atlanas-e-kildarin · 28 days
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Trying to work on a side story to my fic “Fifty Shades of Bull” during Pride Month . It’s going to be about my Inquisitor, Samahl Lavellan, and his relationship with a Chanter before he meets The Iron Bull.
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cmdrjoop · 9 months
Cole knows that Iron Bull knows what the ladies want!
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winterhartarts · 1 year
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Another DA Day 2022 (@unofficialdragonageday) charity commission, this time a tarot card featuring Annie Cadash & Iron Bull as “The Lovers” in the Major Arcana for Alex @emajekral!! Alex was very generous with giving me an extra tip after he received the finished files, and I really enjoyed working with his Annie Lennox-inspired Inquisitor and her very large by comparison kadan 💖 Thanks for being awesome, Alex! I hope you enjoy your tarot-inspired piece :) #myart #myartwork #dragonage #dragonageinquisition #dragonageinquisitionfanart #biowaregames #myfanart #commission #finishedcommission #inquisitorcadash #theironbull #dragonagetarot #dragonagetarotcard #digitalart #digitalillustration #digitalpainting #crossposted (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnEcgbSuIUE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mxfitforge · 11 months
Some progress and thoughts on a new Dragon Age: Inquisition fan art in the works. The Iron Bull and his Kadan (My Inquisitor Trevelyan) having a moment in Herald’s Rest - More coming soon! 🎨🔥 #mxfitforge #theironbull #dragonage #dragonageinquisition #kadan #dragonagefanart #inquisitortrevelyan #ridethebull #art #artist #artwork #artistsoninstagram #artprocess #wip
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nerd-elf · 2 years
I remember seeing a post here saying that boob shaped armor will kill women instead of protecting them. I love it how DA just throw this on people's faces 😂😂😂
There's also that lovely body with an "inappropriate piece of armor" in the storm coast with another great point about women in armor in literature, movies or videogames
Iron Bull: Hey, that's some good armor.
Cassandra: Are you referring to me?
Iron Bull: Some high-ranking women wear ornamental crap with tits hammered into it.
Iron Bull: One good shot, and all that cleavage gets knocked right into the sternum. Real messy.
Iron Bull: Good on you for going practical.
Cassandra: I aim to please.
Iron Bull: Leaves something to the imagination, too.
Subbed in Brazilian Portuguese 🇧🇷
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anxxes · 2 years
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The Iron Bull.
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criminallover · 4 years
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What once was May never be A cruel lesson that life Has taught me So I savor every second Like it's the last So it will last as long as can be
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naeviss · 4 years
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Dragon Age Inktober - Day 8 - The Iron Bull 😌❤️ #dragonage #theironbull #ironbull #qunari #kossith #fanart #bioware #inktober #inktober2020 #traditionalart #illustration #art #artwork #tarot #ink #inks https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNaeChj3hT/?igshid=1i68tynsqcb2j
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blazingmovement · 3 years
Adoribull - Black tar
A fluff/angst with Dorian and Iron Bull from the Dragon age Inquisition game.
The festering feeling grew back, laid itself bare on the inside, took up all the space it could until it filled the entirety of him. Like black tar, it seeped itself into every knock and cranny of him, filled the dark areas of himself which he sought to hide, which he aimed to turn away. The black tar filled them to the brim, and all he could do was try to breathe, though it seemed harder by the minute, like drowning in fear.
“Regain control,” he thought to himself. 
“Breath in and out, same as always”. 
But the black tar had seeped into his lungs, making a single breath seem impossible. It placed a weight across his chest, making him involuntarily clench all the muscles in his body, including his jaw. He could feel himself losing the battle as the tar slowly seeped into his mind. His head slowly filled with the deafening thumping of his own heart, louder and louder until it drowned out the sound of the bar and everyone in it. Normally he would look for an exit, a way to flee the area, he would take flight to a place where the black tar could fester on him without anyone else noticing. But this time, the black tar seemed to have gained the advantage quickly, making him unable to move or break its terrifying trans. All that was left was the intense fear building inside him, leaving him frozen as he could feel himself mentally being alone in a room filled with people. Just as he felt himself drowning in the darkness which surrounded him, Dorian felt a hand land on his shoulder. 
“You wanna go outside for a bit?” said the Iron Bull with his hand on Dorian’s shoulder. Dorian glanced up at the Bull, the weight of his hand seemed to anchor him, seemed to provide him with enough to be able to press out the word
Bull nodded at Dorian and guided him out of the tavern out into the cool night air. 
Normally, Bull’s teasing would make Dorian’s spurn. “These big muscled hands could tear those robes off while you struggled, helpless in my grip. I'd pin you down, and as you gripped my horns; I. Would. Conquer. You”. Dorian was confused by these statements if he were completely honest with himself. And sometimes during the day, his mind would find itself wondering how Bull’s hands would feel on him… But he always quickly combat those thoughts, swiftly trying to chase away the idea of how Bull’s big hands on his body would press him down, would take him... But what Bull was doing right now, laying his arm on Dorian’s shoulder in this manner meant something else, it seemed like something else than teasing. It provided the possibility that Bull might see the cracks in Dorian’s well-constructed mask, perhaps see what hid in under, and this frightened Dorian. But as of now, no matter how much Dorian would rather provide a witty comment regarding Bull’s hand on his shoulder and then remove it, the only thing that seemed to stop the black tars advance was this Qunaries hand on his shoulder. 
Once they were outside, Bull continued guiding Dorian away from the loud noises coming from the bar, up towards the rampart where the stars gleamed and the night’s cold embrace gave his skin goosebumps. Up there, next to the Bull’s room, he stopped to face Dorian and laid his second hand on Dorian’s other shoulder. Bull looked him in the eyes and stepped the slightest bit closer towards him.
“Breathe. Focus on me. Focus on my voice. It’s just you and me here. Breathe.” Bull said with his low rumbling voice as he lightly caressed Dorian’s shoulders. Dorian gazed into his eye and found only calmness and concern where he thought he would find… something completely else. This surprised him. Bull’s soft-touch also surprised him. This was a side he hadn’t earlier seen in Bull, not up close at least. And even though Dorian was confused about the situation he found himself in, it was as if Bull’s voice had quieted the sound of Dorian’s pulsating heart, as if it had given his body permission to listen to something other than the deafening chaos within him. The pressure over Dorian’s chest slightly gave way under Bull’s touch and Dorian drew in a raspy breath of the chilly night air into his lungs and felt the black tar haltering its advance.    
“That’s it Dorian, breathe. I got you”. Bull said calmly. In Bull’s hand, he slowly started to breathe calmer, deeper breaths than before. Slowly he could feel the black tar pulling away, removing its grip over him as the cold night air seeped its way into his lungs, almost making his eyes water. He shouldn’t let Bull see him like this he thought, but at this moment, Bull seemed to anchor him, to pull him to a safe harbour. Dorian couldn’t bring himself to deny Bull’s warm touch and soothing voice even though he should according to himself. But as of now, Bull was a light in the dark, guiding Dorian away from the darkness which festered within him. 
“I got you Dorian”.
Dorian looked up into Bull’s calm warm gaze and felt the world slow down to its normal pace once again. Slowly the black tar dissolved and the panic which had taken its grip over Dorian slowly gave away. Under Bull’s hands, Dorian’s muscles slowly started to unclench.
Dorian had had “incidents” like this in the past several times actually. But he had learned to hide them well, and when the moments came when he could not overcome the black tar he would lock himself away in his room. In there, the despair could eat away at him until he no longer could breathe and until tears had wet his face unrecognisable. After that, when the storm had stilled, he would fix himself up and continue as before. Never had anyone ever discovered him during one of these incidents, and never had he let anyone seen him in such a state. But here was Bull, helping Dorian doing something as trivial as breathing, guiding him away from the brink of the precipice which he normally would descend down by himself. Dorian’s turned away his face from Bull’s gaze as his thoughts starting to chase each other and embarrassment and shame pervaded his mind as he blamed himself for letting someone in a bit to close. Bull could see that Dorian’s thoughts were turning into something toxic and cupped his cheek to refocus Dorian’s faltering eyes on his face once more.
“It’s okay Dorian. You had a panic attack, they can be rough”.
Bull’s embrace made Dorian’s cheeks fluster and he had to fight the temptation to lean into his touch. Since he focused so hard to not give in to the soft touch of the Iron Bull’s rough hand, he could not hinder his cheeks from turning slightly pink. Bull let out a burst of warm laughter at the Vints reaction and smiled at him. His laugh awoke something in Dorian, and with his regained control over mind and body, he managed to wriggle himself free from the Iron Bulls warm and safe touch and took a step away from Bull, distancing himself.
“Well if you’re perfectly done with fondling the beautiful Vint I’m going to leave. I know it’s significantly difficult to avoid touching me, but I would prefer if you would at least try not to”. Dorian said as he tried sounding as nonchalant as possible, aiming to regain his mask. Bull let out another rumbling laughter and set his hand on his hips, looking at Dorian with amusement in his eye. 
“That so? Well, your cheeks tell me otherwise.”
Dorian simply huffed at his response, embarrassed over his reaction at Bull’s hand on his cheek. Bull swiftly inspected Dorian with his gaze, to see if he was alright after what took place earlier. Finding that Dorian seemed to be okay once again Bull said
“But if you would like some more touching some other time, no matter the reason, my door is always open”. Bull said as he momentarily locked eyes with Dorian. Dorian eyes faltered as he dared not look at Bull in case his cheeks once again might betray him. 
“If I someday would find myself longing for a visit to a bedroom with a hole in the roof, I’ll be certain to visit,” Dorian said sarcastically, attempting to cover up the emotions Bull’s offer actually awoken within him.  
The bull would have wanted to have stayed a bit longer with Dorian, to ensure that he truly was alright once again. But he saw that Dorian once again had put on the mask he wore daily, and Bull wasn’t sure that trying to get in under the mask was the best idea for tonight. He would have to save that for another time.
“Goodnight Dorian” Bull said with a glint in his eye as he retired to his room, leaving Dorian in the cold night air momentarily before Dorian retired to his own courters. 
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thedasdrabbles · 3 years
Slices of Life - Modern AU Thedas Valentines
He didn’t go all out for every holiday. Some didn’t have the same feel behind them, the same groove. Valentine’s Day was one where he put a little extra in, though -- in part because at first he hadn’t thought his lover would expect it and now because he liked to keep the expectations high and the anticipation just on the edge of heart pounding and breathless. He’d left a card tacked to the door for his lover to find when he made it home, a trail of flower petals starting in the foyer and leading up the stairs. The hall was dark save for the gently flickering glow of tiny LED candles that he’d left along the stairs, lighting the way for Ferion to follow. 
The trail led to their bathroom where there was another card, its contents brief and naughty with a post-script that contained promises of more scandalously wicked to come. 
Get cleaned up, get comfortable and come find the rest of your present whenever you’re ready.  - Bull
Alongside the card atop a neatly folded towel was a fresh bar of Ferion’s favorite soap, a new container of the scrub he had mentioned enjoying the last time Bull had brought it home, a small, unopened bottle of lube and a plug, weighted nicely with a heart-shaped flare. It was easily enough to imagine what the rest of his ‘present’ might be from there.... The rest of the night was going to be good. Bull would make sure that he’d get it nice and hard to counter all of the soft. He always did, and each Valentines Day they spent together made it seem like he always would.
Rylen didn’t do romance, at least that was what he always said. He had other ways of letting Cullen know that he loved him throughout the year and early on in their relationship they’d come to terms with the fact that Valentine’s Day wasn’t really for them. It meant that neither of them took issue with the fact that as part of his work rotations his travels typically had him out of town over that holiday; something that he was more than alright with as it meant he was back for the ones that meant more to them. 
It didn’t mean that he spent Valentines alone, however. Why waste a perfectly good night centered around fine dining, fine wine and lingerie alone when he could spend it in the company of Miranda… 
 He’d promised to keep his eyes closed after dinner -- a dinner they’d had delivered to his room rather than eating out this time, neither one of them of a mood to deal with the typical crowds drawn to high-end restaurants even if they could have worked a private dining room into their expenditure budget. She’d talked him into wearing a tie that night and he was painfully aware of its closeness, each draw of breath making him all the more aware of it along with the knowledge that he could hear her moving around, breath catching when he caught a trace of her perfume drifting closer.
 When he felt her fingers tug at the tie to loosen it he almost opened his eyes, knowing with the way she had to have  leaned in he would have gotten a glorious eyeful of the tops of her breasts spilling over whatever she was wearing -- either the dress she’d donned for dinner or whatever she had on beneath it. He closed them tighter, though, knowing she hadn’t yet told him he could peek yet and the resulting laughter, sultry and sweet like honey was entirely worth it just like the rest of the night would be… 
The kitchen was filled with laughter, music lightly floating through the background. Her sides were starting to ache but it felt so good that she didn’t care. Eli leaned back into Cullen’s arms, cheeks rosy and warm as she tipped her head to rest against his shoulder, peering up to him. She couldn’t remember ever being with anyone who’d made her feel this way before -- so light, so loved. It must have shown in her eyes as they met his because she only had a second to process the desire that shifted through his amber eyes before he was kissing her breathless. 
With a soft gasp followed by a low moan she turned, slipping her arms around his neck. Before she knew it his hands were on her hips, lifting her to set her on the counter. He seemed to take a second to breathe, the briefest of pauses to make sure she was alright and that there was no trace of protest before he was kissing her again. If kissing Rylen was like drowning in desire, kissing Eli was like a rush of spring air, warm and gently demanding in the most wonderful of ways. He couldn’t imagine his life without either of them, but he was so grateful for moments like this, that he could have moments like this. 
Cullen drew back slowly, touching his nose to hers, pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth only to lean back, smiling. His smile brought the light of the sun to his face, warm and just a bit sheepish. “This isn’t going to get the rest of dinner put away.” 
“Says the man who put me up here,” she laughed, closing her eyes in an attempt to find her breath, always amazed by how easily he could take it away. From the den she heard a woof which drew another soft, breathless laugh. “See… Sari agrees with me.” 
“Traitor…” He muttered beneath his breath, acting cross for the briefest of moments before kissing her again. They’d get back to the leftovers sooner or later… Probably later…
“We’re going to miss our reservations.” He’d made plans this year, just as he tried to make plans every year. For Garret Hawke plans were often things to be shuffled around or rescheduled, especially when they involved plans with Anders. The medic had gotten much better over the years, started taking better care of himself, dropped a few bad habits and picked up a handful of others that were less detrimental to their relationship. It wasn’t always easy, but they’d made things work after a fair amount of growth and work between them. 
“We’re not going to miss our reservations. They’re not for another hour and a half, Hawke -- that’s more than enough time for me to finish getting dressed, make sure Liberty and Barkus have had their Valentine’s treats and be on our way.” His lips pursed together into a pout as he looked over to the other man after pulling his shirt down over his head, taking the time to smooth wrinkles that weren’t there out of it. He loved Garret desperately and it had taken him more time than it should have to come to terms with that, even longer to come to terms with the idea that he could be loved that fiercely in return. Spending a day with him meant everything… Spending this day with him meant more. 
“We are going to miss our reservations if you keep looking at me like that while looking like that, though.” Hawke grinned as he stepped up, slipping an arm around Anders’ middle as he planted a kiss on the corner of the other man’s mouth. “Check your hair once or twice more, like I know you’re going to do, grab that necklace you’ve changed your mind on twice… This shirt is fine. It was fine the last time you put it on before you tried something else and it will go well with that coat that you love that you swear doesn’t match the jeans you have on, but it does. I’ll feed your cat and Barkus and then we’ll be on our way. Dinner and a movie. Normal Valentines. Promise.” 
“Normal?” His heart swelled as he looked at Hawke, reaching up to rest a hand alongside the other man’s face. He leaned in to brush a soft kiss to the other man’s lips, his expression radiating all of the love and affection he had found a hard time giving voice to for so long. “Nothing about being with you is normal, Hawke… And that’s part of what I love about it. About you. About us...”
He approached the tub with two glasses of wine, holding one out to his lover and waiting for him to take it before reaching down to trail his fingers through the water. It was warm enough that it would feel wonderful, the steam already reminding him that Ryn’s next business trip would take them somewhere away from the snow that had fallen outside. They’d stayed in that night, not wanting to get caught out if it came back with a vengeance -- an excuse on his part, really. In truth, he’d just wanted Ryn to himself. 
 He set his glass down on the edge of the tub as he stepped up and into the water, seeming entirely satisfied as he sank down into it opposite the other man. He nudged his lover’s hip with his foot as he leaned back, retrieving his glass to take a sip. “This? This is the life, amatus. Warm, comfortable, quiet dinner at home, wine… You.” His smile was warm, eyes only for the man sitting across from him. He’d known that Ryn was the type of man he could easily find himself falling for almost from the start but he hadn’t expected them to be so good together, so good for each other. 
He took another sip of his wine, easing back again and closing his eyes. It was a moment before he heard the soft clink of a glass being set down across from him, the shift of water moving around him as Ryn leaned forward, kneeling between his knees. He opened his eyes in time to see the other man leaning in, following his lover’s movement as he plucked the glass from his fingers and set it down as well. When he felt Ryn’s lips press against his he pressed back, fingers sliding into the other man’s hair to draw him down closer. Ryn was the best part of this, the best part of everything. Ryn made their house home, made wherever they went when he traveled somewhere that he wanted to be. 
Dorian often thought that Ryn was a better man than him, had thought at first that Ryn might be too good for him -- too good to be true. They’d unearthed flaws, grown and evolved and now they were so good together. Their romance was the kind meant for lifetimes, not just for a single day, and he intended to make sure that Ryn knew that in every way.  
“Tethras Investigations.” He’d kicked back in his chair, heels on the corner of his desk, the pages for the novel he’d been working on tucked into folders on the opposite side. He had a deadline to meet, but deadlines could wait. Deadlines meant little when it came to spending Valentines with the light of his life, especially when it came to having the opportunity to dress up while doing so. 
He reached up to tip his at up just enough that he could get a good look at her as she came in the door. For a second he lost character -- more than a second, honestly. It was going to take a beat or two for him to pick his jaw up off of the floor. “Shit, Gadget, you didn’t tell me you were going that far out. If I’d’ve known I would’ve done more than just put together some things from my closet…” He caught himself as she clicked her tongue to chastise him, clearing his throat in an attempt to find his character again. “What can I do for you, doll?”
His eyes followed her as she sashayed towards his desk, the glamor of the vintage fashion suiting her far better than he would have expected. He didn’t know why he hadn’t expected that, really, given how good she looked in just about everything she put on. If the Renaissance Festival had been any proof of that, well… 
“I’ve heard you’re good at what you do, possibly the best.” She made her way around to his desk, nudging his feet down off of the corner so she could take a seat on the edge of it. Grinning, Lani leaned back on one hand, resting a foot on the chair between his thighs. “Tell me, Mr Tethras… Are you the best?” 
She was going to be the death of him, the absolute utter death of him. He cracked again, for a shorter spell this time, recovering by holding her gaze as he rested his hand on her calf as he leaned in to brush his lips to her knee. “That all depends, ma’am, on what you’ve heard I’m the best at… Why don’t you let me know and we’ll go from there? All I’ll say up front is that I never leave a job unfinished or a dame unsatisfied.” That was enough to trip her up, his knack for witty dialogue and bad one-liners finally coming through. The resulting laughter was well worth it. 
Shit, everything with her was worth it. She’d done so much for him in the time they’d known one another, drawing him out of a bottle he hadn’t known he’d been hiding him and introducing him to some of the most beautiful parts of life. Whatever he’d done, however he’d managed to get this lucky, Varric knew he’d never be able to top convincing Lanira to be his wife. 
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thecraftyhedonist · 4 years
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Two sides of the same coin! This blue and gray Iron bull went in the mail today! #ridethebull #theironbull #dragonagedildos #fantasydildo #thecraftyhedonist https://www.instagram.com/p/CD2fZnBJKlD/?igshid=1tnq6p46aivji
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ryokoyuuki · 4 years
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Guess what finally made queue and is going live next month?! You're not gonna wanna miss this set Kadan 💛 Swipe for 🌶️ set will be available exclusively CosplayDeviants.com July 15th. -- #dragonage #dragonageinquisition #dai #dragonagecosplay #dacosplay #theironbull #ironbull #kadan #inquisitor #cosplay #videogames #pc #ps4 #xbox https://www.instagram.com/p/CByUaZlDyJQ/?igshid=ogoyzcgjwrtq
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dragonhoardofpens · 5 years
The Iron Bull’s Nightmare: Just Another Bad Dream
Ar Abelas Vhenan
The words distorted through the darkness, twisting like mist flowing in the empty space around the Qunari. 
“Kadan?! Kadan you know I can’t understand you when you speak Elvish.” 
Ar Abelas Vhenan
A light ahead, the words growing louder with each echoing step. 
“Kadan?! Kadan where are you?!” 
Distress growing like a festering wound inside his chest, steps quickened, fear rising within him. This place, the darkness he had not seen since he was very small. Waking in Tama’s arms rocking and screaming as she soothed him. 
“Tama I’m scared..” The memory a ghost of what it was brought to life once more in this dark place “If it gets in my head.. How do I cut it out?..” 
Sobs echoed around him, cries of pain, then a light. Green mist flowed through the darkness lighting a silhouette in the distance. “Kadan? Answer me please?!” The figured turns eyes aglow with with harsh green light. This was not his Kadan, it couldn’t be.. Vallaslin near unrecognisable, twisting into harsh glowing veins around is face like cracks in a clay doll. His hair was different too long on one side framing his face in a tangle of sweat and matted blood. 
“Kadan? Is that you? What’s wrong, why do you look like that? Kadan?!”
Abelas… Ar Lath Ma
The green haze around them seemed to grow tight, thickening around the elfish figure, cries of pain soon filled the darkness in a harsh almost physical sound, and then, nothing. 
The Iron Bull woke with a start, what remained of his bedding was soaked in sweat, his face wet with fresh tears, eyepatch ascue on the side of his head. It was still dark out the only visible light came from the moon through the large hole in the wall opposite the bed. He could hear voices in the tavern below, the bard singing the song about Sera, the maidens voice rang through the walls in what would normally be a soothing tone to drunk patrons. Not tonight, tonight it seemed irree to the Qunari, hollow in the way it rang around him, louder, more clear and harsh. 
Rolling from the bed his heavy feet it the wood with a loud thud, the boards creaked under his weight. 
“Just another bad dream.” He tried to tell himself aloud, it was more real that way, but his voice shook more than he thought it should’ve. He found his pants among the ripped bedding beside him, tugging them on he turned to find his door opened agar, not how he remembered leaving it, with a heavy sigh he glanced around. “Not tonight kid.” His voice rough and dry. When he glanced back to the door Cole was there, ghostly figure almost floating in the dim light. 
“You were screaming, The Iron Bull,  I thought you were hurt..” 
Bull cut him off, hopeful the boy had stuck to his promise not to go digging through his head. 
“It’s nothing kid. Just a bad dream.” A crooked smile hung on his face like an Orlesian mask. Bull raised his hand ushering the boy out as he headed down to the tavern, footsteps growing more steady as he took in the world around him, pushing aside the dream.
(To be continued???)
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nerd-elf · 3 years
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surrealmakeup · 4 years
Love her Dragonage cosplay 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 . . #Repost @countessalyx ・・・ Senpai inquisitor 💚 #cosplay #tiktok #tiktokcosplay #dragonageinquisition #dragonagecosplay #theironbull #theironbullcosplay #ironbull #cosplayersofinstagram #cosplaydiy https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Ffj0dDIXI/?igshid=1houky6g0p51w
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sathtrash · 5 years
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The Iron Bull is definitely NOT my favourite Dragon Age character, how dare you make those assumptions #dragonage #dragonageinquisition #theironbull #adoribull #kadan ##irodethebull https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FhpsqnJMC/?igshid=ta2bbh3jfr3n
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