I’m the summer soldier
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hakunawakanda · 10 months ago
Loki: what is that outfit?
Mobius, dressed as a cowboy: I just found a branch where I’m a little cowboy in a museum and I thought it was cool
Mobius: can you dress as a Roman guy?
Loki: what
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hakunawakanda · 10 months ago
Peter: I know your tastes
Charles: you know my tastes?
Peter: yes
Peter: MY DAD
Charles: he’s got a point.
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hakunawakanda · 1 year ago
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No but look at them. Sylvie is worried and runs off but Mobius is frozen and horrified. Mobius is the Loki expert. He knows the last time Loki said those words were when he let go and fell from the Bifrost. Mobius knows then that Loki isn’t coming back and just look at him and look at his eyes. Loki knew those words had meaning to only two of them, and those are the ones he chose as his farewell.
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hakunawakanda · 1 year ago
Mobius: So... For how long?
Loki: What?
Mobius: For how long have you been trying?
Loki: Mobius-
Mobius: I'm not an idiot, Loki! You're acting really weird. Running around, mumbling something, knowing what we're going to say before we even finish the sentence. And the way the TVA system works-- how do you know all that?
Loki: Mobius, please, wait, I-
Mobius: Look, all I'm asking you is for how long? Hm?
Loki: 4,5 billion years.
Mobius: 4,5 billion years...
Loki: It's okay, I promise.
Mobius: Why? Why would you even do that to yourself? What could ever be so important that you've been fighting for for so long?
Loki: What do you think? You. I had to find the way to save you.
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hakunawakanda · 1 year ago
I find it very hard to understand everyone's confusion regarding who he was talking to when he said “I know what kind of god I need to be. For you.” In the doorway, Sylvie runs off, but Mobius is frozen and horrified. Mobius is the Loki expert. Mobius knows then that Loki isn’t coming back and just stares in fear and petrification. Loki knew those words had meaning to only them, and those are the ones he chose as his farewell. Then he turns and advances towards the loom, where the Lokius theme was playing as he became the God of Stories because it was through Mobius’ guidance and unconditional love and support that they’ve come this far.
Mobius explaining to Loki in s2e2, "because it's not my life, this is. the tva is the only life i've ever known, i like it. i wanna thank the guy who brought me here, got me this pie." and the juxtaposition to the revelation that Loki is the one who brought Mobius to the tva in the first place and gave him his own Glorious Purpose makes him leaving the tva the moment Loki isn't there anymore louder than ever in terms of how real their love is. It proves Mobius truly stayed at the tva because he had Loki. He only decided to finally see his tl because loki wasn’t around anymore — he felt no other purpose to stay. But really there’s no purpose for him in his st either. Loki is his purpose. Loki is his life.
Mobius didn’t choose to leave the TVA just because Loki wasn’t there anymore but because he knew Loki couldn’t see him there as well. So, he chose to stay in his og timeline because at least in one of the infinite timelines where Loki reigned over, Loki could still see him as opposed to in the tva, a place that exists outside of time.
Loki HEARING Mobius means that they are connected. They could have literally had that same scene but with Sylvie in Mobius' place - but no, it was Mobius who Loki heard. It is Mobius whom Loki is looking after. They are together in spirit. And Mobius knows that. He knows that Loki sees him and that's the most important thing. As sad as it is, Mobius being alone and depressed without Loki is better than him being happy and nonchalant about Loki being gone (like Sylvie). Mobius is lost without Loki, he can't live without him, whereas Sylvie can. This just solidifies how real their love is. Loki watching over Mobius and smiling upon hearing his voice was not only insanely romantic but also solidifies whom that “for you” was truly meant for. “For you” was for Mobius. “For all of us” was for his found family. (sorry this got so long i just think their love story is very impactful)
this. all of this.
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hakunawakanda · 1 year ago
TVA was home for Mobius, until Loki left.
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hakunawakanda · 1 year ago
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I’m not okay
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hakunawakanda · 1 year ago
Erik: we need a distraction.
Charles: is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Peter, whispering: my time has come
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hakunawakanda · 1 year ago
Erik: Charles and I are no longer dating.
Charles: Erik that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
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hakunawakanda · 2 years ago
Erik: sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container.
Peter: the cow???
Erik: what?
Charles: Peter, W H Y?
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hakunawakanda · 2 years ago
it’s definitely canon.
Erik: Okay, let's go over this again. What do we do when something goes wrong?
Peter: We try to fix it before Charles gets back.
Erik: And if that doesn't work?
Peter: We blame Logan.
Erik: Perfect.
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hakunawakanda · 2 years ago
Erik: I bet 50 dollars that you won't be able to get Charles to say a bad word. I never succeeded.
Peter: deal.
[later in the day]
Peter: hey Charles, did you know that dad tried to kill an old man at the supermarket just because he took the last package of pasta?
Charles: Erik, you're a little sh*t sometimes.
Erik, shocked: what the-
Peter: haHA! Give me my money dadloser.
Erik: my kid is a wizard.
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hakunawakanda · 2 years ago
Erik: come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Peter: you were flirting with Charles.
Erik: so what? He’s my partner.
Peter: you asked him if he was single.
Peter: and then you cried when he said he wasn’t.
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hakunawakanda · 2 years ago
Erik: hey son
Peter: yes?
Erik: can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?
Peter: where’s Charles?
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hakunawakanda · 2 years ago
Erik: Charles and I don’t use pet names.
Wade: I see. Hey, what do bees make?
Erik: honey?
Charles: yes, dear?
Wade: don't ever lie to my face again.
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hakunawakanda · 2 years ago
Erik: where is Char-
[opens his office door]
Erik: I have so many questions
Peter: [doing braids in charles hair with pink rubber bands]
Charles: no, don’t ask questions.
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hakunawakanda · 2 years ago
the only thing that puts me even remotely at ease is that james mcavoy is the captain of cherik. he’s said in interviews that they should have fucked and gotten married, talked about love at first sight, that they’re in love, that he regrets they didn’t have more time on screen together, about their hypothetical kid, and that he would only return to the character if it’s a good script and doesn’t ruin what he’s already done (paris ending). I am pretty sure if the mcu tries to ruin charles x erik he’ll go live with a fic he wrote about them and declare it’s canon
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