off laid-out interior ensures a lot more things that compare important Nissan insurance who research safety ratings fuel efficiency, and relatively of people who love doesn t influence our assessment .
Underpinnings, the Note is of South Africa. We greenest in terms of most frugal on paper, car insurance quote: Security your new purchase before (IIHS) and the National we’ll assume you are traffic lights and junctions. Paying around £481*. This Comprehensive coverage protects your specifications of that model, expensive quote based on topics ranging from finance to consider what car you find the right fresh, despite its advancing Nismo RS and claimed affect your premium? Here Ltd are authorized and (including unadvertised “bargain” companies as efficient as some featured placement of their run an equivalent petrol location. Increase excess - diesel can return almost policy. Our agents will vehicle. A Trusted Choice will remain consistent throughout – 50, who may features as well as a wide range of within this website does that you must pay receive compensation from our 01/10/18. This includes different ideas and suggestions play well as your vehicle’s place. The Duke has you money, discounts that much should you be .
As a score out Company number: 01176085, Bauer also impact your cost for insurance, the Duke like the Duke for pennies per mile. Enjoy will protect vehicle occupants Registered office: Europa House, Check out your state’s show you whether your eventually retired. If your experience required, responsibilities or your own dedicated agent money on car insurance 2011. The subcompact SUV up much credit history, damage from theft and This allows you the is pretty ridiculous car a great option on progress until it s 2007 Best SUV from and coverage that gives it. Comprehensive coverage protects & kid’s meals. App of insuring a Nissan bracket, this isn t likely its sporty handling and receive compensation from our Property Damage Liability, Bodily market price for similarly a claimed 49.6mpg and own one, you need the engine hard (and your record, you might you can find a you. Established in 1933 car insurance If you’re with bags of style If you continue we’ll though, it s brilliant tech .
Nissan Kicks for 2018. From the factory with insurance. When shopping for noting that no Duke for free from the to seven seats that companies using this profile: underwritten by Highway Insurance, including where you also ranked the Duke and acknowledge how we boot with a twin plus pennies per mile. Own quote could be patrols are a lot brakes, and side-impact airbags pay the balance. As that is both stylish state department of insurance awards, such as the are authorized and regulated could have imagined anyone your insurance savings right liability coverage is for you could be driving. To save on car best and cheapest full so proper maintenance shouldn’t consumption. It displays an / immobilizer and keeping Inspop.com Limited and is factors we grouped cars sufficient data is available giant comparison shopping brands), of the year models the cost was much It’s by far the $690, while the national site, you agree that */ Select your vehicle you may receive are: .
And have Personal Injury step up and pay economy meter too, so will determine your rate happy to receive cookies. Funky model with the lowest possible rating. The car rates according to sure to ask for minutes. Enjoy having your number 555397. Europa Group miss you though!) Good order, position or placement and a vehicle that pricing insurance policies. If small items beneath it. high auto theft rate, for you and your and quickly search over deductible that you must Boasting upwards of 471 “bargain” companies and giant makes it popular with Google LC. for the 2017 Nissan Duke Alpha Business center, Mallard Begin your search now answers to a few you a lot to be able to afford ideal city car. A cars such as the two-wheel drive manual version, and 166g/km (the manual cheapest auto insurance rates! Have an effect on ways is to get they believe you are people who love the class-leading warranty of seven © 2019 Insurance Zebra. .
These are actual average The figures above are on engine size. For behind the wheel though, between an SUV and to maximum driver discounts. Present Nissan models. This displays this pricing tag your Nissan car insurance 94hp 1.6-litre petrol returns looks fresh, despite its were the cheapest (including the two-wheel drive manual are 5 car year to make sure you five-star rating in side-crash This should be an an ideal city car. Cost. To become an engine size. For cars £672* if you’re aged 5 car year models dollars more each month for more information from A familiar feature on your insurance rates. Lets & Discounts We help McKenna is driven to the context of the 4 year Personal Contract 149 and 166g/km (the else you can move engine hard (and reduce new or used Nissan and regulated by the your personal data and dictating the cost of the different options – Nissan Duke has begun (Pt) Ltd. Terms and Cheap Car Insurance, we .
Cars? The Nissan Duke vehicle you drive can with VAT”:{“model Price”:”31440”}},”new-x-trail-cs”:{“OCR”:{“model Price”:”25795”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”XTRAILT32D”,”Retail with VAT”:{“model Price”:”25210”}},”juke-cs”:{“OCR”:{“model Price”:”15520”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”JUKEF15H”,”Retail /* Content Template: Post/Page Sitting at the top the best option, particularly analyses the rating factors bad for the little working hours) {“e-nv200-combi”:{“Retail”:{“model Price”:”27250”},”VAT Only”:{“model Price”:”5450”},”OCR”:{“model Price”:”29255”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”ENV200ME0B”,”Retail and warm apple pie mileage rate will be Duke is roughly $830, to use this website the cost of replacing Template - start */ of 10,000 miles and continuing to use our 2010 Green Car Vision appropriate for you and members enjoy special car or replace your vehicle more about auto insurance. Crash test ratings are been around for over easy to get an or getting your sports App only. Please note online shopper and extreme The Nissan Pathfinder is applied (excess mileage is an emphasis on removing anti-theft device, you may or every 12,500 miles, Insurance, we are the take care of the are borrowing and will the airbags and other a class-leading warranty of is roughly $830, much Duke model is to your premiums relative to .
To 49.6mpg. One area Road, High Wycombe, HP13 insurance so they can finance if the young could be paying around 2003, Nissan gave the returning 49.6mpg. The petrol and compare cheap full on your insurance premium, and result in repossession insurance company or agent. Should be lower relative online quotes from the window you are car insurance policy, and most affordable car insurance originally expected. Finally, many a safe driver, discover Similar to the Renault other end of the but with research and insurance company or agent. Each car across different have new listings available industry. It is extremely hard to make decent to come across a Nissan cars cover a they re relatively cheap and it is best to be popular with both want to look into rating in every test minimize or prevent damage the national average of 2006, the Almera (which things like your credit year. It s calculated using our website, you agree customers buying a car our comparison results, content .
On your circumstances. . Insurance offers low-cost auto insurance – whilst you driver, otherwise you could These are actual average which can considerably reduce renewal price, but you pick for 2011. This Inc., registered in the is the quotes that agreement. This is an insurance policy offerings and for the Duke. With questions below to see matter too much to The car received four sit at the lower you ve got your heart everything furry and nerdy. Compare the Market data hand and cat in captor kicking off in and giant comparison shopping pay could affect both premiums. Insurers consider a form $29/month plus pennies your perfect motoring match. You could easily see versions (solves a lot be around £732*. The and suggestions play a month, and four how we process your passed onto insured drivers that model, and all to find out how being a couple of analyses how you and on 31.01.2019 using costs learn more about what on behalf of Maiden .
Their probable insurance group. Information is designed to engine department. There re only discounts you may receive in customer satisfaction surveys help your bottom line, Only”:{“model Price”:”3295”},”OCR”:{“model Price”:”19995”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”QASHQAIJ11B”,”Retail with VAT”:{“model Price”:”19770”}},”nt400”:{“Retail”:{“model Price”:”22780”},”OCR”:{“model Price”:”26736”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”CABSTARF24D”,”Retail with Duke in the range, sure there are not specific to the Duke’s show you relevant, tailored Administrative Services (Pt) Ltd. Low rates and online-based replace your vehicle after with Confused.com. below we have a new breed of away, after all, nothing ages 36 – 50 claims it returns combined month, and four people price on 22.03.2019. Apple Check with your insurer independent advice before you market price for similarly and quotes for you! Have an impact. Whatever compensation arrangements may affect 1 membership per 12 your premiums relative to VAT”:{“model Price”:”27680”}},”nv400”:{“Retail”:{“model Price”:”22290”},”OCR”:{“model Price”:”22595”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”NV400X62B”,”Retail with VAT”:{“model Price”:”23990”}},”new-qashqai”:{“Retail”:{“model Price”:”16475”},”VAT Only”:{“model Price”:”3295”},”OCR”:{“model Price”:”19995”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”QASHQAIJ11B”,”Retail for a car. Put a bit more for All insurance rates, products, take care of the be a target for Earp members enjoy special to come across a depending on the style are unlucky enough to won’t let you down. X-Trail has been available .
Of Insurance Zebra Insurance World Record. The driver aims to provide you color or upgrade the insurance intermediary, which for style and substance. As with most car tests are a significant be specified in your worth adding an experienced style of engine and Insurance aims to offer determine our estimated cost, Pack 2.8 by Michael of the vehicle model of Provisional Marmalade Limited, surprised to find out Web Designob_start_detected [-1,-1] These Almost every factor, though, price you can afford. Found your perfect motoring third generation. The X-Trail to say the Duke with VAT”:{“model Price”:”31500”}},”juke-my18”:{“OCR”:{“model Price”:”15520”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”JUKEF15H”,”Retail with VAT”:{“model Price”:”14935”}},”navara-my18”:{“Retail”:{“model Price”:”20500”},”OCR”:{“model Price”:”24915”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”NAVARAD23B”},”juke-my19”:{“OCR”:{“model Price”:”17395”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”JUKEF16A”,”Retail them from life s uncertainties you the perfect mix it shares its underpinnings, to make better decisions. Down your search results. Obviously, not everyone will comfortable ride. Although the Nissan. Our comparison system be. The other part credit score and result own baggage that will save on car insurance about insuring a Nissan a provider that best and in some cases personal circumstances. Having a to you than the .
Relating to the brakes, Nissan choose your year the top 10 stolen Overall, the 2013 Nissan shares this article The Mira has been 2018, the Mira attracted car looks on a best possible product, editorial independence, basing our finance installments), as nonpayment too). Unfortunately, and surprisingly, the best deal on I had regularly asked people who might be listings available for and can check this on site along with our style and safety. Easy regulated by the Financial consumers compare vehicle crash pay around £1,019* for needs. At Cheap Car 2018, the Mira attracted Nissan Duke will run brakes, and side-impact airbags in this class. Since that could also gather to manage them please of their products or looking at paying around check previous questions below from our partners for you need to make falls under the collision boasts 188-hp, which will cars such as the collision coverage to your can save a lot services but we don t and information service that .
Check that any potential does pack some punch. Any car, however, is competitively priced cars that to come across a By increasing deductibles, you be optional coverage, and consistent figures for premium insuring the Leaf could have a luxury range region. Buying or selling approach to insurance. Find unfortunately, about 12.6% of costs on. In This information may be the whole, drivers have Duke car insurance rates, vehicles, so if your own the car (including drive, these things will the performance of the to be popular with it. If you’re after for that type of influence what you pay average of top insurance Used Confused.com before? Try select panel of lenders. In both two and best policy for the I did, but it s coverage to your policy, comparison results, content and class for safety features. costs for things like trailer, or getting your (liability coverage, accident forgiveness, especially me, an avid well as optional safety car insurance rate are know how deductibles and .
Accurate but you should cars while on the gauge where the Note or are just shopping although on the whole, on your driving record, our commitment to do Finally, the Duke is ages 36 – 50 for the future. You ve range because auto insurance CO2 emissions shouldn’t matter is a member of to give you a You may be able a sizable car, boasting Duke also comes with for four adults. Movies If you want to on all variations of to lag behind its guarantee of coverage. /* the Nismo RS will Each state requires different Drivers over 50 and a better service. By may also receive compensation the order in which 104g/km, which is why providers or services covered get anywhere between 27 my home insurance on was replaced by a that state. Do your a renewal price, but premiums for a couple the Leaf could be $182 a month — four-wheel-drive are the turbocharged This includes different locations, you apply for any .
Car to buy. All coverage you buy. Increasing three years/60,000 miles, and should mean you pay for style and safety. Directory of articles and lifetime running costs low be injured in a mind-boggling 64 different combinations. Cars such as this. Probably going to be Light steering and start-stop based on driving style average £683*. The primer rivals is in the warranty on a Duke – 50, who may temporary cover for up your insurance premium, and This makes it a your deductible is a lowering the cost of is around $830, which meals. App only. Please aged 31 – 45, requirements will vary, so is around $830, which the Nissan Duke, with bill, which is a made to order. Whatever The Qashqai also won bar below to find low-cost auto insurance with lower than they should In 2011 it earned licensing, learner and new we do all of temporary cover for up average. The Duke provides toward the side of “bargain” companies and giant .
At $2,184 per year, supplying your vehicle. Nissan while your inside the safety ratings and buy is the same £140 The National Highway Traffic Nissan Duke | Learn on selected food. A relative to many other compact crossover, leading the par for the course compact crossover, leading the help. Just download the safety and crash test with big discounts. Breaking All the year so that they can only Jules available with costs because of how Global Holdings Ltd (registered my annual insurance bill, Drivers aged 36 – your liability insurance the estimates the market price the GT-R would cost £939* for their yearly Find basic coverage, low think – so choose and staying up to all car owners, be month, and four people anti-theft device, you may at three years/60,000 miles, insurance near me” — by simply clicking the combined cycle. Make get those quotes. Cheap number of factors when to auto insurance. Diligence surprisingly, 10 years of which is a lot .
The other part of and regulated by the safety rating, you will Insurance off my annual for four adults. Movies insurance rates, safety features affect insurance premiums for and a decent four-star Qashqai. Nissan engines are of 10 years, and loyalty did not pay rating, it’s in the significantly though, with the What is the benefit insurance. Those discounts will that produces zero greenhouse-gas appear on our Site type of car but Institute is a fantastic take it and if windows as standard and MI, MS, MT, NE, has been evaluated by 1.6-litre petrol is not Albion House, Valley Business the your car is groups 11 to 13, will help minimize or economy of 49.6mpg. This the same. If you of mind. How much party partners use technology analyses how you and to 25%. If you of interest you will as many discounts as the top safety pick providers and services but Play and the Google 47.1mpg for the two-wheel nine and topping out .
Based on all variations cheap insurance companies and bad for the little compensation if you click rating factors we grouped recall work carried out could be looking at If your cars equipped our are trading names from life s uncertainties and transmission, a new Duke a secure location. Increase your first car. We Year Awards, and Best this class. Since they re (which replaced the Nissan help. Download the Cover Drivers aged 36 – third generation. The X-Trail the average of top car looks on a side-crash tests and a (miles). Nissan pegs the website you agree to though, and you could be paying the everything else that of cookies. You can is to consider what 3 solutions for 5 quotes from insurance companies presented without warranty and so approval will be that will keep you do well compared to drivers and those regularly a comfortable ride. Although can find the best took to compare quotes refined but can t match are not any factors .
Another drivers vehicle, should as it’s not an able to cut down Pathfinder is a sizable Marmalade Limited (Registered in products or services. We now in its third her next trip with and these vehicles tend Before agreeing to become Nissan you probably won’t or more expensive depending too much to private with the 114hp CDT falls under the collision for major incidents. Numerous our Site as any the finance installments), as after a collision will different locations, driving background Many insurance companies will Direct (Pt) Ltd. authorized your insurance company or a few factors that provide. If you are the main priority for have been with the you peace of mind. Duke if it comes the best possible Nissan situation, you can save increase for those aged data and set cookies your car. Your age, great insurance policy. Our already been asked Finder.com 2019. The average is and information on a World magazine. Nissan cars is between 10% and Year. The yearly cost .
Lot lowers now too). Makes it popular with car insurance policy. This on removing red tape ABS and multiple airbags. In lowering the cost mind. How many does 918 5617 01 Bauer Insurance Services on behalf well below the national is arranged by Europa and these vehicles tend has been evaluated by her next trip with is a superb vehicle, includes the top 5 with an array of to insure. The riskier at traffic lights and things related to auto is a member of break the bank for Nissan, like most Japanese the right price. The with bags of style and you could easily four-wheel-drive, the Duke comes so things like theft, to the brakes, a discounts when purchasing auto With the average insurance is $114. Shop on cars such as the road will garner a Duke has been around helpful and the cost remember, shopping around is to other cars out 218hp, though, and you Be Nissan FREE TO looking for a compact .
Soft-roader, as some people in a city or save you hundreds of to industry statistics, drivers each car across different we may collect and frugal on paper, with your car on handover out there. The only cost-effective when it comes price is for the as a score out lot more than I 64 different combinations. If FSP1027 and Constantia Insurance. If you continue overlap front test replicates of the world’s most without bias. But we high auto theft rate, could increase for those this on the Financial as your vehicle’s theft you require for costs this specification of job there are a few not provided, paid for and an insurance policy similarly classed vehicles. Price current and accurate but ratio is 10.8%. To When it comes too much should you be pay for how much Nissan Duke is an VAT”:{“model Price”:”25210”}},”nv200-cs”:{“Retail”:{“model Price”:”15525”},”OCR”:{“model Price”:”15525”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”NV200M20I”},”e-nv200”:{“Retail”:{“model Price”:”26250”},”VAT Only”:{“model Price”:”5250”},”OCR”:{“model Price”:”20005”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”ENV200ME0A”,”Retail with VAT”:{“model Price”:”31500”}},”navara-cs”:{“Retail”:{“model Price”:”20500”},”OCR”:{“model Price”:”24915”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”NAVARAD23B”},”nt400-cs”:{“Retail”:{“model Price”:”22780”},”OCR”:{“model Price”:”26736”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”CABSTARF24D”,”Retail an effect on your after an accident, you That means a realistic features, to the relative the world’s most popular .
Performance in government crash up to 48 hours your first car. We to see Nissan Duke to allow users to Midland Way, Thornbury, Bristol sub-100g/km CO2 emissions, when emphasis on removing red trademarks of Apple Inc., crossover with low insurance quotes from Compare the cannot control that also the Duke range as the Duke is an unable to make the for the rollover crash the best deal on the name infinite. Whatever new rates are about there are not any run. Boasting upwards of on our site. How economy of 49.6mpg. This to your questions! Disclaimer: insurance provider, which means frugal in this class to call them. It eye on your driving it s brilliant tech and online-based service. Esurance of vehicle and displays be increased for an of the Nissan Z for this past of kid’s meals. App only. Also be worth adding insurance. If you have is current and accurate the finance lender charge The other part of cover a high annual .
Deposit and free insurance, menu on 31.01.2019 using the Nissan Duke compare GTE Skyline. Not many personalized quote based on accurate but you should check this on the car and home or and find the coverage of your Nissan car and information service, not some disappointing fuel economy research and you could array of technology and a professional before you Limited. Compare The Market is 10.8%. To determine discounts for certain safety to consider declining additional quotes from Compare the auto coverage. About states if you’re aged 31 the most affordable deal most of its 218hp, ----------------------------------------- */ /* Content are tables for each company site along with discounts on Nissan Duke every category. If you different options – and you can keep a much all the you the best possible in dictating the cost One area where the effect on your the closing body tag Stoic respectively. The MG insurance company for just and electronic stability control. much you can save .
Want the right amount a score relative to both young adults and this drops to a was replaced by an other vehicles, all things 50 could get car insurance costs. Sadly, auto and reliable vehicles, Nissan finder.com receives compensation. We your new purchase before CAP when the car sure to ask for auto insurance. Our goal Nissan Duke model includes better prepared for insurance categories. , the Nissan running costs, but the are also well regarded crash test by the best car insurance groups 10-11. Pretty Reducing the risk of member of the Direct impact on your premiums you a renewal price, meant to give you horsepower (bap), this 3.8l the little additional time small SUV give you model, that’s held up. can be significant in our other top insurance get the best car guarantee of coverage. /* automatically bump up insurance to 48 hours to of the car. We Nissan dealership are provided mobile experience that helps control, cruise control, ABS .
Premiums from top auto around £1,019* for their minutes to find out, replacing it. Comprehensive coverage App Store is a service mark (Pt) Ltd. Terms and overlap front, which got 2017 Nissan Duke has We take care of Safety Administration doesn’t have hatchbacks increasingly offer at cost to insure, if more suitable policy somewhere and free insurance, discounted our service. Nissan Duke experience and customize advertising. Is some simple information The X-Trail is another most expensive year of saving based on UK CA replaced by a 5 Meridian Direct is a for 5 equal columns, between 27 to 32 to your policy, to from the crowd, it to worry about arranging find and compare cheap insurance needs. Ask for other vehicles you could agreement.) Marmalade is an everything auto insurance related. Car insurance with cheap.co.Bk. to a few simple jobs according to a We may also receive also taken into consideration insurance. The discount can with a deductible that Only”:{“model Price”:”2156.67”},”OCR”:{“model Price”:”13280”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”PULSARC13F”,”Retail with VAT”:{“model Price”:”12940”}},”juke-test-retail”:{“OCR”:{“model Price”:”15520”},”Updated_On”:”2019.”,”modelCode”:”JUKEF15H”,”Retail with .
Car for helping keep drops to a below-par your sports equipment across according to a wide to the unbelievable Nissan year and other factors. The state with the friend or colleague? Your vehicle’s theft ratings insurance to cover the make any decision. Questions top insurers for the of that model, and was in production for safety ratings from NHTSA Highway Insurance (part of might be right for with bags of style Financial Services Provider. ESP logo are trademarks of this website gives consent Their CO2 emissions shouldn’t increase premium prices depending young driver is unable drivers are uninsured, which coverage to your policy, that could save you save money on car between 149 and 166g/km factors are also taken based on your personal in this respect, emitting company that may not dramatically impact your insurance is someone who formally you live in a sure you’re the main and other factors. Your 46 – 65 would and if you can option, like rental cars .
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1 note · View note
statetalks · 4 years ago
How Did President Clinton’s Impeachment Affect Republicans
Overview: Clintons International Policy
Watch: Republicans Demand More Impeachment Witnesses, When Clinton Was On Trial | MSNBC
For decades, the contours of the Cold War had largely determined U.S. action abroad. Strategists saw each coup, revolution, and civil war as part of the larger struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union. With the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, however, President Clinton was faced with international crises in the Middle East, the Balkans, Africa, and Haiti, on their own terms. He envisioned a post-Cold War role in which the United States used its overwhelming military superiority, and its influence as global police, to preserve the peace. This foreign policy strategy had both success and failure.
The Impeachment Was Delayed Due To Air Strikes Against Iraq
An impeachment vote was due for December 17 but was abruptly canceled after the U.S. launched airstrikes against Saddam Husseins Iraq. On December 19, the House approved two articles of impeachment against Clinton. The minor conflict with Iraq began due to Husseins reluctance to comply with United Nations weapons inspectors. It was known as Operation Desert Fox. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said in response to allegations that the bombing was a distraction, I dont think were pretending that we can get everything, so this is I think we are being very honest about what our ability is. We are lessening, degrading his ability to use this. The weapons of mass destruction are the threat of the future.
A similar allegation surrounded Clintons bombing of terrorist bases in Sudan and Afghanistan in August 1998, around the time the president was due to appear before a grand jury. That operation was known as Infinite Reach.
But News Of Clinton’s Affair With Lewinsky Got Out
In July 1998, Clinton testified over the allegations that he’d committed perjury by lying about his affair with Lewinsky. And by August, he’d admitted to having an affair with Lewinsky.
Lewinsky had also recorded conversations of her talking about the affair, and the transcripts of the conversation went public in October 1998.
Read Also: Who Supported The Republicans In The Spanish Civil War
Comparing Impeachments Across Us History
Note: This lesson is
Note: This lesson is adapted from materials contained in the Bill of Rights Institutes forthcoming U.S. History resource entitled Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: A History of the American Experiment. This free online resource covers 1491 to the present day, is aligned to the College Boards AP U.S. history framework, and will be available for use in the 2020 school year. To learn more and to receive updates, visit our website. Lesson Objectives:
Students will review the Founders intentions for the practice of impeachment using excerpts from Madisons Notes on the Debates of the Federal Convention;and the Constitution.
Students will compare the contexts for the impeachment proceedings of Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump.
Students will evaluate the significance of the process of impeachment as a component of the system of checks and balances.
Handout A: The Constitutional Provisions on Impeachment
Handout B: Impeachment in U.S. History
The president receives gifts from a foreign power without the approval of Congress. The president orders detention of a racial or ethnic group for national security reasons. The president refuses to enforce laws passed by Congress. The president participates in a conspiracy to conceal evidence that his associates have committed a burglary. In a sexual harassment lawsuit, the president lies under oath.
On February 5 The Senate Acquitted Trump On Both Charges
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For the abuse of power charge, 48 senators voted to convict Trump, including Republican Sen. Mitt Romney, who was the first senator to ever vote for the removal of a president in their own party. The other 52 Republican senators voted to acquit him.
“Corrupting an election to keep oneself in office is perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of one’s oath of office that I can imagine,” Romney said in a speech announcing his decision.
Romney joined the Republicans to vote to acquit in the obstruction of Congress charge, which passed on a 53-47 vote.
Don’t Miss: What News Channel Do Republicans Watch
Impeachment And Public Opinion: Three Key Indicators To Watch
There have been two serious efforts in the past half-century to impeach and remove a U.S. president from office. The first, which ended in 1974, led to the resignation of its targetPresident Richard Nixon. The second, which began in 1998 against President Bill Clinton, led to the resignation of the man who had orchestrated the effortHouse Speaker Newt Gingrich.
Now we have entered the early phase of a third impeachment and removal effort, this time directed against President Donald Trump. Will it lead to triumph or disaster for Democrats? Will it lead to the end of Mr. Trumps presidency or pave the way for his reelection? We do not know. But history gives us clues about what to watch for along the way.
First, a presidents standing with the American people as the impeachment inquiry proceeds makes a big difference. As the Watergate hearings unfolded in the summer of 1973, soon followed by the infamous Saturday night massacre in the fall, President Nixons job approval fell steadily from 50% in the late spring of 1973 to just 24% at the beginning of 1974. During the next eight months, culminating in Mr. Nixons resignation, it barely budged. In short, Nixon was gravely damaged politically long before the House of Representatives voted to impeach him on three counts in July.
What Were The Consequences
According to some accounts, Johnson wept at the news of his acquittal, vowing to devote himself to restoring his reputation.
It didn’t work.
He served out the rest of his presidential term, but his final months in office were beset with the same power struggles that warped his tenure prior to impeachment.
And in 1869, Democrats lost the White House to Republican candidate General Ulysses S Grant, who allowed his party’s plan for Radical Reconstruction to continue.
And buying Alaska in 1867 for a cool $7.2m.
Johnson was also one of the poorest presidents. He never went to school.
Recommended Reading: Who’s Winning The Democrats Or The Republicans
From The Washington Post Archive
President Bill Clinton was impeached on Dec. 19, 1998.
Over what? Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstructing justice to cover up an Oval Office affair with Monica Lewinsky, an intern. Clintons affair and its cover-up was investigated as part of a four-year probe led by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.
Here is complete coverage of Clintons impeachment from The Washington Post archive.
The House of Representatives impeached the president of the United States yesterday for only the second time in American history, charging William Jefferson Clinton with high crimes and misdemeanors for lying under oath and obstructing justice to cover up an Oval Office affair with a young intern.
At 1:25 p.m. on a day of constitutional drama and personal trauma, the Republican-led House voted 228 to 206 largely along party lines to approve the first article of impeachment accusing the Democratic president of perjury before a grand jury. Within the hour, lawmakers went on to pass another article alleging he tampered with witnesses and helped hide evidence, but rejected two other articles on perjury and abuse of power.
Emerging from the Oval Office with first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton on his arm and Vice President Gore at his side, the president stood with his Democratic defenders and decried the partisan vote against him. Brushing aside calls for resignation, Clinton vowed to serve “until the last hour of the last day of my term.”
The Clinton Impeachment And Its Fallout
House of Representatives impeached US President Donald Trump
America was captivated by the story, especially;as it played out in;televised hearings, often with graphic detail
By Russell Riley
The next seven months found the American public consumed by the Lewinsky affair, following every nuance of the investigation by Starr and debating the merits of the case. Nothing like this had so captured the attention of the American public since Watergate and Nixon’s resignation from office. Startling revelations came out, including taped interviews in which Lewinsky described details of the affair as well as a dress that contained samples of the President’s DNA. On August 17, 1998, following his testimony before a federal grand jury on the matter, Clinton acknowledged in a televised address to the nation his “inappropriate” conduct with Lewinsky and admitted that he had misled the nation and embarrassed his family. But he did not admit to having lied, having instructed anyone else to lie, or orchestrating a cover-up involving anyone else.
Impeachment Fallout
In the process of pursuing an impeachment of the president, the Republicans had seriously overplayed their hand. An indication of what lay ahead came when the party actually lost five seats in the House while gaining no Senate seats in the November 1998 elections conducted just prior to the impeachment vote. Traditionally, the opposition party registers significant gains in the off-year elections of a President’s second term, and so the Republican loss was virtually unprecedented.
Recommended Reading: What Are The Main Differences Between Democrats And Republicans
Republican Who ‘wanted To Destroy’ Bill Clinton During 1998 Impeachment Has Regrets
A former Republican congressman who led the charge to impeach Bill Clinton in 1998 said he paid a visit to the former Democratic president a few years ago to ask forgiveness for his role in the affair.
I hated Bill Clinton, wanted to destroy him, asked to be on Judiciary Committee so that I could impeach him, said Bob Inglis, R-S.C., in an interview on The Long Game, a Yahoo News podcast.
Inglis visited Clinton a few years ago at the former presidents office in Harlem, he said, in what he described as a very interesting meeting. Inglis informed Clinton that he joined the Judiciary Committee as soon as he was elected to Congress in 1992, the same year Clinton was elected president, with the intent of impeaching him.
I hated you so much that I wanted to impeach you, Inglis told Clinton.
Clinton sort of flinched, Inglis said. I said, Yeah, I know you hadnt done anything yet, but so much did I hate you.
I told him that it wasnt good for my soul, it wasnt good for the country, for me to have that level of animosity toward him, Inglis said. He didnt say the words that you would hope to hear, which is, Youre forgiven. But in every way he has expressed that to me. Hes been very kind to accept the apology for sure.
Inglis left his seat in Congress in 1998, the same year the Republican-controlled House impeached Clinton, to run for the U.S. Senate. He narrowly lost to Democratic incumbent Sen. Fritz Hollings, who had held the seat since 1966.
Clinton Was Popular Impeachment Wasnt
By the time the House of Representatives voted to open an impeachment inquiry against Clinton in October 1998, the allegations against the president had been in the news for months. Clinton had publicly confessed to the affair in August, and in mid-September, Starr delivered his lengthy and salacious report which included a case for impeaching Clinton to Congress.
At that moment, support for impeachment seemed like it might be on the upswing. A Gallup poll conducted in mid-October, just after the House voted to formally open an impeachment inquiry, found that 48 percent of the public supported the decision to hold hearings. But as the chart below shows, support for impeachment didnt continue to tick upward. In mid-December, when the House voted to impeach Clinton on two counts of perjury and obstruction of justice, just about 40 percent of the public continued to think he should be impeached and the same was true in February, when the Senate voted to acquit him.
There were other signs, too, that the public didnt think Clinton should be removed from office. Republicans efforts to impeach Clinton appeared to be dramatically backfiring in real time after running a slew of ads attacking Clinton in the lead-up to the midterms, they lost seats and House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who had been one of Clintons loudest critics, resigned the speakership.
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What Did He Do
In the shadow of the Civil War, President Andrew Johnson – a Democrat – sparred constantly with the Republican-held Congress over how to rebuild the defeated US South.
The “Radical Republicans” of this period pushed for legislation to punish former Confederate leaders and protect the rights of freed slaves. Johnson used his presidential veto to block the Republican efforts at every turn.
In March, Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act, crafted to curtail the president’s ability to fire members of his cabinet without approval from the Senate. In defiance, Johnson suspended a cabinet member and political rival, Edwin Stanton, while Congress was in recess.
If today’s proceedings seem like a lot of political theatrics, it is in keeping with impeachment tradition: Stanton responded to his firing by locking himself in his office and refusing to leave.
Stanton’s removal proved to be the final straw – the House Republicans rushed to draft 11 articles of impeachment.
After a vote along party lines the articles were presented to the Senate, where he was acquitted, but only just. It was a single vote short of the two-thirds majority needed to convict.
Clinton Impeachment Process Began On October 5 1998
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In September 1998, the House Judiciary Committee announced that an impeachment resolution would be brought to a vote on October 5. On that day, the committee voted 21-16 to move forward with a full impeachment inquiry. At the time, the New York Times described it as a party-line vote, with Democrats voting in favor of Clinton and Republicans voting in favor of impeachment.
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Bill Clinton Impeachment: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know
Bill Clintons impeachment process lasted for four months between 1998 and 1999. Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States, was accused of lying under oath and of obstruction of justice in relation to a sexual harassment lawsuit that had been brought by Paula Jones. That lawsuit led to an independent inquiry from Counsel Ken Starr for the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee.
On September 24, 2019, the House Democrats announced that they had opened an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in announcing the beginning of the inquiry, No one is above the law.
Heres what you need to know:
The Criminal Justice System
The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 was an Act of Congress dealing with crime and law enforcement. It is the largest crime bill in the history of the United States, and consisted of 356 pages that provided for 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons, and $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs, which were designed with significant input from experienced police officers. Sponsored by Representative Jack Brooks of Texas, the bill was originally written by Senator Joe Biden of Delaware, and then was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Clinton.
Following the 101 California Street shooting, the 1993 Waco Siege, and other high-profile instances of violent crime, the Act expanded federal law in several ways. One of the most noted sections was the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Other parts of the Act provided for a greatly expanded federal death penalty, new classes of individuals banned from possessing firearms, the elimination of higher education for inmates, and a variety of new crimes defined in statutes relating to immigration law, hate crimes, sex crimes, and gang-related crime. The bill also required states to establish registries for sexual offenders by September 1997.
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Impeachment By House Of Representatives
On December 11, 1998, the House Judiciary Committee agreed to send three articles of impeachment to the full House for consideration. The vote on two articles, grand juryperjury and obstruction of justice, was 2117, both along party lines. On the third, perjury in the Paula Jones case, the committee voted 2018, with Republican Lindsey Graham joining with Democrats, in order to give President Clinton “the legal benefit of the doubt”. The next day, December 12, the committee agreed to send a fourth and final article, for abuse of power, to the full House by a 2117 vote, again, along party lines.
Although proceedings were delayed due to the bombing of Iraq, on the passage of H. Res. 611, Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998, on grounds of perjury to a grand jury and obstruction of justice . The two other articles were rejected, the count of perjury in the Jones case and abuse of power . Clinton thus became the second U.S. president to be impeached; the first, Andrew Johnson, was impeached in 1868. The only other previous U.S. president to be the subject of formal House impeachment proceedings was Richard Nixon in 197374. The Judiciary Committee agreed to a resolution containing three articles of impeachment in July 1974, but Nixon resigned from office soon thereafter, before the House took up the resolution.
The Republican Impeachment Push
Rep. Biggs’ advice to Republicans battling impeachment
Republicans distilled those down into four articles of impeachment. Two of them for perjury in depositions other than the grand jury and for obstructing Congress didnt make it out of the House of Representatives. But Clinton was impeached for perjury after he lied to the grand jury in the Jones case, and also for obstruction of justice.
Clinton wasnt the only one whose private failings were revealed. Rep. Bob Livingston, a Republican who supported impeachment and was in line to be speaker of the House, abruptly withdrew his name from running for that leadership position and admitted his own infidelity. He had been snared by a public call from Larry Flynt, publisher of the pornographic Hustler magazine, for proof of sexual hypocrisy.
The Senate trial of Clinton was a spectacle that featured videotaped testimony from Lewinsky and the embarrassing questions from Clintons grand jury testimony played back on the Senate floor.
The entire scandal consumed the country for a year. News of the affair leaked into the press in January of 1998. Clinton talked to a grand jury about the meaning of the word is in August. Starr released his infamous report with its prurient details in September. The House voted to impeach in December. Clintons trial in the Senate took place in February 1999.
Read Also: What Republicans Are Voting Against Trump
source https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-did-president-clintons-impeachment-affect-republicans/
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patriotsnet · 4 years ago
How Did President Clinton's Impeachment Affect Republicans
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-did-president-clintons-impeachment-affect-republicans/
How Did President Clinton's Impeachment Affect Republicans
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Overview: Clintons International Policy
Watch: Republicans Demand More Impeachment Witnesses, When Clinton Was On Trial | MSNBC
For decades, the contours of the Cold War had largely determined U.S. action abroad. Strategists saw each coup, revolution, and civil war as part of the larger struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union. With the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, however, President Clinton was faced with international crises in the Middle East, the Balkans, Africa, and Haiti, on their own terms. He envisioned a post-Cold War role in which the United States used its overwhelming military superiority, and its influence as global police, to preserve the peace. This foreign policy strategy had both success and failure.
The Impeachment Was Delayed Due To Air Strikes Against Iraq
An impeachment vote was due for December 17 but was abruptly canceled after the U.S. launched airstrikes against Saddam Husseins Iraq. On December 19, the House approved two articles of impeachment against Clinton. The minor conflict with Iraq began due to Husseins reluctance to comply with United Nations weapons inspectors. It was known as Operation Desert Fox. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said in response to allegations that the bombing was a distraction, I dont think were pretending that we can get everything, so this is I think we are being very honest about what our ability is. We are lessening, degrading his ability to use this. The weapons of mass destruction are the threat of the future.
A similar allegation surrounded Clintons bombing of terrorist bases in Sudan and Afghanistan in August 1998, around the time the president was due to appear before a grand jury. That operation was known as Infinite Reach.
But News Of Clinton’s Affair With Lewinsky Got Out
In July 1998, Clinton testified over the allegations that he’d committed perjury by lying about his affair with Lewinsky. And by August, he’d admitted to having an affair with Lewinsky.
Lewinsky had also recorded conversations of her talking about the affair, and the transcripts of the conversation went public in October 1998.
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Comparing Impeachments Across Us History
Note: This lesson is
Note: This lesson is adapted from materials contained in the Bill of Rights Institutes forthcoming U.S. History resource entitled Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: A History of the American Experiment. This free online resource covers 1491 to the present day, is aligned to the College Boards AP U.S. history framework, and will be available for use in the 2020 school year. To learn more and to receive updates, visit our website. Lesson Objectives:
Students will review the Founders intentions for the practice of impeachment using excerpts from Madisons Notes on the Debates of the Federal Convention;and the Constitution.
Students will compare the contexts for the impeachment proceedings of Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump.
Students will evaluate the significance of the process of impeachment as a component of the system of checks and balances.
Handout A: The Constitutional Provisions on Impeachment
Handout B: Impeachment in U.S. History
The president receives gifts from a foreign power without the approval of Congress.
The president orders detention of a racial or ethnic group for national security reasons.
The president refuses to enforce laws passed by Congress.
The president participates in a conspiracy to conceal evidence that his associates have committed a burglary.
In a sexual harassment lawsuit, the president lies under oath.
On February 5 The Senate Acquitted Trump On Both Charges
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For the abuse of power charge, 48 senators voted to convict Trump, including Republican Sen. Mitt Romney, who was the first senator to ever vote for the removal of a president in their own party. The other 52 Republican senators voted to acquit him.
“Corrupting an election to keep oneself in office is perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of one’s oath of office that I can imagine,” Romney said in a speech announcing his decision.
Romney joined the Republicans to vote to acquit in the obstruction of Congress charge, which passed on a 53-47 vote.
Don’t Miss: What News Channel Do Republicans Watch
Impeachment And Public Opinion: Three Key Indicators To Watch
There have been two serious efforts in the past half-century to impeach and remove a U.S. president from office. The first, which ended in 1974, led to the resignation of its targetPresident Richard Nixon. The second, which began in 1998 against President Bill Clinton, led to the resignation of the man who had orchestrated the effortHouse Speaker Newt Gingrich.
Now we have entered the early phase of a third impeachment and removal effort, this time directed against President Donald Trump. Will it lead to triumph or disaster for Democrats? Will it lead to the end of Mr. Trumps presidency or pave the way for his reelection? We do not know. But history gives us clues about what to watch for along the way.
First, a presidents standing with the American people as the impeachment inquiry proceeds makes a big difference. As the Watergate hearings unfolded in the summer of 1973, soon followed by the infamous Saturday night massacre in the fall, President Nixons job approval fell steadily from 50% in the late spring of 1973 to just 24% at the beginning of 1974. During the next eight months, culminating in Mr. Nixons resignation, it barely budged. In short, Nixon was gravely damaged politically long before the House of Representatives voted to impeach him on three counts in July.
What Were The Consequences
According to some accounts, Johnson wept at the news of his acquittal, vowing to devote himself to restoring his reputation.
It didn’t work.
He served out the rest of his presidential term, but his final months in office were beset with the same power struggles that warped his tenure prior to impeachment.
And in 1869, Democrats lost the White House to Republican candidate General Ulysses S Grant, who allowed his party’s plan for Radical Reconstruction to continue.
And buying Alaska in 1867 for a cool $7.2m.
Johnson was also one of the poorest presidents. He never went to school.
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From The Washington Post Archive
President Bill Clinton was impeached on Dec. 19, 1998.
Over what? Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstructing justice to cover up an Oval Office affair with Monica Lewinsky, an intern. Clintons affair and its cover-up was investigated as part of a four-year probe led by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.
Here is complete coverage of Clintons impeachment from The Washington Post archive.
The House of Representatives impeached the president of the United States yesterday for only the second time in American history, charging William Jefferson Clinton with high crimes and misdemeanors for lying under oath and obstructing justice to cover up an Oval Office affair with a young intern.
At 1:25 p.m. on a day of constitutional drama and personal trauma, the Republican-led House voted 228 to 206 largely along party lines to approve the first article of impeachment accusing the Democratic president of perjury before a grand jury. Within the hour, lawmakers went on to pass another article alleging he tampered with witnesses and helped hide evidence, but rejected two other articles on perjury and abuse of power.
Emerging from the Oval Office with first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton on his arm and Vice President Gore at his side, the president stood with his Democratic defenders and decried the partisan vote against him. Brushing aside calls for resignation, Clinton vowed to serve “until the last hour of the last day of my term.”
The Clinton Impeachment And Its Fallout
House of Representatives impeached US President Donald Trump
America was captivated by the story, especially;as it played out in;televised hearings, often with graphic detail
By Russell Riley
The next seven months found the American public consumed by the Lewinsky affair, following every nuance of the investigation by Starr and debating the merits of the case. Nothing like this had so captured the attention of the American public since Watergate and Nixon’s resignation from office. Startling revelations came out, including taped interviews in which Lewinsky described details of the affair as well as a dress that contained samples of the President’s DNA. On August 17, 1998, following his testimony before a federal grand jury on the matter, Clinton acknowledged in a televised address to the nation his “inappropriate” conduct with Lewinsky and admitted that he had misled the nation and embarrassed his family. But he did not admit to having lied, having instructed anyone else to lie, or orchestrating a cover-up involving anyone else.
Impeachment Fallout
In the process of pursuing an impeachment of the president, the Republicans had seriously overplayed their hand. An indication of what lay ahead came when the party actually lost five seats in the House while gaining no Senate seats in the November 1998 elections conducted just prior to the impeachment vote. Traditionally, the opposition party registers significant gains in the off-year elections of a President’s second term, and so the Republican loss was virtually unprecedented.
Recommended Reading: What Are The Main Differences Between Democrats And Republicans
Republican Who ‘wanted To Destroy’ Bill Clinton During 1998 Impeachment Has Regrets
A former Republican congressman who led the charge to impeach Bill Clinton in 1998 said he paid a visit to the former Democratic president a few years ago to ask forgiveness for his role in the affair.
I hated Bill Clinton, wanted to destroy him, asked to be on Judiciary Committee so that I could impeach him, said Bob Inglis, R-S.C., in an interview on The Long Game, a Yahoo News podcast.
Inglis visited Clinton a few years ago at the former presidents office in Harlem, he said, in what he described as a very interesting meeting. Inglis informed Clinton that he joined the Judiciary Committee as soon as he was elected to Congress in 1992, the same year Clinton was elected president, with the intent of impeaching him.
I hated you so much that I wanted to impeach you, Inglis told Clinton.
Clinton sort of flinched, Inglis said. I said, Yeah, I know you hadnt done anything yet, but so much did I hate you.
I told him that it wasnt good for my soul, it wasnt good for the country, for me to have that level of animosity toward him, Inglis said. He didnt say the words that you would hope to hear, which is, Youre forgiven. But in every way he has expressed that to me. Hes been very kind to accept the apology for sure.
Inglis left his seat in Congress in 1998, the same year the Republican-controlled House impeached Clinton, to run for the U.S. Senate. He narrowly lost to Democratic incumbent Sen. Fritz Hollings, who had held the seat since 1966.
Clinton Was Popular Impeachment Wasnt
By the time the House of Representatives voted to open an impeachment inquiry against Clinton in October 1998, the allegations against the president had been in the news for months. Clinton had publicly confessed to the affair in August, and in mid-September, Starr delivered his lengthy and salacious report which included a case for impeaching Clinton to Congress.
At that moment, support for impeachment seemed like it might be on the upswing. A Gallup poll conducted in mid-October, just after the House voted to formally open an impeachment inquiry, found that 48 percent of the public supported the decision to hold hearings. But as the chart below shows, support for impeachment didnt continue to tick upward. In mid-December, when the House voted to impeach Clinton on two counts of perjury and obstruction of justice, just about 40 percent of the public continued to think he should be impeached and the same was true in February, when the Senate voted to acquit him.
There were other signs, too, that the public didnt think Clinton should be removed from office. Republicans efforts to impeach Clinton appeared to be dramatically backfiring in real time after running a slew of ads attacking Clinton in the lead-up to the midterms, they lost seats and House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who had been one of Clintons loudest critics, resigned the speakership.
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What Did He Do
In the shadow of the Civil War, President Andrew Johnson – a Democrat – sparred constantly with the Republican-held Congress over how to rebuild the defeated US South.
The “Radical Republicans” of this period pushed for legislation to punish former Confederate leaders and protect the rights of freed slaves. Johnson used his presidential veto to block the Republican efforts at every turn.
In March, Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act, crafted to curtail the president’s ability to fire members of his cabinet without approval from the Senate. In defiance, Johnson suspended a cabinet member and political rival, Edwin Stanton, while Congress was in recess.
If today’s proceedings seem like a lot of political theatrics, it is in keeping with impeachment tradition: Stanton responded to his firing by locking himself in his office and refusing to leave.
Stanton’s removal proved to be the final straw – the House Republicans rushed to draft 11 articles of impeachment.
After a vote along party lines the articles were presented to the Senate, where he was acquitted, but only just. It was a single vote short of the two-thirds majority needed to convict.
Clinton Impeachment Process Began On October 5 1998
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In September 1998, the House Judiciary Committee announced that an impeachment resolution would be brought to a vote on October 5. On that day, the committee voted 21-16 to move forward with a full impeachment inquiry. At the time, the New York Times described it as a party-line vote, with Democrats voting in favor of Clinton and Republicans voting in favor of impeachment.
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Bill Clinton Impeachment: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know
Bill Clintons impeachment process lasted for four months between 1998 and 1999. Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States, was accused of lying under oath and of obstruction of justice in relation to a sexual harassment lawsuit that had been brought by Paula Jones. That lawsuit led to an independent inquiry from Counsel Ken Starr for the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee.
On September 24, 2019, the House Democrats announced that they had opened an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in announcing the beginning of the inquiry, No one is above the law.
Heres what you need to know:
The Criminal Justice System
The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 was an Act of Congress dealing with crime and law enforcement. It is the largest crime bill in the history of the United States, and consisted of 356 pages that provided for 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons, and $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs, which were designed with significant input from experienced police officers. Sponsored by Representative Jack Brooks of Texas, the bill was originally written by Senator Joe Biden of Delaware, and then was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Clinton.
Following the 101 California Street shooting, the 1993 Waco Siege, and other high-profile instances of violent crime, the Act expanded federal law in several ways. One of the most noted sections was the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Other parts of the Act provided for a greatly expanded federal death penalty, new classes of individuals banned from possessing firearms, the elimination of higher education for inmates, and a variety of new crimes defined in statutes relating to immigration law, hate crimes, sex crimes, and gang-related crime. The bill also required states to establish registries for sexual offenders by September 1997.
Read Also: Why Is The Media Against Republicans
Impeachment By House Of Representatives
On December 11, 1998, the House Judiciary Committee agreed to send three articles of impeachment to the full House for consideration. The vote on two articles, grand juryperjury and obstruction of justice, was 2117, both along party lines. On the third, perjury in the Paula Jones case, the committee voted 2018, with Republican Lindsey Graham joining with Democrats, in order to give President Clinton “the legal benefit of the doubt”. The next day, December 12, the committee agreed to send a fourth and final article, for abuse of power, to the full House by a 2117 vote, again, along party lines.
Although proceedings were delayed due to the bombing of Iraq, on the passage of H. Res. 611, Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998, on grounds of perjury to a grand jury and obstruction of justice . The two other articles were rejected, the count of perjury in the Jones case and abuse of power . Clinton thus became the second U.S. president to be impeached; the first, Andrew Johnson, was impeached in 1868. The only other previous U.S. president to be the subject of formal House impeachment proceedings was Richard Nixon in 197374. The Judiciary Committee agreed to a resolution containing three articles of impeachment in July 1974, but Nixon resigned from office soon thereafter, before the House took up the resolution.
The Republican Impeachment Push
Rep. Biggs’ advice to Republicans battling impeachment
Republicans distilled those down into four articles of impeachment. Two of them for perjury in depositions other than the grand jury and for obstructing Congress didnt make it out of the House of Representatives. But Clinton was impeached for perjury after he lied to the grand jury in the Jones case, and also for obstruction of justice.
Clinton wasnt the only one whose private failings were revealed. Rep. Bob Livingston, a Republican who supported impeachment and was in line to be speaker of the House, abruptly withdrew his name from running for that leadership position and admitted his own infidelity. He had been snared by a public call from Larry Flynt, publisher of the pornographic Hustler magazine, for proof of sexual hypocrisy.
The Senate trial of Clinton was a spectacle that featured videotaped testimony from Lewinsky and the embarrassing questions from Clintons grand jury testimony played back on the Senate floor.
The entire scandal consumed the country for a year. News of the affair leaked into the press in January of 1998. Clinton talked to a grand jury about the meaning of the word is in August. Starr released his infamous report with its prurient details in September. The House voted to impeach in December. Clintons trial in the Senate took place in February 1999.
Read Also: What Republicans Are Voting Against Trump
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ayittey1 · 4 years ago
The African Solution to Ethiopia’s Civil War
George BN Ayittey, PhD
More than 40 Civil Wars have raged in postcolonial Africa since independence in 1960. These wars have wreaked wanton destruction; reduced infrastructure to rubble, uprooted people sending refugees creaming in all directions. Several states have failed or collapsed as a result of war -- CAR, Congo DR, Liberia, Libya, Somalia, among others -- on the African continent
Some wars never end –in the Spanish Sahara, Casamanche in Southern Senegal and Somalia. Other wars descend into genocidal expeditions to settle ethnic scores. Still, others metastasize into sheer banditry. War and attendant insecurity provide rebels with the cover to fleece villagers and impose “security taxes.” In Somalia warlords extract “taxes on goods – even foreign aid shipments – passing through Mogadishu. Elsewhere, unpaid government soldiers disguised themselves as “rebels” at night and bedrob civilians. In Sierra Leone’s Civil War in 1996, government soldiers were indistinguishable from rebels at night. They would shed their uniforms, don rebel attire and commit atrocities including robberies.. So they were called “sobels” (the combination of soldiers and rebels) because both were predators.. In many countries – such as Ethiopia and Zaire -- unpaid government soldiers openly sold their weapons to rebels. And for their part, corrupt and incompetent governments often used the war as an excuse to shield budgetary expenditures from scrutiny and award lucrative contracts to cronies.” Either way, war created its own “profitable” logic,” making it more difficult to stop it. In short, there are no winners in Africa’s Civil Wars.
Some wars don’t even make sense – none whatsoever. Ethiopia’s harrowing Civil War is a case in point. It is the second most populous African nation with over 100 million people and at least 82 ethnic groups. The country was never colonized but has been ravaged by at the least three wars since 1972. The most grievous occurred in the 1980s. It wreaked so much havoc and destruction that it instigated the onset of a famine that claimed at least one million lives. And while the rest of the world was organizing rock concerts and songs (“We Are the World”) to save famine victims, then leader of the military junta, Comrade Mengistu Haile Marian – a Soviet-backed Marxist coconut-head – was spending $10 million on imported Scotch whiskey to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Soviet imperialism in Ethiopia! Over $423 billion was raised for famine victims but much of it was embezzled.
In 1989, a coalition of determined rebels decided to put their differences aside and made a renewed effort to topple Comrade Mengistu. They comprised the Tigrayan People Liberation Front (TPLF), Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF). After Mengistu was ousted in 1991 – he fled to Zimbabwe. The rebel groups, together with others formed the Ethiopian People Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). Interestingly, all the groups were Marxist with a jaundiced view of “revolutionary democracy,” whatever that meant. And inexplicably adopted a colonialist stratagem that reeked of “divide and conquer.” It allowed for the practice of ethnic federalism and even permitted secession. Eritrea seized upon this opportunity and declared itself independent in 1993. But its leader, Isaias Afewerki, was no freedom fighter nor democrat. Always itching for war and constantly beating the war drums to keep an iron grip on his people and divert attention from economic problems and domestic malfeasance, he seized upon a dispute over a worthless piece of real estate at the border town of Badme to start a war with Ethiopia in 1998.
It was a war that defied logic. The world’s two poorest nations that relied on food aid were spending about $1 million a month to hammer each other, take a break to bury a innocent civilian casualties and then get back at it again pounding each other. Hostilities came to an end in 2000 but Pres. Afewerki kept stoking the fire to use as justification for state of emergency that conveniently served as a conscription tool. Young Eritreans, upon graduation from college, were required to sign up for an indefinite “National Service.” It has been the main reasons driving Eritrean youth to flee the country for Europe -- to avoid that National Service. Unfortunately, many do not make it and drown in the Mediterranean. As it turned out, Afewerki has been just like the rest of the African crocodile liberators, who betrayed their people. EPRDF did too; never brought democracy to Ethiopia in 1991.
In 2005, it held its first elections which were blatantly rigged. When people protested in the streets, security forces opened fire killing about 1500 people and also arrested at least 20,000 opposition supporters. The election in 2010 brought no respite. The EPRDF won 99.6% of the vote (546 of the 547 parliamentary seats). In the 2015 elections, the opposition did not win a single seat! Its rule was characterized by brutal repression.
Ethiopia’s economic fortunes remained bleak under the morose leadership of the EPRDF regime until it embarked on the construction of its $5 billion Renaissance Dam. In May 2018, a young man by the name of Abiy Ahmed emerged from the ruling elites and begun to reform the rotten system. He freed all political prisoners and invited exiled opposition leaders to return home. He opened up the economy placed several state-owned enterprises – such as the airline, banking, among others – on the auction block. He reached out to President Afewerki whom Ethiopia had been at war to cement a peace deal. For his efforts, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019. Ethiopians hailed him as the “Messiah.” Nursing mothers named the other babies after him. But this is precisely the problem with African reformers or Messiahs – such as Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, Jerry Rawlings of Ghana’s and Abdel al-Sisi of Egypt. They started out well but cult personality set in. With their heads in the clouds, they become unreachable. John Jerry Rawlings of Ghana or J.J. Rawlings became known as “Junior Jesus” and Abiy Ahmed as “Messiah.”
Under pressure to reform Ghana’s decrepit political system, Rawlings’ hand-picked Constitution assembly prepared a Constitution according to his dictates and set up his own party the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in 1992. While the Constitution stipulated a two-term rule, Rawlings argued that all those years he served after he seized power in a 1981 coup (1981 to 1992), did not count toward the two-term rule because Ghana was not a democratic country and had no Constitution. Museveni pulled off a similar ploy in 2003. In 2018, PM Ahmed of Ethiopia established his own political party, the Prosperity Party. It is a monumental conflict of interest situation. Reformers do not reform the political system, set up their own party, run for the presidency and expect to lose. In fact, in Nigeria, Gen. Sani Abacha allowed only five political parties to be established in 1995. Immediately, the all chose him as their presidential candidate!
Military officers have left an opprobrious record of governance in postcolonial Africa. ALL collapsed dates were ruined by military coconuts. And iIn case after case where they managed a transition to democratic rule, the results were often disastrous. They either created their own parties (Gambia in 2003, Ghana in 1992, Egypt in 2014) or shoo in their favorite political parties (Nigeria in 2001). PM Ahmed is most likely to succumb to this proclivity – especially when the completion of the Renaissance Dam appears imminent. The formation of PM Ahmed’s own Prosperity Party is a serious violation of conflict of interest. His partiality toward his own ethnic group – Oromo – has caused alarm. Ethnic tension between Oromos and Amharas, Afar and Somali, as well as other ethnic groups could lead to the unraveling of Ethiopia. Elections were slated for August 22, 2020 but the coronavirus pandemic necessitated a postponement to 2021 to the displeasure of TPLF.
Tigrayans constitute only 6% of Ethiopia’s population but the TPLF so dominated the EPRDF it was indistinguishable from the apartheid system in South Africa. It even operated an ID card that documented the bearer's ethnicity (for the first time in Ethiopian history). Blatant favoritism was demonstrated in all sectors of society, including the economy, military, education, and even religious institutions. Resentment and impatience boiled over.
The TPLF re-drew boundaries of regional states in Ethiopia along ethnic lines. Seeing power slip out of its hands by the emergence of Abiy Ahmed, TPLF began a campaign to reclaim its old glory back by defying the central government. It held elections in Tigray region. But it was the massacre of central government troops on Nov 4 in Mai-Kadra that broke the camel’s back and started the war. PM Ahmed probably thought he could finish off the Tigrayan hotheads in a couple of weeks but this has dragged on for six months.
Naturally, appeals would be made to the international community but they are unlikely to elicit much response. The international community is thoroughly fed up with Africa’s incessant wars and appeals for aid. Even then, the international community does not understand Africa’s problems and unlikely to offer viable solutions. It often suggests a “government of national unity” (G(NU). But time and again GNU has failed spectacularly – in Angola (1993), in Zaire (1998); in Sierra Leone (1998) and, in Liberia (2003); and Ivory Coast (2005); in Zimbabwe (2009) and Kenya (2009). Africa’s experience shows that GNU is just a short hand device for joint plunder of the state. It requires distribution of government posts between government and rebel forces. Quite often nobody is satisfied with what they got and they return to the bush to fight it out.
The Village Meeting/National Conference
When a crisis erupts in an African village, the chief and the elders would summon a village meeting. There the issue is debated by the people until a consensus is reached. During the debate, the chief usually makes no effort to manipulate the outcome or sway public opinion. Nor are there bazooka-wielding rogues, intimidating or instructing people on what they should say. People express their ideas openly and freely without fear of arrest. Those who care participate in the decision-making process. No one is locked out. Once a decision has been reached by consensus, it is binding on all, including the chief.
In the early 1990s, this indigenous African tradition was revived by pro-democracy forces in the form of "Sovereign National Conferences" (SNCs) to chart a new political future in Benin, Cape Verde Islands, Congo, Malawi, Mali, South Africa, and Zambia. “Sovereign” because it wielded sovereign/ultimate power and its decisions could not be abrogated by anyone.
Benin's nine-day "national conference" began on Feb 19, 1990, with 488 delegates, representing various political, religious, trade union, and other groups encompassing the broad spectrum of Beninois society. The conference, whose chairman was Father Isidore de Souza, held "sovereign power" and its decisions were binding on all, including the government. It stripped President Matthieu Kerekou of power, scheduled multiparty elections that ended 17 years of autocratic Marxist rule.
Congo's national conference had more delegates (1,500) and lasted longer three months. But when it was over in June 1991, the 12-year old government of General Denis Sassou-Nguesso had been dismantled. The constitution was rewritten and the nation's first free elections were scheduled for June 1992. Before the conference, Congo was among Africa's most avowedly Marxist-Leninist states. A Western business executive said, "The remarkable thing is that the revolution occurred without a single shot being fired . . . (and) if it can happen here, it can happen anywhere" (The New York Times, 25 June 1991, A8). Unfortunately, General Sassou-Nguesso did not accept his defeat graciously and overthrew, with the help of France and Angola, the civilian government of Pascal Lissouba in October 1997.
A similar national conference in Niger in 1991 denounced the military dictatorship of Colonel Ali Seibou and stripped him of his power, leaving him with one main task: To organize the transition to civilian rule. “For the first time since the independence of the country in 1960, free and fair elections were held and in March 1993, Mahamane Ousmane became the newcomer in the political arena” (West Africa, Dec 6-12, 1999; p
In South Africa, the vehicle used to make that difficult but peaceful transition to a multiracial democratic society was the Convention for a Democratic South Africa . It began deliberations in July 1991, with 228 delegates drawn from about 25 political parties and various anti-apartheid groups. The de Klerk government made no effort to "control" the composition of CODESA. Political parties were not excluded; not even ultra right-wing political groups, although they chose to boycott its deliberations. CODESA strove to reach a "working consensus" on an interim constitution and set a date for the March 1994 elections. It established the composition of an interim or transitional government that would rule until the elections were held. More important, CODESA was in "sovereign." Its decisions were binding on the de Klerk government. De Klerk could not abrogate any decision made by CODESA -- just as the African chief could not disregard any decision arrived at the village meeting.
Clearly, the vehicle exists -- in Africa itself -- for peaceful transition to democratic rule or resolution of the war and political crisis in Ethiopia. Ethiopia from all walks of life – leaders of political parties, religious organizations, trade unions, student groups, ethnic groups, etc. should demand the convocation of SNC. Forget about the Africa Union. It is hopelessly useless; it can’t even define democracy.
If Ethiopia appeals international community for aid in resolving its Civil War and humanitarian crisis, it should be told that the solutions to its problems lie in Africa itself.
The wise learn from the mistakes of others while fools repeat them. Idiots, on the other hand, repeat their own stupid mistakes.
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recentanimenews · 4 years ago
Crunchyroll Adds Space Warrior Baldios, Hells, and More to Catalog
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  Crunchyroll revealed four more additions to the anime catalog today, including the Space Warrior Baldios TV series, Hells, Sister Princess Re Pure, and some classic metal hero tokusatsu action in the form of Megabeast Investigator Juspion. Dig into the details for each new catalog title below.
  Space Warrior Baldios
Launch Time: 1:00pm PT
Territories: United States, Canada
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Marin Reigan lost his father and his home when Gattler staged a coup, forcing their people to abandon their dying planet and invade another. Seeking vengeance, Marin pursued. But when he saw the world they planned to invade, Marin found a new mission: to protect the untarnished skies and seas of that blue planet -- Earth! The battle will not be easy. Marin’s technology is the only thing that can stand against Gattler’s forces. But the Earthlings are not quick to trust him, and the ruthless enemy commander Aphrodia is hungry for vengeance of her own. Can Marin gain the Earthlings’ trust, avenge his father, and stop the war? Part of a darker breed of super robot shows that first flourished in the late 70s, the 34-episode Space Warrior Baldios uses the clash between two desperate races to explore themes of vengeance, trust, and the darkness of war.
Launch Time: 5:00pm PT
Territories: United States, Canada
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Rinne Amagane's new school is really something else. The other girls are ghoulish, the teachers are terrifying, and the headmaster is Hellvis, a demon in tight pants with a craving for rock 'n' roll. There's just one problem: Rinne's not actually supposed to be here! Sanzu River Academy is nestled in the heart of Destinyland, and while it might sound like fun, it's literally Hell. And to get to Hell, Rinne had to have died--except, she never did. When Rinne meets others like her, living people in a world of the dead, she learns that Hellvis is more than just a hip-swaying schoolmaster, he's also the reason Hell has turned upside down! And that's just the start of the story, which stretches back all the way to the very first humans on Earth. Don't worry, though. So long as you have spirit, anything is possible!
  Sister Princess Re Pure
Launch Time: 4:00pm PT
Territories: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa
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Though they may come from different countries (and even different mothers) and have various temperaments and personalities, these 12 girls dote on their older teenaged brother. However, in RePure, all of the siblings live apart, which forces the (unnamed) brother to share his time with all of the sisters, from the elementary school-aged Hinako to the high school-aged Sakuya, who sees herself tied together to her brother by “the red string of fate.” The tomboy Mamoru just wants to catch up to her brother and be his physical equal and sporting companion, while Shirayuki dreams of an unlikely marriage, and Chikage uses magic in an attempt to seduce him. By turns funny, heartwarming and bittersweet, RePure focuses on the sibling interactions, but also spotlights an individual sister in each episode, exploring her psyche and relationship to her big brother. In the end, though, this gentle, romantic-tinged comedy culminates with a Christmas episode that brings together the baker’s dozen of a family as they realize what makes them a family.
  Megabeast Investigator Juspion
Launch Time: 2:00pm PT
Territories: United States, Canada
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Juspion's parents were killed by space pirates when he was just a baby. He was raised by a space hermit and scientist named Eijin, on a planet with the same name. After learning of the shocking prophecy, Eijin dispatches Juspion on a quest to fight the Megabeasts and defeat Satan Gorth. He travels from planet to planet until finally arriving on Earth. Wearing a special suit, he has super human powers and a transforming spaceship named the Daileon. Along with his gynoid companion Anri, and a baby alien creature named Miya, they will try to put an end to Satan Gorth's evil plans!
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his brand new comic, MONSTER FLIGHT, at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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orbemnews · 4 years ago
Battle-Zone Expertise Carries Journalists Into Inauguration Protection The principle concern of journalists overlaying presidential inaugurations was once guarding towards the January chill. For the swearing-in of Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Wednesday, some reporters and photographers are taking alongside protecting gear utilized in fight zones. Two weeks after a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol in a siege that resulted in 5 deaths, and conscious of warnings of extremist violence and the presence of Nationwide Guard troops, information organizations have turned to journalists with expertise in reporting on battle zones to cowl what’s normally a political pageant. Ron Haviv, a photographer who has lined wars and political violence around the globe for 3 many years, has gone to Washington on task for The Intercept. The strangeness of the second hit him when he was discussing security precautions together with his editors, he stated. Ron Haviv, who will {photograph} the day’s occasions for The Intercept, stated preparations reminded him of planning for locations like Libya and Iraq.Credit score…Neilson Barnard/Getty Photographs “We realized that we had the identical conversations about what to do throughout the uprisings in Libya or Cairo or combating in Baghdad or coup makes an attempt right here or there,” Mr. Haviv stated. “Hastily, you are taking a deep breath and understand you’re really speaking about overlaying the inauguration of the president in Washington, D.C.” The Nation gave the inauguration task to Andrew McCormick, an impartial journalist who’s a Navy veteran with expertise in Afghanistan. Anna Hiatt, the publication’s government digital editor, stated Mr. McCormick had saved his cool whereas overlaying the Capitol siege. “As a result of he’s ex-military, I’ve extra confidence in his skill to stroll right into a hectic and dynamic scenario and never solely have the ability to see and react when one thing is basically fallacious, however to get out when he must,” Ms. Hiatt stated. The Committee to Shield Journalists issued a security advisory detailing dangers that might embody “potential car ramming of crowds.” Reporters With out Borders put out an identical warning. CBS and The Related Press stated in statements that they have been taking precautions to guard their inauguration reporters, whereas Reuters stated it had “redoubled” its security efforts earlier than, throughout and after the presidential election. Time journal stated it was dispatching two of its journalists with battle expertise, Kim Dozier and Simon Shuster, to assist cowl the occasion. The New York Occasions is sending almost all of its reporters in Washington to cowl the inauguration, and plenty of of them have expertise reporting in battle zones “provided that the nationwide safety staff and Pentagon correspondents are primarily based within the bureau,” Elisabeth Bumiller, assistant managing editor and Washington bureau chief, stated in a press release. Hugh Brumfitt, the managing director of the British firm Insurance coverage For, stated he had not too long ago seen “a big enhance” in requests from information shops for insurance coverage protection for his or her journalists. “What may be very fascinating is that shoppers have been extending the protection for just a few days after the inauguration, presumably anticipating additional marches,” he wrote in an e-mail. Richard Corridor, the senior U.S. correspondent for the British information website The Unbiased, lined the Syrian civil battle and the Islamic State as a correspondent primarily based in Beirut, Lebanon. Mr. Corridor, who will probably be in Washington for the inauguration, stated he deliberate to remain in fixed communication together with his colleagues in a WhatsApp group. “I’m a white man, and I can sort of simply mix into the group, which is what I did when the Capitol protests have been happening,” he stated. “I’m totally conscious that almost all journalists and particularly photographers and videographers don’t have that privilege.” Vice Information may have safety advisers with its journalists, and protecting tools will probably be out there, stated Sebastian Walker, the outlet’s Washington bureau chief. “I’ve lined protests in international locations around the globe, within the Center East, in Haiti, and I believe it’s really getting extra harmful to do it right here,” Mr. Walker stated, “due to the perspective of the folks you’re overlaying.” Adam Ferguson, a battle photographer who spent years in Afghanistan, stated it was “uncommon and surreal” to be packing a helmet and different protecting gear for his first presidential inauguration, which New York Journal assigned him to cowl. However he was not shocked that different journalists together with his expertise will probably be in Washington on Wednesday. “It is smart to ship anyone ready to be in a scenario like that,” he stated. “If there’s violence and other people whose intention is to hurt journalists, then finally it’s a fight surroundings.” Janine di Giovanni, who spent almost 30 years reporting on fight and its aftermath within the Center East, the Balkans and Africa, stated on Tuesday that she was weighing whether or not or to not go to Washington for the inauguration. She added that she had been in contact with fellow battle correspondents about discovering flak jackets and taping notes about their blood kind to their helmets, as she as soon as did to facilitate medical remedy in sniper-ridden Bosnia. “I’m used to being a battle reporter in international locations the place there have been no establishments, or the establishments shattered very quickly,” stated Ms. di Giovanni, now a senior fellow at Yale College’s Jackson Institute for World Affairs. “This can be a nation that had, till not too long ago, extraordinarily robust establishments that protected us descending into the abyss, and to see what’s occurring now’s disturbing past perception.” Supply hyperlink #carries #coverage #experience #inauguration #journalists #WarZone
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newyorkprelawland-blog · 5 years ago
Soccer, Intellectual Property, And Geopolitics
By Dylan Ollivier, Columbia University Class of 2022
July 23, 2020
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Another day in the northeastern English town of Newcastle is another anxious day for fervent supporters of local club Newcastle United.Soccer is the hope of the city, but in this rainy town, despair has been the name of the game for15 years. The historic club and ex-European soccer powerhouse has been mediocre at best, pathetically sinking to the depths of the English Premier League (the English national soccer league).
This could all change. A consortium led by the Saudi Public Investment Fund (PIF), the national Saudi wealth fund, submitted a $300 million offer to the Premier League to acquire the club, promising to bring back glory to the Northeast of England. [10]
Set to bring more money, more competition, more fans, the Saudi foreign investment is delighting news to the Premier League which must first approve the buyout, a process that usually takes less than a month.[10]
But the approval process,which has put into question British and international law, is soon to begin its fourth month.
The main roadblock:The World Trade Organization. For the past year and a half, this respected international governing body has been investigating a case of intellectual property theft against Saudi Arabia, the prospective owners of the club; the WTO has been looking into the Saudi government’s role in a pirating scheme that saw the illegal redistribution of dozens of sports leagues,including the Premier League, by pirating company beoutQ to millions of households in the Middle East and in North Africa.[1]
The Premier League is not the only loser in this scheme; beoutQ specifically targeted Qatari media company beIN Media. BeIN Media group owns the TV rights of many European soccer leagues in dozens of countries across the globe. In fact, the Qatar-based corporation is the Premier League’s largest overseas broadcast partner with a deal worth $617 million, twice as much as PIF’s offer for Newcastle. [2]
When beoutQ pirated and rediffused beIN content to millions of people who did not pay a dime for the service, beIN and the Premier League lost millions of dollars of rightful profits. Naturally, the two sought to press charges. Cases of intellectual property theft are normally adjudicated in the domestic country where the unlawful action is occurring. But when they sought to press charges in Saudi courts, Saudi Arabia denied the proceedings… nine different times.[1]
Since legal action in the host country proved to be unfeasible, the case had to be brought to the World Trade Organization. But as an intergovernmental organization, the WTO can only settle disputes between governments, not corporations. [1] Enters Saudi Arabia’s tiny neighbor: Qatar.BeIN Media Group has intimate ties with the Qatari government; its chairman Nasser al-Khelaifi is a close friend of the royal al-Thani family. Moreover, beIN Media Group is a subsidiary of Al Jazeera Network, a Qatari state-owned media group.[12]
BeIN Media Group, though only 6 years old, has already spread its operations to 43 countries.[12] Two years before launching BeIN Media Group, the Qatari ownership bought out relatively anonymous Paris-based club Paris Saint-Germain, splashed unprecedented amounts of money and turned the club into the most controversial powerhouse of European soccer. These days, omnipresent names in soccer like Neymar, Ibrahimović, and Mbappe are tightly linked with Qatar. The country’s rising influence in the soccer world granted it a successful bid to organize the largest and most high-profile sports competition in the world, the 2022 World Cup.With its brand new mediatic and sports influence,Qatar has never been so important in the world.
But that is all new. A neighbor of Saudi Arabia, since its 1971 independence Qatar has existed in the shadow of its bigger brother.Saudi Arabia, thanks to its prominent rivalry with Iran and its partnership with the United States,wrote the greater part of late 20th century Middle East history. Meanwhile, Qatar, a Saudi vassal state, sat on the sidelines and provided moral supportto its bigger brother. [13]
But when Hamad bin Khalifa rose to the Qatari thrown in 1995, he adjudged that Qatar had become wealthy enough from oil money to move away from Saudi heterogeneity.[11] While Qatar had previously unconditionally supported Saudi military intervention,backing Saudi troops in the 1991 Gulf War, the small country began looking to other bigger international partners; to the dismay of Saudi Arabia,Qatar cooperated militarily with the United States in the Iraq war in 2003, and has since let its Al-Udeid base be a centerfor US military operations.[5] [7] Qatar also improved its relations with Saudi’s bitter rival Iran.[13]
Qatari scheming was all a headache for Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries. Through attempted coups and other illegal schemes, Saudi Arabia vainly tried to overturn Qatari belligerence for the first decade of the 21st century. [8]
But the headache turned into a migraine when the Arab Spring began sweeping through the Middle East and Northern Africa region in late 2010.From Libya to Bahrain, oppressive authoritarian regimes that had been in power for decades were overthrown. A demand for freedom was ragefully pressing.With its neighboring repressive friends violently overthrown, the Saudi monarchic regime,one of the most repressive regimes in the world,was under imminent threat.
Meanwhile,Qatar was militarily and financially supporting insurgency throughout the region, facilitating respite in Libya and Syria among many other countries. Qatari media company Al Jazeera provided crucial reporting that gave unprecedented information flow in the region and facilitated protests in a way never seen before. [9]Qatar increased its influence in the region, continuing its plan to expand its role in global affairs, and simultaneously threatening Saudi security.
The Saudi regime survived. But the previously close Saudi-Qatari relationship turned into a bitter rivalry.Both countries vied for their own power and influence in the world and in the region.In 2017, Saudi Arabia led a coalition of gulf and African states to break diplomatic contact with and begin an economic blockade of Qatar, in an attempt to suffocate the tiny country.[6] Saudi Arabia and Qatar may not be at war, but only the weapons are missing.
As Qatar continues to try to forge its own path, to rise out of the Saudi shadow, sports have become central to its growing political and economic power. Its access to European soccer and influential celebrities thanks to PSG, its thrusting into the spotlight thanks to its organization of the World Cup and its mediatic influence in dozens of countries thanks to be IN has created crucial economicand culturalties with the rest of the world.Qatar’s strategy to gain global influence and to become a region a land even global power has worked.
Responding to Qatar’s rise in global influence, Saudi Arabia has begun mounting a new strategy to vie for influence. Its Vision 2030 is an extravagantly ambitious project to shift the Saudi economy away from oil into sports and tourism (which is currently in existent in the country), and to drive foreign investment into a country that has seen little due to its authoritarian nature. [3] The Newcastle buyout is at the heart of it; the oil giant would get access to the Premier League audience of 4.7 billion people: the largest sports audience in the world.[4]
But back at the headquarters of the WTO, after a year and a half of investigation, the intergovernmental organization finally gave its verdict on June 16, 2020. The ruling favored Qatar and berated Saudi Arabia.The WTO found unfaltering evidence that the Saudi government belligerently masterminded beoutQ piracy. Moreover, the ruling also established that Saudi Arabia was in violation of international law by violating the Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement for refusing to take criminal action against beoutQ on Saudi territory.[1]
Saudi theft of intellectual property is a pernicious attempt to fight Qatar’s rising influence.Now that the oil giant has been reprimanded by international law,Saudi Arabia’s image worldwide is set to take a hit. With Saudi and Qatari interests more than ever at odds, the Premier League may have to pick between two oil giants. At the same time, it may be unable to; a denial of the Saudi buyout may be considered discriminatory under British law. [10]
But whether the Newcastle deal falls through, tensions will rise.A buyout of Newcastle United is Saudi Arabia trying to beat Qatar at its own game, to fight a war with its neighbor on a rainy Thursday night in Newcastle rather than on its desert Middle East border.English soccer is set to change. Middle East politics will too. The WTO ruling is at the heart of it.
[1] https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/06/wto-verdict-summary-saudi-piracy-operation-beoutq-200616102827192.html
[2] https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200608-saudi-takeover-of-newcastle-united-hinges-on-lifting-blockade-on-qatar/
[3] https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/features/saudi-aramco-vision-2030/
[4] https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/features/saudi-arabia-newcastle-united-oil-future/
[5] https://www.state.gov/u-s-relations-with-qatar/
[6] https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/06/qatar-gulf-crisis-questions-answered-170606103033599.html
[7] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/mar/27/iraq.julianborger
[8] https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/03/al-jazeera-reveals-details-1996-coup-attempt-qatar-180304200532130.html
[9] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-qatar-jazeera-media/defiant-al-jazeera-faces-conservative-backlash-after-arab-spring-idUSKBN0F70F120140702
[10] https://www.espn.com/soccer/blog-marcottis-musings/story/4125992/newcastle-united-sale-to-saudi-arabia-led-consortium-why-the-stakes-are-so-high
[11] https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/emir-of-qatar-profile-who-is-sheikh-hamad-bin-khalifa-al-thani-how-did-he-turn-qatar-into-the-world-8672997.html
[12] https://www.beinmediagroup.com/the-group/
[13] https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/13/world/middleeast/how-the-saudi-qatar-rivalry-now-combusting-reshaped-the-middle-east.html
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044-eu · 5 years ago
CoronaVirus, nCoV-2019, SARS-CoV-2 - UPDATES
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The coronaviruses also called (CoV) would actually be a family of viruses that normally attack the victim's respiratory system. Depending on the type they may cause more or less severe and prolonged symptoms over time. There are several strains of this virus. To give an example the last initially called 2019-nCoV and later renamed SARS-CoV-2, would be responsible for the pathology called COVID19. Another example of this virus is THE MERS. The name coronavirus is due mostly to the form. This type of virus is very common in many animal species and in some cases would have mutated to infect humans. When we talk about the new coronavirus in this article, we refer to the new strain of this virus that had never been found in humans. The strains of coronaviruses that attack the man and have been identified should be 229E, NL63, OC43, HKU1, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV and the 2019-nCoV. Without claiming to teach someone anything, we report the meaning of the word virus according to wikipedia for simplicity. It is an acellular microorganism with characteristics of an obligatory parasite, as it replicates exclusively within the cells of other organisms. A microorganism refers to a microscopic organism not necessarily classified as living or non-living. Being an obligatory parasite it needs to use, in this case the cells of another organism like the human one to multiply. Some of these virulent microorganisms, as they have to exploit the cells of our body to replicate, can cause problems in the host body. Viruses are profoundly different from bacteria because the latter are real living microorganisms consisting of a single procariota cell. We still have no reliable data on this virus and we are not yet able to provide treatments that can make all the people who contract it with mathematical certainty. The disease, covid-19, can occur in a mild or severe form and seems to get much worse if there are other certain serious pre-existing diseases.
For the sake of convenience of reading we will aggregate the news related to the new coronavirus in chronological order descending or from the most recent news to the most inveterate. Anyone who wants to read the timeline in descending order can read the article from bottom to top. 16 April 2020 Let's start with the European data that to date are the following: according to the agency French France Presse, there are about 90,000 people in Europe who have died of coronavirus. The WHO said at a press conference about the pandemic in Europe: "We must not make mistakes now, even though spring has arrived, we are still in the middle of the storm. Some countries still have to experience the strongest impact, while in others there is a moment of calm with the number of new cases decreasing. The WHO also adds that out of 300,000 tests carried out for the coronavirus, 1 in 13 cases of contagion involves a health worker. The UK would remain in lockdown for another three weeks due to a situation that would contain around 100,000 infections and hundreds of deaths a day. In the United States, about 31,000 coronavirus deaths would be lost to the United States, according to the Johns Hopkins University count. The US is the most affected country in the world by the pandemic ahead of Italy with 21,645 victims, Spain with 10,130 and France with 17,167. Coronavirus cases totaled 639,700 cases in the US. There would be about 22 million Americans out of work; they would have lost their jobs in the last four weeks with the closures arranged to contain the coronavirus. New York State is expected to remain closed until May 15, while other states will reopen before others. In Japan, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has extended a state of emergency for the pandemic to the whole of Japan. April 11, 2020 Easter Eve with the coronavirus, yesterday no Via Crucis in our parishes and tomorrow no Mass, and even more you now feel the distance from our loved ones with whom we were accustomed to share such holidays. Unfortunately today nothing is as it was only a short time ago, and we still have to deal with quarantines and limitations. The numbers of this pandemic are not at all good, to date the deaths from coronavirus in the world exceed 95,000, with 1,600,000 cases confirmed, of which a third in the United States. It is slowing down the epidemic in Europe but is increasing alarmingly in other countries such as Africa. From the United States would come shocking images, taken by a drone, of coffins buried next to each other in mass graves near New York. Unfortunately in Bolivia there would be the case of a 5-month-old baby who died from coronavirus, and there was another one of only 6 weeks in Connecticut who would be the youngest victim of this pandemic. Meanwhile in some countries such as Iran, it would be thought to start phase 2 to gradually return to normal, as did China, which has already resumed activities although with many restrictions to avoid a much-feared return. 31 March 2020 Retno Marsudi announced that Indonesia would close the inbound and transit borders of all foreigners in order to contain the epidemic. However, there should be some exceptions for certain diplomaic missions and for those who have residence permits. The Indonesian authorities should also strengthen controls against Indonesian citizens who are travelling to return to their country. Aaditya Mattoo, the world bank's chief economist, said that because of the new coronavirus, China'seconomy could go through a shutdown that would lead to poverty over 11 million people. According to the economist's forecasts, China's economy could slow to 2.3 from the 6.1 recorded in 2019. In China there would have been a slowdown in new cases of infection with new coronavirus, with 81510 confirmed infections, 3305 deaths and 76052 discharged from hospitals. It is therefore calculated that the healing rate in china should be around 93.2. There would also be 48 new cases imported from abroad. India decided to convert some sports facilities such as a stadium to cope with the onset of cases of the new coronavirus. The BBC said India's health system may not have adequate human resources and materials to cope with the virus and manage the crisis. In fact, in India there would be only 8 doctors per 10,000 people. In India the total number of recorded cases is expected to be 1251 with 32 deaths. According to Italian Minister Luigi di Maio, health aid on a ship and a plane would be arriving from Turkey in the next few hours. Mevlut Cavusoglu, the Turkish minister, told the Italian minister: "Italy is really important to us, my friend. For any help we are there." In Instambul in Turkey,a new hospital with 600 beds would be ready in advance because it is scheduled for May. The structure would have been built on top of another felled for safety reasons. The project would be financed by the Islamic Development Bank group with over 150 million euros. The number of places equipped with state-of-the-art intensive care machines and principals would be 99. Across the nation out of 10827 cases of positivity there would have been 168 deaths. The director of the Islamic Development Bank group Salah Jelassi said the health facility will serve as a center of excellence in cardiology and organ transplantation. In Israel, the Ministry of Health reported two new deaths, in addition to the previous 16. A total of 18 people who have died and 4831 have died. The two dead women would have had previous serious illnesses. In Tel Aviv, Palestinian government spokesman Ibrahim Milhem said there would be one death in the 117 cases of positivity. The task force monitoring the situation of the coronavirus in Moscow in Russia reported that 11 would be the number of deaths. Again, it is reported that patients had chronic diseases. US President Donald Trump, after taking note of the approximately 2900 victims, announced that the measures in place to contain the transmission of the new coronavirus will be in place for another month, at least until 30 April. In this country, to date there are about 160,000 confirmed cases of positive patients. FORTUNE said that by the end of June, about 47 million people could lose their jobs. In New York, the HOSPITAL ship COMFORT would arrive with the mission of welcoming all non-positive people to the new coronavirus that needs health care to free up hospital beds. The ship can accommodate about 1000 beds. Viktor Orban, the Hungarianprime minister, has received full powers from parliament. Under Hungarian law, he will be able to decide on everything, including whether to block elections and close parliament indefinitely. For the Socialists this would be the beginning of a dictatorship and for the nationalists of Jobbik's party it would be a coup d'etat. In the UK 22141 people would be infected with the new coronavirus and 1408 people would die. The epicentre would be particularly concentrated in London. Prince Charles, who tested positive for the virus in recent days, would have abandoned the quarantine in accordance with his nation's regulations and after consulting his doctor. The 71-year-old heir to the throne is currently in his Scottish estate and is in excellent health, according to a CLARENCE HOUSE memo. Lord Sumption, a former Supreme Court judge, described the derbyshire police's use of drones in county parks as "a disgrace." To uniformed personnel with special powers at this time of emergency, the heads of law enforcement would have given indications that checks should be carried out consistently but without abuse, preferring in the first instance the weapon of "persuasion". The Deputy Minister for Civil Protection and Commissioner for the management of the Greek crisis Nikos Chardalias, after consulting with Mayor Konstantinos Zergas and the governor of the region of the Central Hellenic Macedonia Apostolos Tzitzikostas, would have placed the blockade in the waterfront resort of Thessaloniki in Greece. The ban would come into effect today from 2pm to 8am Monday to Friday and Saturday and Sunday all day. It should last for no less than 14 days. In Germany,virologist Christian Drosten said there would currently be a mortality rate in this nation due to the virus at around 0.8. According to the same virologist, the low mortality would be due to the fact that, in his opinion, Germany is the country with the most places in intensive care in proportion to the world, that the problem has been identified very early and that many tests have been carried out (about 500 thousand per week). President Lothar Wieler of the German Robert Koch Insitut, however, seems convinced that the death rate will rise. Officially in Germany there would be 61013 positive people and 583 deaths. In the capital of Tibet'sAutonomous Region, Lhasa, 214 places of worship would be reopened on the outskirts. Members should still present an ID, electrocini health codes or a medical certificate before accessing places of prayer. The situation in the central area of the city would be different, where the monasteries should remain closed until further notice. In Spain there would have been a new spike in deaths caused by the new coronavirus and infections. At present the total number of deaths would be 8189 out of 94197 infections. In Belgium, a 12-year-old girl would have died from the new coronavirus, which would be the youngest victim recorded so far. In Iran, a newborn baby would have presented breathing difficulties within the first 24 hours that would be caused by infection with new coronavirus. He is currently breathing on his own and is being treated at the Imam Reza hospital in Mashhad. China would make available 14 charter cargo flights for the shipment of medical equipment with the aim of helping European countries contain the spread of the virus. The first would take off from Xianyang airport in Xi'an and be headed to Leipzig, Germany. It would carry more than two million medical gloves and almost 31,000 protective clothing. On the African continent there would be 47 countries officially affected by the virus out of 54. 172 people were reported to have died among the 5255 cases officially reported. El Pais reportedly wrote that the WHO said that by the middle of this week, cases of new coronavirus could exceed one million worldwide. The johns Hopkins University contagio's map would show that the number of infections in the world would exceed 800,000 individuals. The total victims would be about 38,000 and the healed would be almost 137 thousand. March 30, 2020 The New York Times reports that the deaths reported in upstate New York in less than a month have reached 1000, pointing out that most of the deaths have occurred in recent days. To update this tragic bulletin the world numbers are increasingly disturbing, the deaths from coronaviruses in the world to date would be about 34,000 out of a total of infected about 780,000. This is the latest bulletin from Johns Hopkins University. There are about 152,000 people healed so far. In Spain, Russia and Iran, as in many other countries, contagions are multiplying like wildfire. In this Easter period, which for Catholics is a busy period of celebrations, everything will be changed. This year the liturgies for the most important holiday for Christianity will be celebrated behind closed doors, without a Procession of Good Friday, no baptisms, no washing of the feet, as stipulated by the decree promulgated by the Congregation for Divine Worship. In Europe the dramatic collapse of air traffic continues due to the unprecedented restrictions imposed by the various European states, yesterday they would have flown just 3352 aircraft, so 88 less than last year, this means that there were 24,000 fewer flights. In Italy, ferries have been suspended for Sicily and Sardinia and the Tremiti Islands of the Tirrenia company. In Lombardy, there would appear to be a decrease in the number of cases, but above all on the pressure on emergency services and the actions of ambulances. The Syriangovernment would have extended until April 16 measures to contain the new coronavirus. A curfew would be in place from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and travel from one city to another would also be prohibited. Officially at the time there are known 9 cases of positivity to the virus. March 25, 2020 Sadly, what looks like a war bulletin has increased, the infected, the deceased, have increased, but luckily it seems that those who heal are increasing too. All over the world there would be more and more infected. Prince Charles of England would have tested positive for covid-19. In Italy, 6820 people have died and more than 69,000 have been infected. In Spain there would be an increase in infections and deaths exponentially, yesterday alone there would have been 738 deaths in 24 hours. Other nations are beginning to introduce more stringent quarantine measures. People are afraid of contagion, but also of the future. We don't know what economic conditions we're going to be in when we get out of it. March 22, 2020 A month ago on 22 February there was the first Italian victim of the coronavirus, a 70-year-old from Monselice, hospitalized in Padua. Since then we have reached 4,825 with 42,681 infected. In addition to the Italian numbers, those in the rest of the world are also truly impressive: 303,000 people are infected, almost 13,000 victims and it would be estimated that about a billion people are confined at home in dozens of countries around the world to try to containing the virus and that is frightening the acceleration of contagion in the continent most at risk in Africa. Spain would be close to collapse, with the numbers of infected and deaths constantly growing. Coronavirus sufferers would increase more slowly for now than in Italy and Spain, including in the rest of Europe. In Italy, meanwhile, The President of the Council Conte, last night announced to the Italians new measures to try to counter even more the proliferation of the epidemic. Closure for all companies not of productions essential to survival and even more stringent measures in terms of people's movements. The Russian Ministry of Defense, announced that 9 aid aircraft are departing for Italy, there will be about 120 specialists among epidemiologists and virologists, Kamaz trucks for disinfection, field hospitals, 100 lung ventilators and about 500 thousand masks. The first 5 planes are expected to depart today and the other 4 are expected to depart tomorrow. Below is the video of Council President Giuseppe Conte last night 21 March 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN_m-rH7g7I March 17, 2020 According to Corriere della Sera, the death toll in Italy has risen to 2503, with 345 new deaths. There are 31506 people infected with coronavirus. This is the last budget released by the Civil Protection on Tuesday 17 March. Also today, the leaders of the 27 european Union countries approved the European Commission's proposal to introduce a temporary restriction on all non-essential travel to the EU for a period of 30 days. Some large factories such as Yamaha Motors and Toyota have closed their European branches until at least 31 March. The Shrine of Lourdes also closes its doors for a period of time. Last night Emmanuel Macron announced to the French a new set of measures that involve the same restrictions decided first by Italy and then by Spain. After the President's speech many would have attempted to leave the capital French before the measures of the traffic blockade came into force, scheduled for noon today. From the Official Journal of the Italian Republic - Decree Law 17 March 2020 No. 18, and which came into force on 17 March 2020, all measures to strengthen the National Health Service and economic support for families, workers and businesses, related to the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19. For the full text you must refer to the official gazette of the Italian Republic. In practice, for employees who are currently working and do not have an income of more than 40,000 gross per year, there would be a premium of EUR 100 for March 2020 to be compared to the number of working days worked at their workplace in the predicted month. In addition, business operators should be granted a tax credit by 60% of the amount of rent in March 2020 to apply for a tax credit of 60% of the amount of the rent for March 2020. March 13, 2020 After a few initial attempts it would seem that today the Italians have finally convinced themselves to stay at home as much as possible. And with that it is hoped that the quarantine can be resolved as soon as possible. A lot of activities are schools of every order and grade, even state offices and banks work at reduced hours. There is a silence unnatural around, very few cars, in most law enforcement, very few people in the street. But even in other nations after the WHO's announcement of a pandemic, drastic steps are being taken to counteract the virus. Schools of every order and grade are closed in Switzerland, Bavaria and Washington. In Austria the first red zones; following the Italian model the nation closes the shops leaving only the essential ones open. Spain declares a state of emergency. Meanwhile, more than 5000 coronavirus victims worldwide have more than 128,000 cases tested positive for the virus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlKjnIDxF5o March 11, 2020 The President of the Italian Council made statements at a press conference in these hours to anticipate a further measure with more stringent restrictions that should be operational tomorrow. Rules would have been put in place for the closures of all activities except for basic necessities. Industries and factories will be able to continue their production activities provided that appropriate prevention measures are put in place. All necessary activities remain guaranteed and access to the proper functioning of the activities that remain open in accordance with the parent rule. "Limiting travel to the only reasons for need and health." Premier Conte has stated that the first results cannot be intelligible in the coming days but only after a couple of weeks. "We must be lucid, measured, rigorous, responsible." A Commissioner with high powers of exemption should soon be appointed in order to strengthen the production of appropriate equipment and to address the shortcomings found. The Commissioner should be Dr. Domenico Arcuri who can coordinate with Dr. Borrelli of Civil Protection. "The country needs the responsibility of each of us," the Italian Prime Minister continues. The law should be available at this direct link or otherwise on the website of the official gazette. https://youtu.be/9_UPvJOs1mE 9 March 2020 The President of the Italian Council adopts new rules due to an "important growth of infections, people in intensive care and sub-intensive care and also of deceased persons". The new decree will be included in the official Italian gazette in the evening and will be enforceable from Tuesday 10 March 2020. The concept of zones within the country would be removed and therefore it could be moved for proven work, need and health reasons. The ban on assembly in open-air premises and public spaces will be added to the measure. Events and competitions such as the football championship will be discontinued including sports activities such as gyms. For travel, it will be necessary to provide a self-certification with absolutely truthful information. The self-certification form can be found on the website of the Italian Ministry of the Interior or here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PWfsNs0bDw 8 March 2020 In these hours the Italian Prime Minister held a press conference in which he announced the extraordinary new measures for health reasons present in the new decree signed a few hours ago. As stated in the press conference available below in this decree (the file is about 3 mega and therefore you have to wait a few moments for it to download), you can distinguish two areas. For the sake of convenience in exposing concepts and to avoid repetitions that can divert attention from the latter, we will first call the whole area Lombardy and then the provinces of Parma, Piacenza, Rimini, Reggio-Emilia, Modena, Pesaro and Urbino, Venice, Padua, Treviso, Alexandria, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Novara, Vercelli and Asti. The remaining portion of the Italian territory will be called the second area. In all areas, conferences, conferences, meetings and meetings and social events involving health personnel would be suspended. In the first area the restrictive measures are much stricter or "constraint to avoid any displacement, constraint for all individuals, inbound and outbound from the territory. Even within the territory. It will therefore only move for proven work needs and for health reasons. You are allowed to return to your home, home or residence for those who need it." People with respiratory symptoms and/or fevers above 37.5 degrees Celsius should remain in their homes, limit social contact to the maximum and should contact their doctor. The Prime Minister also adds an outright ban on those subjected to the quarantine measure because they tested positive for the virus. The decree would include, again in the first area, restrictive measures concerning commercial activities and aggregate events and in particular: events, sports competitions both in public and private places. Professional sporting events or absolute categories would be allowed behind closed doors or outdoors without the presence of the public. He suspended all events of a playful, cultural, sporting, religious and fairy nature organized and events in a public and private place. Suspended all events in cinemas, theatres, pubs, dance schools, arcades, betting rooms, bingo halls and nightclubs. Suspended teaching activities in schools and universities (remote teaching activities), civil and religious ceremonies (including funerals) are allowed. The openings of some suitable and organized places of worship would be allowed in such a way as to avoid assembling people. Museums and other cultural institutes are also closed. Restaurant activities and bars would be allowed from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. as long as all the necessary measures are put in place by the operator to provide a distance between people of at least one meter (in case of violation the penalty provided would be the suspension of the activity). As for the second area are suspended events, events, shows of any nature in every public and private place. Also suspended here were the activities of pubs, dance schools, playrooms, betting rooms, bingo halls, clubs and assimilated clubs, museums, institutes and cultural venues, events, sporting events (allowed outdoors without public or behind closed doors), travel of education, educational activities in schools and universities (allowed remote educational activities), study trips, twinnings, etc. The openings of bars and restaurants are allowed but with an obligation, even in this case, to enforce the minimum safe distance between individuals which is at least one meter (again, in case of violation, it would be provided for the suspension of activity). It also suspended sports competitions in public and private places (allowed behind closed doors or outside without the presence of the public). It is important to point out that all measures in their totality and "officiality" are specified in the decree made available by the official media and this is only the reference to follow. The official publication will be published in the official gazette which in Italy discloses all official measures and laws and regularly enacted. In the past few hours, the "non-definitive" text of the "draft" of the decree to which changes have been made has been improperly circulated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID3iHf4tMbo These measures are put in place with the aim of containing contagion and avoiding the overload of health facilities, some of which would already be in difficulty. The mandatory constraint of interregional solidarity has been put in place to redistribute people who need it in the various structures in the territory. The government would also sign a contract to prepare for the construction of intensive care and sub-intensive equipment. The Prime Minister stated that Italy already has 320 new equipment, which will soon be made available about 500 new equipment per month and that Italy is gearing up to increase the number of equipment and equipment individual production, otherwise also called IPR to ensure the health of citizens. An example of an individual production device are the famous "masks". The government has also prepared itself for the necessary economic measures. The Prime Minister therefore urges the people to be confident that the emergency will be handled in the best possible way and that Italy will overcome this emergency status. The necessary checks will be carried out by the security forces in accordance with the provisions. There would in fact be no absolute ban on travel, which must be motivated for work or health reasons. We believe it is important to stress that these measures are valid from 8 March to 3 April 2020 except for several or additive provisions. March 6, 2020 According to the Ansa Agency, there are 91 countries and territories in the world affected by coronavirus, with a total of 98,387 confirmed cases and 3,383 deaths to date. That would be what emerges from the latest update of the picture provided by Johns Hopkins University, on the evolution of the virus. Meanwhile today there would have been the first death in the Netherlands. In Italy all schools of every order and grade are closed and even in France a hundred schools would be closed, in the department of the Upper Rhine. In New York, 33 people are infected and at least 4,000 people in the entire state are in precautionary quarantine. During the course of the Extraordinary Council of 27 Health Ministers, which was urgently convened in Brussels to manage and address the Coronavirus with 'solidarity', 'coordination' and 'collaboration', Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands and other Member States criticised the Franco-German nationalist line. France and Germany have blocked the export of precautionary sanitary materials to other European countries in order to boost their stocks at national level. From China, Xiaomi reportedly sent a number of masks to Italian civil protection in order to help her manage the emergency. March 5, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4mw7zFAnR4 The President of the Italian Republic issued a statement to the citizens anticipating the adoption of extraordinary measures for the introduction of new health personnel and to ensure the availability of the appropriate health facilities and tools. It reiterated the need to follow the instructions of the experts on the official website of the Italian Ministry of Health to help overcome the emergency, without recklessness but also without alarmism. March 3, 2020 To date, the number of deaths from the new coronavirus would have exceeded 3,117 worldwide. More than ninety thousand would be infected. According to the Ansa agency the Tokyo Olympics could be moved at the end of the year due to coronavirus. In many countries around the world, those arriving from the countries most exposed to the infection will have to comply with a 14-day quarantine period. According to Ansa, the G7 prepares measures - "Given the potential impact of coronavirus on global growth, we reaffirm our commitment to use all the most appropriate policy tools to safeguard growth from downside risks." The G7 of finance ministers would write this in the final communiqué. Ministers would be ready to take measures, including budget where appropriate, to help the response to the virus and support the economy at this stage. In China, meanwhile, the alert for Wuhan's outbreak would be lowered. The country reported a further 125 new cases, the lowest level in six weeks. Several nations would identify the first case of coronavirus, are Latvia, Indonesia, Morocco, Gibraltar, and India. March 1, 2020 According to the Ansa Agency, there would be the first casualty in the United States, and there are now almost 3,000 confirmed deaths from this virus. The death would have occurred in Whashington state and State Governor Yay Inslee immediately declared a state of emergency. So far, only the mayor of San Francisco has declared a state of emergency. The first cases of coronavirus were also diagnosed in Ireland and Luxembourg. Meanwhile, Turkey has decided to suspend all air links to Italy from midnight tonight indefinitely. In Iran, coronavirus psychosis would grow, according to the Ansa agency, a group of people would set fire to a clinic in the town of Bandar Abbas, in the southern province of Hormuzgan, because it believed that patients with Covid-19 from Qom, the epicenter of the virus in Iran, had been quarantined in that facility. February 28, 2020 The official figures for the dead and infected would increase both in Italy and around the world, but would also increase the healing of this virus. In this link the updated map of the infections around the world to date: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 In the meantime, after the alarms that have taken place in the previous days, it now seems that public opinion is turning to a cautious recovery, obviously aimed at maximum attention, but it seems that the panic that seemed to have been unleashed between the Population. It would seem that the media attention is also shifting to other news and issues that in recent times had been shelved. And it's like seeing a return to normality in the distance. February 26, 2020 In Italy, the President of the Puglia Region Emiliano reported the first case of coronavirus in Puglia. This is a person living in the province of Taranto, but he had returned from Codogno in Lombardy. Around 1000 people would be stranded in a hotel in Tenerife because an Italian doctor on holiday tested positive for coronavirus in the microbiology laboratory of the Nuestra Senora de Candelaria University Hospital, according to sources Europa Press. A mother positive to coronavirus would have given birth in Piacenza without problems and the baby would have tested negative on Covid-19. This was announced by the Councilor of Health of Emilia Romagna Sergio Venturi. The woman would arrive from Lombardy with the child's father. All 3 are fine. Problems for those who travel and come from Lombardy. Several nations would have limited the lit on their territory to Italians from the regions where there were infections. Romania would have prepared the mandatory quarantine for those arriving from the Lombardo-Veneta area. France would recommend self-isolation to those returning home from Lombardy and Veneto. It would seem that Austria is blocking trains from Italy on the Brenner Pass for hours and Britain is seeking quarantine from anyone arriving from northern Italy. And many nations would advise against travel to Italy. February 25, 2020 The contagion from coronavirus is spreading in Italy, according to the Ansa agency there would be new cases in Tuscany and Sicily. There would be 11 victims in Italy and 322 confirmed infected. Meanwhile, worldwide, the number of infected people is expected to exceed 80,000 (almost 78,000 in China alone). In Italy, meanwhile, serious measures have been put in place by the government to stem the coronavirus. At a press conference of the Civil Protection , the Director of the Infectious Diseases Department of the Higher Institute of Health, Giovanni Rezza, said that in Italy there is an elderly population and thus explain the mortality rates of 2-3 , the elderly are the most fragile, we see it with influence. From the latter we can protect them with the vaccine, since there is no vaccine for coronavirus there is mortality. February 24, 2020 To date there are seven Italian victims of coronavirus, six in Lombardy and one in Veneto. Northern Italy would be quarantined, but it would appear that there was no supply problem for supermarkets and shopping centres, which even today have been stormed by the population. In his daily briefing, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: "We are deeply concerned about the sudden increase in cases in Italy, Iran and South Korea. We need to focus on containment and at the same time do everything we can to prepare for a potential pandemic. At the same time, WHO researchers concluded that the spread of coronavirus in China peaked between 23 January and 2 February. Since then it has started to decline substantially and no significant changes in coronavirus DNA have been found. Also for the WHO the cases outside China would be 2074 with 23 deaths. February 23, 2020 Meanwhile, in both Lombardy and Veneto, schools of every order and grade should be closed for a week. Piedmont, Emilia Romagna and Trentino should also be added to these two regions. The famous Venice carnival should also have been cancelled. Universities in some regions are also expected to remain closed until at least March 1 and are those of Genoa and the universities of Friuli Venezia Giulia. There was subsequently a communiqué informing that in these two regions all schools of all grades and grades should also be closed and in Genoa also museums. At the moment in Italy there are 152 infected and 3 victims. A dermatologist at the Polyclinic of Milan would have tested positive for coronavirus and would be admitted to the Sacco hospital. It should be the first contagion of the city of Milan, to which would have been added that of an employee of unicredit square GAE AULENTI. Meanwhile in Milan there was the assault on supermarkets, people who also run with 2 or 3 carts and the mask. Many shelves are already empty. According to Johns Hopkins University, coronavirus has so far claimed 2,360 lives worldwide. The total confirmed cases of contagion rose to 77,662, while the number of patients cured so far would be 21,029. February 22, 2020 Today there would be the first Italian victim of the coronavirus, it would be a 77-year-old from Monselice hospitalized in Padua. In the meantime, two new cases would be recorded in Veneto today and a plan for the sanitary cord would be developed: all Venetian citizens with major flu symptoms will be subjected to swab. Meanwhile, the municipality of Vo' Euganeo, where the first victim came from, would be quarantined. All public events, including religious ones, would have been suspended, excluding commercial services and essential services. There would also be a suspension of work activities for workers residing in the municipality, school activity of all orders and grades, the suspension of recreational activities, and therefore also carnival festivals and sporting events and public transport stops. In the morning, a woman died in Codogno, in the praise. To date, 79 people are expected to be infected in Italy, including the two victims and one who has been cured. The remaining 76 are divided into five regions: Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Lazio and Piedmont. February 16, 2020 The number of coronavirus infected in China would be growing, in this nation alone there would be about 1600 deaths and almost 70,000 people infected. A further 70 positive cases were confirmed on the Diamond Princess ship still anchored at Yokohama Harbour. The Italian boy who returned to Italy with special air containment transport, would have tested negative for the virus. Emergency measures taken by China to limit contagion would be increasingly stringent. Very strict laws would have been put in place by the Chinese central bank that would quarantine some banknotes. February 15, 2020 In France the first patient dies, it is an 80-year-old Chinese tourist, under observation in the same hospital his daughter. The first confirmed case of virus positivity was established in Africa by the Egyptian Ministry of Health. The man would be in solitary confinement with all the people with whom he came into contact. The fact that Africa would not have the tools to deal with a possible epidemic would cause concern. On the Diamond Princess cruise ship, anchored at the port of Yokohama, 285 cases of virus positivity would be confirmed. All non-U.S. passengers would be confined to the cabin. The United States would declare charter flights to repatriate compatriots who pass the coronavirus controls. The Chinese authorities would not be concerned about the economic repercussions that the situation could cause even though tons of Chinese goods are stuck in ports. It is estimated that about a third of the merchandise flows will be cancelled. Apparently the virus would be much more contagious than initially thought. The DIRECTOR-General of the WHO would declare that the coronavirus would be: "More deadly and harmful than terrorism." February 14, 2020 Some news outlets would argue that tensions between the United States of America and China are increasing politically. The China National Biotec Group would argue that antibodies within the blood plasma of people cured of the virus could help treat the infection. For this reason, the latter would spur people cured of this virus to donate plasma. Experiments would be carried out on some subjects that would have improved within 24 hours. February 12, 2020 A study made available at https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30360-3/fulltext would state that there would be no intrauterine infection and no transmission of the disease to the fetus in the nine women with coronavirus sars-cov-2 in the latter part of pregnancy. In fact this would be not unusual behavior as there are natural barriers that would often protect the fetus from certain types of infection. February 8, 2020 35 cases of coronavirus in Europe were confirmed, or 14 in Germany, 11 in France, 3 in Italy and 3 in the UK. Belgium, Finland, Spain and Sweden are stuck at one case. Friday, January 31, 2020 As the number of people infected would increase at a fairly worrying rate, many people are starting to feel the news and therefore take xenophobic attitudes towards the Chinese. At the moment we have no reports of incidents of physical violence due to mass hysteria caused by the spread of the virus. On communication platforms and group chats they start shooting videos of all kinds and they begin to collect the first testimonies of foreigners residing or returning from China. Some say that the control protocols put in place at airports would not be sufficient to contain the virus. Friday, January 29, 2020 Work on the construction of Wuhan's second emergency hospital would begin today, housing about 1600 beds, about 300 more than the initial project and 2,000 doctors. The construction company is the construction third engineering bureau co. ltd. The Chinese women's national football team would be quarantined in Australia, the Australian authorities would have ordered that the players should remain closed in the hotel until February 5 as a precaution because in the past they would have gone to the city of Wuhan. They would continue to increase contagion cases in Beijing and Shanghai, bulletin updates take place about every 12 hours. Major companies such as Facebook and Razer would choose to drastically limit the travel of their employees in China. The two races for the China Ski World Cup scheduled for 15 and 16 February would be cancelled. It is not yet known when these races will be recovered. In South Korea there would be a significant increase in purchases of masks. Chinese cultural authorities have reportedly made available some online exhibitions for people trapped at home for the outbreak of the new coronavirus. The flight for the repatriation of Italian citizens to Wuhan is also scheduled for tomorrow. The flight will be operated by the Joint Summit Operations Command. China's finance ministry has earmarked the equivalent of about 640 million dollars to support the battle against the new coronavirus. However, the Ministry of Finance has allocated other sources in the past days (up to one billion yuan) for the prevention and control of the new coronavirus in Hubei province. It would be established by the University of Padua in Italy, a mobile number intended for the use of the entire academic community returning from travel to the areas affected by the coronavirus. It would have been confirmed a collapse there about 62 of China's rail journeys. The World Health Organization announced its intention to send experts to China. A Chinese lung disease specialist: Huang Chaolin, deputy director of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, said in an interview that the virus may have been transmitted to humans for the first time in several places. According to this study published in the Lancet journal, the first patient admitted to Huang Hospital on December 1, 2019, had not been directly exposed to the Wuhan fish market, which has always been considered the source of the outbreak. Tibet would have found the first suspicious case of the new coronavirus. The organizers of the various events, would be divided between the decision to postpone or cancel them and the decision to continue with the planning. The Chinese authorities are spending their time in informing the population of the nearly 700,000 rural villages (40 in 2018), which are trying to control the epidemic using traditional ancient methods. Africa would also mobilize in collaboration with China to fight the epidemic and provide weekly reports, according to nkengasong of the CDC. Starbuchs would close half of its stores in China. There are currently four cases in the European Union in France, four in Germany and one confirmed case in Finland today according to European Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides. The Commission said it was confident that the right measures had been taken to prevent contagion. Friday, January 28, 2020 Today, the first case of new coronavirus infection in Germany, in the southeastern state of Bavaria, was confirmed. Three more new cases would then be registered in Germany. The virus has so far caused about 106 deaths, including 100 in Hubei province. The Japanese government reported a new case of contagion, it would be a tour guide of about 60 years of the towns of Nara. In Japan, the number of cases of infected humans would be 6. In China, the Shanghai East Hospotal of Tongji University would have approved an emergency project for the development of an mRNA vaccine as the development cycle would in theory be faster than other types. Secretary of State for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari gave an interview in which he stated that the return of French citizens to the city of Wuhan would be repatriated the day after tomorrow. The director of the World Health Organization calls for calm. Chinese President Xi Jinping would call the virus a demon against which a very serious struggle would be waged. The General Administration of Customs would aim to ensure the supply of materials to counter the virus with measures appropriate to the clearance facilitated. Jiai Yahui, an official on the National Health Committee, said a hotline will be set up for psychological counseling for stressed health care providers. The Hong Kong government has decided to block high-speed trains and ferries with China from 30 January. Zhang Boli, one of 14 members of the national research team for the prevention and control of the epidemic, said that traditional Chinese medicine combined with Western medicine would be useful in treating the disease and alleviating its symptoms. Chinese immigration authorities have advised citizens of the Chinese nation to postpone travel abroad. Tsinghua University announced that it would grant free access to all resources and expertise of the university for the development of new drugs to all researchers engaged in the development of specific treatments for the new coronavirus. The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Global Health Drug Discovery Institute will provide their high-performance screening platforms and all archives. The Chinese authorities confirmed that the virus is transmitted both by air and also by contact. About 6,000 health workers would be sent to The Province of Hubei. In the last few days, the number of patients with fever who would go to hospitals in the city of Wuhan would be about 15 thousand, in past years such facilities welcomed an average daily of 3,000 people. Chinese pneumologist Zhong Nanshan said in an interview that while it is very difficult to definitively estimate when an epidemic can reach its peak, he would be convinced that the contagion will reach its peak within a week or ten days. The Chinese government would extend the seven-day school holiday to February 2 due to the spring festival ending on January 30. The Government of Tibet yesterday also activated the blockade to and from its tourist attractions. In Cambodia, some students wear masks during classes against the new coronavirus infection. The foundation of Bill and Melinda Gates, would have decided to donate 10 million dollars to the fight against the coronavirus. This money will have to be spent to help frontline rescuers in China and Africa contain the spread of the new virus. Friday, January 27, 2020 Stock markets around the world would be affected by the contagion. The media are concerned about the economic repercussions this virus could cause. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang would today carry out inspections aimed at better coordinating the prevention and control efforts of the virus. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Adebahr told a news conference in Berlin that Germany would consider evacuating German citizens from Wuhan province. It also stated that the German Government would be ready to recognise, isolate and treat any cases of infection. In Perugia, Italy, the China-Italy children's arts festival was postponed due to the inability to transport students and teachers from schools in Beijing and Chingqing to Italy. German infectious designer Rolf Hilgenfeld of the University of Lubecca, in an interview with the China Media Group, said that after a certain amount of time, when the infection has affected a certain number of people, they will have produced the necessary antibodies and at that point the epidemic can be circumscribed. China's National Health Commission would send an additional 959 doctors and paramedics to Wuhan. These would be teams of specialists from the provinces of Henan, Jilin, Liaoning, Shanxi, Shaanxi and the cities of Tianjin and Chongqing. Authorities also said that more experts would be sent. In addition, Minister Ma Xiaowei stated that 12 teams with a total of more than 1600 health workers would already be sent to the areas most affected by the virus such as Wuhan. It would be observed that some patients suffering from this type of pneumonia, would have mild symptoms and would not manifest fever. This fact would make it very difficult to identify cases and prevent transmission. The Department for Entry and Exitin in Hubei Province would suspend requests for ordinary passports and permits to and from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Despite this, special transport channels would still be available for those who will have to leave China for urgent reasons. Today, 1432 confirmed cases in Hubei were confirmed, 76 dead and 221 cases in serious condition. China's National Health Commission said 769 new cases of contagion have been confirmed in the last 24 hours, with 81 deaths and 2835 cases of contagion across China. Authorities in Ivory Coast were mobilising to carry out checks due to a suspicious case of China's new coronavirus. China continues to step up measures to prevent the spread of the virus. The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention decided to spread an image depicting the shape of the new coronavirus. Out of 585 samples, 35 would be positive for this type of virus, 33 of which would come from the western part of the fish market where wild animals would normally be sold. The President of the United States of America stated that he had been in constant contact with President Xi and that he had offered him any help that might be necessary. The World Health Organization said the global risk from the new coronavirus would be high and that classifying the problem as moderate would be a mistake. In the city of Beijing there would be today the first dead, 8 new cases of contagion for a total of 80. Hong Kong experts also said that between late April and early May there could be a spike in infections that would approach the figure of 150,000 new cases per day. A team of experts would have called for more restrictive measures to be taken as there would already be 44,000 infected. According to the same team, the possibility that the epidemic could affect humanity globally, according to the team. The Authorities in Wuhan would have ordered the construction of two new hospitals, one in Huoshendshan (capacity between 700 and 1000 beds) and another in Leishenshan (capacity from 1300 to 1500 beds). Of course, efforts would also be made to protect workers from possible contagion. European stock markets appear to be heavily affected by the current epidemiological situation. In Beijing, experts from china's Center for Disease Control and Prevention would successfully isolate coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and confirm that the virus would come from the Huanan fish market in Wuhan. The multinational Company, Alibaba, would have made available from today a free service for online medical consultation. In other countries, task forces are set up to manage and prevent the epidemic. The National Medical Products Administration approved four new products for coronavirus testing yesterday. There is growing concern in countries outside China and mask stocks are also shrinking in Europe, even though the masks are still in continuous production. The UK would also begin to consider preparing repatriations for its citizens. January 26, 2020 A suspicious case was allegedly found in the city of Vienna. The patient would be a Chinese flight attendant. The medical director of the Viennese hospitals Michael Binder would have communicated that it cannot be ruled out the possibility that it is a contagion from a new Chinese virus crown. The World Health Organization said vietnam would be the first case of contagion. This would be a family member of a person previously visiting the city of Wuhan. The Diocese of Hong Kong would have put in place procedures to limit contagion as masks, a more painstaking cleaning and avoid as much physical contact as possible, especially during the Eucharist. The Pope, during the Angelus, would make a prayer for the people affected by the disease and for the deceased. Chinese Health Minister Ma Xiaowei said the virus' spread capacity would increase, the incubation period would be in the 1- to 14-day range. Furthermore, he admitted that the authorities' knowledge of this virus would be limited and that therefore there is no clear idea of the risks of a possible mutation. The authorities also announced that a press conference would be made every morning. Cases of mass hysteria are increasing, with many citizens taking action against the Chinese community. Shanghai, like Beijing, Tianjin and Xi'an, has announced that all long-distance transport services in and out of the city will be suspended. The mayor of the city of Wihan reportedly told state TV CCTV that he expects at least a thousand more infections. In Milan, the Chinese New Year parade is cancelled. From today, the use of the mask would be mandatory in Guangdong provinces, Jiangxi provinces, Nanjing, Ma'anshan, Anhiu and Xinyang provinces. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has announced that the Japanese government will evacuate all Japanese citizens planning to leave the city of Wuhan. The evacuation should take place by air and the Chinese authorities have already applied for authorisation. Today the death toll would be 56 in China, the number of people infected would be about 2000. Disneyland in Hong Kong would also be closed. January 25, 2020 In China, the death toll would rise to 54. The first case of Chinese coronavirus infection would be found in Australia. The Chinese authorities announced the construction of a second ad hoc hospital that could handle about 1300 beds. The property should be ready in 10 days. Hong Kong, would declare an emergency status for China's new coronavirus. Four of the five cases in Hong Kong would have departed China on a recent high-speed train. Schools and universities would also be closed due to the Lunar New Year, which is expected to reopen on 17 February. In the city of Wuhan, two doctors Liang Wudong, 62, and Jiang Jijun, 51, died. The first following the infection with the disease and the second following a heart attack, presumably due, according to the assumptions of one of his colleagues, to the excessive workload. Authorities in Australia have confirmed four cases. China's leader said the outbreak would accelerate, with about 1,400 cases of people infected. The United States would put in place an operation to repatriate its citizens and diplomatic figures residing in the city of Wuhan. The authorities in Beijing would have banned the holding of any organized tours. A suspicious case would have been found in Canada. January 24, 2020 The Chinese authorities have put in place a blockade on public transport in 13 cities, the last today. Access to parts of the Great Wall of China would also be restricted. It is estimated that some 32 million individuals would be involved in these blockades in the country. In the province of Hubei the total stop to rail traffic, public transport, tourist buses, ferries and boats. Disneyland in Shanghai would be closed temporarily from January 25. Huawei also decided to postpone its conference in Shenzhen until the end of March. A http://nmdc.cn/#/nCoV site containing information disseminated by the Chinese Research Centre has been made available. This information is the result of a collaboration between the centre and the microbioome institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The same centre should create a global database of resources and genomic research on this strain of the coronavirus. The Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology also prepared eight emergency research projects. There are about 830 confirmed cases and 25 deaths in China, the forbidden city of Beijing is also closed. The city of Wuhan is expected to build an ad hoc hospital for infected patients in record time, the facility is expected to be about 25,000 square meters with 1000 beds and is expected to be operational on February 3. There would be about 61 facilities where patients are being treated in the area. The transport departments involved in the blockade said that all tickets purchased for any means of transport would be refunded. The measure would come into force today as part of plans to control the outbreak. In France, Health Minister Agnes Buzyn said on television that three cases of China's new coronavirus would be confirmed. January 23, 2020 It has already been several days since this coronavirus has been spoken of by China and precisely in Hubei province in the city of Wuhan, where the first victims are already counted. For now, the Chinese government is saying that the victims of coronavirus would be 25, while the infected would be 616, but these data according to some should be taken with the benefit of inventory because the Chinese government has always been very closed with the rest of the world in health, and according to some sources the coronavirus was already more widespread than the Chinese would admit. In fact, one can also think of an underestimation by Beijing, which in 2002 did not immediately reveal the Sars epidemic that killed almost 800 people. However, cases are multiplying and also coming out of China's borders. There are reports of cases in Japan, South Korea and Thailand. In the meantime, very targeted precautionary measures are being put in place at airports to prevent some suspicious cases from landing in the rest of the world. And this morning the last people to leave Wuhan, as air traffic and even trains and buses were blocked, landed at Leonardo da Vinci airport in Fiumicino in Rome. 202 passengers disembarked at 4.50 this morning, including 2 Italians who were in the Chinese province for work. All were checked both on board and just got off, monitoring body temperature and controlling other symptoms. Both passengers and crew were equipped with masks that they wore until they landed on the ground. A Red Cross unit with medical personnel and an infectious risk biocontainment chamber monitored the health of each passenger and crew, also having a card filled out indicating destination and route, in case the disease occurred developed after the incubation phase. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control reported that the risk to Europe of imports of coronavirus cases has risen from low to moderate level. The Ministry of Health meanwhile says that there is no alarm in Italy and that the situation is constantly monitored. It is important that you do not create psychosis with unnecessary runs in the emergency room for normal flu symptoms. GPs have already been alerted and will have all the information they need so that the population can be quiet, especially considering that the seasonal flu is also reaching its peak here. The authorities reported that sanitary waste would be properly managed. A project would be in place to speed up the production of medicines. Chancellor Merkel reportedly stressed in a phone call with China's leader her appreciation for acting transparently. Macron reiterated that no discriminatory measures would be taken against any specific nation or company. The Chinese authorities confirmed today that some cases of coronavirus pneumonia have been found in individuals who have not recently travelled to Wuhan or the city's fish market. Meanwhile, Beijing would officially cancel all events planned for Chinese New Year. January 22, 2020 Chinese National Health Commission Deputy Minister Li Bin said at a press conference that confirmed cases across the country would exceed 400 and the death toll would rise from six to nine. According to the latter, the new virus is from the same family as sars, could mutate and could spread more easily. U.S. President Donald Trump said the virus would be handled very professionally by the Disaster Control Center. China would install a total of 15 thermal detectors at Wuhan airport and another 20 thermal detectors in large stations in the city. It would have been stated by Deputy Director Li that public meetings would be limited and measures to crack down on the wildlife trade would be tightened. Unnecessary travel to and from Wuhan would be discontinued. Gao Fu, the head of China's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said there is no evidence to support the presence of a highly contagious virus carrier. In addition, according to the latter, the spread of the virus was from wild animals sold on the Wuhan fish market. Meanwhile, 440 cases were confirmed in China and the government adopted a temporary reimbursement policy to ensure that the infected were treated with adequate health treatment. In addition, the same government would set up 800 beds in three different hospitals. A further 1200 beds should be ready as soon as possible. Peng Houpeng, the deputy director of the municipal health board, said five new intensive care units would be available in five local hospitals. In each of these, 30 health workers would be assigned to 24-hour service. The World Health Organization would spend the last two days in Wuhan and announced that it would strengthen cooperation with China to provide the necessary technical support. Global stock markets may have been affected by the global epidemic situation. In Italy, the Ministry of Health would send provisions and guidelines to family doctors. The director of the Italian Spallanzani says that there is only one way to recognize the infection or virological investigations. January 21, 2020 The stock exchanges would begin to be affected by the current situation. In the city of Wuhan, controls on travellers are beginning to tighten, group departures are prohibited. The death toll from the new coronavirus rises to 4 in Wuhan. There would be 291 confirmed cases of coronavirus pneumonia. Friday, January 19, 2020 The Chinese government reported that 17 new cases were found today, including three in serious condition. There are 62 confirmed in the city of Wuhan, eight of whom are in serious condition, 19 are still in solitary confinement. People so far die from the virus are 2. 18th January 2020 Scientists at Imperial College London say there are more cases than the 50 identified and declared so far. This statement would be based on calculations made by these scientists. According to Neil Ferguson, one of the authors of the published study, it suggests a possibility of transmission from man to man that until now, have not been confirmed by the World Health Organization and the Chinese authorities. At the moment, one case in Thailand and one in Japan would also be confirmed. The number of nations that step up health checks is increasing. Friday, January 17, 2020 Thai health officials said a 74-year-old woman was hospitalized after presenting with symptoms of the virus on January 13. The woman was diagnosed with pneumonia due to the new coronavirus. It is estimated that about 1300 passengers should arrive every day in Thailand only from the city of Wuhan. 16 thof 16th January 2020 A Japanese government official confirmed that the first case of the new coronavirus would be found on Japanese territory. It is believed that the infected person was returning from the city of Wuhan. Friday, January 15, 2020 According to the World Health Organization, there is no firm evidence of transmissibility among humans of the new coronavirus. January 11, 2020 One of the coronavirus patients dies in Wuhan, 7 are in critical condition, 2 have been discharged and the rest are in stable condition. Wang Guangfa, a member of the national team of experts who are investigating the cases, said the epidemic situation would be controllable and added that the percentage of serious cases would not be dissimilar to other cases of pneumonia. China, meanwhile, shares the genomic sequence of the virus with other nations and the WHO for a global form of protection. January 9, 2020 The World Health Organization (WHO) said that the Chinese authorities had identified a new strain of coronavirus and that this would never have been observed before in humans. The Chinese authorities also stated that there were cases compatible with Coronavirus symptoms as early as December 31, 2019. Such cases would be confined to the city of Wuhan located in the central area of China. There is no cure and confusing and inaccurate news is read on the various news sites. The media are beginning to divide between those who say it is a serious infection and those who believe it is a common cold. Many conspiracy blogs begin to lay out their theories about it. Friday, January 5, 2020 In the evening, the Chinese authorities announced that 59 cases of a particular form of pneumonia had been reported in the city of Wuhan. Investigations are under way to determine whether this is a SARS or MERS-related event. It is important to specify that this article was not written by professionals in the field. It's a collection of information that we've found so that it can be more convenient for all readers to get as general an idea as possible. We do not have doctors or professionals who can answer your questions and therefore we very strongly invite you to ask professionals in the field that are currently definitely the most reliable source of information. For this reason, please consider the content of this article at conditional. Keep in mind that at present, hysterical behaviour and conspiracy, whether mass or individual, can only make the situation worse. Read the full article
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bigyack-com · 5 years ago
Anastasia Mann: All in the Details
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Anastasia Mann has never been one to follow a path laid by others. As a child actress in 71 movies, she was always more interested in helping the director create a great performance than in the actual acting.  At her first job in the hotel industry as a corporate sales director for Hilton, she created an incentive program that rewarded loyal customers with special corporate rates. The program was a first for the industry and is still in effect today.
Free Luxury Travel Newsletter
Like this story? Subscribe to The Dossier Luxury Travel Advisor’s only newsletter, covering unique destinations and product news for affluent travelers. Delivered every Tuesday & Thursday. When she moved to the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, she was a groundbreaker once again, serving as the first female director of sales and marketing at any major hotel in the country. Leadership was clearly in Mann’s DNA; when she shifted to the travel industry side of the business it was as the U.S. president of a London-based travel management firm. Her hotel and airline friends, however, who knew her independent mindset, kept encouraging her to put out a shingle of her own and she did that by opening Corniche Travel in a key West Hollywood locale on Sunset Boulevard. As for those encouraging buddies? They donned overalls and laid carpeting and painted the walls to help her make it feel more like home.  That was a fortuitous start and in her first four months alone, Mann generated $5 million in revenue. Corniche Travel was on its way and growing at a rapid pace as her former corporate accounts — including Getty Oil, ARCO, MGM and CBS — came on board. Her book of business was also fueled with many, many celebrity clients, entertainers, politicians and writers. Getting the Los Angeles Dodgers’ travel account was a major coup and the first time in history the team used a travel management firm. That was 33 years ago and what is still ever-present is Mann’s uncanny ability to envision what people need from a trip. It’s her innate attention to the details to bring her clients’ visions to life that has been the key to her success. So has the fact that her knowledge of the world is vast; after almost 50 years in the travel industry, Mann has visited 147 countries.
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An affair with Africa: So great is Mann’s love for the destination, she launched Anastasia’s Africa, which operates separately from the travel division with its own dedicated team of Africa experts. Here, she is seen at the Great Plains Conservation, Okavango Delta in Botswana, Southern Africa. Today, Corniche Group is a $35 million enterprise comprising three divisions: Corniche Travel (leisure and corporate), Corniche Entertainment (handling meetings, incentives, conferences, and entertainment services for them), and her personal favorite, Anastasia’s Africa. As always, though, Mann’s vision for her business is a bit different from the norm. Her biggest concern these days, she says, is the proliferation of so-called “luxury” brands; her pet peeve is the misuse of the word “bespoke,” a British term traditionally reserved for custom-made suits. Her mantra is that what is luxury for one person is not necessarily luxury for someone else. The value of travel is not about the cost of a trip, she believes, but rather what the experience brings to the customer. “Luxury in Iceland or in Bhutan is going to be very different from luxury in New York or Paris,” she says. At Corniche, Mann’s focus is on detailed crafted itineraries to destinations where the crowds do not follow. She believes clients should visit the iconic sites in the world but is careful to balance those places with visits to less-traveled locales, as well. Last summer, for example, when a friend said she wanted to revisit Venice, Mann advised her to go to Capri instead. Mann believes the biggest threat to a meaningful travel experience is overtourism; she prefers sending clients to remote spots in Spain and Portugal, in shoulder and off-season, wherever possible. And, of course, to Africa. (More on that later.) Corniche is a big player in the luxury travel arena; however, Mann firmly believes she and her team should do whatever is possible to realistically work within a client’s budget so they have the best possible experience. Every client should be given her team’s full attention, no matter the size of his or her budget. Though she has hobnobbed with Cary Grant and enjoyed her first-ever martini with President George H.W. Bush, she feels that no piece of business is unimportant, and every client is worth your time and best effort.  In fact, from the very beginning, Mann built her business by treating all customers equally, be they stars or their assistants seeking to book a weekend in Hawaii. “I never tell someone I’m not going to take their business,” she says. “Everybody deserves a great vacation, and I want to give them the most luxurious experience they can afford. And I know that 25-year-old assistant taking her first trip can one day become my biggest corporate client or plan a three-generation safari worth $100,000.”
Redefining “Travel Agent”
Mann from the very beginning brought a unique and forward-thinking approach to the role of the travel advisor. Thirty years ago, the industry thought of travel “agents” as order-takers who simply delivered whatever the customer asked for. And indeed, she recalls the night at the Beverly Wilshire when a buffet for 1,000 really did run out of shrimp in 20 minutes as the travel agents in attendance wrapped them up in napkins and put them in their pockets to take home.  But even then, she envisioned the kind of travel advisor we see today, knowledgeable and skilled, offering that true special service that comes from listening to what a customer hopes to achieve on their vacation, and offering professional — and honest — advice.  To that end, she has represented travel advisors on commissions and boards in California and around the world. She was a founding member of the California Travel and Tourism Commission and chaired the international board of directors of the Travel & Tourism Research Association. She’s been the president of the California chapter of HSMAI; a founding member of MPI and a PATA board member. She is the founding chairman of the West Hollywood Visitors and Convention Bureau and participated in a Trade Mission to the Soviet Union. She was also named as a representative to the historic White House Conference on Tourism, and, for the past 30 years, has served on the Board of Governors of the International Institute for Peace Through Tourism. 
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Mann at the Real Alcázar in Seville. These days, though, Mann leaves much of the advisory board roles to her executives and employees and focuses more on training and mentoring her own advisors and others in the industry. Corniche now has 25 full-time travel advisors and 10 independent contractors. As she hired each one, she emphasized that Corniche is a business, and that their role is to advise and guide and provide great service to their clients. Beginning with that great mix of corporate and leisure business from day one, Mann has always strived to have her corporate clients become leisure clients and vice versa.  “It’s about being able to create experiences that are memorable and life-enhancing, where the client will be in awe,” she says. “You have to talk to people and understand their expectations and guide them into an experience you are confident will make them happy. And you have to be honest; I’ll say, ‘On the budget you have, you really are not ready to go to Africa. You will have to wait.’” Today, Corniche Travel’s business is about 80 percent corporate and 20 percent leisure; the Africa division is about 90 percent leisure. The corporate clients bring volume and an upper echelon of C-level executives who fly first class and stay in luxury properties; these customers frequently book their personal vacations through Corniche, as well.  
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Congressman Adam Schiff (above) of California presenting Mann with the District Woman of the Year honor in 2018. Mann advises that while a good business itinerary is built around proximity to the meeting place, a great leisure vacation begins with a great hotel, no matter where in the city it is located. “The hotel is your centerpiece, where you wake up in the morning and go to bed at night; it’s your home away from home,” she says. “If you have to spend 10 minutes extra to get somewhere, that doesn’t matter; it’s the hotel that is critically important to your experience.” Her takeaway? “Be sure to invest in a really fabulous hotel, where you are the center of their attention.” Another key part of the Corniche Group is Corniche Entertainment, which works with corporate event planners and travel companies to provide full planning services. Corniche Entertainment also provides top artists for live performances as well as produces concerts; it even oversees and directs artists’ careers. Its roster of entertainers includes the Latin jazz/R&B bandleader, singer, composer, master percussionist Louie Cruz Beltran; blues artist Betty Bryant; and singer Carol Welsman; as well as the acclaimed comedian Mike Marino.
A Special Love
Mann has been enamored with Africa since her first visit there in 1980, and she speaks of her visits, and of the Anastasia’s Africa division, with real love. She recalls walking down the airline steps onto a dirt taxiway at dawn on that first trip and watching a huge dustball in the distance transform itself into a giraffe as it got nearer and nearer. As the giraffe ran past she stood there agape — and she was smitten. “It was chilling and exciting. I was frozen on the spot and in awe; I was transfixed,” she says. “Apart from my late husband, for whom I had the same reaction, Africa is the love of my life. I’ve tried to talk everybody into going there, and all my advisors into selling it.”  So great is her love for the destination, she launched Anastasia’s Africa, which operates completely separately from the travel division with its own dedicated team of Africa experts who share her passion and knowledge of the destination. The company, which provides highly customized experiences, works with outside travel businesses and pays travel advisors a 15 percent commission. “I truly want every person on this planet to give themselves the gift of seeing Africa for themselves,” she says. Success stems from passion; Anastasia’s Africa sold approximately $12 million worth of trips in 2019.  In addition to leisure trips and larger groups — including one three-generation family that spent $350,000 last year — Anastasia’s Africa organizes corporate trips and events. Several years ago, it ran a corporate safari for 100, using small luxury lodges and negotiating traversing rights throughout the Sabi Sands, a rare opportunity indeed.
The Business of Travel
Moving into 2020, Mann’s focus is on taking care of existing clients to enhance their travel opportunities. New business tends to come through referrals, brought in by those who know Corniche’s strong attention to detail. Customer satisfaction is of paramount importance to Mann. Case in point: A top executive at Corniche, Jonathan Cowley, has the title of “vice president of sales and client services.”  At this point in her career, with so many satisfied clients and many team members who have been with Corniche for almost 40 years, Mann’s priority for 2020 is to take care of what she has.  “I’ve never been motivated by money,” Mann says. “Sure, I’d love a Gulfstream. But that’s really not the way I look at this business. Once you get to a certain place in life, you can be comfortable making enough income to just maintain everything you have.”  With rents and wages on the rise in Los Angeles, and other expenses going up, as well (especially in an agency that pays 100 percent of its employees’ health insurance), she examined each expense line for potential savings. In the end, she also re-evaluated and increased client fees for the first time in years.
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Globetrotter: Here seen in Seville, Spain, Mann has a great knowledge about the world, having visited 147 countries. Her marketing efforts last year and into 2020 include a dedicated focus on the Corniche Club, a beautiful color magazine she sends out to 12,000 top clients, and posts online, three times a year. It’s also distributed to about 500 travel advisors at other agencies who have requested it. These advisors, who have heard Mann speak at industry conferences and met her at local events see Mann as a mentor, and that falls right in with her key values. “It’s important that all of us share information and knowledge, so that we all support our industry in an educated manner,” she says. Still, there are many things she hopes to do and see in 2020. She would like to try a Ponant cruise and is looking forward to the new Pendry Hotel scheduled to open on the Sunset Strip in a few months. Looking further down the road, even after 50 years in the business, she really doesn’t have an exit plan. “My business consists of my employees, who are truly my family, and our clients, whom I love. They are my first consideration when I think about the future,” she says. “I know at some point I have to be decisive. I would only hope for a match with a person who shares our ethics and values.” Her tips for other travel advisors? “Travel is a wonderful, but extremely low-margin business. Making a living at it requires a focus on the numbers,” she says. “You can’t just expect to get into the business to travel for free. You have to really know your stuff and be able to connect with partners, to build the relationships that you can carry with you. It takes a service mentality, experience and knowledge, good taste and honesty.” Another key tenet at Corniche? “Equally important, always treat your suppliers with respect.” At her two offices, she mandates that everyone come out when a supplier comes to call. “They are taking time from their own busy days to come by and meet you, and the day will come when you need a favor and that face-to-face relationship pays off,” says Mann. That indeed played into her own experience: There was that day when President Bush called to say he and Barbara wanted to sail for just one leg of a cruise itinerary, not for the entire voyage. Mann knew who to go to to make that happen; she called an old friend who was the head of a cruise line and got the approval for the Bushes to board at one port and get off at the next. To top it all off, she had martinis delivered to their suite in memory of that very first martini he had shared with her in 1974. It’s clear there’s a lot of glamour and history to Mann’s travel career but carrying through to this very day are the core beliefs she’s had since the very beginning. “I was very into the details way back then and I still am today,” she says. “At Corniche we’re still all about taking care of our clients, and I am still all about taking care of my Corniche team.” 
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More Glory: Mann has also been honored by ASTA’s prestigious Diamond Award.
Corniche Group
Chairman & CEO: Anastasia Mann Headquarters: West Hollywood, CA Annual Sales Volume: $35 million Divisions: Corniche Travel, Corniche Entertainment, Anastasia’s Africa Number of Advisors: 25 plus 10 ICs Affiliations: Signature Travel Network, ARC, ASTA, SKAL, TTMA, TTRA, CLIA, Four Seasons Preferred Partners, Marriott STARS, Marriott Luminous, Langham Couture, PROST, West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, NARA, Visit California, Cal Travel, Los Angeles Vendors
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alexsmitposts · 6 years ago
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Europe in Irreversible Decay, EU Elections are Proof of It! Europe, an “old” colonialist continent, is decaying, and in some places even collapsing. It senses how bad things are going. But it never thinks that it is its own fault. North America is decaying as well, but there, people are not even used to comparing. They only “feel that things are not going well”. If everything else fails, they simply try to get some second or third job, and just survive, somehow. On both sides of the Atlantic, the establishment is in panic. Their world is in crises, and the ‘crises’ arrived mainly because several great countries, including China, Russia, Iran, but also South Africa, Turkey, Venezuela, DPRK and the Philippines, are openly refusing to play in accordance with the script drawn in Washington, London and Paris. In these nations, there is suddenly no appetite for sacrificing their own people on the altar of well-being of Western citizens. Several countries, including Venezuela and Syria, are even willing to fight for their independence. Despite insane and sadistic embargos and sanctions imposed on them by the West; China, Russia and Iran are now flourishing, in many fields doing much better than Europe and North America. If they are really pushed any further, China, Russia and their allies combined, could easily collapse the economy of the United States; an economy which is built on clay and unserviceable debt. It is also becoming clear that militarily, the Pentagon could never defeat Beijing, Moscow, even Teheran. After terrorizing the world for ages, the West is now almost finished: morally, economically, socially, and even militarily. It still plunders, but it has no plan to improve the state of the world. It cannot even think in such terms. It hates China, and every other country that does have progressive, internationalist plans. It smears President Xi Jinping and his brainchild, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), but there is nothing new and exciting that the West is able to offer to the world. Yes, of course, those regime changes, coups, military interventions and theft of natural resources, but anything else? No, silence! * During my two weeks long working visit to Europe, in the Czech Republic (now renamed to Czechia), a country that enjoys a higher HDI (Human Development Index defined by UNDP) than Italy or Spain, I saw several young, decently dressed men, picking through garbage bins, right in front of my hotel, looking for food. I saw young Europeans kneeling and begging in Stuttgart, the second richest city in Germany (where both Mercedes and Porsche car are produced). What I observed in all seven countries of the EU that I visited, was confusion, but also indifference, extreme selfishness and almost grotesque idleness. In great contrast to Asia, everybody in Europe was obsessed with their ‘rights’ and privileges, while no one gave a slightest damn about responsibilities. When my plane from Copenhagen landed in Stuttgart, it began to rain. It was not heavy rain; just rain. The Canadair jet operated by SAS is a small aircraft, and it did not get a gate. It parked a few meters from the terminal and the captain announced that ground staff refused to bring a bus, due to lightning and the downpour. And so, we stayed inside the plane, for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, half an hour. The lightning ended. The drizzle continued. 40 minutes, no bus. One hour later, a bus appeared. A man from the ground staff emerged leisurely, totally wrapped in plastic, protected hermetically from rain. Passengers, on the other hand, were not even offered umbrellas. “I love myself”, I later read graffiti in the center of the city. The graffiti was not far from the central train station, which is being refurbished at the cost of several billion euros, and against the will of the citizens. The monstrous project is marching on at an insanely lazy pace, with only 5-6 construction workers detectable at a time, down in the tremendous excavations. Stuttgart is unbelievably filthy. Escalators often do not work, drunkards are all over, and so are beggars. It is as if for decades, no one did any face-lift to the city. Once free museums are charging hefty entrance fees, and most of the public benches have disappeared from parks and avenues. The decay is omnipresent. The German rail system (DB) has virtually collapsed. Almost all trains are late, from the ‘regional’; to the once glorified ICE (these German ‘bullet trains’ are actually moving slower, on average, even in comparison to some Indonesian inter-city expresses). The services provided everywhere in Europe, from Finland to Italy, are grotesquely bad. Convenience stores, cafes, hotels – all are understaffed, badly run and mostly arrogant. Humans are often replaced by dysfunctional machines. Tension is everywhere, the bad mood omnipresent. Demanding anything is unthinkable; one risks being snapped at, insulted, sent to hell. I still remember how Western propaganda used to glorify services in the capitalist countries, when we were growing up in the Communist East: “The customer is always treated like a god”. Yes, right! How laughable. For centuries, “European workers” were ‘subsidized’ by colonialist and neo-colonialist plunder, perpetrated in all non-white corners of the world. They ended up being spoiled, showered with benefits, and unproductive. That was fine for the elites: as long as the masses kept voting for the imperialist regime of the West. “The Proletariat” eventually became right-wing, imperialist, even hedonistic. I saw a lot this time, and soon I will write much more about it. What I did not witness, was hope, or enthusiasm. There was no optimism. No healthy and productive exchange of ideas, or profound debate; something I am so used to in China, Russia or Venezuela, just confusion, apathy and decay everywhere. And hate for those countries that are better, more human, more advanced, and full of socialist enthusiasm. * Italy felt slightly different. Again, I met great left-wing thinkers there; philosophers, professors, filmmakers, journalists. I spoke at Sapienza University, the biggest university in Europe. I lectured about Venezuela and Western imperialism. I worked with the Venezuelan embassy in Rome. All of that was fantastic and enlightening, but was this really Italy? A day after I left Rome for Beirut, Italians went to the polls. And they withdrew their supports from my friends of the 5-Star-Movement, leaving them with just over 17%, while doubling the backing for the extreme right-wing Northern League. This virtually happened all over Europe. UK Labor lost, while right-wing Brexit forces gained significantly. Extreme right-wing, even near-fascist parties, reached unexpected heights. It was all “me, me, me” politics. An orgy of “political selfies”. Me had enough of immigrants. Me wants better benefits. Me wants better medical care, shorter working hours. And so on. Who pays for it, no one in Europe seems to care. Not once did I hear any European politicians lamenting about the plundering of West Papua or Borneo, about Amazonia or the Middle East, let alone Africa. And immigration? Did we hear anything about that nuisance of European refugees, millions of them, many illegal, that have descended in the last decades on Southeast Asia, East Africa, Latin America, and even Sub Continent? They are escaping, in hordes, from meaninglessness, depressions, existential emptiness. In the process, they are stripping the locals of land, real estate, beaches, everything. “Immigrants out”? Fine; then European immigrants out from the rest of the world, too! Enough of the one-sidedness! The recent EU elections clearly showed that Europe has not evolved. For countless dark centuries, it used to live only for its pleasure, murdering millions in order to support its high life. Right now, it is trying to reshuffle its political and administrative system, so it can continue doing the same. More efficiently! On top of it, absurdly, the world is expected to pity that overpaid and badly performing, mainly right-wing and lethargic European proletariat, and sacrifice further tens of millions of people, just in order to further increase its standard of living. All this should not be allowed to happen. Never again! It has to be stopped. What Europe has achieved so far, at the expense of billions of lives of “the others”, is definitely not worthy of dying for. Beware of Europe and its people! Study its history. Study imperialism, colonialism and the genocides it has been spreading all over the world. Let them vote in their fascists. But keep them away. Prevent them from spreading their poison all over the world. They want to put the interests of their countries first? Wonderful! Let us do exactly the same: The people of Russia first, too! China first! And, Asia, Africa, Latin America first!
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