#have you ever tried to pull one over on ur boyfriend but he figures it out immediately because he would recognize your voice anywhere?
herrlichersonnigertag · 2 months
Do the tumblrinas know about Le Nozze di Figaro (1786, Mozart/Da Ponte)
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likeumeanit9497 · 2 months
loyalty test | c.s. |
chris sturniolo x fem! reader
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summary: y/n's boyfriend, luke, notices how she stares at his roommate, chris. when they have an argument about it, y/n tells him that he's just reading into things. but when she finds herself completely alone with chris, will she be able to prove her loyalty?
warnings: smut; cheating (don't do this pls); unprotected p in v (don't do this either); oral (m/f receiving); hair pulling; dirty talk; toxic relationships; 18+
notes: IM BACK YAY!!!! y'all have no idea how happy i am to be writing again i was literally dying for the past couple of months. i got back about a week ago but i've been genuinely so jet lagged that i couldn't finish this one shot. but im finally starting to feel better so here i am at 2am finally posting. i hope y'all enjoy this one (ps it should go without saying that i do NOT condone cheating on ur partners EVER!!! this is fiction okay). love uuuuuu
pps im half asleep posting this so even though i made an attempt at proof reading, im sure this is not my best work so pls try to ignore any grammar errors u may come across ill fix them all eventually <3
“How many shots am I pouring here?” Asked my boyfriend Luke as I watched him begin to place rows of shot glasses on his kitchen counter with a bottle of tequila in his hand before his teammates all began flooding in his direction happily awaiting their drinks. From my place on the couch, I was content watching them all celebrate their big win while I nursed one or two seltzers. The night was originally supposed to be just me and Luke having dinner and watching a movie, but the adrenaline from the win along with pleas from various teammates had suddenly turned the night into one where Luke’s apartment was flooded with sweaty men and various bottles of liquor.
Even though I had been looking forward to a quiet evening with my boyfriend of six months, I was happy to see him so happy and of course wanted him to be able to celebrate with everyone. So I watched with a smile as they all lifted their shot glasses in the air, chanted in a borderline cultish way, and took their shots. “Shit, it’s getting late. We should call the Ubers soon if we want to get into the club.” Luke announced after glancing at his watch, to which the other guys all mumbled in agreement.
I watched as Luke walked over to my place on the couch, putting his hands on my shoulders and leaning towards me. “Club?” I asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow as this was the first time I was hearing about these plans for the night. Luke smirked before responding. “You don’t mind if we go out for a little bit right? The other guys were really wanting to check that new place out that I’ve been going to lately, and as team captain I kinda have to go.” I stayed silent, trying to figure out a way to answer that wouldn’t make me sound like a needy girlfriend, when my attention was suddenly grabbed by the door behind Luke opening. From that room came Luke’s roommate, Chris, and I watched over Luke’s shoulder as he ruffled his hair, heading in the direction of the bustling kitchen.
My eyes followed his movements as he walked, stopping every few seconds to greet a handful of Luke’s teammates on his way. He was wearing pyjamas, and truly looked like he had just woken up from hibernation, but he gave the room warm smiles as his eyes travelled across it before finally landing on me. He stared at mine and Luke’s place for a brief moment, his eyes shifting between me on the couch and Luke’s large frame above me, and seemed curious, but after a moment went back to doing whatever he needed to do in the kitchen.
I continued to watch as he grabbed a drink from the fridge, and listened as some of the guys tried to convince him to go out with them. He kept shaking his head, a strong smile plastered across his face, and I felt my cheeks grow hot when he lifted his shirt slightly to scratch his stomach; exposing a few inches of skin and the low band of his boxers.
Just then, I was shaken — quite literally — out of my trance by Luke’s hand on my shoulder. “Y/n! Hello!” My eyes immediately shot to his, and I felt red hot shame cover my face as anger consumed his. “The fuck was that?” He kept his voice low, but his tone was so menacing that I felt the hair raise on the back of my neck. I stuttered, trying to come up with some excuse, before he lifted me off of the couch and practically dragged me into his bedroom. As soon as the door was shut behind us, he repeated himself. “What the fuck was that Y/n.” I stood tentatively in the middle of his room, trying desperately to find the words. “I-I just hadn’t realized that Chris was home, I was just shocked I guess?” I knew my excuse was weak — and my execution was even weaker — and that knowledge was confirmed by Luke rolling his eyes.
“Sure,” He scoffed. “I’m not stupid, Y/n. I notice it literally every single time you and him are in the same room. You stare at him, you laugh at everything he says, and you always find some excuse to be close to him.” His words embarrassed me, and I stared down at my feet in shame because I knew they were true. “It’s not like that Luke I just-” He cut off my excuse. “It doesn’t take a fucking rocket scientist to know that he’s a good looking guy, but you are mine. It’s fuckin embarrassing catching you looking at him all the time.” He stopped pacing around the room and stormed up to me, causing me to flinch slightly.
“You have anything you wanna say?” His breath was hot against my ashamed face, and I couldn’t bear to look up at him. “I-I’m sorry Luke.” My voice was barely above a whisper and I felt tears well up in my eyes. We stood there in silence for a short while, the only sound his heaving breaths and the muffled conversations from the guys in the kitchen. “I’m going. Not sure when I’ll be back, but do your best to behave when I’m gone.” His words were clipped, and he quickly exited his bedroom without so much as hugging me.
As soon as I heard his door shut behind him, I dissolved into tears of guilt. I couldn’t be upset at him for being so angry with me, because everything that he had accused me of was true. I knew that my attraction to Chris was beyond the simple acknowledgement that he was a good looking person, and that wasn’t fair to Luke. But I never meant for it to become something so noticeable, and I felt more ashamed than I had ever been before. I perched onto the edge of Luke’s bed as I attempted to regain my composure, listening to the excited chatter of the guys on the other side of the door as they prepared to head out to the club.
I hated that Luke was going out while being angry at me, and I hated even more that I had the audacity to be worried about his behaviour with other girls while he was out. Luke was a pretty decent guy, but when he was angry he had a tendency to do or say things that were really hurtful. The thought of this made me sob even harder. “God, I need a drink.” I said aloud to the empty room, and I fought with my emotions as I tried to straighten myself up.
After a few moments, the entire apartment grew silent as the guys must have all left for the club. In my solitude, I was able to catch my breath and stop the tears from flowing before getting back on my feet. Glancing at my reflection in the mirror, I wiped the dried tears from my face and fixed my running mascara before heading towards the bedroom door. As I walked towards the kitchen, I was stopped in my tracks by the sight of Chris sitting at the kitchen island.
Even after the horrible conversation I had just had with Luke, I felt my stomach flip at the sight of his loose t-shirt clad back and his messy curls. Frustrated with myself, I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath before continuing in his direction to grab a drink. “Hey Y/n.” He said once he saw me, a warm smile covering his face. “Hey Chris.” I replied, forcing myself to avoid looking at him by searching aimlessly for another seltzer.
“Everything okay?” He asked, and I felt myself tense at his question as I finally used common sense and opened the fridge to find a cold drink. “Yeah all good. Luke and I just had a little bit of an argument is all.” I replied, trying to keep my voice light hearted and hoping he hadn’t noticed my puffy eyes or runny nose. “Ah, I see.” He replied as I bent over to reach into the back of the fridge where I saw the last seltzer. “Would that argument have anything to do with him asking me to make a move on you to see if you would stay loyal?” His question shocked me so severely that I dropped the seltzer on the ground, causing it to explode its carbonated contents all over the kitchen floor.
“Shit!” I exclaimed, picking up the cracked can and throwing it into the sink. Turning back around to face the mess, I found Chris with a roll of paper towel wiping up the liquid. “I got it, thank you.” I said, getting down onto my knees to begin cleaning up. Chris handed me the paper towel before standing up and leaning his frame against the counter. The room was silent as I compulsively wiped away at the floor, using the task as a distraction from the question Chris had just asked me. I felt his gaze on me from above, and all it did was add fuel to the fire that was burning hazardously strong inside of me.
After some time, I realized that the floor couldn’t get much cleaner so I had to put an end to my procrastination and face the conversation. “So, uh,” I hesitantly looked up at Chris through my lashes, feeling more ashamed than ever before. “What did Luke say to you exactly?” I watched as he shrugged. “He really didn’t say much. He just pulled me to the side right before they all headed out and asked me to ‘test you’.” He added air quotes to the end of his sentence, and I felt a small sizzle of anger in my core at Luke’s audacity.
I stood up and grabbed the half finished bottle of tequila from the counter, pouring it into a cup and adding a bit of pineapple juice before drinking the whole thing in one sip. At this, Chris raised an eyebrow. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?” He asked, and I felt nerves flood my body. “Give me a second.” I replied, grabbing the tequila again but this time taking one, two, three sips directly from the bottle. I winced at the burn that traveled from my throat down to my stomach, and Chris waited in silence as I squeezed my eyes shut; taking deep breaths in preparation.
“Long story short,” I began, turning my body so that I was now facing Chris, “Luke confronted me tonight because he caught me staring at you.” I watched as Chris’ eyes widened slightly before going back to normal. “I told him that I just hadn’t known that you were home so I was just surprised to see you, but he didn’t believe me, and it sort of caused this big fight between us.” I explained, feeling my nerves flutter around my stomach; shocked that I was able to tell him what had happened. Chris stayed silent, his eyes searching my face but staying completely unreadable and I felt like my chest might explode from nerves.
“I mean, obviously he’s just being insecure but-” My rambling was cut off then by Chris. “Is he?” His question caught me off guard, and my eyes snapped to his as I felt my face fall. A small smirk toyed with the corner of his mouth as I stared at him blankly, unsure of what I could even say. After a moment, I blinked quickly and scoffed. “Ah I see, this is the test.” I chuckled and reached once again for the tequila before taking a few more sips; this interaction being far too much for me.
“No, it was a real question, I swear.” Chris repositioned his body so that he was now facing me head on, and took a step closer to me. “You think I haven’t noticed you looking at me? And I’m not just talking about tonight. I notice, Y/n.” Once again, all of my words failed me and I could only stare blankly at his questioning figure. “And don’t think I forgot about that one night.” I gasped and instinctively squeezed my eyes shut, already knowing where he was going with this.
“Just out there, when we were sharing that cigarette,” He nudged his head in the direction of the sliding glass doors in the living room that led to their large balcony, “We were drunk, but I remember you blowing the smoke into my mouth.” I felt him take another step closer to me; the heat radiating from his body causing my own to shudder. “Your lips touched mine, Y/n. I can still remember how soft they were.” His voice seemed to drop an octave, and he was whispering now as he spoke of that night five months ago, when I met him for the first time.
Luke had wanted me to meet his friends, so a big group of us had all gone to a bar together. Although I don’t usually make it a habit, I got extremely drunk that night thanks to the nerves that came from meeting a large group of new people, and ended up wanting to go home early. Luke was still having a good time and didn’t want to leave the bar with me, so Chris had offered to take me back to their apartment where Luke could meet us later. Once the two of us had made it back to the apartment, I asked Chris to sit with me while I smoked out on the balcony.
We talked for a while, learning about each others’ lives, while we shared a few cigarettes. What he was now talking about had happened, and I truly don’t know what came over me when I had done it, but I had spent the past five months trying to pretend that it was just a dream. But now, standing alone in the kitchen, we were talking about it for the first time since it happened, and I couldn’t ignore the flutter in my stomach that his hushed tone caused.
As if reading my mind, he continued. “I know we haven’t spoken about it, and maybe we should have sooner. But we haven’t been alone together once since then.” I stared blankly as he took yet another step towards me; closing the space between us almost entirely. My heart was beating so hard that I was sure that he could hear it, but once he placed a gentle hand on my hip I was pulled back to reality; immediately taking a few steps away from him while shaking my head.
“This is crazy,” I made a weak attempt at laughter as I backed away from him, “I don’t know how you expect me to fail this ‘test’ that Luke put you up to after literally telling me all about it.” I suddenly grew slightly hot with anger after reminding myself of Luke’s request to him, and the alcohol that was beginning to flood my veins wasn’t making it any easier to get over. I turned away from Chris, busying myself by starting to throw away the empty beer bottles, when he continued.
“I never told you that I agreed to do it.”
I froze, his words causing my fuzzy brain to turn onto high alert. Slowly, I turned to face him, more confused than ever before. He was leaning casually against the countertop still, with a small smirk across his lips. Noticing the confusion laced through my features, he shrugged before expanding. “I told him I don’t do that kind of shit, that if there was an issue between you two you’d have to work it out between yourselves.” None of his explanation was making things make sense, if anything I was just becoming more and more confused.
“Then what was all that just a minute ago?” I asked weakly, nervous to hear his explanation. Again, there was that dangerous smirk that I would have almost missed if my eyes weren’t glued to him in desperation for things to make sense. “That was real.” He replied simply, and my jaw almost dropped in utter shock. “Chris, he’s your roommate. You guys are friends, aren’t you?” My stomach was in knots, and my cheeks felt hot. He shook his head solemnly, “He’s not a good guy, Y/n.” As if I could read his mind, I knew what he meant without him even having to say anything else. But still, he continued.
“Why do you think he never ever asks you to go out with him to clubs anymore?” Chris asked, his voice taking on a gentle tone as if that would minimize the hurt of what I knew was coming. Weakly, I shrugged, too afraid to ask him to continue but hoping beyond anything else that he would. He sighed. “Apparently there’s this bottle girl that works at that new club that they’ve been going to lately.” My stomach dropped, but somehow I wasn’t surprised. Painfully, Chris continued. “I overheard him talking about her to one of the guys a few weeks ago. Something about going to her place after she finished her shift that night.”
At that, a single tear fell down my cheek. Not out of shock, or even sadness, but anger. “I’m sorry, Y/n.” Chris said at nearly a whisper, and I simply nodded my head; jaw clenched to keep myself from losing my cool. “W-why didn’t you say anything to me before?” I finally managed to ask, crossing my arms over my chest to hide my shaking hands. That same look of shame he had before confessing to me clouded his face once again. “I didn’t want to be the one to hurt you.” One more lonely tear fell down my cheek, and I angrily swiped it away.
“I see how much you do for him around here, and it’s obvious that you love him.” He took a step towards me, tentatively, before continuing. “But I also see the way he treats you, and you don’t deserve that.” He paused for a moment, seemingly trying to find his next words. “I honestly never really liked the guy. Sure we’re roommates, but only out of convenience. Once I overheard that conversation a few weeks ago, I started genuinely hating the guy. So, when he asked me to test you tonight, it actually gave me a good idea.”
He paused for a moment, and once again I felt my heart racing in anticipation. His usually confident expression had shifted into one of hesitation, and it did nothing to help calm my nerves. “Chris…” I started, trying to get him to continue. I watched as he took a deep breath before speaking once again. “Okay. I’m going to suggest something to you, but it’s only a suggestion. If you don’t want to do it, we can 100% pretend that this conversation never happened, and you can decide how you’re going to handle all of this in your own way.” I stayed silent, trying to wait as patiently as possible for him to get to his point.
“I think you should get back at him.” He said, finally. Still confused, I raised an eyebrow. “Get back at him? How?” I asked, to which he stayed silent. In his silence, I found my answer. “You think I should…with you?” Even to my own ears, my voice sounded weak. He stayed silent, not granting me a response with words but the small glint in his blue eyes told me enough. “Do you really think that’s the most ethical option?” I asked, trying to use what little logic I had available in my brain fizzling not just from the alcohol now but from the very situation I was finding myself in.
He shrugged again. “I know guys like him. There’s no point in confronting him about it, because you know he’s just gonna lie to your face. And if you break up with him — which I hope you do, by the way — he’s really not going to care as much as he should.” Trying to ignore the twinge of hurt that his last point caused, I nodded slowly; beginning to understand. “But if you do him the way he’s been doing you, that’s gonna fuck him up. And the best part is he doesn’t even have any right to be pissed off, because all you’re doing is exactly what he’s been doing to you.” As he spoke, I nodded my head; absorbing everything he said and recognizing it as truth.
“I mean I get it but…don’t you think us doing it would be a bad idea?” I used my hand to gesture between us. “Considering him and I literally just fought about this very situation less than an hour ago?” His smirk returned at this. “That’s my point. No other scenario has the potential to hurt him the way that ours does. You want to get back at him? I’m your guy.” A laugh that sounded almost painful fell from my lips at this, but as his face suddenly grew serious, so did mine.
“Plus,” He began, closing the space between us so that our bodies were nearly touching. I stared at him, fallen completely mute, as he brought his thumb to my lower lip — brushing it ever so lightly against my pouted mouth — before he continued, “I haven’t stopped thinking about this mouth since you left me on the balcony that night.” His voice was nearly at a whisper, and it didn’t take anymore than that for my walls to crash down.
Without hesitation, I pressed my lips to his. The kiss was soft, tentative, and gentle; our unsure mouths slowly moving against one another a physical representation of the wavering confidence in my decision. But the taste of his skin was addictive, and the feeling of his firm grasp on my waist caused my body to grow warm. So with each second, my cautious movements turned more and more desperate, and when his tongue brushed against my lower lip I opened my mouth to grant it entrance. I melted into his strong hands like putty, so when he lifted me by my ass with ease and placed me on the counter, my legs wrapped around his waist like they belonged there.
Each part of me he touched lit on fire in his trail, and as his mouth dropped lazily to my neck where he began nibbling and biting the thin skin below my ear, the very existence of Luke seemed to disappear from my thoughts — with only one word repeatedly crossing my mind: Chris, Chris, Chris.
With my spinning head, I almost didn’t notice myself being gently pushed back so that I was lying against the cold surface of the counter. Chris’ mouth was still sucking indulgently against my neck, but I felt his strong hands run up and down my bare legs; stopping just below the hemline of my shorts. I felt his hands begin to toy with my front button, and I removed my hands from the base of his curls to help him pull them down; desperate to feel his hands on my skin again.
Once the material of my shorts were dropped to the floor, I felt Chris tauntingly play with the lace of my underwear as his mouth slowly moved down my neck towards my chest. Wearing only a big t-shirt, I used my idle hands to pull the material up over my chest; exposing my breasts to Chris who immediately took one into his mouth. I moaned at the sensation of his warm tongue swirling around my nipple, and felt a dangerous shudder go down my spine once he groaned against my skin.
His hands were still flirting with my underwear, and the almost-but-not-quite contact with my core was making me go almost delirious, so in my impatience I grabbed his hand and pressed his long fingers against the place I needed him the most. The contact caused a moan to fall from my lips just as a pleased grunt fell from his. “So wet for me already, hmm?” His voice had dropped nearly a whole octave through his arousal, and his words caused even more heat to flood to my core.
In one quick motion, he slipped my thong down my legs and let it fall to the floor as his hand began exploring my slippery folds. A shocked moan burst through my lips from the relief of his touch finally against my bare heat, and as he began to rub circles into my clit, I began losing myself to the ripples of pleasure radiating from my centre down to my limbs.
His travelling mouth continued its journey from my tits down my stomach, leaving small kisses along the way. I watched in awe as his head descended along my body, feeling an unknown sensation of excitement from my view as he got closer and closer to where his fingers continued to work me. Once he reached the crest of my pelvis, he grabbed each of my legs and positioned them on his shoulders before leaning down and admiring my dripping core.
“W-what are you doing?” I asked, my voice shaking partially from nerves but mostly from the sheer adrenaline that was coursing through my veins. He dragged his eyes from my cunt up to meet my face and gave me a soft smile. “Gonna make you feel good. Is that okay with you?” His voice was still hoarse from arousal, but there was a playful tone in it that calmed my heaving chest. “Luke never…” I trailed off my sentence and his eyebrows flew up in surprise. “Never?” He asked, seeming to be completely shocked, and I shook my head. “He said he thinks it’s gross.” I confessed, suddenly feeling more exposed by my words than I had felt by my nakedness. At this, Chris’ eyes somehow darkened and softened simultaneously. “He doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.” He replied, bending down further so that he could place a soft kiss against my clit, “There’s nothing gross about this; about you.”
His words were said with such sincerity, such certainty, that I felt a small flutter in my chest. However, this feeling was abruptly interrupted by a much stronger feeling — a feeling of indescribable pleasure — once Chris attached his mouth to my clit. As he feverishly sucked and twirled his tongue expertly around my bundle of nerves, my vision became blurry and all I could see was a flash of bright light. When my vision returned, the sight before me caused the pleasure I was feeling to intensify so severely that, had my hips not been held firmly in place, I would have slipped to the floor as aimlessly as my underwear had just moments before.
There, right in the centre of my legs, was Chris. His generally messy curls even more disheveled than normal framing his face in the perfect way that it does; his already sharp cheekbones accentuated by his sucking; his bright pink lips wrapped tightly around me making me feel things I had never felt before; and his piercing blue eyes staring right up at me — seeming to take in every facial expression, every gasp, every moan that I made.
Overwhelmed, my hands flew to his hair where I held on for dear life; wanting to pull his mouth away but absolutely needing it to keep going. The build up of pressure in the pit of my stomach was almost too much to handle, and as I trembled around his face he maintained every ounce of pressure; every movement of his performed with expert precision. “C-Chris. Oh god!” I couldn’t stop myself from crying out, as the pleasure was causing my mind to scramble. “Just like that, please.” I heard myself continue, shocked even in the moment as I had never once said those words and truly meant it.
Chris released a soft moan against my core at my words, and the vibration from it was enough to get me to the point of no return. “Gonna c-cum, p-please don’t stop.” I begged desperately, and he didn’t. Like a machine, his movements never wavered — he never changed his rhythm, nor did he try any new tricks. The consistency of his swirling tongue threw me into a shocking tidal wave of pleasure, and with shaking legs and an arched back I practically screamed out his name over and over; riding out my high with no thoughts in my mind but him.
Only when my moans subsided and my grip on his hair loosened did Chris detach his mouth from my nerves before climbing back up my body. Once he reached my face, he placed a gentle kiss on my lips; the slightly sweet taste of my orgasm still coating his lips. “See,” He began, looking deep into my eyes, “Nothing gross about that. As a matter of fact, I could do that all day.” I felt my stomach do a flip and my core once again flood with a new wave of arousal from his words, and I allowed him to kiss me once more; this one much deeper than the last.
As we kissed, Chris helped me sit up, and then finally stand up on shaky legs. Once I was stable, he pulled my t-shirt over my head and let it fall to the floor with the rest of my clothing before doing the same with his own. With his top half now fully exposed, I allowed myself to take a moment to admire his body — his creamy smooth skin; slight muscle; sprinkle of hair below his belly button — as he started untying the drawstring on his pants.
He removed his pyjamas and boxers in one swift motion, and my eyes immediately fell to his hard member. Its size was otherworldly, and the veins that were wrapped around it caused my mouth to water. Mindlessly, I dropped to my knees in front of him and took his cock in my hand, pumping it a few times and relishing in the weight of it against my palm. I took a moment to glance up at him, and I found him staring down at me as his chest rose and fell rapidly; his eyes almost glazed over in arousal.
Turning my attention back to his member, I leaned forward and ran my tongue up his slit to collect the bead of pre-cum that had been gleaning in the light. As my tongue connected to his skin, I felt, more than heard, him intake a sharp breath. Eager to make him feel even a fraction as good as he made me feel, I attached my mouth to his tip and began bobbing my head up and down; swirling my tongue around the base of his tip as I did. Immediately, Chris’ hands found my hair and he began collecting it into a ponytail to pull it away from my face. Small moans left his mouth occasionally, and each time it did I felt my core grow wetter and wetter.
I brought my right hand up to the base of his shaft, where I began pumping it up and down in rhythm with my mouth. “Oh fuck.” He groaned out, gripping onto the countertop behind me with his free hand. With each bob of my head and pump of my hand, Chris released small grunts; and I relished in the fact that he was feeling so good because of me. I continued at the same pace, trying to stay focused on what I was doing, but his pleasure was adding to my pleasure, and I selfishly pulled away from him — his cock springing out of my mouth with a pop — and looked up at him through my eyelashes.
“Need more of you Chris.” I admitted, my arousal overtaking any urge I had to be coy in that moment. At my confession, Chris’ blue eyes darkened, and he didn’t hesitate before lifting me from the ground and pressing my back against the counter. His lips found mine once again, and the taste of both of our arousals melted into one as our tongues danced together; creating an addicting combination that made me ache.
A gasp fell from my lips as I was suddenly turned around, my bare chest now pressing against the cold stone counter. Chris had one hand pressed to the small of my back, where he rubbed small comforting circles as I felt his other hand guide the tip of his cock towards my opening. “You know,” Chris leaned forward towards my ear, “I always had a feeling that you wanted me too,” He let just the very tip of his member rest in my opening, “But if I knew you needed me the way I’ve been needing you, I would have fucked you much sooner.”
At that, Chris slid his cock into me, its girth stretching out my walls unforgivingly. Both of us released groans as he bottomed out, and he paused for a moment to allow me to adjust to his size as I fought against my trembling legs. After a brief moment, I felt Chris grab both of my hips before he began to thrust into me. His movements were slow and careful, as if he knew I was struggling to take his size. “You’re so tight baby.” He breathed, and I released a soft moan from his words.
He continued to move at a slow but deep pace, and with each thrust I felt my walls envelope his member with grateful acceptance. I started to feel my body relax more and more, and began to feel the earliest signs of pressure in my lower stomach once again. With each of his movements, I adjusted to him more, and I suddenly needed more. “Harder, please C-Chris.” I cried out softly, and without a moment’s hesitation he began to pick up the pace. Still driving his cock deep into me, his hips began to slam against mine at a much faster rate; causing my body to flood with even more arousal.
“You like that baby?” He asked through his grunts, and I was only able to moan in response; too fucked out to respond with words as I was constantly slammed against the countertop. The kitchen was flooded with the slick sounds of my arousal, and it was the perfect harmony to the verbal sounds of pleasure that fell from our tongues. I felt one of Chris’ hands snake up my back to the base of my neck before he grabbed a fistful of my hair; using his grip on it to pull me up off of the counter. With my back now pressed tightly against his front, he turned my head to the side so that — through blurry vision — I was able to see him and he was able to see me.
His glossed over eyes were focused on my o-shaped mouth, and he just stared at me for what felt like centuries as he continued to drive himself into me. The intensity of the moment was so startling that, if I wasn’t approaching my second orgasm of the night, I would have been brought back down to earth. But at that moment, a strong wave of pleasure shot through my body and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. “You look so pretty, taking my cock so good Y/n. You feeling good?” I was barely able to nod my head in response as the pressure in my core began to feel overwhelming. “G-gonna cum again.” I managed to squeak out through high pitched moans that I hardly recognized as my own.
“Me too baby. Just hold on for me, wanna cum together.” His words were coming out strained just as mine were, and I felt his rhythm begin to grow choppier as his orgasm approached. Screwing my eyes shut, I fought against the raging urge to release all over him right then and there; wanting so badly to do what he said to do and wait for him. Luckily, it wasn’t long before I was interrupted from my focused state by a loud grunt behind me. “Fuck, gonna cum. Where do you want me Y/n?”
His words unraveled the last string of self-control I had, and I felt my legs begin to shake beneath me as I struggled to answer. “In m-me. Oh god, please.” I cried out just as my second orgasm tore through me; this one even stronger than the first. As the waves rolled through me and I released a plethora of guttural moans, I felt Chris’ hand on my jaw; grabbing my attention. As I opened my eyes to meet with his, I felt his movements stop almost entirely. His eyes had a far-away look and his jaw was clenched, but still he stared deep into my half-lidded eyes as I felt his member pulse deep in my core — painting my walls white with his cum.
Once all of our movements stopped and our breathing returned close to normal, I winced as he slowly pulled his length out of me. He turned me around gently, and I was met with a lazy smile and a soft kiss on my forehead. Still recovering, I was at a loss for words; and so we stayed silent as he first helped me get dressed and then dressed himself.
“Well,” He finally started, “Do you feel better?” I stared at him for a moment, confused by what he meant, before I at last remembered the events that had unfolded not long before. I released a soft chuckle as I reached for a nearby red solo cup to fill with water. “Would you think I’m a bad person if I told you that I actually forgot about the whole point of this until just now?” He laughed as I chugged the water before refilling the glass and handing it to him. “No, I wouldn’t. As a matter of fact I’d think that made this whole thing even better.” He replied before bringing the glass to his lips.
I laughed as I reached for my phone, turning it on and checking my notifications. “Oh shit.” My face fell and my stomach tied itself in a knot. “Luke texted me ten minutes ago saying that the club was a bust and he’s on his way back.” Even in my immediate panic, I scoffed. “That probably means she wasn’t working tonight, huh?” I felt Chris walk up behind me and peer over my shoulder at the text message. “You okay?” He placed a gentle hand on the small of my back, and I cursed myself once I felt my heart flutter at his comforting gesture. I nodded. “More than okay, honestly.” I turned around to face him, and before I could stop myself I reached up and kissed him softly. “But he’s gonna be back any minute, and we can’t be standing in the middle of the kitchen looking freshly fucked. Let’s move.”
As promised, a few minutes later I heard the keys rattle at the front door — announcing Luke’s arrival. I was standing in the kitchen still — busying myself with washing the dirty glasses and wiping the sticky residue from the liquor, and possibly our cum, off of the counter — while Chris sat on the couch in the living room; pretending to be in the middle of a movie.
Once he walked through the door, Luke paused there a moment to take in the scene in front of him. He looked first at me, then at Chris; then me, then Chris. His expression was unreadable, like it usually was when he was drunk, and it did nothing to ease my racing heart. My mouth dried out, completely fearful that he knew exactly what had taken place just moments before right where I was standing. Did I have a hickey? Did the apartment smell like sex? Did my guilty face give it all away?
Finally, Luke moved from his place at the front door and walked right by me; heading directly for Chris on the couch. Still pretending to be busy drying and polishing the glassware, I secretly watched as they spoke to each other. With the tv still playing and their decision to speak in hushed tones, I was unable to hear what they were saying. But, I watched Chris as he shook his head no before Luke threw his hands up in exacerbation. They continued to speak to each other for a few more moments, Luke seeming to grow more and more upset and Chris maintaining his superb level of calm, before Luke finally mumbled “You fucking suck” and stormed away towards his room.
Once his door was shut with him safely behind it, my eyes immediately fell back to Chris, who was already staring at me with that cheeky smirk back on his face. Wanting desperately to know exactly what he said but too afraid to go over and speak to him about it, I stared desperately at Chris; hoping that he would give me some sort of inclination that all was good. Then, like he was reading my mind, he sent me a sharp wink. Immediately, my whole body relaxed and I released a deep breath that I hadn’t even known I was holding.
Test passed.
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Hi I see your requests are open (btw love ur blog) could I possibly request Rook, Idia, Azul, and Floyd falling for the “my boyfriend left you can come over” text prank? Pls pls pls 🥺
Azul Ashengrotto:
Not that it’s a great prank to play on anyone, but Azul who is already riddled with trust issues would especially not appreciate it. He doesn’t address it immediately but it’s due to his internal panic over the situation, thinking you wouldn’t be so stupid as to text him something meant for another person and that if you had, you would’ve tried to cover for yourself at least. But there’s always a part of his brain that’s ready for disaster, that activates the second something potentially devastating lined itself up to happen and it completely throws Azul off his normal logical conclusions. You do notice he’s a little more emotional than normal, getting snippy with you and refusing to look at you; it doesn’t get better when you tell him it was just a prank, wondering why you had entirely ruined his day just to get a laugh.
Idia Shroud:
Can one person be double cursed? Because Idia felt double cursed. He stared at the text, trying to pick it apart, analyze different meanings, figure out what you were trying to actually say but was instead autocorrected to this extremely unsettling text. His logic skill wasn’t high enough to figure out this minigame and he almost texted you to ask what you meant but paused, realizing his social skill wasn’t high enough for him to send one out about the topic of you potentially cheating on him. He would normally torture newbies online to get out his feelings but he doesn’t feel like doing much of anything, sitting with his knees brought up to his chest and lamenting his inability to recognize that your relationship points had fallen so low. There’s relief that comes with knowing it was just a prank, proven by Ortho doing a quick internet search, but you see the tiniest tinge of red flutter through his hair even as he tells you he’s fine.
Floyd Leech:
Floyd had never whipped around so quick in his entire life, kicking the door to your room in and glaring at you with a knowing look. You’re unable to stop your giggling though some of it might be from nerves, as dealing with a grumpy eel was never the most fun. He whined at you for trying to play a mean trick on him, asking if you wanted to be squeezed that bad; you knew exactly what he was like when he was jealous and you couldn’t help but want to see a little more. There weren’t many people stupid enough to flirt with you when they knew who you were dating so you had to make your own fun, but having Floyd wrapped around you and refusing to leave your side until this potential ‘other person’ showed up was making you think twice about any future pranks.
Rook Hunt:
Rook doesn’t fall for it. He knows you’re just teasing in your normal playful way, trying to pull a reaction out of him which made him chuckle. You kept his daily life interesting so he couldn’t take your little prank personally, but he knew you inside and out. He would hold your face with his hand, delicately caressing your skin as he talked about your scent, one that he had memorized as he held you close each night. The only man he had ever smelled on you was himself, and since he didn’t pick up on anything unfamiliar, he concluded right in front of you that you couldn’t possibly be cheating on him. He pressed his nose into your neck, whispering against your skin that if you didn’t want him to go you just had to say as such.  
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
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first podiums * aa23
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it’s her first win in formula one as a female driver and her boyfriend can’t be any happier for her
pairings: alex albon x reader!driver
notes: NOT in any way, shape, or form related to vettel reincarante calm ur horses.. i also sincerely apologise to all the anons sending in requests while i just keep posting logan shit 😭😭 i’m genuinely trying my best please forgive me!!
also um… this is VERY like… so mediocre… i’m so sorry for this babygirl… i will post another fluff alex fic tomorrow i sweaRRR I’M BETTER THAN THIS
(f1 masterlist)
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you hadn’t even realised you’d won the race. all the cheering your engineer and team principal had screamed into your ears through the radio hadn’t fully registered. not until you drove into parc ferme and you were guided to the signage with the number one on it.
you couldn’t even climb out of your car, until a figure towered over the halo, causing you to look up. the driver you’d held off for the better part of the last ten laps of the race greets you with a wide smile, gesturing for you to get out of the car and says something about celebrating.
once you climb out of you car, you’re immediately greeted with a tight hug and praises from the veteran driver.
“oh, you raced that so well! i couldn’t find a way past you in those last laps,” max says to you, patting your helmet firmly. “you deserve this. congrats.”
“thank you,” you’d answer him before he walks away to greet other drivers driving into parc ferme.
but you waste no time. you quickly run over to your team, held back by the barricades, and throw yourself into the sea of arms where they sing you praises and pat your back. it’s exhilarating to be on the receiving end after a long weekend.
it’s not been kind to you: starting the race in the midfield, only to fight your way up and be graced by a yellow flag to chase after max for that fight to your first win in formula one.
and being the first to do it other than max this season, it’s a good look for you and the team that’s brought you here today.
you thought the hugs would never end when you tried to pull away but the only wrapped their arms around you tighter, until there was a pat on your shoulder. your feet touch the ground and you’re immediately twirled into another warm hug.
you had no idea who it was until you opened an eye to meet the bright blue race suit you’ve known and loved the entire season. you had no confirmation until he spoke: “i’m so proud of you.”
"alex," you manage to squeak against his race suit, your helmet uncomfortably being held in alex's arms.
you can hear him giggle as he reaches beneath your helmet, unclipping the harness before he helps you to pull off your head. "hey, race winner! you were amazing out there!"
"how'd you get here so fast?" you laugh, looking around for his car.
"i finished p4 today," he smiles.
you throw your head back in a softer laugh, yanking off your balaclava. you tear away the hair tie that held your hair up, fluffing it out after it'd been stuck to your head for the better part of the past two hours.
"that's amazing, alex! that's a good race!"
"yours is even better! you won!" he beams. "speaking of that, i do have a surprise."
"what are you talking about?"
alex reaches for something behind him, probably held onto by somebody else. you try to move your head around his body to see what it is, but he's quick to counter your gaze by moving himself to where your eyes wander.
"congratulations," alex smiles, moving his hand between your bodies, presenting to you the biggest bouquet to flowers you've ever seen in your life. "these are for you. there will be more later after the podium."
"aren't we going to the nightclub with the guys after the podium and press?" you whisper, taking the flowers into your hands and taking a step towards him. "you guys have got that new race winner tradition, don't you? since you guys kinda run the grid now?”
"you're not much of a drinker - i'm sure they'll understand," alex shrugs with a small smile. "besides, would you rather spend the evening with tons of drunk losers, or just one sober loser - whom you're very much in love with?"
“i guess the latter does sound very romantic,” you smile sweetly, letting him pull you in with a hand on your waist. “you are planning something romantic, right?”
“of course. it’s my baby’s first win in formula one,” alex smiles, leaning down with puckered lips.
you wrap a hand around his neck, reeling him in to connect your lips. the moment is so intimate that you almost don’t notice the flashing lights that surround you.
but it doesn’t go past alex. if he could have all the privacy in the world and do whatever he wants with you, he would. so, he does the one thing he thinks would help him avoid headlines and your pictures plastered everywhere in the morning.
he lifts his helmet to hide your face away from the cameras, allowing you to share whatever’s left of your intimate moment. he pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. “you’re a race winner. when we get back home, we can make our trophies kiss.”
“that’s cute. they’re like our little kids,” you giggle, nudging his nose with yours. “i’ll see you in the car after i’m done with everything? look cute, okay?”
being on the top of that podium step was more exhilarating than you could ever imagine. to hear the crowd chant your name, to listen to your national anthem being blasted for everyone to hear and to watch your loved ones huddled together in the crowd for you is a feeling you’ll never be able to shake off.
in the far corner, you could see alex forcing logan to take a video of you, probably telling him off about which angle to hold the phone at to make you look flattering.
you almost burst into tears when you watched the rookie shove the phone back into your boyfriend’s hands and walk away, shaking his head in disappointment.
with every step you took in the paddocks thereafter, somebody is quick to stop you in your tracks. whether it’s for a picture, a short greeting for your performance, or just a hug. it’s all managed to make you feel a little overwhelmed.
and tired. because by the time alex managed to get you all to himself, it’s practically midnight and all the remaining energy had been squeezed out of you.
you weren’t even able to make a friendly appearance at the nightclub that max had invited you out to. your boyfriend had to practically drag you out of your driver’s room before you passed out in there entirely.
here you are, in your hotel room surrounded by takeout and a pint of chocolate ice cream. your ipad is propped up by several pillows with a random youtube video playing in the room.
“love,” alex hums, reaching out to pause the video. he rolls on his stomach, tapping your shoulder. “i hope you were able to enjoy your first win. i know you’re quite tired.”
of course, you’d been dozing off with the takeout box in your hand. but alex had put in so much effort in making his hotel room feel like a celebration after all your efforts throughout the evening that it would have felt rude — illegal, even — to politely decline from how drained you are.
“love, of course, i enjoyed everything,” you smile, putting a hand on his cheek. you tilt your head and let your hair fall past your shoulders. “i’m sorry, i wish i had more energy to go out and do something. we could have gotten some drinks and celebrated with the guys.”
alex leans into your touch, closing his eyes momentarily. “i hope my simple setup didn’t disappoint. i would have gotten us some wine, but ya know… you don’t really drink.”
“hey, i love cranberry juice,” you grin, pinching his cheek very slightly. “thank you. for all of this, and the flowers. you really didn’t have to — it’s not like i’d won the championship?”
“oh, you’re aiming for that next,” alex smiles with a nod. “not before me, though! you’re going to have to fight me for that championship.”
“ah, i wouldn’t speak so much for someone who can’t beat me in mario kart,” you roll your eyes playfully.
alex raises his eyebrows, sitting up in disbelief. “yeah? you got the energy to beat me in mario kart right now?”
“i always have the energy for that!” you shriek when alex yanks you into his body, trying to avoid spilling the food onto your white bedsheets. “alex, the food!”
“eat faster so we can play mario kart! come on!”
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unknownperson246 · 1 month
HIIII , I love ur work. it’s amazing <3
if you don’t mind could you do one of current Axl rose
the reader and axl have been doing it for a while now and they r in a relationship but nobody knows. one day she has a class with him and she misbehaved in class on purpose just to piss him off so at the end of the class he makes her stay behind and he just does pure filth to her. make it as filthy as you want . love yaaa thank you 🫶🏽🫶🏽
hiiii thank you 🤍🤍🤍🤍 also I’m so sorry it’s late but here it is. I hope you enjoy it 🤍
Call Me Professor
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Words: 996
warnings: *smut* *p in v* *age gap* *professor Axl* *overstimulation* *vibrator* *doing it in a classroom* *praise kink* *spanking kink*
✮⋆˙ ☠︎︎ ★☠︎ ✮⋆˙✮⋆˙ ☠︎︎ ★☠︎ ✮⋆˙✮⋆˙ ☠︎︎ ★☠︎ ✮⋆˙✮⋆˙ ☠︎︎ ★☠︎ ✮⋆˙
You are a college student. You are in your freshman year of college. Everything was very new to you. At the beginning of the year, you were getting used to everything around you. It was amazing. All of your professors were boring and they always were so harsh on you. You hated the professors and their classes until you met Professor Axl. He was perfect. You were always paying attention in his class. His deep raspy voice made you go feral. His teaching style was always so easy for you to understand. He taught college-level chemistry. Chemistry was a very difficult subject for you even in high school. But your professor made it very simple and easy to understand. You didn't want to waste any more time. One day you asked to stay after because you needed help understanding something. He turned around and you pulled your skirt off. Ever since then, you both have been doing it for 4 months in his classroom. You both are in a relationship but no college student or admin knows. You both have been very hush-hush about it. You didn't want to get your 62-year-old college professor boyfriend in trouble. 
You are now sitting in his class in the front row while he teaches more basic chemistry to all of the class. A light bulb goes off in your head. You were shy and you didn't like drawing attention to yourself but you were desperate for him. 
“Axl!” you shout out.
He snaps his neck back to look at you. He was embarrassed. 
“Mr.Axl Rose You fucking suck ass,” You say chuckling and smiling while the other college students just sit there and look at you in annoyance.
“Y/N please meet me after class.” He announces with a red face and a firm voice.
“Sure thing Mr.Ass sucker.” You say smirking at him.
As soon as the lecture was over and everyone left you went over to his desk and pulled your skirt off.
“Hello, Mr. Rose.” You smirk at him putting his hands on his chest. 
You grab his arms and you put his hands on your chest. He is still very mad at you and he doesn't say anything. He turns around to go and lock the door. He comes back.
“The stunt you pulled today… You're going to be sorry. You fucking needy ass whore” He yells.
“Oh does that upset Mr.Rose?” You say pouting and smiling like it was a joke. 
You put your hand on his cock that was not going to go soft on you. You felt it swell up even more when you were touching it.  He tried to conceal his lustful eyes. You could hear small groans escape his lips when you touched him. “Mr Rose,” You say.
“Call me Professor. Dumb whore” He mutters as he takes his zipper down and slides his jeans halfway down. You sit down on his desk without your skirt trying to seduce him again. He pulls out a vibrator from his briefcase. He bought the vibrator brand new and he bought it for you. He figured it was the best time to use it on you.  He pulled the remote out
You gulp as you see the vibrator. You didn't want to feel overstimulated. You decided to lie down on the table. You laying down and spreading your legs was an act of confirmation that he could stick it inside of you. Without any shame, he put it on the highest setting with the remote that came with it. “Axl” You sob as you feel the buzz and the vibrations.
“It's Professor Axl,” He says, flipping you over to face up. He smacks your ass. You found it hot when he turned you over to smack you. 
It felt like when teachers would hit students back in the day. Of course, you never got that experience. It was happening in front of your eyes. He was smacking you and you loved it. You indulged in it. He stopped the vibrator mid-way. He got on the desk without his pants. 
“Ax- I mean Professor. Why did you stop?” You say in a whiny voice.
His knees are on both sides next to you. His arms are straight. He is hovering above you. He doesn't speak. He grabs his huge and thick cock. He puts it at your entrance. You feel his cock touching your entrance. You feel the tip enter first. He doesn't fully thrust. After a couple of minutes, you feel his hands on your ass. He starts to go in and out of you. His hips collide with your ass. You feel his tip continuously smack your g spot over and over. His hands move up to your hips. “Profe-” You cry.
You can't string a full sentence together from his cock pounding you like this. It's been forever since the both of you had fucked. It felt so good to both of you. Axl's head goes back. You feel his thrusts get sloppy and his hands dig in your hips. His thumb rubbing circles on your upper ass. He is breathless. You feel his wet load inside of you. 
“Good slut” He moans. 
You feel something happening to you when he says that. Your stomach ties up into a knot and your moans and sighs get heavier. You feel yourself coming on his cock. He pulls out of you and he gets up from his table. You watch his next moves scared that he is going to do something to you. He gets up and unlocks his door. It was your signal to get up and leave his lecture room. You got up and grabbed your skirt. You grabbed your tote back and headed on out to your next class. Once you got to your next class you just realized you forgot to fix your hair and clothes. You were embarrassed and covered your clothes with your arms. 
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slut4msby · 9 months
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Happy New Year? Miya Atsumu x Fem!Reader
+ tags & warnings; suggestive content, heavily implied smut, atsumu and reader did the deed :0??, borderline fuckboy!atsumu [i have a soft spot for fuckboy!atsumu], not proofread, implied ex bf but no one is specified other than being a vb player so use ur imagination qts :3
+ a/n; hey guys! i'm lea :3. this is my first fic on tumblr in YEARS i used to have an account long long long ago that like NO ONE would know so this is my welcome back ig ;p have some fuckboy!atsumu tehheeheh [i want fuckboy!atsumu so bad or maybe i just have issues teheheh]. also its dec 31 when i post this so HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! stay safe and take care x
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Waking up on your own has become a tradition on New Year's Day. For the past three years, a very lonely past three years. Ever since your partner had broken up with you. 
This year was no different, waking up in an empty bed - but not your bed? The realisation left you in confusion. Your eyes darted around the room, cologne, dirty clothes, sports trophies and empty water bottles filled the room. How classy. You sat up against the headboard, head pounding from the alcohol that had consumed your body the night before. Despite its uncleanliness it was a nice room at its core. The problem is, you don't know when you got here or how you got here. Matter of fact if you were even still in the country.
“Hey Doll.” A shirtless figure called from the doorway, a towel wrapped around his waist, his V-line on full display. He was fit, no one could deny that. His blonde hair messy from his shower, his body littered with hickies and scratches - your hickies and scratches. “You really did a number on me huh?” He let out a soft chuckle.
You tried to respond but your body was still in a state of shock from the man you had managed to catch.
“You alright princess? You seemed to be a lot louder and confident last night.” He teased, walking towards you taking a seat on his bed. “You know, you look good in my shirt.” He adds on in reference to the oversized t-shirt which accompanied your body. He shuffled closer to you, he planted another kiss on your neck over one of the many purple marks he had given you last night, “could get used to having you around.”
“Me?” You question, he only nods in response. 
He grabs your face in his hand. You couldn’t deny his hands were nice, they were big and he obviously knew how to use them. He moved you to look at him, forcing tension. You couldn’t lie from what you could remember is that he was good. He pulled you closer and closer, looking at your lips and then your eyes. “Can I?” He asks.
“Can you?” You respond giving him your infamous ‘fuck-me eyes’.
“Oh doll, we both know we can.” He mutters against your lips, before pulling you in for a kiss which you very happily accept. 
That’s when the memories come back, you could never forget a kiss like that. You remember Kuroo forcing you to a party and meeting him, Atsumu Miya.
“C’moonnnnnnnn n/n-chan it will be fun.” Kuroo begged.
“Tetsu, I don’t know I am happy alone.”
“You’re so boring now n/n-chan.” He pouts. He knows that sentence will rile you up. “You used to be the life of the party y/n.”
“Used to? Oh baby I still am.”
“Then come to the party n/n.”
You remember walking in and being greeted by Bokuto who you hadn't seen in years. Completely ditching the volleyball scene after your ex-boyfriend. Bokuto was still as huge and friendly as always. You greeted all the familiar faces and were even introduced to some new ones. It was nice. As the hours went on the alcohol overtook your body. 
You had found yourself on a couch on top of him - Atsumu Miya. 
“Woahh pretty girl slow down.” He pulls away from the kiss a string of saliva breaking you apart as he does so. “What's yer name, pretty girl?” He asks before leaving light kisses on your neck forcing a gasp out of you.
“L/n.” You say quickly, “y/n l/n.”
“Pretty name for a pretty girl.” He says continuing kissing down your neck. He would have gone further right then and there however your rendezvous was cut short by Bokuto and Kuroo calling your name. And you thought that was gonna be the last encounter with the mystery man.
“Ohhhh~ n/n-chan getting it on with tsum-tsum.” Bokuto teases.
“N/n is lonelyyyyyy.” Kuroo slurs.
The teasing continued all night, however at 11:58pm everyone started gathering around for the countdown, you were convinced this is the fourth year you would be lonely. Before you felt an arm snag your waist.
“Hey pretty girl.” He purrs into your ear.
“Oh it’s you.”
“I have a name y’know princess?”
“Do yer seriously not know who I am.”
“Egotistical by the sound of it, pretty boy.” You respond.
“Atsumu Miya. Y’know? MSBY’s setter?”
“Right. I like pretty boy more.” You giggle.
“Yer won't be moaning that tonight trust me doll.”
Atsumu pulls you in for a kiss, “So you wanna take me up on that offer princess?”
You can’t help but nod eagerly.
Happy New year to you indeed.
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w00ah · 9 months
cuete x santo reader pt.2
it’s been 3 months since you and Cuete started dating. You still haven’t told anybody about what’s happening between you both, and with the tension between the santos and 19th street getting thicker each day, it’s getting more and more stressful hiding it from you two brothers. you’ve tried multiple times to get your boyfriend to lay off the heat but he’s ignored all your requests.
‘Cmon baby,’ you pleaded over the phone to cuete.
‘stop fighting with Oscar it’s stressing me out. I don’t want either of you to get hurt.’
you hear him sigh across the line.
‘we’ve talked abt this Mami; Business is business. And that territory belongs to 19th street. I’m not gonna stop till your brother gives me what’s mine, alright?’
you sigh loudly and he continues talking;
‘I don’t wanna argue with you now princesa. I’ve got some work to do but I’ll be round yours to pick you up in a few hours so make sure ur brothers are out, okay?’
‘yeah, okay. I love you.’
‘I love you too mami.’ He replied before hanging up the phone.
groaning loudly, you flopped down onto your bed. You knew that he would never agree to your pleads but it was still worth a try, and you knew if you ever asked Oscar to put and end to the situation he’d know something was up. So for now you’ll just have to deal with the pressure of your little secret by yourself.
Just as you apply the final touches to your makeup you hear loud music slowly approaching your driveway and a car honks its horn, cuete’s way of telling you he’s arrived. You hurriedly grab a hoodie and put on a few sprays of the perfume you know he likes before running out the door.
you jump into the car and he gives you a smirk.
‘excited to see me?’ He chuckles.
‘Of course papi’ you smile before leaning in to kiss him.
He leans forward into the kiss and you feel his hand slip onto your thigh and give it a tight squeeze before he pulls away from the kiss.
‘cmon Hermosa, we can do more of that later’ he jokes, making you let out a small laugh as you slap his arm playfully.
‘so, where are we going then.’ You ask.
‘you’ll see’ he grins at you and you roll your eyes in fake annoyance.
Keeping his hand on your thigh, he pulls his car out of the drive to wherever he plans on taking you.
After a while of driving you realise he’s taken you to the beach, a place you enjoy going to with Oscar and Caesar. You let out a little gasp at the view; a beautiful pink and gold sunset and the calm gentle waves lapping at the shore.
Getting out of the car you feel him wrap his arm around your waist and pull your frame closer to his. ‘what do you think then, hermosa?’ He questions with a proud smirk on his face.
‘it’s perfect’ you grin as you lock lips with him once again, this time in a more intimate kiss that lasted longer than the last one. You pull away giving him another grin before continuing towards the sea.
you both sit on the sand together and you watch as he pulls out a joint and a lighter, and you keep your eyes on him as he lights it and takes a puff. And you let your yes wonder around his figure before letting them linger on his face, taking in his handsome features. His eyes flick over to yours and your checks flush as he lets out a chuckle,
‘like what you see, princesa?’ He jokes as he passes you the joint.
‘oh shut up’ you laugh before taking a drag of the joint and leaning your head on his chest, taking in the scenery around you.
After a couple hours on the beach you end up at Cuetes place, which is now empty, not full of 19th street boys like it always is when you’re here with Oscar. Youre in bed with cuete and things begin to get heated; you’re kissing and you feel his hands begin to wonder. You let out a breathy sigh and you feel his hands travelling up your shirt as you begin to slowly grind down on his lap.
just then you feel your phone ringing in your pocket and you let out an annoyed groan as you go to check who it is, but your heart drops a little when you see who’s calling you.
‘it’s Oscar, be quiet’ you say quickly as you go to answer the call.
‘Hello?’ You say, looking at your boyfriend as he looks back at you in curiosity.
‘Where the fuck are you, Y/N’ oh shit he sounds mad.
you gulp as your mind races to think of a good excuse.
‘I got bored so I went out on a walk, I thought you weren’t gonna be back till tomorrow?’ You reply giving cuete an anxious look.
‘well things changed. What the fuck were you thinking going out by yourself when the blocks this hot, you’re a target Y/N, what if 19th street sees you, huh?’ you can hear the anger in his voice but try to stay calm.
‘I can take care of myself Oscar, you don’t have to worry about me all the time’
‘don’t gimme that shit’ he shouts, ‘where are you im coming to pick you up.’ oh fuck. If he knows your in 19th street territory he’ll kill you.
‘Uhh… im at the park’ You feel a bead of sweat drip down your neck And you feel Cuete give your hips a squeeze of reassurance.
‘alright I’ll be there in 10.’ Oscar says hanging up the phone.
‘fuck, fuck, fuck’ you say jumping out of bed and grabbing your hoodie off the floor. The parks a 15 minute drive from Cuetes house and if you’re late Oscar will know you lied about where you are.
the both of you run to the car and cuete drives dangerously fast down the road towards the park.
you rush out of the car without kissing your boyfriend goodbye and slam the door behind you as he speeds off back towards his house. You let out a sigh of relief as you check the time, you made it in 9 minutes, thank fuck.
just then Oscar’s car pulls up next to you and you step into the passenger seat, trying your best to act normal.
‘You’re a fucking idiot.’ He says as he begins driving home.
‘sorry’ you sigh out; That was too close.
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finneysbaseball · 2 years
ayo 🤭 could i possibly request headcanons for either dating vance or being griffin’s best friend? ur acc is awesome btw
dating vance but not rlly dating vance while being griffins bsf/ big sis figure
a/n: fem reader on this one but imagine it however u like <3 i tried to make it gn but theres some slip ups!
(see what i did i mixed them together 🤭)
vance would think u like griffin (u kind of do cus who wouldn't? hes adorable) more then him so he would hate him
although griffin would grow on him
you'd be like his second parents
and i hc that vance is a mommas boy so he would be the mom you'd be the dad
vance would totally baby him.
like vance would be like "i don't like griffin"
then would proceed to he caught playing trains with him.
"he forced me he has little doe eyes i couldn't say no" blah blah blah i dont wanna hear it mr hopper
griffin would probably slip up and call u mom sometimes
vance is still annoyed by him sometimes
probably even made him cry on accident w few times if im being honest
like this kid is sensitive.
and im not evn tryna be mean
u could literally ignore him on accident bcus u didn't hear him and he started crying cus he thought u didn't love him anymore
ok ok I'm getting rlly carried away this isn't even what u asked for pls don't hate me
ok so more into the vance being your boyfriend part.
griffin was the kid you babysat ever since he was a 5, since his parents were always on work trips (hc ofc)
u met vance at the grab and go when u bumped into his pinball machine, he cussed you out but didn't beat your ass or anything since he was just practicing (or so that was his excuse) and everyone was like "damn how did she not get her ass whooped😧"
vance then saw u at school and asked in the most calm way he could (which did not work out because it sounded like he was yelling at you.)
which then to that you said "im so sorry i would but i cant , i have a babysitting job this saturday."
vance then tried to walk away but before he could you started talking again.
"the boys parents aren't strict! you could come with me and we could all watch movies together! he would love you!
and to that he said yes
spoiler alert, griffin did not love vance. another spoiler alert, the feeling was mutual.
as you walked to the door to greet mrs stagg going to a meeting, she stopped and said hi to you and vance, you called her prior to explain that you had to study with him (which was kind of a lie but you heard him and his teacher talking about his grades so you thought, sure why not help him with his grades!
as you said goodbye too mr stagg, griffin walked downstairs running to hug you and as u both pulled away he say vance.
"who are you?" griffin said crossing his arms over his chest
"vance." vance said not liking the tone the 10 year old boy was taking with him.
"why are you in my house."
"because your babysitter is helping me with my grades"
"so what your saying is your an idiot?"
"ok ok lets calm down"
"well at least you have y/n shes very smart she helped me get an a"
griffin walked away to go watch gravity falls on tv. (another headcanon lolz)
"he called me dumb."
"vance, hes ten."
"i assure you you're not dumb, you just need to start paying attention in class."
you and vance started working on science, something vance was stuck on.
when griffin spoke up
"yes griffin?"
"im bored!!"
"well i guess i can take break"
"i need help!" vance said with a pout that was barely noticeable
"well my needs are more important then yours u bush!"
"vance hes ten!"
"a stupid ten year old."
"thats why u cant do basic science!"
"griffin apologize!" you said with a stern face
"he thinks hes more important than me!".
"you are both important so you both better apologize or im telling your moms!
that seemed to get their attention as they both shook their head no and started apologizing
"vance, im sorry for calling you a bush.
"and im sorry for calling u stupid."
"now hug it out." you said smiling
"what." they both deadpanned
"you heard me, hug it out mamas boys."
they sighed and eventually gave each other a side hug.
as the night ended, you tucked griffin into bed, finished your homework with vance , and greeted mrs stagg as she came back from her meeting, you both said goodbye to the hardworking mom and headed hom.
vance walked you too your door thanked you for the help, and u gave him a kiss on the cheek
you both agreed that you'd go see the new chainsaw massacre movie next friday, and went too sleep with butterflies.
I GOT CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS MY BAD! @honeyedpaperback hope you liked it!!!
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h0n3yj4y · 2 years
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Mean!Mike x Fem Reader
Nsfw - aged up Mike to 19 👍
Warnings: smut, rough sex, cursing, mocking, degrading, chocking, light slapping, Master/Daddy kink (both cuz why not), overstimulation i think, climax denial, licking lol, he yells at u a lil, idk what else to put but u get the gist 🤭 its a bit of a slow burn, theres build up to the actual rough sex so yea
You and ur boyfriend Mike where in his basement watching a movie that honestly neither of u were paying attention to. Why? Well, a certain someone was slowly inching their hand further up ur thigh.
Mike loved doing this, in public places, around friends, just to see ur reaction and how easily wet u got over him trailing his hand up and down ur thigh, occasionally tightly gripping it which would make u gasp, that would make him smirk at u. He'd have a cocky smile, proud of himself.
But this time Mike had other plans than just lightly teasing u like this. Instead of stopping, he kept going, until he reached ur clothed cunt, you were only wearing underwear and one of Mike's oversized sweaters, so it was very easy access for him. He softly rubbed a few figure eights which made u let out a shaky breath due to the sensation. U turned ur head to Mike who was still looking at the movie, pretending as he wasn't doing anything but oh but he knows what hes doing to you.
You started to squirm a little, getting impatient, softly whimpering. "Did i tell you you could move, slut.?" you then heard ur boyfriend say in a stern tone as he pulls his hand away and looks down at you with an intimidating gaze, a gaze that would make u melt and obey his every command. You looked up at him shyly and shaked your head "n-no..." - "No what? Hmm?" - "N-no...Master.." you look away from him feeling a bit embarrassed, you liked this all too much tho.
You felt Mike grab ur chin and aggressively turn your head to face him "Look at me when im talking to you bitch!" you flinch a lil at his sudden raise of voice. "I-im sorry Master, it wont happen again..." - "Good girl, it better not."
You were used to Mike getting aggressive like this when it came to doing intimate things, it was all part of him asserting dominance and you loved every part of it but tried not to let him know, though we all know he does. You were terrible at hiding when you really liked something, he could easily tell.
"You know, i think a lil slut like you deserves a punishment. You'd like that wouldn't you?" hearing those words come out of Mike's mouth made u squeeze ur thighs together tightly, it was so fucking hot. You completely forgot that he still had his hand resting on ur upper thigh, so he felt u press ur thighs together. He smirks "Guess that's a yes huh? Thought so."
He took his hand of ur chin as he pinned u down on the couch, both hands above ur head. His other free hand roamed down to ur dripping cunt as he removed ur underwear then raising the sweater over ur stomach for better access and view. You tried to get away from his grip but he tightened his grip on ur wrists, making u whimper in pain. There was no chance of u ever getting away from his grip, he was way stronger than u anyways.
Mike notices that and smiles innocentlg at u "Aww, did i accidentally hurt my lil baby?" he asks u with a lil pout "y-yes, a lil bit" his innocent act goes away very quickly after u say that, his facial expression drops to a stern one. "Well suck it up cuz there's more where that came from and i promise you it'll be way worse if u dont obey, ok Bunny?" you quickly nod, obeying him and trying ur best to not disobey him or do anything that will upset him again. Though u kinda want to provoke him, you love when his voice gets all deep and serious, it has a nice rasp, its very, very hot. You love it even more when hes rough with u like this, its a feeling like no other.
As you were drifting off thinking of how hot and amazing ur boyfriend is, u feel 2 fingers being shoved inside u, making u let out a loud moan as u arch ur back, not really expecting him to start off so harshly already.
"uh- uh, did i tell you that you could moan whore? You better stay quite or else, ok?" u bite ur lip and nod. He starts to pump and curl his long digits in and out of u, hitting ur sweet spot everytime without missing. This is making u go crazy, u don't know how longer u can stay quite.
As ur trying super hard to keep ur mouth shut, you see Mike lean down towards ur clit, looking at u with a devilish smirk as he starts to swirl his tongue on it at a painfully good rhythm. This is what brakes u, u cant hold it in anymore. You let out a loud moan, the overwhelming pleasure being too much. You feel urself getting close causing u too grab at Mikes hair and throw ur head back.
As u do this Mike suddenly stops, he takes his fingers out of u and takes ur hand off his hair as he then hovers over u and leans in ur ear, proceeding to then choke u pretty harshly making u gasp and grab his arm as he then whispers "What did i fucking tell you, hm? I told u to not make a single sound or even touch me, right? So why did you fucking do it you whore? couldn't obey a simple rule that Daddy gave u huh?" he sternly and angrily says in ur ear, nibbling at it a bit harshly, a shiver runs down ur spine, being very intimidated and extremely aroused.
"I-im sorry Daddy, pls it just felt too good, i c-couldn't help myself..." u stutter, Mike tsk's at u as he leans away from ur ear, making eye contact with u. He slaps ur cheek, not too harshly but enough for it to sting a lil as he then grabs ur face "pff, how pathetic. Well, i guess u give me no choice but to harshly fuck ur tight lil cunt, i bet you'd love it if i fucked u dumb, like the good cock slut u are, isn't that right Angel?" that all made u squirm and close ur legs in arousal. You shyly nod ur head but that doesn't satisfy Mike.
"Oh c'mon, us ur words slut. You have a mouth right? Then use it." he shakes ur head a lil as u then stutter out a "y-yes Daddy, p-please" - "Good girl, now be a good slut for ur Master and bend over for me won't u" he places a kiss on ur lips passionately making u smile as u then obey as u turn around and rest on ur elbows, ass up infront of Mike. He slaps ur ass harshly and u let out a quite moan, not expecting that and it hurting a lil but feeling good.
You hear Mike unbuckle his pants as he takes them off and his boxers, throwing them somewhere in the basements floor. You then feel the tip of his dick press againts ur entrance in a teasing way, making u whimper, wanting him so badly.
"Aw what's wrong Bunny? So desperate to have my cock deep inside ur dripping cunt? Ur so wet for me, you know that right?" - "yes M-master please, i want u so badly please. I need ur huge cock deep inside me now" u say with whimpers as u sway ur hips, trying to get some friction, so desperate to have his huge cock inside u.
You hear Mike chuckle "alright Angel, if u say so" u then feel him shove his cock deep inside of you very harshly as he holds onto ur hip with one hand and the other goes to harshly pull ur hair to throw ur head back. You let out very loud moans, the pain and pleasure feeling amazing but also very overwhelming.
You try ur best to not be very loud but its literally impossible at the pace he's going. Mike's pounding into u hard and fast, having no intentions of slowing down. U keep letting out loud moans until u feel 3 fingers being shoved in ur mouth, followed by a harsh pull of ur hair.
Mike leans close to ur ear as he sternly whispers "Shut the fuck up whore, u wouldn't want anyone hearing us now would u? But now that I think about it, you would like it, you'd love for people to know who you belong to and how I make you feel. For everyone to know ur Daddy's lil cock slut." All u can muster out are muffled moans as he starts to go faster and harsher making u roll ur eyes back. Mike rests his head on ghe crook of ur next, biting down harshly making u mewl in pleasure, he then licks the spot he abused since he drew a bit if blood.
U ghen feel a knot forming at ur lower stomach so u try to tell Mike that ur close and u succeed but what u didn't expect was Mike coming to a stop and pulling out of u all of a sudden, letting go of ur hair and taking his fingers out ur mouth.
U moan in confusion and frustration, just being denied ur climax. U are about to say something but Mike then flips you around so that you are laying on your back, facing him. He then shoves himself back inside of u, picking his fast and harsh pace back up, making u arch ur bike and let out even more louder moans. Before you can let out another moan you feel Mike's lips against yours as he kisses you harshly, getting u to shut up or to at least muffle ur slutty moans.
He pulls away for a sec "God shut the fuck up already whore, ur so fucking loud." don't get him wrong he loves hearing ur beautiful moans and how u moan out his name but u were seriously being so loud, u were gonna get eachother caught. He goes back to kissing u, this time choking u a bit to make sure u stay quiet enough.
U loved how his hand perfectly wrapped around ur neck, almost feels as if it was fit to belong around ur neck and ur absolutely living for that.
As Mike continues his fast and harsh pace, u feel a knot form at ur stomach meaning that u were close again. "Mmm M-mike im close" - "Hold it, don't u dare cum yet" u whimpered in agony, u dont think u can hold it, it was too much. "You'll cum when i tell u." he growled, burying his face in the crook of ur neck. U felt him kiss ur neck and nibble at it, licking ur sensitive spot whenever he would suck on ur neck which made u go crazy. U loved the sensation of his warm, soft tongue trailing along ur neck, especially on the places he's marked.
You felt his dick twitch inside u as he says "Cum for me baby, now." - "y-yes Daddy mmm, cum inside me pls, fill me up" u were on birth control so it was ok for Mike to cum inside u. You then let out a loud muffled moan as u clawed at Mike's back, cumming all over his cock as he then let out a moan of his own, climaxing inside of u, filling u up.
You both road out ur highs as he then pulled out of u, both of u catching ur breaths. Mike hovered over u, looking u up and down, smiling down at u, placing a soft kiss on ur lips. You sighed in relief, smiling back at him and cupping his face as u caressed him comfortingly.
"You ok baby? Need anything? Did i hurt u?" Ah yes, anytime u and Mike have harsh sex, he takes good care of u afterwards. Getting all worried and asking you if u need anything every 5 seconds. You loved how caring he was afterwards, he was truly the best. "Im ok Mikey dont worry, u didn't hurt me at all" you smile reassuringly at ur worried boyfriend. "You sure? Please tell me." - "Yes Mike im ok! don`t worry so much, i will be ok, though i don't think i'll be able to walk for awhile."
Mike laughs and kisses ur forehead "Yea i know u won't be able too, gonna have to carry u around like a baby" - "oh fuck off" - "Love you toooo" you both share some laughs and sweet sensual kisses and hand holding. Mike then gets both of u cleaned up, giving u a new pair of underwear and a mute green sweater of his to wear.
U both then go to his room as u fall asleep in eachothers arms. Feeling safer than ever and so very loved.
A/N: AAAAH this is my first ever ff so plsss don't bash me if its kinda bad. I finished writing this at like 2am im so tired guys. (⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄﹏o̴̶̷̥⸝⸝)
Anywho, i hope u enjoyed it! I don`t write a whole lot but i might write some headcanons or imagines for Mike or/and Miles in the future. Might do other Finn characters aswell like Richie and Boris. Uuuu maybe i will write some Will Byers stuff and Byler stuff aswell! Who knows we will see, anyways good night now, take care luvs <3
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thot-writes · 2 years
repost because tumblr fixed the problem 🌸
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you’re a street-rat informant and yuno’s ur boyfriend (because yuno’s ass is grass and you’re gonna mow it) (nsfw 18+);
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with a face like yuno’s, it’s only natural to assume he’s had experience with women (and men) swooning over him. luckily for him, few seemed to make their intentions quite so clear. that meant he didn’t have to acknowledge it.
you, on the other hand, suffered from no such bashfulness. when you first met him in a tavern, you zeroed in on him much like when a predator sights it’s prey, and put on your best smoulder.
“Now what’s a pretty little thing like you doing in a dump like this?” you cooed, resting your arm on the wooden table he sat at.
he didn’t even spare you a glance as he replied, “Work.”
you tried to ignore the swift hit he’d landed on your pride. “There’s only one kind of job I can think of that involves sitting in a tavern… But something tells me you’re too good for that.”
he sighs, either not knowing what you’re referring to or not caring. he ultimately tells you he’s looking for information— and what do you know, information is something you have.
you wind up working with him on a case for the Magic Knights (who would’ve thought low-born scum like you would deign to be in their holy presence?) figuring out the whereabouts of an artefact that had gone missing— and the whereabouts of the person who took it.
it took you on a convoluted quest involving cults, criminals, and more cults that had you wishing on more than one occasion that you could just keep your damn libido in check. how many times must you involve yourself in danger for a pretty face?
regardless, you pursued yuno relentlessly and he always coolly rejected you. normally you would’ve managed to bed your target a good few times by now— enough to get them out of your system anyway— but yuno was a crafty one.
he seemed completely immune to your wily charms and flirtations, yet you’d catch the tips of his ears growing red whenever you gave him a compliment. could he somehow tell when you were being genuine and when you weren’t? a scary thought.
you were convinced that he was outwitting you somehow. this was your game, one you’d never lost, yet here he was somehow tricking you into… catching feelings!
normally you’d flirt with someone, maybe help them on an errand, bed them, and disappear into the wind— but gods be damned, you found yourself thinking it’d be a shame when your work was over. the scandal! you could scarcely believe your own mind. this wizard was pulling one over on you!
his deadpan mannerisms, the way he’d light up when he talked about becoming the Wizard King, how he’d pointedly look away from you every time you managed to make him blush. you were slowly figuring out what made him tick, and what emotion he was feeling regardless of what showed on his face. your in-depth knowledge of him should’ve warned you that you were in too deep.
the first time you kissed him was after a battle, he’d disappeared after an enemy’s attack and you were certain that he wouldn’t return. it made you feel ill, you wanted to puke and scream and cry all at the same time. you had it bad, and it was far, far too late to back out now.
he turned out fine, he hadn’t even spared a second thought. once the fight was won, he walked off with minor injuries as if it was just another day on the job.
which, arguably, it was. but it still pissed you off how nonchalant he was while your stomach was in knots for the first time ever.
you were consumed with rage and worry— how could he just let you stress like that and not even acknowledge it?
you grabbed him by the arm, much harder than you intended (though that only went to show how scared shitless you were).
you slammed him against the wall of an abandoned alley, and he glared at your forcefulness. “What do you think you’re doing?” he snarled, yanking his arm from your iron grip.
“What do I think I’m doing? What do you think you’re doing?! That was a damn risky move you made just then and you know it.” you snapped back.
“It worked, didn’t it? I had everything under control— I’m far stronger than you give me credit for.”
“But not invincible! One wrong step and that could’ve been it for you, and you’re acting like nothing even happened!”
“Why do you even care? You’re only in this for yourself, you’ll just forget m— forget all of us once you get your reward, then you’ll spend it all in some tavern.” his thin brows furrowed in annoyance, but you didn’t miss that uncertain flicker in his eyes. like he wanted to say something but couldn’t.
you brought your hand to cup his cheek and his breathing hitched. “Forget them maybe,” you said, referring to his companions. you only remembered mimosa’s name because you loved that drink. “Not you.”
before he could say anything else you slammed your lips onto his, miraculously missing his teeth. his fingers dug into your arm, not quite pushing you away but not quite pulling you closer either.
he eventually relaxed into the kiss, and you took the opportunity to press your thigh between his legs, eliciting a gasp from him. instinctively he pulled you in, pressing your bodies together as your tongue probed his mouth.
when you parted, yuno sighed and inadvertently rubbed his quickly growing erection against your thigh. “Wait,” he moaned in weak protest, “someone might see.”
you traced your wet tongue up his exposed neck, kissing and licking at his ear as you reached it. “That’s never stopped me before.”
he bit his lower lip to silence his whines as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. your hands fell to his backside and you kissed him again. he wasn’t a good kisser by any means— you’d wager you’re the first kiss he’s ever actually had— but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
his whimpers vibrated against your mouth as you squeezed his ass and tugged him closer, increasing the friction between your thigh and his crotch.
a small wet patch began to form where the tip of his cock rested, and you decided (for once in your life) to be kind and released it from its confines. his body jolted at the contact of your skin on his, and he buried his face in the nook of your neck to stop from grunting.
his restrained voice was like an angel’s song in your ear, and you were overcome with an intense need to take him— all of him— and claim it for yourself.
with one hand working his pre-slicked cock and the other massaging his ass, it didn’t take long for your pretty little fuck-toy to blow his load up your wrist and forearm.
his breathing was erratic against you, his grip tightening and loosening as his body was wracked with the pleasure of his orgasm. he grew soft in your cum-soaked hand and you redressed him silently.
finally, he gathered his composure and managed to pull away from you, though he refused to look in your direction. you could see the tips of his ears burned a deep red, and you smirked to yourself in satisfaction.
you caught his chin with your clean hand and turned him to look at you. he had a deep scowl settled on his face, but his cheeks were still aflame.
you raised your other arm to your mouth, and his eyes widened in surprise as you started to lick his juices off of you. he held his breath, unable to look away, and if he could get hard again so quickly he was certain he would’ve.
when you were finished, you released his chin. “I don’t clean up after just anyone, Yuno. You’re not just a conquest to me, and you haven’t been for a while. You know what I mean by that, don’t you?”
he slowly nodded as his breathing resumed again, unable to find any words to respond with.
“Good boy.” you smiled at him. “Now take responsibility, I won’t forgive you if you run off and die on me.”
as he opens his mouth to respond, you hear klaus approaching. “Are you two alright?” he asks. “I heard yelling earlier, but I wanted to give you a chance to work it out amongst yourselves.”
you take a step back from yuno, giving a wider space between you. “We’re fine. Right, Yuno?”
he lifts his gaze to look to klaus. “Yes. Thank you, Klaus.”
klaus responds with a polite nod. “Good. We need to keep moving, the trail leads to a village nearby and we want to keep up the momentum before the enemy gets wind.”
“Lead the way,” you say with a wave of your hand, and he does.
you and yuno walk side by side in silence for a while. at first glance it seems like yuno is completely unaffected by what happened mere minutes earlier, but you’d learned enough about him that he was probably a mess of emotions internally.
with a mischievous grin, you cast a sideways glance to him and say, “I wonder if this village has any cozy alleys.” the implication is enough to set his face alight once more.
“Not a chance,” he answers curtly. you can’t help but chuckle to yourself.
if only this pretty boy knew how hopelessly infatuated you were with him.
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seungly · 2 years
hihi sunny! <3 i love ur writing and ive been looking around for some skz hip dips ffs and ive only managed to fine one :( so i was wondering if u could write one? the plot doesnt matter it can be any or all members i m just desperate atp :') lysm!!
Stray Kids reaction | You're insecure about your hip dips
genre: angst, fluff, slightly suggestive
wc: -
warning/s: low self esteem
note: I've been thinking about writing one, you certainly gave me more of a reason to. Don't forget that you're absolutely beautiful as you are <33
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Bang Chan:
You were absolutely gorgeous to him, a goddess like figure so he wondered why the room was heavy when he walked in to check on you. He found you staring at your reflection on the full length mirror with your hands running through your sides. Moving a few steps closer was when he saw the welled up tears in your eyes, "Y/N?" his voice was merely a whisper.
You broke at the sound of his voice, looking down at your black heels while your hands continuously–as if out of control–run up your sides, feeling the gap on your hips. You felt horrible. Chan had bought you this gorgeous red dress and all you could see in the mirror was a lover undeserving of his love.
"Stop that..." You feel his hands on yours, gently putting them down, "What's wrong?" His arms wrapping around your waist.
You wanted to push him off– and you tried. You tried unwrapping his arms but he held you tight. One hand scrambled to push him away while the other tried to wipe tears from your face. "Let me go!" You sob, "Don't touch me– I look disgusting..."
"Baby, can you even hear me?" He tries moving his hands to hold your waist, caressing it gently, "Y/N..." You feel him carefully rest his chin on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." You whisper in a sob, apologizing repeatedly, "I ruined our night."
Chan shook his head, "No need to apologize. Tell me what's bothering you."
You try to calm yourself down in his hold, "Chan look at me." You push his hands away from you, "these...I– look..." You caress your hip dips, tears welling up in your eyes, "I'm sorry I can't have those pretty rounded hips, I'm sorry."
He chuckled at the mascara running down your face and the slight pout of your lips, "You're stunning. Don't ever be sorry about being you, okay? I love you." Pressing his lips against yours, he pulls away with a smile.
Chan frowned at those foul words.
"You look absolutely stunning, my love." He smiles before turning you around to face him.
"Let's just stay in tonight if you want, but my night out still stands." He gently wipes the rundown make up off your cheeks, "You're perfect."
Lee Know:
You scrolled through your phone watching the pretty women of tiktok as they dance. They were beautiful, stunning, perfect– god, how you wished you could be like them. Their skin clearer than water, waist so thin, and their hips? all you could do was laugh at yourself. Wishing for the assets you lacked.
"Honey, where are– there you are!!" You hear your boyfriend's voice, watching him waddle towards you, "Ah I missed you!" he lays carefully on top of you, wrapping your arms around him.
You smile sadly at him which he noticed. His smile fades quickly, replaced with a pout, "What's wrong?" He lays his head on your tummy, caressing your waist.
His gaze on you along with his touch had sent butterflies fluttering around your stomach, giddiness with a hint of nervousness crept over you. "You're not answering me, hun." He pouts, squeezing your sides softly.
"Not-nothing's wrong..." You breathlessly whisper, cheeks turning red. You tried reaching for the phone beside you but he quickly grabbed a hold of your arm, now straddling you.
"So this is what's bothering you..." He smiles down at you as the song replays on your phone. Now knowing what's been troubling you, he turns your phone off to set it aside.
Despite the growing worry on the pit of your stomach, your boyfriend was undeniably hot, "Minho..."
"You're beautiful, do you know that?"
"You tell me all-"
"but do you know it?" His voice was stern, sparking contrast with how gentle he held your cheeks in his hand to face him.
Your heart beating rapidly against your chest, you nod hesitantly. This was certainly something you didn't expect. "Good." He lets go of your face, carefully laying down on you again, "but what was it?"
"It's not the face..." You sigh, running your fingers through his locks, "it's my...my hips."
He was puzzled, propping himself on his arms to look at you clearly, "what about them?"
You look away, slightly embarrassed. You feel him staring at you, waiting carefully for your answer, "It's not...like theirs."
"What do you mean?" You smile slightly when you see his eyebrows furrowed, it was adorable, "Theirs are rounded and– like... theirs doesn't have dips."
"Well, I think they're nice." He smiles, laying back down to massage your hips, "they fit perfectly in my hands."
Seo Changbin:
A nice day out with Changbin is all you could ever want, you just didn't think there'd be so many people out at the same time.
You sigh to yourself, wrapping a towel around you. You didn't wanna go out of your hotel room. Just by looking out the window you could see the many others enjoying their time.
"Are you ready to go?" Changbin enters the room, tossing his keys on the table, "I'll carry the towel for you." He walks behind you, placing a kiss on your cheek. He was about to get the towel when you gripped on it tighter.
"I-I'll just carry it myself." You force a smile, "We should go. Wouldn't want you to lose all the fun."
"You make it sound like I'll be the only one swimming..." His voice falters when he realized it's exactly what it is, "What's wrong, doll?"
A blush creeps through your face at the little pet name, "It's silly, Binnie." You try to walk away.
"No reason is silly if they make you feel that way. So tell me..." He had his arms wrapped around you, preventing you of any movement as of now.
"I don't- Binnie, let's just go out." You insisted.
"No, my baby's upset. Tell me what's wrong." He buried his face on your back.
"I don't like– I don't like how my body looks, Binnie." You whisper.
Changbin lets out a dramatic gasp, "Whyy?" He hugs you tighter, "You're so beautiful to me..."
"No I'm not. Have you seen me-"
"Plenty of times."
You slap his hand, "Seo Changbin!" You smile at his giggles.
"but really, don't mind what others will think, yeah?" He lets go of you, "What matters is you're happy....and you're with me, that's also very important."
You heart beats rapidly at his sweet words. You throw yourself for him to catch as loud laughs and giggles escaped your lips.
"You're so cute!" He laughs wickedly, squishing your cheeks, "god I love you..." You smile closing the distance between you.
Hwang Hyunjin:
Sometimes you don't get him anymore like how he begged to open the ac just to cuddle you for warmth. Though you aren't opposed to it— not at all, it was quite confusing.
"Y/N, come baacckk..." Hyunjin whines, wiggling himself all over the bed, "You're taking too long..."
You laugh, flushing the toilet. It had only been 3 minutes since you left him to go to the bathroom but it felt like "so many decades" to him. You sigh, hearing him whine again.
"Hwang Jinnie, you better calm down or I won't come back." You threaten. You laugh, hearing his dramatically loud gasp.
"You're killing me!!" He giggles, shuffling out the bed to run to you, "I'll carry you if I have to."
"Yeah?" You laugh, hopping on the counter, "Well I don't wanna go back. You gonna carry me hm?"
"You're so mean, angel." He pouts, trapping you between his arms, "look behind you." He smiles.
You do as he says, looking at the mirror behind you to see how you silly you both looked. "How can you ever love a door like me."
"A what?" He laughs, eyes crinckling into crescents, "You're not a door, Y/N."
"I meant my build, silly. Look at me." You motion to the mirror.
Hyunjin scoffs, rolling his eyes, "You're kidding."
"I look better sitting. Maybe that's why." You giggle, "now carry me."
Hyunjin takes you in his arms, waddling you both back to the comfy bed, "come here." He pulls you closer.
You lay in silence, enjoying each other's warmth—well you did. "Would it be weird if I said I really really like your hips...?"
"Out of nowhere?" You laugh, "Well not at all."
He slides his hand to gently hold your hip, "I think they're just so perfect...I can hold you better." He smiles softly, the dim light accentuating his god-like features, "I'm so lucky!" He giggles, pampering you with light kisses.
Han Jisung:
You've been walking around H&M for at least, 30 minutes now yet you couldn't find a single dress you'd like. Your boyfriend running around trying to find you something you'd like.
"How about this??" He shows you a green fitted dress, "This would look great on you!"
You frown, shaking your head. "Just try it, please? I'd love to see you in it." He wiggles his brows.
You snatch the dress, rolling your eyes as you made your way to the fitting rooms. You wonder why don't they have much flowy dresses. You noticed that their clothes mostly targeted on tall, petite, hourglass like build bodies which had kept you pouting for the last 20 minutes when you gave up on finding something good.
You stare at yourself in the mirror, it was great–almost. Just the dip when it hits your hips bothers you. Why does it look like that?
Your phone chimes to Jisung's message, asking for a picture. Despite not feeling pretty in the dress, you decided to take your boyfriend's word for it. Snapping a quick picture of you standing cutely, hand covering your mouth as you grin.
You quickly change back to your clothes and go out of the room to find Jisung standing by the hall of the fitting rooms, "We're buying that." He points at the dress you held.
"I'm sure you're just exaggerating, we don't have to if-"
"Come on, let's buy 3 pairs." He chuckled, taking your hand in his as he leads you to the cashier.
"Did I...actually look good?" You whisper next to him, waiting for your bag.
Han smiles, snaking his arm around your waist, "You look fantastic."
Lee Felix:
Your eyebrows furrow as you whisk the batter, glaring slightly at the mixture. You were supposed to be done with the brownies by the time he wakes up as a surprise but you woke up late.
"Where's the tin? Is that what it is?! Ah fuck the square...where are you??" You panic, kneeling by the cabinets to try and look for the baking pan.
Felix had been spoiling you so much lately and you really wanted to do something for him, "Y/N? Is everything okay??" You jump at his voice.
"Yes!" You stand up, hiding the circle tin behind you, "Go back to sleep!"
Felix smiles, rubbing his eyes. He could clearly see the flour on your hair and the messy kitchen you were in. "You need some help?"
You shake your head furiously, almost tripping as you made your way back to the bowl of batter.
Felix laughs, running his fingers through his hair as he made his way to you, "Come on, baby. Let's get this in the oven so you can clean yourself." He presses a light kiss on your cheek before walking to grab the rectangle pan.
You sigh, waiting for him. He places the oiled pan beside the bowl for you to fill. His hands resting on the dip of your hips, caressing it gently as he looks over your shoulder, "Good job." He smiles.
You smile at his praise and how his hands fit perfectly on you, "Thank you." You bring your finger to the tip of his nose, smearing a bit of batter on it.
Felix boops your cheek with his nose, laughing. "Now let's get that in the oven, hm?" He gives you a soft squeeze before leading you to the oven.
Kim Seungmin:
The rain poured heavily on the two of you. The streets were empty and cold, with only the two of you alone.
Seungmin had pulled you outside to play in the rain but it just so happens that it turned to mindless dancing.
His hands rested on your waist as he sways you both to the sound of the rain, the chill of the wind contrasting with the warmth of his hold. The neighbors were probably thinking you're crazy but that didn't matter.
Not when you had a grinning Seungmin with disheveled wet hair, dancing you around the empty streets.
"You're so pretty!" He yelled over the rain, smiling at your mirrored expression.
"You flatter me, Kim!" You giggle, cupping his face in your hands.
Normally being so public would get you so shy that you'd cover every flaw you have, especially your body. Always covered in the thick material of Seungmin's hoodie, but right now? Nothing mattered but him.
How his hands had moved from your waist to your hips where he knew you felt most insecure about. His smile lighting up your gray surrounding. You stand on your toes, pulling him down at the same time to meet your lips halfway.
Seungmin lifts you off the ground, wrapping your legs around him. His one arm supporting you while the other hand moving the loose hair on your face. The grin you had, mirroring his as you pulled away.
"You're so perfect..." He whispers breathlessly but enough for you to hear.
"You know I'm not." You smile sadly at him, thumbs caressing his cheeks.
"Stop being so hard on yourself. You're absolutely breathtaking. I love every bit and part of you, every flaw." He puts you down, leaning once more for another kiss, "You fit me perfectly, yeah?" His hands on your hips once more.
Seungmin stares deeply into your eyes as his light up with pure joy and admiration for you, "You're perfect for me."
Yang Jeongin:
The night was ending so Jeongin took you to his secret place. The city lights blinked like made-up stars, the moon creating a beautiful hollow light on his face, the smile never fading.
"Jeongin?" You ask, tapping his shoulder.
His eyes sparkle, looking at you with most adoration, "Do you not like it?"
"No, it's not that! I love it, Innie." You smile, "I just wondered why me?"
"Why you?" His smile fades into a frown, "What do you mean?"
Though knowing what you meant, he couldn't believe you'd ask that. To him, you were amazing, all of you. He's been with you through your darker time, assuring you with every bit of him.
"I'm...too much. You don't think so?" He shakes his head, "There are so many others who'd kill to be in my place, so many better ones that you can like. Why me, Jeongin?"
By others, you meant those who don’t have noticeable hip dips with their small waist and curvy bodies. You had been no more than disgusted of your own figure, and he knows that. So why you?
He pulls you gently to his chest, "Cause you're Y/N, and I love every bit of you. There's no flaw of you that could push me away, okay?" He smiles, "You've held me captive. I'm yours."
note: I somehow lost the plot and the braincell. I really tried though! This is my first ot8, spare me 🤡
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1-800-dk · 2 years
svt reaction to fake ft call tiktok trend
ft 95z + wonwoo
requested? yep!!
no warnings! just hahas
I changed it up a little bit to where it's another member who is in on the prank. thought it would be funnier. not proofread.
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tries to pretend like he's not listening to what's going on by 'busying' himself. though the second minghao asks you if your boyfriend is around and you say "no" he's really listening now. "but im right here baby" he's pouting internally because why are you lying to minghao and WHY is minghao asking odd questions like that. he's determined to get to the bottom off this equation. once he figures out it's a prank though. he's already scolding you and minghao for doing that to him
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immediately makes it known that he's listening. actually drops everything he's doing the second your phone rings. his head whips around so fast you'd think he'd have given himself whiplash. he does this for 2 reasons; reason one being. no one ever facetimes you so?? why are u getting a call rn and two. yall are literally watching a movie so again. why are you getting a call right now. as SOON as he realizes its seungkwans voice asking you if you were busy w jeonghan rn and you tell him no, he scoffs
"okay buddy"....buddy?? did he just buddy you. that alone causes seungkwan to lose it and break character. needless to say don't ever let seungkwan prank jeonghan again bc wtf he broke character immediately.
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kinda feel like he'd be the one to answer the phone for you. BECAUSE you and vernon had planned ahead. the plan was, you go to the bathroom txt him the codeword leave ur phone beside josh. vern waits 2 mins then calls ok? so you're currently in the bathroom, he wouldn't realize that he was abt to get punk'd obvi so when he answers the call and vernon goes "you're still coming over tonight right sweetie?" obviously joshua has questions because you're his sweetie not vernons?? and no actually u will not be going over to visit vernon. hangs up on vernon immediately and then when ur out of the bathroom he's like 🤨🤨🤨 "why is vernon calling you sweetie...sweetie?" and you're just. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
he'll catch on sooner or later and when he does he's giggling about it bc the prank was lame ngl
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in the middle of a game when he hears your phone go off so he discreetly moves one side of his headphones off of his ear just to yknow. observe. what he didn't expect to hear was mingyus voice asking if you had told wonwoo yet. now that grasps wonwoo's attention but not enough to completely pull him from his game, so when you reply "no...I don't know how to tell him" he pauses his gaming momentarily but STILL doesn't turn around he wants to know where this convo is going. you bet he's scoffing and rolling his eyes, he's not impressed. eventually he turns around in his lil gaming chair and asks you and gyu what you're talking about but he just looks so confused and concerned that you immediately break it to him that it's a joke. his reaction is exactly like the gif btw hes just "oh...haha.." he actually finds you and mingyu unfunny.
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hakkais-hoe · 3 years
Love your aggressive s/o x Bonten headcanons lol
If possible can we get a version where they find out the only freaking reason she's so aggressive is because she's literally hungry and sleepy... Like all the time? Like she'd need food in her hand 24/7 and constantly eating something (or napping) in order to not go off on someone for breathing wrong for more than an hour lol (you can ignore this if you'd like idc I just think it's hilarious to see them with what's essentially the equivalent to a pissed and grouchy cat lol)
Bonten x reader with hanger issues n a food complex.
'm glad ya liked em :)
love this idea too
Warnings: swearing, blood, fighting, gun references, drug reference (sanzu ofc).
Bonten: Mikey, Sanzu, Koko, Ran, Rindo, Kaku.
finds you rummaging through your bag after a fight
after you come back with nothing from it and a sour look on your face he cant help but ask
"What's up with you now?"
notices your similar to him after he hasn't had a snack for a while
if you ignore he'll leave you to your little tantrum as usual
after a long bonten meeting you're sat drifting off in your chair when someone bursts through the door
you do one of those freaky slow look ups a glare as cold as ice on your face
"You're really gonna come shouting in here n wake me up you fucker?! I'm fucking tired and hungry af n you have the balls to do this shit. I'm gonna cave ya head in dickhead."
'oh' Mikey knows exactly what the problem is now
he grabs a dorayaki out of his stash n throws it to you
you grumble a bit before going silent and munching on the treat
promptly moving to a couch and taking a nap
from then on Mikey keeps extra snacks for the both of you and you take regular naps in his office, sometimes with him.
your aggressive little attitude seems to get a lot better which keeps the rest of the executives calm.
tbh i don't think he'll realise, he likes it when you're a bit psycho n that
takes Takeomi or Mochi telling him that you seem calmer when you have snacks for him to realise
straight up asks you
"Soooo you got like a food complex or something babe? Cos I get it I get antsy when I don't have a pill for a while, I can get those food supplement drugs if ya want love."
like boy no who tf wants ur shitty drugs
"I want snacks motherfucker not some boring ass supplements, actual food n several naps a day."
our boy only gets it when you spell it out n will buy you all the snacks n food you want
also keeps a blanket n pillow in his office so you can take a nap with him
watches you sleep like a creep can't lie
whips random snacks out when you get n attitude during meetings
loves it when you have a little anger tantrum cos you wanna nap n lets you drag him down onto the couch to use him as a pillow
probably can't sleep cos of the drugs but good effort
"Think you should take a chill pill on the drugs, love."
"Which one's that is it in my bottle? Is it a downer? They're boring baby."
sir you have a problem >_>
chances are he already clocked it after the first few times he saw you beat a bitch then walk straight into a shop n buy snacks
wont actually mention it he just makes you take scheduled naps under the pretence that he needs one
will gently massage your kneecaps during meetings when you start to get grumpy
pulls random snacks and drinks out of his pockets
tries to keep you calm all the time
practically throws a blanket at you when you get ratty
will bundle you up even in meetings n make you take a nap on his lap
human burrito
very devoted to looking after you
will let you fight when you're really angry but prefers to keep you as docile as he can
"Love, enough. C'mon come sit down wit me and have a snack leave that piece of shit there."
ur surprisingly obedient when he's waving your favourite snack at you
honestly he just thinks you're a bit nuts plus you spend too much time with sanzu according to him
most of the time he just lets you do your thing n he doesn't get involved
only realises that there's something odd when the Bonten executives plus the boss go out for a meal after a meeting
you're silent for once n you even seem calm as you practically bounce in your seat with all the food in front of you
once he realises that you're a lot calmer with food he offers you his
will send someone to buy snacks as soon as he sees a hit of aggression coming from you
you fall asleep on his shoulder later in the evening
Koko adjusts you slightly to keep you comfortable
hears your light muttering about nonsense
he ignores the conversation that all the executives are having in favour of listening to you sleep talk
he can make out your quiet words at some points which cause him to chuckle
until you mutter about how much you love him
an unusually soft smile on the both of your faces is there until late into the night
tries to make you take naps often after that just so he can listen to you sleep talk
feeds your grumpy self often he orders some expensive snacks just to see your reaction.
if you think this cocky shit would ever question your angry self you have another thing coming
he enjoys watching you beat the living daylight out of anyone
coincidentally brings you some snacks during a meeting one day
usually you'd be snapping and threatening to fight sanzu by now but you're silent for once
he stops listening to Kaku's report to observe you n notices that you're only silent cos ur stuffing snacks in you mouth
"Uh babe? Did you actually just calm down cos I brought you food? If I'd known it was that easy I woulda brought you a whole ass shop."
"Mhm buy me a whole convenience shop n I'll marry you."
the boy definitely does a Koko n buys you way too much to keep in his office and your apartment
please let him pamper you
he realises that he enjoys your happy food enjoying self more than the little psycho you usually are
comes into every meeting with food
when you sleep on his office couch n wake up even calmer than with food he encourages you to sleep more
buys an expensive ass weighted blanket for his office
bless him he heard that they keep people calm from Ran
sometimes sits at the couch reading paperwork with your head on his lap
strokes your hair to help you sleep better
"Love ya Rin..."
your sleep talk is his favourite thing
already knew
this man is very aware of everything you do
he may seem lackadaisical but he knows everything that you like and everything that keeps you calm
he plays it off as a coincidence that he started bringing snacks 3 weeks after you started
when he figures out your favourite he keeps them in his office 24/7
also like Rin he has a giant weighted blanket in a cabinet for you
has it out as soon as you come into his office
leaves it so that you can wrap yourself up in it when you're both going through paperwork
you ofc inevitably fall asleep in it
your boyfriend gets you all comfy and lays down with you for a quick nap
he wakes up wot you gently brushing his now messed up hair away from his face
you seem gentle and calm for once as you smile down at him
"Hi handsome. Did you have a nice nap?"
he's shocked ngl
falls in love with you all over again
"You look like an angel my love."
pampers you and makes you sleep a lot in his office just so you can wake up and be calm with him
he wants all your calm attention
will still cheer you on when you have a "tantrum" as Rin calls them
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
Ok but can u also do this but with ron + the twins, I love ur smuts !!!!!!!
pairing: reader x ron weasley x fred weasley x george weasley 
warning(s): 18+, unprotected sex, foursome, double penetration, oral (female and male receiving), face fucking, fingering
word count: 4.2k 
a/n: soooo this is the longest thing i’ve ever written on this account but if anyone deserves it its the damn weasleys. i tried to make this as non sweet home alabama as possible and that’s probably why it’s so long. anyways, enjoy this ungodly amount of smut while i decompress. 
You had been spending a majority of your summer at The Burrow, where you boyfriend Ron lived. You spent day in and day out with him, practically on top of one another whenever you could be, but that didn’t stop you from spending time with his family. His mother was incredible, albeit a little scary at times, his father was charming, and Ginny was becoming a fast friend. But you couldn’t help the particular draw you felt towards the twins, Fred and George. 
You couldn't deny they were attractive, the genes were strong in the Weasley family. And you often did a poor job at hiding your attraction. 
You didn’t think any of them had noticed your subtle glances or blushes. Little did you know, all three of them had noticed over the few weeks you had been there. They were just waiting you out. 
Tonight you were all cozied around the fire pit, drinking some firewhiskey, taking advantage of the fact that Molly and Arthur had gone to visit Ron’s oldest brother Bill and his wife, Fluer, for the weekend. You weren’t drunk by any means, but you were certainly feeling good. 
You were cuddled up to Ron’s side, his arm slung around your shoulders, a knitted blanket draped over your laps. You were so wrapped up in your boyfriend that you had barely noticed that Fred had taken the spot on your other side until his leg brushed against yours, making you still. 
“Do you need another drink, sweetheart?” Fred asked when you finally looked his way, his face far too close to yours in the situation to be normal. 
You blushed at his proximity, but nodded. “Um, yes, thank you,” you added bashfully. 
Fred dashed a charming smile at you and placed a soft kiss to your cheek before dashing off to get you another glass of whiskey, your blush only intensifying when you felt his lips on your skin. You prayed no one could see it through the light of the fire. 
Ron tugged you back into his side and dropped his lips to your ear. “Whatever you think you’re doing, stop,” he said lowly, clearly not pleased by the situation. 
“He kissed me,” you argued softly, your head turning to press a kiss against his neck. He pulled back and shot a look down at you, his brow raised. A look you couldn’t exactly argue with. You got caught and you knew it. 
You stayed quiet, trying to keep your eyes anywhere except the two men that currently had your stomach in knots. But that effort was broken when Fred made his way back over to you, plopping down beside you. He passed you your new drink and you thanked him for it, sitting up straight to take a sip. 
You were caught off guard when you were pulled into his body and away from Ron, Fred’s strong arm now wrapped around your shoulders. 
“Have you been enjoying your summer here so far?” He asked quietly, making sure only you could hear him. 
Your eyes flitted cautiously over the group around the fire, making sure no one was noticing the strange behavior. You paused when you met George’s eyes, his own trained on the interaction between you and Fred, but you tried your best to ignore it. 
“Um, yes. You’ve all been quite lovely. I like it here,” you told him genuinely. You had been enjoying your summer despite tonights most recent turn of events. 
“Mm, good,” Fred mused, shooting another smile down at you. You couldn’t help but notice the little mischievous glint in his eyes that he got every time he was thinking something that was likely to either end brilliantly or disastourly. “I saw we play a little game. Are you in?” He asked. 
You swallowed nervously, knowing this could end very poorly. “And what is this game?” You questioned. 
“Let’s see how jealous we can get Ron,” he whispered, the smile never leaving his face. 
“I- I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” you argued, knowing fully well Ron had already told you to stop… doing whatever you were doing. 
“Oh, c’mon Y/N. Live a little. Anyhow, you already know how this is going to end,” he told you. 
“And how will this end?” You asked, raising your eyebrow at him. 
He moved closer to you, so close you could feel his breath on your face. Your whole body was hot and the blush was creeping back onto your face and you knew he could see it. 
“Judging by the noises I hear coming from his room almost every night, he’ll fuck you stupid. And I get to hear those pretty noises again,” he told you shamelessly, pulling you into him closer. 
You shot a nervous glance at Ron, only to find that he was already looking at you over the rim of his own cup, fire in his eyes. He raised a brow at you and you could see the way the corners of his lips were tugging up into a smirk, practically daring you to continue on. As if he knew exactly what you and Fred were talking about. 
“By the looks of it, he doesn’t seem to mind,” Fred added from behind you, making you whip your head around back to him. 
“Of course he’d mind. You’re his brother,” you argued incredulously, still not believing this conversation was even truly happening. 
“You think he doesn’t see the way you look at me and Georgie? You look at us like you want us to devour you,” he told you. 
You snuck a glance at George only to find that he was still looking at you. You could feel Ron’s eyes still on the back of your head. You gulped nervously, your brain short circuiting for a half a second. Did they… did they plan this? 
“I - I haven’t been -,” you went to argue, but Fred cut you off. 
“Don’t play coy with me. Maybe if you beg him nicely like I hear you do so well, he might let us join you tonight,” Fred teased, causing your core to pulse and drip with arousal at the thought. 
You could only stare back at him, his breath fanning your face as you took in his words. He knew he planted a seed in you that wouldn’t go away until it was satisfied. The smug look on his face only proved it. You didn’t get the chance to reply before you could hear Ron getting up from his place on the bench. 
“Bunny, come with me,” he said innocently enough to the ears of everyone else in the group, but you could hear the edge in his voice. 
You detangled yourself from Fred and rose up from your spot, taking Ron’s hand as he silently led you back into the house. Once you had passed through the threshold into the kitchen and away from the eyes of everyone else, he spun around to face you. 
“And what was all that about?” He asked, stepping right into your space so you had no other choice but to look up at him. 
“N-nothing. We were just having a chat,” you stuttered out, trying to not seem intimidated. 
“Wasn’t what it looked like to me. Spill it,” he said roughly, continuing to back you up until your back hit the counter, leaving you nowhere to go when his hands were placed on either side of your body. 
“Promise you won’t get mad,” you half heartedly requested. 
“Just tell me.” 
“He- he said, um, he said that we should try to make you jealous,” you told him. It wasn’t exactly a lie, but it was only a half truth at best. 
“That’s not what has you blushing like a virgin though, is it? What did he say to you?” He pressed, the fire in his eyes growing larger by the second. 
You swallowed and took a deep breath before you even opened your mouth, knowing this could only go one of two ways. He��d either blow up entirely, or you’d have a night you’d never forget. “He said that if I begged you you’d let him and George join us,” you said quickly, all in one breath. 
You shut your eyes, waiting for his response. But when a chuckle fell from his lips your eyes shot back open in shock. 
“Is that what you want, bunny? Do you want them to join us?” He asked, his eyes now more playful than they had been just seconds prior. 
“Are you serious?” You asked after a moment, you head spinning that he was just offering this to you on a silver platter. You expected yelling, anger, the whole fit. You didn’t expect a cheeky smirk and twinkling eyes. 
“Do I look like I’m joking?”  
“They’re your brothers,” you argued. Why you were even arguing this, you weren’t sure. You wanted this and he knew it and they knew it. You just couldn’t understand why he was letting it happen. 
“It’s not like I’ll be fucking them,” he said with a laugh. “So, tell me what you want.” 
“If it’s okay with you…,” you started, trailing off. You looked up at him nervously, hoping your eyes conveyed enough of a plea that he would continue agreeing with you. 
“So beg,” he said, his voice dropping low as he continued to stare down at you. 
“I’ll be good, I promise. Just this once. I just - I - please,” you said, launching right into it but quickly running out of words as you watched the smirk grow on his face. 
“Go to my room. Strip. I’ll be up in a minute,” he told you, placing a kiss on your forehead before heading back outside. You watched his figure walk away for a moment, letting your mind race until you booked it up the stairs not wanting to wait any longer for the night to truly begin. 
You were waiting in your position on the bed for what felt like hours, but you knew it had only been a few minutes before you heard multiple sets of footsteps coming up the stairs. You moved to cover your chest when you heard the doorknob turn, unsure if you should be exposed or not right away. 
Ron came in first but left the door open just enough so your guests could hear. “Last chance, bun. Do you want this?” He asked, slowly coming over to rest his hands on the bed, leaning over slightly so his tall form was eye level with you. 
You knew it wasn’t your last chance to say no, but it was your last chance before the twins waltzed in. 
You took a shaky breath and nodded your head, saying “Yes,” loud enough so Fred and George could hear. 
The door was opening once more, the twins walking through, both pairs of eyes immediately on you. When the door shut, you stared up at them, unsure what to do or say, but their matching smirk told you they already had plans. 
Ron walked around the bed until he crawled on to it behind you, his legs bracketing your hips as you knelt between his spread thighs. 
“Let them see you,” he coaxed gently, hands coming around you to grip your forearms. 
He only put a light pressure on your skin, letting you move on your own as you exposed your chest to them. They took you in with hungry eyes but they didn’t move from where they both stood before you, waiting. 
“All of you,” Ron spoke again, his hands trailing down to your thighs, gently prying them apart. 
You leaned back and hid your face in his neck as he repositioned you, unable to look the two men in the eyes as your entire body got exposed to them. You knew you were a dripping mess over the situation and the embarrassment of it being so obvious made you squirm. 
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re more perfect than I imaged,” you heard George say, the bed dipping down infront of you. 
Your eyes snapped to him, watching him as he looked down at your glistening sex. His eyes were hungry when they met yours, desperate. Probably the exact mirror of your own. 
“Can I touch you?” George asked, his fingers twitching against the sheets, waiting. 
“Please,” you begged, wanting nothing more than for one of them to do anything right now. 
George wasted no time in bringing his fingers directly to your cunt, trailing one long finger through your slit while his thumb trailed soft circles onto your clit. You couldn’t hold back the moan that fell from your lips when he pushed his finger in, immediately searching for you g-spot. 
As if your noises were a cue for Fred, the bed dipped on your other side and without a word, he was kissing down your chest. Soon enough, he was attacking your nipples when George was working your from the inside out. Your back was arching and your hips were moving at their own volition, unable to stop yourself under their ministrations.
“Does that feel good?” George asked you softly, placing kisses on your shoulder. 
When you only nodded, Ron grabbed your chin and forced you to look directly at George. “I won’t remind you again, bunny. Use yours words,” he said sweetly, but you knew there was danger laced in his words. You knew better than anyone else what he could do to you if he reminded you one more time. 
“Yes. Feels so good. Please don’t stop,” you told George, already breathless from the three men surrounding you. 
You felt Fred chuckle against your skin and you knew the smirk George was wearing was only mimicked by Ron’s behind you. They knew exactly what they were doing to you. 
You couldn’t stop the whine that left you when George removed his hand, but your eyes lit up when you saw him go to kneel at the edge of the bed. He pulled up his to the edge, draped your legs over his shoulder, and started trailing kitten licks all along your slit until his tongue was swirling around your clit. 
You held fell back against Ron’s shoulder, a moan falling from your lips as Fred moved to your other side to attack your opposite nipple. 
“Having fun?” Ron asked, beaming down at you. 
You nodded breathlessly, your eyes rolling back in your head with a flushed smile on your face. “Want you too,” you told him. 
“Of course you do, my greedy girl,” Ron mused, his finger coming to tilt your lips back and locking your lips in a kiss. 
Your body was overwhelmed with just their lips. You weren’t sure how you would handle it when their pants came off. 
Your hips were grinding down onto George’s face without you sparing it a second thought and you kept pushing your chest into Fred’s lips, your entire body grinding back on Ron’s body. 
“She tastes like fucking heaven,” George said, finally coming up for a breath. His entire chin was soaked in his own saliva and your juices and his eyes were blown with lust. 
Ron made a noise of agreement that was swallowed up by your lips, but you were ripped away from your boyfriend by George’s grip on your neck. He pulled you into a kiss with him, tasting yourself on his tongue, as Fred trailed kisses down your body until he was getting a taste of you for himself. 
Fred quickly brought you your orgasm, his tongue so deep inside of you that your toes were curling. Your hands had a monster grip on Ron’s thighs and every noise you made got swallowed by George, his lips hot on yours. 
You finally relaxed your body against Ron’s, his chest being the perfect place to settle against, as your body calmed down. 
“Think you can handle all three of us?” Fred asked cheekily, looking up at you from his place on the floor. 
You gave a shaky nod, but in your head you were unsure how this would even work. You never thought you’t get this far to even have considered it. 
That line of thought was abruptly cut off when Ron grabbed your hair and yanked back so you were looking up at him again. “What did I say about using your words?” He asked darkly.
“Yes, I want to. I can,” you got out breathlessly, still basking in the sting of your scalp. 
“Good,” Ron said, now satiated with your words. “Get on your hands and knees for us, bunny.” 
He gave you one last searing kiss before releasing you, letting you adjust your own shaky limbs on the bed until you were in the position he instructed you to be in. As you did that, the boys began stripping themselves of their clothes, Fred and George both strategically in your line of sight depending on which way you turned your head. 
You watched as they both ripped their shirts over their heads, a sight you were accustomed to thanks to many sweaty afternoons in the yard playing Quidditch. But you didn’t know where to look as they peeled down their jeans and briefs, relieving both of their impressive lengths. They were both around the same length, but Ron was thicker than both of them. No matter what, you knew you’d be sore in the morning. 
“This is how it’s gonna work, bunny,” Ron said, finally rounding the bed so he could see you. “I’m gonna fuck this pretty little cunt,” he told you, adding emphasis of his possession when he bent over and easily hooked two fingers inside of you, pressing directly on your g-spot. You jumped at the abrupt action, but you never broke your eye contact with him.
“Fred’s going to fuck that tight ass,” he continued, and you watched as Fred rounded the bed until he was behind you. 
“And George is gonna fuck that cute face,” Ron finished, George coming up on the other side of you to grip your face to force you to look at him. 
“Does that sound good, sweetheart?” George asked, looking down at you fondly. 
“Yes, fuck. Please,” you said, your hips beginning to move against nothing now that Ron had removed his fingers, searching for any ounce of friction you can get. 
They moved in almost perfect sync. Ron maneuvered his way underneath you swiftly, George pulled your head off to the side so your mouth was lined up with the tip of his cock, and you could feel Fred’s lube covered fingers breach the entrance of your tightest hole all at once. You were overwhelmed in the best way, unsure what to do with yourself but totally just along for whatever ride they were about to bring you on. 
When Ron fucked up into you roughly, George immediately pushed your head down to feel the full effects of your moan of his cock, causing a shiver to run through his body. They were practically fucking your mouth and core in tandem, one pulling out while the other brutally thrust in. 
You felt as if you were splitting open for them already, but when Fred’s cock finally lined up with your entrance and began pushing in, you practically saw stars. 
George let you pull away from him for a moment so you could breath through the new pressure inside of you, your head now buried in Ron’s neck as you panted and moaned. Ron had slowed down his thrusts to match with Fred, balancing you on the precipice of pain and pleasure. 
“You’re doing so fucking good for us, Y/N. Just give it a minute and it’ll feel so good. You’re gonna be so pretty when you cum for us,” Ron mused quietly in your ear, knowing that you’d latch on to his voice to get you through the intensity. 
Finally, your hips starting moving against theirs, a silent signal you were ready for them to fuck you, all three of them truly went wild with you body. 
George dragged your face back over to him, letting you do your own thing but keeping a steady hand in your hair in case you tried to pull away. Ron and Fred were fucking into you in perfect sync, pulling out and fucking into you at the same time. 
It was so intense you were shaking, only being held up by three strong pairs of hands at this point. But you couldn’t hide how good it was making you feel. Even as deep as George’s cock was down your throat, it was barely muffling the screams of pleasure you were giving them. You just hoped someone remembered to cast a silencing charm. 
You could hear them talking around you, a mix of praises directed at you and words shared between themselves. “Fuck, you feel so good” and “Just like that” mixed with “She feels like fucking heaven” and “Her mouth is a dream”. You could barely hear them over the blood pumping through you, but you knew you’d remember it later with a blush and a smile. 
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum. Swallow it all for me,” George told you, bruising your hair out of your sweaty face. You felt the unmistakable twitch of his cock just before he spilled his cum inside of your mouth and fucked it down your throat, giving you no choice but to follow his request. He came with one of the prettiest noises you had ever heard, and you knew you’d want to hear it again someday if you were lucky enough. 
You pulled away from George panting, finally able to have a minute to catch your breath as Fred and Ron continued to pound furiously into you, your body jolting with every deliberate thrust. 
“Ron, please I’m so close,” you begged, for what you weren’t entirely sure, but you knew he’d know what to do. All you could focus on was how close you were, how tightly you were gripping both of your cocks, and trying your best to balance on shaky arms so you didn’t collapse. 
Without missing a beat, Ron turned his head to George. “Touch her clit,” he told him, finally sounding breathless from all the work he was putting in. 
Fred’s arms came around you to pull you up until your back was against his chest, giving George full access to your most sensitive spot. 
“Cum for us. Show us how much you loved this and cum for us,” Fred said low in your ear. 
Your eyes never left Ron’s as all three of them worked you closer and closer to the edge. As much as the twins were turning you on, this orgasm was for you boyfriend. Everyone you had was. He was the one that let this happen. Let them take you like this. And he was the one currently fucking your g-spot with every thrust it made your head spin. 
“Cum for me” was all Ron had to say, seeing and feeling just how close you were, for you to explode. 
Your vision went white and your whole body shook, the only thing keeping you grounded was Fred’s warm chest pressed against you. You knew the scream you were hearing was your own, but you couldn’t keep it quiet no matter how hard you tried. You pulsed around their cocks, milking them of their own orgasms as you were going through yours. You felt their cum fill you completely, another moan leaving your mouth at how erotic it felt. 
When you finally felt as though you had come back down to real life, you were settled against Ron’s chest, his cock still in you, while the twins were busying themselves with getting dressed. They were talking quietly while Ron ran his hand up and down along your back, just waiting until you were finally back in the present. 
George was the first one to notice your eyes had opened again when he finally got his pants back on. He walked over to the bed and knelt down so he was almost eye level with you. 
“That was wonderful, darling. You were perfect,” he told you, placing a quick kiss to your forehead before righting himself only for Fred to take his place. 
“What he said,” Fred told you with a smirk and mimicking his twin's kiss to your forehead. “We’ll see you two lovebirds in the morning,” he added with a wink. 
They both made their way out of the room, the door clicking behind them, leaving you and Ron in a blissed out silence. 
“Did you have fun?” He finally asked, tilting his neck so he was looking down at you. 
“I did. Thank you,” you said with a soft smile. 
“My girl always gets what she wants. You just have to ask, bunny,” He said, placing a kiss on your nose. 
When you moved your lips up to move against his, he stopped you with a chuckle. “No offense but my brother did just cum in your mouth. So let’s go get you cleaned up so I can kiss you properly, yeah?” He asked, wrapping a blanket around you so he could get you down the hallway and into the bathroom. 
“I thought you weren’t going to be weird about it,” you grumbled under your breath as he adjusted you in his arms, carrying you bridal style. 
“That’s different and you know it,” he said defensively as he made his way for the door, making you giggle.
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scaramoucheslove · 3 years
PLEASE expand more on that Zhongli brat tamer thing you posted 🥺
Brat Tamer! Zhongli x Brat!Reader (GN)
Listen to me
What to expect: Spanking, Size kink?(a bit), Choking, Teasing in public, Getting called “whore” once I swear, Zhongli as ur god, fingering? lmk if I missed anything!
(also im so sorry if this is shit even tho i spent so much time writing it?? hurr i apologize and i tried to make it as gn as possible! <33)
Zhongli loves an obedient sub that listens to him and obey his rules. You, were the perfect little baby for him. You were his obedient, perfect little baby. Sure, you’ve been accidentally bad a couple times here and there. But imagine if someday, you were curious enough to see what’s it like to test his limit. So, when you were acting out of the ordinary, of course he’d be suspicious.
It all started when you both woke up. He’d always wake up first, usually drinking tea at the dinner table and you’d always greet him. But today, you felt a little braver than usual and decided to just ignore him and went ahead to the kitchen to grab your breakfast. He raised his brow, but thought nothing much of it. You put your plate on the table and played with your phone while eating your food.
Zhongli cleared his throat, causing you to look at him with a confused look on your face. “Good morning” he said with a smile, a fake one if I may add. You ignored him and continued to play your phone and eat your food. You could see his smile fade away in the corner of your eye. “I expect a response, no?” you looked at him, and his expression seems blank. “Uh, morning?” you answered blankly before continuing to ignore him. He sighs in defeat, standing up to prepare a hot shower to cool him off.
Zhongli said he’ll be meeting up with a few people for a while, and of course you being you, decided to tag along. You were confused on what to wear—until you remembered your little plan to push his buttons. You smirked at yourself before thinking. You had an idea. You put on the most revealing clothes you’ve ever worn out in public just to mess with him. Once you were done getting ready, he doesn’t say a single word. His gaze was enough to make a person tremble, thus why you were averting his eyes the whole time. He simply grabs your hands and wrapped it around his and said nothing more than a simple “Let’s go.”
You finally arrived at the Teahouse after quite some time. The moment you two opened the door, all eyes were on you. You looked absolutely stunning. Your looks may even be enough to tempt a god. Zhongli clearly tried to ignore the situation and dragged you to the back and seated you both at the corner of the Teahouse.
The meeting overall was boring. Although it was pretty boring, you had to admit that hearing people talking about Morax and acting as if they know more than Morax himself was kind of funny. You yawned in boredom and continued to look around before your eyes landed to your boyfriend’s figure that was sitting right beside you. His eyes that are completely focused, the way he talks, and the way his tall figure is sitting straight, asserting dominance through small, simple things. You couldn’t help but feel excited just by looking at him. Your excitement caused you to land your hand on your boyfriend’s thighs as he was listening to some people talking and discussing about the geo archon. He looked at you, confused and you gave him a small, sweet innocent smile, in which he returned.
But what he didn’t expect was for your hand to go higher and higher, until he realized that your hand was basically almost touching his dick. Before you could do anything further, he slapped your hand away and came closer to your ear to whisper, “Behave.” That action alone caused you to shiver and it tempted you even more. Biting your lower lip, you decided to wait for the right moment. After everyone was done talking and discussing, they asked for Zhongli’s opinion. And just right before he gets the chance to talk, you took the chance and managed to place your hand between his pants without raising any suspicions. He flinched slightly, earning worried looks from other people and workers. “My apologies, I thought I saw something.” He said as he kept his composure. And surprisingly enough, they believed him. Thank god you were seated in the corner so that no one could see what was actually happening between the two of you. You palmed him through his pants slowly as he explained about his opinion. You could hear the slight shake on his voice and clearing his throat way more than he normally does, even though he looked completely focused and well composed. “Mr. Zhongli? Are you feeling alright?” someone said in which he responded with a slight nod, and a pinch to your thighs as a warning. You gasped quietly in surprise and stopped your ministrations before looking at him. His stare was menacing, daring you to make another move. In which you responded by looking the other way and pouting as you rest your hands that was palming him a few seconds ago on the table.
The trip back home was silent. You didn’t dare utter a word, not after all that. You looked fine and chill on the outside, But inside? You were trembling. Was it really a good idea to make your god angry? Is it even worth it? Your thoughts were racing as you asked yourself. But there was no turning back.
You walked inside the house slowly, trying to keep calm and collected. You knew you were in deep trouble the moment he shuts the door with a slam. You saw a glimpse of his beautiful, black hair with a gradient, glowing, neon orange color near the ends of his hair, which usually occurred where he’s focused like in battles, or if he’s really pissed. You didn’t really want to test him any further, so you just decided to follow his next commands and obey him. “What has gotten into you?” He asked, voice demanding for an answer. You turned to him, looking to the ground instead while fiddling your hands. He clicked his tongue and forcefully held your chin so you were met with his amber colored eyes. “Talk” He demanded. You were unable to form coherent words and ended up stuttering on your words. He shakes his head in disapproval and practically dragged you into the bedroom.
He lets you go once you’ve both reached your shared bedroom. You watched as he sat himself on the edge of the bed, looking down and letting out a sigh. The moment his eyes met yours, you immediately looked down, not prepared for his eyes to pierce through you so sudden.
“Strip.” He said lowly. Calmly. But you knew him. It’s always the calm before the storm. You stood there, silently, not moving in the slightest. You could feel the tension in the room. He was disappointed. Of course he was! He had all the reasons to be. He walked towards you slowly, observing the outfit you wore. One of his gloved hand stroking it smoothly as his other hand gripped your jaw gently and made you look into his eyes. “Tsk, I have given you such a simple task. But I know you humans simply cannot do anything yourselves.” He practically spat as he tore your clothes off with both hands. Your eyes widened, mouth slightly opened and you froze due to shock as he chuckled at your reaction.
His two hands grabbed you by the shoulders and threw you onto the bed roughly, a contrast to his gentle grip on your jaw earlier. You continued to freeze in your place and he took the chance to pin both your hands with one of his, as his big and strong body kept your smaller one caged. You tried to get out of his grip. But it was no use. No matter how much you try, he will always overpower you.
“Tell me, love. Were you being a brat on purpose?” He asked you with a teasing tone on his voice. You closed your eyes and gave up, exhaling the breath you didn't notice you've been holding while nodding your head slowly in shame and embarrassment. He chuckled lowly as he lets both of your hand go and flipped you over. You yelped in surprise as he positioned himself so that your stomach was on his lap and he places his hand to rub gently on your ass.
You cried out, “Zhongli please I’m sorry-“ “Now, now. It’ll hurt a bit. But you mortals really need to be taught a lesson to know their place.” He says as one of his hand stroked your hair and the other continued to move gentle motions on your ass. “Zhongli pleas-“ Smack. A loud noise echoed across the room as you jolted forward and you felt your eyes beginning to water. “Can you just listen to me, brat?” his voice sounded clearly annoyed. The room was quiet for a while, until he broke the silence. “Stay silent and take it like the good pet I know you are.”
The sound of your cries and sniffles could be heard in the rather silent room. You were sobbing, hands starting to go numb as you gripped them onto the bedsheets, your ass sore and red from all the painful and harsh smacks Zhongli has delivered. You were trembling. It felt like hours since he started and it never seemed to end. He eventually stopped and started caressing the spots he had abused minutes before. “I’m sorry my love, but If I don’t do this then… you’ll never learn from your mistakes.” He explained. You were still sobbing, but a part of you was relieved that it was over.
He got you off his lap and laid you down carefully onto the bed as you finally closed your eyes, trying to calm yourself down. That is until you feel a hand tracing your back and onto your underwear. You felt him come closer as he whispered in your ear “Seems like someone got excited. Well, it isn’t really a punishment if you enjoyed it. Don’t you agree?” you can feel his hot breath fanning your ear.
He flipped you over, your back now facing the bed. You hissed slightly at the sting because your ass still hurts from his ministrations. He gently spread both of your legs apart as he sat himself in between your now-parted thighs and pulled your underwear down, in which he threw across the room. You tried to cover yourself up but again, it was no use. You were now exposed for him and his eyes to devour. “But I’ll have to admit, seeing you in that revealing outfit where everyone can see really makes me…” he paused as he searched for the right word before continuing. “Jealous.” You prayed to the archons to make it out alive before answering him. “Oh? M-maybe you’re just mad they can probably fuck me better than you.” You’ve done it. You took back what you said about obeying him, but at the wrong time. “Getting brave now, are we? How ironic for someone who cried over a punishment moments ago.” he bitterly chuckles. “Well then, we’ll just have to see how hard I’ll break you tonight.”
He took off his gloves and immediately gathered some of your wetness on his fingers, combining it with the drool he managed to get at the corners of your mouth. He wastes no time as he inserts one finger into your needy hole. You gasped and held onto the bedsheets once more, your eyes rolling into the back of your head. God, his fingers were long. You can feel him filling you up as he kept pistoning one finger in and out of you. But then you started to whine for more. For him to fill you up more. “Humans are indeed greedy, but you’re my greedy little human, aren’t you whore?” you scrambled over your words before he used his free hand to wrap it around your throat and tightening his hold around it. “Answer.” He stopped moving completely and you whined as you finally managed to answer. “Y-yes!” “Yes what?” “Yes, my lord.”
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swtki · 4 years
Dancing Days - Edward Cullen x Reader Smut
Anonymous said: 19&24 on edward smut? love ur writing!
A/N: Thank you so much :) also I’m so happy everyone is h*rny for Eddy. I decided I want to explore more period times with Edward, changing his persona in a certain decade, but still ultimately being in the same universe as cannon. This will play into the readers character a tad bit.
19: “Fuck me like you want people to know”.
24. “Thing is, I’m a virgin”. 
I brushed my hair into its usual part, making sure I looked flawless. The year was 1976, I was a senior in Highschool. It was a wonderful time to be a teenager, no longer afraid that my friends would die in Vietnam. Even in my dinky little Washington town, the culture was becoming our own. 
The Led Zeppelin record playing on my record player stopped suddenly, alerting me that I was no longer alone in my room. I turned, my expression soft as I saw my boyfriend, Edward.
“Whats up with you and this album? Everytime I come in, its always House of Th Holy on repeat.” I rolled my eyes, lifted the record in question off of the tray, and put it back snuggly in its case. 
“I can’t help it, Ed. Robert just speaks to me. I’m sure you’re like that with Louis Armstrong.” I waved my hand, walking back to my mirror to finish getting ready. 
“Maybe, but the music you listen to it’s...” Edward paused for a moment, sitting on my bed. “It’s suggestive, Y/N.” I turned to him, my eyebrow raised.
“Suggestive? What’s that supposed to mean?” I placed my hands on my hips, and waited for him to explain.
“Well, for one that one song says ‘Sipping booze’, I quite think that is blatant alcohol reference.” I looked at him, dumbfounded. Then, I started to laugh, and I walked over to him. Instinctually, he pushed his head into my chest, enjoying the comfort it brought him. 
“I love you, but god are we from two different Mars.” He chuckled, sending a rumble through my chest.
At school, I was an average kid. Fair grades, many friends, many ex friends. When Edward was paired up with me in math, I got through his cold, stone skin. At first, he was annoyed when I would fuck off, leaving him to do the work himself. Understandable, and once I realized how rude I was, I stopped. I talked to him, prodded him truthfully. I would ask him once we started dating if he had noticed me previously, because I had never noticed him. 
“Yes, I noticed that you were the only one who didn’t acknowledge me. Ironic I guess.” 
A year into our relationship, I would never let him go unnoticed. We walked the halls, hand in hand. Our outlooks were so different when it came to life. He was modest, I was free spirited. Edward was different from my boyfriends previously, I didn’t want to fuck things up, and I refused to even risk it. 
School went slowly that day, possibly because my head was focused on what I would ask Edward, my boyfriend of one year, about sex. About us and sex. 
I hadn’t told him that I wasn’t a virgin, I was worried he would only want a virgin girl, after all they can never look at you disappointed and say “I’ve had better.” A definite plus. Many a nights I tried to imagine him, moaning completely under my control. I wanted him, but I didn’t know if he wanted me. Surely in 50 years he had found a good fuck. I worried that he would be into someone else, forever tied to a vampiress. 
The end of the school day couldn’t have come sooner, my anxiety rising as I got into Edwards car, starting a long silent car ride. I tried to keep my mind off of it, an attempt to avoid the conversation until we were at my house. I kept my mind busy with the lush scenery outside of the passenger side window. 
“So... I know you want to ask me, and I know the answers to what I would ask you.” He said blatantly, putting the car in park outside my front lawn. 
“I don’t wanna talk out here Ed, lets go inside.” I swung my bag onto my shoulder. Thats the thing with Edward, I never have to say anything, just as long as I think it. 
My house was empty, making it easy for Edward to follow me upstairs to my room. I shut my door behind us, then turned to him. Unsure of what to say, I breathed in deeply.
“How long have you known that I wasn’t...you know?” He smiled, sitting on my plush navy sheets. 
“Y/N, I knew before I met you what I was getting into. Your ex had a lot of thoughts about that one night where you guys-” 
“Oh my god okay ew.” A blush rose upon my face, and I saw Edward laugh as he watched my body fill with embarassment. “Well why didn’t you say something?” I asked.
“I figured if it needed to be brought up, it would be. You and I aren’t exactly a physical couple so I didn’t worry too much.” I walked over to my bed, taking a seat next to him.
“I see...I mean it wouldn’t be a big deal for me so if you want to...” I bit my lip at him, his gaze turned to the other direction.
“Thing is, I’m a virgin.” My expression went from a seductive look, to a puzzled one. I wondered if I had heard him correctly. “I’m old school, Y/N. It wasn’t like how it is now when I was human. People didn’t just have sex in highschool, unless they were married because the man was off to war. So, it hasn’t been on the menu for me. You’re the first girl I’ve dated in fifty years, you know. And no, there was no vampiress or anything.” I smiled.
“Well, I don’t wanna scare you or push it or anything. It’s just you know-” 
“You want to touch me, to be touched by me.” his eyes trailed back to mine, looking deep into my soul.
“Yes, I want you, Edward.” I pressed my lips to his, pulling away jut as it got intense. I could feel his disappointment. “I want to...but I can’t let you down. Tomorrow night. I’ll call you and we can talk about everything we want out of it, I’ll give you a fucking fairytale, my love” I chuckled.
I called him that night as I had said I would. We talked about my first time, and everything I liked, followed by what he had seen on video, what he wanted to try, and his fears.
“I don’t want to kill you, darling.” He said.
“Then don’t. I won’t let you.” He laughed at me, enjoying my lack of seriousness.
The next night rolled along with a quick pace. I looked at the clock and saw that it was time for me to start getting ready. 
I made myself look simple, a small bit of makeup and hair product, but otherwise just a tank top and jeans. Sometimes, dating an old fashioned guy was a pain in the ass. Always complaining about suggestive behavior. But other times, my shoulders counted as being half nude.
“You look stunning, as per usual.” Edward said, stepping into my room. He was tense and barely moved. “I don’t know what to do..what usually happens with it if I’m not the one doing everything.”
If he had any blood flow, he would have been blushing right about then.
“We don’t have to do anything you know. We can just lay down and watch a movie if you want to, I just want to make you happy, Edward.” I walked over to him and put a strand of his messy auburn hair behind his ear. Without hesitation, he pressed his forehead to mine.
“I want to, thats the part that’s been eating me away ever since I met you. I want to make you feel good, I just don’t know if I’ll lose it and-“ I cut him off with a kiss.
“Even if you break my pelvis into pieces, I’ll still be happy. I’m always happy when I’m with you.” we both smiled, and suddenly the thick tension that once filled the room vanished. “I’ll take care of you tonight, just as long as you’re doing it for you. I just need to know you’re doing this for you, and you need to be sure you wont roll over afterwards and hate me.” I said, my hand clasped in his marble one.
“I want you, Y/N. I have no doubts that I’ll want you afterwards, too.”
I pushed his head down, level to my own. Our kiss was deep, filled with a years worth of hunger. My hands tugged on his hair, making him whimper. Suddenly, I felt my feet lift off the ground as Edward carried me to my bed. With a soft thump, the plush sheets surrounded my body. It was a contrast of warmth on my back, and Edwards cool body on my top.
His hands were balled into fists, clutching my duvet as if his life depended on it. I pulled away, panting for air.
“Sorry, I forget you need air.” He smirked. I rolled my eyes in response.
“Well, its a shame you don’t. Because I intend on taking your breath away.” we both made small laughs at my remark.
“What now?” He looked at me for guidance.
“Get on your back.” I said.
We switched positions, he was now on the bottom. My legs straddled his torso, I sight he visably enjoyed. I slithered my hands up to his head, cupping his face as I kissed him again. My left hand left its post, reaching down to the buttons on his shirt.
I paused, looking up at him once I got to the last button.
“Does it...work like normal or...” He threw his head back and laughed.
“It doesn’t have spikes, I can assure you its just like a humans. But Emmet did tell me to pull out so...I’m kind of worried about the implications of that but-“ I leaned down to shut him up with a kiss.
His hands were still at his side, resting on the bed. I picked up his wrists, and placed them on the side of my thighs. He squeezed them lightly.
My hands roamed over his bare chest, cool to the touch. I lached my lips onto his neck, causing his back to arch below me. I could feel his excitement beneath me, it gave me a big self esteem boost. His hand reached along my waist, tugging at my shirt. His eyes lit up at the sight of my bare chest. He reached for me but I pulled away to slide down onto my knees.
He looked confused, like I had left him high and dry.
“Sit on the edge.” I said softly, my knees burning slightly due to the rough carpet underneath them.
He rid himself of the unbottoned shirt, slidding over to me once finished. My hands slowly stroked his thighs, he was desperate for some type of touch.
I smiled, tugging on his belt until it came undone. He stayed silent, looking at me like I was the only thing in the world. I unbottoned the trousers, tugging on them. He kicked them off and was left in his breifs.
“Is it okay if I..” I looked up at him and he nodded frantically. I palmed him over his underwear, feeling how hard he had gotten from kissing. My fingers latched onto the waist band, pulling them down to reveal a pale yet pink cock. It wasn’t too big, but deffinitley satisfactory. I ran my finger over the tip, earning a small groan from the vampire. My eyes trailed up to him, so I could see him when I took him in my mouth.
He let out a breathy moan, eyes focused on my mouth. His lips were parted ever so slightly. I bobbed my head, and grotesquely sexual sounds arose from my throat. I felt Edward move a strant of hair out of my face, he looked at me like I was a god.
“Fuck..Y/N if you keep doing that there wont be anything for you, dear” He said in a breathy moan. I pulled back, my mouth feeling sore and tired. “Do you still want to?” He asked, grasping his hands on my waist.
“Yes, I fucking need you.” I threw off my jeans, I would worry about finding them later, I needed him. He layed back down, propping his head up on my pillows. Our lips collided in another kiss as I leveled myself with him.
“Are you sure?” I ask him, stroking his hard member.
“I’m sure.” He pecked my lips again as I got ontop of his lean figure. I spat in my hand, lubing up my needy hole.
“How do you want me to do this? I mean like slow? What do-“ He said with genuine worry.
“Fuck me like you want people to know” I whispered, “ Fuck me like you want the entire neighborhood to know that I’m yours and yours only.”
“I can make that happen, love.” He flipped me over, now being back to where we first started. He lined up his cock with my hole, running it around the tight area. I put my fingers in his hair, making a slight tug as he pushed into my body.
Pleasure filled my body as he filled me up, his cock stretched my insides in the right ways. Without pausing, he started to push his hips into mine, making sure not to hurt me.
He reached down to suck on my neck, adding to the pornagraphic moans in the room. My hands travled to his back, scratching my nails down the cold stone like skin. His moans echoed in my ear.
“Y/N, I can’t be on top I’m going to crush you” I laughed at him, tapping his side so he fell onto the bed. I swung my legs over him, sitting on his perfect cock.
“Perfect, fucking amazing.” He said as I steady myself onto him. His face was in a euphoric expression, the most relaxed I had ever seen him.
I began to rock my hips, sliding him in and out of me. His hands grabbed onto my hips, guiding me. Everything was a euphoric experience. My gut filled with that wonderful sensation.
“Edward I’m gonna cum, oh my god” I moaned out, picking up my pace.
Suddenly, the world went still. My eyes went black and I saw stars as my orgasm washed over me. My moans echoed in the room as my body twitched. A few thrusts up into my body and Edward pulled out of me, rubbing his cum out onto his hand.
I layed there panting while he sped to the bathroom, and came back with a clean cloth, wiping down my body. He put the cloth down, pulling up his underwear and handing me mine. I slipped the fabric on, slipping under the covers.
“Get in here, I wanna kiss you”
He laughed, obeying and slipping beside me. Our lips reunited in a soft clash.
“I love you so much, dear.”
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