#The most wholesome friendship reunited
hissing-head-honcho · 8 months
@damnedrainbows from x
He smiles wide as the reunion finally occurred. How long had it been since he saw her smile? Felt her embrace? Too long...far too long. He thought he'd never experience it again, especially now with his new circumstances. But, Heaven gave him this chance. Well...mostly Emily got him this opportunity. He will not waste it. "Yesss my friend...I'm here....."
He embraced his dearest friend tightly, coiling his tail around her a little. Tears formed in his own eyes, "...I've misssed you too."
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lowkeyrobin · 8 months
TMR ; how you meet
includes ; newt, minho, brenda, aris, sonya & harriet
warnings ; language, mentions of weapons, death
Tumblr media
met at the mall in the scorch
you were barely fucking alive
thomas heald the gun up at you thinking you were infected and newts like "bloody hell, what happened to you?"
he quickly helps you because you're literally starving and dying of dehydration
you're slumped over his shoulder and barely able to walk
you thank him religiously for helping you
your friendship is the definition of the vibes of From Eden by Hozier
such a pure, wholesome relationship
most of the group had no hope for you but he did
because he wasn't going to let another person die
at the right arm
he caught your attention so fast
like who is that badass, tired, fast ass runner???
he honestly admires you
the way you hold a gun, the way you show facial expressions, etc
your determination to get him back from WCKD was probably the only thing actually keeping the operations going
even after the train rush failed, you wouldn't stop
even with your small time together, you'd built a weird bond
and you weren't gonna give up on him, even if his actual friends wanted to
Met in the Last City while reuniting with Gally
you worked with him and helped assist him and the others kind of helpfully kidnap the crew (???)
she didn't trust you at first, but you jumped at the sight of a rebellion and blowing shit up
she started to like you
the whole bus scene went crazy
she admires your fight and that you don't like violence, you like the rebellion aspect and taking down the bad people and find a way to make it fun for everyone yk?
you kept the kids so calm and collected, she wished she could stay so calm in a panic filled situation like you
you came out of another maze just before him
you kinda sat in silence with him every day until maze b survivors showed up
he'd never showed you the vents, although he did talk about escaping with you
although iffy, you listened to him and the maze b kids
you had no one left, and you didn't want to stay if janson turned out to be with WCKD yk?
a quiet, mutual was bonded on the first day you guys sat in silence together
kind of like a mutual respect for one another although you barely knew each other
you came up in the box before her
you showed her around and all that
she admires your hard work and how you don't give up, even with the most boring, mundane tasks or the most spine cracking, difficult ones.
you have a strength for defending the ones you love as well and she loves it about you
you have awesome fashion too tbh
at the right arm
she heald you at gunpoint and you were both trying to figure each other out
mutual bond of respect formed between you two
constantly teaching each other new things and stuff
you teach her how to use a pencil, she teaches you how to weave together blankets and shit
you're smart and quick thinking and she's kind of the arms of the operation, she's like your shield
w dynamic
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ven10 · 9 months
Quagmires triplets number 5, 6, and 13 please
5: My favourite ship of them
Isadora/Violet as that’s what I’ve read the most fics+seen the most artwork of regarding Isadora in a romantic relationship however I like the concept of Isadora/Fiona too but would need a lil more convincing.🖤💜✒️🔧
Duncan/Klaus: it’s wholesome+they are compatible. I like the thought of them nerding out together. Also researcher/journalist? Even their interests fit! Not to mention that they would both be impossibly awkward whilst trying to flirt before getting together. :)💚💙📝📰📘
Quigley/Violet: idk man it’s just a lovely ship. (Very lovely indeed.)🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫨🫨🫨😌😌😌💜💜
Fr tho I think it’s something to do with those 2 characters who have had to be fiercely independent for so long learning to rely on each other. I also feel like their romantic dynamic is the most chaotic+interesting out of all of them too, like it’d by no means be a smooth relationship but it’d be a worthy one. They’d be good for each other.
6: My least favourite ship of them
Isadora/Klaus: Nah, they’re Friends. +it’s a great friendship too, I’d say their friendship is worth more than their romance would be.
Duncan/Carmelita: No. She bullied him the ENTIRE time. They have 0 chemistry. They have very little in common, i.e, nothing to bond over. Unless you imagine them getting nostalgic over how Carmelita bullied him for being an orphan which just…no…that’s about the furthest from romance there is.
Quigley/Carmelita: I’d hope Quigley would have better taste. Although, it would be hilarious if after reuniting with his siblings then they’re about to tell him all about their awful time at Prufrock when Quigley is like “Wait! First let me introduce you to my girlfriend!” Then the gf is Carmelita 😬😬😬
13: Your favourite friendship they have
Isadora+Klaus: they bond over books of literary analysis+pull faces at each other in class :)
Duncan+Sunny who he was willing to protect via kicking a fake version of her round in a circle. His heart was there even if his brain wasn’t.
Quigley+Violet. It was a tough choice between Vi and Quigley’s notebook which kept him from being lonely on his travels 😀
Thanks for the ask, I’m always happy to talk about the Quagmire triplets!!! :D
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mirroredmoons · 1 year
the spn fandom to destiel was basically like if you had a friend with a best friend he’s REALLY CLOSE WITH, and they are like basically an old married couple, so you sit down to talk with your friend and he’s like “us? gay? neverrrr nooo your reading too far into a wholesome male friendship!1!1!1” and your just like “okay…” but then life goes on and it’s obvious they are in love so your like “are you sure???” to your friend and he’s like “yes…” with the most unhinged longing look in his eye, but life goes on, AND THEN his husba- male best friend confesses his love, gets sent to fucking mega ultra super angel hell, because, OH YEAH he’s an Angel too - but then your friend is all torn up about it but it’s okay because he dies on a rusty nail and they never reunite!!!
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Yu-Gi-Oh Review Roundup: Arc-V!
Favorite main character: Shay Obsidian
Raidraptors slap. Every era of this show has one archetype that makes the twelve year old inside my brain start cheering in adoration, and this time, it’s raidraptors. What can I say. I like birds.
Shay himself also does a whole lot to sell the coolness factor of his mechanical falcons. The blunt, to-the-point, selfassuredness he carries himself with is almost intimidatingly edgelord, but some great voice acting work by Matt Shipman keeps him on the humaner side of anime emos. (Also, if you didn’t know, Matt Shipman, also voice of Reki in SK8 the Infinity, and if you hadn’t made the connection between season one Shay and breakup arc era Reki, I’m sorry that is in your brain now.) 
His design is the wonderful kind of harmonizing amazingly well with his monsters without being overbearing. With all the old fighter plane influence of the raidraptors, it makes perfect sense for Shay to sport his trademark leather trenchcoat that comes complete with the asymmetrical zipper and wide collar of an aviator's jacket. I particularly love the red scarf being the unofficial uniform of the XYZ rebellion, and it going completely unremarked on in the story. It’s clever to see how it’s worked into everyone’s outfit without it being pointed out to the viewer; it’s like an easter egg hunt. On Shay, he wears it in mimicry of a silk flight scarf, another visual nod to WWII pilots. 
And in Shay’s case, it makes perfect sense he would need the outfit of a pilot, because asides from Yuya, he is the one who most routinely rides around on the backs of his monsters. I never get tired of Shay flying onto the scene on a 3,000 pound eagle shaped warmachine, completely nonchalantly. Why is he the only one taking advantage of having his monsters around outside of duels. Let everyone have terrifying monstrosities as their main form of transportation.
Favorite antagonist: Sora Perse
The candy munching warcrime gremlin of all time. While it’s a little weird that Arc-V out the gate started exploring the ramifications of being a card game child soldier, Sora’s arc as he grapples with it is the emotional core of season 1, and it genuinely gets pulled off pretty well. Also, he plays fluffals.
Fluffals is the pitch perfect archetype for Sora. I’ve said before how much I love in yugioh when the cards someone plays tells you more about their character, how I go off the wall when their archetype is a mirror of their personhood. Fluffals is also just great on its own. Perfect yugioh design. Cutesy cuddly monsters that are actually filled with KNIVES and SAWS like they are being dissected by a deranged weird little child. Then the double meaning of fluffals being innocent and adorable, but secretly hiding a darker side, just like Sora. He is constantly switching back and forth between frighteningly competent and “oh my god he’s just a kid”. 
On of my favorite moments in the show is when he and Zuzu reunite and she says farewell by doing the fusion summon salute, only for Sora to jokingly correct her posture. Their friendship is so wholesome okay. Deep down, this kid is genuinely hurt and doesn’t know how to make friends, so he’s reaching out with the only way he knows how, by taking the role of teacher but that's only a facade to get to hang out, and that line is where we first hear them acknowledge it to each other, grins on their faces, happy to still be teacher and student, but also, friends. 
This is in the same stretch of episodes as Sora casually stowing away on a helicopter by jumping fifteen feet into the air and grabbing the wheel well.
Favorite side character: Yugo
I guess they just put a special sauce in the Arc-V blue haired bois.
Why do I list Yugo as a side character? Surely, by virtue of being an au version of the main character, he should be counted with equal narrative status?
Nope! He shows up maybe a dozen times, usually randomly, to yell and crash his motorcycle into things. Then disappears again. I love him.
Yugo has, unlike the other two blue haired bois, this endearing puppy quality that makes every conversation he’s in feel playful and exuberant. And that lends itself well to the few dynamics he does find himself in, whether it’s bouncing off Yuri’s smirky villainy, or having genuinely a more emotionally intelligent discussion with Zuzu about what going on than Yuya ever manages to have with her in the whole series. And while I would have loved to get more time between him and Rin, it’s clear from just a few minutes with him how deeply he cares about her. Winning him the coveted medal of “#1 straight relationship in yugioh I would 100% believe in”. They’re just really sweet. And I would storm the Konami headquarters to get them the happy ending they deserved.
Favorite duel: Shay vs. Sora
They’re my favorites for a reason. 
Shay v. Sora is peak, not only for both characters, but the entire show. It’s certainly in my list of Top 5 Yugioh Duels Ever. Everything about this duel is pure character expression. Shay’s cold and unemotive dueling crashes right up against the peppy dueltaining that Sora has spent the past few weeks learning. At first, Sora doesn’t even seem to take the duel seriously, countering audience expectations that this duel is going to be important. Because we know at this point, that something is up with Sora. That he knows more than he is letting on and this Shay guy is someone who can seriously engage with him about the larger mystery, unlike everyone else who is still in the dark on the dimensional wars.
Then Sora’s slow burn of the facade melting away. All that theatricality can equally double as a dang good yugioh villain performance. The way the duel slides from using its standard duel cinematography to more of a Marik Ishtar unhinged closeup. There is more dramatic tension in the increasing ferocity that Sora chews on his lollipop with than a full fledged horror movie.
On Shay’s side of the duel, we get dramatic monologues of backstory, finally filling in our understanding of the larger plot, delivered by a seriously shaken refugee who is finally able to traumadump about what he and his friends had to live through. It’s chillingly intense, especially contrasted by Sora’s increasing villainous theatricality. While Sora cartwheels and flips around the crumbling city like an acrobat, Shay’s got a utilitarian body language as he dodges debris. He’s not here to put on a show. He is here to survive and get revenge.
And the conclusion. By gods. There’s something haunting about seeing Sora, who has up to this point been laughing and gloating, crack. Not at the thought of being hurt. But at the thought of losing. Of being second best. He screams as Shay walks away, no longer violent and dramatic, but just a broken kid, terrified of receiving a bad grade.
Gods. Good duel.
Favorite arc: Arc league championship
Shay v Sora may be the highlight, but it’s not the only banger duel from that arc. And there’s also a great variety of good duels. From character duels like Julia v. Zuzu, or plot important duels like Sora v Yuto, to just plain fun duels, like Gong v Grizzlepike. And once the finals get going, it’s basically a nonstop duel fest, cutting between a half dozen parties finding eachother and splitting off again, while some duel and others just try to sit down and figure out what on earth is going on. Which shouldn’t work, but it does. 
Listen, if battle city worked the first time, the second time, the third time, and the fourth time, it’ll be good the fifth time. Trust us. We did the math. Now go out and duel in [interesting environment] and wager [this tournament’s gimmick item] on duels until you have [arbitrary number]. 
And hey! The formula works once again! This isn’t sarcasm, I genuinely think this is a great way to make tournament arcs interesting. The citywide split of four biomes allows for some cool backdrops, and every duel being able to happen basically simultaneously means we can simply cut between whatever's most interesting at the moment, instead of having to see every duel start to finish. 
Also, Moonshadow gets introduced in this tournament, and he is the unsung mvp of the entire series.
Greatest strengths of the series: Polish
The Arc League Championship also stands out to me because I was startled by the quality of its episode-to-episode writing. Plot information is slowly revealed on a regular basis, instead of thirty episodes of Shenanigans that’s interrupted by a lore dump. There’s genuine mystery, and intrigue, as we try to figure out what is up with these mystery xyz summoners and Declan’s master plan. And it’s not just scenario writing that’s received a massive punch-up! Dialogue is flowing better than ever, and effects animation is legible and looks awesome, instead of hyper-compressed pixels. Heck, Yuya has a really good looking 3D model, and his eyes aren’t covered by a helmet, and his jacket realistically flutters with his movement!
This may not sound like that big a deal, but the very premise of Arc-V gives us such a clear point of comparison for “How It Started” versus “How It’s Going”. It warmed my little 5Ds adoring heart to see turbo duels back, and rendered in such believable and genuinely excellent modeling. (Though points off for making Jack’s duel runner drive sideways. You guys know it can’t do that.) Aside from a few minor nitpicks, almost everything that made previous shows awesome is lovingly given a fresh coat of paint, from summoning to landscapes. 
And the writing is also pretty good on the au versions of prior characters! I particularly love Actually Not Problematic Celebrity Jack Atlas, the fun writing challenge of taking a character whose story is so deeply rooted in his setting, then trying to figure out what he’d look like without those factors. Happily Married Crow Hogan. Rebellion Leader Alexis Rhodes. Genuinely Lost His Family And Turned Murderhobo About It Kite Tenjo. There’s something so fun about seeing the paths certain characters could have taken, if only their environments had been different. And it’s a far more challenging premise to convincingly pull off than I see it get credit for. On so many levels, yugioh shows, on a purely technical level, have just gotten better as time goes on, and I absolutely adore seeing what each new series manages to perfect.
Weakest points: Scope
Unfortunately, Arc-V just has a lot to juggle. The devotion to quartets means the math spins out of control. incredibly quickly. Four versions of the protagonist, four versions of the female lead, four story arcs in four separate worlds. A handful of cameo appearances for each dimension, but also two to three original characters as well, bloats the main cast to nearly three times that of any previous show. Four different types of playstyles to write, and for characters that use blends of all four, duels four times as complicated in a single turn. Let’s never forget that this is the era that gave us the infamous D/D/D spreadsheet.
Individual moments stand out as excellent, but there simply isn’t enough time for any of them to really shine. All of the characters I’ve stated as loving, Shay, Sora, Yugo, I love in spite of the fact that their stories never really go anywhere. Shay and Yugos’ primary motivations are to find and reunite with their bracelet girls. And they don’t. Sora? After a wonderful bleed from “no morals allowed” to “one moral allowed”, after struggling for almost a season and a half to rationalize his child soldier upbringing, the camera just stops looking at him. And that’s one of the most complete stories Arc-V manages to tell. Even Yuya, our protagonist, ends the series having not confronted anything about his father, or his blatant mental health issues, both things that he is literally introduced with being shockingly core to his character. Very few plotlines are resolved in a satisfying way, if they’re resolved at all.
In the end, I can’t help but feel that Arc-V wrote more ambitious checks than its writing budget could cash. 
Most yugioh moment:
The entire episode where they break out of prison by hosting a talent show. Specifically, the cheer in Yuya’s voice when he says “Good night, FACILITY! <3”
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I am so sorry about the both/neither asks bro !! :(
anti-propaganda for impmon (specifically from tamers, spoilers below) since he's hardly been voted for anyways:
he is pathetic in every way and i LOVE IT. He refuses to accept that he needs a tamer to actually digivolve, and he suffers for it. He essentially makes a deal with the devil (kinda) to digivolve and makes some very bad decisions that essentially lead to almost the end of the world!! Then he reunites with the kids he used to play with before they scared him off and i :,)))
They have the most wholesome friendship and also one of the kids gives him a gun!
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frickingnerd · 10 months
For the Ask Game give me... Rain Code
answers for the ask game under the cut!
3 male characters I love:
my three fav guys from that game are desuhiko thunderbolt, aphex logan and zilch alexander! zilch was the first character i started to like in that game (and look how that turned out smh 😔), aphex had grabbed my attention ever since the trailers and i thought he was really cool (but look how turned out - part 2 😔) and desuhiko seemed like the annoying perverted guy at first, which i've never been a fan of, but then he turned out to he a great friend to yuma and trying to play wingman for his best friend, which immediately made me change my mind about him and make him my fav character! honorable mention to yomi hellsmile, who's a shitty person but a very fun character!
3 female characters I love:
my favorite gals are pucci lavmin, kurumi wendy and shinigami. pucci was really sweet on that train and i thought she and yuma could be cute together (now look how that turned out - part 3 😔). kurumi wendy was someone i liked all along but especially the last chapter made me like her even more! and shinigami was a character i really dislikes for quite a while, until her last scene, that kinda hinted towards her true nature :')
3 romantic ships I love:
basically my three favorite ships are yuma x kurumi x shinigami. i like yuma and shinigami together, especially seeing them grow closer over time and become actual friends. yuma and kurumi is a really basic but wholesome ship. i want kurumi to be happy with someone and i think yuma would do the best job making the girl happy. and kurumi and shinigami could be really cute too, especially if we get them to partner up in the next game (and not just kurumi bringing the book to yuma & him reunite with shinigami 😳). honorable mention for yuma and pucci, aka. the ship that never got to sail :')
3 platonic dynamics I love:
yuma and yakou, yuma and makoto and yuma and desuhiko. i really like desuhiko because of his friendship with yuma, so i had to list those two here. yakou is also a very important person for yuma and i wish we could've seen more of them. and yuma and makoto are just... very interesting!
3 favorite moments in canon:
shinigami's goodbye to yuma is probably my favorite moment in canon. it's really sad but it also showed off who she truly is in such a nice way! i also really like the reveal of the pink blood and the meatbun reveal! it's been a while since i played the game & i'm not 100% remembering those anymore, but i'm counting those two! honorable mention goes to the reveal of number one, but that was the one plottwist i really saw coming. but it was probably as satisfying as it was because i had noticed all the hints up to that point.
3 favorite headcanons:
my favorite headcanon is that they found a way to bring back all the dead people by the end of the game. don't ask me how, they just did it, okay? and next game they'll get to show up and be happy!
i also headcanon everyone as bisexual until proven otherwise! i pretty much do that with most media i consume and this game is no different!
and my last headcanon is that kurumi gets to be the next person making a pact with shinigami and that shinigami tells her all about her time with yuma.
3 least favorite things about it:
my least favorite thing about this game are the characters. since this is made by the people behind danganronpa, i have to say that i was expecting so much more from these characters. they were highkey a let down, especially... vivia twilight. i really dislike him the most. like i'm someone who loved nagito, kokichi & byakuya when playing danganronpa and it feels like vivia should be a character made for me to enjoy, but i just... i just don't like this guy. i'd love to have a vivia fan elaborate to me what's so great about him, but he's just some lazy & depressed guy who won't stop talking about wanting to die. like... that's not even a funny catchphrase, my guy. vivia gets to be the second least favorite thing just for that. as for my third least favorite thing... also character related, but i hate how everytime the killer was the one person i liked the most. literally, every damn case. i'd be like "oh, i can't wait to learn more about this character!" only for them to be the killer. like, towards the end of the game i always just knew who the killer was without even knowing, because surely it was the person i found the most interesting, right...? :')
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rriavian · 8 months
Which character you wish had more screentime with Dream? (Aside from our boi cori🤭)
Ooh! So many! Jessamy for sure—I’d have loved to see more of what her relationship with Dream was like—even in the small amount of time we had with her you could see how important she was to him. Out of all of Dream’s creations, out of all of his family, out of everyone who knew him, she was the only one who came to help when he was trapped. And she waited years for her chance. Never giving up.
I can’t help but wish that she had lived, that her and Dream had been reunited properly. I think Jessamy has a really unique place in Dream’s heart, just as she does in mine :)
I also wish we’d seen more of Dream and Calliope because I was fascinated by the intimacy in their dynamic. It really was a standout part of the show for me, and her episode remains one of my favourites. Even though they are no longer married they have such history with each other, the chemistry between them is electric, palpable without words.
Really looking forward to seeing Calliope again in later seasons!
In terms of people Dream never interacted with at all, I really wish that Dream had been able to meet Rosemary, because I adore her, and I think post fish bowl she’d be a really lovely representation of the best of humanity for him to see.
I mean, he knows anyway, but I think seeing humanity's goodness is something different. I also think they’d have a fascinating conversation, and that Dream would find a lot of peace in her presence. Do I think they’d have the most wholesomely beautiful friendship? Yes. Though I don’t exactly know how I’d want them to meet.
Perhaps Rosemary offers a lift to another stranger? (…yes I would be interested in writing that!)
Also! Jed! I adored their split second meeting—Dream’s little smile!—and would love to see more. That and maybe a longer interaction between him and Unity (though I am in fact writing a fic about this already)
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frugalkubal · 1 year
Since I can't post images for some reason (most likely my barely functional internet connection and old ass phone), I just ranked my favourite Jigokuraku characters by category.
⚠️Contains Manga Spoilers
☆ Asaemons:
1. Fuchi. I adore him so much, you have no idea. He's smart, adorable, weird (affectionately speaking), and probably an aroace like me. ♡ XD I was disappointed when he died, but he looked so happy that I just accepted it. I wasn't even mad at Shugen bc Fuchi wasn't.
2. Sagiri. I love her so much. She's such a badass but not spiteful in the slightest and still quite feminine. I love how she's so kind. I love how she's like the captain of the GabiYui ship. 😂💕
3. Shion. I like him like how I like JJK's Nanami. I highly respect responsible, thoughtful adults and kind mentors like them.
4. Tenza. He deserved so much better. He deserved the potential future that he imagined. If I have to draw it for him despite my busy sched, then heck I will.
5. Senta. He also deserved better. He just wanted to draw in peace, damnit. ಥ_ಥ
6. Shugen. 🎶Oh, he's sweet but a psycho. A little bit psycho~🎶 (Ngl, I love him for that.) Other than that song, the phrase "Power of Friendship" would also immediately remind me of him. 😂 He's unhinged and blinded by his sense of honor and duty, but he's still freaking awesome. He's THE BEST among all of the swordsmen in this series. I like how he's the only one in the series who's capable of changing his tao attribute while he copies his fellow Yamada clansmen's techniques. He's like the Kise Ryouta of swordsmanship. Plus, they're both emotional guys with broken tear ducts. 🤣
7. Isuzu. She's tall, dark and gorgeous. ♡ She's also polite. Plus, she's strong and quite skilled with the sword.
☆ Criminals:
0. Yui. She's a criminal in a way the she took Gabimaru's heart and killed his old coldblooded self. lol I adore this woman! She's just freaking awesome both as a human and as a wife. ♡♡♡
1. Gabimaru. His absolute dedication to be reunited with the one and only love of his life, his beloved Yui, is just so damn admirable. Plus, he's freaking awesome when he fights. If Shugen has the power of friendship, Gabi has the power of love and marriage. 😂💕
2. Gantetsusai. I love this guy's character development the most. I love the genuine friendship he gradually formed with Fuchi; I love how such friendship positively influenced his new life after this whole ordeal with the island. Plus, he can be freaking hilarious. Heck, even the reason he got imprisoned was kinda hilarious.
3. Yuzuriha. She's just as awesome and pretty as her girlfriend (Sagiri). ♡ XD I love how she's so skilled, carefree, optimistic and funny. I also love how she encourages Sagiri at times when the latter was about to give up.
4. Aza brothers. I just love their strong bond and how awesome of a big brother Chōbe is to Tōma. I also like how they're both strong and a little unhinged. lol Plus, they kinda look like KiriBaku's kids in another universe. 😂
5. Nurugai. She didn't even commit a crime, damnit. ಥ‿ಥ I love how she's kind, straightforward and clever for her age. I'm aware she's quite young (12) and some people find it icky for her to marry Tenza(17) but I just gave consideration to their time period's customs/norms. Also, they're both pure, wholesome beans so I'm not bothered if they eventually got married if Tenza hadn't died — only if Nuru's 16 in that marriage (like in Gabi's case). That would've been the better ending for Tenza. T_T
6. Shija. I don't want to put another category for ninjas, so I'm just adding this unhinged nonbinary yandere here. ♡ XD I felt kinda bad for them for ending up the way they are bc of how they're raised. Also, I think they're an amazing fighter/ninja; afterall, they were supposed to be the next "Gabimaru The Hollow."
7. Rokuruta. Who wouldn't like this freakishly huge and strong 8-year-old feminist? 🤣
☆ Island folks:
1. Mei. She's sane and has a good heart. She's also adorable! ♡
2. Hōko. He's Mei's loving dad in this hell. ಥ‿ಥ
3. Gui Fa. They're just so chill, rational and kinda socially awkward, y'know. Love that about them. ♡ I also like that they don't give a damn about bochu jutsu and would rather read a book. Quite relatable tbh. 😂
That's all. I don't really care about everyone else. •‿•
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a-strange-inkling · 2 years
I just read The Demons We're Made Of... I loved it even though it made me cry. Poor sweet Chrissy doesn't deserve all the abuse and trauma she's had to endure. Her attachment to Eddie and his protectiveness over her is so endearing. Hopefully he can help her heal with his friendship. I know any intimacy in Chrissy's future love life will be very challenging. Poor thing.
& Fuck Jason Carver.
Thank you for reading! It’s definitely my heaviest and most challenging work.
Jason is his most scary here for me as he’s a very real kind of villain in this story. The last chapter in his head for a little bit was very challenging.
Chrissy and Eddie’s bond is so pure and wholesome, the safety and comfort he brought her truly saved her life after enduring such trauma. 🥺
Hopefully they’re reunited soon. She’s protective of him too, the reason she went back home was primarily so that her mother or Jason wouldn’t hurt him.
Yes, it will be a long road of healing for her especially for romantic intimacy 😔 but there’s hope yet. She’s faced her fears and stood her ground against Jason.
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kinghijinx22 · 1 year
The Owl House Watching and Dreaming review/analysis part 5
Part 5 Peace on the Boiling Isles
We get a couple of beautiful montages at the end of everything, one before the time skip and a proper epilogue set after the skip. It's nice that they allow for some time to breath at the end and give us some quality time with these amazing characters that we've gotten to know and love through this series. There's so much to wrap up at the end here and they manage to take the time to give all of these characters a satisfying ending. After Disney shortened this show over disgusting bigoted reasons, it's nice and poetic to see it get such an uplifting ending and with this final episode being as perfect as it is, everything about it feels like a beautiful triumph. And with all of the adversity the characters have had to face and all the suffering they have all been through, they deserve to get this happy ending. Both this show and it's character got the heart warming send off that they deserved.
Now that the final conflict is over, the Collector turns all the puppets back into themselves and everyone returns to their families. The Owl House has not only been great at representing different types of relationships, but also different types of family dynamics. Lilith who is aro/ace reunites with Steve who she's been good friends with since they were both in the Emperor's Coven, Amity reunites with her dad who she finally has at least a decent relationship with while her no longer apart of the family abusive mum watched from the distance, Gus reunites his dad in an funny scene where he uses his illusions and his dad has to hug a couple of them before hugging the real one, Willow reunites with her queer dads who I believe are both specifically gay and actually get an onscreen kiss which was really cute and pleasant surprise and Hunter finally gets adopted by Darius and Eberwolf. And then of course we get to see our main Owl family together at the Owl House itself with Luz the human, her adopted brother King the Titan, her adopted mum Eda the Wild Witch and Eda's partner Raine the not Wild Witch. Then the Collector flies in on their star to drop off Amity, Lilith and Camilla and we get our intimate reunion between Luz and Amity with another sweet onscreen kiss between them. Eda hugs her sister Lilith, Luz hugs her mum Camilla and we finally get to see Luz's Owl mum and her biological mum meet which is something I think we've all been waiting to see.
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The Collector then materializes Hooty and we get an adorable hug between him and his best friend Lilith, one of the most unexpected but also wholesome friendships in the show. He then decides to travel back to the stars to do some growing up, which I'm honestly kind of happy with because while I personally don't like the Collector, it's clear that the he is supposed to be just a chaotic kid type of character and I suppose this is a good compromise. They were clearly way too powerful and way too irresponsible so him not being around for now is the right choice. Before he leaves King says that he hopes to see them again and gives them his doll Francois which is nice and a good sign that King is maturing and doesn't need him anymore. We then get an discovery where Luz explains that because the Titan's soul was gone, we was the power of the Glyphs. This has a lot of implications, but I have to say that while this would have been really sad we do get a good follow up to this later at the end of the time skip epilogue. With that, Luz proclaims that her adventures were only just beginning as Stringbean and her look on towards the future.
This is when we get out few years time skip and it's handled perfectly. One of the things I wanted the most from this finale was an epilogue timeskip, and on top of everything this else we even got exactly that. Every character is given a satisfying conclusion to their story. Seeing the kids grown up and what all the characters are doing in the future and with all their cool new designs is awesome and I have to go over all of it.
So to start off, Luz is seen packing up her stuff in her old room in the human realm and preparing to move to the University of Wild Magic in the Demon Realm. As she puts her Azura figure in the box, we can also see her Grom tiara from when she danced with Amity, the Tamagochi looking message thing that her and Amity use to send messages to each other and Eda's old Grudgby jacket which she gave to Luz to comfort her. We also get a look at a board with photos that have been taken over the past few years, as well as one of them being held up by a bisexual pride pin which was cute detail. Of the photos, some of them we've already seen before this episode but there are others that were taken during the timeskip and these ones are really interesting. They show us the many adventures of Luz and her friends from Demon Realm traveling back and forth between the worlds. There were a lot of directions that they could have gone with how they handled the rift between the worlds and how this would effect Luz. Whether Luz would always be stuck in Demon Realm, whether she would be stuck in the human realm and unable to get back or if they created a permanent door between the worlds to travel back and forth and I think picking that last option was the right decision because anything else would have completely gone against the themes of the show. To start off, all throughout the entire show they've shown the negative effects of putting people in unnecessary boxes and limiting ones potential, so Luz being forced to choose or being unable to choose between the worlds would go against this. Not only that, but what I believe to be the most important theme of the Owl House is loving yourself, wanting to be understood and finding people that accept you for who you are. And Luz has never felt more at home then on the Boiling Isles. It's where she was able to find true friends like Wilow and Gus, a girlfriend with Amity and even an found family with Eda and King and she was accepted and loved for who she really is by all of them. In the human realm she did have her mum Camilla but nobody else really understood her and at the start of the series she felt like she had nobody. In the Boiling Isles she was able to find her people, and to be torn away from them at the end of the show would go against everything that the show had been saying from the beginning. "Us weirdoes have to stick together."
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Some of the photos in the background also show that Vee has stayed with Camilla in the human realm and has become and adopted sister for Luz which is nice and makes sense for her because of her positive experiences in the human realm and how much she's come to love Camilla and Luz as family. Camilla comes into the room to help take Luz to the Demon Realm University, and as she asks what subject she chose and she show the paper saying that of course she all of them. I love that Camilla is still wearing the queer pride pin because it shows that she is always supporting her daughter. I have to say that while Camilla was always a good character, season 3 made her one of the best which how it showed her always being so supportive she is of Luz and how she is always going to extra mile. Vee sends Owlbert to go gather everyone to meet at the Owl House to celebrate a secret party they've been planning for Luz. As the door opens to let Owlbert through we hear the Collector's voice welcoming whoever comes through to the Boiling Isles, explaining that it was the Collector who created the door.
We see Willow flying around on her Palisman, training for Flyer Derby with a new uniform on. Throughout the show we saw her grow her confidence and discover her passion for sports and especially wanting to bring back Flyer Derby, and she was able to do just that and has become a professional Flyer Derby player. We see Hunter who is now a Palisman carver, carving Palisman in the forest along with Eda's father Dell while her mother Gwndolyn and the Batqueen are also there. I guess this is Hunter's way of getting closer to Flapjack, and we also see that he has a new Palisman, this one being a Blue Jay named Waffles. Willow and Hunter get a little moment that implies that they are official now, and we get an admittedly sweet moment where they visit a grave dedicated to Flapjack.
Next we fly into the city, and on the way to Lilith's new museum we see Mortan the potion seller and Boscha who is selling Grudgby equipment because I guess she's still a big Gradby fan but at least she's no longer a jerk. Once we reach Lilith's museum we find her with her cool new design looking at the design plans, and we can also see that Mathollomule is still part of the construction coven and is helping to build the museum along with Kikimora of all people who I imagine must be doing community service for all the evil stuff that she did. After Lilith has left the Emporor's Coven we saw her finally be able to indulge her special interests like History, and back in Elsewhere and Elsewhen she was going to become the curator of the current museum at the time. Now she's building her own, based on the real knowledge of the Boiling Isles history that has now become well known instead of the false history that Belos had fed everybody in order to villainize wild magic. We then see Amity drop in on an Abomination air ship, with a new design that appropriately conveys "adventurous explorer." She swings down on a rope and gives what appears to be a history book of some sort to Lilith, indicating that she's helping her with some research. Amity was always a more adventurous spirit that had been tied down for far too long by her controlling mother before the now girlfriend Luz had come into her life and encouraged her to follow her heart. So her now being a badass adventurer suits her, and I like to think that her and Luz regularly go on adventures across the unexplored areas of the Demon Realm together. Another fun detail about Amity's design is just like how Luz had kept her Grom tiara, Amity also kept hers except the crystals from it have been turned into a hair band. The interaction between Amity and Lilith is also a nice call back to Lilith being Amity's mentor at the very start of the series, while both of them were still jerks. It's heart warming to see them reconnect after they've bother grown as people. As they all take off we see Lilith turn into her new Raven beast form, showing that she's learnt to control her curse like Eda had done with hers.
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The next stop is the Hospital in Latisa but before we get there we fly pass the Hexside School. Here we Skara and Barcus who are now teaching the next generation of witches, the old Illusions teacher who is still teaching and old Principle Bump who is a groundskeeper. Now what's awesome about the new Hospital is that it's actually replaced the police station that Belos had built in Latisa. They've repurposed a place of pain into a place of healing, and speaking of healing we see Amity's father Alador teaming up with the healers so they can use his new technology to remove the sigils from the witches wrists. Belos had created a system toxic system that involved branding witches with sigils to limit their magic and as well as essentially branding them with a ticking time bomb that was going to kill them all on Day of Unity. Alador by building the Abomatrons for Belos had helped him to achieve his sinister goals, but in a positive turn he has now been dedicating his time into building technology with the purpose of healing the people that Belos had hurt and removing their sigils to give them free will over their magic again is one of the best things he could have done. The healers who are helping to power this technology with their magic are his daughter Emira who had gotten into healing as a second track that she wanted to do along with illusions, Viney who had chosen healing as one of her two magic tracks along with beast keeping because she is very much like a vet, Bo who was a background student at Hexside, and one of the older healers who we don't know the name of. A really fun attention to detail in this scene that the witch getting their glyph removed who is presumably the first witch this has worked for considering everyone's excited reaction, is also the first witch in the series that we saw get a glyph back in Covention, the fifth episode of the entire show. The Owl House has always been really good with it's attention detail, even with minor stuff like this and it's always cool notice it all. Along with Alador we see the other researchers are the ex Coven Heads who ended up being allies, with Raine, Darius and Eberwolf along with Jerbo who has once said that he wanted to help give the system the overhaul it needed which he was now doing with help to remove the sigils. We get a cute moment between Alador and Darius which confirms that they have romantic feelings for each other. A connection between them was hinted at in earlier episodes and now that Alador's abusive ex Odalia is out the picture we can finally make Aladarius canon which is cool.
Raine notices Owlbert at the window and so them, Darius, Eberwolf, Alador, Emira and Viney all go down to join the others. Something I'd really like to mention is that it's at this point that we finally get to see Raine's Palisman and its fox which feels really fitting for them. Throughout the show Belos had fed on Palismans to keep himself from turning into a goo monster, and so he confiscated the Palisman of other witches in the Emperors Coven and ate them to satisfy himself. This included the Palisman of the other Coven Heads, however Raine who has consistently proven to be the smartest character in the show by playing 5D chess the whole time was able to not only hide their Palisman but hide it in plain sight. If you've been paying attention to Raine's violin, it had a fox head on it's neck this whole time. Meaning that Raine's palisman was able to turn into a violin to act as Raine's instrument and to hide themself which is insanely smart. We havn't been given a name or gender for them yet, but I assume they would be nonbinary like Raine and I did see someone suggest they their name would be Trot because Foxtrot so I'm going to adopt that and go with it because it's too perfect. So the next and final stop before we return to the Owl House for Luz's Quinceanera is the brand new University of Wild Magic that Luz is going to be moving to. On the way there we got shots of the Slitherbeasts in the snowy parts of the Boiling Isles, as well the the Selkidomus swimming in the ocean.
The very existence of the University of Wild Magic is one of the biggest triumphs as it defies everything that Belos's toxic prejudice system was about. As a form of control, Belos had spread the propaganda that Wild Magic, that is being able to learn any magic you want, was somehow dangerous which helped him to build his system and gain of the Boiling Isles. Belos was literally a book burning fascist that was trying to hide real education away from people. Now we have University that is able to give Witches a real education by teaching them all about Wild Magic and other knowledge that was previously restricted from them and a really cool extra detail is that this University was built where the Emperor's Castle used to be. We see Amity's brother Ederic teaching about Beastkeeping, this was the type of magic that he was always passionate about along with Potions but was previously forced to stick with Illusions until Eda encouraged him to pursue his passions. We the Guardian of the Looking Glass Graveyard, teaching about the history of the Looking Glass Graveyard which was previously a mysterious place that not many could find. We see Gus spreading his passion for the Human Realm by teaching a class all about it while rocking one of the best new looks including some dreads with his hairstyle. And finally, most fittingly of all we see Eda who is revealed to be the head master of this University. For most her life Eda had been treated like garbage by and unfair system that refused to accommodate her in any way. As someone who wanted to learn all sorts of magic and saw it as a natural thing of beauty that shouldn't be restricted, she was branded a Wild Witch as a mark of shame. But now, after helping to overthrow the dictator who had put that system in place and turned society against her, she was now helping to establish a new system. One that is more accepting to those who are different and villainize them like it did to her. Eda could not have more perfect end to her arc. And something else worth noting is just how awesome her new design is, she looks like a badass pirate and has even replaced her missing arm with a hook. In the background of these scenes we see Vee's people, the Basilisks are still around and are able to thrive now which also nice.
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Now that we have everybody, everyone returns to the Owl House to thrown Luz the secret Quinceanera that had been planning for her. Luz, Vee and Camilla come through the portal door which is now the front door of the Owl House and it's and Luz gets a heart warming welcome from all of her closest friends from the Demon Realm with Amity running to the front to give her girlfriend a kiss. Seeing them still together after all these years makes me really happy. They've always been a great example of a healthy and wholesome couple, and them being a queer couple made that especially nice to see as someone who is queer. While all the bad stuff was happening around them Lumity was always the constant bright light in the darkness and they've become inseparable. Luz's family has set up a nice Quinceanera in their own style with the pinata that is the Snaggleback from that was last seen in season 1, an Azura themes cake with bugs inside and of a course a beautiful dark Demon Realm dress knitted that's bought in by the Bat Queens kids and the Echo Mouse. Everyone clearly went all out for Luz and while Quinceanera's are usually held for 16th birthdays and not 18th, apparently they had held off because Luz was too busy helping rebuild the Boiling Isles. I know that Dana wanted to have an episode about Luz's Quinceanera before the show got shortened and while it's a shame we didn't get it, at least we were able to have it at the end of the show here. It's nice seeing Luz's Dominican heritage being represented like this.
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Something else I want to mention here is that during this entire epilogue we have a nice, longer remix of the credits theme playing, giving it a very nostalgic feeling and between that and seeing all the characters again and getting all these call backs it really makes this ending even more emotional. It makes you reflect on the whole series, the journey we took to get here and the all the friends we made alone the way. And because I don't know where else to mention this, but along with the animation of this episode being top stuff so was soundtrack. Not just the remix but all the music, like there's a new song that plays during that first epilogue before the time skips and it's a bop.
Anyway, we also learn that because King has been getting older and stronger, the power of the glyphs has been returning the Boiling Isles. And while it's the glyphs are different from his dads because he's a different Titan, Luz now has an entirely new set of glyphs to learn and try out. Honestly I'm glad they did this, I feel as though Luz loosing access to magic permanently would have been an unnecessary downer. King then tells Luz that the Collector has been in the area and set up a nice light show for her. As everyone looks up at the Collector passing by with the shoots stars, Luz tells everybody that they have to get ready for their last goodbye. Everybody then turns the camera to say "byyyyyyye!", one final call back, this one to a recurring catchphrase throughout the series.
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That's the end of the Owl House and of my analysis. I ended up having more to say then I thought I would, but this episode had a lot a great stuff and this show means a lot to me on a personal level. As someone who is both queer and neurodivergent I appreciate having a main character like Luz who's experiences I've really related to. She's an incredibly endearing and relatable protagonist and is one of my favourite characters of all time. I've never connected with a show as much as I have with the Owl House, and it's that along with how much heart Dana and the Owl team put into every aspect of it and how consistently great it is all the way through that make it my favourite show of all time. And it makes me happy that they were able to stick the landing with such a perfect ending.
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uppuzs · 2 years
i loved the promised neverland too ! i agree, it’s just something about the mystery and people coming together to find a home in each other 🥺 one piece in particular makes me aaahhhh !! could you tell me more about your favorite examples of found family in those animanga ? like which characters and character relationships (platonic or romantic) in particular you love and why ?
-ur animanga secret santa 🤍❄️
hello i hope you've been well <3
of course!
well, with one piece i love all the straw hats dynamics together, because of how they all take care of each other, but i'm a big zoro x sanji shipper. despite shipping them romantically, i also love the brother vibes they give to their crew. zosan always fight and argue with each other, but people forget that they both acknowledge each other's strengths as well. they are very much in sync when it comes to protecting the crew, and it's been shown many times that they trust the other to take care of their friends, so they're never worried when their crew is split because when those two know the other is with their friends they know everything will be fine <3 they trust each other so much, my babies 🥺
with black clover, as much as i love the black bulls dynamics like i love the straw hats, my favorite between them is asta and yami. i think it's so cute when asta looks up to yami and is in awe of everything that he does. its not a one sided thing either, because yami saw this kid who was basically an outcast and ridiculed for being different (just like he was) and still chose him to be in his squad with his other misfits. he teaches asta many things and helps him grow. they really are my top favorite mentor and student, father and son and big brother and little brother relationships.
fairy tail is pretty much similar with one piece and black clover. the guild is basically a whole family. natsu's team pretty much formed randomly, but they're dynamics all work and they make me smile and laugh.
sk8 the infinity episode 6 hooked me on their little skater family. the beach episode was so cute and wholesome. despite me shipping reki and langa, it's actually reki and miya's relationship i love the most. they are very much grumpy little brother and sunshine older brother. the way miya was very :/ when he first appeared, he chose to keep people at a distance because of what happened with his friends, but then reki came in like the sunshine boy he is and offered him friendship and a promise to never leave him. it hurt when reki pushed miya away, because reki made a promise and basically broke it and miya was so sad about it 😭 (i'm still bitter the show didn't have any kind of apology scene about that 😒) but their brother relationship means so much to me. i hope season 2 or the ova has at least some reki and miya brotherly scenes 🥺🙏
the promised neverland is just as you said. i love how everybody was just trying to survive, but all the kids came together and created a family with each other. emma, ray and norman's friendship and love for each other made me emotional. when the three of them reunited i was ugly crying.
oh gosh i rambled on lol but i hope this was helpful to you! which relationships do you like the most? i hope you have a good day or night <3
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secret-time-is-here · 4 hours
OCL Update:
Expect the first chapter by the end of the year.
Clickbait out of the way (although that is a serious goal and a far reaching overestimation, my real hope is end October/November)
We've reached 40K words on the brainstorm doc, actually 41.6K when I finished writing tonight.
OCL finally has an ending planned, and I will note: I wrote it with a specific thought in mind. With the diverse and expansive web of character relationships of equal measures cruel and wholesome, no ending will be satisfying. In fact, the first moment of struggle for the end (for me writing it, not plot wise) I have Error himself say there is no satisfying way to say this. Because there never will be.
OCL is a complex web, with relations spanning centuries. People are cruel and twisted to each other but find friendship later. People start friends and by the end there's a hugely toxic pairing. Some characters there isn't a happy or clean end, and sadly those are major relationships.
I strongly believe there is nothing to fix it. I don't want to pull a "omg lets forgive the oppressors and keep them in power and we're all friends now" no. Or even people suddenly realize the error of their ways. That's not the theme, that's not the whole point of OCL. I believe the best course of action that makes the most sense, is that relationships will be strained and will either take time to fix or never repair. But if that happens, its certainly not immediately after the final chapter in the near future epilogue.
Endings are a struggle for me, but by far this is the most proud I am of an ending. It doesn't have to be satisfying because it fits the story, it fits the characters, and their goal is complete. Cross can have his peace. Error can find his peace with a new start.
And the nice thing about such an unsatisfying ending, is with the way I'm planning on writing it, there's a lot of room for fun inspired fanfiction. There's reunited characters galore, and there's certainly strained relationships that could have their own sequel. But nonetheless I'm proud of it.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years
Super Pal Trio post series
Was talking to Tippen about this in DMs and I thought I may as well express it here. 
So in season 5, we got the scenes where Catra and Entrapta reunited on the ship and sorted out their problems, they even grew a bit closer in Stevenson’s missing scene fic, and you can get a sense for what their dynamic is - they’re both trying to make up for their fuck-ups, and they face difficult integration into the Rebellion. In spite of everything, they build a good rapport,  and are pretty happy chilling in the background while the other characters do the hero planning. While their onscreen interactions are few, there is the foundation for what was once a messed-up dynamic to become an incredibly wholesome friendship. 
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With Scorpia, it’s different. While she does get scenes with Entrapta, it’s kind of tense due to Entrapta’s friction with the other princesses, and then they don’t interact or mention each other for the rest of the season (even when Scorpia’s chipped which...yeah, they could’ve had ONE line on this... but okay). 
Then with Catra, obviously there’s everything that happened in season 4 and in this season they only get one hug as a reunion.  There is no big Super Pal Trio Reunion, sadly.  Just one on one meetups. 
The characters Scorpia has truly bonded with most in S5 are Emily (the robot) and Perfuma and Frosta. These are her main relationships in the season, in part because she was separated from the other two during the space mission and when she was chipped. These characters validate and support Scorpia in a way that the other two SPT members could not.   
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The impression you get from this is kind of sad, in that, Scorpia wasn’t getting what she needed from the other two, and found it from somewhere else. That’s fucked up on accounts of, we had all the scenes in season 4 of Scorpia seeing Entrapta as her first friend, that SUPER WHOLESOME “Princess Scorpia” episode, but they don’t build on that in season 5, and even though Catra was Scorpia’s main relationship for the entire show, it’s not given any time here. A more pessimistic view is that Scorpia went for “better adjusted” friends, people who could reciprocate and communicate their love for her better.  So yeah, their friendships with Scorpia got screwed over by the timing and plot of s5.   
But, I was thinking - wouldn’t that make for an interesting story?  
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Like, okay. Picture this scenario:  
Catra and Entrapta have been out in space for a long time. The war ends, everyone is friends again, but Scorpia is far closer to the other Princesses than she ever was with them, and they know it. They’ve grown apart over time and while Scorpia is very eager to be buddies, it’s clear that “Super Pal Trio” has some issues to work out if they want to be closer.  
Catra and Entrapta feel sad about this. They didn’t - couldn’t - give Scorpia what she needed, simply because of who they are. 
Catra was not able to be vulnerable in the Horde, but Scorpia kept trying to be there for her. Catra was never going to love Scorpia the way Scorpia loved her, not with the Adora brainrot and the way things were and everything Scorpia reminded her about, but she’s obviously been beating herself up for mistreating Scorpia the way she did, and perhaps Catra feels like Scorpia deserves better and she’s lost out on the chance to be close to her. 
And Entrapta, god, it’s not her fault that she’s weird and aloof and bad at explaining to people how much they mean to her, but that’s how it is. Part of her feared this was inevitable. Scorpia was her best friend too, but she didn’t tell her, and she couldn’t identify what Scorpia wanted out of their friendship. She barely knows what healthy friendship looks like either, and stands no chance compared to Perfuma in telling Scorpia what she needs to hear. 
So, they’re a bit heartbroken, they feel like they were not good enough for their friend. I think there’s a beautiful tragedy in this. Like, it’s messed up, but in a realistic way. In fact.... It’s the same energy as Glimmer not being good enough for Adora, not being able to make her feel as comfortable as Catra does. I feel like Glimmer would get the sads about that.     
ANYWAY, not all hope is lost - in typical Catrapta fashion, they decide they CAN’T give up, and scheme on how to show Scorpia they really care about her, developing a onesided rivalry with Perfuma and the Princesses. They enlist help from Best Friend Squad on what the best way to reach Scorpia is, and things get silly.  
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That’s what I was thinking when I was making this comic... Considering how much Catra and Entrapta use gift-giving as a demonstration of their love language, birthday celebrations are going to be one hell of an event for Scorpia. 
I don’t know how easy it would be for the two to TALK to Scorpia about these feelings in this scenario, I feel like they’d have to get caught out first. Maybe after setting fire to the kitchen six times there’d be a “Sorry, we were trying to outdo your girlfriend and show you that we care and that we can be good friends too, but we messed it up.”   
And then Scorpia gets really emotional and pulls them into a hug and says she’s sorry she made them feel like they weren’t enough, and Entrapta pulls into the hug hard and gives a full hair wrap, and even Catra hugs her back this time and says “don’t apologise, dummy”, everyone is crying and---  yeah I basically just wrote a Steven Universe episode but damn I just want my Super Pal Trio feels. 
There is some irony in it going from Scorpia feeling insecure about whether she’s liked by Catra and Entrapta, and working hard for their affection, to it swapping to the other way around and everyone competing for Scorpia, misguided or otherwise. 
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nahoney22 · 3 years
Hey! Love your fics!
What about a like found/emotionally adopted omega with f!reader? Where like maybe Omega runs off from the batch and runs into the reader. And she kinda teaches her things about being a girl in the universe? Like big sis lil sis sorta things!
Safe and Sound
Omega X Fem!Reader - sister bond ordeal.
word count: 4.6k
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Omega has had enough of the arguing on the Marauder and sneaks away in the middle of the night. Crying and alone, Omega is almost in trouble until a figure pulls her to safety and the pair of you form a friendship - only for Omega to tell you that she now sees you as a Sister she never had.
authors note: Oh I love this idea! 🥺🥺🥺 lets do it @swoljarjar 💋 hope this is okay as it kinda comes across more of a reader saves omega and looks after her before reuniting her back with her brothers but the love is there 💓
warnings: none really, SFW, omega almost getting robbed and hint at family arguing, Just wholesome content.
tags: @mustluvgd @eyecandyeoz @by-the-primes @ladykatakuri @itsjml @justalittlecloud @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @kryptoknight123 @milktealorian @kriffclone @butch-medusae @taz-107 @archisstically-done @14mcmd1122 @ashotofspotchka
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Hot tears streamed down the young girls face as she fled the Marauder in the middle of the night.
It was the same old story recently, her brothers were fighting.
Omega had thought that them rescuing Crosshair would have bonded them altogether but conflict was still high. The atmosphere was thick with tension most of the time and the arguing was spiralling out of control. It wasn’t even big arguing either, it was just small snarky comments to one another. But tonight it just hit her that maybe it wasn’t meant to be. She had overheard some kind of conversation about Omega having to stay behind on some missions, six now being a crowd and she felt deflated. It shouldn’t have hurt her as much as it did… but it did.
Maybe if she left they’d be happier and she would no longer feel like a burden to them all.
They were all asleep aside from Echo in the cockpit but he hadn’t notice her sneak out of the batch of her make-shift den that Wrecker had once made her.
They were stationed not too far away from a small village on Naboo.
Omega was running, running with nowhere to go. She didn’t know what her thought process was but anywhere was better away from them for the time being.
As she turned a corner, a square of a closed market came into view. Merchants were placing away their things into carts, securing them so they can reopen the next day. Smells of breads and other pastries still lingered in the cool air. Omega stood, admiring it all and how different it look to the markets she had been seeing in Ord Mantell. Naboo was so much brighter, less grubby and people seemed friendlier.
She moved towards the centre, eyes moving up towards the sky as stars glistened down on her. She inhaled sharply, bringing her little hands to her face and swiping away her leaking tears.
Hearing shuffling movements, she looked to the right to see a small group of people talking in hushed voices and sneaking idle glances in her direction.
“Bounty Hunters.” She whispered to herself, quickly backing away and making a line for the exit of the market she stumbled over her feet a few times, hearing the group of people’s footsteps get swiftly quicker but a firm hand on her shoulder caught her attention as she is dragged to the side and into a small passageway.
Omega panicked, reaching for her bow but the person simply took a hold of it and lowered it, placing a finger to their own lips.
Omega stared up at the shadowed figure, face covered by a hood but a pair of bright eyes followed by a low growl came from their left shoulder, causing Omega to gasp and back up as she snatched the bow back but tripping over a bit of upturned stone on the floor. Falling back into a puddle on the ground.
The figure sighed, shaking their head but moved to the entrance where Omega was dragged through, watching as the group of thugs glanced around and scattered away.
Once out of sight, you heard the igniting of a bow string being pulled from behind you. The creature on your shoulder hissed in your ear as you turned to face the girl who was still on the floor but now had a fury in her eyes.
“Stay back!” Omega hissed, her arms shaking as you took a few steps closer to her. This time however, you stood into the blinkering light that dimly lit up the passageway and pulled the hood down, showing a very calm and neutral looking face; followed by what Omega can now identify as a loth-cat jumping down and taking timid steps towards her.
“You shouldn’t be out here, kid. It’s not safe.” You say simply, raising both of your hands to show that you mean no harm and have no weapon to attack her with.
As you crouched in front of her, you had noticed the stained tears on her face, followed by the dirt and grime that littered on her clothes. Obviously her falling into a puddle either didn’t help with her cause either.
“You shouldn’t be lurking in shadows.” The young girl snapped back, hands still shaking on the string of her bow but watched as the animal creeped around her, sniffing her and swatting at her boots lightly.
“And you should be glad I was.” You smirked in return, standing back to your full height and whistled for your pet, arm stretched out as it jumped straight back onto you, purring against you.
Omega’s words caught in her mouth. You was right, she was glad that you were there because who knows what would have happened if she did get caught by that group. She watched as you turn around and walk away. Were you not a threat? She sighed, lowering her bow. Her brothers had taught her not to trust strangers but she couldn’t help that feel that you were not so bad. Besides, you had saved her.
“You either follow me or stay here but if I’m being honest, I don’t fancy staying out here all night to keep an eye on you.” You called over your shoulder, leaving the passageway. You walked slowly towards the market, allowing the girl to catch up if she so chooses.
The loth-cat purred, rubbing its head against yours as you walked and you couldn’t help but form a smile when the sounds of light feet came running up behind you. You stopped and turned, the girl panting slightly as she looked up at you with big eyes. “What’s your name?”
The girl hesitated before answering, “Omega…”
“Omega hm? You sound unsure about it.”
“No, no. My name is Omega.” She finalised as you both began walking, her walking in time with your long strides. “What about you?”
You give your name as a reply, giving her a quick glance and a smile.
“That’s a nice name.” She compliments. It was funny, the girl was so close to putting a bolt in you was now smiling and complimenting you. Guess you had a friendly face.
“You think so?” You hummed, not really interested in your own name but she nodded then pointed to the creature on your shoulder.
“Who’s this?”
“This is Cat.” You extended your arm out towards Omega, the purring cat slowly making its way down your arm as your hand placed on Omegas shoulder. She froze a little, slightly unsure. “Don’t worry. She’s a softy.” You say calmly, allowing your pet to crawl onto her shoulder. Cat was unsure at first too but after giving the young girl a quick lick on the cheek, Omega giggling and reaching to pet her, she gave in and nuzzled against her comfortably.
“Your loth-cat is called Cat?” Omega raised an eyebrow, voice slightly judging.
“Easy to remember.”
She chuckled at your reply.
“I have a stall in the market just through here,” you nodded in the direction of where you were going, walking through the square in which you first saw the frightened girl, “I sell clothes and stuff like that. Get you out of those clothes and into something clean and warm. That alright with you?” You asked gently, not wanting to overstep any boundaries.
“T-that sounds good.” Omega answers, teeth slightly chattering as if the thought of warm clothes sent a chill throughout her body. Her back was dripping wet and truth be told, Omega was feeling giddy at the thought of new clothes, then it dawned on her. She patted her pockets and sighed. “But I don’t have any credits to give you.”
You looked across at her, amused at the sight of Cat that was now snoozing away on her shoulders, “And I didn’t ask for any credits.”
Omega beamed up at you, she was still uncertain of you but there was a glimmer of hope that Omega had found a new friend who was also very, very pretty and kind.
Omega was now dressed in some clean clothes, a new top and pants that she changed into behind a screen as you waited on a nearby bench, Cat now resting at your feet.
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It wasn’t long until Omega had joined next to you, taking a seat as you both took in the night sky together. It was peaceful and for once, Omega wasn’t talking too much.
You glanced at the young girl beside you and a wave of familiarity washed over you. You were once her age and you had also been in her position. Running away.
“Omega, you going to tell me why you’re running away?” You asked with a soft voice.
“How did you-“
“I was once your age.” You respond, arms folding over your chest. “Are you hurt at all?”
“No!” Omega almost shrieked at the thought of you thinking her brothers would hurt her. “No I just… it’s hard with my brothers at the minute.”
“Brothers?” You raise a brow.
“Yes, five of them.” Obviously, she had more. A lot more. But Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Echo and Crosshair were her brothers; even if they did drive her up the wall.
Suddenly, the comm device on her arm started blinking followed by a muffled and panicked voice coming through but Omega switched it off quickly.
You watched her with a tense gaze as she laughed nervously, scratching the back of her neck. “He sounded worried, Omega. You should tell them where you are.”
Omega sighed and looked down at her feet, legs dangling over the edge of the bench. You were right, of course, but Omega couldn’t face her brothers now. They’d be angry that she left in the first place. She was stuck between a rock and a hard place at the minute.
“I will, I just need some time alone.” She tells you and although you are half tempted to grab the comm from her arm and tell them of your whereabouts or ask where they are so you could escort her back safely.
“I understand but being a young child in this universe isn’t safe anymore, even if Naboo is somewhat lovely. You should be careful. And be careful about the company.” You warned her. You weren’t specifically gesturing towards yourself when you promoted that but Omega understood.
“Say, your brothers? They ever take you clothes shopping? Grab things that you need as a girl… if you know what I mean.” You ask after Omega didn’t respond for a while.
“Not really no.” Omega sighed. “We’re too busy doing-”she cut herself off, deciding it was for the best not to tell you everything about her and her brothers, “too busy working.”
You noticed her hesitance again but cast it to the side for now and nodded towards your stall. “Tell you what, your brothers need to buck up their ideas when it comes to raising a younger sister. You’ll be growing soon so I want you to grab some clothes and whatever else you want.”
Omega’s head perked you, glancing at you with surprised eyes but a smile broke out on her face. “Really?!”
“Yes,” you chuckled at her enthusiasm, “be quick about it though.”
Omega shot straight out of her seat and bounced over towards the stall, Cat chasing after her shadow casted by the moonlight as you watched with a small smile. Omega was rummaging through the cart you had opened up for her, holding up clothes and placing them against her torso to see if it was a perfect fit.
You weren’t going to lie, you were slightly skeptical of Omega and where she came from, unsure if her brothers were taking proper care of her but as long as she had someone to go back to before dawn, that’s all that mattered to you.
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Yourself and Omega found a small café that was open late, taking a seat in a booth by a back wall after Omega complained about being peckish. You had carried the clothes she picked out for herself in an old backpack she could have, setting it on the empty seat next to you as you scanned over the menu.
“Wow! There’s so much to choose from.” Omega said in awe, a hungry gaze as she looked over the window. She was so used to rations and Mantell Mix that she forgot what proper food tasted like. If you could call the food on Kamino ‘proper food’ that is.
You hummed in agreement but your mind drifted to only a few minutes ago. As you were both walking, Omega’s comm kept blowing up like wildfire, different array of voices coming through. Some were worried, some were calm and then one was straight up ‘get back here now kid or I’ll drag you to The Void and back myself’ more or less. Brotherly love, eh? You needed to get in contact with them, you just wasn’t so sure how.
“You know those people I was running from back in the market?” Omega spoke up, snapping you out of your thoughts and you nodded, waiting for her to continue. “Were they, uh, bounty hunters?”
You chewed on the inside of your lip and leaned back, back hitting against the leather-esque. “No.” You reply. “Just folk who come by the market at night and try and steal things that aren’t properly locked away. My guess is that they saw that shiny Zygerrian Bow of yours.” You inspected your nails casually, giving a curt nod to a waitress who refilled your caf, waiting for them to leave before speaking up again.
“Can’t help but be curious Omega,” you watched as she slightly squirmed uncomfortably in her seat, eyes trailing down to Cat who was once nestled up beside her but now her eyes were glowing with mischief, “that a young girl such as yourself armed with not only a Zygerrian Bow but with Bounty Hunters after you… have I made a mistake in helping you tonight?”
Omega sighed, caught out by her own mouth. Her head dropped and she was half tempted to run at this point in case you were to suddenly turn her in for credits but you made so gesture that you would’ve taken a strike at her, instead your gaze was curious.
“I’m a clone.” She mumbled and you blinked at her, unfazed.
“That’s why they’re after me. I have special blood, first generation.”
If you were being honest, you didn’t know what that meant. You had seen clones in your life of course, however the numbers had dwindled ever since the Empire came to attention. “Right… and I’ll assume your brothers are clones too? That’s why they’re looking for you?”
She nodded. “We’re different. Chips were used to modify clones’ behaviour but my brothers chips were different and they didn’t carry through orders. Except for one but he’s back. Now we’re just drifting through the galaxy.”
Omega definitely told you more than what she should have but as tears glossed at her eyes, she was clearly scared that one, you were going to turn her in. Two, her brothers will remain angry at her and never trust her again and three, she will not live a life of a normal child.
You pushed at her foot gently from under the table, she glances up and you tapped at the menu in front of you. “I’ll get you a milkshake too.” Omega slurped up the remainder of her drink, burping which made her erupt into a fit of giggles. “Oops! That was so good.” She sighed, patting her slightly bloated belly as she scanned the empty plates of food in front of her. She couldn’t decide what she wanted so you took it upon yourself to buy her whatever she wanted. You wasn’t too sure why this kid had this hold over you but it also occurred to you that when you had run away from home once, nobody did the same for you.
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“Is this what it’s like to have a sister?”
Your head snapped up at the question, eyes slightly wide. “What do you mean by that?”
“Saving me from people, giving me with clothes and food, listening to me talk about things that nobody else, especially my brothers, would even care about?”
You smiled in amusement and your cheeks became a little rosy at the prospect of this girl saying, more or less, that you were like a sister to her. “It’s what any good person would do… but yes,” you grin, “it is also what a good sister would do.”
Omega was beyond satisfied with your answer, stroking a spot behind Cat’s large wars who like out a soft squeal of joy.
“Are you single?” Omega asked so sudden that a teeth-bearing grin plastered on her face as she watched you about to take a sip of your caf, almost spluttering at the random question.
“Erm, yeah? Why?” You questioned with a incredulous look on your face, wiping down your robe that had some spillage on it.
“My brothers are single.”
Tutting, you looked at Omega with an amused glint in your face but shook your head.
“Sooooooo….” Omega droaned out with a giggle, leaning both arms onto the table and waggling her eyebrows at you.
You laughed heartily and shook your head again. “Are you really trying to set me up with one of your brothers? Already? You even said I was like a sister to you no more than five minutes ago.”
“Yeah I know,” Omega smiled, “but it’s not like we’re blood related. And you’re really pretty!”
Amused, you rolled your eyes and tapped your fingers against the table and said no more. Your eyes caught another glimpse of Omegas flashing device, signalling someone was trying to contact her but she sighed in annoyance taking it off her wrist and switching it off.
Again, no words left your lips and Omega soon announced she needed to nip to the ‘fresher. You pointed to where it was and watched as she got up to much of Cats displeasure and went away.
You watched the door slide closed and so you decided to take action. Grabbing the comm device, you wasn’t too sure how to use it but after pressing a few buttons, it lit up and some static noise lingered.
“Hello? Is anybody there?”
It was silent for only a second when a voice called out.
Who are you?
You frowned, this man didn’t sound like a clone at all. His voice calculating but also quite formal in his approach.
“Are you one of Omega’s brothers?” You questioned, wanting to make sure you didn’t accidentally tap into the wrong channel.
That remains to be seen. Who are you?
You groaned mentally, why couldn’t they just say yes or no. Another voice from the background spoke up however.
Tech what’s going on? Is that Omega?
No, Hunter. Some female has her comm.
You heard scuffling and then another voice spoke, more huskier than before but did sound a little more to a clone than the other. You also recalled Omega mentioning one called Hunter so at least you knew you were on the right path. Where’s Omega?
“She’s safe.” You speak into the comm, eyes flickering back and forth from the ‘fresher door to make sure Omega wasn’t coming back.
If she is safe how come you’re the one talking to us, not her?
“She’s gone to the ‘fresher. I’ve been with her all night, watching her ignore your calls. Only seems right that I let you know that she is safe.” You say firmly, knowing deep down that what you’re doing is right even if that meant Omega to be annoyed with you as she realises what you have done.
How can we trust you? You won’t even give us a name.
One prompted, you give your straight away. “I found Omega by one of the nearby markets I work at. Saw her crying and gave her some company.”
Why was she crying? Is she hurt? What did you do? I swear if you hurt her… The voice behind the comm raised, sounding more and more irritable until a brand new voice spoke.
Hunter calm down, threatening her won’t help us in finding her. This voice definitely came from a Clone, a voice you had heard before. Maybe more grumpy.
Hunter remained silent and then sighed. Can you tell us where you are?
You hesitated. What if her brothers were threatened by you and shoot your head off straight away once they see you? You tossed some options around in your head am before answering, “I will send you some coordinates to a location here on Naboo. Meet me there, I’ll bring Omega.”
You quickly shut off the device, not before typing in the coordinates to a small nearby stream you know where it’ll be safe to meet, with not much people there.
You placed the device back where you found it, Cat peering over the table at you, tilting her head as you put a finger to your lips as if to keep it a secret.
Omega and yourself soon left, you paid and told Omega to come with you to where you gave the coordinates to Hunter. You didn’t tell her you made contact with her brothers and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of guilt for doing it behind her back; especially as that once crying girl was now so happy, cuddling your pet close to her chest as you walked.
“So what are we doing here?” Omega asked, jogging down towards the glistening moonlit water and getting on her knees, splashing her hands in it. Cat sat next to her but hissed as some water splashed onto her paws.
“I come here to clear my mind.” You say from behind her, looking around for any sign of her brothers. “I find that if you focus your mind or even just think of things that make your life seem a little bit brighter – the next day will be better. Sometimes anyway.”
Omega glanced over her shoulder at you, your eyes landing on her with a small smile.
“Do you think a relationship with a family is important?” Omega’s voice is quiet all of a sudden.
“It depends on the company. But, I think that the most challenging relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself.” You tell her clearly, arms clasping behind your back as you look to the stars whilst Omega looked to the water.
“I do love my brothers but the fighting… I wish it would stop.” Omega sighed, watching the ripples of the stream after she splashed in it.
“It isn’t a family without fights. As long as you love one another, respect one another and fight for one another even if it means fighting with them… it’s family.”
Omega did what you said, clearing her mind and focusing on the positive but you sensed you were no longer alone. You looked over your shoulder, five figures emerging towards you.
You looked to Omega and crept back, meeting her brothers halfway. You were anxious, especially since they were heavily geared out, helmets on to hide their identity but stopped still as you came closer.
“Are you the one who contacted us?” You nodded towards the one who spoke, assuming it was Hunter by the familiarity with his voice and as you glanced at them all, you could tell they weren’t ordinary clones. All different heights and sizes.
“I am… Omega is over there by the water.” You stepped to the side and pointed to Omega, watching her shift positions so now her feet were in it.
“What is with the loth-cat?” A much louder voice spoke, coming from the tallest and widest clone, a large blaster resting in his hands.
“Oh, she’s mine. That’s Cat. She likes Omega… maybe even more than me.” You say lightly, hoping to ease the tension in the air.
“Your loth-cat is called Cat?” You then turned to the tall and skinny-framed clone, rifle held firmly in his grasp and you could only hum in amusement at his oh so familiar question.
“Funny… that’s what Omega asked too.”
You spoke a little more with the clones, telling them all what had happened, relaxing more and more as you spoke; especially when you brought up the fact that Omega could have been mugged if you had not been there.
“Well,” Hunter had lifted his helmet off his head, the others following suit and nodded at you, “I suppose we should thank you, for looking after her. And for contacting us.”
“She’s a stubborn one.” You giggle, trying to avoid the fact that all these clones were ridiculously handsome in their own way. “But I don’t think she’s going to be too pleased about me contacting you.”
“Only one way to find out.” Tech, you assumed by his voice, spoke as all of you made your way to the girl.
Omega turned quickly at the sound of more than one set of footsteps her eyes wide and a sheepish look spreading on her face.
Hunter frowned at his sister but it was the one you learned to be Wrecker who swiftly scooped Omega up into his arms and lifting her above his head. “What do you think you’re playing at kid? You almost gave us a heart attack.”
Omega pouted and buried her face into the bald clones neck, hiding her flustered face.
“Wrecker is right Omega,” Echo spoke, placing a hand on her arm comfortingly, “Crosshair was freaking out when he saw you weren’t in your bunk.”
You heard Crosshair growl at his brothers words but he also didn’t deny it either.
“I’m sorry… I just….” Omega started to sniffle and so you stood back, allowing the siblings to have a private reunion and conversation. You whistled for Cat who was dancing annoyingly around Crosshairs feet, running up to you and situating herself back onto your shoulder comfortably.
You paced back and forth for a few minutes to pass time but stop when Omega began walking up to you, wiping tears from her cheeks.
“I have to go now.”
You crouched to her height just as you did the first time you saw her, a soft look in your eyes as you reached forward and booped at her nose. “It’s for the best. That’s where you belong. They clearly adore you.”
Omega laughed lightly and only then did you notice you still had the backpack of new clothes for her and so you handed it over, slinging it over her shoulders. “Here.”
“Will I see you again?” Omega asked with a hopeful glance.
“Now that’s up to your brothers.” You peer over Omega’s shoulders, her brothers watching you but this time not with anger or conflict but this time with fond approval, they had heard the conversation and they all more or less nodded.
Omega lunges at you, almost making you topple over but you steady yourself and wrap your arms around the young one, lifting her up into your arms as she whispered delicately into your ear, “Thank you for being the sister I never had.”
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Boys pOV
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queerxqueen · 2 years
I really loved your Byler / Mileven post. I feel like too many people just want their ship to sail but disregard what would make sense narratively. Of course, if you view the show through a heteronormative lens it also would make sense that Mileven reunites and confesses their love. But especially if this was to happen after El saved everyone again it sends the message across that El is only worthy of love when she has her powers (although Mike would not care whether El has powers). I really want them to talk and recognise that they both got together so young (when El was only outside the lab for a weeks and had no idea about friendship, let alone love. Likewise, Mike had no female friend before and because they live in a heteronormative society he could not see a difference between love and friendship at that point). I can only see a heartfelt Mileven love confession in one scenario: Mike dies.
As a Byler shipper myself I really hope for Mike to reciprocate Will's feelings. But the only thing that narratively makes sense is Mileven not being endgame. However, unfortunately Mileven not being together does not indicate that Byler is the logical conclusion. The storyline would be the most wholesome thing ever and I feel like the show will definitely end with Will having a boyfriend and it would be the a huge bonus point if that boyfriend was called Mike Wheeler.
Yes yes yes, exactly to alllll of the above about El & Mike's relationship. It doesn't make sense narratively for them to end up together after the things that have been established in seasons 3 and 4-vol-1. I desperately want Mike and Eleven to be best friends and have an amazing platonic relationship where they're able to grow without all the expectation of dating.
My thing with Will getting a non-Mike-Wheeler-boyfriend is, why bother with the unrequited love storyline at all? Why not have introduced a male crush for Will in California the way they did with Robin/Vicky? Why make him spend the majority of 3 seasons pining for his best friend if nothing were going to come of it?
If Will confesses and Mike rejects him and that's it, there is quite literally no impact, no payoff, no reason for it at all.
(Unless this somehow fuels Will to turn to the dark side as some are theorizing he will team up with Vecna somehow, but that's a totally other tangent and not a theory I particularly subscribe to.)
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