#The paternity test results are in...
fablexdreams · 12 days
So Lionhead makes Logan and the HoBw look extremely similar to Reaver, to a near eyebrow-raising point, and we're just expected to what? NOT assume he's the father? NOT make up our own stories about what happened to Reaver and Sparrow after the end of Fable 2? What does my Spreaver-loving self look like to these people? OF COURSE I'm gonna write fanfics about Daddy Reaver. Who's gonna stop me? Peter Molyneux? Yeah, right. He'd find a way to make that damn acorn tree he promised in the original Fable and then actually make the Hero Weapons useful in Fable 3 before that would ever happen. Tsk tsk.
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herrlichersonnigertag · 2 months
Do the tumblrinas know about Le Nozze di Figaro (1786, Mozart/Da Ponte)
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thelampisaflashlight · 5 months
Build a Sib Pt. 6
After the results of this poll and the previous four, we now have a good base for me to work with, so I'm going to do just that.
Working with what we've decided so far, we know the following about this sibling:
They are a half ghoul.
Their parents were, respectively, a human and a ghoul.
Their role at the abbey is as a member of the infirmary staff.
Their ghoul parent was a quintessence/aether ghoul.
And personality wise, they are a quiet, analytical sort.
So how does this all get mushed together into a character?
Well, we start by building off of their personality and what that tells us about them as a person.
We know that as an analytical individual, they may be a bit more serious and contemplative, meaning they're less likely to just "go along with things" without second guessing the logistics and motives at play.
Being in the medical field, their ability to assess situations and plan around the information they receive means they're an efficient caregiver, but perhaps lack a touch of bedside manner in regards to how they interact with the patients themselves.
Analytical types are also sometimes referred to as "fact-based introverts" and so one can safely assume this sibling would not be one to use hyperbole, and may come off as blunt.
Add to this that they work best solo...
They're likely more on the data processing and, well, analysis side of the infirmary team.
Then there's the matter of their parents.
Since we know this sibling of sin is a half human/half ghoul hybrid, and one working for the abbey for that matter, we can probably get by with the idea that their parents were also members of the church who either planned to have a baby together, or had an oopsie.
Any which way, this does somewhat influence the relationship they have with their parents, especially if the latter is the case.
Another question we must pose is if their ghoul parent was anyone... uh, important.
What I'm saying is-
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cinamun · 6 months
So what age was his sister being taught if he died when Jayce was really young?
Great question friennnnnnnnnnnd!
So basically...
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I spy with my little eye a piano in BOTH pictures! I bet Eva is naturally talented just like her yet-to-be-confirmed-but-probably-kinda-might-be half brother and his momma and daddy. I ALSO bet that Bertie peeped that early on. Maybe she got Eva one of these mfs for winterfest one year...
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and she just started playing Thelonious Monk out the gate. I don't know, all I know is, she never said Jackson was the piano instructor, just that she had to take piano lessons.
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icharchivist · 2 years
committing act of psychological warfare by sending my friends who aren’t into a3 a personality test to know which a3 character they are and then elaborate on their result until it drives them to feel completely psychologically exposed and roasted out of nowhere
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lunastyrs · 1 year
Yuuise Trein
Can be read separately: [Part 1]
Louise Yuuise was brought through the dark mirror 40 years ago Mozus Trein’s 2nd wife. They met when they were young. While time kept them apart for a bit, they met again and from there love grew. She was the one to give him Lucius, after all.
My name is Louise
Not here
Small pitiful meows come from one of the bushes. Yuu, ever the gentle soul, pick up the cold wet kitten and bundled it in her jacket.
Unable to keep the kitten at ramshackle her current residence she wandered over to Heartslabyul her neighbor's house. Mozus answered the door.
You’re changing what happened.
Oh, but my dear, this is what happened. This is the story everyone hears. And once all the participants have passed on, no one can say otherwise. This is the story that will be remembered.
“Hi Mozus, I found a kitten. Would you mind taking care of him? I know you always wanted a cat, and I found one. Couldn’t leave the poor thing outside…”
Mozus’s ever-proper face softened at Yuu’s rambling.
“Yes, Miss Yuuise, I would be delighted to take care of this cat for you.” Mozus picked up the kitten and rubbed its fluffy head, “Have you named him?”
“I have been calling him Lucius, named after my brother. However, he is yours now. You can change it.”
“Lucius, a perfect name for my gift from the perfect Yuuise. Would you like to come and have some tea?”
“Yes, please.”
After graduating from Night Raven College As time went on, they went their separate ways, trading the occasional letter.
Mozus received his degree in history and eventually went on to get married and have two little girls. Drusilla, whose hair matched his own and whose eyes sparked like rich dark honey. Anastace, whose eyes matched his own and hair as red as the deepest wines.
Louise Yuuise, not possessing magic herself, went on to study and develop magical transport. And while she didn’t marry during this time, she had a daughter. Estella, a little mini-me but with sharp smoky eyes.
Just like the one I thought got away
Yuu, didn’t you get pregnant at the school reunion?
That is not important. And It is Louise
Then Mozus's wife died, leaving him with two toddlers. He reached out for help. Not in grief he did only marry because he got her pregnant. Yuu answered the call. In a house full of three young children, Love blossomed.
A year later they got married.
For 6 years they have been a happy family. Raising the girls, Yuuise’s research, and Mozus working part-time at Night Raven College.
Then there was an accident while researching interplanar transport. As a result, Yuu became very sick.
That was your fault
Yes, but all you had to do was stop researching the transport and you would’ve gotten better
Yuu got sicker and sicker as the year went on, but she never did stop her research.
I was not the first one brought here. Not by a long shot. How could I let others be stuck here?
That, my dear, was the problem
Then doctors gave the horrible news. Louise Yuuise had two months to live.
I know how the story went, and wanted different for my family
Yuu on her deathbed, as her days counted down, she crafted the final story.
“I almost didn’t keep Ella, then she came out with the same smoky eyes as you. The one I thought got away. And decided I wanted to keep her as a reminder of the good times I’ve had in this twisted wonderland and create even more with her.”
“Don’t give me that look. I noticed that you did the same. Drusilla, while has your hair, her eyes are the same shade as mine. And I know you're disappointed that Anastace doesn’t have a mimic of my hair, instead got a red like your grandmother. However, her shade of red is that of my own mother’s. The deep red of the richest wines. Matched with the same shade eyes as Ella’s and your own.”
My, My; that’s very manipulative of you.
I was sent to Night Raven College. You do learn a thing or two there.
“Mozus, you take care of our girls. All three of them have different needs that must be met. Oh, I don’t know why I am concerned, you were a house warden for the largest dorm at Night Raven.”
Mozus cradles his wife’s hand against his cheek.
“My Perfect Yuuise, you have always worried about us. Even at Night Raven“
When Yuu finally passed peacefully in her sleep; her words did stick with her husband. Mozus raised all three of the girls as a strict and fair father.
-Yuu’s are picked to keep people from becoming villains-
Yuuise’s research and innovation in magical travel brought in more than enough money for the family to live comfortably. Mozus only began teaching full-time at Night Raven once his daughters were all off to college.
If her secret interplanar travel research was mixed in with the fire kinling? Well, accidents do happen.
It’s not fair. I just wanted to see my parents and brothers again.
Louise Yuuise made great leaps and bounds in the magical transport in the short life she was given in this world.
You wanted to leave and that just wouldn’t do
However, Yuu did arrive in this world by a coffin.
And all stories must end.
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grassrug · 19 days
I gotta start by saying that i am lucky beyond words. But man has this year been a LOT
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sammydem0n64 · 9 months
Chat I’m gonna b honest I think math class is gonna make me explode
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ur-mag · 1 year
Bachelor Clayton Echard Reveals When Paternity Test Results Should Be In | In Trend Today
Bachelor Clayton Echard Reveals When Paternity Test Results Should Be In Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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bet-on-me-13 · 9 months
Captive AU
So, the GIW has been around for a while.
Ghosts have been a problem for centuries, the US Government wouldn't have waited until the 21st Century to figure out a way to deal with them, so the GIW has been around for years. And the general Public knows about them, it's a common household name like the FBI or the CIA. They are simply seen as another government organization doing its job, no need to care about the Ghosts they capture, they're Non-Sentient anyways.
Over the years of their existence, they have acquired their own little prison full of Ghosts. And among that collection of Ghosts, 4 stand out.
Because they are somehow Ghost-Human Hybrids.
The first was captured a while before the others. A College Student studying Ectology had been admitted to the Hospital after a Lab Accident, where he had been diagnosed with an, as of yet, unknown and incurable Disease. He had Green Boils popping up all over his Face, and he was in excruciating Pain.
The GIW had sent a team to investigate, and they had found that the College Student was slowly transforming into some type of abomination. He was still partially human, but he was also partially a Ghost. They had him declared Dead and shipped him off to a Blacksite Facility to be experimented on.
The Second One came about 10 years later. Coincidentally, it was very similar circumstances. The very same pair of scientists who had been acquainted with their previous subject had just admitted their 5 Yr old son into a local Hospital. He had been in a Lab Accident that had stopped his Heart for a few minutes, and out of curiosity the GIW had sent a Team to investigate.
And what did they find, but a perfect recreation of their favorite Test Subject.
They declared the Child Dead, and sent him off to the same Facility they kept the other one in.
The 3rd of the Hybrids was actually created in a GIW Lab, 3 Years Later. In an experiment to see if the Hybrids condition could be recreated, a GIW Scientist had taken the DNA of the 2 existing Hybrids and had cloned them.
Of the Test Batch of 15, only 1 Subject survived. It was deemed only a Partial Success, because while they did manage to create a New Hybrid, it was Unstable and prone to melting if overexerted.
They placed it in the same Containment Unit as the other 2, and left it at that. No more Cloning Experiments had been conducted afterwards since the project was deemed an overall Failure.
The 4th and Final Hybrid was found in Gotham City of all places, 2 years later.
A GIW Operative had been visiting Family when their Van's Ecto-Detector had gone off. Soon after that they found the Subject in an Alleyway, seemingly disoriented from its recent awakening.
DNA testing had revealed the Hybrid to be deceased Jason Peter Todd, the adopted Son of Bruce Wayne who had been killed 6 Months Prior while studying in Ethiopia. By the Scientists Best Guess, an Anomoly in Space-Time had caused a Natural Portal to open right on top of the Teenagers Corpse, fusing his Deceased Body and nearly formed Ghost into One.
They shipped the Teen off to the Blacksite, and placed him in the same Containment Unit as the others.
So now the GIW have 4 Hybrids, all created from different circumstances, all different ages.
One was formed from the Slow Death of a College Age Student, after a Lab Accident had flooded his system with Pure Ectoplasm.
One was form from the Instant Death of a 5 yr old Boy, after a Lab Accident had flooded his Body with a dimensions worth of Ectoplasm.
One was created in a GIW Lab in a Cloning Experiment. She was created to be 3 Yrs Old upon Birth, and was Unstable as a Result.
One was created from the Fusion of a Long Dead Teenage Corpse and a nearly formed Ghost, in a random Space Time Event that forced both together.
All the Halfas are basically a Family together. Vlad is the oldest, at around 35, and takes the Paternal Role.
Danny and Ellie are the Kids, and are 10 and 5 respectively.
Jason is the Oldest Child, and takes his Older Brother role very seriously. He is 15 when he is brought in.
They all take care of eachother, through all the experiments and tests the GIW force them through.
One of the most common experiments is to have them battle the other Ghosts in Captivity. Although that is just a thinly veiled dog fighting ring that the GIW scientists like to Bet on. Sometimes they are put up against eachother, but they refuse to fight until they are electrocuted into submission.
They were also forced to Push all of their Powers to their Limits every day, just so the Scientist can see how they are growing. This had drained them, since they only got the absolute minimum amount of Ecto to survive off of, and they were forced to use it all up every day.
This goes on for 3 more years.
Until the day when the GIW messed up.
During one of their Constant Dog Fights, they had made the mistake of putting two Electricity Core Ghosts against eachother. The resulting battle had created an Electromagnetic Wave that fried all systems in the entire Facility.
It was a Disaster. Dozens of Scientists were killed when the Door Locks failed to contain the captive Ghosts, and even more were injured when a few of the Ghosts managed to break into the Armory on Base.
It was only hours after the whole ordeal was Finally quelled that they realized that their most Valuable Test Subjects were missing.
Vlad, Danny, Jason, and Ellie had taken the chance to run away during the commotion. Vlad had unfortunately been injured during the escape, and Ellie had been forced to use her powers causing her to destabilize a little, but all in all they had managed to escape on one piece.
But now they were fugitives on the run from the Government, with an injured adult and a sick child.
Jason had an Idea though. While he didn't have very clear memories of his life, a side effect of his late resurrection, he did remember that he used to live in Gotham. And they all remember researchers grumbling about how their scanners always malfunction when they passed nearby Gotham.
So, Jason led his little Family to the most Familiar place in the city he could think of.
Crime Alley.
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cloakedsparrow · 1 month
Alfred is Tim's Biological Grandfather AU
Bruce and Alfred had found it slightly odd that Jack and Janet Drake didn't ask any questions about Tim spending so much time at Wayne Manor. True, the Drakes could have questioned Tim and he simply could have not told them. However, the boy knew better than to keep it to himself if he'd made any excuses Bruce might need to know or if his parents were likely to make any complaints. Neither of the Drakes ever contacted Bruce or the Manor. They never requested to see or speak with any member of the family.
While they were making the arrangements for Janet's funeral (because Jack was in a coma and Tim was just a child), Bruce received a summons from her lawyer, stating that she'd remembered her dear friend in her will. Bruce was immediately suspicious because he and Janet Drake hadn't been friends.
Bruce receives a letter, along with a small, locked box, about the size of a document mailer. The letter apologizes for the deception and requests that Bruce give the box to Alfred Pennyworth, stating that the combination was Tim's birthday. Out of respect for Alfred more than anything, Bruce follows the instructions.
After going through the box privately, Alfred appears more solemn than Bruce has seen him in decades. He tells Bruce that -years before- he'd slept with a upper-class woman when visiting his father, who had already been working for the Waynes. After coming to work for the Wayne's himself, Alfred had learned that the woman had gotten married not long after and had a child. A child that was just the right age to potentially be his. At his request, Thomas and Martha invited the woman and her husband to a party at the Manor. Alfred very professionally informed her that she had an important phone call and to please follow him to an appropriate guest phone. Once they were in a private room, Alfred calmly informed her that he was going to require proof that the child was not his. He would be happy to take a paternity test himself, or she could take one for her husband that proved he was father. Whether she told her husband or did it behind his back, Alfred didn't care. He had no intention of causing a scene but he fully intended to be there for his child if he had one. The woman had agreed and discreetly had a paternity test done that had proven her daughter was her husband's child.
Alfred had thought that was the end of it. However, Janet Drake had left him a letter informing him that she had been that child. More importantly, she had informed him that the paternity test had been forged to keep him out of the picture since her mother had found a better prospect in her husband. After her parents died (she'd been an adult), Janet had found the results and a letter from her deceased maternal grandmother (who helped with the forgery) explaining the matter. She hadn't been sure how to feel or what to do about it. She'd ended up just ignoring it.
She had been concerned when Tim suddenly started spending time at Wayne Manor, but when she asked Tim about it, after talking about how nice Mr Wayne was and how cool Dick was and learning to play tennis and getting help with his gymnastics et all, he'd started talking about Alfred. He kept talking about how amazing he was. How kind he was. How funny he was. How clever he was.
Even though Tim hadn't known about the blood they shared, he'd clearly loved Alfred. Janet couldn't take his grandfather from him. That was why she let him spend so much time at Wayne Manor. That was why she never demanded to speak to Bruce. As far as she was concerned, it wasn't really about him. It was about family.
She also let Alfred know that she'd always been the primary caregiver for Tim. She'd always made the decisions in regards to him. She selected his nannies, babysitters, and boarding school. She saw to his medical appointments and made sure anyone preparing meals for Tim knew about his allergy (I always headcanon hazelnuts for some reason). She signed him up for gymnastics and martial arts. She made sure he got to and from Summer camp.
She knew Jack wouldn't know how to be a parent and requested that Alfred help out as much as he was comfortable with.
She also apologized for not telling Alfred the truth until it was too late for her to get to know him herself. She told him that the more Tim talked about him, the more she considered telling them both the truth. That she'd truly wanted to know him but just kept putting it off. If he was reading the letter, then she’d obviously waited too long.
Bruce and Alfred double check Alfred's blood against Tim's in the Cave before Alfred tells the boy he's his grandson. With Tim's permission, he discreetly has a proper blood test ran and uses the results to quietly assume custody of his grandson while Jack is in a coma.
When Jack wakes up and Alfred learns that he's both made arrangements for Tim to get an early junior's license to drive him around and also to work at Drake Industries for him, he doesn't just complain. He sees Jack privately and informs him that HE has had custody of Tim, not Bruce, as the city has assumed. He informs him of their relation. He informs him that he made a good deal of money both in the service of Her Royal Majesty and the Waynes and he invested that money wisely. In fact, he currently has more money than Jack. He informs Jack that unless he wants them to take it to a judge, Tim will not be acting as a caregiver, chauffeur, or executive assistant to Jack. If the man cannot afford to hire appropriate help, then Alfred will happy to pay for it, discreetly, of course.
Jack takes the latter option. He and Tim still move into the Manor next door, so that Tim can easily & quickly go to Alfred if he needs anything. While he's reluctant to say it aloud and almost petulant about it at times, Jack actually appreciates Alfred's help with Tim. He doesn't pay as much attention to the boy, but Tim ends up better taken care of anyway.
Alfred attends the Young Justice parent-Red Tornado conference alongside Dick (he asked Dick to still come as he’d understand the needs of a group of young heroes better than anyone else present). Unlike the others, he always stays on top of what the kids are getting up to. He refuses to participate in the sixteenth birthday trauma, which Tim figures out quicker since Bruce is working on his own (and he has someone to turn to afterwards -Alfred and Bruce have WORDS). He also holds people who hurt him accountable (it's harder with Bruce, who he sees as a son, but he does not mince words with Jack, Stephanie, or anyone else). He adored Dana and they had tea together once every fortnight just to ensure they were on the same page with Tim. He steps in and treats Tim much more fairly after Damian enters the picture. He goes full John Wick on Ra's after the man goes after his grandson.
He's still a grandfather to the others, but having custody of Tim (and a letter from his daughter asking him to care for the boy) gives him a sense of authority that he lacks with them. With the rest of the Waynes, he tries to stay somewhat professional, despite his feelings for them. He doesn't feel the need to do so with Tim because he's not the valet who also helped raise him. He's his grandfather, first and foremost.
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
Hey you were looking for a polyfic so here you go!
LanOscar or Lando x Max
(Idk if you write smut but the if you do you can encourparate it into this plot)
Plot: The reader becomes pregnant after a wild night (shall we say) and between the two boys they are convinced that it's their child. But when the baby is born it is one of the drivers from the ship above (I don't mind which one either driver of any ship is fine) and they are proud of it, and the other driver is slightly jealous that it isn't his. But he grows to love the child as the months pass and the reader says how the next child that is put in her is his.
I really don't know if this makes sense upon which I do apologise.
Hope your Well <3
Gonna do norstappen bc I got a landoscar one coming
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It was meant to be a threesome, a one night experience, not a throuple. But they worked together, so it was pretty hard to stay away
Whether it was lingering gazes and touches, or moments spent too long in each others presence without much explanation.
But this only lasted a few weeks, a month at most, before came the dreaded pregnancy test.
It was bought in a moment of anxiety. Her period was only late by a day and she had no other symptoms of pregnancy, but she was so worried that she ran to the store and bought one that afternoon.
She didn't tell the boys. Why should she when she's definitely not pregnant? But she wasn't definitely not pregnant.
The two lines stared back at her. Fuck, she really was pregnant. Holy fuck she was going to throw up.
As soon as she was done throwing up, she grabbed her phone and sent a picture of the pregnancy test to the groupchat she had with Max and Lando.
They rushed straight over. Thank god they all resided in Monaco. It was just one of the perks of being drivers, she supposed. Well, not that she'd be driving at the minute.
Her thoughts started spiralling down the path of who would be driving the Ferrari alongside Charles Leclerc in her place. She would have loved to see Arthur Leclerc drive alongside his brother, bit Ollie Bearman was an incredibly talented candidate, too.
It was only when Max and Lando knocked on her door that she snapped out of it. They wore grins on their faces as she pulled the door open. "So," Lando began, his boyish smile playing on his lips. "Who's is it?"
She rolled her eyes and let them into her apartment. "Does it matter?" She asked and Max shook his head, but Lando nodded.
Of course he did. There was nothing simple about Lando Norris. "Yeah, because whoever isn't the dad gets the next go, right?"
Her eyes went wide at that suggestion. "Jeez Lando, we haven't even had the first yet," she said as she sat on the sofa beside Max.
He instantly pulled her into his body and kissed the top of her head. "We'll be with you every step of the way," he said and she turned to kiss him properly.
And they were with her every step of the way. They were with her when she told her team principl and they were there when her absence was announced on social media (along with the announcement of the promising young F2 driver that would be her stand in). Of course, the media weren't told why she was missing the races for the year, just that it was medical.
They were there when her bump started to show, there to buy her maternity clothes. They were there for the late night cravings and for the emotional breakdowns over things she later thought to be insignificant.
They were there to set up a room for the baby, decorated with race cars, of course. "Project Hamilton," she had jokes as they painted a track onto the wall.
When the baby was born, they got a paternity test. Just to find out if the baby would be predisposed to any conditions of any kid. The only condition he was predisposed to was being part Dutch.
As soon as the results came that he was Max's son, Lando was pouty as all hell. He didn't want it to affect the way he loved this child, tried so hard not to let it, but he couldn't help it.
Max constantly reminded Lando that he was just his son, he was Lando's son, too. The four of them were one big family, didn't matter who was really the father.
It took some time, and some forced bonding from her and Max, but Lando came to love their son as if they were blood.
But he was still convinced it was his job to knock her up next. He was a man obsessed. As soon as he could he had her on the bed with her ankles in the air.
Max hadn't touched her pussy in weeks. He wasn't allowed to, not unless he wanted to get jumped by Lando.
But, sure enough, another positive pregnancy test sat on the bathroom sink. Lando Norris was a smug little shit, because this one was definitely his.
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Pregnancy (ft. Poly!Mates Bat Boys)
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Warnings: none
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You’re actually surprised it takes you so long to become pregnant (ya know considering that all three of them just rail into you multiple times a day lol)
When you start feeling like actual shit day in and day out, Rhys had Madja come over to evaluate you
And what do you know! You got a bun in the oven!
Cue your mates happily freaking out that there’s going to be a baby
They don’t even ask or question who the father is in the beginning. It’s too soon to do any paternity tests
Rhysand and Cassian become the nesters; prepping the nursery, hiring a fleet of nannies and guards for the precious heir
There was a dangerous side effect to being pregnant with one of the Bat Boy's babies were the powers it gave you. Hormone induced powers
You were stronger but more cautious around people, even your mates, and easy to snap; all to protect the precious life growing inside you.
Outside of the Inner Circle, no one else knows. Your pregnancy is kept secret for the first few months (though Cass wants to shout from the top of the House of Wind that he’s gonna be a daddy)
This is done mainly because you rue when the lords of the Court of Nightmares find out
The rest of the realm may rejoice, but the Court of Nightmares has always sneered your way and thought of you as a glorified whore
You knew they’d insist immediately on a paternity test. They would not bend the knee to a child that was not of Rhysand’s blood. If the father of your first born happened to be Cassian or Azriel, there could be a fight back
Once news of your pregnancy is released, there was a type of press conference below in the nightmare court
Like all of you predicted, they raise a big stink about paternity
A child of the spy master or the general would not be accepted on the throne
A glimpse of Rhysand's beast form shuts them up. Azriel's shadows aid in emphasizing the massive power they had compared to all of the fae in the room
"Fate destined her as our mate. Whoever the child truly belongs to is inconsequential. Any child birthed from her is worthy of the Night Court throne."
When Azriel isn’t doing work for Rhysand, he is glued to your side or has a shadow following you. He’s especially concerned since he heard talk of murdering you and your unborn baby. A threat like that would not be taken lightly.
All three of your mates love placing their hands on your belly, anticipating a reaction from the baby
Cassian is determined to get the baby to kick for him
I think they would just become puddly, mushy, dads to be.
The Bat Boys wish their respective mothers were alive to share in this joy
Because their big boys, unfortunately that means your baby will be a big one if the size of your tummy was any indication
Midnight snackies provided by the Wraiths without prompting. They know all of your favorite foods
Amren bets the baby belongs to Rhys
Mor thinks its Az
You actually bet it’s Cass’ due to how active the baby is. Constantly kicking you and the funny fact that the baby would REFUSE to kick against Cassian’s hand. Az and Rhys have gotten the baby to kick for them
When the baby has grown large enough inside of you, a paternity test is conducted just for the sake of the Inner Circle's curiosity. You don't want to know the results. Besides, once the baby is born, you'll know.
The dreams you'd been having recently were of a small boy, a mix of features that came from each of your mates. Rhysand's eyes. Cassian's unruly, long hair. Azriel's massive wings that had whisps of shadows clinging to them.
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star-anise · 1 year
The thing about "parents' rights" and "protect the children [from hearing that other ways of life than ours are possible and okay]" is that it is literally, in the purest sense of the word, patriarchy.
The word literally means "rule by the fathers". We're generally used to hearing it describe how adult women can be dominated by adult men. However, that's not where patriarchy ends; feminists have been less eager to address how within that system, women can exercise power and domination of their own through the traditional gender roles of motherhood. Their maternal rights to power and dominance may have traditionally been lesser than paternal ones, but they were never less than their minor children's. Even single-mother or female-only families can be, in this sense, patriarchal.
Patriarchal families are a complex system that grants parents complete legal and practical control over nearly every aspect of their children's lives. The patriarchal family controls where the child lives, who takes care of them, what rules they have to follow, how they are educated, who they associate with, what healthcare they receive, what religion they practice, and whether they can work or control any money they earn or that is given to or for them.
Normally discussions of patriarchy are a lot more abstract. But right now it's very concrete and real: we are fighting to limit the family's control over children on issues where we can observe that families sometimes tend to make decisions that are bad for the children's welfare or that disrespect their human rights.
Whether a minor child can get an abortion. Whether they can receive gender-affirming care. Whether it's okay to lie or coerce your child to ensure they follow your religion. Whether they deserve to be educated about factual histories or scientific theories that are necessary to understanding the world around them. Whether they deserve to learn accurate, age-appropriate information about consent, setting boundaries, how their bodies and the bodies of other people work, what a normal range of gender and sexual identities look like, what healthy or unhealthy relationships look like, and what sex is, how it works, what its positives and negatives are, and how they might navigate the world, whether or not they ever want to have it.
Hell, on some levels we're still arguing about whether it's okay to hit your kids, or whether children have the right, similar to the rights adults have, not to be assaulted or abused.
Because there are a LOT of people who say: No. Parents should have 100% control over any or all of those issues. If the parent says no, the child is not allowed to do or have any of those things, and nobody else should be allowed to interfere and provide them to the child without their parents' consent.
Pointing this out often results in parents saying, "Oh, so you want just ANYONE to be able to go up and talk sex with kids? You want kids to be able to decide to jump off cliffs with nobody stopping them???" As though parents are the single protective force in the universe, the only thing standing between their child and the ravages of absolute chaos.
On the contrary: most of the time the argument is for children to receive care and guidance from adults who are monitored to ensure they treat children in safe and appropriate ways, who have spent many years studying the best and most rigorously tested of our collective understanding of how to prepare children for happy, healthy lives.
And we are arguing against people who believe that the only important qualification needed to refuse children that kind of care is to be ranked above them in their family hierarchy.
In conclusion...
Fuck the patriarchy. Children have human rights too.
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tomorrowsdrama · 10 months
Yeah, Netflix-produced kdramas have huge budgets, fancy sets, high tech cameras, sleek cinematography, and big name actors, but do they have:
Dramatic tea slaps?
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Evil stepsister ripping up and eating her paternity test results?
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Very important shareholder meetings held in school auditoriums that are attended by maybe 20 people max?
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Dramatic fights between father-in-law and daughter-in-law?
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Tacky over the top fashion that screams "I'M EVIL!" in big flashing neon lights?
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Dramatic close ups that make it seem like it'll take an eternity to hit the main character?
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And last but not least, this gem of a woman who totally understood the assignment and is living her best campy evil stepmother life?
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I didn't think so!
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too-much-tma-stuff · 1 year
Home for the First Time
It was early when there was a knock at the door of Wayne Manor, Bruce was still in his nightgown because even though it was nearly noon he’d been out late. He stayed back while Alfred opened the door, curious to see who it was and hoping he hadn’t forgotten he was supposed to meet with press or something today. But no, it was two children, nearly identical besides the fact one had blue eyes and the other green.
“Hello,” The blue eyed one greeted with a bright, charming smile, he had one arm out slightly, subtly shielding the green eyed boy who was hanging back a little, a serious look on his face and a stubborn set to his jaw. “My name is Danyal Al Ghul and this is my brother Damien. Perhaps Bruce remembers an ill advised dalliance with our mother Talia roughly 11 years ago? We are the result, and she says it’s time we meet our father and learn what we can from him.”
“Of course we’ll submit to a DNA test to prove our lineage,” The green eyes one, Damien, put in. Danial didn’t look at the boy as he nodded along.
Behind Alfred Bruce choked on his coffee and started to cough. Alfred was unflappable as always and simply nodded once. “I see, why don’t you two come through into the sitting room? The paternity test shouldn’t take long using our equipment, we’ll just need a bit of your hair,” Alfred said as he stood back and usured the kids in. Bruce deciding now would be a good time to disappear and compose himself before he had to meet these unexpected children.
Danyal was nervous and excited as they sat in the drawing room, cradling mugs of tea neither of them had drunk. Damien was probably suspicious of an attempted poisoning, but Danyal was just nervous! Not that he showed it, his hands didn’t shake and an impassive little smile stayed on his face as he observed every inch of the room. That was the difference between him and Dami really, Damien had been raised the heir to the Demon Head, Danny to the Bat and Wayne industries. They had gone through the same physical training of course but they had different behaviours ingrained in them.
Damien had been taught to repress all emotion and not show it at all where as Danny had been taught how to mimic them. Hide his true emotion and show the appropriate ones. A ‘press smile’ as they say, to charm and manipulate and give just the right half answers that truly gave nothing away. He excelled in science and technology which would be perfect for running Wayne Enterprises, so it mattered less that his reading skills flagged behind Dami’s a bit, or that he had been the weaker combatant.
Had been, until he had been struck by lightening and then revived by Lazarus. It had been a disappointment, but thankfully not something he could have been faulted for, an act of god to punish their grandfather for his avoidance of death and because even the gods feared who they would become. He remembered the strike, the unimaginable pain of it, and the aftermath as he lay on the ground, his heart stuttering and thumping to hard, then not, then fluttering, then not, then nothing as he had passed out.
He did not remember being dropped in the pit, but he did remember waking up within it. It burned through his veins, seeping in to the hand that had been struck holding his weapon, racing up along the fractals of energy, collecting the currents that still had him twitching uncontrollably and curling together into a hard ball in his chest. A wash of cold spread over him from his new centre, soothing the burn of the acrid, acidic pit. It made drifting there… comfortable.
He knew it shouldn’t have been, he had seen multiple people break the surface, gasping and screaming and clawing their way to shore, but it wasn’t for him. Then again Ra’s bathed in the pool, so maybe this was alright? It made him wonder about the people who never surfaced again, did they choose to stay because this was how it felt to them too? Drifting listlessly in comfortable… What? What was this feeling. Danny had turned and dove deeper into the pit, seeking answers as he always did, even when it wasn’t wise.
He didn’t know how long he swam before he could see the edges, the pool narrowing closer and closer till he could barely make it through, and then he found an exit. It was small, a porthole into a void of stars and doors. It was unlike anything he’d seen and he realised immediately it was calling to him, that was why he had dove. It wanted him to enter, it called it was where he belonged, it terrified him. When something far to large drifted by his little vantage point he fled back towards the surface, the life he knew, and the broken family he still loved.
He was a bit surprised to find that Damien and mother were still there but grandfather had already left. That was fair really, Danny didn’t know how long he had been down there, but his brother and mother are still there. It seemed Damien was being allowed a rare moment of weakness, on his knees by the edge of the pond, staring blankly into the water with their mother crouching next to him, rubbing his back though Damien’s eyes were still dry. They were… grieving him.
He burst through the surface of the glowing pool, gasping for air he scrambled up onto the bank, coughing up the disgusting liquid clogging his lungs. His ears were ringing and his sight narrowing to a green blur, completely unaware of what was going on around him until two hands, one the size of his own, and one larger land on his body. The smaller set held back his hair while larger rubbed his back, slowly sound returned and he heard his mother’s soft cooing and Damien’s panicked breath.
He gasped for breath and looked up at the two of them, the green retreating from his vision as he blinked rapidly. “Damien? Mother?” He had gasped seeing the relief overtake both of their faces that Lazarus hadn’t stolen his mind.
It hadn’t, in fact he was just as sharp as ever and had found that since then no one could detect him when he wanted to remain unseen, no door could stop him or keep him out. He was what any assassin dreamed to be, but it had also come with new awareness since he had been overhearing things no one would usually let him hear. He had heard the conversations Grandfather had with mother going back and forth about which of them should go to their father, since it was always meant to be Danyal but now with his new abilities he was clearly chosen by Lazarus so maybe he should be the true heir.
Danny known Grandfather was manipulative for as long as he could remember, not like Damien, who still had faith in the league and their grandfather. Damien was smart, and talented, he was suspicious enough for both of their physical safety, but he had a much harder time realizing when they were being manipulated, or when they were being used. That was alright, Danny could make up for this weakness as Damien had done for his unwillingness to kill. It had taken him a while of carefully planted seeds in both Grandfather’s ear and Mother’s to bring them around to the idea of both of them going to father.
Danyal didn’t know if father would be any better, but he would probably be easier to escape from then the league and maybe with some distance he would gain the courage to point out to Damien how it was wrong.
That was how life found them both sitting on their fathers couch, Danny’s tea long since having grown cold. He surfaced from his thoughts, seeing his eyes shimmering unnatural green in the reflection within the cup, as it usually did when he thought about his death.
He blinked it away in time to look up and see Bruce entering the room, he put his smile back on and stood, Damien following suit and looking sullen. They had agreed Danny would take the lead, but Damien still didn’t like it. “You must be Bruce, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Danyal said offering his hand to shake. Bruce blinked looking a little startled and shook his hand, Danny did his bast to give a good, firm handshake, hopefully his hands were too cold. “Mother always speaks highly of you, and even Grandfather admits there’s much we can learn from you,” He said, stepping back to let Damien shake Bruce’s hand as well.
“And anyone who can impress grandfather must be half a god,” Danny joked causing Damien to hiss and elbow his side as he usually did when he though Danny was speaking out of turn. Danny made a little oof sound and then gave Bruce a conspiratorial look, pleased to see he had made the stoic man crack a smile.
“It’s good to meet both of you as well, I’m sorry I didn’t know about either of you until today. The paternity test confirmed that you are my sons, Alfred is already setting up rooms for you next to each other in the family wing. In the mean time how would you feel about meeting a couple of your siblings? I believe Tim, Cass, and Stephanie are home at the moment? You’ve had a long trip, if you’d rather wait till tomorrow then I understand.”
“We’d love to meet them,” Danyal said, a little louder then usual to cover his brothers scoff. Damien scowled at Danyal who scowled back just as fiercely and tried to step on Damien’s foot, he knew the other boy would move out of the way before he could but it would make his point not to be disrespectful! It was clearer then clear that their father didn’t care much for blood given how much he loved all his adoptive children no matter what Grandfather thought. If Bruce wanted a biological heir he could have easily have gotten one, their blood might give them a slight advantage but they would have to prove their merits. But of course Damien believed everything Grandfather said still.
Damien dodged and then kicked back, Danyal rolling his eyes and dodging as well. Before a full fight could break out they both heard Bruce chuckle at them, Danyal gave the man a sheepish smile and while Damien blushed and looked down at the floor sulkily. “Alright, well then follow me. I’ll call Dick as well, I’m sure that when he finds out he has two new brothers to meet he’ll come running, I’m sure he’ll be here for dinner as well.”
“We’ve heard a lot about him too,” Danyal said with an impassive smile, they had to know about those who might be their competition after all. Danyal knew a bit more then Damien but they both knew what they needed to, like strengths and weaknesses. Danyal wondered if he was going to have to come to their adopted siblings defences, he fully expected Damien would try to assassinate them, whether or not it was actually wise to do so.
“Alright, then lets go see Tim first, he’s playing video games in his room. Steph and Cass are in the studio together,” Bruce said as he ushered Danny and Damien out of the sitting room and up a set of back stairs into the family wing of the manner. Danny and Damien following, having a silent argument of signs and dodgable blows about how exactly they should be handling this. What finally ended the argument was Danny flashing fang, his eyes glowing green and baring his teeth at Damien. Both to remind Damien of his true strength and to show how important this was to him, which made Damien relent for now he wasn’t sure.
Either way they had sorted it out by the time Bruce opened the door. “Tim, how do you feel about two new brothers?” Bruce said almost sheepishly and Tim groaned, pausing his game and spinning around in his chair.
“Damn Bruce where did you find these two?” He asked giving his adopted father a tired glare.
“On his doorstep,” Danny said promptly.
“We’re his biological sons,” Damien said at almost the same time, then glared at Danny who shrugged, both were true.
“Damn really?” Tim asked as he finally got up, examining both of them.
“We already did the paternity test,” Damien said with what Danny would call an unwarranted amount of pride.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Danyal. You can call me Danny if you want,” Danny said, stepping forward and offering Tim a handshake and his best smile. Tim blinked and shook his hand. “I’ve never played a video game, they didn’t allow such frivolities in the compound. They look like fun though, perhaps you could teach me?”
“Uh sure, sounds fun. What about you? You want to learn other little bro?” Tim asked looking to Damien.
“Why would I want to learn a skill with no practical use,” Damien scoffed. “My name is Damien, and I do not approve of nicknames,” He said, giving Danny a haughty look as he shook Tim’s hand. Danny just rolled his eyes.
“Whatever you say little D,” Tim scoffed. Damien gave an indignant squawk and before he could go for a weapon Danny grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him back.
“Okay that’s enough of that,” Bruce said, grabbing a knife Danny had missed Damien drawing and twisting it out of Damien’s grip as Danny got his brother in a headlock.
“Sorry about him, the League of Shadows doesn’t care much for social graces, I barely escaped being just as feral as him,” Danny joked before letting out an oof as Damien elbowed him in the side and escaped his hold.
“Eh it’s not the first time a brother has tried to kill me. I can look after myself,” Tim said, which was clearly a warning to Damien judging by the look. Danny knew that Tim could, but also knew he was still underestimating them, and he hoped that wouldn’t bite him before he figured it out. “Let me know if you change your mind, I’m sure you two have a lot of catching up to do with tech and media, I’ll be happy to be your guide.”
“Tt,” Damien scoffed and stomped out of the room.
“Well I’m looking forward to learning about all of that, I think it’ll be fun! Ignore him, he’ll come around. Just, uhh, watch him, That won’t be the last time he tries to stab you. If anything it’s a bonding activity for him,” Danny joked as lightly as he could before hurrying after his twin, Bruce on his heels.
Part 2: here
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