#The only artist I can think of is Ghost but they don't have an active social media presence and distance themselves from their fans
leocreates · 1 year
I don't think there's a single band I like where I care about any of the band members.
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madwomansapologist · 2 months
stay soft, get eaten | tanjiro kamado x hashira!reader
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tanjiro was accused of treason, and there was more than enought proof for you to cut his head and damn his existence. that was your duty as a hashira. but as a friend, you couldn't. you could never.
cw: angst. hurt/barely any comfort. childhood friends to strangers to lovers. kny level of violence. death and gore. more than one character actively trying to kill nezuko.
an: messing around with the idea of an oc. can anyone rec an artist that accepts commissions? another chapter of me finding a way to put a undertale reference on my fics.
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A ghost stood before you, forcing you to face your past.
Once more you were that innocent girl unaware of how your life would change. Focused on the basket between your hands, making sure to protect the bread inside it from the snow, you had no real worries.
You didn't saw the blood. You didn't smell the putrid stench. It was right in front of you, and still you noticed nothing. How you despise that clueless girl. She knew the world was a kind place. She didn't believed that, she knew that: nothing bad has ever happened for her to think otherwise.
How dumb you were. To only notice the blood after stepping on it.
You never truly understood what it meant to be a person until that very moment. To be alive is to have a body, and to have a body is to suffer. A layer of skin, a layer of fat, a layer of muscles, a layer of bones. Nothing can change that.
And blood. So much blood. You threw up on the snow, and continued until your throat burned. With the scarlet red carved on your eyes, you saw the graves. That made you remember exactly where you were.
Kie Kamado. Takeo Kamado. Hanako Kamado. Shigeru Kamado. Rokuta Kamado. Nezuko Kamado. Tanjiro Kamado.
All dead.
You were shaking when he came. Was it because of the snow falling on your skin for hours on end, the empty on your stomach, or the violent cries taking over your body? When you left with Giyu Tomioka, you knew why: you were enraged.
From then on, you trained. You almost died, then did it all again. Until you reached perfection. Every movement, every breath, every muscle of your body. You made yourself excelent. You protected those that couldn't, killed oni after oni, slayed a kizuki without hesitation.
That innocent girl you despise died because of what you saw that night. That girl you envy, that had silly dreams and could afford not to learn it was already time to grow for a few more years died that night. So why you're looking at Tanjiro's sleeping face?
Unaware of the string muzzling your heart as if it was a beast in need of taming, the Pillars argued around you. You couldn't quite catch their words, all meaning lost in the air around you.
You pinched yourself, as if you didn't already knew it wasn't a nightmare. Life taugh you a funny trick: when you don't know what's happening, all you had to do is to imagine the worst possible scenario and accept it as reality.
And so you knew: you were late that night. More than you could ever imagine. Late so you couldn't see they alive, couldn't help Tanjiro, couldn't save Nezuko. And Giyu lied to you. If not, he at least omit the truth from you.
"Tomioka", you interrupted Tengen, just now realizing the voice you heard belong to him. You have never been so upset, and still your concentration on your breathing technique never shattered. "You knew from the start, didn't you?"
"I believe Shinobu said-", Mitsuri thought you had misunderstood Shinobu's report, but decided to remain silent when she noticed your clenched fists. She observed you, more carefully now, and saw the truth.
After all, when someone does their best not to cry the only decent thing is to pretend they're doing a good job.
Giyu didn't return your gaze. You were almost grateful for it. You don't know if you could endure his coldness now. "You found me mourning his family, and knowing he was alive you chose to say nothing."
How loud the silence that came after it was. Not a single breath was heard by your attentive ears. In the absence of an response, you found one: your trick never fails you.
Kyojuro turned to you, his smile brighter than the sun. "All slayers involved in this case shall face punishment", Kyojuro's energy had no effect on you. "We'll find a way to punish the Water Hashira."
Instead of moving forward, you looked back. "Tomioka", your calm voice made him look at you. This time, you were ready for what you would face. Even know, he was so aloof. What a nice act.
Giyu Tomioka gave you no comfort when he found you that night, only the truth. Giyu Tomioka told you a tale of demons and slayers, of blood and ashes. Giyu Tomioka gave you a reason to get up, clean the vomit on your face, and pray one last time for the family that always treated with care.
"What I do now?", the wind shoved your tired words towards ears. "How can I stop then?"
Giyu thought about your questions for a while. Just when he decided it was best to turn his back on you, something on your eyes stopped him. They burned. "There is a cultivator a few cities away."
You smiled.
Mitsuri gasped. She can still smile at him even now, her dreamy eyes gazed upon you. Sweet like sakuramochi. And as pretty too.
You thought about hiding yourself behing Gyomei when Tanjiro started to wake up. You didn't, you couldn't move. As he tried with sleepy words to protect his sister, you stood as quiet as you could. But his eyes found you, and for a second the world around you faded away.
Tanjiro was dreaming again.
As the Pillars argued about his future execution, Tanjiro couldn't quite believe it all was really happening. Broken bones, exhausted mind, sore muscles. He must be hallucinating from the pain. That's the only possible explanation.
Because you're right in front of him, and that only happens when he dreams.
And still, even so sure it was just a fantasy from his tired mind, Tanjiro could do nothing but to stare at your sweet eyes and pretend it was reality.
How he wish to go back in time and be that boy who worried if you would look at him at during his daily walks throught the village. He could almost feel the softness of your hair against his once scarless palm, hear the poems you declamed with such a passion, see the careful way you treated your siblings.
Tanjiro isn't that boy anymore, and your perfume reminds him of apple and cinnamon. You smell like exhaustion and regret. Like hopes and dreams. Kindness and duty.
"Were you happy?" He interrupted one of the Pillars, not that he ever heard about them before, and in response to his disrespect Tanjiro was shoved on the ground. He contorced his body to look at you, ignoring everything else. "Was life good to you?"
Your smile burned your cheeks, so big it showed a bit of your gums. Usually you tried to keep it cover, but not this time. This time you could afford to smile without a care. "No, it wasn't", you answered with a voice covered in honey. "But I made it good."
Tanjiro smiled. The pain, the loneliness, the fear: it all disappeared. Smelling joy, Tanjiro was glad it wasn't a dream. But of course that meant the execution discussed was real too.
"That won't be a problem, right?" Shinobu questioned. "As a Pillar, we expect you to do what must be done."
Looking into his eyes, a stare so strong you felt hazy, you didn't hesitate. "The only mercy a demon deserves is a of a quick death." You turned to Shinobu, so she could see you meant it. "It's our duty to do so."
"And the boy?" Shinobu smiled, but it was so emotionless. It felt like a performance, but to what audience? Who Shinobu was trying to fool? You can't imagine.
You could feel his gaze burning your temples. "I won't pretend to be our Master and decide his fate", you wondered if your eyes were emotionless too. Were you trying to fool someone? "I know my place."
As Rengoku reenforced Tanjiro was to be killed by his act of treason, you looked at him again. Hoping to see disgust on his eyes, you saw something you couldn't really comprehend. Something warm and soft.
You saw your Tanjiro again. That sweet boy who would protect you from the snow, even if he would get sick because of it. You wondered if he saw that girl you once were. If he could remember your tales and desires.
You hope that girl is still alive somewhere safe. It would be enough for her to be alive on his mind.
She would've protected Tanjiro now. Don't matter the size of the threat, she would fail but would never give up. Now you're bigger than most threats out there in the world, but nothing could change the fact Tanjiro protected a demon.
You stood quiet, dreaming about a world were demons were still just tales. You smelled like defeat.
And still, despite your desire to never speak again, you couldn't ignore it.
"Nezuko glowed, Master", you gather all your strenght to disagree. It pierced your very soul to do so, but how could you agree with that? "She was the jewelof our village. A dear friend, my Flower, so kind and generous."
You felt the weight of his gaze on you, knowing that Tanjiro would never look at you again. You love him, you really do, but if he really wanted to protect Nezuko he would let her go. You would be kind. You would do it swiftly, and endure the weight of her death for him.
"She doesn't deserve to be remembered as one of them", you said. "If her body won't be respected, then let her soul be. Allow me to free her, please."
Mitsuri would do anything Master asked for, but that made her desire he would want something else. That's a sort of strenght I didn't knew you had, Mitsuri thought to herself. Am I strong like that?
Looking into Tanjiro's eyes, you didn't noticed as Sanemi moved. You only understood when he screamed, and Iguro decided to put him down on the ground. Again and again, Sanemi pierced the box, offending Nezuko.
"Master, forgive me for this", you raised your voice. You would never do that in front of your Master, but he was the one to start this. In a instant, you were besides him with your sword on your hands. "But if Sanemi will be cruel, I will be fast."
But before you could cut off her head, Nezuko looked away.
"Flower?" You asked, sword falling down on the ground. "Are you in there?"
Nezuko hugged you, and once again a Kamado shattered your world.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
general taglist: @lovelyy-moonlight
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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evilminji · 1 year
I Ponder The Humble Blob Ghost!
You think they are what happens when you ALMOST but not quite A Ghost(tm)? Like, you have the ectoplasm and the will to continue... but you didn't really have A Thing in life? No Final Crystalizing Thought that brings focus? Just "ow! Ah! I'm scared. Don't wanna die!" And theeeeen.... *poof!*
Why am I Orb? Am squish? No bones.
Like? Remove any one piece of the Critical Formula and you get Blob instead of Ghost? Different KINDS, mind you, but blobs none the less.
Like Skulker! Not enough Ectoplasm. Ended up Blob. He CLEARLY had the Will, the Obsession, the gory end and unfinished business... buuuut? No green goo to power the creation of a full body. He clearly knows what he's supposed to LOOK like? But it's not something FIXABLE? Even with his now unlimited access to Ectoplasm.
Like in utero damage that permanently stunted his growth. HE is fine. All his facilities are on-line and checking in as they should, for the level of sentience expected of a ghost of his people. He just... smol. Same strength, intelligence, and power as he would have always HAD...
He just got handed a really, REALLY crap "customize your eternal meatsuit" option screen. Like for real guys. Basicly NO options. His salt is eternal and entirely justified. He could have had his tattoos. He paid a LOT of credits for those! Sat for DAYS! Had to track down this One(1) artist on this SHITTY little trading hub, that BARELY QUALIFIED as one, to sit in on uncomfortable overturned crate... IN A GAS MASK because the AIR SUPPORT KEPT KICKING IT... for hoooours!
It was a WORK OF ART. You would have CRIED.
But wait, I hear you say, staring at the Blob ghost chewing on a lamp post. The one that has wii music playing behind the eyes. No thoughts, head jello, one might say. What about THEM?
Good point! Remember that formula?
LOT of Ecto! But THAT... might be either an animal or a fungus. We'd have to check. ANYTHING can and DOES die. If it's alive? It can die and potentially leave a ghost. But! Consider the noble Ghost Rabbit! *holds up squirming rabbit that is ABSOLUTELY trying to both bite me and kick me in the face* A noble and friendly creature!
THIS is what happens when an animal: has sufficient Ectoplasm at the death site, a reason to continue living (fairly common. It's usually their offspring, escape, the instinctual drive to survive itself or other understandable base drives. Like love, loyalty, or hunger.), and that all important High Emotions End.
Miss any of these? You get Blobbertson over there! He's clearly a hungry boy! But! Not very DRIVEN is he? Just floating along, chewing on whatever seems interesting, looking for a snack. He's food motivated. But not MOTIVATED motivated.
Blobbertson over there? A peaceful death. Too much Ectoplasm too leave, too food motivated in life NOT to carry over, but? No DRIVE. To DEFINE and DEMAND the Ectoplasm in his little body become sharp and active. No highly emotional state to stir it into action.
Is Blobbertson INCAPABLE of higher emotions? No. He is every bit as capable as the Ghost Rabbit that has savaged my hands and escaped while you were reading. It was, in fact, NOT as friendly as originally assumed. I may be bleeding. Unimportant. Blobbertson is PERFECTLY capable of getting attached. Being trained.
Whatever level of intelligence Blobbertson had in life, still remains. And WITH that? Comes the ability to improve and grow in death! IF (and this is the big one) he ever finds MOTIVATION to do so.
Because you see, Blobbertson is quite happy. No thoughts, brain jello. Drifting along in a happy green ocean like a jellyfish. Only concerned about his next snack. It's comforting. His food obsession filled, his tiny motivation barely enough to move him place to place.
He would GLADLY sit in one place and eat for the rest of eternity. Head blissfully silent.
And that's OKAY! It truly, honestly, is. Not everyone has to be conquers and kings, crafters and cosmonauts. Sometimes you just want to spend the rest of time playing in the sand. Resting on a sunshine-y hill. Not EVERY soul is a loud one.
This is the INFINITE Realms.
And there are places like Amity Park out there. THICK as cold honey with Ectoplasm in the air, gently infusing all the life that grows there with greater and greater chance of Ghost-hood. Even the peaceful blinking awake after that final rest to look down and... little nubby green paws.
Congratulations on becoming a Blob, grandma! Yes, I imagine you ARE furious it is inordinately difficult to knit like this. No, I don't think complaining to the king will help, MeMa.
That said? I can not tell you if Blob Ghost all belong to the same Family or the same Order, but they are NOT the same species! The WAY in which you fuck up that ever vital Fomula results in WILDLY different Blobs! Was it an animal? A sentient species? A sentient PLANET? A complexe interlocking colony of fungi? What was the EXACT Ectoplasm concentration at the death site? Was that the historical levels or the At Death levels? Was the individual under sedation?
Yes! All of this IS in fact, VERY relevant!
And you think it ends THERE? HA! The SKIES are FILLED with Fighty Mother Fuckers! Ghosts LOVE to fight! It's built into their social dynamics and hierarchy! Good ol brawls to get the Ecto pumping!
......Local Blob Farmer would like to take this moment to say "GET OF HIS GHOST PEONIES, YOU HEATHENS."
No they would NOT like to join your 24/7 thunder dome in the sky, THANKS! Martha here is trying to compose some Atlantian Shell Poetry. Blobby Jr of Blobbington and Blobbington Incorporated is TRYING to study! You've DESTROYED THE COMMUNAL ZEN GARDEN!!
Get! GET!!! *swings broom*
And THEN you look not even a mile east? And it's the floating island of Blobs. They LIKE that rock. It's just an ever shifting, accidentally rolling off the edge, falling slightly, making an offended squeek, and floating back to the top of the pile to repeate the process, MOOSH of thousands of blobs. No one's certain if they used to be seals or some sort of cat.
Apparently THAT island is Warm(tm).
So there they sit. Making contented noises, chirping and shoving for the best spots. They never leave. You can literally just... float up and sit on them. It's amazing. You gotta be careful not to get buried, but it's So Soft and bouncy? And they are ALL making that soft happy Blob vibrate noise. It's like a giant, island sized, warm and almost fuzzy but not, water bed that massages you.
Just DON'T start anything there! Holy SHIT are they territorial. You Will Die. They SWARM.
And THATS not even getting into the Blobs that are? Literally brainless. Some people eat those. Which? I guess? They ARE basicly Ectoplasm jello. But SOME of them are NOT? Like... it's a debate. Hot button issue, ya know?
Some fungus turns into Ecto Jello with negative IQ and delicious insides. Is this food? But OTHER fungus was SENTIENT in life and become a whole RANGE of Fungus ghosts, from Blob right on up to complexe dryad like ghosts! Clearly NOT food unless you are a MONSTER. But THEY argue the FIRST group are ALSO not food?
Plant Ghosts have strong opinions and are willing to Gruesome Violence about it.
Which brings us back to the Humble Blob Ghost! Check before you pet! That might be grandma! Or planning to eat your hand! Just as Mammal tells you little to nothing about what animal you are looking at, so too does Blob and Ghost! Stay safe out there! And if anyone sees a glowing green rabbit? I want my blood back! That's supposed to be in MY body! Rude!
This has been, the daily ghost!
@hdgnj @stealingyourbones
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clairedaring · 21 days
Okay, so the original post you wrote has been a while and I saw it by ghost-reading (this is when I read someone's blog without signing into Tumblr. I'm only signed in on a specific browser on my laptop to prevent mindless scrolling).
If I recall correctly, you mentioned being ready to protect a Thai actor because he's some BL actor but is married to a wife (or has a girlfriend). That reminded me of an incident my best friend told me while we were chatting.
She said there was this time when two pairs of BL actors (she coded them as Pair A + B, and Pai C +D since I don't know them and their names weren't the point) got massively flacked by fans because B kissed C on camera when the four friends were hanging out. Fans apparently saw it as a betrayal of the "BL pairing," even though all four of them were just vlogging their activities not as characters they play.
I wanna know more about this phenomenon out of curiosity!
Is it as common as my best friend put it? Or is she just unlucky enough to be caught in such a storm?
Why do fans think this way, when these are just actors and not the real characters? Is it similar to the issue of fans of Kpop, Jpop, or even Cpop artists who cannot accept their idols marrying or dating anyone?
What do the companies hiring or signing these actors do to mitigate such an issue/protect their actors?
Or... Do the companies cash in on this sort of fanatic fervor, such that they encourage fans to believe this illusion, or mandate their actors to uphold such an illusion even when they are being themselves outside of acting?
How does an incident like this usually get resolved?
What are the major stances of Thai BL fans on this issue? Not all of them support this sort of fervor, right?
Lastly: what do you think, personally, is central to this sort of incident?
Sorry if it sounds like some college assignment, but I really wanna know what you think! I'm so curious as an outsider to all of this...
Hiiiii Lyn \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
You have no idea how happy I am to receive this ask because I've been wanting to talk about that couple incident that you're referring to since forever but I've never gotten the chance to properly collect my thoughts about it. Thank you for allowing this opportunity to ramble about this and for your very introspective questions.
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So firstly to give some context to it, I think it's a bit more important to cover some background information of the two pairings that you're talking about.
OffGun and TayNew are some of the oldest pairings in GMMTV. They are known to all be good friends with each other (if not to say they're each other best friends). They've all done non-BL works with different actors but in terms of promotions, OffGun and TayNew have always been regarded to be the 'pillars' of GMMTV (their company) branded pairings.
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Even though the four people are close with each other, Tay is particularly close with Gun (and this is public fact known by everyone who follows them), often teasingly calls each other pet/master and have some hangouts/vacations with just them two.
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In the case of TayGun, I think their playful kiss being caught unexpectedly on livestream caused so much reactions was because it's a private moment between them. BL fans are too used with using private moments (re:clips of casual skinship between actors during work events and non-work livestream) to prove the existence of their closeness or togetherness -> so when New accidentally turned his camera to show Gun playfully kissing Tay during livestream, I think many (outraged) fans falsely equated that TayGun kissing in private like that means they're romantically involved to a certain degree.
Even though Tay has come out to explain that it isn't the case and that Gun was just playfully teasing him, there were still so much flacks thrown his way. Even with clarifications from both sides, you can basically see from the comments section of these Tiktoks (1, 2, 3, 4) that there is a considerable portion of OffGun and TayNew upset and disappointed (even though there is no reason to). I'll just translate some of the Vietnamese ones because those are the comments that show up first for me.
For those who follow [OffGun], you'll already know that Gun has been avoiding skinship from Off since 2022, fans used to think that he was shy but now we get it 🥲
10 years is just a number =)))))) (t/n: OP is insinuating that OffGun has been fooling their fans for 10 years)
What kind of 'friends' kiss each other on the lips?!
Now I can't watch OffGun series anymore 😇 Can they please give us a TayGun series 😌
Have I been blind all this time because how can everything has been so clear yet I still don't know it 🥲🥲🥲
Is it as common as my best friend put it? Or is she just unlucky enough to be caught in such a storm?
I think it's both common and not. So 'common' is in the sense that whenever one half of a branded pairing or 'koojin' is close and intimate with another person or displaying any possibilities of them being involved with said person in real life, it always trigger these reactions from shipper fans to immediately deny that possibilities or to attack the actors in the branded pairing as if they have 'deceived' their fans.
This has infinitely lessened in recent years with actors actively taking a stance against their fans harrassing their colleagues over ships but in general we still see it now and then with popular/rising/active ships or inactive ships but with astronomically huge fandoms (see: reactions of brightwin fans to bright's dating news).
I'm also saying it's uncommon for 'two halfs of two different popular BL pairings to get rumored to be together' but in 2024, it has already happened twice so who knows what's real really 😅 Aside from the case of TayNew/OffGun, there's also the case of actors Mew and Tul (who were both parts of ships with HUGE fandoms MaxTul and MewGulf) confirming their in real life relationship but their news was more well received internationally as neither of their old ships have been active in having series together for a while (i still see flacks for both of them here and there but that's because i'm vietnamese and vietnamese negative reactions are always the ones i see first to any dating news of one half of a BL pairing).
Why do fans think this way, when these are just actors and not the real characters? Is it similar to the issue of fans of Kpop, Jpop, or even Cpop artists who cannot accept their idols marrying or dating anyone?
I think there are several reasons like actors and companies contributing to the delusions of shipper fans and fans not being able to separate real life actors from the characters they play on screen, which have been extensively discussed in these Reddit threads (1, 2) so I won't delve into them. I'll just focus on a common reason i've seen from vietnamese fans being the combination of emotional and financial investment in these ships.
Similar to Kpop, Jpop or even Cpop idols as you've mentioned, there's a large degree of parasocial relationship involved between a CP/idol and their fans. Rather than the Kpop idol feeding fans the delusion of them being an attractive yet attainable, relatable, single person, these 'koojins' offer CP fans the image of a beautiful friendship/'will they/won't they'/'ambiguous more than friends, less than lovers' relationship -> so once there is a strong emotional attachment to the actors who are part of a pairing, fans will inevitably have strong feelings about their romantic life aka whether the CP is really together or not.
Even though branded pairings or 'love teams' have been an age old phenomenon since the dawn of television (not just in Southeast Asia but in Hollywood as well), I think this phenomenon has flourished particularly in Southeast Asia with many successful stories of actors having on-screen to off-screen real life romances (see: KathNiel in the Philippines, NadechYaya in Thailand...)
What do the companies hiring or signing these actors do to mitigate such an issue/protect their actors? and How does an incident like this usually get resolved?
I think one of the most interesting things about Thailand entertainment industry is that it's so easy for celebrities to sue people for online defamation. So rather than making any statements to 'save' their branded pairings or to resolve any confusion, the company doesn't do anything (which I understand because the artists are already clarifying themselves to the nosy press about any 'possible scandals that happened'). In the case that online commenters are getting too toxic, the artists can just screenshot the toxic tweets/posts, send them to the company's legal department and those defamation cases get resolved by the police.
But even then, that hasn't really stopped fandoms that are too large in size, too delusional in mind to do the crazy things they do even after a branded pairing has stopped working together, such as showing up at the fanmeeting of one actor, wearing masks of the other actor in that inactive ship. In this case, the company can't do anything since... well those people paid to attend the fanmeeting and get a photo with their idol. The most a company could do is probably to 'officially announce the ending of the ship' but... their comments section are still full of obsessed fans til this day so i doubt that announcement made any difference to the fully obsessed and delusional cp fans.
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Or... Do the companies cash in on this sort of fanatic fervor, such that they encourage fans to believe this illusion, or mandate their actors to uphold such an illusion even when they are being themselves outside of acting?
Companies have always generated as much revenue from brand endorsement, brand promotions fanmeetings, concerts, selling merchs of these pairisings as they do from producing and airing these series if not more, so I've also felt a sense of these companies capitalizing upon their branded pairings and the volatileness of delusional fans.
If you're interested here and here are two interviews with P'Tha, the CEO of GMMTV company which TayNew and OffGun are under, I think his sharings in these interviews are very insightful into how the companies view these branded pairings (the main source of income for these companies basically).
I wouldn't say that the companies mandate or force their actors to act a certain to create an illusion of an ambiguous/are they aren't they ship for any branded pairings, but i DO think that being in an environment where two people (who are part of a branded pairing) are constantly being shipped or teased by co-workers and sometimes even the ceo himself... that does make shipper fans more delusional than they normally would. it's like as if you were in a class and everyone around you start shipping two people or pushing two people to be together, you'd be questioning what the others know about those two that you don't... it's 'sus' as the cp fans will say 😂
What are the major stances of Thai BL fans on this issue? Not all of them support this sort of fervor, right?
I think there's all sorts of opinions that pops up whenever there's news of someone dating surfaces, there are no consensus on it because the feelings of the fans rely largely on how emotionally invested they are in the actors/real people. There are fans who will take the news harder (feeling tricked, deceived, all that jazz) and there are also fans who will feel like 'oh that's normal' or they would rejoice in the happiness of their favorite actor having an in real life parner. Also it's probably important to note that the stance of Thai BL fans do not necessarily align with the stance of general Thai audience, for example when Thai actor Bright revealed his girlfriend Nene, basically the entire Thai netizen is supportive of him whereas his previous branded pairing fans are divided between supporting him and feeling 'betrayed' by this reveal.
Lastly: what do you think, personally, is central to this sort of incident?
Personally, I think it's fans' expectations. Similar to what Monk Dol told Dear about not holding on to things too tightly, I think fans often hold on to the romantic stories portrayed on screen more strongly than they do with non-romantic stories. Therefore, the reality of an actor having a real life partner often dispels this illusion of a 'screen-to-life' romance stories that fans may have concocted in their mind for any pairings not limited to whether they are in queer love or straight love stories.
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I feel like it's just much easier for fans of straight pairings to move on since they don't get paired repeatedly as leads together every 1-2 years and they often don't have couples' work (like promoting brands togethers...) long after the ending of their series together, contrasting with branded pairings in BL/GL series who still get brands work together after the ending of their series -> allowing their "ship" fanbase to grow and the fans to have even larger expectations of the actors to have future works together.
Again it might be a lot of me to ask that these dedicated fans not to have expectations (which may eventually lead to their own suffering) because logically these fans do pour in not just emotional investment but also like HUGE financial investment so having expectations are really inevitable ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ perhaps they should watch สาธุ and learn to let go of having any expectations for a ship or an idol which will benefit all parties involved 😅
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Anyhow before I end this, please let me ramble and promote my beloved actor, JJ Krissanapoom whom you've mentioned first in your ask.
JJ Krissanapoom is a prolific Thai actor whose works I've followed really early on in my journey of Thai media consumation. He's starred in works of different genres and he's had queer love-adjacent projects before like Diary of Tootsies (with Paopetch aka Monk Ekkachai in สาธุ) and Great Men Academy (with James Teeradon aka Win in สาธุ).
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But JJ has been in a highly publicized long term relationship with his girlfriend Thanaerng for seven years now, so I have no fears/worries about the reception of Thai fans to his upcoming queer love work Spare Me Your Mercy.
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That being said, I'm still very worried about any negative reactions from delusional shippers because even if the actors have nothing to insinuate that they're together or even if they're both actors with in real life partners, the delusional fans always have the following comment templates to bash the drama/actors
I can't see the chemistry between the actors, probably because they both have girlfriends.
Why is the actor posting pictures with his girlfriend instead of promoting his own series?!!?
Why does the actor have an event with his girlfriend rather than an event with his co-star??!?!?!?
things like these... i'm already expecting.... and praying they won't happen... also if they do... i wouldn't be very surprised... and i'm actually very parasocially attached to jj and thanaerng's irl relationship so i feel like i'm even extra protective of their relationship than i already do.
and i'm definitely going off track here... but yes i'm very much looking forward to having jj krissanapoom on my screen again, in this BL series about a cop solving a series of murders of dying patients, to which his doctor boyfriend is the no.1 suspect of.
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and here's a cute recent clip of all three people jaylerr, gun and tay to end my lengthy incoherent ramble
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
Let Me Love You
Pairing:  Manjiro Sano (Bonten Mikey) x Fem Reader 
(Every time I see Bonten Mikey, I'm just like damn this man needs some love lol so here we are! Hope you all enjoy!)
Warnings: MANGA SPOILERS! If you haven't read the manga and don't want spoilers, heres your warning now!
Smut! (18+ Only!)(Mentions of alcohol, unprotected sex, gets a little rough, creampie)
Summary: Following her skills in life much like the rest of her friends, the reader who loves music, becomes a professional singer and artist, not having much time to come home, but when she does come home, preparing for Pah's wedding the following day, she has an unexpected guest...
Word Count: 2.1k 
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Life never goes as expected and knowing that I made the best out of it! I decided to follow my heart, do what I was good at, and ended up becoming an international singer and artist!
Never in a million years did I expect my life to turn out so good like this, although, traveling all around the world made it difficult to stay close to my best friends, I always stayed in touch, gave them tickets to shows when I could, and always made sure to see everyone when I was home.
I also had to make some things work, clearing out a week of my schedule to come home for Pah's wedding and stay for a bit, I needed the break. It was a great feeling being in my hometown, in the home where my heart was.
There was no escaping a little work, sitting at the computer in my office, sending out emails, and organizing things with the help of my assistant. I felt a bit guilty because this was supposed to be a break for him too, but everything was put to the side whenever he brought me water like I asked, sitting it down next to my mouse on the desk, nervous as he said:
"Also, Ms. Y/N, uh- there's someone at the door? He said that he was an old friend?"
Must've been one of the guys, thinking so, I took a quick sip, rushing, "Bring him in for me, would you?"
"Of course," He was so kind and obedient, heading out to grab my guest while I hurried to finish my last email, freezing in my seat when I heard, "Here he is. I'll be on my way now, so you can have time to yourself."
I was so shocked that I was shaking. It had been twelve years since I'd seen him with my own two eyes.
Draken and Mitsuya had mentioned to me before that he was still participating in gang-related activities, which wasn't a surprise. I didn't know extensive details of what Mikey had been up to and part of me didn't want to know.
"T-Thank you, dear. Get home safe," I swallowed down as my assistant left, standing up slowly, whispering while connecting gazes with him, "M-Mikey?"
"Long time no see, Y/N," It looked like Mikey surely needed a good night's sleep, but he put on the tiniest smile for me.
I thought I was seeing a ghost. Mikey and I were inseparable once upon a time, some could agree that I was closer to him than Draken used to be. Emotions from so long ago started rising, taking slow steps, needing to know that this was all real, hugging him and tightly.
No one has seen Mikey at all these past twelve years, and he came to see me? Why me? I had a lot of questions, but at the same time, I felt so relieved, hopeful that maybe this was the beginning of him coming back home and staying home. Letting things be like how they used to be.
The entire old gang was still together, he was the only missing piece.
It wasn't very much, but he did hug me back, patting my back softly, eyes glistening at me when I picked up my head, eyes full of tears:
"I'm sorry that I'm crying, I just-; I can't believe this!"
Those tears were happy ones mostly, beginning to smile at his little smirk:
"I know it's been a long time, and this was so sudden, but I wanted to see you."
"It's fine!" I assured, cleaning myself up, getting the door, and leading him out to the room where I entertained guests, guiding him to a chair, then to the bar, "You want a drink? I have just about anything you can think of."
"I'm sure you know what I like," He murmured while sitting back, eyes exploring his surroundings, "Nice house you have."
"Why thank you," I was getting myself some wine, a glass of authentic whiskey that I got from Europe on the rocks for him, "Music has brought me a long way."
"I've seen," In the corner of my eye, I could see him smiling at me. Mikey was the one person who could do the tiniest thing and I'd get flustered by it, even after twelve years that hasn't changed.
Distracting myself, I started singing to myself softly, finishing up the drinks and putting things away, and before I could turn back to him, I felt his arms wrapping around my waist, keeping me in a light embrace, whispering in my ear:
"I haven't heard your voice in person for so long. It's just as beautiful as I remember."
"It makes me happy that you think so," I smiled nervously, cheeks filling with heat, but paying close attention when he went on:
"I had been wondering about your songs lately, how many love songs you've made. Do you have some special in your life?"
I had no clue why he asked or how to answer because I didn't, thinking off the top of my head, "No, uh-, people are just suckers for love songs, you know? And a lot of my fanbase is young girls so-"
"Your nervous laughs and stuttering make me think otherwise," Mikey knew when I was lying, if I wasn't already horrible at it, he just knew, "But one particular song, I remember one of your lines, where you said they'll never know how good it feels to have your affection, never get to experience your love."
Despite all this time apart, he still paid attention to what I was doing, my music, and could still read me like a book, laying his head on my shoulder, mentioning:
"You haven't changed a bit, Y/N."
"It's not too late to get to know, Mikey," I whispered ghostly, holding his arms tight, feeling how he squeezed me tighter too, trying to get over all the emotions that were holding me back, letting Mikey know that he was the one who I wrote all my songs about, "It sure as hell looks like you need it too."
"Look at me," Guiding me around to face him, I was just trying to read him, remembering how he was holding me, then the darkness in his eyes.
All of that showed me exactly why he was here and now, I was more relieved that he was here. Before he could say more, I moved a strand of hair away from his face, holding his cheek:
"It's never too late and you're right, those songs are about someone special. It's you and I'm not afraid anymore to tell you that I love you. Despite everything, I love you, Mikey."
How the look in his eyes changed, you'd think no one had ever told them that they loved him before. He kept his composure, but I could see it in his eyes, then this snap.
I see that his speed never changed, reeling me in so quickly, his lips smacked into mine, so hungry and in need. It almost felt like he needed to be saved, just needed to know that someone loved him, and I was more than willing to be that person.
Kissing back and glancing for just a moment, his liveliness was coming back which made me smile against his lips, whispering:
"You don't have any other plans tonight, do you?"
"No," He huffed out quickly, hands latched to me, and with that green light, I sped up and there was no slowing down.
Not letting my lips leave for more than a second down the hall to my room. He had already shown me with his ways that he had experience, but this was different. Sitting him on my bed before straddling him, laying him back while kissing his neck, and letting his hand wander across my skin as clothes began to disappear.
It had been a long twelve years, filled with worrying about him so much, missing him horribly. I knew that he was no angel, but just him showing up, let alone this? My Mikey was still in there. Just buried deep and I was going to dig him out.
Both of us in just our skin, the hand he had on my hip began to push a little, ready to have me be the one on my back, earning a curious glare when I took his wrist, pinning him softly.
There was a slight tear in my eye staring down at him, but a soft smile on my face, positioning myself and kissing with a whisper:
"Just let me love you, Mikey."
Small gasps were against our lips while I sat on his cock, slow and steady till I had every inch, hands sliding from his wrists to his chest and pressing down, beginning to roll my hips, his hands finding my hips again, digging into its meaty side, hearing under his breath:
"You're so soft, warm-"
"And you feel amazing, Mikey," I moaned down into his ear, head resting on his shoulder, the desire for pleasure growing even stronger, making my hips rock quicker instinctively.
His silence made me wonder briefly, till I noticed how his legs shift, picking up his hips, thrusts matching my speed for a moment before going faster, how the tip of his cock was smacking my sweet spot, making my walls clench tighter, my moans louder, body beginning to squirm and nails sinking into his shoulders.
I saw the little smile on his face, when I picked my head up, flipping some hair away from my face because of the small sweats on my forehead, gasping for air, "M-Mikey-"
"Let me feel it," Holding the back of my head, forehead to forehead, his thrusts started coming even quicker, "Cum for me. I don't care if you make a mess."
"I'm right there, Mikey!" The second my walls pulsated; he kissed me with an animalistic side that I'd never really seen, even with all my moans and whines, kept going and dragging out the extreme high.
It was too good, making us both want more, so gone and lost in another world that I lost track of time. Just looking out the window at times, it was easy to tell that it was dead in the night.
I never knew I had this much in me, but knew I was reaching my limit.
Mikey had us on our sides, kept in a tight hug with one of my legs trapped in it, giving him the room, he needed to drill away inside of me. My head kept falling back with breathless moans, I was sure that I was barely breathing, a swirl in my head, the pleasure had turned me into a cock-drunk mess.
"Think you can give it to me just one last time?" I heard Mikey, but couldn't respond, having to hold my head up to ensure I was paying attention, "Come on love."
"I can," I breathed out hollowly, nearly crying at the tensity in my body from head to toe, squeezing his cock so hard that it ached some, begging him, "Make me cum, Mikey!"
I thought his grip was strong before till he showed me a whole new level, in a grip so tight that my whole body felt as if it had its own heartbeat, all the air I tried taking in stuck in my chest, able to hear the gush and slick against his cock, his voice nearly echoing to me:
"F-Fuck, Y/N. S-So damn tight. It's so good."
His hold on me loosened up and relaxing my leg on the side of his hip, nearly limp against his body, but still feeling everything, how his thrusts began to slow, hugging him and whispering with my head against his neck:
"C-Cum in me. I want to know how good it feels."
"Tell me then," He whispered back, pinning his hips against mine, moaning against the skin of his neck, feeling even hotter than I already did when his seed flooded my walls, so warm and deep, gasping but letting him know:
"It's the best feeling I've ever felt, Mikey."
"The best, hm?" He hummed, fixing my head so we could look into each other's eyes.
The longer I looked, even with tired eyes, I could tell something was different than when he first came, and that change was for the better. All I could do was smile, getting a real one in return, something I feared that I'd never see again.
I never felt so happy, knowing he wasn't leaving by how he laid back, keeping me to his chest and helping me with the blanket. All those hours together surely wore me out, yawning from the exhaustion, cooing before drifting off:
"The best feeling ever." 
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🍁 Mars Moon Aspects
Just some Mars moon aspects and predictions as the potential interactions of these two planets intrigued me. May or may not ring true
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Mars trine moon ★ Mars conjunct moon ★ Mars square moon ★ Mars opposition moon
Interesting observations:
• those with mars aspect the moon in any way may have some sort of physical aspect to their emotions, and at it's most basic level this can look like physical expression of emotion e.g. hugging, 'glomping', but also throwing things when angry, etc. at another level physical expression of emotions can mean drawing, playing an instrument, or dancing.
• they may do a contact sport such as a martial art or rugby.
• may have their emotions very affected by the natural world. Mars doesn't just affect people, all planets also affect nature and the world around us. Places ruled by mars can include cities, electrically active areas e.g. near power lines, transportation like an underground, metro, or Subway, or so on. Mars moon aspects can feel better or worse in their emotions depending on WHERE THEY ARE in the world.
♣︎ Mars square moon may find places with lots of people loud and overwhelming, they may feel better indoors or outdoors but either way this will be in an environment that isn't built up.
♣︎ Mars conjunct moon may find people tell them they dominate the room emotionally. may express their emotions without meaning it.
♣︎ Mars opposition moon may really need peace and quiet to feel like themselves.
♣︎ Mars trine moon may feel like they best express emotions outwardly and this can give them wanderlust, turning them into digital nomads or other creatives who seek out busy environments to inspire them. Think of an artist who gets their best ideas when they sre walking around or travelling on the tube, or a writer who sits in a coffee shop to people watch.
• unfortunately mars moon aspects of all kinds can be prone to being misread by others around them, such as in the case of 'resting b*tch face'
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Mars Moon Aspects and Betrayal
This does not necessarily refer to the 'beware the ides of march' style betrayals that were common throughout history BUT this is a great combination of planets to study if you want to write a villanous noble or game of thrones style court intrigue.
In the modern world it can look like:
• mars trine moon may find themselves leaving others behind through their success. whilst nor a betrayal per se, it can be a tough situation to be involved in
• mars opposition moon may find it easier to ghost than face a direct confrontation with people
• mars square moon may come across as too blunt and too confrontational, on the other hand. This can lead to friends and coworkers abandoning them.
• mars conjunct moon may wear their heart on their sleeve and find themselves oblivious to the more subtle signs that people may be overwhelmed by their expressions of feelings or opinions
• depending on the other parts of their chart mars square or opposition moon may find it hard to express their true feelings and may leave friends or lovers as a result.
• In terms of true betrayal mars conjunct moon is most able to be a double agent or live a double life because of their emotional assertiveness even when lying. These people are not insecure at all. They are in fsct very good at using emotions to get what they want.
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Your mileage may vary! However I was simply intrigued by how these two planets may interact and so these are predictions only as to patterns and trends that may be found based off a smidgen of observation as well although i don't actually know that many people with this aspect🥀
if you enjoyed check out my pluto observations post here.
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edge-oftheworld · 9 months
a snapshot in time of my CALM orchestral arrangement
so I just discovered that this is a thing you can do on tumblr and i've been debating putting it up here (i'm not even sure it's legal) but at this point, to me it's worth the (very slim) lawsuit risk to show you guys the inspo behind making this blog. for @bluewrite who i've been meaning to email this to for ages but never got there. for @tleeaves who i think got a slightly older version as did @ghost-of-you but this is also for all of you who've heard me rattling about music things, for people i've gotten into 5sos by talking about this project such as @thevagabondexpress (thank you for drawing the U2 link).
anyway, as you probably know i'm a classical violist. i know my instrument and i know a fair amount of music theory and i know how to play the keyboard/piano as well and at the start of this project i knew very little about building orchestral scores or anything about wind instruments at all. i'd written arrangements and original pieces before but only for strings-only orchestras, and though i'm alright at pulling out instrumentation from songs my experience is largely in the more classic 2000s pop/rock/worship with very minimal synth activity and max 3 part harmonies. to say this was a challenge is an understatement.
it's also not finished yet. i've gone back and forth on this getting feedback from a bunch of people, much of which i didn't understand and wasn't ready to implement. i've also found ashton and calum's videos explaining these songs in more detail and the acoustic version of teeth and best years with the actual chords of the songs and now, differently to the week tfofu came out but similar, i'm on it again, noticing things. noticing musical trends. most of this was done by pure sound intuition and a handful of piano scores arranged by @/keudae on youtube i bought and played to get a feel of the songs. I feel really stoked to have picked up on the whole lover of mine setting us up for lonely heart and being a bit like ghost of you and some of the themes within the album!
but there is a lot i didn't pick up on. especially in the last movement i don't truly feel like i did any of those songs justice. nor lonely heart. and there is a stark difference between the quality of the songs that were played at the RAH and the ones that i only had a studio version to work off (my strings background comes out here). i've also looked at all the 22 individual parts and realised, hey, i want to be in the 5sos spirit and make every single one of these fun to play and right now the only one that is is the cello which carries luke's main melody line but it's also kinda working too hard.
and that's the thing i know, probably apart from that one keychange into lonely heart from ghost of you, this for the most part sounds good and i want to share it here before i rejig it too much, make it too much more orchestral, so we can remember it and see it evolve. because i have a bunch of juno and guitar and percussion and harmony parts i haven't put in. general song vibes. shake up the choruses and make them a variation on themselves each time. maintain the atmosphere it's got but add more layers to it, be more true to the original songs. make something i would be proud to show 5sos if the opportunity ever arose, something that would actually astonish them and I think I can. because their musicality in this album is astounding, and something i haven't seen in heaps of other artists, and i want to recognise that and draw it out in something that can do it justice like an orchestra.
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justalexisfine · 8 months
Call to the fog. . .
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Hello there! Welcome to my forest. Are you a friend or foe?
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☆ This post will be updated as needed!
daily click(s)
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I am Alex, the host of The Faded (median/parasian) system/plural! Here, you will read mostly about me, and you can read up on the rest of the members in our Pronouns.CC or plural sideblog in the link section below!
- Alex
- X
- Achlys
She/He Who Wanders The Stars
The Creature in The Night
- Reblogs
- (Hopefully) relatable stuff
- Nonhuman/Alterhuman things
- (Rarely making it myself) Moodboards and artwork
- Activism and such
- Random things
it's pretty inconsistent, which makes it fun, I think!
I'd like to add that we are bodily a minor. We're not uncomfy with 18+ SFW interactions, however! But if you're weird about it (or an EXCLUSIVELY NSFW acc), then you will be blocked.
If we breach your DNI, then please tell us.
pronouns page! (OUTDATED)
Nicknames/Casual Names!
flag hoard!
System Sideblog! (or just the-faded-plural)
Music taste(s):
- Mother Mother
- Rare Americans
- Dirt Poor Robins
- Ghost and Pals
- The Crane Wives
- liana flores
- 6arelyhuman
- Yaelokre
- Panic! At The Disco
- Vocaloid
- Folk/Indie/Alt
- Rock/indie rock
etc, etc
Currently learning:
- German
- Spanish
- American sign language (ASL)
Alterhuman labels:
Wolf/monster ~ Quoiian
Cat ~ Otherhearted
Crow ~ Otherlink
Werewolf ~ Otherkin/Otherhearted
Dragon ~ Otherhearted
TV static ~ Otherkin/Conceptkin/Otherhearted (concepthearted?)
Stars ~ Otherkin/Otherhearted
Wolf/Monster ~ Silhouetten
We use we/us/our/ourself to reference us collectively and I/me/my/myself to reference individual members.
Queer labels:
- Queer
- Genderblank
- Librafeminine
- Greygender
- Omnisexual (fem + masc pref)
Questioning queer labels:
- Xenogender
- Aro/Ace spec
- Demisexual/Demiromantic
- Cupioromantic
- Some form of genderneutral
- Some form of genderfluid
- Uniromantic
- Separoace
- Neogender
anon list!
- yaint anon
- ♧ anon
- ☀️ anon
- 🌹 anon
please note that due to our current circumstances, we can not first-handedly donate. we try to help by reblogging and making posts about the cause, but we can't actually donate. any asks for a donation/asking for donations that we get will be deleted and/or ignored.
we are white/caucasian passing
we have mixed feelings with artistic nudity and body positive art! but we do not like NSFW
We use tone tags and (sometimes) shortened versions of words.
we sometimes swear, but usually avoid it. you have been warned!
We don't have a specific DNI/block board, but we follow closely to the basic DNI criteria. I do know that we'll block and/or not interact with any blogs that make us uncomfy and/or bad for our mental, NSFW blogs, and if it's for boundaries!
also note that we are pro-recovery
We will try to tag triggering things accordingly! Please say something if we didn't tag something right/you need a trigger warning for something!
I'm gonna make a few tags to filter my stuff out, so here ya go! sometimes, we forget to tag things, so just be warned of that!
# al speaks - General stuffs!
# gems n feathers - hoarding/crow posts!
# claws can draw - drawing posts!
# claws can write - writing posts!
# glitch techs‼️ - Glitchy/techy/Bright colored posts; chaotic mayhem ♡
# al has claws - alterhumanity posts!
# vines n music - music recommendations!
VAGUE interests:
- Magic !!
- Anything Shiny !!
- Vulture Culture !!
- The stars !!
- Alterhumanity/Nonhumanity !!
- Queer identities !!
- Rocks/Gems !!
- Video Games !!
- Learning !!
- Nature/Animals !!
- Aesthetics !!
- Reading !!
- Drawing !!
- Eyes n Wings !!
- Music !!
- Writing !!
- Vocaloid !!
SPECIFIC interests:
- FNAF !!
- COTL !!
- TADC !!
- ITSV + ATSV !!
- DHMIS !!
- Welcome Home! !!
- Murder Drones !!
- Nimona !!
- Mune: Guardian of the Moon !!
- Analog and Body Horror !!
- Learning about other LGBTQIA++ and Nonhuman/Alterhuman labels !!
- TDA (The Daycare Attendants from FNAF SB) !!
- Poppy Playtime! !!
- Stardew Valley !!
- Undertale n Deltarune !!
- Arcane: League of Legends !!
- Pressure (Roblox) !!
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(known) userbox credits: @/ill-either-live-or-die-alone, @/mx-werebat, @/plural-userboxes, @/xxx-ang3l-w1th-a-sh0tgun-xxx
(they're cut weirdly, ik)
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moodboard by @/youokaymilo
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zahri-melitor · 4 months
Newish Comics:
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #12: It...just occurred to me this Gotham Academy era story is in fact a flashback/alternate continuity set probably shortly after Second Semester, because Alfred is alive and they go to the ordinary Cave. Which tracks with my usual hypothesis that everything happening in Gotham Academy is NOT actively connected to main continuity unless proven otherwise. Anyway, this again is proving that Maps isn't actually an active Robin in the main continuity, and right now she's appearing as Future!Meridian which is actually a cooler role for her, honestly.
I honestly haven't read much Gentleman Ghost so this was interesting? Nice to see a bit more than him just appearing in a group scene.
Artemis story remains excellent, apart from the tragic fact it intersected with the stupid current Wonder Woman plot. I do like that it's portraying the ridiculous level of overreach involved in the 'ban the Amazons' concept.
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(for reference, they're currently in Qurac)
It's damning to me that every other person working around this storyline is building a more interesting narrative, but what can you do?
There's a Swamp Thing story and I loved it and I am getting closer and closer to going wild and starting a massive Swamp Thing read. It's some gorgeous conception of death though.
The henchman story is...fine, I guess? If you're a fan of looking at the socioeconomic dynamics of the Gotham hench crowd, it's probably up your alley.
The Flash #8: We can have Barry wondering how Wally does it all and Wally being central to the universe, as a treat.
Green Arrow #11: I am so torn on this title. I think its biggest crime is possibly being just a little TOO indulgent and juggling too many balls, rather than focusing in telling one or two of these stories in better detail.
Because. In terms of what Williamson is doing here, he's: reuniting the entire Arrow family for the first time since 2010 or so including bringing in peripheral characters like Cissie for the first time (but not Sin); he's given specific 'you're alive!' reunions for Roy and Lian, Ollie and Connor, Ollie and Mia, and so on, untangling situations where people simply didn't know the other was bopping around again; he's doing a lot of work setting up Waller for Absolute Power; he's giving us an excuse for why Green Arrow as a title has been off page for so long; he's making it a love fest for lovers of the Arrows by the list of artists involved, including multiple nostalgic favourites AND Sean Izaakse doing modern redesigns for everyone's costumes...and he's doing it in a title that was originally sold as a mini, expanded to a maxi, and then finally given an ongoing.
I think, honestly, the title is overwhelmed with too many goals crammed in just in case this was the only Green Arrow story we got for the next however long.
And equally, while being overly ambitious in terms of what it wants to achieve, the plot itself is moving at a glacial pace and is pretty underwhelming, in that there simply isn't time and space to devote to plot when the title is also busy juggling "has everyone seen that Lian and Connor are alive yet?" and flashbacks to re-establish everyone's connections to Ollie, and explanations to retcon previous behaviour, and and and...
I think it would be less frenetic if it had been signed off from the beginning as an ongoing, so the book could have just gone "5 issue story, followed by a Roy and Lian reunion issue, followed by 5 issue story, followed by an issue that's about Ollie finding the house full again and juggling kids moving back in," and so on.
All that said, I do think it's a good title to give to someone who's curious about Green Arrow as a title as an intro to get them interested and excited about the range of characters involved. I just don't think it's showcasing the best of Green Arrow storylines well.
And that's okay! But I think it's trying to achieve the reset that say Jeremy Adams' Flash gave the Flash books, without having the space and pacing that Adams had over 33 issues to achieve his final goal.
Oh, the actual story this issue? It’s Merlyn trying a bit hard to convince everyone he’s really one of Ollie’s biggest foes (typical Merlyn).
This made me laugh however:
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Love that Izaakse specifically decided to use a bunch of particularly mid to sucky Dinah and Roy costume choices here and didn’t include their best costumes. You’ve got my back.
The Warlord #49: This week in the Lost Land of Skartaris, Shakira bets Travis that he can't go an entire story without using his gun.
They proceed to investigate a mysterious castle, where Travis and Shakira are avoiding traps and seeing skeletons. They end up defeating a mummy.
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Travis, apparently unmoved by the promise of large piles of gold. He lives only for war!!!
But then...a leopard jumps out at them! Travis reacts and shoots it!
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Sucks to be you, Travis.
Also we get a check in with Jennifer, who while asleep in her bed in the mysterious new castle encounters...a head-hand man?
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Nightmare is a good description, yes.
Also we had a freaking Mongo Ironhand story running in the bottom panels of each page, that contained Legally Not Gollum.
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Gollum's 'pretty' is a book of magic, which turns him into a demon known as the Evil One.
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Also there's a Claw the Unconquered backup, which is pretty ordinary, but this particular panel is just some beautiful art.
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richincolor · 1 year
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We have a ton of books on our calendar for July, so I thought it would be fun to highlight a few that caught my eye. Are any of these on your TBR list?
All the Yellow Suns by Malavika Kannan
A coming-of-age story about a queer Indian American girl exploring activism and identity through art, perfect for fans of Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. Sixteen-year-old Maya Krishnan is fiercely protective of her friends, immigrant community, and single mother, but she knows better than to rock the boat in her conservative Florida suburb. Her classmate Juneau Zale is the polar opposite: she’s a wealthy white heartbreaker who won’t think twice before capsizing that boat. When Juneau invites Maya to join the Pugilists—a secret society of artists, vandals, and mischief-makers who fight for justice at their school—Maya descends into the world of change-making and resistance. Soon, she and Juneau forge a friendship that inspires Maya to confront the challenges in her own life. But as their relationship grows romantic, painful, and twisted, Maya begins to suspect that there’s a whole different person beneath Juneau’s painted-on facade. Now Maya must learn to speak her truth in this mysterious, mixed-up world—even if it results in heartbreak.
What a Desi Girl Wants Sabina Khan
The romance of Becky Albertalli meets the nuanced family dynamics of Darius the Great is Not Okay in this YA novel from acclaimed author Sabina Khan. Mehar hasn't been back to India since she and her mother moved away when she was only four. Hasn't visited her father, her grandmother, her family, or the home where she grew up. Why would she? Her father made it clear that she's not his priority when he chose not to come to the US with them. But when her father announces his engagement to socialite Naz, Mehar reluctantly agrees to return for the wedding. Maybe she and her father can heal their broken relationship. And after all, her father is Indian royalty, and his home is a palace--the wedding is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime affair. While her father still doesn't make the time for her, Mehar barely cares once she meets Sufiya, her grandmother's assistant, and one of the most grounded, thoughtful, kind people she's ever met! Though they come from totally different worlds, their friendship slowly starts to blossom into something more . . . Mehar thinks. Meanwhile, Mehar's dislike for Naz and her social media influencer daughter, Aleena, deepens. She can tell that the two of them are just using her father for his money. Mehar's starting to think that putting a stop to this wedding might be the best thing for everyone involved. But what happens when telling her father the truth about Naz and Aleena means putting her relationship with Sufiya at risk . . .
Firebird by Sunmi HarperCollins
Caroline Kim is feeling the weight of sophomore year. When she starts tutoring infamous senior Kimberly Park-Ocampo--a charismatic lesbian, friend to rich kids and punks alike--Caroline is flustered . . . but intrigued Their friendship kindles and before they know it, the two are sneaking out for late-night drives, bonding beneath the stars over music, dreams, and a shared desire of getting away from it all. A connection begins to smolder . . . but will feelings of guilt and the mounting pressure of life outside of these adventures extinguish their spark before it catches fire? -- Cover image and summary via Goodreads
A Guide to the Dark by Meriam Metoui Henry Holt
You can check out of Room 9, but you can never leave. The Haunting of Hill House meets Nina LaCour in this paranormal mystery YA about the ghosts we carry with us. Something is building, simmering just out of reach. The room is watching. But Mira and Layla don't know this yet. When the two best friends are stranded on their spring break college tour road trip, they find themselves at the Wildwood Motel, located in the middle of nowhere, Indiana. Mira can't shake the feeling that there is something wrong and rotten about their room. Inside, she's haunted by nightmares of her dead brother. When she wakes up, he's still there. Layla doesn't see him. Or notice anything suspicious about Room 9. The place may be a little run down, but it has a certain charm she can’t wait to capture on camera. If Layla is being honest, she’s too preoccupied with confusing feelings for Mira to see much else. But when they learn eight people died in that same room, they realize there must be a connection between the deaths and the unexplainable things that keep happening inside it. They just have to find the connection before Mira becomes the ninth.
Rana Joon and the One and Only Now by Shideh Etaat
This lyrical coming-of-age novel for fans of Darius the Great Is Not Okay and On the Come Up, set in southern California in 1996, follows a teen who wants to honor her deceased friend’s legacy by entering a rap contest. Perfect Iranian girls are straight A students, always polite, and grow up to marry respectable Iranian boys. But it’s the San Fernando Valley in 1996, and Rana Joon is far from perfect—she smokes weed and loves Tupac, and she has a secret: she likes girls. As if that weren’t enough, her best friend, Louie—the one who knew her secret and encouraged her to live in the moment—died almost a year ago, and she’s still having trouble processing her grief. To honor him, Rana enters the rap battle he dreamed of competing in, even though she’s terrified of public speaking. But the clock is ticking. With the battle getting closer every day, she can’t decide whether to use one of Louie’s pieces or her own poetry, her family is coming apart, and she might even be falling in love. To get herself to the stage and fulfill her promise before her senior year ends, Rana will have to learn to speak her truth and live in the one and only now.
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iamthecomet · 1 year
This feels like such an insane question to ask. But how does one make friends on ghost tumblr? How? My brain is already telling me that its weird to interact. Friend making tips please? 😭
Oh my god, not an insane question at all! I can do my best to help. It's really really hard to get over the hurdle of your brain telling you that you're being weird, or annoying, or whatever bad thing it's telling you about yourself--but you have to try to push past it. It truly doesn't fully go away (I feel weird interacting with stuff all the time). Interacting is super important because that's how people know you're here. Here's a list of interactions that I think might help. - Reblog artists/writers you like. Scream in the tags if you want (or not in the tags) -Same goes for photos/videos/other content. Spam your blog with shit you love. -Send asks, like this one! I know it can sort of feel like you're crossing a boundary, but you're not. I don't know a single person on tumblr who doesn't LOVE getting asks. As long as their ask box is open, you're welcome. And truly, you have to send asks to get asks as much as that sort of sucks. It's a way for people to realize you're here, and to start to recognize you. -Respond to people's posts. Reblog them, comment on them, bounce your own ideas off of theirs. -Being active within the community--whatever that means for you--is really the only way to start to make friends. It doesn't always happen all at once. You have to make space for yourself here. It's hard to shove yourself into a community but it doesn't work any other way. People want you here, they want to be your friend--but they need to know you're here in order to do that. So carve out a space for yourself. And you will find people who are excited to share that space with you. I'm always happy to help in whatever way I can. I hope these tips are helpful. I know it can be uncomfortable, but that discomfort is worth it. And I promise, you are not annoying anyone, or being weird by interacting or wanting to be here. We want you here. People want to be your friend--they just have to know where to find you first. ♥♥♥♥
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mushroomjar · 21 days
Excuse me, do you know how I can have Palestine fundraisers vetted? Is there someone I can go to? My inbox is filled with them, and I don't know which ones are actually from Palestinians and which ones are just scam artists.
I don't know how to personally verify fundraisers, so I can't help you with that, but usually when I want to check if a fundraiser has been verified by someone else, I usually search their username on tumblr or check the notes of their posts to find it. Verifications are usually made by users such as:
There are also google docs made by different people/organizations compiling verified fundraisers. Some of these are: nabulsi and el-shab-hussein's verified Gazan fundraisers doc, the Butterfly Effect Project, Operation Olive Branch, Bees and Watermelons
Here are some other users that, while I'm either not sure if they're official verifiers, or they themselves state they are not official verifiers, share many verified fundraisers, or share unverified fundraisers with their reasoning as to why they think they may not be scams:
Now, if the blog that's reached out to you hasn't been verified/shared by any of those blogs or other blogs I may have missed, some steps you can take to double-check if the fundraiser is or isn't a scam is:
Reverse image search on the photos posted to their blog/campaign. If it doesn't bring anything back, or if it only links back to their own blog/campaign, chances are it may be legit
If the fundraiser is donation protected, it's another sign that it may not be a scam
If the blog that messaged you also has other social media, such as instagram or tiktok, which may even have posts from before they made their blog. You can try asking them if the tumblr blog is theirs, and if it is, it may be legit
If they mention being friends/family with another blog, especially a verified one, try messaging that blog and asking them if they know the one that reached out to you. If they do know them, chances are it's legit
Usually, if their campaign is vouched for by another blog that has been verified, it's usually considered verified by association
Disclaimer for this last part: I'm not trying to claim that if a blog's images don't show up in reverse image search, their donations are protected and they have other, corresponding social media, that immediately means it's 100% legit. Like I've said time and time again, I don't verify fundraisers because I don't know how to properly personally verify them. These are just some tips I use and I've seen other people share when a blog isn't verified. They are not foolproof, but I'd rather accidentally share one or two scams than deny dozens of real families the chance to get more donations simply because they couldn't access verification.
I will remind people that most of the blogs who were actively verifying fundraisers (specifically the Palestinian blogs) stopped because of the harassment campaign that went down a few weeks ago led by people accusing them and the fundraisers of being scammers, and the toll both the harassment and the act of verifying were taking on their mental (and physical!) health. And not to still be pissed off about this, but most of the people who participated in this harassment never properly apologized, a lot of them doubled down and just waited until everyone forgot about it
I hope all of this helps! I know it can be hard sometimes to know what's real and what's fake, but I really do hope this helps guide you a bit. Free Palestine
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queer-and-nerdy · 1 year
this has been tumbling around in my mind for the last week so now i have to expose all of you to it. shoutout to @wellgoslowly for listening to this in person
lockwood LOVES listening to classic rock and metal (as well as a few older pop-punk but he'll never admit to it). anything from the seventies and eighties (he pretends that no other era of metal exists and if you even say the phrase "nu metal" around him he WILL see red and draw his rapier). it doesn't matter who the band is or what subgenre they are, as long as the song was released pre-nineties he loves it, although he tends to prefer more mainstream bands and artists (respect) like ozzy osbourne, judas priest, kiss, etc. the only band he will break this rule for is metallica - they are his all-time favorite band and i will die on that hill. and when i say he WORSHIPS james hetfield... that is an UNDERSTATEMENT. james is like a pseudo-father to him. he doesn't want to put posters on his walls so he keeps a scrapbook of pictures cut out of old magazines of james, lars, kirk, cliff, even jason and rob. he is a number one dave mustaine hater and will defend lars's drumming skills until he's blue in the face. lucy got him a signed copy of ride the lightning for his birthday one year and george didn't see either of them leave lockwood's room for a week. there are only three things he loves in this world: his family, his friends, and james hetfield.
lucy, i feel like, has the most whiplash taste in music. like, yes, we can all agree lucy is your average indie pop listener and i am a major supporter of that hc (i know what linnie’s playlists sound like) but i guarantee you when she shuffles her most-listened-to playlist it goes from crane wives immediately to cannibal corpse. she loves death metal, deathcore, goregrind; the nastier the better (except for black metal - iykyk). the era doesn’t matter to her either although she tends to gravitate toward the older stuff. think opeth, cryptosy, morbid angel, deicide, obituary, venom, slayer, even xavlegimaofffassssitimiwoanindutroabcwapwaeiippohfffx - she loves playing the “can i figure out the name of the band given the logo” game and if she loses she listens to them. she finds it a great way to unleash her stress and anger without hurting herself or others or even taking it out on a case. she doesn't like to mosh (autism) but she loves watching people in the pit at concerts. she drags lockwood and george to the store to help her pick out plushies to give to corpsegrinder. one night she goes to a taylor swift concert and rushes out at the end to make it to sanguisugabogg in time. she's also a big female-rage/female-led fan (fem supporting fem yk how it is). if there is even a single fem-presenting band member she is instantly ride-or-die (within reason, of course). any time conquer divide/castrator/cyrpta do an eu tour she essentially becomes a roadie.
george. oh, george. my beloved kin. the only one who understands me and i him. his taste in rock and metal is... i don't know a better way to describe it other than neurodivergent fruity. it needs to have some kind of element to it that he can latch onto other than just the music - costumes, over-the-top production, detailed lore, etc. like lockwood, he doesn't really care about the subgenre; as long as he likes the sound he'll listen. he tends to frequent more of the nu/prog/melodic/symphonic side of metal, though. he's your average autistic ghost fan and makes it everyone else's problem. he knows all the lore and has dedicated his life to every incarnation of papa (primo is his favorite but he loves them all). he can tell the ghouls in every era apart in an instant and is a consistent quintessence ghoul kinnie. he will not hesitate to get into twitter beef to defend his opinions (bro's in the trenches of toxic ghostwt). he's one of the most well-known ghost accounts on every social media platform and actively writes fanfiction (about the characters, NOT the real people), character analyses, and essays. he's also a HUGE sleep token fan (he understands their lore better than vessel himself and has created a youtube commentary channel just to break down each of their songs) and ice nine kills fan (he's a number one ricky armellino lover and has forced lockwood and lucy to watch all of the horror movies that the silver scream one and two are based off of). he loves avatar and made his own ringmaster costume (lucy walked in on him trying to recreate johannes's makeup and slowly backed out of the room; the situation was never mentioned again) and when chris motionless unveiled his new hair he screamed so loud that the others thought someone had broken into portland row (lockwood had to restrain him while lucy hid his laptop to prevent him from ordering purple hair dye). he has a ziplock bag of (definitely expired) marshmallows that he calls his “rammstein concert care package.” he pretends to be a gatekeeper but the instant someone mentions even a passing interest in any of his favorite bands he will burst into tears.
skull enjoys smooth jazz.
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tmnt-tear-polls · 1 year
who are you placing your bets on?
And which do you think are the most interesting?
Oh that's a tough question
I don't have any bets. I haven't actually read everything and besides we don't know which stories are gonna be in the competition (stuff submitted by other people)
Cass apocalypse series by @somerandomdudelmao has been submitted by other people (not the creator themself) so like if they do want to participate that's a BIG candidate
Ghost in ronin's DMs and basically the whole ghost on the server au (home,ghost on the server, DMs, how to save a ghost) by @amevello-blue , @melonpalooza and then @just-a-lil-turtle-with-knives for the final has also been submitted and GOSH THAT HURTS MY SOUL
I'm currently reading post hoc by @posthocpaganda and it's hurting my soul /pos
But get emotional with everything. Just give me pure happy fluff and I'll find something to get emotional about.
But I'm not saying other stuff don't have a chance to win. If i learned ONE thing with the crossover polls was that there are sooooo many factors in who goes to the next round.
And i know the authors of some of the stuff and they hurt my soul (/pos) enough to get the winning prize
So I honestly don't have a bet
I will use this moment to tell you to definitely go read post hoc if you've watched house MD. I'm only on season one but that's enough. This is hurting my soul so much
A reminder that as the poll master I'd treat every competitor equally and that is very obvious.
Just like with the crossover polls i obviously have some favorites (wedding bells my beloved) that I would've personally made propaganda for if i wasn't the poll master.
I care about keeping things fair and equal and never want anyone to feel like i show any favoritism. Ever
These AUs i picked were only because the names caught my attention because i already know/cry over the AUs. They don't mean I'd show any favoritism and you can bet on that.
Besides the submissions are still open so yayyyy so many more AUs to cry over. And who knows maybe the winner isn't even submitted yet.
The point of this competition isn't that which story is the best or saddest. Treat is an archive with a list of AUs with loads of propaganda and excitement. The results of polls will NOT determine your story's worth. There are so many factors like popularity and community and the number of friends you've made in the fandom, if you want to go for a tie or not. And many other things. And having or not having those things are NOT a criteria of how good your work actually is.
(Def coming from someone who has an au lost on the first round of the @turtle-tot-tournament so i have the first hand experience of feeling like my au sucks because it lost even tho that's obviously not the case)
On another note. The submissions aren't that many yet (rip) and i know that's mostly on me not actually making a lot of posts about this and making sure authors/artists see it (sorry about that) but it'd be super appreciated if you submit your stuff/stuff you like or send these to people who'd be interested in it.
I know I haven't given a date for when the submissions are gonna be closed. Mostly because my life is pretty hectic at this moment and I'd like to start the competition after it's over (probably in a week or two I'll know if i got accepted to uni or not and that will determine my next 4-5 years so...)
But if you'd like to know more about the polls and talk to me directly
We have a discord server you can join
It's already an active server with the crossover polls fam. Welcoming both competitors and anyone else who just wants to vibe with us. We got movie nights and games and silly funny qotd
Annnnnd i got super off topic didn't i
Wellp i think i answered the ask a long time ago... So yeah have fun submitting
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Finnie, my lovely gal, if it’s not too much to ask could I get a uhhh… no.9 with a side of you’re-a-really-awesome-writer jalapeño poppers and an extra sweet master-of-simp-fics iced tea please?
So I’m a Latina from Texas, but I am whiter than a damn ghost until around summertime where I get a little bit of a tan. ☀️ I have ADHD, anxiety, and depression, and I am somehow on the spectrum but not really (you can thank my psychiatrist) 🙃 I’m into drawing stuff especially if it’s fantastical and/or creepy. I like reading, gaming, doing stuff online, playing on my phone and lots of other stuff I rarely have time for 😅 Creepy stuff is my jam, as well as the colors pink and black and some cute things here and there. I love almost all types of music but I’m a BIG fan of classic rock and I love early 2000’s punk, Pour Some Sugar On Me is my favorite song while Green Day is my favorite band! Horror movies fill me with joy, not even kidding. I love weird facts and information. True crime stuff slaps 👌🏼Comedy shows like Friends and Golden Girls also slap 👋🏼 I have an eyebrow piercing, 5 tattoos (4 small, 1 big that was for my Nanna) and I definitely want more 😂😅 I have dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, a scar on my back from spinal fusion surgery and I’m pretty proud of it tbh!
I’m sorry for rambling and I hope I didn’t add too much ❤️🥲
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: ah peach this is perfect, i already knew lots about you but this was great because i know exactly who i would give you lmao💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
Tumblr media
ok so let's break this the fuck down!
first off, i think this particular crane is an absolute beast when it comes to mental health, so not only would he find it absolutely fascinating to be able to work with you, he could also prove to be very valuable in helping you to do some healing... or he might be mean about it, just depends on his mood i guess
i think this jon is probably a fan of classical music, but there's something about the dirty, nasty, loud vibes of punk that would get him going and the general horror/gore emotions that the songs/bands/music tend to evoke would be right up his street. he'd probably tell you how the different movements in "jesus of suburbia" really echo the movements often found in a lot of symphonies, and then request to bang you to it
artistic expression is something he would admire in a partner, or even a close friend. i don't imagine he's very artisitic himself, but he holds a deep appreciation for artwork, especially if it's on the spooky side, and especially if it's related to a beloved horror movie
which, speaking of, he'd the biggest horror movie fan ever? like canonically, the man is a buff, a dork, an obsessive loser over horror movies. having someone to get equally as geeked out over them with would bring him so much joy!!
hello true crime fan, it's probably not great for your anxiety, and he will nag you a little bit about that, but he wouldn't be above creating some reading materials for you if it's been a slow week, if you catch his drift...
he has a great sense of humour, if not slightly weird... but he strikes me as the kind of guy who has lines from shows memorised and who will use them at the worst times, making everything he says even creepier. so a binge refresh would be a perfect couple's activity! that way the next time he has someone held at knife point, teasing them to watch them sweat, he can make "could you be any more scared" the most terrifying reference to chandler bing ever. what an accomplishment!
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billiousserpent · 7 months
Welcome to my blog, Peeps!
⚠️This blog is strictly for 18+ only, so if you are underage, please leave this blog. It isn't for your eyes, little ones. (Minors DNI.)⚠️
Sorry Kids. Please respect what says up there. I most certainly do not appreciate it if with minors are roaming around here. So, if you follow me as a minor, you will be blocked. (If I find out, that is.)
No, I will not be posting anything explicit nor NSFW, but sometimes my Sona's sense of fashion will be suggestive, and there will probably be adult rambling in here.
Hello, I'm Cas. A normal student that had successfully tripped and fell for a war criminal that wants nothing to do with me. Or in short, I'm down for a fucking killing machine. I am 20+, but I won't be exposing my real age here.
I'm just a little content creator and digital artist, I also have another account here and it's about undertal but I'll try to be active here and vice versa. But if your curious, my other account is @majorpatheticcas !
Fun fact. I use only my phone when it comes to digital creations, currently just on a tight budget due to college so I don't really have a proper drawing station except my phone and thumb lmao. (i am pitifully poor)
Currently living in the Philippines. I speak three different languages, so please do correct or just ignore my grammar if it's going haywire. Might even do little ramblings of how my sona would be bullshitting with the Ghosts by speaking in all sorts of languages lol
What do we call you?
You can refer to me as Cas or Kas, I'm fine with that. my Sona's term is Seeth or Seth just in case things would get tangled up
What pronounces do you use?
She/Her/They/Them. Please don't use any male pronounces :)
Do you do commissions?
Unfortunately, luvlies, no. I do not. Not sure when will I ever open commissions, not really confident about my art! (Also don't have enough time for it time due to my studies, hell, I'll just even post unfinished art or sketches around here, I tend to lose motivation easily and college ain't making it less harder for me to gain some)
Do you do requests?
Maybe? Maybe not? It depends whether I feel like it, but I'll try! Little sketches wouldn't hurt, right?
Can we message you?
Sure, as long as your 18+. If I'm not convinced that you are, I may ask for a valid ID to confirm your age. Minors? Get out. Please. I feel uneasy and uncomfortable around minors :(
Do you have any other social account?
Like mentioned earlier, @majorpatheticcas (18+ ONLY) is one of my accounts. That account is full of undertale stuff, so if you're interested in it, you can try going there. Maybe in twitter (still only for 18+), and tiktok, still not sure yet.
So.. yeah. I think that's all you need to know. I'll try to keep this updated as much as possible. Content might be slow, but I'll try to post as often as I can!
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