#The randal one is my fave
phrandallanton · 3 months
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Had a drawing fit last night, drew all these at 2 in the morning lol
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bobmckenzie · 4 months
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🌳🔅🍉 picnic study date! 🧺🍀🥪
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juniaships · 2 years
I have an idea for my monsters inc SI so she a human woman babysitting Boo while her parents are away and discovers the monster world and has to team up with Mike and Sully to find her and Boo's way back home. During which she and Sully develop mutual crushes but are aware monster society won't accept humans so quickly.
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lizardsfromspace · 1 month
My fave RFK Jr. campaign ad was the one where he rambled about "organic pest control" while ladybugs crawled all over him. It looked low-res because every RFK Jr. campaign ad looks and sounds like a VHS tape you find in a valley after hikers go missing.
People will be debating what he was for many years to come. Is he the Kennedy Curse embodied into a man? Was he Randall Flagg? Was he some sort of congealed mass of the country's runaway id, a kind of Armus for American? Is he, as Dante wrote about in Dante's book, Dante's Inferno, someone whose soul went to Heck before he died so his body could be puppetered by some kind of demon? Is he some kind of omen of doom? Underneath, is he made of locusts?
All are valid possibilities, but all we know is that there was a guy who ran for President who apparently likes to attract swarms of vermin & to skin wildlife he kills to see what they look like on the inside, and who blithely uploaded campaign ads that visibly showed his own supporters repulsed and unsettled by what he's saying. May we live to see his like again
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luulapants · 4 months
do you have nonfiction book recs? either all time/go-to recs or things that feel important/timely to you right now? i want to read more nonfiction & you seem like someone who would have good recommendations
Hey, so I have given non-fiction recommendations before, which will include most of the important or all-time faves, but I'm happy to talk about what I'm reading more recently!
Full disclosure, I tend to read 10-20 books all at once very slowly, and I also tend to read weird, obscure books that weren't in good enough condition to get sent into prisons. Non-fiction I'm working on now:
Men, Women, and Chainsaws: gender in the modern horror film by Carol J. Clover - not very timely but SO interesting oh my god
The Tao of Statistics: a path to understanding (with no math) by Dana K. Keller - for learning vibes-based statistics
What If? 2 by Randall Munroe - the most fun you'll ever have reading about science, also great for reading before bed
Union: the struggle to forge the story of United States nationhood by Colin Woodard - CWood is my BOY for historical analysis
Health Communism: a surplus manifesto by Beatrice Adler-Bolton and Artie Vierkant - this one is really timely and important and also SUPER dense and actually requires an attention span so actually I'm having my dad read it and then deliver long, rambling lectures to me about what he's read, which probably takes longer than it would to just read it myself, but it's good father-daughter bonding
In the Light of Justice: the rise of human rights in Native America and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by Walter R. Echo-Hawk - I just started this one, but I'm told it does a good job of focusing on modern realities of indigenous justice as impacted by historical evils
Resistance, Rebellion, and Death by Albert Camus - because the issues we're dealing with in society aren't new and letters written during WWII are still relevant to politics today
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Announcing Walkerverse Fan Favorites Weekend!
We all have those characters. Regardless of the media, there's always that one little blorbo, your special gremlin, that only YOU can truly appreciate. Surely the home media doesn't!
Well, that's what this precious event is here for! It's a weekend to celebrate those Walkerverse characters that didn't get enough screentime or appreciation from canon or even the fandom.
This weekend will take place from November 18-19th. I made this event specifically to celebrate Randall and Cordell the Horse but I know everyone has their own faves to celebrate! So I've decided on one day for my faves and a second day for everyone else's faves.
Here is the schedule I've come up with:
Saturday, November 18th- Randall and Cordell the Horse Day
Sunday, November 19th- Your Faves Free Day
**Regulations for Fan Favorites**
Cannot be a main, regular, or even recurring character
Must be in 5 episodes or less of the canon content
Must be a character you love and appreciate
Some examples of characters that fit these requirements:
Hoyt Rawlins (Walker)
Keesha Barnett
DJ James
Twyla Jean
Connie (Ranger HQ)
Shane Davidson
Nathaniel Hagan
Eli McDowd
Ethan (Pinkerton Detective)
Rules for participation:
Creations can be anything that celebrate your Fave of choice. Fanfic, gifs, moodboards, fanvids, the sky's the limit!
Creations must be submitted within the dates outlined in the schedule
Use the tag #walkerverse fan faves so I can find your creations and include them. If you want to make extra sure that I see it, feel free to tag or DM me
Please be respectful of other peoples' creations and Faves
Have fun!
Taglist under the cut (if you would like to be added, please let me know!)
@not-your-housekeeper98, @laf-outloud, @jaredwalkertexasranger, @mysterybeau, @sweet-sammy-kisses, @aborddelimpala, @kickingitwithkirk, @theladywyn, @neptunium134, @rhl74, @peachparakeet, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @loveforwomenstuff, @lowsodium-freak, @ihavepointysticks, @waywardmaslow, @arte-mishuntress, @the-slythering-raven, @deeranger, @duo-kun, @inafieldofdaisies
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klugenjoyer · 10 months
thjoughts on clive. love from clive
Long post inkoming
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Omd guys it's my twin?!? Anyways oh boy I h-h-HATE that guy... He's so 🤢🤢🤢UGGLY and B-BAD😡😡😡
Okay but in all seriousness bro I adore him more then y'all could know. Well uh ppl who follow this hmmm mysterious anon who I definitely don't know now know what the degree of Clive brain rot I have (can't mention it here but if you know you know). But like
I knew Clive would get me as soon as I found out who he was. So for context, Luke is the reason I started playing the PL series. Anyone who knows me personally would know how me bait Luke is, I am VERY predictable. So when I learned there was this guy who had the grand plan of pretending to be Luke from the future to infiltrate Layton's life I was like oooo boy (also yes I unfortunately didn't get to go into UF blind) . What rlly marked my Clive journey's real start was definitely learning his name. Clive Dove. I got the spoiler of bruvs name from when my dear mutual reblogged q picture of him with the Clive Dove tag on it and I was like "bro... HIS NAME IS CLIVE?!?!?!?". Then the devolvation into madness really started. Uh insert discord screenshots
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When it comes to head cannons though I will definitely say we all know Clive is trans fr. When it comes to my specific trans HCs for them I really enjoy transfem Clive (its a comfort hc 4 me) but when I'm doing stuff like officially like my official HCs that I stick closer too transmasc Clive. Why? Layton parallels. My whole life is fighting to make as many parallels between the two as I can mate it's a problem. It's just too interesting to me.
Other HC wise uhhh CLIVE HAS FRECKLES FIGHT ME I love planting subtle inconsistencies between him and Luke sm.
When it comes to drawing Clive I will definitely say I do enjoy drawing him more than Luke namely due to him having a tie😱😱.
My biggest struggle in drawing him prolly uhhh the freckles I curse myself with along with just his color palette ig. I can never decide how dark I want his hair to be. But tbf I do just have inconsistent coloring in my art sooo what can you do.
Other stuff to talk about with this awful man.... OH RIGHT! I'm STILL not over him being British Yuri Lowenthal like bro💀. It's so bad randall is also British Yuri Lowenthal like stawppp💀. Anyone who knows about me and my interests knows that I have a trying relationship with Yuri Lowenthal. Clive atp is prolly my fav Yuri Lowenthal character but I don't think he can take up the og for my fave yuri lowenthal voice performance (I LOVE YOSUKE!!!!)
If I'd have to pick like my favorite Clive thing... Probably still Sallufix's 'This Hurts' animation holy shit that thing is so good. The fact that tumblr user sallufix is my mutual still baffles me I am so in love with and enchanted by their work like hold shit they are like... The Clive drawer of all time to me. Also uh he made Envicto and I am obsessed with that man to no end no one even knows.
Anyways funny pictures to leave this post off with
This first one is my fave, it's my banner on my alt I still haven't used yet 🤎
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Secondly we have this screen shot of someone saying "why would Goro Akechi lie" which I replaced with Clive dove (the I get in ubers and start lying one was also originally Akechi). May I note I'm surprised but also glad that I don't see many Clive Akechi parallel truthers
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And finally the picture that I made to match with my friend the other night because we thought it was funny idk
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Since you've read some of my attempts to grapple with Jason Isaacs playing characters who aren't Tavington, I wanted to ask, what is your favorite role of his (excluding the evil redcoat option)?
Currently, my fave is probably still Jackson Brodie from Case Histories. D.J. from Event Horizon is adorable, but there really isn't enough of him. But, I feel like it should be Hook, and perhaps by the end of today, he will be!
Tonight I’ve been enjoying this fun and lively Ask from @lyledebeast about Jason Isaacs in the big wide world outside the Evil Redcoat Pipeline! Many thoughts…
I do indeed love Isaacs’s take on Captain Hook in the 2003 Peter Pan adaptation—no notes there whatsoever. And I never can seem to resist a good procedural, so Case Histories is up there as well with high marks for Isaacs’s portrayal of Jackson Brodie—another great adaptation from the source material. But those are scarcely the sole pinnacles of non-ERP Isaacs for me. Here I want to dive into more obscure Isaacs roles that have captured my heart.
My favorite Jason Isaacs character who isn’t Will Tavington depends on whether we’re talking comedic roles or dramatic ones. How tremendously bisexual of me to diversify my preferences thusly, I suppose! It’s how we roll here in the Republic of Randall, after all. Let’s get right into this delightful juxtaposition of the silly and the serious.
For the former, I’m unambiguously and gleefully fond of Clark Devlin from the wonderfully hammy 2002 The Tuxedo action comedy. There are several reasons for this, naturally. Jackie Chan is perfect and has never done a thing wrong in his life. And I love the genuine and heartwarming support shown by Devlin towards protagonist Jimmy Tong. Devlin being a clear James Bond expy also evokes my own sexual awakening and early fandom forays, and the kinds of characters who generally pique my interest. No surprise then that a cluster of my present work exploring the twisted and tortured mind of Black Jack Randall from the Outlander TV adaptation and source novels delves into parallels between Black Jack, his descendant Frank who is an actual master spy, and Ian Fleming’s original characterization of Bond.
For the latter, I’ve always been quietly impressed with Isaacs’s performance as David in the incisively apt 2006 Friends with Money satirical drama. Not one of his higher-profile roles to be sure, but a stunningly effective condemnation of the bitter and petty tendencies that so often consume the sorts of idle rich people depicted in the film. I’ve always loved Nicole Holofcener’s work—and Catherine Keener ranks among my all-time favorite actors handily—so I was certainly well poised to appreciate this lesser-known performance from Isaacs even before I delved into the wonderful world of Tavington fandom. Entirely apropos of this, David clearly presents a contemporary spin on Tavy’s perennial penchant for being toxic in his expensive little outfits!
These choices come with the caveat that I have yet to see all of Jason Isaacs’s performances in recorded media. And I’ll forever be lamenting that I haven’t gotten the chance to see him act in stage roles, especially his early 90s work on Angels in America as Louis Ironson. But of the ones I have seen, these two hold special places in my heart.
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dont-offend-the-bees · 8 months
Nine Five people I'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @firstaudrina 🥰💛 Thank you darling!
Last Song: Crystal Caving by Darlingside - went to see them this weekend and they were gorgeous 💛
Favourite Colour: Changes with the tides. In a bit of a green era right now, but often come back to yellow with pink & yellow as a fave combination.
Last Book: I've been in a bit of a slower reading stage for a few months now, sort of picking at several different books, but the last one I finished was Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk on the recommendation of bestie @kieren-fucking-walker. Palahniuk's writing style really propels you along and it was appropriately unhinged 💛 I also recently read Bryan Lee O'Malley's latest graphic novel Seconds, which I really enjoyed although the romance subplot turned out to be a bit underbaked and it kinda lesbian-baited me a little 😅
Last Movie: Me and the folks just watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off, an all-time favourite. And now that I've got some space to myself I treated myself to a Jaws night 🥰🥰🥰
Last TV Show: Just been watching some Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) because it's an old fave of mum's. The show I'm chugging along through myself atm is good ol' Hatecrimes House MD.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: Mostly savoury, but got a real sweet tooth for fresh fruit
Relationship Status: Single and too lazy/awkward to do nought about it </3 Fellow fags come flirt with me
Last Thing I Googled: em9 ukulele - I keep forgetting to make a note of the shapes of the more niche chords and having to go look 'em up
Current Obsession: 'Tis still Saw 😔 Feel free to ask me for my horror/Saw fic sideblog but only if you can be trusted with my secret identity and dark/kinkfic lmao
Looking Forward To: I have a trip to London planned and I'm gonna see some friends and some mutuals and I'm going to wear my stupid dinosaur shirt (it's a white tee with a T-Rex and the word FASCINATING printed above it) and draw the critters in the Natural History Museum. Also looking forward to having my big room revamp done, my cosy bed nook is basically there but now there's more furniture to customise! And of course I'm looking forward to some more changes, I'm one month on T and counting - gonna have the nastiest little rat moustache 🥰💛
I'm gonna tag @evilphrog @girl-bateman @theflirtmeister @motherdanger @captainclickycat and anyone else who feels like sharing, consider yourself tagged!
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idkanymoretbf · 11 months
my honest analysis on ballon d'or from 30 to 21:
30. ruben dias - they robbed him, he was the best cb last season, deserves at least top 20
29. martin odegaard - i feel like this is perfect place for him ngl
28. randal kolo muani - i'll be honest he deserves to be on the 30th place (not a bad player at all it's just that the others who were nominated were better)
27. nicolo barella - i don't whatch inter milan that much, but the highlights i saw of him were amazing, an inredible cm.
26. jamal musiala - deserves higher imo because he had an amazing season but ok
25. josko gvardiol - had a good world cup but how is he over ruben lol
24. bukayo saka - i think he's really talented and i love him but some of the players above deserves a better place than him
23. andre onana - as i said, i don't watch inter milan usually but how on earth is he nominated and mats isn't?
22. kim min-jae - top 3 cbs last season, well deserved
21. antoine griezmann - i don't care if he deserves or not i will always root for him. one of the best in our gen.
btw this is just my opinion, don't get mad if i roasted your fave a little bit! 🙏
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101flavoursofweird · 4 months
How about Henry Ledore with 20, 21 and 23 for the character ask game?
((Sorry for the delay!))
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Henry & Angela. Henry & Angela. HENRY & ANGELA, my beloveds. My wonderful (sometimes platonic/sometimes romantic) ship. My fake married friends—
The relationships between all members of the Stansbury gang feel so rich and deep and there’s so much history and angst, but these were the two who STUCK TOGETHER.
They care about each so much, regardless of romantic feelings or not. 
No matter what, Henry loved Angela. He gave her a choice and a place to live when her parents decided she HAD to marry someone she didn’t love. He wanted to spend his life with Angela, searching for Randall.
No matter what, Angela loved Henry. She didn’t turn her back on him, even when Mr. Ascot disowned him. (I fully believe Angela let Henry stay with her family in Stansbury.) So many people gave up on finding Randall alive — Randall fell in a hole, can you blame them?— or they did agree to help find Randall for the reward money. Angela didn’t stay with Henry for money, even though he could provide for her. She stayed with him because she believed in Randall and she believed in Henry and Henry shouldn’t have to search for Randall alone. She stayed even though she could see the strain that the search and the Mask of Chaos/Masked Gentleman was having on Henry. (Even when he was acting coldly, she stayed with him.) She stayed because she loved Henry. 
Randall & Henry, or Hershel & Henry or Dalston & Henry are all interesting and have their touching moments too, but Henry & Angela stuck together for eighteen years.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Henry is just… one of the most self-sacrificing characters in the series. (And most of my faves are self-sacrificing.) I love the loyalty, the dedication and the angst that comes with Henry. Also, it’s hilarious writing for pre-MM Henry when he’s so cold and RUDE to anyone outside of Angela and Mrs Ascot. He’s especially rude to Dalston. Even to LAYTON.
Sometimes I second guess myself if I’m writing dialogue for Pre-MM Henry and I think, “That’s a bit mean… Would Henry really say that to Alphonse Dalston? To his childhood friend? How could one of my favourite characters be so mean?”
And the answer is… Yes. Yes Henry could. He totally would. And it’s hilarious. I get why Henry acted like that, but he’s still mean and it’s hilarious. 
For something I don’t like… Personally I find it difficult writing about Henry’s interactions with Randall’s parents. According to Hershel’s journal, Henry was dismissed from the Ascot household. They dismissed the boy who’s worked (and presumably) lived with them since childhood. Their son’s childhood friend, who they almost saw as a second son. It’s easy to pin the entirety of the blame on Mr. Ascot for this, since we never see him and we know he’s somewhat strict from what Randall says about him. But I’m always kind of side-eyeing Mrs. Ascot in the scenes she’s in because… She was the lady of Ascot Manor. Maybe, as a lady in Old Timey England she couldn’t argue with Mr. Ascot’s decision to dismiss Henry (which I could take as a headcanon) but still… I’m giving her the side-eye.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
The rare pictures of when he’s smiling :D
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bobmckenzie · 8 months
sorry for thinking about which perfumes my f/o's would like best on me it will happen again
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c00kie-d0e · 2 years
(Self Aware Uncanny Valley AU)
This is an AU where all the game characters (John, You, Maison) become self aware.
You is my OC because idk what You looks like in the game lol
I made this so I can organize my thoughts and plan things like fanfics, animatics and stuff hehe
This gets updated a lot bc I change my mind frequently lmao I don't really take this seriously it's just a funny thing I made for one of my fave games!
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maybe in this Canon Divergence AU whatever shit, John is aware of their fan base and that's why they work so hard to get to You in the game. because You is like the bridge between his world and his fans world.
does Doe really love You? or is she in love with the physical real beings controlling You that makes him feel less alone (the players)
I feel like they'll have a platonic friendship outside of the game, because Doe is more interested in The Player themself. I also wanna see what John's personality is like aside from being in love
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Doe must want to get out of his "reality": people think she is a common pest, and his house is so messed up bc he probably has no one looking after them :( Maybe they want a way to escape her reality and thats why they r so in love with the Players???
You is just a placeholder character for the Player, and they can be mind controlled. Aside from that, they have their own personality, their own life, and dreams. You will go by they/she ig or any pronouns tbh bc they r supposed to be a stand-in for anyone playing the game
You has this barbie aesthetic and blue theme to complement Doe's emo aesthetic and red theme because THAT'S SO FUCKING FUN TO DRAW EEEEEEEEEEEEEK
Maison survives tho, and whenever You and Maison see each other in public, they glare at each other like mean girls
You and Doe prob paint each other's nails while talking about how to break the 4th wall. Doe blabbering on about their crush on the Player while You gets an existential crisis
maybe in the YES ending, You is actually the one controlling your actions, gaining sentience for the first time, and fuckin around saying random shit to freak you out lol
The timeloops in this AU are controlled by the Player. they happen everytime you start a new game. because that's really what happens: You is put in the same situation every single day because we keep replaying the game!!
maybe the reason this game looks like it takes place in the 2000s (You's phone) is because it's forever stuck in a timeloop even though our world is advancing
Since Purple RPG exists in the John Doe universe, and we play as randall (I think idk I haven't played the game yet), does that mean there are multiple people The Player can control? As in... Multiple "You"s? Then who is the person we are playing as in John Doe and House Hunted? Dundundunnnn
While Doe and You plan to escape, Maison can't because his true body is bound to Uncanny Valley (he is literally a house) so he tries to get the Player to come to him instead
Doe can definitely tell the difference between You and The Player controlling You. You is way more impulsive, clever and joking, while The Player controlling You acts more robotic in their body language and has limited responses, usually "YES" or "NO"
John Doe will still be clingy, because she never really had a friend before, not counting the eyebirds he feeds
Their friendship dynamic might be "Idiot & Idiot in Progress", "I'm Gonna do Evil & Don't Forget your Knife" or maybe even "I Love Him, He's Different & BITCH NO YOU DON'T"
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (23-29 Jul 2023)
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🥰 The Rift (seapigeon) - 53K, modern college no powers AU - there's witchcraft and ghosts and curses and art student steve and science nerd bucky and it was all very good!
😍 Six Kids and a Winnebago series (Oddree13) - 91K, omegaverse Steddie - this series is a thoroughly delightful domestic omegaverse(lite) set post s4 - excellent characterizations, great sense of time/place & really fantastic music references
🥰 Longing and Belonging (enjambament) - 44K, geraskier - governess!Jaskier, lots of great family stuff with Ciri & Yen [reread, a definite fave]
😍 if I'm gonna get back to you someday (napricot) - 46K, post Endgame fixit with "a clusterfuck of Steves" from different multiverses - so many good emotions!
😊 Roommate Wanted (Lihhelsing, tinkerbclla) - 66K, modern Steddie roommates-to-lovers, part epistolary with a dash of identity porn
💖💖 +110K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
the premature awakening of Bucky Barnes [at the hands of stupid, sexy, Post-run Steve] (MaddieWritesStucky (Madeleine_Ward)) - MCU: stucky, 3K - modern no powers stucky, several months on in the relationship between stripper!Bucky & architecht Steve [reread]
Galatea (saltandbyrne) - Inception: Arthur/Eames, 16K - a very good and delightfully melancholic modern myth telling
Shelter Case (Coragyps) - Suits: Mike/Harvey, 7K - futuristic dark dystopian omegaverse [reread]
Let Me Keep You (LeeHan) - MCU: stucky, 4K - Steve's oral fixation PWP  [reread]
D20: Adventuring Party - s1, e15-18
D20: A Crown of Candy - s5, e15-17
Good Omens - s2, e1-6
What Next: TBD Plus - Why Tech Lays Women Off First
⭐ Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus - Julia Gets Wise with Jane Fonda
Fire Island: The Tea - Thomás Matos
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1991: "Mind Playing Tricks on Me" by Geto Boys
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1993: "Hip Hop Hooray" by Naughty by Nature
Hot and Bothered - Live from Pemberley: The 2005 Movie (with Helen Zaltzman and Jenny Owen Youngs)
Re: Dracula - July 24: There Will be Some Trouble
Rachel Maddow Presents: Déjà News - Episode 6: “Hello America, this is Addis Ababa.”
50 MPH - 7 MPH / A Crash Course in Jan De Bont (with Bilge Ebiri)
⭐ Endless Thread - Best of Summer: The Loudest Sound
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Mapping the Gay Guides
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Spaces for Spies
Switched on Pop - Barbie and the plasticity of pop
Shedunnit - Cricket and Crime
Re: Dracula - July 26: Just Starting for Home
Ologies with Alie Ward - Sciuridology (SQUIRRELS) with Karen Munroe
Stuff The British Stole - The Fever Tree Hunt
The Waves Plus - How a Drag Queen Recreated the American Dream
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Knight’s Spider Web Farm
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Amazon Night Hikes
Our Opinions Are Correct - Encore Episode: We're in the wrong timeline, with Connie Willis and R.F. Kuang
99% Invisible #546 - The Country of the Blind
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1981: "Rapture" by Blondie
⭐ Decoder Ring Plus - A Brief History of Making Out
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Zelda: A Beep to the Past
Dear Prudence Plus - My Boyfriend Hid His Hobby From Me—Civil War Reenactments. Help!
⭐ Into It - Country Music’s Race Problem
What Next: TBD Plus - Washington vs. A.I.
Rivals: Music's Greatest Feuds - Robbie Robertson vs. Levon Helm: Broken Band
Re: Dracula - July 28: Four Days in Hell
Re: Dracula - July 29: Another Tragedy
Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: Don’t Believe Me, Just Watch
⭐ Strong Songs - "Killing Me Softly With His Song," as sung by Lauryn Hill, Roberta Flack, & Lori Lieberman
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - WWDTM: Randall Park
Fire Island: The Tea - Bambi Sue: Dredging Up the Past
Presenting The Who
People Just Wanna Have Fun [Kool & The Gang] {2023}
The Beach Boys Radio • Popular
"One Thing Leads To Another" [The Fixx] Radio
Dream Theater
Presenting Bruno Mars
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So... over the summer I finally watched Lost.
I can't believe I waited over a decade to watch this show. I used to read all of the recaps in my Entertainment Weekly magazines and was closely following the fan reactions throughout the final season. I remember everyone hating the final episode and I was shocked at that. I actually started the pilot twice within the decade, but it stressed me out so much that I switched to watching something more lighthearted lol. Well, this past summer, my mom and I watched the entire show. And we freakin loved it. (Duh.) (Also EVERYONE IS WRONG AND THE FINALE IS GREAT.)
Here are my thoughts because talking about 2000s television shows is my favorite thing:
I loved all of the characters and can't stand any of the hate I've seen online. THESE PEOPLE WERE GOING THROUGH SOME DEEP TRAUMA, OKAY?! My favorites: 1) Jack 2) Locke 3) Sayid 4) Sun 5) Sawyer
Jack was my favorite from the first episode. People who take on all this excess emotional responsibility are always my favorites (Matt Saracen! Randall Pearson!), but I found it so interesting to watch a character with a savior complex being thrown into a huge crisis. Did he make mistakes? Yes. Was he sometimes toxic and super messy? Obviously. But that made him an even stronger lead character and he, ultimately, was a layered and great deconstruction of the typical "hero" character. Y'ALL JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND JACK SHEPARD.
John Locke. "Walkabout". I don't even need to say more. Okay, yeah I do. He won me over in the previous episode, with him helping find Vincent and letting Michael take the credit. But this episode... I had chills. I was sobbing throughout the final five minutes. The episode got me completely obsessed with the show. John Locke was also a messy character, and he had his good and bad moments, but my God, was his story just so sad. I can't think about his ending because I'll start sobbing all over again.
Also the Jack/John dynamic was one of my favorite parts of the show. Every single one of their scenes was golden. The fact that their final conversation is what pushed John over the edge and made him want to commit suicide, AND THEN John's death and Jack's guilt over everything is what led JACK to want to commit suicide. THE HEARTBREAKING PARALLELS IN THIS SHOW MY GOD.
Okay but in the limited time I've been checking fan reactions, why does Sayid seem to be underrated?! WHY?! He was also one of my favorites from the very beginning and he's pretty much the only one to not let me down. (Okay, season 6 weirdness aside.) WHAT A MAN. If I was on that dang island, I would just be doing whatever Sayid did. Sayid says we should stay? We should stay. Sayid's going with Jack? I'm going with Jack. He was intelligent, thoughtful, strong, had finesse, could do weird things with his legs (not sexual). Yeah, he had the most yiiiikes backstory of being a torturer, but... I'D FOLLOW HIM ANYWHERE.
SUN WAS A QUEEN. She had the most iconic lines. Her takedowns... incredible. I love how at the start she was seen as the most "pure" one on the island, but she also had all these secrets and was lowkey manipulative. (I love how her arc is also the reverse of Jin's, who starts out as the worst, but becomes so sweet and everyone's fave later on. Not saying Sun became a bad person, but her character got darker while Jin's got lighter.) No one talk to me about the sub. NO ONE TALK TO ME ABOUT THE SUB.
Sawyer... first, I loved that he was a reader. Him with his little glasses... some of my favorite moments. I loved that his awfulness didn't go away in an episode. You'd have moments of him showing a deeper, more caring side, then he'd immediately remind you why you couldn't stand him. He was a jerk and didn't really shed that in until, what, season 3? He didn't really make the transition to "hero" until he jumped out of that helicopter though. Anyway, never met a character that hated himself more!!!
I was into the Jack/Kate/Sawyer love triangle for the first season and a half because they all seemed to have respect for each other. Okay, "respect" might not be the right word, but Jack and Sawyer's beef went way deeper than Kate. They never really fought each other over Kate, which was refreshing. The writers definitely dragged the triangle on for way too long, though, and at the detriment of Kate's character. Girl deserved better!!! The show should've focused on how Kate tried to redeem herself by always being there for everyone, but they kept her in love triangle limbo. I thought Kate/Sawyer made sense on the island, but they were ultimately indulging each other's worst traits. Like they bonded because they could relate to their shady pasts, so that was the strength of their relationship. Jack/Kate definitely won me over and I wish we got more happy moments of them off the island. This show could never let these characters have nice things!!!
Sawyer and Juliet... I like in theory. Buttttt I'm not as crazy about them as most fans. I think it's because I live for the build-up in a relationship and we skipped all that with them. I wanted to understand better why they were "it" for each other. But the Incident scenes, OH MY GOD WHY IS THIS SHOW MY NEW COMFORT SHOW WHEN IT IS SO PAINFUL?!
Sun/Jin, Jack/Kate, Desmond/Penny. Those are the ships.
(Okay and crackship is definitely Jack/Sawyer. Those two had CHEMISTRY.)
I love that all I've talked about are the characters. I need to rapid fire add my thoughts: I wish Danielle and Alex had more time. We deserved more scenes of them together. Danielle was a badass and Alex was, too, and their reunion took SOOO long to happen, then it was over. Also Alex lowkey had the saddest story on this show, thinking about her entire life but especially her last hour alive... I can't.
MICHAEL DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER!!! Michael and Walt had one of the most interesting dynamics, but I also loved his interactions with so many other characters, like Jin. I get why they had to write Walt off the show, with the child actor growing so fast, but to do Michael so dirty... WHY?! What he did was the worst (I can't recall anyone else senselessly killing someone in cold blood... no self-defense, just two innocent people), BUT I also felt bad because he was driven to that point by his child being taken from him. I wish the writers didn't have him tell Walt what happened because the way Michael's story ended was heartbreaking. And they should've brought Walt back once they did a time-jump!!! At the very least, they deserved to be in that church at the end.
I love that Ben has done so many awful things, literally committed genocide, and I'm just like, "Ahhhh, I love that funny little man".
Season 1 was definitely my favorite season. I didn't expect so much of it to be focused on the survival aspect... I expected more of the overt mystery elements to be the focus in the first season? But surprisingly, the survival story of the first season was my favorite. I felt like it gave everyone time to bond and they really became a little family. Later they get split up a lot, and the survival elements aren't the same, so I was nostalgic for the first season.
I've written so much and I haven't even talked about the individual seasons. I don't even think I can rank them. Season 1... easy favorite. Season 6... last. But the others all had parts I really liked and didn't like. Like season 2's first half, season 3's back half, and the concepts of seasons 4 and 5 were great (even though I think they could've been executed better in parts). One thing I wish we had was more of the Oceanic 6's time off-island. That was such a huge reveal and change in the story... I wish we saw how they were coping, not just with their lies and leaving everyone behind, but adjusting to "normal" life after being in intense survival mode for 100 days.
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not-poignant · 2 years
Unnecessary throwback, I just reread The Wind that Cuts the Night AGAIN (one of my faves) and I think about this every time i do, are there any authors or books in particular that influence your writing style? Because the vibes are impeccable in this fic and it’s something that makes me wonder about any inspiration you may have had <3
Hi anon!
I have read literally thousands of books, and I think every single one of them - especially the ones I've loved - have all influenced my writing style a little. From non-fiction to fiction.
There's definitely no single writer I want to emulate, because I pretty much never find exactly what I want to read out there. It's more like I find moments, and then I think 'oh I want to make a reader feel the way this writer made me feel right now' but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to write in their style? Or if it does, it will still be influenced by all the other things that have influenced me in the past.
*thinks* I've read so many authors it's almost impossible to single out the ones I love the most re: writing style, but here's a few: Ursula K. Le Guin, dgalerab on AO3, Robin Hobb (though I feel like I've aged out of her writing now), CS Pacat, Suzanne Clarke, Bill Bryson, Robert Holdstock, Mark Z. Danielewski, Asumiko Nakamura, Andrea Gibson, Martha Wells (particularly re: Murderbot), Hinako Takanaga, Chuuya Nakahara, John Fowles, Orson Scott Card (for all that he's a bigot homophobic dickhead), Sarah Monette / Katherine Addison, Alan Ball, Mike Schur, Brian Jacques, Cecilia Dart-Thornton, Dan Harmon, Randall Jarrell, Thomas Harris, Yana Toboso, Ono Natsume, Kim Dare, Moto Hagio, Scott Heim, Gerald Durrell, Tanith Lee, George Mackay Brown, early Lyn Gala, early Sidney Bell, early Roan Parrish, Ann-Marie MacDonald, William Goldman, a bunch of classic authors and poets that we don't have time for, Tamora Pierce, Philip Pullman, and like...more fic authors I'm forgetting, lol.
(There's a mix in here, including fic writers, poets, essayists, scriptwriters and novelists).
(Also I am under no illusions that I am anywhere as good as any of these writers, they're just the ones whose styles really inspire me. Except I know I'm missing like 100 others and that's going to annoy me, lmao, I am okay with being mediocre, when I have this greatness to aspire to).
(For all the people who've ever asked me to rec some stuff, there you go, there's the list sdalkfjas).
(For anyone who thinks my writing is good, all I can say is read broadly, widely, across genres, across mediums, it's the best way to improve what you do. Though I'm mad as fuck that the list doesn't have more POC in it. I need to read far more broadly).
(Anon I'm SO glad you enjoy that fic! It was such an indulgent little story :D)
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