#elvhen inquisitor
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One more piece titled 'going wild in procreate fueled by Solavellan angst'
I need Dreadwolf teasers like I need air
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hejee · 9 months
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morrigan mansplaining elvhen culture while playing as lavellan hits so close to home (ily morrigan but this is not it 😭)
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pintura · 2 months
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My Inquisitor ocs Dahlas and Ethvir
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agentoffenharel · 19 days
All the stuff about Veilguard that we had this week made me go down memory lane, and watch all the recordings I made of my canon Inquisition playthrough. I can't wait to see my moonpies together again, and in full fucking glam nonetheless.
So, delight yourselves with the last time they saw each other, during the Trespasser DLC.
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ekalita-blr · 8 months
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Vir Dirthara: Duel of a Hundred Years Small story of my elven Inquisitor Thia Da'halla. She is real ancient elvhen who was accidentally drawn into the mess with Corypheus
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vacantvisage · 6 months
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I realized i never actually went out of my way to show Dirthadin's Vallaslin change.
His original Vallaslin is a mixture of Dirthamen and Falon'Din, such as he is named.
After the Well, Solas removes his Vallaslin, but Dirth regrets it so much he asks Abelas to give him a new one of Mythal, which is a dragon made of tree branches.
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iridescentmemoria · 2 years
Tearing down the Veil
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lethalhoopla · 2 years
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always want more chance to have Casual Intimacy Moments with romances in bioware games,,,
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t4l4r · 8 months
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Art challenge 3. Gothic tea party
A redraw of my old drawing Naaryel
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flashhwing · 1 month
still remember the first conversation with dorian in inquisition and I was soooooo excited to meet everyone’s favorite canonically gay boy and was planning to romance him and then he went off defending slavery to my face and I just. this one? this guy??? this is your man??????
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bronsautracks · 2 years
I played through jaws of hakkon again and EVERY TIME I finish the “where we once walked” and hear Ameriden’s Telana memory I get riled up because WHY..
did they shoehorn in a direct and translation of “tela’nadas” (nothing is inevitable) UNLESS it was to put rest to that specific, word-for-word translation being commonly attributed to solas’ response, “banal nadas” (possibly: the void/end is inevitable, an unfortunate inevitably/it must be done) to the nightmare demon in the fade.
Further support of this key difference in the meaning of the two phrases lie in:
The romanced inquisitor angry reaction to trespasser conclusion- “ma lasa banal ghilana!” (You lied to me/you led me astray, or more literally, you gave me bad/poor guidance)
Solas’ own admission, regarding his personality- “I AM grim and fatalistic” He’s not an optimist. He hears the nightmares taunts and responds with, “it is what it is,” because ya boy effed up miserably and is just doing his best with what he has.
And like I never wanted to argue this so when I last made a post about the revelation YEARS AGO someone said “it can be both” and I went with it because I’m not really big on discourse BUT IT CANTBE BOTH OKAY, they are representative of entirely opposing ideals and all I have as proof are these two points and the click of it all coming together in my brain that grinds against the thought that it’s being misinterpreted ever, even once.
So yeah, I think certainly ‘banal’ is literally translated as ‘Nothing’ but capital nothing, as in “The nothing” or “the void” which means that using it as a descriptive word or prefix would just give negative connotation to the following word or phrase, hence: “You gave me poor guidance!/you misled me!” (Ma lasa banal ghilana) “the end is inevitable/an unfortunate inevitability” (banal nadas)
Where as “tel” means ‘nothing’ as in “no thing” “not a thing” “none” so instead of negative, the connotation is nullifying, hence: “nothing is inevitable” (tela’nadas) “no apologies!/you’re not sorry!” (Tel’abelas!)
Also, Netflix, BioWare, Jesus, whoever, please, a show about inquisitor Ameridan next time you feel like doing a whole animated dragon age project. 🙏 absolution was great and after seeing it and playing jaws of hakkon I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED
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siennadraws · 2 years
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Sketchbook dump featuring Terys in some Black Sails outfits (plus a mysterious one I saw on P*nt*r*st and in stays) and in old-timey painting poses. Also, Solas, quoting BS because I love this series so much.
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w-e-r-e-wolves · 1 year
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I have run Through the fields Of pain and sighs
I have fought To see the other side
I am the one Who can recount What we've lost
I am the one Who will live on
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kierarhawke · 7 months
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*presents with sparkling eyes the collage I made in the wee hours of the morning for one of my stories because of how much I love it* 🥺💕
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ekalita-blr · 8 months
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Mini-headcanons section "Did you know that:" The ritual puzzles in the Elven temples were not constant and changed on their own from time to time (magic is no doubght~~), and the order of solving them changed accordingly. For some reason Thia constantly got confused with those puzzles. She could spend hours struggling to find the right solution of these magic tiles (“The Void take them!”) without any result. The inhabitants of the temple chuckled at this without malice, Oracius openly laughed, but refused to give any solving hints😈. And Thia felt very embarrassed when she, the main priest by the way, once again could not solve these stupid puzzles☺
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bloomingdead · 2 years
as annoying as it is Solas’ villain arc (so far) actually makes sense. he helped the inquisition save the world but secretly only for the sake of elvhen restoration. and if you romanced him he literally just fell in love w Lavellan by accident. it makes sense that he is conflicted because he is in love with someone that exposes him to human, dwarven, elven, and qunari people of incredibly different backgrounds who he ends up warming to. Or if you didn’t romance him, he’s still close friends with someone who exposes him to all that. not to mention the inquisitor saving the ENTIRE world of Thedas regardless of anyone’s race. and in the case of Lavellan (or really any inquisitor that doesn’t believe in the chantry) unifying these people under a banner she doesn’t even believe in just for this cause that she sees as bigger than herself. he feels for the people he plans to disregard who exist in this world, but he believes they simply never should have existed in this state to begin with.
he truly believes that the world is simply broken, and that he is the only one aware of how to save it. he believes all disagreements/wars/slavery in this world ultimately reach back to the fall of Elvhenan and the creation of the veil (“his” world). Solas does not see this place, this “Thedas,” as the same world he chose to enter his slumber in. he feels so detached from the world around him that he cannot let the fault be on him, he is not the one who is in the wrong place, but instead it’s EVERYTHING around him that is wrong.
i think people tend to forget (since his ultimate goal is restoring the elvhen people) that regardless of how righteous his rebellion may seem, his plan is extremist in nature. he plans to expose EVERYONE to magic in a world that is overwhelmingly fearful and hateful towards mages. imagine how scared those people will be receiving or witnessing magic like they’ve never seen before. think of how MUCH worse things could get before they get better. he’s trying to force a hundred year plan into (less than..?) a decade.
Solas is kind of fuckin crazy, let’s be real. he’s not going to make perfect sense in the game where he was hiding half of himself the whole time. let’s have a little hope since we have only got the beginning of this arc so far. DA:D is going to be his full arc, we can’t pretend like inquisition was supposed to give us the full story when they literally left Trespasser on a cliffhanger for a reason. this fandom always goes through a haterade phase before new content is released but we gotta chill
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